(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Habakkuk chapter number two verse number two the Bible says and the Lord answered me and said write the vision make it plain Upon tables that he may run that readeth it now Just to give you a little bit of context because I'm gonna rip this out of context But the context of this passage is in reference to Nebuchadnezzar. So Nebuchadnezzar is gonna come he's gonna destroy Jerusalem And there's gonna be a heavy destruction and it says in verse number even one It says and I will stand upon my watch and set me upon the tower and we'll watch to see what will What he will say unto me and what I shall answer when I am approved Then it says in verse 2 and the Lord answered me and said write the vision and make it plain upon the tables that he may Run that readeth it for the vision is yet for a point of time So in the future is the point of this passage But it's saying hey once you see You know Jerusalem surround with armies and Nebuchadnezzar is coming The only people that are gonna end up sparing their lives are the ones that run the ones that get out of Dodge You know, basically the ones that flee from the city of Jerusalem The rest are gonna be destroyed and wiped out by Nebuchadnezzar, but let's take this principle. What is the principle that's being taught? The principle that's being taught is that someone could read the Word of God be instructed by it and then make practical Application out of it and the importance of the Bible is that it's to be understood The Word of God is to be understood We want to make things plain whenever we preach the gospel any kind of preaching that we do The goal should be for people to understand it now One thing that I've heard is an accusation against the King James Bible Oftentimes is that it's very hard to be understood. Who's heard somebody say the King James Bibles hard to be understood I like the other versions go go to Proverbs chapter 1 Well, what they usually will refer to is words right they'll say oh there's certain words in the Bible They're hard to be understood and they're so difficult and all this well Partly that's true. There is words in the King James Bible that are hard to be understood So the title of the evening sermon is hard words in the King James Bible All right, they're King or in the Bible really just hard words in the Bible And it doesn't matter if you took an NIV off the shelf. They have hard words in those ones, too They're just lying about the fact that all the King James has all these hard words But if we teach everybody in the congregation all the hard words in the Bible Well, then no longer is that even a possible excuse is it? Hey, if you learn all the words then now all of a sudden you don't have that as a problem And I've actually made a list over several years Anytime I kind of come across a word that I felt like I didn't know it very well or understand the word I would just write it down and then I would make a point to go look it up and try to understand that word better Well, I've made kind of a list and so I was like, you know what I think it'd be fun Just do a different type of sermon just actually go through a lot of these words With people so they can just understand words in the Bible now This is gonna be a multi-part sermon because there's no way to get through all those words But and I have some assistance this evening, so it'll be pretty good But I think it'll be a little bit different kind of a sermon The goal is to the main goal is just to learn some of the words in our Bible and to be able to stand them Because then when you understand certain words in the Bible when you're reading it, you're gonna be able to run through the Bible Okay, you're gonna be able to understand it quickly It's gonna make more sense to you and it's not gonna be as confusing Proverbs chapter 1 look at verse 1 the Proverbs of Solomon the son David king of Israel to know wisdom and instruction to receive the words of understanding to receive the instruction of wisdom justice and Judgment and equity to give subtly to the simple to the young man knowledge and discretion look at verse 5 a wise man will hear and Will increase learning and a man of understanding shall attain and wise counsels So the Bible says a wise person will constantly learn they're gonna increase learning That's we're gonna the goal is this evening's to increase our learning and what's the point verse 6 to understand a proverb and the interpretation? The words of the wise and their dark sayings So the goal of learning more is so that you can understand the Bible better The more you understand the carnal truths of the Bible the more you understand the words and what it's saying the better You're gonna expound on the spiritual truths and they're gonna make more sense to you So that's why I want to go through and talk about some of the harder words now. I love using a dictionary I think there's no problem with a dictionary Dictionaries are great. If it wasn't for a dictionary, we wouldn't understand any words. How do you understand any words? You know, we have to understand words what they mean But the way that words are best understood is always in the context in which they're used. So don't hear me wrong Obviously a dictionary is good, but it's not perfect We always have to allow context to let us know what words mean and what their definition truly is But I think the dictionary when you look up words in the King James Bible in the dictionary nine times out of ten It's great. It's a perfect match. It makes perfect sense. So what's the number one word go to Mark chapter 5 Mark chapter 5? All right And I have some assistance here today We're gonna address our first word and we're gonna go in the alphabet A through Z, all right this evening We're only gonna touch A B and C because we have that's how many words we have. We're gonna attack this word A do Now if you're ignorant of the English language, like James White is he might call it a dough Okay, but that's for a different sermon. All right, but this is a do now. What is a do mean? You like pulling your hair out what is it Well, if you look up in the dictionary, it says it's a noun and it's the state of agitation or fuss Especially about something unimportant so synonyms would be fuss Agitation stir so hopefully you can kind of see that so I kind of drew some assistance there a do Alright, so look at Mark chapter 5 verse 35. Let's find this in our Bible Well yet spake there came from the ruler of the synagogue's house certain which said thy daughter is dead Why trouble is thou the master any further as soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken? He saith unto the ruler of the synagogue be not afraid only believe and he suffered no man to follow him say Peter and James and John the brother of James and he came to the house of the ruler of the synagogue and Seeth the tumult and them that wept and wailed greatly and when he was come in