(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) God be the glory Again that song number 162 We don't have our orchestra tonight, so we got to hear all your voices I need everybody to sing 162 let's start all together on the first to Me the glory great things he had done So loved he the world that he gave us his son Who? Yielded his life and atonement for sin and Open the life gate that all may go in praise the Lord praise the Lord Let the earth hear his voice praise the Lord praise the Lord Let the people rejoice Oh To the father through Jesus's son And give him the glory great things. He had done Oh Perfect redemption the purchase of blood to every believer the promise of God the vilest offender who truly believes That moment from Jesus upon and receives praise the Lord Praise the Lord Let the earth hear his voice praise the Lord praise the Lord Let the people rejoice Oh come to the father through Jesus the son and Give him the glory great things he had done great things He had taught us great things. He had done and great are rejoicing through Jesus the son but purer and higher and greater Will be our wonder our transport when Jesus we see praise the Lord praise the Lord Let the earth hear his voice praise the Lord praise the Lord Let the people Rejoice oh come to the father through Jesus the son and Give him the glory Great things he had done Amen, great scene spirits word of prayer Heavenly Father, we just thank you that we could be here gathered together I pray you'd speak up to us through the message you help our hearts and our Our minds to be open to the sermon help us to apply it to our lives Please give pastor Shelley wisdom and just fill them with your Holy Spirit You would help him to teach us your word tonight We love you father and we thank you for all you do and just want to ask these things in Jesus Christ's name. Amen Next we're gonna be in our white handouts. We're gonna do Psalm 139 if you need one try to raise up your hand Hopefully we have enough to pass around you check under your seats I know they're scattered around everywhere if you can't find it You always got your King James Bible where you can try and share with your neighbor It's gonna be Psalm 139 Psalm 139, let's sing it all together on the first Surely the will play the wicked Surely that will slay the wicked Oh God Depart from me Therefore ye bloody men Depart from me Therefore ye bloody men do not I hate them Oh Lord that hate thee do not I hate them. Oh Lord that hate me And not I grieve with those that rise up against thee do not Oh Lord that hate thee For they speak against thee wickedly for they speak against thee wickedly And I'm in these take thy name in vain and I'm in me Take thy name in vain Do not I hate them Oh Lord that hate thee do not I hate them. Oh Lord that hate me And not I grieve with those that rise up against thee do not I hate them. Oh Lord that hate thee. I hate them with perfect hatred I Hate them with perfect hatred Them my enemies I can't them my enemies Oh With those that rise up against thee do not Amen You Thanks for coming to steadfast Baptist Church if you need a bulletin Maybe you can lift up your hand one of our ushers can come by get you one on the inside We have our service so many times We also have our church that's make sure to turn your soul winning maps in to brother Dylan Whether they've been completed or not as well as report your soul winning to your respective soul winning Captain that we would capture that data on the right. We have the list of expecting ladies We have a prayer list if you have any prayer requests you'd like added Please email those to the church email address steadfast Baptist KJV at gmail.com And then on the back we have the note again the soul winning seminar Thursday we will be meeting for a breakfast place I'm gonna put in an email out this week that has those details and also make another video Just letting you know where we're gonna meet for breakfast We'll probably meet somewhere in the the centralized area And then we'll go out for a couple hours of soul winning And then we'll have soul winning in the afternoon as well if you would like to participate We'll also have a dinner At 6 p.m.. It's going to be meeting at the location. That's emailed to everybody and We'll have I believe what Thursday night is roses, so I think we're having roses Thursday night And then we're having Italiani's Friday night, and then we're having chick-fil-a breakfast and so on Saturday The the conference itself should be about 6 to 8 p.m. So that way you have an idea of how to plan accordingly Thursday night 6 to 8 p.m.. Friday night 6 to 8 p.m.. And then Saturday from 830 To about 10 o'clock, and then we'll have soul winning in afternoons is in the morning and afternoon as well So whatever you can participate in it looks like it'll be a lot of fun. Hopefully God willing it'll be good weather if you have any questions, please email if You don't already if you're not already on our email list you're listening online or something Just email the church is the best way to get that information just say hey This is so-and-so. I want to participate in the conference Please can you send me the details and we'll try to update them about the emails for the trip Who's planning on coming Thursday? Okay, so that sounds great. We're really looking forward to it and Did we check to make sure that we have tables for Thursday night? That's something we might want to check for the OZ okay, so double check on that and then We have our couple other marathons April 2nd College Station Sony marathon April 29th homeschool field trip May 21st Austin Texas only marathon we still have our soul winning tribe competition for baptisms and then the Congratulations to the colossal family on the birth of Caleb Joshua, man This guy is definitely going to promised land. I mean Caleb Joshua. I mean that's a great name and he was born March 19th 945 a.m.. And he weighs 7 pounds and 7 ounces, so that's congratulations to them. That's really exciting And That's pretty much all I have for now so we did get some more water so if you need a water you can come up here and grab one or ask an usher and they'll be happy to Get you one, and that's pretty much all I have for announcements Let's go to our third song brother Duncan's gonna lead for us song four and your hymnal You the way of the cross leads home Song number four In that song number four and sing it all together on the first I must needs go home by the way There's no other way, but this I shall make it side of the gates if the way The way of the cross leads home the way of the cross leads home It is sweet to know as I onward go the way of the cross leads home I Must needs go on in the blood-sprinkled way the path that the Savior drawn if I ever climb to the Sublime where the soul is at home with God the way of the cross leads home the way of the cross leads home It is sweet to know as I onward go the way of the cross leads home Then I bid farewell to the way of the world to walk in and add For my lord says come and I seek my home where he waits at the open door The way of the cross leads home the way of the cross leads home It is sweet to know as I onward go the way of the cross leads home Genesis chapter 1 Genesis chapter 1 Genesis chapter 1 as the offering plates are being passed around Bible reads in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters and God said let there be light and there was light and God saw the light that it was good and God divided the light from the darkness and God called the light day and the darkness he called night in the evening in the morning were the first day and God said let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters and let it divide the waters from the waters and God made the firmament and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament and it was so and God called the firmament heaven in the evening in the morning were the second day and God said let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place and let the dry land appear and it was so God called the dry land earth and the gathering together of the waters called he sees and God saw that it was good and God said let the earth bring forth grass the herb yielding seed and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind whose seed is in itself upon the earth and it was so and the earth brought forth grass and herb yielding seed after his Kind and tree yielding fruit whose seed was in itself after his kind and God saw that it was good in the evening in the morning were the third day and God said let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years and Let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth and it was so and God Made two great lights the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night he made the stars also and God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth and To rule over the day and over the night and to divide the light from the darkness and God saw that it was good in the evening in the morning were the fourth day and God said let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath light and Fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven and God created great whales and every living creature that moveth which the waters brought forth abundantly after their kind and every winged fowl after his kind and God saw that it