(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You If Jesus goes with me Song number three hundred and thirty five Song number three three five if Jesus goes with me If Jesus Baby If Jesus goes with me Seven to me It may be Oh I Counted a privilege here is If Jesus goes with me But My Wow Jesus This cross It is If Jesus goes with me You You Song number 247 I Say He saves me I I Say When And love To live To do Great to be filled with the church of people that are saved Amen And if you need a bulletin, you can lift up your hand nice and high One of russia's come by if you didn't get one already. We have our bible memory passage psalm 59 on the inside Service and soul winning times as well as church stats and then on the right we have a list of several expecting ladies Please be praying for them Also, we have a prayer prayer request list that should be on the back. So make sure you're praying for those as well upcoming events August 4th is going to be a special dessert fellowship after the evening service for the ozz family and so They are planning on drive leaving and going up to oklahoma pretty soon after that and so it's going to be one last time to hang out and to fellowship and to Thank them and to encourage them Also, you know bring them a gift, you know cash never hurts and or a gift card or whatever moving can be expensive and I can't think of a better person to give money to than someone that wants to go in the ministry and serve god And so just uh, just putting it out there also August 15th through the 17th is our mighty men's conference That is a sign-up sheet out there free event Pastor Jimenez is going to be coming out and preaching even if you can't make the conference itself or or some aspects of it Consider at least coming out friday night men because pastor Jimenez is going to be coming out and preaching for us And he's just a terrific preacher He's a class act and you'd really you'd really be missing out to not get to hear him preach in person And so I highly encourage you to at least participate in that aspect it's only maybe an hour and a half away from the dallas fourth area depending on where you live and so If you can at least make it to that, but we'd love for you to come for as much of the event as possible august 24th is baby shower for Uh a couple ladies then we also have september 8th, dr string is going to be preaching for us Please please if you can attend both services, he's going to be preaching some different sermons Most likely about the king james Bible, but he has a lot to share that's very unique information So I highly encourage you to come out who is here for the the last time that he preached Yeah, I really enjoyed his sermon. I thought he it was a really great sermon. And so Uh, he's he's a friend of ours and we really like him also october 4th of the 6th is our heritage of the lord conference And we've been planning this and getting some things organized but pastor mahia and pastor anderson will be preaching for us that weekend And so I really encourage you also to participate in those events when we get a little closer I'll probably have a detailed schedule of events. So that way you can anticipate and plan for them One other announcement that is not in the bulletin I actually made it this morning, but september first I'm going to be going back down to pure words and ordaining salvador as the pastor of pure words baptist church and we're going to be Turning it over to him and it becoming a completely independent baptist church. I'll no longer be the pastor Or associated i'll just be their friend Which is kind of hard because it kind of makes me think of and the analogy of like a father marrying off his daughter in a sense where he's no longer the authority in her life and she he's she's going off to be with someone else and So I use that analogy to kind of relate how I feel about it, but i'm really excited about this transition Brother salvador is a great great christian. He's been a great church member He preaches good sermons. He's Really a great um example in so many different ways hard working And it really shows he speaks spanish fluently And so him and his wife have also dedicated themselves to be in ministry pretty much their whole lives like they went to christian school Wanted to be missionaries wanted to be in the Christian service for the long term and they got married and they've been Working towards this goal for a very long time. And so, you know, i'm really excited to See what the lord will do with them. And also I was there this morning Great spirit, of course, they're still being protested every sunday morning And uh had nice welcoming committee this morning they just like to play lady gaga the whole time that i'm preaching but um, uh, it it's it's kind of crazy because You know, it's a small church it's a humble church it's in a large area I mean, there's got to be thousands and thousands of churches in houston, but it's definitely the most protested church in houston Probably texas probably united states maybe even the world right now Like we used to be probably the most protested church, but we've passed that baton and pure words baptist church is being heavily Persecuted and and protested and attacked and it just goes to show to me that that's an important church, you know, like If the devil is going to waste so much resources and effort and energy Uh to do something like that. You got to think that there's a reason right and so, you know Really pray for pure words baptist church Uh support them if you can if you know brother salvador, even if you don't maybe send him a message Email him or text him or something encourage him about that and just be praying for that smooth transition And so i'm really looking forward to it. I'll probably make a few more announcements maybe some videos about it But I announced that first thing this morning for pure words