(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So the evening sermon is gonna be a lot different than a normal sermon that I typically preach and I kind of want to do a couple Sermons, I'm doing kind of two different series and the series tonight is on satanic movies Okay, satanic movies. Now. Here's the thing about Hollywood is they're all satanic, but I Really just kind of want to Unveil a few different films that I've seen and and just kind of it's kind of crazy to me how Satanic films are in the Hollywood industry is But I think if you're just not aware of it You just kind of go and you just think people are just making movies for fun or to make money but really there is a satanic agenda with Hollywood films and when you know the Bible really well it Actually, you know you start thinking about these films and you're like wow There's a lot that they're really just kind of ripping off from the scripture or really perverting from the scripture Because honestly all the greatest stories told were already told in the Bible and Most Hollywood films most movies most books. All they do is just rip the Bible off They just basically take the stories of the Bible and rip it off, but often they'll have a satanic slant with them They'll basically pervert the scripture They'll pervert the Word of God and they'll basically take it and make it into some kind of a satanic type story. So Here's the thing, even if you've never watched the film that I'm gonna talk about this evening. I still think it's very profitable I think there's a lot of things you can learn from the Bible this evening. So I hope you still pay attention I'm also not advertising like please go watch this film. All right, just as an FYI but I am hopefully planning on maybe taking some of the sermon and pairing it up with some of the scenes So maybe later you can kind of see what I'm talking about just to get an idea But I am gonna be talking about the Truman Show this evening who's seen this movie the Truman Show with Jim Carrey Okay, actually more people than I thought so I'm kind of surprised how many people's that we actually seen this movie but the Truman Show is a movie featuring Jim Carrey and Jim Carrey is the main star of this film and I'm gonna give you kind of an idea of what the film's about and then I'm gonna kind of talk about the scripture here But I think Genesis chapter number three is a great Place to kind of get a little bit idea of what's going on in the Bible and how this this movie works But in 1998 the film of Jim Carrey, he plays a character named Truman Burbank and he's the star of an international television show Named after him the Truman Show Okay Truman is completely unaware that he's being filmed from his birth until nearly 30 years of age with every moment Broadcast live to faithful viewers says every part of Truman's life is quote-unquote counterfeit Everything is a massive set known as sea haven Directed by Kristoff the creator of the show Everyone that Truman knows including his wife Merrill and best friend Marlon are actors playing the facade created for him Sylvia and extras the only character does not buy into this simulation and when the affectionate bond occurs with Truman She is forcibly removed from the show Sylvia attempts to tell him the truth before being dragged away to never be seen on the show again He says in the beginning Kristoff created the Truman Show. He has elevated himself Okay, so I just kind of trying to read a little bit of the plot from online You can go online and read this but essentially the premise of the show. Is that a corporate entity buys a baby? Okay, they buy a baby and they want to insert him into a TV show that's broadcast 24-7 but he doesn't know he's being filmed So the entire TV show is they put him in a simulated environment where he's growing up. He has parents. He has friends He goes to school. He lives in the city and Every single person in his life is a paid actor So it's he doesn't have he's basically been he's an unwanted child essentially It's kind of like an adoption as it were where parents just gave up their child But instead of two parents taking them on a corporate entity bought the child okay, and they basically have put him in this TV show and He's lived in this simulated environment for 30 years and still has no he's none the wiser he still believes he is just living a normal life and it's kind of Set in what would be like a 1950s? Perfect world. In fact, all of the music in the set is only classical music because it's not copyrighted So basically he's never heard any music but classical music He lives in kind of this perfect scenario perfect environment and a sunny environment And in fact that the TV show is filmed in a dome. So they're not even in a real environment They're not outside They're actually in a protected dome now the dome though looks like the atmosphere looks like the sky So it's just basically, you know 70 degrees and sunny every single day where this guy lives and it's just kind of like a paradise as it were Everything goes perfectly Every day is perfect. He has a perfect life and everything seems perfect, but it's all fake It's not real. It's not true perfection because it's a simulated environment basically, the premise of the show is that he ends up kind of waking up to the fact that his life is not real that there's Something off about his life. There's been a couple times throughout the show's history Where some of the paid actors kind of try to tip him off that it's not real and they get forcibly removed From the show and yet he's still kind of none the wiser But the show kind of slowly unravels some of these truths as you go through it just kind of starts out with a guy On television now the thing is it's literally broadcast 24-7 so there's a hidden camera everywhere Just constantly following him and the director of the show in fact is so integrated in the show He'll often be speaking in the ear of many of the actors telling them exactly what he wants them to say Throughout the the show's history they have product placement. So sometimes his wife While they're in the kitchen She'll just grab one of the products off the shelf and she'll just be like coca-cola What a refreshing beverage, you know, and it's like this weird like commercial attitude or something and it's kind of a bizarre thing but if you've never known anything different, I guess it's kind of hard to Not perceive that you're in this simulated environment As he kind of goes through life some of these things start to change But before I kind of get into the