(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) land under the land which he swear to Abraham to Isaac and to Jacob and Joseph took an oath of the children of Israel saying God will surely visit you and ye shall carry up my bones from hence so Joseph died being 100 years old and they embalmed him and he was put in a coffin in Egypt let's bow our heads for a word of prayer father we thank you for chapter six and for the opportunity that we have this chapter being founded on by the man of God I pray that you would fill him out with your spirit his mind so he can explain this to us and also help us to pay attention learn more about your word tonight I pray amen man we are in genesis 50 it seemed like we were never going to get here but we're here so praise the lord and it's a it's an interesting chapter it is a concluding chapter but it really just is kind of turning the page onto the next story it's one of the great things about the bible page turner because as soon as you finish with one guy you always pick up with the next one right on the next page and here in genesis chapter 50 we're kind of wrapping up with two characters because we're wrapping up with Jacob and Joseph kind of all in one chapter and it deals with death it deals with uh conclusions and a lot of different things like that and you know death and conclusions are part of life you know not everything going on forever there's going to be when people come and go and uh people die you have to say goodbye to loved ones and it's definitely a difficult part of life it's it's not the the fun part of life but it's something we have to deal with and it's something the bible talks about so it's important for us to also go through these scriptures and think about things things it says in verse number one joseph fell upon his father's face and wept upon him and kissed him joseph commanded his servants the physicians to embalm his father and the physicians embalmed israel and 40 days were fulfilled for him for so are fulfilled the days of those which are embalmed and the egyptians mourn for him three score and ten days so jacob is embalmed for 40 days the total period of mourning is 70 days which is a very long time one thing to note about time when it comes to this morning is the length of time is often associated with the fact that people truly cared about this person you know people get over you after about seven minutes it's you know it's kind of like how much did you really mean to people but notice seven days worth of mourning is because he was a greatly loved person he had a lot of people that cared about him and and so it's very significant the days of mourning for it says in verse number four and when the days of his morning were passed joseph spake unto the house of pharaoh saying if now i have found grace in your eyes speak i pray you in the ears of pharaoh saying my father made me swear saying lo i die in my grave which i've digged for me in the land of canan there shalt thou bury me now therefore let me go up i pray thee and bury my father and i will come again pharaoh said go up and bury thy father according as he made thee swear joseph went up to bury his father and with him went up all the servants of pharaoh the elders of his house and all the elders of the land of egypt and all the house of joseph and his brethren and his father's only their little ones and their flocks and their herds they left in the land of goshen and there went up with them both chariots and horsemen and it was a very great company and they came to the threshing floor of atad which is beyond jordan and there they mourned with a great and very sore patient and he made a morning for his father seven days with the inhabitants of the land the Canaanites saw the morning in the floor of atad they said this is a grievous morning to the egyptians where for the name of it was called Abel Mizraim which is beyond jordan so not only does joseph and his brethren weep for Jacob Israel great host coming out of egypt a lot of the egyptians are coming with them and they too are also mourning and you know when i when i thought about this i kind of think of some new testament verses keep your finger here and go to romans chapter number 12 go to romans chapter number 12 but it's actually a biblical concept to weep with people when they're sad even if it's not necessarily a direct connection to you um the bible brings up this kind of a concept look at romans chapter number 12 and look at verse number 15 rejoice with them that do rejoice and weep with them that weep be of the same mind one toward another might not high things but condescend to men of low estate be nice in your own conceit so the bible teaches that it's appropriate to match those who are around you's emotion like if someone is very happy about something that something good that happened in their life you should try your best to match that type of emotion and to rejoice with them what would be an example of this you know someone just had a child someone just gave birth to their first born or you know whether it's their 10th child or not you still rejoice amen and you know if they're happy about it you're supposed to rejoice with them you know it's it's not it's not right when they say hey we just had our 10th child they're like oh man it's like no no congratulations that's awesome you know the right response the right emotion if they're happy about something is to be happy with them hey i just got promoted congratulations hey this good thing out you know we want to rejoice with them that rejoice we want to have a similar emotion we want to be excited for other people we don't always want to be selfish with our emotions we don't be selfish with our time i mean it's probably pretty inconvenient for all these egyptians to pack up all their stuff and travel this long great journey to go to a funeral for jacob someone that they didn't really necessarily have an association with their father he's not really of their lineage but you know what they're doing it because of joseph because they're going to weep with those that weep and you know what that is the right response when someone has something tragic happen to them it's often good to empathize with that person and tell them hey i'm sorry that happened to you rather than kind of you know hey this you know person my family died and it's just like oh who cares you know that would be really cold that would be really or just even changing the subject or just kind of like glossing over or not really allowing them to share you know the right risk someone is sad is to try and empathize with that person um where i find there's sometimes difficulty is even in marriage where one spouse has a completely different emotion than the other spouse and you know what you're supposed to try to do is you're supposed to try and you know relate to them empathize with them and try to feel the same feelings that they have now as a man that's difficult because i don't have very many feelings okay like i don't care enough about very many things so it's very difficult for me to sometimes always react the way my wife would about a situation naturally speaking meaning that i don't always have the same response as her just automatically at will it's more of something that i kind of have to work on it's something that i have to try and think about or i have to you know try to show empathy thinking about because there's something sad to someone else you know it's not like you can just say well i don't feel that way so therefore you shouldn't feel that way you know that's typically what i i kind of struggle with this i'll just be honest sometimes i'm just kind of thinking like he's sad about that or you shouldn't be happy about it it's like you can't really tell other people how to feel and the bible doesn't say tell other people how to feel the bible says that you know what when when someone's on you know feeling down when someone's going through a hard time sometimes it's good to just you know relate to them say i'm sorry that you're going through that i'm sorry you're going through these struggles go if you went to ecclesiastes chapter three go to ecclesiastes chapter number three i want to go to another place here and look