(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Psalm 139 Surely thou wilt slay the wicked, Surely thou wilt slay the wicked, O God! Do not, I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee! Do not, I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee! Do not, I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee! Do not, I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee! For they speak against thee wickedly, For they speak against thee wickedly, And thine enemies take thine name in vain, And thine enemies take thine name in vain. Do not, I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee! Do not, I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee! Do not, I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee! Do not, I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee! Do not, I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee! Do not, I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee! Do not, I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee! Do not, I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee! Do not, I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee! Am not, I grieve with those that rise up against thee! Do not, I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee! As the offering plates are being passed around, please turn your Bibles to Exodus chapter 5. Exodus chapter 5. Exodus chapter 5. Exodus chapter 5. The Bible reads, And afterward Moses and Aaron went in and told Pharaoh, Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, Let my people go, that they may hold a feast unto me in the wilderness. And Pharaoh said, Who is the Lord, that I should obey his voice to let Israel go? I know not the Lord, neither will I let Israel go. And they said, The God of the Hebrews hath met with us, let us go, we pray thee, three days' journey into the desert, and sacrifice unto the Lord our God, lest he fall upon us with pestilence or with the sword. And the king of Egypt said unto them, Wherefore do ye, Moses and Aaron, let the people from their works get you under your burdens? And Pharaoh said, Behold, the people of the land now are many, and ye make them rest from their burdens. And Pharaoh commanded the same day the taskmasters of the people and their officers, saying, Ye shall no more give the people straw to make brick, as heretofore, let them go and gather straw for themselves. And the tale of the bricks, which they did make heretofore, ye shall lay upon them, ye shall not diminish, ought thereof, for they be idle. Therefore they cry, saying, Let us go, and sacrifice to our God. Let their more work be laid upon the men, that they may labor therein, and let them not regard vain words. And the taskmasters of the people went out, and their officers, and they spake to the people, saying, Thus saith Pharaoh, I will not give you straw. Go ye, get you straw where ye can find it, yet ought not of your work shall be diminished. So the people were scattered abroad throughout all the land of Egypt to gather stubble instead of straw. And the taskmasters hasted them, saying, Fulfill your works, your daily task is when there was straw. And the officers of the children of Israel, which Pharaoh's taskmasters had set over them, were beaten and demanded. Where have ye not fulfilled your task in making brick, both yesterday and today, as heretofore? Then the officers of the children of Israel came and cried unto Pharaoh, saying, Wherefore dealest thou thus with thy servants? There is no straw given unto thy servants, and they say to us, Make brick, and behold, thy servants are beaten, but the fault is in thy own people. But he said, Ye are idle, ye are idle, therefore ye say, Let us go, and do sacrifice to the Lord. Go therefore now and work, for there shall no straw be given you, yet shall ye deliver the tale of bricks. And the officers of the children of Israel did see that they were in evil case after it was said, Ye shall not diminish aught from your bricks of your daily task. And they met Moses and Aaron, who stood in the way as they came forth from Pharaoh. And they said unto them, The Lord look upon you, and judge, because ye have made our saviour to be a board in the eyes of Pharaoh, and in the eyes of his servants, to put a sword in their hand to slay us. And Moses returned unto the Lord and said, Lord, wherefore has thou so evil treated this people? Why is it that thou hast sent me? For since I came to Pharaoh to speak in thine name, he hath done evil to this people, neither has thou delivered thy people at all. Let us pray. Father, we thank you so much for this church and Pastor Shelley and his family. I pray that you would just fill him with your Holy Spirit today, help him to preach boldly. Please help us to apply the principles that he teaches us today. Help us to sharpen our soul winning, help us to read the Bible more. Help us to love the brethren, help us to be considerate and bury one another's burdens. And I ask these things in Jesus' name. Amen. We're here in Exodus 5 and I want to go back to verse 6 again. The Bible says, And Pharaoh commanded that the same day the taskmasters of the people and their officers, saying, He shall no more give the people straw to make brick as heretofore, let them go and gather straw for themselves. And the tail of the bricks, which they did make heretofore, ye shall lay upon them, ye shall not diminish off thereof, for they be idle. Therefore, they cry, saying, Let us go and sacrifice to our God. Now, in this passage, Pharaoh is being asked of by Moses for the children of Israel to go a three-day journey into the wilderness and to sacrifice unto God. So, obviously, you'd be taking some time off from work. Obviously, it might affect their economy a little bit. And they're not really in a normal employer and employee-type relationship. This is more of a master and a slave-type relationship. And so they don't have PTO, okay? They don't really have some of these luxuries that we have in our current society. But they're essentially asking for the opportunity to go out and sacrifice to the Lord. Now, if you think about it, when Moses is asking for the children of Israel to go, they're not even saying, like, We're going to abandon you guys and get away. They just want to be able to worship God. They just want to be able to have church in essence or go do the Lord's sacrifice. Now, of course, the Lord understood that Pharaoh was never going to let them go and that he was actually going to get them away from Egypt permanently. He was going to allow them to just completely leave them. And, you know, there's a lot of spiritual pictures in this. It's how salvation is. Salvation, you know, someone goes to just worship God. They just go to seek God. And he doesn't just give them a temporary vacation. He just gives them saved. He gives them complete freedom and breaks them from the chains of Egypt. But I think that I kind of want to take this story and focus on kind of the carnal aspect that's being mentioned here. And that is simply the fact that these men and the children of Israel represent kind of saved Christianity, God's people. And they want to serve God. But the world is going to make it hard on them to serve God. And so they actually make their lives more difficult. And specifically they make the men's lives more difficult. How? How do they do that? By holding back certain elements of straw, not giving the straw unto the men who use that to make bricks. So they actually end up fabricating or making a difficult economy not because of, you know, disaster, not because of economic downturn. But just they're purposely making it harder on the men because they want to serve God. And I'll tell you that there's not anything new under the sun that the global leadership and specifically the leadership in America today are doing things on purpose to make it harder for the men in this country to provide for their families. They have all kinds of interests. They're not giving the straw. They're withholding the straw and they're asking for the men to go out and to gather their own straw. And they're not going to allow them to have essentially all the tools needed. They're taking advantage of them. And yet, notice even though they're making it harder, they didn't say, well, we understand it's harder, so therefore you don't have to make as many bricks. No, you have to make the exact same amount of bricks. So what's actually been happening in America and what's been happening in our world, especially for us that live in America, that's where I'm focusing. If you live in a foreign country, this may not apply. I don't care about you right now, all right? Talking to people in Texas and America. If you live in this country, how much money it takes to have a house, put bread on the table, put bacon on the table, you know, that's right, have all the luxuries that you would normally have, just have normal things that you need for daily life. It just keeps getting harder and harder to provide for them. Over the last several decades, it's just becoming increasingly more difficult and it's been just this ploy to exact all the wealth and suck all the wealth out of the previous generations. Now, there's a lot of reasons why this is the way that it is, why the situation is happening, but it makes me think of our current climate and culture where the Jews who literally control our country and a lot of aspects of the world are making it more difficult on us as men, as fathers, as the providers to provide. Like what? Interest rates. Interest rates increasing, that's not making it easier, that's making it harder. By them controlling the Fed and by them constantly printing money and giving it to Ukraine, who's then