film I just want to start out by Understanding verse number one of what we already read Genesis chapter 3. Look at verse 1 now the serpent was more subtle Than any beast of the field was the Lord God had made Okay, something you have to understand about the devil is the devil works in subtle ways The devil is not up front. The devil doesn't come around saying like I'm the devil You know what he does is he tries to trick people to see people and he comes in a subtle way Not presenting who he truly is not really presenting what he really wants not giving you really any intentions necessarily Okay, what when we think about Genesis chapter number three and you've read this many times We know this story really well, but here's here's a pretty interesting question. Why is the serpent trying to trick Eve? Like we don't even know what the motivation is do we we don't even really I mean again We we understand through reading lots of the Bible that he just wants to destroy mankind He hates mankind, but I'm just saying in this chapter He doesn't describe like now the serpent hated Eve and so he decided to trick her or we don't really even know what's going on and What I will say is, you know, you would like to think like why do people make these Hollywood movies? You know one person might say well, I I think it's to make money You know, there's a lot of ways to make money Well, I think it's just fun. Okay, maybe maybe it's just fun. There's a lot of ways to have fun You know What is the real agenda behind making these films and and I want to suggest to you that it's actually a sinister plan It's a sinister evil agenda to brainwash America and not only America the whole world with a satanic agenda That is their goal Now, of course if you're gonna do that you're not gonna come up front and say hey guys I want you to watch this film so you can be more like Satan so you can believe like Satan So you'll be damned to hell. No, what do they want? It's fun Watch a film watch this movie and just enjoy, you know seeing this and look we all Honestly in our flesh. I'm sure all of us love movies. I can admit I love movies like I grew up I watched every movie. I watched all of them. I mean if you go back far enough, I've probably seen it Now in the most recent, you know decade of my life I probably haven't watched very many films, but you know before 2000, you know, I don't know nine or ten I probably saw every movie you've seen, you know, you could probably bring it up to me I probably owned it even at one point in time and I might even watched it multiple times. Okay, so I loved movies I love film and I thought it was really entertaining but you know when you kind of start peeling back What's really going on you start seeing this isn't really just fun. It's not just cool There's actually an agenda here that they're trying to warp my mind. They're trying to influence me and a lot of movies a lot of films they have Suggestions throughout the film that's where you get the product placement, you know They constantly put certain products in front of you because they want you to buy that product Okay, or certain attitudes or certain behaviors or certain things they're basically predictive programming In fact when television itself came out the Satanists rejoiced and said it was like the greatest day ever Because they were basically gonna influence the masses if you understand who owns Hollywood, it's a bunch of Jews and The Jews were very unpopular very disliked the government hated them and Yet they get to take over the film industry in Hollywood move the film industry from like New York to Hollywood and They basically have been able to create the culture that they want Because monkey see monkey do Why do you think that we have the world that we live in? It's often a reflection of what TV was 10 years ago And that's scary when you think about what's on TV now It's scary where it's headed, you know first they have women in the workplace wearing pants You know taking over the family before it actually really happened and then all of a sudden here in ten years later It starts to happen doesn't it right you start having open? Homosexuals on television and then what happens they start coming out in the workplace. They start coming out everywhere else because basically society often becomes a reflection a mirror of what these films are like and so You know That's why it's important to kind of expose what's really happening some of these films and it's crazy to me if you've seen this movie Especially you know what I'm talking about how satanic this film truly is but let's just talk about the title the Truman show the true Man, now there is a true man in the Bible. You know, that is Jesus Christ I am the way the truth and the life No man cometh unto the Father but by me that's not a coincidence and Nothing that I'm gonna be preaching this evening is a coincidence There is a sinister agenda here in fact think about the plot that I just told you this guy has lived his life until about 30 years of age and Then just all of a sudden we're gonna have this transition in this person's character's life You know in Luke chapter number three The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ was about 30 years old when what his ministry started That's not a coincidence. And in fact, it says every part of Truman's life is quote-unquote counterfeit. But here's the thing Everything about Jesus Christ is not counterfeit. Everything about Jesus Christ is real So often what these sinister movies will do is they'll take a character make him kind of like Christ But then they'll have an antithesis to something he truly is Everything about Truman's life is fake, but here's something everything about Jesus life is real Think about what he said. I'm the truth the way and the life So his life is real. Everything about Jesus is real There's nothing counterfeit about Jesus or his world but yet this other person That's the true man. Everything about his life is fake and not real. It's a lie Okay, now who would want to convince you that everything that you believe is just a lie How about Lucifer how about Satan? How about let's keep reading in Genesis chapter number three verse number one He said he said of the woman gay have God said He shall not eat of every tree of the garden and the woman said on the serpent We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden But the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden God has said you shall not eat of it neither So you touch it lest you die and the serpent said and the woman ye