(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Preached entered not in because of unbelief Again, he limited the certain day saying in David today after so long a time as it is said today If you will hear his voice harden not your hearts For if Jesus had given them rest then would he not afterward have spoken of another day There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God for he that has entered into his rest He also hath ceased from his own works as God did from his Let us labor therefore to enter into that rest lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief For the Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and Intense of the heart neither. Is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight? But all things are naked and opened under the eyes of him with whom we have to do Seeing then that we have a great high priest that is passed into the heavens Jesus the Son of God Let us hold fast our profession For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities But was in all points tempted like as we are yet without sin Let us therefore come boldly under the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need Let's pray Father God, I thank you for a steadfast Baptist Church and for the midweek service I just pray that you would help us to learn all the truths that you've packed for us here in Hebrews chapter 4 and fill Pastor Jonathan Shelley with your spirit and in Jesus name I pray amen amen So I've been going through the book of Hebrews and again I think it's really beneficial If we take the first part of our sermon kind of go through the text quickly as quickly as possible So that we can gain the understanding now this chapter specifically It might be a little bit slower going through just because I think this is actually a pretty difficult chapter as far as just understanding Exactly everything that it's saying but I feel like the context of this chapter is very clear and we'll be able to understand it Very well with other chapters if we look at verse number one The Bible says let us therefore fear Lest a promise being left us of entering into his rest any of you should seem to come short of it now in Order to understand this chapter. We have to slow down for a second. Who is the us? The us is who he's been referring to consistently throughout this epistle and chapter number three What did it say in verse number one? It said holy brethren didn't it? It said holy brethren not only say holy brethren It also said them that had the profession of Christ Jesus the word brethren could possibly be in reference to just Paul's physical brethren like just the Jews in general But he would not call them holy brethren First of all, neither would he say they have the profession of Christ Jesus the unsaved Jews never had the profession of Christ Jesus Okay, additionally as you go through the chapter number three you see in verse number 14. It says if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast Unto the end. So the we there is going to be awful. So in reference to who the holy brethren the Those who have the profession of Christ Jesus. So in verse number one of chapter number four and it says let us That's in context of what the holy brethren that's in context of we and the same sentence So is he talking to the unsaved we talking to the saved? He signed with the sage. Okay. Now, why would the save need to be fearing? Well, obviously when it comes to entering into his Rest we can look at this in a lot of different ways rest here is gonna represent some different things But that rest is gonna be a picture of salvation Okay Now we already know through studying our Bibles that everybody that's saved is gonna enter into salvation Everybody that's saved is gonna go to heaven everybody that's saved goes into his rest But notice how he words it at the end of this verse. He says any of you should seem To come short of it. What does it mean to seem what does seem mean? If you look up in the dictionary the word see means to appear or to give the impression So if I said, you know, I was gonna preach just it seemed like I preached a sermon tonight But I didn't what would you think? I what do you what do you think it happened? I actually didn't I just got up there It seemed like you're gonna do something but you didn't okay So if it seemed like I came short of entering into rest, what does that mean? It means it looked like I didn't but I actually did. Okay. So what does this look like? Well the children of Israel are Were you know as a whole that first generation? They all didn't go into the Promised Land So it is seemed like they're just all unsaved kind of innocence, right? But we understand that they weren't all unsaved even though it appeared like they did Not get into the Promised Land spiritually speaking Okay in verse number two the Bible says this for unto us was the gospel preached as well as unto them But the word preached did not profit them not being mixed with faith and then that heard it So the gospel has been preached not just in the New Testament also in the Old Testament, isn't it? That's a clear definition right here is saying I mean, he couldn't be clearer He's saying the gospel preached to us as well as to them who's the them? The them is in reference to that first generation of the children of Israel. That's who is contrasting He's saying hey, we have the gospel preached unto us and it's also preached unto them It was also preached in the children of Israel, but it didn't profit them Why because they didn't have faith because they didn't actually believe the gospel and the gospel only has effect through faith The gospel is not gonna save people in and of itself You actually have to put your faith on the gospel and that's what saved you for by grace Are you saved through faith that grace has to be mixed with something? It has to be mixed with our faith You know, the Calvinist is wrong who's gonna say that irresistible grace is going to save you by itself It's gonna give you the faith. No, it has to be mixed with our faith That is the connection of our salvation with Jacob. Would you try to turn these two mics these ones up here? These two speakers. It's kind of weird. Sorry number three the verse 3 the Bible says for we which have believed Do enter into rest as he said as I've sworn my wrath if they shall enter into my rest Although the works were finished from the foundation of the world So now what we have to look at in verse number three is this he clearly just states for you that believers Are gonna enter into rest period anybody that saved anybody that's believed in the Lord Jesus Christ will go to heaven Okay. Now he brings up something though as he said as I've sworn in my wrath if They shall enter into my rest. Although the works were finished from the foundation of the world. What is he signifying here? He's signifying the fact that salvation is conditional and it's always been conditional Okay, but we have to understand is he's gonna help us understand this this latter phrase with the next verse But he says although the works were finished from the foundation of the world. What does he mean there? He's talking about the creation week Okay Look at verse number four for he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise and God did rest the seventh day From all his works and in this place again if they shall enter my rest We have to understand is that all of us are going to get to enjoy that physical Sabbath We all get to enjoy the seventh day that God has created we all automatically enter into that Okay, but what did the seventh day actually signify it signified a spiritual rest, which is heaven However, even though all of us experienced that seventh day of Sabbath rest. Okay, not everyone's gonna experience heaven It's conditional. That's why he's saying if they shall enter into my rest So he's saying if what's the if on if you believe if you don't believe you're not gonna enter in that rest So he's contrasting those who believe they're going to enter into rest those who do not believe are not going to enter into rest Okay, even though we get to see the physical picture of that seventh day now He says in verse number six seeing therefore remain it that some must enter therein and they to whom it was first preached entered not in because of unbelief again He limiteth a certain day saying and David today after so long a time as it is said today if you will hear his voice Harden not your hearts. So he's gonna use two pictures here We have the creation week. Okay, and then we have that Sabbath day. We have that seventh day of rest we also have another picture of the children of Israel knocking on the door of the promised land and them entering into