at another verse but obviously when you study the bible there's always limits okay so don't don't hear what i'm saying and think that okay so i always have to be sad at everything you know or i always have to be happy about everything now obviously the world they're going to be happy about the wrong thing and they're going to be sad about the wrong thing too okay i'm going to be happy when churches get evicted okay and then they're going to be sad when some wicked person dies where it's like we have the exact opposite you know approach to those things you know when some wicked false prophet dies we're all excited about it we're like praise the lord praise the lord that person died and went to hell or whatever and they're all sad about saying that we just match whoever's emotional state that we're around obviously this is in the context of brethren romans chapter number 12 is written for you to match the world in fact the entire chapter is about renewing your mind with the word of god so of course we have the bible as a framework of what are proper and legitimate emotions but when someone has a legitimate emotion according to scripture when they're sad for the right reason you need to be sad with them when they're happy for the right reason you need to be happy with them of course our emotions are not always accurate and sometimes we have to change our emotional state you know the bible talks about when we're going through persecution or tribulation to rejoice that's not my natural emotion you know my natural emotion often when going through difficulty or struggle is to feel upset to be mad about it or or to be sad about it or you know have a lot of just negative emotions and feelings and sometimes i have to remind myself in the bible oh you know what actually this is going to somehow turn out great and some somehow it's going to be a blessing and and the lord's going to be magnified in this and so you know what i just rejoice anyways i'm just excited about that anyways or you know oftentimes you know you may be kind of cold-hearted towards someone else's problems and we have to really try to put ourselves in their shoes think about their situation my dad just died how would i feel about it you know if i just lost some loved one what would be my and notice what it says in ecclesiastes chapter three verse number four a time to weep a time to laugh a time to mourn a time to dance a time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones together a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embrace according to the bible there's a certain time for certain emotions and there's also a certain time to not have certain emotions okay so there's some times that you would embrace there's sometimes you're not going to embrace there's going to be sometimes when you'd be weeping there's sometimes when you shouldn't be weeping you know so we have to assess the situation and the more discernment you get from scripture more life experience that you have you're going to learn these things and often a lot of these emotions i'll just be frank with you parents need to teach their children because children are often not going to have the right emotions and you have to teach and train your children how to have the right emotional response to situations you know if you take your children to a funeral you have to teach them how to behave themselves in a funeral setting to be sad to you know not be playful and running around and screaming and you know you don't want to ruin the emotional setting of a funeral because you just haven't instructed your children on how they're supposed to behave themselves you know a funeral is supposed to be a time of reflection and sadness and those these things even in this funeral that we had read about they didn't even bring their very little ones mostly because of the journey that was going to take place but you know you want to make sure that you're teaching your children how to be happy at the right times how to even be sad and to be weeping and to essentially care about other people that's all that's about it's just caring you know you say well i have a hard time doing this it's because you don't care about other people frankly go if you would to galatians chapter six galatians chapter six we need to care about other people and you know non-christians aren't going to get this because they're just self-conceited they're selfish they have a hard time empathizing uh you know especially a psychopath they can't empathize with anything okay but according to the bible you know christians to learn and empathy is not always automatic work on you have to think about i find the best way to empathize with someone is to try and think about a similar situation you've been through and how it made you feel you know if you haven't maybe maybe you haven't lost your father but you've lost your mother and you can think about how that made you feel and say okay well i i can understand where this person is coming from and we have to realize is that you go difficulty for a lot of reasons but one reason that you go through difficulty i believe is god teaches you how to empathize with other because if i haven't gone through a particular bad situation it's very difficult for me to relate to someone that has you know if i've never lost a parent it's hard for me to relate to someone that's lost a parent if i've never lost a child it's hard for me to relate to someone that's lost a child you know if i've never been through divorce it's going to be hard for me to relate to someone that's been through a divorce you know whatever horrible tragedy you know someone that's had a severe physical injury someone that's had you know maybe a child they didn't die but they're just a bad person they didn't raise a godly child and they have a lot of grief because of that it's going to be hard for me to relate to that person you know what if you've gone through that if you've had difficulty if you've had bad things happen to you you can have god allow that to give you empathy for another person that goes through that experience you can empathize you can relate with them you can share with them you can help them and as the bible kind of describes this you can bear their burden now look what it says in galatians chapter 6 verse 1 brethren if a man be overtaken in a fall ye which are spiritual restore such in one in the spirit of meekness considering thyself lest thou also be tempted bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of christ now jesus christ did this literally for us by coming to this earth by being tempted the bible says he was in all points tempted like as we are yet without sin so jesus christ was touched with our infirmities as the bible says meaning jesus was lied about jesus had a friend stab him in the back metaphorically speaking he had to give him a kiss on the deceitful death jesus had to go through the whipping and the beating and the mocking and the shame and the loss jesus had family issues his brain didn't even believe in him and what did jesus do that was wrong jesus the first born he's perfect literally he's not doing anything wrong and yet his brother his little brothers don't even believe in him trust in the messiah at parts of his ministry and you know what it's frustrating sometimes when you know what you're doing is right you know that you're on the right course you know what the bible says you've studied the bible family members condemn you for doing the right thing you know it hurts it doesn't feel good but you know fortunately when you're surrounded with other people that have been in a very similar situation it helps you can relate with them you can condescend a minute you can bear one you say hey i know what that's there but guess what you got a brother in me hey your family won't have you over thanksgiving i'll have you over thanksgiving hey your brother won't go with you to the funeral i'll go to you go with you to that funeral you know whatever the problem is you have brothers and sisters in christ that can step up and fulfill that role you know the bible says there's a friend that sticketh closer than a brother and of course that could relate to the lord jesus christ but i also believe that relates