(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. We're gonna have a quick short financial meeting and that's just gonna be our normal regularly scheduled finance meeting where we talk about just the finances of our church. We just do this every six months just to provide everybody that information. Also in that meeting I'm just gonna discuss a few things about the future of our church and so I please do ask if you don't normally come on Sunday nights to still please consider coming and just being part of that meeting. Our Sunday evening attendance record is not even that hard to beat. It's only 160 folks so we could totally smash it and then you get ice cream after the finance meeting. I'm just throwing that out there but obviously everybody has to show up. If we have a big percentage of our church show up we'll crush that and we'll get ice cream and so just throwing that out there. I know you guys love finance meetings otherwise. On the back we have the church reminders. We also have upcoming events. Our men's conference is really close right around the corner and excited about that. Brother Al's helped us send out an email with a consent form that everybody just needs to fill out and basically if you die that we're not responsible and they're not responsible and all that. How intense is this? I don't know but it's hot out there and so it's intense. Please fill that out. If you have a minor that's 16 between the ages of 16 and just under 18 they can attend the conference but they do need someone over the age of 18 that's going to be their guardian while on the trip. And so if you have that situation please make sure that we get the proper forms filled out and then we identify who their guardian is while on the trip. The conference is of course free to anybody that signs up and it's really helpful to have you all sign up accurately so that way we don't over pay for people that aren't going to show up. Also October 12th to the 15th is the Fire Breathing Baptist Fellowship and we have November 4th Abilene Texas Soul Winning Marathon. So a couple other events there to keep in mind. That's really all I have this evening. Let's go ahead and go to Psalm 67. Our special handouts are Psalm of the Week and we'll sing that real quick. Psalm 67. All right. That was Psalm chapter 67. In your laminated handouts or in your King James Bible. Psalm chapter 67. All right. Sing it out together on the first. God be merciful unto us and all be merciful unto us and bless us and cause the space to shine upon us that thy way may be known upon earth by saving us among all nations let the people praise thee oh God let all the people praise thee oh let the nations be cast and sing for joy for thou shall judge the people righteously and govern the nations upon earth thy nations of mercy let the people praise thee oh God let all the people praise thee oh let the nations be glad and sing for joy then shall your character increase and God in our own God shall bless us God shall bless us and all the ends of the earth shall fear him let the people praise thee oh God let all the people praise thee oh let the nations be glad and sing for joy great singing everybody now as the offering plates are being passed around go ahead and turn in your Bibles to Romans chapter 10 that's Romans chapter number 10 sit down so Romans chapter 10 the Bible reads do it those things shall live by them but the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise say not in thine heart who shall ascend into heaven that is to bring Christ down from above or who shall descend into the deep that is to bring up Christ again from the dead but what sayeth it the word is nigh thee even in thy mouth and in thy heart that is the word of faith which we preach that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the word Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation for the scripture sayeth whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed for there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard and how shall they hear without a preacher and how shall they preach except they be sent as it is written how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things but they have not all obeyed the gospel for asias sayeth Lord who hath believed our report so then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God but I say have they not heard yes verily their sound went into all the earth and their words unto the ends of the world but I say did not Israel know first Moses sayeth I will provoke you to jealousy by them that are no people and by a foolish nation I will anger you but asias is very bold and sayeth I was found of them that sought me not I was made manifest unto them that asked not after me but to Israel he sayeth all day long I have stretched forth my hands unto a disobedient and gainsaying people let's bow our heads for a word of prayer Father in heaven we thank you for Romans chapter 10 Lord and I pray that you would just open ears in the room and help us to learn as much as possible about the doctrines contained in this chapter and I pray that you fill Pastor Shelley with your spirit now and enable him to preach to the best of his ability we love you and in Jesus name I pray amen we're continuing our series through the book of Romans and we're here in Romans 10 probably one of my most favorite chapter I have in the Bible possibly one of the first chapters I ever memorized in the scriptures you know it's a great chapter of the Bible it's really well known I think a lot of people are very familiar with this particular chapter and one of the things that's really cool about this chapter and I'm not necessarily going to do it today maybe in the future I'd love to do this but is to try and show you how almost every verse in chapter 10 is like a quote of the Old Testament like it's just basically just in the Old Testament just taking random verses out it's like God just wrote this beautiful mosaic where he just took all these different verses from the Old Testament and just threw them all together in chapter 10 but what's so cool about it is if you just read this you would never think that it was just like a combination of a whole bunch of verses thrown together it sounds like it's own unique beautifully worded passage it's like brand new seeming it's fresh but at the same time it's actually just throwing together so many different places of the Old Testament all in one beautiful you know piece of art really I mean there's no other way to kind of word it it's a linguistic masterpiece and you know this is a great chapter it's one of the most important chapters in the Bible in my opinion because it explains the mechanics of how to get saved it really emphasizes the gospel and how to be saved and so it's just such a great chapter of scripture and you know it really makes a lot of sense that it kind of is where it's at based on the context that we built so far if you think about chapter 1 again and I like to always kind of give you a little quick recap but chapter 1 of Romans tells us that salvation's been revealed it's been revealed from heaven and in chapter 2 that's important because everyone's going to be judged for their sins chapter 3 told us that we're all sinners and we're guilty before God and that the only salvation is what chapter 4 said is salvation by faith you have to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and that's what saves us chapter 5 really emphasizes the fact that once you're saved you're always saved chapter 6 then says well even though you're saved by faith and it was a free gift and you can't lose it it's still important to serve God with your life chapter 7 then tells us that it's going to be a struggle that it's not always easy to serve God there's going to be that struggle you have that war between the flesh and the spirit and chapter 8 emphasizes how you can have victory when you decide to walk in that spirit and that ultimately we'll have the ultimate victory because eventually we'll get our new body and we'll be a new creation physically as well and we're going to have total victory over death we'll never even go to hell whatsoever and nothing can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord that's how it ends that beautiful chapter chapter 9 then tells us that well Israel unfortunately though is going to by and large not accept God's salvation they're not going to get saved and it's kind of talking about their rejection of the gospel and you kind of wonder like I don't know this is just my personal thought for the longest time I kind of wondered like why is that included like why did we just switch to oh and by the way Israel sucks and they don't they're not going to get saved in replacement theology like it kind of just seemed a little random of a switch or maybe a change in the text but you know today I felt like it really kind of made a lot of sense especially