(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) all that thrills my soul. Sing it out nice and loud. Who can cheer the heart like Jesus by his presence all divine? True and tender, pure and precious. Oh, how blessed to call him mine. All that thrills my soul is Jesus. He is more than life to me. And the fairest of 10,000, in my blessed Lord I see. 105 on the second. Love of Christ so freely given, grace of God beyond degree. Mercy higher than the heavens, deeper than the deepest sea. All that thrills my soul is Jesus. He is more than life to me. And the fairest of 10,000, in my blessed Lord I see. What a wonderful redemption. Never can a mortal know how my sin, though red like crimson, can be whiter than the snow. All that thrills my soul is Jesus. He is more than life to me. And the fairest of 10,000, in my blessed Lord I see. Every need his hands supplying. I see his strength divine relying. He is all in all to me. All that thrills my soul is Jesus. He is more than life to me. And the fairest of 10,000, in my blessed Lord I see. On the last. By the crystal flowing river, with the ransomed I will see. And forever and forever, praise and glorify the King. All that thrills my soul is Jesus. He is more than life to me. And the fairest of 10,000, in my blessed Lord I see. Great singing. Let's open up in a word of prayer. Heavenly Father, thank you for this day and thank you for our church. Thank you for the word of God and all the blessings that you've given our lives. I pray that we would not take them for granted. I pray that you'd just help us to sing out to you from our hearts and worship you this morning. That you bless every aspect of the service. We love you. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. All right. For our second song, we'll go to 143. Blessed Assurance. 143. Blessed Assurance. 143. Blessed Assurance. Blessed Assurance, Jesus is mine. Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine. Heir of salvation. Purchase of God. Washed in his blood. This is my story. This is my song. Praising my Savior all the day long. This is my story. This is my song. Praising my Savior all the day long. Perfect submission. Perfect delight. Visions of rapture now burst on my side. Angels descending bring from above echoes of mercy, whispers of love. This is my story. This is my song. Praising my Savior all the day long. This is my story. This is my song. Praising my Savior all the day long. Perfect submission. All is at rest. I in my Savior am happy and blessed. Watching and waiting, looking above. Sing it out nice and loud. Lost in his love. This is my story. This is my song. Praising my Savior all the day long. This is my story. This is my song. Praising my Savior all the day long. Good morning. Very good to see you. If you don't have a bulletin, you can lift up your hand nice and high, and one of our ushers would be more than happy to give you a bulletin. We have our Bible memory passage, John 1. We're on verse 44. We're getting closer to being done with John chapter number one. Those of you that have tarried with us and continued, be steadfast all the way to the end. Of course, any child that's able to memorize just the verse of the week is still able to get a treat at our midweek service. On the inside of our bulletin, we have our service times, our soul wanting times. Make sure to pay attention that the regional soul wanting times, most of those are not actually meeting here. They meet in different parts of the city. If you would like to go at any of those times, please just contact our respective soul wanting leaders. Also, we have our church stats down below. On the right, we have the list of our expecting ladies, as well as a prayer list. I think we just added everybody from the church, just because everybody was sick. A lot of people have been sick and stuff like that, so just pay attention to that. Please also be in prayer. One to add, please be in prayer for Ms. Eve Garcia. She was experiencing some back pain. If you would add that to your prayer list as well. On the back, we have some upcoming events. Our Shreveport, Louisiana, soul wanting marathon is this Saturday. We are going to have a group travel with us to Louisiana from the church. If you want to carpool or go with us, you need to meet here at 5.30, so just 5.30 FYI if you want to meet here. If you already live on the east side of Dallas or something like that, you might just want to just drive there, just because you'd kind of go backwards quite a bit to go, but if you're kind of on this side of town or you want to carpool, you can go with us. We'll take the church van and if necessary another vehicle or something like that, but who wants to carpool? Is there anybody that's like wanting to carpool? Okay, so we've got a few people, so we should be good. That was too late. Sorry, the door was closed, so I'm just kidding. Also, we have the following day, our Sunday Sundays, so that's a great opportunity to get rewarded immediately for soul wanting. Sometimes you don't always get that immediate reward. We get those heavenly rewards, but that Sunday, you get a Sunday, so it was a big success last time and I look forward to doing that again. Also, the Heritage of the Lord Conference, October 6th to the 8th. Now, one aspect of this is we're having a kid's spelling bee and I really wish I had gotten the words out sooner, but they are finally out. So yesterday, we posted it to the website. So if you go to our website, sbckjv.com and then you just go to the upcoming events, usually there's a big button on the front that just says like upcoming events. It'll have all our events listed, but next to the Heritage of the Lord Conference section stuff, it has the PDF of all the spelling bee words. It is pretty self-explanatory. It has the different age groups. One thing to just keep in mind, especially for the youngest groups, if for whatever reason, we go through all of the words in the first age group, there's instructions in there, but we would go to the next level. Last year, we did that. So last year, the kids knew all the words in the first group, all three stages and so we had to go to the next stage and it's very possible that that would happen again this year. I did add a lot of words to the list, especially in that age group. So there is going to be some new words. The order of the words will be completely different and so it's just completely random as far as how that's going to be determined. So there's a lot of rules about spelling bees that are important to know, but we're following basically the scripts, spelling bee protocols. So if you're curious about how those things work, you can always look them up, but essentially your child needs to be able to say the word and then spell it and then say it again. So they come up, they say it, they spell it, and they say it, and that's for a couple reasons. Number one is we want to make sure that their word is matching the word that was actually given, that they didn't hear wrong or there wasn't kind of a mistake. That can happen and even, you know, last year it seemed like there might have been a situation like that. We're gonna do a better job, hopefully, with our judges to make sure that if there is some kind of an issue like that, that we either move to another word or we give people a second attempt at something like that, but you want to pay attention, you can ask for a definition and you can ask for it to be used in a sentence. So those things could also be beneficial in just trying to understand exactly what word is being used. I don't think anybody did that, but it is still a good option and kids to kind of learn as something they can do. There's prizes and there's trophies again, so, and they're different than last year, but these ones are cool, so I'm really excited about it. I know there wasn't a lot of winning when it came to male dominance. It was a female dominant sport, okay? So we need some of the boys in here, we need some of you men to rise to the occasion and step up to the plate, alright? So I'm looking at you guys, okay? And I'm, as far as the event, a couple things on Saturday are gonna end up switching their time just due to like making things work, but we're still having all the events. So all the events are happening that are on this, but we might switch the order a little bit. We probably won't even let you know until day of, so just FYI, alright? But all the events are going to be taking place on the respective day as well, okay? Just maybe an altered time so as to make sure everything works smoothly, but the conference, I'm really looking forward to this. I think we're gonna even have some visitors and guests, so I would ask you guys as our church family to be really hospitable, really welcoming to guests, try to allow them to take your seat, you know, or sit somewhere comfortable and everything like that, and so we'll try to be really welcoming to our guests. Also, we have the Art Length and Soul Waning Blitz at the end of October, we have our Texas Chili Cook-Off, No Beans, November 5th, our music recital. Again, there will be a dress rehearsal for this. Is there an actual sign-up sheet for the music recital, or is that just online only? Is there any RSVP yet? Okay, we'll get an RSVP together for the music recital so that way we can get, figure out who's all interested. Our Matamora Soul Waning trip, November 10th through the 12th, we're also having a Thanksgiving Dessert Fellowship, November 23rd, and then we're having the Ladies' Christmas Party on December 2nd, so a lot, a lot of events, a lot of things to participate in. We have a great congratulations to the Carrasco family on the birth of Leilani Brielle Carrasco. She was born September 13th, 6 25 p.m. She weighs 7 pounds, 7 ounces, measuring 19 and a third inches long. Congratulations to them, that's exciting, and so it's great to see prayer requests turn into children. That's pretty much all I have as far as announcements this morning. We'll go ahead and go to our third song, 127 Tis So Sweet. 127 Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus. 127 Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus. Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take him at his word, just to rest upon his promise, just to know the saith of Lord. Jesus, Jesus, how I trust him, how I proved him o'er and o'er. Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus, oh, for grace to trust him more. Oh, how sweet to trust in Jesus, just to trust his cleansing blood, just in simple faith to plunge me, need the healing cleansing blood. Jesus, Jesus, how I trust him, how I proved him o'er and o'er. Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus, oh, for grace to trust him more. Yes, tis sweet to trust in Jesus, just from sin and self to cease, just from Jesus, simply taking life and rest and joy and peace. Jesus, Jesus, how I trust him, how I proved him o'er and o'er. Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus, oh, for grace to trust him more. I'm so glad I learned to trust the precious Jesus, Savior, friend. And I know that thou art with me, will be with me to the end. Jesus, Jesus, how I trust him, how I proved him o'er and o'er. Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus, oh, for grace to trust him more. While the offering plates are passed around, turn in your Bibles to Luke 4. Luke 4, and we'll read the whole chapter together, as is our custom. You can follow along silently, starting in verse 1, Luke 4. The Bible reads in Luke 4. And Jesus, being full of the Holy Ghost, returned from Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, being 40 days tempted of the devil. And in those days he did eat nothing. And when they were ended, he afterward hungered. And the devil said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, command this stone that it be made bread. And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God. And the devil, taking him up into a high mountain, showed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee and the glory of them, for that is delivered unto me. And to whomsoever I will, I give it. If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan, for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. And he brought him to Jerusalem and set him on a pinnacle of the temple and said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down from hence, for it is written, He shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee. And in their hands, they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone. And Jesus answering, said unto him, It is said, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. And when the devil had ended all the temptation, he departed from him for a season. And Jesus returned in the power of the spirit into Galilee, and there went out a fame of him through all the region round about. And he taught in their synagogues, being glorified of all. And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up. And as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day and stood up for to read. And there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet, Esaias. And when he had opened the book, he found the place where it was written, The Spirit of the Lord is upon thee, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor. He had sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord. And he closed the book, and he gave it again to the minister and sat down. And the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him. And he began to say unto them, This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears. And all bear him witness and wandered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth. And they said, Is not this Joseph's son? And he said unto them, Ye will surely say unto me this proverb, Physician, heal thyself whatsoever we have heard done in Capernaum, do also here in thy country. And he said, Verily, I say unto you, no prophet is accepted in his own country. But I tell you of a truth. Many widows were in Israel in the days of Elias, when the heaven was shut up three years and six months, when great famine was throughout all the land. But unto none of them was Elias sent, save unto Sarepta, a city of Zion, unto a woman that was a widow. And many lepers were in Israel in the time of Elias, the prophet, and none of them was cleansed, saving Naaman the Syrian. And all day in the synagogue, when they heard these things were filled with wrath and rose up and thrust him out of the city and led him under the brow of the hill where on their city was built, that they might cast him down headlong. But he passing through the midst of them went his way and came down to Capernaum, a city of Galilee, and taught them on the Sabbath days. And they were astonished at his doctrine for his word was with power. And in the synagogue, there was a man which had a spirit of an unclean devil and cried out with a loud voice saying, Let us alone. What have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth? Art thou come to destroy us? I know thee who thou art, the Holy One of God. And Jesus rebuked him saying, Hold thy peace and come out of him. And when the devil had thrown him in the midst, he came out of him and heard him not. And they were all amazed and spake among themselves saying, What a word is this? For with authority and power, he commanded the unclean spirits and they come out. And the fame of them went out into every place of the country round about. And he rose out of the synagogue and entered into Simon's house. And Simon's wife's mother was taken with a great fever and they besought him for her. And he stood over her and rebuked the fever and it left her. And immediately she arose and ministered unto them. Now when the sun was setting, all they that had any sick with diverse diseases brought them unto him. And he laid his hands on every one of them and healed them. And devils also came out of many crying out and saying, Thou art Christ, the Son of God. And he rebuking them suffered them not to speak, for they knew that he was Christ. And when it was day, he departed and went into a desert place. And the people sought him and came unto him and stayed him that he should not depart from them. And he said unto them, I must preach the kingdom of God to other cities also, for therefore am I sent. And he preached in the synagogues of Galilee. Let's bow our heads for a word of prayer. Father God, we just pray now that you would fill the man of God with your spirit, Lord, and help him to articulate the message you've laid on his heart and give him clarity of mind, Lord, as he preaches for us. And also, Lord, minimize distractions in the room so we can listen, learn, apply and walk out more complete Christians. We love you and we thank you for everything you've given us in Jesus name. I pray. Amen. Amen. So we're here in Luke, chapter number four, and it's probably one of my favorite passages of scripture here at the very beginning where Jesus being tempted in the wilderness by the devil. And I've already preached one sermon on this. I kind of was going to break into a three part sermon series, but I preached one in Oklahoma City on the temptations of the devil, the temptations of the devil. And we have here in this passage Jesus Christ being tempted by the devil three different ways. Now, I just want to kind of read a little bit of this passage and I'll explain those other points briefly, but I want to focus on just one this morning. It says in verse one, and Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan was led by the spirit into the wilderness, being 40 days tempted of the devil. And in those days he did eat nothing. And when they were ended, he afterward hungered and the devil said unto him, now don't pass over that. But think about what the Bible just said. Jesus being led by the spirit goes out into a desert place. Specifically, it's not because hanging out in deserts is cool, but rather it's just to be alone and be spiritual, draw himself closer to the Lord, focus on praying and things that are spiritual. That's why he's going out. But even while he's out there, the Bible says that the devil tempted him during those 40 days, being 40 days tempted of the devil. That's a long period of time to go through temptation from the devil specifically. You know, the devil is not God. The devil cannot tempt every single person simultaneously because he's a singular individual. God actually can be everywhere at all times and hear all of our thoughts and knows everything that's going on. The devil is limited in his capability to afflict a singular person. So the devil giving you this much dedication is much different than any of our experiences. You know, most of our temptations that are coming from a demonic force are from his minions or from people that are pawns being used by the devil through means of technology, means of TV, radio, music. Those are the ways that the devil tries to reach us. But for us individually, it's probably very unrealistic to think that any of us are going to have a direct encounter with the devil or Satan. So we don't even know to what extremity this level of temptation Jesus was experiencing. However, we know that it was 40 full days of it. And then it says after this. So Jesus has just been tempted 40 days. He hasn't eaten. He's starving. His flesh has got to be going crazy. The Bible even says he afterward hungered. So it's making it clear that even though Jesus is God in the flesh, that flesh isn't special in the sense that it doesn't feel hunger or pain or sorrow or sadness or any of those type of things. No, his physical body really felt hungry. Whatever your body would feel like after not eating for 40 days, he was experiencing that as well. It says in verse three, and the devil said to them, if thou be the son of God, command the stone that it be made bread. And Jesus answered him saying, it is written that man shall not live by bread alone. This is where the NIV stops. This is where the modern versions just completely stopped. But notice what the King James says, but by every word of God. Now that makes a lot more sense, doesn't it? To finish that thought. To say like, hey, we're not just living by bread alone here. We're living by every word of God, meaning the Bible scripture is more important than food. And the first way that the devil tempts you is through pleasure. Pleasuring the flesh. Because what does food do? Food brings us pleasure. If I were to say, what is one of the most enjoyable things that you do on a regular basis? It's eating. We all love eating, especially in America. You know, we're not getting fed crickets and all kinds of weird stuff that other worlds, other parts of the world are eating. You know, there's parts of the world that eating might be kind of like necessary, but in America, it's a blessing, you know, getting to go out to eat. There's so many wonderful things you could try. One of the coolest things about America is you can have virtually any kind of cuisine you wish like that. I mean, if you go down to Mexico, good luck getting good Italian food. Good luck getting a French pastry. Good luck getting, you know, American cuisine. It's Mexican food is like, oh, that's you're racist. I'm just telling you what it is. You go down into Mexico with me in Matamoros, they have great Mexican food and they have good food, but it's a limited cuisine. But here in America, you can virtually have anything you want. You could have steak, ribs, Asian. You could even have Indian if you want to punish yourself. But food is really there for pleasure. God gave us food to enjoy. And I love eating food. I think everyone loves eating food. You know, some of our greatest experiences are simply just eating some of our most enjoyable