(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You All right, everyone welcome to steadfast baptist church if You would turn to your first song to saw number 309 saw number 309 dare to be a Daniel a Saw number 309 dare to be a Daniel On the first Oh Oh Oh All right, that's right here God, thank you for allowing us to be for this morning Thank you for step past Baptist Church and thank you for everything that you've done for us I just pray that you be with us and bless the service as we worship your name and we want to pray for our pastor To be filled with the Holy Spirit you can preach your word to us medify us and let us out of here superior in Jesus name Amen All right for the next song. We're gonna go to start over 327 327 higher ground Saw number 327 higher ground Oh Oh Oh Oh Good morning Church if you didn't already get a bulletin just slip over hand nice and high and We'll pass the bulletin out to you on the front We have our Bible memory passage Psalm 148 verse 9 and then on the inside We have our service and so winning times as well as our regional soul winning times Due to the fact that we are having our conference a few of those times Are gonna shift or change just a little bit. And so I also included a little handout here We'll kind of go over that in just a second. We also have our church stats on the right We have a list of expecting ladies and then also we have our prayer list. If you have any other prayer requests please submit those via email or you can fill out a communications card and slip that into the Offering plate and we'll go ahead and notate that and just make sure to indicate whether it's a private or a public prayer request That way we can update the bulletin appropriately Also, just a quick note and I made a few videos online about this but Please do not write any checks to Steadfast Baptist Church or try to give online to our Steadfast Baptist Church online giving in the process of updating the online giving for the website So that may be fixed in a few days but just currently Due to the business identity theft. I'm not able to Operate with checks to Steadfast Baptist Church. If you'd like to write a check you can write it a Pure Words Baptist Church and Everything will will still be the same For people that have donated just I don't know if people have this question or not But if anybody donates to Pure Words Baptist Church What's gonna end up happening is you're gonna get a tithing statement from Steadfast Baptist Church and Pure Words Baptist Church So we'll just keep those records It really won't affect anything but you'll get two separate statements for the giving to the respective churches On the back. We have upcoming events. We have our fire-breathing Baptist fellowship. It's here. I mean man, it's coming and so that's exciting a lot of work and a lot of people have been helping out with this and So I'm really excited about our conference. Also, we have a baby shower on October 30th for Nexus Cooper We have the 31st Texas chili cook-off emphasis on Texas Meaning that it's real chili. Okay, we don't want any fillers or fakes or frauds or anything like that And and for whatever reason people are resistant to good doctrine, you know You know, you try to you try to help people and you try to encourage them to believe the right doctrines But you know, they struggle they just want to get that lesser meat into the into the into the stew or whatever But we'll have that right after this evening service that will be prizes to those who win and Then also we have Oklahoma City Marathon November 13th. We have Information about that baby shower listed below. It's gonna be from 12 to 2. It's in honor of Nexus Cooper. She is registered on Amazon for baby girl melody and She's gonna be musically gifted obviously and then also if you want to bring it as a snack or dessert you can We have some sign-up sheets over here on the cabinet. So and if you can please fill them out You don't have to technically sign up for everything if you show up, that's the most important thing But if you sign up it helps us just prepare and get everything organized appropriately, but we have our spelling bee Saturday October 9th from 9 a.m. To 11 a.m And so if you want to make sure that your child is Successfully entered into the competition. They need to show up by 9 a.m. Ok, so there's no guarantee if you show up late That you your child will be able to be entered into the spelling bee now We are going to start with the youngest age groups first and then kind of elevate But especially if you have a child of the age of 5 to 8 that's going to be starting right at 9 a.m and so if you want to show up early a List of the spelling words can be found on our website under the events tab And I I put a little video together recently and just put it on our main YouTube channel that just kind of illustrates what? Children do whenever they do a spelling bee So essentially a child when they come up to spell the word They have to say the word to indicate they're starting to spell it then they spell the word and then they say the word One more time to indicate that they finish spelling the word They are able to ask for a definition or to be used in a sentence in Which a Bible verse with that word would be read or the definition that's on the spelling list will be provided for them At any point during spelling the word it whatever letter they're on if they ask to start over they can So if they get confused where they were at or they can't remember and they just want to start over they could indicate hey I want to start over and they say the word and start spelling it again But if they ever have an incorrect letter at any point then they would be eliminated from that round so I Made a video about it and an example so you can check it out Clayton did a really good job So you can check them out in the video but also we have another signup sheet for a singles event and I'd really encourage everyone that's of the age of 18 or older that Is is you know able to be married biblically that they sign up and so we have I need them. I mean to make sure that we have a new signup sheet over there But if you are over the age of 18, please participate me a lot of fun there's a luncheon for free and It'll help you interact with the opposite gender. Okay, so you say well, I don't they have cooties you need to get over that right so you got to talk to them and It'll be a lot of fun and also we have below if you're able to help just with some extra cleaning or any of that kind of Assistance during the conference just please let my wife know we put a Facebook message out But I know everybody's not on online or on Facebook or anything like that, but that would just be beneficial We also have this handout the fire-breathing Baptist Fellowship events. I'm gonna go over that quickly Wednesday soul winnings and be bumped up to 5 p.m And that's just to make sure that we can all get back in time People can have a good seat for this church service and everything like that So instead of showing up 515 going around 530 we're gonna leave at 5 sharp So if that if you can't make it, that's fine But if you can well, there are gonna be people are coming in out of town and stuff So we just want to have a good soul winning time. We'll go pretty close to the church 7 p.m Pastor and Thomas is gonna be here. We're gonna have ice cream out of the service Thursday morning we're no ice skating the location is listed there in the Schedule of events 2 to 4 we have soul winning 6 p.m. We have pastor Bruce Mihia from first works Baptist Church And then we're trying to do it a little earlier just so people can just come right after work Go to service and then have dinner later meet up with some friends take some people out But we there's gonna be a pastors dinner So all the pastors that are here we're gonna try and usher them out quickly On Thursday night and take them out to nice dinner And then Friday we have a lady's coffee and pastries fellowship from 9 a.m. To 11 a.m. It is it is nursing's only preferred But that announcements only for the dudes because really it's just we're trying to encourage the men if possible To help watch the kiddos just to help the ladies enjoy better, but we don't want any lady not to attend We want every lady to attend regardless if you have a thousand children or not Okay Now if you have a thousand children Please make sure to watch them when you come just to make sure everybody's having a good time and it's not disruptive But we don't want anyone to be turned away My wife has gotten a couple baristas that'll make every coffee you could ever imagine You know for me. I like it without the coffee, so I like it. You know ice and water without the coffee but For you, and I think there's even hot chocolate There's gonna be other things and so if you want to if you want to participate this is gonna be a great time to just Meet with other ladies and Hang out drink coffee. I don't I don't know it's a kind of a punishment. I guess a little bit, but Then from 2 to 4 we have soul winning 6 p.m.. Pastor David burzins gonna be preaching in between services. We're gonna have pizza for everyone We're just gonna have some tables lined up outside And then we're just have people can just walk outside load up a plate and you can hang out outside or inside or whatever is Most comfortable, but that way because having food in here with all the people is gonna be really claustrophobic So we're gonna try and just line up tables outside And you can just go down the buffet line get your fill of pizza, and then we'll come back in for another round of preaching and so it's gonna be hot and then Saturday morning spelling b9 11 11 to 1 is singles event 2 to 4 soul winning If you're able to participate We could we've asked a few people if you are able to participate as a judge for the spelling bee That would be beneficial to the only Requirement is that or two requirements is you have to be above the age of 18 or older and your child can't be? participating in the spelling bee so if you're able to You know help us with that. That would be great. We're just