when I'm thinking about chapter 10 and this is why it's so important that he's putting this in here is think about the apostle Paul he is of Israel he is of the tribe of Benjamin and he's going out into all the world he's going under the Gentiles to preach the gospel that's and he talks about himself as being the apostle of the Gentiles but you know what's kind of interesting is hey I'm coming here to give you this great news this great message about the Messiah that was given to the you know to Israel wouldn't a logical question be like oh yeah how did Israel you know do with that what did Israel think about that and it's like oh well by the way they they rejected it completely you know imagine it's like you're a car salesman and someone's like oh you're a car salesman yeah what about your friends and family oh they would never drive these cars and you're like that's kind of weird like is there something wrong with the car that you know you guys don't want to drive it so it's like why would we want to accept the gospel that your own people and your whole nation and the place that Jesus came to all rejected it because that actually presents kind of an interesting thought or a question like why in the world are we supposed to accept this message or this religion when you guys totally rejected it and want nothing to do with it right like imagine someone coming here from the Middle East and saying hey everyone's rejected Islam but you guys need to embrace it it's kind of a strange strange idea right so the apostle Paul is spending chapters 9 10 and 11 explaining how throughout all of history this was the case throughout all of history Israel by and large was constantly rejecting God and not accepting him and it was always a remnant that was getting saved it was always a small percentage that was getting saved and how even now it's no different that it was a small percentage of Israel that was going to get saved and that in fact God had prophesied over and over from Genesis all the way to Malachi of how the Gentiles were going to end up getting saved and accepting the gospel and they were going to be the ones that were going to become the new heirs they were going to replace Israel okay and so it's important that he covers this topic considering his audience who's his audience the Romans that's why it's called the book of Romans okay because it's written to Romans and so it's important for him to explain why Israel is not going to be the front runner anymore Israel's not going to be the ones leading with the gospel Israel's not the focus anymore who is the focus of God's eye it's the Gentile churches that have believed in Jesus Christ that's why when you look at the New Testament it's not written to a bunch of Jews is it I mean when we get past the book of Acts who is the Bible emphasizing it's emphasizing Gentiles isn't it Romans and Corinthians and Galatians and Ephesians and Philippians and people with all kinds of Greek names and that becomes the focus we get to the end and it's written to the seven churches which are in Asia because God's focus has completely shifted he no longer is focused on a nation a physical nation of Israel he's focused on a spiritual nation of believers and when you think about just the absurdity of the fact that the King James Bible in the New Testament is only talking about Gentiles the entire portion for people to be like yeah God's just super focused on Israel it's like what are you talking about are you even reading the same book I mean do you not realize that we're reading the book of Romans why do you think that it's all about Israel when the book's addressed to Romans when it's addressed to Gentiles and chapter 10 does the exact same thing where it makes it abundantly clear that the children of Israel the nation of Israel didn't get saved they're not the ones that wanted to get the gospel and he explains the mechanics of how to get saved so that he can understand why Israel's not saved why is chapter 10 important he's explaining exactly how to get saved so that you know why Israel is not saved and this is really important because let's be honest most of us you know if you weren't a soul winner you know for a long portion of your life you know there was a point in your life where you thought almost every Christian was saved who in here thought before they started going soul winning that virtually every Christian was saved okay yeah me too I thought that virtually every church every Christian was saved and everybody knew but you know what helped me understand that people weren't saved going soul winning and using Romans chapter number 10 asking people what they believe and look a lot of Christians think that Jews are saved you know or they think that Jews believe the Bible or they think a lot of weird things and what helps them understand that these individuals are not saved or they don't believe the Bible is just asking them hey what do you believe hey what do you think salvation is hey what do you think it takes to go to heaven and then you start realizing virtually every person believes in themselves every person is trusting their works everybody trusts that they're a good enough person to get into heaven and that's what the Jews were trusting in that's what Romans chapter 2 emphasized that's what Jesus was constantly hammering when he was with the Jews is the fact that they were sinners that they did not keep the law that they were willing to justify themselves that they were not believing in him and he was trying to get them to realize they're a sinner deserving of hell so that they would realize they needed a savior okay and Romans chapter 10 you know it's a great tool for us because even though the immediate context isn't necessarily trying to just get some random guy off the street saved it's explaining what it takes to get saved so then it ends up being an awesome portion of scripture to get someone saved now there's an attack out there which is just literally insane and wicked it's both insane and wicked which will try to say that chapter 10 is not about how to get someone saved or the mechanics of getting someone saved spiritually but rather it's just talking about a physical deliverance of the nation of Israel or it's just physical deliverance this is just complete absurdity it is not it's not reasonable and honestly it's super French and you say like why preach about it if it's super French well let me explain this for one it's super French in reality because virtually every church agrees that Romans 10 is talking about spiritual salvation I mean it doesn't matter if you're talking about Pentecostals it doesn't matter if you're talking about the non-denom church it doesn't matter if you're talking about the southern Baptist church it doesn't matter who you're talking to I mean 99% of everyone agrees this is talking about spiritual salvation but there's just this stupid phenomenon of internet bozos that go around and they hang out with you know in new IP circles and they try to lie to everybody and make a big deal and say like oh this is about like physical salvation or whatever you know it's about Israel or something those people are idiots and they remind me of flat earthers because they just deny reality so hard and one thing about flat earthers that you'll find out if you ever meet one is the only thing they can talk about is the earth being flat like they're just obsessed to the point where that's the only talking point that they have they're not interested in talking about the weather about food about life about family they probably have just no hobbies it's just that the earth is flat it's the only thing they want to talk about and they're freaks what seems like the same as with these people all they want to do is try to talk about Romans 10 not saying what it's saying and because they're just such a loud fringe freak minority it sometimes gives people the idea that a lot of people think this way or a lot of people believe this way but that's not true and I don't want anyone in our church or any of our friends to ever get infected with this garbage or this insane wickedness if you think that this chapter is not talking about spiritual salvation you're wicked okay it goes beyond just being stupid to a point of wickedness because this is such a powerful portion of scripture where 99.99% of people that got saved someone showed them at least one verse from this chapter so someone trying to attack the idea of this chapter being about soul winning is just wicked to the core folks and I don't want you to ever have anything to do with these individuals but look what it says in verse 1 brethren my hearts desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved now here's a question anytime a word's brought up in the Bible shouldn't the Bible be able to define it for us or couldn't we look at other places where that particular word is used to get a sense