(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You You You You You You You You You You Good morning everyone welcome to steadfast Baptist Church If you could please find your seats and grab your songbooks, we're gonna sing 409 the fight is on 409 the fight is on Let's start it out this morning 409 the fight is on The fight The trumpet sound is ringing out the The price will soon The fight is on Soldier and face-to-face A With The fight is on 409 409 on the second Oh The fight Oh Oh Great singing let's open up in a word of prayer Heavenly Father Thank you for the opportunity to be in such a great church this morning And thank you for all the mothers and all of our lives and all the sacrifices that they've made for us and the great works That they do Spiritually and physically pray that you bless them all this morning. Do you say we pray? Amen? All right, let's go to 230 heavenly sunlight heavenly sunlight Two three zero heavenly sunlight Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Good morning, happy Mother's Day. Thank you so much for coming. If you need a bulletin just lift up your hand nice and high Also, we do have a small gift that we wanted to give to all the mothers today and so brother Oz and our ushers will be coming by and it's either I figured a coffee or an ice cream So you get to pick and we have we have enough to give everyone a coffee if that's what you prefer I figured that's what people would like so they'll come by and for all you mothers that are in the service this morning We would love to just hand you a small simple gift on the front of Bulletin we have a Bible memory passage Psalm 59 verse 2 so we're working on a new Psalm If you can quote this as a child 18 or under you can get receive a special treat on Wednesday night service If you are able to quote the entire chapter, then there's a prize for all ages You just have to quote that to a non family member on the inside we have our service and soul winning time as well as our church stats down below and Then on the right we have a list of several expecting ladies and We have our prayer list if you have any additional prayer requests You can always email those in or you could even fill out one of our communication cards slip that into the offering plate upcoming events May 18th That is this upcoming Saturday is our preaching class. It's a final one May 19th is a graduation Celebration for those who have graduated also, there is a wedding in honor of Josh Garcia and Cynthia Navajar that's planned for June 8th and They actually live down in the pure words area down in Houston area But they still want to just invite people if they would like to come to the ceremony and get to meet them And so even though you may not have met them before or know them if you want to attend you're welcome I believe it's gonna be 3 p.m. On that Saturday That's pretty much all I have as far as announcements. We're gonna sing Psalm 147 this morning. It's actually in our special handouts Psalm 147 They're on the first To our God for it is pleasant and praises come Really heal it the broken in our divided Now He called it by their names And great The meek Sing on to the Lord with thanks giving sing praise upon our Oh The young Ravens which cry He the lighted in the strength of the horse he take My pleasure The legs of a man the Lord take pleasure in them that fear him in those That hope in his mercy Great Oh Then the bars of I can't see My children With the finest of the wheat he sent for these Commandment upon earth his word run it very swiftly Scattered Scatter it like His eyes like He's in his word and melted And the waters flow Word on to take up his statutes and his judgments on to He Great singing if you turn your Bibles to Proverbs 23 We'll pass the offering plates around and we'll read Proverbs chapter 23 the entire chapter Proverbs 23 the entire chapter You You Proverbs 23 the Bible reads when thou sit is to eat with a ruler consider diligently what is before thee and put a knife to thy throat if thou be a man given to appetite be not desirous of His dainties for they are deceitful meet labor not to be rich cease from thine own wisdom Wilt thou set thine eyes upon that which is not for riches certainly make themselves wings They fly away as an eagle toward heaven eat thou not the bread of him that hath an evil eye neither Desire thou his dainty meets for as he thinketh in his heart So is he eat and drink saith he to thee but his heart is not with thee The morsel which thou hast eaten shalt thou vomit up and lose thy sweet words Speak not in the ears of a fool for he will despise the wisdom of thy words Remove not the old landmark and enter not into the fields of the fatherless for their Redeemer is mighty He shall plead their cause with thee Apply thine heart unto instruction in thine ears to the words of knowledge Withhold not correction from the child for if thou beatest him with the rod he shall not die Thou shalt beat him with the rod and shalt deliver his soul from hell My son if thine heart be wise my heart shall rejoice even mine Yea, my reigns shall rejoice when thy lips speak right things Let not thine heart envy sinners, but be thou in the fear of the Lord all the day long For surely there is an end and thine expectation shall not be cut off Hear thou my son and be wise and guide thine heart in the way be not among wine bibbers among riotous eaters of flesh for the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty and Drowsiness shall clothe a man with rags Harken unto thy father that begat thee and despise not thy mother when she is old buy the truth and sell it not Also wisdom and instruction and understanding The father of the righteous shall greatly rejoice and he that beget it the wise child shall have joy of him Thy father and thy mother shall be glad and she that bear thee shall rejoice My son give me thine heart and let not thine eyes observe my ways For a whore is a deep ditch and a strange woman is a narrow pit She also lieth and weighed as for a prey and increase at the transgressors among men who hath woe Who hath sorrow who hath contentions who hath babbling who hath wounds without cause who hath redness of eyes? They that tarry long at the wine they that go to seek mixed wine Look not thou upon the wine when it is red when it giveth this color in the cup what it moveth itself aright At the last it biteth like a serpent and stingeth like an adder Thine eyes shall behold strange women and thine heart shall utter perverse things Gay thou shalt be as he that lieth down in the midst of the sea or as he that lieth upon the top Of a mast they have stricken me shout thou say and I was not sick They have beaten me and I felt it not when shall I awake I will seek it yet again Let's bow our heads for a word of prayer father in heaven. I pray that you would bless all the mothers out there and Especially those who are raising their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord I also pray that you fill pastor Shelly with your spirit and enable him to preach his sermon for us this morning with power We love you in in Jesus name. I pray. Amen Amen I want to look at verse 22. The Bible says harken unto thy father that begat thee and despise not thy mother when she is old and Here in this proverb. It's giving us a specific scenario specific timeline as far as when people might have some kind of ill will or May despise their mother when she gets older And of course as your mother gets older you get older as well. And I believe that it's very common It's very natural for us to distance ourselves from our parents as we get older Sometimes we think we're smarter wiser and frankly we often forget What our parents have done for us and so there's a tendency for humanity to be a little bit disrespectful Towards their mother to not appreciate their mother to look at their mother as being a burden or being a problem or being someone they don't want to be around and I believe that this proverb is trying to give us some some great advice here that even if your mother gets older We need to make sure that we're still loving her and appreciating her and specifically saying thanks to mom You know today is Mother's Day and I have no problem celebrating that day. I think it's a great idea. It's a great Concept for us to thank our moms to bless our moms to appreciate our moms And so the title of my sermon is say thanks to mom Say thanks to mom and I have three points as to why I believe you should be saying thank you to your mother But I want to also make it clear that many people are not doing this This is something that I know it's the celebration of Mother's Day, but people are not doing this in general You know a lot of people think like okay I said thanks on one day out of 365 days out of the year on Mother's Day specifically, so I'm good But you know the reminder should be not just for today The reminder