(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Music You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You Good evening, everyone. Welcome to steadfast baptist church It's a nice hot one get back in here to the nice cool air have a seat and you go ahead and get started We Start this evening's songs off at song number 229 Since I have been redeemed 229 since I have been redeemed Song 229 since I have been My fault, let's just start again. Let's start again. Sorry. That was completely my fault Let's start one more time pretend like that never happened. All right I have a song I love to sing since I have been redeemed I redeemer Savior King since I have been redeemed Since I have been redeemed Since I have been redeemed I will glory in his name since I Have been redeemed I will glory in my Savior's name I Have a Christ that Satisfies since I have been redeemed To do his will my highest Christ since I have been Since I have been redeemed Since I have been redeemed glory in his name since I Have been redeemed. I will glory in my Savior's name I have a witness bright and clear since I have been redeemed Dispelling every doubt and fear since I have been redeemed since I have been redeemed Since I have been redeemed I will glory in his name since I have been redeemed I will glory in my Savior's name I Have a home prepared for me since I have been redeemed Where I shall dwell eternally Eternally since I have been redeemed Since I Have been redeemed Since I have been redeemed glory in his name since I Have been redeemed I will glory in my Savior's name Great singing everybody. Let's go ahead and bow our heads for a word of prayer Heavenly Father, we thank you for steadfast Baptist Church and ten very Glorious years Lord for your glory and Lord God We ask that you please bless the service bless pastor Shelly and his family and please Put your spirit your Holy Spirit upon him so that he can preach an edifying sermon and father Thank you for all the souls over one today out soul winning Help us to continue as better Christians the day before yesterday and the day after tomorrow Lord for your honor and glory It's in Jesus name we pray. Amen All right, next up we have song number 257 look and live 257 look and live Two five seven sing it out together I've a message from the Lord Hallelujah the message unto you I'll give Recorded in his word Hallelujah, it is only that you look and live look and live my brother live Look to Jesus now and live It's recorded in his word Hallelujah, it is only that you love can live I'm a message full of love Hallelujah a message all my friend for you Message from above Hallelujah Jesus said it and I know it is true look and live my brother live Look to Jesus now Tis recorded in his word Hallelujah, it is only that you love can live Life is offered unto you Hallelujah eternal life my soul shall have If you'll only look to him Hallelujah look to Jesus who alone can say look and live my brother live Look to Jesus now and live Tis recorded in his word Hallelujah, it is only that you love can live I Will tell you how I came Hallelujah to Jesus when he made me whole Twas believing on his name Hallelujah I trusted and he saved my soul Look and live my brother live Look to Jesus now and live Tis recorded in his word Hallelujah, it is only that you love can live Great singing Thank you for coming to steadfast Baptist Church if you didn't get a bullets in this morning And you'd still like one just lift up your hand. Hopefully our ushers can still come by and Just give you a high-five. So I Don't know if we have any more also on the front. We have the Bible memory passage Also in the inside. We have our service times or soul winning times and our church stats on the right is our list of expecting ladies and So you continue to pray for them we have a prayer list if you have any additional prayer requests just send those in on the back we have our upcoming events and September 1st is the ordination of brother Salvador Alvarez of pure words Baptist Church September 8th is dr Phil stringer his guest preaching for us for both services October 4th through the 6th is the heritage of the Lord conference and We're gonna have a Friday night doubleheader pastor Bruce Mahina and pastor Stephen Anderson are gonna be preaching for us And we should have dinner for you guys and so it should be a lot of fun There's also gonna be activities in the morning on Friday for families and stuff like that And I'm not gonna say out the details But we'll put out that information to the church so that way you can prepare as well Saturday morning There is our kids spelling bee that we have every year. And so we'd love for if you want to participate in that It's I believe it's ages 5 through 15 I think it's 5 through 15, but it's on the sheet. You can check it out There's three different age groups that we have for the competition And so I believe that we typically have rewarded first and second of each age group So if you'd like to participate you can all the words Pretty much in the King James Bible. There is kind of a few exceptions of that there is There's been a time past the older age group everybody or multiple people had memorized like every word perfectly and We got through all of them And so I had to kind of just wing it but from from after I learned from that mistake okay, now we have a secret envelope list of words and So, you know and it could be anything so, you know, there you go. The Mona ultra microscopic silicovil konikoniosis You know, it could be that all right, it's only 48 letters but if you can spell and I was gonna it's not that but we do have other words that are in there and so You can study and look it's it's really encouraging a lot of the people that participate even if you don't win I think it's a great exercise your kids to just get up there get out of some of the stage fright Learn how to spell some words and stuff like that and just learn how to compete a little bit I think it's it's highly beneficial. And so I appreciate I know it's nerve-wracking It's very stressful and it can be upsetting but that's life So I think it's good practice and I encourage you to participate if you'd like to do that Also, we should have another activity on Saturday and some soul winning and then Sunday morning pastor Bruce He is actually be preaching for us again. He's staying with the weekend And so he's gonna preach that Sunday morning all preach Sunday night. So You're stuck with me and then October 31st, Texas chili cook-off 6 p.m Congratulations to Cassidy and Britt on the birth of their daughter Sakari love she was born on the 19th to 18 a.m. 9 pounds 14 ounces and 21 inches long. Congratulations them And Anybody just visiting this evening. We we were celebrating 10 years today We had a special Plaque that we had made that commemorates our 10 year Members and we had three that we celebrated the Milstead family We celebrated brother Alberto Hernandez and miss Lucy and so they're on that plaque but we ordered it to where it's a it's a plaque that can be added to and so the goal is when next year rolls around Those who meet that 10-year threshold and they can be added and then we kind of keep going and it was just kind of an idea I came up with because There's like over a hundred people that go to our church that Have been here since before me and and that's a while So that's you know, I got here about a little less than six years ago But there's a lot of people that are in that range and it's just kind of an extra motivation and encouragement for people who have already done that as well as people that are getting close to just stick with church and to keep going and Maybe we'll have a 20-year plaque or a 25-year plaque as well. And so just a way to commemorate Definitely congratulate those members and tell them thank you for helping this church two of those individuals or the family the Milstead family and Alberto were here for the first service and Ten years at one church is a huge milestone I don't think that very many people realize that ten years is a long time a lot of things change families grow and things evolve and you know for the for the mill test specifically it's funny because they used to live like ten feet from the church and now they live like really far and so And but they started far they were driving from Waco I believe For the church and and that's some commitment folks. And so you can see the dedication you see it's paid off I think the Lord's been blessing these people in our church And so I highly encourage you guys to also consider sticking with church and even if it's not this church just stick with church But there is something special about being part of the same church for a long period of time and getting to see it grow Of course that with with growth comes Good problems, but obviously we really packed this place out And like I said when I first moved here if I had the money I would buy a new building tomorrow But you know at this at this stage We're still kind of in that need a miracle for us to buy a new property at some point in time The desires there. It's just obviously when we have this many people and looking to the future. We would need a large facility So I don't know what's gonna happen. The AC is not good tonight. I apologize for that We're gonna try and look at it and see if it's something we can at least fix in the short term Maybe next year we might just upgrade the system if we need to but it's kind of depends on what we're looking at for budget and everything like that, but I appreciate you guys being here and It's really it's really fun to preach to a big crowd and for all of y'all to be here And I know it's hot this evening, but I appreciate you guys being in church So we'll try to get that fixed for next Sunday the best that we can that's pretty much all I have as far as announcements The only other thing I was gonna say is thank my wife for the cookies because I I only ate them I did not have I did not do anything to contribute and so she's she made them And so if you don't people come up to me like thanks for the cookies. I'm like I didn't do anything Okay, so it's kind of like birth. It's like yeah, I didn't do anything. You know, it's just like she did it all So if you want to say thank you say thank you to her. All right, let's go ahead and sing our third song some 154 this evening Psalm 150 All right, that is Psalm 150 in these white handouts Sing it out Praise God in his sanctuary praise him The Firmament of his power praise him for his mighty acts. Praise