(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The prince of glory died, my richest king, I count that lost, And for content of all my pride, For many, Lord, that I should boast, Save in the death of Christ my God. All the main things that sure be most, I sacrifice him to his blood, Sleep from his head, his hands his feet, Sorrow and love, help me go down, Fear such love and sorrow be, Lord, thoughts now close, so rich and proud, Were the whole health of nature mine, That were a present gorgeous home, Not so amazing, so divine, He meant my soul, my life, my home. We have heard the joyful sound, Jesus saves, Jesus saves, Spread the tidings all around, Jesus saves, Jesus saves, Bear the mists in every land, Climb the streets and cross the bays, Onward tis of Uthman, Jesus saves, Jesus saves, Walked it on the rolling tide, Jesus saves, Jesus saves, Tilt we sinners far and wide, Jesus saves, Jesus saves, Sing the islands of the sea, Wreck the land the ocean pays, Worship him, urge him to believe, Jesus saves, Jesus saves, Sing above the battle-stride, Jesus saves, Jesus saves, Ride his death in endless life, Jesus saves, Jesus saves, Sing it softly through the gloom, Win the harp for mercy praise, Sing in triumph o'er the tomb, Jesus saves, Jesus saves, Give the winds a mighty voice, Jesus saves, Jesus saves, Let the nations now rejoice, Jesus saves, Jesus saves, Shout salvation full and free, highest hills and deepest caves, Here's our song of victory, Jesus saves, Jesus saves. Oh, in the grave we lay, Jesus my Savior, Late in the coming day, Jesus my Lord, Up from the grave he abodes, With a mighty triumph o'er his voice, He abodes a victor from the dark domain, And he lives forever with his saints to reign. He abodes, he abodes, God and Julia, Christ abodes, Vainly they watch his web, Jesus my Savior, Vainly they seal the dead, Jesus my Lord, Up from the grave he abodes, With a mighty triumph o'er his voice, He abodes a victor from the dark domain, And he lives forever with his saints to reign. He abodes, he abodes, Hallelujah, Christ abodes, Death could not keep his reign, Jesus my Savior, We tore the boys away, Jesus my Lord, Up from the grave he abodes, With a mighty triumph o'er his voice, He abodes a victor from the dark domain, And he lives forever with his saints to reign. He abodes, he abodes, Hallelujah, Christ abodes, What a friend we have in Jesus, All our sins and grace to bear! What a privilege to carry Everything to God in prayer! Oh, what peace we often forget! Oh, what needless pain we bear! All because we do not carry Everything to God in prayer! Happy trials and temptations, Is there trouble anywhere? We should never be discouraged, Take you to the Lord in prayer, When we find our friends so fair! Good afternoon, everybody, and welcome to Steadfast Baptist Church. We can go ahead and find our seats. We will get started. And once we find our seats, grab a hymnal. Let's all go together to song number 164. 164. Praise Him, praise Him. Song number 164. Praise Him, praise Him. Jesus, our blessed Redeemer. Sing, O Earth, this wonderful love proclaim. Hail Him, hail Him, highest archangels in glory. Strength and honor give to His holy name. Like a shepherd, Jesus will guard His children. When His arms He carries them all day long. Praise Him, praise Him. Tell Him His excellent greatness. Praise Him, praise Him. Ever in joyful song. Praise Him, praise Him. Jesus, our blessed Redeemer. For our sins He suffered and bled and died. We are rock, our hope of eternal salvation. Hail Him, hail Him. Jesus, the crucified. Sound His praises. Jesus, who bore our sorrows. Love unbounded, wonderful, deep, and strong. Praise Him, praise Him. Tell Him His excellent greatness. Praise Him, praise Him. Ever in joyful song. Praise Him, praise Him. Jesus, our blessed Redeemer. Heavenly portals loud with close hands ring. Jesus, Savior, reigneth forever and ever. Drown Him, drown Him. Prophet and Priest and King. Christ is coming over the world victorious. Power and glory unto the Lord below. Praise Him, praise Him. Tell Him His excellent greatness. Praise Him, praise Him. Ever in joyful song. Great singing everybody. Let's open up the service now with a word of prayer. Lord, we love you. We just thank you so much for everything you do with this church and all the souls that were one through it today out this afternoon. We just ask that you bless them, bring them in, and just fill this room with your spirit. Help us to sing out loudly unto you, and it's in Jesus' name we pray. Amen. All right, for our next song, let's go to song number 157. Song number 157, Come Thou Almighty King. Song number 157. Come Thou Almighty King. Help us, my King, to sing. Help us to praise. Father of Glorious, Lord of Victorious, Come and reign over us ancient of days. Come, Thou incarnate Word, Gird on Thy mighty sword our prayer attend. Come, and Thy people bless, and give Thy Word success. Spirit of holiness, honestly send. Come, Holy Comforter, Thy sacred wind is fair in this glad hour. Thou who Almighty art, Thou rule in every heart, and there from us be more Spirit of power. To the great one and three, eternal praises be. It's evermore. His sovereign majesty, greatly in glory see, and to eternity love and adore. Awesome singing everybody. Thanks for coming to Steadfast Baptist Church, and if you did not already get a bulletin or you'd like one you can lift up your hand real quick. If you completed our New Testament challenge for the month of January and you did not get a prize, you can come on down. I'm just going to set the box over here. You can come down and get a prize real quick. If not, you can get it later. Also on the inside of our bulletin, we have our announcements for our soul winning times. We have three that meet here at the church. We have regional soul winning times that meet in different parts of the city, and if you'd like to go to any of those just see the respective leaders. A lady's time my wife helps lead, so if you're interested in that you could just message her or talk to her and she can help you as far as where they meet. Then make sure you're turning in your church stats to our soul winning groups so that way we can keep track of everything. Also on the right we have the list of our expecting ladies. Please be in prayer for all of them. Also our upcoming events are there. Please make sure you're praying for our missions trips and everything that we're doing there. A couple church reminders down below on the back is the note about our church family if you've been in prayer for them. Additional prayer requests please just email us, submit them in. We'd like to be in prayer for you. Additionally we would like to get updates if you have any updates. On our insert we have the announcement for evangelist Urbanic and the soul winning that he's doing out there in the Philippines and the work that he's doing. Honestly it's just incredible the amount of opportunity that you have out there and just the sheer volume of people in the Philippines is hard to explain until you've seen it with your eyes just because it's a very densely populated, especially Manila specifically, is a very densely populated city. A very large city and so you know I've been to other large cities like New York City, LA and things like that and man the Philippines it's just to me it's just way more densely populated and there's just so many people so that's why you can see numbers like this because it's kind of hard to understand like how could someone get this many people saved but I'm just telling you just that the sheer volume of people in the Philippines is just really incredible and it's honestly a pretty receptive place. I mean a lot of people will talk to you, a lot of people talk to you in groups and so there's just a great opportunity for so many that's why so many people love going there and we've sent a lot of people there and so if you ever want to go to a place where there's a lot of people, you know Philippines is a great place to visit and preach the gospel and you'll never have a shortage of people to talk to. You know today I was knocking on doors and it was just like, here are you, you know go away or whatever and it's just like it's kind of refreshing when you go to an area and there's just hordes of people there and you just kind of have endless opportunity to talk to people. So of course there's still receptive people out there. I don't want to knock soul winning here. I love soul winning here but you know sometimes you can go to areas that just aren't that receptive and so it's nice and refreshing to go to places that are. That's pretty much all I have as far as announcements. Oh I was just gonna say in theory some of our heating and air we just had some weird issues and I'm about to pull all my hair out and look like Jason if we don't get it fixed but we've been working on it and we've been trying I think God willing we should get things smoothed out pretty soon so thanks for bearing with us. It is it was a little hot this morning hopefully it's a little bit cooler tonight but the preaching will be extra hot so just buckle up all right. Psalm 149 all right Psalm 149. All right that was Psalm 149. Your King James Bible or your Black Binder. Psalm 149 let's all sing it out together on the first. Praise ye the Lord, sing unto the Lord a new song and his praise in the congregation of saints. Let his real rejoice in him that made him. Let the children of Zion be joyful in their King. Let them praise his name in the dance. Let them sing praises unto him with the temple and heart. For the Lord take him pleasure in his people he will beautify the team of salvation. Let the saints be joyful in glory. Let them sing aloud upon their beds. Let the high praises of God be in their mouth and the two hedges stored in their hands. To execute vengeance upon the heathen and punishments upon the people. To find their kings with chains in their roles with betters of iron. To execute upon them the judgment written. This summer have all the victims praising the Lord. Great singing everybody. Now let's go get our Bibles out. That's the operating plates we can pass around. Do we know the Bible chapter? Anybody? Mark 7. We can all turn to Mark chapter 7 in our King James Bible. Mark chapter 7. Mark chapter 7 the Bible says, Then came together unto him the Pharisees and certain of the scribes which came from Jerusalem. And when they saw some of his disciples eat bread with defiled, that is to say with unwashing hands, they found fault. For the Pharisees and all the Jews except they wash their