for the first time I'm telling you guys now in the afternoon, but really looking forward to that church. The church is really special to me I started at august 5th in 2018 And uh, it's it's a great a great area for soul winning Really a lot of untapped potential there's eight million People that live there probably on paper and so who knows, you know not on paper But uh, it's it's honestly it's it's one of the greatest places to go soul winning I mean, i'm just just trying to be really honest with you. If you ever are in the houston area, you know Definitely check out pure words baptist church Uh get it plugged in there's a lot of soul winning opportunities out there um, it's very receptive to soul winning specifically and so Um just pray for those people and i'm excited about that transition of course, i've made some statements in the past and i'll continue to make them but If I ever ordain a pastor, you know, I put it out there like if you have any questions concerns problems Issues anything text me or email me now before september 1st so I could potentially address those I don't believe there's anything You know negative really say about salvador, but I don't see everything i'm not everywhere But I like to at least just put that out there and then it really Dis spells anybody from being like, oh everybody thought this person's a bad person. Oh, actually no one did so, you know How about that? But I just throw it out there so if anybody wants to make a comment they can and uh, Of course, we will do that for every person and you know ordination is a serious thing Being a pastor is a serious thing running a church is a serious thing. We want to take it serious It's not a light thing And so, you know, this has been a long time coming A lot of effort and energy has gone into this church to keep it going and keep it thriving and so, you know, we don't want to Uh make a decision that doesn't make sense and hasn't been prayed over and and we aren't In agreement and so i'm putting that out there That's pretty much all I have as far as those events the church reminders again running in the church building No children on the stage Children should not be in the kitchen areas unattended upset children are crying babies Please just quickly remove them from the sanctuary Of course, you can use their mother baby rooms, but they should always be Used with the mother present also our quiet times from sundays from two to four That's an opportunity if you'd like to stick around but we do tim half the lights in the sanctuary and there's no talking Also mother baby room areas are available for all their shared spaces And then if you'd like to do a quiet activity, you can use our fellowship room On the back there is also the details about the specific baby shower It's going to be from 12 to 2 on the 24th And if you'd like to get them a gift you can read you can see on amazon, they're registered Also, mrs. Milstead usually helps us organize some of those events. And so if you are planning please rsvp with her That's pretty much all I have as far as announcements. Go ahead and sing our third song Psalm 146 If you know it sing it out nice and loud psalm 146 So All right, that was psalms chapter 146 Psalm 146 everybody sing out on the first Praise ye the lord Praise the lord Oh But not your trust in princes Oh Whose hope is in the lord the lord is god Praise ye the lord. Praise the lord. Oh my soul Which may heaven and earth the sea and all that there it is Keep it true forever Forever Which executive judgment For the oppressed which giveth Food to the hungry the lord who sent the prisoners Praise ye the lord. Praise the lord The blind the lord raiseth them that far bow down the lord The righteous the lord Reserveth the strangers He relieved the fatherless Praise ye the lord praise the lord But the way of the wicked I'm to all generations The Great singing everybody now is the offering plates are being passed around go ahead and turn in your bibles to genesis chapter number eight That's the book of genesis chapter number eight So So So Genesis number chapter number eight the bible reads And god remembered noah and every living thing and all the cattle that was with him in the ark And god made a wind to pass over the earth and the waters assuaged The fountains also of the deep and the windows of heaven were stopped and the rain from heaven was restrained And the waters returned from off the earth continually And after the end of the 150 days the waters were abated And the ark rested in the seventh month on the 17th day of the month upon the mountains of ararat And the waters decreased continually until the 10th month In the 10th month on the first day of the month were the tops of the mountain scene And it came to pass at the end of 40 days that noah opened the window of the ark which he had made And he sent forth a raven which went forth to and fro Until the waters were dried up from off the earth Also, he sent forth a dove from him to see if the waters were abated from off the face of the ground But the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot And she returned unto him unto the ark for the waters were on the face of the whole earth Then he put forth his hand and took her and pulled her in unto him into the ark And he stayed yet other seven days and again He sent forth the dove out of the ark and the dove came in to him in the evening And lo in her mouth was an olive leaf plucked off So noah knew that the waters were abated from off the earth And he stayed yet other seven days and sent forth the dove which returned not again unto him anymore And it came to pass in the 600th and first year in the first month the first day of the month The waters were dried up from off the earth And noah removed the covering of the ark and looked and behold the face of the ground was dry And in the second month on the seventh and 20th day of the