giving it to the corrupt American politician, giving it to Hunter Biden, who's giving it to his crack whores, who then are giving it to their pimp, who's then giving it back to a Jew somehow, just like always funnels back to a Jew. But they just keep printing more money and what happened? The prices of everything just shot up. If you've lived in America in the last few years, you realize the prices of goods have just increased exponentially. More than you've ever seen inflation in probably your lifetime. It's probably one of the highest seasons of inflation in the last 50 years. I don't know, in the 80s and some other times there was some pretty bad inflation, but I think this might be some of the worst and they're lying about how much they've inflated goods. They're claiming it's like 10%, it's probably way more than 10% that we've been experiencing. Not only just the inflation by people serving God in this church or in other churches, some of our friends, I've known people that have literally even gotten fired from their job for just even being Christian or what they priest or who they are, like essentially just making it harder to even just work in the workforce just because they want to serve God. Not only that, we all mostly, I mean I don't know everybody's personal situation, but most of us are kind of like the children of Israel where we're inheriting debt. And what I mean by that is the children of Israel that initially went into the land of Egypt, they sold all of their possessions, all of their goods and all of their lands essentially just so they could survive. And they just basically sold out the next generation. Well unfortunately our fathers kind of have done the same thing where they essentially just sold out the next generations and most of us didn't inherit some great business, land, houses, some kind of a fortune, some kind of a business. We don't have all these things, just hand it to us. Now if you did, praise God for you and praise God for your parents. I'm not mad at you. I'm not going to sit here and say you need to pay me reparations or something stupid like that. I'm not going to say white privilege because I don't care what color your parents were. You know, they really should call it Asian privilege if they really want to know. You want to talk about privilege. But who cares? God blessed the Asians that got to inherit things. You know, I'm not mad at someone for inheriting something. But you have to realize that many of us are kind of in a situation where we are reaping the consequences of the previous generation selling everything off. And so we inherit all this debt. We inherit the debt of not even having a house to start out with. We're not starting with any kind of goods. We're not starting with any kind of property. We're not starting with cattle. We're not starting with goods. And so you almost have to work really, really hard to dig yourself out of that hole that you're in. You know what I know is that it doesn't matter what generation you're born in, your wife still wants to have a nice house. Isn't that interesting? Thanks, Dad, for not just giving me one, right? But I guarantee your wife still wants a nice house and she still wants good food and she still wants to have the white picket fence and all the luxuries and all the things that you have in life. And look, we all need these things. We all need a house and we all need a place to stay and we all need a bedroom. We all need clothes. We all need food. There's all these things that we just need that are just part of daily living. And of course we don't necessarily want to slum it up. We'd like to have something that's pretty decent, high quality, something that's going to last. And so, of course, these things cost money. Well, as men, we have to go out and provide. And I see our country and our culture just constantly just grinding the gears here and the pharaoh, Biden. Pharaoh Biden just keeps increasing that burden. That burden that's being put on men's shoulders. And it's not like in 2020. Let's just be honest for a moment. OK. And look, I'm not trying to pick on you ladies, but it might feel that way. All right. But let's let's be realistic. In 2020, did your wishes and desires change from 2023? You're like, you know what? I wanted a house and some nice goods and I like shopping and stuff like that in 20. But now I don't want any of that. You know, I don't need any of those things. Probably not. You probably wanted all the exact same thing. So all the tally of bricks were the same. But it was it's now harder on your husband to earn the money in order to afford all those exact same bricks that you were getting beforehand. And so the title of my sermon is this help gather straw, help gather straw. And it's really geared towards the ladies and the children and everybody to realize, look, your husband is in a difficult position where he has to gather a lot of stubble and straw to try and make the bricks. And what you can do if you truly love your husband, if you truly it's Father's Day, if you truly want to honor your father, if you truly want to help the dad in the situation, you would help him in the gathering of the straw process. Take a little bit of that burden off of him instead of adding more burden. Because we, you know, what the devil wants is to just put enough burden on all of our back story just breaks. He just wants to keep upping the ante and getting it to where the men just finally break. Because once the men break, it's over. Once you can collapse men in a society, it's over. And why is it that our country is so against white men? It's because their backs haven't been broken yet. And they just want to break their backs and destroy them. Whereas a lot of these other minority groups, they're already not fathers. They're already not in the home. They're already derelicts and not caring about anything. So, for the devil's purposes, they're already destroyed. You know, he's trying to destroy all the rest of the backs of the men in this country so that nobody can serve God anymore. So that nobody can be godly. So that we can't have women at home raising children and serving God the way as intended. What the devil wants is all of us to have to work, men and women, and for all of our kids to go to the government satanic school district and for them to propagandize them and teach them filth and perversion. That's what they want. You know what? Us as men, it's like, I don't care how late I have to stay up gathering stubble. It's not happening on my watch. But as men that have this desire and want that for our ladies, you know, it helps when the ladies realize the burden that's been put upon us and want to help gather straw. So look at verse number 9. The Bible says this, Let there more work be laid upon the men that they may labor therein, and let them not regard vain words. And the taskmasters of the people went out and their officers and they spake to the people saying, Thus saith Pharaoh, I will not give you straw. Go ye, get you straw where ye can find it, yet not aught of your work shall be diminished. So the people were scattered abroad throughout all the land of Egypt to gather stubble instead of straw. Look at what they have to gather. They have to gather stubble. Now think about what they're saying. They didn't gather straw to replace straw. They have to gather stubble to replace straw. And I'll say it is similar how it is today where in order to provide, many times we're not even able to gather straw to make up that hedge. We have to gather stubble. You know, you have to get an extra job. But a lot of times, sometimes an extra job doesn't even pay as much as your current job. Or a lot of these other side jobs or side things you have to do, they're less opportunities. There's more people fighting for them. It's kind of like you're all fighting for the same scraps. You're all going for the same leftovers. And there's not even that much out there. And we're all just trying to get just a little bit. Just to even make the day's wage. And I'm telling you, it's getting harder and harder. And there's less jobs and more people fighting over them. And lower wages and contrasting your purchasing power. Obviously wages keep going up. But because inflation's going at a higher rate, it's less purchasing power. So the wages become less effective. And there's just this constant pressure on men in order to provide and to gather these bricks. And they're just being put through the ringer. And I'm telling you, if you want to have a happy home, you want to honor that father. Try to take some of the burden off of them. Try to help gather some of this straw. And really, honestly, it's kind of stubble. So I have three ways that you ladies and you children can. And you know, even us that maybe are adult children. But we have fathers that are still working or whatever. Ways that we can help gather straw for our family. Number one is money. Number two is time. And number three is spiritual. You'll notice that, of course, by money is a big factor here. That's what we're talking about. And there's two aspects of money. Making money and spending money. Okay. And both of these categories, you can really help the fathers when you are either bringing in a little bit of income or you're not spending as much as you did prior to. Or you're helping in those two areas. Go to Proverbs chapter 31 and look what the Bible says about this. Proverbs chapter 31. I mean, let's be honest. Is it really fair that the father has to just take all the burden? Every time things get harder, only he suffers. Only he has to do more. Only he has to make more sacrifice. You know what? It should be that the rest of the family is willing to take some of the