(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And men look at verse 19 the Bible reads there was a certain rich man Which was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day, and there was a certain beggar named Lazarus Which was laid at his gate full of sores and desire to be fed with the crumbs which felt in the rich man's table Moreover the dogs came and licked his sores and it came to pass that the beggar died and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom the rich man also died and was buried and in hell he lift up his eyes being in torments and see if Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom and he cried and said father Abraham Have mercy upon me and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue For I am tormented in this flame And The title of the morning sermon is screams in hell screams in Hell my first point that we have here in the Bible in verse 24 is the scream of torment The screams that will be coming from hell of torment are constant Constant torment constant pain notice right here in this verse that he's tormented in what this flame Flames the flames of hell of fire now we notice that this man goes to hell the Bible tells us he was very rich and Unfortunately many rich people will go to hell keep your finger here because when you come back throughout the sermon We'll go to mark chapter number 10 mark chapter number 10 I have four screams this morning that we're gonna look at the first scream is the scream of torment mark chapter number 10 look at verse 24 The Bible warns Mark 10 24 and the disciples were astonished at his words, but Jesus answered again and saith unto them Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter in the kingdom of God? It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle Then for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God the Bible warns that riches are a deception today Riches will cause many people to go to hell today. Why because they're trusting in their riches rich people oftentimes They don't have to rely on anybody else They've only relied upon themselves for everything and it's so difficult For them to decide to humble themselves and put all their faith in what Jesus did for them to save them and take them to heaven We go to go to Revelation chapter 14 Revelation chapter 14 The God of the Bible is one of great wrath of great punishment In fact, there's no worse punishment than what we're going to find out this morning about hell It's not possible to imagine something worse. And in fact when we think about pain, there's no pain like hellfire No pain. Now if you look from a human perspective, I try to Look look at anecdotal evidence Look at what people have said about being burnt or what it feels like to burn because people that burn to death We can't ask them. We don't know what it was like But if you look at people who have burnt There's a problem We can't exactly know how painful it truly is Because when someone is on fire when someone is being burnt when there's that kind of heat on their body Most of the time they can't even feel it because of shock because of adrenaline Because the burning actually destroys the nerve endings in their skin to where it's no longer even communicating with their brain They lose the signal of how much pain they're in most burn victims their pain is after the fact It's afterwards that they're having to go through all the pain and suffering or it's the portions of their body that weren't burnt that much Where the nerve endings weren't destroyed enough to stop sending the signal onto their brain But people that have burnt they describe it as a horrible agony fire is one of the worst pains that you can imagine says in Revelation chapter 14 look at verse 9 and The third angel followed them saying with a loud voice If any man worship the beast in his image and receive his mark in his forehead or in his hand The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone and the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb and the smoke of their torment Ascendant up forever and ever and they have no rest day nor night who worship the beast and his image and Whosoever receive at the mark of his name the Bible says they're on constant fire constant pain Constant torment you say when does it in never? Never and you say when do you stop hearing the screams of torment never? Just constant agony constant pain constant fire Go good to Matthew chapter 10 go to Matthew chapter number 10 Say what's hell like it's fire And fire is extreme. I looked at one guy. He told a story about him and his father where there was a petroleum fire explosion and him and his dad were engulfed in flames immediately and This man said this young man said that he was immediately screaming at the top of his lungs without stopping just and just You Say what causes someone to do that fire? I don't care how strong you are I don't care how manly you think you are if you get on fire, you're gonna be screaming and Hollering he said he immediately ran to an area where there was a shower He was trying to rip his clothes off of his body, but he couldn't even do it because it was just gone He immediately wanted water. He immediately wanted some kind of relief from this great pain that he was in His dad immediately went into a coma and As soon as he came out of the coma the first thing he said, can you please give me water? But she probably didn't say it that water It's immediate just wanting water why he said this is how he described it. He said our body needed too much water Just that's it that's the feeling he has just a constant feeling of needing water You know the people that died in Pompeii It's all speculation of how exactly everything went down some people say they just died from the fumes But a more recent theory after looking a lot of skulls and the damage done to their skulls They said that the lava pouring down from the mount It was so hot and so furious that as soon as we had touched a person Their blood would instantly boil and their head would explode from the pain and the suffering just immediate just destruction This is something to be terrified of The Bible says in Matthew chapter 10 look at verse 28 and fear not them which kill the body But are not able to kill the soul but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell the screams of torment Constant torment constant fire constant pain and you know, it's not in hell shock. You know, it's not in hell Adrenaline, you know, it's not in hell any relief any comfort It's just constant screaming just constant pain. You're in so much pain The only thing your body can do is just scream and scream and scream and scream you say when you're gonna stop never Just constant screaming constant horror constant pain But it's that Coria chapter 9 and the foot backwards in your Bible Zechariah chapter 9 So this isn't pleasant Well, you know what? The Bible covers this subject more than I can even touch this morning and we're gonna look at the