(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Sound the battle cry, see the foe is nigh. Raise the standard high for the Lord. Gird your armor on, stand firm everyone. Rest your cause upon his holy word. Rouse then soldiers, rally round the banner. Ready, steady, pass the word along. Onward, forward, shout aloud Hosanna. Christ is captain of the mighty throng. Strong to meet the foe, marching on we go. While our cause we know must prevail. Shield and banner bright, gleaming in the light. Battling for the right, we ne'er can fail. Rouse then soldiers, rally round the banner. Ready, steady, pass the word along. Onward, forward, shout aloud Hosanna. Christ is captain of the mighty throng. O thou God of all, hear us when we call. Help us one and all by thy grace. When the victory's won, may we wear the crown before thy face. Rouse then soldiers, rally round the banner. Ready, steady, pass the word along. Onward, forward, shout aloud Hosanna. Christ is captain of the mighty throng. Great singing. Let's open up in a word of prayer. Heavenly Father, thank you so much for this day. Thank you for the opportunity to be gathered together to worship you, to hear the word of God preached. We thank you for all the newest members of steadfast, the new babies that have been born. I pray that you'd bless them. Give them health, Lord, and help their families, and pray that you bless the remaining of this day. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. All right, for our second song, we'll go to 195. I will sing of the mercies. 195. I will sing of the mercies. 195 altogether. I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever. I will sing, I will sing, I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever. I will sing of the mercies of the Lord. With my mouth will I make known will I make known thy faithfulness, thy faithfulness. With my mouth will I make known thy faithfulness to all generations. I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever. I will sing of the mercies of the Lord. Good morning, thank you so much for coming to Steadfast Baptist Church. If you don't have a bulletin, lift up your hand nice and high and one of our ushers can come by and get you guys a bulletin. It's very good to see you guys. This week's memory verse is a short one, so I expect to give away a lot of candy this Wednesday. And they which were sent were of the Pharisees. So John chapter 1 verse 24. On the inside we have our service and soul winning times as well as our church soul winning and regional times. The church wide soul winning will meet here at 2 o'clock to go back out for soul winning. And we have boxes of invitations and church materials over here. So if you need any kind of soul winning materials or anything like that, you can come and get that information. Make sure to continue reporting all of your soul winning stats and everything like that to your soul winning captain or your tribe captain. And then also we have the expecting ladies, continue to pray for them. We have our prayer list. If you have any prayer requests that you would like to add to the bulletin, put in, email them steadfastbaptistkjv at gmail.com and we'll throw them into the bulletin. And it looks like somebody is, Brother Eli is asking for allergy prayer. I need that. Everybody needs that prayer. Man, is this like the pollen is just like attacking us or something. So it's like they're protesting me everywhere outside. And then upcoming events. We have the Austin, Texas Soul Winning Marathon. We do have a sign up sheet over here. So make sure to sign up for that. Who's planning on going to Austin this time around? So a lot more people lifted their hand than are on this sheet. So I see there's a discrepancy. So go ahead and make sure you sign up. Also we're going to have our Mighty Men's Conference again this year and we do it different parts of the year just kind of depending on when the location can have us. But we're going to be doing it in August this year, August 18th through the 20th. And so I think it'll be a lot of fun. It'll be good that it's nice and hot, you know, so that way we can enjoy the pool and the lake and everything like that. And so I'm really excited about that. It's always a fun trip. And basically you come back injured. You can't hardly move. No, I'm just kidding. So, you know, my wife was like, it's a retreat and I'm like, well, you know, definitely is fun. But so sometimes I call it like, you know, it's kind of like prison camp, but you know, it's gotten better over the years and basically you prepare for it a little bit better every single year. But every guy that seems to go on it really enjoys it. A lot of them came back. And so I'd highly encourage if you can go, we'll pretty much go like a Thursday morning and then we'll stay till about Saturday and leave. If you, for some reason could only make one day, you're still welcome to come out and we'll have a guest preacher come out and preach for us as well. And so that's something to put on your calendar. On the back, we have the greatest announcement. Congratulations to Phillip and Lauren Milstead on the birth of their daughter, Paris Luis. And she was born Wednesday, April 27th, 1.33 PM, weighing seven pounds, three ounces and measuring 19 and a half inches long. Congratulations to them. So that's a really exciting announcement. And then also congratulations to Sunny and Michelle Brooks on the birth of their son, Sunny Alexander. She was born Saturday, April 30th, 3.13 AM, weighing seven pounds, two ounces and measuring 21 inches long. So congratulations to them as well. Thanks a lot. Thanks a lot. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Well our church family just seems to keep growing. So that's great. And that's pretty much all I do have for announcements at this time. We'll go ahead and go to our third song, song 228. I love to tell the story. 228, I love to tell the story. All right, again, that's 228, I love to tell the story. sing it out. I love to tell the story of unseen things above, of Jesus and his glory, of Jesus and his love. I love to tell the story because I notice it's true. It satisfies my longings as nothing else can do. I love to tell the story. It will be my theme and glory to tell the old, old story of Jesus and his love. I love to tell the story, more wonderful it seems than all the golden fancies of all our golden dreams. I love to tell the story. It did so much for me, and that is just the reason I tell it now to thee. I love to tell the story. It will be my theme and glory to tell the old, old story of Jesus and his love. I love to tell the story. Tis pleasant to repeat what seems each time I tell it, more wonderfully sweet. I love to tell the story, for some have never heard the message of salvation from God's own holy word. I love to tell the story. It will be my theme and glory to tell the old, old story of Jesus and his love. I love to tell the story, for those who know it best seem hungering and thirsting to hear it like the rest. And when in scenes of glory I sing the new, new song, twill be the old, old story that I have loved so long. I love to tell the story. It will be my theme and glory to tell the old, old story of Jesus and his love. Great singing. As the offering plates are passed around, please turn in your Bibles to 1 Corinthians chapter 11. 1 Corinthians chapter 11 and follow along silently starting in verse 1. 1 Corinthians chapter 11 the Bible reads, be ye followers of me even as I also am of Christ. Now I praise you brethren that ye remember me in all things and keep the ordinances as I deliver them to you. But I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is the man, and the head of Christ is God. Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonereth his head. But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonereth her head, for that is even all one as if she were shaven. For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn. But if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered. For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, for as much as he is the image and glory of God, but the woman is the glory of the man. For the man is not of the woman, but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman, but the woman for the man. For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head because of the angels. Nevertheless, neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man in the Lord. For as the woman is of the man, even so is the man also by the woman, but all things of God. Judging yourselves, is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered? Doth not nature itself teach you that if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him? But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her, for her hair is given her for a covering. But if any man seem to be contentious, we have no such custom, neither the churches of God. Now in this that I declare unto you, I praise you not that ye come together not for the better, but for the worse. For first of all, when ye come together in the church, I hear that there be divisions among you, and I partly believe it. For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you. When ye come together therefore into one place, this is not to eat the Lord's supper. For in eating everyone taketh before other his own supper, and one is hungry, and another is drunken. What? Have ye not houses to eat and to drink in, or despise ye the church of God, and shame them that have not? What shall I say to you? Shall I praise you in this? I praise you not. For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, that the Lord Jesus, the same night at which he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he break it, and said, Take, eat, this is my body, which is broken for you, this do in remembrance of me. After the same manner also he took the cup when he had supped, saying, This cup is the New Testament in my blood, this do ye, as oft as ye drink it in remembrance of me. For as often as ye eat this bread and drink this cup, you do show the Lord's death till he come. Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup. For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body. For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep. For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged, but when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world. Wherefore, my brethren, when ye come together to eat, tarry one for another, and if any man hunger, let him eat at home, that ye come not together unto condemnation, and the rest will I set in order when I come. Inspire our heads for a word of prayer. Father, we thank you for our church and for the opportunity that we have to come together and listen to the word of God being preached. I pray that you fill Pastor Shelley with your spirit now and help him to thunder forth the message laid on his heart. And Lord, I also pray that you would protect us as we go our separate ways after the service. In Jesus' name I pray, amen. Amen. The part of the chapter I want to focus at the beginning and look at verse 3 again. The Bible says, But I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is the man, and the head of Christ is God. Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonereth his head. But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonereth her head, for that is even all one as if she were shaven. And 1 Corinthians, chapter number 11, is not really a popular chapter of the Bible in modern day America, but it's because our society, it's because our culture has become very extreme in their view on gender roles. And I've been starting a series about extreme views, and really I want to talk about this morning the extreme views on gender roles, the extreme views on gender roles. Now, I will present to you this morning that America has a very extreme view on gender roles today, and it's getting weirder and more extreme. And the Bible, when you study the scripture, it's the truth, so when the devil tries to pervert it, he never perverts it in one direction. He always seems to pervert it in all manner of directions. So when you study any topic in the Word of God, you're going to often find extremes in both directions, essentially, where you're going to find a very over-the-top, liberal, open, just pro-sin type view, and then you're going to have this like over-the-top, extreme conservative view that really kind of even perverts the scriptures as well, that's kind of like holier-than-thou, or really just gets into a weird extremist type view. But this morning, I want to expose to you two different extremes when it comes to gender roles, and kind of show you how the Bible's actually somewhere in the middle of these two extremes, and that what the Bible puts forth is not extreme, but rather it's normal. The Bible is normal, the world is extreme, the world is radical, the world's views and religions that are not Christianity have extreme and bizarre and unusual customs, and the Bible teaches that the Word of God is normal. And you say, how do you know that the Bible is normal? How could you prove that? Well, number one, scripture, okay? Let me prove to you this in the Bible itself. Look what it says in verse number 12. For as the woman is of the man, even so is the man also by the woman, but all things of God. Judge in yourselves, is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered? Doth not even nature itself teach you that if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him? Notice what the Bible appeals to. The Bible appeals to logic, the Bible appeals to nature, the Bible appeals to what's written in man's heart, saying that it's just normal, natural, everybody can tell that a man having long hair, it's a shame. It's embarrassing. There's something awkward about it, it's something weird about it, and the Bible is saying nature teaches this to you. Just the fact that every person pretty much already knows this and realizes that it's extremely weird for a man to have long hair. Yet in America, you don't have to go far to find some hippie haired looking dude. To find some guy, you know, with some kind of a long haircut, some kind of a really strange haircut. Even pastors and preachers of the day have this strange haircut. Todd White, this guy looks weird. It looks like a weapon or something he's carrying around on his head. He should use the weapon on himself, but the reality is that the world in America is getting extreme when it comes to hair. Now, I do not believe that a man has to shave his head. The Bible doesn't say that he can't have hair. The Bible says that he can't have long hair. So anywhere from short to nothing, that's where men should live. According to the scriptures, according to the Bible, that should be their hairstyle. And notice what it says in verse number 15. But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her, for her hair has given her for her covering. So notice what the Bible says. Long hair on women is beautiful. I'm just telling you what the Bible said, okay? Now, Pastor Shelley also agrees with the Bible. Pastor Shelley thinks that long hair is a glory on a woman. It looks great on a woman. It looks terrible on a dude. It looks terrible on a man. And you say, where did you come up with this nature thing? Because what's appealing to me, what's attractive to me has nothing to do with what religious texts I've read in my life. No, in fact, just every single dude just automatically likes girls with long hair more than short hair. You don't even have to tell them. You don't have to educate them. They could have grown up on an island by themselves their entire life, and then you present them Ellen DeGeneres, okay? And then any other girl with long hair, and they can tell you which one's more attractive. Now, they may not be able to understand why they think that. They may not be able to articulate it right away. But as soon as you point it out, it's like it's the hair, right? And you're like, oh, yeah, yeah, it's the hair. Exactly. Why? Because the Bible is true, my friend, and the Bible is normal. It's normal for men to have short hair, and it's normal for women to have long hair. Now that the Bible is so right on this particular aspect, how many other things do you think the Bible's right on? Let me tell you every single word, every single verse in the Bible. And obviously, if God wants to tell us about hair length, don't you think He cares about physical appearance, then? I mean, how could you look at this verse in the New Testament, in 1 Corinthians, given to a church? I mean, He's not just giving it to an individual. He's saying, hey, you New Testament church, your women should have long hair, and your men should have short hair, meaning that New Testament Christianity preaches on physical appearance. Yes, it does. And you know what? It's weird when you don't. And you know why people don't? Because they don't want to offend anyone. But you know what offends me? This culture. You know what offends me? Modern-day Christianity that won't preach on these topics and acts like a preacher bringing this up is strange, or weird, or why do you have to bring this up? Well, why did Paul bring it up? I mean, literally, you have almost half of a chapter of the New Testament devoted to just hair length. I mean, of all the topics God could cover. I mean, there's a multitude of topics we could discuss. God is saying, hey, I want to make sure you understand this hair distinction. Why? Because there's a difference between men and women. Also, this would be literally impossible to observe if we didn't know what a man and a woman was. Only our government, only the left, can't decide what a man and a woman is. It's very obvious. It's very evident. And I'll tell you this, everyone knows whether they'll admit it or not. Because if you go to the drive-thru, you don't even know what's on the other side of that intercom, but you know what's a sir or ma'am every time. Why? Because there's a difference between men and women. And you can always tell, look, I don't care what you do to a dude, it still looks ugly. Right? And this world that we live in has extreme views. Now, one side of my equation this morning is America. Let me give you the other side of the equation on the extreme views. Islam. Islam has a weird idea on gender and gender roles. And what's in the middle? The Bible. The Word of God. Okay. Now, go if you would to 1 Peter, chapter number 3. Go to 1 Peter, chapter number 3. I'm going to cover several topics this morning, and honestly, it really shouldn't be embarrassing what the Bible says, but some people will be embarrassed and ashamed of what the Bible says. But you know what you should be embarrassed and ashamed of? Is what Islam says and what America says. Not what the Bible says. Now, let me give you some of the Quran this morning, and I'm going to give you a decent amount of quotes here, because I want to not defeat a straw man this morning. I want to give you what their text literally says. Now, of course, in, you know, Islam and the Quran, originally in Arabic, it's translated in English, there's several different translators. I pretty much took all of my quotes from their, like, Sahih International, okay? So it's kind of like a more standardized translation. If you don't like their translation, take it up with an Arab, okay? But, and of course, anything I bring up, they'll probably say, well, it's better in Arabic. No, it's not. Okay. No. It's better if you sing it. No, it's not. But here is a quote from the Quran. It says, your wives are as tilth unto you. So approach your tilth when and how ye will, but do some good act for your souls beforehand, and fear Allah, and know that ye are to meet him, and the hereafter, and give these good tidings to those who believe. So the Quran, you know, and it's reading the Quran, it's really if you just basically, like, had someone record Joe Biden speaking for a while, that's about how coherent the Quran is. I was like, I can't understand the Quran, but I was like, it's like Joe Biden talking, and then just basically they, you know, recorded it. But they call women literal tilth in the Quran, and let me give you the real word, dirt. Women are basically just dirt in the religion of Islam, okay? Now, tilth is like tilled dirt, so it's a little bit better. It's like fertile dirt, okay? So instead of just being dirt, you guys are fertile dirt, according to Islam. That's an extreme view on women. What is the Bible's view on women? 