gonna get a couple different judges there, and then also we have Sunday I'll be preaching both of our regular services We have our soul winning and then pastor Enrique Reyes He's gonna be preaching our Spanish service for us So that's a big blessing to have him come up And then this is the one thing you got to do for me you got to bring you dessert for Sunday evening service all Right so whatever that is that's chocolate. That's really good that you make you can bring that I'm just kidding, but seriously you can bring something chocolate all right That's not a that's not a real joke, but it kind of is so that's pretty much all I had on our Schedule of events. I'm really excited. There's gonna be shirts for the conference and we're gonna have a lot of rest preachers a lot of fun fellowship and so I Encourage you if you've never been to a conference. You know they're a lot of fun You can invite people if you have family members or friends or anybody invite them to come That's pretty much all I had though. I have a couple of private in-house announcements. I'm gonna make real quick You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You And that's on number 343 revive us again Oh Oh We As the offering place of being passed around please turn your Bibles to 2nd Timothy chapter 3 2nd Timothy chapter 3 You You 2nd Timothy chapter 3 the Bible reads This know also that in the last days perilous time shall come for men shall be lovers of their own selves covetous boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy without natural affection truce breakers false accusers and continent fierce Despisers of those that are good Traders heady high-minded lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God having a form of godliness But denying the power thereof from such turn away for of this sort are they which creep into houses and lead? captive silly women laden with sins led away with diverse lusts ever Learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth now as Janice and jamborees withstood Moses So do these also resist the truth men of corrupt minds reprobate concerning the faith But they shall proceed no further for their folly shall be manifest unto all men as theirs also was But thou hast fully known my doctrine manner of life purpose faith long-suffering charity patience Persecutions afflictions which came unto me at Antioch at Iconium at Lystra what persecutions I endured But out of them all the Lord delivered me gay and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution, but evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived but continue thou and the things which thou hast learned and has been assured of Knowing of whom thou hast learned them and that from a child that has known the holy Scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith, which is in Christ Jesus All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for Instruction and righteousness that the man of God may be perfect truly furnished unto all good work Let's bow our heads for a word of prayer father We thank you for the morning service at our church and for all of the brethren here who? Have come to listen to the Word of God being preached I pray that you would fill pastor Shelley now with your spirit To help him to preach his sermon strengthen him Lord and give him clarity of mind and also help us to pay attention to the Message and apply it to our lives in Jesus name. I pray. Amen Amen Look back at verse number 12 real famous verse the Bible says yea and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution So the Bible makes a promise that if you want to serve God if you want to do that Which is right as much as you're trying to be godly there's going to be a consequence to that It's gonna be that you're gonna suffer persecution and the title of my sermon this morning is this never a dull moment Never a dull moment, you know when you want to serve God when you're gonna do that Which is right when you're trying to be a bright and shining light There's never gonna be a dull moment in the Christians life and the Bible is confirming that and it's proving that now this phrase Never a dull moment. You can even look it up in a dictionary Says this never a time when something exciting is not going on Always something exciting is happening. That sounds great Okay, I'm just sitting here thinking like wow I want to go to a church where it's described as never a time when something exciting is not going on I mean that just sounds great. That sounds like a lot of fun Now what other people label this as and they try to make it sound bad, but they'll say this. Oh, there's all this drama You know There's all this drama around your church or there's all this drama surrounding your pastor There's all this drama whenever you're serving in a church like that but here's here's the definition of drama a state situation or series of events involving interesting or intense conflict of forces Now when you think about the definition, it doesn't sound bad at all. It just sounds cool. It just sounds interesting It's saying like there's interesting things happening. There's people that are constantly fighting. There's a constant conflict that's going on There's people that are battling and you know, if you're gonna say that there's drama well, then you better not read the Bible Cuz man, it's filled with stories that are real interesting where it's David versus Goliath Where it's the children of Israel against Pharaoh where it's the kings you know of Israel coming in and fighting the Philistines and the Hivites and the Hittites and the Jebusites and you have all these different enemies in the New Testament the enemies the Jews Sorry to wake you up to the Bible I know that they worship them in most eight churches today, but you know what in the New Testament They're constantly afflicted by the Jews There's constant conflict with the Apostles and the so-called Jews that are really the synagogue of Satan according to the Bible And you say oh, it's all this drama. Well, you know if we're gonna actually be biblical then it's gonna be a lot of drama Welcome to the Bible and I have two points this morning. It's real simple You know why there's never a dull moment number one is because there's always gonna be enemies without the church There's always gonna be enemies without the church meaning There's always gonna be people outside of our church or outside of the Church of God that hate the church They hate Christians. They hate the work of God and they want to Destroy it now. Look at the Apostle Paul what he says in this chapter verse 10 Thou has fully known my doctrine Manner of life purpose faith long-suffering charity patience persecutions afflictions Which came unto me at Antioch at Iconium at Lystra what? Persecutions I endured but out of them all the Lord Deliver me now pay attention what these verses are saying. He's saying you know About everything, you know about everything that I teach You know what beware of the church that censors what they believe Beware of the church that censors their sermons that won't tell you what they believe they hide their doctrinal statement They get up and they preach things that are just private Beware of that person because the Apostle Paul says thou has fully known my doctrine I mean, he's not ashamed of anything that he believes manner of life. Meaning how he lives. His life is open It's obvious people are observing it his purpose What's his purpose to get people saved to go out and preach the gospel his faith is long-suffering his charity notice verse 11 his Persecutions and afflictions though. So what does that mean? That means when the Apostle Paul is being persecuted and afflicted. It's public People know about it. Now, it's fully known and then he has the whole list. Oh It's so drama. Hey Paul Why are you always telling everybody all the persecutions and afflictions and all the drama that you're going through? Because that's the Christian life there's never a dull moment and you know what those that do right are not ashamed when they're Persecuted those that do right are not ashamed when they're afflicted for the cause of Christ Those that do right are gonna glory and triumph in their persecutions Triumph in their afflictions and when we think about it, that is the main essence of the Word of God. What is the most? prolific thing known in the Bible Isn't the affliction of Jesus Christ isn't it his death burial and resurrection Isn't it the fact that Jesus Christ was lied about and was beaten and was spat upon and was drug up to a cross falsely and He died for all of our sins. Isn't that the whole main essence of the Bible? So what's the little essence of the Bible making it public making it known the afflictions of Jesus Christ? Making it known as persecution making it known that those that do right are gonna be hated of this world And you know how the Bible started. Oh, yeah, it started with Cain killing Abel Why because he hated his brother because he hated the righteous and then you follow this trail through the Bible where it's the man of God being a persecuted and afflicted and it's real public because it's in the Bible the most popular book in human history The culmination is Jesus Christ the most climactic Persecution affliction known in the Bible then what happens? Oh, yeah the Apostle Paul then the Apostles. They're being afflicted. They're being persecuted They're being tormented and then it gets to the very end. And what's the last thing that's gonna happen? Oh, you have the Great Tribulation Welcome to the New Testament. It's all about Tribulation and persecution and affliction and you say what is that about? Never a dull moment If you want to serve God if you're gonna try and serve God you have to get used to the fact The fact that there's never gonna be a dull moment. What does that mean? You're gonna have enemies without you're gonna have many means that want to destroy you attack you hurt you persecute you lie about you Everything you could possibly imagine they're gonna want to do to you now. I like that Apostle Paul brings up Antioch Iconium and Lystra. Let's