(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Art thou weary, art thou languid? Hymn number 9393. Art thou weary, art thou languid? Let's sing. Art thou weary, art thou languid? Art thou sore distressed? Come to me, saith one, and coming be at rest. Hath he marks to lead me to him, if he be my guide? In his feet and hands are wound, prince, and his side. Is there diadem, as monarch, that his brow adorns? Gave a crown in very shirty fun of thorns. If I ask him to receive me, will he say me nay? Not till earth and not till heaven pass away. Fighting folly, keeping struggling, is he sure to bless? Saints, apostles, prophets, martyrs, answer yes. Amen. Let's open with a word of prayer. Heavenly Father, I just want to come to you in prayer again, and I just thank you for this church, for Steadfast OKC. Lord, I just thank you for the opportunity to have somewhere to gather together, to sing praises to you and to learn from your word. God, I just pray that you'd be with us for this service. I pray that you would bless Pastor with your spirit, and that you would also incline your ear to us for this song service, as we sing praises unto you. Help us dwell on the words of these songs, and not just mindingly go about singing. Lord, I just pray that everything would be done decently and in order for you. We love you very much. These things we pray in Jesus' name. Amen. Amen. Alright, for our next hymn this evening, if you would turn to 140. We have an anchor. Hymn number 140, 140, we have an anchor. We have an anchor that keeps our soul, Steadfast and sure while the billows roll, Fastened to the rock which cannot move, Grounded firm and deep in the Savior's love, It is safely moored, will the storm withstand, Worth is well secured by the Savior's hand, Though the tempest rains and the wild winds blow, Not an angry wave shall our parkour flow, We have an anchor that keeps our soul, Steadfast and sure while the billows roll, Fastened to the rock which cannot move, Grounded firm and deep in the Savior's love, With our eyes behold, through the gathering night, The city of Gold, our harbor bright, We shall anchor fast by the heavenly shore, When the storms all pass forevermore, We have an anchor that keeps our soul, Steadfast and sure while the billows roll, Fastened to the rock which cannot move, Grounded firm and deep in the Savior's love. Thanks so much for coming to Steadfast Baptist Church. There's some bulletins back here. Brother Cameron can get you a bulletin if you need one. On the front we have Romans 8 verse 32, and then we have our service times, our soul winning times, also our church stats, and then continue to pray for the Alvarez. We're expecting. Upcoming events, Saturday, April 30th, is going to be a Mother's Day dinner at Charleston's Restaurant, 5pm, so that'll be a lot of fun. And also Saturday, May 14th, is a Steadfast Cookout Fellowship. I don't know, are we having this famous brisket that I'm hearing about for this cookout again or something? No, I'm just kidding. I heard I missed out on the really good brisket. So I guess I'm going to have to try and make it the next time the brisket's coming out. Saturday, June 4th, the Lawton Oklahoma Soul Winning Marathon. Saturday, July 23rd, the Tulsa Oklahoma Soul Winning Marathon. So a lot of great opportunities. Brother Cameron said there's nothing good in Lawton, so I guess soul winning. Is that the only thing we've got left? Is there anywhere to eat? I mean, what are y'all going to eat? Gold crown. Oh man. Hey, I have that on my sermon, so we'll go ahead and talk about that too. And then that's pretty much all I have for announcements. It's really good to see you guys. I know it's been a little while, but everything's going pretty good down in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. I heard everything's going pretty well up here, and so that's definitely good to see you guys and to be up here. Hopefully we'll be getting into a new space pretty soon too. So continue to be praying for us down there and that the church is going strong. But we've had really good services. We've had two services, Sunday morning services over 180 in the hotel. So that's pretty great that people are still staying encouraged and going out soul winning and everything like that. So let's go to our third song, 145. Our family definitely sins of love. Ellie's starting to crawl. Probably going to be walking soon. 145, It Is Well With My Soul. Alright, 145, It Is Well With My Soul. In this, you'll notice, and most of you are familiar, there's a part in the chorus where there's an upper part and the lower part. Ladies, upper part, men lower. We're going to learn to sing in parts if it's the last thing we do. It is well with my soul, it is well, it is well with my soul, with my soul. Roughly how it goes, 145. When peace like a river attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea bear a tear, when sorrows like sea billows roll, whatever my law, thou hast taught me to say, it is well, it is well with my soul, it is well, it is well with my soul, with my soul. It is well, it is well with my soul. Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come, let this blessed assurance control that Christ has regarded my helpless escape and hast shed his own blood for my soul. It is well, it is well with my soul, with my soul. It is well, it is well with my soul. I sing of the bliss of this glorious thought, my sin not in part but the whole is nailed to the cross and I bear it no more. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul. It is well, it is well with my soul, with my soul. It is well, it is well with my soul. And Lord, ace the day when my faith shall be signed, the clouds be rolled back as a scroll, the trump shall resound and the Lord shall be sent even so, it is well with my soul. It is well, it is well with my soul, with my soul. It is well, it is well with my soul. Amen. Good singing this evening. While the offering plates are being passed around, go ahead and turn, if you would, to First Timothy, chapter number three. First Timothy, chapter number three. Good evening, First Timothy, chapter number three. First Timothy, chapter number three. The Bible reads, this is a true saying, if a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given a hospitality, apt to teach, not given to wine, no striker, not greedy, a filthy lucre, but patient, not a brawler, not covetous, one that ruleth his own house well, having his children in subject, having his children in subjection with all gravity. For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God? Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into condemnation of the devil. Moreover, he must have a good report of them which are without, lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil. Likewise, must the deacons be grave, not double-tongued, not given to much wine, not greedy, a filthy lucre, holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience. And let these also first be proved, then let them use the office of a deacon being found blameless. Even so, must their wives be grave, not slanderous, sober, faithful, and all things. Let the deacons be the husband of one wife, ruling their own children and their own houses well, for they that have used the office of a deacon well purchased to themselves a good degree and great boldness and faith which is in Christ Jesus. These things wrought unto thee hoping to come unto thee shortly. But if I tarry long that thou mayest know how thou that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyselves in the house of God which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth. And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness. God was manifest in the flesh justified in the spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. Heavenly Father Lord we just ask at this time that you just fill the pastor with your spirit and just give him the words to speak and we just ask that you'd open this congregation's heart to your word. We love you and we give you thanks in Jesus' precious name we pray. Amen. This is easy, chapter number three and the sermon is not necessarily about this chapter's details but why I wanted to read this specific chapter to start off my sermon is because I feel like it teaches the principle for the basis of this evening's sermon. Now this evening's sermon the title is quality over quantity. Quality over quantity. Now the word quality is not a Bible word. It's not a word that you find in the scriptures but I believe it's a word that is often taught in various places in scripture and first Timothy chapter number three is known as the qualifications of a pastor. That's typically what you would refer it to as there's other portions of scripture that are considered the qualifications of a pastor and notice that the Bible giving in all these instructions that the church would find men that meet all these strict requirements for a pastor proves that there is some threshold to meet. There is some level of quality that has to go into a pastor and that it's not that we need a large quantity necessarily of pastors but rather we need quality pastors and if we were