(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) again want to say thank you so much to Pastor Jones and his family and your church family for having us here and in lunch it was great it's great fellowship and it's definitely a blessing to be here with you guys and I want to preach a sermon on a portion of Hosea 9. I've been doing a Bible study through the book of Hosea and we did... sorry I didn't turn my mic on... all right hey I need something like that I like that that sign over there you got over there so I've been doing a Bible study in Hosea 9 and we I'm sorry it's Hosea and I recently done chapter 9 and I didn't really get to preach on this latter portion of the chapter very much and I wanted to so I felt like it would be appropriate this evening to kind of go through and talk a little bit about this just because there's so much Bible related to the subject but in the latter portion here it says in verse 15 all their wickedness is in Gilgal for there I hated them for the wickedness of their doings I will drive them out of mine house I will love them no more all their princes are revolters and so it's kind of a dark chapter of the Bible there's not any hope really offered in this particular chapter of Scripture and of course God is talking about the children of Israel in a very negative manner he makes it very clear though that he hates them and and I think this is a chapter of the Bible that is really important because our culture and a lot of Christianity today tries to get away from the word hate and they try to claim that they don't hate anything and that they're just very loving and in fact it's almost become a cuss word or a bad word use the word hate in our society and in our culture but I would submit to you that there is no one on the earth that doesn't hate and your hatred exists it's an emotion and a feeling it's inescapable you will inevitably hate something and what we have to understand is that when we identify God's hatred while everybody thinks that that's so negative and it's so awful and how dare you preach about God's hatred you hate something and so even though you may think well I don't want that kind of hatred then you're gonna replace it with a different kind of hatred but you will hate something you will have hatred in your heart and so it's it's important to understand the hatred of God so that we can have the right kind of hatred instead of having the wrong kind of hatred and nothing could be clearer than the fact that God hates them in fact that's the title of my sermon this evening is just God hates them now that's in sharp contrast to what some people would say that God hates the sin but loves the sinner no God hates the person and you know I always try to tell this to people you know God does not sin sins to hell he sends sinners to hell you know he's not gonna send adultery to hell he's not gonna send fornication to hell he's not gonna send murderer murder to hell he's gonna send murderers he's gonna send fornicators he's gonna send adulterers to hell he's gonna send liars to hell is what the Bible says and how could you say that God doesn't hate people when he created a place called hell I mean what do you think the point of hell is it's not a picnic it's not a fun time God obviously hates things to say otherwise would be to deny all scripture all Bible the reality of hell would be to deny the reality of sin I mean God did not enjoy the fact that his son had to die on the cross you know that was that was the ultimate sacrifice in order to deliver us from a great evil called hell and so God despises those who would reject his son God despises those that would look at the free gift offered to them through the crucifixion of God's son Jesus Christ and not choose that not believe on theirs not his son he hates them so much he is gonna burn them in hell for all of eternity he said hey you know what you don't deserve it you're a sinner you deserve hell that's what's just and that's what's righteous but I was willing enough to make my son go through the worst punishment for you and I made it as easy as just one time trusting in him and if you're gonna go your whole life you're gonna live 60 70 80 years on this earth and still reject that not take my free gift well then guess what I am going to burn you for all of eternity and of course in a book of Hosea this is the children of Israel they've been blessed by God God's delivered them out of Egypt God's given them the promised land God's given them all kinds of food God's helped them win every single victory every single battle and then they still turned away from God they still worshiped false gods they didn't want to believe in Christ they didn't want to have trust in the Lord and because of that God was finally done with them God was finally to the point that says you know what I just can't I can't handle it anymore and of course God is gracious God is long-suffering but sometimes that grace and that long-suffering runs out and God gets to a point where he's done with someone that the example of Hosea is a man who's married to an adulterous woman and that is a true story but the metaphor is to illustrate how the children of Israel have hoard against God and you know really according to the scripture someone who commits adultery would just be put to death yet we do find some places in some areas where a spouse is willing to forgive that and move past that and still love that person but even anyone that has a spouse that just is going to commit adultery after adultery adultery and not care and not love them back you would get to a point where you're just going to be done with them you're just going to say you know what I just can't I can't have this relationship anymore it's just too bad it's just too grievous and that is the same with God God got to a point with the nation of Israel where he was no longer willing to be gracious to them he's no longer willing to help them and according to the Bible what does it say I hated them not only that not only does God hate people and again this is shocking shocking news God hates people but let me tell you something else God can get to a point where he'll never love you again either notice what he said in this verse I will love them no more he didn't say like well if you repent if you get it right you'll have a second chance you know everybody in hell I'm sure would say like I'm ready to repent now you know I'm ready to believe now I'm ready for that free gift now but you know what God says it's over there's not there's not a second chance in hell you know the Catholic purgatory is not a true doctrine it's not a real doctrine and God can get to a point where he's just completely and utterly done with you you're done and you've been marked off the list now go to Psalm 5 I want to show you a couple more verses on this but you know we describe this as the reprobate doctrine and I think that's a great title that's a great way to word it but no matter what you word it or what you call it God will be done with people now the word reprobate simply means rejected in some cases in the Bible you could potentially be rejected and still have a chance to get right with God or to be turned back but you know when we typically describe the reprobate doctrine what we're really trying to communicate is Hosea 9 where he says I will love them no more where it's essentially they're done it's over there is no opportunity some other descriptions of the Bible like this are being twice dead so you know anybody that's unsaved according the Scripture is dead we're all dead in trespasses and sins but to go to an extremity of being twice dead is where you've gotten to the point where God hates you and God will love you no more I do believe that God also just hates sinners in general as the Bible describes this in the sense that you know we often hear God loves sinners and that's true but it's also true that God hates sinners and you have to understand how that works how does that work well how does God love sinners he sent Jesus to die on the cross that's how he loved them how does he hate them he despises their sin he wants to get away from them and he wants to punish them for their wickedness so at the same time while God may love the person and offer them this free gift and this olive branch he's in a current state of hating them he's in a current state of being displeased with them and a clear proof text of this would be John 3 36 