(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And I want to preach a little sermon this evening real quick And I'm not going to read the entire chapter, but I'm going to start in first Corinthians chapter number nine the Bible says But though I be free from all men Yet if I made myself servant unto all that I might gain the moral and then the Jews I became as a Jew that I might Gain the Jews to them that are under the laws and the law that I might gain them that are under the law Them that are without law as without law Being not without law to God, but that is a lot of Christ and I might gain them To the weak became I as weak that I might gain the weak. I made all things to all men That I might by all means Save some and this I do for the gospel sake that I might be partaker thereof With you and so the Apostle Paul says here in first Corinthians chapter number nine That he is all things to all men and in fact even gives the real specific description here of under the Jews he became a Jew and Of course, we don't necessarily have In our area that is the predominant culture He's talking about Jews talking about a culture. He's talking about people that live in Jerusalem That part of the world and he's saying whatever part of the world he finds himself in he just adapts to the culture and So, you know why have an Old West Wednesday and why have kind of a fun night? Well in my mind, you know, it's because you know, we should adopt the culture of wherever we're at And you know, I love Texas and I say why don't I become a Texan when I live in Texas, right? I mean, there's no better reason to you know, and they do that And so the title of my service this evening is this embrace Texas culture and braised Texas culture now The number one reason I have for that I have three quick points is according to the scripture here The Apostle Paul adopted the culture that he was in for the gospel's sake and so why would I adopt? Texas culture it would be for the gospel's Sink and of course, you know this evening we're kind of having fun you dress up and elaborate you know Old West costumes or Attire arraignment But you know, of course every state every part of the world is gonna have a little bit different style When it comes to clothing when it comes to food comes activities when it comes to just how people conduct themselves Of course being in this part of the country. Most people are very friendly They'll ask you how you're doing. They'll be cordial. And of course, what's Good about that is you know people down here are generally friendly. We should be friendly Bible talks about salute You know every man and so we should be willing to adapt that into our culture Of course, you know if we lived in an area where they had a sinful culture, of course We're not about a lot of Christ as the apostle Paul clearly says we're not going to go to some extremity where we sit against But everything within our power the Apostle Paul even said to the week he became we you know That's like going to France and becoming like the French Okay, but obviously we're here in Texas So we you know, we're around the strong and so we get to become strong and we get to adopt a better culture And of course praise God that we have this home to adopt you But of course everything that we do should be with the desire of getting people saved and let's say something, Texas It's probably one of the easiest places to live and go soul-willing and preach the gospel to people so we need to Embrace the area that we're in and grace faculty live in the household area that live in Texas and while today we're willing to dress up and kind of Transform who we are a little bit We see willing to do the same when it comes to the gospel where we're willing to make some kind of Adaptation or willing to condescend the men of low estate and we're willing to adapt ourselves To get someone safe and of course, you know when I go out soul-willing and knock on doors I'm talking to people trying to share the gospel. I tried to think about this person the situation And how I can relate to them Of course It's important to try it and relate to people as best you can so as to give them the greatest Opportunity saying and that's the essence of why Paul is saying what he's saying I want to go to one of the place when I go to Luke chapter 22 so point one is this we should embrace Texas culture for the gospel is to say and Of course, you know, there's nothing more important than the gospel of Jesus Christ but there's another thing that I really like about Texas culture and Of course, you know the Bible it is not necessarily gonna have every single word in your modern Context but this verse gives us a clear statement and I think when we apply it to our context, it's really clear But Luke 22 verse 36. I'm just gonna read this one verse for you, but this is Jesus speaking He says many said in them But now he did have a purse doesn't take it and likewise a script and he got no sword Let him sell his garment and buy one. So according to the Bible Jesus Christ commanded His disciples and told them to buy a sword Now of course, you know if we update that and we think about our current culture we really need a gun Alright, so if we make the modern application Jesus Christ is wanting us to have a gun You know, I like about Texas culture. They like gun, right? So we're gonna play a little bit of a game for the rest of the sermon Every time I say done you guys got out there with an orange pack You're gonna shoot two rounds up in the air. All right, so I hope you got you got a holster All right, you got to get ready. Maybe spin on your finger a little bit. Okay. All right, but when I say You know the magic word. We're gonna fire two rounds there. All right, who is ready for me? gun Of Course we have the great phrase don't mess with Texas and we need to bring that back and Of course, you know the Bible tells us in Romans 13. I'm gonna go to another place here in the Bible and talk about this but There's nothing wrong with the sword. There's nothing wrong with a gun Of Course the Bible brings up why you have such an instrument and of course the swords are not for love tax They're not to make you feel good inside The sword is used for death. The Bible says Romans 13 let every soul be subject to the higher powers So there's no power but of God the powers that be are ordained of God He was therefore resistant the power is this is the ordinance of God and they that resist so are seeing themselves damnation For rulers are not a terror to good works But to the evil look out then not be afraid of the power Do that which is good and else I have phrased the same for he is the minister of God To be for good, but if that do that was evil be afraid For he beareth not the sword in vain for he is the minister of God and revenger to execute wrath Upon him that do evil according to the Bible in Romans chapter 13 We have men that live in our society that are the ministers of God and what this is is the government appointed men who