to diagnose America today and say what does America need it certainly does not need more pastors. The number of pastors in America is more than sufficient more than necessary to have the word of God be thundered forth in this country. What we're lacking is a high quality of pastors in fact many pastors would certainly not meet the requirements of this list and that's a shame it's a reproach to the word of God's reproach to America's approach to Christ that we have so many pastors today that don't even care what the qualifications are and this is an important principle that can really be applied to all areas of our life. Go if you would to Titus chapter 1. Titus chapter 1 I'm not going to spend a lot of time on a pastor or a church that's not really my focus but I just want to at least draw out from the text that the Bible teaches the emphasis of quality over quantity and in Titus chapter 1 it says in verse 1 that thou should have set in order the things that are wanting and ordain elders in every city as I had appointed thee and then he gives the qualifications again but notice that he had to leave someone in a particular area to designate men to be over churches because the churches didn't have a pastor and they need to identify someone of quality not just hey let's put a guy in charge but let's put a guy in charge right so there's kind of some examination there's some testing there's necessity requirement and so it's important that in every area of our life that we're not just worried about the quantity or some kind of carnal measurement rather we're more interested in the quality of our lives the quality of the products that we do our works go if you would to Revelation when he is looking for pastors when he's looking for churches he doesn't care about quantity he only cares about quality and I believe I can prove that when you look in Revelation because you have the epistle of Revelation written to seven different churches and these are legitimate bona fide churches that are in existence at this time we know that they no longer exist today but if God is looking for the quantity of churches then this wouldn't make any sense when we read in Revelation chapter 2 look at verse number 5 remember therefore from whence thou art fallen and repent and do the first works or else I will come unto thee quickly and remove thy candlestick out of his place except thou repent so notice Christ is saying if you don't meet a certain threshold if you look at verse number 20 of chapter 1 it says the mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest on my right hand and the seven golden candlesticks the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches so notice he relates the word candlestick with the word church so if we go back to verse 5 when he says I will remove thy candlestick you could say I will remove thy candlestick out of his place meaning hey if you're not meeting a certain threshold we're going to revoke your status as a church you're no longer going to be the church of God you're just going to be a coffee club a social club you're just going to be a group where people are meeting together and it's no longer church because they don't meet certain requirements notice that Christ is emphasizing quality over quantity he doesn't care about having tons of people or study the bible or preach the gospel or meet certain thresholds or certain requirements because he's not interested in seeing how many little buildings call themselves a church or claim that they're a follower of Jesus Christ he wants people to actually be saved he wants people to actually preach the gospel he wants actually a little you know certain standards to be upheld otherwise it doesn't meet the criterion you know franchises and businesses are like this where if a certain franchise is not meeting the requirements of that franchise maybe their service is too poor or maybe their quality of their product is too poor they'll revoke their franchise status they'll revoke their business they'll come and shut them down because they're a poor representation of their business model the same as with God when he's saying hey if this church doesn't meet a certain threshold you're not my church I'm no longer going to be over you you basically have lost the franchise of being a church of Jesus Christ and if we were able to look with the eyes of Jesus Christ today we would realize that the majority of churches today God doesn't even look at as a church he doesn't even believe it's a church he doesn't consider it or regard it as a church and just because say people might gather there on a Sunday morning doesn't make it church you know a lot of people you knock on their door especially when going and evangelizing preaching the gospel and people say oh we're having church right now and it's like no we're not you know we're just too you know if just a small gathering of Christians is church then that means my family's church all the time right my wife never leaves church in fact because she's always surrounded with you know in fact Jackson recently got saved so there's two or three you know my Clayton and Jackson and my wife I mean you got three saved people always congregating you know that's not church okay so that would be a silly definition a silly interpretation and God's not trying to see how many churches he can establish without meeting a certain threshold no we need quality over quantity now of course quantity has its place it's not like we just want to have one quality church in the world we want to have quantity too but we have quality over quantity the quality is more important than the quantity itself and that's a principle that I believe the Bible is consistently teaching go if you were to first Samuel chapter number 16 so the first part of the sermon I just want to kind of prove to you and show you that the Bible is emphasizing quality over quantity we see that with the pastor having qualifications we see that with the church if it doesn't meet certain requirements God doesn't regard it as a church we even see this in individuals that God emphasizes quality over quantity look at first Samuel chapter 16 look at verse number five and he said peaceably this is Samuel speaking they were afraid when he showed up in town this is what happens when I show up here and you didn't know I was coming I'm come to sacrifice some of the Lord sanctify yourselves and come with me to the sacrifice and he sanctified Jesse and his sons and called them to the sacrifice it just makes me think there's one time I showed up it was like a Thursday night and for some reason like the leadership didn't realize I was coming and they're like come up easily you know it's like yeah I'm just coming to preach tonight or whatever it's like is everything okay and it's just like yeah no problem it's just funny it says in verse number five number six and he came to pass when they were come that he looked on a lie and said surely the Lord's anointed is before him but the Lord said in the same and look not on his countenance or on the height of his stature because I have refused him for the Lord seeth not as man seeth for man looketh on the outward appearance but the Lord looketh on the heart then Jesse called a Benadab and made him pass before Samuel and he said neither the Lord chosen this and then Jesse made Shammah to pass by and he said neither the Lord chosen this again Jesse made seven of his sons pass before Samuel and Samuel said unto Jesse the Lord hath not chosen these same as that in the Jesse are here all thy children and he said there remain it yet the youngest and behold he keepeth the sheep and Samuel said unto Jesse sit and fetch him for we will not sit down till he come hither and he sent and brought him in now he was ruddy and with all of a beautiful countenance and goodly to look to and the Lord said arise anoint him for this is he then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brethren and the spirit Lord came upon David from that day forward so Samuel rose up and went to Rhema but the spirit Lord departed from Saul and evil spirit from the Lord troubled him so when we think about this passage what's interesting when I'm thinking about this concept of quality over quality is Eliab is the firstborn and according to the scriptures he's very tall because when God is essentially explaining to Samuel why he doesn't is not going to pick Eliab yet Samuel kind of thought he was it was due to how tall he was it says in verse 7 or on the height of his stature so if we were to measure David versus Eliab who is more man for man Eliab is more in quantity you know he's got more inches on his height he's got more size to him he's got more to him physically but here's the thing God doesn't care about the height doesn't care about the quantity of the man he cares more about the quality of the man and notice God looked at the heart of David and he refused Eliab even though he's bigger he has more to work with because God doesn't care about the quantity as much as he cares about the quality and there's nothing wrong with being tall there's nothing wrong with being strong in fact Saul King Saul was actually the largest man of