burden off of the father as well. And take some of the responsibility for life getting harder. And one of those things is monetary. Look what it says in Proverbs 31 verse 11. The heart of her husband does safely trust in her so that he shall have no need of spoil. Now, again, that's a challenging verse because in our day and age, it's almost likely that to really provide or to have nice things as a man, a lot of times it's like you almost have to have a side thing going or work extra or do overtime. And that's kind of what the spoil is in essence. It's like the extra, going above, having a second job, having a third job, having another business. You know, it's like you almost have to have all this extra stuff going just to get to the place of normalcy anymore. But of course, you know, in times when maybe it was a little bit less or even now, you know, this virtuous woman that's described in Proverbs 31, she's such a great wife that her husband knows that he doesn't need it. And again, if a husband decides to do this, that's great. But what the Bible is saying is that not this pressure being put on him from his wife being so frivolous, bad with money, so lazy or whatever the case is, that he's just like, man, I have to have all this extra money because my wife's like a bag with holes in it. And it's just, you know, spilling out everywhere. Now, look at verse 13. She seeketh wool and flax and worketh willingly with her hands. She is like the merchant ship. She bringeth her food from afar. So I'm just going to give you a few tips of things that you can think about of ways to help alleviate this burden. Here it's describing this woman going out and finding food from afar. Well, sometimes when you travel to go grocery shopping, the closest grocery store may not always have the best deals. And again, I've actually done a lot of shopping, so I have some experience in this. But I've noticed that it doesn't matter what store, there is not one store that always has the best deals in everything. It's almost like you kind of have to go to different stores for different items. Like I know some stores, meat is just so much cheaper than all the other stores. And then you go to some stores, all the basic goods are cheaper at the other one. And it's weird because it doesn't sometimes even make sense. So like what I've noticed is if I go to like a Kroger, the Kroger usually has a lot of good deals. They have a lot of discounts that you'll only get if you go in person. Like you'll go in and just be like, hey, you can buy four of these things for like $3 off each. And you're just like, wow, we're going to buy a lot of these. We might as well just buy four or five of them now because we'll need them. And you can save like $10, $15 because you're in store buying a lot of the goods. But when I'm in Kroger, you know what I noticed? Their meat is not actually a very good price. But then if you go to like a Tom Thumb, which is probably one of the nicest grocery stores you'll ever find, it's probably the most expensive in general. But their meat section, they'll have great discounts on meat. And it's not all of it. It's just like the discount section. But if you go to the discount section, you can get really good deals on brisket, chicken, steaks, you know, burgers, things like that. Whereas if I bought that meat at Kroger, it's like two or three times more expensive. And, you know, there's things at Aldi that are a better price than other things. There's places like Costco. But, you know, Costco is not necessarily that cheap. In fact, a lot of times Costco is the most expensive in almost every category. Now, it's convenient because you can just buy a lot real quick. But what I've noticed is that Costco is often more expensive because they only do name brand. And because they're only doing the name brand, it's like only a slight discount from if you bought something at the highest price at the nicest grocery store. So it is cheaper than that option. But most people aren't even doing that. So when you're actually going to more discount places and buying items in bulk from them, a lot of times you can save that way. Obviously online sometimes has good deals as well. But I'm just saying in general, it takes effort and energy to save money in this category. You're just not going to necessarily just go, there's not this one item like, hey, just go to this one store and it's always better. Even Walmart. Walmart has some items that are great. And then they have other items that are actually not even that well priced whatsoever. And so again, it just kind of takes going to several different stores, thinking about all the items that you buy and constantly looking at the prices and saying, oh wow, this store has the exact same product for $3 more. And if you pay attention, you'll start noticing it's crazy. You'll be like, man, I buy this box of rice here, it's $2 at this store and it's $5 at that store. And you're just thinking that's just one item. If you're doing this with hundreds of items every single month or possibly even more than that, I mean it adds up pretty quickly. And so that's just one way to think about it. And this woman, look, she's bringing her food from afar. She's going to all these different places, checking out the deals, getting the discounts. That helps when you do these type of things. Now obviously if you're driving everywhere and getting a Starbucks at every corner, it might end up not being that much cheaper. But I'm just saying, obviously there's an opportunity cost to every decision here. But as you kind of get in these routines, you can get faster, know where you're going, maybe even get on your way home from different activities and you can kind of save money on these type of options. Verse 16, the Bible says this, she considered the field and buyeth it. With the fruit of her hand, she planted the vineyard. You know, another interesting way to save a lot on food is to grow it. And you know, my father, he is a real avid gardener. He every year does a lot of tomato plants. Now I'm not that experienced in it. I think I've done it a few years and if it wasn't for his help, I probably wouldn't even have let anything survive. But he makes so much produce every single year, he even can sell it. He ends up selling a lot of it. Now he's not really in it for the money. So a lot of it just gives away. But he even sells some of it. But I mean, the man makes hundreds of tomatoes like every single year, just tons and tons of tomatoes. There's only so much you can eat in tomatoes, okay. But you know, he's making all of this produce and then he doesn't have to spend any money on that particular produce. Obviously it costs money to water and there's effort and there's energy there. So there's a cost associated. But you know, that's something to consider. You know, sometimes people make some of their own produce. I know when we lived in Dallas-Fort Worth area, we used to live here in Keller. My dad used to grow watermelons and that was just really cool. But you got to be in a climate kind of like ours where there's a lot more rain and the soil can actually produce something like a watermelon. When we lived back in West Texas, watermelon would have never survived because it's just too dry and the climate's just not conducive to such produce. But you know, whatever climate you're in, you can have some of those options. I've also noticed, you know, sometimes when you go to grocery stores, if you get the local corn, it's really cheap. I've gone into like Wal-Mart or some of these items and it's a seasonal item. But they'll once in a while bring in the local corn. And it'll be like 10 cents an ear. It'll be like 10 cents an ear. I remember my dad, he used to go to this farm because we lived near a bunch of places that had farming and he would get corn. He would get, I don't know, several hundred ears of corn at a time. And then he would boil all of it. He would cook all of it one day and then he would just freeze it. And we had a separate deep freeze. And of course that's a great way to save money is because you can buy items on Bolt. And so we just had this freezer full of corn or whatever. But it was just basically free in comparison to actually buying the stuff. And this corn that we got was the best corn because it was sweet corn from the producer, tastes way better. And if you get the local corn, it's so much better. So sometimes they'll bring it into the store and it's like 10 cents an ear. It's like you want to buy a bunch of that stuff. And even if it can't last, you could boil it and freeze it and it's still great. And I'll tell you something, it's way better than frozen corn. The stuff you just buy at the store that you just kind of get, that's usually not even anywhere close to as good. And corn is one of the greatest things to have with almost every meal. Kids like it. Who in here are their kids like corn? Okay, yeah, that's everywhere, right? So I'm just saying like there's some items that you can think about. Like hey, here's an item that I could get a bunch of when it's really cheap and store it and that could help me save some money in the future. Look at what it says in verse 18. She perceiveth that her merchandise is good. Her candela goeth not out by night. She layeth her hands on the spindle and her hands hold the distaff. Says she stretcheth out her hand to the poor. Yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy. She's not afraid of the snow for all her household, for all her household are clothed with scarlet. She maketh herself coverings of tapestry. Her clothing is silk and purple. Her husband is known in the gates when he sitteth among the elders of the land. She maketh fine linen and selleth