(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Look back at verse number 10 where the Bible reads, And behold, there met him a woman with the entire of an harlot, and subtle of heart. She is loud and stubborn, her feet abid not in her house. And the Bible in this chapter is warning about a very particular woman, and it gives a lot of character attributes about her, qualities. It's noticing even how she's dressed, says that she's dressed inappropriately. It says here that she's subtle of heart. Subtle is when you're not making your intentions clear, when you're disguising your true intentions or what it is that you really are thinking or feeling. And then it also gives a couple other character attributes about her. It says in verse 11, she is loud and stubborn, and then it tells us that her feet abide not in her house. Now, in this passage, it's warning young men that there are certain women who would be a trap that would basically ensnare them or trap them and basically entice them with flattery, with trying to show off their body, with telling them certain things that they would like to hear that aren't really true, but they just want to hear them anyways. And this woman uses her language and her body to basically ensnare men and destroy their lives, basically use them and take advantage of them. And I don't really want to focus necessarily on this chapter. What I really want to focus on, though, is the attributes that are attributed to this woman because there's a godly woman in the Bible and there's an ungodly woman in the Bible. This chapter is very clearly a very ungodly woman. It's a woman that is not exhibiting the attributes of a godly woman. And the two qualities that I want to focus on are verse 11, where it says that she's loud and stubborn. And here's the thing. Loud and stubborn women are ungodly. It's an ungodly attribute. It's an ungodly characteristic. Women are not supposed to be loud. And obviously both men and women are not supposed to be stubborn. But it's specifically identifying this woman as being loud and stubborn. Now keep your finger in proverbs, because we're going right back, but go to 1 Peter chapter number 3 for a moment. Go to 1 Peter chapter number 3. And some people would say, well, how dare you comment on a woman's personality or character attributes? But here's the thing. I'm not going to give you my opinion here. I'm going to give you the Bible, number one. And if you don't like this sermon, I would really challenge you to ask yourself this question, am I mad at what Pastor Shelley said this morning, or am I mad about what the Bible said? Because here's the thing. I really want to root everything I'm saying this morning in the Bible. And this sermon is not a sermon that you will hear in virtually any church this morning. You could go to a lot of churches this morning. You could go to a lot of churches in this world today. But you won't hear a sermon like I'm going to preach this morning, because they're afraid of preaching what the Bible says on this topic. And you say, well, who are they afraid of? The loud and stubborn women. That's who they're afraid of. And there's a lot of churches today that are run by loud and stubborn women. There's a lot of households today that are run by loud and stubborn women. And here's the thing. I plan on pastoring as long as God will let me. And I hope that you guys are in a good church for as long as possible. Hopefully some of you all stick with me for a long time. And there's a lot of women. There's a lot of children. And I want them to be godly. I want the women to realize what it really is like to be a godly woman. And you know who's going to love this sermon? All the women that are not loud and stubborn. Because they're not going around blowing off their mouth and making it known how they feel all the time. And they get really frustrated by all the women that are. But since they're not loud and stubborn, they're not letting you know. But inwardly, they're thinking like, man, that's really rough. That woman shouldn't be acting like that. I'm going to be your voice this morning to go ahead and vent all of the frustrations that you've had. But here's the thing. The Bible tells us that men are not supposed to be effeminate. So why is it bringing that up? Because God wants men and women to not only dress different, to even act differently. It's okay for a man to be loud. You know, the Bible says, lift up thy voice like a trumpet and show my people their transgressions. So it's okay for a man to get up and to preach loud and to be loud. Hey, that's why God created men. Men are supposed to be loud. They're supposed to be strong. They're supposed to be fighters. But you just think, women aren't supposed to be like that. Women are supposed to be feminine. And the opposite's true. Men aren't supposed to be feminine. They're not supposed to be a little quiet, docile, little soft soap, skinny, jean wearing, kink tea, lemonade, drinking, I mean, whatever you want to call it. No, you're supposed to be a man today. There's supposed to be a difference. And you say, is that your opinion? That's what the Bible teaches. Now look at 1 Peter chapter 3, look at verse 1. Likewise ye wise, be in subjection to your own husbands, that if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wise, while they behold your chase conversation coupled with fear. Let me help you out with the word chase, disciplined. It means that you're obedient. It means that you have been proven to adhere to correction. That's someone that's chaste. Think about the word chasten. You chasten your son. So if you have a chaste child, it means it's an obedient child. A chaste woman or a chaste conversation in this context is meaning that she has an obedient lifestyle coupled with fear. And that fear is of God. Verse 3, who's adorning, let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair and of wearing of gold or of putting on of apparel, but let it be the hidden man of the heart and that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. So notice when God looks at a woman and he says that this woman is basically of high value, what is he looking for? He's looking for a woman that's quiet. So what would be the opposite of being quiet? Wouldn't it be loud? Go back to Proverbs where you were. Go back to Proverbs where you were. Let's see what the Bible says about this loud and stubborn woman because the Bible is saying that this woman in God's sight is of great price and the Bible talks about a virtuous woman who can find her price as far above rupees, meaning that she's rare. What about a loud woman? Is she rare? Well, let's see. Verse 11, she is loud and stubborn, her feet abide not in her house. Now is she without, now in the streets and lieth and wait at every corner. So the Bible is saying, hey, the loud woman, she's a dime a dozen. I mean, she's everywhere. It's very commonplace. It's something that's not hard to find. You could go to every corner and find a loud and stubborn woman, but you know what's hard to find is a meek and quiet woman, is a woman that's not going around, blowing off her mouth. It's constantly just having to talk about anything and everything she's ever thought of. The Bible warns about this. Let's take a quick journey through Proverbs. Go to chapter 9. Just flip the page. Look at verse 13. A foolish woman is clamorous. She is simple and knoweth nothing. Now what does the word clamor mean? You look it up, it says loud. You know, it also says vigorous and complaints. Vigorous and complaints. This is your Karen today, okay? You know they talk about Karen being a really obnoxious person. Why? Because she's always complaining. She's always loud. She's making a scene in public. No one wants to be married to a Karen. Sorry if your name's Karen, okay? I'm just saying like the stereotypical meme-ified name, Karen, okay? I think the guy's name, isn't it Brad? Can I get a witness? Is it Brad? I don't know. It's like Brad and Karen or something like that. And so Karen, though, specifically is just this personification, this idea of this woman who's not being manly. She has a butch haircut. She's really loud. She's wearing those khaki pants. She's got her pants on real tight. She's got that belt buckle. She's loud. She's that manager. She's going to tell you what to do. Look, this is not a godly woman. Notice what it says. A foolish woman is clamorous. Look at chapter 11, just flip the page again. Look at verse 22. As a jewel of gold and a swine snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion. You know, let me explain this in a different way. A woman with discretion is one who knows how to keep her mouth shut. A woman that does not have discretion shares every secret, everything that she could possibly hear of. She hears about something. She tells everybody else. She knows about something. She doesn't keep it in. She lets everybody else hear about it. She's always telling everybody about her husband. Look, let me give you some advice, women. Never ever ever ever ever complain about your husband to anybody for any reason. That's basically showing you don't have discretion when you do that. Now go to chapter 21. Go to chapter 21. Again, I'm just taking a quick journey because I want to get to some other stuff. There's so much Bible on this subject, it's kind of mind boggling to me how much Bible's on this subject and how little people actually address this issue. How little people actually preach on this subject. And here's the thing. There's a lot of women in this room that are not loud and stubborn, that are meek and quiet, and you know what? They deserve to hear sermons like this so they can feel good about being godly. So they can feel good about obeying their husbands. They can feel good about being quiet and being praised for doing that which is right rather than the opposite of feeling like, oh look at all