was good and God blessed them saying be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas and let fowl multiply in the earth in the evening in the morning were the fifth day and God said let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind Cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth after his kind and it was so and God made the beast of the earth after his kind and cattle after their kind and everything that creepeth upon the earth after his kind and God saw that it was good and God said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the Sea and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon The earth so God created man in his own image in the image of God created He him male and female created he them and God blessed them and God said unto them be fruitful and multiply and Replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion Over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth And God said behold I have given you every herb bearing seed Which is upon the face of all the earth and every tree in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed? To you it shall be for meat And to every beast of the earth and to every fowl of the air and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth Wherein there is life I have given every green herb for meat and it was so And God saw everything that he had made and behold it was very good and the evening and the morning were the sixth day Let's have work Amen so we're on day six of creation and There's a lot more verses here in Genesis chapter number one that cover Day six. There's a lot of things that are happening in day six It says in verse 24 and God said let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind cattle and creeping thing and beasts of the earth after his kind and it was so and God made the beast of the earth after his kind and cattle after their kind and Everything that creepeth upon the earth after his kind and God saw that it was good So when God created Animals as we call them land dwelling beasts He is constantly referring to the fact that they're created after their kind and so there is some kind of a diversification some kind of a classification that God delineates between his creation and he calls them a kind now in modern science modern Education in school today. You don't really learn about the biblical kind you learn about other classification systems ways of categorizing animals and creatures and beasts But really their categorization I find to be somewhat very confusing and really their their Classification doesn't seem to be very scientific. It seems to be arbitrary frankly speaking now there's approximately eight Different classifications that they have they kind of have at a high level the domain Then a kingdom a phylum a class an order of family a genus or a species Okay, so they kind of go and they they really get to a more narrow Grouping as they fall down these lists. So species is kind of the bottom of the food chain It's where you have the most number or quantity of things that have been labeled as a quote-unquote Species, okay, but species is not a biblical word it's not a word that we really see the Bible classifying or identifying animals or people as a species the Bible used the word kind and often scoffers of the Bible people that want to make fun of God's Word they will try to say Oh, how are you gonna fit all the millions and millions of species on Noah's ark? Well number one Species didn't go on the ark kinds of animals went on the ark Okay, and if you look at modern science today, they'll claim there's about eight point seven million species eight point seven Million, this is a lot. This is a ton. This is a huge number now, of course, they've never classified that many species They're just throwing out an educated guess Okay, and and their guess is really weird Especially when you start thinking about how they actually identify certain Animals in the Bible now go if you would to Leviticus chapter 11 keep your finger We're gonna coming back to Genesis 1 go to Leviticus chapter number 11 but If you think about dogs a lot of times people say oh look at all the different dogs. How did Noah? Get to Wawa's and Rottweilers and what other kind of non dogs are there? I don't know Shit zoos and You know all these kinds of weird breeds that that exist out there according to the American Kennel Club There's two hundred and two breeds of dog. Okay, but even modern science Surprisingly enough even modern science says that there's only one species of dog So all the dogs whether it be a Great Dane a poodle or a Chihuahua the little rat looking thing They're all somehow a dog. Okay, they're all canine quote-unquote as their species So even if you were gonna take the stupid idea that Noah brought all of the species on the ark He would have only needed two dogs. And in fact many dog breeders will admit to you that they can literally Recreate any breed of dog given enough time with just two random dogs I mean you just have two random dogs and you selectively breed them through natural selection You can eventually get it to look like and sound like whatever you want. Why would you ever want it to look like a Chihuahua? You've literally taken a great-looking beast and made it into just like it almost looks like it's not even a dog anymore Frankly speaking. I don't even consider it a dog. It's just I don't know what it is. Okay, but I'm sure I stepped on someone's toes, but it doesn't really bother me. Okay You know, it's funny is there's so many dogs, right? But then I was looking up bears How many species of bears anybody know any guesses Eight species of bear so there's only one species of dog with the 200 various breeds But there's eight species of bear. Let me tell you the species of bear the North American black bear. Okay, that's a species Then the second one is the brown bear The third one is the polar bear Apparently bears are really racist. Okay, because you got your brown bears. You got your black bears. You got your white bears They're all different species. Okay, then you got the Asiatic black bear because you know, they don't want to be like the black bears. They're the Asian bears Okay, the Asian black bears then you got the end the end Andrea or Andea bear the panda bear so that's kind of your mix that's can you know where you're just like all races or whatever he's got black white and everything in between and Then you got the sloth bear. Those are the ones on welfare, okay Apparently it's a completely different species and then you got the Sun bear You know, what's silly about this is all of these bears they could breed with one another typically speaking Okay, and so, you know when you look at the biblical kind you don't see this delineation of eight species of bear Okay, and who decided that there was eight species of bear but only one species of dog who's making these determinations You know, I think that a black bear and a brown bear are way closer than a Great Dane and Chihuahua Right. I mean if you're gonna look at varying Characteristics Whether that be the shape the color the size the bark the bite I mean everything that's going on I mean Brown bears and black bears are gonna be a lot harder to distinguish from one another Then it would be a lot of the dog breeds yet. They classify them as all as one species So so what's really going on here? Look most of the stuff going up in science class is just made up folks It just literally made up, you know, the scientists they go and find another bear and it's like red and they're like another species red bear and They of course they want to name these things after themselves. They want to get all the credit They want all the glory because they found a new species and they want to get a museum Exhibit and they want to get paid grants to discover more truths about these species and it's all about money It's all about money and fame It has nothing to do with real classification of animals Because it's frustrating if you just go online and you say well how many just kinds of animals are there? You know, we talked about like dog bird bear tortoise Rabbit, I mean if we're just gonna say like what kinds of animal it's actually a really hard to even find any information on it Because they're not studying that Because of course if they study that they'd start realizing like oh I guess it is possible to get all those animals on the ark because we're not talking about Millions and millions of species we're talking about hundreds and in fact, probably not even that many You know, I've actually done whole studies on this and I think I preached a little sermon on it Previously, but based on my you know being pretty liberal on what kind of animals there are I found that there was only about 551 if you include all the land dwelling all the birds and the Insects and just kind and probably in the birds. I'm way off I'm sure that there's a lot less when it comes to kind and really from a biblical perspective God Differentiates based on whether they can reproduce or not So if if dogs can all reproduce, it's the same kind bears can all reproduce the same kind But you know a dog and a bear can't reproduce a dog and a rabbit can't reproduce Therefore it's a completely different kind of animal, but who cares if it's brown black white red I mean to really say that's a completely different species makes