(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen, thank you so much Pastor Thompson for organizing this event and thank you brother Justin and all of the members of Sure Foundation Baptist Church for coming out here and I know a lot of other people have also come out here from other churches. There's a lot of people here that came from steadfast and I really appreciate you guys coming out here and I guess we're trying to start a fire so just don't tell the fire marshal all right. But no it's great to be out here and to see on a Friday night people still want to hear the word of God being preached and really when I think about it the most important thing I could preach on is loving God and when asked what was the great commandment in the Bible what is the first commandment Jesus said in verse 30 thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind and with all thy strength this is the first commandment. There's only one group of people on this planet that will love God it is the saved if we don't love God who will will you love God tonight will you turn in the pages divine scripture this evening the Bible that contains your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will you love God after this sermon will you love God when you lay down in bed tonight will you love God tomorrow will you love God by preaching the gospel to the lost will you love God when Sunday comes will we find you in church will you love God in the morning will you read your Bible will you pray will you seek his face does your heart love God does your soul love God does your mind love God are you putting all of your strength into loving God go to Matthew 6 the Bible says in 1st John 2 love not the world neither the things that are in the world for the men love the world the love of the father is not in him for all that is in the world the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the father but is of the world and the world passeth away in the lust thereof but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever what do you love tonight do you love basketball do you love football do you love baseball where is your heart at what have you set your affections on the Bible says to set your affection on things above not on things on the earth for your dead and your life is hit with Christ and God maybe you don't have your affections on games but where is your mind at are you thinking about Christ Matthew 6 verse 24 the Bible says no man can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or else he will hold to the one and despise the other he cannot serve God and mammon are you thinking about money how you can make more your next promotion that next car that next house Job said naked came out of my mother's womb and naked shall I return thither the Lord gave and the Lord had taken away blessed be the name of the Lord here's a question I have for you tonight who are you tonight are you Demas when the Bible says Demas hath forsaken me having loved this present world who are you tonight are you the seed among thorns which the Bible says that he hear it the word but the care of this world and the deceitfulness of riches chokes the word and he becometh unfruitful who are you tonight are you Esau who is so hard up for money that he sold his birthright for one morsel of meat are you the rich man in James chapter number five who had heat treasure together for the last days the Bible says behold the hire of the laborers who you have reaped down your fields which is of you kept back by fraud crieth and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of Sabbath you have lived in pleasure on the earth and been wanted you have nourished your hearts as in a day of slaughter you have condemned and killed the just and you have not resist you matthew 6 verse 21 jesus said for where your treasure is there will your heart be also do we not have enough rich men in this world what would another rich man do to this planet's success are you trying to be another rich man thinking that that will make a change in this world jesus said a parable the ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully and he thought within himself saying what shall i do because i have no room where to dispose my goods and he said this will i do i will pull down my barns and build greater and there will i bestow all my fruits and my goods and i will say to my soul so that as much goods laid up for many years take thine easy drink and be merry but god said in them thou fool this night thy soul shall be required of thee then who's shall those things be which thou has provided so is he that layeth a treasure for himself and is not rich toward god are you a member of the laodicean church that says i am rich and increased with goods and have need of nothing and knowest not that thou art wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked are you the godly man the bible says in psalm chapter number 12 help lord for the godly man ceaseth for the faithful fail for love the children of men they speak vanity every one with his neighbor with flattering lips and a double heart do they speak the bible says trust not in oppression and become not vain robbery set not your heart upon them the bible says when riches increase set not your heart upon them how many people are setting their heart today on riches who are you tonight are you solomon who the bible says about solomon that he had horses brought out of egypt and in fact he had received 666 talents of gold in one year he had 700 wives and 300 concubines the bible says that his wives turned away his heart go to proverbs chapter number seven go to proverbs chapter seven who are you tonight do you love god do you love the lord thy god with all of thy soul with all thy heart with all thy mind with all thy strength what are you putting your effort and your energy towards so many men today are putting