he saith unto them Why make ye this ado and weep the damsel is not dead but sleepeth and they laughed him to scorn but when he had put them all out He taketh the father and the mother of the damsel and them that were with them and enter it in where the damsels lies So obviously if a child was just taking a nap, you're not gonna go around complaining and crying Why are you making a fuss about your kid taking a nap? I thought it was great I thought it was the best part of the day is when your kids take a nap, but they thought she was dead So he's just asking this question is saying why are you making this fuss this agitation about nothing? Because she's just sleeping but obviously the Lord Jesus Christ He's aware of the fact that he's gonna rise her from the dead and he truly does So what is our first word for the evening I do it means a fuss or an agitation Actually used in our modern vernacular quite often, you know, you could say hey without further ado I'm going to introduce so-and-so without further ado. Let's go ahead and look it up in a Bible. What are they saying? They're saying hey, we're not gonna sit here and just babble and keep making a fuss and going on about nothing Let's just get to the point right or there's even a play called much ado about nothing and basically it's like Seinfeld Okay, it's a TV show about nothing. Okay, so let's go to the next word Go to Exodus chapter 28 Exodus chapter 28 and you know, it's not gonna be like a real preaching sermon This is gonna be a little bit more of a teaching sermon But I just want to show lots of different words in the Bible and kind of what they mean Exodus chapter number 28 now this words actually found a couple places in our Bible, but The word ado is only found in that one place And I'm not gonna look up every single place that all these words are used but You say you have really good handwriting it was my wife, all right, so because I don't Now what is an amethyst our next word is amethyst it's also a noun it's a violet Variety, of course, so that's this kind of give you an idea that might not be a perfect violet But you get the idea the name comes from the Koine Greek amethystos where a means not amethysto means Intoxicated it was a reference to the belief that the amethyst stone protects the wearer from drunkenness You know protects you from drunkenness not drinking alcohol. That's what protects you from drunkenness The Greek the ancient Greek or amethyst and carved drinking vessels from it in the belief that it would prevent intoxication The weird stuff that people come up with amethyst is a semi-precious stone often used in jewelry and is the traditional birthstone for February So when the Bible talks about an amethyst, it's this purple looking stone. Let's look at Exodus 28 verse number 15 And thou shalt make the breastplate of judgment with cunning work after the work of the ephod thou shalt make it of gold of blue And a purple and of scarlet and a fine twine linen shalt thou make it for square it shall be being doubled a span shall be the link thereof and a span shall be the breadth thereof and now shalt set it in the settings of stones even four rows of stones the first row shall be a Sardis a Topaz a carbuncle this shall be the first row and the second row shall be an emerald a sapphire and a diamond and the third Legere and a gate and an amethyst so an Amethyst, you know, it's basically saying supposed to be a span wide and a span tall Okay So there's supposed to be this breastplate that the priest would wear and it has 12 stones One for each of the tribes and one of those stones is the amethyst now Another interesting thing is all these stones are also mentioned in the book of Revelation When it talks about New Jerusalem descending down from heaven It talks about the wall having 12 foundations and each one of these is one of the foundations of that wall So that sounds like a pretty cool wall Now go if you would to Hebrews chapter number 11 Hebrews chapter number 11 And now I might not capture every single word that would be difficult There's some words that I've made other lists on that I thought about I Made a lot of lists about animals and there's just some interesting animals there in the Bible That might be a different sermon for another time But we're gonna kind of go through some of the words and it just wonder words that I kind of came across that I thought were interesting the next one is a say What is a say mean so I don't know it looks scary but Now a say is an interesting word I I really didn't understand this word but to a say is also a verb. Okay, it's to try Or to attempt to try or to attempt now Let's look at your Bible Hebrews chapter 11 look at verse 24 by faith Moses when he was come to years Refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God Than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season Esteeming the approach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt for he had respect on the recompense of reward by faith He forsook Egypt not fearing the wrath of the king for he endured as seeing him who is invisible through faith He kept the Passover and the sprinkling of blood lest he that destroyed the firstborn should touch them by faith They passed through the Red Sea as by dry land which the Egyptians a saying to do Word drowned. So when we read that what is it saying? It's saying the Egyptians they tried to pass through the Red Sea just like the Children of Israel, but they didn't make it they were ended up being drowned right drowned in the sea So the the sea and closed upon them, so they tried to make it but they couldn't make it This is your works based salvation. It doesn't work You can try as hard as you want never gonna get there So if we think about him to say you could say he is say to swim the river But he didn't he didn't make it. He needed a life jacket, you know, you're gonna say to try all kinds of things Hey, I say to get someone saved this afternoon, but nobody was really interested in the gospel So a say would just be to try or to make an attempt go view a did Genesis chapter number eight Genesis chapter number eight Now For me I would always get these two words confused I get a say and a swage Confused I would often kind of get them confused mentally or when I would see them, but they're actually different It's also a verb but a swage is to lessen the intensity of To lessen the intensity of now look at Genesis chapter 8 verse number 1 it says and God remembered Noah and every living thing and all the cattle that was with him in the ark and God made a wind to pass over the earth and the waters assuaged the fountains also the deep and the windows of heaven were stopped and the rain from heaven was restrained and the waters returned from off the earth continually and after the end of the hundred and fifty days where the waters abated So what is it saying when it says the waters assuage it's saying that they lessened in the intensity of