the Promised Land is a day of Rest, okay. So I'm just gonna turn these two off because it's just too it's too annoying. You can hear it from the back Sorry, I Can hear myself plenty, so hopefully you can hear me All right So if we look at verses number five and six we understand that he's again referencing the fact that it's conditional How did you get into the Promised Land in? The from the children of Israel's perspective at that time it was through faith, wasn't it? Okay, how do you get into heaven through faith again yet? A lot of people experienced that Promised Land didn't they? How many people lived in the Promised Land that were not saved? Thousands and thousands of people got to enjoy the Promised Land even though they were not saved Okay, many people enjoyed just the seventh day of rest. Okay, the Sabbath in a sense God's creation We all get to enjoy that but both of those are pictures of spiritual salvation and the fact that there is a rest coming in The future but the only ones that are gonna get to enjoy that are through faith those that are believers Okay So that's what he's bringing up and that's what he's referencing and he's limiting it to a certain day saying and David today After so long a time as it said today if you will hear his voice harden not your heart So he's saying the children of Israel they harden their hearts. They didn't obey Jesus They didn't have faith and they didn't enter into that rest did they that first generation was cast out That's why he says in verse 8 for if Jesus had given them rest then would he not afterward have spoken of another day Okay So what does that mean if all the children of Israel walked up to the Promised Land and they just entered in right that first Time then we would have lost the picture of spiritual salvation being conditional He's saying hey if you just given them rest then he wouldn't have spoken of a another day When other people are coming who got to go into the Promised Land Caleb Joshua and the next generation why because they believe so God used that as an Illustration of saying the only people that get to enter to my rest are those that have faith Those that have faith are the ones they're gonna get in if you just let everyone in Then all of a sudden he's not gonna he's never gonna have spoken of that another day Okay, that another day is giving us the spiritual symbol of salvation By faith says in verse number 9 there remaineth therefore arrest to the people of God The people of God are gonna get a rest. We are gonna go to heaven We do get salvation because we have believed he keeps reiterating that He says verse number 10 for he that has entered into his rest He also has seized from his own works as God did from his now verse 10 is still attaching ourselves To verses number 4 where it's talking about that seventh day now think about what God did Okay, God had six days of hard labor create. Well, I don't know if it's hard or not But at least he worked right he created the heavens of the earth and the sea and all that emna is in six days Okay, then what happened then he rested he rested that seventh day as a picture our lives and very much of the same way And what our life is where our work is, but after we die, there is no more work. We will go to heaven That's why heaven is called rest Now those that go to hell they have no rest day nor night Heaven is rest. Hell is no rest ever while we're on this earth is our works Okay, and God just like he rested from his works We will get to rest from our works when we go to heaven now the difference between you and me and God Okay is the fact that everything that God did was good Not everything that we do is good. Okay, and we're gonna be judged according to our works So our works are very important and when it comes to these pictures they picture a couple different things I believe in Hebrews chapter number four from the first section though He is referencing a lot about physical salvation or physical spiritual salvation Okay, that that connection of entering in the physical promised land is a connection to us going to heaven However, the broad context of Hebrews chapter number four is not explaining to people how to get saved Didn't we start in verse number one talking to the saved already? So what is he using? He's using these Illustrations to help us understand that the only way we receive certain rest or promises is through our faith That's why he says in verse number 11. Let us labor Therefore to enter into that rest list any man fall after the same example of unbelief. So This is a very important verse some people would say Oh, it looks like it's work salvation because it says let us labor therefore to enter So they're saying you have to work in order to get into heaven Except for the Bible never says that in fact The Bible says the exact opposite over and over and again Ephesians chapter number two eight and nine says that it's not of works lest any man should boast So what is that laboring to enter into the rest? Okay. Well, you're going to the rest no matter what But why wouldn't you want to labor while you enter in the rest? And again, the rest is not just picturing just heaven It's also Picturing your inheritance and your rewards getting into the promised land was not just rest as a picture of salvation It's also a picture of getting great inheritance and great reward and I'm gonna prove this and a little bit We're gonna get a little bit deeper. I just want to go through a quick Scan of this chapter give you kind of idea what these verses are saying and then we're gonna dive in a little bit deeper But the labor here is not about getting saved What did he say in verse number one? He said lest any of you should seem to come short of it come short of what a Promise there's a certain promise that you would seem to come short of you're gonna enter into heaven no matter what? However, you don't want to fall out to the same example of all the first children the first generation Who didn't enter in because of their faith they missed out on the inheritance They missed out on the blessings of the promised land, even though some of them still got to enter in Okay, so what does that look like for us as a Christian? We can miss out on certain promises and certain rewards if we don't remain faithful Under the end now, I'm gonna draw a difference between two words faith and Faithful, okay. We're saved by faith. We're not saved by being faithful Okay, and what did it say in chapter number three? It said look at verse two who is Faithful to him that appointed him chapter three was pointing us the fact that we need to look at Jesus and Moses example of being What? Faithful, okay. The word faith is big. Okay, and after we get saved It's not like the word faith disappears from our daily lives. Faith is a daily battle Faith is something they have to constantly look to and we need to be faithful under the end of our lives Not so that I get saved But I don't want to seem to come short of the blessings that God has for me by living a life of wicked sin and Turning away from the Lord and departing with an un with an evil heart of unbelief so I need to also be Faithful in my Christian life all the way to the bitter end so that I can enter into that rest with great Joy with great abundance. So why wouldn't I want to labor to enter into that rest? Look, you're either gonna labor all the way into that rest or I'm gonna say it correctly this time Or God is gonna drag you kicking and screaming, okay I said it weird last week But basically you're going into the rest no matter what but wouldn't you want to labor into that rest? Or do you just want to be like the communist, you know government system where you just lay at home? while everybody else works and they just siphon their wages and give you a little bit of a The redistribution of wealth basically that's communism communism is where everybody works and everybody that works They take all their money and they shift it around give most of it to the politicians And then they'd redistribute some of it to the people that don't work that are lazy. It's called communism and socialism Okay, God is not gonna do that God is not gonna take the works of those that labored all the way into the heaven Okay, and redistribute that wealth to the lazy Christian to the Christian that never went to church So we should labor to enter into that rest. Okay, it's not that I'm gonna not get there I am gonna get there. However, I don't want to get there by the skin of my teeth I don't want to just barely make it into heaven I don't want to be yet so to save by fire and watch all of my works burned up No, I want to labor and enter in that rest. Okay It's not talking about me getting to heaven. I'm gonna