him according to his Exhale and greatness praise him Sound of the trumpet praise him with a Saltery and Praise him with the timbrel and dance praise him with stringed instruments Praise The Symbols praise him upon the high sounding symbols Praise Praise God the father praise God Praise God the Holy Ghost praise God in three Great singing everybody Well, the offering plates are passed around. Please turn your Bibles to first Timothy chapter number one first Timothy chapter number one You You First Timothy chapter number one the Bible says Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ by the commandment of God our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, which is our hope unto Timothy mine own son in the faith grace mercy and peace from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord as I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus when I went into Macedonia that thou mightest charge some that they teach no other doctrine Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions Rather than godly edifying which is in faith So do now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart and of a good conscience and of faith unfeigned From which some having swerved have turned aside unto vain jangling Desiring to be teachers of the law Understanding neither what they say nor whereof they affirm, but we know that the law is good if a man use it lawfully Knowing this that the law is not made for a righteous man But for the lawless and disobedient for the ungodly and for sinners for unholy and profane for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers for Manslayers for whoremongers for them that defile themselves with mankind for men stealers for liars for perjured persons And if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine According to the glorious gospel of the Blessed God, which was committed to my trust And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who hath enabled me for that he counted me faithful putting me into the ministry who was before a blasphemer and a persecutor and injurious But I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief and the grace of our Lord was exceeding Abundant with faith and love which is in Christ Jesus This is a faithful saying and worthy of all Acceptation that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am chief How be it for this cause I obtained mercy that in me first Jesus Christ might show forth all longsuffering for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting Now unto the king eternal immortal invisible the only wise God be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen This charge I commit unto these son Timothy According to the prophecies which went before on thee that thou mightest buy them war a good warfare Holding faith and a good conscience which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck of whom is hymenaeus and Alexander Whom I delivered unto Satan that they may learn not to blaspheme. Let us pray. Dear Heavenly Father Thank you for steadfast Baptist Church. I thank you for all the members. Thank you for our pastor I ask you to bless him now and help him to preach your word in Jesus name. Amen. I Want to preach a sermon this evening titled Paul versus Jews Paul versus Jews and when I were use the word Jews I'm meaning the modern-day nation of Israel the people that live there and practice the religion of Judaism, so unfortunately, there is a large segment of the Christian population that kind of subscribes to or adheres to a doctrine called Zionism or they have zionistic leanings and They really hate this phrase replacement theology and they really kind of squirm at that idea and On our specific doctrinal statement. So if you go to just our website and you go to our doctrinal website Towards the bottom. I have a list of things that I classified as false doctrines things like modalism Ecumenicalism The charismatic movement different things like this one of them though is also labeled racism slash Zionism and then I kind of described what I'm meaning by that and I put in this description Jew worship and Then I said this in parenthesis Unconditional support of Israel and then I cited a few Bible verses now, what's interesting is Someone had recently preached against our doctrinal statement by name and and they brought this up And it was kind of funny to me because this other Baptist Church, which they're saved. They're good people I'm not against them at all They're they seem like they're right on the gospel and everything like that But what was so funny to me is that's how I titled it racism slash Zionism Jew worship Unconditional support of Israel when they preached against what I had written They said that they couldn't believe that there's a Baptist out there. That's against the idea of Jew worship Of all the phrases that I put there that you take offense to like, how would you advocate for Jew worship? But but I'm not joking this is a real Baptist Church with a guy behind the pulpit preaching I guess the idea that we should be worshipping Jews now again Like I don't think that he believes at all. We should like be bowing down or like anything like that But basically just having this super appreciative attitude Towards Jews and this exists Um Specifically I did a debate on the Baptist bias where I was debating against a Jew and a Christian Supposedly that is friends with him and at one point he was saying like we need to thank this Jew for giving us the Bible and I'm just sitting here thinking like he didn't give me the Bible You know the King James Bible existed way before this guy was ever a twinkle in his father's eye Okay, like there was no such thing as like this modern random rabbi or Jew having given me the Bible but this is a real idea and a view out there where people act like we need to just Love Jewish people for having given us the Bible and the commandments and our religion and we need to be so supportive of them and and the idea of Zionism specifically is the belief that Anybody who's quote ethnically Jewish is special and Deserves the Middle East that God's already promised it to them and we can't revoke that and so we know we just all of that land is just theirs and we need to make sure it's theirs and support them and having that physical nation and having all of that area as outlined in the Old Testament that is basically the idea of Zionism Zionism is simply a Homeland for the Jews in the Middle East and that they get all of the declared land According to the text of the Old Testament. That's the that's a zionistic belief Okay, many Christians believe that many Christians want that they support that they give money to that and many churches teach that unfortunately many saved people believe this and If you bring it up or you ask them questions about this they get very heated very quickly They get very upset very quickly now when I specifically am attacking Jew worship I don't think that there's any Christians out there that are literally bowing down and Physically licking the boots of Jews or anything like that. Maybe you can find a video but that would be the exception This is what I meant by Jew worship And this is what I will not do as a church and this is what I do not believe as a church and I don't Want number one is we're not gonna have an Israeli flag up here on the pulpit You know by the behind the pulpit. I Would sooner put a Mexico flag, okay, and they have a Jewish president Okay I would rather put a Bahamas flag Up here now look if there's a church out there that sends a lot of missionaries out and they just have a flag That's basically all these different countries that they represent and there's an Israeli flag Mixed in there or whatever. I'm not gonna pick a fight with them over that but that's usually not what's happening They usually have a giant Israeli flag, that's prominent out and loud It's basically like an American flag on one side and a Jewish flag on the other side an Israeli flag on the other side That to me is worshipping Israel That is worshipping Jews and I don't think that that's biblical. I think that that is a false doctrine additionally Some people some Christians would agree with every single military operation of Israel as being right Like it doesn't matter if Israel just bombs some random place in the Middle East and a bunch of children are killed They'll just be like well was justified and to me that's like worshipping the Jews where you basically just say well anything y'all do is Just right just automatically right? I don't have that opinion I don't personally believe that every single military thing that Israel does or every decision that Israel makes is always right That's why I said specifically unconditional support of Israel Again I Don't I don't think that from a foreign policy perspective America having some ally in the Middle East is necessarily the worst thing in the world But what I'm not for is an unconditional support of any nation over there There's really not a nation over there to get super excited about let's just be honest. Okay It's not like let's trade Israel for Iran or something or Afghanistan or what? I mean, they're all they all have problems Okay, and they all have an Antichrist religion frankly speaking, but again, there's nothing wrong technically from my perspective of the Bible to have some level of you know coordination with other nations and trying to just generally exist and and Really? We should probably be friends to everyone. We should be friendly towards everyone I don't think that we should really just sit here and just be like super pro any particular nation and to me Obviously, there's so much tension over there that we're kind of in a bad spot Because if America just simply said like we're done with Israel Israel would be destroyed like tomorrow. I mean through Russia through China and through the Muslim Opposition over there. We're kind of like in a situation where we've got ourselves in a pickle It'd be like if you had a friend come along and say hey I need a co-signer on this loan and they're kind of a scumbag and now you're stuck on this loan and If you don't pay it, it's not gonna get paid But if it doesn't get paid like really bad things are gonna happen to you So we're kind of like in this bad situation where we're propping up Israel, but if we don't prop them up then things are gonna get ugly fast in that part of the world and Arguably even for us potentially and so it's a messy hairy situation. There's all kinds of different views I'm not trying