okay So I kind of have a two-part drawing because verbs are a little bit difficult to draw, right? But basically whenever the fountains of the deep are broken up and they're just shooting up everywhere and it's torrential rains and it's going everywhere I mean we can kind of envision it was a little rocky out there wasn't it? It was a little intense out there, but it's saying eventually the waters assuaged Meaning what now all of a sudden they're kind of calm now They're kind of still so something that's assuaged is when the intensity has lessened now It's not just in reference to maybe a physical object It could be in relation to anything go to the book of Job and let's look at job chapter 16 Let's sign another place where this is mentioned But doesn't that fit perfectly with the text that we saw it says the waters assuaged and it even talks about the fountains Also the deep and the windows of heaven were stopped you would expect the intensity to stop or to lessen Once the pouring has stopped right when does it stop raining and all the fountains have been blown up Let's look at another place where this is mentioned job chapter 16 Look at verse number one. It says then job answered and said I have heard many such things Miserable comforters are ye all shall vain words have an end or what emboldeth thee that thou answer us? I also could speak as ye do if your soul were in my soul stead I could heap up words against you and shake mine head at you But I would strengthen you with my mouth and the moving of my lips should assuage your grief though I speak my grief is not assuaged and though I forbear what am I ease? But now he hath made me weary thou hast made desolate all my company now when I read the book of Job. I Just have to admit it's probably the most difficult book for me If I were to judge all the books of the Bible I think Joe's probably one of the most difficult books as far as understanding So whenever you least get one word that you know in the in the sentence, it's gonna help a little bit more, right? But what is he trying to say here? He's saying because he's miserable because he's going through great grief and sorrow and pain What you would normally expect from someone and paying you a visit would not be to condemn you But rather to try and come for you try to offer you some kind of soulless try to say hey man We feel bad for you. I'm sorry This is happening and just trying to be a comforter trying to be one to say Hey, you know what the Lord's still good and you know, I'm here to help you and I'm here to be a friend But what are Job's friends doing man? You're so wicked. You're so sinful I mean they come after he's literally had the worst days of his life and they're just gonna add on top of it Just being like man, you need to get right with God buddy Look how bad you are. That's why he's saying in verse number two miserable comforters Are you all right? And this just gives a good lesson that we're supposed to weep with them that weep, right? We're supposed to mourn with them that do mourn Okay So if you're around somebody and they've just lost their family member their spouse or their children You don't want to be like you probably deserve that didn't you? That'd be a weird thing to say right? Isn't that what's going on with Job? He just lost ten children And they're trying to make it like his fault isn't aren't they even though when we start the book of Job? he would offer extra sacrifices for all his children just in case they sinned and Then all of a sudden he has these guys coming around being like oh you're you probably lost all your family because you're wicked Because you're sinful what kind of foolishness is that right so we can learn from Job that what he's trying to say here Is that if he were swapping them places is what he's kind of bringing up He's saying hey if you guys were the ones that were going through this bad stuff If you were the ones that had just had all this pain and stuff He says in verse 5 I would strengthen you with my mouth. I would try you to make you feel better Say you know what job? I'm I'm sure that you know God has a reason that he's doing this and I'm sure that you know good things are still gonna be For you in the future and he has new mercies every single day and all things work together for good to them that love God To them that are the called according to his purpose job. It's gonna work out He would try to strengthen them and he says in the moving of my lips notice this should assuage Your grief, what is he saying there? It should lessen the intensity of your grief by trying to comfort them and strengthen them He says in verse 6 though. I speak my grief is not as way so he's saying I can't comfort myself. Okay? It'd be nice if I could just somehow comfort myself here, but it's not working out It'd be nice if somebody else would come around and give me you know some comfort and sometimes That's how a lot of people feel right then the lies you feel that way. I'm alone and he's just wants to die It's nice to be around like-minded people that believe the same things that can come alongside and can strengthen you Two are better than one. So here's a great lesson that we can learn, you know I thought of another example how it could use this this word in a sentence After the baby was born her pain assuaged right? I mean at the point of birth It's pretty much the most intense after the birth the intensity You know starts a lesson doesn't it starts to get a little bit better, you know, she's not screaming bloody murder anymore She's excited that a man's born in the world. So what does this wage mean? It means to lessen the intensity of now go if you would in your Bible to Numbers chapter 24 Numbers chapter 24 Now our next word is Allos Allos now when I think of that word, you know what comes to mind if I say allo, I Think of like aloe vera, right, but you know, that's not what the Bible is talking about That's often sometimes our problem we think of something but we haven't really looked it up Allos Now again, some of these things may not add a lot of you know benefit to the immediate text but I I still think it's beneficial to understand all the words that we have in our Bible and allos are actually an Incense or perfume from line trees or agarwood So there's actually a tree that produces, you know allos Okay, and I'll read for you what an agarwood tree It says the soft dark heartwood that is produced by any of various Southeast Asian evergreen trees It says when they become infected with a fungus and that contains a fragrant resin used chiefly to produce incense perfumes and traditional medicines All you women you didn't know you're putting fungus on, you know, I really like the smell of your fungus You say oh, I don't I don't use that kind. I use the kind that's from whales Called ambergris, you know what ambergris is? It's whale fecal matter It's actually clumps of squid beaks and fatty secretions that come from whales