get to heaven and what would be the example? It'd be like all the children of Israel who got physically saved Okay from Egypt and that was a picture of what spiritual salvation with the Passover land They walked through the Red Sea, which is a picture of baptism They went through the wilderness as God's feeding them manna and doing all kinds of miracles and blessing them yet I don't want to fall off that same example and not continually labor and be faithful and then enter into the Blessings of the Promised Land. I don't want to look across the sea and see all the blessing inheritance and God's like too bad You provoked me these ten times Because notice they had faith to put the Passover blood on the door They had the faith to walk in the blood see but were they faithful No, they weren't faithful to enter in the Promised Land were they and so they ended up missing out and I believe that's why That's the important word there in verse one. It says seem seem to come short of it Look, we're all anybody that saves going into his rest. Okay, but at the end of the day, I want to labor into that rest I don't want to just put the snooze fest on I don't want to just slowly just Deteriate away and have God constantly punishing me Now what is going to help me continually labor into that rest what's going to motivate me to labor in his rest Look at verse 12 for the Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing center soul and spirit of the joints of tomorrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of The heart neither. Is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight? But all things are naked and open in the eyes of him with whom we have to do Seeing then that we have a great I priest that has passed in the heavens Jesus son of God Let us hold fast our profession for we have not an eye priest We cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities, but was in all points tempted like as we are yet without sin Let us therefore come boldly under the throne of grace that we maintain mercy and find grace to help in time Now doesn't that fit perfectly with what we've already looked at he's saying hey What's gonna help you continually laboring the Word of God? The Word of God is what's gonna constantly motivate you and notice it's hammered in chapter 3 and 4 if today you'll hear his voice Hardened not your hearts. What's gonna keep your heart tender the Word of God. It's what's quick It's what's powerful and we have to realize that God nothing is hid from God. He knows our inner thoughts He knows everything that we decide Everything that we do and he's gonna constantly tempt us and try us and prove us Try our reigns and try our hearts and so that way we need to make sure that we're constantly heartening the Word of God and Additionally when we are tempted we have an extra blessing We can come boldly under the throne of grace and notice we can find help in time of need we can find grace Okay to help in time of need noting noting what? No one's gonna make it from the Red Sea to the Promised Land Without sinning No one's gonna make it through that wilderness without having problems We all have problems and if you say that you have no sin you deceive ourselves and the truth is not in you Okay, the people that believe in sinless perfection are morons. Okay, that's the thought of foolishness by itself And that's a sin according to the Bible. Okay, let alone all kinds of other iniquity. You probably have in your heart I mean if we were to measure self by God's standard we are naked in his sight there. We have nothing to offer him. Okay, so What do I do pastor Shelley when I sin well You need to come boldly to the throne of grace and try to ask God to give you grace and help in time of need That's how you're gonna endure all the way to the end That's how you're gonna be faithful all the way to the end is constantly seeking God's grace It's by God's grace that we stand here today You know what if we look at people that died in the Bible some people died for lying Who would still be standing oh, it's by God's grace that we're still standing I mean who if God marked iniquity, none of us would make it to the end It's by God's grace that I have every single breath that I do Every single day that I do every single moment my children my wife my job Anything and everything I have is by God's grace and grace alone. I don't deserve it. I haven't earned it It's a prideful attitude that thinks of course. I have all these blessings. Look how wonderful I am Look how smart I am God says he's the one that even gives us the power to make wealth He's the one that gives us anything and everything and God could turn it off like that if he wanted to So it's by his grace that we're gonna be faithful to the end So therefore we have to seek his grace though notice. There's a formula there find it You have to ask for it. You have to get on your knees and beg God for it So when you sin, you know, it's the right time to get right now Today if you'll hear his voice Harden not your hearts and I've noticed this for myself and I'm sure that I'm not different than anybody else when you sin When you do something wrong Something happens in your heart that causes you to be less interested in God You're just kind of like I don't really want to read the Bible right now I just said I don't want to go to church. I don't want to go out soul-winning I don't I've heard people say, you know, I feel really backslidden. I want to go soul-winning Now I'm not justifying that because that's always wrong. Okay, but it's just a human reaction It's just something that naturally happens. You kind of get that feeling you kind of have that thought You don't really want to get back to God. You don't want to really start memorizing scripture You don't want to read the Bible, but the problem is is you need to You need to immediately get back into the fight. You know, it's the right time to go soul-winning now Well, I'm sinful. I don't care go soul-winning Read your Bible get on your knees and pray and beg God to be gracious and merciful on you Confess your sin and forsake your sin and pick yourself up and just keep serving God Don't don't just well I Don't have to read today and then you sin tomorrow and don't read tomorrow and then you sin tomorrow and don't read the next day And then you realize hey, we're all sinners. So you buy grace here. Okay? Don't harden your heart reality is you know, we like to think that we're so much better than the children of Israel, but we're not and Only two of them got in Caleb and Joshua, you know that that tells me I probably won't see very many of you five years from now ten years from now 15 years not because I don't want to but what's gonna happen? You're gonna let sin Harden your heart and you're gonna get turned away and the deceitfulness of riches and the cares of this world are gonna come in And choke the word and then you're not gonna be fruitful and you're just gonna get caught away Whatever the problem is people get caught away all the time because what marriage issues People get caught away all the time because the I don't agree with everything the pastor said well get over yourself When are you gonna know? I don't agree with everything I say Sometimes I listen to my sermons and I thinking that was stupid I shouldn't have said it that way or I should have re-clarified things people ask somebody. What do you think about this? They'll be like, I wish I had said that differently, you know, I'm not perfect. I'm not God I'm not Jesus Christ if the Pharisees and Sadducees followed me around to catch something out of my mouth. It wouldn't take long Okay So that's your goal Then just get out of church Because you're not gonna find a man that can't just make a mistake that doesn't make mistakes say things wrong Well, I just disagree with this decision get over yourself. You're gonna disagree with decisions and hey, maybe you're wrong Have you ever thought about that one? You know, sometimes you disagree and you don't even realize you're the one that's in the wrong Okay, or you don't have all the information or you don't know everything that's going on Why don't you just get over yourself get in the best church you possibly can and serve God But at the end of the day you have to realize sin is a serious issue Why would God give us such a big book? Constantly reminding us the importance of being faithful if it was so easy It's not easy very difficult and You know a lot of people in this room have not been serving God at a very serious pace for a decade For two decades, you know what it takes to serve God for a decade or two decades a Lot of steadfastness a lot of being unmovable. It's really difficult. There's gonna be some really hard