their heart and their effort and their energy towards making money towards becoming rich towards having goods what will that do for you what will that do for the men in this city what will that do for the kingdom of god what will that do for the cause of christ god doesn't need your money men today they're chasing money why because men because money answers all problems money answers everything in this world why do men want money one reason is to have women and many men have their hearts set on women the bible says in proverbs chapter seven verse seven and i beheld among the simple ones i discerned among the use a young man void of understanding someone that's foolish they don't understand this world the bible says in verse 21 talking about him meeting this horse woman with her much fair speech she caused him to yield with the flattering of her lips she forced him he goes after a straight way as an ox goeth to the slaughter or as a fool to the correction of the stocks till the darts strike through his liver as a bird hasted to the snare and knoweth not that it is for his life solomon the wisest man to ever live his heart was destroyed through women his heart was destroyed through money he had a heart for god but he allowed money and allowed women and he'd have the things of this world to enter in and choked the word making it unfruitful who are you tonight who do you love tonight what are you chasing tonight are you the simple one are you the simple one are you the young man void of understanding samson loved many strange women as well and it destroyed him you know it's important to go to church to be warned of fornication it's important to go to church to be warned against adultery it's important to go to church to be warned against the love and the loss of this world it's important to go to church so that you can get your heart on the thing that matters and that thing that matters is god we go to church to love god and you know i love about going to church it's the closest that i'm going to get on this side of heaven of having fellowship with god the bible says that men were made in the image of god and that if we truly love god that we would love our brethren that we love mankind go to the first john chapter four first john chapter four the bible says by the shed blood of jesus christ he gives us the opportunity to have the church the church was purchased with his own blood if we really love god then we'll love the institution that was bought by god which is the church of the living god the pillar and ground of the truth which is the new testament church and a church is not a building jesus christ did not die for this building tonight jesus christ died for the men and the women and the children sitting in this room that have put their trust in him and not only them he died for the sins of the whole world but specifically he died for the church he died for this institution for us to be gathered together and for us to demonstrate our love towards god by loving one another the bible says in first john chapter four verse 20 if a man say i love god and hateth his brother he is a liar free that love is not his brother whom he has seen how can he love god whom you have not seen if you don't love the people in this room let me explain something to you you don't love god those who love god are those who love their brother and love is not just merely reciprocating good for good love is reciprocating good for evil it's reciprocating sweet for bitter it's giving grace it's being wrong suffering it's being charitable it's being kind it's being peaceable when you can't be peaceable with your brother and you don't really love god look at verse 21 and this commandment have we from him that he loveth god love his brother also let me explain how you can love your brother it's when you get on your knees and you beg god to be merciful unto your brother's transgressions it's when you intercede for your brethren instead of looking at a fellow brother in christ and wishing him evil hoping that god will punish him hoping he gets what he deserves hoping that god will recompense all the evil he's done unto you the bible teaches that to love god would be to intercede for your brother not to wish evil upon him not to wish bad upon him when someone does you wrong to wish them good to ask god to give them mercy and grace look at first john five verse 14 this is love verse 14 and this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will he heareth us and if we know that he hear us whatsoever we ask we know that we have the petitions that we desire to him if any man see his brother brother sin a sin which is not unto death he shall ask and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death there is a sin unto death i do not say he shall pray for it how many prayers are being made by badness and brethren today for the sins of death sins for people that shouldn't even be asked for but rather we should be focusing in on the sins that are not unto death we heard it mentioned earlier it's uncanny that badness churches will separate from a man pastor stephen anderson and they won't pray for his good but they'll pray for literal god-hating sodomites for people that hate god and despise the lord well let's pray for them but let's not pray for a brother in christ who believes the gospel you know we don't want to be guilty of the same attitude and the same hatred for god and for his people by despising our brethren because they do us wrong personally i don't believe pastor anderson has done wrong to many of these people that speak evil of him but even if they did you know what why don't you pray for your brother why don't you have mercy towards your brother why don't you have charity towards your brother and if another church does us wrong if another church speaks evil of us why don't we pray for their good if you tell me that you love