the entire tribe of Israel of the whole group of the tribe of Benjamin specifically of the whole nation of Israel Saul was head and shoulders above all the other Israelites but the reason why God chose Saul in the beginning was not for his height but rather for his heart because he was humble in his own sight is what the Bible describes him and so when God's finding a replacement for the kingdom notice he doesn't pick another tall guy he picks a guy with the right heart because God emphasizes quality over quantity now go if you would to chapter 17 just flip the page maybe or you're right there and look at verse number four the Bible says and they went out of champion out of the camp of the Philistines named Goliath of Gath whose height was six cubits and a span and he had a helmet of brass upon his head and he was armed with the coat of mail and the weight of the coat was five thousand shekels of brass and he had greaves of brass upon his legs and targeted brass between his shoulders and the staff of his spear was like a weavers beam and his spears had weighed six hundred shekels of iron and one bearing a shield with before him and he stood and cried in the armies of Israel and said to them why are you come out to set your battle in array and not I a Philistine and he servants to Saul choose you a man for you and let him come down to me to be able to fight with me and to kill me then we will be your servants but if I prevail against them and kill him then shall ye be our servants and serve us and the Philistine said I defy the armies of Israel this day give me a man they may fight together and so on all Israel heard those words of the Philistine they were dismayed and greatly afraid so we have a story where the Philistines come out very famous story Goliath he's basically picking a fight with the children of Israel saying we don't need for all of us to die we don't need all of us to fight hey I'm a Philistine we picked me you guys pick a guy have him come down here and we'll basically fight for the nations I win you serve us he wins we'll serve you no need and all this extra bloodshed but mostly he's just simply saying look I'm better than all of you guys you know come and come and fight me and he's essentially rebuking Saul he's rebuking the servants of Saul and he's rebuking God because he is defying notice the armies of Israel and that's really a rebuke against the Lord and he has no fear of God but even though we have a great host we have Saul we have all of his generals we have all his lieutenants we have all of his soldiers we have a great host of men they're all afraid none of them are doing anything in fact Goliath performs this charade for many days it's 40 at verse 16 says he presents of 40 days yet there is someone that's willing to fight him look at verse 22 and David left his carriage in the hand of the keeper of this carriage and ran in the army and came and salute his brethren and as he talked with them behold there came up the champion the Philistine of Gath Goliath by name out of the armies of the Philistines and spake according to the same words and David heard them and all the men of Israel when they saw the man fled from him and were sore afraid and the men of Israel said have you seen this man that has come up surely to defy Israel as he come up and it shall be the man who killeth him the king will enrich him with great riches and will give him his daughter and make his father's house free in Israel and David spake to the men that stood by him saying what shall be done to the man killed this Philistine and taketh away their approach from Israel for who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God the people answered him after this man are saying so shall be done to the man that killed him and a lie of his eldest brother heard when he spake under the men the lives anger was kenville against David and he said why came as thou down hither and with whom as thou left those few sheep in the wilderness I know thy pride in the naughtiness of thine heart without come down that thou mightest see the battle David said what have I now done is there not a cause and he turned from him toward another and spake after the same manner and the people answered him again after the former manner and when the words were heard which David spake they rehearsed them before Saul and he sent for him and David said to Saul let no man's heart fail because of him thy servant will go and fight with this Philistine so notice we have a whole group of people a whole quantity of soldiers and in fact the lives one of them none of them will fight Goliath they all run away they're afraid they're scared but then we have one David and he says I will fight with him I will go don't be afraid of this guy I'll do it I'll go ahead and and fight this Philistine and notice the prime motivation is to take away their approach from Israel and specifically not them God he doesn't necessarily care about their reputation as much as he cares about God's reputation and why should any man rebuke the Lord why should any man despise the Lord why should any man be able to speak evil of the word of God and who will stand up for the Bible who will stand up for the living God notice the heart of David is one who is of quality even though we only have one man and I have three practical applications for my sermon this evening and the one that I want to make from this passage is when it comes to a member of a church or it comes to church members what's more important to me and from studying the scripture is that I have church I have a church member of quality then over quantity because we're going to have to go and fight the battle today we're going to have to fight the Goliath of today and why would I want a church filled with ten thousand children of Israel who are so afraid and not willing to fight then have one David that's willing to fight then have one man of quality over the quantity you know we may look at churches today and we could see a church that has a thousand members but five people that preach the gospel or a church that has twenty members but twenty people that preach the gospel and you know which one I'd rather have quality over quantity quality over quantity why because quality is more important than the quantity this is a consistent theme throughout the scriptures that God when he's looking for someone to rescue the children of Israel he's not looking for quantity he's looking for quality gets Moses when God is looking to rescue the children of Israel from all manner of enemies in the Bible he looks for Gideon and even when they have a great host he whittles it down to the three hundred because he's more about quality than he is about quantity you know when he looks for a man to make up the hedge and he can't find one he wasn't looking for a group he was looking for a man but I'll tell you what he was looking for he wasn't looking for quantity was looking for quality and consistently throughout the Bible God is more concerned with the quality of individuals than he is the quantity of individuals he only picked twelve disciples couldn't have picked more I mean think about it when he's going out he has crowds of five thousand men why didn't he want to have five thousand men follow him why did he pick twelve and even within that twelve doesn't he have a select three and then even within the select three doesn't he have kind of one the beloved one the one in whom he leans his breath on his breast right you have quality over quantity and it makes sense why is John kind of elevated above the other disciples wasn't he the one that's with him when he's being falsely accused by the Pharisees isn't he there when he's on the cross on the cross and he basically hands off his mother to John why did Jesus hand off his mother to John why not Andrew quality over quantity you know why not over many people right he was looking for the quality in someone and let me tell you something in the Bible God is looking for quality over quantity even with twelve disciples whittled down to eleven they replace one who does all of the major works in the New Testament it's salt because he was looking for quality not quantity now of course there's nothing wrong with quantity obviously God doesn't expect one person to do it all God needs a host of men to rally behind a strong leader but at the end of the day quality is always more important than quantity what would you rather have for church would you rather have ten pastors or one really good pastor you know some churches have a whole swath of preachers and pastors and deacons leader but there's not really any quality there and it's like I don't really care to have a whole group of holes I'd rather have one really good guy than to have ten just mediocre guys and the same is consistent throughout the scripture it's consistent in this world that we live in today and you should worry not so much about quantity when it comes to church but rather quality and who are we talking about we're talking about yourself you know what do you what do you really focused on in your life your primary focus should be a quality servant of God like there is not a more important job