times There's gonna be times when you don't want to go to church at all There's three times when you question things. I mean the children of Israel ran some serious problems. They went out in the wilderness They didn't have water for several days I'm pretty sure I would think about complaining in that situation You know, I drink water multiple times every day if I had to go a whole day or two days without water in the desert Yeah, you better believe that temptation to complain is gonna come up and then when the first guy complains, it's like a domino It's just like yeah Why are we out in this wilderness? Why did God bring us out here to kill us? You know what's going on? I mean, but Moses, you know Is there not any graves in Egypt? I mean, what's the problem here? Don't think of yourself is so much better than the children of Israel. I notice people are way easy. They complain way quicker. I Mean the children of Israel have much things so many things so much harder than we do and I notice people complaining Left and right, you know when they have it good they have water. They have cucumbers. They have onions. They have garlic They have all these things go to the grocery store. I bet all those things are still out there the vegan bread You know, I don't want you that But I don't want to preach too much I want to get this Context in drilled in your mind so that you can understand this chapter. I Wrote a sentence that helps encapsulate this chapter. Okay before I preach too much We should fear missing out on eternal promises Like the first generation missed out on the promised land if we do not hold fast our profession By a hearkening to the powerful Word of God and seeking grace and time of need that's what this chapters about Now to help solidify as your mind I'm gonna give you the synopsis of all four chapters to see how they kind of fit together Right chapter 1 was what God spoke unto us by his son whom he had appointed heir of all things Chapter 2 therefore we ought to give the more in his heed to the son who was made like us to sucker them that are tempted Chapter 3 wherefore consider Christ Jesus who is faithful lest any of you depart from the living God Due to an evil heart of unbelief Chapter 4 therefore we should fear missing out on eternal promises Like the first generation missed out on the promised land if we do not hold fast our profession By a hearkening to the powerful Word of God and seeking grace and time of need I mean, it's just fitting together perfectly like a glove. God spoke to us by the Sun So we got to take heed what the Sun said consider how faithful he was so that what so that we're faithful so that we also Don't just you know give up we continue laboring all the way into that rest Let me warn you Christian. There is no laboring in heaven You're not for a reward. Okay, you get your reward once you walk in. There's a judgment seat of Christ It's not like well, how are you gonna do in the future? It's how did you do in the past and that's how you're gonna rule and reign with Christ for a thousand years It's not based on what you're gonna do in that thousand years. It's based on what you did here That's why we need to labor now, this is the time to leave This is not the time for fun and joy and happiness and just whatever I can do to fulfill all the lusts of my flesh No It's to serve God and those that serve God faithful here with the little that you've been given that little 70 years You're gonna have much an eternity to roll over and to reign with so that's why it's important to harken now I think when you get this context in your mind really strongly Then these other verses start to make more sense and fall into place I've seen people they just take little sections of Hebrews 4 and they teach all kinds of stuff now Here's the thing you can take verse out of context and still make biblical doctrines out of it And of course Hebrews chapter number 4 is addressing salvation. So don't hear me wrong It gives you the picture of Sabbath and Sabbath also is a picture of just salvation But is that really the context of the whole chapter? No, the context is talking to save people being faithful all the way to the end. Okay Now go back to verse number six through eight because I want to help you understand something It said in verse number eight for if Jesus had given them rest now the word Jesus here is Interesting word why because if I were to take the Hebrew name Joshua and bring it into Greek That is Jesus. Okay, so some people say well, this is Joshua. It's not Jesus Okay, or some people might say it's Jesus it's not Joshua I Personally believe it's both. I believe that it's both because why Joshua is the one that leads them into the Promised Land He gave them that rest, but we know it's Jesus. It's that angel that was sent before him That was the one that technically gave them the rest. So I love this choice of wording because it's both I mean you could look at this as Joshua Yep but it's also Jesus Christ is the one that led them in there and he gave them that Rest and that another day, you know pictures what well with Joshua it pictures them entering in the Promised Land But with Jesus it pictures us going into heaven doesn't it? Okay, so we get that other picture Look at verse number 11 Again, it says let us their labor therefore to enter in that rest. Let's any man fall after the same example of unbelief now I want you to understand this point very well Keep your finger and go to 2nd Peter chapter 1 2nd Peter chapter 1 Because the Bible used the word fall often and it's gonna help us understand what this means But the Bible says if it just adjust me and fall seven times and rises up again. Is that many losses salvation? No, it's just talking about falling into sin or falling into problems. Okay, 2nd Peter chapter number one. Look at verse number eight For if these things be in you and abound they make you They shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ But he that lacketh these things is blind and cannot see afar off and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins Wherefore rather brethren give diligence to make your calling and election. Sure for if you do these things you shall never fall For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you Abundantly into the everlasting kingdom our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. So notice there's two contrasting people one person falls and Hey, they still get into heaven but not abundantly the other guy doesn't fall He comes in abundantly into the kingdom of heaven. So I want to be the guy that doesn't fall I want to be the guy that gets abundance when I go into the kingdom of heaven Isn't that fitting perfectly with verse 11 where he saw let us labor to enter in that rest? Okay, go to Hebrews chapter 10. Let's use the same book to illustrate the same points Because Hebrews gonna make the same conclusions at the end Hebrews chapter number 10. Look at verse number 35 Hebrews chapter number 10 look at verse 35 cast not away. Therefore your confidence which hath great recompense of Reward for ye have need of patience that after you've done the will of God notice this you might receive the promise So notice there's some kind of a promise attached to what being faithful. What is that promise? It's a reward Now what did it say in verse number one of Hebrews chapter 4 let us therefore Fear lest a promise being left us of entering into his rest any of you should seem to come short of it So you could look at that as the fact that hey, we're all going to heaven But I don't want to come short of whatever awards that God has for me whatever award he possibly has That's why I have to be patient That's why it's important for me not to cast away therefore my confidence because it has a great recompense meaning payment of Reward, okay. Look at chapter number 12 at verse 15 Chapter number 12 just look the page and look at verse number 15 Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God Lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you and there be many be defiled Thereby many be defiled lest There be any fornicator or profane person as Esau who for one morsel meet sold his birthright for you know how that afterward When he would have inherited the blessing he was rejected for he sought no place of repentance though He sawed it carefully with tears. So notice Esau forfeited something. What did he forfeit his blessing? What was that blessing? Inheritance and notice what the children of Israel forfeited that blessing they forfeited their inheritance because they didn't remain faithful They didn't care about that inheritance They didn't want to receive that and we can forfeit a lot of our blessings and inheritance by