month was the earth dried And god spake unto noah saying go forth out Go forth of the ark thou and thy wife and thy sons and thy son's wives with thee Bring forth with thee every living thing that is with thee of all flesh Both of fowl and of cattle and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth That they may breed abundantly in the earth and be fruitful and multiply upon the earth And noah went forth and his sons and his wife and his son's wives with him Every beast every creeping thing and every fowl and whatsoever creepeth upon the earth after their kinds went forth out of the ark And noah built an altar unto the lord and took of every clean beast and of every clean fowl And offered burnt offerings on the altar And the lord smelled a sweet savor and the lord said in his heart I will not again curse the ground anymore for man's sake for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth Neither will I again smite anymore every living everything living as I have done While the earth remaineth seed time and harvest and cold and heat and summer and winter and day and night shall not cease Let us pray Dear heavenly father. Thank you for this day. I thank you for steadfast baptist church Thank you for brother dylan's sermon this morning I ask you now to bless pastor shelly and please remove distractions and give us understanding of your word in jesus name. Amen And man i'm continuing my sermon series on quote controversial topics Again, some of these controversial topics aren't necessarily Only controversial within the church, but even just maybe broadly in the world So they kind of ebb and flow some of them May have a lot of relevance to us personally or some of them may just be things that are going on in the world And the one that i'm preaching about this evening is is more kind of something that's An opposition of christians versus the world and it's on the topic of climate change Climate change now this label or this new terminology is really coming on the heels of another potential crisis or Climate issue which was called global warming who's kind of familiar with global warming or yeah Climate change they kind of changed it to climate change now And it's to broaden the fact that global warming doesn't necessarily fit all of the different narratives that they have and so it's now been kind of repackaged as climate change but even within The descriptions of this phenomenon described as climate change they still will often refer to global warming as a issue and really the reason why We're experiencing climate change. So really it's not that global warming is gone anywhere It's just kind of being relabeled repackaged. It's still the exact same issue the exact same talking points And essentially the same science, okay, so it's like tyler baker who denied the trinity and now believes in the trinity He didn't change what he believes. He just changed his packaging just fyi, okay Now in genesis chapter eight the bible gives us just kind of a universal Idea about climate about weather about how god sees these things changing over time and notice what it says in verse 22 While the earth remaineth seed time and harvest and cold and heat and summer and winter and day And night shall not cease so from god's perspective These really important events that happen from a seasonality perspective are never going to stop happening Whereas there's a lot of fear There is a lot of propaganda and misinformation that's trying to Allude to the idea that some of these events may stop happening or be greatly reduced or dramatically impacted But according to the bible, it's just not really a narrative that fits With scripture whatsoever. I want to go to a lot of verses here go to ecclesiastes chapter number 11 Go to ecclesiastes chapter number 11. There's probably a lot more in the bible That would potentially address this subject that i'm not going to bring up and Honestly, I think when you just read the bible You'll notice a common pattern that major weather events are always Introduced by god or that god is somehow intervening in a particular situation. And so that's why we have major major Cataclysmic events such as like the global flood that was a major event that caused I'm sure a dramatic change to the world that everybody lived in Also, you can just see consistently god bringing in all kinds of different weather events whether that be fire and brimstone raining from heaven whether that be rain whether that be drought another thing that i'm not even going to bring up but I think it's important is also to think about how you know weather goes in cycles And even from god's perspective some of these cycles are pretty lengthy in time Um, we don't even know how all of these cycles work And I think that's the most important key that we should all get across. No one understands how the climate or weather works Have you ever heard of a weatherman? The guy that literally gets his job wrong all the time and is still employed somehow And it's so funny to me how the weatherman can literally not accurately tell you what the weather is going to be like tomorrow But he's going to tell you what the weather is going to be like in year 2100 Right i'm supposed to believe that you can't even tell me what the weather's going to be like in five hours from now But i'm supposed to believe you can tell me what it's going to be like in 80 years from now Right, that's the camel that you have to swallow with this climate change But think about joseph specifically In his time in egypt god was going to bring a year Seven years of plenty cycle and then he was going to bring a seven years of drought cycle That almost seems like you're talking about large like a decade long cycles that are ebbing and flowing. What have you had measured? the Trajectory of the global climate when you had year one of drought year two of drought year three of drought year four