to me in this room where jesus christ even when preaching in the towns and the villages when his mother and brethren without he didn't stop and go talk to them no he said hey these are my mother and my sister and my brethren they would hear the word of god and do it and so church is supposed to go beyond just having a place to meet and a place to worship and a place to get coffee or something no no it's a place to minister to other people it's a place to bear one another's burdens place there when someone's going through a bad time and let's be real good friends are not there during the good times good friends are there during the low times good friends bear burdens and let me tell you a burden how about traveling across the country for a funeral that's a burden nobody here's the thing no one likes funerals and if you do you're a weirdo okay you should probably go somewhere go to a funeral somewhere okay but nobody enjoys that that's not a joyous time that's not fun no one wants to go to the morgue no one's hanging out in the graves unless they're filled with devils okay we only see the people hanging out of the tombs are filled with demonic spirits they love death they love to associate with that the people that love the lord and love the god's work they're not interested in death and these things that are you know uh of the satanic nature now obviously i'm not saying a funeral home director is a bad guy obviously that guy has his ministry but at the end of the day you know we don't see the egyptians going out to do something fun we see them having to do something difficult and let me tell you ministry is not what you can get out of something ministry is what you can put into something and some people say like well i'm not in full-time ministry well you should be you know full-time ministry doesn't mean that you're employed by a church you know full-time ministry means that you're constantly helping others and bearing the burdens of other people you know here's a burden that a lot of people have how about the fact the wrath of god abiding on them and they need someone to come and give them the gospel and bear that burden and doesn't that take a little bit of travel to go out there and bear the burden of the sun and go through something that's not necessarily always the the most enjoyable experience and to talk to someone else's father mother brother sister cousin and get them saved and you know what it's a joyous time when you go out and sometimes this happens you preach the gospel to someone and a family member there will be like you know i was praying for them to get saved i'm so glad you came and i'm so glad that you came and ministered unto them you know what if you're a soul winner you're a minister if you show up at church and you know what fellow people and you care about other people and you pray for other people you're ministering to those people it's a ministry to pray for our prayerless it's a ministry to go and to pray for the brethren it's a ministry to go and take uh women meals when they have a meal train when someone's sick and you go and visit them when they're in prison when they're evicted you know whatever it is you know you you go and you visit them and you encourage them and you say hey that sucks man it wasn't fun or i'm sorry that you feel sorry that you're sick i'm sorry that this happened to your child i'm sorry this happened your spouse i'm sorry this happened whoever you know that is a part of ministry it's a part of the work of the lord you know it's easy all excited about fighting reprobates but but let me tell you something that's not that hard right let me be honest when it comes to natural emotions that one's easy okay that was really i mean growing up my whole life i always felt that way you know i never liked fags okay that that's just like that's so easy that takes no effort and you know what no one's gonna get rewards in heaven for hating fags more than other people i know like you think like oh it's so cool and whatever and it's like man we got to know that but look if you hate them more than the next guy it's not like look i got the fag crown you know like i hated them so much that i just it's like so big or whatever it's like that doesn't exist but you know what you go and visiting someone when they were sick you giving them water you praying for them you will get rewards for that and you know the spiritual people care about bearing burdens of their brethren not just being cool and fun and look how tough i am you know or whatever i got a reprobate sledgehammer you know you want to see me thing it's like come on you know and then of course our church gets a bad reputation from the world it's like that's all you care about that's all you do but you know what that's not all we care about and that's not all we do and i see the people in this church loving for one another and you know this is the most caring and loving church i've ever been a part of but i don't want that to change we should never let our culture be impacted by the world we should keep loving one another in fact that's what jesus said you know you'll know my disciples because of their love for the brethren because of their love for one another that's how you're going to know who are the true disciples of jesus christ is they have love for the brethren and what could be loving than traveling across the country to go for someone they may not even know that well that was a pretty big burden to care you know to carry and of course jesus christ carried the biggest burden by carrying the cross for all of us go to uh ax chapter number one for a moment now another thing that i think is kind of interesting and i'm not exactly what the passage is saying but it kind of it's kind of triggered something in my mind if you think about it he the promised land down into egypt and this is kind of like big picture we're not talking about necessarily any any verses we're talking big pieces here right he goes down to egypt then he dies then he's embalmed who remembers how many days he was embalmed 40 days then after that he's after that he's going to return back to the promised land kind of makes me think of something it makes me think of jesus christ and and this is what it makes me think of if you think about the parallel jesus was in heaven like the promised land in a sense but then jesus came down to earth and what does egypt often signify in the bible it signifies the world signifies the earth and the world and worldliness and everything like that and how he had to basically humble himself and come down in egypt look jacob didn't want to go to egypt he had to humble himself and just go down there out of necessity and so he went down there and so it's kind of similar to how jesus christ had to humble himself and come down from heaven to earth and what happens when jesus christ dies well he sticks around for about 40 days doesn't he look what it says in acts chapter number one and the bible says in verse number let's just skip a few verses here let's just read verse one it says for the former treatise have i made of all that jesus began both to do and teach until the day in which he was taken up after that he through the holy ghost had given commandments and the apostles whom he had chosen to him also he showed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs being seen of them 40 days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of god so the lord jesus christ after dying still stuck around on earth for about 40 days and then he ascended back up into heaven so if you kind of think about it even though it's not absolutely perfect it kind of has the same symbolism in my mind of how jacob he goes down to egypt dies in egypt kind of similar comes to earth dies then they're both have this 40-day period then what happens jacob ends up returning now we obviously know the bible says 70 days but you kind of have this 40 days of embalming which is kind of an interesting connection and he gets to end up returning to the promised and now when he goes who goes with him all of his brethren and joseph and everything like that and if you think about it they're sad during this time and i think what's kind of interesting about this is you know when