(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) We're going to start off this morning with song 411, Hold the Fort, 411, Hold the Fort, 4-1-1, let's sing it out, Hold the Fort. Oh, my comrades, see the signal waving in the sky, Reinforcements thou appearing, victory is nigh. Hold the Fort, for I am coming, please the signal still, Make the answer back to heaven, by thy grace we will. See the mighty, most advancing state we're leading on, Mighty men around us falling, courage almost gone. Hold the Fort, for I am coming, please the signal still, Make the answer back to heaven, by thy grace we will. See the glorious banner waving near the trumpet blow, In our leader's name we'll triumph over every foe. Hold the Fort, for I am coming, please the signal still, Make the answer back to heaven, by thy grace we will. Fierce and long the battle rages, but our help is near, Onward comes our great commander, cheer, my comrades, cheer. Hold the Fort, for I am coming, please the signal still, Make the answer back to heaven, by thy grace we will. Amen. All right, let's go to 145. It is well with my soul. And after that third chorus, we're going to have a key change, so listen for Emily on that key change. 145. It is well with my soul. 145. Watch me, let's sing it out together. It is well with my soul. When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows, like sea billows roll, Whatever my love thou hast taught me to say, It is well, it is well with my soul. Ladies on the first. It is well, it is well with my soul. With my soul, it is well, it is well with my soul. On the second. Oh, say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave? Like houses made and has shed his own blood for my soul. It is well, it is well with my soul. With my soul, it is well, it is well with my soul. On the third. My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious dawn. I sin not in heart, but the whole is nailed to the cross. And I bear in no more praise the Lord, praise the Lord, oh, my soul. It is well, it is well with my soul. With my soul, it is well, it is well with my soul. And Lord, face the day when my faith shall be signed. The clouds we roll back as us roll, the drums shall resound, and the horn shall be sang. It is well, it is well with my soul. It is well, it is well with my soul. It is well, it is well with my soul. Good morning. Thank you so much for coming to Steadfast Baptist Church. If you need a bulletin, you can lift up your hand nice and high. One of our ushers can come by and get you guys a bulletin on the front. We have Proverbs 31, verse 31. And then our Grace Week, so if you're able to complete the entire chapter, you can receive a special prize. We've been handing those out. See Brother Oz or myself, and we can get that to you. Great passage of the Bible to memorize, and I know a lot of people have already done it. Definitely congratulations to you guys. On the inside, we have our service and soul winning times, as well as our church stats down below. A reminder that this is the last Sunday that we're going to have our evening service at 5.30. So the next Sunday, we're actually going to have it at 4.30. And we're going to switch our Spanish service in the morning to 9 a.m. And we should have all of that stuff updated. So we'll remind everybody and send out even an email just to remind people, but that is something that we are shifting. Also, we have our soul winning times listed there down below, our church stats. Make sure you're turning in your statistics to your soul winning tribe captains. On the right, we have a list of expecting ladies, several ladies to be in prayer for. Also, we have our prayer list. Please make sure you're praying for our church family. If you'd like to be added, just send us an email on the back. Note, tomorrow is going to be our homeschool field trip. So please make sure you show up early to that. Tomorrow is going to be a lot of fun. So make sure to come out. Check the weather. I don't know exactly what the weather is planned for tomorrow, but you might just check it just so that you are prepared for whatever may happen. Also on May 4th is a baby shower for the Hernandez family. May 5th is the spring swap. So if you have any items that you'd like to bring, you can bring them on Wednesday. So Wednesday, you can bring them or you can bring them on that Sunday. Just a other reminder, if you are bringing items that are or you want to bring a larger item, you need to already have someone that's agreed to pick that item up. So we just don't want to have any leftover large furniture items or anything like that. May 11th is the Mother's Day tea. And we're inviting all ladies and their daughters, as well as if you want to invite any of your mothers, grandmothers, sisters, feel free to invite them. No boys are invited unless you're a nurseling. So that's the only way. You've got to be attached, all right? So that's basically how it works at the hip. Also, there is a sign-up sheet. Make sure you're signing up for that. There is the note about the service time change as well. And then we have the congratulations to the Jackson family on the birth of Jason Jared Jackson, who was born on the 27th, 515 A.M., 8 pounds, 3 ounces, and 21 inches long. Congratulations to them. I may have an updated bulletin, so, you know, I don't know. Also, another reminder, we are doing, Brother Alex is helping do some photos for a new directory. And so we'd like everyone to participate. He is taking photos immediately after the service, and then also before evening and after evening, and then you can even do it on Wednesday. But if you'd like to do that today, just go into the fellowship room. Everything should be set up, and he's going to be taking some photos. So if you'd like to participate, we'd really encourage everyone to do so. That's pretty much all I have as far as announcements. We're going to sing our Psalm of the Week, Psalm 139. Psalm 139. All right, let's sing it out together, Psalm 139. We'll slay the wicked, O God. Depart from me, therefore ye bloody men. Depart from me, therefore ye bloody men. Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate me. Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate me. Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate me. For they speak against me wickedly. For they speak against me wickedly. And thine enemies take thy name in vain. And thine enemies take thy name in vain. Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate me. Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate me. Am not I free with those that rise up against me? Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate me. I hate them with perfect hatred. I hate them with perfect hatred. I count them my enemies. I count them my enemies. Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate me. Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate me. Am not I free with those that rise up against me? Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate me. As the offering plates are being passed around, please turn in your Bibles to 1 Timothy chapter 1, 1 Timothy chapter number 1. 1 Timothy chapter 1. 2 Timothy chapter 1. 1 Timothy chapter 1. 1 Timothy chapter 1. 1 Timothy chapter 1. 1 Timothy chapter 1. 1 Timothy chapter 1. 2 Timothy chapter 1. 1 Timothy 1. We'll read the entire chapter, as is our custom. The Bible says, Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ, by the commandment of God our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, son in the faith, grace, mercy, and peace from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord. As I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus when I went into Macedonia, that thou mightest charge some that they teach no other doctrine, neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith, so do. Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart and of a good conscience and of faith unfeigned, from which some, having swerved, have turned aside unto vain jangling, desiring to be teachers of the law, understanding neither what they say nor whereof they affirm. But we know that the law is good if a man use it lawfully, knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, for whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for men-stealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine, according to the glorious gospel of the blessed God which was committed to my trust. And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry, who was before a blasphemer and a persecutor and injurious, but I obtained mercy, because I did it ignorantly and unbelief. And the grace of our Lord was exceeding abundant with faith and love which is in Christ Jesus. This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am chief. Howbeit for this cause I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might show forth all longsuffering for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting. Now unto the King, eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen. This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest war a good warfare, holding faith and a good conscience which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck, of whom is Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have delivered unto Satan that they may learn not to blaspheme. Let's bow our heads for a word of prayer. Father in heaven, we thank you so much Lord for our church services today. I pray that you fill Pastor Shelley with your spirit, enable him to preach the message you've laid on his heart with clarity of mind and with boldness and softened hearts in the room. Open ears as well so that we may receive the preaching of your word and apply it to our lives. We love you and in Jesus' name I pray, amen. Amen. I want to look back at verse number five. The Bible says, now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart and of a good conscience and of faith