which it very clearly says that those who have not believed on Christ they don't have the love of God resting upon them they have the wrath of God resting upon them and the moment that they die they're straight in hell because they didn't have the love they're not they're not accepting the love of God they're not embracing the grace that's being offered unto them and really the only grace and long suffering they have is that they haven't died yet and gone to hell but God very clearly hates those that are wicked look at Psalm chapter 5 verse 5 the foolish shall not stand in my sight thou hatest all workers of iniquity you know probably the most important word in this verse in verse 5 is all notice that it says he hates all of them it doesn't say he hates some of them it doesn't say he hates just the extreme ones it says he hates all of the workers of iniquity and it says in verse 6 thou shalt destroy them that speak leasing the Lord will abhor the bloody and deceitful man so according to Scripture God hates certain people he hates the workers of iniquity he hates the bloody and deceitful man which of course hatred and abhorring are synonyms they mean the same thing they're used interchangeably in the Bible look at chapter 10 verse 3 it's probably just on the other page the Bible says for the wicked boasteth of his heart's desire and blesseth the covetous whom the Lord abhorth so notice God also hates covetous people you know those who are wicked and just blessing the covetous you know obviously we already learned he hated the wicked but notice it's saying wicked people bless covetous people and then it says whom God hates God hates the covetous person okay now you want to say who's the covetous person his name ends in Stein and Berg and and really it's just the Jews let's be honest okay and you know who loves to bless the covetous the wicked the wicked bless the Jew oh we just love the Jew and the Jews are so great you know what the Bible says that God hates those covetous people God it's not just limited to Jews folks it's anyone that's being covetous God hates the covetous person he abhors that covetous person look at chapter 11 right there verse 5 the Lord trieth the righteous but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth now that sounds extreme I mean think of it it's not just saying he hates it's like down to the soul God's soul hates these people I mean especially someone that's doing violence and doing wickedness this is where you know Christianity and and evangelicalism has often gotten a bad name as people just hear about this Santa Claus God that basically just gives out gifts on Christmas you know to anybody but you know what that's not the God of the Bible the God of the Bible is angry the God of the Bible is mad the God of Scripture hates violence he hates evil he hates wickedness he hates covetous he hates sin you know he just hates all of this go to chapter 26 chapter 26 they say well how does that make sense I thought you said that God is loving yes God is loving but what we have to realize is in order to love anything you must hate in reciprocity in the sense that there is never going to be someone that can solely love without hatred and in fact the more you love the more you hate the less you love you really just hate everything you really just hate everything so there's no way to escape hatred but if you truly want to eliminate hatred if you want to have the least amount of hatred it's the most loving that you could possibly be because really if you don't love then you hate everything so it's like well you seem to hate everything no I hate a lot of things but you know what if you don't love anything you actually hate everything okay and and really the Bible makes this clear that those that are wicked those that are unsafe they really just hate everything they even hate themselves they hate themselves they hate mankind they're not a loving person the only real love comes from God himself and and so we have to learn how to have the right hatred so that we can have the right love and those who struggle with this doctrine I will submit this to you it's not that you just are so loving is the reason why you struggle with hate it's because you don't love is the reason why you actually struggle with hatred says in Psalms 26 verse number one judge me o Lord for I have walked in mine integrity I have trusted also in the Lord therefore I shall not slide examine me o Lord and prove me try my reins and my heart for thy loving kindness is before in mine eyes and I have walked in thy truth now think about the few verses we've just read he's asking over and over God judge me try me prove me examine me it's like I want to be right with God I want to know what's right God make sure that I'm right and I'm with my eyes I am looking at your loving kindness verse four I have not sat with vain persons neither will I go in with dissemblers I have hated the congregation of evil doers notice the person that's saying God make sure that I have the right heart the right mentality examine me prove me because I'm right now looking at your love and then what does he say when he's saying when I look at your love you know what that reminds me of how I have hated the congregation of evil doers and will not sit with the wicked how many churches did they say everyone's welcome bring everyone in we don't have any rules we just let any kind of person come in and you know what the person that says I love God says I refuse to sit with the wicked I refuse to be in the congregation of the wicked I hate them I want nothing to do with them I've rejected them just like God has rejected them and that means you actually love God if you truly love God if you truly understand his love you don't want to sit with these type of people think about it this way if you hate lying that means you love the truth and you're thinking you really love the truth you just hate lies you hate being lied to you hate deception you don't want any trickery you know in our culture people love to twist things out of context don't they whether that's the media Hollywood videos I mean there's so many videos online taking people's words out of context and and taking what they said to try and twist it into anything else and you know if you really love truth you would hate those kind of videos you'd hate people that do such a thing because truly in order to really love the truth you have to hate that lie if you don't really care what the truth is you won't hate those videos you wouldn't hate it if someone lies you won't hate these type of things and they'll say oh I don't really hate no actually you just hate the truth actually you you hate people that are getting taken advantage of people who are being lied about you hate you know righteousness is basically what you're doing by hating that kind of deceit by hating that kind of trickery it's showing a true love for the truth because these things are inseparable if you truly you truly love something you will hate that which attacks and is the antithesis of what you truly love you know I always I think of food you know in this in this context and it's like you drive down the road and you see all these cows on a billboard and and it's a billboard for what for chick-fil-a right and it's like save the cow right by you know by what eating chicken so it's like if you really really love the cow you would just eat chicken right but see if you you know if you really really love chickens you would eat the cow okay so I just really love fish apparently because I eat everything else right and I just really love you know soy and I really know it's good but at the end of the day if I really loved something I would not you know destroy it I wouldn't want to harm it you know if I really love children I would hate those that would hurt children you know if I really love my wife I would really hate someone that would hurt my wife or do something mean to my wife or try to hurt nothing and then here's the thing if I really love God if I just really love the Lord Jesus Christ if I really love the gospel I would hate people who would attack my God who would attack the Lord Jesus Christ who would lie about God who would lie about the Lord Jesus Christ who would try to hurt the Lord Jesus Christ and you know that sounds cool because it's kind of abstract to a lot of people they think well of course I love God of course I would want to defend God but let's