it and delivereth girdles on the merchant. Now what I really like about this is, you know, this lady who's considered the greatest wife, proverbially speaking, you know, the greatest wife in the Bible, you know what, she's not dressed ugly like the Amish. Did you notice that? She maketh fine linen. And according to this, silk and purple, it doesn't say she's wearing a horse blanket, okay? And of course the Amish, it's like they're trying to virtue signal about how godly they are by dressing ugly on purpose. You know what, this woman is not dressing ugly. But you know what she did? She made her clothes, didn't she? She made her clothes. In fact, she's such an impressive seamstress, her products are so well known. People can recognize her husband just based on his clothing and she's able to sell the clothing. She's so good at sewing and making clothing. So of course, you know, there's nothing wrong with a woman having a side hustle. In fact, this woman has a side hustle and she's actually great at it. You know, we see the woman buying vineyards, planting crops, making clothing, selling clothing. And you know, again, everybody has a different life circumstance. So you know, if your wife is like my wife where she has five children that are really young, it might be harder for her to have a side hustle. But if your wife, let's say you don't even have kids. You know, maybe you're newly married or whatever the scenario is. Like it's probably more likely that your wife can have a side hustle in that scenario than if she's got like a bunch of little kids and she's pregnant and everything else, okay? So you have to kind of think about your scenario or how about some people, maybe all their kids are grown. You know, at that point, would there be any problem with a wife having some kind of a side hustle or a job or a business? No, of course not. That would be silly to say that they can't. But you know, obviously it's not to neglect her wifely duties. It's just an addition too, right? So as long as she's performing the wifely duties, there's nothing wrong with a woman making money. Now, should there be any expectation on her? Is she supposed to provide? No. None of those things. But obviously this is just to help relieve the burden. And you know what? There's nothing wrong with women trying to help relieve the burden in the household. Go to Luke chapter number 15, Luke chapter 15. Now, I say this with caution because there's a lot of side hustles out there that I kind of think are really kind of like a scam. It's called like multi-level marketing. Essential oils, candles, pots, pans, makeup, you name it. I probably offended all of you, Hope. But look, these things are a scam in my opinion, okay? Now, if you do this, I don't know. I don't know anybody in here that does it. So if you do it, it's pure coincidence, all right? But I just think these things are a scam. This woman in the Bible that we read about was not scamming people for money. She was making high quality products and selling them. So she was actually using her skills. She wasn't just asking every single one of her Facebook friends every single day to buy her product or something that she didn't even make that's really just kind of a garbage product in many cases. Because look, if you need a multi-level marketing scheme to sell your product, it's because the product is terrible. Products that are good sell themselves. You don't even have to have anybody try to sell. Being a secret club, I mean, when does that ever work for anything? Hey, we've got this secret temple called the Mormon Temple. When you come in here, that's when life really gets better. No, no, no. When it's the secret in the club, you've got to come and join our little cult and do our seance and whatever. It's a scam, okay? The things that are great, everybody is going to know about and want high demand for it. This woman's merchandise was not a scam. Everybody knew about it. Everybody wanted it. It was the hot commodity, okay? So again, as a woman, don't get sucked into these scams and then try to sell your soul to the devil by getting in these MLMs. A lot of women get in these and then they can't get out because it's tiered that way. They get in and then they recruit a bunch of their friends and they start climbing the ladder. Now, they don't even want to do it anymore, but if they give up, then they're going to lose some of the income they have or ruin the situation they're in with their friends. So, they feel like they're trapped into these little pyramid schemes and they have to keep selling their product just to kind of get their little money. It's like they don't even want to do it. They hate it. I'm just telling you, I wouldn't get involved in this stuff. Plus, it will just suck you dry of your real purpose in life, raising kids, and everything sometimes even becomes like a money thing because with multilevel marketing, it's not so much about just making high quality products and selling them. It's just like how many recruits can I get and then if I get this many recruits, then I'll make this much money. There's all this love of money and covetousness associated with it. It's just bad. I've never met someone that was sucked into this or really into this stuff that I was thinking like, oh, wow, that's great. Yeah, you have a good life. They're neglecting their family, neglecting their children. They get a love of money. They're full of covetousness. They usually have to be slimy. They end up selling things in a provocative way just because they're trying to sell it. It's just a bad road. This woman that we read about making some money on the side house is not going down all these compromising roads in order to make money. Look, I'm not for people compromising their values just to make a few bucks. I would rather my wife to never make an extra dollar and just stay pure than to go and sell her body or sell her soul or sell everything else in order to make money. It's just gross. But, again, the woman we read about wasn't doing anything like that. So don't hear me wrong. I'm not for every job is not a good job. Every business is not a good business. Every occupation is not a good occupation. Not every side hustle is a good side hustle. But there is a time and a place. There is good opportunities out there. And I'm all for people making high-quality products. If I could, I would sell all of my wife's food because it's just so good. It's like she makes high-quality food, especially cake and cupcakes. I don't even know what she does, but it's like the greatest cupcakes and cakes ever. And I'm just thinking, man, I could make a lot of money on this. And we just went and it carries cupcakes. It just has a ring to it. And then I could refuse service to faggots. And I'm like, man, I just want to do this so much. Carries cupcakes, refuses service. Then I'm thinking like all the lawsuits. And I'm just like, okay, I'm done with this fantasy. All right. I was like, we just have to refuse everyone. And in that way, it's equal opportunity to be refused. Luke chapter 15, look at verse number 8. Either what woman, having 10 pieces of silver, if she lose one piece, does not light a candle and sweep the house and seek diligently till she find it. And when she hath found it, she calleth her friends and her neighbors together, saying, Rejoice with me, for I have found the peace which I had lost. God uses a lot of carnal truths to expound spiritual truths. Let's not skip over the carnal truth. What is the carnal truth? That a great woman would be one who doesn't want to just waste money or for her to just lose money frivolously. But in fact, if there was any way to regain money that had been lost or to make sure that they're not losing any money, she would, notice what the Bible says, she would sweep the house and seek diligently, think about this, till she finds it. They didn't say she just did it. So she's not stopping until she finds it. And you know, that diligence is supposed to be in relation to the spiritual picture of us going out and seeking that which is lost and diligently trying to get people saved until we find them. We're not going to give up. It's not, well, we saw any day it wasn't that successful, so we're done. No, no, no, we're going to keep searching until Jesus comes. And it's like, women should constantly be un-seeked, just seeking, until she finds the money that was lost, recovering, seeking ways to just make it better for their household. Go, if you would, back to Proverbs chapter 31. Go back to Proverbs chapter 31. So point one is this. In helping gather straw, we can help the men, we can help the fathers, you ladies and wives and children. You can help by creating less expenses and by increasing income potentially. You know, those are two options that are on the table. And, you know, when it comes to, you know, saving money, sometimes it's just even taking away some luxuries, you know. Instead of going and spending so much money on all the luxuries that women like, what is it, hair and nails and spa days and all that, I don't know all the stuff you all do. It's like maybe there's alternatives or maybe there's cheaper ways to do it or maybe you can save some money on clothing options, you know. Maybe in you all's little dress coat you all can swap or something, you know. I don't know how it works but it's like, you know, I don't know what, I'm not giving you the idea of like this is what you have to do but you and I both know maybe there's some sacrifices that could be made and it's not necessarily fair to just always make the father have to make more income just so your life doesn't change whatsoever. You know, it's nice to sometimes bring in the burden. And sometimes you can