(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) in Jesus not in ourselves not in our works tis so sweet to trust in Jesus 127 127 tis so sweet to trust in Jesus tis so sweet to trust in Jesus just to take him at his word just to rest upon his promise just to know the saith the Lord Jesus Jesus how I trust him how I proved him or and or Jesus Jesus precious Jesus oh for grace to trust him more oh how sweet to trust in Jesus just to trust his cleansing blood just in simple faith to plunge me meet the healing cleansing flood Jesus Jesus how I trust him how I more and or Jesus Jesus precious Jesus oh for grace to trust him more yes to sweet just from sin itself to cease just from Jesus simply taking life and rest and joy and peace Jesus Jesus how I trust him how I've proved him or and or Jesus Jesus precious Jesus oh for grace to trust him I'm so glad I learned to trust the precious Jesus save your friend and I know that thou art with me will be with me to the end Jesus Jesus how I trust him Jesus Jesus precious Jesus oh for grace to trust him more thank you for coming to steadfast Baptist Church if you need a bulletin lift up your hand real quick one of our ushers can get you guys a bulletin again the picture there on the front was from our missions trip this week and we have down below are been a Bible memory passage we have our service and so winning times they're listed below also church stats please continue to submit that to your soul-winning captains and lieutenants the van had six so I meant to tell you Dylan so I don't forget all right the van had six so you can put that in there also are expecting ladies please be in prayer for them we also have a prayer list that if you'd please just continue to pray for all of our church family throughout the week also on the back we have some church reminders please just continue to observe those also our Bahamas missions trip we had over 650 salvations just one-on-one soul-winning and then if you add in all of the soul the salvations that we confirm through papers that we received from the students it was all the way almost to a thousand and so a lot of people got to hear the gospel and you know it was it was it was definitely a lot of fun some schools were better than others and you could definitely tell difference based on the teachers themselves some of the schools who went to the teachers are a lot more receptive to the gospel some were a lot more resistant and the first classroom I got to preach to I think I had about 12 students and only two of them seemed to understand what we had discussed and prayed whenever I checked my papers but then the later school that I went to I think I had again probably about 12-15 papers and probably about eight or nine of those students ended up understanding and accepting salvation by faith and then of course a lot of the schools what they let us do is come back at lunch and we were able to then talk to them one-on-one and so those that didn't already get saved or still just kind of confused were able to kind of clean it up and I know for me personally whenever I went back to some of the schools and I would talk to some of the students a lot of their friends would be hanging out too and they were saved clearly because every time you'd be presenting the gospel they're giving all the right answers and of course they weren't always the best sport as it were when it came to their friends not knowing how to be saved and it reminded me of when I was young because when I was five I you know walked down the aisle at my church and I prayed to get saved and I remember the next day or actually the same day I went home and I tried to get my neighbor saved and I had twin neighbors that I lived next to Casey and Stacy that was their names and they were both boys and I ended up giving the gospel one he wanted to get saved right away and the other one didn't so we started making fun of him that he was gonna die and go to hell and so I wasn't necessarily the nicest soul winner back then but you know what after we teased him a lot he then ended up wanting to get saved too so you know some say with fear pulling them out of the fire all right but it was just it was just it was a lot of fun and you know there's a lot of great stories you should talk to everybody that went and just hear the testimony and it's not just you know coming from me again the most incredible thing is just how these people know so much Bible and yet they're just not even saved but it does make them very receptive I want to go through some upcoming events real quick the Mother's Day teas May 13th we have the spring swap on May 20th and then another update there the wedding for brother sue hell and miss Lori are gonna is gonna be July 1st God willing and is that is that still dependent on making sure the visa and stuff goes through I just want to make sure okay so let's also pray that everything goes smoothly so that timeline works but brother sue hell really want to invite the whole church family to participate in their wedding and so we're really looking forward to that that's gonna be an exciting day and so if you have any questions ask brother sue hell also he put in his email if you would like to RSVP just so that way they can plan for the event so please please do if you're planning on coming and as we get a little bit closer we'll get you the exact details as far as the timeline and everything like that so that's really exciting we're gonna sing our third song someone 47 but before we do I also want brother Oz to give us just a quick few minute testimony of his experiences in the Bahamas as well well thank you pastor and this was a really amazing trip the Bahamas really was everything was cracked up to be all the hype was real this is a Christian nation in the sense that every single person there honors the Bible the Word of God is plastered everywhere all over the schools you know all the soul winning verses we turn to everyone already knows those verses really we're just bringing them understanding you know understand is that what thou read us how can I accept some man should guide me that was really what we were doing is we're just guiding people trying to bring them understanding of the Bible because they really believe they really understood or had knowledge of the Bible they just didn't understand the Bible but something that was really interesting there is that every single person pretty much will listen to the gospel I even stopped a police officer while he was working and started talking to him it's like could you imagine in the United States you stopped a police officer that was working on the side of the road he'd yell at you get out of here this guy was really humble and he listened the whole thing but just because everybody listens not everybody gets saved there for sure not everybody gets saved there they're pretty much like either the salvations were extremely easy or they were really really hard because a lot of people there are really tied up with repent of your sins or believing that you could lose your salvation and in the Bahamas people don't understand what the word faith means they do not understand what that means and it it got to the point where I literally would tell people when I'm preaching the gospel I would say hey people on this island don't understand what faith means here what it actually means it means to trust because what they think when they think the word faith is faithful living a faithful life being faithful to God's Commandments and so all these verses showing them faith alone they think they already agree with those verses because they're thinking that actually means works that was pretty interesting I did run into one saved person and I was like okay well this guy's already saved let me explain to him real quick the sodomite deception and I kind of explained what our film is about and I was like here let me show you real quick or Leviticus 2013 and you know how in the United States people finish John 3 16 for you this guy finished Leviticus 2013 for me I was like whoa like that is super cool you that's not gonna happen anywhere else also though we did meet a lot of opposition you know if you read the Bible you're not gonna do a great work for the Lord and not meet some sort of opposition and for myself personally I had to deal with a lot of false prophets on this trip I remember at one point at the school I had like two angry teacher false prophets and like six little girls all screaming at me that I was a false prophet preaching false doctrine teaching lies and Ben ended up coming towards the end of that and seeing some of that but I was kind of just hoping to draw you know that away from the other soul winners while they're getting other kids saved but there's black Hebrew Israelites we ran into that broke up the gospel unfortunately with a couple of people