shall not surely die What is that? That is the exact opposite of what God said? Why he's basically saying hey everything you believe about reality is actually fake It's not real what God said is not true He's holding you back from something that you would really benefit you would be really positive to you Okay. Now what's interesting about this film is that You know, you kind of have two different aspects and really in the Bible you kind of have two atoms We have the atom that's the first atom, which is the first man But then you have the second atom which is Jesus Christ and in this film I believe there's kind of two they play both parts of this The Truman Show kind of illustrates Jesus Christ and it kind of illustrates Adam and Eve in the garden a little bit but if you think about This film The name of the creator of this film. Okay is Christoph Okay Now that's not a coincidence either Now, in fact, if you look up Christoph and you kind of get a definition it means the bearer of Christ Now who brought forth Christ? God the Father Exactly. So Christoph is like a pseudo God the Father type That's communicating to Truman throughout the entire show and he's basically the one guiding his affairs guiding his life guiding his direction and Truman for the most part is just unaware of his circumstances Until one particular event there's one event That finally enlightens Truman or sets off a series of events that causes him to realize his life is not what it truly is Now what happens is because he's in a dome They have stage lights a stage light falls from the sky in The middle of his like neighborhood and just falls and crashes onto the ground So a light from heaven just falls and crashes down and it causes them to think like hmm. What's going on? Go to Luke chapter number 10. Go to Luke chapter number 10 in your Bible Now a light falling from heaven that doesn't sound like anything we've read in the Bible does it as The first as the first thing that awakens you to the fact that the reality or the world that you live in is not real What is it that causes Adam and Eve to kind of doubt their reality? Isn't it Lucifer coming in? Now look at Luke chapter 10 look at verse number 18 the Bible says and he said unto them I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven So in fact the Bible teaches that Satan is kind of like this fallen angel type Right and that angels are considered like a light in the Bible in some context in some ways And so we have this light falling from heaven Exposing to Truman that there's something fake about his reality That's the one that's gonna enlighten him. This light is gonna enlighten him that he's not really in the situation You know Lucifer means light bearer Now if you when you picks up this stage light it has a name written on it Sirius Okay, it has the name Sirius and then nine Canis major Which is really interesting. Okay. Now Sirius is an actual star in our galaxy okay, and Canis major is a like section of space or section of the constellations and And What's interesting about Sirius if you if you kind of like do a little bit of research It's the brightest star in the night sky So Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky, it's derived from Basically a Greek word and the star is in a Canis majoris It's Latin is alpha Canis majoris and it has a nickname. The nickname is the dog star The dog star because in the constellation Canis it's kind of like a dog related constellation series now if you know anything about the occult or satanic, you know Theology or anything like that. You would realize that all of this stuff is used by the occult In fact series is often a name associated with the devil himself. It's also throughout Egyptian mythology and history They study a lot of this and I even just kind of was doing a little bit of research there was someone who Basically talks about serious as being Satan. I I went to this person's website and they're like a pro like Satan Okay, so this is what they have to say. They say Satan is the dog star Sirius Which is named Isis in Egypt Now I'm not saying that he is I'm saying that people believe this Okay, people believe that serious is a name for the devil and They say these Isis now if you actually study a lot of this there's a conflation between Isis and another False Egyptian God and then they kind of get mixed up a little bit So this person thinks it's Isis, but it could be another one But essentially Isis is a goddess that represents the polar opposite of our Sun which is male energy Okay, and it's basically it says there's a binary orbit with our Sun and our Sun is one and serious is zero Because it's the literal antithesis Now, what's the antithesis of Christ? The devil what does Jesus often referred to as the Sun? Okay Now she also says in this article that she writes about serious She says because it is a female energy, which is the opposite of the male Sun which provides light It was demonized by the Christians as something dark or evil. I'm shocked Says this she says the Sun is God and the black Sun is the dog star because dog is reverse of God And that's interesting, you know, if you spell God backwards, what do you get dog? Think about reprobates? Alright, there you go dogs were sacred in Egypt okay, and in fact there was a Specific solstice that would let them know that the Nile River is going to flood and it was based on this serious star so that's where it also gets a lot of its canine origins or name but apparently Also in kind of relation to this is the planet Venus Venus is also a bright morning star But what's interesting about Venus is that Venus? Trap travels a very specific pattern and every eight years in coordination with the earth Venus forms a pentagram Who knew that? Okay, no one. Okay, somebody. All right Be careful with no, it's good So you thought that the pentagram was just a random object but no no It's literally if you study, you know Astronomy and you study the stars and you map these things out You can tell that every eight years the planet Venus is going to form a perfect pentagram With the Sun at its center Now here's the thing When you actually study the Bible, what did the super wicked? Heaven ungodly people do they worship the stars and they worship the planets and they worship all these things calling them gods Okay, and of course that's where a lot of this New Age Satanic stuff is coming from that's where their symbols are coming from That's where their pictures are coming from. This stuff is not just made up. This is real stuff So it's not a shock that they're gonna