get it practical who is God it's this you know when people attack this they're attacking God they're attacking the Lord Jesus Christ because this is Jesus this is God and you know what I don't like it when people twist this or harm this or lie about this or blasting this or belittle this or take this and just act like it's meaningless you know that is this is the God that we worship here folks you know in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God we it's not like you know Jesus is gonna be standing right next to us and someone's gonna insult him as a person no no we have Jesus right here and they insult this but they're insulting Jesus and you know what if you really love Jesus you you would cringe at that that would hurt you would not like it when someone attacks this because they're attacking Jesus they're attacking God and of course this person is a great person in the Bible why because they hate the congregation of evildoers look at verse 6 I will wash my hands in innocency so will I compass thine altar O Lord notice he's only gonna go to church in innocency and what's that innocency hating the evildoers you can't you can't come to church and have innocent hands when you love the wicked when you're praising the wicked when you're joining hands with the wicked you know you got a walk you got to get the AIDS out of your life okay you don't want to go to church with aid covered hands you want to make sure that you have your hands in innocency and that's how you compass his altar that's what God likes go to 139 Psalm 139 and a lot of these verses I think are gonna be pretty familiar to you you know I don't think I've gone to a lot of places maybe you haven't heard before but it's it's good to kind of establish a little bit of a foundation again and remind ourselves how much Bible really says this I mean we've we've already looked at a decent amount there's so much more and and look at Psalm 139 verse 19 the Bible says surely thou wilt slay the wicked O God depart for me therefore you bloody men for they speak against thee wickedly and thine enemies take thine name in vain do not I hate them O Lord that hate thee and am I not grieved with those that rise up against thee I hate them with perfect hatred I count them mine enemies search me O God and know my heart try me and know my thoughts and see if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting you know that's a common theme in the book of Psalms every time they bring up hatred they're also bringing up this thought of hey God why don't you search me try me prove me examine me judge me make sure I have the right spirit because you know what the hatred for these people is the right spirit is the right idea it is one that's coming from a place of love for God and if I truly love Lord the Lord I would be grieved with someone that would rise up against God how could you say you love Jesus and you love Judas Iscariot you know that's incompatible because if you loved Jesus you would be mad at Judas Iscariot for betraying the Lord Jesus Christ causing them to be crucified causing the innocent blood to be shed you know you can't have the same emotion for both of these people because ultimately you have no emotion then just like any sports event you know you can't equally love both teams you know that really just means you don't really love either of them you can't equally love everything you can't love God and everything else you have to pick even according to the scripture you can't love God and mammon you know you have to pick something and according to the Bible you're gonna either love one and despise the other there is not an option of well I'm gonna love both there is no option you either love God and you hate mammon or you love mammon you hate God those are the only options and and here's the reality you either love the wicked and you hate God or you love God and you hate the wicked but you cannot say I don't hate anything that person is a liar and delusional and they don't understand what they're saying you're gonna you're gonna hate go to Psalm 58 go backwards for a moment go to Psalm 58 and of course if I hate someone you know it's not just I just hate them you know there's practicalities to that I mean God has practicalities like hell lake of fire burning smoke torment the fact that they're gonna have the weightlessness feeling it's a pit is the bottomless pit there's no rest day or night I mean there's a lot of real practicalities to what that hatred looks like it's not just this abstract idea of hatred and so here's the thing when I say I hate certain people I don't just hate them in this abstract idea of like I don't like them no I want really bad things to happen to them is what I mean by that and that's what the Bible actually says look at Psalm 58 verse 1 do you indeed speak righteousness of congregation do you judge up rightly all you sons of men yay in heart you work wickedness you weigh the violence of your hands in the earth the wicked are estranged from the womb they go astray as soon as they be born speaking lies their poison is like the poison of a serpent they are like the death adder that stoppeth her ear which will not harken to the voice of charmers charming never so wisely now here's a here's the example that I like I like that I bring this up if I walked into my house and I go in my kids bedroom and I see a giant snake you know what I would do I would crush the head of that snake I wouldn't you know what I wouldn't do is I wouldn't try to pick it up delicately and you know dance with it like a Pentecostal okay I wouldn't you know take that snake and let it cuddle with my children and say like oh he's a neck cuddler you know he likes to wrap around your neck and get real cozy no no if I love my children you know what I would do I would just smash that snakes head down I would just beat it into a pole I would make sure that it couldn't even move anymore I'd make sure it's as dead as it can possibly be I would hate that snake you know when I see a scorpion just stomp on it yeah just crush it right when you look at a spider when you look at these varmints like you're not sitting here like oh what a sweet little black widow you know it's so cuddly you know so tender no no no you crush it why because the last thing you want is your child to get bit by one of these things and die the last thing you want is a snake to injure your child because you love your child and you love your family so the same applies with these people look what he says in verse six break their teeth Oh God in their mouth break out the great teeth of the young lions Oh Lord let them melt away as waters which run continually when he bended his bow to shoot his arrows let them be as cut in pieces as a snail which melteth let every one of them pass away like the untimely birth of a woman that they may not see the Sun before your pots can feel the thorns he shall take them away as with a whirlwind both living and in his wrath the righteous shall rejoice when he see at the vengeance he shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked so that a man shall say barely there is a reward for the righteous verily is a God the judge in the earth you know when there's a bug in my house and I've probably never had anything as extreme as what I brought up there's been a few scorpions and stuff but usually it'll be like the most harmless fly or you know like just some like weird little tiny bug and my kids are just freaking out they're just like they're all scared and they're screaming or whatever but you know what happens I'll go find it and then I'll crush it and you know my kids are like cool yeah awesome and you know what they fight over who gets to take the like the disgusting remains of it and pick it up and throw it away and they're all excited about it and you know this is what the Bible saying when the wicked get destroyed notice what it says the righteous shall rejoice when he see at the vengeance it's not like oh man that's kind of sad that that disgusting age-filled faggot died no no it's like yes let's clean it up you know it's not he's not disappointed about it just like a disgusting bug or varmint that gets crushed he's not sad when something happens to it notice what it says he says verily there is a reward for the right verily is a God that judged the error you know if a parent has their child and something really bad happens they were hurt by a predator you know they