of what we're talking about now do you think the apostle Paul you know he didn't write out the word ten right here first of all he was writing in Greek okay number one but number two he wasn't numbering these chapters this is a cohesive thought it's a cohesive letter so obviously he's not going to come up with a random new definition for saved that he hadn't even brought up before it's going to be similar to all the other times he mentioned the word saved so let's just look at what the Bible said when it used the word saved previously look at chapter 9 flip back maybe one page look at verse 27 Isaiah talking about Isaiah also cried concerning Israel though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea a remnant shall be saved what was that verse talking about is this talking about just physical deliverance only a small portion of physical Israel is going to be physically delivered no it's obviously talking about how just only a small number of physical Israel is going to be saved spiritually now it gets really clear when you keep going in that in this particular passage that we're talking about spiritual salvation what shall we say then that the Gentiles which followed not after righteousness have not attained to righteousness even the righteousness which is of faith but Israel which followed after the law of righteousness have not attained to the law of righteousness wherefore because they sought it not by faith but as it were by the works of the law for they stumbled at that stumbling stone as it is written behold I lay in Zion a stumbling stone and rock of offense and whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed so notice are we bringing up a physical deliverance here or are we talking about righteousness and wasn't that the context that we started with in Romans chapter 1 have we ever left that context never we've never left the righteousness of God being revealed in the book of Romans we've just been hammering that point every single one of these chapters and now Israel is not righteous because they sought it by the works of the law and how Gentiles and the remnant of physical Israel that believed they obtained it because they sought it by faith okay and that's the reason why Israel is not saved is they didn't believe in Jesus Christ they didn't put their faith in Jesus Christ so he's showing to these Gentiles why the Jews in their synagogue in their local synagogue are not saved and he's like well how do I know? well go walk up to one of them and ask them hey what does it take to go to heaven and they're like be a good person follow the commandments, get circumcised, be a Jew and he's like well doesn't the Bible say believe in Jesus though? doesn't the Bible say that you're supposed to put your faith in him and so they can help them understand why the Jews in their local synagogue aren't even saved and they are because that's pretty important so that you don't go to Robert Morris' church you go to the steadfast Baptist church in your local area right? and you end up realizing hey these people are not really of God these people are not even saved I wish they were, I want them to be saved but you know what? they're not and the same is with me you know I want the Catholics in our area to be saved I want the Methodists in our area to be saved and hey I even want the ethnic Jews in our area to be saved but let me tell you something they're just not they have to believe in Jesus Christ to be saved and yes ethnic Jews can be saved but I know one, I know somebody that's an ethnic Jew and they believe the gospel and they're a Christian so it's not like being ethnically Jew matters because the Apostle Paul was ethnically Jew but here's the thing what makes someone a true Jew or a spiritual Jew is because they believe in Jesus Christ and they're saved by faith so I mean that was not even far from verse 1 you know how close that was to verse 1? it was literally right next to it so the next verse brethren my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved do you really think that's a radically different context of the word saved than what we just read? than what we were just talking about? of course not now just for the sake of turning every stone over let's look at other mentions of the word saved previously go to chapter 8 and look at verse 22 go to chapter 8 and look at verse 22 now the word saved is only used a handful of times in the book of Romans and we're going to look at all of them really quick look at Romans chapter 8 verse 22 for we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth and pain together until now and not only they but ourselves also which have the first fruits of the spirit even we ourselves groan within ourselves waiting for the adoption to wit the redemption of our body for we are saved by hope what do you think that salvation was talking about? that the whole creation is groaning for that every single person wants and the redemption of our body that sounds like spiritual salvation to me doesn't it? and what saves us? hope in Jesus Christ our faith in Jesus Christ not something that we can see now not our works but rather our hope and faith and trust in Jesus go to chapter 5 and look at verse 9 Romans chapter 5 verse 9 the Bible says much more than being now justified by his blood we shall be saved from wrath through him what do you think that's talking about? that's talking about being saved from hell folks because we are justified by the blood of Jesus Christ and we've been made righteous in God's sight through his blood through his righteousness therefore we've been saved from the wrath of hell now this makes perfect sense because you know what you're not saved from? the consequences of your sin on earth you know if you are in the middle of getting a tattoo and you get saved the tattoo doesn't disappear you still have it on your body and you're not even it's not like you're saved from that consequence if you shoot someone in the head and you kill them in cold blooded murder and then someone walks up and says hey you want to get saved before the cops drag you off to the jail? they're like sure and you preach them the gospel and they get saved you know what the cops are going to do? they're going to put handcuffs on you and put you in the car and take you to jail but you don't understand officer I just got saved they're going to be like I don't care because I'm a cop and I don't care about the Bible apparently and they're just going to throw you in the cop car drag you off and you're going to go to jail and you might even die in jail because you know what? you're saved from the consequences of your sin in this life you are saved from the wrath of hell and that's what it means to be saved is to be saved from hell otherwise it doesn't even matter you know why does it matter that someone is saved for a temporary short period of time if they still go to hell why is that emphasized? why does that even matter? you know what matters is that you're not going to burn in hell for all of eternity look at verse 10 what reconciled God by the death of his son much more being reconciled we should be saved by his life so notice we're saved by the life of Jesus Christ we're saved by his death burial and resurrection what reconciled us was the whole package not just one aspect of it so let's go back to Romans chapter number 10 here these are all the mentions of saved so far so why after those handful of mentions of saved would I randomly get to chapter 10 verse 1 and then say it's anything other than spiritual salvation I wouldn't unless I was wicked and had a bad agenda because it's just so clear it's so obvious and think about this the verse proceeding verse 33 of chapter 9 notice the last phrase and whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed did you realize that that exact phrase is repeated again here in this chapter look at what it says in verse number 11 that is exactly the exact same quote that we had in verse 33 is there in verse number 11 so it's talking about the exact same thing it's the same context it's the same phrase it's the same mention of the fact that hey, anybody who ends up believing they're not going to be ashamed what does it mean to be ashamed in this context because ashamed could have a lot of different context a lot of different meanings it's simply saying that if it's the fourth quarter of the basketball game and you're down by two and there's one second on the clock but you know what, you got Jesus on your team and it's saying whosoever passes the ball to Jesus in the fourth quarter or down by two is not going to be ashamed he's always going to make the shot you're never going to be like man, I wish I hadn't passed it to him you're going to be like man, it's not like passing it to Shaq and he has to shoot free throws at the end of the game to win you're passing it to Jesus and he's always going to make it and you're