hands oft eat not holding the tradition of the elders. And when they come from the market except they wash they eat not and many other things there be which they have received to hold as the washing of cups and pots brazen vessels and of tables. Then the Pharisees and scribes asked him why walk not thy disciples according to the tradition of the elders but eat bread with unwashing hands. He answered and said unto them well hath these eyes prophesied of you hypocrites as it is written this people on earth me with their lips but their heart is far from me. Howbeit in vain they do worship me teaching for doctrines the commandments of men for laying aside the commandment of God ye hold the tradition of men as the washing of pots and cups and many other such like things ye do. And he said unto them full well ye reject the commandment of God that ye may keep your own tradition for Moses said honor thy father and thy mother and whoso cursed father or mother let him die the death but ye say if a man shall say to his father or mother it is Corbin that is to say a gift by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me he shall be free and ye suffer him no more to do ought for his father or his mother making the word of God of none effect through your tradition which ye have delivered and many such like things do ye and when he had called all the people unto him he said unto them harken unto me every one of you and understand there is nothing from without a man that entering into him can defile him but the things which come out of him those are they that defile the man if any man have ears to hear let him hear and when he was entered into the house from the people his disciples asked him concerning the parable and he saith unto them are ye so without understanding also do ye not perceive that whatsoever thing from without enterth into the man it cannot defile him because it enterth not into his heart but into the belly and goeth out into the draught purging all meats and he said that which cometh out of the man that defileth the man for from within out of the heart of men proceed evil thoughts adulteries fornications murders thefts covetousness wickedness deceit lasciviousness an evil eye blasphemy pride foolishness all these evil things come from within and defile the man and from thence he arose and went into the borders of Tyre and Sidon entered and entered into a house and would have no man know it but he could not be hid for a certain woman whose young daughter had an unclean spirit heard of him and came and fell at his feet the woman was a greek a syrophoenician by nation and she besought him that he would cast forth the devil out of her daughter but jesus said unto her let the children first be filled for it is not meat to take the children's bread and to cast it onto the dogs and she answered and said unto him yes lord yet the dogs under the table eat of the children's crumbs and he said unto her for this saying go thy way the devil is gone out of thy daughter and when she was come to her house she found the devil gone out and her daughter laid upon the bed and again departing from the coast of Tyre and Sidon he came under the sea of Galilee through the midst of the coasts of Decapolis and they bring unto him one that was deaf and had an impediment in his speech and they beseech him to put his hand upon him and he took him aside from the multitude and put his fingers into his ears and he spit and touched his tongue and looking up to heaven he sighed and saith unto him that is be opened and straightway his ears were opened and the string of his tongue was loosed and he spake plain and he charged them that they should tell no man but the more he charged them so much the more a great deal they published it and were beyond measure astonished saying he hath done all things well he maketh both the deaf to hear and the dumb to speak let us pray dear heavenly father thank you for this day thank you for all the souls that were saved today i pray that you would bless pastor Shelley and give him boldness to preach the message i pray that you would fill us with zeal to be better christians and to obey your word in jesus name amen amen i want to go back to chapter seven verse seven the bible says how be it in vain they do worship me teaching for doctrines the commandments of men for laying aside the commandment of god he hold the tradition of men as the washing of pots and cups and many other such like things ye do and he said unto them full well ye reject the commandment of god that you may keep your own tradition now the lord jesus christ is rebuking the pharisees for the fact that they were making the word of god of none effect look at verse 13 making the word of god of none effect and he's bringing up in verse 9 full well you reject the commandment of god they're missing the point when it comes to the bible they're missing the point when it comes to the bible and they've created their own excuses as to why they're not going to do what the bible says now what is the excuse that they give here in verse 10 for moses said honor thy father thy mother and who so curses the father mother let him die the death but ye say if a man shall say to his father mother it is corban that is to say a gift by whatsoever that might as be profited by me he shall be free and you suffer him no more to do ought for his father or his mother making the word of god of none effect through your tradition which you have delivered and many such like things do you now this is not a teaching the lord jesus christ is saying is the only teaching that they made of none effect in fact what did he say in verse 13 and many such like things do you so there was many ways in which the pharisees basically took commandments of the bible and made them of none effect what does that mean it means there was no application it means they came up with an excuse or they came up with some bad interpretation or weird idea that essentially made that part of the bible meaningless to everyone to where nobody could apply it it didn't have any application and no one has to do anything here's a commandment honor thy father thy mother and then be like okay well what does that mean nothing do i have to actually pay for them no do i have to respect them no do i have to do anything for them no just say it's corbin and you have to do literally nothing for them and then it just makes this verse meaningless that's what jesus christ is bringing up and he's getting really really mad he gets really really angry at them making the bible of none effect and i'll just be honest i'm a little bit angry too okay and you say about what not one thing not two things many things and i just figured i would just put them all in one sermon okay now someone might think like hey you're trying to step on my toes in the sermon and you're not paying attention because i'm trying to smack you upside the head okay so the reality is that i don't know why people do this but being nice doesn't seem to work so maybe if i'm just really really clear maybe you'll you'll figure it out but i'm just going to be honest there's a lot of things that i want to bring up this evening go to romans chapter number 10 go to romans chapter 10 that make me really mad and i'm just like you're just missing the whole point of the bible you're just missing the point of what this verse is actually saying now some of these things i don't think our church is even guilty of at least i hope not but some of them we could be guilty of and we want to make sure that we're not missing the point of the bible but one thing that i'll just tell you just irritates the fire out of me is this really really stupid idea saying you don't have to call upon the name of the lord to be saved when the bible literally says in romans 10 verse 13 what does the bible say for whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved there is this doctrine out there that makes this verse of none effect because they basically just make it a meaningless statement that has no impact that nobody has any real application from and they make the verses proceeding of none effect look at verse nine that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the lord jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that god have raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved for with the heart man to believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation now let me explain to you what is consistently happening not only in this situation but many situations is people come up with an exception so that they can just completely discard the general truth and the wisdom given the bible so they'll we'll read this verse and i don't even know how you could literally misinterpret it it's so clear that it's saying hey you believe and you're confessing and you're safe that they'll say oh yeah what about the guy that doesn't have a mouth hmm did you ever think about that guy what about the guy that doesn't have teeth you know he's been smoking too much meth and he can't even talk what about him are you saying he can't be saved pastor shelley no you idiot obviously if you're not physically capable of speaking you could still pray in your heart and you could still be saved you know what i'm not going to do is i'm not going to base my entire life on the one guy that doesn't literally have a mouth to understand this verse i'm not going to literally just throw romans 10 in the trash and ignore the entire context of the passage and say it doesn't really mean what it's saying because there's technically somebody out there that's mute but you know what that's what people do is they just completely miss the entire point because they come up with a stupid excuse a stupid exception to try and nullify the truth of the bible right you could do this with any verse if you wanted oh for all of sin it comes short of the glory of god well that's not true because jesus didn't sin okay idiot but it's obvious that he's excluded from that passage and let me tell you something people do this with almost every part of the bible they don't want to believe is they think about an exception they think about a stupid hypothetical so they don't actually have to do what the bible says but let me tell you something when we go out soul winning we help people call upon the name lord to be saved why because the bible says it right this is not my idea i didn't come up with this i didn't write romans chapter number 10 and let me tell you something the context could not be clearer that is talking about being saved spiritually oh it's