jesus died obviously that brings a lot of sadness when you think about christ death i mean if you don't feel sad or you know you can't shed a tear for the fact that the savior literally took a beating for you literally was nailed to the cross you know even at all but death i mean the disciples were distraught the disciples i mean they were you know definitely in deep mourning and then even in those 40 days they were rejoicing about uh his resurrection but you know it's really kind of a it's a journey to get back to where they're going to bury jacob but it's kind of the same way with us in the sense that we have this journey to when we'll eventually go back to the promised land and be with where he is separation because they're going and they're going to drop jacob off and then they're coming back to egypt okay and if you think about us you know we don't get to be with christ until we die just joseph won't get to be with his dad until he dies we too won't be with jacob but we know where he is and we know where we're going and that's going to kind of tie in when we get to the latter part of this chapter with joseph specifically let's go back to genesis and let's read a little bit more here in genesis but i have an interesting uh parallel says in verse number 12 and his sons did unto him according as he commanded them for his sons carried him in the land of canan and buried in the cave of the field of mac pila which abraham brought or bought with the field for possession of a bearing place of ephron the hit tight before mammary and joseph returned in egypt he and his brethren all that went up with him to bury his father after he had buried his father and when joseph's brethren saw that their father was dead they said joseph will prevent your hate us and will certainly requite us all the evil which we did unto him and they sent a messenger unto joseph saying thy father to command before he died saying so shall you say unto joseph forgive i pray thee now the trespass of thy brethren and their sin for they did unto the evil and now we pray thee forgive the trespass of the servants of the god of thy father joseph wept when they spake unto him and his brethren also went and fell down before his face and they said behold we be thy servants joseph said and then fear not for i for am i in the place of god but as for you he thought evil against me but god meant it unto good to bring the past as it is this day to save much people alive now you now therefore fear you not i will nourish you and your little ones and he come and spake kindly unto them so this is you know you kind of wonder like why is this brought up in the bible but i believe the reason why this is brought up is because we see a real example of forgiveness in the bible okay now keep your finger here go to matthew 18 we're gonna we're gonna read a little bit more we almost have a little bit left to finish here in genesis but in matthew 18 i'm gonna go to one more place true forgiveness is letting something go forever forever and we see that joseph truly lets it go now also let me say this for some reason when you commit a big sin sometimes it's hard for you to let that go notice that they they're just terrified of their sin just like every day of their life it seems like and they were just thinking like oh man maybe it's just because jacob was alive that he didn't get his back you know when dad was looking or something but now that he's gonna really let us have it but you know what joseph meant what he said he truly was not going to revenge himself he was not going to repay evil for evil but in fact he repaid good for evil and if you think about it that is exactly what jesus is like to us think about this we've only paid jesus evil and he's only done us good and he'll never stop doing us good isn't that incredible i mean you think about it just like joseph's just like look guys i'm never gonna no no there's not a point when i'm gonna hold you you know our sins are separated from us as far as the east is from the west is what the bible says so when you stand before jesus christ there could be this little anxious feeling like i sure hope he's not gonna bring up that one sin you know and it's like he's not jesus christ is there you know you're not gonna have to stand and be give account for your sins now you will have to give an account for every single work what the bible teaches very clearly so you know every work that you've ever done you know god will judge he's going to bring it into judgment but he's not going to bring up your sin your sins are covered by the blood of jesus christ when he looks at you he's going to see the imputed righteousness of jesus christ and what a what a great thing that is i mean the debt has been can that has been forgiven your balance is zero okay and then you can basically add to that now if you do no works your balance is zero okay so like it's still good to add money to that account it's just that all that debt you racked up he canceled all that oh you want to add something to that account by doing some works right but the the thing i want to emphasize here is forgiveness itself and and the great forgiveness that joseph had towards his brother now just because joseph forgives you let me make it clear that doesn't mean that god won't repay you as we see evidence in the previous chapter all those brethren are going to end up suffering consequences for their sin and for their action so you could you could basically do evil and i could let it go but god may not let that go god may still punish you severely so it's not just one thing to be okay with man it's also to be good with god and you want to say forgiveness to god because often when men of god sin they don't just say i sinned against you they say you and god yeah so you don't want to just get reconciled with man you want to get reconciled with god and man so that god will not hold you accountable you know the way you deserve because obviously god's gonna recompense but at the same time he can still be merciful and gracious to you and not necessarily give you what you deserve and that's what i pray every single day is that i don't get what i deserve if i get what i deserve you know i'm not gonna stand here before you i'm gonna be in hell if i got what i deserve right we all deserve hell we all deserve worse punishment than we've gotten okay so we need the forgiveness of jesus christ every single day and we too are supposed to have a similar attitude because you would think about this i could never give my brother if they sold me to slavery can you imagine if your brother literally told the government they said hey my brothers in the new ivb send them to china what if what if the fbi or whatever raided your house tonight and took you to china and dropped you off that fuck i mean i don't speak mandarin at all okay i don't even feel like i could fake it you know you know i don't even know what i don't know what i would say i would be like completely lost that would be so sad and so grievous can you imagine that and then to think like you finally have the opportunity to get them back and you do nothing how could someone do that well look at matthew chapter 18 verse 21 then came peter and said lord how oft my sin my brother sin against me and i forgive him till seven times jesus saith on him i say not unto thee until seven times but until 70 times seven therefore is the kingdom of heaven likened to a certain king which would take account and when he began to reckon one was brought in him which owed him 10 000 talents but for as much as he had not to pay his lord commanded him to be sold and his wife and children and all that he had and payment to be made the servant therefore fell down and worshipped him saying lord have patience with me and i will pay thee all the lord of that servant was moved with compassion loosed him and forgave him the debt but the same servant went out and found one of his fellow servants which owed him 100 pens and he laid hands on him and took him by the throat saying pay me that thou owest sounds like a jew or something and his fellow servant fell down at his feet and beside him saying have patience with me and i will pay thee all and he would not but went and cast him into