(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You You You You You You You You You You You You You Good evening, everyone. Welcome to steadfast Baptist Church. Thank you all for coming tonight If you can find your seats, we're gonna go ahead and get started Once you've found a seat go ahead and grab a hymn book We're gonna start tonight off and song number 408 loyalty to Christ Song 408 Song 408 loyalty to Christ sing it out There comes a signal strain Oh Song 408 On the second Oh Oh Strength Oh Oh Great singing everybody we could go ahead and just bow our heads for a word of prayer Father in heaven, we thank you for steadfast Baptist Church We thank you for pastor Shelly and his family and all the people that are gathered here Lord God We ask that you please bless him with your Holy Spirit helping to preach an edifying sermon so we can all walk out better Christians And help us to get over this craziness that's been going on So we can fight the good fight of faith for your honor and glory. It's in Jesus name. We pray. Amen Alright next up we have song number 410 just a couple pages over Faith is the victory Song number 410 Song 410 sing it out Faith is the victory we know that overcomes the world Faith is the victory, faith is the victory Oh glorious victory that overcomes the world His favor over us is won, our sword the word of God We tread the road, the saints alone, with shouts of dry and trod By faith they like a whirlwind's grip swept on our every field The faith by which they conquered death is still our shining thrill Faith is the victory, faith is the victory Oh glorious victory that overcomes the world On every end of hope we find love in dread array Let tense of ease be left behind and onward to the fray Salvation's counted on each neck with truth occurred about The earth shall tremble beneath our treads and echo with a shout Faith is the victory, faith is the victory Oh glorious victory that overcomes the world To him that overcomes the world my breakin' shall begin Before the angels he shall know his name confess in heaven Then onward from the hills of life our hearts with love aflame We'll vanquish all the hosts of night in Jesus' concrete name Faith is the victory, faith is the victory Oh glorious victory that overcomes the world Great, sing it everybody. Thanks for coming to Setvast Baptist Church. If you need a bulletin you can lift your hand nice and high. One of us can come by and get you guys a bulletin on the front. We are Jonah chapter 2 verse 5. Inside we have our service and soul winning times as well as our church stats. On Wednesdays we're usually going through a Bible study. We're in the book of Ecclesiastes but tonight I'm not going to be preaching Ecclesiastes. I'm actually preaching a different sermon this evening and it's a one-time sermon to essentially address a lot of drama and a lot of stuff that's dealt with our church so if you're visiting or you're kind of weak you should probably just leave but I am going to be really harsh in this sermon but my goal is to just basically explain a lot of things and then move on so I haven't had a chance to really address a lot of stuff. I want to make sure our kids conferences and everything went really smoothly and so I try to put everything on pause but I do want to address a lot of things tonight and so please recognize that business as usual will continue on Sunday. Also on the right we have a list of expecting ladies. We also have down below a prayer list. We'll go over that in a minute. Upcoming events we have a fall swap October 20th if you'd like to participate. Ms. Naeem is your contact. October 31st we have a Texas chili cook-off and so it is a Texas style chili so no fillers, beans, noodles, rice or puppies. You don't want any of that in there. That's Haitian chili. Okay and so we have Texas chili here and I can still make jokes all right folks. There you go November 16th Miami Soul Wanting Marathon. Get that on your calendar. Let's go over our prayer list. We have the Naeems who we've been praying for for their grandmother for her health, vision and salvation. We've been praying for the Carlsons mother Ms. Rebecca as well. We've also been praying for Ms. Miller's friend who has a mother who's suffering with cancer. We've been praying for brother Scott's parents health. We've been praying for the Garcia's daughter Ms. Krista. We've been praying for brother Foley and his fiance for their union. We've also been praying for brother Stewart. His sister-in-law Ms. Tammy also is struggling with cancer and then we will continue to pray for the Illies for their health. So we'll just go ahead and say a quick word of prayer for our church family. Thank you Heavenly Father so much for our church and for these people who are struggling with health. I pray that you just please give them grace that you please give them recovery. I pray that you would just bless all these expecting ladies that were mentioned that you'd please help them during their pregnancies and their deliveries and that you'd help their children. I pray that you'd also just give favor under our church members that are needing it for their trips and for their jobs and for their family and their relationships. I pray that you just help them give them favor and that you would continue to use our church for a bright and shining light in such a dark world in Jesus name we pray. Also I wanted to make a special announcement. I got the email today about the birth announcement for the Afzels. They actually had a congratulations to Lorraine Lamadora. She was born at 1 53 a.m. That was 9, October 9th, 6 pounds 9 ounces and 20 inches long. Congratulations to them. Thank you. Said everybody's doing well and appreciate the prayers and congratulations to them of course. We'll try to get that information in our bulletin for Sunday. That being said, we'll go ahead and sing our third song for the evening. It's going to be 411 so it's right there on the page. Hold the fort 411. All right that is 411. Hold the fort. Sing it if you know it. For I am coming, she's a single still. Wave the answer back to heaven, by thy grace we will. See the glorious banner waving near the drop in flow. In our leader's name we'll triumph over every foe. Hold the fort, for I am coming, she's a single still. Wave the answer back to heaven, by thy grace we will. Fierce and long a battle rages, but our help is near. Onward comes our great commander, cheer my comrades cheer. Hold the fort, for I am coming, she's a single still. Wave the answer back to heaven, by thy grace we will. Great singing everybody. All the offering plates are being passed around. Would you please turn your Bibles to 2 Timothy chapter number 3. 2 Timothy chapter number 3. 2 Timothy chapter number 3. 2 Timothy chapter number 3. 2 Timothy chapter number 3. The Bible reads this know also that in the last days perilous time shall come for men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful and holy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of them that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof, from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses and leave captive, silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth, men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. But they shall proceed no further, for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as theirs also was. But thou has fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, long-suffering, charity, patience, persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra, what persecutions I endured, but out of them all the Lord delivered me. Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution, but evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. But continue thou in the things which thou has learned and has been assured of, knowing of whom thou has learned them, and that from a child thou has known the holy scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation, through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for proof, for correction, for instruction, and righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. Let us pray. Heavenly Father, Lord, I pray that you be with past Shelley, Lord. Fill him with your Holy Spirit. Let him preach what needs to be preached, Lord, and help us to be attentive to your word. Pray us in Jesus name. Amen. Amen. 2 Timothy chapter 3 starts out in verse 1, this know also that in the last days, perilous times shall come. The word perilous means dangerous, and it says specifically about that in verse 2, for men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God, having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof, from such turn away, for of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Now as Janus and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth. Men of corrupt minds reprobate concerning the faith. According to the Bible, when we get closer and closer to the time of the Lord Jesus Christ, the world is going to wax worse and worse, and we're going to see egregious sins exploding in the population. Not only that, reprobates exploding in the population. And these reprobates are creeping into people's houses, leading them astray, leading captive women silly, silly women laden with sins, and they're corrupting all these women. And the reality is, we don't know when Christ is coming. Because if you know when Christ is coming, you're a liar, because Jesus made it clear no man knows the day or the hour. But at the same time, the Bible tells us to watch for the end times, and as we get closer and closer, these type of attributes, these type of characteristics are going to abound in society. Now what this would be called is a spiritual war. There is a spiritual warfare that is raging right now and all the way up until the end times. And I have always tried my best to kind of extend grace to people, even when they make mistakes, even when they have problems, because even a normal person, even a Christian, can be guilty of many of the sins that we just read. Even Christians can become covetous. Even Christians can be proud. Even Christians can be without natural affection in some ways. Sometimes they can be traitors. Sometimes they can put the love of pleasure above the love of God. So they can still exhibit some of these same attributes because they have the flesh. But at the end of the day, the Bible gives us strong warnings to stay away from some people. And I've tried my best to just give grace to some people that I felt like were guilty of some of these sins, just because I thought, you know what, maybe they just got in the flesh for a moment. Maybe they're really not that bad of a person. But at the end of the day, I'm changing my philosophy a little bit, and especially in this sermon, I'm going to have no grace for railers. And that's the title of my sermon this evening is No More Grace for Railers. No more. I've extended a lot of grace towards some people. And really, I feel like it's just come back to bite me. And I'm sick and tired of people railing. I'm sick and tired of all the evil that's happening, even amongst Christians and amongst pastors and pastors' wives and all kinds of different people. And you know what? This sermon is not going to be a sermon of grace. It's going to be a sermon of harsh reality and brutal truth. OK, now, once you go to a few places in the Bible, go to Proverbs chapter 14 for a moment. There is a time for grace. You know, the Bible says it's a time for peace, but there's also a time for war. And of course, we should extend grace to a lot of different things. People that come to our church, they believe all kinds of weird things. People come to our church and disagree with me and don't like my opinion and think I'm wrong about all kinds of stuff. And we obviously extend grace, and you don't have to believe everything. You don't have to agree with us on everything. I mean, there's people here that think we haven't even landed on the moon. There's people that come to our church that disagree with me on standards. Their wives wear pants. Their wives have jobs. Their wives go and work. They don't homeschool. They do public school. There's people that disagree with all kinds of stuff. They probably sneak alcohol. They probably do all kinds of weird things that I don't agree with. They probably watch stuff that I don't agree with. They say things online that I definitely don't agree with. And you know what? I'm not here to police people's personal lives because I don't care. And if people make mistakes, that's their problem. But at the end of the day, we have to have some standards. We have to have some rules. And as the pastor of this church, I have to enforce certain things. And one of those is railing. And railing is not really an area where we extend grace within the church. Now, of course, I've extended grace to people outside of our church, but I've made it clear through a lot of the drama that's happened in the last few weeks, that I would give grace to people having different opinions than me, but not for railing. And I've given people a lot of space. I've given people a lot of time, but I'm done with it. I'm done with it, and I'm going to call a lot of it out. Now, unfortunately, one of our close friends, Pastor Steven Anderson, has just been under heavy spiritual and satanic attack. He has a lot of false accusations being made against him online, just an incredible amount of accusations being made, many of which are provably false. But unfortunately, a lot of people have just fallen hook, line, and sinker for everything they hear online. And the Bible warns us in Proverbs 14 verse 15, it says this, The simple believeth every word, but the prudent man looketh well to his going. We need to make sure that we're not simple, and we just don't believe everything that we hear. There's so many people that do this. Now, give me a little bit of leeway here. I'm going to get to a lot of Bible. Go to Exodus chapter 20. I want to go to a lot of Bible this evening because, frankly speaking, if we have a spiritual war, the way we fight that is with the Bible. Spiritual battles are won with the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. They're not fought with carnality. They're not fought with deception. They're not fought with YouTube. They are fought with the Word of God. They are fought with the Bible. Now, I want to just explain this one time, and we're going to move on. I'm just going to explain a series of events so people can understand a timeline of what's happened, what decisions I've made, and how they've evolved. A little while ago, or a few weeks ago, one of Pastor Anderson's sons had made a video attacking him online. Someone had told me about this just to pray for him. All I did is I called Pastor Anderson, and I just said, Hey, how's it going? And I basically was just saying, Hey, I'm praying for you. He just kind of told me, Yeah, it's unfortunate. Hopefully, he'll come around or whatever. That was basically the end of the conversation. It was just pretty simple conversation. We were just trying to encourage him, saying, I'm praying for you, whatever. But then I find out that from the rumor mill, there's these more videos or more things are going to happen. Well, Pastor Anderson is scheduled to preach at our kids conference in like two weeks or less from this particular event. And I was just kind of worried that there might be some drama going on online, and it may cause people to get nervous or confused, not come to our kids conference or whatever. And I just thought, you know, I should ask, I should just call him, find out what's going on, just so I can make a decision about our kids conference. And I kind of felt like I was under a little bit of a pressure