(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Music You you Go and find our seats. We'll go ahead and get started and Once you find the seat grab a hymnal We'll go to song number 415 for our first song Number 415 Song number 415 Victory through grace Song 415 everybody sing it out together on the first conquering now and still Leading the host of all the faithful Into the midst of See them with Glad and they're brilliant Shouting the name Here they mix all Not to the strong is the battle not to the swift Oh Victory's promise through grace conquering now and still When's our the armies which he leadeth while of his glory They see He is our Lord and Savior and They are the stars that forever right in this game Not to the strong But to the true Conquering now and still to conquer Jesus now Thrones in their sectors all shall perish Yes, how the armies thou leadest faithful and true to the Find in thy mansions Eternal rest when their way Not to the swift But the true Great singing everybody. Let's open up the service with a word of prayer Lord we love you, and we just thank you again for steadfast batless Church we just ask that you fill this room with your spirit bless this church and Let us honor and glorify you and all that we do today and forevermore and it's in Jesus name. We pray. Amen Alright for our next song. Let's go to song number 157 Song number 157 Come thou Almighty King song number 157 Oh Oh Now Oh Good morning. Thank you so much for coming to steadfast Baptist Church If you did not already get a bulletin, but you'd like one just lift up your hand nice and high One of our ushers will come by and get you guys a bulletin on the front We have our Bible memory passage Psalm 59 and we're on verse 15 so if you can quote the entire passage You can receive a prize as well as the verse of the week any Children 18 and under that can quote it can get an ice cream in our midweek service Our services and so many times are there in the inside. Also, we have church stats our soul winning Information is actually kept through our soul winning captains And so we have different tribes for the church And so if you have any questions about that Please just ask me or brother Jason or you can email us and we'd love to answer those questions On the right there is a list of expecting ladies So if you would be in prayer for all of them as well as upcoming events this week is gonna be our mighty men's conference That's gonna be Thursday Friday and just the Saturday morning Pastor Roger Menes is gonna actually be coming out for that conference and preaching that Friday night And so even if you're not able to come to the conference throughout the day But you'd still like to just hear the sermons or come out for the evening service as you can and so If you need that information, let us know as well I think several people did sign up on our signup sheet as just coming Friday night and We'll send out some instructions as far as how to get there with the address if you're interested It's about an hour south of the Dallas-Fort Worth area. So Maybe a little bit more than that just kind of depends on exactly where you're at So it might be an hour hour and a half drive So it's not too bad. And if you'd like to come out to hear that sermon on Friday night, you're more than welcome Also, babe, there's a baby shower for several or for actually a couple ladies in our church It's from 2 to I'm sorry from 12 to 2 p.m On the 24th and if you'd like to get either of those ladies a gift you can look on Amazon Our baby showers ours nursing's only preferred and if you'd like to attend please RSVP with mrs. Milstead She's helps us with a lot of our baby showers on the back We have a list of our prayer list and if you have any other prayer requests You can email those to us to our main email address or you could even fill out one of our communication cards Put on there indicate a prayer request and we can try to add that to the list We also try to update this and keep it accurate as best as possible So if you can't help us with that on prayer requests that extend beyond the week and then down below we have the Congratulations to the Holden's on the birth of Charlotte Kate She was born on the 10th 6 pounds 20 and a quarter inches long Congratulations to them And One one other announcement I was gonna make it's not necessarily the bullets in is our Former staff member that was here locally brother. Dylan Oz is actually transitioned and moved to Oklahoma and so he's actually preaching there this morning and so, you know anything that Brother Oz was handling, you know here you need to Realize that that transition is going to be made to where now you need to find a new person to handle that So if you if you were trying to communicate with him or do something with them You need to just communicate with me or you can email us or you could ask one of our ushers and we can point You in the right direction. So just FYI Brother Oz was helping us with several different things and so if there was something that you're usually having him help you with or do please just communicate that with me or you can email and Actually pretty soon. I don't know exactly the right timeline, but in a few months or so The evangelist tanner fur is actually going to be relocating from Oklahoma down here and he's gonna join us and be part of our church and he's gonna work on staff here and so we're excited to have him come and join us and he's gonna be Taking on a lot of the job duties that brother Oz was doing for us And so right now we're just in a transition and if you need anything just let me know If you have any questions, of course You can always email call text and then also for his tribe specifically. He was helping manage one of our soul winning tribes I have resumed that tribe as the tribe leader I tried to send out an email to everybody that was in that tribe already And so if for some reason I missed you or you didn't see the email or anything like that You can report all of that soul winning information to me as well as I'll try to follow up with everybody on that I have already been receiving several texts and information about the soul winning from those people But just wanted to put that information out there. So that's pretty much all I have as far as Announcements, we'll go ahead and sing our third song this morning. It's gonna be a psalm in our psalm booklets. It's psalm 148 psalm 148 All Right now psalm 148 psalm chapter 148 Oh And they were Decree From the Me Dragons and Oh Made Let them praise the name Oh I Great singing as offering plates are being passed around go ahead and open up your Bibles and get ready to read the chapter You You We'll be reading 2nd Timothy chapter 4 follow along silently in your Bibles beginning in verse number 1 2nd Timothy chapter 4 the Bible reads I charge the Therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ who shall judge the quick and the dead as appearing and his kingdom Preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke Exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine But after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears And they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned unto fables But watch thou in all things endure afflictions do the work of an evangelist Make full proof of thy ministry for I am now ready to be offered and the time of my departure is at hand I have fought a good fight. I have finished my course I have kept the faith henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness Which the Lord the righteous judge shall give me at that day and not to me only But unto all them also that love his appearing do thy diligence to come shortly unto me for Demas hath forsaken me Having loved this present world and is departed unto Thessalonica Cretans to Galatia Titus unto Dalmatia Only Luke is with me take mark and bring him with thee for he is profitable to me for the ministry and Antichokos have I sent to Ephesus the cloak that I left at Troas with Carpus when thou comest bring with thee in the books, but especially the parchments Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil the Lord reward him according to his works of whom be thou where also For he hath greatly withstood our words at my first answer No, man stood with me, but all men forsook me. I pray God that it may not be laid to their charge Notwithstanding the Lord stood with me and strengthened me that by me the preaching might be fully known then and that all The Gentiles might hear and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion and The Lord shall deliver me from every evil work and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom to whom be glory forever And ever amen salute Prisca and Aquila and the house of on a ciphers Erastus abode at Corinth But Trophimus have I met at my Letum sick do thy diligence to come before winter Eubulus greeteth thee and Putin's and Linus and claudia and all the brethren the Lord Jesus Christ be with thy spirit grace be with you Amen, let's bow our heads for a word of prayer father in heaven we thank you Lord for this day and I pray father God that you would just Enable us to pay close attention to this message Let it sink down into our hearts and inspire us to change and I pray also Lord that you fill pastor Shelley with your spirit And help him to preach the sermon with boldness and with power. We love you and in Jesus name. I pray Amen Amen, the Bible says in 2nd Timothy chapter 4 verse 2 preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine and this is a Portion of Scripture that's obviously directed towards a preacher Towards a pastor towards the individual leading a church and the word that I find really beneficial in this particular verse is the word rebuke and it's in the context of the idea to me of How it's so clear in the Bible that preaching is geared towards people Preaching is geared towards people. And in fact, there is nothing wrong with preaching against people That's the title of my sermon this morning is preaching against people My first question would be this for those that don't agree with me is who am I to? Rebuke if I can't preach against someone the whole implication of Rebuking is that it's talking about somebody that I'm rebuking now many people will get mad about The idea of preaching against people and they have different layers here as far as what we're describing Some people say it's okay to preach against people in a Vague sense or in a broad sense some don't even like that Individuals like Joel Osteen or other prosperity type preachers. They say I'm not gonna preach against anyone I'm for everyone. This is their mantra This is their motto, but that's clearly unbiblical because we're clearly instructed to rebuke Now beyond just rebuking though Individuals will then have different ideas as far as how much discretion or how far do we take that? Are we going to rebuke just broad spectrums of people? Are we going to rebuke people that are in a specific category? Are we going to rebuke people where people could kind of tell? Who you're talking about or even let's just get really clear. Are we going to name names and I would say this that everything is on the table according the Bible and Some people they they would get really nervous or they get really upset about the idea of a preacher Making it clear who he's preaching about but I want