see what happened. Go to Acts chapter 13 go to Acts chapter number 13 and let me show you in the Bible What happens to the Apostle Paul because if he's bringing up these locations? Something dramatic must happen, right? I mean there must have been some drama, right? Well, let's see what happened to the Apostle Paul Acts chapter 13 look at verse 1 now there were in the church that was at Antioch certain prophets and teachers as Barnabas and Simeon that was called Niger and Lucius of Cyrene and Manian which had been brought up with Herod the teacher arc and saw so we start in Acts chapter number 13 in Antioch Okay Now let's fast forward go to verse 6 and when they had gone through the Isle of Paphos They found a certain sorcerer a false prophet a Jew whose name was barred Jesus which was the deputy of the country Sergius Paulus a prudent man who called for Bartabas and Saul and desire to hear the Word of God But a lion as a sorcerer so as his name by interpretation withstood them seeking to turn away the deputy from the faith Then Saul was also called Paul filled with the Holy Ghost set his eyes on him and said oh full of all Subtlety and all mischief thou child of the devil thou enemy of all righteousness Will thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord and now behold the hand of the Lord is upon thee now shall be blind Not seeing the Sun for a season and immediately there fell on him of myths and a darkness and he went about seeking some to Lead him by the hand in the deputy when he saw what was done Believed being astonished at the doctrine of the Lord now look This guy got saved because of the reprobate doctrine facts facts someone comes in is attacking this individual is Attacking the deputy is trying to draw them away from the faith and look all enemies have the same goal They want to draw people away from the faith whether that be stop people from getting saved or take save people that are serving God and draw them away from going to a Good church going soul-winning Serving God that's their modus operandi and you can pretty much just put it down Pat people that are attacking Soul-winning are children of the devil For evil, they're wicked notice the Apostle Paul didn't wait a few months to do a fruit inspection on this guy No, he immediately cursed him in the name of Lord did me he immediately knew what was going on. He looked at his motives He also realized that this guy was subtle You have to understand that these people they're not gonna walk around and say like I want to destroy the church I'm an I'm the an enemy of all righteousness. I'm of the devil I just want to let you know that real quick before I start talking to you No, they're gonna come up to you and say like oh, I love Jesus, too You know, I have a sweet spirit No, I I love and I'm so kind and you know, who's this Paul guy coming in here, you know They're gonna come in with all subtlety and all mischief and they want to just draw people If you just look at what their actions are though If their end goal is to draw people away from the faith I don't care what their words are they can say all day long. And in fact, this is how you know, people are wicked Whenever they start out any conversation telling what they're not doing Okay, they'll start out a video. They're like, I'm not attacking pastor Aaron Thompson Our long video attacking bastard Thompson. It's like what are you talking about? And then some gullible loser flat-earther online will be like I'll see he say I've been attacking him Because there's just so many idiots out there that'll believe anything I mean people will believe literally any people believe that there's aliens that are inhabiting human bodies today and People believe that they've been adopted by UFOs and they did stuff to them in the night and people believe all manner of weird Bizarre junk today. Okay, so just because someone believes something doesn't mean it's legitimate doesn't mean there's any logic behind it I mean people believe that Joe Biden is a legitimate president Some people think that he's not defecating on himself constantly, you know And that he doesn't need his butt to be wiped or whatever, but it does. That's what he said I'm just going based on what he said Go to a diverse 50. Look this world's getting crazy People will college professors will get up and say men are women women are men Teachers get up today say math is racist People get up and say 2 plus 2 is 5 Look, we read it in the book 1984 and we didn't believe it then we don't believe it now Okay, we were thinking no one would ever do this and then you're just like wow, okay I don't know what anymore, you know up is down down is up. I mean, it's just a crazy world that we live in But you should expect that when you study the Bible look at verse 50. Let's keep going with our story. That was pretty dramatic I mean they get sent out and they're immediately confronted with a reprobate. Let's keep reading verse 50 but the Jews stirred up the devout and Honorable women and the chief men of the city and raised persecution against Paul and Barnabas and expelled them out of their coasts They shook off the dust of their feet against them and came unto Iconium and disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Ghost So they leave Antioch they come into an isle at Paphos. They immediately run into reprobates They immediately have the whole town turned on them and they're like, well, we'll just go to Iconium Now it'd be normal for a person to think like that area is bad. I'm sure Iconium will be good though You know Iconium Fresh start, you know, this is gonna be where we're finally gonna have peace, right? Well, let's look at verses 1 through 2 and it came to pass in Iconium That they went both together in the synagogue of the Jews and so spake that a great multitude both of the Jews and also the Greeks believe Sweet. I mean, it's already starting out great right verse 2 But the unbelieving Jews stirred up the Gentiles and made their minds evil affected against the brethren. So immediately what happens? They just walk into town. They're just preaching the gospel That's it. And then they're already attacking them. They're already trying to get a lot of people against them It even escalates further look at verse 5 and when there was an assault Made both of the Gentiles and also the Jews with their rulers to use them despitefully and to stone them They were aware of it and fled under Lystra and Derbe cities of Lyconia and another region that lieth run about so they were Going from Antioch then they go into Iconium and they're they're basically under threat of death The whole city is gathered or against them the whole city wants to kill them the whole city wants to stone them They're like, let's just read a Lystra. Okay, he hadn't written obviously 2nd Timothy chapter number 3 yet. Okay well, let's keep reading and see what happens when he flees to this place go down to verse 19 and There came there. There's certain Jews from Antioch and Iconium. Oh, they got people stalking them Notice that the men of God have people following them and stalking them and they can't let it go They follow him who persuade the people and having stoned Paul drew him out of the city supposing had been done So they go to a city they run him out the second city. They say to kill him the third city. They kill him. I Mean they literally stone him to kill him But just by a miracle of God, he doesn't actually die But they thought they killed him They drew him out. They thought they literally had killed Paul. They drug him out Probably a bloody mess wasn't it? That's some severe persecution But you know what verse 20 I'll be it as the disciples stood round about him. He rose up Like you're just looking at Paul like what happened and then just get something like oh That's gonna be crazy, right Hey wouldn't have been cool to go to church that day Yeah, it's good to go to church because there's never a dull moment You never know what's gonna happen and you don't want to miss it You don't want to be like, oh, I just stayed home that week. No, it's like just we saw Paul get killed Drug out of the city and then he came back to leave. He's just stood up. We're like what happened. What's going on? It's like Terminator or something. You can't kill him. He just I'll be back, you know Now I'm starting to understand this passage of the Bible look at verse 21 and When they had preached the gospel to that city and atop many they returned again to Lystra and Diconium and Antioch now, I just I just love that because it's like Paul just rubbing it in like hey, remember me guys He just comes right back to all the places now. What does he say to the people? confirming the souls disciples verse 22 and exhorting them to continue in the faith and that we Must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God Notice what the Apostle Paul said hey you want to serve God Hey, you want to be like me you have to go through much tribulation to enter into the kingdom of God now Look, that's not saying to get saved but it's saying the point that we die and enter into heaven You know what if you're gonna serve God, it's gonna be through much tribulation getting there You want the rewards of heaven is through much tribulation. You want God to be pleased with you is through much tribulation You want to do that? Which is right is through much tribulation doing the right thing is never easy. It's always hard You know what? It's harder to break the commandments The way of transgressors is hard, you know The devil wants to trick you and make you think that persecution is worse than the consequences of sin, but it never is Never is and you know One of the best things is when you do right you can sleep at night and you can feel good about yourself I mean it finally makes sense when we learn about what happened to Paul that when he's talking to Timothy he brings up He says but thou is fully known my doctrine manner of life purpose faith on suffering charity patience Persecutions afflictions which came to me at Antioch at Iconium at Lystra what persecutions I endured But out of them all the