prison till he should pay the debt so when his fellow servant saw what was done they were very sorry and came and told unto their lord all that was done then his lord after that he had called him said unto him oh that wicked servant i forgave thee all that debt because thou desiredest me shouldest not now also have had compassion on my fellow servant even as i had pity on thee and his lord was wroth and delivered him to the tormentors till they should pay all that was due unto him so likewise shall my heavenly father do also unto you if ye from your hearts forgive not everyone his brother their trespasses now this is a very strong warning from the lord jesus christ about forgiveness and the parable is very clear in its connotation in the sense that who's forgiven us of all of our trespasses god the lord jesus christ he gave us that forgiveness and we've only done evil unto him and our trespass is infinitely worse than anything anybody's done unto you therefore how can you not forgive your brother when they come and they ask forgiveness of you no matter what you've done to you you know you didn't put me on a cross and crucify me if you didn't put all of your sin upon me and take me to hell that's what we did to jesus your lies your deception your theft your fornication your adultery i mean every sin that we committed was put on jesus he had to take that cross he had to bear that weight he had to bear that shame being completely innocent he had to go to hell for us and our debt that was laid on jesus was infinitely more than any debt we could have ever laid on another person we could ever act with so therefore the according the bible we should always be willing to forgive we should always be willing to just let things go and the right way is just to completely let it go now of course in this story since it's a parable you can't always run with it but think about the guy that basically has his debt forgiven and then it's not the way i look at that is i look at the fact that jesus christ literally paid for everybody everybody's debt is paid in a in a technical sense because he's not the propitiation for our sins only but for the sins of the whole world is what the bible says that he should taste death for every man but there's going to be some people that forsake their own mercy there's gonna be some people that forsake salvation and you know what they're gonna have to go to hell and often the same people that don't get saved are the same type of people that have no forgiveness towards anyone for any reason they hold the smallest grudge against other people and why would i as a christian who has been forgiven and it can't be taken away from me why would i then want to be like the unsaved heathen keep my brothers and sisters in christ the same way you know what i ought to give them grace mercy and give them forgiveness and their lives and you know what if you have bitterness towards someone that's seeking forgiveness towards you you must let it go you must let it go and and here's another way that you could look at this because even though i'm saved you know the wage of sin is death for even just a small sin god could just kill you and send you in hell okay so you could argue that you deserve a horrible punishment on this earth for the sins that you did commit already yet god didn't necessarily impart that unto you many people many of us have not gotten the punishment that we deserve the punishment that could have been doled unto us but if you decide to treat your brothers and sisters like garbage if you won't forgive your brothers and sisters in christ oh beware that god may still punish you severely in this life god may still destroy you like you should have been destroyed physically even though you might go to heaven okay but i don't want my entire life just destroyed because i can't forgive my brother and sister in christ on this earth and so there's a strong warning a strong rebuke to those that cannot forgive their brother joseph had every right in the flesh and according to law eye for eye hey let me slow you guys into slavery but you know what it was not joseph's goal to get his brethren back but to forgive them and notice he didn't forgive them one time he forgive them forever he didn't just say you know what i'm feeling good today it's all right but then tomorrow he's not holding it over their head he's not saying like well as long as you guys treat me good now i'll make sure nothing bad happens to you no no he's just saying it's gone it's a clean slate just let it go and that's how we are supposed to behave ourselves go back to genesis and kind of we'll finish this chapter here since it's a bible study i want to do something a little unique with this chapter just because there's something that i in studying the bible had found in this chapter a little bit of a rabbit trail but you'll see you'll see where you'll see how it makes sense when i get there okay it says in verse number 22 and joseph dwelt in egypt he and his father's house and joseph lived 110 years and joseph saw ephraim's children of the third generation the children also of maker the son of menasseh were brought upon brought up upon joseph's knees joseph said unto his brethren i die and god will surely visit you and bring you out of this land into the land which he swear to abraham to isaac and jacob and joseph took an oath of the children of israel saying god will surely visit you and she'll carry up my bones from hence so joseph died being 110 years old and they embalmed him and he was put in a coffin in egypt so joseph ends up living a really peaceful life dying in prosperity uh he even sees a lot of his grandchildren says to the third generation and they were brought up upon joseph's knees now that's a phrase that i find very interesting your bible and it's it's due to this this stupid idea like atheists often try to say there's contradictions in the bible okay now we're going to change gears for just a second go to second samuel chapter number six go to second samuel chapter number six who's heard there's contradictions in the bible yeah yeah and of course you know every time you they say that you say can you show me one well i can't remember you know if there was an obvious contradiction in the bible every atheist would would shout it every single day if someone had something that could be proven as a contradiction they would bring it up all the time and they would champion it and they'd see look here look here and often the only contradictions they can do that with are like the modern versions because they're so stupid they say dumb things that actually do literally contradict themselves but you know the king james bible does not contradict i've been studying the bible for a long time and i've even looked at a lot of these they have whole websites dedicated all the contradictions of the bible but whenever you actually study it you end up realizing there is no contradiction these people are just god-hating atheists so of course they just can't understand the word of god but here's a contradiction i've seen and uh i studied and and it was genesis 50 that even helped me with this so bear with me for a moment but here's the question how many children did my cow the daughter of saul have so who's heard about this contradiction they they want to know how many children did my cow really have okay well here's the reason why this is brought up second samuel chapter six look at verse 23 the bible says this therefore my cow the daughter of saul had no child unto the day of her death okay so according to the bible my cow didn't have any children that's what it says in this verse why well you know she argued with david so women don't argue with your husband all right don't make fun of him when he's dancing all right be like i'm dancing honey you know that was really pretty pretty dancing you know govie with the second sam with 21 second sam was 21 now you know obviously she could be mad at him for marrying other she's obviously very jealous but you know what you just still don't talk crap on your husband and you know who opens and closes the room it's god anyways okay so my cows definitely at fault for rebuking her husband second samuel choni one look at verse number