and it's seven thousand dollars a pound Using your perfume you smell so good You smell like what whales do, you know They've eaten too much, right? Isn't that interesting? You want to put a lot more perfume on though, right? But look at numbers 24 verse number 6, right? the Bible says as the valleys are they spread forth as gardens by the riverside as The trees of Lynn allos which the Lord had planted and as cedar trees beside the waters So the Bible actually used the word allos quite a bit in this context We see it's talking about the what the tree right the Linn tree and that's what the allos are referred to now There is a plant called an aloe vera plant, but that's not what the Bible is talking about. It's talking about allos Go if you would in the book of John I want to go to one other place there But you know, it says in Proverbs 7 I perfume my bed with myrrh allos and cinnamon That's talking about the whorish woman trying to entice the guy also in the songs of Solomon though It she uses it too She says spikenorn and saffron calamus and cinnamon with all trees of frankincense Myrrh and allos with all the cheese spices. So she decorated her house with fungus, you know You just get the right trees growing in your house. You know, it'll smell good John chapter 19 look at verse 39. Here's another place where it's used and there came also Nicodemus Which at the first came to Jesus by night and brought a mixture of myrrh and allos about a hundred pound weight So not only is it just used in normal fragrances But also in the fact that they're gonna bury Christ and they're gonna use this incense or this perfume for the stinking body Right, but his body doesn't see corruption. So they didn't even need it Right now you could say this your home smells great from all the allos or you could use fungus. No, it's kidding Probably you should use the allos right go if you would to song of Solomon chapter number five song of Solomon chapter five So there's there's your allos And Some of these words are you know more exciting than others, but I figured we might as well learn them all Next word I had is barrel Barrel now, I think of like a wheelbarrow or something, but we're talking about a stone here a Barrel stone now a barrel stone. This one's a little bit more difficult to maybe Distinguish exactly what the Bible is describing in some of these places but a barrel is a noun. It's a mineral composed of beryllium aluminum cyclosilicate with the chemical formula of beryllium 3 aluminum 2 silicon 6 oxygen 18 well-known varieties of barrel include emerald and Aquamarine naturally occurring hexagonal crystals a barrel can be up to several meters in size But terminated crystals are relatively rare pure barrel is colorless But it is frequently tinted by impurities Possible colors are green blue yellow red and white barrel is also an ore source of beryllium. So interestingly enough Barrel is colorless just in its most natural state and form but it says due to impurities It could be green blue yellow red or even white now. Sometimes the Bible talks about people Being a color of barrel like their chest is the color of barrel I don't know which one that is. So, you know, you could guess with me. Maybe it's white I kind of think maybe it might because it's the pure form It's probably white but I can't be exactly certain but let's find a place here It says the song of Solomon 5 look at verse 13 His cheeks are as a bed of spices as sweet flowers his lips like lilies dropping sweet smelling myrrh His hands are as gold rings set with the barrel his belly is as bright ivory overlaid with sapphires So, you know, obviously this this gold rings set with the barrel It could very well just be in reference to its shape not necessarily even its color Just the fact that the barrel stone might be cut in a particular way and his hands are very strong But we see this barrel stone, you know, it's kind of a color stone go view into Isaiah chapter number 14 Isaiah chapter number 14 Now here's the thing some of these words that are found in our Bible, okay I don't care if you go to the NIV or not. How do you make this word easier? Right, and so there's plenty of words in the Bible that it's not like you can just make them easier We just had to learn what they are and the some words are somewhat unfamiliar Okay Now there are some words that we're just not familiar with there is a modern vernacular But I just like learning new words. Anyways, so our next word is besom Besom now, I don't think very many people have any idea what a besom is But whenever you learn what it is, it's just it's a common thing a besom is a broom So when the Bible used the word besom, it's just talking about a broom Look at Isaiah chapter 14 verse number 23. I will also make it a possession for the bitter and Pools of water and I will sweep it with the besom of destruction Sayeth the Lord of hosts now just from the context It sounds pretty obvious what it's talking about right the broom of destruction now, that sounds pretty intense, right? You know, you don't want mom chasing you with the besom, you know the besom of destruction You thought is the rod of correction that you had to worry about and it's that besom of destruction, right? Go if you would to job chapter 6 job chapter number 6 Another Thing you have to understand is some words can have multiple definitions and and these are the those are the words that you have to really pay attention to you know In some words that get a lot of people in trouble would be the word like wine Right or the word repent or there's a lot of other words that can have multiple definitions This one has multiple definitions and it's probably not going to get you in too much trouble Mixing them up, but you know, it's still important to realize that words can have multiple definitions That's the beauty of the English language, you know And if you speak Spanish you have 55 words that mean the same thing and the English language You have one word that means 55 things, right? So it's kind of an opposite, but we have the word Bray Bray, what's a brave? Well, look at job chapter 6 verse number 5 doth the wild-ass Bray When he hath grass or loweth the ox over his fodder So again, the book of Job uses a lot of different words that are a little bit harder to be understood So sometimes it takes away from understanding the context but what's a Bray a Bray is? To utter the utter characteristic loud harsh cry of a donkey or a mule. So he's just basically like Oh That's what a Bray is okay, and they Bray whenever they're hungry or angry or there's something irritating them Oh, you know, that's what they're doing. Okay, and what's the lowing the lowest the ox over his fodder? That's the cow's moo And it's saying are these animals gonna make their noise When they finally get fed the answer is no if you're reading the context is a constant reiteration of no no, no No, no The the donkey he's not gonna get mad that he's getting