take some of that satanic occult Language and whatever and put it directly into their film Having this starfall from heaven naming it serious. You think it's a coincidence of writing serious on The stage light and you can pick it up and you can just see it just in plain sight No, no, those things are purposeful director additions okay, and This this pentagram is coming from Venus you can look it up It's also called a pentacle Basically the shape and and how it is drawn even Wikipedia itself will agree it's a five-pointed star and Again, it's demonized because it's feminine energy or because it's just satanic. Let's be honest. Okay now Even from the occult they're saying that these things are true I Even have a picture sometimes they'll say it's like a petal flower or whatever. You can kind of you can check it out It has an interesting ratio But that is what awakens Truman to the fact that he's in this False reality and if you know anything about Satanism or you know anything about the cult what they want to do is they want to Basically enlighten them and teach them that their reality is fake That their reality is not true that there's someone that wants to come and enlighten them tell them About secret knowledge new information that's going to reveal to them that everything that they live in is False and one of the main ways that they attack The world that we live in is by attacking what they call the patriarchy They have this thing the patriarchy that they want to attack. They want to undermine Because they basically say hey, why do you think that men should be in charge? because God said oh, but see everything the Bible says is a lie and Then they bring in this like feminism they bring in everything that's anti biblical and it's this enlightenment that people get and they start thinking like Everything that we know as a society is actually false. You know men aren't really men. That's just a social construct Women aren't really women. That's just something that we made up to suppress and hold down women You know every single what where do you think all these ideas are coming from my friend They're coming from the occult. They're coming from the satanic These are satanic ideas and satanic things that are being brought forth through mediums like Hollywood films Dragging people into Feminism dragging them into the occult dragging them in by their sorceries and by all of their deception And by all of their deceit, you know, where does feminism come from? It comes from Satan Now, of course, there's lots of mediums and modes. You'll say oh it's coming from communism The communism just one of the tools in the devil's handbag But of course anything that's anti-biblical is coming from Satan Satan is the author of all false doctrine of All of the evil he just gives it to man and lets man run with it. Okay So that is what basically enlightened stream and as he kind of goes through his life, there's other weird things like the radio Starts signaling and telling him everything he's gonna do and everything he's doing he's like that's weird and then he like runs into a building Elevator opens and it's like a stage set and he's just like that's weird that shouldn't happen Then he tries to leave and every time he tries to leave just some random thing happens where he can't leave You know the bus gets shut down the all plane tickets are you know booked so you can't get on there and they've tried to make him deathly afraid of water by Killing his father supposedly in some kind of a boating accident. And so he's kind of grown up without a Father in most of his life again gonna have a big influence on the feminism and everything else that's in the show, but What's interesting is that this character Sylvia is? Kind of like a high school sweetheart. They kind of like each other But the directors don't want them to just marry whoever he wants They kind of have a person picked out that's supposed to be his wife So even though he makes this connection with this other person, he's kind of like a Even though he makes this connection with this girl and they actually like each other They have to rip her off of the of the film But she's still like a main part of the film because he's constantly advocating for Truman to Wake up and basically come after her rather than staying in this kind of fake life Makes me think of now going back To our storyline of Genesis chapter number three the Adam and Eve scenario Okay, so we kind of talked about how you know Truman might be like this Antichrist picture But he's really picturing Adam in a lot of ways because if you think about Adam Adam is put in a paradise Adam is put in a perfect environment a perfect scenario and He's been given a woman. Okay, and what is the fall of Adam? Harkening to the voice of his wife a woman brings him down and one of the pretty much the main reasons why? Truman throughout the film is basically wanting to leave this paradise is to go after this woman A woman is the reason why he's going to leave this environment. He's chasing after this woman named Sylvia and She has a conversation with Kristoff, which is this kick care the the creator. They have a phone call in the film She's like calling into the show and he basically has to explain what's happening. And this is what she says to him She says you're a liar and a manipulator and what you've done to Truman is sick Kristoff responds by saying I have given Truman a chance to lead a normal life The world a place you live in is the sick place Sea Haven is the way the world should be each is seen demonstrating their care So basically I have basically just some quotes from the film But she's saying like this is sick that you put this guy in this simulated environment He argues no letting him be in the real world Where there's all this evil and sin and bad stuff or whatever that's the real sick place Okay. Now it's not really hard to see through what the conversation is, isn't it? Where you basically have a Picture perfect Garden of Eden where man can can live in as opposed to being outside of the garden Now if you're outside of the Garden of Eden you live in what the sinful world, don't you where there's all manner of evil? And all this kind of stuff and does God want us to live in a sinful world? No, God wants us to live in a perfection God wants to live us to live in a Garden of Eden as it were Why did Adam and even get kicked out of the garden for sinning for sinning against God for rebellion? And if they ate of the tree of life in that state, then sin would permanently be in this world So God has to