talking about physical salvation where what part the the the end part of verse number nine it says thou shalt be saved okay but what about the part where it says believe in thy heart that god has raised him from the dead you know why do i have to do that to be physically delivered why would it bring up the first thing is confess then the second thing is believe so it's like physical salvation spiritual salvation in the middle physical salvation again that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the lord jesus physical salvation and believe in thy heart that god raised from the dead spiritual salvation then thou shalt be saved oh so we're back to physical salvation again so in the middle of one verse we change context twice you're an idiot you're just ignoring the whole point of the passage what does even what does verse one say brethren my heart's desire and prayer to god for israel is that they might be saved what's the point spiritual salvation what does it say a few verses before this verse number 31 of chapter 9 but israel which follows after the law of righteousness have not attained the law of righteousness wherefore meaning why because they sought it not by faith but as it were by the works of the law for they stumbled at that stumbling stone as is written behold i lie in zion a stumbling stone in rock of offense and whosoever believeth on him should not be ashamed what is romans chapter 9 explaining how to be saved why are the jews not saved because they trust in the works of the law why are the gentiles safe because they believed on him and then in chapter 10 he makes it clear i wish they would get saved but they're not going for the righteousness which is of christ they're going for the righteousness of the law but you know how you get saved if you confess through the mouth and you believe in your heart and whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved you know i i'm not going to get mixed up on this because i'm not going to miss the entire point coming up with a stupid hypothetical you know i want you know why people do this because they don't want to go so any it's that simple you know why someone comes with this stupid doctrine because they just want to have a youtube ministry and i've noticed it's pretty much youtube ministry only doctrine you only meet these people on youtube that believe the stupidity and this nonsense and it's because they don't want to actually go out and get people saved or maybe they're just bad at soul winning and not getting a lot of people saved so they just want an excuse why people aren't wanting to pray with them and get saved but let me tell you something if you're good at soul winning and you're going out there scores of people are going to want to pray with you and scores of people are going to get saved and you know what this doctrine is not an optional doctrine at our church for our soul winning program and if people don't want to believe this then they can go and not call the name of the lord of people wherever you want you know what we're going to do we're going to help people call upon the name of the lord and get saved go to romans chapter number six go to romans chapter number six it's so funny that if you ask the people in the room that are saved who in here called upon the name of the lord when you got saved well that's funny if it's a false doctrine then why is everybody that saved that you know that saved did that and then there'll be these people that are like oh well i didn't but if you fast forward like two months prior to that statement they said that they did so which one is it are you lying now i've seen people say like oh i didn't do it but then they were literally teaching it to other people for years it's like well which one is it it sounds like you're just backslidden in a liar that's what really sounds like it doesn't sound like and look if someone literally came to me and says hey i understand the facts of the gospel and i believe them to be true but i have not called the name of the lord to be saved and i don't want to ask jesus to save me you know what i would tell that person i don't think you're saved you should probably just settle that and decide to believe in him because you know i've met atheists and fags that can tell me that the bible teaches salvation is a free gift by faith and all you have to do is believe in jesus to be saved and i've even heard them tell me this i did believe that at one point so what's the difference between you and that other guy i don't even know you make me nervous i'm i'm afraid of you and it's like oh you just think they couldn't be saved i don't know but i don't want to play that game with you i don't want to play that game with your soul i don't know why you would okay why why in the world would you not want to do that it just doesn't even make sense it's how you believe in jesus christ folks i'll say it until i'm blue in the face roman six look at verse number 20 for when you were the servants of sin you were free from righteousness what fruit had you then and those things where have you're now ashamed for the end of those things is death but now being made free from sin and become servants of god you have your fruit unto holiness and the end everlasting life so i'm going to go through a lot of different things and i'm not going to spend a lot i'm not going to spend a lot of time explaining them here's another thing i think is really really frustrating to me and is missing the point is how so many preachers and how many so many pastors will get up and they will preach and they will explain to the congregation the evidences of salvation they'll say hey you should have fruit and i think people that are saved are going to demonstrate fruit in their life and have evidence of salvation and then holier than thou's from our crowd will say they're not saved because they think that there's evidence of salvation let me tell you something there are evidences of salvation there are fruits that come from being saved what did the bible literally even say here in romans chapter number six it says hey you were the servants of sin and then it says in verse 21 what fruit had you in those things nothing basically for the end of those things is death but now being made free from sin and become servants to god you have your fruit unto holiness what does the bible say it's emphasizing people that are saved having fruit in their lives and let me tell you something there are a lot of preachers and pastors out there emphasizing the need of fruit after you get saved that doesn't mean they're teaching work salvation we shouldn't be just so quick to just damn every single person to hell because just say well i technically think that someone could do no fruit and be saved yeah we all do but is that do we really want to base our christian life on the guy that did literally nothing after he got saved or do we want to base our life on the people that actually had fruit unto holiness or do we need to preach really hard about people having fruit in their lives and evidencing their salvation through their works not to say that that means you have to do that to be saved not to say that every saved person is going to evidence that we understand there's an exception but you know what i don't live my life on exceptions and i'm not going to sit here and criticize some man of god for preaching what the bible is saying because technically someone could do absolutely nothing and still be saved yeah i get that and that's a point i emphasize when i'm getting someone saved but you know what when we're preaching to a congregation of saved people i don't think i need to emphasize that and you know what we shouldn't hold these pastor's feet to a fire of every technical exception and think like well this guy said people that are saved are going to hear the truth this person said the people that are saved are going to evidence salvation this person said the people that are saved are going to have fruit well you know what in many cases that's the truth in 99 of cases that is true yeah but i think technically technically there's an exception well you know what you're missing the point again why didn't paul make sure every every single sentence caveat it hey you had fruit and holiness now technically there's a guy out there that didn't have any fruit in the holiness i just want to be clear that he saved and salvation is a free gift i just want to say that again even though i said it 500 times in chapter 5 i said it was a free gift free gift free gift free gift in chapter 4 i made it clear that you know what even if you have no works you're still saved by faith do you do i have to say it in chapter 6 2 you know what stop thinking that everybody's unsaved just based on a hair trigger yeah it's annoying it makes us look bad and you're typically doing it based on exceptions based on weird hypotheticals and look i'm not saying that we shouldn't be crystal clear on the gospel i'm not saying don't make sure the person at the door doesn't understand this point i'm just saying let's not crucify every preacher and pastor and every man of god that's emphasizing the evidence of salvation because there's an exception that exists out there it's a bad attitude you know what the bible says examine yourselves whether you be in the faith shouldn't we be evident what shouldn't we be every once in a while examining the fruit in our lives just to see like if we're on the right track and why would even tell a church hey examine yourselves whether you be in the faith if there's no such thing as evidence of your salvation there should be evidence of salvation in your life look if you don't love the bible at all if you don't love jesus at all if you hate all the things of god maybe you should question the fact of whether you're saved or not and look obviously salvation is just simple trust in jesus christ i get that but look it's a little scary when you have no evidences just like the bible says if you be without chastisement then are you bastards and not sons that's another like ring the bell hey are you even saved do you even get it and galatians they're mixed up on the gospel he's worried are they even safe sometimes we need to examine ourselves and look i'm i'm not really up here like wondering if i'm saved don't hear me wrong i know i'm saved like there's not even a doubt in my mind i could go out and be sinful the rest of my life and i would still know i'm saved but generally speaking it's biblical to teach that there's evidences of salvation it's biblical to ask people and question people to