so you know the fight over there is not so much you know the sodomite fight it's the false teachers that it's going on over there so that's one thing I mean another cool thing was the church there pastor Ricardo Lee's is a great man of God you know he preached a really great sermon so it's encouraging to know that there is other great churches out there in the world even if they're not just like us that hey they believe the same gospel as us they're going out and preaching the same gospel to the lost they're bringing people in getting a baptized and teaching them you know the Word of God so that was really great but yeah I would like to echo what Ben said this morning that you know you need to start preparing to go on one of these trips if you can because it really does give you a better perspective of the world and of soul winning it'll help sharpen your soul winning and just become a more well-rounded preacher of the gospel and so with that we'll go to Psalm 147 Psalm 147 praise ye the Lord for it is good to sing praises unto our God for it is pleasant and praises comely the Lord doth build up Jerusalem he gathereth together the outcasts of Israel he he let the broken in hard and bindeth of their wounds he telleth the number of the stars he calleth them all he calleth them all by their names great is our Lord and of great power his understanding is infinite the Lord lifteth up the meek he cast it the wicked down to the ground sing unto the Lord with thanksgiving sing praise upon the harp unto our God who cover it the heaven with clouds who pair with rain for the earth who maketh grass grass to grow upon the mountains he giveth to the beast is food and to the young Ravens which cry he delighteth not in the strength of the horse he takeeth not pleasure in the legs of a man the Lord take pleasure in them that fear him and those that hope in his mercy praise the Lord Oh Jerusalem praise thy God Oh Zion praise the Lord Jerusalem for he strength in the bars of thy gates he has blessed thy children within thee he maketh peace in thy borders and fill it the with the finest of the wheat he said forth his commandment upon earth his work run it very swiftly he giveth snow like wool he scatter it the whole frost like ashes scatter it the whole frost like ashes he cast it forth his ice like more souls who can stand before his cold he sent it down his word and melted them he calls it his wind to blow and the waters flow he show with his word unto Jacob his statutes and his judgments unto Israel he have not dealt so with any nation and as for his judgments they have not known them praise he the Lord good singing as the offering plates are being passed around please turn your Bibles to Psalm chapter 14 Psalm chapter 14 you Psalm 14 the Bible reads the fool hath said in his heart there is no God they are corrupt they have done abominable works there is none that doeth good the Lord looked down from heaven upon the children of men to see if there were any that did understand and seek God they are all gone aside they are all together become filthy there is none that doeth good no not one have all the workers of iniquity no knowledge who eat up my people as they that eat bread and call not upon the Lord there were they in great fear for God is in the generation of the righteous ye have shamed the council of the poor because the Lord is his refuge oh that's a oh that the salvation of Israel were come out of Zion when the Lord bringeth back the captivity of his people Jacob shall rejoice and Israel shall be glad let's pray father in heaven Lord will you pray that you would bless the sermon and enable pastor Shelley to preach it with clarity of mind and Lord I pray that you would help us to pay attention give us ears to ear and to hear I should say and soften hearts in the room Lord so that we may apply the message to our lives and we thank you for the souls that were one not just in the Bahamas but also at our soul winning time at 2 p.m. this afternoon we love you and in Jesus name I pray amen amen so I've been going through a series on the book of Psalms and we've been basically just reading them together and just kind of talking about them high level and you know the reason why I think this is kind of an important series to kind of go through is because it would just take a really really long time for us to go through the book of Psalms just one song at a week or you know if you're just doing it kind of really slowly per song and I think there's a lot of great doctrine in here and a lot of these have similar themes and so I think as we just kind of read through and kind of pick out certain verses we still get a lot of benefit from them and really you know we split we should be singing these on a regular basis that's why our church tries to sing one at least once a week right now and we don't have 150 of them put the music yet and so we we don't get as much doctrine and benefit from the Psalms as we probably should but we're working on that and we're trying to improve that but as this kind of an additional supplement I think it's good for our church to read a lot of these sections of Scripture and then just kind of talk about them and so I've gone through the first 13 Psalms already and I wanted to kind of go through and get through several more here tonight we read Psalm 14 but I want to read it just one more time the Bible says the fool has said in his heart there is no God they are corrupt they have done abominable works there is none that do with good the Lord looked down from heaven upon the children of men to see if there were any that did understand and seek God they are all gone aside they are all together become filthy there is none that do with good no not one have all the workers of iniquity no knowledge who eat up my people as they eat bread and call not upon the Lord there were they in great fear for God is in the generation of the righteous you've shamed the council of the poor because the Lord is his refuge oh that the salvation of Israel were come out of Zion when the Lord bringeth back the captivity of his people Jacob shall rejoice and Israel shall be glad now when I think about this passage it's mostly kind of trying to illustrate at least in the first portion about how no one is good and no one is doing good now this is actually quoted in Romans chapter number three go there if you would for a moment to Romans chapter three and we're going to kind of compare these two get your finger in Romans three and as you're turning there I still want to kind of pay attention to a few points here in in Psalm 14 itself now it's not an exact quote some of these portions it's a little bit different it's being kind of used in a unique way here in Romans chapter number three but if you look in Psalm 14 it says after it says the fullest said in his heart there is no God it says they are corrupt notice that has the pronoun they it's always they them that have the problem you know what I mean they are corrupt they have done abominable works there is none that doeth good and then look at verse three again they are all gone aside they are all together become filthy and it says there is none that doeth good no not one then it says in verse four have all the workers of iniquity no knowledge to notice that they is being defined here who is the they it's those that don't believe in God it's those that are workers of iniquity notice another description of them who eat up my people as they eat bread notice this is a contrast between they and my people between workers of iniquity and my people between those who don't believe in God and my people and notice another description here and call not upon the Lord these are also people that have never called on the name of the Lord hence they're not saved okay now go back to Romans chapter 3 because I had you turn there notice what it says in let's start in verse number 9 what then are we better than notice this word they now again we're having a contrast in Romans chapter number 3 and the contrast is between the Jews and the Gentiles the Jews and the Gentiles are being contrasted in Romans chapter number 3 it says what then are we better than they know and know wise for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles that they are all under sin now if you get the context of Romans chapter number 3 he's already made it abundantly clear that the Jews are sinners so now he's gonna make a contrast here and explain how Gentiles are also sinners so when he gives this quote here in verse number 10 notices as it is written there is none righteous no not one what are we talking about when we're talking about Psalm 14 now of course Psalm 14 is actually unique in the sense that there is another Psalm that is virtually identical to Psalm 14 and so they're kind of both being quoted here in a sense but if we think about Romans chapter