to get up here and give you all my political views What I am saying is this I think it's wrong though to say that everything that Israel does is right I think that's worshipping the Jews at that point and I think it's weird to think it's cool. Hey, I'm glad that we bombed 10,000 children of the Middle East or of Arab descent and yet we're hoping for that one Jew to get saved It's like why can't we hope for the 10,000 Arab children one of them to get saved? Like what's the difference in it's not like in heaven it's like well you got a Muslim saved So you got a reward but you got a juice aid that's like a ten times reward or something It's not like a multiplier of like well now you got a juice aid or there's a special compartment for Jews in heaven versus air like a soul is a soul So if you're a Christian and you think that Muslims are going to hell and Jews are going to hell You should want either of them to be saved. You know, you should want is peace over there What you should say what we should really want is to say hey Israel Stop bombing people or we're gonna withdraw support and if we said that they'd be like, okay We're gonna stop the bombing people and if we stop giving the money and if we stop funding the other side Yeah, I get there's a lot of complication there But basically, you know if we were just striving for peace and saying also We're gonna withdraw support if you don't let Christian missionaries go into all these areas and breach the gospel That's what America's policy should really be Let's just keep propping up Israel just enough so that missionaries can go to the entire parts of the Middle East and preach the gospel That's what we should probably be doing But to just say like we're just gonna give unconditional support to any of these nations over there or just authorize All their actions is racist. It's saying that Jews are better than Arabs. I don't believe that I believe that Jews and Arabs are both souls and they both need salvation and you know what? There's really bad people on both sides But there's also innocent people on both sides. And so we shouldn't have this idea of just like well, you know what? Let's just nuke all the Muslims and rescue all the Jews or something now In fact, there's way more Muslims and Jews anyways, so we're just going by pure percentages of getting people saved There's way more Muslims to get saved than there is Jews anyways, but I'm not I'm not into that game I want no one to get nuked. I want no one to get bombed innocently I want no one to just be terrorized What I would prefer is there to be gospel being preached everywhere in these areas and there to be peace in these areas Okay you know Solomon was a king of peace and he's Communicating with all kinds of foreign nations and heathens and pagans and all this and the knowledge of the Lord Was abounding at that time. That's what we should want idealistically, okay But I'm against saying everything Israel does is right. I just don't see how any Christian could have that viewpoint And not and then say I'm racist What is what is racism? It's thinking one group of people are better than another based on their inherent ethnicity That is by definition Zionism by definition Zionism believes that some people are just better than other people they just Genuinely believe that Jews are just better than the rest of us as Gentiles But you know if you take my personal opinion, I don't think that Jews even exists anymore. We're all Gentiles, but that's a different conversation Here's another thing that's Jew worship is saying that these people are God's chosen people now I want to prove a few things go to Romans chapter 11. I've been talking for a moment go to Romans chapter 11 And we'll get to first Timothy 1 in a minute That's what I wanted to base a lot of the sermon on but I want to I want to prove a few points here It's important for us to establish our terms and our definitions on these subjects because they're so Controversial and people love to twist everything that we say and when you say the word Jew Admittedly it could mean a dozen different things Jew the word Jew means a lot to a lot of different people and it depends on all kinds of different Contexts of what we're talking about you could be talking about a historical context of the Bible people that lived in the kingdom of Judah You could be talking about people that were of the Jews religion You could be talking about the evil people that are anti the Apostles and Jesus Christ Those are Jews you could be talking about the modern state of Israel. You'll be talking about people that are culturally Jewish today You can be talking about the other living in the Middle East like all of these different things are different groups of people with with different backgrounds and different situations, but we just sometimes you say Jew and Of course the Bible does this even Jesus does this Jesus talks about large groups of people just Jews The Bible talks about groups of people that are Jews the Apostle Paul is a Jew But then at the same time he doesn't practice religion of Judaism according to Romans chapter number two Which we're not going there for a sake of time, but according to Romans chapter number two There is a spiritual Jew and a physical Jew. That's another distinction So like when we use the word Jew It's very difficult just on the surface to in need just to know exactly we're saying So that's why I think it's important when you use these words to bring up what you mean by them and other words are describing What group you're talking about? Now in Romans chapter 11 look at verse 7 specifically the Bible says this what then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for but the election hath obtained it and The rest are blinded this proves a couple things number one. Not all of Israel is chosen Now here's another word that means chosen elect You know what that tells me not all of Israel is God's chosen people. They're not all Elect okay now in America we have elections They're really like selections though. Okay, but an election means that you choose something So in theory in theory in America we elect Presidents and governors and senators and all these different people We're just making a choice just saying we're picking one over another when it comes to my wife. She's elect because I Selected her I chose her to be my wife. Okay, that's all that that means It doesn't mean anything doesn't mean that my wife is a supernatural being because I chose her to be my wife It just simply means I chose her to be my wife So when we talk about the chosen people of God All that that means is God picked out a group of people and said this is gonna be my nation That's all of that happened. And that's what that meant But notice here in this specific context when it says Israel hath not obtained that what you seeketh for But the election of obtained it this election is talking about people who are saved so elect could mean a couple different things to elect could be just something that's chosen and What's chosen though could be anything he picked that nation to be chosen to be a physical nation that was special unto him But then he also chooses people who believe in Jesus Christ to go to heaven. These two groups are not the same group Some people were chosen to be a part of a physical nation that was special But they didn't get saved and then there's people who are part of that physical nation that did get saved So you kind of have a mixture? Israel was not ever 100% saved. The only time that Israel will be 100% saved is what it says here in verse 26 And so all Israel shall be saved there is coming a day in the millennial reign of Jesus Christ When all of the physical nation of Israel will be saved But it has never happened before during the dime of David there was reprobates there were sons of Belial Amongst David there was always a Judas there was always Infiltrators there was always people that didn't believe there was always a mixed multitude So there's never been a perfect one-for-one physical nation and spiritual nation. It was mixture Because the Jews rejected Jesus Christ though. God decided to get rid of the physical nation of Israel And that's not my opinion. That's a fact That's fact that in 7080 the Jews ceased to be a physical nation Now, of course people would love to bring up 1948, but if you bring up 1948, you know, you're admitting for 1,800 years they were not a physical nation Don't you think that's significant don't think it's significant that for 1,800 years you are not a physical nation and this was so funny to me It's like okay When did the church start Acts chapter 2 after the gospel it spread everywhere and Christianity took over the entire world So Christianity took over the entire world and basically the first century and sometimes shortly after 35 ad or whatever 33 ad after the death of resurrection You have the church starting in Jerusalem You have the possible going out and through the 40s and the 50s of the ad cycle We have Paul starting churches everywhere Christianity starts a flaming and by 70 ad Christianity has taken over Christianity is thriving Christianity is exploding Christianity then keeps thriving and growing and getting big and big and it's just taking over the entire world Whereas their nation goes away now some people would say pretty obviously it looks like the nation got replaced with the church But then you say that and you're like some horrible blaspheming heretic or something like that, but it's just like wait a minute isn't this is the facts of history and It's like for most of history Christians recognize replacement theology because it was just reality It was just that the globe is a sphere. It's just that we're spinning. It's just that we're Going around the earth. I'm sorry. Well, the earth is going around the Sun. I'm sorry It's just like it's all these things are just facts of reality like gravity exists You know all of these these things are just so obvious that everyone just believes them but in the modern Century 1948 Israel's reborn you kind of get this new idea of Zionism creeping in a lot of people start believing like oh All these people, you know God wasn't done with them and God's bringing them back and God still thinks that they're chosen and special and whatever Even though when they came back, none of them believed in Jesus They didn't start reading the King James Bible. There wasn't a revival of Christianity. They're not following God's commandments They're just there they just just happened to