Lord delivered me Hey Adam all I stood up and I just kept preaching the Word of God and I just kept being faithful And you know what all these scumbags that attacked me. Look where they're at now burning in hell Every person that was against Paul back then that didn't get saved is burning in hell right now They've been burning in hell for a long time sucks to be them You're like, I don't want to get afflicted. Well, look you're going to heaven eventually Just just endure a little bit of you know suffering now to me. It's not any different like working out, right? You know if you want to have muscles if you want to be in shape you want to be fit? You have to go through a little bit of suffering of showing up, you know pumping the muscles Getting out of breath doing the work, but through that exercise through that work you end up getting strength You end up reaping the benefits of that hard work same script in Christianity serving God going through Persecutions going through tribulations gonna exercise your spiritual muscles and you're gonna get stronger More able to endure these type of things and at the end of the day godliness is profitable Not only in this life But in the one to come is what the Bible tells us go to Nehemiah chapter 6 now if you would go to Nehemiah chapter 6 but take it to the bank. You will have enemies without It's just what the Bible is emphasizing in every single section. I mean every single story I mean, there's just it's all about enemies like where's where's all the sections where there's no enemies like Song of Solomon, you know Even it has a little bit of drama though. Even it has a little bit of conflict She's trying to find him she gets beaten she gets smitten, right? There's different afflictions that go in in Song of Solomon I mean you show me the the book of the Bible that doesn't talk about some affliction some persecution Some evil that happens to God's people. It's there Drama drama, well, I would hate to go to the church where there's no drama because then I'd ask what part of the Bible are we in Seems like we're not in the Bible and that's usually what most churches are they're not biblical The church the Bible they're using the actions that they're taking it's just nothing found in the Bible It's just that people are ignorant of what the Bible actually looks like so they think Bible is a copy club Well, we all get together and we just have fun We just sing Kumbaya And we have to sing these songs like the the joy of the Lord is my strength just for fun But we don't actually need that strength And we have to we have to pray and ask God to comfort us We don't really need that comfort and it's like what kind of church do you think you're going to it's not a Do-gooders Club where we all pat ourselves on the back You know and we bring all the mayor and the police chief and everybody up here, and we're just like way to go I'm so glad that we can hand you a case and you still won't do anything with it. You know it's like The rest of the criminals you know I mean look I'm not sitting here trying to figure out what the world wants me to do I'm trying to sit here and figure out what the Bible wants me to do and What the Bible wants me to do is preach the Word of God and you know what enemies will come out of the woodwork look What it says in Emi chapter 6 verse 1 Now it came to pass when Sanballat and Tobiah and Geshem the Arabian and the rest of our enemies Heard that I build of the wall and that there was no breach left therein though at that time I had not set up the doors upon the gates Sanballat and Geshem sent unto me saying come let us meet together in some one of the villages in the plain of Ono But they thought to do me mischief and I sent messengers unto them saying I am doing a great work So that I cannot come down why should the work cease whilst I leave it and come down to you Yet they sent it to me four times after this sort and I answered them out to the same manner Then since then about his servant unto me and like manner the fifth time with an open letter in his hand Wherein was written this is from Jesse buttery You are no longer allowed to be the pastor I'm just assuming that's what the name of this this serve. It was right buttery, you know real slippery real slimy. Oh It's reported among the heathen and gash must sayeth it That thou and the Jews think to rebel for which cause thou buildest the wall that thou mayest be their king according to these words So what are they doing? They're coming up and trying to attack Nehemiah Nehemiah is trying to build the wall He's trying to build the Church of God, which is the symbolism that we have in this story You know, he's building, you know protection barrier. They're trying to build the city of God They're trying to build the temple of God again. Okay, they're trying to restore the house of God. That's the whole essence They're laying down the foundation. They're gonna lay up all the walls that foundation which is laid as Jesus Christ There's a lot of spiritual significance we have here but in the Old Testament the building of the temple is picturing building of the church in the New Testament and you know, We have Nehemiah today that have to sit here and build the temple build the house of God While having enemies all around Having these stupid Tobias and all these other losers come around and attack them and notice that they're implacable They send a letter they send their guy and then it doesn't work So this in the second guy and then they send the third guy and then they send the fourth guy And they send the fifth guy and it's just this vexing Constant frustrating thing where he's just like no go away. No, you're a loser. No, you're a troll. No I don't want anything to do with you And then the fifth guy comes he doesn't even know what he's doing It's been reported that you guys are rebelling look at verse number seven and Now is also appointed prophets to preach of thee at Jerusalem saying there is a king of Judah And now shall be reported to the king according these words come now therefore and let us take counts together You know, they're threatening a myth. They're threatening with jail They're saying oh, yeah. Well, you're calling yourself a king. He didn't call himself a king He didn't call himself something that he's not and you know A lot of times people will falsely accuse pastors from actually having pastoral authority they'll accuse them of being like a king or being this cult leader or Ruling over people's lives telling them how to dress and telling them where to go and telling them what to do Look, I don't have time to do that And if I did I'd be really frustrated because you'll never do what I want anyways Okay, I Mean it's silly. I mean who which of you called me this morning? Ask what you could wear to church this morning or how you could get here if you should show up Or it's so stupid what these people try to claim but they're trying to accuse them being a king doing things that are wrong rebelling against the government and They're trying to get him in trouble with the government aren't they trying to get him in trouble with the king? So what is his response? Verse 8 then I sent unto him saying there are no such thing done as I'll say us But thou faintest them out of thine own heart. He's saying you're a liar I didn't do any of the things you're accusing me of in fact You're just making crap up is what he's saying you're fainting it. What is fain is something that's fake He's just fainting he's just dreaming stuff up He's lying about him verse 9 where they all made us afraid saying their hands shall be weakened from the work That it be not done now therefore. Oh God Strengthen my hands. He's saying hey, they're trying to terrify us. They're trying to scare us They're trying to intimidate us you know what it's not going to work, and we're going to ask God to strengthen us and say hit the road Jack and Don't come back, and you know what the more you attack us. God is going to rise up, and he's going to destroy you It's ridiculous these losers who constantly think that they're going to attack God's people and get away with it. I mean are you an atheist? You Not realize that God exists you're not fear the God of the universe You're not fear the Lord of Lords the king of kings the Bible says verily there's a God that judges in the earth How can these people so brazenly attack soul-winning attack the word of God attack? God's people trying to afflict them stealing the Lord's money you better know that God will not look kindly on you That God will rise up that God will defend and judge those wicked people Now what happens is they realize this look at verse 14? my God think thou upon to buy and sin bound according to these their work and On the prophetess Noah diet and the rest of the prophets that would have put me in fear So he's calling out all these losers You know that are basically trying to attack them So the wall was finished in the 20 and fifth day of the month evil and 50 in two days now That's pretty cool because it's like they're building the wall, and they're trying to constantly flick them. They get it done in 52 days They're just like you guys suck Look, we just accomplished everything that we wanted to do exactly how we wanted to do it. We just built the wall, buddy Then he says this and it came to pass that when all our enemies heard thereof and all the heathen that were about us all these things They were much cast down in their own eyes for they perceive that this work was wrought of our God you know what when they constantly lose and lose and lose and fail and fail and fail and All of the things that they tried to dream up against you come upon them. They're going to start realizing wow God's on their side Wow, we screwed up wow we shouldn't have done that now You know comes to this realization in the Bible Judas go to Matthew chapter 27 for a moment go to Matthew chapter 27 But notice if you're trying to build a wall They're gonna attack you you know who they don't attack the guy not building a wall There's no point. I mean the guy's already failing. I mean the guy that's