not remaining faithful all the way again Say do I have to stay in this church to receive that blessing? No You know what you better you have to serve Jesus It's not about serving pastor Shelley, it's not about steadfast Baptist Church But it's all about this book and it's all about the Lord Jesus Christ and I beg you and I plead you Never stop serving Jesus Christ No matter what happens to me no matter what happens to other people in this room No matter what happens to this church always serve God always serve the Lord Jesus Christ There's a great recompense of reward for those that hold fast their profession Those that keep serving God to the end no matter what happens, you know at the end times whenever the Antichrist is persecuting the church Like we've never seen before let me tell you what the doors are not gonna be open here. I May not see you. You may not see me. Okay, but what I want is for us to both labor I want us to labor all the way unto the end, you know, it's probably gonna be kind of crazy around that time Okay, who knows what's gonna be happening? Who knows what's gonna be going on? You know what? We need to still be steadfast whether we're here or not Whether you're a church or not And you need to teach and instill these values and to your family's hearts notice most of the infiltrators and fakes and phonies that we throw Out are they still serving God? Where are they going to church? Are they still reading the Bible? Are they still going soul-winning? Are they still they don't do that? They make videos attacking godly people constantly What who what has time for that? That's like the opposite of being faithful that's I mean now you're attacked obviously because they're not even say probably most of them Okay, some of them probably are but not not a lot of them And so the importance thing here is you have to realize, you know, consider the faith of who you're following You know, did the Apostle Paul get discouraged? Or he just keep being faithful or do you want to follow the atrocities off a cliff, you know? So you have to be careful at who you're following Consider their lifestyle consider their conversation consider what they're doing and you say well what happens if so-and-so You know dies gets killed what it doesn't matter. You just keep serving God Some people say I can't serve this person because I don't know if they'll be faithful to the end. We no one knows As soon as they're not faithful throw them out Trash them go somewhere else. You know what you can serve God Okay, so some people say I don't know that I could trust classes Look don't trust me beyond you know what the Bible says now I think you should you know put trust in your pastor if you can't put trust in your pastor Why are you in this church, you know, like that's silly But the moment that you see your pastor jumping off a cliff don't say well, where do I jump off? You know, you know like the government just tells people to do anything. They just do it I mean, I don't know what what in the world? I mean the government can just say jump and everybody's gonna start jumping I Mean I don't get it, you know, the Bible tells you if you're sick, you know to do certain things But it's telling it's like the government's telling the healthy to do it and they're just following hook line and sinker I don't know. I'm gonna I'm not gonna get off on that too much. Okay, I have too much to preach there Go to Hebrew go to Hebrews chapter 3 and look at verse number 16 But you get my point people are sheeple today and they'll just do whatever they're told Unless it's the Word of God for some reason, you know, if anything that's not biblical they'll do it But if it's the Bible, well, I can't do that Read the Bible. I don't do that, you know They'll jump through hoops doing anything and everything but following God's Word. It's very interesting how the world works today But look at Hebrews chapter 3 verse 16 The Bible says for some when they had heard did provoke how be it? Not all that came out of Egypt by Moses, but with whom was he grieved 40 years Was it not with them that had sinned? Whose carcasses fell in the wilderness and to whom swear he that they should not enter in his rest but to them that believed not so we see that they could not enter in because of Unbelief now what I want to point out here is at the end of chapter number three I think he's making two different connections here The first connection would be the fact that you're saved by faith those that don't believe are not saved They won't enter into heaven. But the second connection is that we have inheritance by remaining Faithful. Okay, and that's why he's drawing this picture of these people in verses one through three again He brings up in verse number three The fact that the works were finished from the foundation of the world now It constantly mentions this this phrase today if you'll hear his voice harden out your hearts. That's Psalms 95 I want you to keep your hand go to Psalms 95 Let's actually look this up now, I don't know that Psalms 95 Necessarily gives us a ton of new information, but I do think it helps understand. It's a tad bit But we have to understand about Psalms 95 is it's the same singing. Okay says in verse number one Oh come let us sing unto the Lord. Let us make a joyful noise of the rock of our salvation So obviously this is the same. Okay. Well look at verse number seven He is our God and we are the people of his pastor the sheep of his hand today If you'll hear his voice harden not your heart as in the provocation as in the day of temptation in the wilderness When your father's tempted me prove me and saw my work 40 years long was I grieve with this generation and Said is a people that do err in their heart and they have not known my ways Undo my swear in my wrath that they should not enter into my rest now Why do I bring this up? Well, who is the context the context of the saved again? So all these verses telling you to not harden your heart and to listen to the Word of God is an admonition to the saved Now, why is he using this example of the children the first generation because it's a great example of unbelief It's a great example of people who didn't remain faithful who didn't trust in the Lord and follow his commandments He gave them the law they didn't keep it and if they had followed his word They would have entered into the promised land. They would have entered into those blessings and those inheritance go if you would to Genesis chapter 2 in verse number 4 He said for he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise and God did rest the seventh day from all His works. So again, we have make mention of God. It's creation week. It says in Genesis chapter 2 look at verse 1 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished and all the host of them and on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made and rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made and God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because that in it he had rested from all his work Which God created made now, why does God give us this picture right here? I mean you're starting off the Bible Because it's salvation the Gospels preached immediately. He's picturing that Sabbath rest. He's entering into rest Okay, just like we get to enter into rest and we cease from all our works which should admonish us to realize There's no ketchup plan after we die, there's no like makeup assignment Okay, if you don't do the homework project and you get an F. There's no well, can I do this it again? You know, there's no makeup Passover. Okay, spiritually speaking. All right, there is no like well, we weren't we weren't clean the first time through Let's just observe it the second time, you know, like the children of Israel when they didn't get to enter the Promised Land They say oh, oh, we're sorry We'll go now and they go up to AI and they just get destroyed They get wiped out because God's not with them. Just like the Christians today that say I don't want to serve him now I'll serve him later. Well when you die your time's up God sees from all his works and we will as well when we get into heaven Okay, go to the Exodus chapter 23 Exodus chapter 23. Now. This is interesting Because Exodus chapter 20 verse 11 tells us for in six days The Lord made the heaven and the earth and the sea and all that in them is and rest of the seventh day That's the commandment for what the Sabbath that he sanctified it and it's holy and we're supposed to observe it it's a picture of salvation and As he's continuing to speak he goes all the way to chapter number 23 because he's giving them the law He's giving them the Ten Commandments. He's talking to Moses on the mount and