still find an alternative that's just as good or better. I'm not saying just live this ascetic lifestyle where you have no fun and no pleasure and you can't do anything nice. You know, I still like for my wife to go out and have nice things or get her nails done every once in a while or whatever. But if you can still eliminate some of that or make alternatives to some of that, that helps. It helps with what's going on. And it's not fair to just constantly allow the men to have to work harder and harder and harder and just think like, well, that's his problem, that's not my problem. No, you're one flesh. You're one flesh and you should care about his back too. You should care about his needs as well. So we talked about money. Here's another thing that you can do in help gatherings as well. It's just time. Time, you can help them with time because obviously if he's going out to get stubble, isn't that going to take more time? Isn't that adding to the amount of hours he's going to have to go out and work? And men that are providing for their household have to work a lot of hours. I know. I've worked a lot of hours for the last decade and never 40 hours a week. That's a joke. There's no way to provide on a single income 40 hours a week unless you're like a lawyer or something. But even them, they're always poor and broke somehow too. I don't get it. They're always asking for more money. But Proverbs 31, look at verse 15. She rises also while it is yet night and give her the meat to her household and a portion to her maidens. So, you know, again, I love to cook and I like to cook and I can help. And there's probably other men like that. But, you know, as a woman, if you're always taking care of these items and taking care of these tasks, you're taking some of the time that he has to spend on that and giving it to him to do other activities, other tasks, maybe even more work. You know, so, again, if there's something you can do, then why not do even more just so that way he doesn't have to. You know, make his lunch so he doesn't have to make lunch. Make his breakfast so he doesn't have to make breakfast. Make his dinner obviously so he doesn't have to make dinner. You know, give him back some time by making sure that you're doing as much as you can possibly do and you're providing the meals. You know, I've heard and I'm not picking on anybody, but I've heard that there's a lot of people where their wife doesn't even cook that much. They're constantly getting takeout or they're constantly getting eating out or going to the restaurant. That takes a lot more time sometimes. It costs a lot more money. And so, you know, as a wife, you can become a great cook. And I'll be honest, my wife is so much better than eating out anyways. I mean, it's not even close. It's like my wife is like, what do you want for Father's Day? Where do you want to go? What do you like to my house? It's like, you know, what do you want me to pick up in the store? Raw ingredients. It's like, what kind of dessert? Raw ingredients. You know, it's like no one can make better rolls than my wife. You know, it's like no one can make better dessert. You know, it's like I just want what you make because it's just so good. And of course, when we first got married, it wasn't like that as much, okay? It's going to be honest. It's not to dis on her or anything like that. It's just she's gotten better and better over time. And, you know, when we were in high school and dating, it was taquitos or cheese sticks. And it was like, you know, I just was like, eh. And I'm like, okay, I like taquitos. Do you have salsa? No. It's like, oh, okay, I like cheese sticks. Do you have marinara sauce? Ranch. Ranch. What is this? You know, what's happening? And it was just like, can we have something, you know, different, you know, or something good? It's like one week they had potato soup. And I was like, okay, just give me the cheese sticks or whatever. You know, I don't care. You know, and it's just that's life though that you got to eat. Someone's got to make the meals. Have you noticed that there's more and more restaurants like every day? It's like there's just more and more fast food restaurants, more and more restaurants opening. Everything's a restaurant. It's like no one's cooking apparently. And get women back into the kitchen. You know, I know Mexicans and lay bricks well, but, you know, stop them making all our meals. Let's get some women in there to cook the meals. Sorry to ruin the secret for you. If you go to any restaurant, you know who's in the back? Mexicans. And a lot of times illegals. Okay. And that's why pretty much the only good restaurants in Texas are Mexican food. Okay. Because it's authentic. Right. It's really good. Now, of course, you get that Tex-Mex. So they actually put cheese and spices on it. And, you know, that's what makes it really good. So that's why I like Tex-Mex. I'm trying to offend everyone. Okay. So if you're not offended by the end of the sermon, you know, you need to go somewhere else for church. But look, Tex-Mex is where it's at. Okay. But, you know, that's why Italian food is kind of like, eh. You got to go to, like, New York or something, right, to get, like, Italian. Where actual Italians are at or something. But, you know, you come into Texas, it's like, look, there's a Mexican guy in the restaurant. And he's making every kind. It doesn't matter. Asian. It doesn't matter if you go to the Asian restaurant, the Mexican restaurant, the Italian restaurant, the steakhouse. And the dishwasher doesn't even speak English. Okay. Like zero. You know. I worked at Chili's and we got all kinds of different dishwashers. The only common denominator was they didn't speak English and they weren't from America. Okay. That was the common thread between all of them. And I liked them. We were friends. And I would practice Spanish with them. You know, it's not like I hate the guy. But you know what? My wife's way better at cooking than he is. My wife's way better at cooking than the derelict weirdos that can only get a job as a cook. You know, like our protesters. You want to know who's back there cooking? A lot of those people. You know, I'm going to give you a bad secret. I'm going to give you a bad secret. The LGBT work primarily in food service. They work primarily at Starbucks and at restaurants. Because it is one of the highest paying jobs with no skills. The highest paying jobs you can get being a server, working in these restaurants. That's how they can get money. And they can do job hopping. It doesn't matter how many times they get fired. They'll take convicts. They'll take people who don't even speak English to work there. Okay, folks? And I'm just telling you, you know, it'll preserve your health and your mental stability. And just everything if you're just eating more at home. And it just saves you time. It's better in almost every category. Now, of course, you can make a really fancy meal at home that costs more, hypothetically. But, you know, if you're doing both. You're getting the good deals and you're being reasonable. You can save a lot of money by cooking from home. And, in fact, a lot of times it's just better. And that saves a lot of time as well. Now, again, I will continue to cook because I love cooking. And I still like making steaks and brisket and whatever. But, you know, as much as my wife can help me give some time back. Then I can spend that time on other work items, other tasks. I have separate jobs, too, that I make money on. So, I'm always constantly thinking, like, if I can get someone else to do this cheaper than how much I make. It's better for me to just go work so I can make more money than having to just spend a bunch of money on this. So, like, mowing the lawn. It would probably take me three or four hours to mow my lawn. And it costs me $40 to have Jose and his buddies do it. Okay? And they do it. And, in fact, they probably do just as good or a better job in some cases. Now, if I go work on my secular job, I'm getting paid, you know, $85, $100 an hour doing that. So, what's that times four? So, it's like it makes no sense for me to go and mow my own lawn as opposed to just going and doing my own job or doing some kind of a work on the side. And I have really bad allergies. So, it's even, like, worse if I go out and mow my own lawn and do all this stuff. So, like, there's a time and a place to have services. There's a time and a place to have goods. Hey, I love going out to eat. And, you know, on Sundays, it's really inconvenient. But there are certain restaurants that are a lot cheaper than others, especially with lots of kids. It's called McAllister's, all right? It's, like, the best kept secret ever, all right? But, you know, I could go to, like, Panera and I can go to McAllister's and have almost the same kind of meals. Yeah, they're a little bit different. It's, like, half the price. And, you know, there's certain restaurants that are just way more expensive than other restaurants. So, maybe you think about those things and you can try to save on thinking about kind of restaurants. You know, I've noticed that pizza is often kind of a cheaper meal. You can get good deals on pizza and it lasts a while. I love pizza, okay? So, I'm already hungry. But I'm just saying, like, you can be picky and choosy on where you're going. I've noticed it seems like fast food is now the same as, like, eating out at a restaurant prices. It's, like, we'll go to fast food and it's, like, $50 and I'm thinking, like, $50? Like, I already was hating myself for going here. I have to pay $50 at Wendy's? It's, like, this is so bad. You know, like, what in the world am I doing? Okay. I could have had, like, a five-star meal at