1 Peter chapter 3, look at verse number 7. Likewise ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honor unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers be not hindered. So according to the Bible, a woman is a weaker vessel. Meaning what? She's not as strong as a man. And this could be applied in several areas. The most obvious would be physically speaking, okay? Men are taller, bigger, stronger, faster, every single category, every single sport, every single activity that's physical, men are better than women, period. Why is it that across this country, high schools have to constantly try and stop banning men from entering women's sports, but there isn't a single ban on women entering men's sports? Why do I, you know, please stop all these women from taking over the football arena, and taking over MMA, and taking over golf, and taking over every, I mean probably the only sport they could compete in is like NASCAR or something, because it's not a real sport, sorry to be NASCAR fans. But anything that actually takes some kind of physicality, women have no chance. There's no, there's no chance in tennis, there's no chance in football, there's no chance in track, there's no chance in swimming, there's no chance in any of these physical type sports. Zero chance, why? Because men are stronger than women. You say, oh, that means women are worse. No, no, no, no. Wait a minute, what did the Bible say? Giving honor unto the wife. Just because she may be weaker doesn't make her worse or less, it makes her different. Two things can be different, one can be stronger and the other one lighter, and the lighter won't even be better in some cases. It's not about who's stronger makes you better, it's about being different. Men are different than women, and notice that the Bible teaches that men don't look at women as being weaker and say, oh, you're fertile dirt. No, no, no. We give them honor as saying, you are beautiful the way you are, we love you the way you are, be you. Don't try to be something different, and don't try to be me. What does American culture try to teach women to do? To be a man. So one extreme, they're fertile dirt, the other extreme, turn them into men, or there's no difference between men and women, which is what American culture is trying to teach today. And think about this, essentially they're assaulting women anyways. They're saying women are not OK being women. There's something wrong with a woman being feminine, there's something wrong with a woman being weaker, there's something wrong with a woman being like a woman. They need to be like a man, they need to get a job like a man. They need to play sports like a man. They need to dress and talk like a man. They need to they need to look like men you know what I want women to look like women today and get honor under the women that want to be a woman today all your weird your extreme you hate women no no you hate women to teach them they need to be a man you a women to call them fertile dirt the Bible says to give them honor and people say all your extreme no you don't know the Bible is normal you are extreme you are the one that's been radicalized to think something different than what the scriptures teach today and what religion with what extreme you want to go to fertile dirt or to women becoming men I don't want to go to either I want to say a woman is a beautiful creation that God has created and we give them honor and we dwell them according to knowledge the knowledge that they are a woman and we don't want to change that in fact we want to encourage them to be as much a woman as possible what's one of those things having long hair as we already saw now of course when it comes to women's rights there's gonna be extremes as well now when it comes to the phrase women's rights I usually object because I think of it from an American perspective however I do believe that women should have some rights the question is not whether or not women have rights or not but what are those rights in American culture women are trying to become men in the rights category and have all the same quote-unquote rights what would those rights be like voting I personally don't think women should be able to vote I don't really agree with voting anyways in this you know and really apparently the Democrats don't either because they've been taking that away that's a different sermon I don't think that women should be men in any of the capacity you know women I don't believe should be working in the workforce the same as men and I'm not gonna go there to prove this but according to the Bible not Pastor Shelley according to the Bible men should be paid more money than women in Leviticus chapter number 27 men have a higher wage associated with their work than a woman does why because men can work harder lift more things do more physical activity now I think the principle that's being taught in Leviticus though is not that men should just always be paid more than women but that you should be paid according to your skill level meaning that if a woman is incapable of doing the same job as a man then she should be paid less because of that but let's just say hypothetically a woman was capable doing the job better than a man then pay her more than the man would right people should be paid according to their skill people should be paid according to what's fair and just and equal it's just when we're talking about physical labor women would never be able to compete with men and it'd be absurd to pay them the same rate you know I think they claim in America the gender gap is like 86 cents on the dollar you know this varies all the time according to the Bible it's 60 cents on the dollar so I think they're paying women too much I'm just saying well you're just offensive I'm just telling you what the Bible says what would be the other extreme because you think I'm extreme how about Islam in Saudi Arabia it's illegal for a woman to have a driver's license and in Yemen it's illegal for a woman to leave the house without her husband's permission now you think that I'm extreme okay now of course I agree that husband should be in control of their wives and should lead them and give them instructions and everything like that but if my wife for some reason disobeyed me and left the house I don't want the government to punish her I mean that's a weird society that you live in where the government is enforcing these kind of rules on women and you know I want my wife to be able to drive I want my wife to be able to have a driver I mean that's weird when you start going to these strange categories and you say well why did you make a dividing line on voting versus driving here's the thing the Bible teaches that a woman's not supposed to usurp the authority over the man so a woman voting is usurping the authority over man but you know what a woman driving is not usurping the authority over okay I pass them every time I'm driving down the road anyways alright I'm just kidding but you say oh you're extreme go to Matthew chapter 19 I'm not extreme the Bible is normal you're if you don't like what I'm preaching you're extreme if you don't like what the Bible says on these topics you're the one that's been radicalized you're the one that's confused I'm not confused and the Bible's not confused today the Bible is normal the Bible is natural and in fact when you go out through history many other things I'm saying were what everyone believed it's only in the modern times where the gender roles of America have changed and radicalized so much that it's unrecognizable the country we live in from what it used to be it's unrecognizable from the Word of God but don't think that the Bible's the this random extreme book no no the random extreme book is called the Quran so the devil always is going to pervert in every single direction okay and of course if you go to Islam you women will know what women's rights are really about okay I mean go to a Muslim country and then tell me you don't have freedom then tell me that oh man you know it's so restrictive over here my husband so restrictive well get married to someone that's a practicing Muslim a practicing Islamist you know of the Shiite brand and then you can tell me that Christianity is restricted you don't know what restrictive is in fact throughout history it's been more like that kind of a custom than it's been this American feminism type extreme for the majority of history most cultures most environments have a a much closer culture to that of Islam in regards to women women rights then a modern American culture okay so don't don't think that I'm up here just giving you these random hype hyperbolic straw men we're talking about real world examples right now if you are a woman live in Saudi Arabia you can't drive if you're a woman lives in Yemen right now if you leave your house without your husband's permission you can be punished by the government I didn't make that up this is just quotes from you know their laws now here's another weird extreme when it comes to marriage in Islam it teaches that men can marry is multiple women okay which is known as polygamy in the Quran in surah 4 it says if you fear the you shall not be able to deal justly with orphans marry women of your choice 2 or 3 or 4 but if you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly with them then only one or a captive that your right hands possess that will be more suitable to prevent you from doing injustice so apparently if you feel like you can justly have four wives then go for it but if you can't justly have four four wives just have one okay what does that even mean that's extreme but in Islam Islamic countries women can't have multiple husbands notice that they have a complete hypocritical stance where men can have four wives women can only have one husband the Bible doesn't teach this now some people have lied about the Bible and tried to say all the Bible teaches polygamy show me a verse in the Bible that says have two three or four wives