not laying down the foundation Which is the gospel of Jesus Christ no point in attacking that guy no point attacking the guy that's not building a wall No, no point in attacking the people that are doing absolutely nothing that are zero for Christ you say oh, man. I'm never attacked Well do you do any work? You go to church no you go so honey. No are you reading the Bible no You take any stand for anything. That's right. No. Well. I know why you're not attacked You're already. I mean look. I always use this analogy in sports, but in sports sometimes when you're you're playing defense You'll look at certain people that you're guarding and you'll say like no one needs to guard that guy And You're like why because he's not gonna do anything You know like you triple-team the guy that's gonna score the touchdown and the guy that sucks you just leave him wide open You're like hoping they throw it to that guy cuz he's gonna drop it You hope that they try to run a play with that person, and you're just thinking like there's no way They're gonna win if they try to use this guy It's the same when it comes to spiritual warfare the devil looks at some Christians And he's looking at them and just thinking like no need to guard that guy No need this guy is gonna score a touchdown for us pretty soon You know this guy's going to Joel Osteen's church and giving him money. Why would I want to start afflicting him? Why would I want to attack him? He's literally helping the enemy and It's crazy what Christians are doing today. You know if you're in a church where you feel like it's dull It's because you're not doing right I Mean it's that clear. Oh man our church feels dead because it is You know I would be I wouldn't want to live in 2021 and my church feels like nothing's going on. I mean how could you have no enemies? It's like everybody's an enemy of the Church of God today Everybody's an enemy of the Word of God today now Judas when he ended up realizing that he attacked the wrong people Look what it says in the Bible Matthew 27 verse 3 Then Judas which had betrayed him when he saw that he was condemned That's a really important phrase When he saw that he was condemned You know what happens these people will eventually have a sobering moment when they realize like oh wow All the evidence is stacked against me. Oh Wow the cops are coming to get me. Oh wow It's not working like I thought once they realize they're condemned once they realize everything they dreamed up Total failure once they really look I've already realized they have to realize but notice when they finally realize He repented himself. You know there's some people. They only are sorry when they get caught That's how you know they're not sincere Tell me what I did wrong You tell me what you did wrong Well, I'm sorry whatever. I did that's not sincere or it's like hey, we caught you you're going to jail Like I'm sorry now Like a little too late, buddy You know and it's funny because and I don't know if you realize this But in the state of Texas if you you know according their penal code if you observe a felony Or you have knowledge of felony you don't report it you can go to jail For not reporting a felony and so it's funny all these people that have been noticing all the felonies around our church That have not said anything and they've indicated online that they have that information They can go to jail So now they're faced with two options Rat out all those people that they know committed felonies or go to jail for them But you know I don't want to go to jail for a flat-earther. I Don't want to go to jail for some troll online I don't even know I have nothing to do with I would just totally bring forth all the evidence so that I don't go to Jail, you know what we'll see what happens. I mean Judas obviously realized he screwed up And he brought again the 30 pieces of silver to the chief priest and the elders saying I have sinned and that I betrayed the innocent Blood and they said what is that to us? See thou to it, and he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple and departed and went and hanged himself You know what's bad about theft is the moment that you steal. There's no going back It's not like oh oops It's like you can't go to the bank and rob them walk out the door and then be like you know what that was a dumb Idea, I see the cops outside. I'm gonna go back in and just hand them the money back It doesn't matter if you spend a cent of it It doesn't matter if you bought a Lamborghini with it It doesn't matter what you did because you're still gonna be held liable for all the money that you stole Now obviously if you do other things with that money it could be even worse, but you know what you can't just hand it back You can't just put the cap back in the back. You know Judas couldn't be like oh, you know what? I didn't really want to betray Jesus. Can I give the money back and they're like done deal, buddy Notice he's when he saw that he was condemned meaning he's already Rude, just totally done for it. Then he killed himself you know, I Might as well just take him straight to hell. I think it's great Go to John chapter 16 go to John chapter number 16 He's wicked reprobates. I wish they would just all kill themselves Add no bones about it. Jesus preached that Jesus preached if someone would offend a little one that believed in him it was better that he would just tie a millstone around his neck and be caught half casting the depths of the sea and It doesn't say who does it because it doesn't matter It doesn't matter if the cops did it if the government did it or if he does it himself. It just needs to happen And and look if Jesus says that it's better than it's better You say how could that be better well look every time someone sins and they're not saved hell gets a little bit hotter for them and You say for how long eternity? So every more every sin that they commit in the future Just a little bit hotter and just a little bit hotter and a little bit lower and a little bit hotter and a little bit Lower so he's saying from a perspective of eternity. It would have been better that you'd killed yourself Way before you committed even worse crimes worse sins worse damnation You know when he talked about Judas, he said have been better if this guy had never been born Meaning his existence is going to be a miserable existence. It was a miserable existence live your whole life stealing and Being a thief your whole life to then just kill yourself and then go to hell and the worst part of hell for the rest of eternity I mean I can't even imagine that kind of that existence is just the most wretched existence imaginable That's why these people are so dangerous Because they literally know they even know sometimes that they're condemned and they just keep wrecking more havoc John chapter number 16 why talk about this? Well these things have I spoken on you that you should not be offended but why talk about people like this because they exist and Because they exist and you try to serve God you will encounter them You will see them talk to them Look when it comes to the people that are literally attacking our church right now these evil wicked people that stole our money Most of the people that were in our church know them personally I mean they knew Leslie Romero They knew Seth book out. I'm sorry, but you did some of you You may have bought him lunch, or you may have you know helped them out you may have prayed for them You may have done things with them you you have a personal relationship with these people you knew them And you say why preach this because guess what there's gonna be a new Seth book out in our church in the future And a new Leslie and you say oh, I can't wait until that doesn't happen Then you're gonna have to die Or stop serving God you know what if you want to keep serving God you have to realize there's gonna be new Tobias New sand ballots new Judas is they're just gonna keep coming keep showing themselves there's constant Judas is that try to creep in they try to show up and Jesus is trying to warn people about all the evil that's gonna happen in the future So they won't be offended when it happens I preach a sermon like this so that when the next attack happens when the next evil happens. You're not like oh, man I thought we were past that I Thought once we got rid of all the enemies now. We wouldn't have enemies in the future I don't want you to think that way because it's not true We can't get rid of all the enemies. We never will get rid of all the enemies They'll just the devil will get new ones to come and harass and attack You know you can't get rid of all of them They're just gonna exist and even in fact some of us are gonna go through really bad situations look at verse 2 They shall put you out of the synagogues. Yea the time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God's service And these things will they do unto you because they have not known the Father nor me These things have I told you that when the time shall come you may remember that I told you of them And these things I said unto you Or I said not unto you at the beginning because I was with you so he's saying at first I didn't have to constantly warn you guys because whenever bad happened. I was just there to come for you, but he's saying I'm gonna be gone and So I'm telling you now when I'm gone. They're gonna do evil to you. They're gonna hurt you You know it could have been discouraging when James gets killed in the book of Acts But then they could remember what Jesus said oh yeah They're gonna drag me out of the synagogue and they're gonna kill us thinking that they're doing the service God the Jews thought that by killing James That was what God wanted, and you know what there's gonna be a day when Christians Are gonna kill other Christians thinking that they're serving God, but they're really serving the Antiply. They're gonna turn other Christians in they're gonna drag them and say why aren't you believing in Jesus? And it's like that's a fake Jesus. You know why aren't you believing in God? That's a fake God? You know I believe in the