unfeigned from which some having swerved have turned aside unto vain jingling, desiring to be teachers of the law, understanding neither what they say nor whereof they affirm. The Bible says that essentially the goal or the purpose or the motivation for someone to be a preacher is charity. It's to love and to have a sincere desire to help people, to want people to have a desire and love for the Lord. But unfortunately what the Bible is also warning is that many people are not like that. That many preachers do not actually have this desire of charity, that they don't really want to actually help people serve the Lord. And in fact you kind of see the true thing is they're supposed to have a pure heart, they're supposed to have a good conscience, and specifically they're supposed to have faith unfeigned. Faith unfeigned means not fake. So feign means to fake, unfeigned would be that it is fake. And so it's essentially saying there's a lot of people who are preaching the Bible and they're fake. And specifically it says they've turned aside or they've swerved and they have vain jingling. Vain means it's meaningless. So really this would just describe someone who gets up and preaches a message. At the end of the day it was meaningless. It didn't really help anybody, it didn't really benefit anything. It was just a lot of vain jingling, it was just noise is what it was. And the problem is is that we live in a society and especially in America today where a lot of preaching is simply vain jingling. There's not any profit, there was no sincere desire of charity there, and a lot of their faith and what they're saying is fake. It's fake. But notice verse 7, they desire to be teachers of the law. They want to be a person of position, of authority. They want to be a teacher. But unfortunately they understand neither what they say nor wherever they affirm. Meaning that the things that they're instructing people to do, they don't even know what they're saying. They really are just saying words having no real idea or real conception of the things they're bringing up. And honestly what's sad is a lot of people just don't understand. They don't understand this because what happens is typically a lot of preachers and even a lot of people in the world today, they use big vocabulary and they use terms that you're not familiar with to kind of snow you and make you feel like they're saying something of worth or of value. But in reality they don't even know what they're saying. They're just using these big words and because most people don't know what they're saying, they can't really challenge that idea. And in fact being a good preacher or a good teacher is not usually using big words and flowery language. It's rather making points really simple. Saying something that everyone can understand, making it very clear and very plain. The Bible says that the common people hurt him gladly when we talk about the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ didn't go around trying to wow people with his vocabulary and it's not like he didn't have it. It's not like he couldn't articulate himself very well. It's the fact that there's no point in using language by which someone can't understand what you're saying. In fact, 1 Corinthians 13 goes into great detail about this, that it's just no point if you're just communicating and people can't understand what you're saying, or giving an uncertain sound, or specifically affirming things that really just aren't even true. Now go if you would to 2 Timothy, just flip to the right just a hair, go to 2 Timothy chapter number 2. Vain jingling is what a lot of people are preaching today. And you have to understand that the vast majority of preaching today is bad. It's not like this is a new thing, this is not a novel thing. When you study the text of scripture and you look at a lot of the situations that Christians and people of God found themselves in, there's many times only even just one guy or just a handful of guys that are even willing to say what the Bible says. And then this vast majority of people are just false prophets, liars, false teachers, the Word of God is scarce or it's rare, people aren't saying it. And so it wouldn't surprise me if today it's not much different where there's very few people who are willing to preach what the Bible really says, who are just true lovers of truth. They just genuinely love the truth and they want to preach what the Bible says and they have sincere charity in their hearts. 2 Timothy chapter 2, look at verse 16. But shun profane and vain babblings, for they will increase unto more ungodliness, and their word will eat as doth a canker, of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus. You know, this is what's so funny to me. In verse 16 it says, but shun profane and vain babblings, for they will increase unto more ungodliness. You know what this makes me think of? This makes me think of people like Steven Furtick and Kenneth Copeland and T.D. Jakes and Joel Osteen, how people go and hear their babble and hear this just vain nonsense and in fact their church often is even more sinful as a result of going and hearing their nonsense. Going and hearing their vain speeches and just the junk that they're saying, the profane things that they're doing. I mean Steven Furtick literally got up on stage and said that he's God Almighty. The guy's wearing pink sweaters. Like he looks like a queer. I mean there's no way that that guy, that's profane, I'm sorry. There is no excuse for a man of God to get up behind the pulpit and dress effeminate or dress queer. That is profane and it's just going to ruin society. I mean what kind of normal straight dudes are wanting to get into a church where their pastor looks like an effeminate queer? And this is what's happening in the world today but this is the verse I want to kind of focus on where I'm getting my sermon idea here. Look what it says in verse number 18, who concerning the truth have erred saying that the resurrection is past already and overthrow the faith of some. Now notice that they're teaching something, they're teaching the resurrection but that they say the resurrection already happened. Go back to 1 Timothy chapter 1, I want to show you another verse on this too. First Timothy chapter 1, look at verse 8 now. It says this, but we know that the law is good if a man use it lawfully. So what we kind of see as a common theme between both of these scenarios is the fact that they're using the Bible, they're using doctrines of the Bible but here's the problem, they don't have the right application. And so the title of my sermon this morning is this, Good Doctrine, Bad Application. Good doctrine, bad application. And what I notice is that today a lot of Christians, they'll kind of preach things where I'm saying well yeah you can find that in the Bible or yeah the Bible did say that but then the way they apply it is heretical. It's heresy, it's actually false doctrine and really this is no different than what the devil did. The devil came to Jesus Christ in the wilderness and he brought up scripture and he's talking about how the Lord's going to protect his anointed and he's not going to let them be dashed upon a stone and that's great doctrine but here's the thing, wrong application because he says hey Jesus try to kill yourself. Well you know what, you're not supposed to tempt the Lord thy God and so Jesus had to use scripture to put that scripture into context and into balanced view and to rebuke the devil but what the devil likes to do is he likes to take scripture and twist it to his own fitting, to his own suiting. And what I notice is a lot of these preachers, they'll get up and they'll preach things in the Bible, they'll have good doctrine but because of the bad application it's all heresy, it's all vain jangling and it's wrong and it confuses a lot of baby Christians because they don't know the Bible and they'll even tell you oh my pastor always uses the Bible. Well you know what, the devil uses the Bible too. That doesn't mean anything just because he uses the Bible. Hey you know Mormons walk around with the King James Bible in their hand but you know what, they don't believe it, they would twist it to their own suiting, to their own destruction in many cases and what we have to worry about and what we have to pay attention to is the application and the context upon which scripture is used. You cannot just say well that's in the Bible so it must be true. No, no, no, what does that mean though and what is the context upon which that is being applied? Go to 2 Timothy chapter 3, 2 Timothy chapter 3, hey the resurrection, that's a good doctrine and in fact the Sadducees didn't even believe in the resurrection. So isn't it good to believe in the resurrection but to say that the resurrection's already happened now that's bad application, that's heresy. And you can see this is kind of like preterism. They'll say hey a lot of the things that Jesus prophesied happened in 70 AD that not one stone will be left upon another and that the city was destroyed and you're thinking like yeah and this is fulfillment of what happened to Daniel. But then they say all of Revelation's already been fulfilled and you're just like what? No that's not, where's the locus from hell? Okay when did Christ return? When's the millennial reign? You know like you just completely just threw out a whole bunch of revelation and then they're just like oh it's metaphors and symbols and whatever. You know so we have to be careful that we don't allow people to take something in the Bible that's true and then twist it to their own fitting. We need to make sure and test that and make sure it's right. Notice what it says in 2 Timothy chapter 3 verse 1, this know also that in the last days perilous times shall come. The Bible warns towards the end it's going to become very violent and really this is not much different than what the Bible teaches