Bible doesn't say that anywhere the Bible says that you're not the king wasn't supposed to multiply wives the Bible gives a provision in the Old Testament law of if you find yourself in that situation what you're supposed to do but it doesn't say that as a prescriptive commandment like please get multiple wives if you can do okay with it if you're just about it there's nothing just about that look at Matthew chapter 19 verse 4 and he answered and said to them have you not read that he which made them at the beginning made the male and female and said for this cause shall a man leave father and mother and shall cleave to his wife and they twain shall be one flesh wherefore they are no more twain but one flesh what they were God have joined together let not man put asunder so according to the Bible according to the word of God it's one man and one woman and they become one flesh meaning there is no two separate persons where the man can then still be enjoying to other women and in America right now as I understand it polygamy still illegal however that is being questioned severely in California and in other states they are trying to get it where people can join in marriage and these multiple group type scenarios throw pulls or whatever I wish I'd never heard that word before or or multiple groups of people and in America we've already perverted this we say that men can marry men and women can marry women and where's the limit to that when are they going to say that men can't marry a Chihuahua you think I'm joking but that's when it gets extreme and we're already getting there but American culture is extreme on these views and it's getting weirder and weirder by the moment Islam is super weird and perverted what does the Bible teach one man one woman say well why is there all these old testament pictures of men having multiple wives well number one because men are sinners but you know what God didn't like it in Genesis chapter number six when the sons of God are marrying the daughters of men God gets angry God doesn't like that I'm pretty sure he destroyed the entire earth in that section of scripture didn't he and not every man of God was like that when did Job have multiple wives when did Isaac and Rebecca means Isaac and Rebecca it's Job and his wife and now when we fast forward to the new testament show me one of the new testament apostles that had multiple wives when does it say Peter's wives and John's wives and Andrew's wives doesn't say that the apostle Paul constantly affirms what Jesus said let every man have his own wife and let every wife have her own husband not multiple though and in fact Jesus and Paul both bring up the fact that if you're with another person it's adultery meaning that's a wicked sin the Bible is not extreme here one man one woman is normal having multiple is weird and then the other side of American culture that's getting extreme and weird too is just no marriage I would say that's very common many people are forsaking marriage in America today and it is weird it is bizarre it's sin it is weird to just live with another person and not be committed because of the ramifications of that relationship and then what do you get you get all kinds of bastard children all kinds of alimony all kinds of of strange arrangements you have women that will have five six children with five or six different men how is that a family what are these children supposed to do in these relationships in these situations when their mother is a literal whore this makes no sense and you say oh it's so restrictive no sin is restrictive it's called child support in fact when you are found guilty by the government of child support you know what they do they strip that out of your bank account without you asking you don't have to say like hey bank will you please pay my child support for me no no no no they find out where you're banking they get your account and they basically just start stripping it out of there just whatever portion that they want you don't get any say and if you're on a back order they can even tack on possible fines penalties all manner of other things to your paycheck and you didn't get to ask it wasn't a question oh women are stuck with the the baby okay well men are stuck with this eternal debt actually i think at 18 it ends or if she marries someone else i think somehow that can possibly end child support well maybe alimony but child support is just there forever it's permanent you know child support's another picture of the fact that you know once you're saved you're always saved because once you're someone's child you're forever their child and hey they don't take the money out of some other dude's bank account if it's your child it's coming out your bank account okay you're paying for it now go view the providence chapter nine proverbs chapter nine look extreme views on gender roles don't think of the bible is extreme i'm trying to help you understand there are extremes out there but it's not the word of god the word of god is normal what have we learned so far that we should have one man and one woman getting married the man should have short hair the woman should have long hair so radical this is normal this is natural even people that aren't saved and and know none of the bible this is what they really want anyways you see the world they want to get married and they want to have a man one man one woman they think being unfaithful being an adulterer is a wicked lifestyle they don't like it our government punishes it with all kinds of fines and criminal penalties even still today this multiple person relationship is never going to work and show me a successful polygamous relationship in the bible even if you did say oh i think it teaches it well it teaches a really bad example when did you see the polygamy working out in fact david he had a lot of wives but it said his best friend he liked him jonathan more than any of his wives meaning what the more you add it's not like you're going to like him anymore and in fact it's probably going to be worse if you actually want to love your wife more than your best friend you need to have one and stick with her and develop an intimate relationship with her now in proverbs chapter number nine i want to get there in just a second but i want to talk about another weird extreme that comes with gender roles and that's on literacy literacy literacy is the ability to read in islam because their pedophile prophet muhammad could not read they have a severe problem with literacy but it's extremely affecting women because they restrict women so much and they have so many you know over the top boundaries for women and they have this strange view that she's fertile dirt they essentially don't allow them to learn how to read very much i looked up uh some statistics there was a organization unesco unesco estimates that the literacy rate among adult women in muslim countries is about 50 or less so less than half of the women in muslim controlled countries cannot even read probably because they don't want them to read about how they're tilled dearth and their stupid quran or they want them to read it at all and think about it most of the quran sung because you could have stupid lyrics and sing them and people just think it's great i was thinking of this song for the backstreet boys and and i was thinking about just modern pop music you never even know what they're saying and people will just sing songs and they have no idea what it means whatsoever this backstreet song is like i want it that way but here's the thing what do they want and in what way do they want it i have no idea they don't know you don't know they just sing it they just get up they just how many songs do they come out when you're a teenager or a young adult and you would sing it and you have like no idea what the lyrics are actually saying i mean okay one person all right well one worldly person i would say almost every song in fact most of the time i didn't know what the real lyrics were you kind of like make them up or you kind of just fill in the gaps or you you change it in your mind because songs people just sing so it's with the quran they're just singing they don't even know what they're saying but if you sit down and start reading it you're like if you start reading it it makes no sense and women in these countries they can't even read why would you want to live in a society that says women aren't even allowed to read well i guess if you teach they're dirt look at proverbs chapter 9 look at verse 1 wisdom hath builded her house she hath hewn out her seven pillars she hath killed her beasts she hath mingled her wine she hath also furnished her table she has sent for their maiden she cried upon the highest place of the city now according to the bible wisdom is personified as a woman and it's giving attributes of a wise woman notice that a wise woman would do what would build her house so why do i bring up this verse because christianity teaches that women should be keepers at home and i'm going to get through some of these verses but they teach that women should guide the house but you know what it does not teach that women should be stupid that women shouldn't be able to read and write and and have any kind of level of intelligence you know we should never be holding back women from any level of knowledge or wisdom or any understanding they could possibly have okay there's nothing in the bible that teaches that women should be stupid or shouldn't be able to read in fact i believe that every person should be taught to read and write the bible literally commands us to read the scriptures in many different places to study the scriptures and i want women to study and read the bible just as much as men and even if it's more god bless them i mean they got to teach the children at home maybe they have even more time afforded to them to read the bible and to study the word of god and to gain knowledge and not just the bible learn all manner of subjects i mean they're teaching my child they're teaching them how to read write arithmetic science history uh all kinds of different subjects that are really important i want my wife to be as educated as humanly