should be for every day of your life that you're thankful towards your mother and have an appreciation for her on Every day and every part of your life that you're not just despising or 364 days and then oh Thanks, mom on one day or if it's a leap year, of course 365 and then the one sorry That's for flat earthers. They're stupid. They don't understand the calendars and stuff like that Go go to Proverbs chapter 30 go to Proverbs chapter 30 but we need to say thanks to our mother and it's a Evil and a wicked generation that does not appreciate their mother Being a mother today is looked down upon in society it's looked as being inferior to having a career or elevating self or Indulging oneself today many women praise the fact that they don't have children Many women today are going out and pretending like their lives are so much happier and better because they're not a mother So many women today look at the idea of having a lot of children as being such a negative thing Or a horrible thing or I could never imagine myself doing this And it's just a shame that our culture has gotten to a point where they really look down on motherhood When it's one of the greatest things that we have in our society is women being a mother and in fact None of us would be here without a mother You know all these people that are pro-abortion What hypocrisy for them to even have a position that their their mother didn't abort them If there's such an advocate for abortion, why don't they start with themselves? Because a lot of them are late-term abortionists. Okay. Well, let's go really late-term and you can start with yourself Okay, because you know what mothers are great mothers are wonderful we are here because of our mother and I think sometimes we just forget that point and We just kind of focus on ourselves or our current situation and people look at their mother. Oh, she's old My mother's a burden My mother doesn't know as much information as I know She wasn't she didn't grow up with the internet and she didn't grow up with all these cool things so she's ignorant or foolish, but you know, there's just a bad attitude and Proverbs chapter 30 verse 11 warns It says there is a generation that curseth their father and doth not bless their mother The Bible warns that there are generations there are groups of people there are cultures that do not generally bless their mother And I believe we're seeing that in our current society in America that many people have a negative attitude towards their parents they they have a strong Distaste or just ill-favoredness towards their mother and you know what it's a wicked ideology We should be saying thanks to mom and not just a day but on a regular basis we should be blessing our mother and loving our mother and I'm gonna give you three points as to why you should always be saying and thanks to your mom But go if you would back to Proverbs chapter 4 point number one is the fact that your mom loved you It doesn't matter what mom you had. It doesn't matter who your mother was. She did love you now again Do some mothers love more than others Absolutely, does everybody have the exact same scenario and the exact same mother? No, but your mom did love you to some degree. Otherwise, you wouldn't even exist She Carried you in her womb. She gave birth to you she gave you food and nourishment and I'm sure that she even did many other things than that, but your mother did give you life And so, you know today when abortion and alternatives Are ever increasing just the fact that she would even carry you in her womb shows at least some level of love okay, and so we need to make sure that we're willing to say thank you to our mother and Some people may not even have been raised by their biological mother Maybe they were raised by someone else or they were adopted and they had some other woman in their life That was like a mother unto them whether that was a grandparent whether that was an adoptive mother You know what that person should also be told Thank you and can be looked to as a mother figure in your life. And so we should make sure that we appreciate our mothers for the love that they shared towards us for the love that they bestowed upon us and Proverbs chapter 4. I wanted to look at verse number 3 You Know no one really loves Like a mother and I think of this proverb is really important to that point it says this for I was my father's son tender and it says this and Only beloved in the sight of my mother. Have you ever heard this phrase a face that only a mother can love? Some people have that But isn't it nice. There's always that caveat. It's like boy, you're so ugly But your mother still loves you. Okay, it's like you could be the ugliest duckling You could be just having everything wrong, but somehow the mother just still loves you Okay, and it just goes to show how much a mother Just maternal instinct. She just has so much more love For her children than anybody else and that should be appreciated that should be Told thank you for having such a great love and many times in Comparison even myself. I feel like my wife shows a lot more love to our children in all kinds of ways Now, of course, I love my children greatly I would be willing to die for them But there are certain things that my wife does and loves them more than I do You know whenever they need comfort whenever they need support, you know, I'm just kind of like get over it It's not like I don't love them But I don't love them the same way that my wife does my wife will love them in a unique way She'll empathize with them in a different way and she bestows so much more care and attention And affection towards them then perhaps I would especially even the babies You know as a dude, I love my baby, but I'm just not like super into babies Okay, like I'm not just like the goo gaga and I just want to hold them all the time And and show them as much affection and my wife. She's the you know, almost the antithesis in some ways She just loves holding her babies and giving them so much love and affection and and care and attention And I just know that my child would not get that if it was only up to me If it's only up to dudes, you know Babies would just not have that same love and care and affection and attention to detail, you know, especially I mean she thinks about everything every breath. I'm just like it's fine. You know, it's just like whatever Go if you would to Titus chapter 2. I want to go to the New Testament for a moment. Go to Titus chapter number 2 You know, there's there's certain things that Women instinctively think about care about there's this maternal instinct that's inside women. That's just so much different and you know what God bless that I'm so glad that my Infants and my babies and my toddlers get all this extra special attention and love and affection from their mother and The thing is is I can't remember that part of my life. I Mean who in here remembers when they were one year old or two years old But see I know that that happened for me Not because I know like I can remember the experience or I pictures or video evidence, but I just know that's how it works That's just how it happens I see how my wife treats my children and I know someone must have done that for me and I even know specifically because my mom's told me I was breastfed. So my mom obviously went through a lot of Difficulty and and all kinds of the nuances that it comes with breastfeeding breastfeeding can be difficult for some it can be painful at times It can be frustrating to be on demand You know what I greatly appreciate that my mother loved me in that way and Even though I can't remember that even though I have zero memory of that You know, I should still be appreciative of that fact and I think that the Bible is trying to warn us Hey, you probably forgot all the great things your mom did. That's why you have such a negative attitude towards your mother And you should pay attention especially you women that have little children. You should recognize wow, this is pretty hard There's a lot of effort energy here. My mom must have done a lot for me and Let's be honest you women that have children. You have a lot of thankless days It's not like your little babies and toddlers and kids are constantly saying like thanks for that meal and thanks for this You know, they're usually pretty unappreciative by nature They're pretty Narcissistic by nature they kind of only care about themselves They're kind of focused on me And in fact, I would say and probably argue that most children are More likely to complain about the meals that they receive then say thanks for the meals that they receive, right? I'm not gonna name in from all the ladies, but I'm sure it's it's probably pretty loud out there. Okay, I mean that's just that's just kind of the reality and Unfortunately, people are just not appreciating their moms For what they do now the