home for less than that and I'm having to eat Wendy's. You know, it's, like, but so many people just live off this. They live off Wendy's and Burger King and Taco Bell and McDonald's and all this junk that's out there because their wife isn't cooking or their wife doesn't know how to cook. And the only way to know how to cook is to do it and do it early and often and lots of times. Look at verse 28. The Bible says, her children arise up and call her blessed, her husband also and he prays with her. Notice that the husband is praising her. Why? Because, look, if you do a lot of great work for your husband, he will praise you and you don't even have to tell him. It's just going to happen. You know, this woman, when, you know, as a man, when we read this, of course, no one's perfect. You know, my wife is excellent and I love her and she pretty much checks this list so well. But you read this list and you're just thinking, like, yeah, of course this lady is getting praised. I mean, this is a wonderful thing. Everything he could possibly want is taken care of and, of course, as a man, that's what you want in a woman. You know, and I love when you read this chapter, it doesn't even describe what she looks like at all. Isn't that so funny? They always talk about how men only care about what women look like. And then when we read the Bible, it doesn't even tell us anything about what she looks like. Now, this is not an excuse for ladies to be ugly on purpose either. I'm just saying, obviously, ladies should be healthy. But, you know, if our wives are healthy and they're following this list, it's like there's not really much more you could ask for as a man. I mean, this is just, this is what it is. This is what men really want. They just don't want, you know, they don't want the horror. Don't let Hollywood deceive you. That's not what really men want. They want a help meet that's going to come alongside them and be someone, their companion, and do good unto them. This is what they would love to have. It's their permanent cheerleader, okay? And they love that. Some of the cheerleaders aren't pretty anyway, so, you know, and everybody somehow likes them. I don't get it. But you can give him back time. Help him with things that he didn't even ask for help with. You want to get praised? Do something he didn't ask for. Because, you know, I'm not going to go to all the places in scripture, but Jesus is actually rebuking his disciples for this point. There's a portion in the New Testament where he's trying to say, like, if you do the things that you're commanded, you know, why would you then expect praise? You know, why would you expect me to thank you for doing the things that are already expected? You usually get praise for doing things that weren't expected, for exceeding your expectations, for going above and beyond, doing something better or more unique. Or that wasn't asked of. That's where you really get the praise that's coming in. So, you know, do more around the house. Take tasks from him. Notice your daily habits, your daily routine, and think, you know what, this is something he's doing, but I can do it. Maybe there's something he's helping with the kids, or he's helping, he has to do something in the morning, or whatever it is. Or train your children to do it. You know, don't think that what I'm saying right now is just why you just have to work way harder. Think of ways to necessarily just take burden off of your husband, right? Hey, the kids can take out the trash, the kids can mow the lawn, the kids can clean that, the kids can, you know, shop, or the kids, you know, whatever it is that you can do. But just try to take some burden off of the fathers, give him some time back since he's having to go out there and gather stubble. Since he's having to go out there and get, and look, it's hard to pull yourself out of the hole of debt to then getting a house. I can't even imagine today trying to get a house. Like I said earlier, the same loan payment, when I looked at it, introduced it, $2,000 more a month. That is an extreme amount of money. I mean, that is $24,000 a year more. And I know wages went up, but they didn't go that much up. It wasn't like, hey, my job used to pay me, you know, 50, now it's just 75 all of a sudden magically. And that's one item. That's not just like your food budget and utilities and your property. I mean, you know what went up, ladies? Property taxes, insurance, your utilities, your water bill, your gas bill, your electric bill. Do you like those things? Do you like heating and cooling? Do you like the plumbing? Do you like the fact that you have a house? I mean, everything is going up. Interest is going up. The price of going to get food is going up. I mean, my car insurance went ridiculously up when the next time I had to renew. Buying a new car or a new vehicle is extremely more expensive than it's ever been. If you're renting, rent has gone way up. I mean, I don't care what category. Every category is just like skyrocketing in price and in cost and how much money. And it's just hitting people so hard right now. And it's going to keep hitting hard. And so I'm kind of even preaching this in preparation to what's coming down the pike. But things aren't getting better. Because guess what? Our government is still spending money frivolously. They're still printing money frivolously. Interest rates can still go way up, even more than they are now. Things can get even tighter. And so many people are hurting that landlords are going to keep escalating rent prices. And corporations are going to keep jacking up prices. Because they lost all this money to Dylan Mulvaney campaigns. You know, they lost all this money supporting groomers at Target. So you know what Target's going to do? Well, they've got to meet their bottom line. So all of the groceries in Target are going to go up because people boycotted it. And look, I'm not against boycotting it. I'm just giving you reality and facts. And whenever they turn the price up of goods, they're not going back down. They're not like, oh, you know what? We jacked up the rate and we're making a lot more money. We're going to knock that down again. No, no, they're going to keep just jacking it up. Higher and higher and higher and higher and higher. That's why, you know, if you don't have a skilled job as a man, you're just going to get railroaded. You're just getting crushed by this. And you're going to have to work even harder and harder and harder. I mean, you're just back. I don't even want to know. You basically got, you know, Oprah Winfrey on your back or something, okay? And I mean, good luck carrying that thing around. Now, I want you to go to 1 Peter chapter number 3 for a second. Go to 1 Peter chapter 3. And I'm just trying to be honest, folks. It's not fair that this burden is shifted to the men of our country and nobody's talking about it. Nobody's talking about what's happened to the men. No one's talking about the pinching of our economy and how it's affecting them. And if we really care about the fathers, really care about the men, we would want to help them with this burden. Not just be like, wow, that sucks that Pharaoh made you do that. You know, I'm going to go out shopping. It's like, thanks. It's like, hey, in fact, I know that you're going to have to work all, you know, like late till about midnight. Can you work till about 3 a.m. because I want to go do some extra shopping too. It's like that's the reality of a lot of these Western women. You know, a lot of these women that are in the suburbia land is they have no concept of prices and money and they're just thinking like even more services I can use to break my husband's back. And it's like it's destroying marriages, it's destroying our country, and it's getting to a point where men won't even want to get married at all. Men don't want to get married because they're thinking like you're not an asset, you're a liability. And look, women should be an asset, not a liability on the balance sheet. And they can be, and I'm going to explain that in a moment, but look what it says in 1 Peter chapter 3 verse 1. Likewise ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands, that if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives, while they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear, whose adorning, let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair and of wearing of gold or putting on of apparel, but let it be the hidden man of the heart and that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit which is in the sight of God of great price. So women are supposed to adorn themselves, not so much caring about having fancy clothes and the fancy makeup, but rather having a meek and quiet spirit. Now go to 1 Timothy 2 because it uses the same word, adorn, and it kind of gives us a little bit better picture of what it's talking about. But of course women love to adorn themselves and they want to spend all this money on beauty, and the beauty industry really has a lot of money in it. But frankly speaking, most of the things they do to women aren't even making them more beautiful. I personally, natural beauty is where it's at, and I always stand by that. A lot of the things that they're doing to make these women look more attractive usually makes them look worse. Every time you see these ladies that had a little too much plastic surgery, you're like, ugh. Have you seen Madonna lately? Oh, man. There is no way she would look that ugly if she hadn't had plastic surgery. There's no way. It doesn't even look like a girl anymore. It's just like, argh. It's like, what happened to your face? It looks like in a movie, like Hunger Games or something, getting