always going to win it means you're not going to be let down you're not going to lose the game you're not going to ever be a loser you're going to always be a winner it's just basically saying look if I believe in Jesus I'm not going to stand before God and he's going to say you know what, you sinned too much I know you believe in Jesus but it just wasn't enough you're going to hell nope, every single person that stands before God and says I believe in Jesus heaven, they're on the championship team they got the trophy they got in, they're a winner and that's what it means it's saying anybody, not just Jews even Gentiles, even us we who have believed in Jesus Christ we're also going to be saved by his life so what's the problem with Israel? they don't believe that they're not believing on Jesus and you know what they're going to do? they're going to testify to their works and they're going to end up being ashamed because they just aren't going to be able to make it in just like Adam and Eve were ashamed when they were naked because they ended up realizing oh wow, I've got a problem here and they tried to cover themselves with fig leaves but you know what, they still weren't right in God's sight because your works can't cover your nakedness your works can't cover your sin you can try your best but you know what, it's not the same you need that lamb to be slain and to be clothed with the blood of the lamb and that's what covers your nakedness, that's what covers your sin before God and you stand righteous in his sight Israel doesn't do that how do you know? well look at verse 2 for I bear them record that they have a zeal of God but not according to knowledge for they being ignorant of God's righteousness and going about to establish their own righteousness have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God for Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth saying what? the children of Israel, the Jews they definitely have a zeal meaning that they're very they have a lot of energy about serving God, they're doing a lot of things, they're excited about it it's important to them, it's a big portion of their life they're committed, you know and look, we have that today there are people that show up at their Catholic church every time the doors are open there are people there that are dedicating their life, their money, their time, their effort their energy to false religion and they have a zeal just like the Jews, they have a zeal they're going to synagogue they're doing all their different stupid rituals they've got the pigtails going on and all kinds of stuff, right? but here's the problem, it's not according to knowledge meaning that they're not doing the right things just like Cain hey, he offered a sacrifice unto God, he put effort and energy into his sacrifice, it just was the wrong sacrifice it was the wrong offering that he had and so because they're trying to establish their own righteousness they're not saved what does it mean to establish their own righteousness? think about and this is a great example I'm not going to go there for the sake of time but think about the two men that go to pray you've got the publican and you've got basically this Pharisee and when they end up praying unto God what does the Pharisee do? he talks about how, oh I thank thee that I'm not like other men I give tithe of all that I have you know what he's doing? he's establishing his righteousness I give of this tithe and I fast twice in the week and he's establishing why he's righteous before God and what does the other man, what does the publican do? God, be merciful and a sinner, he's not establishing his righteousness, he's establishing God's righteousness and you know what Jesus said about that man is he went home justified rather than the other why? because your righteousness doesn't add up and the Jews as the Bible describes them they're willing to justify themselves they thought they were saved they looked down upon other people saying they're sinners hey look buddy, you're a sinner too we're all sinners and because they couldn't recognize their need for the savior he was right in front of them doing miracles and they rejected him they wanted him to be crucified they were ignorant of God's righteousness now, that's important phrasing here when we talk about that being God's righteousness also at the end of verse 3 it says the righteousness of God keep your finger here, go back to Romans 1 go to Romans chapter 1 and look at verse number 17 for therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith as it is written that just shall live by faith now what do you think Romans chapter 1 verse 17 is about? what does the previous verse say? for I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto this word salvation salvation to everyone that believeth to the Jew first and also the Greek so you know what? if you think that Romans chapter 10 is about physical salvation then you have to say that Romans chapter 1 is about physical salvation too because they are the exact same thing but you know what? Romans 1 is so clearly about spiritual salvation and that proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that Romans 10 is talking about the same thing, because why? because in Romans chapter 1 we are establishing that the righteousness of God has been revealed salvation has been revealed and in Romans chapter number 10 we are talking about the righteousness of God which those who believe in Christ have and which Israel does not have because they went about to establish their own righteousness let's keep going here in chapter 10 look at verse number 5 for Moses describeth the righteousness which is of the law that the man which doeth those things shall live by them so if you want righteousness by the law well you better just do it perfect and hey, technically you will live by it there is nothing wrong with following the law there is nothing wrong with being righteous according to the word of God and according to the law but what is the problem? our flesh is weak we are not capable of keeping all of the law for finding fault with them there is nothing wrong with the law the law is fine, the law is perfect the problem is that we are not perfect and we could never keep the law that is what the Bible made really clear in chapter number 3 is hammering well unfortunately though we are sinners unfortunately we did not keep the law therefore that is why we needed Christ that is why we needed salvation and in verse 4 notice it says for Christ is the end of the law what does it mean by end? it is over meaning what? I have already fully acquired righteousness the moment I believe in Jesus Christ I am righteous it is the end I have already acquired it I have already won the race I have already finished I have already completed the course of righteousness whereas those that are going down the course of the law they never get to the finish line they cannot make it it would be like a 100 million mile marathon good luck you might get 50 miles you might get 100 miles you are never going to run 100 million miles you are never getting there I just basically believe in him and I am at the finish line it is the end of the law I have arrived I am righteous whereas Moses is saying there is nothing wrong with running the race do it here is a problem you just cannot run it you just cannot get there you will never be good enough you will always come short for all have come short of the glory of God verse 6 but the righteousness which is of faith so notice he is contrasting Moses' righteousness which is through the law with the righteousness which is of faith which is what he was bringing up previously he says but the righteousness which is of faith speak of on this wise say not thine heart who shall ascend into heaven that is to bring Christ down from above or who shall ascend in the deep that is to bring up Christ again from the dead the word is nigh thee even in thy mouth and in thy heart that is the word of faith which we preach so he is saying what I am about to tell you is what I preach to everybody it is the faith message that I deliver it is the exact same thing it said in Romans chapter 1 verse 17 that the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith so when the apostle Paul wants to give somebody the righteousness of God he is delivering from his mouth the word of faith to others so they can also have that faith in Romans chapter 17 and it says what? it says so then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God what is the transfer of salvation? it is from one person preaching the word of faith and another person hearing that and then believing and getting that faith that is why we have so many cool pictures like on a Christmas session where we all get the lights and we all have candles and only one candle needs to be lit and then that person takes their lit candle and it is like