(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) There was two other announcements I want to make quickly. I forgot about the Milsteads. They had their new baby girl Penny K Milstead. She was born on July 30th at 8 a.m. 7 pounds 14 ounces and 20 inches long so if you be in prayer for them as well and congratulations to them that's great and also I was at Pure Words for last Thursday and Sunday services and everything went great. On Thursday we had a Bible burning and man it was it was really fun just to throw those things in the trash and and I preached like a sermon specifically on how bad they are. It gets you fired up just want to burn them and rip them up so you know it's it's really great and Step Past Baptist Church contributed like 20 plus Bibles that y'all got throughout the year so let's do double that this year all right let's just try and grab there as much and it's really fun so let's dig in here in Judges chapter number four Judges chapter four let's look at verse number one the Bible reads and the children of Israel again did evil in the sight of the Lord when EHud was dead now in the book of Judges it's constantly a back and forth of the children of Israel doing right doing evil and we see the coordination is always in line with a strong leader it's always when they have some great deliverer they have some judge that's leading them and this is just because without strong leadership people do evil evil just arises there's a need for strong leadership today and I want to give you a few verses just kind of think about what we're thinking about this verse you don't have to turn there because I'm gonna go quickly but Matthew 13 the Bible says another parable he put forth unto them saying the kingdom of heaven is like none a man which sowed good seed in his field but while men slept his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way unfortunately there's a lot of bad things that happen when men sleep when people are asleep on the job and that's a picture of no leadership that's a picture of a lack of the watchman in the book of Ezekiel God said to Ezekiel son of man I have made thee a watchman of the house of Israel therefore hear the word at my mouth and give them warning from me God's people especially as prophets as priests as pastors as teachers they're supposed to be watchmen today they're supposed to be out and looking they're supposed to be vigilant and noticing that there's adversaries enemies evil and you need this type of strong leader to protect the flock Jesus Christ when he was on this earth and he was preaching to people he looked at them and this is what he said he said they were a sheep having no Shepherd he had compassion upon them he he saw all these people he looked at me said hey look they're sheep and the reality is you have to just understand and admit they in a lot of ways you are a sheep today where you you can't necessarily defend yourself you can't always be on the lookout for yourself fully and so sometimes you need a strong leader to also be there to guide the flock as we look at a church as a whole you say hey it's a group of sheep today and they need a shepherd they need someone to look over them they need a watchman they need someone to stay awake and pay attention so that evil doesn't persist so that the flock doesn't go in the wrong direction okay and the book of Judges especially in chapter number four it's a book where it's highlighting a lack of leadership today and specifically male leadership it's a lack of strong men there's no man that wants to lead this flock and when there's an absence of strong leadership or any leadership bad elements take over bad evil wicked people take over and strange things happen and so when we go through this chapter pay attention all the crazy stuff that happens when there is no strong male leadership there is no man that wants to take charge and leadership look at verse number two the Bible says and the Lord sold them in the hand of Jabin king of Canaan that reigned in Azor the captain of whose host was Sisera which dwelt in of the Gentiles so notice because they do evil because they don't have a judge because they don't have this deliverer God ends up selling them to a wicked heathen Jabin king of Canaan he's going to oppress them he's going to hurt them look at verse 3 it says and the children of Israel cried unto the Lord for he had 900 chariots of iron and 20 years he mightily oppressed the children of Israel so notice because of their sin because of their evil they experience oppression so when we look at our society today when we look at America today and we see oppression on the rise you know what that tells me is that evil is on the rise it tells me that there's more sin and more wickedness where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty and so unfortunately when we continually reject the Word of God as a country or we continually push out any Christian morality push out the Word of God push out Christian preachers push out laws that are actually based on the Bible we're going to see an increase in oppression in this country and you say oh what if we get Joe Biden it's going to be worse well that's just because we're worse then why would you elect Joe Biden because you're wicked why would you elect Donald Trump because you're wicked okay it's just a downgrade of our society and if you think things are getting better you're deceived and if it's not this four years it's the next four years okay I don't look at our presidential list and think oh it keeps getting better I don't look at the freedoms in America and think oh it's getting better I don't look at our presidents and think oh look at all the laws they're getting rid of it seems like every president you know what they're really good at adding laws adding moral pressure if I was ever going to be president which would never happen all I would do is eliminate laws that's enforced the ones that are on the books that are from the Bible and just eliminate like 99% of the laws that exist today we don't need more law we need less law and we need to enforce the ones that are biblical today but whenever you reject God whenever you are wicked God will send in oppressors and he'll send in people to afflict you and it'll cause pain and suffering look at verse four and Deborah prophetess the wife of lapidoth she judged Israel at that time now verse number four is very interesting verse because we're gonna see a presence of a woman here she's called a prophetess now she's not the first woman in your Bible which is called a prophetess in fact the first woman which is described as a prophetess in the Bible is Miriam Miriam is described as also being a prophetess and in fact the word prophetess is found in your Bible several different places now from my estimation the word prophetess can be good and bad it's actually used in coordination of some things that are good Miriam was good in a lot of ways she had her problems Deborah here is gonna fulfill a good role but there's also bad prophetess in the Bible now some people get confused about this section of scripture or really false teachers will point to this section of scripture to teach even more false doctrine but let's understand what this means it's actually the prophetess what is a prophet though if we just break down the root word prophet a prophet according to the dictionary is a person who speaks for God or a deity it says or by divine inspiration now I think that latter section is what a lot of people think of as a prophet is one who gets direct revelation from God and then they speak God's Word and admittedly when we read the Bible that's most of the time what we see we see guys having direct revelation from God God speaks to them and they're delivering his message but that is not the only way someone could be a prophet a prophet is simply anyone that's going to preach God's Word anybody that's