these women that are loud and stubborn and people are praising them. Let me tell you what. People praising them are vain and they're foolish because they don't understand what the Bible says. I'm not going to get up here and praise a woman who's loud and stubborn. Proverbs 21, look at verse 9. It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop than with a brawling woman in a white house. Look at verse number 19. It is better to dwell in the wilderness than with a contentious and angry woman. Go to chapter 25. I feel like God's just really trying to drive in a point. He's like, man, you don't want to be around this brawling, contention, anger. That's not what men want to be around. Men don't want to be in a fight when they come home. They don't want to come home and be contending. They don't want to come home and someone's angry that they're there. If you show up and everyone there is angry and contentious and mad that you're there and brawling with you, it's going to cause you to not want to be there. So you say, man, my husband never wants to come home. I'm going to have to give him an earful when he gets home. It's like you might be causing the problem. If you want him to be home, don't contend with him. Don't be angry with him. Don't brawl with him. In fact, the Bible is trying to emphasize this so much. It has the exact same verse twice. Look at Proverbs 25 verse 24. It is better to dwell in the corner of the housetop than with a brawling woman in a white house. God doesn't necessarily repeat every single thing multiple times. He literally repeated that one. It tells me it's important. If you look up brawl in a dictionary, this is what it says. To quarrel angrily and noisily, noisily, wrangle. Go to Proverbs 27. Go to Proverbs chapter 27. Look at verse 15. Proverbs 27. Look at verse 15. A continual dropping in a very rainy day and a contentious woman are alike. Man, isn't that the truth? It rained like 12 days straight here and it was so annoying. I was like, please stop raining. I didn't move to Seattle. What's going on here? It's saying that's what it's like to have a contentious wife. It's just like, again? Another rainy day? Then you have a rainy day and a contentious wife and it's just like, go out in the wilderness. That's when you want to go move to the desert or something. Go to 1 Timothy chapter number 3. Go to 1 Timothy chapter 3. But look, the Bible is clear on this subject. It's not even questionable. It's not something that you even have to take a lot of study on. The Bible emphasizes what a woman should be like and it tells us that there are certain women that should really understand this and should really personify a godly woman and that would be a pastor or deacon's wife. Really pastors should get this because the Bible makes it clear what women are supposed to be like, what their wives are supposed to be like. Look what it says in 1 Timothy chapter 3 verse 11. Even so must their wives be grave, not slanderers, sober, faithful in all things. It says, Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well. For they that have used the office of a deacon well, purchased to themselves a good degree and great boldness in the faith, which is in Christ Jesus. Now the Bible says you can have great boldness when you're doing that which is right. The righteous are as bold as a lion is what the Bible says, but it's really hard to get up and rip on sin. It's really hard to get up and rip on the evils of this world when you're guilty of all those same evils, when you're guilty of all those bad attributes. How could a pastor or a deacon get up and preach about their wives being meek and quiet? Your wives need to be meek and quiet, but mine's not. That would be really kind of sour tasting, to hear a sermon like that and to see that. It would be really frustrating. It's really important that deacons, that their wives, are grave. What is grave? I think the way you read this is it's kind of like it gives you two things that are similar and then it gives you kind of an explanation because it says grave and then it says what? Not slanderers. Grave means that you're serious. Grave means that you're solemn. What would be an example of being grave? Not being a slanderer. If you're a slanderer, you're not very grave. You're not taking things seriously because what is slander? Slander is repeating lies about someone. Sometimes this is done with malicious intent and sometimes it's done in ignorance, but either way, you're not taking things seriously. You don't take slander seriously. You're not taking checking information seriously when you do such things. In the second group, sober is synonymous with grave. Here's another way to kind of describe being sober. Faithful in all things. It's like, grave, not slanderers, sober, faithful in all things, but it's really hitting the same points and then giving more detail as to what that looks like. You look up the word sober in the dictionary, it says quiet, serious, subdued in tone, color, not colorful or showy in their clothing. That's what the dictionary says for sober, meaning what? They're not going around trying to flash their stuff and flash how they look. They're not worried about adorning themselves with all the gold and the silver and the precious stones and the costly apparel and everything like that. Really, they're trying to adorn themselves with what? Meekness, being quiet, with good works is what the Bible says. Some people say, well, that's the deacon. Look, obviously, if the deacon has to meet that qualification, how much more the pastor? Look what it says in verse 14, these things ride unto thee, hoping to come unto thee shortly, but if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God. So you're saying, hey, Timothy, I'm giving you all these instructions so you know how to behave in the house of God. So how much more important is it for the pastor or the deacon to realize, oh, wow, my family needs to make sure that they're observing these qualities and these attributes? So then you can get up and what? Have great boldness when you get up and preach the Bible, so you can have great boldness when you're actually leading the congregation. You say, well, it doesn't explicitly say that about the pastor. Yeah, but wait a minute. Didn't he say that they're wise being in behavior essentially here? And verse 12, is there ruling their own house as well? Look at chapter three, verse four, talking about a pastor, one that rules well his own house, having his children in subjection without gravity. For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God? So if he tells us, taking care of your house, is your wife behaving for the deacon? And then he's telling the pastor to also take care of his house. Look, when it says, you know, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved in thy house, that's not excluding the wife. That's of course including the wife. No one would say that your wife's not included in your house. And obviously the pastor needs to be a good example unto others. This does not mean that anybody is perfect here. This does not mean that people don't make mistakes. But look, being a slanderer is not something you just accidentally do. This is a very severe, extreme sin. And the Bible makes it clear that people are not allowed to be a slanderer and even be in church. You know, there's certain sins that you would get kicked out of church for. One of those is railing. And the word rail is synonymous with slander. It's the same thing. It's exactly the same. And what is railing or slander? It's repeating false accusations about someone. Something that's not true. Whether you realize it's true or not doesn't really matter. If you're repeating false information about someone, that's slander, that's railing. And someone that's guilty of that is not even welcome to be in the church. How can the pastor or the pastor's wife be guilty of that? You've got to throw yourself out. I mean, in best case scenario, you immediately correct the issue. But you're going to just sit in unrepentant railing and slander. I mean, that's just so egregious that, you know, you really shouldn't have respect for that kind of a person. Now look what it says in 1 Timothy 4, verse 12. Let no man despise thy youth. So he's talking to Timothy here. He says, but be thou an example of the believers in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity. The pastor is to be an example unto the congregation. And in the same way, his family should be a model family, should be an example family unto all the other families on how they should be. The reality is, all the qualifications that are given to a pastor, some people have the wrong idea. They think that's just for the pastor. No, no, no, no, no. Let me explain this. This is for every single person. It's just saying someone that can't meet these qualifications shouldn't be the pastor. It's basically just saying someone in the congregation that's doing well in the Christian life should be the pastor. But everyone should be doing well in the Christian life. It's not like, oh, well, the pastor shouldn't slander, but it's OK if we slander. Oh, the pastor's supposed to be faithful, but it's OK if we're not faithful. No, no, no, no. You're supposed to be faithful. No, you're supposed to not be a slanderer. No, you're supposed to be the husband of one wife. No, you're supposed to have your children in subjection with all gravity. No, every single act, you're supposed to be so holy and sober and just and temperate. Hey, all those attributes every single person should be. And when it comes to a pastor's wife, let's think about this. Is she supposed to be a loud and stubborn woman or a meek and quiet spirit? She's still supposed to maintain a meek and quiet spirit. And I see a lot of pastor's wives setting a bad example in this area because they're married to a pastor. They think that their