By year seven you could be like man if we continue on this trajectory You know, we're gonna have the end of the world or something But that trajectory didn't continue did it it changed or what have you went on the trajectory of wow We've had a year of plenty in year one You're plenty in year two you get to your seven year thing year eight's gonna be amazing But it wasn't it was a huge drought because god works in whatever cycles that he sees fit They're sometimes even very big long time periods that are something that we can't fully fathom And what's important to understand in the Bible is that we don't understand things It's important to understand there's things that we know and there's things that we don't know We know that salvation is by faith alone in Jesus Christ We know that the Bible is the Word of God. We know that Jesus Christ is the word We know that there's only one God. We know that that one God is the Father Son and Holy Ghost and According to Bible we know that they've always existed you say to how does that work? I have no idea We know that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin. How did that happen? I have no idea We know that Jesus Christ died on the cross and while dying on the cross He bare the sins of all mankind in his own body and the father forsook him. How does that work? I have no idea We know that Jesus Christ Descended into hell for three days and three nights, but then rose again from the dead and was given a resurrected body Albeit, you know as the same body, but he was in resurrected form. He's been glorified What is that? Like I have no idea So there's things that we know and there's things that we have no idea We also know that a man and a woman when they love each other and they get married God can bless them with a baby and I know you know kind of how that works, but I also don't know how it works at all There's certain aspects of that that I know what happens and there's other aspects that I have no idea How it works and the Bible is telling us here in Ecclesiastes chapter 11. Look what it says here in verse 3 If the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth You say like how does rain work clouds get full and it drops rain? How do clouds get full? I have no idea Right. I mean again, can we study scientific processes and understand that when you heat water? It turns into vapor and that vapor ascends up into the air and then it accumulates itself into clouds And then it connects itself with dust particles or becomes full and then it drops rain on the earth sure But how does that work? I have no idea To say that you understand Precipitation and rain and all the different processes of water would to be just ignorant and foolish to say you understand how all that works We understand things like a child understands things when it comes to this universe in this world Says if and if the tree fall toward the south or toward the north in the place where the tree falleth there it shall be Sometimes you read this you're thinking like wow, that's Pretty impressive. It's like this is how God has to speak to us. Hey if trees fall down That's where it is. All right. Okay good here's verse 4 he that observeth the wind shall not sow and He that regardeth the clouds shall not reap the guy that thinks he's figured out weather patterns is wrong The guy that thinks he can predict the wind notice what he's doing I'm gonna decide how to plan and how to grow and how to be a farmer because I've Observed the wind and I understand how wind works. No, you don't you don't understand how wind works You don't understand how all of these things work and to tell me that you're gonna predict them accurately is a fool's errand Because you can't what you're supposed to do is just so your seat I mean you don't you don't do that. You don't understand the clouds verse 5 as Thou knowest not What is the way of the Spirit? Nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child Even so thou knowest not the works of God who make up all did you read what the Bible says you don't? understand You have no idea just like you have no idea how bones grow in the womb You have no idea how the clouds work. You have no idea how the rain works You have no idea how the rain seasons are working You have no idea how the climate is constantly changing You have no idea if there's gonna be seven years of plenty or seven years of drought. You have no idea Quit trying to tell me that you understand the future of the climate. You have no idea Only fools could fall for such an idea. Oh The weatherman is wrong literally every day and every single week, but I'm sure they're right about climate change How Prideful to think that you understand these things and a lot of it is just fear mongering and trying to scare people into making kind Of decisions, but what does the Bible say? It says in verse number six in the morning. So thy seed and In the evening withhold not thine hand for thou knowest not whether shall prosper I either this or that or whether they both shall be alike good He's saying you know what just plan and hope for the best and if it doesn't work out Then just rebuild anyways Right. I mean, what do you say like hey, I'm gonna build a house on the edge of the coast, right? What happens if the sea levels rise and it destroys your house? Okay. Well, then I'll just build a house on the new coast right But what if it doesn't what if it doesn't ever see the rise and then I'm just successful anyways What if then that becomes the most valuable ocean for property and then I sell it for a profit It's just saying look you don't know what's gonna happen just do something just sow your seed just work Just keep doing something and if it doesn't work out just build something else for the just man fall seven times and rise it up Again, you know you say hey, I'm gonna start a business. I don't know if it's gonna work