eight the bible says but the king took the two sons of rispa the daughter of aya whom she bear unto saul are moni and methibosheth and the five sons of my cow the daughter of saul whom she brought up for adriel the son of barzillai the meloathite so here people say oh there's a contradiction the bible says the micah children now it says he has five sons so maybe on the surface you would be like that sounds a little weird and of course reading the bible you might come across this you might think like i thought she didn't have any children how did she have children five but i believe that it's very clear when you kind of study these words that will actually figure out what's going on but pay attention here in verse number eight it said the five sons of my cow the daughter of saul whom she brought up for adriel the son of barzillai now is bringing someone up the same as giving birth to them no okay but i will say this many modern the bible will say that she gave birth to these children they'll change this brought up to like giving birth that she gave birth to now if it says she gave birth to them that really seems like a contradiction because one's saying she's not giving birth one thing she's giving birth this one says she didn't give birth it says she brought up them go if you would to first samuel chapter 18 from him go to first samuel chapter number 18 and i'll explain why i believe the bible is wording these things the way they are now in the passage of second samuel 21 the context is the fact that some of saul's descendants had to suffer the consequences of saul's decisions they were put to death for sins of saul okay so they had to have someone from the direct lineage of saul but let's think about it if my cow had no children then her children couldn't even be put the because there's no one to go to death but saul had another daughter mara who was supposed to initially marry david okay now look at first samuel chapter 18 verse 19 but it came to pass at the time when marab saul's daughter should have been given to david that she was given unto adriel the fight to wife so way later way earlier in time david was supposed to get saul's daughter it's supposed to be marab but saul just happened to give her to adriel for some reason and so when he ends up bringing up 200 foreskins which is weird okay he was the first washington foreskin okay no i'm just kidding uh if you didn't get that joke don't worry about it but he gave 200 and then he's like surprised that he's alive and then he accomplished this so he has to give him his daughter he ends up giving him my cow which is the younger daughter well david departs my cows just kind of like doesn't have her husband there so saul giving her to age now that's kind of weird why would why would you give someone a sister if he's already married to the sister that's kind of weird so here's what i believe reading between the lines is that marab probably died marab had at least five sons died and then who would be a pretty good replacement in order to raise those children how about aunt my cow you know who's coming in married to him there's nothing that weird about it now that she's actually dead there's nothing wrong with technically marrying the sister if the one has passed away you know it's it's like my favorite movie it's called the patriot okay just read you know mel gibson marries you know the sister or whatever but you know it makes sense she loves the children she loves him it's a good fit it makes sense it's a good movie you know there we go so it makes perfect sense and then of course they need a mother so she's the one doing what bringing up the children and it's not super uncommon for a woman to die in childbirth or to die for lots of different reasons don't we see that constantly through the bible where the mother dies a lot younger than the father rachel is a very good example of this okay we have other women in the bible dying and not living as long as their husband so he ends up getting married to my cow that makes perfect sense so then when the bible's saying that she brought up what does that mean it just means that she brought them up but if you look at a lot of scholars and a lot of modern versions they won't say brought up they'll say gave birth to these children okay but the bible's not because when it means brought up go if you went to second kings chapter number 10 second kings chapter number 10 let's just let's just prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt okay and again this is a bible study so you have to bear with me a little bit but let's see how the bible uses the phrase brought up and let's see if we have a clear definition of what brought up probably means okay second kings chapter number 10 let's look at verse number one the bible says an aab had 70 sons in samaria and geo wrote letters and sent to samaria under the rulers of jezreel to the elders and them that brought up aab's children say now do you really believe that the servants gave birth to all of these 70 children or is it saying they raised them which wouldn't that make sense if one dude has 70 sons that he needs other people to raise his children i mean this is your first boarding school basically you know where he's basically shipping off his kids and letting someone else raise them i mean this is public school for you and you know what happens a lot of bad things when you're just shipping them off and having other people bring them up letting the government raise your children letting someone else raise you know you're supposed to who's supposed to raise your children you are right you're supposed to children not let some servant come and do that you'll go to second chronicles chapter number eight second chronicles chapter number eight so i'm just i know this seems boring but you know i like bible studies okay so there you go and you need to bring up your children anyways all right second chronicles chapter number eight look at verse number 11 the bible says and solomon brought up the daughter of pharaoh out of the city of david so did did solomon give birth to pharaoh's daughter here i didn't think men could give birth what kind of oh it is it is america can men can now give her no of course it's talking about the fact that he what carried her right he he brought her with him so brought up in this context doesn't mean give birth whatsoever look at chapter 10 look at verse eight second chronicles chapter number eight says but he forsook the council which the old men gave him and took counsel with the young men that were brought up with him that stood before him now is that talking about giving birth no so it seems like the bible is really consistent every time it's bringing up the the phrase brought up right good isaiah 51 good isaiah 51 i want to just keep drilling this in because there's a lot of idiots and losers even on the christian side not just atheists that would say oh well it says brought up it's clearly talking about giving birth i'm like how is it clearly meaning that every other place in the bible when it's bringing brought up it's not talking about giving birth it's talking about bringing up children it's talking about raising children okay isaiah 50 i'm sorry isaiah 51 i said it right the first time isaiah 51 look at verse eight the bible says for the moth shall eat them up like a garment and the worm shall eat them like wool but my righteousness shall be forever my salvation from generation to generation i'm sorry 18. i had that in my nose wrong there is none to guide her among whom she hath brought forth neither is there any that takes at the hand of all the sons that she hath brought up so notice it has a distinction between what those that you brought forth and those that brought up why because bringing up is different than bringing forth right the action is different because no one births upside down no one brought up a child okay weird you know you bring forth the child and then you raise them up you know you you bring them you brought them forth you know i brought them up i'm sorry go to jeremiah chapter 23 isaiah jeremiah this is the next just to the right jeremiah chapter 23 and look at verse number seven jeremiah 23 look at verse number seven the bible says