examine themselves to be skeptical and to try and encourage people to have fruit and so if you're gonna if someone preaches those points don't misconstrue what they're saying and then think like oh they're a heretic because they think people that are saved are going to evidence their salvation well then why is paul telling people to examine themselves then why is paul saying you had your fruit unto holiness and there's a lot of verses i go to prove this point but go over to matthew five now go to matthew chapter five i don't think these first few points really very many people are screwed up on in our church but i hope not the first one for sure the second point hey you know if someone's talking about the evidence of salvation let's not crucify them yet okay maybe maybe there's some some passages in the bible that even teach that okay obviously we need to call upon the name lord to be saved here's another one that just really makes me mad and i want to look at a couple verses to before i explain this point but look what it says in matthew chapter 5 verse 14 the bible says you're the light of the world a city that is set on a hill cannot be hid neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel but on a candlestick and it giveth light unto all that are in the house let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven there's the thing the bible is telling us to do this but then what people do is they'll go to chapter six and they'll look at verse one take heed that you do not your alms of four men to be seen of them and they'll look at verse five and when they'll praise thou should not be as the hypocrites are for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and the corners in the streets verse six but thou when they'll praise enter thy closet and they'll take the the message of chapter six and they'll apply it backwards to chapter five and they'll say oh well we should never do anything to be seen of men this is false teaching the bible is literally saying there are some things that you should let your light shine that men should see did you see what it's go back to matthew five read these verses with me in verse number 16 let your life so shine before men that they may see your good works so there's something that people should see and let me explain it it's real easy it's your church attendance and it's your soul winning those are the good works that people should see and you should let your light shine think about the insanity of saying we can't do that are we all now going to put a white hood over our head and show up and meet because we don't want anybody know that we went to church god forbid someone would think like we're trying to i'm trying to be seen of men by going to church so we should just all hide we should all wear a tent we should all wear ninja costumes and show up so that nobody will know that we went to church and we should hide how many people even came to church because that would just be embarrassing to let people know that we're actually successful or growing or reaching people look this is a stupid attitude or to hide or conceal our soul winning is also a stupid attitude okay why do i put in the bulletin literally evangelist urbanic's newsletter so you can see what kind of works he's doing how would you like it if the newsletter said hey i'm doing stuff i don't want to be seen of men just fy i'm doing stuff how would we distinguish him from another missionary oh all the letters from all the missionaries i do stuff i don't want to elaborate or anything i don't want to say i don't want to be like the book of acts in the bible which says three thousand people are saved oops i guess god is okay with telling us how many people got saved yet some people will literally criticize counting soul winning and i'm thinking like why in the world would you criticize counting soul winning and i'm thinking like okay then what are the good works that we're allowed to see oh well it says when you pray don't let anybody see well then why in the world do we literally have a prayer list why in the world on wednesday night do we pray corporately maybe you just don't understand the context upon which that verse was being brought out hey you shouldn't pray with a hypocritical attitude this is the same kind of person that if someone came up to you and asked for help and let's say i was sam was standing next to me i would say well i can't give you help because sam might see and i don't want to i don't want to be seen of men or something like that no no the whole passage says don't blow a trumpet right if someone needs help and sam's gonna happen to notice then sam notices but i'm not gonna say like be filled and warm go on your way i'm not gonna help you because sam might notice you know what i'm not gonna do is i'm gonna say hey everybody i'm gonna help someone hey everybody here's a giant check with this person's name on it and i'm gonna give them money that's sounding a trumpet isn't it but some people get so over the top on helping people that they want to like wear the ninja costume and sneak into their house and like let it just fall out of the sky into their lap and that's the only way they think they'll be rewarded by god look you can help somebody and someone technically noticed okay i guarantee if you went to the bank the teller noticed you took money out of the account someone noticed you know you can't you can't just get this holier than thou attitude to think like no one's ever going to notice and look let me tell you something i want everyone to hear how many salvations our church has i'm not afraid of that there's nothing unbiblical about that and the people that think that's unbiblical will then explain to me what works i'm supposed to show to everybody and let me explain something it's stupid to think that that's bad because you know i can't get anybody saved anyways it's the gospel that gets people saved i don't have some magical ability when i go out and do some song and dance trick or something get someone saved i just open the bible and preach the gospel and they get saved so you know when i say hey 10 people got saved you know what i'm doing i'm glorifying the gospel i'm making it clear how great the gospel is and boy how stupid would it be if i never told anybody how many people get saved and someone's like hey how's the bahamas it's there is it receptive well i don't want to i don't want to say i don't want to talk about numbers or something like that and so you have no idea so it's like going to israel going to the bahamas going somewhere you canada you have no idea how about if i say hey this area is great we got thousands of people saved and then you know what happens tons of people go there and they get more people saved because when you say the numbers people are motivated to go there what if i said hey we went to this neighborhood and got 20 people saved they're like i want to go to that neighborhood as opposed to saying like well i don't want to say i don't want to tell anybody anything because matthew six does matthew six bring up soul winning no and then people make up these stupid excuses to ignore what matthew five is saying they're making the word of god of none effect you know what i hate people making soul winning look bad attacking soul winning being against soul winning you know what nuts to you we don't need you if you want to attack soul winning go somewhere else and go with the other churches where they won't count you want to know why they don't count because they don't get anybody saved that's why they don't count when someone says hey let's play but let's not keep score you know what they're saying i'm not good at this and i don't want to keep score to recognize how bad i'm doing there's a reason why some people aren't keeping score it's because they're not doing anything there's nothing to score so that's why they're mad about it you know what when i see a church getting thousands of people saved you know what it tells me let's get more hey when i see evangelist bannock i'm saying like we need to do more i'm not sitting here like oh he's trying to brag about it now look could someone have a bad attitude sure if someone says like i got five savior you got two well that's a bad attitude you know i've never seen someone be like that and you know our church's policy is we say you and your silent partner just say you and this person got this many people saved we don't know who actually did the work or who got them saved or whatever who cares but you know what you participated you contributed we keep detailed stats to try and motivate ourselves to do more i want more people to be saved and let me tell you something by keeping numbers we're going to get more people saved and if we decided to just have this weird holier than thou attitude that says like i don't want to keep numbers we'll get less people saved and you know what i'm all about getting people saved whatever it takes whatever we're going to do and so that's what we're going to do then you're going to have to tell me what does matthew five really mean then go to malachi chapter three go to malachi chapter three if you don't like numbers you won't like the bible because god gives you numbers all the time this many people say three thousand saved here this many people in church you know i think we should constantly be talking about how many people are in church how many people are getting saved how many people are getting baptized those are the things we should brag about because it's god doing a work but i'm not going to go around and brag about me giving money to poor people that would be inappropriate i'm not going to brag about how many days i've been on a fast i'm not going to brag about you know my secret prayer life or something like that obviously there's limits to the things that we do and the bible gives clear limits but i'm not going to put them on our good works because i want god to be glorified you know god's glorified when we say hey a bunch of people got saved god's glorified when we say a bunch of people are in church god's glorified you know people get mad about you saying like a lot of people came to church why would i be mad about that we need the entire nation to go to church would god every church would be busting at the seams would god every fundamental Baptist church was filled with people today and getting scores baptized and scores saved i'm not going to sit here and be mad at a church for doing that i'm going to say praise god people are getting saved over there that's the right attitude look at malachi chapter