delivering God's message is in a sense a prophet so could a woman be a prophet well of course the Bible says this is a problem so what does that mean it means she's delivering God's Word now that does not mean that she received direct revelation it doesn't mean that she didn't it doesn't mean that she did it just simply means that she's preaching God's Word from the story I believe that you could look at it both ways I lean towards the idea that she probably had somebody else gave this message someone else delivered this word and she's just preaching it she's just pointing people to God's Word but God used a woman to deliver his message and you know what he still uses women to deliver his message the Word of God is not limited to men today okay and we don't want to get this strange idea and take certain good doctrines to an unhealthy extreme you say what would be a good prophetess well here's one Lemuel's mother she was a great prophetess she was one the words of King Lemuel the prophecy that his mother taught him is what the Bible says she was a good prophetess she was teaching her son the Word of God and that makes her a prophetess in that sense and in fact a lot of times these women especially Deborah she's considered a mother to Israel what does that look like it just looks like what Lemuel's mother was one who had preached the Word of God love nurture instruct guide take care of that's what Deborah was fulfilling this role but you have to mind what you have to think about in this chapter though is where is the man that's trying to help them right now he doesn't exist it's like where's the guy well I guess we'll just find Deborah then you know in the absence of a man that's willing to do anything sometimes women will rise up to end up getting the job done we think about it this way if a man and a woman come together they commit fornication and have a child in our society today unfortunately most times they don't get married in previous generations according the Bible you're supposed to get married hey if you knock her up you're supposed to get her you're supposed to put a ring on it you're supposed to make an honest woman out of her but in the society today they'll leave her well now a woman who's pregnant and doesn't have a man to take care of her a lot of times she has to get a job is that really God's perfect ideal is he really want women to have to go out there and provide for herself and raise a kid no but in the absence of male leadership she just has a step to the plate and we see exactly here is that negative I would I have no problem with a woman trying to provide for herself when no one else will is she supposed to just starve to death waiting for Prince Charming to come I mean obviously she's got to you know provide for herself and it's not perfect it's not what God's ideal situation is she should have waited to lie with that man until she was married and she's suffering the consequences of those actions but here's the thing in the absence of male leadership women will often step up to the plate and Deborah steps up to the plate here doesn't she here's another idea of a good prophetess in the bible go if you go to acts chapter number two gaps chapter number two titus chapter two the bible says the aged women likewise that they be in behavior has become of holiness not false accusers not given much wine teachers of good things that they may teach the young women to be sober to love their husbands to love their children so the bible actually says that the aged women should teach good things so if a younger woman comes unto an older woman ask her a question she should speak wisdom out of her mouth and that wisdom should be coming from the word of God and in that sense she would be a prophetess now in all these pictures we see people coming unto them don't we Deborah's not going around just like let me tell you guys what's up you know she's not like hey everybody I'm here and I'm the prophetess you need to listen to me no they came to her didn't they and then she gave them wisdom there's nothing wrong with giving somebody an answer from the bible but notice her attitude she's not going around on a preaching campaign she's not this traveling you know woman evangelist she's not Beth Moore with her videotapes and selling her cassettes and whatever and her book and everything no they came to her and they asked her and being a woman of great wisdom a woman who loves the bible and loves the word of God she's going to preach them the word of God of course but here's another example of women actually actively going out and preaching acts chapter 2 look at verse 16 but this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel and it should come to pass the last day say of God I'll pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your sons your daughter shall prophesy and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams and on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my spirit and they shall prophesy so notice God has no problem with women preaching with them prophesying does he you see it with Deborah we see it here in the handmaidens it's being poured out and God has no problem directly giving divine inspiration to women in the sense that didn't you have the angel coming to marry and deliver God's word and message unto her didn't Manoah's wife you know have the angel come unto her and talk to her we haven't got there yet in the story but there's times where God sends an angel or sends you know himself to speak to a woman we even see a woman is the first person to see the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ so it's not like women are second-rate citizens in the Bible they have their job they have their role and there is a time and a place for a woman to preach the word of God go to Revelation 2 for a moment though go to Revelation chapter number 2 so what have we seen so far we see women teaching their children we see women teaching other young women we see in Acts chapter number 2 we see women going out and preaching the gospel to the lost going out and preaching the word of God getting people saved this is all great ways for women to be a prophetess so to speak but there is a bad mention look at Revelation chapter 2 this is not the only bad mention but this is one of them verse 20 notwithstanding I have a few things against thee because thou suffers that woman Jezebel which calleth herself a prophetess to teach now just stop for a moment did it is if we just stop for a moment it's saying you allow this woman to what to teach did it say good or bad well she's obviously teaching bad but it's saying you're just allowing her to teach and and to seduce my servants to commit fornication eat things sacrifice and now so is it okay for a woman to get up and preach in the church no and there's a lot of verses that teach that very clearly that you're never allowed to preach in the church go to first timothy chapter number two first timothy chapter number two now not only is she preaching false doctrine she's allowed to teach period and that was a problem but this is not people just coming and just asking she's getting up there she's putting forth an agenda she's trying to actively teach people she's going against the word of God and she calls herself a prophetess now you say but i thought she was preaching and any preaching is prophesying well here's the thing prophesying is speaking god's word she wasn't preaching god's word she was preaching lies therefore she calls herself a prophetess but if you're preaching lies you're not really a prophet of god you're not really a prophetess of god when you're preaching lies when you're preaching false doctrine you're a prophetess of bale now some people would look at this you know story in judges chapter four and i'm taking a moment moment to you know address this because any woman pastor out there well they always want to