fed The cows not gonna get mad that he's getting fed And so it kind of helps you understand what's being said and communicated in that passage go go to Proverbs 27 Proverbs chapter number 27 Now you can look up a donkey and you can get a better sound than I was making but they kind of like even whistle I don't know as if it's funny the sound that they make But Bray can also be used as a verb so it's a noun It's the loud cry of a donkey or it can mean to crush or grind to fine powder Okay, look at Proverbs 27 verse 22 Though thou shouldest Bray a fool and a mortar among wheat with a pestle Yet will not his foolishness depart from him So we have a mortar and pestle here It's these little devices and the action verb associated with them is brain. What is brain? well you take some kind of food or some kind of substance that you want to grind down into powder and you sit there and you Just mash it and crush it and turn until it turns into a fine little grains of powder Okay, that's basically what a lot of people do to create You know flower or all kinds of different food items throughout centuries is you would use a mortar and pestle here and it's saying even if you could take a flat earther and you could put them in the mortar and the pestle and Grind them all the way down. He would still say hey the earth's flat like Just every fiber of his being just every part of his essence. You can't get the foolishness out of the full No matter how much you grind them and you hold them down and you push them down It's just saying look this guy will not depart from his foolishness. You're still flat. You're just like That's why you know the Bible tells us a man that is an heretic after the first and second admonition Reject because no matter how much you prove it to them. There's still not many times gonna receive it. It's frustrating and You're like, but it makes perfect sense. But let me explain it to you. Let me show you the pictures Let me show you all the evidence. Let me show you all the math It doesn't matter how much you sit there and grind him down. He's still it's still flat. I just still believe it I just I just know that it's true. Okay. Well have fun with that. Go to the Exodus chapter 30 Exodus chapter number 30 So you got your donkey he's the fool right we could put him in the in the mortar and pestle he still is Flat earth Next One I have is Calamus Calus, we're already into the seas. All right moving along What is a Calamus Calamus is an interesting plant here that we have It's the aromatic peeled and dried Rhizome of the sweet flag that is the source of the carcinogenic essential oil So it comes from a plant sweet flag it's a perennial marsh herb and the arum family with long narrow sword shaped leaves and Aromatic root stock. So you have this Calamus. It's really, you know coming from these little Undeveloped flowers. Okay, you have this this root or whatever So you have these Calamus plants that are coming and it's just some kind of a you know Incense or some kind of thing that can be made into an oil We see in Exodus chapter 30 verse 23 take thou also into the principal spices of Pure myrrh 500 shekels and a sweet cinnamon half so much even 250 shekels and of a sweet Calamus 250 shekels so even in that context I don't think you'd be confused and Really? You don't even need the dictionary many of these cases because even when you look it up the dictionary You're probably not gonna really remember it and you just use the surrounding context and it's like hey It's spices and it's related to like sweet cinnamon and myrrh and myrrh and some of these other things So just from understanding what cinnamon is or Calamus is it can help you understand what some of these other words are Go to song of Solomon chapter number one song of Solomon chapter one Here's another one that's very similar This Word is campfire campfire now Campfire is a noun. It's from a henna fragrant flower or Camper so there, you know, if you look up campfire, they say it's like an archaic word It's really now camp for but a camper is a tough gummy volatile aromatic crystalline compound Obtained essential especially from the wood and bark of the campfire tree and used in a liniment and mild topical and a gelsic in medicine as a Plasticizer and an insect repellent. So you have this henna fragment, you know fragrant flower and it's related to this other You know campfire, but basically they just take these elements and they're making some kind of a sweet spice It says in song of Solomon chapter 1 it says verse 14 My beloved is unto me as a cluster of campfire in the vineyards of and Getty so you can see you know some kind of a vineyard or some kind of a garden they'd have these type of Flowering plants and they would just take them and they could use them as some kind of a medicine or an insect repellent So, you know, my beloved is unto me as an insect repellent. No, I'm just kidding It's obviously, you know in the context of maybe a medicine or something. That's good And you know sometimes, you know a spouse can be like a medicine right can make you feel better Can be something that's good unto you. I think of it like as a child you think of your mom as medicine, right? Anytime you're sick or hurting you just want mom then when you get married, it's your wife, right? Go to Leviticus chapter number three Leviticus chapter number three So we're going through and learning some of these words and as we go down the list There's some that I really feel like we can kind of expound on and it's gonna be really beneficial As far as some of the other teachings that we have But I think it's beneficial to be educated and know all these words as much as you can be able to pronounce them Yep, campfire Well, we want to get some of that campfire then people start saying like this guy doesn't even know what he's saying You know, you want to make sure you can kind of pronounce some of the words you have a semblance of what they mean What About this word the call now call is found in your Bible a lot There is a lot of mentions of call if you've been reading the Old Testament. I mean, it's call here and call there It's just like a constant call. Okay. What does it call? It has a couple different definitions as a noun It's fat also known as lace fat omentum Crepin or fat netting it is the thin membrane which surrounds the internal organs of some animals such as cows sheep and Pigs also known as the greater omentum. It is used as a casing for sausages Roulades pates and various other meat dishes. So a call is basically a fatty net that surrounds meat in An animal a lot of times the Bible say the call which is above the liver. Okay, so it's like this white netting that you would have on me and sometimes you can take the whole netting kind of off of a piece of meat and people Show it up and just like this white webbing that just kind of goes on there as some kind of protective netting That's on the internal parts of the organ Look