come and eradicate sin first Before he can allow us to re-enter into that state of the Garden of Eden and live forever because God doesn't want this You know doesn't want a permanent world of sin Christoph has created this perfect world for Truman to live in and she's saying it's sick for him to live in it because it's fake Because it's not real So what is Satan trying to do Satan's trying to say the way that God wants you to live is a fake Manipulated world that he wants you to live in no come with me and live with me where there's freedom and basically, that's what a lot of people that are Satanists will say I would rather Rock with the devil in hell than to be a slave in heaven and they basically insinuate that serving God or being with God in heaven or paradise as being a slave and Being in hell is freedom When it's the exact opposite and of course she immediately calls him what a liar What does the devil do? Immediately when he's in the garden He calls God a what a liar and a manipulator and what he's doing is sick and he's holding him back What is Sylvia so concerned that Truman's being held back from? from the freedom of going in this world and here's the freedom of The knowledge of the real world think about this Truman doesn't know what good and evil is because he lives in this simulated little environment, doesn't he? He's encapsulated in a perfect environment. So if he goes out of that he would have what the knowledge of good and evil What is the devil come tempting Adam and Eve with is the knowledge of good and evil? But what did that benefit mankind? You know that didn't benefit mankind. It doesn't benefit Truman to necessarily live now again I'm not trying to advocate in this film either way because I don't really care But what they're trying to do is they're trying to posit God's position in the Bible as being an evil satanic thing And you need to join the devil with this freedom this rebellious freedom Scenario now there was another creator producer of the show. His name is Moses Another coincidence Moses and Christoph are the ones that basically come up with the show and they have their conversations about it and it kind of You know, basically Christoph has to improve the show that Moses created Okay, because Moses creates kind of a flawed show and I'm not going to go too far to that But a lot of biblical parallels that can be drawn from that as well. Now Truman has a chance to live Without the knowledge of good and evil, doesn't he? Because he can live in the simulated environment without it, but he's basically presented with this idea of leaving At the end of the film and He's gonna gain this knowledge of good and evil by leaving this environment because right now he doesn't know what that's like He's never had a real moment Okay, so that's what the devil is trying to offer Now the devil also is trying to offer to Adam and Eve to what to be as gods Notice he says in verse number five For God doth know that in the day ether of then your eyes shall be opened and you shall be as gods Knowing good and Evil now, here's the thing Christoph lives in the real world Christoph knows what good and evil is like. Okay, since Truman's never been outside this, you know simulated environment He doesn't know but as soon as he leaves the simulated environment He would know what good and evil are like and basically what is being presented is the idea of being like Christoph now Christoph's trying to hold Truman back from that real-world Experience that is supposedly so much better and Yet if Truman would live in the same world as Christoph he would have the same knowledge as him He'd be like him, but here's the problem With the knowledge of good and evil. I didn't become God I'm not God. I'm not even close to God, you know that knowledge didn't benefit me in any way shape or form You know, does it really benefit? You know the Bible says that we're supposed to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves and We're supposed to have a lot of knowledge when it comes to things that are good But aren't we supposed to be simple concerning that which is evil You know, it's never I've you know in doing research sometimes you come across information There's just not good information information that you wish you could unlearn unsee on you know everything okay, and Really anytime I've come across information I never thought like well, I'm really glad I know that You know if someone were to say hey we know exactly what Jeffrey Epstein's done on that island Knowing that detail would not benefit your life It would not posit you anything. Okay now knowing good, you know, there's really no limit to that But at the same time having that knowledge of good and evil is gonna really Warp the mind and cause a lot of problems. That's why it's also important to keep your children innocent And what Hollywood wants to do is it wants to put a lot of weird stuff into children's films To try and take away their innocence Every Disney film. What is the whole premise getting married? Or falling in love or being with your love or whatever Why does a five-year-old need to worry about who they're gonna marry at five years old? At six years old as seven years and look I fall fell hook line and sinker for that when I was in second grade I Promised some girl that we were gonna get married Now praise God that didn't happen I married my wife, okay, but I'm just saying like I was you know Obsessed with you know marriage and who I was gonna marry and I know that watching films growing up had a major impact on That these you're constantly watching you're constantly spoon-fed that whatever and I've noticed a huge difference in my children Not being spoon-fed television and movies all the time. They could care less about that stuff And my wife told me this and I never really thought about it But it's probably because she was a little more innocent than I was growing up But she's like when I was a little girl all of us sisters We thought we were just gonna marry dad, you know, cuz they're just innocent and they didn't think any different They never want to leave their parents or anything like that. Okay, but then you watch Frozen With little Ella who wants to run away and be your own woman and marry whoever she wants You know marry another girl or something nonsense or something. It's like that idea being planted in the youth today has warped and corrupted their mind and This stupid Truman Show trying to suggest to you that life without God's Constraints is gonna make you freer or make you better is never the truth And it