Jesus of the Bible not not a false Christ not a fake Christ You know not one that's coming and pretending to be something that he's not I go to 1st Corinthians chapter number 16 1st Corinthians chapter number 16 Why does God go why does God put us through battles like this and have all these enemies? I think it's just ramping us up. You know Because it's really hard to just go from 0 to 60 and in the Christian life or in a spiritual battle You know it's kind of hard to go from Being drafted to then watching all your friends getting their heads blown off you kind of need to go through some basic training Go through some simulation and kind of get you know built up to that point right just like it came comes with Lifting weights again when I think of this you know you can't just start benching you know 500 pounds You got a first bench 100 Get the bar going first you know then get like 200 then 300 then 400 then 500 right no one Just walks in is just Arnold Schwarzenegger You know you got to sit there, and you got to build up over time You got to get stronger and stronger and the same spiritually you know a lot of us probably just can't handle The evil that's the Bible warns us about we wouldn't be able to take that kind of person I know lots of people that they're already like looking for a way out They're already like if my you know my job found out that I go to this church. I'm I'm done I'm quitting you know the church You know if my family you know knows what we actually believe you know or if I lost some money Or if I had something bad, I would just quit you know if someone threatened the building You know I wouldn't show up, or if someone showed up at my house. You know threatening me I wouldn't do it or someone stole my money, and I know they stole the Lord's money But if they stole my money, you know I'd call it quits at that point You don't think that happened how about whenever you walk in a church under threat of physical violence threat of death even How about going to preach the gospel when you could knock on the wrong door and they could want to kill you? You know that stuff is when you really start realizing like wow it's real It's serious, and you say I would never happen look it happens in the world in other places already There's already places in the world that if you share the gospel with the wrong person They'll turn you in the police and you'll be killed Not joking that's why they like do lifestyle evangelism. They try to like lifestyle them for like nine years before they show the gospel Which I don't agree with but at the same time like you know you got to use discretion Look at 1st Corinthians chapter 16 verse 9 for a great door and effectual is open unto me, and there are many adversaries Hey, there is a great door open to this church right now We're getting so many people saved We're making such a big impact More people are coming into the house of God more people are getting baptized more people are trying to serve the Lord I mean we're growing organically We're growing by adding new people to the church More people are finding out about the truth more people are becoming soul winners more people are going out and doing right I mean our church is thriving You know when when looking at the situation You know if you had told me our church was running the same numbers it was free Donnie to now I would have said it was a success I Mean to take over a church that had that bad of a reputation that had that many issues and problems if you had said hey We're running about the same amount of people as we did when I started that would have been a huge success We're so far beyond that it's not even funny. I mean we literally have more new people than we have the old people I Mean we keep adding new. I mean Elijah was his first service was the Wednesday night the Donnie row step down Talk about never a dull moment. I mean you're just showing up church like hey, we're going to this culture. Oh That was some weird announcements It's like every service But look he's still here Hey, praise. God. How many people could literally show up? That's their first service and come back again Isn't that an intense first service? I'm just thinking like if that if you're gonna handle that service you can end all the services You know what I mean? Look if you serve God, it's gonna work out Go to Psalms chapter 9 go to Psalms every night, but you have to realize there's many adversaries There's many people that want to stop you, but the devil's real The work of God's important. There's someone attacking you there's someone trying to stop you because they view you as a threat, you know It's it's funny think about how many churches exist in the Dallas Fort Worth area that are like Way bigger than us. I Mean way bigger. There's hundreds probably Hundreds of churches. I mean there's certain churches the Gateway. I mean they boast of 30,000 people for their services Now it's not like one service, but it's like, you know, they have multiple services multiple campuses I mean they're saying they have like 30,000 people Why is it that the devil's throwing everything at this church You It's not that hard to figure out Okay, why is he need throwing every every brick at the Catholic Church? They're throwing bricks at themselves the pedophile false prophets as they are You know, it's not that hard to figure out where God's people are follow the persecution Right. I mean you walk into town in the Old Testament or in the New Testament like with the Apostles and you're like Where's the church? It's like where the mobs going, you know Hey when Jesus came into town, it's where the mobs going, right? I mean look you really think that the most powerful book in human history the God of the universe isn't gonna have an impact People aren't gonna realize what you're doing. I mean unless you're just hiding under bushel Unless you just read one verse and then give a bunch of this story time for your preaching and you hide all your sermons You don't let everybody know what you believe. I remember I called the church When I lived back home and in the Amarillo area and I was trying to find a good church so winning church I called this pastor and He was like, well, we kind of lost some people recently for something. I preached and I was thinking like, okay He's like, yeah, I preached against, you know homosexuality And I'm like, what'd you say and I'm kind of like excited. I'm thinking like And he's like, well, I got up and I said God loves them. God cares about them, but it is a sin And I was like and then what'd you say like no, that's what I said, I'm just like what in the world Like what Bible verse was that? You mean use Bible you had to like lower down the standard from what the Bible even said Where is the Bible just saying like we love you and it's okay, but it's a sin You know the softest verses is like put them to death their blood shall be upon them, you know It's like that's the softest verses you can find in the Bible about it I'm just sitting here thinking like is this really my option for church? Is this really you know, is this really the man of God? Is this really the representative of the God of the universe? He gets up and says it's a sin Don't leave You know what if you don't think it's a sin get out Now, you know, I don't care. We have people leave in the middle of service all the time. I Don't know what they're doing I don't really care because if you don't want to come don't show up You know, it's funny. Some people ask me whenever I started your words about a church They're like, are you disappointed that certain people didn't show up and you know Like your family members or friends or whatever and I was like no because I don't want anybody to show up that doesn't want to be here I Want one person to be here that wants to be here and that's all I need And you know what? I got at least my family. So I got plenty of people. All right, and they want to be here Alright Psalms chapter 9 look at verse 13 Let me prove to you how many enemies there are verse 13 have mercy upon me O Lord consider my trouble Which I suffer of them that hate me Now that lifts me up from the gates of death notice You're gonna suffer trouble people that hate you even though they say love wins. They really hate you go to chapter 29. Look at verse 19 chapter 25 look at verse 19 consider mine enemies For they are many and they hate me with cruel hatred all they really hate you all they Love wins. Is that really when they have a sign that says bleep Pastor Shelley? Oh They love me, huh? Go to chapter 35 and look at verse 19 chapter 35 and look at verse 19 a Lot of 19s here. Okay, let them not or let not them that are mine enemies wrongfully rejoice over me Neither. Let them wink with the eye that hate me without a cause notice that they also hate God's people for no reason and This is what often you get accused of. Well, if you guys weren't so hateful, they wouldn't hate you back No, no, no, no, they hate me without a cause. Oh They didn't preach the Bible. I mean look they hate me without a cause because you know what the whole Bible is loving The big is 2013 is loving Every verse in the Bible is loving and you say, ah, you want the LGBTQ to die Well, you know what? Jesus said it's better for you. Anyways, I That's my love extended towards you. I want you to suffer in hell less And I want us to suffer less by seeing your existence Look at chapter 38 look at verse 19 chapter 38 verse 19 But mine enemies are lively meaning that they're you know, they're they're energetic, you know, they got the bullhorn, right? They got the posters. They're all committed right lively and they are strong and they they hate me wrongfully or multiply notice They keep multiplying recruiting Go to verse 40 chapter 41. Look at verse 7 chapter 41. Look at verse 7 All that hate me whisper together against me against me. Do they devise my hurt? People aren't loving they're trying to figure out every way to destroy you every way to hurt you go to chapter 69 Go to chapter 69, but you know, even if they do hurt you, it's just more cause to rejoice To be excited you've been