in your life nothing is elevated above God God is number one and everything that should be going on in your life and from a priority perspective should be you know what I want to be the most quality Christian that I can be and of course in that realm of being a quality Christian you're gonna be a quality church member there's not there's not a person that's this really great Christian but they're not a great church member somewhere you know you're gonna be a great church member somewhere if you're a great Christian you're gonna be plugged into the local church doing a lot of work that doesn't mean you have to be the pastor the apostle Paul wasn't a pastor of any church but isn't arguably one of the most quality people ever I mean Akil and Priscilla they're not pastors but aren't they some of the most quality church members on the planet you have so many people in the Bible that aren't even named that are high of high quality you have people that are high quality or mentioned just very rarely Thura preach the whole sermon on him what you know great quality person to have behind you and when the apostles go out even they're looking at quality over quantity anyways they don't want a bunch of people following them around they want a quality person with them when you go out soul winning would you rather would you have like 10 bozos you know going somewhere with you or just a quality silent partner or quality partner right you'd rather have one great person how about this how about just in preaching the gospel itself is it more important to preach as many times as you can or to have a quality soul winning presentation you know or just even church services there's a lot of church services where the preacher gets an opportunity to preach and they preach a lot of sermons about salvation but they never have a quality sermon as always never actually explain it they never give plain detail in their presentation you know when it comes to sermons obviously there's a lot of sermons being preached behind the pulpit but you shouldn't think about the quantity you should think about the quality because what's more important is the quality of a sermon than it is the quantity and many times because you you guys all glaze over most of the time and throughout the sermon okay we all do a little bit right but sometimes is that one quality sermon that actually provokes you to make a really dramatic change in life and you can even think about it you remember it sometimes there's you know a verse that sticks out at a certain time in your life that's really needful and really quality is should never be cheapened by quantity even think about this when preaching a sermon is it better to just throw like a hundred verses at someone or to take one sermon or one verse and really expound on that verse and make something of quality out of that verse you know I feel like a lot of young preachers or new preachers sometimes they just they hit you with a lot of Bible they don't really draw anything out of those verses they don't really slow down meditate and kind of savor on what the scriptures are trying to say and it ends up just kind of glazing over you know and it seems like oh it must have been really spiritual sermon because there's a lot of Bible reason being read but you know a sermon is not reading the Bible and if God wanted that why wouldn't you just say hey when you show up let's just read like 10 chapters and then we'll go home and arguably I can't say anything better than the word of God obviously the word of God's more elevated than anything I could think say or do but God has ordained it that through the foolishness of preaching you know to get people saved and through the foolishness of preaching to edify the church so even though I'm an imperfect person I misspeak all the time I use filler words and have imperfections in my preaching God has ordained it that through preaching the church is supposed to be edified is supposed to grow it's supposed to be encouraged supposed to be admonished reproved rebuke exhorted you know all the different admonitions the Bible can give us but the most important thing is quality over quantity even in sermon you know an hour and a half sermon isn't better than a 30 minute sermon quality over quantity you know and in fact sometimes if you're actually bad at preaching an hour and a half gets really really long seeming you know the more interesting the preaching the faster time goes and we get that but at the same time there's nothing wrong with preaching a short sermon the problem is just not having good quality and we need to emphasize quality in every area of our life you know when I go out and preach the gospel I'm more concerned with the quality of my presentation than I am with the quantity how much time did I spend with the person who cares how good a job that I do when I go out so winning it's not how many doors I knocked it's how quality were the interactions that I was given that I take the most out of those opportunities and in our lives you know I would rather come back with one quality salvation than five I think so and I think some people they want to come you know oh I got this many people save and it's just like are you sure though you know and again I'm not if you've ever gone solely with me I don't spend you know 20 30 minutes explaining the gospel you don't need to do that in fact it probably belabors the point too much to confuse them but I want to do a good job I want to have a high quality gospel presentation and I want to make sure that the people that I'm talking to actually get saved you know it's not a numbers game it's not a pride thing it's not something to come back and gloat about it we're talking about people's souls here talking about people's eternity here and when it comes to your life you know I want to live a quality life doesn't everybody want to have a high quality of life or a quality life something that is of value something that matters and let me tell you a quality life is one where you served God your whole life where you were a quality church member where you ministered under the saints where you went out and you tried to reach the lost where you did good unto God's people where you encouraged and helped people in their lives I mean that is why we're here is to serve God and it's so easy to get busy doing all manner of other things to miss out on what God really pointed put us here for to do is have a quality life towards Christ you know I could do a million things you could do a million things with your life I mean it's Wednesday night is bright outside I mean you have endless opportunities of what you could be doing but let me tell you something serving God is of a higher quality and if you serve God you'll probably miss out you'll have a lower quantity of things you accomplish you can't accomplish everything you know the Bible says be not righteous over much why should thou destroy thyself meaning you can't do everything and while I would love to have a high quality of everything that I do in my life in fact I think that's my personality I always want to be the best at everything that I do right why not you know if I play golf I want to be the best golfer if I play chess I want to be the best chess player if I do anything I want to be the best but you can't be the best at everything you have to choose in your life and in my opinion you know especially in studying the scripture it's better to be the best at being a Christian and be poor at all this other stuff than to just basically be mediocre at everything pour into the things that really matters what's the thing that really matters I mean think about this in a carnal sense how about food OK now when we think about food and we think about quantity over quality you know restaurant comes to mind is Golden Corral now is Golden Corral emphasizing quality or quantity we know I mean if it's if you were to say hey Pastor Shelley you can have right now you can have all of Golden Corral's options or you can have you know all day smoked brisket now you can't have any sides with it you can't have you know anything just the brisket or everything at Golden Corral all the sides and fixes it's like brisket that wasn't even hard why because quality over quantity you know you think about restaurants even have figured this out I mean there's been kind of an explosion of new restaurants that do this in and out why is in and out so popular they don't offer hardly anything but they started emphasizing quality over the quantity of items on the menu raising canes I mean this place is literally it's like one chicken finger two chicken strips or three chicken strips it's like a one two or three and then I don't think they offer gravy which is like it's a reproach unto me but you know why don't you have gravy OK if they had gravy I would like raising canes because their chickens good it's high quality chicken right I mean if you're going to compare raising canes chicken strips to McDonald's chicken strips it's not even close OK order Burger King or whatever these are the restaurants but why because they emphasize quality over quantity whereas what's the restaurant that emphasizes quantity