pull out deborah they always went deborah was this great woman pastor but she's not a pastor okay and just because god uses someone to preach his word does not mean they're qualified to be a pastor let me give you an example balaam's ass preached the word of god okay does that mean we can have a donkey show up here can we literally get an ass up here like adam fanning to come preach the word of god no we can't get some you know just because someone preaches the word of god does not mean that they're allowed to be a pastor okay you have to put everything in its proper place here okay and just because women can preach the word of god and can be called a prophetess and even because deborah is a good example does not mean they should be a pastor you say well i don't know if i agree with that well what does the bible say verse timothy 2 verse 12 but i suffer not a woman to teach that sounds familiar like we read in revelation chapter 2 right nor do you serve authority over the man but to be in silence so notice when you come to church we need a man to get up and preach the word of god you say where do women pastors come from pastor shelley a lack and male leadership that's where they come from churches where there's no hair-legged man in the room that's willing to get up and preach the word of god well a woman just says well i'll do it you know whereas their husband should have said sit down shut up and make me a sandwich all right the three s's all right sit down shut up and make me a sandwich and you know what does that mean that's what the bible says okay first grinthians chapter number 14 paul said let your women keep silence in the churches for it is not permitted under them to speak but their command to be under obedience has also saith the law that's what the word of god teaches now go back to judges chapter number four judges chapter number four so we have to rightly divide the word of god we have to keep it in balance with one another of course women preaching the word of god is going to be a great thing you know i hope my six-year-old child preaches the word of god ask him what you have to do to go to heaven he'll tell you believe on the lord jesus christ you know what he's not qualified to get up and preach buying the pulpit he's not going to be the pastor he's not going to be the evangelist he's not going to be the deacon okay so just because someone can preach the word of god yes women can preach the word of god not buying a pulpit though not as a pastor not as a deacon not as these roles that are led left to be under male leadership now look at verse number five it says and she dwelt under the palm tree of deborah between raima and bethville and mount ephraim and the children of israel came up to her for judgment so notice they come up to her for judgment they can't find a single man to give them the word of god every pastor preachers like joel osteen or something and so they try to find this woman she's under her tree mind your own business they come under her and they ask her about the word of god verse six and she sent and called barack the son of benowim out of kadesh naphtali and said unto him hath not the lord god of israel commanded saying go and draw toward mount tabor and take with the 10 000 men of the children of naphtali and of the children of zebulun so notice when they come under this woman they come under deborah for a judgment what does she say does she say all right time for me to put on my armor you need you need me to lead you guys she appeals to the word of god immediately and she calls for the male leader to get up and lead the charge she's saying hey where's barack isn't barack supposed to be why are you coming to me you know hey you go ask some woman to be the pastor she's like where's the dude you know where's the barack to get up and preach the word of god to be the pastor notice she's not calling to arms she's not trying to lead anything she's just saying didn't god already say barack is god's chosen vessel isn't barack the one that's supposed to be the deliverer and you know what it's sad when you have to have a woman call a man to fight it's sad when the woman has to say aren't you supposed to go out there you know it's like there's a noise outside and she's like aren't you gonna go your wife looks at you and you're like nah you go for it i'm scared i'm i'm nervous you know no you get up you check the door right women shouldn't have to tell you to lead men you know women shouldn't have to beg men to fight for them men should just be ready to fight ready to take the chart ready to take the leadership role they should be the ones that know the word of god they shouldn't have their wife say honey you know will you please lead me spiritually will you please take me to church that shouldn't happen but there's a lot of baracks today that they need their wife to tell them to serve god and it's sad you know we need some men to actually rise up and say hey as for me and my house will serve the lord well look at verse seven he says and i will draw into the the river kaishan sisora the captain of jaybin's army with his chariots and his multitude and i will deliver him into thine hand so she's even encouraging him she's saying look hey if you just go and do this god's gonna deliver you god's word already promised god said hey go out there and fight you're gonna win here's the question why haven't you followed god's commandments basically is what she's saying she's saying why haven't you gotten to fight the enemy the lord's going to deliver verse eight and barack said in her if thou wilt go with me then i will go but if thou wilt not go with me then i will not go what kind of man is this will you please go with me you're so scary and tough you know deborah please he's like begging her to come with him this is what you call a mama's boy okay a mama's boy is one that just can't leave mama he needs mama to make all the decisions for him and you know what this is sad and pathetic if you're married don't ask your mom to help you make the decisions it's like look you can ask your parents for advice you know you shouldn't be like i don't know let me ask my mom and see if it's okay bad you are bayrack at this point you know the bible says in genesis you're supposed to leave and cleave leave and cleave unto your wife and there's no better advice and you know what no in-law is is different than another one really it's all problems okay let me just it's all you say why have the best in-laws ever you know what you still need to leave and cleave that's what the bible said and you want a healthy marriage you have to leave and you have to cleave and you know what that doesn't mean you're disrespectful to your parents that doesn't mean you dishonor your parents that doesn't mean you can't love your parents that doesn't mean you can't visit your parents what it means though is that the authority structure has changed no longer are the in-laws in charge the man of the house has to be in charge okay and you don't want you know jet throw to come and bring your wife back to you okay you need to just take her with you all right and if you're a mom today you have to push your young men out of the nest you have to make them fly don't make all the decisions for them you need to encourage them to make the decision so they'll stop being a bayrack little boys they need their mom to help them make all their decisions men don't and bayrack he never got pushed out of the nest he still needs a woman to lead him around and tell him what's right and where to shop what clothes to wear and everything like that look we need some strong men to lead today now what i also want to point out is it's pretty clear here what deborah is doing deborah is trying to encourage bayrack to go she's not wanting to go she didn't say she wanted to go she's willing to go ultimately in the story but deborah is not Joan of Arc okay some