exist there They just took the land. Okay through the efforts of the UN and America and some other individuals, but Specifically, you know, of course, I think that that's significant I'm not saying it's not significant But what I am saying is how could you then tell me that those people are God's chosen people? when in Romans chapter 11 verse 7 It makes a distinction between God's chosen people and the physical Israel because let's argue about this later Whether or not those people even Jews but let's just say they even work It doesn't change anything because these people were for sure Jews in Romans chapter number 11, and they're not God's chosen people Why because they didn't believe in Jesus and here's something I know that the vast majority of people that live in modern-day Israel today don't believe in Jesus and they're not God's chosen people It's that simple. It's that clear. Well, no, but God knows them and God thinks that they're special And it's like based on what? God loved these people Paul of these people I mean did you I mean Paul's like saying how much he loves these people he'd he'd be willing to be accursed of Christ For their sake God's saying that he was bending over backwards to love these people God wants them to be safe, but because they rejected him he then Replaced them it's that simple. It's that easy now the last thing I want to bring up go to Romans chapter 3 is To me this is another form of Jew worship that goes worse than just thinking they're God's chosen people is Thinking that they're gonna go to heaven without believing in Jesus and It exists out there. They think that some of them are saved under the old covenant or they're saved by works But here's a problem. No one's ever been saved by works What does it say in Romans chapter 3 verse 28 therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law So we're only saved by faith without any of the deeds of the law verse 29 is he the God of the Jews only is He not also the Gentiles yes of the Gentiles also seeing it as one God Which will justify the circumcision by faith and the uncircumcision through faith notice that the circumcision are not saved by the works of the law the circumcision not saved by circumcision the circumcision are saved by faith Verse 31 do we then make void the law through faith God forbid gave established law It's important for us to follow God's commandments But has nothing to do with being justified has nothing to do with being saved or going to heaven. It's by faith only Go to Galatians chapter 2 go to Galatians chapter number 2, so here's the thing I'm against Jew worship When you're putting Israel flags on the stage I'm against Jew worship when you agree with Israel bombing women and children in the Middle East I'm against Jew worship when you tell me that a bunch of Christ rejecting God hating Judaism worshipers are somehow God's chosen people above the rest of us and number four I'm against Jew worship when you tell me that a Christ rejecting God hating Jew is somehow saved in the Old Covenant If you don't have the son you don't have the father and you're an Antichrist You've never you've never been saved by anything other than believing in Jesus Christ Which is the son meaning if you don't have the son you don't have the father There's never been another way to get to heaven there never will be another way to get to heaven. It's the Everlasting gospel they were looking to Christ and we're looking back to Christ And we're all either on Christ team or we're on another team But there's no such thing as God the Father's team and Jesus team. They're on the same team and You either have Jesus as your Messiah as your Savior as your Christ or you're not saved you do not have God the Father Whatsoever and the Old Covenant in a sense could not save anyone because the Old Covenant was a law based system and the righteousness of the law Only works if you can keep it, but there's a problem for all sin and come short of the glory of God There's a problem. No one can keep it. There's a problem We have sinned therefore we need grace Galatians chapter 2 verse 14 talking about Jews But when I saw that they walked not uprightly according to the truth of the gospel I said unto Peter before them all if thou being a Jew Live is after the manner of Gentiles and not as do the Jews why compelest thou the Gentiles to live as do the Jews? We who are Jews by nature and not sinners of the Gentiles Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ Even we have believed in Jesus Christ that we might be justified by the faith of Christ and not By the works of the law for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified the Apostle Paul says hey You Peter and me we are Jews by nature. We are physical ethnic Jews. We're as Jew as you can get They are the example of Jew He said knowing that we are not saved by the works of law if the Apostle Paul and Peter Were not saved by the works of law then no one is saved by the works of the law It doesn't matter because they're they're the most special you could think of okay They're super physical Jew, but they didn't they didn't give them an exception Paul didn't say well. You know what you and me Peter. We're good I Were Jews didn't you realize hey we have our old covenant brah We're under the old covenant dude. We're good. No. No he said hey even we who are Jews by nature. We know That a man is not justified by the works of the law No one is we're all saved by believing in Jesus Christ. That's how we're saved Says in verse 17, but if while we seek to be justified by Christ We ourselves are all also are found sinners is there for Christ the minister of sin God forbid That's the stupid question people bring up Oh, so if you're saying that we can just live however we want then when people get saved They just they sin a lot. It's like that's stupid First of all I guarantee the people in this room are trying way harder to not sin than they were before they got saved I Mean are you you really expect me to believe that you got saved you're like now. I want to sin harder Like is that really happening is that really happening where you're going out, and you're like salvation's by faith and like sweet Now I'm gonna start killing people you know like I've been really holding back, but now that I know I'm saved by faith I mean, I'm just ready to just sin as hard as I can right like that's preposterous Okay, and Frankly speaking even if someone did have a bad attitude yes, I still believe they're saved there I said it okay, somebody's like you think that someone that just lives however they want is gonna go to heaven by faith Yes, I do But I'm but is Christ the minister of sin God forbid Christ is not wanting us to sin He's not encouraging us to sin No one is motivated by the love of Jesus Christ and the crucifixion to say like I can't wait to start sinning harder now That's just that's just ridiculous Okay It's just people that believe in works Have to throw out some accusation and look the people that believe in works. They don't have the works anyways, buddy They're wicked sinners and hypocrites and evil anyways Verse 1 verse 18 for if I build again the things which I destroyed I make myself a transgressor For I through the law I'm dead to the law that I might live unto God. I'm crucified with Christ Nevertheless I live yet not I but Christ liveth in me and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me. I do not Frustrate the grace of God for of righteousness come by the law then Christ is dead in vain Apostle Paul saying if you could get saved by the law then what Christ did was meaningless But Christ had to come because no one was saved under the law look at chapter 3 verse 10. I Love drilling in this point the Bible is really clear on this Verse 10 for as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse for it is written cursed is Everyone that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them Let me explain something to you The Jews in the Middle East today are cursed You want to know why they're cursed because they didn't continue in all things You say how do you know because no one has Look, you're either under the blessing of God and you're in Salvation or you're under the wrath of God. Okay, you can't have You know the blessing of God without being saved and you're under the curse of the law the consequence of the law But obviously God is long-suffering God is still gracious even under the lost and so many times they haven't really reached the consequences of their sin quite yet But if they die in that state they are in a cursed state and they will go straight into hell Where the cursed are to be it's like the left in Matthew 25 that are gonna that are cursed and going into everlasting fire They are currently cursed because anybody who's not saved is cursed You are under a curse and you have to get saved from that particular curse. I mean think about it What would be the point of getting saved if if you're not in a precarious situation If you're not saved you're in a precarious situation You are currently cursed of God and you need to get saved so that you will Escape the punishment of that cursing for sinning because when you sin you've broken the law of God You're a transgressor you're cursed and as long as you stay in that state you're headed for hell That's why you need to get saved and you're no longer cursed you're only under the blessing of God in that sense Verse 11, but that no man is justified by the law on the side of God. It is evident for the just shall live by faith So we're saved by faith. It's obvious. It's clear as nothing to do with the law The law can only condemn you it cannot give you salvation now go back to first Timothy chapter 1 I just want to establish those few points before I kind of explain this Paul versus the Jews, but again Our doctrinal statement we are against racism now I Clarified because to me I I just personally don't think that almost anybody in our church is racist And I don't even think that very many people are racist. I Think that most people are very prejudiced though. Okay, so don't hear me wrong. Somebody's in there like You don't know Here's the thing I I know that because frankly speaking we have basically every color shape size Ice-lant in this room. Okay, and we all like each other generally speaking and we're not like super mad at each other But you know that doesn't mean that there isn't certain Demographics in the in the world that we're all a little wary of right that doesn't mean that we're all just