fired Hey, even if I was fired that would be a big, you know burden off that'd be easy Don't make my life easy now Now Now I want to be the pastor of CFS Baptist Church because I like the work Whose server desired the office of a bishop desire the good work? Now you're fired you can say that all day long doesn't make it true Psalm 69 look at verse 14 deliver me out of the mire and let me not sink Let me do be delivered from them that hate me and out of the deep waters Go back to Psalm 34 for a moment go back to something I could just show you verse and verse many enemies they're multiplied Psalm 69 verse 4 they hate me without a cause are more than the hairs of my head Now for some of you that's not a lot but for some of us is a ton He's saying man, I got more enemies than the hairs of my head He said I don't have that many of these grow some hair get some Rogaine, you know going I'm just telling you what the Bible says Psalm 34 the first one evil shall slay the wicked and they that hate the righteous shall be desolate Hey, I don't care how many enemies there are because guess what's gonna happen evil shall slay the wicked Harm is gonna slam the wicked and you know what they that hate the righteous are gonna be desolate They're gonna have nothing go to Philippians chapter 1 go to Philippians chapter 1 now in your Bible Philippians chapter number 1 And Look at verse 27 the Bible says only let your conversation be as we come at the gospel of Christ that whether I come And see you or else be absent. I may hear of your affairs He's staying fast in one spirit with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel I love this phrase and in nothing terrified by your adversaries Which to them is an evident token of perdition but to you of salvation and that of God So he's saying look don't be afraid of anything of your adversaries Nothing terrified. What about money? No What about the physical arm? They could cause you know, what about the mental arm? No, nothing. I'm nothing terrified I don't care what letter I can't I don't care what you do. I don't care what you try to take away Nothing terrified and you say what does that do? It reminds them of the fact that they're gonna burn in hell for all of eternity and that we're going to heaven Because we're not supposed to fear them which kill the body We're only supposed to fear God and if God be for us who can be against us All you can do is kill me and then I'm gonna be in heaven with a glorious crown and I'm gonna be shining bright for All of eternity, but you're gonna be burning in hell and ashamed and in just total contempt total disdain total irrelevance Make me a martyr So you can see me shining bright So when you look at me, you can't even look at me because it's just bright just brightly shining because you martyred me Ridiculous, we should not be terrified. Look with the eyes of eternity instead of right now who cares about right now You're gonna lose it all anyways If Biden doesn't destroy it before you know, Jesus comes man So many people are crunchy. They're they're clutching all their pearls and clutching all the things they have in this world Communism might take that away anyways It's trying its best. Oh, yeah Anybody that knows what's going on financially in our country? I'm trying to get rid of the debt ceiling Then just printing money like it's monopoly for real. I Mean, they're not even pretending anymore then buying up all the housing. I mean the only thing I see me build is apartments It's like many jail cells my friend many slave huts For all these people that are foolish and don't understand spending and they don't understand money and they don't understand wisdom They're just taught that a man's a woman just go in your little cell and call yourself a woman and get on your phone and we'll just we'll just make you rent everything and you can play xbox all day long and We'll give you 500 bucks a week to live on. I Don't want that But you know what? It could be forced on us You know even God did that to his people because God caused a famine to be in the land and he drew all the children of Israel down into Egypt and Guess what? They had to give everything to the government just so they could survive And you know what? It could get to a point where it doesn't matter how well, I won't wear a mask It's like look If you haven't eaten for two weeks all of those people that are online pontificating about not wearing a mask. They were a hundred They'd eat the mask, okay All these people that get up and talk a big talk and they're real tough or whatever hunger will do some crazy things to you Look in the in the Bible the children of Israel ate their own children Okay, you don't know pain like hunger pain And in fact God said it was more merciful for the people that died by the sword than the people that died from hunger From the famine and the disease from all the other evil Government knows what they're doing and God knows what he's doing and he wanted to enslave them at that point in time through the hands of Pharaoh and if God wants to enslave you he's gonna do it You're not gonna sit there and your little rumble channel is gonna take back the United States economy or whatever And YouTube censors everything so good luck with that Go to second Timothy chapter 3 I'm not gonna go through all my notes this evening because I've got too many but point number one There's enemies without point number two. There's enemies within and look I've already covered a lot of that because you got Judas Judas wasn't an enemy without he was an enemy within and in this church There's gonna be enemies within there are gonna be people that lie about you slander attack you do evil to you try to draw you away They'll call you up, and they'll say like oh, man. I watched this troll video, and it looks it looks real Maybe we shouldn't trust Pastor Shelley. You know maybe we shouldn't you know soul winning doesn't really work I? Mean where are all the people you know where all where's all the people that go see it's like well. What are you doing? You're just nobody you're just a loser What are you doing with your life? You know it's interesting that they're real good at picking us apart, but then you start asking them, okay? Well, well, then what are you doing? How about this once you show me all the people that you brought into church all implement all of your ideas? But until you haven't I'm gonna stick with soul winning Because you know what we have brought people in from soul winning. They have gotten baptized I Mean Anybody in this room just as with this anybody in this room got saved by a soul winner knocking on their door is there anybody? you Okay, but at the same time How many people we got saved knocking on someone's door right? Loving them how about this how about watching a video from some church trying to reach you when you run safe, okay? So the virtual soul winner worked pretty well I bet you didn't hate that guy knocking on your door in a sense But at the end of the day the reason why you're probably here is because you got radicalized after watching that video with other videos So we got to get the guy at the door some more videos You know what I mean, and I'm the DVD hand up some more films or whatever Start getting him a little bit more radicalized. How about this how many people move to come to this church? Okay, so that was like 80% of our church So if 80% of the people moved here then obviously It's not a lot of people that you're bringing in just in your local areas everywhere, right? so That that means we need to radicalize people from afar And look you know it's not that everybody in a city is going to be that zealous And the reason why we have such a great church We've had so many great people move and get excited and they just want to go to a good church They want to show up and and serve the Lord and look what church Do you think that we could literally like other churches in this area? Can we refer raising who move for this church and all these hands would go up? That's Some dedication to move and moving or I hate moving anybody like moving Okay, yeah, there was like 70% that Nobody likes moving. It's terrible. It's it's expensive. You're just throwing money away. It feels like Frustrating setting up all new accounts. I don't know anything about that, but that's frustrating I've heard Look at second to be chapter 3 look at verse 8 the Bible says now as Janice and Jambry's listed Moses So do these also resist the truth men of corrupt minds reprobate concerning the faith. They shall proceed no further for their folly They'll be manifest in all men and theirs also was look you can't you can't get away with it If you're a bozo will expose you if you're bozo you should just quit just go away Because you will be caught you will be found out you will be exposed there will be egg on your face And you know unfortunately these these losers that get caught being a bozo They they're not content to just go away They have to just continue being a bozo have to show us how much of a bozo they really are and you're just like you're Just making it worse for yourself Look at verse 13, but evil men and seducers should wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived Now this is what some people don't realize they'll say well. They seem really sincere. It's true that a lot of wicked people Don't realize that they're stupid They don't realize that they're evil they don't even realize they have what's called an illusion of grandeur Okay, where they think something that's not real now You have this all throughout the Bible I'm not gonna be turned there, but think about this in Matthew 24 the Bible warns about false Christs What could be a greater delusion than thinking that you're Jesus Christ? Right the guy walking around saying he's he's great That's a pretty grand illusion that that person's been susceptible to you know the anti-christ Claiming himself that he's God right the false apostles Transforming themselves in a minister's light they think that they're literally apostles Probably in some cases. They literally have convinced themselves. They