of you have this idea and again this is coming from like Beth Moore and Joyce Meyer and these type of people they have this idea of this woman going out and charging and being this leader it comes from this like Joan of Arc type mentality supergirl superwoman batwoman you know hunger games where there's this hero woman that's not biblical okay it's not biblical to have a woman to go out and fight the battle for you and you know they're constantly trying to make all these feminist films like woman ghostbusters or something and like women men in black it's called men in black how do you make it with women it doesn't even make sense i think there's other ones there's like all these women like pirates of the caribbean look they weren't women okay it's stupid okay and look Joan of Arc is a fraud my friend if you look it up let me give you a little bit of information about Joan of Arc okay she's not deborah Joan of Arc was at the time of French of France okay there's the hundred years war between France and England she's in that timeline but Joan at the age of 13 or 12 it depends on the story claimed to have received visions from Michael the Archangel Saint Margaret and Saint Catherine of Alexandria instructing her to support Charles VII and recover France from English domination late in the hundred years war so she claims as like a 13 year old peasant girl that's illiterate that these you know all these saints and Michael the Archangel came and said you need to lead the war you need to lead the charge she's a prophetess she's like deborah nope let me give you a little more information she gained prominence so basically she convinced this king after about 16 17 years of age so she had these visions a few years later she convinced this king to let her go to the war essentially and it's when she shows up they end up taking over some siege or something they actually win some battle or something and then they win a couple other battles shortly after and it boosted French morale and they say it paved the way for the final French victory however there was she won they won like a few battles pretty quickly and then by the age of 19 so it's only been a few years they immediately lost the battle she was captured taken to the English tried for being a witch and a heretic and then killed okay but you know God was directing her the whole way right and she only lived to the long age of 19 years old she didn't fight anyone you know she didn't really win any of these battles and in fact you would say oh she was this great visionary and she led the battle and that's why they killed her that's wrong because not only should she tried for being a witch and being a heretic and a soothsayer and all this she's also tried for being a cross-dresser because Deborah had to put on the pants to go out there and pretend to be a man to go out and lead the charge she's like Mulan okay she had to go out there and pretend to be a man and pretend to go out and fight all that transgender nonsense Disney's trying to cram down your throats and well here's the thing they tried her they said she's worthy of death well then she recants everything she's like yeah I didn't really I didn't see the visions and no it's it's all fake and whatever so they said okay we won't kill you we'll just put you in prison but you can't keep cross-dressing well then she keeps cross-dressing so then they killed her for cross-dressing your little prized possession Joan of Arc this great woman you know why she was killed for putting on pants that's why she was put to death not for leading this great french woman 20 plus years later the french you know end up pushing the english out and they claim oh Joan of Arc or whatever it's a fraud my friend and look that is not Deborah Deborah wasn't going out and saying oh I'm supposed to lead the charge I'm supposed to be I'm supposed to put on the pants and I'm supposed to go out and be the man and lead you guys by the nose no she's saying hey Bayrack you go out and fight didn't she huge difference yet a lot of people want to point to this type of stuff go to look at verse number nine the bible says and she said I will surely go with thee notwithstanding the journey that thou takest shall not be for thine honor for the lord shall sell Sisera into the hand of a woman and Deborah arose and went with Bayrack to Kadesh as it so here's the thing as a judgment for Bayrack needing a woman to lead him he's going to end up basically not winning the battle a woman's gonna end up winning the battle for him now here's the thing you say oh it's like Joan of Arc again right we'll get there all right I wanted to plant that in your mind about what Joan of Arc was like but here's the thing Bayrack is such a weak man that he has to have a woman to go out and lead him well the woman's gonna end up winning the battle and it's a judgment against him look at verse 10 it says and Bayrack called Zebulun and naphtholite to Kadesh and went up with ten thousand men at his feet and deborah went up with him now eber the kenite which was the children of hobab the father-in-law of moses had severed himself from the kenites and pitched his tent under the plane of zanayim which is by kadesh now it's funny jethro has like a bunch of names in the bible hobab and jethro I think it's like another one of the r it's like raoul or something I don't know you you look it up he's he's like a different what is it ruelle yeah I think it's ruelle you're right but we see that eber was with the kenites now the thing you have to understand about jethro even though he's kind of like got some good stuff about him his people group are not godly the kenites are not godly according to the bible they're basically the same as the kenanites there's you know they're probably like they're like your southern baptist okay they're like you know they're kind of like weak you know but they're still wicked they're still evil and they're still not serving god and so this is actually a good thing that eber has separated himself from the other kenites this is a picture in the bible of where it says wherefore come out from among them and be separate saith the lord and touch not the unclean thing and i will receive you this is a good thing that eber decided to separate from his family because you know what not all families want to serve god and unfortunately in the new testament it's real true a lot of families don't want to serve god now god bless you if you were raised with miriam and aaron is your brother and sister and you you all get to serve god there are still problems but at least they all kind of got to serve god together but you know a lot of us in this room are more likely going to be eber where our old family's a bunch of kenites and they're not really interested in the things of god they don't really love the lord they're not interested in serving him but that good example of jethro he decides he's going to separate himself and that's what you have to do you have to decide what family you really want to be a part of god's family or your carnal family i'm not interested in being part of the kenites they're not as much fun anyways you know they they're talking all the things they talk about is what the world talks about sports movies politics it's it's garbage i'm just not that interested in the love of money the love of money i've been around a lot of people and you know they always like to talk about their job and their next promotion and the next business idea and the next get rich quick scheme and the next you know it's just always about money money money look at my new house and look at my new car and look at my new clothes and look at you know i don't i'm not interested in going to canin i'm not interested in being around the kenites and you know what i i'm glad that you're my brother my sister but i'd rather be with spiritual brothers and sisters in christ and you know what he's