prejudging people It's not like if we just saw a bunch of you know Young black men in a ghetto car With thumping music pulling out and baggy clothes that we all wouldn't be like this is kind of a precarious situation We would all think that but that doesn't make you racist that just makes you smart Okay, number one makes you wise and having discretion, but you know if you see a bunch of young Sharp dressed young black men walking in the building. You're not like oh, I'm afraid Okay, I'm not afraid when I go to the Bahamas. I'm thinking like this is the greatest place I love the Bahamas and I love preaching the gospel to these people and so has nothing to do with race doesn't even exist Number one, okay but it wouldn't matter if you saw a bunch of young white guys if I see a bunch of white guys that are tatted up and They have the bump in music and they have the baggy clothes and they come up I'm gonna think that there's something up with them If they're Asian, I'm like, I'm afraid of the accuser gang, you know Like I like I'm an equal opportunist to dislike someone that's dressed like a thug And acting like a criminal. It doesn't matter what color their skin is Okay, and someone that's sharply dressed with a Bible in hand I'm an equal opportunist to like them as well and I personally think that most people in this room feel the exact same way as I do on that particular issue, but Amongst our Christian brethren there is a form of racism that truly exists and it's Zionism it's where they genuinely elevate Jews and think that they're a special class of people and they're better than the rest of us and God has this special favor that he's looking down upon those people with and you know what? They're stealing that blessing from saved people because God does have favor towards Israel and Jews But it's the spiritual Israel and it's the spiritual Jews. It's us That's the people that God's looking down with favor and blessing on not a bunch of Christ rejecting people because of who their parents are or their ethnicity and it's so funny that they even want to make this a Ethnicity when some Jews are snow-white and look like Dylan and some Jews are really dark and look like a Muslim Okay, and then everything in between there's kind of like all these different degrees of Jew out there How are they all of a specific ethnicity? They're not it's a it's a lie folks. That's what it says in Revelation chapter 2 verse 9 They say they're Jews, but they do lie now They're the synagogue of Satan. They're sorry you were waiting for that But here's here's the point that I want to make and it's just a simple point But I want to compare the Apostle Paul to modern-day Jews today because this is what I constantly hear And this is what I'll see is they say well, but Paul Persecuted the church and Paul was a bad guy and Paul was a Jew and he was wrong And then he got saved and so even though Israel today is rebellious and Disobedient and they hate the things of God and they're even persecuting the church We should still just consider them like the Apostle Paul's and you know they're gonna get saved And we're just hoping for all their salvation, okay? But I just want to contrast a few points from Paul and what the modern-day Jews are like To show you that this is not the same situation, and we can't just always be like Paul. Well. What about Paul? It's like hey this person seems like a false prophet and is a reprobate, but what about Paul? Okay, but Paul is not a reprobate Paul certainly was a sinner and had serious issues But let's contrast the Apostle Paul to modern-day Jews for just a moment first Timothy chapter 1 verse 12 And I got a turn there too Hopefully you beat me first Timothy chapter 1 Verse 12 and I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who hath enabled me for that economy faithful putting me into the ministry who is before a blasphemer and a Persecutor and injurious, but I obtain mercy Because I did it ignorantly in unbelief so here's the thing here's a major difference from the Apostle Paul and Modern-day Jews today is that the Apostle Paul was ignorant The Apostle Paul did not know The Apostle Paul was not confronted with all the facts of the Bible in his unbelief state He was ignorant at that time So yeah Did he make some bad decisions this is basically like all of the children that are raised in a catholic church in a Muslim Household and all these things they're going to be pretty zealous for the religion But they're doing it ignorantly because they've probably never even been exposed to other things They probably never even heard about the Bible or the gospel or Christianity or all these different things I mean most people that we run into Out so many they don't know what we're gonna say they don't know that salvation is by faith alone They'll say like wow I've never heard it this way or well. I've never seen it explained that way That's the Apostle Paul the Apostle Paul is someone that's ignorant of the things about Jesus Christ. He's ignorant of the gospel He hasn't had someone sit down and explain it to him and shown him all these things whereas many many of the Jews on this side They could tell you everything that the Bible says if you ask Ben Shapiro He could tell you exactly what the Bible says he could tell you what the New Testament says he could tell you Jesus Christ Ben Shapiro is not ignorantly Denying Jesus Christ. He is fully aware of Jesus Christ is and is rejecting him Ben Shapiro is not the Apostle Paul folks who's just Ignorantly look I'm not against any of these people in the sense that I would want them to be saved But I think we have to make it clear that he's not the Apostle Paul in this issue Many Jews today. They're very aware of what the Bible teaches of the New Testament gospel, and they do not like it They hate it. Okay, so Young Jewish people I would say they're probably more in this category But a lot of the older a lot of the rabbis, I mean these people know exactly the Bible says they hate it It's not that they don't know it's that they do know and they hate it And that's the that's where the religion is literally based on is hating the gospel not being ignorant of the gospel Hating it Hindus. Their religion is not based on hating the New Testament Hindus are genuinely Ignorant you talk to Hindus. They have no idea about any of this stuff So it would be more likely to give grace to people that are just completely ignorant than people that are literally in a religion Dedicated to hating the gospel of Jesus Christ. Okay. These are completely different situations and I don't want you to get confused Of the Old Testament the Pharisees and Sabses they were in a religion dedicated to hating the things of God and Jesus Christ Okay. Yes, did they have their own traditions that made the Word of God in effect? Sure Were they wrong about some things that they have some false doctrine some leaven in there Yes, they did, but they weren't in a religion that was specifically aimed at hating the New Testament and Jesus Christ They just as individuals did but their religion was not that way Their religion was worshiping the true God and in many cases their religion was still performing all kinds of rituals and sacrifices That picture Jesus Christ I mean they're still performing the Passover Which is a picture of the gospel message and I believe many people were saved and still getting saved Before Jesus Christ had even come on the scene in that religion. Whereas Judaism is not converting a single person It's completely different look at verse 15 and 16 This is a faithful saying and worthy of all Acceptation that Christ Jesus came in the world to save sinners of whom I am chief How be it for this cause I obtain mercy that in me first Jesus Christ might show forth all long-suffering For a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting Now some people I think again take this words of Paul way too far The Apostle Paul is not the worst sinner to ever live folks Okay, that is that is absurd. Okay, he's using hyperbole about how he feels about himself He just feels like, you know, I persecuted the Church of God. So I just feel like I'm I'm like the worst sinner But that's not the reality. It's just a little bit of hyperbole and exaggeration He's being bombastic about himself and frankly speaking a lot of great men and humble men say things like this You know, like I talked to my friend pastor Anderson all the time and he'll be like, you know I'm not even a bat above average intelligence I'm not even a good preacher. There's nothing special about me and I'm just sitting here thinking like you're very wrong about all of those statements You're definitely above average intelligence. You're obviously a great preacher and Yes, you I do believe you have personal gifting in preaching and speaking these kind of areas and I'm like you're kind of You kind of have a bad view of yourself is what I try to help him with but again He's just trying to be humble about it. I think it's sincere. It's not a fake thing. It is a sincere viewpoint He's just a little bit off the Apostle Paul. It's like hey. Hey Paul. Are you really worse than Judas Iscariot? The answer is obviously no Are you really worse than Cain and Pharaoh and Herod? Are you really worse than Caiaphas? It's like obviously no the Apostle Paul is not worse than those people So we can't take this phrase and then you start running with it and be like, oh well The Apostle Paul is the cheapest of sinners therefore. No one's a reprobate No one is worse than Paul anybody could get saved no matter what, you know, let's pray for the devil. I mean it's like No, that's not what the text is saying. He's just using a little bit hyperbole of the idea of this Even if he was you could still be saved It doesn't matter if you did have the most sins you could still technically be saved, but let's just be honest There are some people that are reprobate There are some people that are antichrist and those people are definitely the chief of sinners and they're not gonna get saved Many people on this side of Judaism are in the reprobate Antichrist camp. Okay, not all of them many of them and so we don't want to get confused on this and say well I just think they're all like the Apostle Paul. No, the Apostle Paul was ignorant People that are not ignorant are not in the same camp as the Apostle Paul Okay, and I'm gonna explain that in a minute as well go to Acts chapter 13. Let's go to that group of people what what's the difference between the Apostle Paul and The other Jews