their little faith and they just put it next to the other guy's candle and it is just like fire and then the next guy and then pretty soon we all have light and it came from one source this is the same way that the gospel works that we go out and we preach the gospel and the word of faith spreads to another person and that person hears it and then they get saved and then they preach it and then they get saved this is how the multiplication process works we have the seed within ourselves just like physical multiplication where the seed is in Adam and he produces through Eve and then the seed is in man and man has to plant that seed it is the same way, we have the seed of the gospel and we are the sowers and the sowers soweth the word and we are going out there and we are trying to preach the gospel and give it to people we are running around with our light putting it up to there and seeing if it will catch fire that is what we are doing and that is how it works it is talking about the mechanics of getting someone saved now this is an interesting portion of scripture go to Deuteronomy chapter 30 go to Deuteronomy chapter 30 I think the language here is a little bit interesting about what it is saying in Romans chapter 10 but you know it is actually quoting Deuteronomy chapter number 30 look at verse 12 in the Old Testament it says this and it is talking about the commandment it is not in heaven that thou shouldst say who shall go up for us to heaven and bring it unto us that we may hear it and do it neither is it beyond the sea that thou shouldst say who shall go over the sea for us and bring it unto us that we may hear it and do it but the word is very nigh unto thee in thy mouth and in thy heart that thou mayest do it see I have set before thee this day life and good and death and evil so the Old Testament is actually being referenced here in the book of Romans and if you look at verse 7 again it says or let's look at the end of verse 6 it says say not in thine heart now whenever it is telling you say not what it is trying to say is what we are about to say is wrong the quotes that we are saying Calvinists might embrace this because they apparently embrace what is wrong but don't say this who shall ascend in the heaven that is to bring Christ down from above what was the quote in Deuteronomy chapter 30 who is going to go up to heaven and bring the Bible down to us bring the commandment, bring the word of God to us now here is the thing on one quote it is the word of God on the other quote it is who it is Christ, now there is an interesting thing in the Bible Christ is the word of God folks ok so what is it trying to say it is saying we don't need to go up to heaven to find out what to do did you know that people can get saved and know how to go to heaven without ever having been to heaven but isn't that an objection you get at the door well no one can know if they are going to heaven we have never seen heaven, no one has ever been there so how could anybody know or whatever it is like I don't have to have been to heaven to figure out how to get to heaven and I don't have to go all the way up there to figure out what is the key like hey guys how do I get into this place no no no I already know and I don't have to drag Christ back down from heaven and be like hey how do we get up there I don't have to do that here is another thing I don't have to do or who shall descend into the deep that is to bring up Christ again from the dead now the Old Testament is talking about the sea sometimes the sea is referenced as in the deep and it is kind of tongue in cheek here in this one in the sense that it is also referencing Christ's death right and the fact that he descended down into the deep and of course he was risen again from the dead now what is significant about Jesus Christ being raised from the dead well he is a witness of the resurrection right Jesus Christ himself is a witness of the resurrection and here is the thing I don't need someone to be risen from the dead or a physical witness of the resurrection to believe the gospel didn't we have in the book of Luke we have a guy who is in hell he lifts up his eyes and he is talking to Abraham and he is saying hey can't we send them someone that is risen from the dead to warn them about this place of hell and he says hey they have Moses and the prophets let them hear them saying what you don't need someone to rise from the dead to get you saved you don't have to have someone that is from hell to come up and say hey I am from hell and it is kind of hot I know that Texas is hot but guess what hell is way more hot than Texas do you have a glass of water by the way I don't need that guy I don't need that guy in grave clothes I don't need Jesus coming down from heaven and the question is why why do I not need these things well verse 8 the word is 90 even in thy mouth and in thy heart you know what he is saying you already know how to be saved you already have those words in your mouth and in your heart now this becomes really evident especially when you go to Bahamas or something because when you go to some of these Caribbean places I don't have to show them anything they don't know they could quote for me John 3 16 they could quote for me they already have salvation in their mouth and they like that verse they have the knowledge in their heart how could someone have it in their heart and not be saved well have you ever read the parable of the sower in Luke chapter number 8 it talks about how some people have the word of God in their heart but you know the devil comes and takes that which was sown out of their heart lest they should believe and be saved you know having Jesus in your heart doesn't necessarily save you believing in Jesus saves you because according to the Bible we all have it in our heart people have all got it sown there a lot of people have accepted the truth and look Catholics have accepted the truths about Jesus I mean I've never met a Catholic that said Jesus isn't the son of God or Jesus didn't die on the cross or that Jesus didn't raise from the dead I've never met one I'm sure he exists but he's a weirdo they already have that accepted in their heart but you know what they didn't do they didn't believe on that guy they didn't put their faith in him yet they haven't trusted in him yet and so when the apostle Paul is talking to them he's trying to make it clear look you guys already know plus every place in the entire earth according to the Bible in Acts chapter number 15 every city had Moses every city had already had the Bible it wasn't like you were living in some area you know they always talk about this proverbial guy in the jungle like there's this guy in the jungle and he's just never heard about the Bible or the word of God or anything he's just ooga booga ooga booga trees and it's like how is it fair that he dies and goes to hell you know it's like but you and I have never met that guy and frankly speaking go find me a person on this planet that's never even heard of the Bible or Jesus one time in their life good luck because everybody has I mean it doesn't matter if they're a Muslim a Hindu or whatever they've all heard of Jesus they've all heard of the Bible they all know and many people have already even heard the gospel but what's the problem someone didn't come with that faith and come and reveal it unto them they didn't get close enough to have their candlesticks you know tick so they could get that fire they could get that gospel message did they and of course the Jews were scorching on their candle and it just wouldn't light for some reason I mean their entire candlesticks in a fire and it won't catch on fire somehow it's like what is wrong with your candle you know okay but it's very clear that we've never left at any point in Romans 10 the context of talking about spiritual salvation I mean has any verse suggested anything other than that so far no it's super clear right so then we get to verse 9 that if thou so he's saying here's what I preach here's what I tell people when I go and knock on a door this is what the apostle Paul told people that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised from the dead thou shalt be saved so you know what the apostle Paul told people to do to be spiritually saved to confess and to believe in Jesus that's what the apostle Paul did and you know what I'm not any better than him all I can do is the same thing he did and that's the same word of faith that I preach when I go and I knock on doors I tell people hey look if you confess with your mouth and you believe in your heart you're saved and you say what does save mean there saved from the wrath saved from hell saved from dying and having to pay for your own sins at what point did we ever introduce physical danger and what would be the point like hey if a criminal knocks through the window at night and is breaking in your house