going to have a great reward for having separated himself from these wicked people look at verse 12 and they showed sisra the bay wreck the son of abinah was gone up to mount tabor and sisra gathered together all his chariots even 900 chariots of iron and all the people that were with him from haroshet of the gentiles under the river of kaishan and deborah said unto bay rack up for this is the day in which the lord hath delivered sisra into thine hand is not the lord gone out before thee so bay rack went down from mount tabor and ten thousand men after him man it's like she just has to like pick bay rack up and just throw them in the place like we're here go you know get out the door you can see why god just did not want to allow him to kill sisra he's like you're just too weak you're too limp-wristed you're you're too you know much of a sissy you're too much of a mama's boy to get the job done you need to you know go out there and he's got this woman constantly prompting him and urging look men are supposed to lead the leader not not the woman constantly reminding him like hey church you know get your bible out read it again you know tell me to do something tell me to make you a sandwich tell me i was wrong tell me i should have said yes sir to you you know it's like a woman just begging like please lead me please this is unattractive women want a man to lead them they want a man to sweep them up their feet to go and slay the dragon to pull down the door and to take them in to say hey come with me we're going here and we're doing this they like that whether they admit it or not they like it all right verse 15 either way i doesn't you know it doesn't affect me so it says in the lord discomforted sisra and all his chariots and all his hosts with the edge of the sword before barak so that sisra lighted down off his chariot and fled away on his feet but barak pursued after the chariots and after the hosts and the herosheth of the gentiles and all the hosts of his sisra fell upon the edge of the sword and there was not a man left how be it sisra fled away on his feet to the tent of jail the wife of eber the king knight for there was peace between jaben the king of azor and the house of eber the king knight so even though you know he separated himself you know god still makes his enemies to be at peace with him says in verse 21 then jail eber's wife took a nail of the tent and took a hammer in her hand and went softly unto him and smote the nail into his temples and fastened it into the ground for he was fast asleep and weary so he died and behold as barak pursued sisra jail came out to meet him and said unto him come and i will show thee the man whom thou seekest and when he came into her tent behold sisra lay dead and the nail was in his temples so god subdued on that day jaben the king of canin before the children of israel and the hand of the children of israel prospered and prevailed against jaben the king of canin until they had destroyed jaben king of canin now i want to focus on this last portion a little bit and i feel like this is really the crowning portion of this chapter but what we have to understand is that this woman allows sisra jail who is the wife of eber the king knight to come unto her abode and obviously having a strong spiritual leader that's willing to separate himself his wife is also a very godly woman and and her god-given role notice where she's at she's in the tent isn't she she's at home taking care of the things at home and the enemy sisra comes unto her now another thing you have to notice is he comes and asks for a little water she gives him a bottle of milk i mean that's pretty generous right i mean he just wants a little water she opens him a bottle of milk gives him the drink she even covers him she closed the man now i think there's a lot of lessons we can learn here that i want to go to but go if you would to romans for a moment go to keep your finger here and go to romans chapter number 12 for just a quick moment and i want to point out a few things here now when we look at the word of god we can understand different context different applications and so i want to look at a few different very different applications but one thing here is sisra is her enemy okay sisra is a type of enemy here and he's wanting something to drink but what does she do she gives him milk she blesses him doesn't she what does it say in romans chapter number 12 look at verse 18 if it be possible as much as live in you live peaceably with all men dearly beloved avenge not yourselves but rather give place unto wrath for it is written vengeance is mine i will repay say the lord therefore if thine enemy hunger feed him if he thirsts give him drink for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head so the bible teaches that if you have a personal enemy and they need something to drink i think i skipped a few verses did i did i skip a few words when i was reading all right we're i'm i'm where i want to be for the moment but we're going to go back and read those other verses for a second too but in in the romans chapter number 12 we basically have her doing this killing sisra with kindness she's going to kill sisra with kindness notice when he comes unto her what does she do she's good on them she's kind unto him she blesses him she gives him milk now this is what i want you to understand we have to take we've been taking verses and we've been balancing them in the scriptures okay there's basically three pictures here that i want us to address because when we look at this verse someone would say oh well she's just supposed to love on sisra period now she does at first but then we already read she nails his head to the ground all right so that wasn't very nice and here's the thing when enemies come to your house you can't just take romans 12 you can't just take turn the other cheek and run with those verses there's other verses in the bible and there's certain people you have to deal with in certain situations differently so in romans chapter 12 we have to understand this is a person that is just your personal enemy in a sense that they don't like you they're not your friend they lie about you they gossip about you they take advantage of you okay what does the bible teach you're supposed to love that person anyways you're still supposed to do good unto them that does not mean you can't tell them they're wrong that doesn't mean you can't tell them that they've done bad this best picture of this is david and saul david when he's he runs away from saul he doesn't want to be in his presence he guards himself from that you know relationship and he even tells all these wrong but he himself is not wishing harm on saul he wants saul to be blessed he wants to even probably have a restored relationship he wants good for saul he would bless saul he would do good unto saul but here's the thing he has to keep that relationship kind of distant doesn't he and he's not necessarily going to kill saul because saul's a good guy in the sense that he loves the lord he's saved he's still the anointed of god yeah he has major problems he's in major sin but you know what there's going to be brothers and sisters in christ who love god they love the lord but they don't like you this is the person that romans 12 is talking about someone that is backslidden or they just are being a little bit carnal or they they're rubbing you the wrong way this person is supposed to love they're your enemy you're supposed to do good unto them okay and even your unsaved co-worker your unsaved co-worker that's just ignorant this guy would fall in that category too of just someone that's you know they're just at your work you know kind of taking advantage of you lying about you on the job you're not supposed to go and avenge yourself okay but this is not to every single person go go to luke chapter number 12 luke chapter number 12 there's