What is he preparing the children of Israel for? The going through the wilderness to enter in the Promised Land, is he not he's giving them those commandments Okay, but it's not unconditional is Going to heaven conditional or unconditional. It's conditional. It's conditional on faith is getting into the Promised Land physically unconditional No, it's conditional. Okay. What's the conditioned on look at Exodus 23 verse 20? So he's concluding the law that he's giving to him verse 20 behold I sent an angel before thee to keep thee in the way and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared beware of him and Obey his voice Provoke him not for he will not part in your transgressions for my name is in him but if thou shalt indeed obey his voice and do all that I speak then I'll be an enemy under thine enemies and an adversary under thine adversaries for mine angel shall go before thee and bring thee in under the Amorites and the Hivites and the Perizzites and the Canaanites the Hivites and the Jebusites and I will cut them off So notice entering in the Promised Land was conditional on what following the commandments It's conditional on obeying his voice. It was conditional on doing what he said Hey, how do I get blessing in heaven Pastor Shelley? Is it unconditional? No, it's conditional on me obeying the voice and who's that angel? It's Jesus It's Jesus Christ that we have to listen and hearken to and follow his commandments and that's how we get into that promised land So he's bringing up two examples. He's bringing up the seventh day He's bringing up the entering into the rest and they both have some symbolism of two things salvation and receiving reward Okay. Now go if you would to Numbers chapter 14 numbers chapter 14 Because the Bible tells us it says if they shall enter in my rest notices that it was conditional He also said for if Jesus had given them rest then would he not afterward have spoken another day? so not everybody entered in that rest of the children of Israel of that first generation and Numbers chapter number 14 and explains to us why they're not entering in it's the moment that they're not entering in They've already rejected the spies. They didn't listen to them. They didn't hearken unto them. Okay, so in chapter 14 look at verse number 11 and The Pete and the Lord said unto Moses how long would this people provoke me and how long will it be air? They believe me for all the signs which I have showed among them I will smite them with the pestilence and disinherit them and will make of be a greater nation and mightier than they and Moses said in the Lord then the Egyptians shall hear for thou brought us up this people and I might from among them and They will tell it to the inhabitants of this land for they have heard that the Lord art among this people That thou Lord art seen face to face and that thy cloud standeth Over them and that thou goes before them by daytime in a pillar of a cloud and in a pillar of fire by night Now if thou shalt kill all this people as one man Then the nations which have heard the fame of thee will speak saying because the Lord was not able to bring this people in the land Which he sware unto them therefore he hath slain them in the wilderness and now I beseech thee let the power of my Lord be great according as thou Spoken saying the Lord is longsuffering and of great mercy Forgiving iniquity and transgression and by no means clearing the guilty visiting the niquity of the fathers upon the children of the third and fourth generation Pardon I beseech thee the iniquity of this people according unto the greatness of thy mercy and as thou hast forgiven this people from Egypt Even until now and the Lord said I have pardoned according to thy word But as truly as I live all the years shall be filled with the glory of the Lord now don't stop paying attention Okay, I read all that for a reason. All right What is the picture that we have right now we have the picture of the children of Israel Going to go into the Promised Land they're walking through the wilderness they provoked the Lord they've tempted the Lord They've tried the Lord. The Lord is angry with them. Now, who is the Lord representing in this picture? He's representing God the Father God the Father is angry with every single one of our transgressions period God is angry with the wicked every single day. God is angry at every single transgression Now here's the thing why is it that God the Father does not smite us immediately every single time Because we have an advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the righteous and you know what he does he daily makes propitiation He constantly is making advocation to the Father for us just like Moses is a picture of Jesus Christ. Look God wants to kill all the children of Israel What stops God from smiting all the children of Israel right now? Moses Moses makes petition unto God and says don't destroy them. Don't disinherit them Don't throw them away and because of what Moses says God ends up parting them Just like Jesus Christ does for us Jesus when God's up in heaven He looks at you sinning and he's like I'm gonna take this guy out and then Jesus says don't for my sake For the blood's sake and God appeases his wrath on you every single moment because of Jesus Making propitiation for you. That's why we need to come boldly on the throne of grace That's why we need to find grace to help in time of need. We need to advocate with Jesus We need Jesus to say hey, hold on. Hey, wait. Hey, I got that one. I covered that one We want him constantly advocating for us, but if we're ashamed of Jesus You know, is he gonna always make petition for you he's always gonna make propitiation for you You know, obviously from a standpoint of am I going to heaven of course you're going to heaven We're not talking about that. But what holds back God From just punishing us the way we deserve. It's Jesus. It's his grace. It's his mercy. Okay, and We look at these people. They're not gonna enter in though, even though he's not gonna kill them all he says in verse 22 Because all those men which have seen my glory and my miracles which I did in Egypt in the wilderness and have tempted me now These ten times and have not hearkened to my voice Surely they shall not see the land which I swear unto their fathers neither shall any of them that provoked me see it But my servant Caleb because he has another spear with them and hath followed me Fully him will I bring you the land where into he went and his seed shall possess it. So notice a few things Why did they not enter in because they didn't hearken to his voice? Why am I gonna miss out on the rewards of the promised land because I'm not hearkening to God's Word I'm not reading the Bible. I'm not studying the Bible when someone gets up and preaches the Bible to me. I just say He's annoying. I don't like it long sermon. Whatever. I'm already tired You know, he's not wearing a mask Silly But here's the thing. Why is it that Caleb's gonna go in because he saved no Because he followed him fully That's why he gets to enter in. That's why he gets the blessing. That's why he gets all these things Okay, now look at verse number 30 because you say well, I thought it was also Joshua It is Joshua look at verse 30 doubtless you shall not come to the land concerning which I swear to make you dwell there and save Caleb the son of Jephunneh and Joshua the son of none. So the only two of the first generation to enter in are Caleb and Joshua Why because they followed him fully because they didn't lose faith. They were faithful all the way the end look The book of Hebrews has a very important chapter Hebrews chapter number 11. What is that? It's the Hall of Faith Now look the Bible Does not emphasize the Christians who profess Christ and then never serve him for one second Okay, what kind of a weird book would that be? I mean, why would God want to follow around all the people that we knock on the door and get them saved and they just like Sweet I'm going to heaven never gonna serve God beer TV, you know, whatever else they're in To all kinds of other sin and weirdness. We have a handful of people like that like lot But that wasn't the good parts of the Bible. That was kind of the negative parts of the Bible That's like that's what your life's like if you don't serve God, okay Destruction and just complete failure, right? Who does the Bible highlight? Abraham who is faithful who does that Moses who is faithful in all his house? Who does it? Jephthah, you know It's all the faithful, you know The book of Hebrews chapter number 11 and then the great sermon by Stephen who are they highlighting the faithful? Why because God wants us to be faithful into the end. We're