cooker because I just didn't want something to ruin our kids conference. I don't want kids to suffer for adult drama. I don't want kids to suffer because of Facebook. I don't want kids to suffer because adults are jerks. I don't want them to suffer because of enemies of the Lord, right? So I call him, and he basically just kind of explains to me from his side of the situation kind of what's going on and all these accusations that are being made. He told me about his daughter, that his daughter had been staying with his brother, and that essentially it kind of turned into a train wreck. She wasn't coming home. The brother wasn't cooperating, and he couldn't really get her back from his brother. And he explained all the details to me, and I thought, wow, that's obviously a really unfortunate decision or situation, but there's not really a lot that can be done. And I just said, well, I said, is there any other information? He kind of told me everything that was going on at the time. And I said, well, why don't I just make, I said, I'll just make a video since, you know, people are like attacking you publicly online about this. I'll just make a video and just say that I think you should continue pastoring right now. And he just said, well, as long as you just leave my daughter out of it, because I just don't want her reputation to be ruined, because if people realize she's like running away and doing all this stuff, a lot of people may not want to marry her, you know? And he just was like, I want to just preserve her reputation. So I just said, hey, I'll just make a simple video. I made a simple video, and I just kind of tried to explain my position. Everything I said in that video is completely sincere. Well, then I get messaged from a few people, and I guess his sons were wanting to talk to me, potentially. Somebody was encouraging me to reach out to one of them, and I just thought, you know, maybe I could talk to these kids and just try to help them reconcile with their parents, because this is, you know, this is a bad situation. As a pastor, I constantly am trying to reconcile people that are upset with each other and give them counsel. So I decided to call one of his sons, and I talked with John, and I talked with Isaac, and then I get contacted from Pastor Anderson after this, and he says, hey, John is saying that he talked with you and that you said all this weird stuff, and he's going to try and blackmail me. And I was like, what in the world? So then I had messaged John back, and I said, like, what's going on? And then he starts, he just completely drops the mask and makes it abundantly clear that he hates me and hates his dad and was insincere and whatever phone call I'd had with him, which I'm thinking, like, I didn't really say anything that's weird. It's just, obviously, I was just trying to talk to him and try and encourage him to talk to his parents. But then later he uploads some video where he's basically spliced together all of these questions and random quotes from me out of context to try and make it seem like I'm saying things that I'm not and basically just trying to attack me and him and blackmailing his father. And I'm thinking, like, what sincere person is going to flatter me, secretly record me, and then upload videos that are highly edited together that's a sincere person? Like, that's pretty shady, right? Plus, Isaac had told me all this information about other people, about Pastor Jimenez, about Pastor Thompson, about all kinds of different people. And I just decided to do dealings. I said, hey, why don't I just call these people and fact check all these claims that are being made by these kids, right? And pretty much every single thing I fact checked from Isaac was a complete lie. Okay? But because Pastor Anderson was being blackmailed by his kids and was getting dicey, people were uploading my video on all these reprobate channels and stuff, I said, you know, why don't I just take everything down and just kind of step away? And so that's what I told him. And I said, hey, I'm just going to stay out of it completely. I feel like maybe I've made the situation worse. And so I just basically just got out of it and tried to take everything down. Now, after this, I think another one of his kids, Solomon, had made another video attacking him. And that was not something that I was necessarily anticipating. But I essentially just thought about it and I thought, man, this is kind of weird to have four kids attacking you. Why? Because it's like literally never happened before. I mean, show me another situation that's ever been like this before. And so I tried to just cut out the noise and I tried to just think about this objectively. And I thought, man, if you have four kids attacking a pastor, what do I think about that? And just to be honest with you, I just didn't know. Because frankly speaking, I've just never really thought about that. Now, I have thought about this situation just not to this level of extremity. Because a year prior, I had preached a whole sermon about don't hate men of God and specifically about Jack Hiles. And in that sermon, I made it abundantly clear that many people are going to have bad kids at no fault of their own. And you can listen to that sermon. I've already preached that. That was a year ago. And I also abundantly said, evil impastors have bad kids. I'm not going to hold that against them. And you know what? Jack Hiles kind of had at least two, maybe three, depending on how you look at it, out of four kids that really just turned out pretty wrong. And you know what? I don't hate Jack Hiles. I've never said anything negative against him. And I still liked him and still supported him and still recommend his sermons, even to the bitter end. And frankly speaking, Jack Hiles preached some amazing sermons towards the end of his life. OK, so if anybody thinks that I've like randomly or magically changed my viewpoint on this particular issue, go listen to that sermon from a year ago and then come find me and tell me that I've changed my position. OK, but in the midst of this, I thought, you know what? This kind of looks this kind of looks bad. You have four kids attacking you. I was concerned. Also, Pastor Anderson had become very, you know, different. And again, why? Well, maybe because you have four kids attacking you and you have all this crazy stuff. That's a reasonable explanation. Or maybe there was another one. I wasn't really entirely sure, but I was concerned about some of the things he was doing, some of his behavior. I called him many times throughout this process. I called him and explained to him. Here's things that I'm kind of concerned about. Here's things that I have issues with. And you know, those conversations were not necessarily very pleasant. In fact, probably kind of damaged our relationship in the midst of those conversations. But at the end of the day, I said, you know, I just need to do what's best for my church. And since I had taken stuff down from some of those videos, I decided let's have a meeting with our church and I'll just kind of explain where I'm at. I didn't know how long that meeting would go. I didn't know it would be five minutes, 10 minutes. It ended up being like ridiculously long. And people were asking me all kinds of questions. I made a lot of different statements. And of course, then we have some Judas in our church that secretly records that against what I said and then uploads that to the internet too. Okay. But after that meeting that I had with the church, you know, I had lots of people in our church come up to me, ask me lots of different questions, share their personal opinions. I also then talked to Pastor Anderson again. And I shared with him every single thing that I had said in our meeting to him on the phone as well. And here's the thing, some people get confused, but not every single thing I was going to say in our meeting was I necessarily going to put out to the public. Okay. But then I put a public statement out and some people, I thought, you know, they're going to probably accuse me of like, quote, changing my mind or being a little bit different. So I decided to at least address that to the church, which again, that email gets leaked because anything I do, I'm done being private. So that's like, hey, you don't have to secretly record me right now in case you're worried because we're live streaming to the world. Okay. All of our announcements. In fact, I don't even know if we need groups anymore. I'll just put everything on some private or public server or something. Right. But I also emailed the church. I send messages to the church. And of course, this is my position mentally. And I explained it even in the email and stuff. If Pastor Anderson wants to keep pastoring, I'm never going to fight him on that. If him and his church want him to keep pastoring, why would I want to fight him on that unless it crosses a super clear boundary? I said that to the church. I even said in our meeting, I said, look, I'm not going to stop fellowshipping them. I'm still going to support him. And I'm never going to preach against him. And then people want to say like, you've changed your mind radically since that meeting. And it's like, how, how? But they want to keep saying that. And they want to keep saying that I'm this double minded man. Well, I'll admit to you that my opinion on exactly what would be the best step for him has constantly been evolving. But I've never changed my opinion on believing the accusations against him. Never believed them. I have a little bit evolved my opinion on, you know, how to explain some of his behavior. But honestly, something did happen that totally changed my view on this thing entirely. And it was Pastor Salvador Alvarez stabbing me in the back and being a completely prideful novice. And just, it came out of nowhere. And I'll just be honest, when he did that to me, it was like immediately everything changed. Everything changed for me physically. Like I was physically hurting the entire week and a half. My chest hurt so bad. It felt like someone had just punched me in the chest. I couldn't even sleep the entire week. It didn't matter if I laid down, it felt like I was having a heart attack most of the time. And I'm killing, I'm not even joking. When Salvador Alvarez made a public statement, disfellowshipping with me, I instantly felt better and I was happy, okay? And I was happy because it was like all of a sudden God just like helped me realize that this was like a spiritual battle. And it wasn't just like my friend getting exposed or something. That this is just like actually a bunch of satanic, evil people all coming together, just trying to attack our church and attack all kinds of churches right now. Which makes kind of sense when you realize that the new IFB as a whole was just really killing it. I mean we had just crushed attendance record. Verity Baptist Church had crushed attendance record. First Works Baptist Church had crushed attendance record. Faithful Word was doing amazing things. Having a huge missions conference that's coming up. And I don't think the devil's gonna lay down and take it. Now he retreated from us for a season because frankly speaking we hadn't been protested in a long time. Everything was going great. We had just transitioned Pure Words. We're about to transition Oklahoma City. We have Brother Fur coming here. And I'm just saying like we were basically in the best position we've ever been. And it was just like all good, all great. Everything's wonderful. So it makes perfect sense that the timing would be for the devil to just unleash this incredible attack against us and the new IFB and our churches and our friend. So as soon as that happened I was just like, I was just so happy. Now here's the thing. People had secretly recorded our meeting. I didn't know about this. And this is what's so funny. I get a text message that they're gonna like release this video or they just release this video or whatever. And I was thinking like what would be the goal of like releasing this video? Because my old church already knows. I mean I already told you all, right? Like it's not gonna be a shock to you. It wasn't a secret meeting to you. Okay. And then I was thinking like I guess the only goal is really just to cause me and Pastor Anderson to not be friends, right? But what's so funny about it, just out of the blue, Pastor Anderson texts me and wants to like repair our relationship right when they're releasing this stupid video, okay? So it's just so funny. I was like, I was literally laughing. I was just like laughing that they had released this thing because I was like the only goal of this was to basically destroy our relationship and it was like having the exact opposite effect. And you know what I like about Pastor Anderson? He said, you know what? I don't even want to listen to that video because I don't care and I don't listen to secretly recorded videos. Which apparently a lot of people need to learn that lesson. Maybe you shouldn't just listen to every secret recording video and every online hate video and every troll and everything that's going out there. And he said, you know what? I don't even care. And we basically, you know, repaired our relationship as best as we possibly could and I was just laughing and I was super happy that day. Like I'm just telling you I was so happy. You know why? Because a lot of other people were stabbing me in the back simultaneously. And I was just thinking like I was just looking at this list of people that are like stabbing me in the back and Judicing me and hating me. And I was thinking like, man, these are people that I've only done good to, that I've only loved, that I've only helped. And for them to do this to me, it's just a pure Matthew 5, verse 12, you know, it's basically like, blessed are you when men shall revile you and persecute you and say all manner of evil against you falsely for my name's sake. And the Bible says, rejoice and be exceeding glad. It doesn't say, I'm thinking like, how do you get someone to hate you? Well, it certainly would seem contrary to the idea of like helping them, blessing them, doing good unto them, only being kind to them. You would think they wouldn't do that, but you do that to people and they'll literally stab you in the back so hard. And I was thinking, man, I'm getting so rich right now. Like the spiritual rewards are just pouring down right now because it's just incredible that that would even happen. So all these, to be honest, that day changed a lot for me mentally, and I just realized, wow, we are in a major spiritual attack. But here's the thing, we still had a kids' conference coming up, and I was like, you know, I don't wanna deal with this drama, I don't wanna cause any more strife, I don't wanna cause any more problems, so I'm like, I'm just gonna pit hold, put this on hold, and we'll just deal with this after we have a kids' conference. And look, the kids' conference was a huge success. You know what, praise God that even in the midst of craziness, we can have just an awesome kid's conference I mean, we had like 245 people on Sunday morning, which was more than our attendance record the last time, we had 241, so we like even broke our Sunday morning attendance record again, and I'm like, you know, the kids seemed to have a great time, I really appreciated the parents, we had a good spirit, and we weren't even like focused in on all the drama, we were just focusing on our kids and having fun. So I'm glad that we were able to just still do that because it felt like everything was trying to destroy our conference, I'll just be honest with you. And I was like, I will not let that happen. I will not let that happen. So I put it on hold. But of course, then just more and more people just hating on me, doing all kinds of crazy things. And you know, frankly speaking, it's just kind of crazy because of what went down, but I want to put that on hold. I just wanted to give you a brief explanation. So that's what happened. Yes, I did kind of have some indecision and not know exactly how to handle my thoughts and feelings about Pastor Anderson staying pastor, if he should take a leave of absence, if he should just step away for a little bit, or like what was the best scenario there. And I kind of went back and forth. And I'm sorry if you find that a little bit indecisive, but let me just be honest, I've literally never thought about that potential situation ever. And I've always expressed to my entire church and everybody else, hey, if you guys have different opinions, I respect your different opinions on this. But I don't respect railing. I don't respect slander. And I won't respect either of those. I respect different opinions, always have, always will, but I just don't respect railing. Now I want to go to a lot of Bible here for a moment, and then we're going to get to elaborating on some of these points. Point one that I really want to make is that the Bible is so clear on some of the things that have been happening this last few weeks, and it's crazy to me how many people don't care about it. But number one is the fact that children are supposed to always honor their parents, period. Now what does it say in verse 12? Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. The Bible makes it clear how you treat your parents actually determines how long of a life you're going to live. Now go to Deuteronomy chapter five. I want to go to a lot of Bible. You're going to be flipping through quite a bit. I'm going to read for you. Exodus 21 verse 17 says this. And he that cursed his father, his mother, shall surely be put to death. The Bible says the death penalty is upon children that would curse their father or curse their mother. Deuteronomy chapter five verse 16. Honor thy father and thy mother as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee that thy days may be prolonged and that it may be go well with thee and the land with the Lord thy God giveth thee. Go to Deuteronomy chapter 27. Go to Deuteronomy chapter 27. The Bible says in Malachi chapter one verse six, a son on earth his father and a servant his master. If then I be a father, where is mine honor? And if I be a master, where is my fear? So God is saying in the same way that a son should treat his father is how you're supposed to treat him. How are we supposed to treat God? We're supposed to always obey. We're supposed to always have fear, always have respect. The Bible says in Deuteronomy 27 verse 16, cursed be he that seteth light by his father or his mother and all the people shall say amen. That's what the Bible says. Go to Matthew 15. Go to Matthew chapter 15. Malachi chapter four verse six. This is the last verse in the Old Testament. Last verse. And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children and the heart of the children to their fathers lest they come and smite the earth with a curse. According to the Bible, when children are pitted against their parents or vice versa, God could curse the earth. And it's so funny to me how all these quote Christians and Baptists and preachers, they want to encourage children cursing their parents. They're basically begging God to curse our nation. Like why in the world would you not want to seek reconciliation and tell kids to shut their mouth and honor their parents? It's like you're begging God to curse the world. It's sick. Matthew chapter 15, look at verse four. For God commanded saying, honor thy father and mother, and he that curses father and mother, let him die the death. That's the Lord Jesus Christ. Red letters. Verse five. But ye say, Whosoever shall say to his father or his mother, it is a gift by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me, and honor not his father or his mother, he shall be free. Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition. Ye hypocrites, well did Isaiah's prophesy of you, saying this people draw nigh to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their heart is far from me, but in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. And you know what? There's a lot of pastors and there's a lot of preachers today that says there's an exception to honoring their father and the mother. And you know what? They're teaching a doctrine for the commandment of men. Hey, you know what? You don't dishonor your parents, period. Oh, but what if they're bad? Well, you know what? Then you would always be green lit to dishonor your parents, folks, because if they were perfect, you would have no reason to criticize them. The only reason you have an opportunity to criticize them is because they did something wrong or you're just lying about them. But in either case, it's wrong. And if you sit here and say, no, here's an exception. He's free. He doesn't have to honor them. He doesn't have to take care of them. He doesn't have to do good under them. You know what? You're making the word of God of none effect. You're destroying what the word of God says. Of course, this context is giving money unto your elderly parents. But you know what? It extends to all applications of honoring your father and your mother. Go over to Matthew 19. Matthew chapter number 19. Look at verse number 19. You know what? Jesus took to task the false preachers and the false doctrine when people would say, oh, you don't really have to honor your father and mother. That's what he got most mad about. He got most mad about people preaching false doctrine and basically destroying the commandments of God. Matthew 19 verse 19. Honor thy father and thy mother and thou shalt love thy neighbors thyself. Jesus says to honor thy father and mother again. Go to Mark chapter number seven. This is what's so interesting to me is I've seen a lot of people preaching a lot of sermons this last few weeks where they use about one verse in their sermon. Their one verse is basically, and you fathers provoke not your children under wrath. That is basically their entire sermon. And they just ignore the mountain of verses that apply to the situation they're describing. They don't even talk about this. They don't even care about this. They literally just see one party as guilty based on accusations that are unproven and unsubstantiated and ignore the fact that there's no way to deny that children are disobeying their parents. It's like over here is just an obvious clear situation of children disobeying their parents, cursing their parents, doing evil, wicked things. Let's ignore all of that and let's go ahead and focus on accusations that are unproven. And I'm gonna have one verse for my sermon. Mark chapter seven verse 10. For Moses said, honor thy father and thy mother and whoso curseth father and mother, let him die the death. How many times do you need it? Go to Luke chapter 18. Go to Luke chapter number 18. The Bible is crystal clear on the subject and we're just getting started. Luke chapter 18. Look at verse number 20. Thou knowest the commandments. Do not commit adultery. Do not kill. Do not steal. Do not bear false witness. Honor thy father and thy mother. Go to Ephesians chapter number six now. Go to Ephesians chapter number six. You know the Bible says in Proverbs chapter 13 verse one, a wise son heareth his father's instruction but a scorner heareth not rebuke. So there are children that are wise that obey their parents and then there are children that are scorners and they don't obey their parents. It doesn't say, oh, the parent's bad. It says, no, a parent's giving instruction and you have some children that are wise and you have some children that are scorners. You wanna know why? It's called free will. And let me explain something. I am not a Calvinist. I will never be a Calvinist. God never chose me and elected me to be a Calvinist, okay? So I'm what you would call an elect non-Calvinist, okay? Because I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and I'm saved and I have faith in him and I even have works. But you know what I don't have? The stupid doctrine of Calvinism which teaches that no one even has any free will. And let me explain something. Children literally have free will. Why do you think 95% of people don't believe in Jesus? Why do you think the vast majority of the people that are saved don't even go to church? Why do you think the vast majority of people that even go to a church don't even go soul winning? It's called free will and here's a new doctrine that you should learn. It's called people suck, okay? I don't know why you don't know this doctrine but for all of sin it comes short of the glory of God and let's just be honest. You know, what did Jesus say? The harvest truly is plenteous but the labors be few. I mean, there's very few people that actually want to serve God, okay? Very few people want to be the friend of God. Very few people want to be a disciple of God. And so if you go to a church that's hardcore on discipleship you should not anticipate or expect that everyone's going to be like you. Or even that your children will automatically choose all the same decisions as you. It's just not realistic. Would I love for that to be true? Absolutely. But is it true? No. The Bible says in Ephesians chapter 6 verse 1, Children, obey your parents in the Lord for this is right. Honor thy father and mother which is the first command with promise that it may be well with thee and thou mayest live long on the earth. Now we'll get to verse four later in the sermon but I want to read that. Go back to Proverbs chapter 15 for a moment. Go to Proverbs chapter number 15. That was not the breadth of verses that are talking about this subject. That was a small sample. Let's look at another huge sampling of verses. I mean how many verses have we covered? And I didn't even elaborate. I'm just letting the Bible speak for itself. Look at Proverbs chapter 15 verse 5 now. A fool despiseth his father's instruction but he that regardeth reproof is prudent. Look at verse 20. A wise son maketh a glad father but a foolish man despiseth his mother. Notice that fools will talk trash on their mother. Proverbs chapter 17 verse 21. He that begetteth a fool doeth it to his sorrow and the father of a fool hath no joy. You know begetting sounds like and implies the process of actually having a child. How in the world are you going to blame a parent for the child that's literally conceived? But what did the Bible say? He that begetteth a fool doeth it to his sorrow. You know what some people beget fools. That's what the Bible teaches. I don't want that to be the case but it's reality. Look at verse 25. A foolish son is a grief to his father and bitterness to her that bear him. Go to Proverbs 19 verse 13. A foolish son is the calamity of his father and the contentions of a wife are a continual dropping. Look at verse 26. He that wasteth his father and chaseth the way his mother is a son that causeth same and bringeth approach. Who is it sound like is at fault in this verse? Who is chasing away their mother? Who's the one that's wasting all the instruction? Who's wasting all the trips? Who's wasting all the love? Who's wasting all the discipline? Who's wasting all the money and the time and the effort and the energy invested into the child? It's the child that's wasting it. It's the child that's chasing away his mother. And you know what the Bible says that they're a fool. Look what it says in 20 verse 20. Whoso cursed his father, his mother, his lamp shall be put out in obscure darkness. Look at Proverbs 23 verse 22. Harken unto thy father that begat thee and despise not thy mother when she is old. The Bible says you should never hate your mother, especially when she gets old and you get old. You should love your mother. Proverbs 29, go to chapter 29, look at verse three. How much Bible should we be looking at? I mean, maybe if people instead of listening to videos online actually read their Bible, just like let it fall open, maybe they would have read some of these verses this week. And thought like, oh wow, that's an interesting verse. Proverbs 29 verse three. Whoso loveth wisdom rejoices his father, but he that keepeth company with harlots spendeth his substance. You know, we look at the prodigal son, one son's great, one son's bad. Why? Free will, folks. Free will. One literally just wastes his father's inheritance on riotous living, on harlots and riotous living. So if I notice a kid who's hanging out with harlots and living riotous living, who do you think's at fault for that? It's the kid, folks. Now obviously if the dad is taking him to the gentleman's club and the dad's going out there and giving him drugs and alcohol and the dad's not even in the home, yeah, you could probably say, hey, this dad seems like maybe he's a little bit to blame here. At least a little bit. But you know what? When he's taking him to a fundamental Baptist church and screaming and yelling about how you shouldn't have whores around and you shouldn't dress like a queer in a faggot and you shouldn't go ahead and get tattoos all over your body, then whose fault is that? I mean, really? Really? Go to Proverbs 30 verse 11. I mean, do you think that there is a father out there who has preached harder against drugs, alcohol, whores and tattoos than Pastor Anderson? I mean, what does a dad have to do to convince his kids not to do something like that? Maybe it's the kid that decided to be wicked and rebellious to do something like that. Proverbs chapter 30, look at verse 11. There is a generation that cursed their father and does not bless their mother. The Bible is saying not only could you have a bad seed, you could have a bad generation. Have you ever read the Bible where it's basically like, hey, after Joshua and all the elders, then the next generation, that entire generation knew not the Lord. And you pretty much just see in the Bible, it's just like good, bad, good, bad. And then you go to Israel and it's just bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, worse, bad, even worse, gone. And you look at Judah and it's just like kind of good, horrible, a little better, kind of good, bad, kind of good, bad, bad, bad, bad, gone. But you know what you don't see is just like good, good, good, good, good, because that just doesn't exist, folks. That just does not exist. Would I like for that exist? Absolutely. Do you really think I don't want that? But you know, if you were to be honest with yourself and with reality, you kind of look at your grandparents and you think, man, they had a lot of integrity. They worked really hard. And then you look at their kids and you're like, not as much integrity. And then you look at your group and you're kind of like, not as much integrity. And then you look at the current young generation, you're like, wow, y'all have really fallen. I haven't seen, it's like generation is getting better and better and better and better. You know what I've been noticing? Worse, worse, worse, and worse. I'm just telling you the trend that I've been noticing. I don't know what world you live in, but at least in America, it's been trending really bad, really fast. Now praise God that we have a church and we actually care about the Bible and people are trying their best to right that ship and turn the course there. And you know what, I hope that we can raise a generation better than us. That would be my wish, that's my desire. I want to do that. I believe it's even possible. But you know what? It does not mean that we can guarantee lock in that the next generation is going to love God. I would