therefore behold the days come say the lord they shall no more see the lord liveth which brought up the children of israel out of the land of egypt now again after we've already read all these passages are we talking about literally giving birth to are we talking about he carried them out of it's either like a physical caring like a bringing with you or it's talking about children go to luke chapter number four go to luke chapter number four here's a really important one let's see if if giving birth would change the doctrine of the bible if we altered it in luke chapter four luke chapter four look at verse 16 and he came to nazareth this is talking about jesus where he had been brought up now here's the thing was jesus born in nazareth or was he born in bethlam that would change a lot of doctrine wouldn't it so that was a really important one to realize what are we talking about we're talking about being raised jesus raised in nazareth he was brought up in nazarene but he wasn't brought forth in nazarene he was brought forth in bethlehem okay so it's very clear good at ax chapter 22 ax chapter 22 so we're just looking at a handful of places where the bible says brought forth just to illustrate for you how foolish and silly to say every time the bible is talking about brought forth it's talking about giving birth and i tell you hebrew scholars seminary professors other all kinds of so-called christians are literally saying that this is talking about giving birth modern give birth here and they just make the bible look stupid they make the bible look nonsensical okay but your king james bible says brought forth something that you probably wouldn't even really notice that that easily but it's important because look we believe the king of god without error even even in second samuel not just in the gospels not just the important all of it's important my friend every verse every single line look at ax chapter 22 verse 3 i am verily a man which at maju born in tarsus the city in silicia yet brought up in this city at the feet of gamaliel so we're really supposed to expect to believe that paul was born at the feet of gamaliel like literally gave birth right at gamaliel or is it talking about how he's raised and he was raised in a different city okay so and i don't speak hebrew nor do i really care but i just i brought this up because i think it's interesting go to genesis 50 go back to genesis 50 okay why am i making a big deal genesis 50 well and i hear this sometimes when i compare spiritual with spiritual i believe that the english of the old testament is the same as the english in the new testament okay i believe that so i believe anytime a word is used whether it's proverbs genesis or revelation i can compare them to each other okay i don't think like well what does the hebrew say and what does the greek say well the greek word's a different word than the hebrew word of course they're different languages you idiot but do you realize that they could still be the same word you can say no in every language it's not like well that's the german word for no what's the french word who cares nobody likes french okay no i'm just kidding but it's like it doesn't matter what the underlying words are what is the what does the king james bible say okay and you can trust in your king james bible but this would be the argument that they would say they would say oh well when we're talking about brought up it's different hebrew words and it's different greek words than the one in second samuel when it's talking about my cow being brought up that's the hebrew word yalad and yalad is meaning to give birth that's what it always means that's what these hebrew scholars will tell you they'll say yalad means to give birth it's not ambiguous it doesn't have multiple definitions it can't mean brought forth the king james bible translators got it wrong so you know what i did okay well let's see if yalad is used anywhere else in the bible and you know where it's used genesis chapter number 50 let's read genesis chapter number 50 verse 23 and joseph saul ephraim's children of the third generation the children also of maker the son of manasseh were brought up upon joseph's knees now you know what brought up is underlying word aris yalad so apparently according to them literally joseph was the operating table for all of the births for all of his children because they gave birth on his knees every single time he had a grandchild was like all right where's papa where's papa joseph i gotta get him on the knees you know it's like that's so stupid folks you know you can't make this stuff up literally hebrew scholars will tell you that the word yalad can't mean brought but then you'd have to change this to say that jesus that joseph is getting the people giving birth on joseph's knees okay so that's how stupid their scholarship is you know and how could atheists are gonna use that to try and tell me that the bible's wrong it's like you just don't want to believe the bible you don't want to believe anything you know what i believe the word of god is true every single day and i believe it even more every single day if you read the bible and you serve god he will reveal himself even more every single day he'll give you more faith and more strength in his promises to where when you get to your dying breath you're not thinking like i don't know if it really worked out you're gonna have confidence going to the grave you're gonna have confidence going into heaven and that's what i love about this chapter is that when jacob went to the grave he went in confidence saying hey bury my bones in the promise and you know what joseph he has the exact same attitude he's saying hey guys you know what you're gonna eventually get out of here take my bones back to the promised land how could he say that because he had it was gonna happen he knew that the lord was gonna deliver the children of israel whether it was in his lifetime or not he knew it wasn't time but he knew it was gonna happen right you know what sometimes we may have to trust that what the lord said is gonna happen even if it's not in our lifetime what would be something like that how about vengeance yeah you know what there's a lot of people in heaven in the book of revelation that did not see in the lifetime they're crying they're saying how long oh lord will they not avenge us they're looking at babylon they're frustrated been punished they're frustrated how it's just getting away with murder literally how it's killing all the prophets and so don't think that you're going to always see the vengeance in your life don't think that you're always going to see all the blessings of following god's word in your life you have to just trust that the bible is taking down the right path and that you're going to be rewarded for your faith you know god rewards those who are a faith and how much faith is it to never get rewarded in this life but still believe that everything you did had a had value you know giving money to someone without anybody paying attention you can only do that in faith especially if you're giving to someone that's poor you're like that guy's never paying me back you know it's like you give it to that person but you know what you're saying but i'm lending to god right you know your your dollar says federal reserve note but think about it if you give it to if you give it to some poor person and your left hand doesn't know you're writing it's a god reserve note and i have a lot more confidence than that in the federal reserve note there's no inflation in heaven my friend okay to to take you down there's no thieves to come through and steal no one's gonna be filing fraudulent documents and stealing all your money in heaven okay nobody's gonna be taking uh and destroying any of your goods no one's gonna come and take your cd player out of your car yes that's how no one's gonna steal your backpack when you go to california okay california won't even exist i don't think but neither will texas okay i get it but you have to realize that our life is a journey of faith and you say well when does it end when you die but you know it's not at sight you end in faith end your life joseph and faith and end with a strong confidence