would be glad when they see that predator crushed like a bug they would be excited to see the judgment and the vengeance and say praise God that guy got what he deserved you know it's unfortunate is in our society in our culture many times man fails to execute the right kind of judgment the right kind of vengeance and people don't get to have that relief they don't get to have that correct emotion of seeing that vengeance happen but of course it will happen because you're going to replay so and of course God will exact his vengeance upon people you know in the book of Revelation which I know is is actually New Testament I know it's hard for some people to believe but all the people in heaven they're like asking God please judge please avenge please destroy these people they're not sitting there like don't do it God you know they're so wonderful that he's like how I mean they're sitting there like did you see that it's like you know crush them crush them you know that is the right emotion that's the correct emotion and you know these people that want to get you know there's gonna be people that you know bite their tongue listening this sermon they're gonna be so angry but but let me tell you what they would do the exact same thing if I was killed if I was killed you know if they saw Jesus getting killed or whatever they would get all excited and joyous and happy all over again I mean Sarah Silverman that stupid fake comedian that was making some kind of a stupid joke claimed that she would kill Jesus again and she'd be glad about it she'd be happy about it and look to say that these people don't hate is to just lie to say that people don't hate everyone hates everyone would love to see someone crushed everyone would love to see their enemies destroyed and they say I don't hate anybody well how do you feel about Hitler right and then they're like well yeah I don't like him you know unless you're Kanye West who apparently loves Hitler right but you know that's because Kanye West doesn't love anyone someone that says they love everyone is a liar and they don't really love everyone that does not exist go be would to Romans chapter number 12 let's go to the New Testament for a moment say all that's Old Testament Old Testament has a lot of hatred in it but you know and New Testament is just love love love love get ready for some revelation you know I don't know if you realize that hell was not a only Old Testament doctrine hell is an eternal doctrine folks you know it's not like it's getting any colder down there the end you know the people that were burning in hell in the Old Testament as soon as the New Testament started they were still burning in hell like nothing changed it didn't get any cooler there was no relief they didn't get a drink of water they didn't get a break it wasn't a timeout wasn't halftime it was just it just it's the same for them they still couldn't see they were still screaming their head off they were still burning because it's not like God just was like why I'm pretty hateful in the Old Testament but the New Testament I decided you know I've kind of grown I've evolved a little bit I've decided that I'm gonna mature and not hate anybody anymore no it's the same God it's the same Jesus the same yesterday today and forever you know I am the Lord I change not how many times do you need the Bible to tell you that but even in the New Testament you know the Bible tells the hate things look at Romans chapter number 12 and look verse number nine the Bible says let love be without dissimulation dissimulation is guile trickery deceit says abhor that which is evil cleave to that which is good of course what does he want he doesn't want people to have fake love where they claim to love things but they really don't love anything they're they're claiming that they love but it's really a lie and you have a lot of people holding signs up they love you know love is love but you know it's a fake love it's not real they don't love themselves they don't love each other they don't love what they do they hate themselves and you say well how do you know that they hate themselves pastor Shelley well why is it that they insult us by saying that we do the things that they do right I mean if you didn't hate what if you didn't hate what they did if they didn't hate themselves and hate what they're doing why would they use that as an insult against you because you know when I go out there and I scream at them I don't say you read your Bible don't you you probably pray I bet you're a fundamental Baptist aren't you deep down you probably love your wife don't you you women out there you probably made your husband a sandwich I bet you did didn't you they're not I'm not saying that at them I'm not saying like oh I bet you go soul winning don't you you're a soul winner why because I don't hate those things those aren't even insult oh I bet you dress godly you know no oh I bet you're intelligent oh I bet you can actually read you know I'm not insulting him with those kind of things I bet you don't even eat vegan you know it's like no you throw things out at someone that you hate right that's why they say oh you're a homo oh you're a pedophile oh do you hate those things are those bad things are those evil things yeah because they hate them they have no real love you know the people that have real love are going to hate certain things what are they gonna hate evil they're gonna hate me what is evil harm injury to others you know we don't want to hurt harm and look what the sodomite community does is they hurt each other that's what they do the human body was not built for sodomy in order to do what they do they have to hurt each other and that's what they cause they just hurt themselves and they give themselves diseases and all kinds of problems and pain that's not love that's just injury they just injure themselves and then claim that they're so loving think about this weird transgender movement today is trying to convince little children and young adolescents to literally mutilate their bodies and literally injure themselves I mean how could you say you love someone to say hey just start chopping off limbs I mean if I said you know I love my child I'm gonna bring him up here and I'm gonna give him a knife and I'm gonna have him just start chopping fingers off because he identifies as someone that doesn't have hands he identifies as someone that you know doesn't have any kind of fingers or something like that he identifies as a three-fingered person you know you would say you're insane pastor Shelley right what if I say you know my child identifies as a someone that can't hear so we're gonna cut his ears off you know that would be foolish that would be nonsensical that doesn't make any kind of sense that's why you know these people who claim love they're lying they're lying they don't have any real love there's the seat and and if you sit here to say well I don't think I hate people then you don't really love and actually you're lying yourself because you hate a lot of things you hate the Lord go to Revelation chapter 2 go to Revelation chapter number 2 to hate evil is to love God it's reciprocal in nature you have to in order to love God truly and fully you have to embrace the hatred for that which is evil and the antithesis of God so they're they're connected one to another revelation chapter 2 verse 15 the Bible says so hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans which thing I hate you know God hates false doctrine and you know we should hate false doctrine and and not just again from an abstract perspective we want to crush it like a bug we want to we want to say clearly what they're saying and then expose how stupid it is and call it dumb and call it foolish you know what I hate the flat earth theory I hate it and you know I try to crush it as much as possible and speak as negatively as possible about it because I don't want people to be sucked into some stupid nonsense I mean there's a globe on the table back there look at it folks okay and and people will be like whoa no look the Sun rises every single day it instantly proves everything that you need to know about the earth you don't even have to be a scientist you can just see the Sun just rise every morning and you know unfortunately for flat-earthers it always goes over their head but the reality is the only way for a distant object to be the exact same size spinning around you