created unto good works God got us saved. Amen. Praise the Lord. I'm going to heaven I could go jump in a trash can and live there for the rest of my life and I'm going to heaven I Can be Oscar the grouch or whatever isn't he live in a trash can or cookie monster cookie monster lives in a trash can and Just eats cookies. Where does he get all these cookies? I don't know I Could just you know Join the military I could do whatever I want and go to heaven. I Could work at McDonald's the rest of my life and get into heaven, you know, I could get into politics and go to heaven So, I mean if you can get into politics and go to heaven, I would never get elected. I'm sure of it But here's the here's the fact The whole Bible is not written for just going to heaven There's also a lot of admonitions for us to be faithful all the way to him Okay And so we need a labor and we need to be Diligent and we need to hearken to the Word of God. The Word of God is what causes us to remain faithful It's not a secret formula The secrets been revealed. It's the Bible the people that read the Bible serve God the people that don't read the Bible don't serve God period say I don't read the Bible. Well, you're in danger Today if you will hear his voice harden not your heart your heart gets hardened by not reading Bible The Bible told the king whenever they set up a king that he was supposed to read the Bible daily So that his heart would not be lifted up above his brethren the Word of God humbles you You don't read the Bible and get prideful unless you're unsaved. Yeah, the saved when the Holy Ghost is guiding you through the Bible It's just gonna constantly humble. You're gonna constantly realize how insignificant you know, we are in comparison to God What is man that thou art mindful of him we're just dust, you know We're just a vapor that appear for a little time. We're like grass Okay in comparison to God and that's that's not even a good enough analogy. We're worse than that. Okay, we're less than that We're nothing when we realize how much sin is in the Bible. It's hard to get a pride and haughty attitude Well, I'm so holy, you know The more you read the Bible the more you realize how sinful you are The people that know the Bible the best should probably feel the most sinful The people who don't think they're very sinful are the ones that don't know the Bible I go knock on their door and they're like, I've done a sinner. I don't send that much It's just like you're like they're drinking a beer, you know with living with their girlfriend on Welfare and they're like, how do you how are you gonna get to heaven? Well, I'm a good person. It looks like it Looks like you're doing great. You know, the Apostle Paul was chief of sinners By his own lips, but he also said if I spake like a fool He was the most righteous. He was perfect. He was blameless concerning the law. So from a humanistic perspective He would be perfect according to works righteousness, but when he looked at himself, he said he was chief of sinners You know how it tells me the people that know the Bible the best often look at themselves as being the most sinful As realizing how wretched they are and how wicked they are and other righteousness or as filthy rags The people that don't know the Bible are the prideful Calvinists that think that they're so holy and righteous They look at how righteous they are to determine if they're saved or not Well, of course, I'm saved. Look how clean and awesome I look, you know, David Platt's example of being hit by a Mack truck He thinks he's been hit by a Mack truck of good works somehow Even though the guy's full of iniquity. I'm getting off into tangents. Look at verse 34. Now. This is an interesting verse after the number of the days in Which he searched the land even 40 days even each day for a year Shall you bear your iniquities even 40 years and you shall know my breach of promise? That's an interesting phrase that God says a breach what's a breach means you break something or you violate something God Violated his promise now in what way did he violate his promise? He promised all the children of Israel to enter into the Promised Land Yet the first generation didn't get in there was a breach of that promise But here's the thing you have to understand about God's promises. They were never unconditional It was always conditional he conditionally said hey, I'm gonna bring you to the Promised Land if you follow my commandments What happens when you don't well, he's gonna breach his promise He's gonna not follow through with that promise because they didn't end up Following through with their part of the bargain for finding fault with them You know when it comes to the Old Testament law, you know, there was nothing wrong with the law God did everything on his part. God didn't fail in any part of his part of the bargain They failed so he ends up having to make a breach of contract you know if if you have a contract between two people and one person starts failing to Keep or honor that contract you now have what's called a breach of contract and you don't have to fulfill your part if you say Hey, I'll sell you a thousand computers for a hundred bucks. That's a good deal If they don't give the hundred bucks You don't have to give the computers because it's a breach of contract God doesn't have to let that first generation into the Promised Land because they didn't have the faith because they didn't harken They didn't obey and so we have this breach of promise All that to say what? Well, the cool thing about the Bible and the cool thing about God and his infinite wisdom is he's able to use the same pictures over and over for different illustrations So the children of Israel entering into the wilderness is not an accident It's not just a just well, we just happen to record this. No, it's all on purpose and it signifies several things What does it first signify? It signifies unsaved people will not go to heaven. That's crystal clear Second what does it signify? it signifies how the first generation didn't enter in is how like the Jews are gonna reject the Messiah and Not believe in him and they're gonna end up being rejected and replaced by the second generation the Gentiles which are the ones that end up coming and receiving that inheritance and that blessing you say what all the Jews rejected Nope, a remnant was saved Caleb and Joshua So that's like the disciples and that's Paul and that's all the other Remnant that believed and they get to what they get the Promised Land. It's not like it's not theirs It's just as much Caleb's as it is the two-year-old that ends up growing up and inheriting it But in fact Caleb gets even greater reward and greater recompense. He he gets all kinds of great Inheritance and blessing for remaining faithful. Okay, so Paul gets great reward and the disciples they get to sit on the 12th throne or the 12th thrones Judging the 12 tribes of Israel. That's a great reward. So it's not like was there any advantage to the Jew much in every way chiefly Yeah, every way they get everything okay, but the Gentiles get it on that deal don't they Why because the first generation rejected the first generation did not have faith in Jesus Christ and they get rejected What's the third picture? There's another picture and Tell me more what's in the third door The third door is the fact that those who are believers and lost their faith did not stay faithful Ended up missing out on the inheritance and blessing of reward. Okay, so you can't just take The rest that's mentioned in Hebrews chapter 4 and just carte blanche attach it to one of those definite. It's all of it. It's everything. Okay Go back to go to 2nd Peter 3 and we'll finish. Okay, I Just want you to really understand Hebrews chapter 4 and I want you to understand how we're going from chapters 1 to 2 to 3 To 4 cuz why then we'll understand chapters 5 and 6 and 7 and 8 and 9 and 10 11 12 13 Okay, because you have to understand these are epistles Written to be read as a whole not Necessarily just chapter by chapter and I'm all for reading chapter by chapter and they make great divisions in these chapters We have to understand it's a constant thought that Hebrews is going over. It's one big sentence I mean the Apostle Paul writes in big sentences. Okay, you have to understand I mean some chapters are only a handful of sentences just because it's like four or five verses is one sentence and it just keeps Going but it's one cohesive thought. It's one epistle that he's writing with one really important truth. We need to be faithful and Second Peter chapter number three, I think is a great way to finish because it encapsulates the same thought second Peter chapter 3 look at verse 13 Nevertheless