screams in hell why cuz it's reality and Unfortunately, the reality is it's for more than less more people will go to hell than not Zechariah look at chapter 9. So we've seen a few things about hell. We've seen that it's hell fire We see that it's constant flame. It's constant torture. What's another aspect of this torture? The fact that there's no water. I mean this guy that wants water But he's not gonna get it. Look at Zechariah chapter 9 verse 9 Rejoice greatly Oh daughter of Zion shout Oh daughter of Jerusalem behold thy King cometh unto thee He is just and having salvation lowly and riding upon an ass and upon a colt the fold of an ass and I will cut off the chariot from Ephraim and the horse from Jerusalem and the battle bow shall be cut off and he shall speak peace Under the heathen and his dominion shall be from sea even a sea and from the river even to the ends of the earth As for thee also by the blood of thy covenant. I have sent forth thy prisoners out of the pit Wherein is no Water the Bible describes hell as a pit with no Water, I love water. I drink water every single day I can't imagine being in a pit and constant flame constant fire constant torment never water Not even a drop not even any kind of relief whenever you're super thirsty and you take a big drink of water It feels good. It's refreshing. It's nice. There's nothing like water if you're truly thirsty. No beverage satisfies like Water and those in heaven they get to drink the pure water from that river, but those in hell it's a pit No water just constant fire constant pain go to Genesis chapter 37 Let's see another reference to this Genesis chapter 37 So we see they're gonna be in constant torment because there's all this fire and no water. There's no relief There's no rest It's the worst agony. There's no way to even describe it because in a human experience You can't even feel it because it's so painful. It's so horrifying It's so terrible that your body just immediately turns off all the pain sensors But you know what in hell you don't get that The pain goes beyond a certain point and we stop feeling it But in hell they keep feeling it and they keep filling it a pain beyond belief That's why when people look at me in the face at the door when I knock on their door and they say I'm already in hell You don't know what hell's like And Of course, there's pain on this earth. Of course, there's suffering on this earth. There's great pain. There's great suffering There's great sorrow and misery, but that should help us understand how bad hell is That's to give us a reality of what hell is like I've never been burned that bad but you know the few experiences I can remember I remember one time I had an iron and it was really hot and I kind of forgot that it was on and I just grazed it with my thumb and It was it was very hot. So I just look at my thumb and just immediately the skin just was gone It just it just slowly just evaporated before my eyes and oh man Did that thing hurt it hurt for weeks for months? That was just one small little tiny part of my body I can't even imagine that on every single square inch and usually when you get burned you want to do what you run to the Faucet and you're pouring water on aren't you there is no faucet in hell. There is no water Genesis 37 look at verse 24 Genesis 37 verse 24 this prophetic Talking about Joseph and they took him and cast him into a pit and the pit was empty There was no water in it Now, why is that mentioned because it's a picture of hell. I Mean not having water in it doesn't really matter that much but it pictures what hell is like It's a pit where there is no water zero No relief just constant pain constant affliction constant agony Constant misery constant suffering just constant screaming because you have no water Go if you would to Matthew chapter 8 go to Matthew chapter break They're tormented in the flame. They're tormented with no relief. No water. What's another attribute of hell? What's the another aspect of the torments in hell in Matthew chapter number 8? The Bible describes hell in verse number 12 Look at verse 12, but the children of the kingdom shall be cast out Into outer darkness there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth Outer darkness No light you could never see again for some of us the worst thing Imaginable as far as losing one of our five senses would be that of our sight I mean if if I have to lose a sense, I mean probably smelling first, I don't know taste Hearing touch Sights the last one. I mean for me I can't I don't want to go through like blind But in hell there is no sight there is no light It's just complete utter darkness and you want to be terrified you want to see people scream turn out the lights What happens when all the lights go out women just start screaming like a banshee I Have you ever been in an area and that happened I mean why cuz it's terrifying You don't know where you're at. You don't know what's going on and imagine the fact I mean, we don't know but hell if it's in the center of the earth There's probably no gravity imagine falling at the same time of having no idea where you're at Just constant pain constant suffering constant sorrow you can't see anything ever Go to Revelation chapter 16 revelation chapter 16 You say outer darkness that mean they can't see well, let's get some more scriptures here revelation chapter 16 You say well the dark doesn't sound that bad. Well the Bible describes it as horrifying I can't imagine being in the dark. I hate being in the dark. I You get a little bit terrified instantly if you can't see anything and you don't know where you're at It's a terrifying feeling it's horrifying Like other Bible describes in revelation 16 verse 10 and The fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seed of the beast and his kingdom was full of darkness Notice this and they nod their tongues for pain The darkness was so excruciating They're literally nodding their tongue they're biting their tongue Because it's just so painful. Just not knowing where you're at and not having any light and not being able to see anything Just complete darkness full of darkness Jude chapter 1 flipped backwards. Just look at Jude chapter 1 Look at verse number 6 the God of the Bible is a God that is God of love But you know what he's also just he's also holy He's also righteous and he's created a place called hell that is beyond human comprehension You cannot dream up a worse place You cannot dream up a worse suffering. You cannot picture anything worse than hell Jude chapter 1 look at verse 6 and The angels have kept not their first estate but left their own habitation. He hath reserved an everlasting chains under darkness under the judgment of the great day darkness Just no hope nothing good. Look at verse 13 Raging waves of the sea foaming out their own shame wandering stars to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever How horrifying how scary if you just take one of these attributes? I don't want