number three look at verse number eight will a man rob god yet you have robbed me but you say wherein we rob thee in ties and offerings you're cursed with the curse for you robbed me even this whole nation bring ye all the ties in the storehouse that there may be meat in mine house and prove me now herewith saying the lord of hosts if i will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing and there shall not be room enough to receive it here's the thing every point that i'm bringing up you have to understand this verse means something people make up a stupid excuse to why this verse means nothing and so many people will make this verse nothing they'll say oh well tithing is unbiblical it's old testament i'm thinking like man god really kind of screwed up to put that in the last old testament book right if it was for only the old testament boy he really missed the mark of like trying to put this passage like earlier in the text since it somehow magically doesn't apply all of a sudden and i'm thinking like why does it not apply it's old testament oh you mean like incest incest let's say it's not new testament incest is not in the new testament who in here thinks incest is cool nobody from alabama okay i mean how many things in the old testament are not brought up in the new testament are we going to play that game and then it's like okay then what does this verse mean how does this verse even apply people that are just they're just missing the whole point well i just don't think ties and ties and offerings are symbolic of what you know if you don't believe what i'm saying then tell me what it really means right but this is what people do they come up with an excuse and then they have no reason for it they have no picture for it they have no reason why it could even exist they just they just don't want to do it they don't want to call upon the name of the lord because they don't want to get people saved and they are too lazy to read their bible and they don't want to have evidence as a fruit in their salvation so then they pick other people apart thirdly there's people that just don't do a lot of soul winning so they get mad about counting and then another one people don't want to tithe and so they have to have a reason why they're not tied well it's not biblical and look it's kind of sad when you think about the numbers the vast majority of christians just don't tithe why they just miss the point and they just come up with excuses and they say oh well they tithe the sheep in the old testament i don't have any sheep just something stupid they just completely miss the entire point of the bible go to first corinthians chapter five first corinthians i'm just bringing up lots of random things here hopefully you're offended by at least a couple all right well i don't really agree with this okay then what does it mean let me challenge you if you disagree with anything i'm saying tonight then please explain to me what that verse really means and you'll see a pattern the people that do this kind of stuff they have no alternative explanation they have no reason or justification they just simply make an excuse they go to a hypothetical or an exception old testament well i guess you believe in incest too then first corinthians chapter five look at verse 11 but now i've written unto you not to keep company of any man that's called a brother be a fornicator covetous or an idolatry or a railer or a drunkard or extortioner with such and one not to eat the bible's clear that railers should be church discipline a railer is very clearly someone that's making a false accusation but people don't want to believe this and so what they do is they go to the dictionary and they come up with a weird definition for rail so then they they make this verse of none effect and they'll say oh well if you go to the dictionary railing just means to speak harshly about someone oh so just everybody's a railer and they'll be like yeah everybody's a railer and then you're like well then how do you enforce this verse and they're just like well you know come on no no explain that to me well you know of course come on look what does rail mean because if i'm gonna enforce this verse it has to have a clear definition and there's somebody that accused me of slander there's a pastor that said i slandered them and in the whole in a whole sermon about railing now here's the thing if i slander somebody you know what i want them to do provide the receipt say what what did i say what was it that i did because if i said something then i'll fix it if i accuse you falsely of something please tell me so i can fix it because i don't want to falsely accuse anybody whether i like them or dislike them it's like show me on the doll where i hurt you okay because you know what if i'm a slander or a railer i want to fix it but you know what it's what slander and railing is not is just whatever you want to make it up to be just being mean or saying something uh that's true okay here's my litmus test for railing is it true and everything sometimes people are mean sometimes people are jerks sometimes people do things that i strongly disagree with but then i ask this question is it true and here's the thing if it's true it's not railing okay and yet some people come up with this definition here's the definition i hear and i hear from a lot of people so they just ignore this verse this is the definition of railing to speak in a way that persuades others toward a negative or dishonorable perception of someone else let me repeat that to speak in a way that persuades others towards a negative or dishonorable perception of someone else i don't know maybe like jesus did in matthew 23 about the pharisees why in the world would you come up with a definition of rail that makes jesus christ a railer like that's insane how about you come up with a definition of rail that doesn't make jesus a railer and then the only way to do that let me explain it to you is for rail to be defined as making a false accusation you can find consistently jesus christ speaking in a harsh manner speaking in a negative manner calling names i mean he's calling harrod a fox he upbraided the disciples he's calling the pharisees serpents and vipers and whited sepulchers and every name in the book fools blind guides this is just off the top of my head what else do you want him to say you think oh but he was trying to make people like the pharisees obviously he did not honor them he did not respect them he said very negative things about them but let me say something about what jesus said it was true every single thing that jesus said was true and he is not a railer what's so funny in this sermon of this pastor accusing me of slander he admitted that he is a railer he said sometimes i rail this is what happens and i'm thinking like you've totally made this verse of none effect now because he was saying because according to him it's just speaking in a negative manner well who doesn't do that exactly so then you basically make this verse of none effect you know what it's you're just missing the entire point of what the bible is actually saying and let me just help you and help everybody and help this person look rebuke true rail false revile mean it's that simple when someone's reviling you they're being harsh and mean when they're railing on you they're lying about you whenever they're rebuking you it's true they're all harsh they're all harsh don't make don't confuse these words and you'll see a consistent pattern in the bible of this go over to feasance chapter number four go to feasance chapter number four look if someone's a railer we have to say we have to have a clear statement that's a false statement to say that they're a railer and i am not going to throw someone out of church for being mean i'm not going to throw someone at church for saying things i disagree with i would throw people at a church for saying false statements making public false accusations and they won't repent of them why would i want that if someone just lies about you which happens to plenty of people in our church and has happened it's not just me there's been plenty of people where they just make a random weird accusation including there was someone that was accused of being a pedophile literally there was somebody at one point in our church where someone made a public video accusing a church member of molesting their child how would you like for me to allow that person to come to church that falsely accused you of that that has to be dealt with we can't just allow things like that to happen we can't just allow people to make all these accusations i heard someone say well railing is a habitual thing no no you make one statement like that one time and you are going to be taking a task until you're a benefit it's not like oh well extortioners it's a habitual thing no no you extort one person in this church we're taking a task on that you commit fornication with one person in this church we're taking you to task on that okay and if you rail on someone it doesn't matter who it is we're going to take you to task on that and it's a false statement don't make this verse of none effect here's another thing that kind of it's funny because it kind of parlays into the point that i'm making though is is all these people they they get the definition of rail wrong they also get the definition of curse wrong because curse means to wish evil upon someone what curse does not mean is cuss okay and people just love love to tell you that they don't cuss i've noticed this i've never asked somebody in my entire life do you cuss do you do you ask people that actively but then the people that say they don't cuss they love to tell me about it it's like that meme where it's like nobody and then someone coming in they're like hey i just want to let you know i don't cuss or this is what i hear it's just crazy i've never cussed in my entire life i'm just thinking like wow you are so amazing you are holy you're holier than i you're a holier than thou art hmm holier than thou what is a holier than thou they're better than you what is someone trying to do when they say i've never cussed my entire life they're trying to just let you know that they're better than you you know what this same person that will unprovoked you didn't ask you don't even care tell you that they've never cussed they will speak evil of you every way you could ever think of and then while they're doing it they'll quote this verse to you verse 29 let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth but that which is good to