in Genesis chapter number 6 that the reason why God even flooded the earth because it was filled with violence. The Bible even said that the only thoughts of men were only evil continually. That's a scary place to live when everybody's imagination and their thoughts are only evil continually and we see our society not even just America but even the whole world has escalated and violence and danger and peril things are getting more dangerous. If you read this entire passage it really kind of seems to indicate that we're getting closer and closer. The Bible does say this though also in verse 5 having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof from such turn away. There are individuals that have a form of godliness but they deny the power thereof. I believe this is describing people who are not saved that's the power that they're denying but they go to church they're preachers they have exhibited outward signs of godliness just like the Pharisees. The Pharisees appeared righteous outwardly they looked good they sounded good sometimes but here's the thing they denied the power they didn't actually believe the Bible they didn't put their faith in Jesus Christ and if you think about it they literally denied the power because they were denying when Jesus Christ would perform miracles that it was done by God. They denied the miracles of Jesus Christ they denied the fact that he healed certain people on the Sabbath because if they recognize that power well then they would have to admit that he was of God and they didn't want to do such so they denied the power and a lot of people today really they believe in a works-based salvation and what they're doing is they're denying the power of the gospel they're denying the power of salvation being a free gift they're denying what Jesus Christ really did that he was the atonement for all sins that he truly paid it all and the power of God to truly give you salvation apart from works the fact that he can clean you up a hundred percent and you didn't have to do anything that is the power of God and there's a lot of people that they deny that because they teach no I have to clean myself up in order to be accepted of God no no you're denying the power of God because he cleans us up you don't have to clean yourself up. And what do these individuals do verse four or six for of this sort are they which creep into houses and lead captive silly women laden with sins led away with divers lusts ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Now verse seven is describing the individual this individual who has a form of godliness but denies the power couple things that we notice about him number one he's not saved number two he creeps into houses to lead silly women astray and then three they're ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth now I'll be honest with you there is someone that fits this perfectly and the majority of my sermon's not focused on this but I just wanted to bring it up just because there is a certain individual that really embodies this text more than anybody I could possibly imagine and it's Ravi Zacharias or Ravi I don't know Ravioli I don't know what you call him it doesn't matter he's burning in hell Ravi Zacharias is this individual who had a form of godliness and use a lot of this flowery language and a lot of people had respect unto him and he traveled all the world and people thought he was such a great Christian and such a great person but you know what he was doing behind the scenes he was creeping into houses and leading silly women astray not only that he was ever learning but never able to come to know the truth you know you talk to these people about Ravi or a person like him they're always a constant student I'm just always a student I'm always learning and always trying to get more understanding and more philosophy but they don't actually understand the gospel they don't understand what they're saying nor wherever they affirm and this guy was wicked but he had of course on the outward appearance a lot of people say like he's so great but there's an article on Christianity today and I just want to read a little bit of this it's actually 12 pages I have the whole thing if you want to read afterwards you can I don't know you can pull it up online pretty easy too but after Ravi Zacharias died and went to hell there was an investigation into him there's about a four-month investigation and apparently the investigation was actually done by the Ravi Zacharias International Ministries so it's like his own company decided to like do their own investigation and then release this information so it's not just like a bunch of random people that don't like him or something this is like his own company his own ministry they basically investigated his banking accounts his phones his dealings and they released all this information they have a 12 page report that they released and it says that they confirm that Zacharias had abused women at the day spas which he owned why does he own day spas that just struck me as funny like I was just like that's a weird thing like I'm not against a preacher or somebody owning a business or something or having you know something that he's doing on the side but I'm like of all the businesses to pick that's kind of strange right why are you picking day spas now it says that he had victims in the US Thailand India and Malaysia it said that they reviewed some of his old devices and he had in his phone contacts for more than 200 massage therapists not only that he had hundreds of images of women that were not clothed on his phone and it says that he even had received messages as recently as just a few months before he died at age 74 it says that he used tens of thousands of dollars in ministry funds that were dedicated to humanitarian effort to pay for massage therapists he had at least four that were on the payroll where he was providing them housing schooling and monthly support according investigators now think about it this way what kind of women go and work as a massage therapist and need some guy to give them housing and money and stuff it sounds like a woman that's probably laden with sins probably a silly woman who's laden with sins is the type of woman that needs somebody they need money so bad that they would literally get involved in these kind of shenanigans I mean think about it like I would think most women would feel kind of scummy to be like with men that are putting out this image of how godly and how wonderful they are when really they're just a complete scumbag I would think only women that had almost no respect for themselves and just had their own issues had their own problems would probably get involved in some kind of a situation like that and again that's what the Bible saying these type of individuals are so scummy and then they go and try to find other scummy people or other people that have serious problems and then they take advantage of those people and their problems is that is Ravi just really just I just love people and I'm so charitable no no he's literally taking all the money that he's lying to you about and spending it on his massage therapist hookups I believe the guy was married and so I don't know maybe not you could look that up of course there's a lot of allegations that he this wasn't even consensual at times that he took advantage of individuals who who knows it that was just the first page this is like 12 pages so if you want to read more about it but I mean it's just interesting how the Bible so true every time go to second Peter chapter number three go to second Peter seven or three I don't want to focus my sermon on him but I just I wanted to bring it up because it's it's just so uncanny how that guy fits the bill perfectly to a tee second Peter chapter number three and it's not like he's the only one he's one of those individuals that I would always say like a pseudo intellectual pseudo intellectual where they a lot of you think that they're really smart but they actually understand neither what they say nor where they affirm other individuals like this would be like Jordan Peterson the guy just talk about vain jangling I mean the guy uses so many words to say absolutely nothing vanity of vanities say if Jordan Peterson I mean the guy but again like so many will think he's just like so smart I remember I like asked AI to like just give me a monologue written from Jordan Peterson it sounded exactly like him I was like because it's a vacuous soul just like he is you know so interesting about Jordan Peterson though he has like an entire show with several individuals where they literally go line by line in the entire Bible and they're like preaching the entire Bible you know you believe it really but he's just going around and basically his viewpoint is that the Bible is the truth only in the sense that we've made it the truth like it's not actually true but we just all think it's the truth so we just kind of made it the standard and made it the truth so then that's where our worldview is coming from I mean the guy is just he's lost as it can possibly be but of course many people look up to these individuals and think they're so wonderful but when you look under the hood you know it's not a v8 I'll tell you that second Peter chapter 3 look at verse 16 the Bible says also in all his epistles this is Peter talking about Paul speaking in them of these things in which are some things hard to be understood which they that are unlearned and unstable rest as they do also the other scriptures under their own destruction either for beloved seeing you know these things before beware lest he also being led away with the ear of the wicked fall from your own steadfastness so the Bible is warning us and it is saying there are certain individuals who will rest the scriptures to their own destruction but not just their own destruction many other people will be led away with the