number 3 we have Jew and Gentile being contrasted what do we have contrasted in Psalms chapter 14 we had my people and we had what the unsaved ungodly people and so what's kind of being you know attributed here in Romans chapter number 3 is just generically how the Jews were God's people and the Gentiles are those that don't believe in God and are unrighteous and have not called upon the name of the Lord okay and he's saying of those who don't believe in the God of the Bible who aren't quote Jews or aren't don't have the law any of that that none of them are good that's what it says there is none righteous no not one it says in verse 11 there is none that understand that there is none that seeketh after God they are all gone out of the way they're all they are together become unprofitable there is none that doeth good no not one their throat is an open sepulcher with their tongues that they use deceit the poison of ass is under their lips whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness their feet are swift to shed blood destruction and misery are in their ways and the way of peace have they not known there is no fear of God before their eyes now again that was extreme was that not extreme I mean he's not saying these guys are just kind of bad he's saying they're just extreme bad no good they're just evil to the core in fact they don't even know anything about peace and they have just absolutely no fear of God some people like Calvinists and other weirdos they and they misinterpret the book of Romans often and so they'll take passages like Romans 1 and say that we're all like Romans chapter number 1 and that we're basically just all reprobates or something and then they'll confirm that again with passages like here in Romans chapter 3 saying this is what every single person is like but this is not what every single person was like okay not every single person is just a god-hating person that wants nothing to do with the Lord that has zero fear of God that is just their feet is just swift to shed blood I mean this is describing a completely different person folks and why he's contrasting the Jews and the Gentiles now of course in the Old Testament we have to understand is that the Gentiles by and large were like this by and large they're not the people that are saved they're not Christians and so this generic description is basically broadly applied to the Gentiles as a whole not saying there wasn't exceptions but just generally speaking this is what the Gentiles are like the heathen were like and it also illustrates the point that those who are not and I'm using this word broadly but Christian basically they worship the God of the Bible none of them are good people you know atheists try to pretend like there's their moral moral or something like I'm the moral atheist no there is no such thing as these people who are righteous or or loving or kind or do good that are not coming from the Bible okay it doesn't matter what religion it doesn't matter if it's Hindu it doesn't matter it's Buddhist it doesn't matter if it's Islam it doesn't matter tao teh ching it doesn't atheist it doesn't matter they are all super wicked they are super evil they're not doing good they don't know the way of peace there's nothing benefiting from them so what's being contrast in Romans chapter number three is basically the religion of the Bible versus all other religions and specifically even atheism and it's trying to illustrate the fact that these people none of them are good not a single one zero of them are good and you know I'm not opposed to this but I personally believe like verse number 10 it's actually it's it's immediate context is describing the Gentile ungodly people it's not actually in the context of everybody but we do realize from this chapter that every single person still fits that description okay but it's actually kind of being applied to just the god-hating atheist people okay now as we keep reading in Romans chapter number three though notice it says in verse 19 now we know that what things so ever the law saith it sayeth to them who are under the law notice this phrase really important that every mouth may be stopped and all the world may become guilty before God so what what was the trap for a lot of Jews is the sense that they looked at the Gentiles and saw how bad they were how evil they were and they thought that oh well they're sinners but we're not and in fact you'll notice in the New Testament often when the Jews will refer to the Gentiles they just call them sinners have you ever seen that in the Bible and it's like what do you mean by sinners isn't that everybody and it is but in their mind they're thinking that the heathen are sinners and they're not sinners they were willing to what justify themselves they thought that they were righteous and they were trying to strive for the righteousness of the law but you know what was the problem for them is that the law also proved that they were sinners too and so you're saying hey we also gave the law so that you didn't think you were better than other people because isn't this the thing that you go out and you talk to people hey if you die today are you sure you go to heaven yeah how do you know that because I have a good heart because I have a clean heart because I'm a good person what what are they doing in their mind there's a category of people that are good and then there's a category of people that are bad and it's like you know what proves that we're all bad the law it's like hey well wait a minute you think you're good okay well let's see how good you really are and then you start showing them and then you start coming to other conclusions look what it says in verse 22 even there well let's read verse 20 I'm sorry therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in sight for by the law is the knowledge of sin but now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested being witnessed by the law of the prophets even the righteousness of God was by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe for there is no difference for all of sin and the short of the glory of God notice again another phrase here for there is no difference he's been explaining a difference he's been contrasting two groups and he's kind of showing he's kind of going back and forth and showing the Jew and the Gentile and then you get to this great probably one of those famous verses in all the Bible you get to Romans 3 23 and what's the point well let's put it all together there's no difference between that really ungodly person we just talked about in the previous verses where there's none righteous and the guy that had the law because guess what for all of sin it comes short of the glory of God and that's the concluding statement here of Romans chapter number three that's trying to make it clear look God gave the law so that no one could think that they're righteous so that no one could think that they're right with God so that no one could think that they are justified by their their deeds or by their works I mean that's what it clearly even says in verse 20 therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified so even though you might think you're super good of a person when we get you the law standard it's like whoa actually you're still not good just not good enough and you know you have great verses like James chapter 2 verse 10 that says that if you keep the whole law yet offended one point oh you're guilty of all and and yet it's hard because the work salvationist thinks he's good enough to be saved you have the the young rich ruler coming unto Jesus and saying what good thing shall I do that I may inherit eternal life you know a lot of people think they have to do something that they're good enough that they're righteous enough think about the publican that goes to pray and he's next to a Pharisee and the Pharisees like thanking God about how righteous he is you know I think that I'm not like other men what does that mean what what does that mean when he says I think that I'm not like other men he's making a difference between him and who the Gentile the public he thinks that he's not a sinner and others are sinners oh I think that I'm not a sinner I'm not like other men you know I do everything right no you don't know you're a wicked inside of your heart too just like every other person no one has a clean heart no one has a perfect heart you know what the heart is is desperately wicked the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know it I mean according to the Bible and so when we understand here in Romans chapter number three that it's really just everyone's a sinner you know I have no problem again if someone wants to use verse 10 to just say hey no one's righteous that's true I'm not saying that that's not true it's 100% true I just believe if you kind of