saying you know what i'm going to heaven and i'm gonna reap so many great for the works that i've done even if i don't see it in this life you have to believe it by thinking and let me tell you it's hard when you're not reading the bible it's hard we're not going to church it's hard we're not around other brethren because you start forgetting and you start getting discouraged and you start in the flesh you start walking in sight not by faith we have to constantly remind ourselves that we are in a spiritual fight we are in a faith fight here my friend this is not something that you're going to see all the victories on this side of the equation we see them on the other side of the equation the other side of the equation is all the vengeance the other side of the equation is all the rewards the other side of the equation is no more sorrow the other side is everything but you know what god did it that way so he could see you as faith now what purpose would it be if everything every time you did good just instant instant ratification right you give money to the poor and then a guy just comes up to you and just hands you a million dollar check you're like okay oh sweet you know i mean you're just going to keep doing that all day long right i mean what happened if you just prayed an imprecatory prayer and the guy got struck by lightning before you finished your prayer i mean there would be a lot less people living people would no one would protest our church ever how could you ever have gone through the persecution you wouldn't they would all be dead they'd all be smoked i mean god has to allow these things to happen so he can see who has faith he can see who's going to endure he can see who truly loves him and cares about him and is going to be steadfast how can you be steadfast with steadfast how can you be steadfast with instant gratification you can't the only way you can be steadfast is you have to go through struggle and adversity and difficulty and you just walk by faith and you say hey i'm unmovable because i can see it not because i'm going to realize it in this but because i believe it by faith you know being steadfast is all about faith it's not about what you can see touch feel it's what do you believe what do you and you know that's a question you should ask yourself that's a question our church should ask herself when we're going through a wilderness right now we're going through some difficulty going through some struggle what do you believe you know what you should believe is every promise of god every single promise you should trust that he's a faithful creator no matter how ugly it gets and let me tell you something the world is on such a bobsled to hell right now my friend and a lot of people are asked is like what do you think is going to happen nothing good because you know the bible says you reap what you sow think about what we're sowing right now like we're reaping a lot of bad stuff but think what we're sowing we're literally sowing the worst things imaginable right now we're sowing all kinds of filth and abomination and evil and smut just obscene grotesque things we will reap that as a nation it's going to happen it's not oh god forgot about america now he didn't forget we literally see the fruits of what the the baby generation already did but let me tell you some generation z uh sowing a lot of great fruits either my friend and our generations aren't aren't doing that great either and the younger generations is getting worse and what they're doing in public school it's getting worse everything's waxing worse and you're gonna have to eventually reap what you sow so i'm telling you what christians better start buckling up because the fake christians aren't gonna quit being fake and america isn't gonna stop being babylon and you know what the king james bible isn't gonna change either and so it's time for people to get serious about their christian walk it's time for people to say you know what i'm gonna be faithful to the end no matter what happens and joseph couldn't be a better story for us to read about how dark it can get at times none of you is probably gonna be just shipped into china but you know bad things can happen evil can happen and you know what we need to we need to be ready to take evil when it happens because i i would love to think you know what we're just gonna see victory after victory pretty soon i don't know that's gonna happen i can't promise you that now of course i pray that we're delivered from evil i pray that the lord would not tempt us above what we're able you know i pray that the lord would give us deliverance i pray the lord will give us victory and i'm gonna keep praying that to the end but i may not see that prayer realize until i'm in heaven my friend until you're in heaven but i'm gonna go to the grave knowing that every word of god is true i'm gonna go to the grave in faith i'm gonna go to the grave knowing you know what i'm on the winning side and you know what what a joyous time to think about going to the because you'll get to go to heaven i'm telling you what when i was younger i was scared of death but it just keeps getting sweeter as every day goes by say how can you say that because i'm gonna get out of this place it's kind of like that job that you put in your two weeks notice every day that gets closer you're just like yes and then that day that you finally think like i never have to solve any of those problems ever again you're just like that's so great you think about all the mess everybody else has to fix and clean up and you're just like they're screwed and it's like they are you know i mean when i get to heaven i'm thinking y'all guys are screwed like you know what's going on there but it's rough but of course you know i don't want to just be like hezekiah and just say hey kids it's bad you know peace and truth of mind no no i want to give them a good heritage i want to pass them down something that they can carry the torch and i of the gospel but let us just be reminded when we we finish genesis to think about that not every time good things are gonna happen we're gonna have to suffer some evil but you know what we can die in faith knowing that it's gonna work in the closing prayer thank you for the father for this great chapter thank you for this whole book i pray that we would just realize that from start to finish you require faith you require for us to trust in you that no matter what happens that you're always there with us that all things work together for good to them that love god to them that are the called according to his purpose i pray that we wouldn't lose faith as we go through adversity or difficulty we realize that you're there with us that you take joy and our persecutions and sufferings because it evidences our desire to be pleasing in your sight i pray that you would strengthen us i pray that what victories you're willing to give us in this life that you would give them to us you deliver us from evil but no matter what we face it would be steadfast in jesus name we pray amen 441 great is thy faithfulness 441 great is thy faithfulness 441 great is thy faithfulness on the first great is thy faithfulness oh god my father there is no shadow of turning with thee thou changest not thy compassions they fail not as thou hast been thou forever will be great is thy faithfulness this great is thy faithfulness morning by morning new mercies i see all thy have needed thy hand have provided great is thy faithfulness lord unto me summer and winter and springtime and harvest sun moon and stars in their courses above join with all nature in manifold witness to thy great faithfulness mercy and love great is thy faithfulness great is thy faithfulness morning by morning new mercies i see him all i have needed thy hand hath provided great is thy faithfulness lord unto me me pardon for sin and a peace that endureth thy presence to cheer and to guide strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow blessings all mine with ten thousand beside great is thy faithfulness great is thy faithfulness morning by morning new mercies i see me all i have needed thy hand have provided great is thy faithfulness lord unto me great singing god bless you are dismissed