air of the wicked and they'll fall from steadfast okay they'll fall from their own steadfastness why because they just have itching ears they desire to just be caught up with the lust and the consumption of this world and so they'll hearken unto lies and to liars but we as God's people need to make sure that we're testing these things and we're not just falling victim of good doctrine that's bad application many times they'll bring up verses great verses great ideas and yet it's a bad application so let me give you I have a couple examples of this that I really want to get into go to Revelation chapter 2 here is the number one application and this is really common out there of what is a good doctrine bad application and is the doctrine of repenting of your sins now here's the thing the Bible teaches that you should repent of your sins and it actually says it a lot okay now it doesn't ever use that exact phrase but that idea that doctrine is found in the Bible everywhere especially if you think about it in the book of Revelation we're talking to seven churches which are in Asia now we may not always think about it this way when I think about this few chapters I'm not really emphasizing this but let's just emphasize that word in these few verses when we're talking to churches Revelation chapter 2 look at verse 5 remember therefore from whence thou art fallen and repent did you notice that look at verse 16 repent look at verse 21 and I gave her space to repent of her fornication and she repented not verse 22 behold I will cast her into a bed and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation except they repent of their deeds that's as close as you're gonna get to repent of your sins in the Bible look at chapter 3 look at verse 3 remember therefore how thou hast received and heard and hold fast and repent look at verse 19 as many as I love I rebuke and chasten be zealous therefore and repent did you notice how it's actually hammered in these two chapters where it's essentially telling all these different churches just repent you need to repent you repent of your deeds and you need to change these things be zealous and repent so you know who needs to hear that they need to repent of their sins saved Christians and saved churches but you know what he's not writing to a bunch of unsaved churches how to get saved I mean that would be bizarre to think that this is literally what he's writing to what what who's saved then like if the seven churches which are in Asia if none of those people are saved who's saved like virtually you would be sailing no one saved in the entire world plus it's so vague on some of these things that really I have to do all of that to be saved you know that's just a bizarre idea but you'll have preachers get up and they will preach repent of your sins is needed for salvation all day long pastors will get up and they'll quote these verses and they'll say that you know you don't wanna be like Jezebel who didn't repent of her deeds you know she's gonna go to hell go to Acts chapter 19 go to Acts chapter 19 and honestly the majority of my sermon where I kind of getting my motivation to preach this was just I heard another preacher who kind of got popular the last week or at least got a lot of attention his name is Lauren Livingston and I don't really anticipate anybody probably know that is does anybody know I'm talking about Lauren Livingston I doubt hardly anybody knows he passes a church in North Carolina it's called like central church or something like that it's it's a good-sized looking church I mean I have a lot of people in the auditorium so seems like he's been there for a while but he's going pretty viral online just because he said that he really hates the Trump Bible okay and I'm gonna get to that in a minute but I definitely had a different take than him on that particular issue but I was like you know I just want to I just want to kind of like hear a little bit of this guy's preaching before I just kind of like make cast a judgment I just kind of want to see where this guy's coming from so I just basically like listened to the sermon that morning that he preached and boy it was bad but like what was so confusing to me is like everything he was saying was like good doctrine but then he would just totally turn it into horrible awful application yeah he's getting up and ripping on how people need to you know repent of their sins and he's saying our country is going to hell and that there's so much you know sodomy and abortion he said abortions murdered I'm like yeah and he's saying you know this this LGBT stuff we're not you know looking at the Bible for what it says on this issue and I'm thinking like yeah we need to look at Leviticus 2013 he didn't bring that up I'd be interested to hear what he thinks the Bible says on that issue but he's just he's like hammering a lot of social issues that are problems of the day and I'm I'm agreeing and I'm thinking that that makes sense that's right and then it's just like yeah these people aren't even saved he's like fornicators aren't even saved and you just bring it up all these different stuff and I'm gonna get to that in a minute but you know of course it is not shocking to me that this guy has a lot of wrong takes because he's talking about the and emphasizing the idea of lordship salvation and he says you got to repent of your sins over and over in the sermon he says you got to turn from your self-ruled life to faith in Jesus and you know you got to constantly repent and repent but you know the word repent of course can be used in the context of repent of sins because I just showed it to you repent of their deeds I mean that's that's really clear but it's disingenuous to then ignore the fact that that word is also used in other contexts because if I could see how that was the only way it was ever used in the Bible that it just kind of gets known as well that's just what repent means it just means repent of your sins because that's how it's always used but the problem is is that's not how it's always used but people are unsaved that's the only way they use it so then it just becomes synonymous in their mind with the idea of you have to turn from sins to be saved but Acts chapter 19 is really clear look at verse 4 then said Paul John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance saying unto the people that they should believe on him which should come after him that is on Christ Jesus so here it doesn't bring up the idea that people needed to give up their sin it's saying that what they needed to change was their belief instead of believing anything else they need to believe on Jesus Christ the vast majority of people that John the Baptist was preaching to they were believing that their righteousness or salvation came from the law specifically so what they needed to do is then you repent of dead works then your repentance from dead works and a faith toward God or faith towards our Lord Jesus Christ which means they're not trusting the law to get them to heaven they're trusting in Jesus to get them to heaven and of course Jesus rebuked the Pharisees because they said that they were Moses' disciple and he was saying you trusting in Moses you know what Moses is gonna condemn you because the law doesn't save you the law condemns you it's the menstruation of death the only thing that's gonna save you is the New Testament is Jesus Christ is faith in his blood and what he did for us go to Romans chapter number three go to Romans chapter number three and it just it just makes me sick to hear these guys get up and they rip on these big sins and act like if you have any kind of sin in your life that you're not saved okay so you're telling you don't have any sin Ravi Zacharias you telling me you don't have any sin Lauren Livingston I mean what individual is gonna get up there and actually have no sin Romans chapter 3 verse 10 is clear as it is written there's none righteous no not one well you got a repent of your sins to be saved well but you're already not righteous that's the problem and if you skip down to verse 19 it says now we know that what things so ever the law saith it say that them who are under the law that every mouth may be stopped and all the world may become guilty before God you know it's kind of being described here in Romans chapter 3 if you looked at the world at this time or in the Old Testament lens of Scripture you would say well Israel is a lot more godly than the rest of the world and generally speaking that was definitely true especially at certain times where the heathen they really just don't even care at all about God or the law they're involved in just some of the worst sins imaginable I mean if we look at the Canaanites before the children of Israel came to enter into the land I mean Leviticus chapter 20 pretty much dedicated to them and it's saying yeah they've got sodomy and bestiality and the worst kinds of incest and just like I mean just all kinds of abominations child sacrifice offering their children unto false gods and really isn't that the big issues that we look at in America today to abortion sodomy false religion these kind of things and we and we say like oh look how bad the world has gotten but then there's the temptation to then think well I'm not like them so I'm somehow righteous because I'm not as bad as they are then I'm right with God and this is where that repent of your sins mentality comes and creeps into churches where they think well I'm not these drug-dealing sodomites I'm not going around murdering people I'm not doing all these wicked sins that everybody else is doing so they think they've repented of their sins but notice what it says in verse 19 now we know that what things so ever the law saith it saith them who are under the law that every mouth may be stopped and all the world may become guilty for God you know what God gave the law is he wanted to make it abundantly