aged women in the Bible are supposed to instruct the younger women In a particular way it says in Titus chapter number 2 verse 3 through 4 the aged women likewise that they be in behavior as Become of holiness not false accusers not given to much wine Teachers of good things that they may teach the young women to be sober to love their husbands to love Their children, you know what this tells me is it tells me that women sometimes They may not always understand all the best ways to love their children that maybe there's actually a learning curve that we can take some guidance and we can take some instruction from the older generation and ask them advice on how to love our children and the things to do and Where does that come from it comes from your mother who's older? You know don't look at oh, my mom's older. She doesn't know what's going on No, oftentimes we need to look to our mother and ask her advice on How to raise our children how to love our children. What are some tips? What are some? Tools and again, some people might think like my mom's not even saved or my mom's not a Christian Yeah But she's a mother and there's just so much you can learn from experience and it's great to take the experiences that you have from Your mother and your grandmother and your aunt's and just older ladies and help have them help you Understand what it means to love a child what it means to love your husband and you know, it's a shame that We don't have more good examples of this But and you ladies as you grow older You need to remind yourself of these things and say I want to be a good example under the younger generation and to show them Love their children because it's such an important aspect of motherhood and we know that mothers Just love differently than the rest of us go view it to 1st Corinthians chapter number 13 go to 1st Corinthians chapter number 13 You know the Bible Talks about love in a very specific way in 1st Corinthians chapter 13. It uses the word charity and my Way of understanding the word charity is The if you couple two different words together because some modern versions will translate the word charity in 1st Corinthians 13 is love and That that's not inaccurate That's not saying that's not like a bad word to substitute there because that's what that means But I think to get maybe a truer sense of what charity is. I usually say it's true love It's true love because our word for love's pretty broad We can talk about like loving pizza or loving football or in fact, sometimes people even love things that are bad Loving iniquity or loving evil or loving money, you know, those are not good forms of love They're not a true sense of love. And so when we talk about charity, I believe what we're talking about is true love Now charity is in the Bible is kind of the pinnacle of Christianity it really is the ultimate goal like we should all strive to have charity in our lives and The charity demonstrated in the Bible is towards other people It's not towards ourselves and specifically Jesus Christ really emphasizes charity towards those Whom do not deserve it Are not people that are necessarily already your friends or close relatives or family because he says even the unsaved love their own even the ungodly love their own and What I think first Corinthians 13 kind of shows us is how mothers in general exhibit a lot of attributes of charity towards their children and we should learn and notice how a mother treats her children and Then we should take from that an example of how we should exhibit charity towards the ungodly towards the unsaved Towards other people in our lives and showing that same kind of compassion Love and appreciation for people and we have in 1st Corinthians 13 verse 4. It says this charity suffereth long and is kind so just as mothers show just a Unwavering kindness towards their children is how we should treat other people and and it's just kind of incredible to me Sometimes when I think about it Just how especially my certain toddlers and some of the children that we have Just my wife just always has such a positive attitude towards them now Sometimes it gets to a point where it changes Okay, and then we have to apply a lot of discipline But I'm just saying like there's there's especially this special moment in time where they kind of transition from a baby to a toddler and it's just like my wife just only ever has positive feelings towards that child and It's kind of funny because we had Jane when we had James he was kind of a tougher baby, but we had this phrase We always say we always say we never spank James Okay, and it was just because he's kind of in this age where you don't really he wouldn't really get discipline And so we're not gonna do that and we were just kind of talking about it in a funny way Like we just love him, right? We only ever show compassion and and love and affection towards him now that phrase doesn't last forever Okay, folks but it obviously changed eventually and once he can understand discipline boy did he need some and still does but There's this moment in time where you know, you just have these little tiny infants and babies and as they're transitioning it's kind of like this only love phase and Kindness that you show towards those babies and it's special. It's unique It's it's fun. It's exciting and it's it's fun to see my wife just kind of light up with joy and she's just so Enamored with her own child and I believe that that innate personality trait that innate emotion is something that we should strive towards having towards the lost and having towards people and and having a general Kindness towards individuals. I know there's a lot of articles about our church that suggests that we're not very kind But we should be kind in our personal one-on-one relationships and many times people don't experience What they assume or expect from a fundamental badness, they'll say oh you guys are mean and harsh and whatever But in reality when they talk to us and they're around us, they should they should feel kindness now again I'm not saying that the false prophets are gonna feel kindness from me because they won't okay I'm not saying that certain evil Reprobates of our society that I'm gonna go and love and be sweet and kind to but you know the people that are not those rare exceptions should feel the love coming from genuine Christianity the charity and the kindness and you know where that comes from you can learn that from the mothers of today and That's a reason why we should thank our moms is because there was a point in our lives where your mom just showed You love and you didn't deserve it You didn't deserve it you were a brat you threw up on yourself or you made a mess or you soiled yourself or you had a blowout or You just you ruined something. I mean babies and toddlers break things and ruin things I've seen my toddlers. They'll grab my wife's earrings and just rip them or grab her hair or scratch her I mean, there's just all kinds of things that babies and toddlers do but they don't know any better And you know, it's so wonderful to see my wife and to see mothers just showing grace and kindness And love and compassion towards that individual and just like this toddler doesn't know what they're doing That's how we should view the loss today that yeah Maybe they make claws and scratches and pull and throw up on themselves and do whatever But we can still show them grace and kindness just like our moms did to us. Oh Oh We should render evil for evil No We should render good for evil and blessing for cursing and we should be kind under them just like mothers were kind and us and We should recognize that's a reason to say Thanks to mom is the kindness and the grace that she showed towards us and I guarantee most of that you don't even remember But I know it happened I know it happened Look at this verse a little bit further. Let's keep reading. It says charity envious not Charity Vontith not itself is not puffed up You know, it's not about mom getting her way or what she wants but rather she's caring about the best for her children and she's putting her children first and she's not getting envious of the things that her children have Verse five does not behave itself unseemly seeketh not her own You know as a mother You're having to elevate the needs and the desires of other people I constantly see my wife and other mothers Sacrificing in all kinds of different ways, you know when it comes to meals, they're not getting served first They're serving the children first getting dressed. They're getting them dressed first getting to bed. They're putting them to bed first, right? They're kind of just elevating the needs of their children Above their own they're not seeking their own They're not looking at children as servants But rather they're serving their children and I know that that happened for us as well Another great reason to see