doesn't bring freedom. In fact truth brings you freedom The Lord Jesus Christ brings you freedom God's commandments bring you freedom. What does not bring you freedom is doing whatever you want That will bring you jail time that will bring you death that will bring you destruction that will bring you chains and bars of sin Oh, I can do whatever I want. I can drink as much alcohol as I want try stopping. I Can do as much LSD as I want try stopping I can sleep with as many people as I want to Okay. Well try getting rid of STDs Try Getting rid of any of these, you know horrible things that have been contracted I Believe you know, there's a famous trial going on right now It's like Johnny Depp and Amber Heard who's heard about this and of course they're basically just airing out all of their dirty laundry and You know and I was like reading about them and I'm pretty sure you can look this up I'm pretty sure that Johnny Depp had to like admit at one point that he has like several STDs. No, no I'm sorry. This was Jim Carrey Don't don't Jim Carrey had to admit that he had three different STDs He has I don't know if I put this in my notes or not. He has he has chlamydia He has herpes Off of the top of my head there's another one that he has but no he doesn't have AIDS I don't know if it's confirmed or not, but He basically had to admit that he had all these different STDs and like some kind of a court filing or something like that And it's like oh I have all this freedom. How is it? Is that a freedom an STD is? chlamydia freedom is Bastard children freedom is abortion freedom. I mean, you know are these things there's no They want to present this idea of freedom, but you know, there's never really freedom in sin. Oh I'm free to leave my parents, but you know, what's not free your apartment and Utilities and your car and everything else that you have to start paying for, you know It's like the idea of leaving mom and dad sounds really cool until you realize how much it costs. I Remember this my parents were like trying to kick me out of the house and I was like, that's awesome You know, I was thinking like sweet I want to live on my own and then I started calculating like how much it cost and I was just like I want to stay here Like I don't have two three thousand dollars a month, you know going to college or whatever In fact, I was so poor. I was made fun of by everyone. I became like the cheapest person I mean, I would make Jews proud how I lived in college. Okay, I Didn't buy anything I was so cheap. I'd in fact, I never filled up my gas tank And so because I didn't have no money I would get like five or seven gallons where the gas at a time just because I had no money my parents gave me I want to try and remember it was something like twelve hundred dollars a month and I had a mortgage payment at the time. It was like seven hundred or seven fifty bucks a month So I'm already left with only like 450 and this is we're not we're not talking like gas water utilities my like gas with my truck Everything else and then my roommate I had a roommate who'd give me like 400 bucks a month So I have like eight hundred dollars to pay all of my utilities and food and I couldn't even survive I would just go and shop for groceries at my parents house Like when they weren't home, I would just go and raid their pantry and just basically buy, you know everything Anytime we went out to eat I would just get a cup of water and just whatever food people wouldn't want to eat I mean I was just I was the cheapest person you could meet Okay, why because I couldn't afford anything else And you say why are you so cheap because I couldn't afford anything else I mean, that's just how life is and I have to say why I don't recommend living on your own that actually helps you Appreciate, you know money and and things that you have being poor actually gives you character Whereas being rich does not give you any character at all. It ruins your character many times But I bring up that story And basic essence to try and tell you that You know the lies that are coming from the devil that sounds so good living on your own just so much fun and so Much good, you know All I did was cost me a bunch of money heartache and I made the worst decisions in my life when I lived on my own Sins that I never thought I was ever gonna do in my entire life I did when I lived on my own Like there was plenty I went to college while I was with my parents wasn't committing any of these horrible sins Then I live on my own Committed all kinds of sins that I wish I had never done and it wasn't bringing me any freedom That wasn't true freedom that I had Okay, so it's it's silly to believe these lies that are coming from the devil that are saying hey, yeah reject What he's giving you reject the world that he's trying to put you in, you know, his paradise isn't a real paradise. It's fake It's not real. No, that's not true Of course the fall comes through woman now What's interesting is at the end of this film and that's kind of what I've been focusing on He's kind of this climax of is Truman gonna leave the show or not okay, and essentially at the The brink of the show he runs into the wall He's been on a boat and he's trying to sail away He runs into the wall and then he gets out of this boat and then he starts walking on this ledge So it looks like he's walking on water Okay, of course the symbolism there then there's a staircase into heaven and he walks on the staircase to heaven and Then basically as a conversation with creased off and he's basically contemplating whether or not He's gonna leave. I have a little bit of this. I want to kind of give you Their conversation So Christophe is gonna talk to him. He talks from he's a voice from heaven. Okay, so It's just it's crazy. It's Truman. It's like you can speak I can hear you And he says who are you he says I am the creator Of a television show That gives hope and joy and inspiration to millions says then who am I you are the star? I'm kind of wondering there's a voice from heaven Telling a certain man that he's the star of the show How about when Jesus Christ gets baptized and there's a voice coming from heaven and who's it all about? Jesus He says was nothing real Says you were real That's what made you so good to watch Listen to me Truman. There's no more truth out there than there is in the world. I created for you Same lies same deceit So what is being presented lies over here lies over there, but yet there is no lies with God There is no lies from the Father. There is no lies in the Word of God there