hit with a bunch of these hornets or something and their face puffed up, and she just looks diseased and like, ugh, what is happening to you? Don't spend all this money on the Botox and all the other junk. It's like, you know what? If you're an old person, just look old. It looks good on you, okay? Don't try to look like the pastor who's 45 and wearing teenager clothes. It looks awkward. It looks weird, okay? And don't try to put a baby face on a grown man. Look like a man, and if you're old, look like an old person. It's fine. You look good. You don't have to change and try to look like something that you're not because then you just look ugly. But 1 Timothy 2, look at verse 15. Not withstanding, she shall be saved in childbearing if they continue in faith and charity and holiness and sobriety. So it's talking about this woman, and I want to go back to another verse. Go to verse 9. And like man are also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel with shamefaced innocent sobriety, not with broided hair or gold or pearls or costly ray, but which becometh women professing godliness with good works. What men really want women to be adorned with is just good works. And you read about Proverbs 31, and I'm telling you what. It is a woman that works really hard, and why? Because that takes some of the burden off of the man. You know, I don't, as a man, we don't want a liability wife. We want an asset wife, and an asset wife brings the good works. Now, of course, the only people that understand this, that I'm talking about, are married, okay? The last thing I want is advice from people that aren't married, okay? Because they have no idea what's going on in marriage. Just like I wouldn't ask someone that's not saved how to be saved, I don't ask people that aren't married advice on marriage, or my wife, or really, they have such a warped perspective, it's like listening to a false prophet teach when unmarried people talk about marriage, okay? And so I would just stay away from their advice 100%, because they have no idea what they're talking about. People that don't have kids don't get any parenting advice from them. People that have been divorced don't ever hear what they have to say on marriage whatsoever. You know, this is our only source. Now, of course, if you're young and you're not married, you should be thinking about what the Bible says in these subjects and looking for a spouse like this. But you're looking through a glass darkly. You really don't really know what you're looking for, and so I just would be really careful that you don't want to open your mouth and wish that your foot had filled it, okay? And so, you know, when we talk about these subjects, it's important that we think about balance, because what woman is going to be perfect? None. What woman is going to fit all of these molds? None. Who marries the Proverbs 31 woman? No one, because she's already married. Did you read that? I read that. She was already married. She wasn't the single lady. Now, you know, what a great man does is he takes the single lady and he helps her turn into the Proverbs 31 wife. And I've noticed that women are often just the reflection of their husband. And the reason why a lot of times your wife isn't a Proverbs 31 woman is because you're not a Proverbs 31 man. And you say Proverbs 31 man. Yeah, did you read the first part of the chapter? It's addressing men. It's addressing what men are supposed to be like and how they're supposed to live their lives. And I'll tell you what, guys that are a chad, you know, or a stud, you know what I'm talking about, bass, I don't know what lingo you need, okay? Men that are awesome, they have no problem finding a woman. Zero. They can find one and they can turn her into the Proverbs 31 woman, okay? The problem is that we don't have men leading their household and challenging their wives and taking to a good church and doing that which is right. That's usually where the failure is. But let us, as the men, encourage our wives to be this Proverbs 31 woman and to help take some of the burden off of us and to help lead them. You know, as a manager at a company, if you were a company manager, you could just do everything yourself. You know, that means you're a bad manager. What a good manager does is he actually empowers his employees to take all of the burden off of himself and to free himself up so that he doesn't have to do the task. And not only that, all the tasks are done perfectly. All the tasks are done to his expectation level. That's a great manager. And you know what, a great husband is one that can come alongside his wife and come alongside his children and turn them into the great wife and the great children that they should be to where he doesn't necessarily have to do everything himself. He doesn't have to make all his own meals. She can make them. He doesn't have to clean the whole house. She can clean the whole house. He doesn't have to do all the different tasks for her. She can do them and, in fact, sometimes even do them better because, frankly, my wife is better than me at lots of things. I mean, especially giving birth, I don't even want to try it, okay? I'm not interested in that activity. My wife is way better. She's such a great cook, especially decorating cupcakes. Don't even ask, all right? I tried to decorate a couple one time and it was bad. She's great at that. You know, and women have their strengths. Men have their strengths. Women are really great at a lot of tasks and a lot of activities. Let's put them in the position where they're great instead of putting them in positions that don't even make sense. Why would I put the quarterback as the water boy and put the water boy as the quarterback? But, you know, America today is taking the quarterback of women and putting them in construction and it's like, what are you doing? It's like, put her in the kitchen. Get Jorge out of the kitchen and back into construction and get the woman back into the kitchen, okay? These are the right roles. These are the right places. Because you know what? I watched Jorge drop food on the ground and didn't care and just put it back, you know? And I'm telling you, the women are better at certain things and the men are better at certain things. Let's put everybody in the right role, okay? Women are better at multitasking, generally speaking, and you know what, they got to deal with a lot of kids. They have to be more patient with the kids and I'm so glad they do the schooling, you know? I think that they would do a better job than I would if I have to sit there, you know, it'd be like military, you know, school at my school. They get a little bit more nurture and affection and attention and everyone survives. So, it's probably better, you know, in that regard. Obviously, I have strengths, she has strengths and we complement each other very well and that's what a marriage is supposed to be like. But let's encourage the wise to give back some of the time and give back some of the money and to do what they do best because frankly speaking, every single task that a wife does can be outsourced. And when I say every task, I mean it in the most literal sense. Every single thing that you would want a wife for, you can get a service for that or you can buy a product or you can have someone else do it, like everything. Whether that be, you know, you have food delivery, laundry services, restaurants, childcare, public school, grocery delivery, Amazon, house cleaning, I mean, you name it. Then there's all kinds of other, bedroom services, they're out there too, every single service and, you know, it seems like a lot of these men going their own way, they just basically want a robot that does all this. You know, they just want a robot to check all of these boxes or whatever. You know, you can't replace a real woman with a robot and it's way more expensive. If you were to actually tally up all the things that a wife does and outsource it, you know, hey, instead of letting her cook, professional chef, you know, at her quality, right? My wife, quality professional chef. My wife, live-in maid. My wife, home school educator, private school education. I mean, if you just replace my wife with the qualified professional for every single task that she's doing, it would probably be like two or three million dollars a year. She's way more valuable than I am. It's like I can't make that kind of money, you know, but the quality of product that she is delivering in the household is worth so much more money than I could ever make. I mean, it's incredible what women can do to help in the household, but please do it. Don't outsource yourself. You have so much value. In fact, that's what the Bible is even saying. She's more precious than rubies because not only does she do all that, but then she just looks better than everything else too, okay, than Jorge coming in and doing the work, all right? That's just not as attractive as my wife being in the kitchen cooking, okay? She has all of these services that you could ever wish for and ever want and they're all built in and God-given. Let's empower women to do those things to take some of the burden off of the men and not make your husband have to pay for all these extra services and extra job duties and extra products. And, look, I know they're convenient, but that's just because the devil wants to make women lazy. Everything is designed to make them lazy. Now, look, I'm not against it. If you could find a service that's going to make things done quicker and faster and cheaper than if you did it and it frees you up to do even more, go for it, you know? Arguably, let's say you were going to go to the grocery store and get ten items, but you can have