literally would get up and say I'm the president of steadfast Baptist Church It's like no you're not And you know this happens with psychos with sociopaths We're like a stalker They'll start stalking a female there's usually men stalking a female and they'll pay attention to everything they do they'll stock them online They'll figure out their birthday and their family members. There's also security number their address checks that they've written and and they start like fantasizing about dating this person and then after a while they end up deceiving themselves they literally think they're dating their stocky and Their stocky has never even seen them their stocky hasn't you don't even know of their existence and they've literally convinced them they'll sneak into their house and steal goods of theirs and Be like then they'll make up stories about other one on a date And they have this item of clothing that they got or whatever and they'll take pictures They'll like they'll try to like walk by them and kind of like take a selfie when they're not paying attention and be like oh Here's a picture of us That's what they literally do and they convince themselves that they're dating someone when they're not You know what? You can't convince your stocky that you're really dating them Reality, you know what happens you get a restraining order You know what happens the cops come and arrest you and usually the bad thing is they end up killing their victim The sociopaths now a sociopath Have a huge article, but I'm not gonna read all of it just for sake of time But a sociopath is someone that has an antisocial personality disorder. Okay, and they can't understand other individuals Feelings this is the seven indicators. They don't respect social norms or laws They constantly break laws and overstep social boundaries. I could think of somebody like that Maybe like Seth book out It was the most socially awkward person I've ever met and is obviously willing to commit all kinds of felonies Number two lies and deceives others uses false identities or nicknames and uses others for personal gain How about like a troll account called dirty Donnie they presume to be other people that they're really not They don't make any long-term plans. They don't make any long-term schemes either They often behave without thinking of consequences. I Don't know who that is Shows aggressive or aggravated behavior. They constantly get into fights or physical harm with others. I was like wrestling with people It doesn't consider their own safety or the safety of others Doesn't follow up on personal or professional responsibilities This can include repeatedly being late to work or not paying bills on time Number seven doesn't feel guilt or remorse for having harmed or mistreated others now according to The basically the diagnostics here. You only have to have three of these to be considered a sociopath of the seven only three Now they say what's the difference between this and a psychopath there's only one difference It's what they do a sociopath will harass lie and cheat and steal the psychopath will kill you Basically the psychopath is an extremely dangerous person that will literally commit physical violence and harm and let me tell you something about these people They might be psychopaths You should be a highly Aware of their of them want nothing to do with them not go around them if this is what these people do and you know young young women if you have a guy that's constantly trying to get your attention that's awkward and you don't you don't you're telling him no to all of his advances and He doesn't listen. You need to be aware of that person You know don't ever be anywhere where you're alone with that person You know all of these psychopaths is Ted Bundy's of the world They prey on women who are not paying attention to the signs and the markers of these freaks and of these weirdos I can think of other people that fit this description. I don't drug Doug Trowbridge Antisocial behavior and look let me tell you something God gave you intuition when someone seems to be a creep it's because they're a creep I Used to always try and give creeps like the benefit of the doubt thinking like All the hair on the back of my neck sticking up, and and they make me feel so awkward, but maybe they're just Awkward you know, maybe it's just how they are no awkward people are just bad people typically And you know you should confront people when they're being really awkward or gross or weird Because a person that was doing it in an instantly would fix it These creeps won't ever fix it, and they don't like being called out for it You need to call it out you need to expose it and realize that these freaks and these weirdos exist out there And there's gonna be people that come in our church and when they're super weird You need to say something You know when people are constantly coming up to gossiping and lying and railing to you you need to tell the pastor Instead of being like oh, I have this huge list of all these things that I've heard like I should have heard day one You know I'm coming up you lying about people and railing on people that needs to be caught and dealt with quickly So it doesn't get worse When you have a stalker file a restraining order on them don't let it escalate to worse scenarios or worse situations and the Bible warns Little children the last time you've heard and as if you heard that many that any answer. I'm sorry Wow Little children it is the last time and as you have heard that Antichrist shall come even now are there many Antichrists Whereby we know that is the last time they went out from us But they were not of us for they've been of us they would no doubt have continued with us But they went out that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us now That means it's obvious look the people that leave us and attack our church. They're not of us The people that leave our friends churches and attack our friends churches are not of us and like oh they always say we're bad people Because you are Of course they're gonna deny it of course they're gonna lie about it But these freaks and these weirdos that are obsessed these stalker types that make all these troll accounts And they're constantly harassing people that they don't like they're freaks. They're weirdos at best. They're a sociopath. They could be a psychopath There's a documentary watch it's called psychopath reprobates watch it and be be aware these individuals exist Beware of the danger that's out there No one the last times perilous time shall come is with the Bible started out the whole chapter that we read this morning And I'll tell you this I am for peace When I speak they are for war There's a war raging, and I'm telling you this there's never gonna be a dull moment We're gonna. We're gonna have so many enemies without so many enemies within and if you want to serve God in this church If you want to serve the Lord and a godly church you have to just go ahead and decide I'm not gonna be offended when drama happens I'm just I'm just telling you now There's not gonna be this like you know kumbaya Decade we just go through now I hope that you know after some of our more recent enemies get destroyed we go through a time of peace I want that I am for peace. I don't want this you know what I started for peace when I started pastoring I want a peace and then when I took on this church. I want a peace and right now. I want peace With every fiber of my being I want peace Stressful it's hard. It's frustrating. I don't like it. I don't I'm not interested in it. I'm not looking for evil I'm not trying to cause problems here. You know what when people need to be thrown at a church I'm gonna throw them out, and then when they keep railing and attacking and stealing our money I'm gonna deal with it, but can you really fault your pastor? Can you really fault your church for people just? Attacking them without a cause I mean what did I do? Did I ask these people to Harass and attack us that I asked these people to take the Lord's money that I asked these people to make videos of me every single day that I asked Seth book out to make a whole store of Merchandise with my face and rainbow flags on it and buy copycubs with my face and rainbow flags on it make videos about it I mean really you think that I did that these people are psychopaths my friend And if you sympathize with them never come to my church ever again I want nothing to do with you You should realize if you're gonna serve God with your life. There's never gonna be a dull moment. Let's go some prayer Thank you father so much for your word. Thank you so much for our church thank you for warning us about the taxes are gonna come and that we're gonna be a partaker of Christ sufferings if we endure and That we can glory and rejoice and suffering for the cause of Christ knowing that you know We're actually following Christ the validation of our service to God that we know we're on the right path That we know that we're a bright and shining light for your honor and for your glory and that we realize that our works are not in vain That I wish you would just encourage people's hearts this morning that they would realize that they're making a huge impact in this world the people's souls are on the line this morning that hell is a real place that people are gonna die and go to and That their only hope is the church their only hope is this this group of people in this room There's so many people in this area that will literally spend eternity in hell If our church members don't go out and warn them and give them the gospel And I pray they realize that there's gonna be attacks and enemies that try to stop them Because the devil wants nothing more than every person to go to hell I pray that we would have a deep love in our heart for the loss And we try to seek as many as we can to get saved and you bless this entire week in Jesus name we pray Amen Right for the final song song number 198 198 joy unspeakable Song number 198 joy unspeakable Oh The awful Oh Oh All right, you are dismissed God bless Song number 108 joy unspeakable