to go to hell But then you get the combination of the constant fire of the no water Are they just being pitch black a black that can be felt as the Bible describes one of the plagues of God? Go if you would to John 3 John chapter 3 We're looking lots of verses to prove all these points this isn't my opinion this morning Don't let the world tell you what hell is like today. Let Jesus Christ tell you what hell is like today You know why people aren't afraid of hell today because they let Bugs Bunny Tell them what hell's like because they let the world tell them what hell is like because they let AC DC Tell them what hell's like oh Here's the highway hell That's the highway to hell It's not fun. It's not pleasant. You say stop screaming pastor Shelley Well there's a lot of people in hell, and they're not stopping screaming I'm just trying to give you a taste this morning because it's real John chapter 3 look at verse 36 he that believeth on the Sun hath everlasting life And he that believeth not the Sun shall not see life, but the wrath of God above them just darkness there is no light Without Jesus Christ hell is an utter Destruction it's outer darkness. There's weeping and gnashing of teeth. There's no party in hell There's no fun in hell. There's no joy. Just constant scream after scream after scream for all the torment Go to Luke chapter 8 go to Luke chapter 8 Let's find somebody in hell. That's actually terrified or not in hell, but let's find somebody that's actually terrified of hell at least He has the right perspective And it's pretty sad when the devil's have better doctrine than Christians today Luke chapter 8 look at verse 28 When he saw Jesus he cried out and fell down before him and with a loud voice said what have I to do with thee Jesus thou son of God the Most High I beseech thee torment me not This is a devil speaking through the man he's just falling down he's like Jesus don't torment me I don't want to go He's not so brave a devil yet so many people today. Oh, I'm not afraid of God. I'm not afraid of hell Yes, you are. You're terrified at night When the lights go out, it just gives you a taste When you see that fire and you accidentally get a little bit burnt, it gives you just a little bit of taste Whenever you're thirsty, that's your taste of what hell's like Go to mark chapter 9 mark chapter 9 so many people today not afraid of hell Well, you know what's going to strike terror in their heart is the Bible The Word of God is going to strike terror in their heart mark chapter 9 look at verse 43 This is what Jesus said and if thy hand offend thee cut it off It is better for thee to enter into life maim than having two hands to go into hell Into the fire that shall never be quenched Where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched and if thy foot offend thee cut it off It is better for thee to enter halt into life Then having two feet to be cast into hell and to the fire that never shall be quenched where their worm dieth not and the fire Is not quenched and if thy eye offend thee pluck it out It is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye Than having two eyes to be cast in the hellfire where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched Jesus is constantly reiterating hell. He's constantly reiterating the fire that shall not be quenched He's constantly reiterating the fact that their body that worm that disgusting detestable thing that's in hell. It's never gonna die The only relief you have on this earth from being burned is the fact you're gonna die Do you know what there is no death like that in hell Just a constant burning a constant suffering. Well, maybe the fire will go out. Nope Well, maybe there's some water. Nope The Bible says hell is so bad You would rather just get a knife right now and just rip out your own eye then go to hell You'd rather just put your hand right here and get an axe and just chop it off then to go to hell It's that bad it's that horrifying it's that terrible You know what? There's so many people today They're not gonna do that Because today's a Super Bowl You know what they don't want to cut off that hand that hands that's get they gets them millions of dollars Yet they're gonna split hell wide open many of them, how about Aaron Rodgers The Quarterback for the Green Bay Packers. This is what he said. I Don't know how you can believe in a God who wants to condemn most of the planet to a fiery hell You know what? I don't know a God like that either Because the God of the Bible is not willing that any should perish but that all should come into repentance The God of the Bible's love the God of the Bible only does good unto us The God of the Bible gave his only begotten Son He sacrificed his son for us that we could believe in him and not have to taste hell He's just to send us to hell. He's righteous to send us to hell But our God is a merciful God He's a long-suffering God and Aaron Rodgers has a perverted view of God and he's not afraid of the God of the Bible He rejects the God of the Bible and if he does not repent he's gonna split hell wide open and every single moment He's gonna say I wish I'd cut both arms off. I wish I had ripped my eyes out Losing in the playoffs wasn't worth it. Yeah, you suck Aaron Rodgers Get over it. I Don't care if you're the best quarterback ever doesn't matter. Oh, it's so amazing Yeah, why aren't y'all cheering I mean it's not they do oh because I have to have a ball in my hand, right Isn't that just so cool? Let's just go watch a bunch of people just You ought to pay a couple hundred dollars to see that though, okay And look, I'm not against sports. I'm not against physical activity. You know what? I'd rather have all my limbs chopped off than go to hell You know what people today what are they gonna do instead of going to church on Sunday they're gonna go glorify man Yeah, let's see how amazing man is he can throw a football 50 yards so amazing Nothing more amazing than that. Maybe not the God that created them Or the universe or the stars Or just that simple thing called water pretty great. I like it or just the King James Bible What are people gonna do today? They're gonna go worship man Glorify man, that's all the Super Bowl is a glorification of man a glorification of the creature It's not a glorification of God Go if you would in your Bibles to Romans chapter number one Romans chapter number one How about Tom Brady he's not any different Catholic He's so awesome he's won so many Super Bowls He's The most coveted free agent in the next season free season Hell wants him to He'd be better off cutting off both arms Ripping out his eye How about Kobe Bryant? I? Bet he's wishing a little bit different He wasn't a believer. He didn't believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. He didn't he wasn't a Baptist by any stretch of the imagination This guy is not sitting down remember all those trophies I won Remember all those times. I didn't pass and and shot and bricked it You know Who