god and you can't love your brother whom you love god and you can't love your brother whom you've seen you're a liar do you really love the lord by god with all of my soul and all my mind and all my strength but you curse your brethren the bible says that joe lost all of his sheep all of his cattle all his goods all of his money all his money just torched overnight the bible says that joe lost all 10 of his children which is really easy to skip over for a moment but let's think about this he had 10 children he lost the oldest child that he had my oldest is clayton he lost the second oldest child my second oldest is jackson he lost the third oldest child that he had mine is abby he lost the fourth oldest child that he had mine is james he lost the fifth oldest child that he had mine is ellie he lost the sixth of his children mine is adeline i only have six children i can't even imagine the sadness and the grief that i would have for losing any one of them let alone all of them but joe lost the seventh i'm sure he had a name or she had a name he lost the eighth he lost the ninth he lost the tenth joe was stripped of all of his glory joe lost all of his brethren joe lost his position joe lost his status joe lost his favor with god joe lost his very friends and when all hope was gone when he had no desire to live when he was in excruciating pain when he had suffered the loss of all things after he'd been mocked by his closest friends his own wife held him in contempt when he couldn't be any more alone joe prayed for his friends what excuse do you have to not pray for your brethren when joe can pray for his brethren just like christ who condescended of men of low estate just like christ who put on mortality and was stripped of all of his riches and was stripped of all his magnificent glory and excellence just like christ who suffered shame and the mockery and the embarrassment of the cross just like christ who suffered the whips he suffered the crown of thorns bearing his own cross the nail in his left hand and in his right hand the piercing of the flesh of his feet when he's hung dying in extreme agony he cried out father forgive them for they know not what they do but how many of us have the same attitude towards our brethren in the flesh when they do us wrong when was the last time you've been crucified by your brethren what was the last time you were hanging on a cross and they wagged their head at you and mocked you and railed on you and you said father forgive them the bible says that we would be known by our love do we really see that amongst baptists do we see that amongst brethren do we have this extreme charity and love that's exhibited by joe by the lord jesus christ by the apostle paul and really is it not just to approach upon us to show that we don't really love god when we're not loving our brethren we're not praying for our brethren we're not seeking forgiveness and grace for our brethren the bible says in luke 18 and he spake a parable to this end that men are always to pray and not to faint at the end of the parable jesus christ says when the son of man cometh shall he find faith on the earth are you praying for your brethren you tell me that you love god are you praying for your brethren are you praying for your enemies are you loving your enemies the bible says we love our brother when we love god and we keep his commandments do you keep the commandments well you don't love god if you don't do you lie about your brethren do you rail on your brethren do you steal from your brethren do you gossip about your brethren do you hold bitterness in your heart towards your brethren what is bitterness bitterness is holding on to the grievances that they've caused you bitterness means that they have hurt you they've done you wrong they've done evil done you wrong they've done evil unto you they're guilty they have transgressed but you're holding on to it do you really love god when you're holding on to the bitterness towards your brethren do you really love god when you speak evil of your brethren do you really love god when you lie about your brethren we only have one life to live in this in in this world why wouldn't we want to do something big for god you tell me that you love god you tell me that you love your brethren but only you know right now if you love him with your heart soul mind and strength but ethene's chapter number five go to ethene's chapter number five do you love god do you love the lord my god it's easy to say i love god it's hard to pray for your brethren when they transgressed against you it's hard to keep god's commandments it's not easy to follow the commandments ethene's chapter five verse number 16 the bible says redeeming the time because the days are evil wherefore be not unwise but understanding what the will of the lord is and be not drunk with wine wherein is excess but be filled with the spirit the bible tells us that we should redeem the time take the opportunities that we have and use them to the max to the forest we only have one life time goes by so quickly and we need to be filled with the spirit of god today and not the spirit of the world the spirit of the world is personified here with drunkenness how many people are wasting their time and their effort and their energy getting drunk today and then they tell you that they love god foolishness nonsense when you drink you forget the time the time passes quickly what do people do when they get drunk sin they don't love god they're not going to church they're not reading their bible they're not singing praises unto god when they get drunk don't tell me that you like to drink alcohol and that you love god you're a liar well that everybody drinks well guess what not everybody loves god say which commandments do i need to keep all of them do you dress like you love god do you wear the clothing that honors god or honors this