clear no no you guys are sinful too hey just because you're not doing that doesn't make you somehow right with God you're still a sinner and the whole world needs to realize that they're guilty before God and it's trying to emphasize that attitude to everyone and saying just because you have repented of some of your sins you're still ungodly you're still unrighteous you're still not that great verse 20 therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in a sight for by the law is the knowledge of sin but now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested being witnessed by the law and the prophets notice this is what I love about this verse is it's saying hey you know salvation without the law you know who tells you that the law it's like the law is literally telling you that salvation is not a law you know why because the law points out that you can't make it by the law it's like slapping in the face like you can't do this it's impossible literally so it's manifesting the fact that then salvation must be some other way and the prophets verse 22 even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe for there is no difference for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God being justified freely by his grace through a dimension that is in Christ Jesus whom God has set forth to be a propitiation through faith and his blood to declare his righteousness for their missions of sins that are passed through the forbearance of God to declare I say at this time his righteousness that he might be just and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus where is boasting then it is excluded by what law works may but by the law of faith therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law the Bible is abundantly clear that has nothing to do with repenting of your sins to be saved and I'm so glad that the Bible just hammers this and hammers this and hammers this because there's just so many liars today like Lauren Livingston and like all these other preachers out here trying to say you got to make them the Lord of your life and you've got to surrender and you've got to turn over your self-ruled life and you got to get that sin out of your lives or you're not going to heaven you're a liar you're a liar hey that's good doctrine to get sin out of your life and I'm all for that kind of preaching but you know what when you turn it into salvation you're a liar you're a liar and you're a false prophet and you know it makes me mad because there's just so many people that are sucked into these lies why because it's such good doctrine and there's so many verses on it but then they twist them and they rest them to their own destruction and then many other people follow their pernicious ways what the Bible says pernicious means dangerous pernicious means damnable meaning these people so many people are just falling into hell after their repent of your sins leader people think oh well they're nice and they go to church and they have a form of godliness yeah but they're denying the power thereof you know what they're constantly leading people astray we need to not take this lightly verse 29 is he the god of the Jews only is he not also of the Gentiles yes of the Gentiles also seeing it as one God which shall justify the circumcision by faith and uncircumcision through faith do we then make void the law through faith God forbid yeah we say hey do we stop preaching repent of your sins because salvation by grace no but you know what we want to have our good doctrine with good application we don't have good doctrine with bad application we don't want to mix the wrong things together okay we don't want to put beans and chili okay we want to keep them both separate they have their place right you're having quesadillas and refried beans okay you're having chili and cheese and Fritos okay you're not gonna mix all this and just put it in a pot you know I like chocolate but I don't put chocolate in my chili okay all right I don't put everything into everything because then it would it would ruin both I love chocolate and I love chili but if you put chocolate and chili you would ruin both and here's the thing I love the doctrine of salvation by faith and it being for gift and I love the fact that when you repent of our sins but when you mix them together you ruin both of them and you know there's so many people that are just ruining the Bible by just mixing all of the wrong things together we need to make sure that we're keeping all of the right things together you know I love the fact that I love marriage and I love you know what God gave me in the bedroom with my wife and I love children but I don't mix those Joe Biden because then you run both and let me explain something people are just mixing all the wrong things today and just mixing words together and they have no idea what they're saying or what they're doing go to first Corinthians chapter 5 now of course this guy gets really specific this Lauren Livingston in sermon and he makes this claim I know that there's lots of people in this church that are committing fornication I was like that's weird how do you know that I don't know and then he says and he goes now the Bible says that no fornicator shall enter in the kingdom of heaven and some of y'all are just messing with church and you don't want to get right so that you can be saved and I'm just thinking like that's so weird like hey rebuke people fornication I'm all for that saying that they're not saved weird having them in your church weirder okay quoting first Corinthians six to bring all this up weirder because you know what happens before first Corinthians chapter number six first Corinthians chapter number five did you know that you know people that don't even read the Bible I mean how many people actually go to a church that they don't even know that first Corinthians five exists in their Bible why because it's talking about church discipline and almost no churches exercise church discipline so there's no reason for them ever read this chapter out loud so they just don't even know that's in their Bible they all know first Corinthians six it's like the most common verse in the Bible even though it's all about lawsuits and they don't even know that that's what it's about okay if you ask most people like what's first Corinthians six about it's about how sodomites go to heaven well actually it says that they don't and it's about lawsuits oh really yeah okay why because they have good doctrine of bad application folks okay but in first Corinthians chapter number five look at verse number nine the Bible's this I wrote unto you in an epistle not to come into fornicators now think about that verse in light of this I know there's a lot of fornicators in this room right now well how are you abiding by that like how about let's read that verse out loud since you're such a hard preacher I mean this guy gets up and screams and yells at the congregation fire and brimstone he's so worried about them and he's talking about how people don't read the Bible don't know what it says and I'm just being like well how are you abiding by that verse it says not to company with fornicators yet not all together with the fornicators of this world or with the covetous or extortioners or with idolaters for then must he needs go out of the world verse 11 but now I have written unto you not to eat company if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator or covetous or an idolatry or a railer or a drunkard or extortioner with such and one know not to eat in fact it goes on more for what I have I to do to judge them also there without do not you judge them that are within but them that are without God judges therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person the Bible doesn't say tell the fornicators in your church to get saved it says the throw them out of church that's what it says I didn't make that up that's what the Bible said and you know the Bible called that person a wicked person you know it didn't say is that they were unsaved now this is where they kind of get this idea from a little bit further down in chapter 6 verse 9 know you not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God be not deceived neither fornicators nor idolaters nor effeminate nor abuses themselves mankind or thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor revilers nor extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of God so it gives this list of people that are not going to go to heaven of course what's so funny to me is this is the best proof text that Christians have of how sodomites are going to heaven okay how but they this is what they say verse 11 and such were some of you but here's the thing it's not saying that every single thing on this list every single person is for sure guilty of necessarily okay number one but number two you know specifically if you kind of pay attention to this list it's kind of almost the exact same list that we just read in chapter number five did you notice that because it's fornicator fornicator idolater idolater adulterer well that just kind of even worse effeminate nor abuses themselves mankind we kind of skip these then you have covetous that's also in the list covetous drunkards that's in the list extortioners that's in the list so you pretty much just kind of have like a list and then almost the same kind of list and it's saying that these people are wicked okay and it's saying when you go to out into the world did you notice this verse in verse number 10 yet not only together with the fornicators of this world or the covetous or extortioners or with idolaters notice this for then musty needs go out of the world if you get Paul's perspective you know what he's saying everybody's one of these people like if we go out of the world and we just run into somebody they're probably guilty of at least one of these and let's just be honest even in America