over quality Jack in the Box I mean Jack in the Box has tacos but if you've ever seen a Jack in the Box taco it's with a Kraft single is their cheese I'm like who thought of making a taco with a Kraft single it's like they're just they're just looking at like well we got all this stuff and it's like you know I mean they offer all that Mexican America I mean just like every kind of option it's not that good you know when you go to a Mexican restaurant and they have a burger on the menu it's like don't get the burger OK you know you'd rather go to the place they have one really good item than just a swath of just junk and the same can be applied to virtually all areas of life you know quality is going to always be better than quantity and when it comes to being a church member you should really evaluate you should really try to think about yourself and say you know am I a quality church member and you know you could evaluate it in a lot of different ways quantity can say why show up all the time yeah but are you even like zealous when you're here do you even sing the song are you plugged in are you greeting people you know do you pay attention you know what would it benefit you if you said you know what I've listened every single one of your sermons I slept the whole time though I mean you know I showed up but I didn't you know listen to it I didn't put into practice I don't actually read the Bible you know it doesn't really matter you can even do this in your Bible reading and I've been guilty of this where you're basically just so worried about how much you're trying to read that you kind of are just like reading as fast as you can but you're not really paying that much attention as opposed to having read a small portion of scripture but having actually really thought about it and meditating on it and studying on it and I'll tell you you know it's always quality over quantity it's more important to have a great quality and the works and efforts that we put into than a great quantity of those efforts you know there's sometimes there's some church members they're there three times a week or three services like all three services and then some that only come to us you know some services are Sunday morning only but it's like I prefer that person because they're a higher quality even though they can't make it every single time because it doesn't really matter if you're here but not present I mean think about it in the workplace you'll do a first Timothy chapter number six for Timothy chapter number six the same is attributed in the workplace and really that's the kind of the the second point that I wanted to bring out when it comes to quality over quantity you should measure yourself and say am I a quality church member or am I a quantity church member and what I mean by quantity is you're just you're just there and every church wants to bring people in and everybody's at a different level of growing and we get that people have different lives different schedules different things that are going on people are in different areas of their walk towards following Christ but you have to ask yourself am I just another number in church or am I a quality church member am I really plugged in am I you know paying attention to services am I actually taking the advice and applying it to my wife and my toward my husband or to my spouse and my preaching the gospel am I actually reading the verses you know there's memory verse chapter challenges there's events there's all these things you know what are what are you doing and no pastor wants to have a church that's just quantity with no quality with no debt people that don't actually care about the sermon don't get plugged in don't actually apply you know what's the point in getting up and delivering some message from the scriptures nobody wants to do it it seems like a vain exercise at that point so you have to think about you know where are you at and try to improve that quality say hey maybe I can pay more attention or start plugging in more doing more and thinking about becoming a better church member a better Christian as opposed to just am I checking boxes or something you know am I just kind of there present or maybe you can you think about it you're like you know what I'm really trying to improve in this one area of my life but you haven't been trying to improve in church you haven't been trying to improve as a Christian you know are you saying hey I want to make a challenge I want to try and read more Bible I want to try and memorize more scripture I want to try and go so many more I want to help out in my local church more I want to encourage the brethren more I want to do more for God this year than I did last year so what is that saying you're trying to make yourself a more quality Christian a more quality church member than any other area of life because all of your time is going to basically go somewhere what are you trying to improve in and if you're not trying to improve in anything that's scary some people are just floating by these are the people just watching TV and you know and I think about life there's just so many people it seems like all they do is just nothing I remember going to church recently and we're walking in and we I just see this group of people they're just sitting there just outside just with some beers and they're all just kind of looking at their phones and they're just like they're not even talking to each other and I'm thinking like you just you're just basically just passing through you just doing nothing with your life and that's how a lot of people just spend their lives just you know they go to a restaurant just watch TV and drink beer just basically wait until it's time to go home they're just passing time to go home people just go home and they're like I have nothing to do I'll just see what's the next TV show on I don't even want to watch it but I'm not even interested in it but you know just wait until the next thing goes on they're just basically just passing their life on through rather than actually trying to take their time effort and energy and improve something in their life having a higher quality of life how about in a spiritual sense I mean what kind of missionaries do you want do you want one hundred and fifty missionaries they get no one saved every year or one missionary that's tearing it up I mean what would you rather see hey our church supports one hundred and fifty missionaries sending in us letters every single week telling us how they swept the church last week or whatever you laugh I bet hey that's not funny I've been in churches where they get up they have the missionary letter you know my wife was sweeping the church this week doing a really good job and Johnny started walking and give a hope pray that we'll have an opportunity to invite Timmy to church it's like what are you talking about you might have an opportunity what else are you doing what are you what are you spending all this effort all this time in we're giving you money to go over there to hopefully invite someone to church maybe I mean that is the type of missionary that is out there today where people I mean think about this you're having to write a letter to a bunch of people that don't know who you are to try and convince them to keep giving you money that's what they literally wrote because they had nothing else better to write I mean they weren't going to be like well I looked at Facebook for a couple hours and then took a nap and you know so it's just like well my wife cleaned once you know that was that was pretty important I mean you know it's funny to me sorry I'm going on a rant here for a second okay when I was going to save a word there was a deacon at the time named Tyler Baker and every time I was around this guy he was always just saying how busy he was just such a busy person is busy and later it turned out he was a heretic and he got thrown out of the church well they were kind of examining some of his work after the faxes hindsight and he had all these timesheets that he had to record his time and he was recording large hour quantities at his job 50 hour week 60 hour weeks you know on this timesheet but then he would have in the detail section like what did you accomplish this day right well almost every single one was just blank like every single timesheet just nothing just the hours right eight hours but no explanation 20 hours well if you go back further far enough in time you finally run into an entry and there was this one entry that he had and it says give help Pastor Shelley with water bottles or whatever and it had the date on it and so I was like I think I remember what he's talking about and I looked at my text messages and I could tell is that day and I kid you not what happened is our North Church plant so we had a church plant at faith word that was across town and I was helping lead it on Thursday nights and they ran out of water bottles so I needed some extra water balls up there and he and I told Tyler about this and he's like hey can you go take them there and I was like OK sure so on my way he's like just come by the church and pick them up and take them up there with