world so many women today they're so afraid to dress like a godly woman it just proves that they don't really love god if they choose to dress like the world there's so much pressure on men and women today when it comes to commandments but if you really love god you're going to do what he said and it shows that you love the brethren how do women dress today they dress like whores that's not loving god they dress like men no one wants to see that men are ugly dressed like a lady dressed like a godly woman but it's not loving a brethren they're dressed like hillary clinton bill clinton doesn't even want to be with that we need to be filled with the spirit of god we need to love god and one of the ways to do this is by singing praises unto god think how much time and effort energy people put into singing most people when they sing especially in the shower they do with all their strength they do with all their mic in fact most songs today are sung especially when we talk about men they sing in their head voice or in their higher range and in order to get those high notes you have to sing with all of your effort and energy in order to reach that pitch in order to reach that note you have to put all this effort and strength and energy and use all your diaphragm to really belt out that note and we have people singing all day long praises unto themselves praises unto this world praises unto drinking alcohol praises unto fornication praises unto the pride of this life but the bible says that those who love god are going to sing praises unto god what better is there to sing than the love of god the bible says in psalm i'm saying verse 19 speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing and making melody notice this word in your heart to the lord does your heart love the lord by god or does your heart love the music of this world what are you singing today michael jackson are you singing endless love by diana ross and mr richie why not can it be amazing love how can it be that thou my god should it be die for me that's love to sing about that's the endless love we should be belting out are you singing celine deon when she sings you have to admit it it sounds like she's putting in all of her effort it sounds like she's putting in all of her energy singing great love songs and great love ballads why not oh how i love jesus oh how i love jesus oh how i love jesus because he first loved me me are you singing mariah carrey the beastie boys in sync faggoty queer band backstreet boys it's more like broke backstreet boys so i'm depressed i'm in a bad mood okay well why don't you sing love lifted me i was sinking deep in sin far from the peaceful shore very deeply stained within sinking to rise no more but the master of the sea heard my despairing cry from the waters lifted me now safe am i love lifted me love lifted me when nothing else could help love lifted me love lifted me love lifted me when nothing else could help love lifted me you know sings that the person that loves god the person that recognizes the only real love in this world which is the lord by god the bible says that god is love what's the greatest thing you could ever sing well how about i love to tell the story i love to tell the story twill be my theme and worry to tell the old old story of jesus and his love do you love to tell the story are you going out there and preaching the gospel of the lord jesus christ will you be a soul winner for the lord jesus christ will you love to tell the story over and over to the poor kids in the ghetto that no one loves will you go out into the streets into the highways into the hedges will you go will you go into the ghettos where children don't even speak english those of you that speak a second language will you preach in spanish will you preach in other languages in hindi and mandarin and russian in all the languages of the world will you love the children of this world and preach them the gospel you tell me that you love god but where are you on saturday morning where are you at the sun winning time where are you at the sun winning marathon but you don't understand pastor shelley the indiana paces are in the playoffs well we know what you love well you don't understand pastor shelley my favorite band's coming in for a concert your honky tonk red ass need to get out there and preach the gospel we know what you love bit of psalm 119 you don't understand pastor shelley i don't know how to do it well it sounds like you don't love the lord by god because if you're saved and you love the lord by god and if you follow jesus christ he said he will make you a fisher of men with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak unto this people psalm 119 look at verse 9 the bible says wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way by taking heed thereto according to thy word with my whole heart have i sought thee oh let me know wonder from my commandments thy word have i heard in mine heart that i might not sin against thee why is the psalmist not wanting to sin against god it's because he loves god you say i struggle with sin how do i fix it pastor shelley you need to love god more say how do i love god more go to church how do i love god more read your bible how do i love god more memorize the scripture how do i love god more pray for your brethren how do i love god more go ahead and preach the gospel of the lord jesus christ how do i love god more sing the songs and the hymns and the spiritual songs and then come and tell me what your problem is well you don't understand pastor shelley i went with my friends to the bar and i went out drinking and i met all kinds of girls and i'm sorry but i went out and i went to the basketball game after that and then i went to work to make more money and i'm struggling with sin well i know why it's because you don't love the lord thy god why weren't you in church why