today that's so close to the truth I mean how many people in the world are drunkards like almost everyone I mean I don't I don't know what place you live on but the place I live on called planet earth like people love to drink alcohol and liquor I mean I work at most places I work for have been to work for they literally have liquor at the place of business I worked at a bank and they would drink during the business meetings like it was a big thing they were had like this had all these coolers and they have not not like during the parties the parties were lit okay I'm saying I'm saying the business meeting they're drinking that's how drunkards they are I mean all the the adultery and all the fornication and just all the different covetousness I mean he's just saying like if you have to get away from these kind of people you literally have to form a commune so if we take that verse and then we bring it into first Corinthians chapter number six you know what he's saying he's not trying to say like oh there's just only these certain types of people and if you're one of these certain types of people you're not saved that would be everyone he's saying literally just virtually everyone is like that and he's saying even you guys that are in this church many of you were committing just a lot of bad sins you were just involved and really agreed just saying I'm doing a lot of unless you're kind of just raised the Christian home got saved young you probably even dabbled in some of these behaviors and some of these attitudes is what he's trying to say is he saying these people you know that commit fornication are not saved well the Bible actually answers this because in first Corinthians chapter five again verse number one it is reported commonly that there's fornication among you and such fornication is not so much as named among the Gentiles that one should have his father's wife here's the thing the Bible's bringing up a guy who's committing arguably the worst type of fornication in society he's saying this is one of the worst kinds of fornication that's even exists and then specifically in verse five what they want to do is deliver such a one into Satan for the destruction of the flesh that the spirit may be saved in the day of Lord Jesus he didn't say this guy's unsaved in fact he said he literally is saved and he's saying the people in this list in chapter five are brothers that are fornicators so if you have a church filled with people that are fornication throw them out of your church you know what the guy doesn't want to throw them out of the church because you know what he'll lose tithe money so he just wants to keep scaring them into thinking that they're not saved and that they have to come to his church in order to go to heaven because he emphasized that a lot hey I emphasize church I want you to go to church you know what I'm not gonna scare you into coming to my church and I think you have to come here to go to heaven because you do not if you're saved you could never go to church again in your life and you'll still go to heaven you could go live in Sodom with lot and you could go move to San Francisco and you could still be saved but you know I'm not recommending that and notice what they are doing to this individual they're literally delivering him over to Satan like here you go have Satan think about how harsh of a penalty that is that should tell me I should never want to be a fornicator in church because what the Bible is saying is that you can be delivered unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh and it's not just the unsaved this is the saved how much harsher of a punishment do you get when you're saved and you're doing despite the spirit of grace you're raised as a godly Christian you know we did encourage our young people and these children to not go these ways and go down these paths because they've known better they know better and we don't want them to be destroyed but you know we shouldn't scare them into being saved oh you if you commit fornication you're not saved you know what that's not the right attitude hey I'll scare you with the idea of how bad hell is but not that you have to repent of your sins because then no one's saved and look this is not just a rare one-off thing this is actually kind of common go view to math chapter 7 it's it's so funny because my wife when she was little she was going to a Baptist Church and her Sunday school teacher literally told all the kids if you commit fornication you're going to hell and my wife knew that that was wrong she just like told her dad she was like hey this is wrong this is false doctrine and again it's not like this is what people would be like oh so you're pro fornication no I'm not pro fornication but it's like this guy committed is he gonna go to heaven well if you believe in Jesus yes oh so you're pro murder now you must be pro Hitler too you know that's what they act like right oh so you're telling me like Hitler and all these people are going to heaven Hitler didn't believe in Jesus you idiot what are you talking about like that's insane okay oh you just tell me all these child molesting murderers are going out none of them believe in Jesus folks what are you talking about but yeah technically you could get angry with someone like Moses and kill someone and still go to heaven Moses the murderer David the murderer I mean the Apostle Paul he may have not physically killed somebody but he was consenting unto the death of Stephen these are some pretty good guy I mean did they go to heaven I mean your heavens pretty empty you know these are these are pen of your sins preachers their heavens are so small like almost no one but them are going to be there sounds pretty disappointing honestly and they're definitely not going now here's another thing that this guy brought up is how not only does he ever you know fornicators in the church but there's other people that have other sins he said don't think just because I didn't name your sin that you're going to heaven if you struggle with gambling if you know if you've if you ever looked at anything online that you shouldn't be looking at he's like if you if you smoke weed if you you know he just brings up like all these different scenes and I'm just thinking like you're literally putting your entire church in hell buddy like I mean I'm just thinking like what what the world and look I'm all for ripping on those sins hey I'm all for talking about how they're bad and they're wrong that's why it's so confusing because it's like this is good doctrine but then it's just such bad application it's like hey get up and scream and yell about how bad those sins are and you know he quotes all these verses about an Ezekiel and stuff I supposed to warn people and care for their souls and he's only supposed to please God and not man and I'm just thinking like yeah good verse good verse good verse bad application bad application so he's trying to warn people saying just because you're in this church doesn't mean you're saved and I'm thinking like yeah the Bible says that the Bible warns about people who think that they're saved and they're not like Matthew chapter number 7 look at verse 21 not everyone that say then we Lord Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven but he that do with the will of my father which is in heaven many will say to me in that day Lord Lord have we prophesied in thy name and in thy name cast out devils and in thy name have done many wonderful works and then will thy profess none of them I never knew you depart from me ye that work iniquity so of course this passage is one that they love to bring up and to me this is almost a litmus test to understand if someone's saved or not or a preacher saved is how they interpret this kind of a parable or this kind of a saying because often those who are not saved will then say look look they were workers of equity and it's like wait let's let's compare that with Romans chapter number three there's none righteous no not one for all of sin and come short of the glory of God if you're gonna say that they're not getting in because they're too sinful well you're too sinful too because even if you keep the whole law and get a fin in one point you're guilty of all so guess what if you're gonna throw people in hell for being too sinful you're gonna have to start with yourself the reason why they're going to hell is because they never got saved and got forgiveness of sins and so they are sinful but it's not because they were too sinful no one's too sinful it's that they just weren't saved because only one sin is too sinful whosoever loveth and maketh a lie shall not enter in the kingdom of heaven so if you want to throw sinful people into hell you're gonna have to start with yourself and of course they didn't do the will of the Father which you look up in John chapter number six verse 40 and the will of the Father is to believe on the Son is put your faith in Jesus Christ that's what God wants to do that's the work that he wants you to do and of course it's not work in the sense of having effort it's just simply a gift by grace go to Zechariah chapter 2 so most of most of the things I heard this guy saying it was just pissing me off honestly and I bring him up because he's just one out of a thousand folks he's just a dime a dozen preachers today are littering our country with this false doctrine vein-jangling resting the scripture not understanding what they're saying and we as God's people we need to be aware of this we need to understand what other people are hearing constantly too you'll have family members friends cousins co-workers that they're hearing these kinds of message and and this is why they have so much confidence in the preacher the pastor because he's using a lot of Bible and it's good doctrine they just don't understand how bad the application is and it takes someone to come alongside them and try to really help