you so what he did is he went from the kitchen and got the water bottles and walked to the front door and set them to the front door so that when I came I didn't have to walk to the fridge I just walked right there and I got them so you fill out a time sheet for eight hours of work and you have one item listed and it was that you took water bottles from the storage room to the front door you know why you put that down because you didn't do anything else that entire day like no person that was actually accomplishing a real job or real work would ever have logged that as the one thing they did for the day unless you did absolutely nothing but there's so many people today that are doing nothing I mean why do you think businesses they can't find anybody to work it's because the people they hire don't want to work and people don't want to be a good employee today people don't want to have you know to put in effort it's crazy how the world has changed and I remember even in my short time having worked in a professional career how lazy people really are and it seemed like it's rapidly evolving because even when I first started it's gotten way worse than where we are now and people complain about everything people are so entitled and unfortunately the entitlement attitude is getting worse because employers can't find good laborers so they tolerate really bad work because there's like why can't fire the guy because then I'll have no one to replace them so they basically have these entitled spoiled brats at work not willing to work and you know you can tell that they're bad at working when you compare them to a good worker because there's still people that work hard today and they stick out like a sore thumb in today's workforce you can just you can just obviously tell someone that works extremely hard and that should be our testimony in the workplace people should be like man this guy works way different than everybody else and look there's no new thing on the sun because even at the time of Joseph he sticks out to everyone this guy's like way better Daniel and his three buddies they stick out way more abundantly than everybody else because man doesn't want to work man is lazy the flesh is lazy the unsaved guy typically is not a very hard worker very selfish person obviously his exceptions to everything but we understand that the Bible is emphasizes being a hard worker and being a quality employee look at where it says in verse number one let as many servants are under the yoke count their own masters worthy of all honor that the name of God and his doctrine be not blasphemed they that have believing masters let them not despise them because they are brethren but rather do them service because they're faithful and beloved partakers of the benefit these things teach and exhort the man teach otherwise and consent not to wholesome words even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the doctrine is accordant godliness he is proud knowing nothing so and it goes down a long list the point that I want to emphasize those here notice that the Bible is saying whether your boss is saved or unsaved you are supposed to submit to them and be a good employee you're supposed to work hard go to Titus chapter number two Titus chapter number two I want to show you another verse over here about this you should be a quality employee and I'll tell you something every employer would rather have one quality employee than ten quantity employees and they're way less expensive ten guys can be replaced by one guy and really if employers knew it was good for them they would be willing to shell out the bucks for the quality type employees sometimes they don't understand this but Titus chapter 2 look at verse number nine exhort servants to be obedient in their own masters and to please them well notice this in all things not answering again not purloining but showing all good fidelity that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in all things notice if you're going to be a quality Christian it's not only being a quality church member it's also being a quality employee not answering again whatever the boss says yes sir you do it the first time you're not arguing you're not causing problems you're not causing headaches you're not making the guy wonder if he would accomplish more without you you make yourself irreplaceable in the workplace and I'll tell you every company every business wants a quality employee over a quantity of employees and you're going to really separate yourself in this world if you work on being more quality how can you be a more quality employee at work well I don't know why people don't understand this concept but doing things that you weren't asked to do most employees never get past this point like your basic level employee that's decent will do the things that he's instructed basically you give him a task list he can get the task list done but a great employee is not this person a great employee also identifies work and tasks that do not are not assigned to him that need to be accomplished and he gets in there and does it anyways he recognizes oh man there's this needs to obviously get done or they identify problems that haven't been spotted by management address them with management and help correct them this is a great employee and you should not only care about what's assigned you you should care about the vision of the company and you should even think about hey does this task make sense with the vision of the company and and think like how can what I'm doing impact our company our goal or vision the overall purpose that we're here and you should basically get the heartbeat of the business you should think about their core mission statement you know a lot of businesses have meetings every once in a while annual meeting to say like look this is why we're here this is why we're doing what we're doing because they want to always re recalibrate the minds of its employees on what they're actually doing to ensure that they're not drifting far away or getting out of sync or having some kind of a problem it's important to think about what is your company's goal what are they trying to accomplish how can I help them accomplish this what are things that I'm not being asked to do that make sense that I could step in and do that I could help out with you know what are ways that I can help other co-workers accomplish their job and do better you know being a team player this one's sometimes hard for me because you know especially if you work with people that are obviously not working hard maybe they're not as smart maybe they're not as a skill they don't have as much experience I tend to not want to work with them or just simply be like I don't have time for this incompetence but a truly great employee brings out the best in others and is willing to condescend them in a little state as it were to encourage other people and help them you say I want to be in management well how good are you at taking other team members other co-workers and helping them to accomplish their job better you know this is how you go to the next level also you could spend time studying sometimes learning if there's something on the job that maybe you're not qualified you don't have understanding in you see a gap and the education of your company so you know I'm just going to take an issue I'm going to learn this on my own on the side become a more quality employee maybe get some more qualifications maybe more testing more education whatever requirements could possibly help you on the job you learn all that so then when you show up at the job and they say man we really needed somebody this and say oh actually I studied that they're like really like yeah I'd love to help with that or I can I can help make this or I can stand in this gap or even just being willing to try things that are difficult sometimes they'll ask you do something like I've never done that I don't know you don't have a lot of confidence but a great employees it's like I'll learn it I'll figure it out you need someone to stand the gap I mean a lot of work is sometimes just learning especially you know in an industry that I've worked in in the software development industry you know most of what you're doing is trying to figure out what to do so someone has to stand in that gap and if you're someone that's not willing to learn and push yourself you're really going to be a bad you know software developer coder or developer because you know you have to be able to push yourself and learn things that you don't know put yourself in difficult situations and just get problem solved people that are bad at problem-solving or bad workers it doesn't matter if it's coding it doesn't matter what the situation is because you can never give a handbook you can never give an instruction manual that's going to cover every scenario every situation every event and some people freak out when they haven't been told exactly what to do it's like well the customer didn't you know ask the right question so I didn't know what to do it's like just figure it out use some discernment you know think about your situation critically this is how you become a better