experiences. We all go hang out. We go out to a restaurant together. We bring people over. We barbecue. You know, there's nothing better than smelling that brisket that's been roasting all day and the day before. And you touch it with a fork and it just kind of like dissolves because it's so tender. This is how you know if it's Texas brisket. You can hardly even pick it up with a fork. That's what's like when you pick when you put a fork into a slice of brisket and the whole thing comes up with your fork. That's not Texas brisket. Okay. That's a rubbery thing that they screwed up on. So what I'm saying, though, in this passage is that the devil is tempting with pleasure. And what is Jesus elevating above pleasure? Scripture. He's saying more important than me pleasing my body or doing things that I enjoy, I need the Bible. I need the Word of God. You know, is coming to church on a Sunday morning the most physically pleasing thing you could do to your body? Probably not. Sleeping in or gorging yourself on food or doing any other activity would probably be more enjoyable to your flesh. Your flesh would enjoy it more than dragging it to church. However, you're elevating the spiritual above the physical and you're saying, you know, what's more important than me just enjoying life is being a spiritual person, is pleasing God, is worshiping and sacrificing the Lord, is by living by every word of God. It also tells me you need a King James Bible because that's how you get every word of God, folks. Not these cheap imitations that are another Jesus, the NIV, the HSV, the HIV, whatever you want to call it. That's not the word of God. Now let's keep reading. It says in verse five, and the devil taking him up into a high mountain showed him unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time and the devil said unto him all this power will I give thee and the glory of them for that is delivered unto me to whomsoever I will I give it. Now what we have to understand about the devil is of course he's the father of lies so everything that the devil says is a lie. However, the devil knowing that he's such a liar and so untrustworthy he often mixes a lot of truth in with the lie. What is kind of like true about this statement? It is true that the devil is considered the god of this world and that at the god of this world the devil is at the forefront of a lot of the authority and the rulers and the kingdoms of this world. Often throughout scripture when you see a ruler in a particular area of the world it's even known where Satan is and sometimes they'll even address the king as Satan because they basically are saying you guys are the same person meaning that that that person is just a minion for the devil. He basically is just a vessel-less pawn that the devil just uses for his own bidding and he's constantly whispering in this guy's ear maybe even possessing his body at times and just telling him to say certain things forcing him to say certain things so that the devil's agenda goes forth. The devil is not an idiot. The devil is a very sophisticated intelligent being that wants to destroy all of mankind so if he can demonly possess a particular individual then of course what he wants to do is put that person at the top of the food chain so that he can then possess their body and then just say whatever satanic agenda he wants to be accomplished and then people have to go for his bidding. Now the the biggest culmination of this is the coming antichrist. The coming antichrist is exactly this model where the devil is going to rise this guy to power. He's going to influence all the right people to put a person in power and then once that person is at the top of the food chain everybody knows this is the leader then the devil is going to finally inhabit that body for himself so as to then put forth his wicked satanic agenda forcing everybody to take a mark in their hand or in their forehead to worship the image of the beast and they can't buy or sell without it so he's going to literally turn off the economy for everyone that does not have the mark of the beast. Now this is just pure speculation on my part so don't take this as gospel but just my understanding of how that's supposed to work and and scripture is that I believe that the infrastructure for the mark of the beast will be in place before the antichrist actually comes into power. So what I mean by that is if somebody stood up in Israel today and said I'm the antichrist everybody's got to take a mark the problem with that is practically speaking us here in Texas would probably not experience that for a very long time because it would take a long time for a mark to be designed, manufactured, then distributed to all the different stores or the different locations then for people to be organized to be lined up like sheep to go and try to take this particular mark and and all the different facets that would be necessary for you to actually take that practically speaking because that process would take so long I just don't think that this could happen anytime soon. Now when I mean soon I'm saying like this year or the next few years or something like that we would have to see an explosion of technology and an implementation from the government forcing people to take this type of technology you'd have to eliminate cash you'd have to eliminate some other means of payment that exists today things like even cryptocurrencies and stuff like that but what could happen and this is again this is theory what could happen and this is what I just think might happen is the government is going to allow the dollar and some of these things to just get to a point where there's just too many problems which is definitely happening and once the economy is just in kind of shambles they're going to introduce and mandate a chip type technology that is going to force you to buy and sell with the government chips what's going to happen though is because that is not the mark of the beast you're going to have a major resistance from your like alex jones crowd from your truther crowd and you're going to have almost every one of these churches get up and say this is the mark of the beast you know pretty similar to how like when covid came out and the covid shots people are getting up and saying the covid shot was the mark of the beast that was stupid now of course it's reminiscent of government complying you to take some kind of a device so that you can't buy or sell and i get that aspect of it but the covid shot was not the mark of the beast if you got a covid shot you're not damned to hell okay i don't recommend it you know i preached whole sermons on that but at the same time that's not the mark and of course i think it's reasonable to think that the government could mandate a chip or mandate some kind of a mark that's not the mark of the beast that's a precursor to the antichrist now number one i'm not going to take either okay i don't want to take the government chip or the actual mark of the beast chip so don't hear me wrong i'm not trying to like warm you up to the idea of taking a chip in your hand or your forehead what i am saying is this what if the government did mandate that eliminated cash eliminated bitcoin you could see a bunch of churches getting up and saying this is the mark of the beast and then what's going to happen nothing because it's not the mark of the beast and then what's going to happen is the fulfillment in second peter when the last day there's going to be scoffers that come saying oh where's the promise is coming because all these pastors are freaking out and saying oh man it's coming it's coming it's coming here it is this is the mark this is the mark and then when nothing happens you're going to have this giant falling away from church because they all feel lied to because it wasn't really the mark and then when you have this great falling away you already have all the technology in place plus all these people were falsely prophesying that christ would come what do you think is going to rise out of that a bunch of tyler doka's going around saying that they really are the christ that came because they were they were prophesying about christ coming christ coming christ coming so then it's a great window of opportunity for them to step up and be like oh actually he did come i'm here and it's like no you're not tyler doka you're an idiot and a loser you are not the lord jesus christ okay and there's going to be many antichrists but think about it this way if you have this scenario that i'm describing for you all the technology is in place people have already been getting chipped it's already ready at your local cbs or whatever you have all these churches that basically just to show themselves to be losers and idiots and morons for having lied about the mark of the beast so people are just mad about christianity in general bunch of false christs are arising that's going to set up a pretty good environment for the actual antichrist to then come in and then implement his mark and from a way technology works is it's plausible to think that all the people that have aim a chip already or some kind of mark they can just simply alter that with a computer program to be retrofitted to the mark of the beast so basically everybody that's already got the mark all you have to do is just say yes or go down to the store and they'll change it to the 666 and you're good to go so all those people are already turned on and then anybody else that needs it can basically just walk in and just get it now i don't know what the technology is going to be i'm just speculating again right some people think it's going to be an actual microchip i've seen uh i think it was a bill gates organization but they had come up with a new technology that was like an ink and the ink has like these little dots and you basically just inject the ink and it just kind of goes down to this in the lower level level of your hand or your body and then they have these little dots and these dots basically form some type of a structure that can be scanned and then that's when you scan that that'll tell you all the information you don't know about that person and the the product like the ink or whatever that they've made they call it luciferase okay so it could be something like that where they're putting this kind of like liquid gel like a kind of a stamp you know you you know there's technologies like this that are similar in the sense like you can get a stamp that's invisible ink right where you can't really see with the eye but it's there somehow and it's like this luciferase garbage could just kind of be some residue that's inside of you that's not really moving around and then you can just scan it with a phone scan it with whatever and they can get all the information they need on you all of that stuff seems very reasonable in the future but just probably not tomorrow