is for you to be spinning so that's proof that the earth is spinning and we understand through the seasons and and everything else we have a globe you know it wasn't until it wasn't like NASA invented the globe folks NASA you can find old maps tons of old maps way of antiquity and you know what they are two circles you know why they're two circles because it's hard to draw a 3d object in a 2d you know piece of paper but they're basically trying to draw the globe earth that's why they have the two circles and they draw everything and look they the maps of antiquity are impressive I mean if you said hey pastor so you have to draw Africa and you don't have any NASA satellites any kind of imagery I mean my Africa would look weird it would look like a giraffe or something I mean there's no way I'd be able to but you know you look at some of these maps of integrity they look really close considering the fact they didn't have these bird's-eye-view capabilities I mean it's incredible why because they actually use science and reasoning and logic and they weren't just fools and we need to hate false doctrine we need to hate stupid ideas and we need to expose them and preach against them people say why are you always preaching against things because I hate lies because I hate things that are you know essentially just of the devil because the devil is the father of lies you know where it where does false information even come from the devil the devil lied and of course the devil tells the same lies history repeats itself the devil really doesn't end up coming up with very many clever things he simply takes the truth twists a little bit and just represents it over and over again it's not like there's a lot of religions out there folks it's works or faith I mean and all the works religions are just the repackaging and the people that are at the the culmination of these false doctrines God hates them you know this doctrine of the Nicolaitans God hates go to Romans chapter 9 go to Romans chapter 9 and we'll see God explaining how he hates certain individuals and and of course you know when it comes to hatred it's funny to me that I'll explain to people yeah there's about 5% of the population that I hate yes I hate about 5% of obviously I'm just throwing a number out there because it's probably impossible to get the exact percentages but essentially you know the Bible describes certain people's being reprobate and and they're ones who hate God and essentially they kind of fall into typically three categories you kind of got your synagogue of Satan then you have just false teachers and false preachers and then you have facts and it's like outside of those that that group of people I don't hate anybody and you know how I know I don't hate them because I go and knock on doors and I preach the gospel to everyone and I try to get everyone's in fact those people sometimes fall on the list and I even give them the gospel and isn't it so funny that Pastor Jones and other of my friends have literally given the gospel to more faggots than all these super loving churches yet they want to brag about how loving they are it's like I've personally given the gospel to probably at least 20 or 30 sodomites just hardcore reprobate God hating faggots now almost every single time I had no idea it was just kind of like oops sorry sorry I gave that to you but at the end of the day you know what happened none of them ever got saved none of them wanted to get saved and you know I wasn't like pulling any punches in fact some of the times it was the the best gospel presentation I've ever been given because they were so resistant and they were struggling so I'm just like pulling all these extra verses out and I'm going for you know and sometimes you get confused like man I'm giving you like 20 or 30 minutes I've made it abundantly clear how is it still not clicking and then they're just like do you think this applies to like sodomites and I'm just like no and they're like and I'm like is that you and they're just like yeah I was like oh I don't know now it makes sense why it didn't click you know it's now I do now it makes you know it makes perfect sense I remember praying with a little girl and like the there was two adults with her I don't know if they were parents or not but they were there and they're listening and and I pray with this girl to get saved and then I'm walking away I'm done and she's hey I have another question so I walk back and then this little girl's like hey does this apply to fags and and I was like no and she's and then she just looks at the guy and says haha you're going to hell I was like I didn't even ask that question they brought it up you know and I was just like yeah they can't believe and and you know I just they were like how does this not apply then and I just said well they're never gonna believe what I just showed you and and they look at him like well and he's like yeah I don't believe it and it's like he heard the whole gospel he saw someone get saved in front of them you know and then I'm just like hey they're not gonna believe it and they don't you know it's it's not rocket science but it's funny that I hate 5% and I love 95% and then what is the accusation I'm a hate preacher it's like well why are you focusing on the fibers that why not the 95% you know why isn't that I love people or why isn't that I love God or why isn't that I love souls when that's 95% of what I'm doing they want to focus on the 5% and claim that I hate yet here's the thing how many Christians exist in America I mean I would I would venture there's probably more than 5% you know there's around 5% in my in estimation that's like saved or maybe a little bit more but I'm just Christians I mean we got to talk about 20 30 40 percent of America claims even be Christian like evangelical and look these sodomites hate all of them so who's really the more hateful person and of course they really hate everyone they even hate themselves if we were if they were gonna be honest but they hate Christianity they hate the God of the Bible they hate Baptist they hate fundamentalists and you know it's really because they just hate God they don't hate me as a person I didn't do anything to them they did I didn't like rip them off or flip them off or do any of those kind of things they just hate me because I represent the Lord and I represent God as being a child of God they'll be would in Romans chapter number one oh sorry we're in Romans 9 I want to read this verse 13 as is written Jacob of I love but Esau have I hated you know this is New Testament it has the word hate and of course God hates Esau what is what does that mean it's not so much about the individuals it's it's about representing saved and unsaved is really what this is actually symbolizing at the end of the day and and God used two different nations to symbolize this in the Old Testament Jacob represents Israel and Ephraim I'm sorry not Ephraim Esau represents the Edomites and the Edomites were hated of God they were rejected of God and and why well they didn't serve the Lord they didn't trust in Jesus Christ they didn't trust the Messiah they were essentially not of you know they weren't his children and so he ended up hating them and rejecting them and not using them he used Jacob but even Jacob gets to a point where God's done with him and that's what we saw in Hosea go to Romans 1 go to Romans chapter 1 in Hosea God literally rejects Israel you know people say oh you believe in replacement theology you know where the church replaced the Jews well did you realize that God got rid of all of Israel before the New Testament too did you realize that God hated them and replaced them back then too you know it's not like God replaced people only in the New Testament God replaces people all the time you know God replaced Esau with Jacob you know God constantly is replaced God replaced Saul with David you know my replacement theology is not limited to the church replacing the Jews it's everywhere in Scripture it's consistent that God is replacing one with the other God is constantly putting one for the other and God is willing to even replace us at any time God is willing to take any church and say you know what you guys stopped believing in me you stopped trusting me you stopped getting people saved you stopped doing the work I'll just pluck you up and replace you with something else and that's the warning in the book of Romans