understand the context it's actually describing only the Gentiles in that portion of Scripture okay but let's go back to Psalms chapter number 14 Romans I'm sorry Psalms chapter number 14 and really you know of course Romans 3 23 is applying to everybody in its immediate context now of course the Bible will sometimes even use passages out of context so sometimes it'll have a specific context in Psalms but then has a completely different context in the way it's you you sorry I mean you can you hear me now all right can you hear me now all right Verizon Verizon's in the building sorry I guess I'm too loud that I can't tell if I'm on or not but you know Psalm 14 is a great passage that tells us you know a lot about the wicked but it gives us a little bit of hope here look at verse number five for they were not for I'm sorry there were they in great fear for God is in the generation of the righteous you have shame the counsel of the poor because the Lord is his refuge so he's saying even though all this happens God ends up showing up at some point and rescues the righteous and it causes great fear to those who had rejected him and verse it's kind of hard to read this passage because it kind of goes back and forth but verse six when it says ye there it's kind of going back to the workers of iniquity and the workers of iniquity had shamed the counsel of the poor because the poor are constantly saying well we're trusting the Lord to deliver us he's our refuge he's gonna you know give us salvation whether that be physical or spiritual and that they're mocking him they're shaming them because of that but verse 7 oh that the salvation of Israel come out of Zion when the Lord bringeth back the captivity of people Jacob shall rejoice and Israel shall be glad so God will show up and God will give salvation this is often physical and spiritual in a lot of different ways and a lot of different contexts and you know we have to understand that even though the wicked are going to destroy some of God's people many of them are going to be delivered and we still need to make sure to trust in him and I think that as we we get to a couple other Psalms this evening we're gonna see some similarities and and have a little bit more understanding let's go to Psalm 15 the Bible says Lord who shall abide in thy tabernacle who shall dwell in thy holy hill he that walketh uprightly and worketh righteousness and speaketh the truth and his heart he that back might have not with his tongue nor do with evil to his neighbor nor taketh up our approach against his neighbor and whose eyes a vile person is content but he honoreth them that fear the Lord he that swereth whose own art and changeth not he that putteth not out his money to usury nor taketh reward against the innocent he that do it these things shall never be moved now what is this passage in essence about it's about how when you have your own form of righteousness you're not going to be moved away from God you're going to continue abiding with God notice the verse one who's gonna abide in thy tabernacle what does abide mean if you look at a dictionary abide means to remain in place to remain in place now of course what is God's tabernacle let's church what is the house of God that's church and so the Bible is saying who's gonna actually be abiding in church who's gonna be the person that remains in church who's gonna be the person that keeps showing up at church who's gonna be the person that comes Sunday morning and Sunday night and Wednesday night and is going out soul-winning and is just faithful to church this year next year the next decade the next day he's saying it's the ones who are actually righteous and he gives a lot of great descriptions here of what a righteous person looks like one is walking up rightly working righteousness speaking the truth he's not backbiting he's not doing evil he's not taking up reproach against his neighbor and I like this one and whose eyes a vile person is contempt you know what they actually hate wicked people you know it's just so sad how many Christians have no hatred or contempt for the wicked and for the vile I mean if you can't stand if you just love everybody in your mind you know what you don't you're not really that righteous because notice it says in whose eyes a vile person is content you can't love everyone and if you love your front yard you're not gonna love the weeds and the crabgrass and you're not gonna love the dandelions because you know what dandelions do they get more dandelions and then pretty soon your yard just looks like weeds everywhere and you get a lot of ants and you get all kinds of bugs and it just it just ruins everything if you really love your yard you're gonna only want grass there and the same comes with church you should only want righteousness in the house of God you don't want weeds and bugs and all this other stuff going on and of course to have good grass you got to water it you got to maintain it you have to take you have to getting the light of the word we need that maintenance we need to come to church and hear a sermon that kind of mows us down a little bit you know clips off some of the rough edges every once in a while we need some sermons that sometimes rip some of the weeds out of our lives and out of our hearts and everything like that and so it's important that if you really want to be in church that you fit this kind of description you know it's someone that fears God that whenever he makes a promise he's not going to change on it even if it causes him some detriment in the future notice he also isn't going to be charging interest or usury to anyone it doesn't say here high interest it just says usury at all says nor taketh reward against the innocent notice this he that do it these things shall never never be moved that's that's a great promise that God gives us and of course it makes perfect sense what the people that are the most faithful to church wouldn't God want them to stick in church and the people that are kind of hypocrites he's just gonna get get rid of them eventually they're gonna fall away and look people are gonna come and go to church all the time and of course it's not like you necessarily have to be in this church you know it's not like this is the only tabernacle of God anywhere that there's you know a godly congregation going out there you know that person's in church but I'm talking about people that stop going to church not necessarily this church just church and he's saying the people that are just stop going to church well they're not really walking up rightly are they well they're not really can having contempt for the vile person they're not really having all these right attitudes and so if you in your heart you say you know what pastor Shelley I like church right now and I want to make sure I'm in church ten years from now then you need to start having your own righteousness too and you need to actually love God and have fear of God and doing the right things because it you know you can only be a hypocrite for so long you can only fake it for so long and there's another Psalm actually that came to mind go to Psalm 58 when I think about this notice that there was a benefit to actually being righteous you know you look at some people and you might think like you know they're in church but they're not really serving God that much they're not really reading their Bible that much they're not really ruling their house very well and it seems like they're getting away with it well they're not though they're not going to get away with it forever you cannot just ignore the commandments of God and think that there will not be some kind of recompense but the positive side is this those who actually are dedicating themselves and have the fear of God and are putting in the work and are putting in the sacrifice and are actually doing the things that are right and loving their neighbors their self and actually hating the wicked there is a benefit and look what the Bible says in Psalm 58 verse 11 so that a man shall say verily there is a reward for the righteous verily he is a God that judges in the earth if you stick around church long enough eventually you'll say oh wow I'm glad I actually did stick around in church oh wow I'm glad I actually was righteous hey I'm glad I actually did spank my children hey I'm glad I actually did put my children in church hey I'm glad I have been going soul winning hey I am glad that I got my children baptized hey I am glad that we actually read the Bible hey I am glad I tell my wife what to do so that she doesn't just divorce me and drop me like a bad habit so that my wife doesn't seek it or record me at our house seek or record fights against me to use in a divorce settlement against me what a wicked woman would do that hey you know what this is happening all over America the day where