possible there's nothing wrong with a woman being educated but i don't want to say that she needs to be educated to then leave the home and what is american culture trying to say it's trying to drive women into colleges to get degrees in gender studies and to become the corporate ceo and to become the marketing manager and to become all these other professions and all these other careers the bible teaches that a woman should build her house notice what the bible said skip down and look at verse 13 a foolish woman is clamorous she is simple and knoweth nothing although american culture tries to pretend that they want women to be intelligent i will submit to you though if you follow the course of american culture your women will be very foolish and very stupid do you really believe that kamala harris is an intelligent woman this woman is not well educated this woman is not well studied even of the women that are well educated and studied they typically are conservative but they're not conservative enough because if they were conservative enough they would get their mouth shut and go back in the kitchen and make a sandwich why because they'd have the wisdom from god not just the wisdom of this world okay they wouldn't be the candace owens of this world they wouldn't be the alley best suck stucky or whatever they wouldn't be what is the the woman's running for president potentially sarah palin yeah they wouldn't be the sarah palin to be the sarah from the bible calling her husband lord and staying home not making their husband go out and campaign for them or something go to proverbs 31 go to proverbs 31 i think that's extreme no no islam's extreme when you can't even read that's extreme but having your wives stay home and raise the kids is not extreme it's normal it's natural in fact nothing makes more sense than this why would i believe that a strange woman is going to teach my child better than my wife and let me tell you a little secret did you realize that the vast vast vast majority of teachers and college professors are women i mean it's not like hey let's get a bunch of men to teach our children or my wife it's like a bunch of dykes a bunch of lesbians and leftists to teach my children in the public school system or my wife which one makes more sense let me tell you my wife and your bizarre thinking if you believe that the public pool system is normal or natural to get a bunch of random women that don't care about my children to try and teach them subjects that the government has ordained as uh the right history you know they've been talking about recently this uh disinformation governance board it's a department of health or homeland secure i'm sorry department of homeland security organization that biden wants to set up and they're saying who wants to let the government decide what's true have you ever heard of public school like they haven't been doing this for decades they haven't been deciding what's going to go in the history books they haven't been deciding for decades that evolution should be taught in the public school system they haven't been teaching that particular test questions need to be non-binary or non-gender conforming or have two dudes or to teach them all about what goes on in the bedroom look when i went to junior high i was taught what went on in the bedroom from the public school and not by my parents who was taught more from public school about what goes on the bedroom than their parents virtually every person in here how does that seem normal how does it seem normal that strangers are telling our children what to do and what not to do and how to do it and where to do it that is bizarre and who's deciding this curriculum the government school boards why would you not let the word of god tell you who's going to teach and train your children the bible makes it clear in deuteronomy who should be teaching the children the parents the mom and the dad and obviously the mom is the primary teacher look at proverbs 31 look at verse 27 she looked as well the ways of her household and eateth not the bread of idleness notice that the great woman in the bible is at the house go if you would to titus chapter number two go to titus chapter number two and i'm gonna i'm gonna stick on this point for just a moment but obviously islam has it right that women should be in the household but then they have it wrong because she's stupid she can't even read how can how is that woman going to teach her children and why do you think that so many islamists are literally stupid it's because their mom's stupid it's because their mom hasn't been educated hasn't been given information and i'm not saying it's their fault it's the men of that culture that are holding them back and and making them stupid on purpose just to be fertile dirt but you know what that's an extreme view that i don't want to get to and the other extreme would be kicking her out of the household and having someone else educate her or having some other person educate your children no no we need the moms and dads of today to educate their children and educate the next generation and to not let islam or net not let american government teach them i don't care what extreme you want to go to both are wicked titus chapter number two look what the bible says verse three the aged women likewise that they be in behaviors becoming cometh holiness not false accusers not given a much wine teachers of good things so we have older women teaching verse four that they may teach the young women to be sober so notice is the primary instructor older women to younger women and they're teaching them how to have good behavior what kind of behavior soberness to love their husbands to love their children to be discreet chase how about this phrase keepers at home keepers at home i didn't make up the bible i didn't write the bible the bible is saying that women should be a keeper at home you say i don't like this verse well you don't like things that are normal in the bible don't get mad at me for preaching the bible this morning you get mad at all the people that have lied to you about what's normal you if you feel uncomfortable with the bible that tells me you watch a lot of tv and you went to a lot of public school go to first timothy chapter number five or you're raised in islam okay but if you're raised in islam please let us help you learn how to read and and something that actually you know i i can understand why women don't read if the only option was the quran that would be pretty you know that'd be a tough decision like learn how to read and only read the quran or not read it's like because the quran it's always been and probably always will be in my opinion the absolute worst literature that's ever been written it is so ingrained i'm gonna give you a couple more quotes here towards the end of my sermon but it's so bad first timothy chapter number five look at verse number 14 i will therefore the younger women marry bear children guide the house give none occasion an adversary to speak reproachfully for some are already turned aside after satan notice that the women are supposed to what guide the house and doing anything other is what satanic it's satanic i didn't make up the bible i didn't write it go to juteronomy 22 go to juteronomy 22 so what does the bible taught us this morning men should have short hair women should have long hair men should marry one woman men should teach their wives how to read and women should teach their children how to read so extreme right i mean isn't that just so radical this morning what we've learned so far that the bible's teaching no everything else is extreme so when i get to this next part let me clarify for you again this is not extreme what the bible says on this subject what does the bible teach that men should dress like men and women should dress like women that doesn't sound extreme but for some reason people freak out when you bring this up people freak out seeing it people freak out thinking about it it's not that scary okay we're going to read this verse and we're all going to be okay all right juteronomy 22 look at verse number five the bible says the woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man neither shall a man put on a woman's garment for all that do so are abomination of the lord thy god everybody okay i hope i didn't hurt you too too bad this means that kaitlyn jenner is abomination is that really difficult for me to convince you of that for some reason this is a one-sided uncomfortable conversation because any dude that i bring up wearing dresses and skirts i don't even have to convince you you're thinking inside like yeah breach it because it's weird it's perverted it's gross but for some reason you go to the other side of the aisle and you talk about women dressing like men and everybody freaks out but i'm telling you it's the same thing as gross as you find a dude wearing a dress is the same you should find a woman wearing pants and dressing like a dude i i didn't write the bible you know why you don't think it's weird because you were raised in america if you were raised in islam you wouldn't think that was weird you would think it's gross for a woman to put on a pair of blue jeans and look like ellen degenerate that would be weird and you know for people that are older it's easier to understand this the younger generation really struggle because they don't know any different but back in the earlier decades of american history this was always the case it was the exact same and i just don't know why it's it's extreme to think that women should dress like women and men should dress like men now people say well the bible didn't say pants here okay so then what garment the people that disagree with me they will not provide a garment why because it's pants there's no other option that's why just like a skirt or a dress is the only option for a dude okay i didn't make this up it's very clear in the scripture i'm not going to take all the time to prove it to you because honestly if you don't already agree with me it's not like i have to prove it to you it's just you're stubborn and rebellious that's why but look at the last verse in this chapter notice