someone deliver it and it's the same price. Well, you're saving gas money. You're saving all kinds of money going in shop. Why not do that, right? But if it's going to cost, you know, a lot more money, you know, and there's other ways that you could save, you've got to balance that. You've got to think about, hey, what makes the most sense? What's the good use of my time? What's the good use of my money? What's the right balance on these items? How can I really help maximize our household? What is going to be the best use of my time? And, of course, there are certain tasks that you never want to outsource, like educating your children. Go back to Proverbs 31. I want to finish with two verses. Point one is this. You can help gather straw with money and spending less, making some. You can help with time. Give your husband back time by taking tasks away from him, by assisting more, by helping doing things that he never even asked you to do. And lastly is spiritual. And this is a really important point. I don't need to spend a lot of time on it, but it's an important point to think about. The men are being forced to work so much extra, and wouldn't it be just so easy for the wise to say, why don't you just tell Pharaoh we're not going to serve God? And then they'll go back to being easy. It's like, well, you know, why don't we just stop going to church? Or, you know, what if I just, I don't need to have kids. I'll go out and I'll get a job. I don't need to raise the children. Let me, you know, go out and work. Let me go out and just forsake the wifely duties. Let me forsake what God has ordained me to do. I don't need to stay home and bear children and guide the house and give none occasion to the adversary. You know what? I don't want to do that. I would rather do this other activity. Again, we're not saying that you're doing that. We're saying that you're choosing that over what God has ordained for you. You know, if you can have children, have children. If you can stay home, stay home. If you can do these things, do them, right? This woman's forsaking them, saying nah. But you know what? It puts a lot of pressure on your husband who's trying to be spiritual. When times get tough, to be like, let's not be spiritual. Why do we need to go to church? Or why don't you just work on Sundays? Or why don't we just, you know, why don't you work on Sundays so I can get, you know, my eyelids painted or something, you know? Or get my eyebrows plucked by the Asian people in the mall. I don't even know what they do. Or is it the eyebrows? Who knows? You know what I'm talking about. Somebody laughed, okay? They do this weird, like, plucking thing or whatever. It's like some people, they get their, some ladies, they get their eyebrows ripped out and then painted on. And I'm thinking, like, why wouldn't you just leave them in? They never look cool when they're painted anyways, okay? Now, if you have to have it, okay. But I'm just saying, like, why would you do that to yourself on purpose? Like, and then you spent money. Like, that would be the worst thing. I'm just thinking, like, you paid money for that? Like, not only did you get your beautiful eyebrows ripped out, now you have just paint smeared on your face and I had to pay money for it. And then you have to go do it again because you just smeared it or whatever, right? It's like, it's just weird. It's weird what people are doing. And when it comes to serving God, you know what the devil wants to do is he wants to put pressure on you so that you wisely complain about, well, why do we have to go to church? Why go soul winning? Or why read the Bible? Or why do we have to do this? Or why do I have to stay home? Why do I have to raise a kid? You know what? Just eliminate that. Don't try to make it harder for your husband to do the right thing. Don't try to make it harder for your husband to be spiritual. Don't try to make it harder. Oh, well, if we didn't go to church, then we wouldn't have to go to eat and that's costing much money and we don't have money. And you just fight with your husband trying to basically get him to not go to church. Oh, it costs gas. Oh, eating out. You know, whatever the thing is, you know what? Don't complain and make being spiritual harder on your husband. It's already hard enough. You need to encourage him about the spirit, the decisions he makes and when Pharaoh, you know, puts the screws to him, you say nuts to Pharaoh. You pray harder for Pharaoh to die, okay? Look at verse 12. She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life. Notice that this woman will only do good on her husband. Just get that in your head. I'm only going to do good. Only going to encourage him. Only going to encourage him. I'm not going to try and pull him away, especially from the spiritual burdens because that's really, you're falling in the trap of the devil. You're like Eve saying, here, eat of this. Eat of this fruit. It's like, don't do it. You know, don't offer him the fruit. Don't listen to serpents. You know, stay away from snakes. Look at verse 26. She opened her mouth with wisdom and in her tongue is the law of kindness. This is the great wife. Every time she opens her mouth, it's wisdom. It's Bible. It's kindness. You know, encourage your husband. Support. Say, you know what? Thank you for taking me to church. Thank you for allowing me to stay home. Thank you for allowing me to educate my children. Thank you for going out and buying the bacon so I can put it in the burger, right? Thank you for, you know, help encourage him in the things that he's doing and support the decisions he's making. You know, thanks for taking me out soul winning. Thanks for, you know, wanting to lead me. You know, encourage him to say like, ah, I wish we had gone to the mall instead of soul winning. No one wanted to go to the mall, okay? It's like, don't nag him about trying to make a spiritual decision. Encourage him in that. Support him in that. Help him gather straw. You know, what did the Bible say that the woman was created? It's not good for the man to be alone. He's going to make him a help meat, not someone to tear him down, not to attack him, not to have extra burden, but someone to be a helper. And you know what? A great wife can be the greatest asset that you could ever have. A wife can be the best thing in your life and it can be the worst thing in your life. And a child can be one of the best things in your life and a child can be one of the worst things in your life. And you know, as sons, we need to help our father with the burden. We need to become men. You teenage boys or younger men, help your dad. Take out the trash. Don't complain. Start cleaning up around the house. Start doing tasks. Don't complain. You know, help your mom with the younger siblings. You know, you ladies, you girls, you can help mom cook and clean and help with the children. You wives, help your husband. Let's take some of the burden off of the fathers and realize, you know what, they have a tough job. Let's give them the honor that they deserve on Father's Day and say, you know what, hey, you guys are working hard. You've had to work hard for several years recently and it doesn't look any brighter any time soon. Let me help take some of that burden. Let's close in prayer. Thank you Heavenly Father for giving us such great wisdom in the Bible. I pray that people would choose not to get offended by something that they don't like, but rather they would just appreciate the advice that the Bible gives and they would find a way to help. They would find a way to encourage the men in this world that a lot of burden is being placed on because they're so important. I pray that we would give honor under the fathers that are out there and that we try to continue to encourage them to work hard and to provide for their families but to not feel like they're in it alone. I pray that you'd help the women to come alongside their husbands and to help them and to encourage them. I pray that you'd help the children to realize that they can be a blessing under their mom and be a blessing under their dad and they can help with the difficulties of this life. And we know that serving God is not always going to be easy, but we thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you. And I pray that we wouldn't look at it as a burden and complain, but rather we'd look at it as a great opportunity. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. All right, for our final song this evening, let's go to 255, Come and Dine. 255, Come and Dine. 255, Come and Dine. Jesus has a table spread Where the saints of God are fed He invites His chosen people, Come and dine With His manna He doth feed And supplies are every need O to sweetest up with Jesus all the time Come and dine, the Master call it, Come and dine You may feast at Jesus' table all the time He who fed the multitude Turn the water into wine To the hungry, call it now, Come and dine The disciples came to land Thus obeying Christ's command For the Master called unto them, Come and dine There they found their hearts desire Bread and fish upon the fire Thus He satisfies the hungry all the time Come and dine, the Master call it, Come and dine You may feast at Jesus' table all the time He who fed the multitude Turn the water into wine To the hungry, call it now, Come and dine Soon the Lamb will take His bride To be ever at His side All the host of heaven will assemble be Oat will be a glorious sign All the saints in spotless white And with Jesus they will feast eternally Come and dine, the Master call it, Come and dine You may feast at Jesus' table all the time He who fed the multitude Turn the water into wine To the hungry, call it now, Come and dine