cares it's all vanity. Oh, what's your sport? Sorry, I'm picking on basketball, but what's your sport NASCAR? I? Watch cars go around in circle. It's super cool Does Anything else happen well sometimes they run out of gas and at the stop they get more gas What do they do after that is it cool, then they keep driving around the circle? Does anybody win yeah the guy that doesn't show up What in the world I'm sorry if you like NASCAR, it's stupid, okay Hey, I like golf, it's just I mean it's all silly it's all just a game. It's all just vanity Today but you know what people aren't coming to church on Sunday morning Why because I got to put little Johnny in baseball? And I got to put little Johnny in football and I got to put them in all these stupid sports idolizing and worshipping man then the God that created them I Mean people they think our church isn't that important. You know you're saying worshipping God's not important Where else do you go to worship God today? He said I don't like this church We'll find a different church then you know what you should still worship God There's no excuse to not worship the God that created you and to serve him with your life I mean he bought and paid for you. He actually went to hell for you I Don't have to taste hell. I don't have to taste that death Jesus did it for me You know it's not based on works that I do It's just based on my faith in his son You know what I should come to church at least once a week to at least pray sing praise unto him. I mean That can't that be the least that I do, but when I've listened to Aaron Rodgers tell me about how it doesn't make sense He knows what the truth is I had to turn to Romans chapter 1 let's read a couple verses here look at verse 18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all in godliness and righteousness of men who hold the truth and unrighteousness Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them for God has showed it unto them For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood By the things that are made even as eternal power and God had so they without excuse Aaron Rodgers is not going to be burning in hell and saying oh, I had all these excuses He knows that God exists. He knows the God of the Bible is the truth. He rejects the truth He hates the truth right now, and he needs a repent before he becomes worse off Before he becomes twice dead Look what it says in verse number 22 professing themselves to be wise they became fools Says in verse 23 and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God Into an image made like to corruptible man. There's your football game All the gods of the universe are all the football players are all the basketball players are all the stars are all the celebrities movie stars That's who they worship. That's who they praise. That's who they adore. That's who they idolize. That's who they want to be like They don't want to be like Christ Because that's not as fun a journey. He got crucified at the end of the story didn't he? They don't want to do that. They don't want to go through the pain and the suffering You know what? There is gonna be a pain and suffering for those that worship the creature called hell Go to Luke chapter number six go back to Luke chapter 16 and let's let's get another point here There's gonna be so many screams of torment in hell and I wish that was the end but there's more We're just getting started Luke chapter 16 look at verse 25 But Abraham said son remember That thou and I lifetime receiveth thy good things and likewise Lazarus evil things But now he is comforted and thou art for me Not only we have the screams of torment in hell over and over and constantly no rest day nor night You're also gonna have the screams of regret Why Why What did he say remember what a scary word What a terrifying word. Hey, remember remember when that guy knocked on your door Remember when that Baptist preacher preached you the gospel Remember when you just refused that church that you drove. I mean just drive down the street. There's a church on every corner There's crosses everywhere They play Christian music everywhere remember Remember how you didn't care about the God that created you Remember every time you just looked at a tree when you looked at the sky when you saw the sunrise every single morning Just remember just the constant regret the constant sorrow of thinking I could have I could have done something different. I Could have cut my hand off You know, I got to go soul winning in Jacksonville recently And I walked into a house after giving a lady the gospel and her daughter was in there And her daughter had been a severe accident horribly made Couldn't move Stuck to the bed couldn't even use her hands just cripple in every way Couldn't even talk hardly. It's just yeah, you know, you're cutting the heart hardly make a noise Can't even make a sound Asked her what she had to do to be saved and she said be a good person. I Said the Bible says something different. Can I show you it's like yeah, I preached through the gospel Very receptive and even though she couldn't frame the word she was still there up here. She was still there right here and you know what she called upon the name of the Lord and she got saved and I'm gonna see her in heaven and More blessed is she that's maimed then Aaron Rodgers then the quarterbacks for the what Kansas City Chiefs Patrick Mahomes and the San Francisco 49ers Garoppolo More blessed is she that believes in Jesus than these glorified gladiators Going in the gridiron and facing, you know the challenge of the pigskin. Oh, man. What a challenge What glory what honor what praise? It's sad well, I but you don't know pastor Shelley and the halftime show they're gonna worship Satan. Oh Oh Thanks, I'm glad I'm missing out on that one But you know, you don't understand in the commercials. They're gonna praise transgender freaks. Oh Man, I'm missing out It's ridiculous It's ridiculous the state of our nation, you know used to be there was nothing scheduled on Wednesday nights because everybody was in church I remember when I was a kid there was nothing that happened on Wednesday nights No school extra curricular activities No sporting things because everyone sure they weren't gonna schedule something because nobody show up They'd be like, well, we're not gonna forsake Church. We're not gonna forsake God, but now I mean there's stuff on Sunday morning There's a reason why chick-fil-a is closed on Sunday. I Mean they're really there used to be a time when every restaurant was closed on Sunday There used to be a time when people actually worship God in this nation in this country you wonder why we're so blessed Because we actually used to have some fear towards God We actually used to have a lot of people that love God and serve God and we're worshiping God The state that we're headed in now, I'm terrified for our nation. I'm terrified for this country Because God's wrath is continually increasing every moment every second