to demonstrate in the Bible that there is nothing wrong with Making it clear who you're preaching about and who you're preaching against Now the first group that I want to talk about is false prophets The Bible is crystal clear that we as preachers should be able to call out false prophets and even name the names And make it very clear who we're talking about in the Bible Jesus and other instructions are clearly demonstrating that you should preach against groups of false prophets as well as specifically naming false prophets in this particular chapter Notice what it says in verse 14 Alexander that's a person and We know his name and here's another thing there could be a lot of Alexander's out there But notice what he says Alexander the coppersmith, so he's getting as specific as he can He wants everybody to know that he's about to preach against Alexander the coppersmith now some people say this I feel like the preacher was preaching about me How do you think Alexander felt? Do you think that Alexander was thinking like Alexander who oh the coppersmith oh, man, that's that's me you know Yeah, sometimes the preaching is so specific. It's naming you. It's like wanting to clarify We're talking about this specific Alexander What did he do Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil the Lord reward him according to his works Notice this of whom be thou where also for he hath greatly withstood our words Here's another emphasis is the Apostle Paul is trying to warn Timothy about Alexander even though Alexander isn't necessarily a direct opposition to Timothy He was in opposition to Paul and his companions, and he's letting him know. This is a bad guy. This is someone that you should be Leary of you should be aware of you should be careful with and he's helping this young preacher Timothy not fall into a trap of getting deceived by a bad person now this makes sense if you love Timothy And you don't want Timothy to be taken advantage of then you're gonna warn Timothy about bad people If I just get up and just say there's bad people out there Don't listen to bad people No one's gonna change anything about their life. No one's actually gonna understand But if you say don't listen to Joel Osteen Then it's really clear who we're talking about if we say don't listen to TD Jakes Then it's really clear who we're talking about we say don't listen to Robert Morris, which praise God No one's listening to him anymore But I've been preaching against this guy for a decade I've been preaching get this guy for over 10 years And I've known not listen to listen to him and it's always funny to me how people are like now wondering Oh, I guess now he's bad look. I already knew he was bad He already was wrong in the gospel and preached all kinds of averted things Teaching that God is not just a man But he's like a man and a woman combined all kinds of just weird heresy false doctrine Only preaches about money only preaches about tithing it was crystal clear that this guy is doing harm to the cause of Christ and to be avoided and what God people would have listened to that kind of a message and Said you know what maybe I shouldn't listen to him, but you know when I would call him out ten years ago This is what people would say. Oh, you're envious. Oh You're just jealous of Pastor Morris. Oh, you just you're a small ministry You're a small guy and you just wish you were as popular and have so much fame and had the church that he had No, the guy's preaching lies And you should beware of the guy that's preaching lies and harming people's souls and preaching things that are against the Bible We should be willing to call out false prophets because the Bible tells us about Specific people in the same case this guy's a bad guy call them out this guy's and it's not like this guy is just a bad Person what does it say specifically he for he has greatly withstood? our words So it's helping you understand that this guy is a false prophet It's not like Alexander the coppersmith just ripped him off for 20 bucks It's not like Alexander the coppersmith just tripped him in the parking lot It's not like Alexander the smith called him a bad name No, Alexander the coppersmith is greatly withstanding the doctrine of Christ. Why why do you think it is that the coppersmith? Doesn't want people to know about Jesus Christ It's because the coppersmith makes graven images for a false religion and when people believe in the Lord Jesus Christ And they get saved they reject idols and they want nothing to do with Alexander the coppersmith Because Alexander the coppersmith is violating the first commandments the first commandments That you shall have no other gods before me and then the second commandment. Hey, you shouldn't make any graven image That's Alexander the coppersmith Now do you think Alexander the coppersmith likes it when people are walking in saying hey? This guy is violating commandment number one commandment number two, and you should have a faith that is gonna cause him to go bankrupt He doesn't like that and here's the the reality if you got up and said hey salvation by faith alone is a free gift You can't lose it. That's gonna bankrupt Robert Morris's ministry Because Robert Morris doesn't believe that and doesn't teach that and so of course he's gonna greatly Withstand the words of Christ and the doctrines of Christ and he's a false prophet, and he's still a false prophet And you know what he's also still a pedophile by the way I Heard someone defend him to me and say well, I know he molested that girl for four years back then But he hasn't done it again so So he's still a pedophile That's the reality. It's not like you just stop being a pedophile all of a sudden Once a pedophile always a pedophile and always a reprobate, and I want nothing to do with you ever Okay, if you're in here thinking like I'm a reformed pedophile no You're not in my view not in our church's view and you're not welcome I am not ever gonna allow reformed pedophiles because there's no such thing anyways You would still act on that and you know what don't defend pedophiles to me I want nothing to do with any of them ever Not at any point in time that person is weird and perverted and gross and I wouldn't trust them around an animal all right Now Look at it says in verse I go to chapter the next book I'm sorry go to Titus chapter 1 and look at verse number 9 I want to make it clear that you should preach against false prophets, and you should name the names That's what the Apostle Paul did That's the example that Jesus set for us And this is what the Bible says over and over in so many different passages Titus chapter 1 verse 9 holding fast The faithful word as he had been taught that he may be able by sound doctrine Both to exhort and convince the gainsayers for there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers Specially they of the circumcision You know he means by specially he's saying like this group is the worst Or this is the group that we're really talking about or this is the group that should be emphasized who is the circumcision this is what we would know today as modern-day Judaism and Even back then they were the Judaizers These are the individuals that had been physically circumcised were practicing a religion that goes against the Bible They were holding to the traditions of the elders and not to the Word of God, and they rejected Jesus Christ They were unsaved and they were teaching a workspace salvation And he's saying these people are an unruly and vain talking deceiving group Verse 11 whose mouths must be stopped who subvert whole houses Teaching things which they ought not for filthy lucre sake now. This is what's crazy to me It's how sometimes individuals say you can't just label broad swaths of people You can't just you can't how dare you just say like Jews or something like that, but then it's like that's what the Bible does That's what Jesus does I mean according the Bible He's just saying hey, you know who's bad the circumcision the circumcision is a group that just generally described as what? Unruly vain talkers deceivers who all of their mouths need to just be stopped anybody so whenever I get up and just say hey Catholics teach work salvation or you get up and you say hey Hindus believe in false gods and they're unsaved or you get up and you say hey the Jews of the day Reject Christ and they're unsaved that's the same language the Bible uses now is it possible in the more nuanced Categories of Christianity that someone could get saved and walk into a Catholic Church and still be saved Yes, that is possible. And when you're making a broad generalization of just saying simply hey Catholics are not saved. You're not really counting that person because if I walk into the kitchen I don't turn into my wife Okay, if I walk into a garage I'm not a car and just because if I walk into a Catholic Church that doesn't make me Catholic You know makes me Catholic believing Catholic doctrine. And here's the thing people who believe Catholic doctrine are not saved And when it comes to the circumcision Yeah There were technically Peter and John and the Apostle Paul had been Circumcised physically and were even of that particular lineage or ethnic group But they had believed in Jesus Christ and they were counting their circumcision as nothing So therefore when he talked about the circumcision He's talking about a religious group with religious beliefs and that they're not safe And when I talk about Jews, I'm almost always referring to those who practice the religion of Judaism Therefore they're all unsaved even though there are people today who have a Jewish lineage or a Jewish Ethnicity that believe in Christ and they're saved and so the Bible has just broad swaths of people that is just saying these this entire group is just false prophets and Let's just be clear Mormons are false prophets Jovis witnesses are false prophets Catholic priests are false prophets I mean There's just huge groups of people today that are just false prophets and they're not saved and the Jews are the worst They're anti Christ and they're unsaved Now it also says in this passage says one of themselves So he's just pointing out one particular person even a prophet of their own said the Cretans are always liars evil beasts Slow bellies this witness is true Wherefore rebuke them sharply that they may be sound in the faith Not giving heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men that turn from the truth I would love to know how a Zionist would interpret verse 14 Yeah Hey, Zionist, what are the Jewish fables that we're supposed to avoid? What are the Jewish fables that we're not supposed to give heed to? It seems like the Zionist group will bring up any rabbi any Jew and just allow them to say Anything and they just believe all of it, you know, whether it's something about six million or whatever It's just you got to believe it It doesn't matter what the numbers are what the story is what the history what the fact and you can't Question it either. In fact, they go beyond Harkening to Jewish fables. They basically make it clear that it's like law There are countries and places in this world. You cannot even go against the Jewish fable. It's illegal You can't even question things You can't even ask if this is really true or you can't even suggest that there's maybe a lie or something not clear