it seem like you're a pretty racist person actually You know when you think about it, and of course, that's what they want to do with humans, too Don't they they want to say that there's these five races, but you know what that's not found in the Bible anywhere Where does the Bible say there's five races or there's you know four and then just other? There's like four races or there's like Hispanic white and Hispanic black And it's just like look are you Mexican or not? I mean just you know tell I mean, what is the difference anyways? You know it's confusing and really you know of course That's what the world does is it confuses you the Bible makes things clear now in a noviticus chapter 11 It talks about various kinds of animals, and it talks about other differentiated by their kind look at verse number four Nevertheless these shall ye not eat of them that chew the cud or of them that divide the hoof as the camel Because you chew at the cud but divided not the hoof He is unclean unto you and the coney because he chewed the cud but divided not the hoof He is unclean unto you and the hare because he chewed the cud and divided not the hoof He is unclean unto you so in this chapter. He's talking about animals that you can't eat animals You can't eat. Okay, so we've we looked at a few animals, but skip forward to verse 14 and The vulture and the kite after his notice this word kind Every Raven after his kind and the owl and the nighthawk and the Cuckoo and the hawk after his kind and the little owl and the cormorant and the great owl and the swan of the pelican And the Greer eagle and the stork The heron after her kind and the lapwing and the bat so notice. He's giving a lot of different animal kinds Like an owl like the Greer eagle like the Raven like the vulture But it's not like oh, well, what kind of Raven all of the Ravens That's the kind the kind is Raven. It doesn't matter if it's a black Raven a red Raven a white Raven It doesn't really matter or black and white Raven. It's just like you don't eat any of them Notice how when God is given the delineations. He's just like hey, all of these birds are called Raven You they're all off limits because that's how God classifies animals as in kinds He makes these differentiations and he's saying you can't eat any of this kind you can eat some of this kind Making it clear. There's a different kind of Animal, okay, and of course God made several different kinds of animals, but if you think about it In fact when we get into Genesis chapter 2 Adam named all the animals How is it gonna name millions of animals? You can't count to a million in one day I mean, I can't remember what the the actual numbers are in it But I think it's like I mean if you count it to a million just like non-stop 24-7 it would take like maybe a year or years or something like that I mean, so if we're talking about one day's work, it can't be millions It can't be hundreds of thousands, but you know a couple hundred is reasonable I mean you could count to 500 and what a couple minutes. So, you know if we talk about Naming all the animals. That's a reasonable thing that Adam could have done in a couple hours on The first day that he was created he's brought all of these different kinds of animals Okay, he wasn't brought a black. He's like black bear red bear blue bear. No, no, just bear Okay bear Raven giraffe Antelope, you know, he's just looking at the different kinds of animals and just giving them a specific name If you look at verse 21 It says he may eat these or the yet these may eat of every flying Creeping thing that goes upon all four which have legs above their feet to leap with all upon the earth even these of them he may eat the locusts after his kind and the bald locusts after his kind and the beetle after his Kind and the grasshopper after his kind. So notice he's talking about even insects are classified as kinds So if we were gonna really classify the animal kingdom It should be done through kinds not this made-up phylum kingdom genus species stuff That's really just a bunch of nonsense folks. It's not legitimate. It's used just to see people and confuse people in fact, I've seen some scientists they say there could even be a hundred million species and 86% of them we haven't even discovered Now think about that Do you really I mean do you think when you run into bugs and animals? 86% of the time you have no idea what it even is. I Mean cuz that's what they're basically suggesting that you're just constantly running into things you like. I've never seen that before It's like look we always know what we've seen. It's a beetle. It's a bug. It's a mosquito. It's a fly It's an ant. It's you know, it's not like we're sitting here like what is that? Now obviously you go to you know, Australia or something and it might be a really scary-looking spider But it's a spider, you know Put on the Bobby, you know, I don't know It might be a really big spider might be hairy spider, but it's still a spider folks Okay, it's not like there's just all these random Bugs and animals roaming on our planet. We've never found we don't even know 86% of them We haven't even found look when you go to the zoo, it's all the same stuff And in fact, you don't go to a good zoo like the Fort Worth Zoo. It's kind of disappointing It's like here's the chicken exhibit And here's like the pigeon you're like pigeon exhibit what here's the dog exhibit. You're like, okay Do you have anything cool? It's like well, no They don't really have much and so it's cool to go to a nice zoo where you actually see something a little bit more exotic But even the zoo itself, it's not like they have millions of exhibits folks it's it's a handful of exhibits of the different animals that they have out there and who can tell the difference between a Bobcat and a lemur and you know a cougar. It's like That stuff looks really similar. I mean a leopard and a jaguar I mean, I'm not a taxidermist nor am I some kind of animal expert? I couldn't tell you the difference between a leopard and a jaguar I mean a lot of these things look very very similar, you know why because it's the same kind the same kind of animal Now let's go if we would back to Genesis chapter number one Let's read a few more verses here So God tells us everything in the Bible and it's and it's great that God literally describes and identifies everything you could possibly see or hear it in the Bible I mean think about what other religious books are describing for you how to classify all the animals all the insects everything that we see and hear and touch and feel I mean the Bible is a Science book on top of the fact that it's the Word of God. It's the truth. It's a religious book. It's everything Everything you could possibly want to know about this world. The Bible is gonna give you an answer about it It's gonna at least give you a starting point now I would suggest that not every animal is found in the Bible There are certain animals that exist that maybe you can't find that particular animal name in the Word of God But has a lot it has quite a few that are mentioned in the Word of God and it gives you a great starting point to identify animals in and of themselves Now it says in verse 26 and God said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over the Cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth So after creating all birds fish and land dwelling animals then God created man and notice that there's a difference between all of these because man is In control of or supposed to be in dominion of all fish all birds Everything that we see today and isn't that exactly how it is. I Mean, it seems like some people are tempting fate and letting the dog be the owner But let's face it man is in dominion on the earth You know, we're we've conquered the beasts of the earth there is not a beast, you know they have long stories about dragons or something like that, but Whether they were or what they look like who knows because man conquered it You know, whatever that dragon looked like or whatever it existed as man has defeated it Why because man is unique in the sense that man is created in God's image. Okay now in Genesis 1 there's so much doctrine. There's so much we can learn but notice that he says let us You know the word us is plural Notice in the very beginning of the Bible the Bible is describing God is a us and Some people they scoff at this or they try to get weird perverted Definitions of this us. Okay, like oneness Pentecostals and these people are heretics I actually run it ran into one of these the other day and it's it's like literally talking to a wall Because you just show these people clear verses from the Bible and they just don't get it. They don't believe it They just reject it It goes over their head and it's like they're just dumb on purpose if you reject the Trinity, it's because you're dumb on purpose Well, I think it's hard to figure out well Sorry that the God of the universe is a little bit smarter than you and knows a few things more than you Okay, you know it's not that hard to realize that there's three persons that are one God It's not that hard people want is oh, it's a mystery. It's not a mystery. It's just a fact There's three persons one God now how that exists and how God is three persons and how he exists beyond eternity That's difficult for us to comprehend, but you know, it's not difficult to