if you just confess the death prone resurrection you'll be saved you know what I got a smith and wesson that now here's the thing the horse is prepared against the day of battle but safety is in the Lord you know what it's not about recognizing the death prone resurrection that's going to deliver you from that situation okay and that is a silly silly thing to think that somehow every time you're in physical danger you need to confess the death prone resurrection or something that is not what we're talking about we're talking about a one time event and notice also the emphasis of this chapter verse 9 that if thou thou, what is the word thou it's a singular word about a singular individual that if thou shall confess with thy mouth and the Lord Jesus Christ shall believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead thou shall be saved oh this is talking about the nation of Israel being saved no it's talking about an individual it's talking about one person the singular person that confessed the singular person that believed that singular person is going to be saved it's not talking about multiple people here it's talking about a person that decides to do this why? because every single person is responsible for their salvation no one can save you except for you trusting in Jesus you have to decide every person has to decide for themselves to be saved every child in this room you have to decide if you're going to believe in Jesus or not to be saved your parents can't get you saved you can't have someone else believe for you you have to decide where you're going to put your trust and where you're going to put your faith and that's how someone gets saved verse 10 for with the heart man believes in righteousness and with the mouth confession is made into salvation now from a mechanical perspective it is identifying two items here absolutely one is a belief and one is a confession and I've heard some people say well there's two things you have to do to be saved and you know I get where they're coming from I just don't like using that phraseology because really we're still only talking about one thing we're talking about how to believe in Jesus Christ it's not like there's really because here's what the Bible is really trying to say is this is the mechanics of how you believe because someone who didn't confess didn't believe and someone who confesses and doesn't believe didn't really confess even though they may have opened their mouth I mean think about it this way if I just said I believe that Jesus died and was buried and rose again but I don't believe it at all atheists are mocking it and then you were to stand before God and he's like why should I let you have it and he's like why confess no you didn't because you didn't believe it you were mocking you were just saying it because why? for the confession to have happened you had to believe and the same way for the belief to happen you had to confess at the same event at the same time meaning the same thing you had to have both for it to actually happen similarly the Bible describes how repentance and faith work together in the sense that the moment that someone believed in Jesus Christ was the exact same moment they repented of whatever they were trusting in and for them to have repented they had to believe and for them to believe they had to repent you couldn't have done one without the other they were the simultaneous action of turning to Christ is a joint action in the sense that I'm both repenting and believing but you could simply just say I believed or you could just say I repented both are explaining the exact same singular event of course the Bible is getting into the very specific mechanics of it and that's okay but mechanically speaking while there's multiple things you do to get saved technically there's one thing you do to be saved and just believe on the Lord Jesus Christ the Bible is just explaining in Romans chapter 10 how to do that well how do I do that well I have to believe in my heart and I confess with my mouth and then I'm saved that's what it says in verse 10 verse 11 for the scripture saith whosoever believeth on him should not be ashamed so he sandwiched verse 33 from chapter 9 all the way to here talking about the mechanics of salvation itself and how Israel did not do this but it doesn't matter if you're Israel it doesn't matter if you're Greek look at verse 12 for there's no difference between the Jew and the Greek for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him notice a couple things about verse 11 and 12 in verse 11 it uses the word whosoever and verse 12 it's comparing it with a different word all in verse 11 it says whosoever and verse 12 it's saying all they mean the same thing all and whosoever is the same but notice another comparison it's making it's saying whosoever believeth but then in verse 12 it's saying all that call upon him well which one is it? it's the same thing because believing is the same as those who called upon him those who called upon him are those who believed in him those who believed in him are those who called upon him and it's whosoever and it's all it's saying it's the same it doesn't matter if you're a Jew or a Greek every Jew or Greek that believed is not going to be ashamed whoever is a Jew or Greek that called upon him not going to be ashamed because that's what we had in verse number 11 and 12 and look at verse 13 for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved now think about this verse 11 whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed verse 13 whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved it's just saying this is the same thing calling on him is the same thing as believing on him it's the same process, same event it's talking about being safe spiritually of course there's reference to Acts chapter 2 here let's go there for a moment, let's go to Acts chapter 2 of course there's plenty of people who just don't believe the Bible ok folks and I don't really care about someone that's just obstinate and a heretic because the Bible says after the first and second admonition a heretic is someone that you're supposed to reject ok and I've even heard this, this is crazy to me but I've heard someone tell me in Acts chapter 16 when the jailer said sirs what must I do to be saved, he was asking about physical deliverance and I'm thinking like but ok, why in the world would that guy think that believing in Jesus would have delivered him from the Roman guard executing him as a result of all the prisoners being escaped hey, sorry that I let all the prisoners out of the prison but I did believe in Jesus oh fine then no problem that's not what he was asking about he was about to kill himself you know what, he doesn't care about physical deliverance when he's willing to kill himself you know what he was worried about as soon as I kill myself my eyes are going to lift up somewhere and you know what I don't want them to lift up in hell so what do I have to do to be saved before I kill myself and it's like believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, notice they didn't say don't kill yourself that would have been the perfect time to ever introduce the idea that suicide might take you to hell, and you know what, they didn't bring it up because technically suicide can't send someone to hell now of course suicide is a wicked sin and suicide is something you should never do if they didn't believe in Jesus if they kill themselves they will be in hell but if someone believes in Jesus nothing can separate them from the love of God which Christ Jesus is our Lord now Acts chapter number 2 brings up the same phrase that we see in Romans chapter number 10 look at verse 21 the Bible says and it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved now what do you think Acts chapter 2 is about? is it about the physical deliverance of the children of Israel that have shown up for this feast? no, it was talking about the Apostle Peter and the early disciples trying to get a bunch of Jews to believe in Jesus Christ that's why you have very clearly in Acts 2, 38 it talks about repent and being baptized in the name of Jesus because he wants them to get saved, he wants them to believe in Jesus Christ now in Acts chapter 2 verse 21 it is a quote from the book of Joel and you can see this look at verse number 16 but this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel and it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God I will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams and on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my spirit and they shall prophesy and I will show wonders in heaven above and signs in the earth beneath blood and fire and vapor of smoke the sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before that great and notable day of the Lord come and it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Now