role has magically shifted into now being loud and stubborn. And it's like, whoa, no, you're still a meek and quiet spirit. And this is where they get confused. They think that a pastor's wife is like an official role. You go to some churches, like the black missionary Baptist churches, and they call her the first lady. And it's like, it's not a role, OK? It's not like a position. Here's the thing. My wife is married to me, so she is the wife of the pastor. This is a description of who she is. This is not an official role, an official title. She has no authority from the scripture to have any kind of role in the church, outside of any role that any woman could have, OK? And here's the reality. Some women will believe, because they're married to the pastor, they have a special privilege to start teaching the Bible, teaching the word of God, giving unseemly counsel or unsolicited advice. And here's the thing, that isn't being a loud and stubborn woman. It's not Joel and Victoria Osteen up here, co-pastors of the church. I'm the pastor, that's it, OK? And think about any other profession. Is any other profession a wife automatically have the same job as her husband? I mean, if you're a pilot, does that make your wife a pilot because she's married to you? Is it OK if she starts flying the plane now? Would you like that? Well, I'm married to a pilot. Or if you're married to a neurosurgeon, are you now a neurosurgeon? If you're married to a football player, are you now a football player? No other job, no other position in this world being married to that person makes you that same person. Obviously, some people could both be a teacher, or they could both have the same profession. What I'm saying is being married to someone doesn't give you any extra special privileges of having their role title. They don't get to just go to TSA and be like, my husband's the pastor, let me through. She has to go through the same TSA pre-checks and whatever else is going on. Now, yeah, obviously, if your husband works for American Airlines, you'll probably go to the company events. You'll probably help out. You'll probably share their information online. You'll probably be like, hey, guys, fly American. And in fact, sometimes, she might even get free flights because her husband's a pastor. So yeah, she might benefit from her husband's role. She might participate in her husband's company and activities. She might involve herself with all of that. But that doesn't make her the pilot. And let's think about this in the church context. A pastor's wife is probably going to what? Promote her church, show up at the church, hopefully. Obviously, be involved in the ministries and activities of the church and doing things. But let me explain something to you. My wife, the example that she sets should be something that every single woman is capable of doing in the church. There's no special role like, well, she gets to do this, but the other women don't get to do this. Now, obviously, there's always going to be circumstantial of the fact that little girls are going to grow up and become women and women that are married. Obviously, your roles are going to change, but I'm just saying there's nothing stopping other women in the same position she's in from doing the same activities. When you start saying that she has special privileges, now all of a sudden you can create problems. And what's one of those areas? Being loud. Go to Titus chapter 2. Go to Titus chapter 2. Now, where would people get this idea? Well, I believe that sometimes they're just mangling scripture. That's a possibility. Or they're just stubborn. They just want to do it. They just desire to be a teacher. They desire to be loud. It's a normal common thing for women to end up succumbing to. And instead of just continuing to be a meek and quiet spirit like she should, they want to fulfill this special role of being a mother to all the women and pastoring them and leading them and shepherding them and guiding them. But here's the thing. The Bible does teach that, obviously, a pastor's wife should be a good example unto the church, but you know what? Every woman should be a good example to every woman in the church. It's not saying, well, she's the only one that should be the good example. She's the only woman that you can look up to in the church. That's false. That's wrong. There could even be women that do things or know things or are capable of doing things better than my wife, and that doesn't make her unqualified to be the pastor's wife or something. As long as she's a good example, great. That doesn't mean that other women in this church can't be a great example too. But let me say this. If my wife is doing stuff that no other woman is allowed to do in the church, that's not a good example. That would be weird. Now, let's talk about this passage for a moment. Titus chapter 2, look at verse 2. That the aged men be sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith, and charity in patience. So Titus, the pastor, is giving instruction to teach sound doctrine and encourage older men to do something. Now, when you think about this list, what is really the common denominator on this list? Isn't there their behavior, being sober, being grave, being temperate, being sound in faith, and charity in patience? I mean, that's what you talk about as their lifestyle, their behavior, what they're doing. So then he goes to a second group, the aged women. Likewise, that they be, what? In behavior, as we come to hold this. So what's the context really kind of being set forth in this passage? Behavior. Now, it says this, not false accusers. I remember that. It says, not given to much wine, teachers of good things. Now, what is the context been so far? Behavior? What would you say, not false accusers, isn't that your behavior? Not given to much wine, what did you say, is that your behavior? Now, we have this last phrase, teachers of good things. I believe it's still in the context of behavior. And I'm going to prove that to the best of my ability this morning. But here's the thing. It would be weird to then jump out of that context and then say, no, it's OK for them to actually teach, though. They should get up and start teaching things. Now, let's see the things that it's telling you to teach. That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. Now, again, isn't this list of the things that they're teaching all related to behavior again? It's their lifestyle. And if we truly believe that this is saying, OK, we need to give the women, the older women, a license to teach all the other younger women all of these attributes, you could never set up enough ministries. I mean, think about what this list is saying, just good. What topics does that cover? I mean, that's like every topic you could ever imagine. Loving your husband, loving your children, discreet, chaste. Here's a question. How do you teach them to be a keeper at home from a formal education? You know, these things aren't really a formal education. It'd be really hard to have a formal education. All right, you're welcome to class good 101. Let me teach you some. I mean, wouldn't that be the whole Bible? I mean, if you're going to say that this is giving women a license to teach, then you're going to basically say they should teach everything. Because if you're going to teach someone how to be good, you have to teach them every single commandment of God. You have to teach them every single instruction. I mean, you're basically saying, teach everything. Teach everything you could possibly ever teach. Or what I believe is the very correct definition of this is saying, you know what, you're supposed to be teaching them through your behavior. By you being good, you're going to teach the other women to be good. By you loving your husband, you're going to teach the other women to be good. It would be awkward if we said, hey, every older woman in here have formal education on how you love your husband. That's weird. And some of those things probably shouldn't even, it's like between you and your husband. And that's an individualistic thing. Loving your children, all these things are just really emphasizing one aspect, behavior. And if you take this in context with every other passage about women teaching the Bible, it becomes very clear that this is about behavior. To rip this out and then say, oh, we need women to get up and start teaching all the other women how to basically live their lives, that's going to be weird. You teach women how to love their husband by you loving your husband. You teach women how to be discreet. Imagine Discreet 101. Here's Discreet 101. What are you going to be saying? Here's Discreet 101. Don't say anything. Stop sharing secrets. There's not a lot to teach. It's just like shut your mouth. It's obviously not a formal education list here. Chase, keepers, I'm good. This is obviously just how they're supposed to behave themselves. When a woman is discreet, and she's loving her husband, and she's constantly at home, and she's good, and she's praising her husband, and she's taking everything serious, and she's never slandering anyone, all the other women are going to look at that example and say, oh, that's how I'm supposed to behave. Because at the end of the day, you know and I know that little girls and young women, they notice how their moms, and their grandmothers, and their aunts talk to their husbands, how they treat their husbands, how they treat their children, and they end up emulating those same attitudes and behaviors. So if they're disrespectful of their husband, then guess what? It's OK for them to be disrespectful of their husband. They don't even have to have a formal education. They just start doing exactly what the other women are doing. That's why it's so important that all the older women set the right example. Because just whether you realize it or not, you're