comprehend There's three persons and there's one God Because this was the Bible says let me explain to you why this is not a hard concept Every Christ denying Catholic on this planet believes in the Trinity For you to deny the Trinity you are like flat earth level retarded Okay, where you just deny clear reality because unsaved people that are going to hell every single day Catholics Understand and comprehend the Trinity because that's just what the Bible teaches It teaches that there's a father a son and a Holy Ghost. Okay, and while they're all God, they're not each other and It's not better if I had three $1 bills They're all a $1 bill, but there's three of them. Okay, and when it comes to God There's three persons, but there's one God and you're not God. I'm not God Jesus is God the Father is God and the Holy Ghost is God and you know when they existed always That's why they say I am Because there is no such thing as really existence with them because they've always existed. They've always been they just are Okay, and the Bible makes this abundantly clear that there's this difference go to 1st Corinthians chapter 15 for a moment go to 1st Corinthians chapter number 15 and I want to look at a lot of verses here because the Trinity is a really important doctrine in the Bible and You know, I I don't feel the necessity to explain all the The deep parts of the Trinity when I get someone saved But I do often just bring it up just to see where they fall on this doctrine Because I'll just say, you know Bible teaches that Jesus Christ is the Son of God But he's also God in the flesh because there's a Trinity. There's the Father the Son the Holy Ghost Is that what you believe and they're like, yeah, it's like alright time to move on Okay, but when they're like, oh no No, they're one. There's only one and it's like well, actually the Bible says three Do you want to hear and if they say no then I'm like, bye And if they want to hear then I'll show them what the Bible has to say and sometimes they get convinced But you know even myself I get sucked into these stupid conversations with one has been a kossel's now I will say this. I was trying to get someone else saved and they were interrupting Okay, but when you run into these people and you just show them clear verse at a clear verse and they're denying it You know man has a heretic after the first and second admonition reject is what the Bible says and these people are some people to reject Because they are just dumb on purpose now when it comes to flesh We got to think about something He said let us make man in our image and this is something I hear from these Trinity denying heretics is they'll say Oh, well, that was God talking to the angels Wait a minute angels didn't create anything They were created number one number two the Bible doesn't bring them up It seems like day one God created day two God created day three God created day four God created day five day God created Oh day six. Now the angels are part of creation No God is the one that's speaking. It's God's Word that is creating. It's not some angel sidekick but let me just prove that that's true because He said hey let us Make man in our image. So whoever image that the man is being created in those people Whoever the hour is share this common flesh. Okay, look at first Corinthians chapter 15. Look at verse 39 All flesh is not the same flesh But there is one kind of flesh of man put that in your racist pipe and smoke it I don't believe in race because the Bible does not teach there is races The Bible teaches there is one kind of man. That's it. I Mean the only classification I would have is man and dogs. Okay, but you know, that's a different story All right for a different time, but here's the reality when it comes to the flesh There's only one flesh of man and then whoever's making man has to have a similar Flesh, okay, or has have a similar Attribute because he's saying let us make man after our image. He's not saying like let's just make it completely different Let's make something that's like us that looks like us Okay, now go to the Hebrews chapter number one Hebrews chapter number one Let's read a few more verses here and When you think about the Lord Jesus Christ, he's considered the Son of man why because We're made in the image of him Okay, but he's also then born later and you know what Jesus is. He's the man Christ Jesus So if we're gonna be made in the image of God and Man's made in the image of God. Let me tell you something about God. He's got to be a man in some way Otherwise, how does that verse even make sense? Explain to me how God created man his own image, but God's not a man in any way Then it sounds like we weren't made in his image sounds like we don't look like him No, the reason why he said that is because we look like God generally speaking Okay, generally speaking now, of course the black Hebrew Israelites wanted to be a black dude. Okay? Asian some Asian denominations want to be an Asian dude white people want to be snow white and it's like Okay, he doesn't have to be your color necessarily, but you know, he's a man Okay, and that's what the Bible clearly says Hebrews chapter 1 look at verse 5 From to which of the angels said he at any time thou art my son This day have I begotten thee and again? I will be to him a father and he should be to me a son And again when he bringeth in the first begotten in the world He saith and let all the angels of God worship him and all the angel and of the angels He saith who maketh his angels spirits and his ministers a flame of fire, but unto the son He saith thy throne Oh God is forever and ever a scepter of righteousness is a scepter of thy kingdom Thou has loved righteousness and hated iniquity therefore God even thy God hath anointed thee with oil above the earth or sorry with the oil of gladness above thy fellows and Thou Lord in the beginning has laid the foundation of the earth and the heavens are the works of thine hands So notice in Hebrews 1 it brings up that the Sun is God He has a God and that the Sun Laid the foundations of the earth now who created the heaven and the earth in the Bible in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth so notice who did that the Sun and he said hey None of the angels are my son So who created on day one God? God the Son and God the Father There they're creating and then on day number six then when it says hour Who do you think that happens to me it's the father and the son again That's why I think let us make man in our image, but it cannot be Angels that he's speaking about let's go even further and prove this look at chapter 2 verse 6 But when in a certain place testified saying what is man that thou art mindful of him or the son of man That thou visit is him I made us him a little lower than the angels thou crown us in with glory and honor and did a set him over the works of thy hands So notice who we're talking to he's saying hey you put man in charge of all the works of thy hands and Notice it's not we're not talking about angels We're talking about the Lord who's made it thou has put all things in subjection under his feet For in that he put all in subjection under him He left nothing that is not put under him But now we see not yet all things put under him But we see Jesus has made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death Crown of glory and honor that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man For it became him for whom are all things and by whom are all things and bring many sons unto glory to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings for both he that sanctify it and they who are sanctified are all of one For which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren saying I will declare thy name and my brethren in the midst of the church while I sing praise unto thee and again, I'll put my trust in him and Again, behold I and the children which God hath given me for as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood He also himself likewise took part of the same that through death He might destroy him that had the power of death That is the devil and deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage So the Bible saying Jesus Wanted to be able to be like us So that he could feel and go through all of the experiences that we go through Now, what's the difference? What's the big difference? between us and God God is not subject to death. God is not subject to mortality. We are stuck in a Body that can die that can perish Okay, so God had to basically take off immortality and put on human flesh and be born of the Virgin Mary and We're subject unto That physical reality that we can die But you know that's different than other people look at verse 16 for verily took not on him the nature of angels But he took on him the seed of Abraham Wherefore in all things that behooved him to be made like unto his brethren that he might be a merciful and faithful High priest and things pertaining to God to make Reconciliation for the sins of the people for in that he himself hath suffered being tempted He's able to sucker them that are tempted. So notice Jesus when he came he was not Made like an angel. He was made like us so that means there's a difference between us and Angels, so then how could you go back to Genesis chapter number one and say hey Let us make man in our image after our