that live today, well the Apostle Paul is ignorant, but as soon as he wasn't ignorant Let me explain something as soon as the Apostle Paul was confronted with the real gospel. You know what he did he got saved He was ignorant, but then as soon as he's confronted with the right gospel He gets a why because he's not a reprobate Because he's not an antichrist because he actually genuinely loves the Lord. He was just wrong He was sincerely wrong and there's a lot of people in this world that are sincerely wrong and if confronted with the gospel They would change but let's just be honest Most people if they don't have a positive reaction of the gospel in their early stages. They're probably not going to accept now I'm not saying that there aren't hard cases There aren't some people that take a little time to get one over but for the vast majority of people When confronted with the clear gospel, they either get saved and they were gonna get saved or they don't and they're probably not And for the Apostle Paul if we're gonna contrast him with the other Jews It's really clear when he was confronted he got saved when the other Jews are confronted didn't get saved Now some people say well, it's not fair because the Apostle Paul had the Lord Jesus Christ show up and like appear appear to him Have you ever read John chapter 1? but he came unto his own and his owners even not there was a lot of Jews that were with Jesus and they saw the miracles and he literally preached to them sermon after sermon after sermon for years and They didn't get saved The Apostle Paul one encounter with Jesus and he immediately wants to get saved and Ananias comes preaching the gospel to get saved That is a completely different experience Okay, so if you're gonna say well, they're a bunch of Apostle Paul's, okay Well, if they're a bunch of Apostle Paul's then all they need is for me to show them the gospel one time They're gonna instantly get saved and they're gonna like it Because that would be the Apostle Paul story not like well, but they need just decades or whatever Like that's not very realistic now in Acts chapter 13 the Apostle Paul came to the conclusion. Look at verse 38 Be it known therefore unto you therefore Men and brethren that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness sins talking about Jesus and by him all that believe are Justified from all things from which he could not be justified by the law of Moses Beware therefore lest that come upon you which is spoken of in the prophets behold you despisers and wonder and perish Fry worker work in your days a work which ye shall in no wise believe though a man declare it unto you and When the Jews are gone out of the synagogue the Gentiles besought that these words might be preached to them the next Sabbath Now when the congregation was broken up many of the Jews and religious proselytes followed Paul and Barnas Who's speaking to them persuaded them to continue in the grace of God and the next Sabbath day? Came almost the whole city together to hear the Word of God But when the Jews saw the multitudes they were filled with envy and spake against those things which were spoken by Paul contradicting and blaspheming Let's just pause for a second Possible enters into an area. He preaches to Jews and he preaches Gentiles Some Jews believed immediately a lot of Gentiles believed But then the Jews that did not believe they keep hearing it and keep hearing and what's the response it's not getting saved it's they're contradicting and Blaspheming repeatedly when they hear the gospel because that's what the boss is preaching repeatedly the gospel of Jesus Christ From all kinds of portions of the scripture teaching it's by faith. It's not by the works of law. They're constantly contradicting Constantly blaspheming. This is not the Apostle Paul show me in the Bible where the Apostle Paul is wandering around contradicting People preach in the clear gospel now the Bible does say blaspheme, but he was a blasphemer But at the same time the Apostle Paul was probably Blaspheming in ignorance in the sense that people aren't coming up and showing him in the scripture He's just simply mad about the name Jesus or whatever and just using in vain a few times or whatever But when he was confronted, he didn't argue he accepted it So when you have a group of people that are hearing it and rejecting it hearing rejecting blasphemy and contradicting What was the Apostle Paul's attitude towards those people well look at what it says in verse 46 then Paul Barnabas waxed bold and Said it was necessary that the Word of God should first have been spoken to you But seeing you put it from you and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life lo we turn to the Gentiles What did the Apostle Paul say you guys are? unworthy of everlasting life Why because they weren't an Apostle Paul they didn't accept it they didn't get saved They didn't like the message. They hate the message, so I guess some in the gospel over and over They just hate it and they hate it and they blaspheming they're contradicting I'm not gonna then be like this guy's the Apostle Paul Now again is it to say that there isn't some random one out of a million Hard case where somebody was just really ardent against it and after a long time They got saved sure, but the vast majority of these people are what the Apostle Paul just clearly said they're unworthy of everlasting life now think about it this way there are Christian missionaries going to Israel all of the time and They're preaching the gospel of Jesus to these Jews And they're spitting on them if you go to Israel today as a Christian holding a New Testament The Jews will walk up and literally spit on you, okay? Are you gonna tell me that that is the same as the Apostle Paul? Like you're just you're just really just denying reality the Apostle Paul even had to come with come to terms at one point just recognize You know what I've given you the gospel over and over and over and you're not gonna accept it I'm moving on because you're reprobate you're not God's chosen people you're not elect And you know what you're unworthy of everlasting life. Why can't Christians do the same? Why can't Christians just recognize Israel is done Go to another nation go to the Bahamas go to Mexico go to Fiji now imagine What if I said like hey? We're gonna go to missions trip to the Bahamas And we all go down a hundred of us go down there and we go down there every person from the Bahamas is spitting on us and We're like walking up to like hey. Let me show you how to go to heaven, and it's like salvation by faith No, it's by works. No. It's by faith Let me show you by works get out of here, and then they chase us out. They're stoning us They're cursing at us. They hate everybody, and then we're just like we just got to keep going to the Bahamas Like isn't that insane? Wouldn't that be weird you'd be like why do you just keep going to this area? Where they just are spitting on you and hating on you. It's just like a weird Idea to try and hurt yourself for something like there's no point. It's like beating your head against the wall Over there in Israel, I guess they do that too right go to Acts chapter 26 good action or six But look Paul is not the Jews number one Paul was ignorant many Jews today or not Secondly Paul got saved many Jews. They're not gonna get saved. They don't want to get saved. They hate the gospel Okay, now again if I run into I've run into young people that are Jewish, and I've said hey you want to hear the gospel They're like yeah, I haven't heard this before and I started showing them the gospel I'm not against showing the gospel to anybody that's quote Jewish or of that religion. I know people that are Jewish That are saved in the sense that they were ethnically Jewish, and they were raised that way they were literally raised in modern Judaism Their parents are still practicing Judaism, and they converted and rejected that and became a Christian That would be so funny to me because our church is labeled anti-semitic by our Baptist brethren friends And I'm like how am I anti-semitic if I literally have friends that are physical Jews That I like Like is it anti-semitic mean that I would hate that person for just being ethnically Jewish I don't hate anybody for being ethnically Jewish. You know what I hate Judaism I Don't hate Muslims. I hate Islam. I don't hate people in India. I just hate their food and their religion, okay Hinduism okay, I don't hate the person. I'm sure I love the person I'm not supposed to suffer sin upon him like brisket. Okay showers these things are great, okay? and Look you say like oh, that's just mean look. I know tons of Indian people, and they say that they stink They say like not about themselves They're saying I don't like other Indians because they stink and they don't bathe they don't have hygiene like we should all like hygiene Regardless of what country we're from okay, and not bathing and cows using the bathroom. They literally do It's it's real it's gross, but you know we're talking about Paul and the Jews here And I'm not anti-semitic. I love Jews that get saved And I want Jews to get saved and I would show the gospel to a Jew And I'm not even it gets if someone wants to go to Israel and try to get people saved over there go for it But don't tell me that they're more special than anybody else Don't tell me that they're all like the Apostle Paul either though There's plenty that I know for a fact the Apostle Paul would walk up to and say you're unworthy of everlasting life That's what Paul's opinion would be of many of those people and Paul will be thrown out of these churches today and be called anti-semitic Even though he he's a Jew does he hate himself I? Mean think about that would the Apostle Paul be called an anti-semit today because he looks at Jews and says you're unworthy of everlasting Life when he himself is a Jew Think about the irony of that okay I get up and read you the Jewish comments from a Jewish author from a Jewish apostle the possible And then I'm anti-semitic somehow It's like he doesn't hate himself folks in fact. He loved Jews more than anybody's ever loved Jews. Okay, Acts chapter 26 look at verse 19 This is the Apostle Paul talking about him getting saved. He says in verse 19 whereupon O king Agrippa. I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision but showed first unto them of Damascus and at Jerusalem and throughout all the coasts of Judea and then to the Gentiles that they should Repent and turn to God