That's why they want to basically put you in this situation. Oh Church is a lie Christianity is a lie and the world's a lie, but you know what I'd rather make my own fortune Make my own way than just live in a lie But here's the problem with that philosophy is that there is no lie with Jesus Christ There is no lie with God the Father. There's no lie with the Bible He said in my world you have nothing to fear I Know you better than you know yourself He says you never had a camera in my head said you're afraid. That's why you can't leave. It's okay Truman I understand I've been watching you your whole life If there's a guy watching somebody the whole what sounds like God the Father wasn't it I was watching when you were born I was watching you when you took your first step. I was watching you on your first day of school The episode when you lost your first tooth Now what's interesting is this boat? That he's riding out on has a number on it. The number is 139 139 it's really clear. Why don't you go to Psalms 139 your Bible? Psalm 139 in your Bible look at verse number one The Bible says Oh Lord Thou hast searched me and known me Thou knowest my down sitting in my uprising thou understandest my thought afar off Thou compasses my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways There's not a word of my tongue, but lo Lord thou knowest it all together Thou hast beset me behind and before and laid thine hand upon me Such knowledge is too wonderful for me. It is high I cannot attain unto it whither shall I go from my spirit or whither shall I flee from my presence if I send up into heaven Thou art there if I make my bed in hell behold thou art there If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the innermost parts of the sea even there so thy hand lead me My right hand shall hold me. If I say surely the darkness shall cover me. Even the night shall be light about me Yea, the darkness heighteth not from thee but the night shineth as the day the darkness and the light are both alight to thee For thou's possess my reigns thou's covered me my mother's womb I will praise thee for I am fearfully and wonderfully made marvelous are thy works And that my soul knoweth right Well, my substance was not hid from thee when I was made in secret and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth Then eyes that see my substance yet being unperfect and in my book all my members were written Which in continuance or fashion when yet there was none of them. Oh How precious also are thy thoughts unto me. Oh God, how great is the sum of them? If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand when I wake I am still with thee Notice that the Bible teaches that you can't escape God God is everywhere. God sees everything God was with you from birth till now God is everywhere. You can't get away from God. And of course, what are they presenting? They're presenting the idea of Kristoff is in his head Kristoff is always with them. Kristoff knows everything about him But what is the satanic agenda? God doesn't really know everything about me. God doesn't know my thoughts. He's not in my head I'm in control. I'm in charge. I can get away from him What's being presented that you can go through this door? There's a door that Kristoff's gonna go and he's gonna leave and Kristoff's gonna have no control over anymore Kristoff won't see him anymore. Kristoff won't have any Basic power over his life anymore. But here's the thing. You can't escape God my friend Notice that it said hey, even if you go into hell, he's still there What is the satanic agenda? Oh you can get rid of God man created God But you know what? The Bible teaches that God created man, and you cannot escape God period whether you like it or not There is no door that you can walk through to leave to get out of the show So essentially you have him saying I've seen everything then it cuts to Sylvia again The Woman who wants him to leave the woman who wants them to get out of there and She she kind of whispers in her breath. Please God as if she's praying that he'll leave She's the good one Then we have Kristoff saying you belong here with me. Talk to me say something We'll say something and then he blasphemes God's name Why because he's not a true God figure They want to make God look like a bad character they want God the Father to be bad Truman says in case I don't see ya Good afternoon. Good evening. Good night And then he leaves but this is how he leaves Well, I wonder what symbol that is standing up way high giving a crucifix pose and then leaves the show You Know it's it's insane the mount a satanic Doctrine that they put in these films all the pictures all the symbols they have of this guy he lifts up and puts himself in this crucifix type pose and It just goes to show that you know These people are not putting all this imagery putting all this symbolism putting all these numbers in there on accident No, they're influenced by the devil now. I will suggest you this I don't think that every single person in Hollywood that makes these films knows what they're doing. I Believe that the devil knows what he's doing and he's influencing people and he's pulling them and manipulating them Many of them are thinking they're just making a film and they're like put 139 on this on the flagship and they're like, okay Sure, you know, let's what if we have a camera light fall from heaven like sure That sounds like a good idea not even realizing the devil's whispering in there You're telling him these things trying to get them to do these poses try to get them to do this symbolism now I think some of them know like their producer Now if you look up the Truman show is produced by a guy named Scott Rudin Okay, Scott Rudin was born and raised in Baldwin, New York on Long Island and a Jewish family In fact, he's not the original producer he like bought the script from someone Also Scott Rudin lives with his husband John Just a shock, isn't it? I'm just so shocked that this film that so satanic is produced By the synagogue of Satan literally Okay One thing that's also interesting is the boat That he was on to ride out there in the sea. Guess what the name of the boat is Santa Maria It's kind of interesting It's funny. I was looking at a video about it. It's like all these flat earthers were so excited that it was a dome environment Of course, they have to put that in there, don't they? But what is Satanism really trying to suppose? It's saying that God's holding you back What is the goals of Satan? God's holding you back when he's talking to Adam and