the use of edifying that it may minister grace and the hearers so you know they do they turn this into cussing and then they make this whole verse of none effect because the whole point of this passage is not whether you use a bad word in society or use a certain four-letter word it's about actually just talking trash on people and being evil and being malicious that's what the whole point is look what it says in verse number 31 let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and evil speaking be put away from you with all malice and be kind one to another tenderhearted forgiving one another even as god for christ's sake and forgiven you there's a specific person that's mad at me because years ago i used a naughty word i use a bad word and it wasn't even about that person i said it about someone else that's a really bad person and i guarantee this person even agrees with what i said they wouldn't want to tell you that i bet you they've even said the alternative let's go brandon i bet they've said that but here's the thing because i use this naughty word i'm super guilty of this verse yet this is what they say about me they say i'm a kool-aid drinker paint eater an emulator mentally handicapped dumbest preacher alive spiritual drag queen vile clown insincere idiot worse than sodomites pretending to be a christian wife beater abuser abuse enabler and evil that's what they'll say about me but i said a bad word one time about somebody else that they also think is a bad person and then they'll quote that verse to me and i'm thinking like you're making the word of god of none effect like what does this passage really even mean like they just don't even get they're just missing the point completely and they're a giant hypocrite a giant hypocrite go if you went to first peter chapter three of course the bible says this it says if they've called the master of the house beelzebub how much more should they call them of his household it doesn't really shock me that people just say every horrible thing about me that you could think of but it's just so funny that this person would love to tell you all these things about you i would love to know if this is being kind one to another tender-hearted forgiving one another oh you you paint chip eating kool-aid drinking mentally handicapped vile spiritual drag queen how kind of you how spiritual you are but but they'll let you know i've never cussed before my entire life do you think god is looking down from heaven just like man i'm so glad you've never slipped up and said a bad word when you hit your thumb on with a hammer but i'm so pleased that you're just calling people all these insane insane insane accusations insane insults these people are crazy yeah i'm an abuse enabler because i tell husbands and wives to work on their marriage even if they're in a bad situation but you know what i didn't come up with that and you know the world doesn't even look at that way the world doesn't even agree with that in many cases i grew up in a church under pastor jimmy evans and he's probably one of the most prolific marriage counselors in the world he's one of the most well-known marriage counselors in the world he's written multiple books on this issue he has one of the most popular marriage on the rock tv shows ever and he would constantly tell stories about bad marriage situations one in particular he said that there was a wife and husband where the husband was extremely evil he was committing adultery regularly was not treating his wife well at all and he had a counseling session with this woman this woman said i still love my husband and i just want our marriage to work he believes in divorce for exceptions i don't okay jimmy evans does but he said well if you want to work on your marriage what you should do is you should dress nice you should talk nice only to him never criticize him make great meals for him and just do everything right and you know what he was basing it on first peter chap number three verse one which hey the bible is true whether even if the guy's not saved even if he's saying it it's still true look what it says likewise ye wives being subjection to your own husbands that if any obey not the word they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wise saying hey even if they won't listen to the bible just be a great wife and maybe you'll win them over and he taught this and he had all these stories about women especially this one in particular who just was nicer husband and finally he you know making a long story short he said the husband just kept coming home upset saying like man why are you so nice to me like you're making me feel terrible because you're so nice to me and i don't deserve it and then he said he felt so rotten he said fine i'm gonna give up all that and they end up fixing their marriage and having a great marriage now would that be someone that's an an adultery enabler because he's telling this woman to just be submissive and obey her husband and just do right even when he's super in the wrong no interesting i do the same thing i counsel people based on first peter chap number three and i tell people hey even if you're in a bad situation even if your husband's a scumbag even if your husband did something to you that i strongly disagree with i still think you should love him and stick with him and do right and they're like oh you're an abuse enabler look that's garbage you know what if some guy punches his wife he's a loser he's a loser i've said that before i'll say it again you know i didn't even ask my friend about this i didn't even ask pastor interested in this but i had already made a mental note i said if he's punching his wife i will not defend him and then i asked him all the questions and later i realized that's not happening there's no evidence of that him and his wife both said no but look i'm not gonna defend somebody who's punching their wife and beating up their wife that's insane okay and if somebody comes to me and says like hey i hit my wife i'm not gonna be like up top give me five man that's cool i'm gonna say that's that's wicked that's evil that's stupid you know i'm gonna say that's horrible i'm gonna say that you're a jerk okay but at the end of the day if a wife says hey should i stay with my husband my answer is always going to be yes look if someone is in danger of their physical safety if they want to temporarily remove themselves so that their physical safety is protected i'm all for that you know what just because a man made a mistake five years ago i'm not going to say you go girl you get rid of him you get you a dime you know i'm not going to be like that i'm going to say stick with is that me an abuse enabler no and they always want to come up with these weird hypotheticals weird extremes just ignore what first peter chapter three literally says hey just stick with your husband and just obey him and do what's right that's what the bible says hey if you want to win your husband over be a great wife go through to matthew chapter 19 never divorce you know jimmy evans might tell divorce i don't believe in divorce at all you say what about adultery no what about abuse no what about this no if you ever ask me for advice i will never ever ever ever ever ever tell you to divorce never it's always wrong i'm a hundred percent against it you will never get me to say that but you know what people love to go to matthew chapter 19 and they love to just focus on the exception look what it says in verse 9 and i say unto you whosoever shall put away his wife except it be for fornication and shall marry another commit his adultery and they'll say like look there's an exception pastor shelley jesus is teaching deceptions oh is that because you missed the first few verses let's back up verse three the pharisees king also came on him tempting him saying on him is it lawful for man to put away his wife for every cause and he answered and said to them have you not read that he which made them at the beginning made the male female and said for this cause shall a man leave father and mother and took leave to his wife and they twain shall be one flesh the bible says in another passage what god has joined together let not man put asunder jesus said don't divorce and then like okay well what about this exception and it's always the evil people that want to bring up exceptions hypotheticals whatever notice the pharisees they're ready to drop divorce for every cause she burned the cookies divorce she forgot something she forgot to pack something on our trip divorce right i mean what for every cause that's where this leads to when you start opening the door it just gets wider and wider i saw a video because my former pastor jimmy evans there was person was explaining his position on divorce and said in his early parts of his ministry he only allowed for adultery now he says there's four a's there's a abuse there's adultery there's abandonment i can't remember the fourth one i was already i already stopped tuning in some other fourth a and i'm just thinking like but they basically had everything they needed they said like oh abandonment's a spiritual adultery and i'm thinking like look if you want to believe that you should divorce your spouse you'll believe it no matter what the text says but you know what you need to just believe what jesus said if he said let not man put asunder what did that mean what did that mean what does railing mean what does it mean that we should not let corrupt communication proceed out of her mouth what do these things actually mean because most people are just missing the point they're coming up with their own definitions their own examples their own situations and they're just missing the point often and let me tell you something divorce happens in couples happens in pairs you stay away from people that are even thinking about divorce that even mention it that should just be an immediate end to your friendship if people are suggesting that if people are encouraging that you stay away from anybody encouraging you to divorce someone go to deuteronomy 22 go to deuteronomy 22 stay away from those people and look i'm going to tell you something you know i mentioned it earlier in this in the morning but when you hang out with disgruntled people people that are hating on the church other people in this church are going to notice that and they may want to stay away from you they may not want to be your friend they may treat you differently i'm not even saying that's right i'm just saying that's how it is because let me tell you something if someone