you know probably not a year from now probably not even years from now it could be decades from now i'm not going to say exactly when this is going to happen or if it you know is even going to happen in our lifetime i still think it's reasonable to believe that this may never even happen in our lifetime folks okay so don't go out and and live in the woods tomorrow okay we're supposed to be in the world just not of the world so the point though of this passage is that the devil does have a lot of power he has a lot of influence he is in control of a lot of different things in this world not control of everything yet he never will be in a hundred percent but he's telling jesus i could give you all of this power now that's the lie the lie is that he has the authority to just give all of these things to the to christ and that he would you really think that the lord jesus christ bowed down to the devil then he's gonna be like oh yeah here's the power then he would have mocked jesus and you know gone on a tirade or done whatever but of course jesus would have never done that because that would have been a sin it's not impossible for jesus sin okay look what jesus said and jesus said answered and said in him get thee behind me satan for it is written thou shalt worship the lord thy god and him only shalt thou serve but isn't this verse pretty fitting for the idea of the anti-christ hey i'm not going to worship the anti-christ i'm only going to worship god and we see a bunch of build-ups to this throughout the bible with end times type characters like daniel where we have shadrach nishak and abednego being forced to worship the image being forced to worship the graven statue that neva kesler has lifted up and they say hey we're not careful to answer the in this matter we're not going to worship this this graven image and you know what we need christians that are going to be like shadrach nishak and abednego in the end times and they say hey we're not careful to not get the mark we're not getting it you know it i i i don't even think it's possible to get because according to the bible we can't even be deceived and we we're basically you know not going to be sincere in anything anyways so i don't think it's possible for christians to take mark people are always like well what if you just lie i don't think it'll work that way okay you know that would be like telling a straight dude to like pretend to be a homo okay this is not possible you know i can't pretend you know that's not something you know maybe you might could like be on a stage or a play but it's like when they when they actually say like you have to do it then the pretending is like it's not gonna happen you know it's just like sorry can't pretend like that right that's not a reasonable request just like i could never do that i can't eat vomit and i'm also not gonna take the mark of the beast these things are just too vile too gross too horrible too reprehensible i mean you're just not gonna do it right but we want to have that boldness and that charisma like shadrach meshach and bendigo where we're like you know we're not careful we're not gonna take it you know now jesus rebukes the devil again with scripture notice it's it's like the devil's bringing him up like these temptations but jesus is always beating with scripture beating him with scripture and really the second thing that the devil tempts you with is with power he tempts you with pleasure but then he'll tempt you with power and notice what jesus does is he rather worships god signifying the fact that he's going to serve instead of taking power he serves instead of taking pleasure he takes sacrifice and then lastly look at this portion of scripture says and he brought him to jerusalem to set him on a pinnacle of the temple and said to them if thou be the son of god cast thyself down from hence for it is written he shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee and in their hands they shall bear thee up lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone so notice a pattern the devil tempts him jesus defeats him with scripture the devil tempts him jesus defeats him with scripture what is the devil's third attack scripture so now the devil's like okay i'll use scripture then and here's what you have to understand about the devil the devil didn't use the niv okay now some people say that because the wording in psalms is like ever so slightly different but it's basically saying the exact same thing this is no different than in the new testament when jesus and all the apostles are quoting the old testament and it's slightly different but it's saying the exact same thing you know we use a king today's bible not because the word order in our english bible is the exact word order of the greek or the hebrew okay it's saying the exact same thing that's why we use it and it's not like the bishop's bible having a slightly different english word order saying the exact same thing wasn't the word of god in the 1500s it was the word of god back then too okay you know why we don't like the niv it's not the word order it's not the sentence structure it's not the synonyms that they chose it's that it's saying something different folks but look the devil here is not saying something different this is what scripture says so then what's wrong with it the context in which it's applied and and some people just they get all mad they're like oh you bad this y'all care so much about the exact context and the nuances of scripture and all the little words and all the little you know how it's phrased and how you know you just get so nitpicky over everything yeah because the devil tries to use scripture out of context to trick you have you ever read the book of jobe i mean the book of jobe is one of the most tricky books of the bible because consistently jobe's three friends are quoting scripture accurately and saying things that are true about god it's the context in which they're using it that's wrong that's why it's a really confusing book on the surface because you're thinking like this guy is saying a lot of things that are right it's just that they're the wrong application they're the wrong context and so of course the devil loves to rip things out of context and twist things so as to trick you and deceive you just like in the garden of eden didn't he tell adam and eve that if they ate of that tree in the midst of the garden that they wouldn't die that day now wait a minute god said that they would surely die right in the day in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die so who's telling the truth because did adam and eve die well here's the thing they did spiritually but did they physically no so what the devil likes to do is he likes to use the exact same word and instead of using the spiritual context uses the physical context to try and discount what god actually said because he's a liar but wasn't it true that they didn't physically die sure it was true that's just not what god told them so again the devil loves to twist things he said hey you're gonna be as gods knowing good and evil isn't that in essence a little bit true but here's the thing knowing that information didn't actually make them superior or make them better it made them worse so it did make them like god in the sense that they knew good and evil but it was a bad thing for them to have done they were violating god's commandments god didn't need them to have that knowledge of good and evil they took that upon themselves in a in a prideful way i mean eve is thinking oh i know better than god or i want to know more or i want to be like god and so out of pride and lust for that special knowledge she sought this tree in the midst or sought the fruit on the tree of the midst in the garden the same is really the problem in this passage the dim the devil is going to tempt jesus with pride because look what he says in verse 12 and jesus answering said to them it is said thou shall not tempt the lord thy god so first the devil tempts you with pleasure second the devil tempts you with power third the devil tempt you with pride now you say how is he tempting them with pride because it's prideful to assume things about scripture that god is not intending now this is a this is an interesting one this is what i want to focus on for the rest of the sermon is is how the devil tempts you with pride and what this means in this passage but to understand tempting the lord we have to kind of read other places in scripture go to deuteronomy chapter 6 for a moment go to deuteronomy chapter 6 now what would be the opposite of this submission just submitting to whatever god said whatever god's going to do what is pride not submitting to god's word not submitting to god's program not submitting to what god wants for your life thinking that you know better than god or you would do things better or you have a better idea or you know we have to understand about tempting in this passage is god really asking for us to go on to tall buildings and just start jumping down to see if god would catch us i mean is god just saying live the most risky lifestyle do the most dangerous activities you can think of and i'll make sure that nothing bad happens to you is that really the context of the psalm or was it that if you're serving god and doing right and you're following his commandments even though some mischief may fall upon you god could still deliver you out of that and rescue you you know with shadrach mishak and abednego just saying like hey let's try to jump into a fiery furnace and see what happens or did they withstand evil did they withstand the devil and get thrown in there by force and then and then jesus rescued them you know was daniel saying hey i want to go and just hang out in a cave with a bunch of lions and just see what it's like see if i can make a pet out of any of them or did he get thrown into the lion's den and then the lord sent his angel to close the mouth of lions so there's there's a major difference between being in danger because you put yourself in that danger versus being forced into that danger and obviously the context that god is giving us is that we shouldn't put ourselves in a bad situation on purpose and then expect god to rescue us expect god to deliver us based on our misunderstanding of scripture based on our misinterpretation of scripture you know often this can happen in a situation where a husband may promise something to a wife a boss may promise something to an employee a parent may promise something to a child and instead of those people taking that promise into context they rip it into whatever context they want and then get mad at the person for not doing it how they see fit or what they expected or what they wanted out of it but that's not fair god makes us a lot of promises but those promises have to be taken within his context otherwise it's us being prideful or