it says uh in deuteronomy 22 if you look at this very last verse verse 30 a man shall not take his father's wife nor discover his father's skirt so notice the bible already told us that a woman's garment is a skirt so for all of you naysayers there's the bible saying that a woman is pictured as a article of clothing it's called a skirt and virtually every bathroom in america still today they will tell you the only difference between the men and women's restroom is a dude wearing pants and a girl wearing a skirt and they have the same haircut okay they're in violation of first grandiose 11 i'm offended by the sign they should add a long hair but they don't even tell you by the haircut they only tell you by the article of clothing whether it's a triangle or just two separate lines and you know it doesn't even have to say men or women sometimes they say gents and ladies or other silly things or sometimes it literally says nothing and i don't care if it's an asian i don't care if it's a foreigner from india from mexico from china they can look at that picture and they know which bathroom to use and if you get mad at me for saying that pants are a woman's garment or sorry man's garment then you know what you're lying to yourself because you know it and i know it the bible knows it and the devil knows it and those stupid transgender ones they put like a half skirt and half pants because they're freaks but what does islam say islam not only has dresses for skirts they have the hijab you think that wearing a dress and a skirt is extreme have you ever seen an islamic woman dress she has to cover every square inch of her body except her eyes and her hands and the more extreme versions of this and it comes from the quran and the quran it says and say the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty and they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what must ordinarily appear thereof that they should draw the veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except for their husbands now in the quran it's it's very vague in its application so that's why some islamists disagree on the hijab but in the more strict traditional islamic cultures women if they're caught without their hijab in public they can be beaten or even killed at times and they're called example killings to essentially just threaten all the women in their culture not to go outside of their home without that entire garment this is blanket covering their entire body makes me think of a weird baptist that wants every woman to wear a blanket when they you know breastfeed or whatever it's weird there's weird extremes in every you know what does american culture say take off all your clothes what does uh islam say put on so many clothes we can only see your eyes these are weird what does the bible say hey cover your reproductive areas in the garment that god created for you that's normal that's natural here's what else the quran says in this those who harass believing men and believing women undeservedly i guess you can do it deservedly bear on themselves a call money and a grievous sin oh prophet and join your wives or daughters and the wives of true believers that they should cast their outer garments over their persons when abroad that is most convenient that they may be distinguished and not harassed so basically saying cast these outer garments over their persons is kind of giving this vague veiled picture of the hijab okay or hijab or however you want to say it i don't really care stupid but they put a lot of social pressure on these women don't tell me that me saying that my wife should wear a dress or a skirt is extreme you don't know what extreme is buddy islam's extreme or to tell my wife to look like me that's weird what do you want my wife to be in a suit today and be co-pastor like victoria ulstein or something get up here have a short hair we have the same haircut same suit on i mean we're about the same height maybe same you know everything same belt wouldn't that be cool or or maybe she should wear the suit and i should wear the dress is that what you want i'm trying to help you understand that the bible is normal it's natural everything else is bizarre i looked at an article in 2013 in paris france not paris texas okay paris france they overturned a law the law made it illegal for females to wear pants did you not realize in the 1800s it was illegal for women to wear pants in france and it wasn't until 2013 they finally struck the law off the books a couple hundred years later 214 or 13 years or something like that there's a country in apricot you say that's weird that's extreme no no you know why that was where that's coming from christianity christianity but why is it in paris france i'll tell you why all of the all of the cities that have laws against women wearing pants are the most liberal hellhole type areas because they were the first areas for women to start pushing the limits and start doing that which is wicked so that's where the laws started getting passed same as with any sin or any sin area where's the first laws on divorce california why because that was the first area where everybody's trying to get a no-fault divorce is in california so the first area where women are starting to try and wear pants was what france that's why they had to pass laws making it illegal for women to wear pants and the same applies in america where the most liberal places had laws literally in america of women wearing against wearing your pants but in the world today in a country called swaziland it's in africa okay it's real they're called swazis it is illegal for women to wear pants now let me tell you 90 of their country is christian that's not weird that is the normal what's weird is islam saying we're hijab what's weird is america which says hey women wear nothing or dress like a dude that is weird in 1849 in ohio they passed a law saying in that women it's there are said not just women everyone uh specifically were not allowed to dress not belonging to his or her sex and there was many laws all the way up until world war one in fact 45 cities in the u.s passed anti-cross-dressing laws san francisco california oh that's a shock was one of the approximate 45 cities that have criminalized cross-dressing so think of like the most liberal cities in america booming large areas what would be like the most liberal booming city of texas past austin's kind of serious austin's more liberal but austin's kind of a new development austin didn't used to be that big it's kind of new big because of the technology houston houston has always been the liberal mega center for texas so you know what in houston they literally had a city ordinance making it illegal for women to wear pants and you know who liberated all of those houstonian women and allowed them to wear pants phyllis fry some transgender freak some dude that wanted to go up and down dressed in a dress on the broadway he got in the city council he got the law passed in fact until 1969 most areas it was still illegal for women to wear pants but it wasn't until the stone wall riots of 1969 that encouraged many cities to drop or stop enforcing these statutes against men and women cross-dressing and of course who were the biggest proponents of this men wearing dresses so because men want to wear dresses it afforded women to finally wear pants in america that's why he said deuteronomy 22 5 is the exact same when women put on pants they should think of kaitlyn jenner in fact they should write her a thank you letter phyllis fry is still alive today i'm pretty sure you should write her a thank you note for wearing your pants out in public all of you texas women i don't like this i'm just telling you the facts go if you had the first peter chap number three go to first pretty trip number three now you say why did why are so many women wearing pants because monkey see monkey do you know in the 1950s it was inappropriate for a woman to wear a bikini but then a song came out the itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini and the whole song was talking about how the girl was afraid to go out in public wearing it because why because it was a shame because it was embarrassing to be naked out in public wearing a bikini it was risque if you look up the history on this song and i just looked at the wikipedia history it says this the story told through the three verses of the song is as follows the young lady is too afraid to leave the locker where she shit she has changed in her bikini she has made it to the beach but sits on the sand wrapped in a blanket she has finally gone in the ocean but is too afraid to come out and stays immersed in the water despite the fact that she's turning blue to hide herself from view it says two three four tell the people what she wore meaning that everybody's going to gossip about this whorish woman my friend it's been part of the song stick around and we'll tell you more heard after the first chorus in an interview greg urbar in the cartoon music book edited by daniel gold book goldmark i wonder what he is said he goes to the arrangement for the song for johnny dixon and dixon had taken on more work than he could handle the time so basically hollywood picks us up it's from the uh it's from europe is where the song originally is coming from and then it came over by goldman into america it's uh by brian highland he was the guy that basically popularized the song or made the song at the time when bikini bathing suits were still seen as too risque to be mainstream the song promoted or prompted a sudden takeoff in bikini sales so it's it's not appropriate but then as soon as the song comes out bikini sales just skyrocket in america it is credited to being one of the earliest contributors to the acceptance of the bikini in society the early 1960s saw a slew of surf movies and other film and television productions that rapidly built on the song's momentum so you know why women wear bikinis in public now because of hollywood and because of hollywood and because of hollywood and because people wanted to sell it money oh the love of money is the root of all evil because they popularize a song and put it in movies