was coughing up a lung and hacking and was all disease looking and was having snot come out of their nose and then you go and hang out with that person and you're like buddy and and hugging on them and touching them i'm gonna stay away from you because i'm like afraid that you're sick now even if you don't even exhibit any of the signs i'm just worried that you hung out of that person's house and you're around that person and look other people may see that and think like what's going on with this person you may be healthy we just don't know we're just nervous about what you're doing you know stay away from people that are going to cause you to fall stay away from people that encourage you to divorce stay away from people that are sick and diseased here's another verse that people love to just make of none effect you don't only 22 verse 5 the woman shall not wear that which pertains unto a man now let's just stop there that was the first part of this verse explain to me what the garment is that women are not allowed to wear and then here's the thing when someone has a different definition than pants it's usually this definition i don't have one and they'll be like ah but what about leggings leggings aren't pants if i was wearing leggings no one in here be like did you see the pants that pastor shelley was wearing you know that and i know that okay all of you hopefully have left by now okay or be like stay behind the pulpit okay look leggings is underwear it's not pants we all know what pants look like and let me say something men like women dressing feminine anyways why is it the wedding dress and not the women's pantsuit why is it that all the lesbians dress like that it's because it's a male's garment and of course what people do is they say like oh you you think that women shouldn't wear pants where does it say that in the bible and then you point to this verse it's like it doesn't say pants well then what does it say it doesn't say pants well then what does it say what does it say pants you're missing the point it's obviously saying something what is it saying and then they just have no to i heard something like maybe it's a tie what really come on you think there's a big tie problem in america when's the last time other than olive garden you saw a woman wearing a tie anyways come on they make the word of god of none effect since we're close by let's go to leviticus 19 for a second hopefully you've been offended by now i don't know hey if you love the bible though you probably won't if you're actually wanting to know what the bible says you'll like the sermon if you want to make excuses and explain every verse away well then you're going to be really offended really quick hey quit missing the point and just tell me what the verse actually means hey for who starts to call by the name of the lord shall be saved what do you think that means uh that anybody that calls the name of the lord is going to be saved hey what do you think it means when jesus said let not man put us under don't ever divorce what do you think it means when it says women shouldn't wear a garment that a man wears uh what every bathroom door says pants every bathroom door i mean come on well i just don't think it says that well what does it say tell me how you're observing that verse or just admit to me you don't like the bible look vitticus chapter 19 like verse 28 you should not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead nor print any marks upon you i am the lord you know this is tattoos don't get a tattoo they're stupid i dislike all of them here's a statement i've never said cool tattoo and was sincere all right and i mean to the world i've seen some cool tattoos i've seen the batman symbol on someone's chest but i'm like i'm glad it's on you and not me dude that's not cool nobody like nobody is really going to truly love their tattoo their entire life i'm sorry most almost everybody will admit there was a mistake at some point but even the people that won't admit it outwardly i already know okay it's a dumb dumb decision don't do it and look there's so many people tattoos it's insane i've always hated tattoos but the bible says to not get one and then they'll be like oh well it says here for the dead well wait a minute it said you should not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead then it just says comma nor print any marks upon you and they'll say like well i didn't get a tattoo for the dead okay then what does this verse mean oh you're only supposed to not get certain tattoos that are for the dead really is that really the epidemic problem in the world today is people getting the wrong type of tattoo god's like man i wish you had gotten this kind of tattoo and not that one really or did god make you how he wanted you and he didn't want you to tat up your body oh well the bible doesn't say tattoo here okay well then let's ask the diction what is the what is the dictionary definition of tattoo a mark with an indelible design by inserting pigment into punctures in the skin wow you know if the bible actually said don't get tattoos you know what people do well i looked it up in a dictionary and tattoo means and it'd just be something that has nothing to do with tattoo so god just says print marks on your body so it's just like even an idiot could understand what that means look just don't get like tattoos make you look stupid and why in the world i mean have you ever been to a tattoo parlor don't raise your hand it's the most shady weird girl i've never been inside one but i can just guarantee it's not a place i want to hang out you know what parts of town have a lot of tattoo parlors not the nice part of town have you ever been a nice part of town there's not two tattoo parlors everywhere go to the really rough receptive soul winning part of town tattoo parlors everywhere along with a a payday cash advance right next to it don't go to either of those places and then right next to it cricket mobile and then right next to that is going to be planned parenthood avoid the shopping center completely okay just stay away from that shopping center all of them are bad and then there's a liquor store at the end cap okay it just stay away from all of these things don't get a stupid tattoo and they'll be like ah well it's all testament oh so now we're back to incest again oh it didn't say tattoo what does tattoo even mean oh well it wasn't a tattoo for the dead dude you're just what is the point of the passage you're just missing the whole point it said hey don't print marks on your body go if you would to proverbs 23 go to proverbs 23 look i could just preach so many of these i'm just gonna be honest i'm just i'm just mad at people when you just show them a verse and they just make the stupid excuse why they don't believe it and they just miss the whole point and you just say well then what does it mean what is the point look we need to just say you know what the bible's right i'm wrong i'm gonna change we need to call upon the name of the lord we need to hey sometimes examine ourselves and encourage other people to examine themselves look for the fruit in their life sometimes we have to separate from railers we should let our work shine we should allow people to see our soul winning in our church attendance and get excited about things of god we should tithe we should make sure that we're not letting corrupt communication proceed out of our mouth we shouldn't be just talking trash on people falsely accusing people being mean we shouldn't be mean and look we shouldn't render railing for railing if someone rails on you you don't rail back on them and if even someone rails on you even if what you're saying is true you don't even have to be mean back okay i don't think that we should be mean back in response now some people think being true or just telling the truth is mean i'm talking about actually being me like insulting them talking negatively about them making fun of them calling them names pointing out whatever sin issues they have in their life you know obviously some people are really easy to make fun of just because they have obvious issues maybe they just they have a messed up face and it's just really easy to make fun of or they just have a really obvious like issue with their body or their hair or whatever hey just don't don't do that don't go down that road don't be junior high don't sit here and just criticize people for these type of things because we could do that to everyone hey you're too tall hey you're too short hey you're too skinny hey you're too big hey whatever i mean all of us none of us look like a hollywood celebrity and even they get made fun of so it's it's silly to get be mean and be mean spirit about these things hey love your enemies there's a verse that we need to learn as a church people are like oh but that means we should just there's reprobates so you know what i don't have to love my enemies no no that's the exception what is the point of love your enemies if you're just always going to say well i don't have to love reprobates quit making everybody a reprobate yeah well this person doesn't like me that doesn't make them a reprobate yeah this person doesn't like pastor shelley that doesn't make them a reprobate otherwise almost everybody reprobate okay there's not that many reprobates okay look just because someone doesn't like me doesn't make them a reprobate don't be mean to them love them you know what you should say to somebody you should bless them well i hope good things happen to you i hope your kids turn out great i hope your church is successful i hope you actually go on a mission strip this year i hope you actually do something with your life you know what would happen if all the people that were the quote x new ifb and all the disgruntled ifb and all the old ifb what if we all just said you know what we're gonna put all of our differences aside and just be friends and love each other and just focus on getting people saved can you imagine like how much work we could actually accomplish if people could just put their stupid petty crap aside and stop attacking other people and having stupid definitions for words to attack people and just actually get someone saved instead of putting all your creative energy and making troll videos why don't you make a video that's actually true why don't you actually work on a documentary that's true why don't you actually go out there and preach something that's true and actually build someone up why don't you put all your effort into you on a mission strip why don't you take all your