creepers that also want to get into your house and these creepers you cannot just love them all the way to the end okay in fact you need to blow their head off okay there are certain carnal creepers that want to come into your house ladies and you don't offer them milk okay maybe just to kind of ease the situation but then you're pulling the shotgun out of the closet you know with your left hand your right hand you're serving them the milk your right your left hand is pulling out the shotgun okay and when you find yourself in a dangerous situation this is great advice don't immediately alert them to the fact that you know they're evil just say oh sure yeah let me give you some milk i'm gonna put some stuff in there you know but she doesn't immediately say like you're wicked you're evil don't come in here because he could harm her he's a man okay she puts him at ease she gets him nice and relaxed and then she takes care of business there's plenty of people in the new testament yes women you need to defend yourself because there are carnal creepers today that would harm you and harm your family and look what jesus said in luke chapter 12 verse 39 and this know that if the good men of the house had known what hour the thief would come he would have watched and not have suffered his house to be broken through notice what jesus says hey if someone's breaking into my house at night guess what i'm gonna do blow his head off all right i'm not gonna let you just come in and defile my family it's not like oh have my cloak also that's a misuse of that verse it's not oh let's overcome him with good you want the tv how about there's a safe back do you want me to go show you the safe i've got the combo hey not all the cash do you want the jewels too hey i mean let me show you all the goods that i have let me just dance you around the house my name's hezekiah and i want to show you all the goods i have in the temple of the lord so you can steal them from me later in the future no this person you want to take out the gun and you want to blow his head off okay and women need to realize there are evil wicked people that want to harm and hurt you and you know what you should not hesitate to blow their head off this is not just your personal enemy though this is not your friend that's gossiping at work don't blow their head off okay this is the person coming and threatening your home threatening your family putting you in danger now not only are there carnal creepers there's also spiritual creepers go to second timothy chap number three spiritual creepers these you also need to blow their head off and i'm using this vernacular because you're probably not going to have a tent spike does anybody have tent spikes for their house all right but you might have a 12-gate shotgun you might have the handgun and these are great these work just as well as the tent spike okay and they still need to be applied to the temples of your enemy and you need to take his head it says she smote his head off i mean i'm just putting moderate actually blew he she blew his head off okay and you don't stop shooting until he's dead all right you make sure you're defended you say hey i'm going to use the full force of the law to defend myself and it looked like he was moving when i kicked him so you know i just kept unloading but here's the thing there are carnal creepers there are people there are tons of rapists and you know all kinds of people that want to put women and children in sex trafficking there are kinds of thieves and robbers and murderers our world is a dangerous place okay and you as a woman sometimes you might have to defend yourself i would hate to read about how a woman just loved the creeper all the way to her death just said oh please come in yeah no problem you know if something doesn't feel right it's not right god gave you intuition never invite a strange man into your home unless you're ready to blow his head off okay unless you feel like you have to all right never you and then i say this too when you're out soul winning i i do not believe women should ever enter into anybody's home now you i mean you can do whatever you want i don't think you should ever period because you don't know what's in there and if you just go on the website like child sex registers offended people or whatever it's just like red dots all over the city and we knock every door there's some weird people i've knocked on doors and they're like go away and i'm just like sure look there are freaks out there and you know what even men you got to be careful what situations you put yourself in and i'm not saying this to scare you i'm saying this because we need to be vigilant we need to not just be lamb led to the slaughter on purpose okay you need to protect yourself sometimes and there are also spiritual creepers that want to come into your house let me prove this from the bible second timmy chapter three three verse five having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof from such turn away for of this sort of they which creep into houses and lead captive silly women laid in with sins led away with divers lust ever learning and never able to come knowledge the bible warns in second timmy chapter three that perilous time shall come one of those is that spiritual creepers would come into women's houses and lead them astray and today i think a lot of women they think well i'm not letting you guys in the house but you know i do turn on the tv oh but i have facebook but i have instagram are you letting a bunch of spiritual creepers come in on that and tell you how pretty you are and how oh if i was your husband i would love you and i would give you attention and i would you know do all these things come meet me at this place i'll come pick you up and you'll never see light again look there's a lot of spiritual creepers and just carnal creepers look it's there's a lot of wickedness out there you need to be careful what you're doing you know what kind of relationships women should have with men their husband you say what other relationships their husband you say i i think there's another relationship their husband you know what you can love your dad a little you can love your dad some but you're supposed to leave him and cleave under your husband and you know what that's your male relationship you know what my female relationship is my wife this is going to protect you and it used to be that only men were in the workplace so there wasn't any you know possibility to have all these other relationships you know with all these women even in the workplace you protect yourself you know you don't be just chatting up with other women and talk with other women and having all these private dialogues with other women that is a dangerous road and you know what women you don't do that with men either you don't have and there's wicked pastors out there they'll have like private counseling sessions with women and look if a woman calls me or whatever i'm not just gonna be like bye you know but at the end of the day my wife needs to know every communication i have with another woman and it needs to be public and it needs to be safe and you know there needs to be light on that situation i'm not going to put myself in a room with just another woman by myself you know or i'm not going to ride in the car with you we're not going to go have lunch you know i could bring my wife or something you know i could bring your i could meet with both you and your husband or something but you know you need to put yourself you need to be abstained from all appearance of evils what the bible says and not make provision for the flesh and not put yourself with potiphar's wife all right or potiphar himself you know vice versa but the bible also says in second john chapter number one if there come any unto you and bring not this doctrine receive him not in your house neither bid him godspeed