and he's gonna pour out some serious wrath Go to Matthew chapter 5 go to Matthew chapter 5 What what a horrifying experience to constantly remember past decisions that are bad and I struggle with this myself There's been plenty of decisions I've made in the past that I think of and I'm just like Why did I not do it differently? Why I not wait, why do not talk to somebody else? Why didn't I just do something a little bit different here and you constantly have that regret you constantly have that feeling of grief That feeling of sorrow it just kind of torments you it just eats you from the inside out. You're just like Sometimes just hard to let past decisions go by you know It's gonna be a really hard decision to let go the fact that you died and went to hell Because you're never gonna let that one go Matthew chapter 5 look at verse 29 Matthew chapter 5 look at verse 29 and if thy right eye offend thee pluck it out and Cast it from thee for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish and Not that thy whole body Should be cast into hell and if thy right hand offend thee cut it off and cast it from thee for it is profitable for You that one of the members should perish and not that thy whole body should be cast in hell That's interesting because even if you just you like lose a limb in this life you get it back I guess just to get extra suffering in hell You Probably didn't want that but that's what the Bible say and you're gonna remember all the things that you experienced all the things that you saw Go if you would to Luke chapter 6 go to Luke chapter number 6 Just to the right in your Bible look at verse 24 But woe unto you that are rich For you have received your consolation Whoa unto you that are full for you shall hunger whoa unto you that laugh now for you shall mourn and weep You're gonna remember all that fun you had and how horrible it is now You remember all that food you had back then how horrible it is now You remember how it great it was when you're rich. That was your consolation You know what you're gonna constantly remember and that regret is gonna eat you How much more would it be blessed to live in a poor nation in a poor country You have to constantly scrounge for food and you go to heaven Than to be Jeff Bezos Split hell wide open a hundred and fifteen billion dollars. I mean It's astronomical. You can't even imagine how much money that is, but it doesn't matter because he can't imagine how bad hell is And he better repent but you know what? Probably given him or Bill Gates or Warren Buffett or any of these guys the Gospels got to be the hardest person to give the gospel to How hard is it for them that are rich? How hard is it for them that trust and riches to enter in the kingdom of God as with the Bible one? You go with me. Let's go to the rich neighborhood this afternoon. Let's see. Let's see how many people want to hear the gospel And it's not that they're saved. I'm good. I Don't need that the games on How many people are going to knock on the door this afternoon? How many people are going to knock on the door this afternoon? Oh, I don't I'm not interested I want to watch two trannies eat hummus That's worth it Remember that wasn't a consolation that's just bad go to 2nd Corinthians chapter 2 2nd Corinthians chapter 2 So this isn't a fun sermon what's not it's not a fun topic, you know when I study hell Even my worst enemy. I don't want to go there It's that bad. I don't when I go to the door and I talk to me I say I don't want anyone to go to hell because that's honestly I feel I Don't think like oh, I just can't wait for this person to go. I mean, sometimes you get that thought. Okay But I just say when you study hell you're like, I really don't want anyone to go and you know, God's the same way God's not willing that any should perish Jesus Christ tasted death for every man He even bought the ones that denied him. He wants them to go to heaven. He wants them to be saved They don't want to be saved look at second reading chapter 2 verse 4 Proud of much affliction and anguish of heart I wrote unto you with many tears not that you should be grieved but that you might know the love which I have more abundantly In you, but if any have caused grief He hath not grieved me but in part that I may not overcharge you all Sufficient to such a man as the is this punishment which was inflicted of many So that contrary wise you ought rather to forgive him and comfort him less perhaps such one should be swallowed up With over much sorrow wherefore I beseech you they would confirm your love toward him Now what the Bible's teaching here is somebody that did something wrong They perhaps maybe were even cast out of the church or they've been severely disciplined That we don't want to then rain on top of them when they get it, right We don't want to then just be like I can't believe you did that and like I'm sorry, but you're just such an idiot I'm sorry, you're just so wicked, but I'm sorry, you know You don't want to just sit there and hammer somebody after they're already trying to get it right after they're already trying to you know Get restored, you know someone gets something right or if someone you know is trying to do that, which is right We ought not just continually just lay lamb bass them. We ought to forgive them. We got to notice this Confirm our love toward them Why because then it eats them up even worse, I mean it's sometimes you make a bad decision a bad mistake You don't just sit there and just be eating up with it and eating up with it and just constantly feeling more depressed and more Sorry, he's like this guy that already feels bad Why are we gonna make him feel even worse? You know in hell You're just gonna keep feeling worse. There is there is no that comfort. You never get that relief You just have that constant regret and pain and screaming for why? Why? Why did I make that decision Rolls in my third point Go back to Luke chapter 16. The third screen that you're gonna hear in hell is the scream of despair And think about the verse we just looked at When you go through a hard time, what helps you a brother that says hey, man, it's okay. I love you. Come on You know, I help somebody when they're going through a hard time love Compassion mercy hope You know, you never get in hell love Never get in hell compassion Mercy you never have it. So it's alright, buddy. It'll get better Think about how horrible that is when you go through a bad experience what helps you get through it Someone being like it's okay. I'm here with you You got a shoulder to cry on you got someone to love you. You got someone to show compassion to you You got someone to extend a hand. You got mercy. You got grace. You got kindness. You got courtesy Never in hell no love no compassion. No mercy. No forgiveness. No restitution No one to there. There's no one there that's ever gonna say I love you There's no one gonna say hey, it's okay, there's no one's gonna ever say it'll get better Just complete despair