money and invest it in something spiritual i mean would the god that christians could love other christians and you know what if people hate me but they're getting people saved god bless them i don't care there could be 10 churches that hate my guts but if they're gonna go soul winning this week i hope they get a lot of people saved i hope they go on every missions trip i hope they go to the bahamas i hope they go to jamaica i hope they go to mexico hey if they come to my my neighborhood if they knock on my next door neighbor's door i hope he gets them saved you know what we need people to get saved we should stop putting all our petty grievances out there and being like everybody has to like me no one has to like you it's all about christ and people will sit here and they'll just read love your enemies and they're like well that's not reprobates quit worrying about that exception you're missing the point there's a lot of people to love that are an enemy that don't like you the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart you know what the goal of the bible is charity here's a question how much charity are you showing to anybody well i'm nice to the people that like me so is the publican so is the roman centurion so is the pharisee everybody's like that you know what as a christian is someone that's charitable to someone that's not charitable to them that loves them that's kind of them that doesn't mean we don't call out sin that doesn't mean that we don't help to explain to people why they're wrong on the definition of rail you know i want these pastors to get the right definition of rail and then enforce it i don't hate them you know these people that have railed on me and been stupid and whatever i don't want them to quit pastoring i want them to just stop railing i want them to stop being dumb i want them to just get people saved do something with their life and you know people that drink alcohol get tattoos and do all this stuff like i'm not mad at you i just want you to quit if you're not tithing tithe if you have stupid ideas get good ideas believe what the bible says read the bible you know the bible warns about drinking alcohol this one just makes me mad but everybody wants to make an excuse about this look at verse 31 proverbs 23 verse 31 look not upon the wine when it is red okay drunkard what drink are you not allowed to look at you know i've never heard someone that's an advocate for alcohol ever tell me what it's telling you not to do here look not upon the wine when it's red what does that verse mean drunkard what does that put down the beer for half a second and tell me what drink am i not allowed to drink because you're missing the point they'll be like oh this just says don't get drunk no no it says look not thou upon the wine when it's red when it give it this color in the cup when it moves all right there's a drink that you're not allowed to look at what is it they just don't want to explain it because you know what it's real obvious it's called alcohol buddy but they don't want to admit that because they want to say no i think drinking's fine and they'll say i know someone that drinks in moderation they don't have problems in their life okay ignore the exception because you're missing the point buddy is there some random person out there look i've known someone in my personal life that i think drinks alcohol maybe one or two times a year and it's honestly one of the most sober people i know works hard seems like a pretty good christian really good father really good husband does a lot of great work for the lord and he just drinks like on super rare occasion usually just a beer not even not alcohol like liquor or something just like a couple beers am i gonna now throw every commandment in the bible about drinking in the trash and say like oh no i guess people aren't drunkards and people don't mess up and cause problems no i'm gonna ignore that stupid hypothetical and exception because he's one in a trillion and just say hey avoid alcohol period don't try to be like that exception don't try to be like that guy just say hey there's a beverage i should never touch i shouldn't look at it it shouldn't be in the fridge i shouldn't mess with it and i'm not gonna have it and you know what you might say hey i'm not gonna mess with it but what about your teenage son when you're not looking and let me tell you something teenagers if they drink alcohol at 14 15 or 16 the chances of them becoming an alcoholic as an adult are astronomical you should never allow alcohol to be in their reach ever well i can handle it but can your kids handle it there's a beverage that you should never look at you shouldn't have around you wine is a mocker strong drink is raging and whoever's received thereby is not wise well i know someone that drinks is smart well you're just focusing on a stupid hypothetical because you know what the people that do the most for god the people that i actually look up to none of them drink ever show show me the booze pastor that's going out soul winning show me the guy that's drinking hard liquor i'll show you the guy that drinks hard liquor and he's a calvinist that's what he is a stinking calvinist that's prideful and arrogant and doesn't get people saved that's the kind of person that drinks alcohol because he has to constantly numb away the fact that he gets no one saved he probably hates numbers counting too he just likes to count jack daniels and whatever 57 or something isn't there stupid numbers associated with drinking i don't know where's the drunkard in the room no i'm just kidding rum or something or vodka there's all these numbers he's carrying about 80 180 proof or something right everclear or something look we need to think about when we're reading the bible what is the point stop letting exceptions and hypotheticals ruin the point of the bible when you read the bible don't sit there and think like well there's an exception of this no think about what is the point what is the point of the passage and quit just getting rid of all the general wisdom and truth of the bible because you know of an exception i mean you could do this to anything the apostle paul's talking about the jews be like well i know there's at least one jew that's not bad okay but the jews as a whole are bad yeah the proverbs there's always exceptions of the proverbs but the proverbs are true quit thinking about all the hypotheticals quit thinking about all the exceptions and just do what the bible says we need to call upon the name of the lord we need to not be afraid of someone saying examine yourself and looking for evidence of salvation we need to make sure that we're letting our light shine and that people are seeing our good works of soul winning and our missions trips and our church attendance we need to make sure that we're not railing on people we want to make sure that we're tithing we want to make sure that we're not speaking evil of people and letting communication come out of our mouth you could never cuss and be in violation of this entire passage quit worrying about cussing and start worrying about just talking evil about people you should never ever ever divorce hey men don't wear dresses was that hard no it's not for some reason it's that women wearing pants i wonder if that's why if you read dinner 22 it first addresses women the woman shall not wear that which are pertaining to the man probably because it's more prevalent for them huh you should never drink alcohol get rid of all of it pour it all out and look if you have a tattoo i'm not mad at you but don't get another one don't even say it's cool don't don't show it off to the kids like hey look at this cool tattoo i got because you know if i walk by i'll say like it's stupid now i won't insult you if you just have it but if you try to tell one of these kids it's cool i will make fun of you in front of them because i don't want them to think it's cool i want no kid to ever get a tattoo i want no one to get any more you know i want our church to actually be comfortable in their skin and you know what we have a lot of enemies let us not render railing for railing and evil for evil let us love our enemies and let us just focus on the things that really matter let's not us miss the point of christian what's the point of christian getting people saved let us focus on the soul winning and the missions trips and getting people baptized and getting in church and look i know you know sometimes you come to church and you want a positive message but you need a negative message too occasionally all right and if you're mad at me come back next week and i can do it again all right let's go thank you heavenly father so much for your word thank you for giving us so much great wisdom in the bible i pray that we wouldn't have an evil heart that we wouldn't have this evil mindset where we just make all these excuses where we we come up with dumb ideas to try and make the word of god of none effect where we try to ignore what the bible is really saying i pray that anybody in this room that has an issue with some verse in the bible that you would just give them the faith to believe it pray that you would help motivate us to be focused on the right things i pray that you would help us to love our enemies i pray that you'd also help us to do great works for your honor and for your glory and that we could reach more people this year than we ever have so that we could do more things that are pleasing to you and more people could glorify you and in jesus name we pray amen all right in closing let's go to song number 145 song number 145 as usual the ladies will sing out the first it is well and the men follow it up and on the last it as well we sing it out together song number 145 pay attention on the last verse for the keychain we'll all sing it out on the verse when peace like a river attended my way when sorrows like sea hello it is well it is well my soul with my soul it is well it is well my soul let this class assurance control that Christ have regarded my helpless estate and have shed his own blood for my soul it is well with my soul it is well it is well with my soul my soul the place of its glorious star praise the lord praise the lord it is well it is well with my soul it is well it is well with my soul and lord praise the day when my faith shall be signed the clouds below pass as the school the trunk shall resound and the horn shall be sent even so it is well with my soul it is well with my soul with my soul it is well it is well with my soul great singing everybody we're all dismissed