and do works meet for repentance so when the Apostle Paul recounts his encounter He says hey when I was confronted the gospel. I wasn't disobedient. I immediately accepted. I immediately went for it Go to first Corinthians chapter 15 go to first Corinthians chapter 15. This is what I heard recently someone said well The Apostle Paul is one born out of due time So what I think that that means is that he was premature Meaning that he was born before all the other God hating Jews or something and so he was an example What's gonna happen be in times how there's gonna be all these Christ rejecting God hating Jews? That just when they see Christ in the clouds, and they just believe in him And I talked to these people and I say well first of all isn't salvation by faith and not by sight Like why do you get saved because now you just see Jesus? And if that's how it works then why didn't all the Jews get saved the last time When they saw Jesus, and they're like well. He wasn't glorified okay, but Jesus was performing miracles that are unexplainable I mean he's he's walking on water he's Turning water into wine. He's healing people that have been blind and deaf their entire life He raises people from the dead I Mean imagine someone in our church died and we all had the funeral service and we all went out there and watched him get buried into the ground and Then Sunday morning he comes he comes back, and he shows up in the church service And he's like hey Jesus rose me from the dead. It's like whoa That's not normal folks You know that's kind of a miracle, but they still didn't believe can you imagine that? Someone could literally see someone that they buried come back to life and still Deny Jesus Christ and still deny the miracles of him. That's what an antichrist is like it doesn't matter How much evidence I mean you could have him hand write the gospel out and? Jesus and God the Father and the Holy Spirit are standing there with him, and they would still reject the gospel Some people just don't get it. It's like Antichrists hate the gospel they don't want to believe it. Have you ever read Romans 1 the truth is manifest in them They know it. They just hate the truth Literally there are some people that it's not that they don't know the gospel It's that they do know the gospel, and they hate it, but if we look at the Apostle Paul And this passage that was brought up We'll see in the context. It has nothing to do with the Apostle Paul being a premature example of end times Jews getting saved What does it say in verse number eight? and last of all He was seen of me also as of one born out of due time Here's a word that hurts your premature birth idea is the word last Okay, you know the context of 1st Corinthians 15 here is Apostle Paul saying I'm an apostle But I was the last of all the apostles one born out of due time What is the phrase born out of due time mean basically it was a birth? That's not on the due date and Look you women know exactly I'm talking about okay now. What would be will be the most frustrating one It's not when they come early It's when they come late Right when they're two weeks late You could say that was born out of due time meaning it didn't happen on the due date and boy is that a? Frustrating birth and it can be a lot more laborious because the baby's bigger Okay, and it's got to come out so of course that just makes it more difficult This is what the apostles describing himself as he was that difficult stubborn, baby That was past due he was born out of due time He should have been born when on the due date right when all the other apostles got saved And we're doing the works of God He should have been born then but he was born out of due time meaning past due This has nothing to do with end times Christ rejecting God hating Jews in the Middle East getting saved because they saw Jesus coming in the clouds nothing Absolutely nothing in the context here It's so funny that they want to act like I don't even read the Bible and then they're gonna use that as a proof text for their Zionism I I'm like baffled by that as a proof text of In times Jews getting saved now look can I prove to you that a bunch of Christ rejecting Jews in the end times won't get saved No Go to Philippians chapter 3 you know what I'm not gonna. Do I'm not gonna take 1st Corinthians 15 verse 8 and prove that they will Right there's some things that we don't know about the end times and we can't be sure of But what we can be sure of is that that's not what the Bible saying in 1st Corinthians chapter 15 And this is why that's important because when you take that away Then you start realizing I have zero textural support for anything that I believe and then they would have to say this This is my personal opinion And then if they said this is my personal opinion it wouldn't make sense to get mad at other Christians for your personal opinions anymore So they have to try and twist the verse somewhere to try and make it seem biblical So then they have justification to get mad at people that don't agree with them on doctrine But the reality is Zionism doesn't have any verses in the Bible to support it in fact There's many that are against it and this this Jew worship needs to stop I think with the next generation it will young people are not pro-israel, and it's actually increasing and Droves that's why the the government's freaking out They're like we're gonna have to start passing laws and censoring everybody and and trying to shut this down because They're getting nervous. They're getting really nervous about how much people are like 1948 was a long time ago, bro They're not tricked by that anymore and the Bible just doesn't teach it and historically hasn't taught it So the Zionism doctrine is dying very quickly now It's still very well alive because a lot of baby boomers, but when the baby boomers are gone like I don't know I I hope that people will finally wake up Here's the last point I want to make and I'll make it quickly is that the Apostle Paul number one was ignorant He was number two. He got saved quickly, but number three the Apostle Paul actually kept the law That is a huge Difference between modern-day Jews and the Apostle Paul now. He kept the law great too. Okay. Look at it says in verse 4 Though I might also have confidence in the flesh if any other man thinketh that he hath Whereof he might trust in the flesh I the more this is what they possible. This is kind of dense language You know what? He just said if anybody's saved by the works I'm definitely saved by works the impossible is trying to make it clear like Anybody that could possibly have any confidence in flesh. I have everything you could ever want number one. I'm a Jew number two I'm a Pharisee of the Pharisees I'm in the most elite special group of religious leaders in the most elite Ethnic group that could possibly exist. Not only that I keep the law perfectly and let me explain this What he says here in the next few verses here. He says in verse 5 circumcised the eighth day of the stock of Israel of the tribe of Benjamin and Hebrew of the Hebrews as Touching the law a Pharisee concerning zeal persecuting the church touching the righteousness, which is in the law blameless You know, he just said he keeps the law perfectly Okay But what things were gained to meet those I counted loss for Christ Paul was obviously a special example of someone who if anybody could ever believe in work salvation It was this guy and yet he realized he was still a sinner yet He still realized the law can't save now when it says the law perfectly I want you to understand that because it's not saying this that Paul never sinned What Paul is saying is because in the Old Testament law if you sinned you would then perform a sacrifice to make up for that So it's saying that he was in perfect standing with God. He was keeping all of the tides Correctly every time he had ever sinned he was going in there offering that perfect sacrifice to make atonement As far as the law was concerned there was no area of possible Paul's life that we could look at and say yeah But he's doing this. Yeah, but he's like that Which is contrast with most of the rest of the Pharisees the rest of the Pharisees were Super wicked they were devouring widows houses and committing adultery and doing all these things But the possible wasn't committing adultery the Apostle Paul was in fornicator the Apostle Paul wasn't a lying scumbag cheater The Apostle Paul zealously loved the Word of God and he tried to keep all the commandments to the best of his possibility That is a giant difference from modern-day Jews and Israel today The Jews are not doing this the Apostle Paul kept the Passover perfectly The Apostle Paul wasn't lying the Apostle Paul wasn't coming adultery You know the Apostle Paul didn't like faggots. Okay, you know why because concerning the law he was blameless All right, you want to know something about Israel today? They love faggots. All right in fact, I typed this in and I was looking up the top 10 Most like homo friendly cities in the world. Okay Number three in the world is Tel Aviv of all the cities in the world. Number three is Tel Aviv number five, San Francisco Number eight New York. Now. This is what's significant about those three cities is I also then typed in another list Cities with the most Jews in them Number one, New York Number two Jerusalem three Los Angeles. I wonder what are the most wicked cities in the world, you know Like we're Hollywood is or where New York is and all the stuff that they pump out in the world today number four Tel Aviv number five Miami number six Chicago and Boy are those you want to talk about faggot zones in the world today? You want to talk about giant areas of sodomy? It is New York Jerusalem, Los Angeles Tel Aviv, Miami and Chicago I mean, they might be more fags in those few cities than the rest of the world combined I don't know. I'm just throwing I'm just making stuff up on the top of my head But that is a lot of fags and Jews. It's interesting that they're in the same city You know why cuz it's usually the same person. All right there I said it They I looked up an article that said Israel is the most developed country as far as LGBT rights in the Middle East And according to recent statistics in Israel their divorces are up 5% in just the last few years here's another thing that's different from the Apostle Paul and modern-day Jews today is Yes, the Apostle Paul believed in circumcision and he was circumcised in the eight-day You know modern Jews do