the love of our our mothers. It says is he's not easily provoked You know, I mean that's that's difficult because children will provoke you I Mean children they get on like every last nerve I'm sometimes sometimes I have to watch the kids for a few hours and I'm thinking how does she do this all day? Like I don't even know how that's possible because I'm much obviously easier provoked than they than she is, right? She's so much more willing to be around them and want to be around them and that just goes to show like women just Have just this ability to be around frustrating situations more than we do. I Mean that's incredible to think about how much they have to put put up with and go through and be provoked And again, that's an abs that's a picture of charity It's an example of charity verse 5 also says think it no evil You know, there's nothing quite like how much a mother believes in her child You you see especially in sporting events Mom's going out and cheering for their sons and being excited for their children, even though their children are terrible at that sport Even though their child is not good and there's no one else cheering them on but mom is Right, and it's just it's kind of an incredible thing She's not thinking evil of her child. She's thinking the best of her child. She believes in her child. She roots for a child and It's even crazy when you think about it, but certain evil people of our society Certain people that go out and commit horrible crimes and do horrible things There will be kids that go out and they'll commit a drunk driving accident. They'll kill someone they'll rob from someone They'll steal from someone and then they'll have an interviewer come and report her come and interview the mom and she's like He's really a good kid at heart You're just thinking like no, he's not He really just is pretty evil, okay But it's just like somehow mom just sees the good in her child Even when he's a rotten person and again, sometimes that can be taken to too much of an extreme but isn't it nice to have someone that's willing to just kind of always be on your side and Always be an advocate and always think the best of you and always feel like you could be a better person and you know what? That's typically your mother It's typically your mother who has that just gracious attitude That just always kind of believed in you always kind of thinks the best of you is always kind of on your side It's always kind of on your team and you know what? That's a special thing to have in a mother and that's a reason to say thanks to your mom Now again, that doesn't mean that we don't have sometimes disagreements with our parents That doesn't mean sometimes our parents don't disappoint us or let us down But I guarantee there's been many times where your mom believed in you when no one else did there's been many times when your mom thought positively of you when it probably wasn't warranted and most of the time moms probably think better of you than you think of yourself and it's just encouraging to have that thought process to have a mom that's Thinking of us and on our team and thinking good of us showing us compassion when we fail Comforting us when we fail whenever you do Compete or you do Go out in business and maybe you fail It's usually the mom that's still there to try and encourage you to support you to come for you Whereas maybe your teammates are like quit the team, you know find a different hobby Like take two weeks off and quit, you know They're just that's that's typically a lot of the response you get but your mom is still there to come for you and encourage You and try to support you even in your failures even in your miseries even in your lowest moments often a mother is there to come alongside and to comfort and to Just assist in your life and it's an aspect of charity again. I'm not saying that Every single mom is always doing this all the time But what I'm trying to help you understand is that much of your life this probably did happen and many of these things you may Have forgotten or you may never remember because you're too young but your mom did these things most of our mothers are doing these things even today and You know for those of us that still have a mom My mom is not with me today, and that's very sad. My mom never got to meet any of my children, which definitely makes me Sad when I think about it just because my mom was such a great mom And my mom loved grandchildren greatly and she really believed in them And I could see this from her example in many ways where? Some of my nieces and nephews Which were her grandchildren? Were not good had a lot of problems but my mom just still had just like a positive attitude towards that child and thought good for that child and tried to encourage that child to do good and I know that she Constantly prayed for them and loved them and showered them with gifts and attention and affection and You know it's it's really it was really special at least that I got to see it Even if it wasn't for me or my children just to see that example set And I know that my mom she always believed in me and was really positive And you know I played a lot of sports growing up. That was just my life I played a lot of different sports played soccer played hockey and Mostly I played golf competitively, and I played golf even in college and You know my dad His attitude would always be dependent upon how I did in sports, okay? If I did great he was really happy and positive about it, and if I was not doing good It was a very different story, okay? It's a lot of let go Brandon type. You know story, okay? but My mom it didn't matter if I won the golf tournament, or if I got dead last She still loved me and treated me the same every time you know I was around her You know that's that's kind of nice to know like hey at least somebody's Positive and encouraging and just loves you no matter what and is gonna treat you differently based on that particular experience and my mom would still believe in me even if I had struggles or failures and My mom would constantly praise me when I did not feel like it was it was warranted whatsoever, and you know my mom was a great mom I I really I Can't complain at all because I know that my mom loved me greatly, and she showed me all kinds of special affection In my life, and it's good to remind ourselves of these things And you know I wish that I could remind myself so I could say thank you to mom today But at the end of the day You know what I can do is I can take that love that she showed towards me And I can love other people in that way, and that's a better way to say thanks to my mom a better way to say thanks to my mom is to love people like she did as Opposed to just telling her. Thank you, and I guarantee at the end of the day your mom cares more about you being a good person About you loving people and being kind and having charity in your life, then she cares about you just saying thanks to her Moms would care way more that you're a good child And you love other people and you love your children and never tell her thank you and never send her a card Then to be someone that doesn't love her love your children doesn't do the right thing But sends her a really fancy bouquet on Mother's Day You know it's not about the symbol Obviously there's nothing wrong with blessing your mom or doing something special for her on this day But you know what makes moms happy on Mother's Day Good children You know makes them sad bad children that makes them disappointed Because for a mom her children is her work for a mom This is her portfolio for a mom. This is her career. You know. There's no greater career than your children and You are a reflection of her work And so when you're a good child you're encouraging your mother to say you did a good job. You loved me I'm not taking the grace and the compassion and the charity that you bestowed on me, and I'm Throwing it away it's not in vain but rather you can see the fruit of the love and the compassion and the joy and the effort and the energy and the investment that you made and It's not about just oh, I called my mom and said thanks on Mother's Day. Oh, I sent her a text Oh, I sent her a meme look. You know it's it's about being a good child. It's about loving your spouse It's about loving your children It's about doing the right thing and taking the love she gave you and loving other people That is gonna say thanks to mom It Says in verse number six rejoiceth not iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth Beareth all things believeth all things hopeeth all things endureth all things how many things have mothers endured today all of your attitudes All of your disobedience I Know that my mom had to put up with a lot because my children disobey a lot Okay, and sometimes it's like that seems like that's me. You know that's my attitude or that's my problem and