Okay. Well, you know, it doesn't work not starting a business, you know, how many people own businesses that never start them nobody like the only reason you know, it's gonna work is Because you're prideful no one knows it's gonna work you just work hard and then Serve God and then hope he blesses and it's like if it fails start a different one Hey, I don't know if this jobs gonna work out. Okay. Well, just do it And then if another job comes along do that one I mean the Bible is just saying don't be the guys just sitting here like well, I don't know if it's gonna work out So I'm just gonna do nothing It's saying hey just work. You don't know what's gonna happen. We don't know what the future is gonna be like We just are gonna just keep working, you know Farmers don't know when they sow their seeds if they're gonna literally yield a crop Now the government pays money and there's insurance for people when they have a crop failure But they don't know if they're gonna have a crop failure that year They don't know if they're gonna have a successful harvest that year, but you know what they're supposed to do They're supposed to sow the seed They're supposed to plant and just hope for the best and hey If you have a big harvest that year praise God if it's a crop failure Well, we've we've made arrangements to kind of mitigate that loss as much as we can But we're just gonna keep planting every single year. What if a farmer just said well, you know last year didn't work out So I'm just done farming What if every farmers just like I'm done farming because I don't know what's gonna happen Well, who's gonna eat? Right. I'm glad that farmers are just planting regardless of if it works if it doesn't work and anybody that's gardened You would know like you go down there you plant seeds and all these different spots You have no idea what's gonna happen Sometimes it works out some plants do great some plants do nothing Now if you knew that in hindsight you might think like I'm not gonna plant this one because this one's never gonna work out Right, I'm just gonna kill that one, you know or whatever that some animals gonna come and eat the stock or Something's gonna fall on it or you never really know or this one plant it may yield a bunch of fruit But basically the key to understand this passage is you have no idea what's gonna happen in the future That's important. It's important to understand things. You don't know you don't know the future and I think that here could be an application for us as fundamental Baptists who don't believe in the preacher rapture is sometimes we could look at the future as being really glum or Really disappointing or all the New World Order or all the Antichrist or all the tribulation and so we don't so We're just like well, I just feel like we're near the end times So there's no point in investing there's no point in buying a house. There's no point in starting a business There's no point starting a family. There's no point in doing all these things, you know That's a bad attitude and that's the wrong attitude and you have literally no idea You should live like you're gonna live a thousand years You should never make these weird decisions because yeah at the point that we see a guy standing in a temple in Israel Declaring himself God if you say like I'm probably not gonna start a business now I'm not gonna be mad at you for that. Okay, like that's fine But but you know you have no idea and and you really you're not gonna be like mad at that point like man I just wish I hadn't started that business last year. You're not gonna care you know what you are gonna care about is when you're 90 years old and about to die and you did nothing and You're like, oh man. It's not the end times I didn't make it and I didn't do anything because I was so worried about it every single year you know just plan like you're gonna live for a thousand years and hey when We're in trouble. Well, we'll just deal with it Right. What if kids say like I don't want to build any toys because my brother might come and knock them down Well, then you're never gonna play You just play and if your brother knocks you down hold it again, right? But don't sit there and just say like I can't build because what if they come knock it down You know, what have I said that about online stuff? Just like well, I'm never gonna do anything online anymore cuz they might ban me they might censor me Look, I started a YouTube channel again last week And I uploaded one short. They got five views and my channels already terminated, right? So But I tried okay I didn't know if it was gonna prosper or is gonna to be a complete failure And look it had nothing to do with me my name my phone number. I don't know what they're doing now I don't know if it's like AI or how it works, but I'm not gonna stop trying I'm not well What if the church stopped growing or whatever is shrinking? I'm not gonna stop having church Well, what if you preach a sermon and people get mad? I'm not gonna stop preaching the Bible You know stop worrying about things that you can't control and it's so silly to me to think that since weathermen can literally Not accurately predict tomorrow's forecast, but there's somehow Some way able to tell us accurately what's gonna happen 20 years 40 years a hundred years from now. I mean the weatherman is Is possibly not even as accurate as Pentecostal prophets today and yet we're supposed to put our faith in them Good night Let's go to Psalm 74 for a moment go to Psalm 74 You Know we should work hard and build and if it fails oh well try again You know there's in fact many times you learn more from failure than you do success anyways So you know stop worrying about whether things are gonna be prosperous or successful or any that cuz I just worry about working hard Because at the end of day if we had the right mindset we realize it's all gonna get knocked down