women are constantly divorcing their husbands so that they can get money from their husband and you know what I guarantee that guy was not dragging his wife to church and telling her what the Bible says and you know another thing he probably wasn't loving his wife he probably wasn't giving her the commandments he probably has some bad habits maybe drinks all the time maybe he's putting work above his spouse maybe he's not showing the love of God to his spouse maybe he's not doing things that are right and so it's easier for that wife to end up divorcing him down the road and then he says woe unto me how I've despised the Lord's commandments you know how I've hated instruction how I didn't actually hearken to reproof you know there is whereas the other guy that actually put his wife in an address and a skirt and put her in church and told her what to do and made her have children you know and and made her discipline those children and made them feed the children and made them educate the children you know you're gonna eventually all those children are gonna be gone and you're gonna look at your children and they were gonna do what they're gonna marry godly children and they're gonna have grandchildren and then you're gonna look at all your extended family and their friends and they're like yeah my kids are on drugs and my kids of sleeping around this kid has an STD and this kid's not serving God and this kid commit suicide and this kid is in jail and whatever and then you're like wow verily there is a there is a reward to the righteous Wow I'm so glad I served God Wow I'm so and then you know what you should do is it should increase your fear of God and the people that you know that haven't been doing this because look you can look into the future just go find the people that have older teenagers go look at the people in your family and in your workplace and your life that have young adult children that didn't serve God didn't raise them right and you tell me how wonderful of people they are and how great they are look you can already see all of that don't be ignorant of the world that you live in realize verily there is a God that judges in the earth and you know what we need to make sure that we don't fall victim and be led away with the air of the wicked and fall from our own steadfastness but rather we stick with the Word of God and we abide in his tabernacle okay let's go back to Psalms and let's read Psalm 16 the Bible says preserve me Oh God for in thee do I put my trust oh my soul thou said unto the Lord thou art my Lord my goodness extendeth not to thee but to the Saints that are in the earth and to the excellent and whom is all my delight their sorrows shall be multiplied that hasten after another God their drink offerings of blood will I not offer nor take up their names into my lips the Lord is the portion of my inheritance and of my cup thou maintainest my lot the lines are fallen into me in pleasant places yea I have a goodly heritage I will bless the Lord who have given me counsel my reigns also instruct me in the night seasons I have set the Lord always before me because he is at my right hand I shall not be moved therefore my heart is glad and my glory rejoiceth my flesh also so rest in hope that I will not leave my soul in hell neither wilt thou suffer thine holy one to see corruption thou wilt show me the path of life in thy presence is fullness of joy at thy right hand their pleasures forevermore so in fact Psalm 16 if you think about it and I preach this recently but I'm kind of in the latter portion here it has the gospel message it has the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ in verses nine and ten if you think about it notice this in verse nine it says my flesh shall also or my flesh also so rest in hope it also says this for that will not leave my soul in hell neither with us up for thy holy one to see corruption now think about this number one in order to have a separation of flesh and soul something has to happen you have to die doesn't that what it says in James chapter number two whereas the body without the spirit is what dead so seeing this separation of soul and flesh is indicating that someone died then we see obviously even further example of that because the soul was in hell and if your souls in hell you have a state of being what's that state of being dead okay so we see someone was killed someone's dead and they went to hell but then it also gives us who it is the Holy One who's the Holy One that's the Lord Jesus Christ that's the Son of God and then it says this that will not that will sorry neither so he didn't leave the soul in hell neither wilt thou suffer thy Holy One to see corruption meaning that somehow it's going to be risen from the dead also this is an indication of not a David resurrection and why that's important go if you would actually have number two I want to I want to show something to you okay this could not be David's resurrection why well here's the thing number one David will be resurrected and the Bible has biblical characters talking about their own resurrection I mean job talks about the fact that he'll be resurrected when Jesus Christ is talking with Lazarus sister he tells her that I'm the resurrection of life and and she says hey I know that Lazarus is gonna you know be in the resurrection but there's a huge difference between David's resurrection Lazarus resurrection my resurrection and job's resurrection and Jesus resurrection what is the big what's a really big difference there's probably a lot but I'm just here's one big difference all of us are gonna see corruption David's body saw corruption so what does that mean it didn't happen really soon after he died because in order for you to not have any flesh to corrupt means it would have to be a short space of time and if you think about it when they're recounting this in Acts chapter number two they make this exact point it says in verse number 29 men and brethren let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David that he's both dead and buried and his sepulcher is with us unto this day so he's saying look this can't be David that the psalm was talking about because we still have his his tomb and we know that that body in there has saw corruption at this point so it can't be about David that's why he's saying hey guys we already know that David is not this guy then he says in verse 30 therefore being a prophet and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him that of the fruit of his loins according to the flesh he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne he's seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ that his soul was not left in hell neither Celeste did see corruption think about the interpretation of the Apostles the Apostles don't even have Matthew Mark Luke and John pinned down yet they don't have the book of Acts pinned down yet and notice what they said hey the resurrection is taught in Psalms chapter number 16 notice that they weren't even ashamed or afraid to say hey this is about the resurrection of Jesus Christ David spake of the resurrection of Christ in the book of Psalms yet I hear so many times for preachers well there's no gospel in the Old Testament you liar you liar they're telling you that David was preaching the resurrection in the book of Psalms and he was a prophet when he was a preacher of God's Word and you know what they preached the same gospel back then that we preached the day look at Romans chapter number four it says that David's preaching about the blessings that comes on man how he has imputed righteousness without works he described the blessed of the man unto him righteousness is imputed without works that's the same gospel I preach without works and it's in the resurrection and they have the resurrection look it's not any different folks it was the same gospel message now of course did they know the name of Jesus at that time no did they know as many facts as many details as we know no but you know you don't have to know every single detail to be saved and some people take some of these things to it a stupid extreme a really really stupid extreme and for example look I believe that Jesus died was buried his soul descended into hell and that he rose again and in fact I believe that he was suffering the pains of death as acts 224 describes and he wasn't loose from that until he was risen again I also believe in the blood atonement I believe that after resurrection he went into heaven and he sprinkled his blood on the mercy seat and that were saved by the blood you know I believe all of that I believe everything about this I believe he was born from the Virgin Mary and he lived this in the purple hey there's all kinds of things I believe about Jesus you know some people start getting this weird idea that if someone doesn't understand the