going to be paying attention to how the older women behave, and how your moms, and your aunts, and your uncles, and everybody else behaves. And that's going to give you a pattern of how you're supposed to behave. But here's the thing. If you have a bad example in your life, you need to look to the word of God. You need to look to Sarah, and you need to look to people in the church that are setting an example, and say, that's how I'm really supposed to behave. And what a shame if your church has no woman like that. And this isn't saying the pastor's wife, it's saying the aged women. It's saying all the women. Why? Because the pastor's wife should be a good example, but every woman should be capable of being a godly woman. Every woman should be a good example to the younger women of how to be a godly woman. Now let me explain to you how the word teach is not always formal education. Go to 1 Corinthians chapter 11. Now the word teach often is very clearly what we think of. Getting up, expounding the word of God. The Bible talks about Jesus Christ teaching. The Bible talks about teach all nations. The Bible is often talking about the Pharisees and people teaching. Meaning what? They were getting up, they were opening their mouth, it was formal education, they were preaching the word of God, they were doing these things. So obviously teach could mean that, but teach can be used in other contexts rather than just a formal, verbal type education. And here's the thing, you're dancing on a dangerous line as a woman when you start getting up and having formal education and becoming loud and stubborn. Rather than being meek and what? Quiet. Look at 1 Corinthians chapter 11 verse 14. Does not even nature itself teach you that if a man have long hair, it is a shame on him. Now is that, did you go out into the trees and were like, hey buddy, come here, I got a secret for you. It's wrong for dudes to have long hair. No, no, no, no, no, no. This is something you observe just by natural behavior, by just being out in the world. You just realize, wow, that's wrong. It's nature's teaching you something, okay? Go to Proverbs chapter number six, go to Proverbs chapter number six. So the word teach could be used in a context where it's not a formal education. It's something that's observed by behavior, societal things. I mean, by noticing men not having long hair, you're like, okay, I guess that's what men look like. And then looking at Fabio and you're like, there's something off about him. I don't know what it is. He's like, is this his muscles? No, it's okay to have muscles. It's like it's the hair. It's definitely the hair and the name, all right? But look what it says in Proverbs six verse 12. A naughty person, a wicked man, walketh with a froward mouth. He winketh with his eyes. He speaketh with his feet. He teacheth with his fingers. Now look at that. Do you really think he's sitting here talking? He's not a ventriloquist like, hello guys, I want to talk to you about something. No, he's saying, look, where he walks and where he goes. He's saying something. And he's saying, hey, he even teaches with his fingers. The things that he does, the things that he's what? What do you think hands and fingers do? Don't they kind of, they meddle? Oh, the things that this guy's meddling in. He's going to end up what? Teaching you things. You can teach a lot of people things without having to say a word. And in fact, a lot of people that have jobs that are blue collar, the best instruction is what? Watching someone do it. So don't sit here and tell me that the word teach in Titus chapter two, now gives every woman this like doctoral paperwork to say, let's go start setting up ministries for women to start teaching the Bible. Go to Revelation chapter two. Now let's get some really clear instruction, okay? How about let's just see if the Bible has anything else to do or say about women teaching the Bible. Revelation chapter two, look at verse number 20. Now, Revelation two is an epistle written to several different churches. It's bringing up lots of different churches in the same context. And you know what's funny to me about this? Is these people that, obviously I'm an independent, vulnerable Baptist, okay? Don't hear me wrong. But there's some people that take independent, that word, to such a weird extreme, it's bizarre, okay? They're like, I'm so independent, you can't even mention another church, whatever. Jesus wrote to seven churches at the same time. Think about that. It's like, well, I don't want to know what's going on in another church. It's like, here's a letter what's going on in seven churches at the same time, FYI. I mean, isn't that your newsletter of like, here's what's going on in other churches. You know, think about the logic of saying, well, it only matters what's going on in our church. Well, I guess you better never read 1 Corinthians, and the epistle written to the Galatians, and the Ephesians of Philippians. Well, who cares what's going on in that church? Everyone that saves should. Because you can learn from their good and bad examples. Oh, you're just so interested in other churches. Jesus kind of wrote to multiple churches at the same time, just FYI. Look at Revelation chapter 2, verse 20. Notwithstanding, I have a few things against thee. Because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which called herself a prophetess, notice this, to teach. Now, the next word's really important, okay? Look at this next word, and. So why is he mad? Because they let a woman teach. And notice, it doesn't even say, like, I know that we kind of, in our minds, immediately think of something. We think, oh, well, she was teaching men. It doesn't even say that she was teaching men. It just says that she was teaching. And that whole, that's just by itself fine. It doesn't say, and to teach my servants to commit fornication. It says to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication and to eat things sacrificed in idols. Notice it's like, hey, I'm mad at you because you have a woman in your church that's claiming to be a prophetess and she's teaching. That's enough to be mad. But then obviously, when you mix women and preaching, what happens? False doctrine. She's very loud and stubborn. Well, how do you know she's stubborn? Well, look at verse 21. And I gave her space to repent of her fornication and she repented not. So notice, it seems like the same woman that's loud is the same woman that's stubborn. Isn't that interesting? And the same woman that's probably what? Quiet is probably the same one that's meek too, huh? I think Guy got really mad. Look at what he says in verse 22. Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds, and I will kill her children with death. That's extreme. And all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts, and I will give unto every one of you according to your works. He also said this, I didn't just write this to these seven churches. I want every single church to hear about this. Now yeah, I'm not saying we should just gossip and tell everybody about everything that's going on. But there's nothing wrong with knowing what's going on in other churches. Otherwise, why would you even have the epistles? Why would you have this passage where Jesus is saying, hey, I want you to know what happened in this church. I want every church to know what's going on here. And in fact, when you read the epistles, you realize that Paul and the other guys are always hearing about stuff that's going on in other churches and addressing issues in other churches. So don't get this idea that it's wrong to know about other churches or realize other churches exist on the planet as if somehow that's bad or something. Now obviously we shouldn't meddle with strife not belonging unto us, I get that. But at the end of the day, sometimes we can learn from the bad example of other churches, and we can also learn from the good example of other churches. Go to First Corinthians chapter number 14. What's the point that I'm making? The point that I'm making is the Bible's crystal clear on women teaching the Bible. And yeah, I understand that Titus chapter two talks about women being teachers of good things. But to rip that out of its context of behavior and then to try and slam it up with the idea of her getting up and having all these teaching ministries is really ignoring a lot of other scripture that's really clear. I mean, this was clear, he was mad that they were letting her teach. First Corinthians chapter 14 verse 34, let your women keep silence in the churches, for it is not permitted unto them to speak, but they are commanded to be under obedience as all sayeth of all. Well, I think women should teach. This says they're not even allowed to speak. I mean, I feel like it's real clear. Go to First Timothy chapter two, go back to First Timothy. And there's so much Bible on this. And you say, well, I've never heard a sermon like this. Well, it sounds like you're missing a lot of Bible. Don't get mad at me for preaching the Bible. Say, it's a Sunday morning. Well, you need it, okay? First Timothy chapter two, look at verse 11. Let the women learn in silence with all subjection. Verse 12, but I suffer not a woman to what? To teach. Now again, the next word is really important. Nor, what is the word nor? It's saying, and something additional to usurp authority of the man. It doesn't say, well, it's okay for women to teach when they're not usurping the authority over the man. Obviously, that's wrong. It's saying, they're not allowed to teach. I feel like the Bible's really clear. They're also not allowed to usurp authority of the man. What does it say they're supposed to do? Be in silence. How much clearer, how do you want the Bible to word it? I mean, it's not gonna word it any better than this. It's really, really clear. It's a straightforward doctrine. He says, verse 