You know just how much did moms have to deal with? Did they have to just endure and go through but they just still loved they still did good under their children Hope of all things. They're believing all things. They're bearing. I mean, it's not even just enduring it's like notice in this it's like bearing and Enduring just so many different things that mothers have to go through hormones I You know and especially in the later years I Hear I don't have a lot of experience of this but I hear that it's sometimes even harder when they're teenagers because They say little kids little problems big kids big problems, and you have to go through the heartaches the Disappointments the the big the bigger problems the bigger fights. You know it's a lot easier to Lose an argument when you're five Okay, but when they're 15 16 17 and they just the teenagers think they've literally conquered the world mentally They think that they are so much wiser than their parents and this the arguments the disagreements the grief that we can give towards our parents when we Disobey them and go against their instruction and go against their wisdom You know it's a lot. It's a lot to bear. It's a lot to endure and Even frankly speaking how many parents have to endure and bear? bad adult children and That's just that's just got to hurt You know that's got to hurt. It's got to be painful and Yet many times they still love their children. They still show compassion and affection towards them Maybe they don't agree with some of the decisions. They've made I know that a lot of parents Have even sacrificed for their children to go to college, and then they literally wasted it You know I know people like they started out going to college I know individuals whose parents put a lot of money and energy they spent a lot of time working hard and their child went to college and they literally failed every single class and didn't do anything and then like even on top of that they like knock people up and do drugs and just like commit crimes and Total cars and just like all kinds of horrible things you know that's difficult and It's difficult because not only that could be your brother that could be your sister that could be someone else And then they still have to love you they still have to go through all these different Difficulties, it'd be easy to go through that experience and be like well. I'm done I'm done showing any love and compassion towards you brats, right It's over and you know sometimes people can get that way and that's sad But many times mothers they just keep loving anyways they keep saying you know what I'm gonna still love my children Even though I might have been burned by your brother or burned by your sister or even burned by you I'm still gonna show love and compassion and charity and grace towards you And you know I think we can learn a lot from mothers in general that they show a love that's unique to us Just just being picky on food And I get to experience this on a slight scale because sometimes I make dinner And when I do make dinner it is there's an extra special Irritation when the child doesn't want to eat it Like it's it's irritating when your kids don't want to eat But there's just this little extra special irritation when you've made the meal Okay, and so you know for us men many of us don't necessarily cook or make the meals But we need to appreciate that our wives and our mothers that are spending all this time effort and energy making the meal You know that when a child is like ew I don't want this I don't like this whatever You know it's like you're gonna eat it. You know it's like shut up. You know Now of course when they're really young sometimes they can't even control it I remember one time there's there's only been like one time I can think of my wife making a meal That wasn't very good, but it was funny. Just because it wasn't very good I wasn't gonna say anything, but her little baby toddler. He just tries a bite, and he's like mommy. This is gross And we just both laughed because it was just it was just kind of funny But you know if you're old enough to have gotten that joke you never say that okay Never say that you just grin and grin and eat it and just choke it down and just say You know this is great. I don't need anymore. I'm so really satisfied But at the end of the day you know Moms have to put up with a lot of disappointment a lot of the pickiness the moodiness Attitudes I know me as a kid. I constantly changed what food I liked I don't know whose kids constantly change what food they like okay? There's a few people all right I mean for me my my parents and my sister especially got really mad because it would be like they would make me a Meal thinking I really like it And I'm like I don't like that anymore, and it would just really rub the wrong way It's like no you like that meal. You're gonna keep liking that meal right and It's just there's so many little nuances like this the moms have to go through all the time Fighting on clothes fighting on bedtime fighting on food fighting on just using the bathroom Appropriately fighting on cleaning fighting on schooling fighting on everything You know fighting on just getting in the car fighting on getting out of the car Them fighting with their brother and their sister You know they're just so much that the mom has to constantly just deal with and she's just a constant conflict Resolution manager you know she's constantly having to get in there mediate between all these parties and and fix all these problems and There's just so much love that's there that I think we just forget and we don't appreciate it You know that's the wrong attitude go to Proverbs 31 go to Proverbs chapter 31. I want to highlight a few more verses here, but Mothers have a lot of love that I think we sometimes forget. We don't appreciate and it's good to remind ourselves It's good to remind ourselves what they do and what they've done The example that they set the natural in Instinct that God has placed inside mothers and I think that also you know mothers have a special intuition about their children and And make a lot of decisions they have to make a lot of decisions for their children on a regular basis What food to give them? What medicine to possibly give them? What kind of treatments to give them when they're sick or when they're ill or what kind of problems they have? They play nurse they play doctor they play Nutrition this they play basically chef Baker tutor I mean, they're just playing so many different roles in their child's life, and it just goes to show No one would do this for free In fact, almost all these services are some of those expensive things you could ever pay for Because no one wants to do them and yet your mom's doing it for free all the time 24-7 staying and having sleepless nights Going through all kinds of pain and suffering and it just goes to show the love that they have Proverbs 31 talks about some of the attributes of a great woman and I believe that we see this in a lot of mothers verse 15 It says this she rises also wild as yet night and giveth meat to her household and portion her maidens Just the fact I mean just feeding us on a regular basis such an important task it's a task that we all love and appreciate and specifically it's saying even here this woman is Inconvenienced Personally to provide meals and to provide food You know, that's great and you know I grew up in a household where my mom served the men of the household and you know I just greatly appreciate that, you know She really sacrificed and really labored and really loved us and she would make all the meals Make sure all them in fact It was her policy that the men would like get to go through the line first and get to eat first you know because she wanted to take care of the men and to love the men and You know, it was a really rude awakening when I'd be around other people that were feminist So it's like I'm thinking like I'm used to showing up and it's like the men are taken care of The men are appreciated, you know We go out and work and then we're kind of served and and it's kind of the woman's chance to shine It's the woman's chance to shine and the work and the service and the effort that she puts in I mean, isn't that what women do when they're at the restaurant as the waitress as Whatever the role they have it's their time to shine like can you imagine going to the restaurant and the waitress walks up and and You're like, hey, can we get some drinks? I don't know Why don't you get them yourself? I Haven't had a drink in a while Okay Can we order I don't feel like it right now I Don't want I don't want to take care of you guys you'd be like can we get a new server Over here. I mean you want the server and I mean think about how servers typically treat you They're just like yes, sir. Yes, ma'am. And here's this attitude whatever you want Wow, what an