love for that to be the case. And we definitely can't do it at 100% rate. That'll never happen, it's never happened. Because you know what? If perfect parents produced perfect kids, pretty soon you would have an unbroken chain of multiplication where you would have an army of perfect people. I mean if you have two perfect parents, they have four perfect kids, and then they get married and they have perfect kids and they get married and they have perfect kids, pretty soon you just have millions and millions of perfect people. But you know what? That just literally doesn't happen. It'll never happen. Okay, look at verse 14. There is a generation whose teeth are as swords and their jaw teeth as knives to devour the poor from off the earth and the needy from among men. The horse leech hath two daughters crying give, give. There are three things that are never satisfied, yea, four things say not is enough. The grave and the barren womb, the earth that is not filled with water and the fire that sayeth not is enough. The eye that mocketh at his father and despiseth to obey his mother, the ravens of the valley shall pick it out and the young eagles shall eat it. Notice there is kids out there that just hate their parents. There are kids out there that unjustly hate their parents. They're ungrateful. They're not thankful. They don't actually respect their parents. They should, but they don't. And you know what it's called? Reality. Go to Deuteronomy chapter 21. Go to Deuteronomy chapter 21. This is not a new phenomenon. Here would be my question. Do you need one verse to believe this? Ten verses? Twenty verses? Forty verses? I mean how many verses do I have to give you? And everybody likes to talk about two or three witnesses. How about fifty? What is that like? And it's not even just witnesses. It's verses in the Bible. Okay. Now Deuteronomy chapter 21 gives us a really sobering reality. Okay. And this is a verse that's probably one of the most unpopular verses in the Bible. This is my opinion. Like I preached on this verse when we were in Sanson Park and everybody got mad at me. All kinds of articles and it went viral and everybody was super mad because I said I believe this verse. You know? Basically just read verses in the Bible and say them out loud and people hate you. But look what it says in verse 18. The man of a stubborn and rebellious son which will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother and that when they have chastised him will not hearken unto them. Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him and bring him out unto the elders of his city and under the gate of his place and they shall say unto the elders of the city our son is a stubborn and rebellious he will not obey our voice he is a glutton and a drunkard and all the men of his city shall stone him with stones that he die. So shall they put evil away from among you and all Israel shall hear and fear. According to the Bible you could literally have a son that refuses to obey mom, refuses to obey dad and even when you implement correct corporal punishment upon them they still don't listen and he says you know what the only option is death. In the laws of Connecticut in 1673 this was the law in America. I can show you the exact reprint they said that the child had to be above the age of 15. I'm just telling you the facts I don't even necessarily disagree with that law. Yeah but you know what I think if it actually was the law you wouldn't have to do it too many times for it to be pretty effective. Okay and you know it's probably a super rare super extreme situation but you know what sometimes you have that sometimes that is the case why is it then if this kid is so stubborn rebellious and that's a result of parenting where the parents not put the death. If stubborn rebellious children of bad kids are a result of parenting why are the parents not put to death and they say you poor little kid you were punished too badly you were chastised a little too much. No in fact they said hey have you have you spanked him hard enough and it's like yeah I did spank him hard enough and it still didn't work then you know what let's put him to death that was what the bible said that's what the word of God says and you know the bibles make it clear in Ezekiel and other passages that the children are not put to death for the sins of the father and the father is not put to death for the sins of the child but it's so interesting today that so many people want to put the sins of children onto their pastor onto their father you know that's not a fair standard when God literally doesn't have that standard he has the exact opposite standard but you know I guess sorry to confuse you with the word of God go to Proverbs chapter number eight go to Proverbs chapter eight now here's the thing could you get mad at the parent if they didn't punish them yeah I mean you could look at Eli I mean God got mad at him for his sons and he said he restrained them not basically sounding like he didn't punish them he didn't say like Eli you punished them a little too hard he was like nay my sons nay well you know what that didn't work and they got destroyed and they lay with the women assembled at the door and look Eli wasn't that bad of a guy it's just his kids were not good and you know it's not really fair for a saved man of God when he has reprobate kids to blame him I mean how can you how can you blame Eli for having reprobate kids and really God's not even necessarily blaming the kids for being bad he's just blaming him for not restraining them not saying like look you can't lay with the women assembled at the door bro like get out of here right he should have dealt with them properly he should have dealt with them like Deuteronomy chapter 21 said you know and sometimes men struggled with this even David should have put Amnon to death for having taken advantage of his sister Tamar but at the end of the day I just I don't really see a precedent I don't really see an example where you could show me of dad punishing his son a little too hard I mean maybe I'm wrong can someone show me the Bible story the Bible verse of a dad spanking his son a little too hard that's interesting that's it I do see examples of the opposite what does the Bible say in Proverbs chapter 8 verse 13 the fear of the Lord is to hate evil pride and arrogance and the evil way in the froward mouth do I hate you know God hates froward people that are just contrary and just against everything go forward to first Peter chapter 2 the Bible says Proverbs 16 a froward man so a stripe strife and a whisper separated chief friends now let me explain something about one of pastor Anderson's child children Isaac is a froward man and Isaac is someone that is specifically trying to separate friends that is his main goal because what he does in every conversation that he has is he tells everybody that they hate each other hey this this person hates you and this person hates you and then it goes around to those people say this person hates you and this person's talking bad on you and he does this to everyone he goes around to everyone and he just spreads all these rumors and lies about everybody hating everybody and it's complete garbage and it's complete trash and the Bible says that that person's evil and God hates that and they're a froward person and you know what I personally believe he is spearheading this satanic attack against his father he is the one that has corrupted his other siblings and is spearheading this attack pretty much almost single-handedly but he is confederate with a lot of different people and you know what it's wicked and the Bible says that God hates it now first Peter chapter 2 verse 18 it says this servants be subject to your masters with all fear not only to the good and gentle but also to the froward if God expects you to obey people even when they're froward why would you not have the same courtesy to your father and again this is the whole argument well my dad's just a bad dad therefore I can attack him well that's funny because even when Isaac had made a video he says this yeah of the punishment I got I pretty much deserved it all that's weird that's weird to say that why because he did okay folks go to Proverbs chapter 26 go to Proverbs chapter 26 but you know what after that mountain of verses why in the world it doesn't matter it doesn't matter who we're talking about why would I ever help a child dishonor their parents why would I ever share a video of children attacking their parents why would I ever want to talk to them and encourage them to keep going and to make more videos and to keep interviewing them and to keep helping in the system you know now you're a partaker of their evil deed folks that is wrong I don't care it's wrong first Peter chapter number two you already read that Proverbs 26 so it says verse 22 the words of a tale bear as wounds and they go down in the innermost parts of the belly burning lips in a wicked heart or like a potsherd covered with silver dross he that hated the symbol of with his lips and layeth up deceit within him when he speaketh fair believe him not for there are seven abominations in his heart whose hatred is covered by deceit his wickedness shall be showed before the whole congregation who so diggeth the pit shall father in and he that rolleth the stone it will return upon him a lying tongue hateth those that are afflicted by it and a flattering mouth worketh ruin here's the thing Isaac and John are giant flatterers and liars which shows according the Bible that they hate and I have this interesting question let's just say hypothetically and this is a complete hypothetical it's not even true say hypothetically at least my opinion that passengers and spank John a little too hard growing up okay why would he then flatter me lie to me secretly record me upload a highly edited video to attack our church what in the world is our church how could a sincere genuine Christian that cares about the truth want to do that and show me the story in the Bible when people are paint when the guy there's a guy he's painting his fingernails black dressing like a faggot flattering people deceiving people secretly recording them and uploading videos to attack their church and he was the good guy show me that story how is that a sincere person but you know we you need to listen to this why what are you talking about like I'm so confused you know the Bible is clear well when he speaketh fair believe him oh wait there's another word there not why for there are seven abominations in his heart and whose hatred is covered by deceit meaning that they actually oh pastor Shelley I love you I like you you're such a good pastor and then as soon as they get what they want mass drop oh you're in a cult you're the most deceitful I mean John said I'm the most deceitful person in the world basically more or less and then said that pastor Anderson is his pope after saying that it's not a cult so which one is is it a cult do we have a pope am I good do you like me am I deceitful which one and then it's like how do you not believe their testimony which one does he like me or not does he love me or does he not you know I don't know no I already know because the Bible says a flattering mouth work is ruined because this person hates me you know another person that loves to flatter and hide his hatred is Pastor Salvador Alvarez who just basically just keeps his mouth shut for three years straight and then as soon as he gets a chance to open his mouth just pride just just shoots out pride and hatred and just contempt and just making fun of people for no reason and just railing I mean I don't even know where this came from oh well I do oh wait it's the hatred that it was in his heart the whole time that's what the Bible says and you know what that kind of person also loves other flatterers and it's funny how all these flatterers just love to flatter each other and love each other it's all these people that literally hated each other five minutes ago are now best friends they're besties and I'm like do you not know how flattery works oh yeah you're evil so I guess you don't know how flattery works go to Matthew chapter number 10 go to Matthew chapter number 10 I already put out a whole like public statement about Salvador you can read it if you want or I email it I think even if not you can come see me I send it but just a quick rundown again he just called me out of the blue and was saying like hey I'm gonna separate from Pastor Anderson make a public statement blah blah blah and he wasn't asking my opinion he was just informing me and I was just kind of like okay well I was kind of nervous about this is my church has been three weeks or something since I ordained this guy and and I was just like well I said look I'll still be your friend I'll still help you even if we don't agree on this or whatever he tried to argue with me and saying that Malachi 2 proves you know some stupid doctrine I just I just disagreed with him but it was a really short phone call and then he puts out this public statement kind of attacking Pastor Anderson and you know I was still gonna be his friend and I was still trying to help him even though I didn't agree with what he had said then obviously he was getting a spout Pastor Anderson we talked on the phone a few times I had said something about I don't really agree with people who say I'm against abuse because it seems like you're just virtue signaling you know why it seems that way because you are because show me a pastor in the world that's ever said I'm for abuse okay and he got really he got really offended by that but we were still I thought on good terms friends or whatever I said I'll support you and he loves to share testimony he just like uploads all these videos of Pastor Anderson's kids attacking him which I'm like did you read any the verses that we just read you know the last 30 minutes but he just uploads all these videos and I all I did is I share someone that stayed with Pastor Anderson for like a three weeks or a month or something like this and just basically testified like I've never seen any of this crazy behavior that's being accused of him and so I just all I just share it no comment and then Pastor Salvador is just like why don't you just publicly say that you support Pastor Anderson and you're just you're just being a virtue signaler about grace and I was just thinking like well I already did say I support him okay number one number two I was like who am I not being gracious to and he said his kids and I'm like yeah did you read the last 50 verses that we read yeah I'm not gonna extend grace to kids calling their dad and em effort I'm not gonna I'm not gonna extend grace to kids that are cursing their parents and attacking their parents are you kidding me do you want me to do that do you want your kids to come up to me and curse you and say all manner of evil against you and me be like hey what's your problem man or do you want me to say like hey you're wrong stop talking about your dad like that stop talking about your mom like that that's how I would treat everybody now you respect our person no no I treat all kids the same obey your parents period children obey your parents on the Lord for this is right period that's what the Bible says but you know what the Bible warns again here's some more verses on this that people don't like to read the Bible warns that God did not send you on this earth to have the best family ever what does the Bible say verse 34 think not that I am come to send peace on earth I came not to send peace but a sword for I am come to set a man at variance against his father and the daughter against her mother and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law and a man's