weren't you reading your bible why weren't you singing the songs and the hymns and the spiritual songs why weren't you going out and preaching the gospel why weren't you busy filling yourself with the spirit of god it sounds like you're drunk on this world it sounds like you're drunk on the lust of the flesh and the pride of the life that you got here don't be dennis how are you going to cleanse your way by taking heed thereto according to thy word what is the solution is the bible what is the solution it's church don't tell me you love god and don't come to church look at verse 47 i will delight myself in thy commandments which i have loved we love god by loving his commandments and not just leviticus 2013 every straight guy loves that verse where i could get up and scream and yell and all the guys would be saying amen put the faggots to death then it's like avoid whores and they're like read your bible love your enemies visit the widows and the fatherless in their affliction keep yourself unspotted from this world don't touch alcohol work hard serving your church be a nobody in your church and serve well i don't want to do that i just want to hear about fags getting shot in the head nobody in your church and serve well i don't want to do that i just want to hear about fags getting shot in the head by our government i would never condone murder no we love all of the commandments of god tell me about how the jews are terrible how about how you're terrible how about your problems how about your sin how about your issues because you know what i don't expect an unsaved dog to clean himself up you know what i expect a son of god to actually behave himself in the house of god in church why don't you love your brethren oh i can't love them because they're zionists well love them anyways i can't love them because they're pre-trip love them anyways i can't love them because they're not good at soul-winning love them anyways we shouldn't just love the brethren that we like we should love the brethren that we don't like because we love god when we love the brethren look at verse 48 my hands also i lift up under thy commandments which i have loved and i will meditate in thy statutes show me you love god by memorizing his word by meditating on his word you say i struggle with my thoughts pastor shelley i struggle when i get alone well here's a solution meditate on his word love the lord thy god with all of thy mind all of thy mind verse 97 oh how love i thy law it is my meditation what is this oh the day well i really like meditating on the word during a sermon how about after the sermon how about in the morning how about at lunch how about at night how about in the car here's a way to pass your time on your long commute memorize scripture i can't just think about that what does the bible say in 113 i hate vain thoughts you understand pastor i love the daydream about being a professional basketball player on the way to work but you're not you suck you can't even dunk you're white you can't jump at least us as being white we have an excuse if you're black and you can't dunk i wouldn't want to admit that i hate vain thoughts yeah of course i could sit here and dream about how my life could be different i could dream about being rich i could dream about being a professional athlete i could dream about being 6'5 and i'd still be shorter than pastor thompson i could dream about changing all of my worldly interests the bible says i hate vain thoughts why but by law do i love because i love god sin starts with the mind 119 the bible says thou put us away all the wicked of the earth like dross therefore i love thy testimonies i can't wait for all the wicked to be put away 127 therefore i love thy commandments above gold year above fine gold what do you wish to have today do you wish to have all the riches of this world do you wish i wish i had bought bitcoin back in the day i wish i had bought more real estate back in the day i wish i had invested back in the day in an unknown company named apple or amazon you know what the bible says the bible says i love thy commandments above gold men of this world are chasing gold they're chasing money they're chasing riches but we should chase the lord thy god we should chase his commandments we should love god i go 132 look thou upon me and be merciful unto me as thou uses to do unto those that love thy name here's a great benefit to loving god he gives you more mercy what's the first commandment to love the lord thy god what's the great commandment to love the lord thy god let me explain not only do you love god by loving the brethren you know how you love god by loving this book this is god in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god this is god and you love god by loving this by loving the bible by loving the word of god by letting it communicate to you and talk to you and heal you and fix you psalm 119 verse 140 the bible says thy word is very pure therefore thy servant loveth it you know why i love the king james bible because it's very pure you know i don't like the niv because it's not pure you know i don't like the modern versions today because it's not pure i love water but i don't like it when it's not pure you know what men like their wives to be pure what makes something special and precious is that it's pure and you know what makes the king james bible special and precious it's that it's pure the bible says in psalm 119 look at verse 159 consider i love thy precepts quicken me oh lord according to thy loving kindness notice that this person is asking god to consider how much he loves god how would you like for god to grade you right now and how much you love him how would you do if god judged you right now and he says i'm gonna judge you on how much your soul loves me right now how would you do if god judged your heart on how much your heart loves god if god were