even the garden God's trying to hold them back from what being God's having this Extra knowledge extra special and look what is what does the devil try to tell Christians? Hey, don't be a fundamental Baptist. They're holding you back They're holding you back from fun. Women. Don't submit to your husband. They're trying to hold you back Men don't submit to your boss at work. You're trying to be held back Don't go to a church and submit to a pastor. They're trying to hold you back Don't go and don't follow all the rules of the Bible. God's trying to hold you back some fun and Look it's put into every single one of these movies the satanic agendas of being held back from all the fun of sin the deceitfulness of sin Oh God's lying to you about something. Look the Bible's never lying to you about anything. This is the truth. This is the reality. Oh Freedom's built and rebelling against God your eyes will be opened if you just eat of the forbidden fruit If you just watch the film and you know If you watch this film you could find probably even more things and then I just kind of talked about this evening The goal is not to say watch the movie. Okay? The goal is to help you realize that you don't just accidentally make a film with all the symbolism You don't actually make a film like Adam and Eve you don't actually make a film like Jesus Christ You don't actually call it the Truman Show you don't actually create the creators names creased off Okay None of that stuff is on accident It's all on purpose and I could just I could literally probably take every one of these movies and show you the exact same Thing but you know, what's weird? Some Christians do the exact opposite they'll take this movie and they'll be like Let's find Christ in this movie and they be like, oh this Truman guys like these You know this stupid book called like finding Jesus and Harry Potter What gets out there I went to churches where they're like recommending this book and I'm thinking like no Jesus is not what they do They put a fake perverted Jesus in the end these books in these movies in these films Okay And if you let your children just watch Hollywood movies and just watch TV unfettered You're literally letting the devil teach and train them You might as well just ship them off to the occult and you say oh, it's nice. It's cool It's fun. No, it's subtle It's subtle the programming that they put into the minds of our youth and the minds of people today Where do you think they're parroting all this stuff? It's coming from Hollywood. It's coming from the synagogue of Satan literally Okay, the devil gave it to the Jews The synagogue of Satan the Jews put it in all the films and then the films are giving it to America Why is it they use celebrities for all of their propaganda? Because everybody looks up to the celebrities and whatever they say, you know, it's like why do I care about what these spoiled brats? Think about anything When who made them a politician? What do they know about economics What do they know about anything in the real world? They know nothing. They're just pawns and tools of the devil and Think about it. They're a paid actor Why would you believe anything that they say? They are a glorified whore You say what is a whore a whore does things she doesn't want to do for money What is an actor it's a whore And you have to say oh, well, they're not yeah They literally will even do that kind of stuff in some of their scenes whore type acts What for money? What what do you think a whore is? Look all these men and all these women. He's like I would never say that or do that. What about for 10 bucks? What about 400 bucks? What about for a hundred million bucks? Then you start seeing what people are really like then you start saying oh, I would say and do anything It's like just because you're a whore You have no standards And of course they find the worst people that'll say and do anything To basically ship out their satanic filth and their satanic agenda in this world and I'm telling you something You know I don't own a television for one reason because I don't want to just let my mind and my children's Minds be warped by this filth and smut There's technically nothing wrong with the television There's nothing there's technically nothing sinful about the screen Okay, but you better be super careful what you put in front of your children's eyes Oh be careful little lies what you see My wife cries when she sings that song because it's true and I could tell you right now. There is a lot of things I've seen I wish I'd never seen a Lot of things I've heard I wish I'd never heard and we need to raise a generation that's different say it's not as fun Yeah, okay. I guess the devil's fun to you. You know what? It's not fun to me. It's not cool to me I don't like it and when you actually show how satanic these films are How can you then get up and say like I please please let my kids watch Satanism Watch the occult Be against God and I have a couple more films that I want to go through but I'm telling you it's in all of them Virtually, I mean you can't there's nothing safe out there anymore That's why you know, you're a fuddy-duddy and I'm a fundamental Baptist Okay, and you know what? I still have lots of fun. In fact, my life is tons of fun watching TVs is boring It sucks anymore. Anyways, so praise God, it keeps getting worse. So I'm not even tempted anymore The shows are literally called Lucifer. They're devil's like I don't have to be subtle anymore He's just like, you know, I'll just put all the filth out there anymore But even the old stuff be careful what you put in front of your face and let your kids watch All right, let's close in prayer. Thank Heavenly Father so much for the Word of God Thank you for giving us the greatest story ever told in the Bible and that is about the Lord Jesus Christ The only real true man, I pray that we would be leery of What Hollywood and what this world is trying to get us to believe trying to get us to do They would help us to have a desire to protect ourselves and not only ourselves, but our children from satanic agendas from satanic ploys propaganda the filth and the smut that's in this world and I pray that we realize that there's no fun or freedom and rebellion to God's Word That your truth gives us true liberty and gives us true freedom and if our society would get back to the Word of God as Their source of entertainment we could see a major revival in this country And I pray that we would have good clean fun and we would reject the ploys of the devil in Jesus name we pray Amen