13, for Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived. But the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Notwithstanding, she shall be saved by all the women preachers in her church. She shall be saved by the gently led women's groups. Mm, no. And childbearing. If they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety. Look, it says that the woman shouldn't be teaching because she was deceived. And I didn't write the Bible. Okay, don't get mad at me for not writing the Bible. Okay, it would be way worse if I wrote it. This is great, this is wonderful. I could never write something like this. But the Bible is sharper than a two-edged sword, and here's the reality. Men are supposed to be the leaders, men are supposed to be the preachers, men are supposed to teach, men are supposed to be loud, women are supposed to be meek and quiet. It also says they're not supposed to teach, okay? Now, I don't want you to hear me wrong, because we're obviously gonna put these in context. What is the context? Church, gatherings, congregations. This is also specifically Bible doctrine and stuff that we're really talking about. It's not saying that women can't teach their children. Of course they can teach their children. That's great, I hope that every woman teaches their children and could even teach them the Bible. Proverbs 31, the prophecy that his mother taught him. It's Lemuel, his mother taught him that preaching. And praise the Lord for women that'll teach their children the Bible. Hey, there's nothing wrong with a woman when she's asked a question or she's dealing with someone to bring up the Bible. I hope she does, okay? I'm not discouraging women from talking about the Bible, bringing up the Bible, or whatever. But there's a huge difference between someone coming up to you and y'all talking in a private conversation about the Bible, and you having a public platform teaching the Bible unprovoked. That is way different. That is not the same. Now, what kind of ministries do churches have and people have that you disagree with, Pastor Shelley? Well, first of all, I only disagree with them because the Bible said. But how about Sunday school? And I've been to a lot of churches, and they have Sunday school, and they have women classes where they have women getting up and teaching the Bible. That is wrong. I don't agree with it. And you say, why do you don't agree with it? Well, the Bible clearly said they're not supposed to teach, nor usurp the authority of the man. It doesn't say, well, if it's just women, no. Because you know who's really responsible for the women? Their husbands. If a woman has a question, she's supposed to ask her husband at home, not the other ladies in the church. And let me make it clear. You know who is the primary authority over every woman in this church? Their husband, not the pastor. If I say something, and your husband disagrees, you obey your husband. You do whatever he says. He is the final authority. The husband should vet all information coming to his wife at all times. The only information that the husband wants his wife to have is the only information she should have. If he deems a source as being unreliable, or something that she shouldn't be listening to, or harkening unto, then he has every right to basically say, don't listen to that person. Don't follow their example. You know, if the pastor says something wrong, the husband has every right to say, you know what, honey? This is what the Bible actually says, and this is what our house is gonna do. And if he's hearing a woman say something, that he's like, well, that's her, she might say that, but guess what? It's, you're my wife. You're not married to her. You're not her wife. You're not gonna do what she says. You're not gonna do what she does. You're gonna do whatever I say. And we need men to bring their women back under their authority and exercise their authority. And you know what, you should praise your husband if he's one that's willing to rule over you, as opposed to just letting you go to the wolves and letting you just soak up any and all information out there and listen to all these loud and stubborn women out there today. There's so many. How about a church blog? Women, is it okay for Joel and Victoria Osteen to just have their little videos where they're like co-pastoring, getting up and teaching the Bible together? Yet, I see independent, phenomenal Baptists doing the same thing. Him, the pastor, and his wife getting up there teaching the Bible together. That's not what the Bible's saying. It's not saying, well, she can teach if the pastor's sitting next to her teaching. It's like, no, she's now usurping authority over her own husband. She's not supposed to usurp authority over the man. And look, there's nothing wrong with a woman answering questions or participating with her husband in activities. But here's the thing. My wife's not gonna participate with me in the pastoral duties of the church. Because I'm the pastor. She's the wife of the pastor. And let's go back to our example again. Everything that my wife does should be an example to every woman, okay? If she's getting up and having this public ministry where she's teaching women the Bible, you know what? Do we want every woman in here to start having a public online platform and preaching the Bible? And here's the thing, I guarantee those people that do that would say that's wrong. And you say, well, then why is it right for you? Oh, because she's the pastor's wife. So they what? They make it a role. They make it a position. But it's not a role. It's not a position. It's not something that's more official. She should just be a good example. So if you have created a ministry that's designated only for the pastor's wife, now you've made it a role. Whereas I believe what's correct is that she's just a good example in all areas and everything she's doing should be something that every woman should do. And when you look at these ministries, they might be teaching really gently, but I think it's really subtly. Why not be straightforward if you're gonna teach the Bible? Why would you be doing it gently? Why would you be doing it softly? That's trying to be deceptive about it. What are you really doing? And when you look at the fruit of these ministries, what do you see? Feminism, rebellion to husbands, women distracted with online social media vanities, which they don't need any more of that. You wanna know the number one users on Facebook? Married women, pretty much every online social media platform. And look, I'm not saying that social media is evil or wrong. But you know what? Neglecting your priorities to be on social media is wrong. And a lot of people get too distracted because they're so focused on what's going on with things that they shouldn't really be wasting time with rather than focusing on the things that they should be. How about false doctrine? Yeah, women and teaching the Bible, false doctrine. And look, I've heard it, whenever I get an ear of these women ministries and I start hearing for even a few seconds them teaching the Bible, there's something wrong about it. There's something just clearly bad about it, just like Jezebel. It encourages women to be loud. If you see this woman share and broadcast and post and tweet and get it to everyone. What are you doing? You're being loud. It encourages women to blow off their mouth. Look, as a pastor, sometimes I call people out. Sometimes it gets a little ugly. Sometimes it gets a little rough. Sometimes it's kind of a battle. Sometimes you're doing stuff and it's like, women shouldn't be doing that. I don't want my wife in there with the ring fighting people, men or women. Okay, that's weird. Yep, that's what they do. They're blowing off their mouth, encouraging women to gossip. I'm just telling you that's the fruit of these minutes. Go to First Timothy chapter five. Go to First Timothy chapter number five. And look, it's not just false doctrine on these things, it's gossip. And look what the Bible says in verse 11. But the younger widows refuse for when they have begun to wax wanton against Christ, they will marry. Having damnation because they have cast off their first faith and with all, they learn to be idle, wandering about from house to house. And not only idle, but tattlers and also busybodies, speaking things which they ought not. Now, in years past, we didn't have phones and Internet and Facebook and Instagram and TikTok and all this other stuff that's going on today, email. We didn't have all these inventions. So if you wanted to participate in activities like this, you had to literally go to someone's house. But what was the purpose of going to the house? Not to be a friend, not paying out, not for fellowship, not for cooking, to be idle. You got nothing better to do, so you're neglecting things, you're being lazy, and you're just going around and just getting chattering about things you shouldn't be chattering about, finding out information you shouldn't be finding out. And look, with the advent of social media, it's enabled women to wander from house to house without even having to get out of their seat. They could be laying in bed, and they can just wander from house to house to everybody and see what's going on. And look, they learn to be idle. Here's the thing, did someone teach idleness 101? Or who was teaching that? Yeah, the women that are supposed to be the good example are getting up and constantly on social media doing all kinds of stuff, teaching the women to what? To learn to be idle like they are. Look, when you're so busy in the house doing other things, being a keeper at home, you know what, that's gonna be setting the right kind of example. When you're teaching women to be idle, guess what? Everything's gonna fall downhill, and you're gonna teach all your women to be idle, and what I notice is that a lot of the women