amazing attitude you know, but I mean my mom really exhibited this at attribute in this attitude and I Greatly appreciated that it is it is by far gone in our society Like it just almost doesn't even exist anymore Sometimes you can be around it But boy, it is a special and unique experience to be in some lady's house and she is just serving The men she's serving the children She's serving everybody and she recognizes that's her job and she doesn't look at it as like Demeaning or negative or a bad thing. I mean notice this Proverbs 31 verse 15 She rises also a lot as yet night and giveth meat to her household and a portion to her maiden This woman is the queen of the castle, but instead of sitting on a throne she's getting on her knees and serving She's going and she's serving and she's even serving her servants Did you notice what it says and give her the portion to her maidens that's talking about her servants her young women She's going out there and doing the hard work doing the labor setting forth the example and teaching the young ladies So the young ladies aren't thinking I can't wait till I elevate to Queen B They're seeing. Oh when I get to that position I'm gonna be the one serving and and and helping others and doing all of this work doing all the work You know and again, I'm all for teaching your children to do stuff, you know, whatever I can replace myself and my wife Let's get our children in there and active but at the same time it's not so I can lay back and do nothing It's so I can do different work. It's so I can do more important work. You know, we shouldn't we shouldn't try to Escape working, but we can by employing our children and putting other people to work We can do even greater works, you know as a pastor I Try my best to try and incorporate other people in the congregation and get other individuals into the into the fight we've got ushers and we've got all kinds of musicians and we've got people that lead the song leading and we've got people doing all kinds of different tasks and activities and You know, I think that that's great, but it's not so I can just lay down and do nothing It's so I can focus on other tasks or try to do other work You know, I want to make sure that I'm working too and setting a good example I don't want to just sit here and do nothing You know, that's the problem with CEOs and Kings and presidents and leaders today They just want to be served rather than working hard and setting good example And you know who can instill this example into young men? mothers mothers and we should learn from mothers example how they are serving and doing good and other individuals and Loving other individuals and working super hard. I remember my mother would always be the last person to eat in our family and You know what? I Never even really I was probably really selfish as a kid I didn't really think about it, but I did think this my mom's great You know, that's what it says in the latter portion of this in verse 28 her children rise up and call her blessed Her husband also any praise there You know if my mom just served herself and said go take care of you know, do you later There wouldn't be a lot for me to praise with there You know, I can praise my mother is because she put me first and put the men first and served us That's why she got praised. You know, there's a lot of women out there there. Oh, no one's praising me It's like okay. Well, what are you doing? You know in order to get praise you got to do something and it's like the feminism movement They want praise for doing nothing They want praise for existing It's its entitlement attitude They don't want to serve and they think that serving other people makes them of an inferior Position or somehow lesser of an individual. It's like I can't serve my husband So I'll go serve the manager at subway and it's so funny because they literally Demean themselves by trying to elevate themselves You know the Bible talks about when you talk about pride and humility and everything like that It says hey when you try to elevate yourself and you lift yourself up you're actually gonna go down and when you actually go down you're gonna lift yourself up and these feminists are constantly trying to lift themselves up and it just makes them look worse and Get demeaned and made fun of and ridiculed and people look down upon them And frankly speaking if you think that you as a woman are going to go into the workplace and earn the respect of men You're only fooling yourself Because men don't want you to be there they don't think you're doing a very good job I heard someone else explain this so I can't take credit for it, but it was kind of funny They were talking about how mothers Whenever they have young children, they're often brought gifts and when they're brought gifts from the children They're not like fancy chocolates and stuff from the store. They're homemade creations, right? They're just they're going and finding paper and cups and they're finding all kinds of crazy things in the house and sometimes they're even finding stuff outside the house like dirt and bugs and whatever and They're like putting together like these little creations, you know And sometimes they even have boogers and snot and they're they're kind of missing stuff and it's wet and you're like Why is this wet, you know? Like but then they present it to their mom and and you know how mom treats it This is so wonderful, honey. This is so amazing. You did such a good job on this. This is so great And then he said now this is how men view women at work It's like your little booger infested cup that's wet. They're just like you did such a good job But it's like nobody thinks they did a good job Okay, because it's just not the reality and you know what women that are in the household though That's not the burger and first infested cup You know the stuff that my wife bakes and makes I'm thinking like I don't know how to do that. That's incredible This is wonderful. You know the affection and the attention she shows her children the things he does I'm not seeing like oh I could easily replace that I'm thinking this is unique to her. She's special. She's gifted She's wonderful in this area You know, we should praise women for being mothers because no one can be a mother like mothers Anybody can go to Subway and serve a sandwich anybody can go into the workplace and do all this I mean, there's nothing really special and unique about that and there's nothing special or unique doing 65% of the work that a man can do You know what? Why don't you do 200% what a man could do in the household? And women today That our mothers are showing the greatest love in our society. They always want to talk about love, you know loves the most mothers Not elevating self Elevating their others elevating their children. Look at verse 21 She is not afraid of the snow for a household for all her household or clothes scarlet Nobody cares about how you're dressed more than your mother boy, I just throw stuff on and it's just like so do our kids and Here's the thing Sometimes I have the kids and we're gonna go out and I'm like, hey y'all go dress yourself and they come back And I'm thinking like what's wrong with you? Obviously your mother must dress you because you look weird Okay I mean they're wearing like different kinds of plaid with different colors and then like these green socks up to their knees and I'm thinking like How did you even come up with this creation? Did you like to grab stuff like this? Like why did you choose that clothing and it's like nobody dresses children like their mother plus a lot of the clothes Let's be honest all of the clothes my wife somehow acquired She either went out and purchased found shop thrifted traded whatever. I don't know what else she's doing But my children look great and I'm thinking like if I was in charge of this task It would probably be rough. It just we'd all wear the same like red uniform shirt or something Oh, yeah, it's like like five days a week or something Is I don't even know I mean look at when guys are in charge of the outfits It's just like they all wear camo right? I mean, that's that's your one outfit you get camo Okay, just wear this son, you know, or it's like a gray jumpsuit or something, right? It's not these nice looking clothing. It may not even really matter I mean if Hitler is your boss He doesn't even give you warm enough clothing to survive the winter and he just puts you out there and kills you Literally Hitler literally put his army up against the Russians in the coldest winter and literally just killed Hundreds of thousands of soldiers through just frigid temperatures, but you know mothers would never do that Mothers would never send their young sons out on the front lines without a nice coat Without warm durable clothing. Okay, men. Just don't care the same way that a mother or a woman cares In