details of Jesus all going to hell well then that person is not even saved I hear this you know someone I say well if you deny that Jesus went to hell or suffered in hell you're not even saved and I'm thinking like hmm I don't agree with that I've never agreed with that and you know I can understand how people get you know warped logic but what if we just apply this in any other area of the details of Jesus Christ right what if I said well if you think that Jesus is the Jesus of all these paintings where he has long hair then you're not saved because according the Bible and first Corinthians chapter number 11 you know it's a shame for a man to have long hair so therefore Jesus didn't have long hair so if you have a long hair Jesus you have another Jesus therefore you're not even saved what do we apply that logic and said hey anybody that thinks that Jesus had long hair is just unsaved I mean that that would be an over-the-top ridiculous idea right I mean if we just start coming up with all kinds of things well if you don't think that Jesus you know was a carpenter then you have another Jesus you're not even safe it's like what what do you mean the you know I mean how many deeds well you know what if you think that Jesus died on Friday then you know what you're denying the fact that he was dead for three days in three nights because he actually died on Thursday so your Jesus is another Jesus because my Jesus died on Thursday so if you don't even understand the timing of the Passover not saved what oh if you think he died on Wednesday another Jesus not saved I mean where where are we gonna start drawing the lines I mean what kind of details are we gonna start you know chopping up and then saying and look I'm not trying to undermine doctrine I'm not under trying to undermine teaching I love all of these facts I teach all of these details but let's not get this over-the-top idea because how many of these details that I described you the Old Testament people know did they know oh it's oh it's gonna be Thursday did they know everything about Jesus did they know the color of the hair of his beard did they know I mean think about how many more details the disciples have than us because they saw him in the flesh and they actually experienced you know what kind of weird over-the-top ideas are you gonna try and add to the Bible now here's the thing there's plenty of people that I believe are saved and they're wrong on the things I just said they're wrong on the fact the details of Jesus dying going to hell they're wrong about the timing of the Passover they're wrong about what Jesus actually looked like okay and if you go to certain parts of the world they got a black Jesus they got an Asian Jesus they got an Indian Jesus they got a white Jesus and he was probably brown okay folks he was probably light brown or something you know he looked middle he looked like Ben you know and it's like come on or something it's like what's going on I've never seen a Jesus poster to look like Ben though okay but it's like you know don't get a picture of Ben and put on your wall right folks but it's like it's well if I don't have this exact detail right then you know you're not even don't get these weird bizarre beliefs okay and we don't want to have this over-the-top view look people can be wrong on things and still be saved I mean have you ever read the Bible virtually every church has all kinds of weird beliefs and goofed up issues and problems and they still have lots of say people I mean think about the one of the churches in the Bible they have a woman preacher getting up and preaching a pro fornication message I mean how many of us if we visited a church and the one a woman gets up to start preaching and she starts preaching about fornication you wouldn't think that that person was saved or the church anybody that church was saved you'd be like what kind of weird nonsense is this right I mean the book of Galatians is written to people that are mixed up on the gospel I mean you have okay if all those people are unsaved why would Paul even write a letter to them is that the one letter in the Bible written to unsaved people no folks it was written to the few saved people that got kind of mixed up or confused or off or wrong heresy is a work of the flesh we can't just say well someone has a little bit of heresy so therefore they're just unsaved not say you know that's a dumb idea a dumb view we don't want to get way over the top I guarantee many of the people in the Old Testament it was as simple as looking and living you know they didn't necessarily know all the facts but they knew this I'm trusting in the coming Jesus and he is dying for my sins and it's his death and sacrifice for me that's going to give me eternal life you know that's and of course when we go out preach the gospel we can get people saved and you know 10-15 minutes we don't have to explain every single thing that we possibly know in order to get them saved now do I think it's wrong to give a lot of details and be thorough no let's be thorough let's give the details hey I always even preach acts 231 when I preach the gospel you know what if someone didn't understand that fact I'm not gonna be like you didn't get them saved did you tell them about the short-hair thing hope not safe do they know when I'm gonna from now on after my son my sowing partner gets them saved I'm gonna be like when did Jesus die Wednesday Thursday or Friday and if they don't say Thursday you know we're not counting it you know it's like that's stupid okay let's let's not get so over-the-top and just of course you know there's certain things we want to believe in the deity of Jesus Christ and we want to believe he's the Son of God and we want to believe in the bodily resurrection you know there's some really important doctrines that we can't deny for sure but let's not get this idea that just because someone's a little off or has some issue that they're just all for sure unsaved because of course that's what our enemies do to us our enemies do this to us and accuse us of all things let's not do the same thing to them and have these over-the-top views one other thing I wanted to point out about Psalm 16 before I move on is this that it says in verse number two oh my soul that was said unto the Lord thou art my Lord my goodness extendeth not to thee but to the Saints that are in the earth so the Bible is kind of illustrating a thing that the way you actually love God is by loving other people by loving people this is illustrated in 1st John go to 1st John for a moment and and look let's look at chapter 5 itself look what it says in 1st John chapter 5 verse 1 it says whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God and everyone that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him now that's almost like a tongue twister but what the Bible is saying is that if you actually love God that's the one that begat you then you'll actually love other people that have been begotten by God which would be your brothers and sisters in Christ so your love towards God is illustrated by how much you love the people of God if you look at verse 20 of the previous chapter chapter 4 verse 20 if a man say I love God and hateth his brother he is a liar for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen how can he love God whom he hath not seen and this commandment have we from him that he loveth God love his brother also so there's actually a test that you can figure out how much someone loves God and you know what the test is how much do they love real people in this world that are saved so the people who are loving save people the most are the ones who actually love God the most and the ones who are hating on say believers and save Christians are liars they don't even really love God in their heart okay so that's a test to actually see the people that really love God and and it's easy it's easy to say this I love God oh I just love God I just love Jesus and you know but you know if that person's not doing anything for other people they don't love God here's here's another test how many people are you trying to get saved while you tell me how much you love God you know the person that doesn't even preach the gospel does not love God if you love me keep my commandments the one not keeping his commandments doesn't love God the guy not preaching the gospel doesn't love God and the guy that's being a jerk to say believers doesn't really love God if you really love God you're gonna be keeping his commandments you are gonna be soul winning and you're gonna be loving and kind and help helping those who are other saved believers in Christ even when they're your own enemy you know that's a big test how much do you love somebody when they're your enemy how much you wish good for those who do evil unto you or speak evil of you and yet that