now i believe why jail made the decision she did because she's violating most every principle i just taught you okay but we have to understand she's probably in a dangerous situation she's really like there's this guy fleeing from a battle he's in danger he's fearing for his life he's a dangerous individual he could hurt and harm me she's just trying to put him at ease knowing she's going to take his life knowing she's going to defend herself immediately so even if someone came up to you in a parking lot or came in a situation you know sometimes you might just put them at ease but really what you should do is just scream okay and i know it sounds like against conventionalism scream the bible says you know when a woman uh is basically going to judge if she was raped or not it's if she screamed or not just start screaming bloody murder of help people run away quick okay when and what do they say don't scream because they know as soon as you do now they say well he said he'll kill me if i scream let me put it this way if you don't scream he'll take you and then kill you later if you scream there's a chance that he won't kill you if he was going to kill you already you might as well scream and get over with anyways rather than drag off somewhere else where no one can hear you scream and even worse stuff happens here's my advice and you're in a dangerous situation scream just yell and scream and get attention of other people but there wasn't anybody here she's kind of off by herself she's in a dangerous situation she makes the judgment call i'll put them quickly at ease get the tent spike she's ready to go she's ready to defend herself this is not a romans 12 situation now you can still apply that generally but it's not really not what the story's about i wanted to make that clear now go back to judges and let's look at chapter number five i think the verse like i skipped was verse 18 where it says and jail went out to meet sisra and said in him turn in my lord turn into me fear not and when you turn under into the tent she covered him with a mantle and then he said under give me i pray the water to drink for him thirsty and she opened a bottle of milk and gave him drink and covered him and again he said in her stand in the door of the tent and it shall be when any man doth come and inquire of thee and say is there any man here thou shalt say no now she's just thinking like i don't really care what you're saying because i'm about to kill you but you know sure whatever i won't i won't get anybody else in here but here's the thing that she did look at verse uh 24 of chapter number five blessed above women shall jail the wife of eber the keenite be blessed shall she be above women in the tent he asked water she gave him milk she brought forth butter and a lordly dish she put her hand to the nail and her right into the workman's hammer and with the hammer she smote sisra she smote off his head when she had pierced and stricken through his temples at her feet he bowed he fell he laid down at her feet he bowed he fell where he bowed there he fell down dead now this is a song and it's kind of poetic but we see the emphasis is not so much that she did good unto him it's that she put him at ease so that she could kill him okay she put him at ease so that she could drive the nail into his head and what i love about this story as she defeats the enemy while being a housewife notice it says she shall blessed shall she be above women in the tent notice her dwelling place at home who does god give the victory to jonah bark nope he gives it to jail that's the real hero the one who's at home minding her business serving god the enemy comes under her and she slays the enemy being a housewife what if she had been jonah bark she would have died because you know what if she had gone out with a sword sisra would have easily just taken the sword out of her hand and killed her with it you know how she killed him with butter and not the butter knife of the niv she killed him with the word of god all right is how she killed him and you know what she's not a female pastor notice she's at home all these stupid oh deborah in jail and all these women yeah jail was a homemaker deborah was just minding her own business under her tree okay these are not women going out and being jonah bark and being put to death for putting on the pants nope jail put on the skirt and the dress and made the butter and made the milk now go to proverbs chapter 31 go to proverbs chapter 31 here's the thing why we have these stories well god willing you'll never meet a carnal sisra that you have to kill i you know i really hope and we we should pray that you and your wife would never have that situation happen to them you know i always pray that my family would be safe and they don't have to go through that but you know you want your wife to be a jail who's ready to drive the stake through that carnal sisra but you know what there's a lot of spiritual sisras and these are written for us not just for a physical application but a spiritual application there's a lot of sisras that want to come into your home ladies and want to destroy you want to cause you problems cause you harm and you know what you need to be a jail and you need to drive the spiritual nail into that sisra look at proverbs 31 verse 1 the words of king glemuel the prophecy this mother taught him what my son and what the son of my womb and what the son of my vows give not thy strength unto women nor thy ways to that which destroyeth kings we need some mothers today to defeat the whorish woman to tell her boys hey you're not going out with her you're not taking her hey i'm gonna get the nail and i'm gonna drive it through her head i'm gonna say no don't give your strength unto women we need some women to rise up and put some nail spikes down put some tent spikes down in their family and defend their family today what if mothers would tell their sons to be godly young men today and not to go with the whore and not to go out and meet the whorish woman oh yeah like my mother my mother was a jail in this area she put down the tent spike when a woman called she's just like click you want to talk to my son click they would show up and ask for my brother she's like go away whore she didn't they didn't get the butter they didn't even get the milk she's just like shoe fly don't bother my son and you know what we need women today to call out the whores to say hey you you're a hussy get out of here hey you're not going to come entice my son and you know what she might be enticing them on the phone put a nail spike through it through the internet put a nail spike through it say hey i'm not going to let this creep into my house today i'm going to be a strong woman i'm going to be blessed above all the women in the tent because when i see a cicera coming into my house i'm going to nail it with a spike i'm going to get the hammer and i'm going to just drive in a nail and i'm going to kill i'm going to smote its head off how about this sin verse four and it is not for kings not for king king's to drink wine nor for prince's strong drink lest they drink and forget the law and pervert the judgment of any of the afflicted give strong drink on him that is ready to perish and wine to those that be of heavy hearts let him drink and forget his poverty and remember his misery no more it's saying give alcohol to joe biden give alcohol to all these wicked evil people that have no reason to live nothing to go for they're just a loser there's someone that nobody wants to have their life it's not for kings it's not for princes it's not for god's people it's not for godly young men we need some jails today to strike some spikes through the heads of jack daniels through captain morgan oh you're a captain of the host oh come here captain morgan let me put a nail spike through your head let me break the bottle let me say no to