foes shall be they of his own household he that loveth father mother more than me is not worthy of me and he didn't love his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me and he that taketh not his cross and follow after me is not worthy of me that's what the Bible says that's what Jesus said go to Luke 20 go to Luke 12 go to Luke chapter 12 the Bible says that when you serve Christ as a disciple it will cause division your family now I don't think personally that these verses apply to lukewarm backslidden Christians you know I think they apply to disciples because you know the lukewarm backslidden Christian reads 1st Corinthians chapter number 5 and says yeah I know that my son's a drunkard and a glutton and whatever but I'm still gonna hang out with them and have the exact same relationship and they say I don't want to go to a church that's gonna offend them and I don't want to go and serve God I want to just hang out with them we're gonna go to the Cowboys game we're gonna drink alcohol we're gonna do whatever because you know what they're too afraid of having a division in their family whereas the disciple says I'm gonna serve Christ I would love for you to join me but if you don't see you later and some people have to pick now that's a sad reality but Jesus wasn't leaving us hanging like man I wish they had talked about this no he told us very clearly this will happen he also said in Luke chapter 12 verse 51 suppose you that I'm coming to get peace on earth I tell you nay but rather division for from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided three against two and two against three the father shall be divided against the son and the son against the father the mother against the daughter and the daughter against the mother the mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law he's saying even in the same roof you're gonna have complete separations complete divides not all families are equal not all kids are equal not all parents are equal and unfortunately for many there's gonna be strong divisions now you know if you're not that person you should be thanking God that you're not that person for many of us that is our reality go to first Timothy chapter number six go to first Timothy chapter number six point one is you need to honor your father and your mother point two is I never believed flatterers end of story end of story I don't believe flatters as soon as they flattered me and deceive me I now believe nothing that you have to say I do not care because you're an insincere person and you are only gonna hate me and you're you have seven abominations in your heart that's what the Bible said third point is God is not gonna keep the family together he's gonna divide it so what have we learned have I said anything tonight that is not what the Bible is clearly saying point one honor your father and mother point two don't believe flatters ever point number three God is gonna divide families that's what the Bible has said so far let's keep going verse Timothy chapter 6 verse 1 let as many servants as under the yoke count their own masters worthy of all honor that the name of God is doctrine be not blasphemed and they that have believing masters let them not despise them because they're brethren rather do them service because they are faithful and beloved partakers of the benefit these things teach and exhort if any men teach otherwise and consent not to wholesome words even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ into the doctrine which is according to godliness he is proud knowing nothing but doting about questions and strikes of words where have come with envy strife notice this word railings evil surmising perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds and destitute of the truth supposing that gain is godliness from such withdrawal thyself but godliness with contentment is great gain here's the fourth point is that we always side with authority we side with authority authority is who we side with now of course there's higher powers of course we understand there could be conflict between authorities but ultimately we side with authority and we side with the highest authority and even if we have a good boss a bad boss whoever you side with and you do what they say and you know what that extends also to the pastorate you know what you do what the pastor says and this last few weeks you know has been under attack pastoral authority and husband authority and father authority male authority has been under major attack and you know what that's been under attack for the last 200 years in America it's called feminism folks and you know what it's trash and it's satanic and it's evil and it's corrupted not only the world is corrupted churches and it's corrupted Baptist churches and it's corrupted fundamental Baptist churches and it even seems like it's corrupted some new independent fundamental Baptist churches and you know what feminism is garbage you know what you obey your masters and you know it's so funny that women like to say like I have to obey my husband you know men have to obey their boss and you know what we're all supposed to obey the pastor and we're all supposed to obey our parents and we're all supposed to obey the state and we're all supposed to obey the Constitution and we're all supposed to obey God and people that despise Dominion and despise authority are under satanic influence or they're just of the devil that is your option and you know what these people are proud notice how much they know nothing but they love to rail and they love to have this evil surmising they love just conspiracy they love accusations they love gossip they love to just latch on to all these different things and just dream up wild crazy things I heard a Baptist pastor get up this week and say you know what this is kind of shameful I have to say this but I have to say that men shouldn't beat their wives and I'm thinking like what person in the world has ever even taught that what kind of virtue signaling for people to get up I would love for someone to show me the sermon where any fundamental Baptist pastor got up and said beat your wives I would love to hear that sermon so that I could know that you weren't straw manning everyone you know it's garbage go to Proverbs chapter number six go to Proverbs chapter six actually don't just go to the first go there anyways we'll go there this is gonna be the longest sermon you've heard today Proverbs chapter six verse 12 the Bible says a naughty person a wicked man walketh with a froward mouth he winketh with his eyes he speaketh with his feet he teaches with his fingers throw weirdness is in his heart he deviseth mischief continually he sewed discord there's another verse for a lot of these people just sewing discord trying to cause problems trying to be contrary to everything just hating on everything now let's go to first to me the chapter number three a lot of people have been talking about the qualifications of a bishop this week they want to know what it you know what do we think what do we believe well you know some of the qualifications of a bishop are a little bit subjective a little bit vague they're not necessarily like something that we could just point to and say like we know exactly what that means but there are some that are crystal clear like the husband of one wife that's crystal clear and so obviously when people like Greg Locke run off with the secretary and divorce their wife and commit adultery by getting remarried to some other person you know that's a pretty clear line I would say hey this person shouldn't pass her anymore now even though I believe that and even though I think that I don't remember preaching a whole sermon calling for him to step down in fact I don't even remember any sermon now someone could correct me someone could show me I'm just saying off the top of my head I could not remember a sermon that's dedicated to calling for someone to step down I can't even remember having an announcement where I'm calling for a pastor to step down and I mean I'm talking about Joel Osteen I'm talking about Kenneth Copeland I'm talking about Robert Moore I can't even remember that sermon now here's the thing I'm sure inside comments I'm sure in just one phrase I might say hey this guy shouldn't pass anymore this guy's unqualified I'm just saying I've never had like a dedicated sermon announcement a dedicated sermon just to some pastor stepping down I'm just like never done that and what's so funny to me how people would do this to their friend like I haven't even done it to false prophets but I'm not gonna do it to my friend for sure like that is weird that is just that is just seems like the wrong move is what I'm just trying to say now again am I saying that someone can't have a personal opinion people can do whatever they want but it's so funny to me because I would also love for you to show me the sermon that I've ever and this one's just an anytime ever any statement where I've said this pastor needs a step down because of his children show me when I've ever said that ever and you know what so many people online are saying pastor Sally's a respecter person pastor Sally's a coward pastor Sally if this is somebody else they would be different and I'm like okay show me anytime in the last six years of all my preaching where I said this pastor needs a step down because his adult kids are bad show me that and if we're gonna play that game we can play the game with a lot of people I mean look at Paul Chapel sons I mean they're going down a really weird path okay dressing effeminate having this weird non-denominational church I don't know if they're saved I'm just thinking like what happened with that guy I mean his kids aren't following in fundamental Baptist steps or fundamental Baptist circles I mean I'm sure there's a lot of guys that we could look at that have weird kid situations and you know what I've never hold I've never said like this guy needs a step down because of that so it'd be interesting for me to randomly start now as a quote respecter person okay you know what there is a couple qualifications that are clear let's talk about a few of those for a moment okay look at verse number eight likewise must the deacons be grave so according the Bible deacons have to have similar characteristics of the pastor why the pastor should obviously encompass all the same qualifications of the deacons verse number eleven even so must their wives be grave not slanderers now you think slander is an objective term it's not a subjective term slandering is lying about people making false accusation another word for it would be called railing so according the Bible if your wife is a railer you know what you're not qualified now it's funny to me how people who live in glass houses love to throw stones and they want to call out Pastor Anderson and say he should step down when their wife is a literal slanderer who is that how about Pastor Tommy McMurtry and his wife Cassandra McMurtry who is a constant slanderer online now here's a couple quotes from her talking about the new IFB the entire new IFB it's teaching on the home is harmful to families and is without love or balance so every single teaching of the new IFB is harmful to all families and is without love or balance you know you call that slander she said this about four years ago we realized that the new IFB was completely unbalanced in every way and then she gives us examples the home discipline language way of living lack of holiness so we separate ourselves was it that you separate yourselves four years ago or was it that everyone's calling out for being a lying gossip oh we separated ourselves it's funny when you kick people out and they're like I left you know she said that we are we are encouraging or believe that we should be beating our wives with electric cords which is the thing I don't know anybody that does that including Pastor Anderson his wife because they've explained explicitly said this never happened folks here's another one they said that we that like me and some of our friends we've now eliminated everybody from us and we're gonna live in a tiny echo chamber of insanity which this is funny to me because I'm like okay let's take you and all your pals let's take Pastor McMurtry Joe major Michael Johnson let's take all these people and let's add all their church up together and see if they even are half the church of faithful word Baptist Church let's see if they're half of the church of steadfast and then we live in a tiny echo chamber of insanity that's interesting what kind of I mean you must be in a really tiny echo chamber then oh yeah also Pastor McMurtry said this that we're all Kool-Aid drinkers and that we also encourage beating wives with electric cords but here's the thing about that I actually had a physical conversation with Tommy Marcher over the phone and I said it's not fair to call my entire church Kool-Aid drinkers you can think whatever you want about me but the people in my church are God-fearing people that love the Lord and they would never do something so horrendous as that I said you're accusing my church of literally moving to South America and drinking poison Kool-Aid he said yes I am like what in the world now here's the thing I took down that first video I made and people didn't know this but one of the reasons I wanted to take it down is because I wanted to take back every nice thing I've ever said about Pastor McMurtry and his wife cuz you know what no more grace for railers and you know what I'm sad that I ever extended grace in an all-branch but you know what he contacted me and he called me a few years ago complaining about how I had proven that he was like extorting Pastor Thompson and lying and doing all this weird stuff and and hey I guess his kid was interested in dating some other kid and he was like this is causing me problems and I thought you know what that's not fair to the kids why don't I just take this down why don't I just give him grace I'm sure he's getting people saved and whatever so I just decided to take it all down and just kind of I preached a whole sermon about this when we were Hotel Church saying let's just give this guy grace and let's just kind of move on and I did I don't remember after that sermon ever preaching about him bringing him up talking about him or caring about him he basically doesn't exist but you know what he does he goes and lives in his really tiny echo chamber and gets no attention ever and then he says you know what I'm tired of getting no attention so I'm just gonna go rail on and attack the new IFB to get some more attention again and basically that's his modus operandi is you just go out there him and his wife and just slander and rail and attack new IFB churches because he knows he'll usually provoke us into responding and you know what here's your response and I'm sure I'll make it on all your videos hi okay I'm sure I'll make it on your wife's videos you know this this channel called gently led sisters which she uploads videos of me preaching and other other pastors preaching as the promo to her channel and then she says my channels dedicated to housewives and I'm thinking like I didn't know I was so good at reaching housewives for your channel it's like I'm not a hater I'm not an attack channel but I'm gonna upload videos of pastors attacking me on my channel as a promo to my channel why because she's a busybody and a tattler go if you would the first to meet chapter five a busybody and a toddler and she she put out this like gaslighting post about it she's like I'm not the villain in this situation well then why don't you just shut your mouth and I'm just sitting here like we have a subjective qualification of ruling your house