about that If you deny the Holocaust, it is a basically illegal in many places in Europe And And let me make it clear denying the Holocaust is not like these Complete revisionist history people or people that are brain dead. It's people just saying like Maybe five million Jews were killed. That's the night Holocaust It's it's just saying like I don't think that the goal was just to kill Jews only then you're denying the Holocaust I mean, it's basically just saying anything about it. That's not Official story official narrative is somehow denying the Holocaust and then you start wondering like that's a weird way to word it like just you're denying like this event ever happened or something like that because if you were to say like you deny that Jesus ever Existed that sounds crazy That sounds just absurd and that's what they try to make it seem like when you quote deny the Holocaust They're just thinking like you don't think World War two happened. You don't even believe like Hitler exists I mean, we're all driving German cars We're all you know, basically having all kinds of manufacturing and technological advances from the Nazi Party specifically What are you denying about this? Right and then you're just saying well, I don't know if you can cook six million pizzas That quickly. All right, that's the question that I was basically bringing up Just FYI if you were gonna cook six million pizzas and four ovens for 20 minutes each it would take 57 years And you know that's illegal. Okay, so you can't ask you can't answer that question. All right But the Bible says not giving heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men that turn from the truth Notice what the Bible is saying that there are men that turn to the truth now I believe in this passage in verse 12 when he says one of themselves I believe the only reason he's not making it clear is because he probably doesn't know Probably just heard this is somebody out there said this and we know that it's true I just don't really know who it is, but I want to make it clear that this did happen Like this is a legit thing. It happened. Maybe can't remember the name But it's not to say that you can't name the name Some people would say this is the only way you're allowed to preach Well, someone said one time this or some people might say this or this could happen no, you need to get specific to and He was specific about Alexander and he's calling out all the Jews He's calling out the Jewish fables and he wants you to make it clear that these are people that you should never listen to Not hearken to Go if you would back to 2nd Timothy chapter 1 go to 2nd Timothy chapter 1 Let's get some more specific examples of where we're naming the names of the individual 2nd Timothy chapter 1 verse 15 says this this thou knowest That all they which are in Asia be turned away from me of whom are fight jealous and homogeneous So the apostle Paul saying look all these people that are under this false teaching There's a source and the source is by jealous and homogeneous He's recognizing the cult that by jealous and homogeneous have established and that many of these people have fallen away due to these false Teachers by jealous and homogeneous and he's calling them out by name in chapter 2 look at verse 16 But shun profane and vain babblings for they will increase in a more ungodliness and their word will eat as death a canker of Whom is hymenaeus and Phyllis so he's saying we can't just allow false teachings to go unchecked because it's kind of like cancer and The thing about cancer is that cancer starts small, but it slowly spreads over time and if you're able to diagnose cancer early and you're able to Mitigate or eliminate the cancer in the early stages many times. There's a high survival rate What's difficult is if cancer has taken its time to spread over the entire body Well now it's very difficult and it's in most the times you die if someone has Cancer in all parts of their body or they're in the late stages of cancer It's it's pretty much just deadly at that point and he's he's likening the body Because the church is a body and think about it this way if we had a small faction of people over here that all of this cancerous doctrine Well, then we just pick them up and throw them out and the church is gonna survive We're gonna be fine without that small little faction But if everybody here is all under a cancerous doctrine, well, the church isn't gonna survive, you know We're gonna go down a bad road, you know, either I'm gonna win or y'all gonna win, but we're not gonna survive Okay and if I lose then you bring up some of profit of your own hymenaeus or Phyllis or Phygelus or somebody and Then you just become a cult then you become the Mormons then you become Islam Which are both cults after a singular individual teaching all kinds of weird strange heresy So we can't allow false doctrine to permeate the church Some people would say that we're a cult for not allowing false doctrine to creep in like individuals get mad and say oh You don't let people just come in using whatever Bible and any gospel and any view of the Trinity and it's like no What's the point of a church if we all believe different things? It's almost like what's the point of the Republican Party if no one's actually conservative if you can't even agree on any conservative values, what even is the Republican Party and Frankly speaking even what is the Democrat Party other than just against the Bible? I mean the Democrat Party is just like anything in the Bible. We disagree with that's their agreement And then when it comes to Republican Party, it's just like we have no idea what we believe there's like no view That's why there's almost no unity and either of these particular movements And you know, the church is not a congregation of people that live five minutes from this physical location That's a club or a community group and we're not a community church. We're a church of Jesus Christ We're a church that believes the King James Bible. We're a church that believes salvation by faith alone We're a church that believes in the importance of soul winning We're a church that actually believes in hard preaching and you know what we believe in preaching against people and That's what I'm doing And that's what I'm gonna continue doing is I'm gonna keep preaching against people and naming the names like height Hymenaeus Philetus by jealous or hey Robert Morris TD Jakes Kenneth Copeland Beth Moore who else you want me to name? I'll name it because I'm not afraid to name the false prophets names today, and we should never be afraid of that In fact, we should like it We should like knowing who to avoid what if I said hey, there's a Car dealership out here that's gonna rip you off if you go there or if you get your car fixed from them Don't go there What are you thinking which one? You're wanting like where where am I not supposed to go and then in the back of your mind if you go to a car Dealers, you're kind of like is this the one you know, you don't know How is that gonna really help you if you actually want the help you'd be like name it Who is it tell us right? I mean, that's what you want to know so that you can address the problem and avoid the danger That's how it should be spiritually that we need to name the names and point out the false prophets so that we can't avoid them That's the whole goal. That's the whole point. All right, and it obviously changes all the time So we have to make sure that we're preaching against all the new people and all the individuals that are still alive today II Timothy chapter number. I'm sorry go to first Timothy chapter 1. We'll notice this again Notice in verse number 18. It says this charge I commit unto thee son Timothy according to the prophecies which went before on thee that thou by them Midas wore a good warfare holding faith and a good conscience Which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck of whom is hymenaeus and Alexander Whom I have delivered unto Satan that they may learn not to blaspheme. So here's another group of people Just being called out for false teaching and blaspheming go over to Romans chapter 16 now we'll get out of the pastoral epistles for a moment and go to Romans and I want to look at the very end of this epistle this is going to be a more broad application, but it's giving kind of the Understanding and motivation as to why you would name names why you're preaching against people because again Why why is it that I would really want to? Guard or protect a false prophet by not naming their name Like what is the benefit to me or God or God's people by not naming the name if this person's a wicked person? Destined for hell and and causing people to go to hell. Why would I ever be motivated to not name his name? I should totally name the name. There's no there's no reason there's no logic not to name the name and Specifically the Bible tells us to do that look at Romans chapter 16 verse 17 now. I beseech you brethren mark them Which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned and avoid them? Well, it doesn't say name the name pastor Shelly Yeah, it says mark them but notice this so that we can avoid if I don't name the name. How can you avoid them? There's bad restaurants don't go to them There's bad food don't eat it You can't avoid it. It's like hey Indian food doesn't taste good. All right It's like ranch dressing is gross all right there. I said it okay That's that's so you can avoid it that you're not just like which salad dressing. What do I do okay? Right that's that's to help you understand and identify this place is a bad place now of course there are people out there That they'll hear the preaching and they're just gonna do it anyways They're gonna just go and disregard the advice and again when it comes to food preferences children I'm joking okay when it comes to false prophets. I'm being very serious. You know we avoid those individuals like the plague now Here it's causing us to understand Why is well though verse 18 for they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ? They're not saved They're not of God They're they're nothing good about them. It's not like well I know this guy preached all this heresy, but he's still a servant of God no no no they're not of our Lord Jesus Christ They don't serve our Lord Jesus Christ who do they serve their own belly and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple unfortunately many Christians and many Americans today are very deceived and being taken advantage of for being very simple-minded They have not read the Bible They're not many of them have not learned very much doctrine It's very easy for them to be deceived and to be tricked And it's important that we call these people out and help people learn how to avoid individuals not everybody has the time to devote to Listening to all the different doctrines and paying attention to everybody and maybe people don't have the time to even study the Bible The way others do that's why the Bible makes it clear that the elders are the ones that are supposed to study the word They're supposed to labor in the doctrine they're supposed to take all this time effort and energy to study all this information and then present to the congregation a summary or a clear consensus or Take all the information and boil it down and make it really simple