fact, I remember my mom one time when it snowed She helped me because I didn't have a snow suit so she looked literally took like Walmart sacks and She just like wrapped them all around like my feet and my hands and all this stuff and like Just Jerry rigged this weird snow suit out of like Walmart sacks and stuff But you know what it kept me warm and it was a lot of fun and I might have looked like a homeless Person, but I was having a blast. Okay, I I Didn't care kids don't care what they're wearing verse 26 She opened her their mouth of wisdom and in her tongue is the law of kindness, you know Mothers are just the most kind people we have got a first Samuel chapter one. I want to Look at a quick story here Point one is this, you know We should say thanks to mom for their love and that's the most important point because it really encompasses everything Mothers love in a special way and when I see other people interact with my children when it's me When it's my my parents when it's her parents no one loves my children like my wife does no one loves children like their mother and It's a special unique love and affection and kindness and attention and you know what I guarantee all of us have had Experiences like that whether you can remember them or not And there's no reason to sit here and despise your mother even though she's old because you should be appreciative of what she's done for you a Second point and again this may not apply to every single person But for most of us and a lot of us We even had mothers who may have had some level of of Christian faith Okay, and if you had a mother that had any level of faith that is a special thing to say thank you for That is a special thing to say. Thank you for the faith you got and you know, praise God I did have a mother who loved the Bible who loved church who talked about God all the time prayed for me and our children all the time and She wasn't right on a lot of doctrine She definitely had things wrong to say the least but you know, just that example of loving the Bible and loving church really has carried with me my whole life and It's special now in first Samuel chapter 1 we talked about Hannah a woman who? Greatly desires to have a child to love and it says in verse number eight Then said Al-qayna her husband to her Hannah why weepest thou and why eatest thou not and why is thy heart grieved and Not I better to thee than ten sons. And so, you know, this is how guys don't understand empathy at all And they're just like hey, am I not better than ten sons? Well, here's the thing technically. Yes I agree with him that a husband is technically better than sons And my wife is more valuable than all of my children combined But but it's not like one or the other It's not like you just have to say just because my wife is more important than my children Doesn't mean that children aren't important. And so that's where the guy doesn't get empathy. It's like hey, yeah having a husband great You're wonderful. I'm not trying to take away from that. You know what she wants children, too, and that's okay That's that's fine for her to desire to have children and she can be disappointed in not having children and She desires these children She ends up praying for them specifically look at verse 9 and so Hannah rose up after they had eaten in silo and After they had drunk now Eli the priest sat upon a seat by a post of the temple the Lord and she was in bitterness of soul and prayed Unto the Lord and wept sore. Hey, here's some good advice when you're upset pray Hey, I'm really upset I'm really sad about something what did she do she prayed verse 11 and She vowed a vow and Said Oh Lord of hosts if thou will indeed look on the affliction of thine handmaid and remember me and not forget thine handmaid But will give unto thy handmaid a man child then I will give him Unto the Lord all the days of his life and there shall no razor come Upon his head notice the faith that this woman has she says Lord if you will bless me with a child And I promise to raise this child for you You know what to God that women would dedicate their children to serving God Like that would be the most important thing some women the most important thing for their child is to be a famous actor for them to be a professional sports athlete or to go into the family business or to do all kinds of certain accolades to help their mom or to be a Professional football player and then buy their mom a house when they finally get their first contract But you know what's the most important thing is a child that loves God and you know what? Many women are just blessed with children Irrespective of their actual desires or faith But you know It's a special thing that God wants to bless this woman with a child who's struggling to have a child Because she wants to dedicate him to the Lord and she's gonna have a special child In fact, that's what the book of the Bible is named after is this child Samuel? What a great man of God Samuel was and he was a child dedicated in the Lord verse 20. It says this Wherefore it came to pass when the time was come about after Hannah had conceived that she bear a son and called his name Samuel saying Because I have asked him of the Lord notice his name specifically is Attributed the fact that he was asked of by God She wanted a child. She asked God for a child and she got a child why? Because she asked God, you know, praise God for mothers that pray and understand that sometimes you have not Because he asked not Praise God for mothers that asked, you know, my mom even and my dad would tell me But specifically my mother would tell me that they had constantly prayed that God would give me a great spouse and I do have a great spouse and I believe that's in part due to the fact that my mother was asking for me to have a great spouse How many other things that my mother asked the Lord for me specifically and give it to me? I know that my mom I don't know why but my mom literally would pray and tell me all the time that she Asked the Lord that I'd be greatly used by him and that I would you know Understand the Holy Spirit now. She might have had a Pentecostal view of that But you know what just because I'm not Pentecostal doesn't mean I deny the Holy Ghost. Okay mark Driscoll Yes, I do believe in the Holy Ghost. And yes, I do believe the Holy Ghost is active today And yes, I do believe the Holy Ghost is powerful and can do miracles a day I don't have the signs of an apostle because I'm not an apostle literally, okay But praise God for mothers that would ask for things for their children and not just carnal things spiritual things She didn't ask for Samuel to be the greatest athlete of all time and have lots of money and have lots of accolades She wanted a son to be dedicated into God and to serve the Lord. That's what she wanted and She literally names him I've asked him of the Lord verse 21 in the man Elkanah and all his house went up To offer out of the Lord the yearly sacrifice in his vow, but Hannah went up For she said unto her husband I will not go up until the child be weaned and then I will bring him that he may appear before the Lord and There abide forever. So she wants to dedicate her child to the Lord forever Keep her finger. I want to go to one more verse here. Go to 2nd Timothy chapter 1 2nd Timothy chapter 1 I Think because the Bible Tends to emphasize men more and their leadership and the prophets of God It could be easy to forget that God cares about women just as much It could be easy to forget that women are just as important just as valuable that praying it's not like God only cares about prayers from men he equally cares about prayers and It would be great if we had an army of women that would pray to God That would pray to God to raise up the next generation a godly generation Women that are praying for God to intercede on our behalf women praying for revival in our country Women praying for our church to be blessed and to be greatly used by God For women to pray that the stupid feminism would be destroyed and shown for the folly that it is You know, we need women to pray and you know women get so frustrated they can't preach in church But you know what you can preach in your prayer closet all day long You can pray and ask God things all day long, but you know what? it takes a humble person to do such a thing, you know, praise God for my mom who's a very humble woman and sought the Lord and prayed for many things and You know, we should praise the women in our lives that love to pray and love to seek the Lord you know, there are women that really love the Lord and Really seek the Lord and you know those women should be greatly praised if you have a wife or a mother or a Grandmother or an aunt that loves God or goes to church or takes these things seriously They should be greatly praised for their faith Not just their love but their faith because it is