well having your children's objection we don't know exactly how we would all interpret that it might be a little different you know what everyone agrees on slander it's making false accusations and you know what you don't have no problem doing that here's another person that's guilty of this is Holly Robinson pastor Jason Robinson's wife who said that pastor Anderson is a monstrous child abusing lunatic and a lot of other things I'm just focusing on that one quote because that is just extreme extreme contempt and hatred and you know what two years ago she also lied about pastor Thompson and I pointed out some of the comments she said as being inappropriate and her husband doubled down on them they didn't take them back they didn't apologize about them but I tried to just give them grace because I didn't want to say their name out loud but you know it's funny that they can say everybody else's name out loud and it's interesting how Jason Robinson after exposing that pastor Anderson was going to recommend his church but just not be his friend and he has to put this out there and say faithful are the wounds of a friend open rebuke is better than secret love I would love to know if he likes that verse now I think it's interesting I'm gonna call for a pastor to step down because of this qualification but my wife can be a slanderer I mean if we're gonna get nitpicky let's get nitpicky and you know what you don't notice you don't notice my wife going online and slandering a bunch of people in fact you don't even notice her commenting you basically don't even notice her liking I get mad that she doesn't even like my posts okay I'm thinking like man what do I have to do to get my wife to like my posts and she likes them just privately okay but I'm saying it's it's inappropriate and uncumbly for pastors wives just constantly blowing their mouth and be a busybody and be a tattler I mean what does the Bible say about this first Timothy chapter 5 verse 13 and with all they learn to be idle wandering about from house to house and not only idle but tattlers also and busybodies speaking things which they ought not I will therefore that the younger women married bear children guide the house give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully for some are already turned aside after Satan women that are tattlers are after Satan you know what a tattler is saying things that are true but not your business saying things that are true that are not your business what's a busybody getting involved in other people's drama and boy does that not encompass pastor McMurtry and his wife just constantly and other people's business he said they already separated themselves four years ago then why are you still talking about us why do you even care why does it even affect you he has to make all these excuses like there's all these people that associate me with him or whatever give me a break nobody even knows who you are until you start getting into new I have be drama it's ridiculous it this is this is satanic folks people that are busybodies and towers are satanic and I would love for all the people all the people that said I'm a respecter of persons I'm a coward I don't care what the qualifications say well then call out both of these pastors and say they should step down to for having wives that are slanderers if I'm if I'm not if I'm the respecter of person and you're not then prove me wrong and call both of them out and say they should step down since you love the qualifications so much since you love the truth since you're so brave or are all the people that have been talking trash on you behind your back they're now flattering you online why because they're just a hater and you know what there is a cult in the new IB it's a hate cult and it's people that don't go to our churches it's people that used to go to our churches and all they do is they obsess they obsess with churches they don't go to anymore this is what's so funny to me people are gonna leave our church people have left our church people are gonna leave people have left our Oklahoma City Church people are leaving all kinds of new IB churches why because they don't like pastor Anderson continuing to pastor or preaching sermons you know it's so funny they're all gonna go listen to his sermon so how does it even affect you you know and I know in fact they will watch more of his sermons than we will they're gonna comment on more of his sermons than we will and I'm thinking like how does you coming to our church affect you watching his sermons in private and hating them you know why they don't want to come here because they're gonna go watch the sermon and hate it and they don't have anybody here that they can talk about how much they hated that sermon too because we don't let slander and railing on our church so they have to go find a hater church a trash can church where they can all slander and rail together with the pastor and the pastor wife like Amanda slander I'm sorry Amanda gander you know what I even looked up in the I just typed in the internet what's the difference between discipline and abuse what does the internet say never I keep there's all these sermons about it this is the first like the first thing that popped up and just said good medical forensics incorporated so it's a medical expert witness service as a law firm they specialize in this this is what they said if the discipline results in significant injury to the child then it may be considered abuse that was a law firm says methods of discipline or behaviors that are considered abuse are as follows hitting your child with a fist or an object with harmful intent this includes burning kicking or biting corporal punishment as defined is an act carried out with the intention of causing a child to experience physical pain but not injury for the purposes of correction or control of behavior physical abuse is any non accidental physical injury to the child and can be included in striking kicking burning biting the child or any action that results in physical impairment of the child now it's so funny is I like put out a really long public statement I put a really simple statement in there like hey physical abuse or you know abuse for me is like bodily harm and hitting in secret parts or whatever which is exactly what this law firm is saying that literally goes to court and has to prove it and it's literally what the Bible says when it says hey if you get there I heard or you hurt their tooth or you do these things now kids then somebody's like yeah but what about waterboarding really really do I have to really spell out everything what about yeah what about sawing their feet off yeah what about ripping their hair out and making them eat it yep I mean do I have to really think about like every extreme weird psychopath thing I mean what evil-hearted person thinks that by my statement I was green lighting waterboarding that is not a sincere question from a sincere person well best is jelly I got so offended you didn't say we shouldn't waterboard our children what evil person even thinks that that never even came into my mind you're so crazy and weird if someone comes up to you and says well pastor Shelley didn't you didn't adopt waterboarding stay away from that person they're a dangerous weird person with weird ideas okay you're a psycho go to Proverbs 13 now I have a board up here that I want to illustrate something for you and here's the reality male authority and punishment and everything is under attack and what does the Bible say in Proverbs chapter number 13 verse 24 he that spareth his rod hateth his son that's what the Bible says it says but he that loveth him chased in a bit times now of course I believe that means the Bible says you need to start early okay here's just kind of a list of discipline I'm trying to start here as like basically no discipline absolutely no discipline then there would be verbal only discipline then there would be limited spanking then there would be spanking based on this verse we need to draw a line somewhere because if you're sparing the rod that means you're not always doing it so we would have to draw a biblical line and say you know what anything below this is hating your son and it's wrong and it wouldn't matter what age from the zero to when they're gone we just have to say hey all of this is wrong just just wrong unbiblical shouldn't do it okay then also according the Bible if you get out there I you get out there to to get up you know you hurt them that's wrong okay so we'd have to say at bodily injury for sure that's wrong okay now I'm just trying to say these are for sure wrong anything up here when you're talking about physical punishment of your children everything and that would be wrong now again I would say between spanking moderate strict and harsh that's gonna come to to discretion right that's gonna come to discretion how old the child the the opportunity or whatever but right now there is a lot of people literally teaching that pretty much everything above this line is wrong they're saying all of this is wrong not only are they saying all of this is wrong they're saying all the way to like at least even age 12 or 10 that's wrong too and I you know if they were honest they would say well you also of course would do nothing here so they're basically saying this verse applies to this little tiny area right here this is where you get good kids bad kids bad kids bad kids back like everything's bad just this little tiny sliver of this little tiny thing not a little too hard just the right number and you know how many verses explain this zero so people are getting up and saying hey if you're 12 10 15 3 this time this instrument this whatever you know what they're doing they're teaching their opinion opinion opinion opinion opinion opinion opinion and you really expect me to believe that God is making parenting this hard that he's making this little tiny sliver this heart where there's no story no example obviously they have one verse he father's provoked not your children under wrath but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord that's one verse to explain that now I'll give you an interpretation of that verse you know what you need to not only do this you need to also love them and give them attention and do good so it would be bad if you're a parent and you're only a disciplinarian but you know what the Bible doesn't say being a disciplinarian is bad it's not saying oh you spank them a little too hard you're a bad parent you know what it's saying it's saying you need to also love them give them attention tell them you're proud of them hang out with them have good times and not make fun of them not diss them not talk down to them not trash them we wouldn't want to do that to our children want to bring them up in nurture and admonition of the Lord as well as physical discipline but I'm not going to take that one verse that's a broad statement and literally erase all of Proverbs and literally erase all the verses that we talked about and you know what I don't think God puts us in this little tiny square of parenting to be successful I think anything in this realm is probably going to be fine as long as you're discretion you're thinking about the age you're thinking about these things but people want to sit here and and just basically lose their minds people are losing their minds over this right now and instead of just taking the clear verses in the Bible that say hey some kids turn out bad sometimes you're gonna have children that hate their parents sometimes gonna have parents hate their kids sometimes you're gonna be get a fool sometimes you have stubborn rebellious children that should be put to death they throw all of that in the trash and just say if you don't have my little tiny infinitesimal parenting instruction you're a bad parent it's it's trash I don't agree with it I'm not gonna agree with it and you know what this whole world is screwed up on the definition of abuse anyways because a lot of the world would say everything on that was wrong I mean you can just type it in the open at open AI or chat to be and they'll say like most scholars and most experts and professionals would say that any physical punishment is abuse not just wrong abuse and you know what everything's a disorder this day these days too right everything everything's mental abuse too all your parents told you no one time you're abused your parents didn't buy you an ice cream at the store abuse that's the world's vocabulary folks and you go out into the world and talk to other young adults if you said hey my parents actually physically disappoint me they would lose their mind whoa my parents never even said no to me my parents never even did anything you must be really abused man and just filling their head with garbage and lies and you know what this world is full of psychiatry and psychology and it's crackpot junk shame on pastors who care more about what psychologists and this world say than the Bible and you know when people get poisoned against us you know what they love to share videos about narcissism gas lying flying monkeys all this psychology you know I'd love for all these pastors that love the word abuse to show me one verse one verse in the Bible with the word abuse in the context that they're using it the Bible says how forcible are right words if you're going to describe a problem let's use the words of the Bible use show me one time the word abuse is ever used in the context that you're using it you know what they're gonna do not be able to show you because it doesn't exist now you can show abuse in the Bible you can show obviously of a bedroom nature adult nature that exists of course you can show in the Bible an abuse that's torture of course you can show an abuse according the Bible where you're knocking out teeth and knocking out eyes and having permanent damage even though it doesn't use that word specifically for that particular description you know what what people are bringing up and dreaming up right now is not what the Bible says it's so funny to me to the people that share all these videos about narcissism they think that literally every sermons about them and they don't even show up and I don't even think about them okay but somehow it's all about them now I want to go to John chapter 13 go to John chapter 13 you know it's also funny there's all these people that will call me a coward because they say you won't stand up to Pastor Anderson and it's funny because literally every single thing I've communicated to you I've already communicated cats out of the bag he already knows and he's still my friend and we still meme about you okay but this is what's so funny these same people that call me a coward literally will not talk to me literally will not tell me that they left our church will literally not say anything to me but just talk behind my back and share things against me but somehow I'm the coward it's so funny how they're so brave and they're so tough but they can't even just call me or text me or tell me something that's interesting you know the Bible says in John chapter 13 verse 35 by this shall all men know that you're my disciples if you have loved one to another you know you can tell as a true disciple Jesus Christ love you know it's not loving secretly recording me and uploading it to the internet and then they want to say that I'm unloving and they want to say that I'm a coward that's the coward move that's the unloving move and you know what in the world do I have to do to get you to leave my church if you hate me leave get out of here I already said a bad word what do I have to do now I already said get out it's like I your account I'm trying to get you to leave leave Judas and you know we still