employee go to Proverbs chapter 7 Proverbs chapter number 7 quality over quantity well I spent a lot of hours at the job yeah but some good employees or great employees can accomplish what all of these bad employees do in half the time and it's more important that you accomplish things of high quality than how many hours you spend on it some people they just want to well I'm always showing up early and leaving late but are you working hard during that amount of time because who cares if you're putting hours on the clock why are you putting hours on the clock to feed your belly your employer will notice that and sometimes employers get a little frustrated by that it's like you know okay yeah you're doing a lot of things but you're doing them all crappy you're not putting in a lot of effort or energy into these things it's who cares about the quantity of tasks you're doing if they have a poor quality you want to emphasize quality over the quantity Proverbs chapter number 7 is going to talk about this whorish woman and and it's kind of an interesting chapter in the Bible but notice a certain attribute about this woman described here in verse 10 it says and behold there met him a woman with the entire oven harlot and subtle of heart she is loud and stubborn her feet abide not in her house now is she without now in the streets and lieth and waited every corner now how can one woman waited every single corner I believe what the Bible is referencing here is the fact that this type of woman is everywhere that's essentially what it's trying to describe not that this specific woman is everywhere but rather this woman in the tire of a harlot that's willing to commit fornication and sin with you is everywhere notice that there's a high quantity of women that are what harlots that are whorish that will commit fornication and boy is that true in America I mean literally it's just like 98 or 97 percent of men and women go to bed with someone that they're not married to why because it's quantity is everywhere I mean you can find that wherever you want it's hard to find the quality though and if you go to the end of Proverbs chapter 31 or the end of Proverbs see the Bible emphasizes quality over quantity when it comes to women and you as a man you know I believe that if you were going to get the world's philosophy on dating on relationships that the world only emphasizes one thing to men and it's quantity they really don't emphasize quality when it comes to women you know no man it doesn't seem like they go around and brag about the quality of the woman that they're with they brag about the quantity of women they've been with isn't it but here's the thing that's not an achievement an achievement is to have a quality woman but in order to have a quality woman you yourself have to have quality I know it's like it's like this thing in the new IFB where all these young single guys they're just like oh it's so hard to find a woman and it's like well why don't you work on your quality then you know there the problem is never that they're of low quality it's just that there's not enough quantity and I'm like maybe it's just you're just bad quality maybe work on your quality because I don't really see a lot of just David's walking around without women or King Solomon's Walker in fact the men of the Bible never struggled in this area you know the area they struggled in quantity they had too many women knocking down their door not that it was like you know if you have no women knocking down your door there's a reason I'm just saying okay notice that the horse woman was out of her corner okay if she's not even knocking down your door you got problems okay you have to stay away from the worst woman but look at Proverbs 31 look at verse number 10 who can find a virtuous woman for price is far above her bees notice what God's emphasizing quality over quantity notice he's putting a price on it and he's saying hey the price priceless why because God will give you know all the money for one virtuous woman and you want to even give a nickel for all these horse women doesn't even care if you think about it even when it comes to salvation I mean more people are going to hell than to heaven why because God's cares more about the quality in the quantity and that quality praise God comes from Jesus Christ obviously I'm not getting to heaven because I'm of a greater quality than any other person but my quality is it found in Jesus Christ and that's what makes me more valuable and you know what that's all that God wants is the quality not the quantity because if God was interested in the quantity then the majority would go to heaven not hell but God is more interested in the quality than the quantity hey you know what as a man as a young man you should care more about finding one virtuous woman to marry than to being with a quantity of women in your past and I guarantee you're not going to look back in history and think like oh man I missed out on the quantity of horrors on the quantity of harlots I could have been with no no you say man I'm glad I have the one virtuous woman that's far above rubies that's what every man should be looking for that's what you teach our sons to be looking for when it comes to women is quality over quantity and praise God you only have to find one you know they're like I saw hard to find it's like we only strike you know gold once a lot of things in life you know are very difficult and you accomplish but then you have to do it again you know making money is hard right doing all kinds of tasks you think about professional athletes they win the Super Bowl but it's like you're gonna win a next year it's like a super hard task they have to do it again and again you only have to find her once praise God you don't have to keep winning her over and over that would be difficult look it says in verse 28 her children rise up and call her blessed her husband also and he prays there many daughters have done virtuously but doc sells them all favor is deceitful and beauty is vain but a woman that feareth the Lord she shall be praised give her of the fruit of her hands let her own works praise her in the gates notice what's gonna praise her is her works why her works because we're emphasizing her quality aren't we what a quality woman and notice it's not about how beautiful she is physically it's about her fearing God and let me tell you something you know when it comes to what men really want you know physical beauty only goes so far beauty skin deep and and men want a woman that fears the Lord that's going to work hard and serve him and and here's my last application is just be a quality spouse over a quantity spouse in America we are suffering a problem of quantity spouses over quality spouses and what I mean by quantity how many people been divorced and remarried why are they getting divorced and remarried many times because they weren't a quality spouse they're just a quantity spouse aren't they quantity relationships today in America over quality relationships in America and let me tell you something you need to work on being a quality spouse these three areas you know there's a lot of things you can do in your life and there's a lot of things you get really good at but I'm telling you you want to have a great life get really good at your job and get really good at being a spouse and emphasize the quality you know hey I'm doing a million things in my life yeah but if you're not doing good in those three areas you're kind of just a failure in life you want it but you know what if you're just a great church member a great worker and a great spouse even if you're terrible at everything else who cares because according to God you know this woman in Proverbs 31 she she's priceless it doesn't say you know she has anything superfluous or some kind of vanity she's not a vanity fair she doesn't have a talk show she doesn't have you know all the things that I don't know doesn't sound how many purses she has how many shoes a bigger closet is how many men she's been with no no no it's the fact that she's a quality woman that she's being mentioned here and you know men need to be quality as well and when it comes to your relationship you know if you want to have a good marriage you need to emphasize quality time over quantity time quality time over quantity time we all have a limited amount of time and some people they really the relationship they have with their spouse is a quantity time let's just sit and watch TV all day together but that's but that doesn't improve your relationship that doesn't make that doesn't draw you closer together you know you need to do something together you need to talk to each other you need to form a relationship and and a lot of times people get divorced at points in their life that exposes this so perhaps they can't conceive you know I've known somebody that they can't really conceive and so really what is their relationship it's just them but if they weren't really working on each other they weren't working on having quality time together and they were just there to get pregnant well then that could drive a wedge and it causes them to split and then they get