we according to his promise look for a new heavens and a new earth where in dwelt righteousness wherefore beloved seeing that you look for such things be diligent that you may be found of him in peace without spot and Blameless an account that the long-suffering of our Lord is salvation even as our beloved brother Paul also according the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you as also in all his epistles Speaking in them of these things in which are some things hard to be understood Which they that are unlearned and unstable rest as they do also the other scriptures under their own destruction Now Peters bring up all the epistles and he says Paul's mentioning this in all of his epistles and I believe Hebrews You could definitely argue that that Paul's the writer. I believe that I think it makes a lot of sense So if we attribute the book of Hebrews to Paul, which I think is a very safe bet Then I think Hebrews chapter 4 is a great candidate for what he's talking about here where what it's a kind of a harder chapter to be understood and You hear a lot of work salvation taught in Hebrews chapter before which gives evidence to what this verse Where those that are unsaved and unstable rest the scriptures to their own destruction They'll say oh look you got a labor to enter in that rest and they'll teach a works-based salvation Yet that's not in context or in view of this chap. He's talking to the saved He's not instructing the say to get saved again. He's not instructing the saved of how to stay saved He's instructing the saved and how to receive that recompense of reward how to receive that blessing of inheritance, okay Keep reading look at verse 17 either for beloved seeing you know these things before beware lest he also Being led away with the error of the wicked fall from your own steadfastness But growing grace in the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to him be glory both now and forever. Amen Notice what is telling you don't be led away with the error of the Wicked who's the wicked that was that first generation and Albeit, it wasn't all of them. I don't think that every single one of those people was necessarily just wicked to the core It was a few but those few that Levin ended up leavening the whole lump and it caused a lot of people to get led astray with the error of that wicked generation of that first generation and Look, there's gonna be wicked people that go to church and they lead others astray other people get caught up in the errors of their wickedness and They'll stop serving God notice. They'll be caught away and led away from what their own steadfast. They'll fall From their steadfastness. I don't want you to fall from steadfast You know what you have to do. You have to not get led away with the error of the wicked Come to church and love on the brethren, but you know what the brethren are coming to go And if it was just Caleb and Joshua that make it in I want to be Caleb and Joshua You can't be respecter of persons You can't decide. Well, so-and-so doesn't go to church. I'm not gonna go to church If so-and-so falls away, I'm gonna fall away if so-and-so believes the Flat Earth Theory. I'm gonna believe the Flat Earth Theory, you know, I Don't care who believes the Flat Earth Theory never believe it. Okay, it's stupid. You're a moron Never believe anything but the Trinity Never get led away with the error of the wicked You say is everyone that get led away just wicked to the core. They might just be simple And if this world to teach you anything the simple will follow the simple believe with every word They think there's a line in the streets there's a line in the way, you know dangers on every corner The wicked fleeth with no man pursueth. I Mean, there's nobody about to get them sick and they just they're so terrified I've never been treated like a leper more in my life and I don't have leprosy, you know, I don't I don't get it and look there's a lot of people that are gonna be led astray by all kinds of wind of doctrine and all kinds of things and all Kinds of it and look it's only gonna get worse and The last days will be perilous times The Bible says that evil men and seducers who acts worse and worse deceiving and being deceived the Bible warns that in first Timothy chapter number four that in the last days I Need to memorize this better first Timothy chapter number four Now the Spirit speaketh expressly than the latter days some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits What's departing from the faith? listening to these devils and these wicked people and look I In my flesh love, you know ripping on the morons and the trolls and the idiots But you need to just stay away from it I don't have anything to do with it don't consume your life and trying to fight the wicked and getting entangled with the wicked the Bible warns and first Timothy or second Timothy chapter number two It says But shun profane and vain babblings for they will increase on the more ungodliness and their word will eat as doth a canker of whom is hymenaeus and philitis who concerning the truth of Aired saying that the resurrection is past already and overthrow the faith of some So saying hey these wicked people that believe wicked doctrine. The only thing that comes from it is ungodliness You are not going to do anything for God by arguing with heretics by arguing with morons and idiots and flat-earthers and non-trinitarians and Mormons and Jews look preach the gospel but outside of that don't get Entrapped with the snare of the wicked don't go looking for trouble and finding trouble and pointing out trouble You say well, I'll never fall. Well, maybe your brother in Christ will fall It says don't point out hymenaeus and philitis doctrine because you know what it's a cancer and sometimes it infects somebody and it overthrows Their faith they get discouraged by listening to this garbage and this trash and this filth Look there's a lot of ways that we could get entrapped. How do the children of Israel fall? Oh, yeah, Korah whispering things in people's ear Who's Moses We're all holy. We're all holy brother. You're not a holy Korah. You're wicked and you're going straight into hell And so we as God's people, you know today if you'll hear his voice Today if you hear his voice today if you'll hear his voice harden out your hearts It doesn't say if you'll hear YouTube if you'll hear Facebook if you'll hear the moron if you'll hear the idiot I don't like listening to idiots and morons any more than I just feel like I have to okay And you know what? I think it's important to point out the wolves and the heretics of today So sometimes we have to catch snippets and whatever I'm still gonna look up quotes from these losers to use against them on a very limited basis But you know what? I don't think it's good for me to sit here and just teach false doctrine over and over because somebody might end up believing it And in fact when I teach through these chapters, I'm not trying to focus on all the false doctrines in them That people teach out of them, you know, and I'm not saying that has false doctrine I'm saying that people try to make false doctrine out of them. I just try to teach you what it is You don't need to know all the counterfeits. You just need to know what the real bill looks like We just need to know what the truth is and we need to let the truth set you free Okay of all the entanglements of this world of all the lies and deception Don't get caught away with all the morons and idiots Did you see what this person did this moron with this person said, of course, he said something stupid Do you expect me to believe Tyler Baker to say anything intelligent ever? Or a flat earther look at this letter. They're said next It's like of course, he said something stupid Well, look at this moron who's an unsaved reparative. Look. He said something stupid again. Look Trump opened his mouth again Look Bernie Sanders opened his mouth again. You know, I don't care and Hey, I'm all for pointing out the wicked. I'm all poor for you know Saying this guy's wicked get away from him or you know, stay away from these things and you know We need to have a social life, but I'm just warning you some people can get thrown away by this stuff Don't get entangled with it. Don't get wrapped up in it Focus on the Bible focus on your family focus on the truth focus on the pure things Focus on things right and we've never been challenged right now like we have in a while You've never been more challenged right now than to try and stay focused on good things focused on the pure focused on the Bible Why because you have more time than you've ever had before More people are freaking out than ever before, you know more crazy