have Judas is in our church and you know what if you think you're morally superior to me being a Judas you're a fool I'm not a perfect Christian I'm sure there's plenty of Christians in here that are better than me I'm sure there's people in here that do all kinds of things and greater works than me but you know what the Judas is not that person you know it's shame on you I move my family across the country twice to help this church I come and take this church when its pastor is literally stepping it down for sleeping with prostitutes for spending money at casinos what kind of person wants to inherit that church right I mean what person wants to walk in to one of the most disgusting weird crazy church situations and try to help people and oh yeah by the way I had to sell my house for a loss and then I had to take a 20% pay cut to come up here and then I have to drive back and forth and quit my job and fly over across the country to go see people that hate me and secretly record me and take advantage of me and while I come here I get ripped off for $100,000 by contractors I get ripped off by church members but you don't know about that because I don't just put everything out on the internet for everybody to hear you go to these people's house you buy them groceries you sit with them at the hospital you work out with them you go on trips to them you help them you only do good to them you love on them you pray for them you give them marriage counseling and then you know what they just stab you in the back when you're not looking you know what when I found out a bunch of you were stabbing me in the back I'll be honest with you I was ear-to-ear smiling and I was happy as a clam because the Bible says blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you and say all manner of evil against you falsely rejoice and be exceeding God thanks for getting me so rich yes and you know what they're gonna do it some more do it some more please slander me more please stab me in the back more in fact you know what the Judas is in our church are giving me way much more rewards than you guys thank you I mean think about it if I just only do good and give you money and help you and love you and talk to you and do good unto you why in the world would you stab me in the back and lie about me and slander me it makes no sense it's completely contrary you know what that's how the Bible works because it's a spiritual battle and it's a spiritual warfare and why in the world does what happens to Pastor Anderson in a church that has nothing to do with us cause a bunch of people just randomly stabbed me in the back for no reason it makes no sense unless it's a spiritual battle because you know what this is a spiritual battle folks the new IFB is making a major dent and the spiritual battle is on the front lines is the tip of the spear we are the spiritual special forces and you know what the battle is hot Pastor Anderson is being persecuted hard harder than you can even imagine harder than you even know horrible things that are evil or happening to him and you know what you should be praying for him instead of listening all these false accusations listening all these flatters and deceivers you know what instead of reading your Bible this week you just been listening to secretly recorded messages haven't you good night it's wrong for kids to go out and air out dirty laundry and slander and rail and make fun of pastors and attack pastors and it's so interesting how Pastor Salvador and Isaac seem to be so good buddies all of a sudden and sharing each other's posts and talking about how they're calling each other and it's interesting why he would basically have a veiled threat against me right before the secret recording of my church goes out it's interesting that I say hey if you keep slandering me and lying about me I'm not going to fellowship with you and then he gets up and lies publicly and says that I broke fellowship with him I never broke fellowship with him I just simply said look if you're gonna I guess this is his thought he said well based on the trajectory of our conversation he was gonna break fellowship with me if that means you're gonna continue lying and slandering about me I guess and railing and being prideful love with the second Kings chapter number two go to second Kings chapter number two why in the world would Isaac be attacking our church and uploading videos about us go to you I know you love going to YouTube and listening to videos once you go to his YouTube channel notice he has two videos you know those two videos are our church why if Isaac Anderson wants to expose the truth about his dad why does he have two videos about steadfast Baptist Church and that's it I'm not saying like just to I'm saying there's only two videos and they're only about steadfast Baptist Church you want to know why because he is not interested in the truth he's not sincere he doesn't love the Bible he doesn't love the Word of God you know what he is is a Nazi and you know why I know he's a Nazi because I asked him if he's a Nazi and he said yes and I thought that we hated Nazis but apparently don't when they're attacking pastor Anderson right I guess pastor Salvador Alvarez and pastor McMurtry and all these people let's upload videos of Nazis and let's support Nazis attacking pastor Anderson I mean people have lost their mind yeah it doesn't matter that he's a Nazi and attacking his parents and lying and slandering and railing you know why because he's attacking pastor Anderson because you know what their philosophy is hashtag believe anybody that hates pastor Anderson you know what happens to kids that make fun of men of God what does it say in second Kings chapter 2 verse 23 and he went up from Thinson to Bethel and as he was going up by the way there came for little children out of the city notice this word little little children out of the city and mocked him and said him go up thou bald head go up thou bald head and he turned back and looked on them and cursed them in the name of the Lord and there came forth two she bears out of the wood and they and tear forty and two children of them now here's the thing this story we don't know exactly but I would assume that Elisha was probably bald wouldn't make sense that they're making fun of him for not being so here think where they what they're saying was true yeah but where they make fun of them and yet I see all these people making fun of pastors for their size shape face weight whatever what does the Bible say about that bears are gonna come out of the woods and kill them that's what the Bible says but you know what let's focus on Ephesians chapter number six verse four that's the only verse I can preach for the next five weeks it's a joke it's a joke that these people are not taking the task the real evil that's obvious and clear in a present danger good at numbers chapter 12 you know what parents are under attack right now and you know because of this preaching because of this super thin green line you know what's gonna happen parents are gonna start sparing the rod and you know what's gonna happen men are gonna stop telling their wife no and let me explain something real quick to you I'm not gonna talk about this topic very much let me explain something real quick okay if you don't want to hear it just close your little ears okay women that are hating our churches right now are not afraid of being spanked they're afraid of being told no and all of their virtue signaling like I'm against abuse I'm against beating wise whatever they're just afraid that their husband will say take off the pants stop posting on the internet and do what I said and you know all of these guys have to constantly say like oh well there's no reaping there's reaping marriage and we can't force our wives well maybe if you're manly you wouldn't even have to worry about that problem maybe you actually told her no and told her to get off the internet she'd be interested in you because you know what men that are manly women like women like to be told what to do some of these women are just screaming husband please tell me what to do it's weird it's weird the feminism that exists in our culture I've heard a lot of garbage sermons recently look at Numbers chapter 12 verse 1 and Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian one which he had married for he had married an Ethiopian woman verse 14 and the Lord said to Moses if her father had but spit in her face she should not be ashamed seven days let her be shut out of the camp seven days and after that let her be received again received in again they speak against the man of God and God curses Miriam with leprosy and says it's like a father spitting in his daughter's face you know what I guarantee if I spit in my daughter's face all these people say was abuse go to second Timothy chapter 2 and this is what I find baffling okay folks I heard another pastor say oh well God kills people for adultery but husbands don't and I'm like well obviously today they don't but in the Old Testament law they did in the Old Testament law in fact the Bible even says if they were to try and draw you away after a false God your hand was to be first upon them not only were you allowed to put them that you were the first one to do it according to the law not only that if a woman grabbed a man by the secrets her hand was cut off so think about this women that commit grievous sins were stoned to death killed hands cut off but if a husband spanked his wife everybody loses their mind now look I'm not for it I'm against it I'm not gonna do it I've never supported it I've never told anybody to do it but then everybody says like pastor Sally's teaching this crazy weird psycho doctrine no you're weird and you know what it wasn't like in the 1950s a bunch of Bible believing Christians changed the culture it was a bunch of feminists that changed our culture folks it was a bunch of feminist men that allowed women to vote and I used to think what kind of man would do that and then I realized I know exactly what kind of man that would do that rocky Randall pastor rocky Randall now he put a post out there and I'm just gonna read it for you a little bit so you can buckle up to say how long is this sermon I don't know no grace for railers it's kind of interesting it's like when someone's your friend as soon as you're not friends let's just make a four-part series saying every negative thing you can think about them to explain how gracious of a person you are how kind you are right this is what rocky Randall said gently led husbands I've heard a lot of men making insults to other men about being quote gently led by their wives it's a good insult I like it I'll give brief context in the comments and it was caused me to do a lot of thinking I'll go ahead and say it call me a feminist if you want I'm often quote gently led by my wife what he literally said that his wife leads him yes you are a feminist if your wife leads you you're a feminist and apparently you're a weak man because he has to do it gently he can't even take it it has to be so nice if you are married and you are claiming you are not there are three options I can see now I remember three options that sounds like Bo Ballard option one you are but you don't realize it so apparently you're being led by your wife but you can't even figure it out you're too stupid number two you're lying or number three you are a terrible self-willed leader who will never grow beyond your own limitations well if I have to pick I'm picking three okay I'm certainly not picking number one or two okay and look I do lead my wife but that does not make me a self-willed terrible leader I'm a benevolent dictator folks and you know what that's what I teach and that's what I've always believed he says this a leader is nothing if he isn't willing to consider the voice of the people who are surely smarter and better equipped in many areas have you even read Exodus the people are better equipped than the leader so now Moses is gonna ask the people to lead him what insanity is this what Bible are these people reading this is insane folks people are losing their minds this is a spiritual battle of feminism against biblical authority folks that is what is happening and people are saying weird junk saying they're led by their wives I've never heard a fundamental Baptist pastor say that that is crazy what does the Bible say in second Timothy chapter 2 verse 15 study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth but shun profane and vain babblings for they will increase in a more ungodliness and their word will eat as death a canker of whom is hymenaeus and Philetus who concerning the truth of aired saying that the resurrection is passed already and overthrow the faith of some the Bible says when you listen to junk it can cause you to literally lose faith and you know if you're just hearkening to all these accusations and liars and flatters and whatever it's a cancer that just gets in there and eats at you and eats you you know what I'm so glad that I'm gonna say this I really hope that a lot of these people that have cited against pastor Anderson are never ever selected for jury duty ever and you know what I've actually been to a court of law so actually know how things work but you know when our church was trying to be hijacked and all of our money stolen by people I went to court and I was one witness and they have three witnesses and seven affidavits oh there's dead witnesses oh you know what it was all lies and junk folks and they even gave the same testimony all three of them you know what you could look at their motives you could cross examine them you could actually only look at facts and not hearsay but you know what these people they just listen to videos online and they think they're a special detective it's like I stayed in a motel six you know now I'm a detective you don't even know how criminal law works why don't you stop playing detective and read the Bible why don't you stay in your lane you know it's just it's just weird how everybody thinks that they're a perfect detective and they know everything and they've talked to everybody I've looked at all the exam all the evidence and I've examined it I mean I'm so glad you weren't on the trial and you're like oh look Ryan Seth Leslie and Galligator they all set three witnesses were given to the truth it was three on one yeah I've had a multitude of people lying about me before and you know who also did Jesus so did Naboth so did lots of others three witnesses are afforded I don't care you can have many liars well how dare you just believe your friend that's a man of God that's one hundreds of thousands of people to Christ that's never lied to you that's given tens of thousands of dollars to your church how dare you believe that person we should believe the tattoo filled Nazi who's flattering you and lying about you all the time and attacking you and making videos of secret recordings of your church that's who we should believe that's why I side with the victims I side with Nazi tattooed libtards that are cursing and mocking their parents that's why I side with I watch their testimonies and I cried alligator tears I'm pissed and you know what church members attacking me you have no legitimate reason to attack me none and you know what the Bible says in Titus look at Titus chapter 2 verse 15 people get all mad and they say oh you're a cult because you can't make videos attacking the pastor and memes against him and still go to church there what yet you can't do that to anybody in the room I mean there's been plenty of people that have railed or lied or slandered against another person in this room and I said hey you can't do that or I'm gonna kick you out of church it's not