likeness and that's an angel because I'm not like an angel You're not like an angel. Jesus wasn't made like an angel. We're made lower than the angels We have a different type of life and flesh and mortality and everything else Obviously in a sense some angels are gonna go to hell and I get that but what I am saying is that they don't have the same kind of constraints that a human man does and Jesus Christ put those constraints on himself Somehow great is the mystery of godliness. God was manifest in the flesh Somehow God could put on human flesh and and come into this earth and be subject to death and literally die For us now that's incredible when we think about it, but it proves that in Genesis chapter number one It wasn't angels that was creating their Man, because we're not an angels likeness. We're not in the image of an angel. We're in the image of God and Angels are not the sons of gods They're ministering spirits is what the Bible describes them as okay, so they're a different thing now some people there Oh, we're gonna be as the angels. Look. I'm not gonna become an angel I'm still gonna be a man in a sense mankind. I'm just gonna be in a glorified state I'm gonna be like Jesus. I'm gonna be whatever he's like, but you know what? He's not an angel in that sense and as an angelic being he's a messenger of God There's a difference there But this proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus Christ is the one that's talking about when it says our It's the Father and the Son saying let us make man in our image now Wouldn't it make sense if me my dad and my grandfather were all having a conversation And we looked at my firstborn son and say man doesn't he look like us That's what it's saying it's not saying, you know I've even heard some people go so as far as to say that we're a Trinity Because then there's another form of oneness out there where they're like, well, we're a body soul and spirit And so that's what God is. God is like this weird, you know body soul and spirit where the flesh part is Jesus the Spirit is the Father and then the soul is like the Holy Spirit or something like that. I don't know I'm just like no that is not what the Bible teaches Jesus Christ wall on this earth had a spirit and a soul and a body and There was still a father up in heaven. Okay, and there's a Physical body that we have and there's a spiritual body Okay The father has a spiritual body up in heaven and he is a spirit and I get that But to say that God the Father is just one person and we're a Trinity is just again denying the Bible Folks, it's multiple person and they'll say well he made us after our likeness Look, I don't talk to my body soul and spirit is us Hey, Pastor Shelley can go here we can You know, that's the stupid I did no one talks like Legion you're filled with Devils then you start using plural pronouns What are your pronouns they Legion and us? It's like stay away from me You know if your pronouns are not I then I don't want to talk to you. Okay Go to Colossians just to the left in your Bible Colossians chapter number one and look at verse number 13 You Well, if Jesus was never created then how is he a son because that's what the Bible says He's always been his son done I Mean what? Why do why do you need to believe something different? I mean if there was three people that have always existed wouldn't you ask like, okay. Well, what's y'all's relationship and it's like Is there just nothing cuz it why I'm the father I'm the son and I'm the only ghost that's how it is That's just reality. Okay. Well, that's not monotheistic. Well, I don't care what label you put on it. It's Bible and The Son of God has always existed. He's the Creator look at verse 13 Who have delivered us from the power of darkness and have translated us into the kingdom of his dear son and? Whom we have redemption through his blood even the forgiveness of sins who is the image of the invisible God Now how can those two be the exact same Jesus is the image of the Invisible God so we're talking about Jesus looks just like what the father The firstborn of every creature for by him were all things created that are in heaven and that are in earth Visible and invisible whether it be thrones or dominions or principalities or powers all things are created by him for him so if the Sun Created every single thing, you know what that includes mankind in Genesis chapter number one let us make man in our image after our likeness That's the son and the father who's making the mankind in their image Look at chapter 7 of Hebrews go back to Hebrews real quick click to the right Go to Hebrews. I'm just giving you a few Trinity verses to chew on for a moment But look the Trinity is everywhere in the Bible. I mean when you deny the Trinity you're denying Genesis to Revelation You're denying the father and the son. How could here's a question. Why do you even call God the father if he doesn't have a son? When did he become the father in your opinion, I mean that doesn't make any sense You're the one that actually makes absolutely no sense just because you can't understand eternity. Okay, fine No one can only God can really grasp what eternity is like But at the end of the day I can get the fact that there's a father son of the Holy Ghost That's not that hard and don't let people confuse you it's like oh well we can all believe different things to the Trinity's heart No, no, you don't believe there's three then you're not I'm having no fellowship with you You're not you have a different God You have a different Jesus Christ Because my Jesus Christ created everything and he was there at the very beginning and he wasn't just this nebulous floating words Okay, he was a person and you're denying the person of Jesus Christ Jesus Christ didn't become a person in Mary's womb Jesus Christ was a person in heaven who was saying hey, I came down not to do my own will How do you have a will in heaven? You're not a person? He's like I'm not gonna do my own. Well, I'm doing the will of him that sent me Hey glorify me with thy own self with the glory that I had with thee before the world was How do you have glory with someone and they have their own self if someone has their own I mean if there was only one person that would be weird to talk to remember my own self when I had myself When I talked to myself like no How could God even love before the world began if there was nothing to love? Is he just a lover of himself? No, that's what the oneness Pentecostals the heretics the devil's believe Okay And of course denying the Trinity is one of the most satanic doctrines because they literally describe the devil as their God Because what is the devil the devil is one who tries to be three? Who tries to be the false prophet and tries to be the Antichrist and be the dragon all at the same time? And he's trying to masquerade himself as something that he really isn't and when it's the Antichrist That's not really the devil. We know the devil is just inside controlling him. That's what these people want to believe about Jesus They always say the Father's is inhabiting this little body Calling it Jesus or whatever and it's not an actual person. That's the Son of God So don't get wrapped up in this nonsense and this heresy. In fact, if you believe that you should just leave Okay, and don't come back. Don't even call me. Don't talk to me. I'm not interested I mean you are a damnable heretic if you believe that junk now, of course if you just got saved yesterday All right, stick around here's some Trinity But if you've been part of our church and you keep following around with your heresy Please do us a favor and leave Hebrews chapter 7 look at verse 3 without father without mother without the sin having neither beginning of days nor end of life But made like unto the Son of God abideth the priest continually so that Melchizedek is described as another person Notice who it is the Son of God meaning what the Son of God has neither beginning of days nor end of life Yet all of these Trinity denying Heretics they deny the fact that the Son of God has always existed Let's make it really clear what we believe. We believe that the Son of God has always existed There's never been a point time where there hasn't been a Son of God okay, and to deny that is to deny Jesus Christ is denied the clear scripture of the Bible and Basically just points the fact that you don't hear the Word of God. You have the spirit of error. You're unsaved. Okay? Go to Matthew 22. Go to Matthew 22. I mean do you think it's important when we're reading it in the first chapter of the Bible? I mean think about it. People are like, oh this Trinity I don't know if that's an important doctrine to get up and split hairs on. It's the first part of the Bible. I mean literally before you get to like really clear salvation doctrine you have the Trinity being laid out before you. Think about that. I mean we start getting into the seventh day, which is kind of a shadow of salvation then we finally get into Genesis chapter number three where the seed of the woman and we have later we have the offering of Abel or we kind of have the salvation picture there, but I mean we're not getting a lot of really clear Salvation verses yet, but this is a really clear Trinity hour. I mean what else how are you gonna describe that? How are you gonna defend that? You know the Bible makes it clear