to digest to help people to understand the Bible likens Preachers unto animals like oxen And if you understand what an oxen does is an oxen or a cow will eat grass and then it'll throw it up And then it'll like eat it again like throws it up I think they have four stomachs and they're basically just digesting this material over and over and over and breaking it down to then ultimately produce milk and Here's the thing. I love milk. I don't like eating grass and If I were to sit here and put a bunch of grass in my mouth and try to like chew on it and wait for It to turn into milk. It never would. Okay. I'm just not built for that. I'm not designed for that. That's not my profession That's not my job I don't have the stomachs for it and here's the thing we shouldn't be getting women up behind the pulpit to try and Digest the Word of God and present the milk of God's Word to God's people because they're not designed for that And we have so many people today they're so concerned with being a preacher and a pastor, but they're not even equipped They're not qualified. They don't meet what the Bible actually says and you know, those people need to be called out to What if we went to a farm and they have a bunch of chickens eating grass to try and make milk? chicken milk You'd be like no put the chicken back in the coop and get the cow out there to make the milk Because the chicken is not gonna make milk for me. Okay, and it's not to say that chickens don't have value It's not to say that chickens don't taste good. It's not that I'm not gonna eat the chickens eggs you know what chickens are great, but they're not a cow and cows are not chickens and men are not women and so it's very clear that we need to have these boundaries and we need to Call people out so that we can have the appropriate function being performed by the the appropriate person And the reality is that false prophets and false teachers are constantly deceiving people Because they have not gotten the sincere milk of the word. They don't understand the Bible They're not harking to the right people and you know as preachers and pastors. It's a great responsibility We need to be calling out the liars and calling up because not only are some people just not being fed they're being fed poison and They're being damaged and you and I both know the individuals that are almost a clean slate are much easier getting saved Than someone that's been top poison whole life If you run into someone that says like I haven't really heard much about the Bible or you run into someone that says I'm going To the Mormon Church, which one's more likely to get saved We already know because the Mormon Church is like handing out the kool-aid of Jim Jones in their institution Spiritually and they're just damning people spiritually I mean, I don't know but I would venture to say that no Mormons that have gone on mission will ever get saved. I Mean, maybe there's an exception. I've never heard of it. I've never met that person I've personally given the gospel to almost ten Mormons That are either on mission or have been on mission and they're not even close to getting sick It wasn't like well, they'll almost persuade us me. It was just like it wasn't even close These people were so brain dead that it was just it was really it's really sad Honestly, I liked and in fact, I liked some of them and I wanted them to be saved I even worked with them, but they're just they're just not there in the head anymore. It's like someone's been lobotomized Spiritually go to Ezekiel chapter 13 go to Ezekiel chapter 13. And so it's important to reach these people before they get lobotomized Before their whole body is filled with cancer. Well, how do you do that preach against false prophets warn people early? I Wish that there was more calling people out not less if anything. We need to have more people being called out not less If anything we need more preaching against false prophets not less now to have a healthy church That should not be the only thing being preached that should probably not even be the most regular thing being preached But it needs to be preached from time to time It needs to be preached on and addressed and talked about You're not gonna really build a church on preaching against people that doesn't build a church But it's an appropriate thing to be brought up and to talk about and to introduce obviously, we want to build our church on things like faith on The gospel on grace we want to build it on mercy want to build on the love of Jesus on God's kindness We want to build a church on the positive attributes of the Bible and the love of Jesus that we all share and hold to but at the end of the day We also need a balance here of recognizing there's false prophets and for some people to be preached against Ezekiel chapter number 13 this is what Ezekiel was commanded by God verse 1 and The word of Lord came unto me saying son of man prophesy against the prophets of Israel Notice he's being told preach against people and then somebody will come to me and say like how dare you preach against people Well, here's Ezekiel being told by God to preach against people The Apostle Paul is preaching against people and naming the names we see in Romans chapter number 16 To mark and to avoid it could not be clearer that we are to preach against people from time to time What does he even say? Preach against the prophets of Israel that prophesy and say unto them that prophesy out of their own hearts Hear ye the word of the Lord Thus sayeth the Lord God whoa Under the foolish prophets that follow their own spirit and have seen nothing Oh Israel thy prophets are like the foxes in the deserts You know, this is so many preachers in America of the day. Yeah These Pentecostals who will tell you I've been to heaven. I've seen Jesus God came to me last night and he told me X Y & Z They're all liars and deceivers and they've seen nothing. They've seen nothing How dare you say that little kid that wrote the book that said he went to heaven is a liar. Well, he's a liar in Fact sometimes they've even come out and even admitted it There's been little kids that went on these tours and told everybody what heaven was like and then they come out later They say my parents just told me to do it and I made it all up. It was just a lie How embarrassing you know to lie to your children and to use your children exploit your children in such a way There was another one. I think his name's like Colton burpo or something like this. His dad's a pastor and His he claims that his son went to heaven was like two or three and he's gonna tell everybody about it I would love for any of us parents in here that have two and three-year-olds or had two three-year-olds. They're now five Please explain to me something that happened when you were two or three And in fact, we've all been two or three who in here has been two or three at some point your life Okay after the sermon. I want you to write a whole a whole book on what happened when you were two And If you come up and show me that book, I'm gonna throw in the trash because you're a liar You don't remember anything that happened when you were two nor do you have the vocabulary? to even Articulate anything you understood at age two and even if you did a two-year-old doesn't understand what they're looking at or seen They describe things and such a crazy and weird manner it's goo-goo and gaga for many of them at age two and at age three What kind of nonsense to say all my child went to heaven at two years old is gonna tell us all what it's like Well, you know what the the darkness of the Bible on that subject is still more clear the us looking through a glass darkly is still more clear than a two-year-old explaining to you anything and It just even if that did happen, even if a two-year-old went to heaven and came back I would expect them to be able to explain to me Nothing that happened and they would have no idea what they saw and they have no idea how they comprehended any of that Unless you're a Muslim and think that baby Jesus was talking at like five weeks old or something right out of the womb You know what? That's a lie, too That didn't happen Jesus while he was the god-man was still a baby and still had to learn so I had to grow and Jesus was not walking around teaching people the Bible at six months old He wasn't walking around teaching people at two years old. He wasn't even doing it at 12 at 12 He had to submit himself unto his parents and he had to follow them and he waited until became an adult man to go around Teaching the Word of God if Jesus has to wait to teach the Word of God to become a grown adult Why aren't we allowing men to do that as well? I seen on YouTube, there's a huge phenomenon of kid preachers It's so cringy. It's so cringy. It's it's always the Pentecostals It's the Pentecostals and I've seen they're bringing to their five-year-old kids up on the stage in front of the entire congregation to preach the Bible and The five-year-olds many of the five-year-olds can't even really make coherent sentences, but think about it. It's Pentecostals It doesn't really matter if it's coherent or not, right? He's like and the Word of God and the Word of God and preach and pray I mean, this is what the five-year-olds doing and saying like that's what they sound like. He's really good at imitating them Yeah, it's really easy to imitate them You know, it'd be hard to imitate someone that's actually preaching the Word of God. You actually have to know what you're saying It would just sound like gargly goop, but that's what Pentecostals sound like So I guess they can imitate them, but you know what? No, we're not gonna bring five-year-olds up here in the middle of the service and have them preach us the Bible Look, I'm not against kids playing church I'm not against them going home and singing and playing church and preaching each other and doing whatever have fun. I think that's cool I'm for it, but you know, we're not gonna take that serious We're not gonna actually bring them up and say he's gotten a word of the Lord now Please prophesy to all of us you five-year-old not happening. It's ridiculous. And you know what that should be called out to How dare you preach against a child? Well, you know what? No child should ever preach the Bible like that in the front of the congregation It's inappropriate and I don't even think kids should say Amen The young boys and the young teenage men in here don't say Amen waiting to become a man Because you know what women shouldn't be saying Amen kids shouldn't be saying Amen. We should have the grown men saying Amen And if you're wondering if you're a grown man, you're not Over here, I don't know where I'm pointing at. All right Go if you would to Amos chapter 7 go to Amos chapter 7. How dare you preach against kids? Well, you know what? I'm gonna preach against everybody Okay, not just the false prophets, but you know what? Even if a kid isn't yet there hasn't gotten there It's inappropriate for them to get up and preach the Bible Well, you're mean I'm not mean the guys in the Bible are mean okay, and they're not even mean They're just telling you what the Bible says and they're just telling what God says and sometimes God's mean God can be mean and the things that he says are kind of harsh are kind of rough I mean if I were to try to think like what would be