and put it in music and put it tv and they just cram it down america's throat and then as soon as one girl does it 10 do it 100 do it thousand do it everyone does it one girl wears pants the next girl 10 girls wear pants 100 girls wear pants pretty soon every girl's wearing pants and let me tell you the new one here in a second but it makes me think of the covid mask it's like why did everybody wear a covid mask because one person started doing it then 10 people started doing it then 100 people started doing it and then it was kind of forced on you too it obviously but i'm like what's the difference between just putting on the covid mask like everybody else and just putting on the pants like real i'm just thinking like who's making you do this it's just the world you're just literally just zombies to the television today just what do i do what do i wear where do i go that's extreme to say i'm gonna let a bunch of god-hating jews in hollywood tell me what to wear how to dress and what to do i'm gonna let some transgender freak pat you know help get laws off the books so that i can dress in a more liberating way yeah obviously we should take off the hijab okay yeah i get that that's an extreme but you know what telling women to wear a dress or a skirt is not extreme you're extreme for thinking that women shouldn't wear it you're extreme for thinking that men should wear pants and they start making pants even tighter make pants loose again so hard to find loose pants and you know what i get it i mean it's hard to find but try at least okay please try please help set a new trend you know it used to be they were too baggy okay without a belt let's find the middle okay the bible is always the middle all right get some kind of loose pants get the belt nice and tight all right dress like a man you know the bible says in rome is that we're supposed to new our mind but you know what the new woman garment today is leggings and when i say leggings i'm not talking about just wearing them i'm saying that's the only thing she's wearing why because the movies and tv started doing it and then 10 girls started doing it and then 100 girls started doing it and now everybody's doing it well go to proverbs chapter number seven go to proverbs chapter number seven just because it's popular doesn't make it right and in fact i looked up leggings as pants a wikipedia article okay leggings as pants wikipedia article this is what wikipedia said about it there has been a societal debate about whether leggings are clothing on their own which can be worn without covering i think i had to go to first peter chapter number three the only thing i was going to have you say in there and in other verses the bible says that women should dress in modest apparel with shame facedness and sobriety is what the bible says god cares about your clothing and you know what not only should you dress feminine women you should dress modest and let me tell you something it's immodest to be naked and the bible describes nakedness as exposing any part of your thigh and the reproductive area and let me tell you what is the leggings all about exposing all of that area there's nothing wrong with wearing socks stockings leggings but you know what you should have a skirt or a dress over top of that otherwise you're naked yeah it's still feminine look if i saw a dude in leggings or a lady in leggings i know which one's feminine both no dude wearing leggings looks normal okay if i was only wearing leggings please run away please don't even come to church i'm not saying that leggings are pants okay but they're worn as the replacement for pants because instead of uh basically women wearing blue jeans now they just wear leggings and let me tell you why it's because women's know women know that jeans are not feminine so they they have basically a crisis do i dress like a dude or do i dress like a girl but kind of naked and i we know where they all went where did they go they went to the naked one let me tell you both are wrong i disagree with both of them the bible disagrees with both because how is that modest and you every guy that's straight knows that a girl only wearing leggings is not modest don't lie to me don't come up to me and say i think it's really modest for women to be in literally only yoga pants as their bottom exposing all that part of their area you you're a liar okay you're a young single guy that's not married yet okay and you're lying if you're saying that because you want it to happen or something pervert look look at proverbs chapter number seven about the whorish woman it says in verse number uh 10 and the older met him a woman with the attire of a harlot yes there is clothing that you can wear that still makes you look like a whore what a bikini what just wearing leggings with a t-shirt or a midriff or a sports bra that is immodest and you know what as fundamental baptists we should go back to a normal and not let america tell us what's normal don't let islam tell us what's normal let the bible tell you what's normal and you know what men and women should cover their nakedness and you know what my boxer briefs are not covering my nakedness my pants are okay underwear is not appropriate to cover that alone no no no you need to have an outer garment oh this is islam no you don't even know what islam is and you are you are literally just falling victim for what the jews want you to do and when i say jews i mean the synagogue of satan and when i mean the synagogue of satan i mean those are the ministers of the devil literally they worship the devil they perform child sacrifice in secret they are the most rampant pedophiles involved in all manner of sex trafficking and they're telling you how to dress why because they want to make they want to make that which goes on the bedroom normal in our society as just an open obvious thing so they can bring in pedophilia by you bringing in whoredom you're helping them bring in pedophilia i'm telling you what the agenda is this is what wikipedia said about leggings his pants it said in a 2016 poll of its readers glamour magazine said that 61 of its readers thought that leggings should only be worn as an accessory glamour magazine said that more than half of people just americans still believe that not only that it said in an article in good housekeeping concluded that leggings do in fact count as pants provided they are opaque enough that they don't show your underwear so so good housekeeping says wear them as the only garment 61 of americans still say that it's nakedness in fact there have been a number of instances of people wearing leggings as pants who have been restricted or criticized for their actions and 2013 schools in sonoma county california banned students from wearing them as outerwear look when california is telling you that it's not right you real you've crossed the line and of course why is it happening in california because i'm telling you all the laws come from the weirdest places because that's where it starts when they have little teenage girls going around showing off their nakedness even the public school in california said no and then you get mad at a fundamental baptist for saying the same thing how weird are you going to get how much tv and music and hollywood are you going to let creep into your mind and turn you into a pervert like them that's what they want to do they want to take a good-hearted god-fearing man and woman and turn them into perverts like them turn them into harlots like them don't do it now i'm not going to go around and pass laws i'm not going to make a rule in my church but you know what i'm not going to not preach it either remember some lady was talking to me about how the church didn't like her tattoos when i was out soul winning and i said well here's the thing i don't have a problem with you coming to church with tattoos as long as you don't have a problem with me preaching against them you know i don't know i don't have to make rules i'll just preach the bible and it'll basically fix the problem because people feel so uncomfortable they won't probably want to be around that and that's fine because i don't want people to associate with my church that look like perverts why would i want that why would i went to california the california public school looks better than a fundamental baptist church isn't that a mockery and a shame to the to the god of the bible not only this schools in oklahoma illinois north carolina have done the same thing montana they banned leggings and yoga pants and 2017 in march three children flying on a company pass were barred from boarding a united airlines flight united airlines said no to women wearing only leggings and then united airlines defended that position so not only did the stewardess say it the entire airline company said no then delta stated via twitter that leggings were welcome on its flights fly delta united said in a statement that it does not bar regular female passengers from boarding if they're wearing leggings oh united they're united on wickedness although some public figures like patrice arquette and model and actress krista teigen were critical of united's decision a survey so united they don't really care they only care about money right so they're like okay i don't know what to do all the celebrities are telling me it's okay so they did a survey they surveyed 1800 travelers 80 of the respondents said that it's inappropriate clothing and that they want it banned i'm not saying 80 of fundamental baptists i'm saying 80 of travelers in 2017 in america said no they said it was they said it was immodest he said what's modesty well i'm pretty sure when you're getting 80 of american travelers to say no you've crossed the modesty line somewhere my friend oh this is just pastor shelley's opinion no no no no you're a weirdo and a pervert if you don't agree with me muhammad was a pedophile and a pervert and let me tell you what the jews in hollywood are perverts and this is where these extremes are coming from the jews and the muslims and they're both gross and they're both pedophiles the bible doesn't have all this rampant pedophilia you know why because they teach their women to