that there's an hour and this is not the first hour the last hour in the Bible. I mean you got all kinds of other verses using plural when we talk about God working in coordination one with another. Okay? Matthew 22. Look at what Jesus said. This is what I believe he would say to any of these Trinity denying freaks. Verse 42 saying what think ye of Christ whose son is he? That's a really important question. Whose son is Jesus Christ? And of course who do they want him to be? They want to be the son of David. They say unto him the son of David. Okay, and he says he saith unto them how then doth David and spirit call him Lord? Saying the Lord said unto my Lord sit thou on my right hand till I make thine enemies thy footstool. If David then call him Lord, how is he his son? You know, he's basically saying hey you Trinity denying freaks. You can't even you can't even believe on the Son of God because you don't believe it exists. Like hey, who's Christ? Oh the son of David. Well, then how come David in the book of Psalms Psalm 110 says the Lord said unto my Lord and the first Lord Let's go there. Keep your finger go to Psalms 110 Because you'll notice something really unique about the Lord's and your King James Bible. The first Lord is all caps. Now When you see the first when you see an all caps Lord, what does that mean? That's the name of God Okay, so we're talking about God Then in the second Lord, it's lowercase. What does Lord mean there? It just means your boss But the boss there could be anybody. Okay. Sometimes we see man being called Lord Sarah called her husband Lord. Okay, but also Jesus Christ could be Lord here and that's what he's saying David saying my boss now, who do you think's David's boss? it was Jesus and then he's saying well, how come God the Father is talking to my boss and Why would David call his boss Lord if he's his son because you know, you don't call your son Lord It's like son. You're his Lord. So he's saying I have a Lord and who is that? It's Christ meaning in heaven there was the Lord talking to the Lord in heaven at the time of David and that's Way before Mary ever even thought of being born or having a son you know being Impregnated by the Holy Ghost. Okay Go one more place go to Revelation chapter 19 You know the Bible says in the beginning was the word and the word was with God The word was God the same was in the beginning with God All things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made Oh, this is made by angels Think about what you're denying when you say that Anything that was made that wasn't made by Jesus didn't wasn't existed Okay, you think everything was made in China, but is actually made by Jesus, okay? Revelation chapter 19 I Mean if we're gonna put the real Sticker on everything it'd be made by Jesus. That's what it should say Okay now just because Jesus made it doesn't mean you consume it either Okay, Todd Wagner just cuz cocaine exists doesn't mean you consume it and think it's great. Okay, don't consume rocks either All right, just cuz Jesus made them Revelation chapter 19 look at verse 11 And I saw I have an open to be old white horse and he that sat upon him was called faithful and true and In righteousness, he did the judge and make war his eyes were as a flame of fire and on his head were many Crowns and he had a name written that no man knew but he himself and he was clothed the vest or dipped in blood and His name is called The Word of God, let me just enlighten you Trinity denying freaks when the Bible says the word it's the name of Jesus Notice that the Bible just says his name is called the Word of God But you know just because you're called the Word of God doesn't mean you're not Jesus I tried to explain this to this Trinity denying Heretic I said look when my dad looks at me, you know what he says to me son But you know my name's still Jonathan at the same time Like my name Jonathan didn't disappear because he called me son all of a sudden Right. My sister calls me finger funger. Okay. I don't know why I have no idea but I'm still Jonathan Can't you be called by multiple names and still be the same person and it's like oh, well, he was the word back then No, he was he's always the word and he was always the son and guess what he was always Jesus now Of course, it's manifested when he comes in Luke chapter 1 Obviously, that's the angel giving the name and that's when he's called Jesus We don't have him being called Jesus before the New Testament and I get that but you know, it's still the same person He was still Jesus. Okay, they still knew who that was Go if you would to back to Genesis chapter number one, we're gonna look at a few more verses here Bear with us a little warm. Okay. I got it Genesis chapter number one But it's gonna be even warmer for the Trinity denying heretics in hell, all right, so Look At verse 27 so God created man in his own image in the image of God created He him male and female created he them now I've heard heretics like Robert Morris of Gateway the the biggest church in this area by far Probably one of the largest churches in America. He got up and said, oh God created a man and a woman in his image After reading this and I'm just thinking like what are you talking about? And he just said like oh God made marriage in his image. No, no, he made man in his image Man is in the image of God Woman is not in the image of God. That's blasphemous to call God a woman That's blasphemous to say that he's well part man part woman, you know And this is New Age spiritualism today where they want to make God this hybrid or they want to say God's non-binary No, you're wicked. No, God is a man And you know what man was created in God's image woman was not go to 1st Corinthians chapter 11 let's prove it beyond any shadow of a doubt and These people always want to like what does the New Testament say? Well, the New Testament makes it clear buddy Let's go there 1st Corinthians chapter number 11 Man is the representation of God. That's why it's so important if you think about it You are literally the physical representation of Jesus Christ So, you know what while our outward appearance is not anywhere near as significant as the inward appearance It's still very significant because you are in the image of God as a man You represent God on this planet on this earth and God has certain rules for how he wants men to look Because they represent him Just like any reasonable person, you know when you go to Chick-fil-a What are they all wearing a Chick-fil-a shirt Right and they have a dress code. They're not allowed to just dress however, they want They're not allowed to just have their pants sagging down Hanging out letting their backside be exposed for everyone to see no, they gotta have a belt They gotta have a shirt. They gotta dress their way a lot of businesses. They'll force you to wear their uniform They'll force you to wear their outfit. They'll force you to groom yourself in a particular way wear a certain hat Wear a certain bandana do certain things why because you represent them You are a picture of them. They're not gonna meet with a CEO Every single time they're not gonna meet with the owner with the board of directors every single time that teller That customer service clerk is the representation of that business and so they want you to look good to represent them because you are literally representing them an Ambassador for a country is supposed to be a good example of what that country looks like acts like Talks like looks like okay The same is with God God says that we're ambassadors of Christ We are what people are gonna see people are not gonna see Jesus in this life to get saved They see you they see me We are that physical representation and God wants us to look like him The most that we possibly can look at 1st Corinthians chapter 11 verse 3 But I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ and The head of the woman is the man and the head of Christ is God Put that in your Trinity denying pipe and smoke it too. How can Christ have someone over him if he's the same person folks Christ has someone over him. It's God the Father Okay verse 4 every man praying or prophesying having his head covered Dishonored his head the Bible teaches that men that have a long haircut are Dishonoring Jesus Christ it is a bad example and man has it come back with a vengeance the man bun The long hair the Fabio. Oh You look like a queer, dude Why would I ever want you to look like a woman God doesn't want you to look like that God wants you get a haircut Now I'm not saying you have to shave it all off But you know what? It should be short. It shouldn't be covering down and looking like a woman He says a little bit further Look at verse 7 for a man indeed ought not to cover his head for as much as he is the image and glory of God but The woman is the glory of the man notice that the woman's not the image of God That's why she can't have long hair and that's why women should grow out her hair because we can't if we want to be right with God we have to have short hair if Women want to be right with God. They have long hair and you know what a woman having short hair is Blaspheming God every single day because she's basically mocking what God looks like By saying oh, I'm trying to be like God too, but he's not a woman And every guy that has long hair is mocking God every single day now, of