assuming that we're better or would have made a better promise or done things differently than the lord look at deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 16 you shall not tempt the lord your god as he tempted him in masa so notice the bible says there's a time when the children of israel tempted god it was in masa go back to exodus 17 let's look that up but notice wasn't that a quote that you shouldn't tempt the lord so when jesus is rebuking the devil when he says hey throw yourself off this building god will catch you what did he say hey we're not supposed to tempt the lord where's that coming from scripture so when the devil comes at you with bad scripture you defeat him with good scripture and it's not that the scripture itself is bad it's that it was a bad context a bad context of scripture is defeated with a good context of scripture false doctrine is defeated by good doctrine why do you come to church so that a lot of the false doctrines that have been sewn into your heart by the world by your parents by your friends by your family even by yourself can be defeated with good doctrine coming from the bible you know it's really important that you listen to it's really important to the preacher to preach what the bible actually says use the proper context of scripture otherwise you're going to just go off a cliff but god's not going to catch you because it wasn't the right context you know if if i'm shoved off of a cliff by a bunch of people for believing in jesus christ god might rescue me from that but if i just go to a tall cliff today and just say i i think that my life's too important for god not to rescue me i'm just gonna jump off that would be being too prideful and god would just let me splat and be like i didn't need you that was dumb you shouldn't have tempted me because when you tempted me you noticed that you failed right how did i fail because i didn't understand scripture because i was prideful because i did something foolish you know the devil will try to tempt you to do things that god didn't say to do even trying to use scripture to justify it but we're supposed to be humble and just submit to what the bible actually says we should submit ourselves to what the bible says in all of scripture meaning you have to study all of it read all of it go to a church that believes all of it harken to pastors and preachers that believe all of it you know it's funny to me when people will think that they have figured out life but they can't find a pastor that even believes like them and i'm thinking like every single man of god on the whole planet is not willing to submit to the bible only you only you have that truth only you have that knowledge only you believe this that's a cult that's a cult of personality you know everything that i believe today i guarantee you i could find another pastor or another saved christian that's a leader in somewhere in some church that probably believes the exact same as me you know most of my friends believe with me believe the same as i do on 99.999 percent of stuff i mean i don't even know hardly very much of a difference but even those minor differences probably half of them agree with me and the other half don't so there's like at least one of my immediate friends then on top of that i could find you pastors and churches and all kinds of other people that believe all the other stuff that i believe because i'm not unique the holy spirit gives the same truths to men of god that care about the bible and submit themselves to the scripture so you know in the multitude of counselors there is safety if you're coming to a conclusion i think i should jump and every pastor and every one of your friends and all of your churches are saying don't jump don't jump i don't care how right you think you are you're probably wrong you know and what frustrates me is this attitude is where people disagree with me or they disagree with pastors and they don't allow for the possibility that they're wrong it's like look all of us believe that we're right because if we didn't believe we were right we would believe differently every single thing you think is right it's because you believe it's right otherwise you would immediately have already changed your mind and then what i said is true because now everything you believe is exactly what you believe right but if you've ever changed your mind in the past realize it could happen in the future too who in yours ever changed their mind about something in the bible okay allow yourself to believe that's possible today and tomorrow as well okay that you could possibly change your mind again so when you get challenged with something you don't already believe or agree with don't just immediately write it off like well i don't believe that think like are they right because if you have this attitude are they right what's going to happen is by challenging yourself one of the things is going to happen either a you're going to strengthen your position and you're going to realize you're right even more or you're going to end up changing your mind and then being right but in both scenarios you win you know it's not a good attitude i'm just right i don't care to listen i don't want to talk about it i don't want to see the evidence i've already read everything or i don't need it you know this is a prideful attitude that leads you to being stupid stupid people never question whether or not they're right smart people always question whether or not they're right this is even uh the case in software development and software development you should always be testing and making sure that all of your code and everything you've done works and is right and never just assuming it works because people that just assume all their code works are terrible developers they're always writing bugs into the code because nobody is smart enough to think about every scenario and every possibility and every situation and have all of that understanding that it just always works and it's always good just like no one in this room knows everything in the bible myself included we should all be willing to challenge ourselves with the scripture and if you were in jesus situation where the devil's telling you to throw yourself down and you don't know the answer to that sometimes it's good to just say i don't know but i'm not going to do it yet because i'm not sure that's right that's okay but what's wrong is to just decide you're right ignore the rest of scripture not even check it not even use the second reference and then just jump you know here's here's a good rule of thumb when it comes to scripture if you can't find an explicit statement saying exactly what you're going to do or believe then you should have high suspicion that that's true number one so think about this did the scripture say jump off tall buildings no it didn't if that were true we would find a commandment in the bible saying jump off tall buildings and god will catch you show me another place in scripture you know comparing spiritual with spiritual where it says to do that it doesn't say that anywhere so anytime you have an idea about a verse if it's this vague verse of like do right that's a verse in the bible okay that's at least a phrase that do right and you're gonna use that to justify you know blessed are you poor i'm gonna just justify that to do anything i want that isn't related to that category this is a foolish attitude god is love this is what the the enemy does they take these little cute phrases from the bible and they twist them to whatever they want them to mean here's another one that's happening in exodus that we're here the children of israel have been taken out of egypt to go where the promised land okay but is their journey a promised land no wouldn't you think like okay we're going to the promised land i've got an idea god first class tickets you know non a direct flight non-stop that's what i pick but is that what god picked no god picked for them to go up to the the red sea they had to walk through the red sea they had to walk through the wilderness of sin and did they get you know did they have a whole foods on the corner out there in the wilderness they have fresh juice boxes did they have ice of course not right it's probably difficult look at excess chapter 17 verse 1 and all the congregation of the children of israel journey from the wilderness of sin after their journeys according to the commandment of the lord and pitched in refidim and there was no water for the people to drink wherefore the people did chide with moses and said give us water that we may drink and moses said to them why chide you with me wherefore do you tempt the lord so saying why are we here there's no water what's going on what's the why are we here verse three and the people thirsted there for water and the people murmured against moses and said wherefore is this that thou has brought us up out of egypt to kill us and our children and our cattle with thirst oh the only reason we're here is just to die no you're there so you can go to the promised land no you're there because you're not in egypt as a slave right now did you not just see all the egyptians thrown to the red sea and killed and and and slaughtered by god for you directly oh but you you know the pit stops aren't as often as you would like you're going on a road trip to the greatest place imaginable and you got thirsty one hour into the trip but it takes two hours to get to the gas station and get a drink so now you're going to say now you're going to complain and act as if well if i was in charge of this caboose we would add water here this is what they're complaining this is what they're doing and they're tempting the lord saying oh what are you doing trying to kill us can you imagine your family was taken hostage by a bunch of like islamic hordes and you went and rescued them and you're taking them back home and your plan is that you're going to drive for four hours and stop and get lunch but two hours in the trip your wife's like why did you come and rescue me and kill me because we don't have any water yet it's like hold on folks i just rescued you from islamic terrorists it's like i just rescued you from egypt oh but if you if you really cared about me if you really love me and have water for me right now it's like that's a foolish attitude because when did god say that when did god say hey when you show up here fountains of of living water he never said that he said he's going to take you to the promised land now is his trip to the promised trip to the promised land what you dreamed up no but you know what that would be instead of just submitting to god's plan enduring the thirst that you're experiencing in this place and just moving on they chide they murmur and they tempt god by complaining about his program saying oh this is the atheist thoughts of the world today yeah right the atheist