that go to a church where they have a pastor's wife role, all those women are loud mouths too. All of them are really idle and constantly blabbing on these online platforms too. And look, I'm not saying that you're not allowed to talk on social media. I'm not saying, share as many pictures of your kids as you want, okay? Talk with your friends. There's nothing wrong with communication. There's nothing wrong with being friends. There's nothing wrong with being social, okay? But what is wrong is neglecting priorities. What is wrong is gossip. What is wrong is learning to be idle. And women today should learn to, what, be busy. That'll help them. What was the point? Verse 14, I will therefore the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give non-occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully. Some women are giving the devil all kinds of room to speak evil of what they're doing. And it says this, for some are already turned aside after Satan. Look, what they're doing is satanic. You say, this is a mean sermon. The Bible calls it satanic. What do you want me to say? I can't preach hard enough on this. I mean, the apostle Paul's ripping face on this. He's saying, look, they're preaching things they shouldn't. They're going after the devil. They've rejected Christ. I mean, they're just doing wicked stuff. And you say, what's all this wicked stuff? Just being idle, just wandering about, just gossiping and being a tattletown. Look, a tattler isn't even spreading information that's false. It's spreading information that's true. But it's just saying, why go around and just spread everything that's true, just to make people look bad, just to fight. What kind of ministry should a church have for women? Well, I think there's lots of things, but let's look to the Bible. You know the Bible says, go to John 12 for a second. The Bible says that Dorcas made coats and garments for others. Says that she was full of good deeds. So making clothing, blessing people with clothing, helping provide for people that are in need. Phoebe, the Bible says that she had business and she was a sucker of many. So helping people, helping with activities in the church. Aquila and Priscilla are expounding the word of God as a couple. They're a power couple going out and preaching the gospel. So yeah, that would be great if wives would accompany their husbands outgoing soul winning. You know the Bible says that Mary bestowed much labor. The Bible says that women ministered to Jesus in the New Testament. What were some of the ways that women ministered in Jesus? Well, one woman literally washed his feet with her hair. Cleaning, you know, cleaning in the church is a great ministry. How about this, John chapter 12, look at verse number two. There they made him a supper and Martha served, serving meals. Hey, the meals trains that we do for other women that are pregnant or whatever. That's a great ministry for women to be involved in. The Bible talks about the handmaidings prophesying, you know, preaching the gospel, women preaching the gospel. And you know, we have a lady's time where my wife, she leads that and she has other women go out and preach the gospel with her. And you know, there's other women in this church that teach other women how to preach the gospel. But here's the thing, that ministry that my wife has is not exclusive to wife of the pastor. Any woman could help other women go out soul winning. But here's the thing, if men start coming to it, then it would be wrong, because my wife's not supposed to usurp authority over the man. She's not going to be telling men what to do. The only way for a woman to tell any man what to do is she's delivering the message of someone that's a man. You know, I might tell my wife something and she could relay that message to somebody. But that's not her usurping authority over the man, she's just delivering a message. And it's not exclusive to my wife, because I could ask any woman to relay a message for me, and it would still be coming for me, where the authority is placed, okay? So as soon as you start making rules for the wife that other women could not possibly ever be involved in or doing, now all of a sudden you're doing things that are wrong, okay, and in my opinion, okay, at least. I think I've showed a lot of biblical precedent, a lot of biblical principles that would reiterate that statement. Now, also women should be teaching their children, praise the Lord. I hope women teach their children the Bible. You know, a great way would be the Bible memory verse every single week, you know? But think about what the Bible had said in our verse that we had used earlier. It said they're not supposed to be false accusers. They're supposed to be keepers at home that the word of God be not blasphemed. When a woman gets up and she's falsely accusing, she's giving a great occasion to the enemy to speak reproachfully. And she's causing the word of God to be blasphemed. Now, here's the thing. My sermon can stand on its own, but in light of a few recent events, I might as well make some things clear too, okay? I have a great friend, Pastor Aaron Thompson, at Sure Foundation Baptist Church. And he's been willing to just stick his neck out there and basically defend himself and other of his friends from a lot of attacks from a particular pastor. There was a pastor that I had high respect for, I thought I was great friends with. But then I find out from my church members that he's been like preaching against me and my friends, and it's like, what in the world? But Grace and Fritz was preaching all kinds of sermons against the new IFB. He named me personally, he named Pastor Anderson personally, he named Pastor Roger Menes personally, in very negative contexts. And here's the thing, I thought he was a great friend. I don't even know what happened. I honestly, if you know anything about me, ask anybody what I said about Grace and Fritz. Ask any person in this church what I've said about Grace and Fritz. And I would say I loved his preaching, I invited him to our men's conference. In fact, at the Fire Breathing Baptist Fellowship two years ago, I told many people that I thought his sermon was my favorite sermon. So I don't know why he's so jaded against myself or my friends. I don't know what happened. But Pastor Thompson was finally gonna stick his neck out and say, I don't appreciate all the stuff he's been saying about our kids and the new IFB and everything like that. And Pastor Fritz's wife, Dana Fritz, decides to just go on his channel and start blowing her mouth against Pastor Thompson and trash talking Pastor Thompson. And lying and slandering in her comments. And here's the thing, okay, she's a woman, but guess what? Women can still get called out. And it's not right, even if you're the pastor's wife, to slander people, because she's not above every other woman. It's not right for other women to go out. And she puts these comments on his sermon saying, Grace and Fritz didn't trash talk any pastor. He wasn't even talking about Pastor Menez and any of his sermons. Let me give you some quotes. And you judge for yourself if Grace and Fritz was not trash talking any pastor in the new IFB. You know what's absent from the new IFB? Grace. You know what's absent from the new IFB? Mercy. You know what's absent from the new IFB? Brains and common sense. I wonder if that sounds like it wasn't trash talking any pastor. He said about me, he said, do I think that Pastor Shelley does stupid things? Yes! And you say, you exaggerated that, you listen. He said the same thing about Pastor Anderson. What if I walked up to you and I was like, your husband does stupid things. Would you think that was a nice thing for me to say about your husband? Or your wife? What if I said that about your wife? Would you like that, men? Would you like it when someone says that about your pastor? He said this. Someone's like, are you in the new IFB? And he says, I don't do vaccines. Making fun of the acronym as if it's a vaccine or something. Comparing the new IFB to a vaccination that literally contains aborted babies, and mercury, and poison, and ejecting and killing people. That's what he compares the new IFB to, cool. It was a joke, okay, that's not what I meant. What did you mean? He said, in order to get a new IFB members only jacket, you have to be a jerk. I kind of want one of those jackets. Go to first to meet chapter five, go to first to meet chapter five. And not only did she write these comments on there and it's blowing her mouth being a loud and stubborn woman. But you know what I saw? A lot of other women sharing that post. And you know what, the Bible has something to say about that. First to meet chapter five, look at verse 19. Against an elder receive not an accusation, but before two or three witnesses, them that sin rebuke before all that others also may fear. So notice, if someone's making an accusation against a pastor, like Dana Fritz, saying that, everything you're saying is lies and exaggeration and he never trash talked anybody and she's falsely accusing Pastor Thompson, and then you share that and like that, you know what you are? You're receiving an accusation against an elder. And you know what, the Bible literally says you should be called out publicly. And there's too many people to call out, so I'm not gonna name names, cuz there's no, I mean, I could just be so many people. But if you're on that list, you should be ashamed of yourself. And you know what, they should be called out. And look, not every sin's supposed to be called out, but this one's told to be called out. Why? So they'll fear. And you say, well, what's the point of this sermon? So women will stop blowing them out. So women will be afraid to slander someone. And what a shame for the pastor's wife to be a slanderer. Was that okay for her to sit? No. And look, if you're gonna go after a pastor, you