course, obviously For a woman she could have mental or I'm not sorry a physical illness. She could be a baby Obviously, that's not God's not just finding that disrespectful. Okay, but when you're purposely chopping off the hair that God gave you You know and let me tell you something. Every woman is dissatisfied with her hair Okay, every woman wishes her hair was different but let me tell you something God gave you that hair for a reason and he likes it and It's the glory of a man and I've never ever seen a woman with short hair and said that looks better than long hair never and Let me tell you something about guys. They have no idea about hair Anyways, all of you ladies like oh, I wish I had the curly hair the straight hair The yellow is like guys just wanted to be long. That's all they really care about They don't even notice all the like special things that are going they could tell you nothing They're like, oh, I've got you know bad split ends. It's like I don't even know what that is You know, I've never in my entire life ever looked at a woman and thought she has split ends. I Guess you could show me pictures of it. I wouldn't be able to tell you what that is Okay, I would not be you know, I can tell you what a lesbian dyke haircut looks like. I Can tell you how you look ugly as sin with that short dyke care and haircut that you have Where the little manager pin? Yeah, that looks disgusting Okay, and I don't care how much you try to be like a dude You're still not and if we want to be honoring to God we need to fulfill the roles that God gave us What kind of sense would it be if you saw a bear dressing up like a dog? Putting on a dog fur coat, you know putting on rabbit ears You'd be like, what are you doing? Like what? Oh, you know when you see dogs like a poodle and it gets shaved You know what? I mean where they shave off the entire fur coat that didn't look good I'm not sitting here thinking like oh Alex great. I'm thinking like what happened to that You know God made all you know, and I've never seen a dog it's not like split ends, bro Every Dog fur coat looks the way it's supposed to look folks, okay You know every man every woman is the way that God wants you to look just embrace who you are Just be pleased with who you are. Otherwise, you're really just kind of spitting in the face of God who created you God created you as a man and be a man Dressed like a man act like a man You are the picture of Jesus Christ on this earth be the best version of Jesus You can possibly be don't take Your physical appearance for not and just say a lot of cares. I Don't need to worry about it. No, no Christ cares about those things and if you fix the inside It'll have a strong desire if you want to fix the outside to actually look like a good godly man Hey, you know what? Jesus had a beard. So praise the Lord for that. All right Go good back to Genesis. What kind of will finish here? It's got a few verses left You In fact all the men of God pretty much have beards and if you think about it when the Israelites went on A kind of like an ambassador trip sent by David The I can't remember I'm trying to remember the the name of the group is like the Philistines or somebody They didn't want to receive them. They were nervous about them and they shave off half their beards and In the Bible they had to wait till their beards grew back So that they could like enter back in the camp and they wouldn't be shamed and I was thinking like well There's no problem with just being clean-shaven. Why didn't they just shave the other half off? Notice they were ashamed at not having a beard folks. Okay, just saying Sorry Look what it says in verse 28 and God blessed them and God said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and so do it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth and God said behold I've given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth and Every tree and the witch is the fruit of a tree yielding seed to you It shall be for meat And every beast of the earth and every fowl of the air and everything that creepeth upon the earth wherein there is life I have given every green herb for meat and it was so and God saw everything that he made behold was very good In the evening in the morning where the sixth day now if you think about it everything that God created Everything carnally speaking has its seed within itself and itself replicates Okay, the tree has its seed the grass has its seed The apple has its apple seeds the watermelon has its seeds. That's how replenish this animals They have inside their seed as it were and that's how they replenish make more dogs and pigs and cows and whatever Mankind has its physical seed inside of itself And that's how it replicates throughout the earth God created all of them do the exact same thing That is how we get it So if you understand how we reproduce you have to realize there had to be an origin point for all of these things Because there was a starting point that's where God created them And of course, it's a really important task that we we are fruitful multiply because if any of those things Stop or cease to exist that entire kind ceases to exist if every dog Stops producing then they'll all die and they'll be no more dogs ever again Because it's not like lightning is gonna strike a rock and then dogs gonna come out again God is a supernaturally create and then they have to constantly reproduce So it's a job of mankind to literally physically reproduce But then we take the spiritual application if you think about it, what's the spiritual application? We're supposed to preach the gospel and get people saved now in a carnal sense. The seed is within ourselves But guess what? We have a spiritual seed that is sown into our hearts that then produces other Incorruptible seeds, which is the Word of God and then we share that with other people and get them saved So without another human people can't get saved because they need that Incorruptible seed that faith that's germinated in the heart of a believer to then reproduce another believer We don't see rocks striking by lightning and then believers come out of nowhere just like you never see anything Created or produced that wasn't generated from the seed of its parents The same is spiritually where the same person gets another person saved with that same Incorruptible seed which is the Word of God and that Word of God's in our hearts folks That's why we go out and we preach the gospel when we get people say because you know what I can think Throw Bibles at people all day long. They're not gonna get saved It takes us to go out and to preach. That's why Jesus told us to teach all nations That's why Jesus told us to literally go, you know the world and preach the gospel to every creature The most important thing is that we reproduce Not just physically but even spiritually the most important job is preaching the gospel and getting people Saved and notice the commandment here is to replenish the earth now don't get all weirded out by the replenish Some people then get this bizarre idea like well replenish means to refill so therefore what There must have been man before that and there must have been this other world and this other planet and all the dinosaurs I'm glad it's like you're an idiot. Okay Number one the word replenish doesn't necessarily mean again. It could just simply mean to fill Just because the word re is in front of a word doesn't mean it's always again. Think about this word reward That's not saying again, that's not saying I'm gonna ward you again It's a completely different word. Okay, there's other words like that. How about rebate? I'm not gonna bait you again It's a completely different word. How about redress? That doesn't mean you get dressed again. It means something completely different So just because the word re is in front of a word doesn't mean it means again But let's just say it does mean again Well, then of course That is for the future generations because if you think about it Adam and Eve have no chance at all to fill the entire earth period They're gonna die eventually they can only create so many hundreds of people in their lifetime They're never gonna fill the earth. So obviously what is it talking? It's just a commandment for mankind to always do that Go to Genesis chapter 9 go to Genesis chapter 9 and look at verse 1 God gives the exact same commandment to Noah Look at verse 1 and God blessed Noah and his sons and said unto them be fruitful multiply and replenish the earth Was Noah gonna be able to replenish the earth in his lifetime? absolutely not He wasn't gonna be able to produce all the generations that were before him and his singular lifetime I mean the dudes already 600 Right. He's not gonna reproduce. He's got three sons Okay, and of course they have children and they reproduce but they didn't replenish the earth in a lifetime It's a commandment that's given to people for a very long time. Just think about Matthew 28 go there you if you would for a moment Matthew 28 so when we talk about replenish You got to think about the fact that God's giving them commandments that are not just for them They're for everyone when the Bible says be fruitful multiply. He wasn't it wasn't just Adam and Eve. It's you and me, too We're supposed to do that and and if you think about it this is literally the first instruction recorded in the Bible