at Leviticus chapter 3 verse 3 and he shall offer of the sacrifice of the peace offering an offering made by fire unto the Lord the fat that covered the inwards and all the fat that is upon the inwards and the two kidneys and the Fat that is on them which is by the flanks and the call above the liver with the kidneys It shall he take away So we see a lot of fat mentioned and then it says the call we can notice that's probably a fatty thing They're taking this fatty thing off of the liver now go view with Isaiah chapter 3 Isaiah chapter number 3 Now it's interesting because if you understand what a call is in real life as far as like the internal organs You'll understand why people use this as apparel because the call is actually in reference to apparel also You say apparel a call is a historical headdress worn by women that covers tied-up hair a fancy call could be made of satin velvet fine silk or Brocade, although a simple call would commonly be made of white linen or cotton The call could be covered by a crespin or a hairnet to secure it from falling off Now in Isaiah chapter number 3 it says in verse 17 Therefore the Lord will smite with a scab The crown of the head of the daughters of Zion and the Lord will discover their secret parts in that day The Lord will take away the bravery of their tinkling ornaments about their feet and their calls and their round tires like men. So Think of Princess Leia. Okay. Sorry. My drawings a little crude, right? She's got the hair on the sides and then she's got this netting special headdress that's on That's like a call a cause basically a netted hairdress that's put on why because it's just like that netting that's on the meat Isn't it? And so and it's talking about the call talking about something that's fancy Obviously you don't think of the fatty on the means fancy Okay but the the netting has that same term that's put on that women would put on as a Really fancy way to dress and really to dress up and look really nice So that's what it means by the call go if you would to revelation 21 revelation 21 I So the next word we have in revelation 21 is a Chalcedony now I've heard people say weird stuff when they get to this where they're like, you know, Chalcedon why? You know, it's a Chalcedony. It's a noun it's a crypto crystalline form of silica composed of very fine integrase of quartz and Maganite these are both silica minerals, but they differ in that quartz has a trigonal crystal structure Why while Maganite is monoclinic Chalcedony standard chemical structure is you know? I'm not gonna keep reading that but it says it has a waxy luster. It may be semi-transparent or Translucent it can assume a wide range of colors But those most commonly seen are white to gray grayish to bluish or a shade of brown ranging from pale to nearly black the color of Chalcedony so commercially is often enhanced by dying or Heating a lot of Chalcedony stones when you look at it. It has kind of a light Lavender tone or look to them So I kind of mix the several different colors because it's kind of an interesting different shade that you would see But in Revelation 21 19 we see the foundations of the wall of the city We're garnished with all manner of precious stones the first foundation of Jasper the second a sapphire the third a Chalcedony The fourth and emerald so this wall has got to be pretty interesting looking when you start picturing all these different stones lined up as All the different foundations that we have through it go go to Daniel chapter 8 Daniel chapter 8 So kind of just dancing around we're looking at lots of different words We're kind of going in an alphabetical order Now if you ask James White how to pronounce this word he would say choler, but that is wrong, okay, this is Collar just like you'd think of like a collar on your shirt collar is how you'd pronounce this word And it's you know a pretty common word when you think about babies because a lot of babies will have what's known as Choleric and what is choleric when you think about choleric is they're upset they're agitated They're fussy because they're in a lot of pain and the word collar just simply means anger you know in some kind of form or fashion and we see in Daniel chapter number 8 verse 7 and I saw him come close in the ram and he was moved with collar against him and Smote the ram and break his two horns and there was no power in the ram to stand before him But he cast him down to the ground and stamped upon him and there was none that could deliver the ram out of his hand So we see it says that he was moved with collar against him. He wasn't you know, happy he was angry at him Okay, look at verse chapter 11 and we see the number 11. We'll see again the same Context and Daniel chapter 11 verse 11 It says in the king of the south shall be moved with collar and shall come forth and fight with him Even with the king of the north and he shall set forth a great multitude But the multitude should be given his hand now obviously if we just look the context kind of give us some semblance For these words. I mean if you're taking someone and stamping them on the ground and you're fighting with them What kind of emotion do you think that person probably has towards them probably anger, right? So we're letting still the context of the Bible to find these words, but it's nice to just look them up Go good back to Revelation 21. I want to find another word there that we had Now the interesting thing about some of these words is In fact the first video I've ever watched of Pastor Steven Anderson my see my ascending pastor I was going through YouTube and I was looking at videos on the King James Bible and I come across James White and Sam Gipp and they were always like in these feuds online They were always kind of debating one another and going back and forth and James or I'm sorry Sam Gipp had done some kind of a Letter or something video against James White and then James White was responding To Sam Gipp and then Pastor Anderson made a video in response to Sam or James White's response to Sam It was like what? You know, that's the first video I ever found of Pastor Anderson's and it was great because he was pointing out How James White was making fun of the hard words in the King James Bible and he wouldn't he would mispronounce them He would say instead of a you know a do he would say a dough and instead of saying, you know Collar it's a choler and there's a lot of words like this and so, you know He's trying to make fun of the King James Bible but really what happened is just making fun of himself kind of an idiot and fool he was and the content was so good because It's like a seven minute video The filming is terrible. The video quality is awful, but the content is excellent and Pastor Anderson ends up quoting Beowulf from memory to prove how the King James Bible is actually still written in modern English It's not written in Middle English or even in Old English Because