they drink blood when they perform circumcision and the Apostle Paul as concerning the law It was blameless, you know, the law prohibits drinking blood Period so if I was to contrast the Apostle Paul to the modern-day Jews today, they're not the same person at all The Apostle Paul is someone that cares very much for the laws of God is not a lying cheating scumbag It's someone that works very hard. It's someone that's not drinking blood It's someone that's not prosodomy is not encouraging all these wicked satanic practices that are happening Whereas the modern-day Jews today are basically just like what does the Bible say not to do? I'm gonna do it And it's just silly to me how so many Christians today want to sit here and pretend like oh It's just a bunch of Apostle Paul's No Go to the Galatians 3 and we'll finish and Just so you make just so you know that I'm not just like cherry-picking random statistics Just to like prove my own personal bias or own point. Let me just list for you the largest cities in the world Because if you think about it like oh, well, you're just saying there's a bunch of bags of Jews in those areas Just because they're large population centers No, if there was no statistical correlation, then we would just be looking at the largest cities in the world But let me list you the top 10 largest cities and you'll recognize something They don't have Jews or fags in them as the predominant cities. Number one is Tokyo, Japan That's not filled with a bunch of Jews Delhi India Shanghai China Sao Paulo Brazil Mexico City, Mexico Cairo Egypt Mumbai, India Beijing China Dhaka Bangladesh Osaka Japan Okay, I'm not saying that those cities don't have problems and don't have their issues But it's not just like oh, these are the largest cities. Therefore. That's the most Jews and the most fags. No, no, no The largest cities don't aren't necessarily like that You know, what's the cities with lots of Jews are the ones with lots of facts why because Judaism promotes sodomy and Satanism if the Apostle Paul was in charge of a city, I mean if you had 15 million Apostle Paul's running a nation they would not be the most LGBT friendly They would be stoning them with stones folks. They wouldn't be pro adultery They wouldn't be pro all these they will be stoning people according to law they'll be observing the commandments very strictly Okay, that is not what we see in Israel at all. We see just a complete satanic god-hating religion and it makes me frustrated that I have to sit up here and explain this to people but The Jews are not God's chosen people folks Okay, and when I say that I mean in the people in Israel God's chosen people are the people who believe in Jesus Christ and they always have been and they always will be yes there was a special physical nation for a period of history, but that has been replaced with the church and If you can't recognize that historical fact, I probably can't help you because it's just evident that in 70 AD the physical nation went away and for the last 2,000 years the church has dominated the world and The church has encompassed the world and the church is what God is blessing today. God is not blessing the Middle East God is blessing steadfast Baptist Church and just think about it logistically the people in the Middle East right now are constantly under threat of death and Gunfire and battling and war and all kinds of serious issues. We're living in the land of prosperity right now We're living the best lives now I mean show me people in this world that are living much better or higher on the hog than us in, Texas I mean it's not really very many places in this world that you could even argue with me on that particular issue When we talk about all all their factors, I'm a way factor in safety food living expenses Weather you talk about housing you talk about roads You talk about all the different factors talk about happiness you talk about the people that you get to interact with I mean you basically are just hitting the top of the list on almost everything where we live Almost everything again, obviously, there's some places that might be a little higher in one category But I'm just saying you take all those and you mix them together Our overall score is really high if not one of the highest I would argue. It's basically the highest. Okay, and I love this place. I love being here I'm I'm so excited that I get to also do a lot of evangelism and a great place to live Because there's some great places to evangelism that I don't want to live at all. Okay, like the Philippines Okay, that's in this one. All right, but hey when we talk about spiritual opportunity, that's off the charts I mean and look some people love the Philippines. I've heard their beaches are nice You know, I've heard some people like their food and in those areas, but it would be a sacrifice to me personally Okay to brother Duncan is a little bit of a sacrifice room to be over there But he is serving God and he's gonna get rewarded in heaven. I'm glad that I get to Enjoy where I live and get to do a lot of evangelism But you know, I also have to realize that there's a lot of Angeles amount there That's not our backyard and we need to go out there in the highways and hedges too We need to go to Streetport, Louisiana would never live there We need to go to Mexico would never live there. Okay? There's there's lots of areas that I'm gonna go soul-winning in and I don't want to live. Hey, I like Jamaica. That was fun I like to Fiji would never live in Fiji ever Okay, and you know, I'd more likely live in the Philippines than I would Fiji Okay, but there's a lot of areas to live in this world and we are living in one of the most blessed areas That's not a coincidence You know that is that's God's favor for us being a great church and for Christianity having thrived in this nation You know why Israel is constantly under threat of death and has so many problems so many issues because it's anti-christ religion Because it's a god-hating religion you know why the Middle East is one of the worst places to live because it's just a den of iniquity and Horrible false religion is there wherever religion is bad. It's a really bad place to live I mean, what's the worst North Korea and Both religious category and living conditions and then just basically escalates communism Well, you know China all these areas India who I can't imagine living in India It's horrible. Okay, horrible religion. Oh I know this exception. No, you don't I Know this one I know this one place that hates God and they're just such a great place to live No, you know it doesn't exist folks There's there's a few great places to live in this world and it's where Christianity is doing the best And it will continue to be that way and you know We see some churches in our areas keep getting worse like Gateway and Tony Evans Church and all these areas And I'm just thinking like praise God Praise God, maybe that'll make our area even better You know, I hope that these giant mountains get cast in the sea Because they they weren't a biblical foundation Anyways, you know the more that steadfast Baptist Church gets better let you know the Word of God increase and let them decrease Because they're wicked anyways, let's just keep destroying all the disgusting mega churches here and let's actually have a good church, you know to take over this area and Get more of God's blessing and more of God's prosperity in this area And I think that we will I think that our area is just gonna keep getting more and more blessed and in the near future It doesn't even matter if Kamala gets elected. I think that our area will continue to be blessed because we have God's favor and the areas that are ungodly are gonna still be cursed and Still have all kinds of wicked punishment And you know what Paul is not modern-day Jews and modern-day Jews are not the Apostle Paul And I don't want us to get confused on that. I don't want to get racist at all. I want us to recognize That you know, hey, I want Jews to get saved, but they're not better than anybody else Let's stop Let's stop hoping for them to keep bombing people Because you know if Christians would finally change their opinion, you know What happened less people get bombed and we get more of those children saved More young people could reach of the gospel. Let's close in prayer Thank you Heavenly Father so much for your word. Thank you so much for Helping us to understand that we're all one in Christ Jesus. There's no such thing as a Jew or a Gentile That all these racial ethnic things are just of the devil and I pray you'd also help us not to be confused about Hating one group over another That we'd recognize that we live in a spiritual world and that we need to look through spiritual lenses And I pray that you could just help some of our brethren there's other Christians that are out there that are confused on these issues to just Recognize that it's all about the gospel of Jesus Christ. It's not about an ethnicity. It's not about a race It's not about some land over in the Middle East. It's about the King James Bible. It's about the New Testament It's about Jesus Christ and I pray that you would just help wake more people up So that we could have more peace in this world so that we give the gospel to more people and Jesus did we pray Amen Amen all right for our last song we're to do 356 I must tell Jesus 356 Song three five six I must tell Jesus I must tell Jesus All of my trials I cannot bear these My distress he Kindly will help He ever loves and cares for his own I must tell Jesus I must tell Jesus I cannot bear my Burdens alone I must tell Jesus I must tell Jesus Jesus can't help me Jesus alone. I must tell Jesus All of my trouble He is a kind Compassionate friend if I but ask him he will deliver Make up my troubles Quickly I Must tell Jesus I must tell Jesus I cannot bear my Burdens alone I must tell Jesus I must tell Jesus Jesus can't help me Jesus alone Tempted and tried I need a great Savior One who can help my burdens to bear I must tell Jesus I must tell Jesus He are my cares and sorrows to share I must tell Jesus I must tell Jesus I cannot bear my Burdens alone I must tell Jesus I must tell Jesus Jesus can't help me Jesus alone Oh how the world to Me oh how my heart is tempted to say I must tell Jesus And he will help Me over the world Victory to me I must tell Jesus I must tell Jesus I cannot bear my Burdens alone I must tell Jesus I must tell Jesus Jesus can't help me Jesus alone Great singing everybody you are all dismissed