is really the true test you say well I don't I don't do any of those things doesn't sound like you love God that much then and how could you even claim that you could love God from afar when you can't see him when you can't even just love the people in your life and so that is what God truly wants and that's what we have the great verses here and in Psalm 16 how he's talking about he's loving the Saints that are in the earth and of course it's Saints not sodomites folks okay that was a important point look at verse let's go to Psalm 17 the Bible says hear the right Oh Lord attend unto my cry give ear unto my prayer that goeth not out of feigned lips let my sentence come forth from my presence let thine eyes behold the things that are equal thou has proved mine heart thou has visited me in the night thou has tried me and shall find nothing I am purposed that my mouth shall not transgress concerning the works of men by the word of thy lips I have kept me from the paths of the destroyer hold up my goings in thy paths that my footsteps slip not I have called upon thee for thou wilt hear me Oh God incline thine ear unto me and hear my speech show thy marvelous loving kindness O thou that savest by the right hand them which put their trust in thee from those that rise up against them heed me as the apple of the eye hide me under the shadow of thy wings from the wicked that oppress me from my deadly enemies who compass me about they are enclosed in their own fact with their mouth they speak proudly they have now compassed us in our steps they have set their eyes bowing down to the earth like as a lion that is greedy of his prey and as it were a young lion lurking in secret places arise Oh Lord disappoint him cast him down deliver my soul from the wicked which is thy sword from men which are thy hand Oh Lord from men of the world which have their portion in this life and whose belly thou fillest with thy head treasure they are full of children and leave the rest of their substance to their babes as for me I will behold thy face and righteousness I shall be satisfied when I awake with thy likeness now this is a very interesting Psalm and kind of the thought I had about as a whole it's really illustrating how God's people are gonna be preserved from their enemies they're gonna be preserved from their enemies now an important point in verse 1 is he says that when he cries unto the Lord when he prays to God it's not at a feigned lips feigned means fake someone is they're not faking it they're sincere when they pray unto God they're not a hypocrite they're not lying they actually really believe and trust in the Lord and that is you know really how we get salvation physically and spiritually but he mentions in here about calling upon the Lord look at this number six I have called upon thee now calling upon the Lord is just simply prayer that's all that it is okay calling praying and asking are synonymous in the Bible okay so anytime you see the word call ask pray just know that they're all the same word that's this is all the same action and of course the Bible when it comes to spiritual salvation has many places that use those words in relation to getting saved calling upon the name of the Lord to be saved or asking him for the the drink of living water right or we see examples of men praying and you have the the man the public and praying and saying Lord be merciful me a sinner and so again prayer asking and of course calling are used many times in the Bible to illustrate spiritual salvation going to heaven but also it's to illustrate physical salvation and a lot of ways to where people are in physical danger in a bad situation surrounded by enemies and they're praying or they're asking or they're calling on the Lord to rescue them out of their misery you have Jonah in the whale he's calling for the Lord to deliver him out of that physical you know destruction that physical danger and he's vomited out of the well's belly reminiscent of how Jesus Christ is calling out of hell and the Lord hears his voice and is going to rescue him and deliver him out of hell and you have all kinds of other examples where the children of God cry and call on the Lord and he delivers them you know Peter's drowning in the water and he says Lord save me and it's like immediately the Lord reaches down his hand and pulls Peter up out of the water because God wants to use carnal truths to illustrate the spiritual truth of how you call on the Lord in faith and he saves you and you see that physical example in that carnal example over and over that's also reminiscent of the spiritual example but both apply and even after you get saved spiritually there could be moments in your life where you're in physical danger where you have physical enemies you have physical problems carnal problems and God wants you to do the exact same thing he wants you to call on the Lord in faith and asking him to deliver you out of that evil and you better believe it if I was in actual physical danger my first action would be to call on the Lord and ask him to help me in that situation to pray unto him you know whether that be a car accident you know if brother Oz was explaining to me that in your airplane if your airplane started stalling and you're too low and you're like under 10,000 feet like it's just death well you better know I'm calling on the name of the Lord at that point okay you know whatever whatever danger I'm in someone's you know break into my house or some there's like there's someone pulls out a gun or you're in a robbery or in a fast or you know my first thought is calling the name of the Lord in faith okay if I'm throwing in a lion's den I'm calling in faith okay you know if I'm about to be thrown into a fiery furnace hey I'm calling on the name Lord in faith right and so all of these illustrations are are true no matter what the context really is and of course the Lord is going to hear our cry when it's not going out of feigned lips and he's going to preserve us he's going to deliver us look at verse number four again concerning the works of men by the word of thy lips I have kept me from the paths of destroyer so this psalm actually gives us multiple ways to be preserved from our enemies one could be what I just illustrated that you're in danger and you just call and then the Lord just rescues right Shadrach Meshach and Abednego are thrown into a fiery furnace and they're preserved in fact they're not just preserved their clothes don't even have a singe they don't even have the smoke smell and look you go to a bar you smell like smoke so if you're in a fiery furnace there was a high likelihood you smelled like smoke and they didn't miracle okay but another way that you're preserved from evil and danger in this life is just simply reading the Bible reading the book of Proverbs and getting wisdom and understanding and by the words of his mouth actually it's going to help you live a godly life and not go down dark roads not go into the paths of the destroyer not allow the strange woman to come and entice you and take you down to her lair where there's dead men and the and basically her steps are on the steps of hell okay so another way to be preserved in this life is simply just following God's commandments reading the Bible and getting instruction in the wisdom of the Bible many people destroy their lives for something that they could have read in the Bible and realize I shouldn't go down that road I shouldn't get that job I shouldn't marry that woman I shouldn't go to that place I shouldn't hang around with those people right there's so much wisdom in the Bible itself that will preserve your life you know preserve you in every area of life and so that's another aspect of this now as you get towards the end of this psalm it gives us another interesting picture of preservation and and that that's the preservation of this even though our flesh may be preserved and immediate danger or maybe we preserve to live a long life we're all gonna die eventually aren't we so you can't escape forever it if you follow all God's commandments and you're always calling on the name of the Lord you're still gonna die okay those are great ways to preserve you but eventually it's this is not gonna work okay and you know it's sad right we would love for God to heal us of every sickness and every disease and every problem but you got to die somehow right and many people will probably just eventually die of some sickness illness old age whatever things are gonna happen there's not really a great way to die you know we're all gonna die eventually but there's still another layer of preservation and what is that preservation it's the fact that you're gonna be resurrected and that's what he says in verse 15 as for me I will hold my face in righteousness I shall be satisfied notice this when I awake now when we think