if I was speaking in Old English you would have no idea what I was saying I would have no idea what I was saying Middle English is very difficult to be understood You can only barely understand some of it by reading it very slowly So modern English is what the King James Bible is written in and even though some of these words are things that we're not very familiar with I'm sure if we just dropped open a dictionary there'd be a lot of words that we're not familiar with That's not because it's not a different language It's just because we as people don't read very much and we don't know the Bible very much This next word I had is chrysolite Chrysolite is found here also in that building of the foundation of the wall It says in verse 20 the fifth sardonyx the sixth sardius the seventh chrysolite the eighth barrel the ninth the topaz the tenth chrysoprasis the 11th adjacent the 12th and amethyst so we have another the chrysolite the chrysolite is Often known as a peridot maybe you've heard a peridot or a peridot stone also called precious olivine gem quality Transparent green olivine and the forsterite the yay light series. It says it has an olivine has been valued for centuries It says in Egypt and the Red Sea also Very large crystals are found in the Mogok district of Burma peridots from the United States are seldom larger than two carats It says the yellow green peridot has been called chrysolite It says the golden stone in Greek So, you know, it could actually have a little bit more of a light a yellow tint as far as what we have in our Bible But chrysolite is generally known as peridot in the Bible So when we get done to the series, maybe we can draw us a wall, right? Go to first sandwich 25 first sandwich 25. I Want to get through just a couple more this evening Now This next one is The word is a churro a churro that kind of sounds like, you know something you could eat. That's like a churro the churro is not something you want to eat all right, what's a churro a Churro as a noun is an impolite or a mean-spirited person You're a mean one Mr. Grinch You really are Renille That's that's that's a churro, right? Why is the Grinch known as a churro, you know, he's he's as bad as a Bad as bad banana and a greasy black, you know peel right you want to touch him? But what is a churro a churro also could be used in a adjective sense a churlish person Which is synonym would be a miser now miser is also another word that some people might not be familiar with But what is a miser? It's a Jew. No, I'm just kidding. A Miser is a person who holds wealth and spends as little money as possible That's a churro. Okay, so, you know, that's what a churro would be and we have a churro in the Bible first See, I'm at 25 look at verse 2 and there was a man in Mahon whose possessions were in Carmel and the man was very great And he had three thousand sheep and a thousand goats and he was shearing his sheep in Carmel Now the name of the man was Nabal and the name was wife Abigail and she was a woman of good understanding and a beautiful countenance But the man was churlish and evil in his doings and he was of the house of Caleb now in this context Since we know the definition makes sense, but I don't know in this immediate context you would you would be like churlish What does that really mean? It means that he's someone that's gonna hoard wealth and it's not willing to spend money Okay, now that's gonna make sense when you start reading the rest of this passage because what happens David comes on to Nabal and he asks them for some of his goods for his men for some of the Lambs or some food and Nabal refuses him He says who is David, you know, who is this guy coming in here? And then David wants to kill him Why because he's very churlish Now go to Isaiah chapter number 32 Isaiah chapter 32. We'll find another place Being a churlish person is wicked is what the Bible teaches We ought not be churlish people a churlish person or a churla is one that's not willing to share his wealth with others He's the true Grinch. What is the Grinch the Grinch doesn't like that? Anybody's having any fun The the Grinch doesn't like that. Anybody's having any joy. So he goes and steals all everybody's Christmas presents, right? He just hates joy. He's an evil wicked person He doesn't want to share and now at the end supposedly gains a heart and whatever changes Unfortunately the story for Nabal's worse because the Bible says that his heart died within him And became a stone, you know what that is reprobate Nabal's are like first, you know experience of like a real reprobate or we get to see exactly what happens in his heart and Bible says that his heart died within him and then later it says that he died ten days later Meaning what it was a spiritual death There's that second death that people talk about and Abigail still married to the guy she curses him to his face But you know, he ends up dying and then she gets to marry David. So it works out for her Isaiah chapter 32 look at verse 1 behold a king shall reign in righteousness and princes shall rule in judgment verse 5 So it says the vile person shall be no more called liberal nor the churral said to be Bountiful now when we use some of these terms when we think of like Fox News Baptist They don't understand this verse because they hear liberal and they think negative. Okay, and Obviously I think of negative too, but a liberal person according the Bible someone that's generous Someone that's kind and willing to freely give things and in context of Isaiah 32 There's gonna be a point time when someone's raining in righteousness and no longer is up gonna be down No longer is evil gonna be called good and good called evil. It's gonna actually be a time where Righteousness is restored. Okay So no longer is a vile person gonna be called the generous person and no longer is the person that's a miser The person that's a Jew today the person that's not gonna give any well That's just an evil wicked person is gonna be called bountiful Why because the evil wicked person is not going to be bountiful and the reign of Christ when Christ is reigning and We as God's people ought not be churlish interaction. We had not hoard up all our wealth. It's all gonna burn up You might as well give as much of it as ways you can before you die because otherwise You're just hoarding up for somebody you don't even know Look at verse 7 the instruments also of the of the churral are evil He deviseth wicked devices and destroy the poor with lying words Even when the needy speaketh, right? So notice this type of person he'll just make up lies to trick poor people and try to confuse them and try to destroy them Go view the first Samuel chapter 6 first Samuel chapter number 6 Now This word found our Bible coffer when I think of coffer I don't know why I just thought like a coffin but that's not really what it is It's a little bit different a coffer is a treasure chest or a strong box Now interesting