he's saying like don't get so high-minded and think that I wouldn't replace you I'll replace you and you know what if a bunch of Jews get saved I'll replace the church with a bunch of Jews you know it's not like God just says like hey Jews are just done and Christians are good forever it's like no no no those who believe in him and those who are bringing forth fruit those are the ones whom he loves Romans chapter 1 the Bible says in verse number 22 professing themselves to be wise they became fools so this is a group of people that think that they're very smart think that they have a lot of you know wisdom but unfortunately they are literal fools so it's not that you know in our perspective they're a fool they're just literally a fool they're an actual fool they're actually an imbecile and they hate God says in verse 25 who changed the truth of God into a lie and worshiped and served the creature more than the creator who's blessed forever amen so that these people like truth no they hate truth they like lies what does it say verse 26 for this cause God gave them up so why is it that God gave up on certain individuals it's because they had changed the truth of God into a lie so some people would falsely accuse me of saying oh so you think that homosexuality is the impartable sin no I don't believe that you know the Bible says there's only one impartable sin in essence and that is blasphemy against the Holy Ghost but if you think about what the what is what is blasphemy the Holy Ghost it was seeing Jesus Christ before miracles by the power of the Holy Ghost and claiming that the devil did that claiming that that was by the power of Beelzebub so basically they're they're just seeing the truth before their eyes is evident as it could possibly be I mean what could be more evident than Jesus Christ performing miracles right in front of you that you see and then attributing that to the devil is just almost the clearest rejection of truth that you could ever have and and it's to deny Christ to just not put faith in him and really what is the thing that's gonna send you to hell unbelief not believing rejecting the truth rejecting the gospel not putting trust in him and that is why people become reprobate what happened with the nation of Israel they hate the truth they hate Jesus Christ they don't want to believe in him they don't want to believe in the coming Messiah they're not trusting in the Lord they're worshiping false gods they're going after false religion and because of that God just rejects them and they were an adulterous woman in the sense that it was like hey let's worship this false god and then God takes it away okay this false god and this one they're just it's like anything but God and of course that's the world we live in religions are anything but God it's like I'll be pantheists and Wiccan and Buddhist and Muslim and any random variation of Christianity Methodist Episcopalian Presbyterian it doesn't matter as long as it's just not the truth and that's what a lot of people you know think I saw a post by these this group of people that hate us and they were talking about their demographics of this group and it's thousands of people and they say hey we just want to make it clear that you know this group is full of atheists pantheists you know Wiccan polytheists Hindu Jew Christian you know everything but steadfast Baptist Church you know it's like everything but this one specific thing why because anything that's a lie is good with them as long as it's just not the truth and that is the reason why they're reprobate folks that's why now when you become reprobate what happens for this cause God gave them up into vile affections for even their women to change the natural use of that was against nature and likewise also in leaving the natural use of the woman burn and their lust one toward another men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving themselves that recommends of their error which is meat so God punishes them and why does he punish them because because this is an interesting thought is is this punishment worse than hell well if you ask John Chris's stone no okay he said that he would rather go to hell than have to be a fag all right and I get it okay I'm on that page but ultimately you know hell is gonna be a more intense feeling of pain that's more consistent couldn't God just send them there yes but God wants to illustrate a punishment for our benefit notice what he says in verse 18 for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and righteousness of men so and we can't see how we don't know what that's like but you said well how do you know that God is real because fags exist because that is a punishment no one would choose that no one would want that it's so unnatural it's so repulsive and it's so disgusting and it's so evil and it's so reprobate the only reason someone could do such a thing is because God is punishing them with his wrath and it's an evil being brought on them and then when you see that you're like wow God is real God is really punishing people you know you say like well when is God gonna punish America have you seen how many fags we have he is punishing America and those people are being punished with their aids and they're being punished with their deviant lifestyle and you know they're being punished by the fact they're surrounded by other sodomite faggots I mean let me tell you something that is a punishment to be around other people like that and they hate each other they're constantly hating each other why do you think it is that the sodomites have 5,000 different partners in many cases you really think it's because they can't stand each other it's because they don't like each other they're not committed to one another they don't like one another I've known tons of these people they're constantly getting in new relationships and why because you have two completely selfish people in a relationship it never works and these individuals they hate themselves and you know what God hates them God has given up on them God hates them he wants nothing to do with them go to John chapter number 8 go to John chapter 8 and and people get mad at preaching about this but I'll say this I think that our culture has changed a little bit and I think some people are starting to wake up and realize you know what these people are disgusting and they're evil and they're wicked but you know getting rid of that one problem is not going to really fix America we have another group of people that need to be put on this list and realize that God hates them too and they're more powerful than our group of fags that exist in this world and it is the Jews and here's the thing people get churches today there's probably a lot of churches that would say you know what sodomy is disgusting and gross and we should get away from it you know they might even agree with us on some of these things but you know it's hard to find churches that will even say something negative about the synagogue of Satan that will even preach but you know what God hated them in the book of Hosea you know as a bunch of it we didn't have to ask this are they really of Israel though physically they were 100% physical Israel there was no doubt and God hated them and you know what God still hates those individuals that have rejected him regardless of their ethnicity look what it says in John chapter 8 verse 37 the Bible says I know that you're Abraham's seed but you seek to kill me because my word hath no place in you so he's saying I know that you're literally children of Israel children of Abraham but why is it that you want to kill Jesus it's because his word has no place in you this is a group of people that he has decided I hate them and I will love them no more you haven't there's no place in my end for you it says in verse 38 I speak that which I've seen with my father and you do that which you have seen with your father they answered and said him Abraham is our father Jesus said unto them if you were Abraham's children you would do the works of Abraham but now you seek to kill me a man that hath told you the truth which I have heard of God this did not Abraham ye do the deeds of your father then said they unto him or said they to him we'll be not born at fornication we have one father even God Jesus said unto them if God were your father you would love me for I proceeded forth and came from God neither came I of myself but he sent me