better have solid proof. Look, if you have two or three witnesses, then by all means. If it needs to be brought out, it needs to be brought out. But at the end of the day, don't receive an accusation from one person, especially against a pastor. Go to Numbers chapter 12, go to Numbers chapter 12. Well, I don't like the fact that you're calling out women. Okay, well then you're not gonna like the Bible. Cuz it didn't say if any man says if it's just anybody. And in fact, women get called out in the Bible all the time. So you're gonna have a hard time with the Bible then. Look at Numbers chapter 12, verse 1. And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses. That's not a smart thing to do. Look, Moses is the greatest guy on the planet at this time. The Bible says he's the meekest man on all the Earth. They speak against him. And then look how the Lord describes it, cuz Moses is like, don't punish her, Lord. Pastor Shelley, why pick on women? Don't pick on women. Well, let's see what God's attitude is. Verse 14, and the Lord said to Moses, if her father had but spit in her face, she should not be ashamed seven days. So notice how God views women that are slandering or attacking men of God. It's like spit in their face, which I spit a lot when I preach, okay? So there you go. They should be ashamed. Go to Deuteronomy 25, and let me tell you something that's a bad attribute, is women that defend their husband. I don't know, like Jezebel, and you're like, what, the one in Revelation 2? No, the one before that, cuz Jezebel's just got problems, all right? There's too many bad Jezebels, there's not a good one. Look at Deuteronomy 25, look at verse 11. When men strive together one with another, and the wife of the one draweth near for to deliver her husband out of the hand of him that smite of them, and putteth forth her hand, and taketh them by the secrets, then thou shalt cut off her hand, thine eyes shall not pity. That's what the Bible's saying. It's wrong for women to defend their husbands. Now, you say, it's only in that way. But let's think about it. She has no chance to fight against a man. So what does she do? She takes cheap shots. And let me tell you what these women do, they take cheap shots at pastors. What do they do? They share information about their kids. And they try to attack their children. And they try to just gaslight and use gossip. They take all these cheap shots at them, but you know what? The Bible says our hands should be cut off. Stop letting those thumbs post those stupid garbage texts and posts. It should be cut off. I'm not saying literally, okay? It's not Sharia here, all right? Go to Jeremiah 44. But you know what? If we lived in a righteous society, it would be. God's law is perfect. Don't ever come up to me and expect me not to believe the Bible. You should expect me to believe the word of God here. And it's saying, if a wife's getting in and defending her husband, what's the principle that's taught here? Women shouldn't get involved in a fight. If your husband's gonna get his butt kicked, let his butt get kicked. You know what I don't want is my wife to have to defend me against another man. Someone comes around the corner and is like, give me your money. I'm like, honey, will you take care of this mean guy? No, you put the wife behind you. What kind of weak man needs his wife to defend him? Jeremiah 44, look at verse 15. Then all the men which knew that their wives had burnt incense unto other gods, and all the women that stood by a great multitude, even all the people that dwelt in the land of Egypt and Pathros answered, Jeremiah's saying. Now notice what it's saying. And all the women that stood by, and then it gives some description about them, they're the ones answering Jeremiah. So there's a mixed company. Who's the one coming to the defense? The women, okay? This is what they're saying. As for the word that thou has spoken on us in the name of the Lord, we will not hearken with thee. Doesn't that sound stubborn? Rebellious and loud, cuz the men should be piping up. Verse 17, but we will certainly do whatsoever thing goeth forth out of our own mouth. So whatever we say, cuz we're loud and stubborn. To the burn incense unto the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her, as we have done, we and our fathers, our kings, and our princes in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem. For then had we plenty of vittles, and were well, and saw no evil. But since we left off to burn incense to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her, we have wanted all things, and have been consumed by the sword, and by the famine. And when we burned incense to the queen of heaven, and poured out drink offerings unto her, do we make her cakes to worship her, or pour out our drink offerings unto her without our men? So what, they're rebuking Jeremiah. What a shame and a folly when your wife is rebuking the preacher, when the wife is rebuking the man of God. And look, what a shame when women are getting up and rebuking the man of God, Pastor Thompson, and having to explain all the things that her husband said and did. Why can't he speak for himself? Why does the woman have to get up? And here's what I'd like to know. Is Pastor Thompson like a second rate pastor or something? Because you know what? I noticed that they love to attack Pastor Thompson, but they won't attack Pastor Anderson for the same things. Or Pastor Jimenez for the same things. Why, cuz they're a specter of persons. That's why. They'll say, I'm gonna de-friend people on Facebook that do X, Y, and Z. But then they'll only de-friend people like Pastor Thompson, because they treat him like a second rate pastor. Well, you know what? He's a first rate pastor in my mind. He's a man of God. And you know what? I'm not gonna sit here and tolerate women attacking the men of God. Sick. What kind of a coward needs his wife to defend him? I want to be as loud as possible so my wife can't even compete with me. I want to be so loud you can't hear her voice over me. Just in case, go to 1 Kings chapter number 18. What's the point of the sermon? So women will stop being loud and stubborn. Look, there's so many women that we influence. Our church, our ministry will continue to influence women. I want women to realize it's great to be meek and quiet. You don't have to blow off your mouth. And you know what? You're not getting brownie points with me, and you're not getting brownie points with God. And in the day, even if you got brownie points with me, you're still not getting in with God. Even if you had the greatest retort ever, even if you're sitting there just lambasting these people or whatever, it's better to just be meek and quiet. And they always want to talk, you know, it's funny to me, is I guarantee all these same people. They love to pontificate about how much they hate the leftist mob and BLM for how they'll put an article in the paper. It'll say white cop shot by unarmed black man. And then when you actually look at the evidence, what happened? The black guy's like attacking the cops and trying to put his life in danger, and then the cop defends himself, and then what do they do? They just side with the black guy. They just side with the unarmed assailant or whatever, and they condemn the police officer. They condemn the guy that was defending himself. And then we have a situation, Pastor Thompson's defending himself from an attacker, and all they like to do is be like, oh, you're so mean. You're attacking poor innocent little pastors over here. We did nothing wrong. And it's like, you're just like the leftist media, gaslighting and siding with BLM. You're just like them. How can you literally sit here and ignore all the evidence, ignore all the statements, oh, he wasn't trash talking anybody. You know, Dana Fritz has the gall to get up and say, he never mentioned Pastor Tom, or Pastor Jimenez or Verity Baptist Church when he did exactly that, verbatim quotes. It's sick. It's ridiculous. Don't fall for this gaslighting leftist narrative, hyper-spirituality. Well, we love everybody. No, you don't. He's subtle jabber you, and sometimes not even that subtle. Look at 1 Kings 18, look at verse 3. And Ab called Obadiah, which was the governor of his house. Now Obadiah feared the Lord greatly, for it was so when Jezebel cut off the prophets of the Lord. So notice who's doing the dirty work. Jezebel, not Ahab. Look at chapter 19, chapter 19. You say, you seem a little mad. Well, you better believe that I'm mad. You know what, it's really frustrating not to always defend yourself all the time. And I learned that the hard way. So I just decided mentally, whenever one of my friends is being attacked, I'm gonna support him. So if you wanna attack one of my friends, you're attacking me. And you know what, Christ says, hey, if you've done the least of these, my brethren, you've done it unto me. Amen. If you wanna attack my friends and go against the Bible, you better believe that I might defend them. And you know what, it's a two-way street. Hey, if my friend's in the wrong, and some other pastor that I don't even know is in the right, I'll defend him, because I don't wanna be a respected person. But let me tell you what, you better not attack my friends and be in the wrong. 