alcohol for my sons what did god we raised some godly people today some mothers that would go out and they'd be a jail of the family you know what we need some men to lead and i'm all for that but you know what when you're at home and you see something creeping in you get out the nail spike and you just you smote off its head with the word of god now what i love about every story of the bible so you can always find jesus in it too right now this story is kind of hard to find jesus in because it's a lack of male leadership and you know jesus doesn't have that problem but where can we find a picture here i i think this is where we can find the picture okay the bible says that the word of god is like a hammer isn't it the word of god is like a hammer that breaketh the rock and pieces so we have jail needing to destroy the enemy how is she going to destroy the enemy with the word of god and with the nail like the nail of the cross and is she going to rely upon her own strength could she have disputed the enemy in her own strength nope she relied upon the hammer and the nail to give her the victory just like we do for salvation don't we it's not our own strength i'm weak i can't do it but you know what i just lean on the nail that went to jesus christ hands and feet don't i i just go through his hammer through his strength and through his power and might i get the victory and you know what she did with the nail she crushed the enemy's head just like jesus christ is going to crush the head of the serpent she smote off his head is what the bible says now she couldn't defeat the enemy in her own strength she relied upon the lord and that's a picture of salvation being humble what if she tried to go in her own might and obviously she's the one that you know applied the nail and the hammer that's like us calling upon the name of the lord but it's really the hammer and the nail that did the job okay you just get that thing and just bam right through the temples but not only that also you could apply this to just daily life women need to rely upon the hammer of god's word and the nail of jesus christ to give them strength throughout the day go to proverbs chapter nine last place i'll have you turn and you say how do i rely upon god's strength well here you know what it takes a lot of humility for a woman to say my place is in the home my place is to submit to my husband my place is to be a godly woman you know i think there's just especially in our culture there's this strong desire to be jonah bark to go out and be this self-made one be oprah you know go out there and be this woman that has all this money and accolades and have this big talk show and whatever just i have to be a man basically be ellen degenerate who harasses all of her employees like a man would she's so disgusting but you know what jail didn't do that jail said you know what i'll just be humble i'll just be at home and she becomes one of the greatest women in the bible she just feeds huge enemies like cicero one that bayrat could not destroy could he and you know what there's enemies that the mother can destroy better than the father there are certain enemies that she's going to be around there's certain enemies that are trying to creep in the home and dad's not there the good men in the house isn't there but you know what jail's going to pick out the strength of god's hammer the word of god and the nail and smote it through the temples of cicero and you know what i'd call him is just cicero you know what she did is she took off the pants she put him on cicero and then she smote his head off with it didn't she and we need some women to take off the pants put on the skirt start making a sandwich make the butter make the milk and you know what you can be a great woman for god i'm going to says in proverbs 9 verse 1 wisdom hath builded her house she hath hewn out her seven pillars she hath killed her beasts i like that she killed her beast cicero came in she just killed that beast those brute beasts those wicked false prophets she has mingled her wine she hath also furnished her table not only did she kill cicero dinner was ready i mean what a day you come home you're like cicero's dad we got butter we got milk i mean it's great and you know what we need some women today that find the cicero sneak into their homes and killing them like disney try this the cicero trying to sneak in look disney is a bunch of pedophiles and perverts and freaks and they want to come and sneak into your home and lead your children astray look there's something weird about a bunch of grown men so interested in children and having these theme parks where a bunch of children come and dressing up like fake animals to have children come sit in their lap it's gross it's weird it's satanic my friend and you know what these disney films are satanic they're filled with all kinds of wicked messages it's filled with all kinds of feminism rebellion against god witchcraft sorcery bestiality all you name it whatever whatever weird satanic stuffs in the bible you can find it in disney and it's all about magic it's all about following your heart it's all about rejecting your parents i mean what disney character loves and honors their parents they're always rebelling against their parents and sneaking out of the house like jasmine the whore with aladdin the derelict adam the aladdin the derelict with jasmine the whore and then you got a devil a blue devil against the red devil jafar you got the genie against jafar and look they're both bad okay you show me i don't care what animals the only good thing was when bambi's mother got shot okay because dinner was on the table that was the best part of the film but you know the rest of the film's all about you know animal rights and loving animals and this mean hunter oh well i'm so glad there's hunters out there because i like eating steak and i like eating chicken and i like putting food on my plate and eating it today look it's weird when everybody's best friend is a dog dogs in the bible are always negative isn't that interesting and then there's films called all dogs go to heaven hey all dogs go to hell is what my bible says all these filthy pervert faggot sodomites of course a bunch of filthy dogs made a movie about dogs going to heaven didn't they because they just have to pervert the scriptures look all of disney is wicked all these shows they're trying to creep in why don't you get the nail spike out and put it in the temple of disney's head and say hey as for me and my house we're going to serve god we're going to separate ourselves we're not going to be like the key knights who watch disney every night we're going to separate ourselves when sisara comes around you know what he's getting he's getting the nail spike in his head you know what we need some women today that just are humble enough to accept god's word i love i love the story about jail she sounds like a great woman don't don't try to be joan of art today let's be like jail all right let's go some prayer thank you father so much for your word thank you for this great example of jail who had to step up in a time of need and i pray that you would just strengthen the women in this room you would strengthen them with your word you'd strengthen them with the hammer of god's word and the the sacrifice of jesus christ on the cross the nails that were put into his hands i pray that women today would just put all their strength into your word they would decide they're not going to lean on their own understanding but instead they're going to just follow your godly advice your godly wisdom and that they'd be willing to defend themselves against enemies today not by their own power and might and strength not by their own wisdom but by the wisdom of god by the power of god and i pray that you just bless our church that we just continue to love you and serve you in jesus name we pray amen