just a constant screaming of despair What's despair the complete loss of hope there is no hope in hell none Look at verse 26 where I had you turn in Luke chapter 16 Let's keep reading in our story another scream from this man And Beside all this between us and you there is a great goal fixed so that they Which would pass from hints to you cannot neither can they pass to us? That would come from Vince he says hey the guys the people in heaven that would want to come down and rescue at they can't and You guys that would want to come up here. Obviously you can't there's a great goal fixed meaning what there is no hope It's just despair. There is no purgatory. There is no just burning it off. There is no well Maybe I get a second chance. There is no well now I believe yeah, of course you believe There is no now I want to repent and believe the gospel there is none now, I wish I'd believed in the Sun there is none Just complete despair What's the spare hopelessness? despondency dejection lowless of spirits miserable Forsaken no other great promises in the Bible is that he'll never leave me nor forsake me. You don't get that in hell Utterly forsaken Utterly rejected utterly reprobate Soundly the reprobate doctor. Well, it's definitely after death. I mean, I don't know how I'll just spell it out for you completely and utterly Reprobate no hope go to 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 go to 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 You say what's the message here pastor Shelley well we're getting there but You say I'm looking down from heaven into the end of hell in this miracle in Luke chapter 16 I want him to be saved We that's not your opportunity. Your opportunity was today You could have knocked on a door your opportunity is a day when you could have opened a Bible Your opportunity is the day when you could have opened your mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel If you want to get people saved now is the day Now is the accepted time It doesn't say tomorrow. It doesn't even say today. It says now Now is the accepted time you say oh what's the point of soul winning have you ever heard about hell? Christians today go their whole life and they never even try to give the gospel to one person Sounds like you don't know about hell Sounds like you don't have any love Because Jesus is constantly warning about hell. So I don't like this kind of preaching Well, you know, it's because I love people but I don't want them to go to hell So fire brimstone preaching yeah, because it's a real place I Can't how I mean how many places in the Bible have to show it to you for you to realize it should be preached every once in a while I Mean go back last week. There's it's about grace and charity and love and society come tonight. Okay But this morning it's about hell first Thessalonians chapter 4 look at verse 13 But I would not have you to be ignorant brethren concerning them what you're asleep that you saw not even as others Which have no hope? You know for the Christian a death Obviously, it's still a time of mourning. It's still a time of loss and it's a time to sorrow, but we have hope We have hope that we'll see them again because we know those that have believed in Jesus He'll bring with them those that are asleep in Jesus and we wish alive and remain and the coming of the Lord Shall be caught up together with them Now we don't know when he's coming. So the hope is even if I fall asleep now, I'm still gonna be with them even if I Remain alive until the coming. I'm gonna go up with them. You know those that have not believed in Jesus Christ No hope Notice it didn't say well, maybe the second maybe the third coming or you know, maybe the next time around Maybe that great white throne judgment. I can't remember was what that was about. Oh, yeah, it was the resurrection of damnation Well, you're judges according to your works and for all sin and comes short of the glory of God and then be cast in the lake of fire for all of eternity Look at the next page flip over 2nd Thessalonians chapter 1 look at verse 8 the scream of despair Probably the worst part about hell. I Mean obviously pain and suffering that's that's terrible But the fact that there's no change The fact that there's no hope the fact that you're just constantly you have no idea where you're at. You're constantly on fire There's no water You have no idea what's going on all the thoughts of your mind are constant regret and constant sorrow And then this other thought floods your mind. It's never gonna change. I Mean you're screaming to who All You have to do is call upon the name of the Lord one time in faith on the earth All that screaming in hell is never gonna fix it Second Thessalonians chapter 1 verse 8 and Flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power? God is going to destroy everybody that does not obey the gospel What is the gospel believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved? It's not go to church. It's not read your Bible a thousand times It's just putting your faith and what he did, but those that don't obey notice Everlasting destruction that in our mind is it's kind of an oxymoron because when we think of destruction we think of it being an end We think of it having some kind of finality to it But it says it's everlasting just a constant destroying a constant pain constant sorrow Go go to Psalm 16 go to Psalms chapter 16 I was trying to think of despair because You know praise the Lord that being a Christian we always have hope Yeah, we always have something to look forward to we always have something to joy in but I tried to really put myself in this position mentally and The closest I could come to was the fact that sometimes when I was in junior high My mom when she'd come to pick me up from school. She would forget Maybe been there You know school gets out 345. I Remember one time, you know, I just sitting there. I just stood there right at the street corners ready. I was ready at 346, you know Four o'clock rolls around most of the kids are already kind of rolling out 430 pretty much everybody's gone. It's ever the degenerates Whose parents didn't love them either? No, I'm just kidding. My parents loved me Five o'clock rolls around At this point you're kind of like I Mean I was a 10 11 12 I Kind of was like, you know, I hope my mom something didn't happen to her You know, you start your mind just starts racing. You're like, I hope that she's cut. I don't know what's going on I don't have a cell phone. Sorry back then. They didn't have cell phones for everybody. Okay, I Don't know who to call schools let out the doors are closed. You know, they don't care It's me into the skateboarders or whatever, you know, and they're like wanting to pick on me Five thirty rolls around Six rolls around Good dark Like should I walk home you know, it was pretty far but You know, I kept the thing that kept me staying in there Hope now, I know she's coming for me. No, I'm I know my mom loves me