in first Samuel chapter 6 the context is the Philistines stole the Ark of the Covenant they start stole the Ark of the Lord and they want to return it because they're getting emirates in their secret parts and They defy decide to make five golden mice to return back under the children This was a trespass offering to the Lord But instead of just throwing the mice on the cart, they decide to put it in a coffer look at verse number seven now therefore make a new card and take two milts kind on which there hath come no yoke and tie the kind of the card and bring their calves home from them and take the Ark of the Lord and lay it upon the card and Put the jewels of gold Which you return him for a trespass offering in a coffer by the side thereof and send it away that it may go verse 11 also says and they laid the Ark of the Lord upon the cart and the coffer with the mice of gold and the Images of their emeralds now not only they make images of mice. They made images of their emeralds. That was weird. Okay, I don't know I don't know if you can explain that to me. I'd love to know but later go to chapter number eight Chapter number eight, we don't have to go far go to our next word We're almost finished for the evening. I appreciate your patience here Chapter number eight look at verse number 13. Next word we have is confectionaries Now these are great people they should you know, we should love these people what's a confectionary a Confectionary is a candy maker a dessert maker or makes fancy dishes. I love these people. I love candy I just have to admit like I'm a candy addict I like all kinds of candy says in first Samuel chapter 8 verse 13 and he will take your daughters to be confectionaries and to be cooks and to be bakers now the context of this is that King Samuel is Saying what happens when he becomes King what's gonna happen when you anoint a king over you? Well, he's gonna take your women and he's gonna make what confectionaries out of them and cooks out of them and you know Baker's out of them. Oh what they could have been doing at home, right? So, you know women if you really want to kick it up, you could be a confectionary at home All right, go to first Kings chapter 7. We only have two more now and I'll finish this evening Now The next word we have is a coping a Coping a coping is a noun. It's a sloping top of a brick stone wall So basically the coping would be this is like a brick wall If you can imagine the coping is the top portion of that that's a little bit slanted So that when water comes it would you know come off of this wall It wouldn't damage the wall If you didn't have a top like this the top of the wall would slowly deteriorate from water erosion and other problems So they put a coping at the top of the building Look at first Kings chapter 7 verse 8 and his house where he dwelt Had another court with the within the porch which was the of the like work Solomon made also a house for Pharaoh's daughter Whom he had taken to wife like under his porch all these were of costly stones according to the measures of huge stones sawed with saws within and without even from the foundation under the coping and So on the outside toward the great court So he's saying hey from the bottom to the top right from the foundation all the way to the coping is Is basically what he's trying to describe here and even within and without sometimes you have to understand the word without just means outside Okay, that's what without typically means in the Bible good Isaiah chapter 3 the last place we'll have return What's the point of this sermon like this well It's to take away their approach of the King James Bible a lot of these words You might have already kind of known or at least from the context you had kind of an idea of what they mean But if we can just go through and understand all the quote-unquote hard words in the King James Bible Now the sudden what's your excuse to not reason not read it? And You know they say all the King James is really hard to read it. Well. I don't have a problem Does that make me really smart? Obviously they wouldn't say that okay Here's the next one the last one we're gonna have ABC's crisping pins crisping pins now This one is only mentioned one time and there's not any context really to give you an exact idea of what it means But I'm gonna give you my idea it says in Isaiah chapter 3 verse 22 the changeable suits of a parable of Apparel and the mantels and the wimples and the crisping pins now If I look up online what are crisping pins a lot of people will say well, it's a purse but Really, where do they get the word purse? Well? This is how they get the word purse. They go back to the Hebrew Okay, and then the modern versions change the Hebrew word into purse, but crisping pins is not a purse okay, so it's most likely like a type of a curling pin or some type of a thing that you would put in your hair to Keep it arrayed in a particular fashion So I have a couple what I think are crisping pins here They're fancy ornaments or something that a woman would decorate her hair or hold it in a particular way What's the point of this past? Well the point of this passage is it's just a Crisping pin would be something that a woman decorates herself and is very attractive and in Isaiah chapter 3 the Bible You know God is warning the children of Israel that God is gonna take away those things from them He's gonna take away all the beauty and the decorations from them because of how wicked and how sinful that they are So, you know, I hope that that kind of helped give you some idea of some words in the Bible Hope you learn a new word here and there and I like learning words in the Bible I would encourage you that if you if you find a word in your Bible and you don't know what it means Look it up in dictionary Look it up right away and then we'll go back to the portion of the scripture They were looking and see does that make sense? Does that fit the context? Is that what the Bible is saying and what will happen is if you do that a couple times through the Bible you end up Realizing that doesn't happen anymore You'll slowly start realize you'll start learning things, you know, the Bible talks about learning line upon line Precept upon precept here a little there a little so it learning takes time It's something that we should you know be patient with and we should teach our killed our children the same type of an attitude We don't know something go and look it up. Let's learn it Let's see how to grow because a wise man will hear he will increase and learning why so we can understand and know the Bible Thank you father so much for your word. Thank you for giving us a perfect Bible that we could study and to Grow and to learn I pray that you just help every single one of us learn the Bible better and that We could learn even more words and that by understanding the words in the Bible We could have greater spiritual truths and understanding in Jesus name