a rare thing to have women that love God today It's a difficult thing to find You know what the Apostle Paul also praised this in young Timothy and Timothy which is interesting didn't even have a Strong male leader in his personal life until the Apostle Paul came wrong to show him the faith he had women that were showing him great faith in second Timothy chapter 1 verse 3 It says this I thank God whom I serve for my forefathers with pure conscience that without ceasing I have remembrance of thee in my prayers night and day greatly Desiring to see thee being mindful of thy tears that I may be filled with joy when I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois and thy mother Eunice and I am persuaded that in the also, you know what he's saying. I'm persuaded that you have your mother's faith He's not persuaded that the mom has a great faith. He knows the mom has a great faith He's not persuaded that the grandmother has a great faith He knows the grandmother the great faith. He's persuaded that Timothy has the faith like his mom like his grandmother Meaning what that women can have great faith and he's not even saying your faith exceeds them He's saying I hope you have the same level of faith as they did Saying it would be great if you could attain Unto their faith and unto the example that they said, you know There's so many great women in the Bible and we could have great women today And if you had a mother who loved the Lord You know that is something to praise is the faith of your mom. That's something to say. Thanks mom. Thanks for taking church seriously You know, my mom took church seriously. She took the Bible seriously She took these things here if you had that you have no excuse not to say thanks to your mom Say well, my mom wasn't a fundamental Baptist I don't care if she took religion seriously if she took the faith of the Bible seriously in any capacity You need to be thanking her for such a thing to have such a great example Go back to first Samuel point one. We need to say thanks to our moms for the love. They've shown point two We need to say thanks to mom for the faith that they've shown and and lastly here's the thing Even if you felt like my mom didn't have the best love or faith All of them all of them are in this category and that's the sacrifice It's a sacrifice to be pregnant and to deliver a child is a sacrifice and without it You can't exist. No one was born in a Petri dish. No one was spontaneously generated Okay, no big bang event happened for you and Your mom had to go through sacrifice and this is a reason why many women today will not have children is they refuse The sacrifice of pregnancy they refuse the sacrifice of delivery. They refuse it in order to have life you must go through this process and And let's be honest when a woman gets pregnant and gives birth in Ninety nine point nine nine nine percent of cases. There's going to be scars There's going to be permanent body marks for doing such a thing. Their body will be different as a result It's just how it works But you know who also took scars Jesus Christ In order to give us physical life our mothers have scars in order to give us eternal life Jesus Christ had to also take scars And so Jesus is the perfect example both to men and women and you know What women can take honor and respect and glory under the fact that they too? Just like Jesus had to partake in suffering and sacrifice to give us eternal life Mothers must have the same sacrifice in order to give life under the children You Know the Bible says that Jesus had holes in his hands even after he rose again and he showed them He literally showed them under doubting Thomas He had the hole in his side, you know, some women literally have a hole in their side because they had to have a c-section And you know what that was a sacrifice there's no way to say that that isn't that's a that's an amazing sacrifice It's incredible sacrifice You know, you could look at Adam Adam had to have the rib, you know, essentially Taken out a woman was taken out of the rib and Jesus Christ was stabbed with the spear in the side and you know what that gave us life is the scars and the wounds of Jesus Christ the scars and the wounds of a mother The sacrifice of a mother that's something to say thank you for that's something to appreciate It doesn't matter how old she is doesn't matter if she has Alzheimer's and I've seen my grandmother have Alzheimer's and it's a horrible disease It's one of the worst things you can ever imagine They don't even know who they are They scream and they bite and they're angry But you know what? I appreciated my parents still went visited her in the nursing home and regularly My dad would play the piano for her and they loved her into the end They said thank you to her in the end And you know what if I have the opportunity to repay the favor, I'm gonna do that To visit my parents and say thank you to them and appreciate them in their older age Not to sit here and think. Oh, what a burden Let's get some feminist nurse to take care of them You know, some of those nurses will literally punch their patients in the face because they can't they can't tell anyone They can't warn anyone it happens all the time How sad to literally have your parents sacrifice for you? And then you just ship them off to somebody that literally abuses them and you just don't even care First Samuel chapter 1 look at verse 27 for this child. I prayed and the Lord have given me my petition which I asked of him Therefore also I've lent him to the Lord as long as he liveth He should be lent to the Lord and he worshiped the Lord there, you know, she's making a great sacrifice She doesn't get to raise the child. She's giving him to God Look at chapter 2 verse 18. Here's another couple sacrifices that she made But Samuel ministered before the Lord being a child Girded with a linen efod Moreover his mother made him a little coat and Brought it to him from year to year when she came up with her husband to offer the yearly sacrifice so when she's sacrificing unto the Lord, she also remembers her child and Sacrificially makes him a little coat and I love the phrase just little coat Because it's not just a coat It's not just a coat it's a little coat and You know again does Eli care about him having a little coat or is he just like here just grab this thing It doesn't even fit I mean to have a little coat means that she took the attention to detail to make it to his size To fit him she cares about his needs you know There's so much that our our mothers and our wives sacrifice The least we can do is say thanks And you know you little children out there you need to learn to start saying thanks to mom on a regular basis Not just today when your mom Makes you a meal you say thanks When your mom helps you get dressed you say thanks When your mom helps you get in the car and out of the car you say thanks You need to say thanks to your mom on a regular basis Just get in the habit of always saying thank you to her and appreciating what she's doing for you Because you know those change your attitude towards your mom, and you know what those of us that have an older mom Start saying thanks to your mom now you may not you may not have your mom tomorrow and You'll you'll never regret how many times you said thanks to your mom But you will regret The times that you didn't say, thank you You won't regret the time that you spent with your mom, but you'll regret the time you didn't spend with your mom And You'll regret the times that you're angry and dissatisfied and treated your mom bad but you'll never regret the times that you appreciated and loved and Told your mom. Thank you. Let's close in prayer. Thank you Heavenly Father so much for giving us mothers Thank you for giving us their example and the love and the faith and the sacrifice that they've made I pray that we would just have the right attitude towards mothers Towards our mother towards our grandmother Towards all mothers towards our wives Towards our young daughters who will one day be mothers. I pray that we would be a culture that honors and blesses and praises mothers I Pray that we would just have the right attitude and affection and heart towards them And I I pray that we'd say thank you to them for the things they've done for us and we ultimately know it's Their example is coming from the example of your son and his sacrifice and his love and his faith and I pray that we would just have the right mentality and the right attitude and I pray that you just bless Continue to bless all of these mothers in Jesus name we pray. Amen All right for a final song this morning, let's turn to four hundred and seventy one cleanse me Four hundred and seventy one cleanse me four seven one. Let's sing it out. Cleanse me Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Thank you all for coming happy Mother's Day to ladies god bless