thoughts of the day say well if god wanted me to believe the bible why didn't he just come down from heaven and just put a king james bible in my hands and say believe it if god wants me to believe in him why doesn't jesus just come down from heaven and just show himself to me and tap me on the shoulder and do a miracle before me these are the foolish ideas of the atheists of this world or well you know what i see a lot of people doing wicked and they get away with it so i don't think god sees any wicked i'm gonna go and do my own thing these people don't seem to be getting judged so i'll just go out and commit sin and do whatever i want because it doesn't seem like god really judges so i'll just ignore all the verses in the bible about god judging i'll ignore all the verses in the bible talking about god looking and seeing everything that goes on i'll ignore all of the reasons why god told me that i was supposed to believe in him by faith i'll ignore the fact that god has given me free will and i'll falsely charge god and falsely accuse him of not being loving because this is what they love to do atheists and god haters love to say oh god is love but if if that were true then we wouldn't see the world that we see today because look at all the evil in this world and look at all the problems if i was loving and if i was god it would be so much better and so much different and we wouldn't be thirsty sounds like the children of israel doesn't it sounds like a pretty prideful attitude to think that you're better than god you would see more than god you would judge better than god you'd give more water than god all of the things that you think are coming from the pride of your heart and what this is what the devil tempts you with is these prideful foolish ideas charging god tempting god suggesting that god somehow doesn't care about you doesn't love you isn't interacting with us on a daily basis doesn't have a plan for your life doesn't want you to do things this is what the devil's agenda is you know what was the devil trying to stop jesus from doing fulfilling his plan you know jesus came here to die but not to jump off of a building not to even be pushed off a building not to be stoned you know he had to die a very specific way he had a specific plan in his life and he said well how did jesus know that oh but you know if god really had that special plan why didn't you just come down and give him like a whole notebook and why didn't he give him a computer with all that information why didn't he tell him exactly every step he was going to take you know because god wants us to walk by faith not by sight because if we're walking by sight we're a bunch of robots you know there's a difference between a robot and me free will and you know you can never give a robot as free will you can simulate it you can make it appear like it has free will it is impossible to give a robot free will the two things that separate man's creations from god's creations is number one man cannot take things that are unalive and make them alive and secondly man cannot give something free will these are the two things that separate our creations from god's creations now of course we can take things that are not or things that have some life in them and bring new things to life right in a petri dish or there's a lot of experiments but we can't start with two rocks and click them together and a genie comes out or a baby comes out or a dinosaur or anything none of that is even possible we even have greater limitations than that you know we can't even in breeding we can't breed animals into a completely different animal we have certain confines that we're limited to that god has given us and he's we're not going to be able to get past some of those things like we're reading the bible about creatures that are like half lion and half eagle and all kinds of we can't do that okay god could do it so there's there's limitations on the things that we could do in comparison to god however we still have a lot of ability to do things and god gives us a lot of free will and there's a lot of purpose to this but the atheists of this world and the pride that the devil attracts in these people's hearts will just ooze out and in reference to scripture because they misinterpret scripture they misinterpret the concepts found in scripture especially about god being loving go if you would to second thessalonians chapter three for a moment now there's the biggest loser in this regard in my mind is richard dawkins and richard dawkins wrote this horrible blasphemous book called the the god delusion and this is what he said so again you know some people get this is what i'm about to read is way more blasphemous than let's go brandon okay folks and i'm only reading it because he said it to give you context this is a quote from him the god of the old testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction jealous and proud of it a petty unjust unforgiving control freak a vindictive bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser a misogynistic homophobic racist infanticidal genocidal philicidal pestilential megalomaniacal sadomasochistic capriciously malevolent bully that's a rant i i hope he can repeat that while he's burning in hell for all of eternity the loser what he thinks that god is all of those things i mean he's calling him even just petty petty about what unforgiving so we're just gonna ignore every verse in the bible where god actually forgave somebody i mean you have literal examples of god forgiving people all the time and often if i were to be honest i typically think like god is being a little bit too long suffering or a little too forgiving with people rather than the opposite charge that he's giving but of course i'm still wrong because god is just god is righteous you know he calls him jealous well that's just because you're an idiot and you don't even know what jealousy is jealousy is a positive thing i get so frustrated with this world because they're so stupid they make these charges against god saying that he's bad for being jealous you know oprah winfrey is another woman you know that god on television and is falsely charging god as being jealous as being a negative thing look jealousy means that you love the things that you possess how is that a bad attribute you know a man being jealous for his wife is a blessing what this means is that he would not allow another man to sleep with his wife whatever man would allow another man to sleep with his wife is wicked is evil so if you want to call me jealous for only wanting to be the only husband to my wife then call me jealous all day long but that's because i love my wife and i'm not going to share her with another just like god is jealous for us and he doesn't want to share us with the devil how is that a bad attribute how is that bizarre just like my children i'm jealous for my children i'm not going to let you just take my children and do whatever you want with them they're mine and you're not going to take them i'm jealous for my children and you know what god's jealous for his children he doesn't want someone to come in and steal his children and take advantage of them but you have all these people just ripping scripture out of context and then charging god about it and it's coming to a place of pride that we see that the devil tempt the jesus with now here's another one that really just makes me angry it's it's poor quote unquote really just lazy homeless jerks standing on street corners demanding me give them money and then they'll use bible verses to try and justify it who's seen a homeless person with a bible verse on their sign yeah that makes me mad you know what i want to just like i'm not going to do it but i would like to have a cardboard cut out in my back of my car with this verse on it to hand them okay look at second thessalonians chapter number three and it says in verse six now we command you brethren in the name of our lord jesus christ that you withdraw yourselves from every brother that walked this orderly and not of the tradition which he received of us for yourselves know how you ought to follow us we behave not ourselves disorderly among you neither do we eat any man's bread for not but rot with labor and travail night and day that we might not be chargeable to any of you not because we have not power but to make ourselves in a sample unto you to follow us for even when we're with you this we commanded you we commanded you that if any would not work neither should he eat put that on your little handout you homeless lazy jerk you know these able-bodied men standing on the street corner with bible verses and then they try to make you look bad by not wanting to give them money or saying you're unchristian for not wanting to give you money i'm reading in the bible where i'm commanded by jesus christ to tell any it didn't even just say able-bodied men but they are have no i have no sympathy for it says if any would not work neither should eat you know obviously when there's poor people in the bible they're crippled they're lame they have a disease like leprosy or something like that those are the people that jesus is helping and giving alms to and that they're being a blessing to not these able-bodied drunkards standing on the corner that refuse to work that are getting high on meth and just want another hit that is not somebody that i'm going to give money to i i refuse to give them money i used to think i would give them a sandwich but i don't want to do that because you give these people food and they'll throw in the trash because all they want is drugs all they want is liquor and so that's the reason the only thing they can get from you is cash you offer these people food you offer these people carrots and they'll throw them in the trash here's my test to you if you don't believe me offer a homeless person carrots and see what they do with them you know why because if you're not hungry you won't eat carrots but i'll tell you this if you're hungry you will eat carrots you will love carrots i i've gone on diets before where i was i was eating like a really low calorie diet just to try and cut a little bit and i kid you not i would take carrots with me for my for my lunch and i would just stare at them on my desk at work and i'd be like i want to eat those right now and look carrots aren't that i mean i like carrots they're not like horrible or anything but i don't really ever just sit there just like you know what some carrots sound good today in fact i'll be honest with you you know why i even eat carrots on a diet this is your diet okay number one they're good for your teeth number two i think they're good for your eyes too number three though is if you start eating a lot of carrots you start losing an appetite because this is not that enjoyable but if you're starving you would eat all of them when someone is