don't let that escape you if you love God you would love Jesus here's another question if you would love if you love God you would love this book you would love Leviticus you would love Exodus you would love Hosea you would love Psalms you'd love everything in here because you actually love God verse 43 why do you not understand my speech even meaning specifically because you cannot hear my word you have your father the devil and the lust of your father you will do he was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him when he speaketh a lie he speaketh of his own for he is a liar and the father of it and because I tell you the truth ye believe me not now what did we already learn in Romans the group of facts why are they sodomites why are they reparate because they hate the truth because there's no truth in them they've changed the truth of God into a lie why is it that God is saying I mean this is God manifest in the flesh the Lord Jesus Christ looking at physical children of Israel and saying ye are children of the devil because there is no truth in them and who is the ultimate embodiment of that devil therefore they are people that God would say I hate them and I will love them no more because what is the thing that they cannot accept truth they cannot accept truth they are liars and of course who is a liar but he that deny that Jesus is the Christ he is Antichrist and of course the Bible makes it clear that those who hate Jesus and hate God you know that are of this stripe they're not going to be saved you know there it's not like well you have to understand that God's not done with Israel okay well yeah sure there's a lot of people here that are still remnants of Israel and they if they don't believe in Jesus they're gonna go to hell so he's not done punishing them right I mean I guess he's not done throwing them all in hell but you know that doesn't mean anything to me when you just get him say God's not done this real okay what is the Bible clearly say here's a group of people that are claiming to be Jews and God hates them what are you gonna do with that with your Zionist doctrine why would I then say well in 1948 there's a group of people that hate Jesus and they spit when they hear his name and they blaspheme his name and they use a religious book called the Talmud which speaks blasphemy against God and blaspheme against the Lord Jesus Christ and say well God's blessing them you're insane you are just insane if you know all that and then you still believe it yet how many Christians are teaching this and preaching this they have a Israeli flag in their church God hated them God destroyed them God wiped them out in the book of Hosea Jesus Christ has looked at them and said you have the devil that's what he said in the book of John yeah we have so many Christians a day just falling all over themselves to love these anti-christ God hating Jews and of course you know I'm not against someone that was born a Jew who cares about that but those who are of the religion of Judaism that have rejected Christ and are anti-christ and hate God and hate Jesus you know what I hate them and you know what God hates them and God wants nothing to do with them and for America to be rescued from the clutches of the evil that we're in we have to hate anti-christ and you know why I know that Christianity does not love God it's because they love Jews and you know what you can't have both you either love God and you hate the anti-christ or you love the anti-christ and you hate God but both cannot happen simultaneously look at chapter 12 verse 37 chapter 12 verse 37 we need to realize that God hates them God's not pleased with them I mean you really think that God is pleased with all of these individuals in Hollywood that are constantly promoting pedophilia and constantly promoting all kinds of smut and filth and they're involved in all kinds of sex trafficking and they're involved in some of the worst things imaginable on our planet you think that God just is loving these individuals who are spreading the worst propaganda and spreading all kinds of misinformation medical misinformation harming people on a regular basis for the love of money no they're covetous people they have no truth in them and of course I'm not saying that every person that's of the religion of Judaism consciously and actively realizes that they're fighting the Lord Jesus Christ I think a lot of them are just pawns of the devil but at the end of the day it doesn't change that God hates them it doesn't change that God wants them to be destroyed and you know it used to be that Christians got this point it's not like this is a new thing where let me say it this way it's not a new idea or a novel idea that Antichrist should be hated of Christians what's a novel thing is that they should be loved what's the new thing is that we should embrace them if you read the church fathers they didn't love the Jews read Martin Luther you know he didn't like the Jews read John Chris's stone read lots of different people you know why do you think they have all this propaganda saying we go to fight anti-semitism it's because people naturally hate Jews it's a natural thing they're the enemy of all men okay as the Bible describes them and it you have to suppress that with lies in order to not believe this look at John chapter 12 verse 37 but though we had done so many miracles before them yet they believe not on him that the saying of his as the Prophet might be fulfilled which he spake Lord who have believed our report and whom hath the arm of the Lord been revealed therefore they could not believe because that Isaiah said again he have blinded their eyes and harden their heart that they should not see with their eyes nor understand with their heart and be converted and I should heal them you know that's a quote from Isaiah and of course in the Bible saying God's literally blind to them and they're not going to get saved they had their opportunity they rejected him over and over they're an Antichrist and they're done why is it that people can't accept this and believe this in the New Testament go over to Psalm 73 Psalm 73 you know there's a group out there called the ADL the Anti-Defamation League and they could not be more of an antithesis of their name they are the biggest defamers they love to cause all kinds of defamation and lie about people interestingly enough they have a section called the new IFB or the new independent fundamental badges they have a whole thing dedicated to them and it's like here's a group that openly hates Jesus and his Antichrists and and they're gonna attack and single out one group of Christianity it's like okay did you read the book of John like a little bit further down the road you know what happens Jews round up Jesus and they crucify him folks okay obviously they handed him to the Romans the Romans did the dirty work for them but at the end of the day the Jews killed the Lord Jesus Christ why do I think that the Jews are any different today they're gonna find who represents Jesus the best and they're gonna want to try and deliver him into the hands of the Romans which is just the government so that he would be destroyed and crucified and look there's no difference today it's the same plan it's the same organization and they're just working for the same boss the devil it is the synagogue of Satan and they want to do this if we want to save America you know you'd have to do you have to get Christians to realize who the synagogue of Satan is you have to get them to realize God hates people you have to get them to realize that the fags and the Jews are of the devil and if we want to have true righteousness and we want to love God in this country we have to eliminate these individuals we cannot survive and the longer we allow them to survive the more reality is gonna come where it's twisted and they're gonna put us to death but let me tell you something someone's gonna die you know I don't think you realize we are in a crash course someone is going to die is it gonna be Christians or is it gonna be fags and Jews because there is not an option where we both just coexist permanently there will be an escalation point there will be a climax to this conflict they keep getting bolder and bolder every single day and look I'm not gonna shut up I'm not going anywhere I'm not gonna stop and I think a lot of Christians are waking up we're gaining a lot of momentum they're