the worst that someone could ever preach against me It's Amos chapter 7. All right. This is the worst thing that you could ever have someone preach against you as a man Verse 16 now therefore hear the word of the Lord Thou sayest prophesy not against Israel and drop not thy word against the house of Isaac so quick context Amos is preaching another false prophet comes up and rebukes him and tells him to stop preaching and go away and So Amos is saying okay. Well, this is what God wants to say to you and When he's addressing this other prophet, he's saying this is what the other prophet says The other prophet is saying don't prophesy against Israel and don't drop thy word against else with it So this is the guy saying don't preach against people don't preach against Israel. Stop preaching against everyone That's what this prophet is like and then God wants to tell him a message. God wants to explain something to him Therefore thus say the Lord thy wife shall be a harlot in the city That's just that's like the worst thing you could ever have God say to you Thy wife shall be a harlot in the city and thy sons and thy daughters shall fall by the sword and thy land shall be divided by line and thou shalt die in a polluted land and Israel shall surely go into captivity forth of his land Wow No one wants that message Hey, you know what? I'm gonna kill you and all your kids are gonna die and your wife. She's not gonna die So you become a harlot? Way worse than your wife being killed is becoming a harlot in the city and That's what God is saying. Why because God is punishing this guy as harshly as he possibly can for what being too nice of a preacher folks You think like oh, I think we should just be so kind and loving and only that well There's a time for kindness. There's a time for love. There's a time for grace. There's a time for mercy There's a time for love, but there's also a time to hate. It's also a time of war it's also a time to break and you know what there's a time to preach against people and Sometimes that needs to happen in our culture It's a time to preach against people if there's ever been a time to preach against people. It's 2024 America This is not the time of peace This is not the time to sit here and and worry about being to be being loving and kind We need to preach against the wickedness and the evil of this world This is the time to preach against people go to Acts chapter 20 Well, I think you just do it too much Okay, well, let's see how the Apostle Paul what his kind of frequency was in preaching against people or preaching against false prophets and how often he felt it was Necessary to preach against people and then compare that to your preacher If you think that I preach too much against people compare me to the Apostle Paul Acts chapter 20 Look what it says in verse number 29 for I know this That after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you not sparing the flock Also of your own selves shall men arise speaking perverse things to draw away Disciples after them therefore watch and remember that by the space of three years. I cease not to warn everyone Night and day with tears now This is this is kind of a seems like it's probably a little bit of an exaggerated statement But think about what he tried to communicate he tried to communicate for three years straight He warned every single day and not just every single day every single person. Did you notice what he said? he said in verse number 30, I'm sorry verse 31 I Cease not to warn every one Night and day with tears. Let me ask you this when you go home tomorrow. Are you expecting a text from me? and Not just you everyone just like literally just every night. I'm just gonna be like, hey I just wanted to warn you about false prophets again today daily reminder daily devotional Daily tip of the way, you know false prophet of the day or something like that I mean, maybe that's what we should start, you know, maybe I'm just slacking if anything I'm not gonna stop preaching as false prophets. I'm more likely to have a daily reminder Because that's what the Apostle Paul was like is he's like hey, here's your daily false prophet Here's your daily reminder that this guy's wicked Here's your daily reminder that even of your own selves shall men arise speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after themselves And you know what? Just because we haven't had one in a little while Doesn't mean there couldn't be one trying to creep up or in the near future That there could be some loser that tries to creep into our church and try to take people away with him And you know what? I will name his name and preach against him And we should keep doing it and never stop. I won't stop go view to Luke chapter 11. Well, that's not what Christ like What would Christ do the Christ name the name would Christ call people? Well, first of all, you have to understand that Christ is the Bible So every single verse that we've read was Jesus Okay in the beginning was the word and the word is with God and word was God the same was in beginning with God Forever thy word is settled in heaven. Oh Lord. Hey, all these names were named before any of us even existed God already knew that they were or there were men that were ordained to this condemnation ungodly men Certain men crept in that's what the Bible describes But even in his earthly ministry, which was geared towards the saved geared towards saving people geared towards redeeming people Geared towards mercy and compassion. He wasn't coming to condemn and to judge as his primary goal or purpose Anyway, his goal was to be a ransom for mankind But even in his ministry, yes, he preached against people and he called people out specifically Luke chapter 11. I want to look at the end of this passage. Look at verse 44. Whoa, and you scribes and Pharisees Hypocrites fear as graves which appear not and the men that walk over them are not aware of them He is so clear because you have to understand this is a Broad group imagine if we were in a community event and I just say police officers everybody know what I'm talking about all the people wearing the uniform would be the police officers if I said Hey the mayor and all the city staff everybody know who I'm talking about and If in this context, it'd be like you'd say hey all you Catholics here Or all you people that are from the Presbyterian Church or whatever group Hey all the Jews or all the Baptists or all the whatever group you're naming. He's calling them out specifically They know who they're talking about. He's not just preaching against one. He's preaching. It's all of them Hey all of you Pharisees that are out here right here. Whoa unto you and specifically you are like you are like a grave and People don't understand it meaning that they're a damned Reprobate they're twice dead and people don't even realize it. I I Feel unfortunately, like I probably debated one last night on salvation It was a grave and people don't even know that it's a grave and there's so many people out there that are just walking graves You know, it's all the LGBTQ Dead men walking just walking around and talk about a dangerous person to be around is a grave Yeah, a dangerous person is one that's already destined for hell and there's no escaping it Some people will tell you that it's never too late for someone This is proving the reprobate doctrine right here. This one verse Jesus is preaching the reprobate doctrine He's saying for year as graves which appear not and the men that walk over them are not aware of them He's saying there are reprobates here that people haven't identified But Jesus knows that the reprobate Verse number 45 then answered one of the lawyers and said in a master Thus saying thou reproaches us also. Hey, how are you naming names? Why are you calling people out? This sounds like you're mad at us too. This sounds like you're calling us out, too What is Jesus response and he said to them? Well, would you also? Did you say I'm sorry, I shouldn't preach against people. I'm sorry. I forgot We shouldn't name names. No, then he just goes in. Well, and you also you lawyers only get specific all the way now again Well lawyers of today are really not much different there is a slight difference here The lawyers here is really the people that are practicing the law of God Okay, but it's a similar profession because our lawyers are Basically in for the profession of the laws of America So really the distinction is just which laws they're attributing but they act in the same way these individuals are responsible for interpreting the law defending the law and They're probably being brought in for Council for judgment for the different legal proceedings that exist in their society And the lawyers are the ones that are supposed to tell you what the law really means and it's so fun How we have to have lawyers today to tell us what the law really means like what free speech really means and what? You know Congress is not supposed to pass any law regarding the free exercise of religion. What does that really mean? We have to get some Jewish lawyer to come tell us what that means, right? And what you know, we're not allowed to have any restrictions on the right to bear arms We're gonna tell you what that really means What that really means you can't have a bump stock. You really you really expect me to believe that What that means is you can't have nine rounds and a handgun in California No, we don't need a Jewish lawyer to interpret that it was really clear I guarantee a five-year-old could probably understand the Constitution better than most of the lawyers in our government today and The lawyers of this time also were the same way where they weren't interpreting the Bible correctly They were totally screwed up. They were perverted just judges taking bribes Misinterpreting the Word of God and what does he say unto them? For you laid men with burdens grievous to be born and ye yourselves touch not the burdens with one of your fingers This is like the individuals to say we need a stricter gun laws we need to restrict people's access to firearms and They're so dangerous But they themselves have hired security and those hired security have all the guns that they want to restrict everybody else to have Why because they want to put you in a burdenous situation of not being able to defend yourself But they themselves would never be in that situation They want to put you in a situation where you are gonna be stolen from and robbed and taken advantage of but they themselves don't Actually have to experience that they want to be in Congress Making their millions and printing more money and taking more bribes and Yet they themselves don't aren't burdened with inflation. They'll burden all of us with inflation, but they don't want to experience that themselves And so it's very similar to how our world and government even works today Verse 47 well into you for you build the sepulchres of the prophets and your fathers killed them I could go on and on and on point number one is this false prophets need to be named And I could really do the whole sermon on that but for sake of time I want to go somewhere else go if you would to 1st Corinthians chapter 5 now Let's turn the sermon a little bit different here for a moment because not only should false prophets be be called out I believe people in the church should be