starving they eat everything and everything tastes so delicious things that you didn't even really appreciate before if you're starving you love it it's like the greatest meal you've ever had these people are not hungry they're lazy and then they get verses go to proverbs 28 go to proverbs chapter 28 they'll bring up a verse in the bible out of context to try and suggest that you should give them money or try to make you feel bad you know i don't feel bad not giving them money now some of those cripple or lame or down on their luck sure people are going on going through hard times people that are serving god to the best of their ability and bad stuff happens to them let's help those people let's love on those people you know not the lazy jerk standing on the street corner trying to twist scripture proverbs 28 look at verse 27 he that giveth unto the poor shall not lack but he that hideth his eyes shall have many a curse this is what this is what these are kind of verses that the homies love to put up there and they mean mug you and you walk by and i just you know it irritates the fire out of me now i usually don't try to engage these people because they're often like sodomites and the demon possessed and all kinds of weird stuff so you should try to avoid these people at all costs and be highly cautious around these people okay but i'm telling you i'm not going to go over there and hand that guy five dollars i'm not gonna feel bad for him i even ladies i don't give ladies money and you know honestly if you give them money you're really just not realizing that what's happening there is a pimp somewhere that is putting her out there to get money most of the women are usually like in sex trafficking at night and during the day they're a homeless beggar and they have some handler that drives them around and drops them off at a street corner to beg for money during the day and all the money goes through the pimp so if you like funding sex trafficking give money to women that are standing out on the corner because what self-respecting woman would go and stand on the street corner and beg for money anyways i don't even see that in scripture she would go out and work you know there's some women that are in a horrible situation they go out and have to have a horrible job and provide for their family and you know what i feel bad for them i empathize for those women but you know what these women that are being pimped out like whores for free donations i'm not going to give them money either i'm just telling you i know you don't like the truth but i'm just telling you what it's like go to first john chapter four now there's one last person i wanted to pimp on i wish i had a little more time but i'm gonna mention him it's this idiot matt walsh who knows what i'm talking about matt walsh who knows what he's a conservative talking head he is a catholic he's catholic honestly he's catholic in name only the guy's not even a catholic folks this guy is a grifter and he recently paired up with ben shapiro the jew which proves that he's not catholic why would any catholic commentator go and work for a jew it's like have you ever read history i mean do you even know what john chris's dome ever said ever do you even know any of these do you know any of the church fathers and how they felt about jews i mean this is bizarre folks but of course when both religions are of the devil they can usually find unity around satanic things and matt walsh did a little interview recently with ben shapiro where he summarizes his religious beliefs and essentially he starts out the interview and i like the way he he answered some of the first questions because ben shapiro's kind of asking him like why are you politically conservative or why do you have some of the viewpoints you have today and he said well that's not really the root question he said the most basic question and the most important thing is whether or not when you die you're going to go to heaven or not and i said wow that's a great i that's a great place to start and he said based on that what you believe about that or what you think is necessary to go to heaven is going to shape all of your political views and everything else is going to spiral outward from that so i agreed but then ben's like okay so what does someone have to do you know to be saved because he's like in christianity it seems like there's two camps there's belief and then there's faith and works and i think ben shapiro's basically even insinuating catholics believe in faith and works and ben shapiro's just like well i don't want to write off like 500 years of history like with a with one statement but the Protestant reformation is kind of like a misunderstanding yeah a misunderstanding that got people burned at the stake for even owning a bible what a misunderstanding that was a misunderstanding that took people and put them in boiling hot oil and burned them to death which took hours in some cases a misunderstanding that caused people to be saunasunder which is an indescribable evil we were arguing the other day of being drawn and quartered or being saunasunder was worse i think saunasunder still okay in some cases being saunasunder can last for a long time which that i just i don't i don't know these things are so horrible the only benefit of all of understanding all these things is that you can't do all of them at the same time so that's that's good you can't be killed by being saunasunder and drawn and quartered so that's my only comfort is that i can't experience every single torture possible okay you also couldn't be saunasunder and crucified unless it was upside down maybe then i'm not trying to invent new things okay but in this interview he says well you know i i kind of look at christianity or being saved by faith is is like a bridge because because he's trying to say that no it's a misunderstanding we still believe in faith for salvation it's just that faith is not just a belief it's not an intellectual sin he says faith is like there's a great chasm between god and you and jesus is this bridge and it's not believing the bridge is real is going to get you there it's walking across the bridge so that's what our faith needs is our faith is walking on that bridge but notice when i redescribe to you what he said of course i'm paraphrasing what he said though no verses in the bible did i bring up a verse no go to wood Romans chapter 11 go to Romans chapter 11 here's here's the problem with the the false doctrine on salvation okay and this is what i i thought about recently and i kind of this is kind of a new thing that a way to word this that i hadn't really thought about before because you have all these people that will say salvations by faith but they mean works right and you're thinking like how what does that mean or how are they confused well that's because most people when they hear the word faith that are in this these false religions and false urges when they hear the word faith they hear faithful and faithful means that you're following the commandments doing right whatever but here's here's really where the equation is that faith is being broken out faith plus something equals salvation okay this is what they're doing faith plus works equals salvation this is wrong it is faith plus grace that equals salvation the problem is not the faith and matt waltz's argument the problem is he substituted grace with works that is the problem and according to scripture you can't have both they're completely different words look at romans chapter 11 verse 5 even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace and if by grace then it is no more of works otherwise grace is no more grace meaning hey let me tell you something matt waltz if your salvation is faith plus works then there's no grace there's not even an ounce of grace zero grace grace even ceases to be grace meaning that you don't believe ephesians two eight nine which says for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of god not of works you know why those two verses are coupled because the word grace means no works if you're going to just figure out like let's figure out what the word grace means it means no works for by no works are you saved through faith that's another way to word ephesians 2 8 that's why it's been coupling for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourself not of yourselves it is the gift of god not of works i said it three different ways unless any man should boast like matt waltz boasting about how righteous he is or how much godlier he is than all the other people on this planet but the problem is that matt waltz is still a sinner and arguably matt waltz might be way more righteous than the majority of americans i mean the guy has like five children i think or something like that he seems to be a well-cut well-dressed well-articulated man he seems to care for his family but you know what he said in this interview that he believes someone who truly loves their wife or children he doesn't see how they're going to go to hell how is that even catholic that's universalism he even said that if someone wanted to go to heaven and didn't and they went to hell that god wasn't really just and sending them to hell it's like have you ever read luke chapter 16 how about the rich man lifting up his eyes in hell and desiring that his brethren wouldn't go there you're going to tell me that guy didn't want to go to heaven you're telling me that guy didn't want his brethren to go to heaven look it's not a desire to go to heaven that gets you saved it's not loving your family that gets you saved it's believing the gospel that gets you saved now go if you would to first john chapter four i want to finish kind of on that point and what is the devil trying to do the devil's trying to appeal to their logic to their pride of well god is loving so if god's loving no one's going to go to hell or only a few people go to hell or you know hell could only be justified if people really want to be burning for all of eternity let me tell you a little secret about hell no one likes it no one is in hell like cool man so glad i finally got here that was worth it i'm glad i didn't pick jesus i'm glad i didn't pick heaven no it's eternal torment no one picks hell in the sense that they really really really want to go there they get deceived into maybe thinking that's what they want but once it comes to realization they're not like that was a good decision it's eternal regret it's eternal sorrow it's the worst thing you know why do we go through all the evil and the suffering that we go through why even take a stand for christ it's so that some of these people won't go to hell it's so that we have an opportunity to preach the gospel and to love people and to preach them how to be saved by grace not by works matt waltz not by just loving your wife and if you really loved your wife you'd preach