look like women and not dress like whores don't teach your daughters to dress like whores apparently this article is really worried about it because it's linked some women to being uh considered slut shaming or body shaming yeah you should be slut shamed for wearing that the attire of a harlot i have a lot more but go to first corinthians chapter number seven let's play some of your turn this this morning don't let the world tell you how a man and a woman should be let the bible tell you and never think that the bible is extreme or radical the bible is normal and natural in fact everything inside of you is screaming i agree with pastor shelley it's only the brainwashing that's convinced you otherwise because i didn't i didn't have to tell you these things the bible said hey it's nature nature is telling you look when women get married they're not wearing the man suit they're wearing a beautiful dress why because they know that it's feminine and you know what women know when they're dressed and modest or they're not they feel that uncomfortable feeling they feel a little bit embarrassed don't do it just don't do it what's the point in doing it anyways to gain some kind of attention from men that aren't your husband look i guarantee when you're married you can get all of his attention whenever you want okay but you don't need to garner the attention of you know men that aren't your husband and in fact when you're not married you're going to garner a lot of bad guys a lot of bad men's attraction in in new york i saw that rapes are up like 14 what do you think they're raping you know most when you look at most rapes you know where they actually happen girls that are in pars girls that are hanging out at adult gentleman clubs girls that are hanging out in the wrong place dressed in the wrong way at the wrong time it's usually not god-fearing women having a bible study together or something okay it's not them teaching their children at home it's them going out in promiscuous places dressed promiscuously and you know what i'm not saying that i'm not trying to blame the victim here i'm not trying to say that any woman deserves that she never deserves that kill the rapist please but what i am saying is this don't put yourself in danger on purpose don't put yourself in a compromising situation on purpose i'm not saying we're a hijab i'm not saying we're a job i'm not saying we're a blanket over your whole body walk around as a teepee or something come on and if you don't like what i'm saying i'm just telling you turn off the tv now one note about both of these why why are they perverted why are they weird because they both teach work salvation america teaches work salvation and islam teaches work salvation in fact let me give you a quote from the cron if you avoid the major sins which are you which you are forbidden we will remove from you your lesser sins and admit you to a noble entrance into paradise you know i read that i'm like that's modern day christianity isn't it well if you if you repent of the big sins as long as you only have the little sins you can still go to heaven but you can't have the big ones right no no the bible teaches salvation's a free gift by faith it's the perfect normal natural everything makes sense you know works based salvation is every other religion that's why they get these weird perverted extreme views when you don't have the bible but listen what happens you know i want to make it clear what i've taught and then kind of a concluding statement okay men should have short hair women should have long hair men and women should be able to read and write men and women should be able to drive as long as the you know as long as they know how okay they should both be taught too right i don't think that but there is some kind of a dividing line women are supposed to usurp authority over the man so the woman should be in subjection to her husband i don't think she should be usurping that in the political sphere through voting and government uh they shouldn't be the teachers in church the bio makes this abundantly clear the bio makes it clear that men should dress like men and women should dress like women there's a difference between men and women women are the weaker vessel but that doesn't make them bad or worse it makes them different and we should give honor unto women for being women and in fact if you have a woman that's like a woman she needs extra praise for going against the culture stream that is today you should feel extra privilege and honor that you have a wife that wants to be a wife today and you should not look down upon her don't call her fertile dirt okay and don't try to make her a man keep her a woman and keep her modest and keep her feminine okay but what happens if she breaks your rules what happens if she does wrong well let's talk about islam for a second men are in charge of women by right of what allah has given one over the other and what they spend for maintenance from their wealth so righteous women are devoutly obedient guarding in the husband's absence what allah would have them guard but those wives from whom you fear arrogance first advise them so he's saying if you just are afraid they're a little arrogant first just give them a warning okay now up to this point obviously all is a false wicked god but this is kind of what christianity teaches doesn't it that women should be obedient to their husbands and that men should correct their wives okay but that's pretty much where the bible stops this is where islam continues then if they persist forsake them in bed and finally strike them but if they obey you once more seek no means against them indeed allah is ever exalted and grand islam teaches that you should beat your wife i didn't come up with that the bible forbids that why in the world would you strike anybody especially your wife okay a pastor is supposed to be no striker and you know what a pastor is an example to all men whether you're a pastor or not no men should be strikers period but the what does the crime say strike them what kind of a wicked false religion and what kind of stupidity forsake them in bed what are you a fag or something first corinthians chapter i don't care how mad i am at my wife that's a dumb rule first corinthians chapter number seven look at verse three let the husband render the wife do benevolence and likewise also the wife under the husband the wife hath not power of her own body but the husband and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body but the wife the fraud ye not one the other notice that the bible is saying hey men you're actually supposed to submit to your wives in this one area and if if you don't like that one then you're weird okay i like that one i have five children you're welcome okay say i need more children well obey the bible now obviously you can't control that 100 god opens and closes the wombs but you know what we should do our part and here's the thing you know i will teach and train my wife how to live her life you know what i do it by example not by striking you know men should be leaders not cruel dictators or something not or what's the american extreme some effeminate queer looking dude that lets his wife order him around i'm not gonna do either i will rule my household i will lead my wife but you know what i'm not gonna touch her in any way that would harm her that is wicked okay and we need to learn the general notice she's the weaker vessel i give honor under the weaker vessel i don't strike the weaker vessel i don't put down the weaker vessel and if you don't like my sermon go to any other church and you won't hear any of these verses okay you won't hear any of these concepts being taught in fact you might even sit next to a dude wearing a dress if you're lucky so let's close in prayer thank you heavenly father for the word of god i pray that we would renew our minds today that we wouldn't let some wicked false religion come and pervert our views of christianity but rather we would let the bible tell us what to believe and if we struggle with anything that we we heard this morning that we would decide to just trust in the lord and just submit ourselves to the bible whether we like it or not and i pray as as people in this room would submit to the word of god that you would also give them the understanding the wisdom of why everything you said is always right i pray that we'd have men that are more like men in 2022 america and we'd have women that are more like women in 22 america than ever before that we would set forth a good example that we'd be pleasing in your sight that we wouldn't be a shame and an embarrassment unto you but rather we would be a glory unto you and i pray that you would just help us to stay strong and be courageous and bold and not to fall victim to this world's agenda in jesus name we pray amen all right for our last song we'll go to 119 till the storm passes by song 119 till the storm passes by 119 till the storm passes by in the dark of the midnight have i offed my face while the storm howls above me and there's no hiding place mid the crash of the thunder precious lord hear my cry keep me safe till the storm passes by till the storm passes over till the thunder sounds no more till the clouds roll forever from the sky hold me fast let me stand in the hollow of thy hand keep me safe till the storm passes by many times satan whispered there is no need to try for there's no end of sorrow there's no hope by and by but i know thou art with me and tomorrow will rise where the storm's never dark in the skies till the storm passes over till the thunder sounds no more till the clouds roll forever from the sky hold me fast let me stand in the hollow of thy hand keep me safe till the storm passes by when the long night has ended and the storms come no more let me stand in thy presence on that bright peaceful shore in that land where the tempest never comes lord may i dwell with thee when the storm passes by till the storm passes over thunder sounds no more till the clouds roll forever from the sky hold me fast let me stand in the hollow of thy hand keep me safe till the storm passes by great singing god bless you are dismissed hello