divorced and then they did and that's sad it's sad because even if you couldn't have kids you should still be married to each other or a lot of people once they become an empty nester it kind of exposes you know they were just so busy with kids and work and all this other stuff that they kind of just got by but then when they lose all that they're like you know they just don't really have anything with each other and it's like you can only you know I've never thought like when I in my life man I wish I had watched this TV show with this person like it's never the same watching the show without another person watching it at the same time you know these certain activities that people just waste all their effort energy on it's like that's ruining your marriage you know if you're doing activities where you're not actually we're just sitting on the couch and both looking at your phone that's no different than being on TV it's like well we don't watch TV but you just sit there and look at your phone silent you know not interacting you know what your phone is never going to be married to you your phone's never going to talk back you know it just listens Google's always listening okay Apple's always listening to you talk to your spouse do stuff with your spouse build a relationship with your spouse and you know the worst thing you can do is when you have a small amount of time with your spouse is not actually do something of quality make the most of every opportunity and and the Bible teaches that men and women are not going to have a lot of time together because if you think about it men have to provide meaning they have to go out work six days shalt thou labor you're also having to serve God you're also the wives of the keepers at home emphasizing that the man's not there because of the dudes there he said we would be in charge but why is it the wife or the keeper so we see this large separation I mean the majority of your life you're not together so then the moments that you do have together you should be emphasizing the quality time not the quantity time or say hey our relationship suffering let's just put more time on the equation you know more time doesn't solve it quality time is what solves relationship issues and I can prove this go to Luke chapter number ten to look at number ten this last place whenever you turn we need to emphasize quality over quantity in our lives and stop worrying about how much quantity you have in something and worry about the quality that you haven't I'd rather spend 30 minutes with my spouse that was great then five hours and all of it sucked right that's every man but you know you know why is it say that you know the the angry and the contentious woman is gonna drive the guy in the wilderness is because you know you only get this a little bit of time to be together you don't want it to be cantankerous and argumentative and fighting you want it to be a high quality because if it's a high quality you're going to want to do it more you're going to want to increase the time if you're having a lot of time with someone that you're not enjoying it makes you not want to be around them it drives you away and it causes you know resentment it causes disdain it causes a lack of respect you know you need to make the most of your opportunities and do stuff that's fun together you know do a puzzle together or write something together or go on a walk or find a hobby find an activity that you like put effort and energy in your relationship work together honestly some of the greatest relationship building you can do is just working on something together go to church together read the Bible together but you know if you say well this is what me and my wife did we watch TV together you're you're kind of like missing out on a real relationship being built you know if we sit and we both look at our phones together you know are you texting each other you know like are you facetiming maybe like you don't just you got to worry about your spouse and think about your spouse and put effort and energy in your spouse you know there's a lot of things that you could be putting effort and energy into and look we all need to work on our relationships no one has arrived your relationship needs constant effort constant time constant energy and more than having you know quantity is the quality look at Luke chapter 10 and look at verse 38 now it came to pass as they went that he entered into a certain village talking about Jesus and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house and she had a sister called Mary which also sat at Jesus feed and heard his word but Martha was covered about much serving and came to him and said Lord does thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone better therefore that she helped me Jesus answered and said in her Martha Martha thou art careful and troubled about many things but one thing is needful and Mary hath chosen that good part which shall not be taken away from her notice they had an option Martha chose the quantity many things Martha picked the quality the one thing that was the most important and who is it that Jesus is praising here Mary why because the quality you know in this life there's so many things you could do but when you stand before Christ he's not going to care about the quantity of the things you did he's going to care about the quality of the things you did you know when you get in the judgment seat of Christ the gold you know the silver and precious stones is what's going to you know last of the fire you could have a mountain of wood hay and stubble it's all going to burn why because God cares about the quality of your works over the quantity of your works now I'm not saying you shouldn't have quantity it's quality over quantity meaning that we we make sure that the things that we do need a certain threshold they have a certain limit to them where we say hey it doesn't matter how much TV we watch together in a relationship that's not adding any quality now it doesn't mean that it has to be the most romantic thing you've ever done in your entire life hey do a puzzle together or something but at least if you're talking to each other doesn't have to be the greatest conversation you've ever had in your entire life you know do something that meets a certain threshold of quality you know do you have to be doing the greatest thing ever at church no but meet a certain threshold does your soloing presentation have to be the greatest presentation in the world no but it should meet a certain threshold shouldn't it when you're at the work do you have to be the greatest employee ever no but you should meet a certain threshold and you should strive to be great and you should strive to improve in these areas of your life strive to have quality in your life there's a lot of other things that are important you know being a parent's important being grandparents important there's other things that we could talk about but I'm telling you these three are really three you should focus on and think about in your life hey could I be a better church member could I be a better an employee could I be a better spouse and any of these areas you know put some effort and energy into them maybe you have to put something on the altar you have to sacrifice something in your life you have to lay something down you know you have to get rid of a couple thousand video games don't you you have to get rid of something in your life okay to put more quality into the things that actually matter all right let's close in prayer thank you Heavenly Father for giving us the Word of God while we have so many opportunities before us in this life I pray that we would choose that which is needful that we wouldn't get so worried and concerned with the quantity of things that we're doing rather we'd emphasize the quality that we'd emphasize the spiritual over the carnal that we would get our priorities straight that we try to put God first in our lives that we would strive to be a great Christian that we'd strive to be a good employee and a representation of Christ everywhere we go and that the relationships you've given us of being a spouse married that we wouldn't just take our spouse for granted but rather we would put a lot of quality effort and energy and time into our relationship and in Jesus name we pray amen let's go song 183 oh wow I love Jesus on 183 183 oh how I love Jesus there is a name I love to hear I love to see its word it sounds like music in my ear the sweetest name on earth oh how I love Jesus oh wow I love Jesus so how I love Jesus because he first loved me it tells me about Savior's love who died to set me free it tells me of his precious blood the sinners perfectly oh I love Jesus oh how I love Jesus oh how I love Jesus because he first loved me it tells me what my father had in store for every day and though I tread a dark sun back he'll sunshine all the way oh I love Jesus oh how I love Jesus oh how I love Jesus because he first loved me it tells of one who's loving heart can heal my deepest woe to him each sorrow bears a part that none can bear below oh how I love Jesus oh how I love Jesus oh Jesus because he first loved me