1 Kings 19, look at verse 1. And Ahab told Jezebel all that Elijah had done, and with all how he had slain all the prophets with the sword. Then Jezebel sent a messenger unto Elijah. He's going and running home to mommy. Hey, this guy beat me up. This guy gave me a wedgie. Jezebel, what are you gonna do? And then Jezebel has to take care of it. People don't even have respect for him. He's so panty-wasted. He's such a hen-pecked man, he has to cry home to mommy, and Jezebel's gonna take care of it for him. And what kind of an effeminate pastor are you when your wife's the one defending you? I thought, I thought being a gossip and a slanderer was things that women are more prone to. Why are men doing that? Look, men, whenever they're, you know, basically in a fight, they're gonna blow off their mouth, they're gonna get too loud. Not too gossipy. You're being a little too effeminate and you're attacking their buddy. Why don't you just call it like it is? Why don't you be a man about it? Just man up. You're gonna talk crap. They love to blow their mouth off in secret cuz they don't wanna get hit. Now look what it says in verse seven, and Jezebel's wife said to him, dust out. I'm sorry, go to chapter 21. I'm getting a little ahead of myself. I just wanna show you another verse here. She's literally the one that's in charge. Let's find all the examples of women defending their husband. Do you have any respect for any of these men? Do you have respect for Ahab when his wife is the one defending him? How could you have respect for that? Do you have respect for the guy that in the fight he won because his wife gave a cheap shot to the other guy? You don't have respect for that man. You're not gonna have respect. Did you have respect for those guys in the book of Jeremiah when their wives had to answer Jeremiah for them? Look at verse seven, and Jezebel's wife said to him, dost thou not govern the kingdom of Israel? Arise and eat bread and let thine heart be merry. I will give thee the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite. And she wrote letters in Ahab's name. Now here's the thing. Go back to our pastor's ministry. They can't get away with it doing it on their own, cuz then they'll just look like Joyce Meyer. So they have to do it under the guise of I'm under the pastor's, in the pastor's name. I'm a ministry of the pastor's church and he's, but here's the thing. It's still her the one that's doing the work. It's still her the one that's saying the stuff and doing the dirty work and it's wrong. And women preachers today, they need to be called out. Go to Romans 1 for a moment. I know you're nervous I wouldn't get there, but. It's like, preach too long or miss Romans 1. I'm gonna preach too long, all right? But look, Oprah, think about the people, the women that are loud and stubborn. Oprah, you get a car and you get a car and. I mean, talk about the loudest woman. Rosie O'Donnell, Kelly Ripa, Sharon Osborne. I mean, when we look at the women, like, what's the good example of women that are loud and stubborn? There isn't one. We all look at those women with disgust. We all look at them with disdain. So then why are you trying to emulate them? Why are you trying to be like them, have your own little talk show, and have your own little studio, and have your little teaching things or whatever? And look, I do not think that it's wrong for a woman to make videos or something. Okay, I'm not, I'm not getting up here and saying, look, if you wanna teach women how to sew, cook, clean, knit, write books, do English grammar, I don't care, that's great. And you know what? If my wife were to make videos teaching women how to cook, clean, do all those things, great. But that wouldn't be limited to her. Every woman could do that if they wanted to. But what would be wrong if she's spending all day making videos and not actually cooking and cleaning the house? Here's how you clean the house, but I'm not gonna do it. Here's how you cook, but I'm not gonna make any meal. You can warm up the hungry man in the freezer, honey. You know? Hey, I hope that every woman shares with all the other women all the great specialties and all the things they're good at, sewing and cooking and cleaning and whatever, and you know, that's not limited to my wife. I'm guaranteed there's women in this room that could do things better than my wife in some areas, whether that be sewing, cooking, cleaning, I don't know. I would be hard pressed to find a woman that can cook better rolls, but, you know, or better cookies. That's a challenge, cuz that, that's excellent. You know, she's probably the best singer I've ever heard. My wife's great. I'm not trying to downplay that. What I am saying is that it's not like she has to be the best in every category, even if she is, okay? Other women could be that way, but you know what? To have our own little TV show and to have our own little thing going on, that's just not what the Bible teaches. And who are you trying to be like? Rachel Maddow? Ellen Degeneres? Look what the Bible says about these women. Look at Romans 1, verse 25, who changed the truth of God into a lie and worship and serve the creature more than the creator, who is blessed forever, amen. For this cause, God gave them up unto vile affections. For even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature. And you say, well, why bring up these people? Cuz they're not Baptists. But here's the thing. Isn't it interesting that when you listen to Oprah, she ends up bringing up the Bible? She gets up and she says, hey, there's not only one way. And then you realize women in their arguing say, no, Jesus is the only way. She says, that's not true. She's literally preaching a false gospel on her little show that's not even dedicated to the Bible. Because guess what? You get women in front of a camera a bit loud and blown up their mouth. What'll end up coming out? False doctrine. You watch these women's shows, I guarantee they bring up all kinds of false doctrine, bad preaching, false gospels. They have Rob Bell come on their show, preaching his false gospel. They have Joel Osteen coming on their show, preaching a false gospel. They had Billy Graham. I mean, they have all these guys getting on their shows. They have Joyce Meyer. They have Beth Moore. They have all these people getting on their show, preaching a false gospel. And look, in order to have a show, you have to have lots of different guests. So you end up being a compromiser, typically. And you bring all kinds of weirdos and freaks on your show that you should never even bring on your show. You find, you show me one of these shows, I guarantee they're gonna bring freaks on their show. Go to Proverbs 31, I'll finish, okay? Look, the Bible gives a list of these reprobates. It says that they have maliciousness full of envy, debate, whispers, backbiters, disobedient appearance, without understanding, implacable. Meaning what, they're stubborn. Why would I want my wife to emulate what sodomite lesbians are doing? What Ellen DeGeneres is like. She's not the good example to the women in this church. Rachel Maddow is not the good example to the women in this church. You know the good example, Sarah, who's a meek and quiet woman. And hopefully the deacon and the pastor's wives can be a good example of that. Not blowing off their mouth, not going around and defending their husband like Jezebel, not preaching and teaching like Jezebel. Man, is she a good example of what not to do. Bible says blessed are the meek. And you say, you hate women, I love women, I'm married to one, she's great. And you know what, I think a lot of women in this church are great. And I think the meek and quiet women are great. And so, you know who else thinks that? God. And we need to praise them, and we need to curb this wicked, satanic doctrine of being a loud and stubborn woman. You know, the Bible gives an example of what a godly woman looks like in verse 75. I'm just gonna read for you. She's well reported of for good work. She was the wife of one man. She brought up children. She lodged strangers. She washed the saint's feet. She relieved the afflicted. She diligently followed every good work. You know what it doesn't say there? Teach. If it's gonna be an example of a woman that was really good, it's a given example of a widow that ended up being a really great woman. You know, it didn't tell you. She got up and taught all this great doctrine. What did she do? She worked. And that's what the Bible emphasizes. Look at Proverbs 31, verse 29. Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excels them all. Favor is deceitful and beauty is vain. But a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands and let her own works praise her in the gates. She doesn't need to go around and tell people how great she is. She doesn't even have to open her mouth. You know what else she does? She just works hard. And you know what a woman who works hard and keeps her mouth shut, there's nothing better. The Bible says her price is far above rubies. The woman that does no work and is just blowing off her mouth, it's, you don't even wanna be around it. You'd rather be in the corner of a housetop. You'd rather be out in the wilderness. So I hope that you can take from what the Bible teaches and realize, am I gonna fear man or God? And ladies, I encourage you, you know, it's not just my personal opinion, it's what the Bible's saying, that you should strive to be a meek and a quiet woman. Don't be a loud and stubborn woman. Let's close and pray. Thank you, fathers, for all the great verses you've given us. And I pray that we would just have the fear of the Lord in our hearts today, and that we would rather be pleasing unto you than men, and that we would rather serve you than men, and that we don't have to worry about bragging about ourselves and glorifying ourselves. And I pray that you would just encourage the women to realize that they're of great value, and they have an important job and a role to do in this world, and that they wouldn't forsake the job that you've actually given them, to get vainglory, to get recognition that's not worth it, to go around and try to be a man, act like a man, talk like a man, dress like a man, walk like a man. I pray that you'd help women to be women, you know, be like a woman, to be feminine today, to be a godly woman, to be like Sarah. And I pray that you would just encourage us to continue to serve you. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.