getting they're terrified of how many people are starting to say what we're saying and believing what we're saying and believing the Bible and trusting God's Word in these issues and so you know one aspect of the sermon you say why preach this sermon as pastor Jones not preaching this I'm sure he has okay folks are we weak on this probably not since it's like everywhere in the room you know you can probably find this information but of course we it's good to be reminded of this and you know there's so much love out there we need to remind it of the hate that's in the Bible but but but here's here's another aspect of this you know when you don't have the right hatred what you end up doing is you can fall victim to what the Bible describes as envy and an envy of the wicked look what it says in Psalm 73 verse 1 truly God is good to Israel even as such as of a clean heart but as for me my feet were almost gone my steps had well and I slipped for I was envious at the foolish when I saw the prosperity of the wicked now this is a godly person that goes to church but they they get sick and tired of the grind of Christianity and I'll be honest with you Christianity is a grind it's it's definitely hard a lot of trials and temptations and it would be easy to sit here and say you know what I really why can't I just be like the church down the street because Israel flag and just says everyone's welcome and and we just have no problems you know we don't have any protests no one leaves us dirty voicemails no one harasses us at our jobs you know we just get that we just get to kind of live and we just get to have so much fun and you know sometimes you could even start ending just really wicked people you know evil people and say man it would just be nice if I just just went in with the narrative the official narrative and I just I get yoked up with these individuals and let's just you know hook up with the Jews let's hook up with Hollywood let's hook up with the media let's hook up with online let's do you know let's put the flag whatever flag they want to Ukraine sodomite BLM I mean you just you just hand me the flag and I'll put it up right and I'll have lots of money and you know the government will give me tons of money I mean the government's just handing out money to these into these organizations that are championing their narrative I mean it's indiscriminate think about how much money is going to Pfizer and how much money is going to a lot of these companies and individuals and it could cause you to say you know what I'm just sick and tired you know you're just so hateful bastard Shelley I don't want to be this I want to be this loving guy that makes lots of money okay well you can love money and you can love the world but you know what you hate God you hate God and you know what you are gonna be a fool just like them this individual was no different he became envious of them because he didn't hate them you know when you hate them you're not gonna be envious of them and he has to realize that you know there's gonna be a problem he goes on I'm not gonna read the whole chapter but he goes on explaining how great their life seems okay but look what it says in verse number 15 if I say I will speak thus behold I should offend against the generation of thy children when I thought to know this it was too painful for me so he's saying when I think about how great their lives are I mean frankly speaking I mean look at the Jews I mean they have Hollywood they have all the money they have all the beautiful women they have you know all the food and all the travel and everybody loves it you can't even spake a word against them or you get canceled like that they own the Google they own the YouTube they own everything they get all the awards you know they they parade themselves around and give themselves awards and they're so wonderful and he's saying when I think about this it just it makes me sick to my stomach think about these discuss Elton John getting up there the AIDS filled free getting up there and being praised by everybody everybody just loves them and everybody just plays all the stupid songs you know and just it's so wonderful yeah yeah it's like this guy's just like this hurts just hearing a stupid song just like no I don't want to hear it you just go to the store just hear it it's like oh I just don't I just it hurts but you know what he says verse 17 until I went into the sanctuary of God until I went to show the faith Baptist Church it was just hurting was hurting and I saw the reprobate flapping around it's like man but then I went in the sanctuary of God and then I understood their end and then I realized you know what God hates these people God despises these people they're a fag because of how much God hates them they're filled with all kinds of disease and evil and their life actually is a train wreck and no one loves them and no one likes them and not only that at the end of it all they're gonna burn in hell for all of eternity folks you know why in the world why am I trying to rescue people that are destined for hell that are filled with all kinds of evil diseases and just problems and issues you know it just doesn't make any sense to be envious of these people to wish to be around them to have any hope for them you know we need to realize and have the right perspective and not envy the wicked and get caught up and wanting all kinds of money because that causes you to compromise I want to finish on a few verses will be done look at Psalm 97 verse 10 Psalm 97 verse 10 let us not compromise let us not allow ourselves to get envious of the wicked let us hate the wicked let us abhor the blood in deceitful man let us hate the congregation of evildoers let us hate them with perfect hatred because you know what it means it means you love God Psalm 97 verse 10 he that loved the Lord hate evil hate evil look at Psalm 119 and look at verse 104 Psalm 119 the longest chapter we have in the scripture Psalm 119 look at verse 104 through thy precepts I get understanding therefore I hate every false way you know you know I like about this verse you know why someone hates because they read the Bible through thy precepts I get understanding therefore meaning because I learned what the Bible says because I got understanding of the Bible then I hated every false way when you learn the truth you start to hate the evil like what it says in Psalm 113 or I'm sorry verse 113 I hate vain thoughts but thy law do I love you know what if you love vain thoughts then you don't love the law of God if you love the law of God you hate vain thoughts if you love God you hate the wicked look at 163 verse 163 I hate and abhor lying but by law do I love you know what I love Leviticus 2013 and I hate lies I love Romans 1 and I hate lies I love Jude and I love 2nd Peter and I love John 3 16 and I love every verse in the Bible and you know what I love seeing the vengeance of the wicked I love Psalm 58 I'm trying to put it to music I love it so much but you know what I hate lies and we as God's people need to rise up and hate the lies and tell people you know what God hates them you know when someone brings someone up don't be afraid to say you know what sorry but God hates that person God hates that individual you know we need more Christians to have the boldness to say I'm not envious of them I'm not trying to get money you know I love the Bible I love the truth and I want you to be warned of those that are wicked God gave us Hosea 9 let's embrace it you know what there's some people that God hates and the more you love God the more you're gonna hate the wicked let's go over thank Heavenly Father so much for this this great church for Pastor Jones and his family I pray that you protect them that you bless them please help them to just inspire this area in this community to love the Word of God that people would realize that they need to love the Lord they need to love Scripture they need to hate that which is evil I pray that you would just help people to understand this connection you'd give them more understanding so they would hate all the lies that are out there and in our culture I pray that you just continue to expose that that you would allow this church to be a bright and shining light to reach many people with the gospel of Jesus Christ and I pray that you would just continue to bless every individual in this room keep them safe as they go home Jesus name we pray amen