of awaking what do we think is the the opposite they're sleeping because those that believe in Jesus when they die physically their body's asleep but their soul and spirit still in heaven and so we have this kind of language as sleeping right the dead are those in hell the sleeping are with Jesus all right and then of course we're going to awake and we'll have a resurrected body and notice this when I awake with thy likeness that's an important phrase go if you would to 1st John again 1st John chapter number 3 now I don't always use this verse in soul winning but it is a verse that I have in my arsenal and I think you should just store it away in your memory banks just in case but you know sometimes people think and I especially at the bomb as I met this occasionally is where people would say like well I'll get eternal life when I die like they don't realize that the moment you believe you get eternal life or they think like maybe when you die you become a child of God eventually or something like that but the Bible is illustrating that when you get saved is the moment you become a child of God it's the moment that you have eternal life and here's a really clear verse to prove that ok look at 1st John chapter number 3 verse 1 the Bible says behold what manner of other father has bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God therefore the world knoweth us not because it knew him not beloved now are we the sons of God boy is that an amazing phrase right there now it's not like later hey you know when I'm a son of God now I'm right now a son of God that says this and it does not yet appear what we shall be I'm not in my resurrected state I am not what I will be like in the future but what does it say it says but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is so we're going to have his likeness now of course don't get the Peter Ruckman idea of this okay we're not going to be at all 33 or your old imitations of Jesus okay and Peter Ruckman taught all women will turn into a man you know that's a transgender doctrine I wonder where that's coming from I mean when you're treat when you're preaching any form of transgender nonsense you're just of Satan okay because that's weird right the Bible says that he's going to be a father unto us and first Corinthians chapter number six and it talks about sons and daughters okay folks so when you young women get saved you're a daughter of God all right okay but what does it mean we're gonna have his likeness well just like right now you have Adams likeness but are we all just perfect imitations of Adam or do we look different now I know if you lived in China you might think we all look the same but here we actually look different you're racist I don't care but isn't that what people say like all white people look the same all black people look the same all Asian be like but that's not really true is it we all look very different don't we but we all have the same likeness and the sense that if you've seen a panda bear they all kind of look like a panda bear don't they you see a kangaroo they all kind of look like a kangaroo elephants look like elephants dogs there's some rats in there all right called Chihuahuas they don't look like dogs all right but we get hey that most of these things have the same likeness and here's the thing Jesus has a different kind of likeness than Adam he has a resurrected status you know he looks different and we're gonna get that same kind of likeness where we have a resurrected body now I'm going off the record this is not Bible this is pastor Shelley's a personal opinion my personal opinion is that even in your own resurrected state though you're still gonna look like you okay it's just you're gonna be the best version of yourself and a couple reasons why I believe this number one it doesn't seem like people are unrecognizable when they're in heaven all of a sudden you know we still have the rich man looking up and noticing Abraham and Lazarus and knowing who both of them are if they just turned into random people they don't even look like them anymore how would even recognize them okay that's one that's one proof a second proof is the fact that whenever we have John talking about heaven in the future he talks about how there's all nations and tongues being represented in heaven here's the thing if everybody was you know white then you'd be like the Mormons were right if everyone's black you would say always the black Hebrew Israelites were right right but if you see every single nation it's obvious that people are what different nationalities they have differently they have different tongues and different languages and so you know it doesn't even have just one language ruckmanites they weren't all singing 1611 King James only they're surprising them in every tongue and in every language okay so don't get these like these over-the-top prejudices against other people groups because you know what God's not a respected person red yellow black and white they're all precious in his sight God loves every single person and you know what you come to steadfast Baptist Church you're gonna find one of the most diverse churches on the planet we're all kinds of colors shapes and sizes and and people like terrible food like McDonald's and Indian food and all kinds of weird stuff you know and some people have good taste and food you know some but we're gonna have all kinds of diversity and the diversity is fine in that context but we don't want diversity of beliefs we don't want diversity of religion we don't want diversity of spirits we want to have unity in some areas and then we can have some diversity and other areas that aren't as meaning they don't really matter at all who cares who cares about the the carnal who cares about the superfluous not the Lord and neither should I and of course when we get resurrected we're gonna have a shining brightness and that shining brightness is gonna be represented by how you serve God in this life so if you want to be shining bright and in all of your glory that you could possibly have then you need to serve them now and you need to put the work in now just like if you wanted to be buff and strong you need to put the work in now to work out lift weights eat healthy you have to do a lot of exercising and the same comes with spiritually if you want to be spiritually having those benefits in heaven and having that that glory you got to put the work in now being righteous and following God's commandments and loving people and and doing you know alms in secret and and in sacrificing now and of course soul-winning and preaching the gospel and and doing all the things that the Bible tells us and then you can shine bright and glory let's close in prayer thank Heavenly Father so much for these Psalms that you've given us I pray that we would glean some of the wisdom that you've given us in these Psalms I pray that we see the importance of serving God in our lives how you preserve us the importance of being righteous of following the commandments of calling upon your name or physical salvation in times of distress and ultimately we realize even when we die you're gonna still preserve us for the resurrection and that we live not for the carnal but we rather we live for the spiritual and for those things that are of eternal value I pray that our church would be unified and rallied around spiritual things not carnal things and that we would love those who are begotten of you with all of our heart and that we would show our love for God by loving our brothers and sisters in Christ in Jesus name we pray amen all right for a final song we're gonna go to 144 a mighty fortress is our God 144 this may be a new song to some of you so if you know it sing it out nice and loud follow my lead on the timing 144 a mighty fortress is our God Oh mighty fortress is our God a bulwark never failing our helper he amid the flood of mortal veils prevailing for still our ancient foe does seek to work us whoa his craft and power are great and armed with cruel hate on earth is not his equal did we in our own strength on fire our striving would be losing we're not the right man on our side the man of God's own choosing just ask who that may be Christ Jesus it is he Lord survey off his name from age to age the same and he must win the battle and through this world with devil's filth should threaten to undo us we will not fear for God hath will his triumph through us the Prince of Darkness Graham we tremble not for him his rage we can endure for lo his doom is sure one little word shall fail him that word above all earthly powers no thanks to them abided the spirit and the gifts are ours though with us I did let goods and kindred go this mortal life also the body they may kill God's truth abided still his kingdom is for God bless you thank you so much for coming you are dismissed