No, I know. My mom's gonna give me 615 She's there But imagine I'm it's 6 p.m. And my mom calls. I don't have the phone. Okay, we're playing imaginary She calls and says I'm never coming click That's what hell's like The only thing keeping me like in good spirits is the fact that I Think she's coming. It's my mom. It's you know, I'm pretty sure she knows I'm here, right? I don't know where she's at. She's got to realize I'm not there. Okay But there's just just complete despair in hell no one's coming There is no Savior there is no rescue there is no relief look at Psalms chapter 16 verse 8. I Have said the Lord always before me because he is at my right hand I shall not be moved Therefore my heart is glad and my glory rejoice if my flesh also shall rest in hope Why does he have hope for that will not leave my soul in hell Why did Jesus Christ have hope while he was in hell because he knew he wasn't gonna be left there But what about all the others? Left it just left no one coming nobody cares Go to Revelation chapter 20 go to Revelation chapter 20 You picture something worse than hell I can't There's nothing worse than hell. It's not even close. There's no close second That's why I try to give the gospel to everybody. I think it's not safe Even if I'm like, I don't know maybe there's a chance. I don't want to be up in heaven thinking why would have Get got them out of hell. I'm just gonna double triple quadruple I don't care if you get offended by me checking you you're you're not right with God You know, I defended me. I went to faith-ward Baptist Church for two plus years. Nobody ever checked my salvation And I didn't need that for me to feel like I was saved but I just kind of thought like You're not gonna send me With checking my salvation. I don't I'm the pastor Do you know who you're talking to? Do you know who I am? I Don't care Why would I get offended by I don't want to discourage somebody from giving somebody the gospel and you might not get offended with anybody About that and you know someone wants to help improve your gospel presentation, you know, I'm not get offended by that either called hell and They were looking at that person with you and they're seeing them screaming in torment. They're seeing them screaming and regret They're seeing them scream in despair and they're saying I just really want to make sure this person's going to heaven I don't want to spend 10 minutes with this person and walk away and they still didn't get it Or just say a prayer and it didn't really, you know, it's not saying a prayer that saves you It's changing what you believe that saves you Why ask a lot of questions before I pray with somebody I want to make sure they got it My goal is not just I got 20 you this afternoon. No, you didn't I Rather just have one or zero and know that that number is a good number and it's not about the numbers at the end of Day, we just do that to try and motivate ourselves to keep doing it and realizing how many souls Eternities were changed last year and the next day in the next day and just praise God that we have a country where we can Go ahead and preach the gospel freely Look at Revelation 20 verse 10 There's a verse I use in soul winning and the devil that deceived them was cast in the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are and Shall be tormented day and night forever and ever and ever and ever And ever and ever and ever and ever and ever you say when does it stop pastor Shelley never Say how hot as hell I Don't know I Looked up fire fire burns red fire at 600 to 800 degrees Celsius or about a thousand eighteen hundred degrees Fahrenheit Orange is about eleven hundred degrees Celsius or two thousand degrees Fahrenheit White is about thirteen hundred to fifteen hundred Celsius or anywhere from 2400 to 2700 degrees Fahrenheit, we should have the white hot red preach the red white hot preaching conference, you know 2700 degrees Fahrenheit We don't even know what that's like I mean you can't experience that because as soon as you experienced it your body would immediately reject the pain because it can't handle that But you know in hell it doesn't It's estimated by scientists that hell in the center of our earth The fire down there is ten thousand eight hundred degrees Fahrenheit Ten thousand, you know boiling water is like what 200 degrees Fahrenheit 10,000 and you don't have any that shock and adrenaline to stop that now again This is just they're just making calculations. They can't necessarily tell lava when it comes out It's about 2200 degrees Fahrenheit once it reached the surface of the earth now, they tried to estimate the Sun The Sun the surface of the Sun is they estimate the same number approximately about 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit. I Don't know how I mean, how do you measure the how hot is on the Sun sounds like a suicide mission if you ask me But they said in the middle they estimate again. I don't know they're saying 27 million degrees Fahrenheit And look if I were to put something a hundred and fifty degrees on your arm you'd feel it 200 degrees you'd feel it 500 degrees you probably wouldn't even realize You would notice that your skins not there anymore, but you just would be like You know in hell there is no relief like that That pain is just so intense it's so cataclysmic, how can you just Scream of despair because it's never gonna end go to the last point go to Luke chapter 16. We're gonna finish my last point You didn't think health get any worse. Well, we got one more point Luke chapter 16 look at verse 27 Then he said I pray thee therefore father that thou would ascend him to my father's house For I have five brethren that he may testify unto them lest they also come into this place of torment Abraham saith unto him they have Moses and the prophets let them hear them and he said nay father Abraham But if one went unto them from the dead they will repent And he said on him if they hear not Moses and the prophets neither will they be persuaded though one rose from the dead Last scream that I have in hell is the stream of horror stream of horror More horrifying than this guy suffering for the rest of his life For Everlasting destruction was the thought that his brethren would come with him that his brethren would also be there what sheer horror what sheer grief and For us as a parent as someone who has loved maybe you're a spouse The thought of someone else suffering many times is much worse than the thought of yourself suffering What Is grief deep sorrow especially that is caused by someone's death what's horror fear and dread and terror Sadness heartbreak gloom melancholy agony. Whoa You know when a parent loses their child and they don't know where they're at Such whoa such terror Such dread such horror just the fact that something bad can happen to them let alone Knowing that something bad is happening to them Go to go to Matthew chapter 2 go to Matthew chapter number 2 There's going to be the scream of horror for those