them here's one that he also brought up in this sermon is the idea of how Israel is the apple of God's eye who's heard this okay Israel's Apple God's eye all right and they go to Zechariah chapter 2 verse 8 all right ready for thus say the Lord of hosts after the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye now this guy said I've been listening my favorite preacher and I have so much confidence in him and he said that America is done America's done you know why well the number one reason why is because we're questioning whether or not we should give more money to Israel cuz that guy's just putting his finger he's just poking his finger in God's eye he's just America's is sitting there just poking a finger and in the Apple God's eye and you just don't do that now here's the thing yes it is true that if you mess with Israel you are poking God in the eye that is a good doctrine you know it's a bad application applying that the Christ rejecting Jews in modern-day Israel really bad application you want to know who that is go to Galatians chapter number six go to Galatians chapter number six I'm just sitting here thinking like hey I agree with you America's done that is not our number one issue is that we haven't given enough billions of dollars to Israel okay like that's just that's just silly you know even even when Cyrus was giving a proclamation for the children of Israel to come back and to rebuild the temple he didn't say unlimited he actually put a couple like quantity limits now in salt he said without prescribing how much like you can have okay we'll give him as much salt as they want all right but it's like certain things of gold and silver so he actually put a cap on how much money to give them oh I guess that was so ungodly you know to put a cap Galatians chapter number six who's that who is the Israel of God look at Galatians chapter 6 or 16 and as many as walk upon I'm sorry and as many as walk according to this rule peace be on them and mercy and upon the Israel of God now I don't know you know this but the Church of Galatia is not a bunch of Christ rejecting Jews folks it's a bunch of Gentiles and you know what the Apostle Paul is calling them the Israel of God and when you mess with the Galatian Church you are messing with the Israel of God but not Caiaphas not Judas not the individuals that are following and harassing Paul around and trying to kill Paul that's not the Israel of God the Israel of God is those who are saved and you know what I'm of Israel when people mess with me and with steadfast Baptist Church they're poking God in the eye when people don't want to give money to modern-day Israel they're not doing anything to God God doesn't care about that go to Revelation chapter number three this is this this Zionism doctrine is ruining America it's destroying America and it needs to be preached about a lot he knows one of the most ardent supporters of this is Greg Abbott Greg Abbott said anti-semitism is not welcome on the campuses of Texas schools and was thinking like what is what is anti-semitism to you anyways obviously the guy falls on his face at the Wailing Wall in Israel bought and paid for by Israel you know they they they call themselves Republicans but boy they're just Israel's you know lovers they're the synagogue of Satan they're Shabbos gois you know really is what they are and it's just it's just it's lame I thought I thought Texas was supposed to be like a cool place and like have cool leadership but boy we have a lot of bad leaders and we have a lot of the worst preachers too we need it we need to turn the ship folks okay we need to we need to actually and embrace who the true Israel is not let the black keeper Israelites have it not have the Christ rejecting synagogue of Satan have it and and bring it back to the Gentiles who are the true Israel of God look at what it says in Revelation chapter 3 verse 9 behold I will make them of the synagogue of Satan which say they are Jews and are not but do lie build I'll make them to come and worship before thy feet and to know that I have loved thee he's looking at a bunch of Gentiles of Philadelphia and saying this is who I love this is the Israel of God not a bunch of Christ rejecting Jews it's just so insane how Christianity has turned into this and it's a modern-day thing it used to be that Christians throughout history recognize the fact that Jews were not God's chosen people they were thrown out of 109 countries we're the ones trying to resurrect them in some weird fashion and it seems like we're just this whore that's trying to lift them up you know on our back maybe there's a picture about that in the Bible I don't know no revelation chapter 22 or the Antichrist can ride on the back of the whore the whore of Babylon but I'm telling you what this Zionism doctrine is an infectious disease and it poisons the mind it poisons the mind where you can't believe so much of the of the New Testament of the Bible because it's just kind of crazy once you recognize that Zion is not true you just see it on every page and you know this guy brought up he made a big deal about Esau and how Esau was like he called him a fornicator because of what it says in Hebrews which I don't I don't know that the text is actually calling Esau fornicator it's just like he's like a fornicator I think that's the rule it's just making comparison because Esau's giving up his inheritance and treating it like trash he despises inheritance and a fornicator is someone who's basically giving up their you know specialness and their inheritance so they kind of a similarity that they're not patient I think that's the comparison is making but he's trying to say how Esau couldn't get get it back even though he saw it carefully with tears and he was trying to say like how there's fornicators in their church who feel really bad about it but they're just you know they didn't really get it right and so they still can't be saved or something like that and while he was saying all this nonsense I had like a good idea from the Bible and I was thinking about this is what's so funny about Esau he couldn't get it back the inheritance even though he saw it careful with tears this is what it makes me think of the Jews lost their land when they rejected the New Testament and it was taken from them and given unto the Gentiles as a spiritual nation and it doesn't matter how much Adam King or all these Jews cry they're never getting their nation back it's a fraud folks it doesn't matter how much they cry and how much they seek for it the Old Testament is gone they have no more right to that land anymore it's been taken over and you know what to try and bring it back is just theft it's just theft and a lot of people understood this but you know over time Zionism has done its work and people literally think they own that land or something I mean imagine if someone offered you a house to live in as a lease as a rent and you rent that house and they have a really specific contract that you have to pay and that you have to abide by the rules let's say you break all the rules you don't pay you break all the rules and then they throw you out of the house they say sorry it's not yours and then they rent it out to a new person and then 2,000 years later you come back and you're like this is my house based on what based on that old contract that I had oh that contract that you didn't pay the rent on and you broke every single rule literally yes that contract well you broke the contract it's over you don't have any right to no no look if you read paragraph one it says I'm entitled to lease this property and it's like yeah keep reading unless you don't pay and you break all the rules and it expires well I don't want it's ignore that part of it let's go back the bars as I'm entitled and this is what Zionists do with the Bible they're like going to Genesis and they're like trying to show you all I see we get the land and we're the descendants of Abraham yeah except you broke the Covenant and it doesn't matter how much you cry and whine about it it's not yours and to come back and try to take it again is theft it's thievery well you're just touching the apple of God's eye well you can believe whatever you want but you know what hey it's good doctrine not to poke God in the eye it's bad application to apply that to a bunch of Christ rejecting God hairs that's bizarre now one other thing that I want to bring up is just kind of a lot this is actually the motivation of my sermon but he brought up how much he hates this like Trump Bible and this is what goes going viral online it's like this pastor rebukes the Trump Bible as being blasphemous you want to know why it's blasphemous because there's a constitution appended to the end of it and he's just like the Constitution is for the people and by the people but the Bible is for him and by him and I'm just thinking like okay how could you write a constitution to give rights to the people and not talk about the people like do you even know what a constitution is like that's just so bizarre to get so upset and so just mad at the fact that there is a King James Bible out there that has a constitution appended to it and it has like a song like God bless America or something I don't remember the author of that song but something green I don't know what is it Lee Greenwood there it is all right Lee Greenwood song God bless America okay it sounds Texas a little bit I have actually seen one of these I've held it in my hand and I did not seem blasphemous at all now you know the original 1611 had the Apocrypha in it I wasn't offended by that okay obviously I don't want it most Bibles have an index most people have maps I mean I have a map right here this is not written by God okay in fact most every Bible at the top of it it literally has like a chapter like like it may say something about the chapter or may say something about the book or may call the book