called out Not just the unsaved but even the saved okay, and This is where it gets controversial for a lot of people because almost everybody in here at least in our church is Probably on board they like the sermon People outside of our church many of them will still get offended by calling out certain pastors and certain preachers and things like that but I'm saying like in this room people will get very upset and They'll get very nervous and frustrated by calling people out, but this is what the Bible has Examples of all over in verse Corinthians chapter 5 it says in verse 1 it is reported commonly That there is fornication among you and such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles that one should have his father's wife and You're puffed up and have not rather mourned that he that had done this deed might be taken away from among you Now you think when this was being read That guy knew that they were talking about him Like you expect me to believe that this guy was just like I wonder who that is Oh This is just people in that situation No, it's not just people in this situation It's a specific situation that applies to one person because did you notice I said that he that had done this deed hey, there's a guy that did this and You know what verse 3 for I verily is absent in body But president spirit have judged already as though I were present concerning him that has so done this deed He's not saying like well hypothetically the guy that did this he's saying no, I've already judged the guy that did this I'm not even there and I already know what you should do to this guy Do you think that anybody knows who he's preaching about? Do you think amongst the congregation people recognize that? How about all the people that are invited to you know, their house to hang out or their friends or whatever? You know, I guarantee somebody knows who this guy is Otherwise This next admonition wouldn't make sense in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ when you're gathered together in my spirit with the power of Our Lord Jesus Christ to deliver such in one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh How are you gonna pick someone up out of the congregation and deliver him to Satan if you don't even know who it is He made it clear enough that every single person knew who we were talking about In fact, he's saying this has come abroad like pretty much kind of everybody knows about this situation Even the unsaved know about this because it's so gross and it's so weird and it's just bringing all this reproach to Christ It's like oh you guys are Christians. So you're with your father's wife Like that's weird. Like why would I want to be in that religion? It's making paganism sound good It's so weird. It's so gross and he's saying how in the world have you guys not already judged this guy? How have you guys not already thrown this guy out of the church? So, you know what sometimes somebody needs to be called out specifically amongst the congregation and be disassociated from the congregation It even says, you know a group here and verse number 11 but I have now written unto you not to keep company if any man that is called a brother be a Fornicator or covetous or an idolater or a railer or a drunkard or extortioner with such in one know not to eat For what have I to do to judge them also that are without do not you judge them that are within With them that are without God judge it therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person How is the congregation avoid this person and stop eating with them if they don't even know who it is? church discipline is Uncomfortable, but it's necessary. It's uncomfortable, but it's necessary You know what our church will practice this our church has practiced this and there should be a little level of like well, I can't just live ever I want because then the pastor might call me out and That's good. That's healthy. It's accountability Just like I mean you really think like at your workplace you can just act however you want. They might not fire you You just come in not dressed appropriately showing up late Doing things that are getting drunk on the job. I mean most jobs today if you're getting drunk on the job, they'll fire you Are we gonna now say that that place of employment is a cult? But that's what we will say. Oh, you know what American Airlines is a cult because they don't let their pilots get drunk and fly the plane Is that really make American Airlines a cult because they don't let them do that But then how much more that Church of God the house of God that we're not gonna let drunkards be a part of the congregation Then we're not allowed fornication to be a part of our organization You sound like a cult. Well, you know what every place has their standards and has their rules Even if you go to Chick-fil-a Okay, even Chick-fil-a has its standards and has its rules you have to go to Revelation chapter number two Go to Revelation chapter number two, and I would say in this scenario Paul is using the discretion to not necessarily name the name So in some cases you don't necessarily have to name the name But I'm gonna make the case that I believe in some cases you would have to name the name and it's even biblical Look at Revelation chapter 2 verse 20 Notwithstanding of a few things against thee because thou suffers that woman Jezebel Which called herself a prophetess to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication and eat things sacrifice and idols Do you think that Jezebel thought this was about her? Like I'm just being serious like Not only is she called out think about this. This is a pistol that's supposed to be read in all seven churches So this isn't even like I'm calling her out in front of her church. I'm calling her out in front of everyone Some people would say like how dare you call someone out online or in an online sermon But how is that any different than this epistle that's being read in front of everybody? This is like a public statement. Here's Jezebel. She's Committing this horrible sin. She's doing this bad thing. She needs to be called out so, you know if a pastor called out a Church member publicly I'm not gonna say that's wrong necessarily Because there's a literal precedent for that now. Does that mean that you do this for every scenario every situation? Well, that's where the wise pastor has discretion and he uses this carefully But at the end of the day, I'm not gonna stand against a pastor for calling someone out Even by name and not even just to his congregation to the whole world You know what? That's for him to decide what's appropriate Look at 3rd John right there just flip to the left 3rd John look at verse 9. I Wrote unto the church who is who is John writing unto one person or everybody? I wrote unto the church but the atrophies who love it they have the preeminence among them receive it It's not here's another person being called out in the church. You think the atrophies is like I wonder who that's about Are you seeing a theme that I'm seeing in the Bible? Where we're literally calling people out in some cases obviously it's false prophets in other cases It's people in the church the atrophies in the church Jezebel is in the church. We have the guy that's sleeping with his father's wife that guy's in the church and so There's different layers here of naming the name or being specific enough where everybody in the in the room can figure it out To then maybe you even get to just broad topics or broad groups If you do first timothy chap number five go to first timothy chap number five. I want to show you another example here Point one is we should preach against false prophets point two is we should preach against people for church discipline And you know, what's the point? Why are they calling you people because they want them to repent Stop committing fornication Stop preaching as a woman Stop committing adultery Jezebel. Hey the atri's stop preying against them with malicious words Stop rejecting people in the church Right. He's wanting them to potentially repent. He's wanting them to stop doing whatever it is that they're doing first timothy chap number five look at verse 17 Let the elders that rule well be kind of worthy of double honor Especially they who labor in the word and doctrine for the scripture say thou should not muzzle the ox that treaded out the corn And the laborer is worthy of his reward Against an elder received not an accusation but before two or three witnesses now I read that previous part because I don't want you to get confused. What elder is What was the elder at all the previous verses? The pastor the one that's laboring in the word and doctrine the guy that's preaching the Bible the guy that's compared to an ox That's the guy if against an elder meaning the pastor the bishop you're not supposed to receive an accusation But before two or three witnesses meaning if one person comes to you to accuse the pastor you don't receive it You would only receive an accusation if you have multiple witnesses Meaning okay. This person said the pastor, you know Did something horrible the pastor did this really bad thing. Well, who else saw it? No one who else has heard of it No one. Well, then you can't believe it. That's what it's saying that you're not receiving it Just like what does it mean to receive Christ? It means that you're believing in them you're trusting in him what it would mean to receive an accusation It means you're believing and trusting that accusation you believe that accusations true and you're acknowledging it to be true So what does it mean by before two or three witnesses? It's meaning? Well, I've actually had two or three people testify. They saw this they experienced this. Here's all the proof in the evidence Well now I can start believing and receiving that accusation and saying that seems legitimate That must be something that we need to address them But it's saying against a pastor don't do this. Why because individuals will lie about a pastor all the time It's very common. And so you can't just even a false prophet. I don't take one witness seriously I want to have multiple witnesses and multiple evidences before I'm going to receive an accusation against a bishop or a pastor What if someone? Makes a false accusation What do we how do we handle that verse 20 then that sin? Rebuke before all that others also may fear So if you just hear some gossip about a pastor and start running with it or start lying about pastors and repeating false Accusations, how does the Bible say to address it? What does the Bible say to do it says to rebuke them before all that others also may fear? Boy, wouldn't you be embarrassed if you started lying about a pastor and you came to church and you got called out personally about it You know think about it doesn't that fit the crime doesn't God usually pay eye for eye and tooth for tooth so if you're gonna publicly lie about someone and Publicly expose them and publicly say all this damaging things about them that are lies What do you get as a punishment? Oh, we're gonna publicly say what you did We're gonna publicly call you out because it's the crime if the punishment is fitting the crime Perfectly go over to 2nd Timothy chapter 4 now You know, I'm not gonna do this today I don't have any like juicy information like spoil for you this this this morning