in hell knowing what awaits their loved ones Knowing what elates their children knowing what awaits their spouse knowing what awaits their family members their father their mother their uncle their cousin their whoever their neighbor That not only they have to suffer but others, you know, it's incredible there's men in the Bible which You Know they may have greater love than me, you know Even Moses is saying blot me out of thy book just for the sake of the children of Israel That's how much he loved them. He's like, I'll take the punishment We see other people in the Bible saying that they were willing to suffer the Apostle Paul said he wished he were cursed for his kinsmen's sake What love is that? Just the horror of all these other people just burning in hell. It's just too horrifying too terrible for him And if you have a loved one They care about just the horror of them going to hell's got to be terrified Matthew chapter 2 look at verse 16 Then Herod when he saw that he was mocked with a wise man was exceeding wrath and sent forth and so all the children that Were in Bethlehem and in all the coast thereof from two years old and under According the time which he had diligently inquired the wise men then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy the prophet saying and Rama Was there a voice heard? Repentation and weeping and great mourning Rachel weeping for her children would not be can comforted because they are not I Can't imagine something worse than someone taking my precious child and destroying it before my own eyes Hurting them. I mean nothing's gonna enrage me more Nothing is gonna cause me more to want to go and to stop that threat But to watch a precious child to watch someone who you love just be destroyed before you the pain and the suffering But this guy knows hey my five brethren Are gonna come to this place if someone doesn't get them to believe the gospel if someone doesn't go and preach unto them He's just so horrified after realizing all the torment that he's in After realizing all the regret for his own life after realizing all the despair of his own life He still had one last scream in hell it was the scream of horror for his brethren Go to Ezekiel chapter 11 Let me give you a proof text here of someone who doesn't want anyone to go to hell Because that's how I feel I I don't I have the serenity to accept that but Ezekiel chapter 11 is a rebuke from the Lord against false prophets Against people that are wicked teaching all kinds of false doctrine destroying the children of Israel And Ezekiel is given a word from the Lord look what it says in Ezekiel chapter 11 verse 12 And he shall know that I am the Lord. This is Ezekiel preaching for you have not walked in my statutes neither executed my judgments But I've done after the manners of the heathen that are round about you and it came to pass when I prophesied meaning preaching that Pelotia the son of Benaiah died I Mean Ezekiel such a hard preacher people are just dying in the middle of preaching I'm not that hard of a preacher. I can't cause you to just die But look what his response is Then I fell down upon my face and cried with a loud voice and said oh Lord God Wilt thou make a fall into the remnant of Israel He was sad It broke his heart to see people just dying right before his eyes Even somebody that was wicked even something that was terrible. That was horrifying. Why cuz he realizes it's it's it's just it's terrible. I Don't want anyone to go to hell Go to Proverbs chapter 17 Proverbs chapter 17 verse 17 Go to Proverbs chapter 17 Proverbs chapter 17 I can't cover a reverse on how We just have a small glimpse through a miracle of the rich man looking up to Abraham and the the poor beggar But we see four screens, don't we? Screams that I don't want to hear screams that I don't want to have to experience but we know they're going on constantly Mother Teresa every Pope Every person that hasn't believed the gospel Screaming and constant torment constant pain thinking about people that are still on this earth saying I wish I wish Someone would just rise from the dead and preach them the gospel Even though we got a church full of alive people today that could go out and preach the gospel there's a lot of people that have died in the Dallas-Fort Worth area that are just wishing that someone would go and Knock on their neighbor's door and try to preach in the gospel and try and get them saved Maybe that's you Proverbs chapter 17 look at verse 25 a Foolish son is a grief to his father in bitterness to her that bear him When children destroy themselves when children ruin their lives It's just great agony and woe unto the parents why because a parent hates to see pain and suffering on their children They hate to see any kind of pain parents don't want anything bad for their children Parents don't want any suffering or any pain the pain of knowing that your family members are in hell is so horrifying Go to Jeremiah 52 the last place I'll have you turn this morning Jeremiah 52 You have to be a fool to go to hell You Have 80 years all you have to do is in one moment God be mercifully a sinner Lord remembers me when thou cometh in thy kingdom Just a one moment For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved How then shall they call on him and whom they have not believed though? And now shall they believe in him whom they've not heard and now shall they hear without a preacher and now shall they preach Except they be sent and now shall they be sent it lest you preach about health. How's my ad lib? Jeremiah chapter 52 look at verse 9 Here's somebody that got a horrible death But it was delayed Says in verse 9 then they took the king and carried him up under the king of Babylon to Riblah in the hand of Hamath where he gave judgment upon him and the king of Babylon slew the sons of Zedekiah Before his eyes He slew also all the princes of Judah and Riblah then he put out the eyes of Zedekiah And the king of Babylon bound him in chains and carried him Babylon and put him in prison till the day of his death The last thing that Zedekiah got to see was his children killed before his eyes The sheer horror of watching your family member suffer before your own eyes The scream of horror in hell for people knowing Their families there their friends are there other people are there That's why the Bible tells us that After the great white throne judgment when we enter into eternity with God There's gonna be no more remembrance of the former things because the Bible says there's no more sorrow. There's no more pain He's gonna wipe away the tears from her face. If I could constantly be reminded of hell. I I Probably would enjoy heaven a little bit less But the reality is we'll forget but they won't They won't be remembered but they'll remember Why because they're gonna have the scream of torment they're gonna have this scream of regret They're gonna have this scream of despair. They're gonna have the scream of horror and if you're not saved