something that's by man too there's nothing that says it's first Peter set certainly nothing says two Corinthians okay but it's like I'm not offended by those things because isn't it obvious that that's not the text and I don't believe anybody thinks of the Constitution is literally the Word of God now do I love the Constitution and think that it's perfect no I don't think that it's perfect okay but it would be nice if our country abided by it I think our country be nicer if we abided by it I think it's an interesting document I think it's something that people should learn about or know if someone wants to have that in their in their Bible look up or once a while I don't I'm not offended by that you know what I am offended by is when people literally take verses out of the Bible and people literally add verses into the Bible and of course this guy uses modern versions he's so upset and says that this Trump Bible is blasphemous because it has an appended Constitution to it but you know what he's not offended by the ESV or the NIV or the modern versions which literally take whole verses out of the text I mean talk about hey getting mad about people adding to God's Word good doctrine you know it's a bad application saying people shouldn't use the Trump Bible and I'm thinking like of all the problems in America is the Trump Bible really the problem in America I mean it's a King James Bible folks is that really like if every single person or nation got a Trump Bible is that really gonna hurt our nation you know it's gonna hurt our nation listening to this guy speak that's what's gonna hurt our nation look what it says in Revelation chapter 22 at the very end of the passage verse 18 for I testify on every man that hear the words of the prophecy of this book if any man shall add unto these things God shall add on him the plagues that are written in this book and if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy God shall take away his part out of the book of life and out of the holy city and from the things which are written in this book hey there's a strong curse on of those that would add into God's Word you will be taken out of the book of life by taking things out of the Bible that's what the Bible warns the Bible says add not now into his word lest he reprove thee and they'll be found a liar a liar yes there's a lot of people who have taken away from God's Word it's called the NIV and the ESV and this guy is not mad about that yet we notice that so many churches today have apostatized and turn into fun sinners and of course what versions they use NIV message living Bible all of these trash versions you know what I haven't seen a church out there that screwed up because they all have a Trump Bible in their hand and it's just so infuriating how so many people just soak this stuff up I mean after he got up screaming about how bad the Trump Bible is and saying it's not the American Gospels the gospel Jesus literally his whole church stood up and applauded them and just like there's like a roaring crowd and look if you don't like it don't buy it I don't think you don't have to have it I'm not gonna buy one probably like I don't think that I'll ever buy one it would have to basically fall in my lap okay and I wouldn't prefer it over another one because I don't really care and I'm not saying like I'm pro Trump because I'm not but it's so silly to get mad at the guy for doing something like that I mean if the guy does something right why do I have to criticize him he's giving away King James Bibles I'll be I don't even think the guy literally owns it or is even making money off of it I think he just endorsed it or something which is even sillier to get mad at the guy Oh a guy endorsed the King James Bible in the Constitution I mean doesn't the Bible literally tell us to follow the rules of the land and to obey the higher powers like is it wrong for me as a Christian to obey the Constitution or look to it for guidance in my life no the Bible says for me to literally obey it okay so how is it so weird and bizarre for someone to even do that what's weird and bizarre so I'm gonna get mad about it and just tells me where this guy's heart is go to first John chapter 4 he also brought up how Jesus come in any minute he said America is just so bad we should just expect the rapture so fast and I'm like you're just wrong in every doctrine aren't you just like the Catholics it's like when you're not saved somehow you're just wrong and everything but you know there's so many Christians today and they're so much more convincing than Catholics because at least they read and quote the Bible and to this guy's credit I mean this guy could quote a lot of scripture he was bringing up all the passages it seemed like he was familiar with the text you know is also familiar with the text Pharisees bad application they said hey there's no prophet arising out of Nazareth hey that was good doctrine but it's bad application because Jesus was born in Bethlehem it's like they just they knew what it said but they didn't understand what they were saying or what they were from and we as God's people we need to make sure that we are always checking the context of everything that we hear just because you heard something in the Bible or read something in the Bible or saw something or someone's bringing something up in the Bible don't just instantly say that must be right we have to understand the context upon which that's being applied we have to use it carefully just like you would use a gun just like you would use a sword or any kind of device I mean this is called a two-edged sword you have to be careful how you use that you don't want to use that to cut butter okay you don't want to use that just to give a spanking you don't give a two-edged sword to use as a spanking it's used to destroy it's used to slay not everything has an appropriate use and when it comes to the Bible you know we want to make sure that we're using the law lawfully that we're using the Bible correctly what is the same verse John 4 verse 1 beloved believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they have God because many false prophets are gone out in the world skip down a little bit and look at verse 5 they are of the world therefore speak they have the world in the world here with them we are God he that knows God here with us he that is not of God here with not us hereby know we the spirit of truth and the spirit of error there's a lot of spirit of error today and we have to test those things we have to prove those things and of course here's the ultimate thing you do have to read the Bible because if you don't you won't understand the context you won't know what these people are saying you won't recognize the lies that they're saying but I feel like if you just read first Corinthians one time you'd recognize this guy's miss using first Corinthians and I kept I kept looking there was so many young men sitting right behind him like I don't have a choir or whatever but just like right behind him just tons of young men just soaking up every single thing this guy's saying and I'm thinking none of these guys must read their Bible because how could you sit here and just see how many all these inconsistencies all these things that are not true and just keep going it's just people that are not reading the Bible you know what I don't want is I don't want a church bill of yes men that if I get up here and scream all this stupid nonsense they're gonna applaud me afterwards and you're gonna scream and hoop and holler and say yay I hope that people actually read the Bible themselves you need to test the spirits you need to check and make sure that it's right and you want to make sure that you have not only good doctrine but good application with that doctor let's close in prayer Thank You Heavenly Father so much for giving us the Bible I pray that we would treat it carefully that we would consider what the text is actually saying that we'd read the Bibles ourselves and that we'd let the Holy Spirit guide us in all truth I pray that we wouldn't be led away with the air of the wicked that we would pay attention to what a lot of these false prophets and false teachers are saying so that we could prove them wrong prove them to be a spirit of error and I pray that you help give us wisdom and discretion so that we can also convince other people of all of the deception and all the lies that are out there that we could turn many people to salvation and not only that turn them away from all these lies and all of the false doctrine that's being taught today I just thank you for what you've given us in Jesus name we pray amen all right for a final song let's sing 359 thy word have I hid in my heart 359 thy word have I hid in my heart three five nine let's sing it out thy word is a lamb to my feet a light to my path to guide and to save me from sin and show me the heavenly way my word have I did in my heart that I might not sin against thee, that I might not sin, that I might not sin, thy word have I hid in my heart forever, O Lord, is thy word established and face on high, thy faithfulness unto all men, almighty forever thine, thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against thee, that I might not sin against thee, that I might not sin, thy word have I hid in my heart, at morning, at noon, and at night, I ever will give thee praise, for thou art my portion, O Lord, and shall be through all my days. Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against thee, that I might not sin, that I might not sin, thy word have I hid in my heart, through him whom thy word hath foretold, the Savior and Morning Star, salvation and peace have been brought to those who have strayed afar. Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against thee, that I might not sin, that I might not sin, thy word have I hid in my heart. Thank you all for coming. God bless. You are dismissed.