but I'm preparing you that if that does happen in the future that I've already explained to you why it's gonna happen and How it's gonna happen and that it will have don't think like oh well pastor won't do that to me. I'll do it to you It doesn't matter who it is You know, I don't it's like well I tied a lot. I don't care. I don't even pay attention to that So it's not gonna work with me So it doesn't even matter don't think like well, I've been here for a long time. It doesn't matter You know and I'll call out anyone So you should be afraid. Oh, I don't want to be afraid. You should be afraid of sinning You should be afraid of lying. You should be afraid of doing wickedness. We're supposed to fear the Lord Okay, and we're supposed to fear his judgment 2nd Timothy chapter 4 look at verse 9 again Do thy diligence is to come shortly unto me for Demas hath forsaken me having loved this present world is departed on the Thessalonica Crescions to Galatia Titus unto Dalmatia only Luke is with me take mark and bring him with thee for he's profitable to me for the ministry Here's the here's the third category. I kind of want to bring up is the idea of a public issue Sometimes the pastor the preacher is gonna call people out or call things out that kind of become a public issue Like Demas hath forsaken me So, you know if there's somebody that's involved in the ministry if there's someone in on staff at the church if there's someone that's an usher if there's someone that's a soul winning captain or a leader and they just Randomly leave the church or just do something well, there's a chance that they may to be called out because it's a public issue, you know, you put yourself in a position of Leadership of authority you're allowing people to recognize that you're an important person Well when you fail when you screw up when something happens, sometimes you have to just say hey So-and-so is no longer the leader so and so's not here anymore So and so's not gonna do this and you have to tell everybody and you have to let them know No, sometimes that's good. Sometimes it's bad. Right? Sometimes it's through promotion that they're not here Sometimes it's through sinning backsliding doing wickedly who knows but occasionally they might get Called out like Demas Demas have forsaken me That's kind of disappointing, isn't it? That's not that wouldn't be fun for you to be Demas There's probably a reason that you don't go around and meet a lot of Demas's I've never met who's met a Demas anybody Yeah, I mean, okay, there's a Demas all right, it's probably someone that's never heard of the Bible Yeah, or his parents have never heard, you know, because it's like why would you want to be called Demas, right? And again, sometimes there's people in the Bible that have a name where one guy did bad one guy's good You kind of have a mixed bag of names and I'm not against it, but Judas isn't a mixed bag. All right Go through it to Titus 2 or you're right here You don't have to go anywhere Matthew 18 also brings us up where if there was a controversy between believers that you could have them potentially escalate it to a point where be brought before the whole church or you have a controversy between Someone you try to resolve it It's unresolved you bring a couple witnesses if they won't hear them Then you bring it before the church if they won't hear the church then they are actually excommunicated from the church So that's another scenario where there could be a public issue with specific people that are being named and being called out But this is what happens. I already proved you number one. We should call it false prophets already proved Church discipline I already proved public issues But then this is what people people get mad because they'll be like, I feel like you're preaching against me this morning and You're just calling out sin and I'm thinking like you don't even know what it's like to be called out Preaching what do you what do you mean and they'll act like you did something wrong? Or they'll act like I can't believe that preacher was so specific. I can't believe that I feel like that preacher was preaching about me Well, don't get offended because if I'm really preaching about you everyone will know Okay, but even if I did it's biblical So then how much more should it be biblical that if the preaching feels like it's about you that it's still okay Because there's plenty of times where it's literally about you and that's okay. So how much more when it's just Generically about you or could be about you or people might think like this might be about me. Yeah, that's gonna happen There is nothing wrong with that I've heard a lot of preachers and a lot of people get mad and they say like preachers shouldn't be preaching sermons where It's about somebody or against somebody or people can tell who it's about or whatever And you know what? They can have their opinion, but they're wrong Because I've already I've already demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt calling people out by name and marking them specifically from a false prophet all the way to just Joe church member and So no matter what is preached if you're being convicted of the Holy Spirit You need to just accept that and you need to repent and change That's the point the point of preaching of people and so they would change Barring the false prophets obviously they need to just die and go to hell But I'm just saying like the individuals that can repent they need to repent and if you feel like the sermons about you Well, you know what repent, you know, Isaiah 58 But it says that we're supposed to lift of our voice like a trumpet and show Israel their transgression and your Israel Okay, I like showing the physical Israel too, but it's really about y'all. All right So I get up and I'll say this, you know divorce is wrong. You know, it's gonna feel the attacked people have been divorced They'll be like, oh man must be preaching about me. Yes. I am preaching about you Well, I've been divorced remarried are you talking about me pastor Shelley? Yes, I'm talking about you if you got divorced it was wrong. Oh I think he's preaching about me. I am Well, what about people that aren't divorced I'm preaching about you too I'm saying you should not get divorced and if you're struggling your marriage never divorce And if you kids are wanting to get married pick somebody that believes that you should never divorce Divorce ruins families. It ruins people's lives. It destroys our country It destroys our society. It promotes adultery. It's wicked as hell. And you know what? No one should ever get divorced Hey, you like it when I preach against Joel Osteen, but not that one, huh? Hey tattoos are wicked You're preaching about my tattoo Yes, I am And it's it's it looks ugly. I'm that's my personal opinion. Okay, but biblically it's wrong I've never seen a tattoo and said like that's cool Now maybe I did just a flatter the person but I didn't mean it. All right Cuz I don't mean it I've never liked tattoos they're ugly I'm not into it it's not cool I'm not gonna be like well You know, that's an exception no, no never get a tattoo kids it's not cool don't ruin your body Don't like them don't entertain it. Don't think about it. Why is it that the tattoo parlors look like the worst place in the world They're so gross I've never seen a tattoo bar like that looks like a nice establishment They always have bars on the window They look like you're about to get hurt They look like a torture center and in many cases they are because getting a tattoo hurts really bad Why would I want to torture myself to get something that's so ugly that I can never get rid of you know There's no guarantee that the tattoo artist is even a good artist folks. I Mean the people that are these tattoo artists, you know, you're trusting Usually a reprobate to draw something on your body permanently. This is just the worst advice never get a tattoo Don't do it Hey, if I'm preaching about people that commit fornication and you did it that's you if you commit adultery. I'm preaching about you Hey, if you did anything that I say I'm talking about you You know and people get really upset and irritate. They like I feel like you're preaching about me and anything. Yes Well, hey husbands. Love your wives. Well, I was you know a jerk the other day. I'm talking about you You know when I get up and I say hey why should obey their husbands and why shouldn't mouth off their husbands Yeah, I'm preaching to all the wives Children you're supposed to obey your parents. I'm preaching about you kids you kids better obey your parents He say why so you can live a long life And if you haven't been a good kid this week repent and be a good kid this week Be a good kid today be a good kid tomorrow pay attention in church. Do what your parents say You know, if you're not a good employee be a good employee tomorrow The preaching should motivate you to do something different That's why we preach against things and what's so funny to me is this sometimes when I'm preaching I Might think of scenarios that have happened amongst our church or amongst people that we know But almost every time when someone comes up to me and actually asked me about it I never thought about that or I didn't care about their scenario at all. And and here's here's the thing that It It's it's kind of it kind of feels awkward, but I just want to like make it clearer that this is not the case I'll prepare a sermon about marriage or something and someone will call me on Saturday night with a marriage issue and I'm thinking like they're gonna think that tomorrow sermons all about them and You know what? It is it is all about them, but I that sermon was ready to be preached about them before I even knew any of this stuff and And what's what's frustrating is it's like this person's gonna think it was a personalized message for them But it really isn't because I don't I don't like sit there and wonder like I don't know what to preach Let's call a church member and see what they're dealing with so I can preach against them You know, I don't really care enough to do something like that. And that's not my motivation for preaching sermons Anyways, you know people have issues and you know, frankly speaking Many people struggle in their marriage. Everyone struggles in the marriage Everybody struggles with their kids. There's no temptation taking but such as common to man It's just people sometimes they're just too narcissistic that they think like everything's about them when the reality is just the Bible's about you Like it's manifesting what's really in our hearts and we're just we're wicked. We're sinful We've caused problems and we need to be constantly reproved rebuked exhorted of all long-suffering doctrine And we need to be told about the things that we're doing that's wrong Titus chapter 2 look at verse 2 That the aged men be sober Grave temperate sound and faith and charity pace. He's calling up broad groups, too You think this is you think the older men are wondering if the preachings about them? Hey older guys. This is about you Hey husbands, this is about you. Hey men. This is about you. Yeah, we're Talking about those groups and yes the sermons about you. You know, I love it when sermons are about me. I Would be disappointed if I came in and the sermon has nothing to do with me now I want to talk