are supposed to execute vengeance upon evil doers and Of course that vengeance according the Bible's done this or but you know what in our modern vernacular that should be the gun And who has the gun does not bear it in vain now when it comes to Our area we need more Ministers of God we need more men that are gonna be brave and stand up and fight the evil Through lawful processes through having a righteous government through having people that are going to institute the laws and of course You know, there's a sheriff Okay. Now here's the thing one sheriff can't get the job done. We need many ministers of God And so in fact, I need to deputize some people this evening and I've got some more share of badges with me So if you're a young boy, you're a young man today that wants to get deputized You're the between the ages of two and five. I need you to come on down and get deputized right now Come on down And get you a sheriff bad. I need a deputy. I need a deputy. That's the boys All right. He's there. He is. That's an ambitious chair right there All right All right, come on John John Wayne come on down Here you go buddy. Good job. All right, come on boys All right Good job lots of sheriff's around here Good job. All right That's what we need in our culture we need to embrace the ministers of God we need more sheriff's around here. Amen We're gonna use their gun And are willing to say don't mess the Texas, you know, we need to bring that back into our culture and You know, that's what the Bible says We've got another place first Corinthians chapter 10 First Corinthians chapter 10 the Bible says verse 31 Wherefore I'm sorry, whether there were you eat or drink What's every do? Do all to the glory of God and so why would you embrace? Texas culture number one is to the gospel say number two is the guns Number three is the glory of God for the glory of God and why why the glory of God will work in the Bible Whatever you eat drink everything is supposed to be done under the glory of God verse 32 says give not offense I can choose nor the Gentile nor the church of God even like these all men and all things Not seeking my own profit for the profit of many that might be saved. So quite in the Bible We are to adapt ourselves So that we can get as many people saved as possible The number one reason why you're here is to get saved To get saved by believing in the Lord Jesus Christ trusting him in his death or resurrection That's what saves you And then the second thing to do is to get other people saved by preaching them the free gospel of Jesus Christ And we're supposed to be willing to go through anything physical torment physical punishment I mean if you're going to go through physical torment punishment adapting Texas culture teach folks Okay, and adapting the culture no matter where you find yourself if you find yourself leading the promised land at some point in the future I feel sorry for you, but you should adapt that whole thing. You know, you should go there but while you're in, Texas You should embrace Texas culture. I Want to go to one of the plays and Psalms and talk about this, but you don't want to talk about the glory of God You know what? God is the one who gave us Texas. God is the one who gave us brisket God is the one who gave us cows. God is the one who gave us guns He gave us gals, you know, I mean Adam looked at Eve and he's like, whoa I Mean all of it's been given to us by God and we look at the area within it's such a great area Then it's such a wonderful part of the world part of the earth We should give glory to God for living here and I believe that you should Give glory to God no matter where you live, but especially in Texas, but especially in this part of the world We live in one of the greatest places and we should love the place that we live in God has given us this opportunity to be here. The Bible says in Psalm 72 verse 17, I'm sorry His name shall endure forever His name should be continued as long as the Sun Men should be blessed in them. All nations have called him blessed Blessed be the name of the Lord God the God of Israel Who only do with wondrous things? Blessed be his glorious name forever and let the whole earth be filled with his glory amen and a Men, so the Bible says that the entire earth be filled with his glory that includes Texas That includes Dallas, Fort Worth, Texas that includes this area right now We're supposed to give glory and God no matter where we are no matter what we're doing And of course, that's what I love about embracing Texas culture It's giving glory to God for the culture that we have here If it weren't for God, we wouldn't be able to have the things we do wouldn't be able to enjoy the freedoms We still have and you say well they're shrinking sure, but we still have better freedoms than almost anybody on this planet We still have greater freedoms than almost anybody throughout history Were there times where there was more freedom arguably possibly it's true But you know what for most people we live in a time of the most freedom with the most joy the most luxury the most guns I mean There's really I think we're so Blessed You don't realize it But I'm telling you what you need to realize that we have a great place to live in We need to tell people about it. And you know when you're in Texas, you don't eat chili with beans and okay folks Because you have great, Texas culture Right, and if you go somewhere else if you go to Oklahoma, then you can be weak But here in Texas, you gotta be strong right and we want to keep Texas culture the way it is want other people to be excited about coming to Texas and What the people that live here to get glory to God for what they have and one of the saddest things I hear out so many Is when you knock on the door and you ask somebody if they die today if they go to heaven and they say I don't And you say well, I've heard a place called hell and they say oh hell's right now You know, what a blast this thing to say what a sad thing for someone to think We're actually in hell when they live one of the greatest places you can possibly live And of course, there's suffering that we exist in this world. We can go through hard times, but nothing Nothing on this earth compared to hell and we live, you know, really in the ocean It was my opinion and so we should make sure that we encourage people to enjoy living here enjoy the freedom to have enjoy bristles and Enjoy the things that enjoy a good fundamental Baptist church. Enjoy the King James Bible Enjoy the freedom they have enjoy the guns that they have And enjoy everything that they have Let's close with prayer. Thank you Heavenly Father so much for everything that you've given us I thank you so much for giving us the gospel. Thank you for giving us guns. Thank you for giving us With all the stuff that we have in this state I pray that we give the glory of you I pray that this evening would be done in glory to you and I pray that you live our lives in glory to you. Jesus stand and pray. Amen.