to mankind the first and If you think about our bulletin, I mean, I got a bulletin right here What do you open it up and it's like so winning times, right? What is that? That is spiritual multiplication. And then you look on the right side pray for expecting lazies It's physical Multiplication so notice that we're really trying to fulfill God's first commandment by multiplying spiritually and physically Look at Matthew 28. Look at verse 19 go you therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son of the Holy Ghost because there's three Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever commanded you and lo I am with you Always notice this Even unto the end of the world now, let me ask you a question. Is the Apostle Peter still here and Jesus is with him No, he died a long time ago Is any of the apostles still alive? I know there's a crazy conspiracy theory that John's still somewhere Okay, I don't believe it. All right, John's dead. Okay. Well, there's 144,000 in Antarctica go join You know a candidate a Canada Church, okay, they must have been he must have been putting his head in the ice for a while or something No, it why would he say think about this if Jesus saying I'm gonna be with you to the end of the world This cannot be just to them because none of them are alive So it means he's with someone who's the someone it's us Jesus is with us why this instruction wasn't just for them. It was for us Every instruction was for us Hey, Jesus is with us. Just like he was with Peter and with Paul and with Timothy and with every Apostle Jesus is here with us where two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst? Jesus Christ is having church with us today. In fact, he's the head of this church He's right here in your hand the King James Bible and You know what every single commandment is for us just like be fruitful multiply Hey when he told Adam and Eve be fruitful multiply. He's saying that to us. He's saying that the steadfast Baptist Church He's saying that to every Baptist Church on this planet and you know what churches are forsaken both of these a Lot of in a bit of a Baptist. It's all whiteheads There is any of this Expecting less going on and then on top of that. They're not going so winning. They're not spiritually multiplying You know what he didn't tell you is go get a building somewhere and You know what? This church is still thriving and doing the work of God with a physical structure or not Who cares because we're supposed to be fruitful and multiply and in fact, he didn't give Adam even building to start off with He gave him a garden okay to wander around in and You know what? This place is pretty nice to wander around in and you know what God doesn't promise us Jesus had nowhere to lay his head Think about this Jesus's ministry never had a building Moses's ministry never had a building. I mean had a tabernacle. Okay, but he didn't have a permanent location It's like you really think when they went so winning it was like where you guys meeting the wilderness, you know Somewhere over there, right? I mean don't get don't get so wrapped up on the carnal thing And you know, I like the carnal things too just as much as the next guy but you know, it's more important so winning You know what the devil wants you to do is quit so winning and He's gonna try his well, what if I take away their money you could still go so winning What if I take away their building still go so winning? I mean, what can they take away? I mean unless they take away my breath I'm gonna still go so winning. I Mean you lock me up. I'm gonna get my I'm gonna least get the guy in my jail cell saved I Mean you can't stop the gospel of Jesus Christ. My friends. The only one that can stop it is you is you and Here's my last point. Okay? We don't have to read it but he said oh every green herb right and then some people be like Oh, I guess we shouldn't eat animals. Well, that's a doctrine of Devils. Okay, go go to verse in the chapter 4 I'll just read for you. You know, if you just kept reading in Genesis, it didn't take long and you get to Genesis 9, okay Chapter 9 verse 3 says every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you Even as the green herb have I given you all things Hey, he said even in Genesis 9 feel like oh we need to go back to the garden no, there was a flood and You know what? God said hey eat Everything anything whatever you want and the people that would restrict their diet to just plants and animals You know what? God bless you You know, you can do whatever you want, but don't come and teach me that doctrine because that's a doctrine of Devils If you say well, I don't want to hear their silent screams whenever I eat. It's like Well, just get a medium rare, okay You know, I don't want to eat the fish with the eyes looking at me either Okay, but at the end of the day, I'd rather do that than just only fruits and vegetables Yeah, I can only eat so much of that first Timothy chapter number four look at verse four for every creature of God is good and Nothing to be refused if it be received with Thanksgiving for it is sanctified by the Word of God and prayer So only if it's gross do you say no, okay I mean, I'm not that interested in crickets All right, but at the end of the day all of its on the table all of its available to us We're supposed to eat it Don't get this there's this weird fad diets out there and they're like well in the garden, you know They didn't eat meat. So they were stronger and healthier you go find me a vegan that looks stronger and healthier And it's like oh, I saw this guy on YouTube You don't know if he actually eats what he says he could just be lying to you Have you even thought about that or a lot of times what they do is they drink protein shakes and then they call themselves vegan, but they don't realize that it's produced with like animal products and They're just like put on vegan and it's like they don't even know what they are Animals of I mean the amount of food you have to eat that's not carnivorous That's not meat products in order to maintain the same level of health and weight and strength. It's insane folks Because you can eat cucumbers all day long and never gain out. In fact, you'll only lose weight. I Want to eat food that actually satisfies, you know, I want to eat some bacon. All right Well, it's gonna give you a little bit of fat. Well, I need to survive the tribulation Where are you gonna get all your carrots and stuff and leeks and you know Celery and everything like that. You ain't gonna get that. I'm gonna get squirrel Okay, you know this doctrine is for the tribulation and he's like every creature of God is good. He's like Alright my faith But you know you're like just tastes like chicken, you know dark meat, right? There's a big possum in my yard, you know, and I'm just letting him sit. I'm just like, alright, I'll wait your days coming, bro Okay My wife calls him garbage kitty. So I don't know. It'll just be like Asian Just put some teriyaki sauce and you can't taste it. Anyways, right just tastes like a salt lick or something Wouldn't be the first Asian place that was questionable. All right, just saying that. All right, let's close in prayer Thank Heavenly Father so much for giving us day six of creation. Thank you for giving us Dominion over the earth You know, what is man that thou art mindful of him? We don't even realize the blessings that you've given us I feel like we don't appreciate the the power and the important job that you've given us sometimes but I pray that we would be Reminded and we'd be sober about our job. We'd be sober about our position That being a man being a representation of Jesus Christ the most important job on the planet that we would You know get excited We'd realize the great opportunity we have every single day to represent Jesus and to be a great servant To you and to your kingdom I pray that we wouldn't get caught into weird false doctrine, but rather we'd read Genesis to Revelation We'd read every book of the Bible. We'd study it and we get to know you better in Jesus name. We pray. Amen But that's good and sing one more song if you'll take out your handles the song number 19 There is a fountain in That song number 19 Song number 19. There is a fountain. Let's sing it all together on the first That blood lose all their guilty stains Lose all their guilty stains Lose all their guilty stains and sinners but beneath that blood lose all their guilty stains the dying Three joys to see that fountain in his day and May I go by Let's see wash all my sins away Wash all my sins away Wash all my sins away And May I go As he wash all my sins away Dear dying lamb thy precious blood shall never Lose its bow Till all the ransomed Church of God be saved To sin no more Be saved to sin no more Be saved to sin no more Fill all the ransomed Church of God be saved to sin no more Air sins by faith I saw the stream thy glowing wound supply Redeeming love has been my theme and shall be till I die and shall be till I die and Shall be till I die Redeeming love has been my theme And shall be till I die Then in a nobler sweeter song I'll sing thy power to say When this poor lisping staring tongue lies silent in the grave Lies silent in the grave Lies silent in the grave When this poor lisping staring tongue lies silent in the grave Amen thank y'all for coming you are dismissed god bless you