about Jewish people from the 5th century Here's a sermon of what they should have done. I'm like, well, that's kind of disappointing, you know, I Don't care about that individual, right? I want to hear about something that applies to me as an American in 2024 that lives in Texas. I want to know stuff about being a husband. I want to know stuff about being a man I want to know stuff about being an employee. I want to know stuff about being a business owner I want to know stuff about being a Christian. I want to know stuff about being a soul winner I want to know about things that pertain to me in my life I would be offended if I came to church and I felt like the preaching was never about me and You know what? I even want the preaching to be about my sins because I want to be called out on those and make sure that I have Some accountability with the Word of God in my life I don't want to walk into church and think like I'm so glad he never talks about anything that has to do with me I'm so glad he never makes me feel uncomfortable No, I'd rather go to church and be addressing the thing I'm struggling with the most not just another pat on the back way to go In fact when I would go to preaching class What I would want is the instructor to tell me all the things I did bad in my preaching Not to just say good job attaboy go down go sit down again So when I come to church, I don't want to actually hear an attaboy. I want to hear what I'm doing wrong I want to hear as a Christian how I can become a better Christian That should be the attitude and we should have a different attitude of saying I hope he preaches against me Not how dare he preach against me But you know what some people they just have the wrong attitude towards the things of God Look at verse 3 the aged women likewise that they be in behavior has become with holiness not false accusers Not given the much wine Teachers of good things that they may teach the young women to be sober to love their husbands and love their children to be discreet Chase keepers at home good obedient to their own husbands that the Word of God be not blaspheme Notice women need twice as much instruction as the men It it's it's the reality that you know, hey sometimes we have to deal with things that are more prevalent and Let's think of some scenarios where the the preaching applies more to women than men. How about how we dress? People like oh, it seems like you just really harp on how women dress But you're not really hammering on how men dress what affects them more It's more relevant for them Did you even notice in this passage that he's giving twice the airtime to women than he is to men? Sometimes the preaching is gonna focus on certain people certain issues well It just seems like he's really harping on wise obeying their husbands and not the other way around well men don't obey their wives So I don't need to harp on that You know things that men don't have an issue in I don't need to talk about Things that women aren't struggling with I don't really need to address with them, you know We both have our different temptations. We both have our different issues. I don't really harp on women being leaders much They don't need that that much, you know who needs that men I don't really harp on men submitting as much as I do women because women need more instruction on submitting and obeying and being meek and being quiet and being dressed appropriate and being modest You know what? Oh, I just I don't like how he focuses on the well, maybe just don't like the Bible What does it say in verse six young men likewise exhort to be sober-minded So no, he's covering everybody men women young women young men. He's covering all the bases Say like well, he's not talking about children as much. Well children don't even pay attention that much Have you ever noticed that? They're just kind of getting used to the pattern you know what, I'm not gonna put them in a Non-denominational fun center with all the kids programs because you know what they do with that church they eat snacks drink Kool-Aid and just like yeah, yeah, and then that's the church that they grew up and go to isn't it? You kind of wonder like why are all these southern Baptist churches just turning out people going to the non-denominational church It's because their kid program is like a non-denominational church You go to the southern Baptist Church and while it may be a little conservative, it may be a little traditional They're losing their entire youth to the non-denominational fun center because that's exactly what their kids program looks like You know what our kids love to do. They love to sing hymns You know what our kids like to do hear the Bible being preached and you know what? I guarantee that my 18 year old is not gonna think that the non-denominational cool church is cool He's like what weird freak show are they doing here? You know what if you teach them that from five six seven eight nine ten all the way to their youth Then they'll either quit church or go to a you know, a gay church, okay? Basically in a feminine Church. I'm not meaning happy queer is what I mean Because you know you go into the go into these non-denominational churches, it's not all these rough Tough men. It's not a bunch of strong dudes that are manly It's not a bunch of guys that are wanting to wear a gun on their hip How many guys are being rejected the nomination of church because they want to open carry They probably think that guns are yucky, you know It's like that's the kind of guy that's being attracted to these kind of churches Why because they were raised that way and they were probably taught by a woman. I Mean they went to the Sunday school and it was taught by a woman they go to school is taught by a woman there They're basically just taught by a woman their whole life. They didn't see an example of a real man And so you know what we need a church where children are constantly taught by a man Who's rough around the edges who uses choice language every once in a while? All right? Look at first Timothy chapter 6. I'll go to one more verse here You know hey first John 2 he's talking about the little children. He's talking about the men He's talking about the young men the Bible's constantly addressing groups of people. So if you bring up divorced, hey, you're divorced You're in that group. You're young you're old you're married. You're not you're single you're Whatever, you're white. You're black. You're green. You're Hispanic. I don't care You know, it doesn't matter these things if you fall in one of these categories just get over it and brace the teaching Stop being so sensitive and start embracing the Word of God first Timothy chapter 6 look at verse 17 Charge them that are rich in this world That's the rich people Now, you know for most of you you don't have to worry about you're just like ears off Okay, you know what if you're rich sometimes you need to be called out to Right charge them that are rich in this world that they be not high-minded Don't think that you're better than everybody else in this room. Just because you're rich That's what he says. He says nor trust and uncertain riches. Don't think that you're secure because you're rich either But in the living God who giveth us richly all things to enjoy What are the rich people supposed to do? They're supposed to do good that they be rich and good works Ready to distribute willing to communicate Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come that they may lay hold on eternal life He's just saying like whatever whatever you have that you can benefit society. You're supposed to use for the Church of God Hey, if you're a good preacher, you better preach if you're a good soul winner You better go out there and be a soul winner. If you're someone that can minister you better minister Hey If you're rich you should be willing to distribute and to communicate meaning you should be willing to use that money for the things of God It's what he's saying. Hey, you know what if you're not rich, you don't have to worry about that one Hey, if you're not divorced, you don't have to worry about that one necessarily, right? Hey, if you're not married You don't have to worry about it. You don't have to yell. Amen in every single marriage sermon, okay? Because maybe it doesn't really apply to you right now again, if you think the Word of God's true and you want to yell Amen, I'm not against that Hey, if you're divorced and someone that's not divorced screams Amen at not getting divorced don't get offended because they like the Word of God You know what? We should all embrace the Word of God and stop being so narcissistic and thinking about ourselves and say you know, what? What can I do differently? I need to repent and you should come to church hoping. Hey, I hope the sermons about me. I Hope the sermon is gonna have something that I can do better and not just pick on all the people that I don't like And Picking all the sins that I don't like because you know what people think that hard preaching is me getting up and preaching against people that we all hate like Democrats or something or the LGBTQ or government or Biden and you know, I preach sermons like that. Everyone's well damn Joe Biden. That was a sermon I preached you know what that wasn't really hard preaching, you know, it's hard preaching when I start calling you guys out And our sins out and our problems out and you know what people don't like hard preaching by and large But we should learn to like it we should learn to we should learn to appreciate it, you know, I don't like working out but I still do it and It's not even fun in the moment many times it can hurt especially leg day. I hate like who hates leg day All right. Yeah, I see that hand. God bless it here leg day can be rough, you know, but you know what it's beneficial And you do it because it's it's the right thing to do and I'm not against leg day It's just sometimes a little rough but we need and you know, sometimes Church needs to be leg day And sometimes it needs to be you know, the cardio. Oh, man Cardio can be rough And then sometimes it's arm day. I love arm day. Okay, that one was easy, but all the other ones they're rough Okay, so sometimes Church is gonna be fun Sometimes it's not but but you know, if someone's offended about the preaching help remind them that that should be a good thing Don't be offended don't be since let's go some prayer Thank You Heavenly Father so much for giving us the Word of God and making all the preaching so applicable to us and Giving us the Holy Spirit inside of us to convict us of sin and to approve us I pray that when someone feels conviction or it feels the Uncomfortable nature of our sin that we wouldn't blame the preacher or the message or the Word of God or Jesus that we would actually Just look inwardly and look at how we can fix it We would feel the need to repent as opposed to Getting mad at the message or the messenger and I pray that you would just help This church to love hard preaching for the right reasons and that the things that we need to fix that we would fix in Jesus Name we pray. Amen All right in closing let's go to song number 402 Song number 402 our best Let's give God our best and sing it out together on the first song 402 Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Great singing everybody you were all dismissed You