I've heard some people take this passage in Joel and let's go there for a moment, let's go to Joel chapter number 2 for a moment they'll go to Joel chapter 2 and they'll say well what you have to understand is that Romans was quoting Joel chapter number 2 and I'll say yes yeah it is quoting Joel chapter 2 and they'll say well what you have to understand Pastor Shelley is that Joel chapter 2 is talking about the rapture and that at the rapture those who call on the name of the Lord they're going to end up being raptured and being saved from physical destruction and that's the whole context of Romans chapter number 10 well that's funny because when I was reading Romans chapter number 10 I never saw anything about the rapture ever like it was like zero mention at any point about anything close to the rapture or Christ coming or anything like that ok but here's where they're cunning and they're crafty is Joel chapter number 2 and the portion of scripture they're going to look at does it have reference or illusion to the rapture and the coming of Christ and the answer is yes it does but you know what it also definitely references Acts chapter 2 you know why? because Acts chapter 2 literally says hey this that was in Joel chapter 2 is talking about right now and let me tell you something preterism is false Jesus didn't come back in Acts chapter number 2 so you know what? Joel 2 is also talking about a bunch of Jews believed on Jesus Christ by calling upon his name and getting saved now look at Joel chapter number 2 and look at verse 28 now it uses the word delivered in the Old Testament it uses the word saved in the New Testament and you say why? because they mean the same thing ok I've been delivered from hell I've been delivered from the wrath to come ok just like I've been saved it doesn't matter which word I use delivered and saved and redeemed and any other word that means the exact same thing so you know what this tells me? that the gospel was in the book of Joel that the same way to be saved in Romans chapter number 10 was the same way to be saved at the time of Joel and it was the same way people got saved in the book of Acts in chapter number 2 oh I thought it was about the rapture it's about both it's called dual fulfillment folks the Bible loves to do this where it will bring up a particular prophecy that's going to happen in a more short term and then talking about the end times as well and so Joel chapter 2 is clearly in reference to Acts chapter 2 and it's in reference to the rapture but that does not mean that Romans chapter 10 is about the rapture if you think that Romans chapter 10 is about the rapture you need to get your head checked ok go back to Romans chapter number 10 you know it's about it's about people calling on the name of the Lord and getting saved just like Acts chapter number 2 was about no one got raptured in Acts chapter number 2 no one no one even believes that they got raptured no one even believes that Jesus Christ returned in Acts chapter number 2 I don't even think preterists believe that they probably thought it was even further out from that point in time because there's another chapter called Acts chapter 3 and 4 don't you think that the rapture if it had happened in chapter 2 it would have been a little bit different in chapter 3 when the disciples are still going out and telling people that Jesus hasn't returned yet I guess they're confused the apostle Paul was just confused with the rest of the New Testament that Jesus hadn't come back yet look folks these are just stupid ideas that are coming from stupid, unsaved minds now verse 14 explains the backwards mechanics of this salvation verse 14 how then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed this makes sense because the apostle Paul is going to the Romans he's kind of like justifying the whole purpose of his life like how in the world were you guys going to end up calling on Jesus and getting saved if you don't even believe in the Jesus that's in the Bible and it's saying and how so they believe in whom if they have not heard and how so they hear without a preacher and how so they preach except they be sent as it is written how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings and good things so what he just explained in verses 14 and 15 can be summarized in one word you notice what that word is? gospel because that's what he's saying that preach the gospel of peace so telling someone that they need to confess to the Lord Jesus and believe in their heart and that's how they get saved that's the gospel calling upon the name of the Lord is part of the gospel people who say you don't have to call upon the name of the Lord are preaching another gospel you know which gospel I preach? the one that's in the Bible I preach the gospel of peace not the missing gospel not almost gospel but the full gospel which is you got to call on the name of the Lord and you got to believe and they say oh no no no you don't understand Pastor Shelley look at verse 14 again carefully it says how shall they believe I'm sorry how shall they call on him and whom they have not believed meaning they already believed and if they already believe then they're saved this is again just not understanding how logic reason and time work did you realize that the moment I'm preaching is the same moment that you're hearing what I'm preaching was there a microscopic second difference when the sound waves went from my mouth into your ear? sure just like when I believed in Jesus Christ I went from repenting to believing in Christ was there a microscopic difference from that yes there was but you know what it was the same moment it was the same event just like in the same way that the time when someone believed in Jesus they were calling on the name of the Lord but let me tell you something it was the same event it was the same time otherwise they didn't believe it's stupid they already believed so they're already saved when people try to tell me there's these people who are just believing the gospel and they're calling that doesn't exist because that would have been a split second in time even at best case scenario like some moment when they were like dear Jesus I'm a sinner and there's like a split second or whatever you know before no it's stupid you're a fool this is straining at a knot and swallowing a camel if someone is going to try and be so pedantic to take verse 14 which is a literal question to try and explain to you why calling on the name of the Lord is not saying that that's how you get saved you know what that person is wicked because we have period just point blank period the verse before it whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved period next verse how then shall they call on him when they have not believed question mark see that tells you you don't have to call upon the name of the Lord to be saved what are you even reading the same book as me you know what's so funny to me I'm going to prove to you that calling on the name of the Lord doesn't save you you know where I'm going to go? Romans 10 I'm thinking like that's the worst chapter to go to in the entire Bible and then they'll just cherry pick phrases out of this chapter ignoring the next phrase they'll just be like well look it says that in verse 10 that with the heart man believeth in righteousness see proof and with the mouth confession made on salvation it's like that's how stupid some people are look what it says in verse 16 but they have not obeyed the gospel for Isaiah saith the Lord who hath believed our report so then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God every time it's talking about everything we've talked about it always just says the gospel we never left the gospel we never started a new conversation it was just gospel gospel gospel believe believe believe faith faith faith salvation salvation salvation same context same thing now probably the worst offender of this physical salvation or denying calling upon the name of the Lord is a guy named Norm Diamante and this guy used to hang out with some of us he went to some of our soul winning marathons some of the people in here I know have been friends of him in the past and let me tell you something you know anybody I don't care who it is anybody that says you don't have to call upon the name of the Lord to be saved is wicked and I don't care who it is I don't care if it's your friend grandmother dog boyfriend your Siamese twin they're wicked okay and I want nothing to do with that individual and even further proof that Norm Diamante is wicked I have physical hard evidence of the fact that this guy is friends with and consorts with the absolute worst enemies of our church just think in your mind who is the absolute worst scummy people on this planet and enemies of our church and Norm Diamante is friends and consorting with those people I have hard physical evidence