her the gospel and you'd let her get saved or you'd help her hear the gospel so that she would get saved that's the most loving thing you can do but the whole conversation that ends with ben shapiro and matt waltz mocking the phrase found in your bible god is love because ben shapiro is just like christians always say like god is love but i think he's i think he's more than that my wife's a doctor it's like matt waltz is like well actually it would be better to say i don't really like that phrase a phrase found in the bible oh like if you were to just say god's all loving no no it wouldn't be better okay and god is love is found twice in john chapter number first john chapter number four look what it says in verse number seven beloved love us love one another for love is of god and everyone that is and everyone that loveth is born of god and know of god he that loveth not knoweth not god for god is love they also hypothesize that there's all these people are so loving that are not safe but that's actually an oxymoron because you cannot love you cannot love if you're not safe it's impossible the the emotion described as love in our modern society that unsaved people feel and experience is not the experience of love according to scripture and they don't truly love because you don't you don't really understand what love means you think that love means i think this person's attractive that's not love you know they'll say love at first sight what does that mean it means you found that person physically attractive you know most men lust after women that they know nothing about what through billboards tv whatever like they just look at an image of a woman and they like it but it doesn't matter if that girl had a voice like fran dresser it doesn't matter if she was a feminist it doesn't matter if she you know killed a bunch of people it's just like i just like that image that's not love that's lust you could even like how someone treats you hey i like that my wife rubs my feet and rubs my back and cooks me meals i love her that's not love you don't even know what love is still everyone likes that okay you know what is love well let's let the bible tell us what love is and then we'll figure it out okay first john chapter four look at verse nine now in this was manifested the love of god toward us because that godson is only begotten son of the world that we might live through him so what is the love of god sacrificing your son verse 10 here in his love not that we love god but that he loved us and sent his son to be the propitiation for our sins beloved if god so loved us we ought also to love one another no man has seen god at any time if we love one another god dwells in us and his love is perfected in us hereby know we that we dwell in him and he and us because he has given us of his spirit and we have seen it to testify that the father sent the son to be the son of the world whosoever shall confess that jesus is the son of god god dwelleth in him and he and god and we have known and believed the love that god hath to us god is love and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in god and god in him so they're ripping out this phrase god is love to then suggest well then why is there cancer in the world why is there bad people why is there murder why is there adultery why why would anybody go to hell hell or something well let's not rip this verse out of context let's not rip this phrase what is it we have known and believed the love that god had to us what is the love that god has towards me the love that god has towards me is that he took his only begotten son who had never done anything wrong in his entire life and he had him brutally beaten he had a crown of thorns shoved on his head he had him have to march up to calvary and get nailed to a cross and die in humiliation and shame and nakedness and for his soul to send down into hell for three days and three nights so that i could have an opportunity to be saved that was the love of god and i've known that love i believe that love and that's what saves me is believing the love that god has to me if i think me going to church and reading the bible and going and doing good is getting me into heaven i don't believe in the love of god i'm rejecting the love of god i deny the very essence of god's love because god sacrifices can you imagine your precious child us taking him and shoving thorns into his body and whipping him and nailing him to a cross just so some people out here might get saved i mean that's incredible god did that that's how much he loves you that's what real love is now let me ask you this question when's the last time that you took a brutal beating murdering and and crucifixion and going to hell so that someone could maybe get saved now tell me how loving you are you tell me how loving you are to your spouse oh oh by the way while doing that i'm gonna mock you spit on you and ridicule you and say every worst thing imaginable to you while while doing it that's the real that's real love you know real love is not eating the sandwich your wife made you that you like but it didn't have cheese on it i love her man even though we didn't have my favorite cheese i still i bear through that bro that's not love folks people are divorcing their spouse left and right for nothing and then they want to tell me how loving they are you don't even know what love is hosea had to pay his wife not to be a whore against him that's love the apostle paul walked into a town getting beaten and stoned just to try and give people the gospel so they can get saved that was the love of god you know it's not the love of god these freaks out here on this on this corner right screaming how much they want to murder me in my church i don't know if that surprises you that that's not love okay you know what's not love what sodomites do to each other abusing each other physically for some gratification that'll never happen that disgusting filthy smut that is not love committing some kind of a one-night stand with someone is not love oh i just i i think people that love their wife they're not going to go to hell i'll tell you what you could be the most loving spouse on the planet and you'll split hell wide open if you don't believe the love that god gave you have to believe the gospel and you know what that takes it takes a submission to the bible if you don't like the gospel nuts to you we don't we can't be prideful thinking well if i was god i would just let everyone go to heaven if i was god i would plan a different way for people to say i would just show up and say believe in me if i was god i would make it a workspace program if i was god i'd make it a bridge you have to walk across well sorry matt walls there is no bridge for you to walk across you either hop on jesus back and he carries you all the way or you don't go but you trying to walk across any bridge you're going to fall straight into hell and everyone that follows matt wall straight into hell oh but he made a cool video about what's a woman yeah that was a real hard question to answer what's his next one two plus two is four his stupid video wasn't even good because he still didn't have leviticus 2013 in it or anywhere close in fact he didn't have any bible in it because you know what you want to know why all these other churches and all the other christians are silent on the sodomite issue do you really want to know why because there's not a single verse they could use because all of them are more radical than their doctrine that's why they don't use any bible it's so funny to me when they say i love this one well in the old testament homosexuality is a sin and i'm like show me that verse what verse are you basing that thought on is it leviticus 2013 what does it really say it's like these people are just a joke today why they're prideful they think they're smarter than god well i wouldn't have the death penalty for that you arrogant punk yeah this is way better isn't it the world that we live in the day trannies everywhere sodomizing our youth sodomizing our city sodomizing everything they see it it's like well but we got this great documentary from matt walsh matt walsh is a false prophet leading everybody to hell folks you know what and whenever you are going to make life decisions don't make them on one verse don't just listen to the talking heads we need to know the bible in context and we need to not be prideful we need to submit ourselves to the whole scripture submit ourselves to a church submit ourselves to a pastor submit ourselves to men of god and say you know what whatever god deems for me to do i'm going to do it i'm not going to complain like well but if i were god i wouldn't make i wouldn't make christians go to a church as being protested well you're like the children of israel aren't you well if i was god i wouldn't make you thirst in the wilderness maybe god's making you thirst on purposes to see what you're like see what you got see if you're going to complain or not stop complaining about god's journey that he has you on and just submit to it stop being so prideful the devil's tempting you that you know better but we need to just submit to what god actually says in the bible let's close in prayer thank you heavenly father for the word that you've given us i pray that you would help us to overcome temptation that you would just avenge us of our enemies we know that we're just trusting and waiting on you for your plan but whatever that timing is whatever that plan is i pray that we would have the humility to just submit ourselves to that plan that we wouldn't dream up our own idea of what you would do that we wouldn't falsely accuse you of of not being just or loving or kind or just or a judge or any of these things but rather we would just submit ourselves what the bible already says and we would allow you to do your work through us and that we would just be a humble servant not letting the devil tempt us into making a bad accusation or trying to tempt the lord in jesus name we pray amen all right for our final song this morning we'll go to 118 near to the heart of god 118 near to the heart of god one one eight near to the heart of god there is a place of quiet rest near to the heart of god a place where sin cannot molest near to the heart of god oh jesus blessed redeemer sent from the heart of god hold us who wade before the near to the heart of god there is a place of comfort sweet near to the heart of god a place where we are savior meet near to the heart of god oh jesus blessed redeemer sent from the heart of god hold us who wait before the near to the heart of god there is a place of full release near to the heart of god a place where all is joy and peace near to the heart of god oh jesus blessed redeemer said from the heart of god hold us who wait before near to the heart of god great singing thank you all for coming you are dismissed