about the pastor it's about anybody in our church because we don't have grace for railers we say hey if you're not gonna fix this get out why would I want to go to a church where we're all railing on each other I don't want to go to railer Baptist Church I don't want to go to spirit of railing Baptist Church I don't want to go to do a rail-a-thon with Pastor McMurtry where we bring on Joe major and he says that I'm an evil wicked man based on what a secret recorded video I mean these people don't even care they just they just hear accusations and it's their next sermon Joe major just preaches a whole sermon just bring up hearsay after hearsay and admittedly so he says hey here's another thing I heard I don't know if it's true why would you preach that what in the world I'm an evil wicked man or well I guess it's true then huh cuz Joe majors actually have multiple is this I'm sure McMurtry at Sam evil I'm sure Joe major at Samuel and you know what pastor McMurtry thinks they're the whole church should overthrow me as a pastor he says that repeatedly he says you're a bunch of kool-aid drinkers and if you don't do it you're all evil like me and whatever well who are you gonna believe and you know what if you don't be if you don't want me to be the pastor I will happily leave okay I would happily do anything else because you know what sometimes pastoring is the most frustrating thing in the world it's frustrating to love on people and to sacrifice and to not make good money and to drive down to pure words doing 17-hour work days for three years for six years pouring out my heart to that church and other people making incredible sacrifice members driving far all kinds of men sacrifice and leading that church and loving that church and giving their money that church for some prideful novice to walk in and knock it all down in five minutes and I mean I don't know but almost every member that I have some contact with or express you know any kind of communication with it seems like they pretty much all left but like one family that I know of and even said publicly like I don't care if everybody leaves yeah of course you don't because you're not really a shepherd a shepherd cares of people leave now again a shepherd also gets people out when they're railing but you know it's just yeah it's easy come easy go I guess I guess I need to be more careful when I hand somebody a golden ticket and look I screwed up all of it I made a huge mistake with him I shouldn't have ordained him that was my fault but you know what I think that God blessed me by making this mistake because it helped me to see clearly about the satanic attack that's happening right now and it gave me a lot of rewards on top of that and you know what all things work together for good to them that love God and you know what he didn't destroy the church he just destroyed our money and our name and our building you know what the church left him because they're at least wise at least I did something right at least I taught them hey don't listen to these prideful arrogant jerks when they come in here and you know what I even said hey this guy turns bad I'll destroy him I was joking but I wasn't what the Bible say in Titus chapter 2 verse 15 these things speak and exhort and rebuke of all authority let no man despise thee how come you're gonna just you're gonna kick people at a church let no man despise thee if you side with Pastor Alvarez if you like his post attacking me you are not welcome in our church period yeah yeah yeah I don't care you're a partaker of his evil deeds and attacking me falsely right let's keep reading well I want to I'm gonna finish let's go to second Corinthians chapter 2 I probably said 90% of what I want to say the other 10% I'll tell you later but I'll be honest with you I want to move on this is a long sermon I've preached a lot of things I've been holding it in for about a week and you know look I love you guys I'm not I'm not really mad at the good people in our church I'm mad at the Judas's and I'm not even mad at the backstabbers because thanks for all the rewards okay thank you sincerely that was great I'm just mad at all the pastors that don't care what the Bible says they care about what culture says I'm mad at the people railing I'm out of the people that pretend that they care about the qualifications when they're a giant hypocrite I'm and you know what's not gonna fix America is a bunch of pastor wise uploading videos attacking new IP pastors you know it's not gonna fix America's a bunch of pastor wise railing and slandering and being busybodies you know it's gonna fix America is men telling their wives to sit down shut up and get in the kitchen you know it's not gonna fix America pastor McMurtry asking his wife permission to get pregnant that's not gonna fix America you know it's gonna fix America is men actually ruling their home you know it's gonna fix America pastors who actually care what the Bible says and you know it's gonna fix America pastors who are not so quick to side against other pastors pastors that are willing to give pastors the benefit of the doubt until it's been proven until it's been proven until it's clear and improved and let me say something I love pastor Anderson and I'm gonna continue supporting him and I think he should continue pastoring because this is an obvious satanic spiritual attack and I've been a little bit foggy on this and I have you know been weighing a lot of the information but at this point I believe he's at the tip of the spear right now and let's just be honest if he goes down we're next Verity's next first works is next but what would happen in America if all those churches don't exist I'm sure pastor McMurtry will lead the force right with his giant Church because you know we have this tiny little movement his giant Church and giant movement I mean his wife gets more views than him okay online is this this giant spearheaded soul-winding movement remember all the people that came to our church because he reached them online remember all the great documentaries it did I think he did one with oh yeah Tyler Doka oh remember the pastor that he ordained that was an unsaved Pentecostal and then got saved later it was interesting that he didn't call for his resignation it's interesting when you say like I wasn't even saved and they're like you shouldn't step down let me ordain you it's interesting when he does podcast and he doesn't want us on it he wants Tyler Baker and Adam Fanon on his show it's interesting how he's buddies with just basically everyone that hates our church it's funny how all these people love all the videos from the people that literally stole the money from our church and they're confederate them and liking them and sharing them that's funny I guess you're on your you must be on the right side of this and you know what I don't care what happens I don't if faithful word stops to exist I'm still going if Pastor Anderson did step down god forbid I would still keep pastoring I'm still gonna leave this church we're still an independent fundamental Baptist Church you know what I like having friends and I like other people doing things and you know what maybe God is actually going to perform a job and actually show you that pastor Anderson's been innocent on this and then how are you gonna feel whereas when it look if all the it was just like a clear obvious thing then sure I'm sure we all will just say you know what okay what happened you know I don't believe it I don't I don't believe these accusations I don't believe flatters I don't believe Nazis I don't believe liars I don't believe children that are disobeying their parents I believe pastors that have won hundreds of thousands of people award and you know what I'm gonna keep believing them until I have a like ten good reasons not to not like speculation whatever and you know people are gonna be like oh you change your mind I did it well you know what nuts to you I don't care I don't answer to you I answer to God and if I they want me to change my mind anyways the whole point of them being mad at me is to change my mind and they get mad at me for changing my mind which one is it 2nd Corinthians chapter 2 look at verse 4 proud of much affliction and English of heart I wrote unto you with many tears not that you should be grieved but they you might know the love which I have more abundantly unto you but if I have caused any grief he had not grieved me but in part that I might not overcharge you all sufficient to him such a man is this punishment which was inflicted of many so that contrary wise you ought rather to forgive him and comfort him less perhaps such and one should be swallowed up with over much sorrow here's the thing I think and I personally believe a lot of good people have made some bad decisions in the last few weeks I think a lot of good people got mixed up I think a lot of people have had confused feelings and you know what I think we should extend grace of those people and give them a path to recovery and allow them to you know get right with the Lord if people disagree with me on things I said in this sermon I'm still gonna love on them and I'm still gonna treat them with kindness and respect and you know what I'm not gonna preach on this the rest of my life I preached on it for a couple hours tonight or whatever right I'm moving on I'm preaching different sermons we're focused on steadfast we got Miami soul winning trip we got more trips we got more we got more soul winning opportunities we got so winning in this bulletin we got ladies so winning we got people that are pregnant we got prayer lists we got a lot of work to do folks and you know what we need to be focused on our church but at the same time you know what I like to explain what's really going on so you don't get confused in the midst of the battle because let's be honest this is a we're still in the midst of this but I just want to I want to move on I would have moved on sooner but I wanted to put on pause I want our kids to have a good conference and have a lot of fun and I'm really glad I did and I really enjoyed it and you say I don't like this sermon well you don't have to listen to it again if you don't want to but I'm sure you will you'll make clips out of it the people that don't like this sermon will watch you like ten times and make clips about it and and all the people that you know this is so funny people are gonna are literally leaving our church because because I like Pastor Anderson but they're gonna go to a church where they're actually friends with Cameron Giovanelli who's a pedophile and then there's leadership that are supporting pedophiles and their pre-trip and they teach all kinds of weird junk and I'm thinking like wow you're gonna not go to our church because Pastor Anderson may preach here once a year not on a Sunday who's in the cold well I don't agree with you on your position I believe the witnesses you don't okay well your wife doesn't wear dresses and skirts your wife doesn't go soul winning you don't even come to the church three times a week you don't even believe me I'm half of the interpretations of the Bible and now you're leaving over disagreeing with me about something I'm never gonna preach they're like yeah but you made a bad despite podcast and you showed a video on YouTube man you're you just have hatred in your heart and you're in a cult and it's so funny to me you can disagree with me on 50 different things and then say oh I have to worship Pastor Shelley to go to his church this is what people are telling me but you know what I'm willing to still forgive them I'm so they make people that made memes about me said all nasty comments or whatever you know if they're willing to apologize take it down let's move on why not this is still the best church in this area folks and you know why because of you and they can say that we're mean and uncharitable and have no grace you know what they're lying they're lying this is the most gracious kind fun people I've ever been around and you know what go go to the old I have be and pay for everything go to the old I have be while you pay for missionaries to Israel go to the old I have be while they bring in literal heretics that are gonna preach repent of their sins behind the pulpit literally go to the old I have be where you have to put your kids in the daycare and you know what don't punish your teenagers ever do whatever your wife says go listen to the slanderous podcast gently slanderers and and then watch Pastor Anderson still anyways and then don't come to our church because you don't want to watch Pastor Anderson I don't even get it I don't get it folks but I do get it because it's a spiritual battle let us continue the spirit look our church didn't have a battle for so long and you know what bring it on it's so funny they form all these weapons against me like our secular recording you were losing these emails and doing all this and I'm like you're just getting bad people out of my church I'm like thank you we needed room we need more room and you know what if you think this is even a drama read the Bible what does it say in Revelation be thou faithful unto death you haven't suffered unto blood you know in the end times people are gonna go to jail people are gonna be killed children who rise up against their parents and cause them to be put to death if you can't handle this then go Joe and Joel Osteen now because this is light this is like nothing folks if you faint in the day of adversity thy strength is small so this is a long sermon well they might get even longer in the future okay when people are dying when people are going to prison we might be like the safest place is Church okay don't sleep here but you can come here for church right let's go some prayer thank Heavenly Father so much for giving us clarity with the Word of God thank you for helping us realize that we need to walk by faith and not by sight I pray that when there's all this noise and all this attack and there's all this evil that's out there we would go to the Bible first I pray that we would also just not give here give give ear to just all kinds of liars and slanders and railers I pray that people would actually care what the Bible says that people would give men of God the benefit of the doubt they would give husbands the benefit of the doubt I pray that you would give courage to men to tell their wives no I pray that you would give courage to men to actually discipline their children according to the Bible I pray that you help children to have hearts that love their parents I pray that you would help parents to love their children and to compliment them and to be proud of them and to love on them and to do good unto them I pray that you would help us to not faint away from the commandments of the Bible I pray that you would help to use our church to do great works for you I pray that you would just expose and destroy all the Judases I pray that you would just deliver people that are being afflicted right now I pray that you would just help our friend pastor Anderson and you help faith board Baptist Church they would encourage them that people would continue to walk by faith and not by sight and we know that you're still on your throne I pray that people would put faith in you and realize that your will will be accomplished and that we need to make sure that we're in line with the Bible and not popular opinion in Jesus name we pray amen amen all right for our last song we're gonna go to song number 409 fight is on song 409 it's a spiritual battle it's seeing like we know that the fight is on face to face it got me for us is better or us sing the big song is better or us sing the big song at last face to face great singing everybody you are all dismissed