of that oh but he's such a nice guy why can't you be friends with him I never want to be friends with this guy this guy is super wicked to the core and let me tell you something if you don't think that you have to call upon the name of the Lord to be saved you should find another church and have nothing to do with our church and you're forbidden for ever going soloing with us you're not welcome to go soloing with us and if I ever find it out you better run okay I don't want that heresy and leaven and junk I mean it is wicked I mean what is the whole purpose of him being here getting people saved I don't I'm not going to tolerate for one second that kind of wickedness and that kind of evil now obviously if we have a visitor come in or someone that's brand new to the faith and they're not really sure hey let's love on them let's show them the truth on this but look someone that knows better or has been going soul winning or part of our church and they start coming out with this junk boy the hammer is going to crack hard and fast okay you better believe it and look that guy is wicked and I'm sick and tired of people justifying this junk or claiming like oh I never called the name of the Lord well you're just not saved then okay why would I want to be around you why is that something that's cool to brag about and what kind of logic is this hey God wants me to be saved from physical danger by calling on his name but he doesn't want me to be saved from hell by calling on his name what I mean what's more important physical danger or hell hell's way more important that just defies all reason and all logic and we better believe this chapter I mean I'm not leaving any stone unturned I mean I'm showing you every single verse these people you ask them questions about verses like they won't even answer they won't talk about it they'll just they'll just make fun of you or threaten to beat you up or let's wrestle about it or something it's like I don't want to wrestle with you Norm that sounds kind of gay alright I'm not I'm not interested in that you'd be like Jacob wrestled okay cool but you know what I'm not interested in rolling around on a mat with you to decide what the Bible believes you know what the Bible says stupid verse 18 but I say have they not heard yes verily their sound went into all the earth and their words unto the ends of the world but I say did not Israel know first Moses saith I will provoke you to jealousy by them that are no people and by a foolish nation I will anger you but Isaiah is very bold and saith I was found of them that sought me not I was made manifest unto them that asked not after me but to Israel saith all day long I have stretched forth my hands unto a disobedient and gainsaying people so again this is kind of helping us wrap up the context here he's explaining to this Gentile audience look everyone has heard everyone has the Gospels gone everywhere what was the point of Romans chapter number one the the righteousness of God has been revealed and even makes it clear that they have no excuse the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made so they're without excuse salvation hey the words have gone everywhere the Gospels gone everywhere the word of God has been spread to the ends of the world and he's like well then did Israel not know this like what what happened and he said well no the whole the reason why the Gospel went everywhere was to try and provoke Israel to end up getting saved being like look these guys are getting saved why don't you get saved they're getting the righteousness of God they're getting the blessings they're getting the outpouring of the Holy Spirit they're getting the miracles and it should provoke them to say like well I want in on this too verse 20 and he's saying I was found of them what what does it mean to be found if that lost sheep that Jesus went out and he found them and he brought them in this is again talking about that spiritual picture of salvation how he was found of Gentiles and notice they weren't even asking they were just out we were just lost little sheep just like we and he just pulled us out of the ditch we didn't even know what to do we didn't even see the Savior he just pulled us out of the ditch he found us and of course it's not this Calvinist doctrine of where we were just like laser beam of irresistible grace we at least believe the Gospel when we heard it we decided to trust in him but we didn't necessarily knock on someone else's door to get the Gospel someone knocked on our door someone knocked on our heart someone came and confronted us about the Gospel and we ended up believing in him but what's the problem with Israel all day long I stretch forth my hands into a disobedient and gainsaving people he's just like just forever I've been trying to get Israel saved and they just won't do it what is gainsaying? to gainsay means to contradict say the opposite to deny the veracity of something so you tell them about Jesus and they contradict the stories of Jesus everything Jesus said was constantly being contradicted by the sinners contradicted by the Jews they're lying about him they're saying this is not true he's a blasphemer no he can't because he's from the wrong town no would this guy hang out with sinners would this guy hang out with public just everything they're just constantly gainsaying just everything about him no it can't be that way and they just resist it's not that they didn't hear it's not that they didn't know they're just a Ben Shapiro look Ben Shapiro knows the gospel he knows it better than Matt Walsh who's a catholic he has to constantly tell Jordan Peterson and Matt Walsh what the gospel even is because they're such heretics he's like well actually Christianity teaches that it's all faith in Jesus not your stupid work salvation that's what I believe you know he's like you sound like a Jew okay hang out with Jews too much yeah because you work for one okay don't trust the catholic working for a Jew okay that's bizarre and look I'm not against people that don't believe like us we need to test them but we need to realize they're not saved and we need to help them to do what call upon the name of the Lord to be saved we need to show them the faith we need to reveal unto them the faith and bring our faith and preach them how do they get faith by hearing the word of God us going out and confronting the world about the gospel the only way someone's going to get saved is if you open up your mouth don't you know another important part of this chapter is that it didn't say hand them a track it didn't say mail them a Bible it said hey you preach them the gospel it's the word of faith which we preach that's how we want to get people saved the old fashioned door knocking soul went away alright let's close in prayer Heavenly Father for this great chapter for this incredible mosaic of scripture that we have giving us the beauty of the gospel I pray that we would be willing to use our feet to go that we would walk out these doors and we'd preach the gospel to a lost and dying world and we wouldn't get sucked in by heretics and false teachers and losers and people that want to discourage soul winning but rather we would be emboldened and we'd see the the reason why we go out is that people aren't going to get saved unless we go they're not going to hear if we don't preach they're not going to believe unless we explain the gospel and they're not going to call until they've believed and so we have to go out there and fulfill the great commission to preach the gospel of peace and I pray that you would be with us as we go and in Jesus' name we pray amen alright in closing let's go to song number 262 song number 262 song number 262 the light of the world is Jesus song number 262 the whole world was lost in the darkness of sin the light of the world is Jesus like sunshine and noonday his glory's shown in the light of the world is Jesus come to the light is shining for me sweetly the light has gone upon me once I was blind but now I can see the light of the world is Jesus no darkness of moving Jesus the light of the world is Jesus we walk in the light with all of our kind the light of the world is Jesus come to the light is shining for me sweetly the light has gone upon me once I was blind but now I can see the light of the world is Jesus these dwellers in darkness with blinded eyes the light of the world is Jesus you'll watch as evening and light will arise the light of the world is Jesus come to the light is shining for me sweetly the light has gone upon me once I was blind but now I can see the light of the world is Jesus no need of the sunlight in heaven for the light of the world is Jesus the light of the world is the light in the city the light of the world is Jesus come to the light is shining for me sweetly the light has gone upon me once I was blind but now I can see the light of the world is Jesus you