to judge you right now on your mind and the thoughts that you have and the thoughts that you entertain and the thoughts that you act on how would god judge your mind if god were to measure all the strength and all the power and all the effort and all the energy that you have and you want to say how much of that are you putting towards loving god how would you do because the psalmist is saying consider how i love thy precepts do you love his precepts 163 i hate and abhor lying but thy law do i love the worst person besides god to lie to is to lie to yourself don't lie to yourself this evening where are you at where is your soul at where is your heart at where is your mind at the only people that will ever love god are the saved you are the opportunity for someone to love god and he's such a great god to be loved and if it's not you who is going to love god who is going to think about god who is going to pour out their heart to god who is going to pour out their soul to god who is going to take all the strength who is going to take all the strength that god gave them and put it all into god we have men today that are putting all their strength into basketball they're putting all their strength into golf they're putting all their strength into football there are men today putting all their strength and to be crowned the mma world champion fighter there are men today striving to put all of their effort and their energy to put a man on the planet mars what a waste of time effort energy and money there are men today putting all their effort and their energy into rebuilding the anti-christ temple there are people today putting all their money effort and energy to building riches to building a 401k to building their form to building their personal life what have you decided i'm gonna put all of my strength into loving god i'm gonna go to church with all of my might i'm gonna read the bible with the strength that i have i'm gonna memorize it i'm gonna teach it to my children i'm gonna think about it i'm gonna sing it i'm gonna go out and i'm gonna love to tell the story to the lost every single day the rest of my life i'm gonna redeem the time and i'm gonna love god 165 the bible says great peace have they which love thy law and nothing shall offend them offend is meaning that you would be so sensitive and you would transgress god's commandments you would cause something that i say oh i love alcohol i can't do that and you decide to just veer off and go to alcohol go to the whores of this world go to the games of this world for children desire riches and money and fame and wealth and pleasure and the lust of this world and the pride of life and the steepness of riches you'll be offended by god's word you're offended by saying i don't really want to love god i don't want to love people that don't love me you know what the bible says great peace have they which love thy law 167 the bible says my soul hath kept thy testimonies and i love them exceedingly the psalmist is trying to give you the prescription to loving god today i don't care if you never become a pastor you can love god with all of your heart's mind soul and strength i don't care if you're not a man if you're a woman you can love god with all of your heart mind soul and strength i don't care if you're not an adult tonight if you're a child you can love the lord by god with all our heart mind soul and strength the only person stopping you is you we need to be a generation of christians we need to be a generation of baptists that love the lord by god with all of our heart mind soul and strength we need to encourage one another we need to go to church to provoke one another and to love and to good works to provoke them to love and good works there's so many today forsaking church they're forsaking the bible they're forsaking preaching the gospel today and you by demonstrating your love towards god can motivate other christians to love god when you love god others will love god with you when you forsake god like peter and say i go fishing you drag other people down with you i would love to say at the end of my life my soul hath kept my testimonies and i love them exceedingly at the end of your life what will you say i loved money i loved money i loved fornication i loved alcohol you know people that that would be their testimony i loved myself i loved being lazy i loved the cowboys i loved the bears no one loves it i'm just kidding duh bears what do you love who do you love if you don't love god no one will if we don't decide to love god no one will we have the greatest opportunity to love the greatest god that could ever exist the lord thy god who's done everything for us and he gives us an opportunity every day every moment to love him don't allow a sermon to come into your eyes and your ears and your heart and do nothing with it if you say i don't love the lord thy god the way i should i don't love the lord thy god the way i should make a change tonight make a change right now decide to love the lord thy god now and never stop loving the lord thy god with all thy heart soul mind and strength let us pray thank you heavenly father for the gift you've given us of your son the lord jesus christ thank you for being so gracious and kind and merciful unto us thank you for being such a great god i pray that you would help motivate our minds and our soul and our hearts and all the strength that we have to be turned back to you to love you more to demonstrate our love towards our brethren towards the lost and dying world i pray that you would help us to see the importance of keeping thy commandments i pray that you would empower our new man to walk a newness of life and have a desire to truly love you i pray that you would just motivate the men and the women in this room and the children to love you with all their heart mind soul and strength in jesus name we pray amen