eventually To realize like all the cities of the nation's fall in the end times so whatever you built by Whatever you had it's gone, but that doesn't want to stop me from having a house. Hey. I'll build a nice house here I'm not against building a house. I'm not saying like hey because Things might get knocked down in the future don't build anything ever You know what we should live like we're gonna live here for a thousand years, but at the same time Recognizing that all of our decisions need to have God as the number one priority Right God first everything else second, but you know what I'm not gonna say well I have God so first that I'm literally gonna do nothing I'm gonna live in the street, and I'm only gonna ever read the Bible and preach the gospel I'm not even gonna eat anymore waste time on that kind of stuff right no use in drinking No use in bathing no use in shaving no use in even using the bathroom I'm not gonna waste time on that activity And how I mean at what level of insanity are you gonna go to you know we need to do a? Balancing act of our lives and realize hey for most of us We need to make sure that we're also putting our priorities in line with our family our work our jobs Not only just taking care of our wives and our children But taking care of our parents taking care of the elderly taking care of extended family going out and preaching the gospel making sure that we're Taking care of our in our neighborhood and our area and our state and you know Building stuff and infrastructure and handing down something to the next generation and not just allowing everything to go to trash You know there's a lot of work that needs to be done and someone needs to do it And I don't want to be this attitude of just like at the end of the world Let's just go sit somewhere and protest Like these climate activists these climate alarmists who are just so afraid of the future That they won't live their lives That they won't do anything. Oh Well by 20 2100 the global temperature will rise three degrees So I'm not even gonna live my life I mean really like that is how these people are acting okay? And I'm gonna get to some of that a minute go to Psalm 74 look at verse 10 I Want to show you some more verses on this and just kind of the general attitude here Psalm 74 verse 10 the Bible says oh God how long shall the Abba sir reproach? Shall the enemy blaspheme thy name forever? You know I just want to give you some context this verse doesn't necessarily directly apply to climate change But but think about this doesn't it just sometimes feel like man. It just seems like people are just attacking Christianity Relentlessly with no Recourse no punishment. I mean you just and and notice the attitude of this guy He's like you're thinking this is blasting my name forever like are you just gonna allow this and tolerate this forever? Verse 11 Why withdraw us thou thy hand even thy right hand pluck it out of thy bosom For God is my king of old working salvation in the midst of the earth thou Didst divide the sea by thy strength thou breakest the heads of the dragons in the waters thou breakest the heads of Leviathan and pieces and gave us him to be meet to the people inhabiting the wilderness that didst cleave the fountain and the flood Thou driest up mighty rivers the day is thine the night is also is thine Thou'st prepare the light and the Sun thou has set all the borders of the earth thou hast made summer and winter Remember this that the enemy hath approached the Lord and that the foolish people have blasphemed thy name It you kind of see the sandwich of like they're blaspheming his name And then they're blasting his name and then notice the psalmist is bringing up all of these events that God is in control of hey God can literally open the seas and part the seas and Specifically, what has he done in verse 17? He set all the borders of the earth Thou hast made summer and winter You know who's in charge of summer and winter God is and he's the one that controls these two things Not us and how prideful and how arrogant is this idea where we think like? Mankind is creating this global crisis We couldn't create one if we tried It's it's really a pedantic viewpoint. Oh you think that we're literally causing All of these problems and all of these issues and that we're gonna literally stop God's seasons from happening We're gonna prevent them again Obviously when you have eight billion people on the planet Versus two. I'm sure that there's an impact right? We're having an impact on the earth But can we as that impact truly change God from having summer and winter? No No, obviously God is still in control of these things and God can cause them to shift in whatever direction he wants Whenever he wants and yet these people most of them Who are super into this climate change and this climate alarmism they blaspheme God rid all the time And and this viewpoint is a viewpoint that denies God You don't ever hear climate change people saying you know what we're experiencing a global rise in Let's pray and ask God to bring that back down When's the last time you've heard that? When the last time you even brought up God at all or the idea that this is even created Or why do we even have an earth? Why do we even have? Global temperatures why do we even have summer and winter and fall and rain and hurricanes and earth? Why do these things even exist? But we don't talk about that why they just sit there and blaspheme God and then talk about all these climate alarmism issues Go to into job 38 for a moment go backwards again to job job chapter 38 It's a very atheistic worldview that subscribes to this idea of climate change and They don't want to ask any real questions. Where did where did the climate even come from? Where did rain even come from? Now in the book of Job a lot of these like deep questions are being brought to the surface and and God's kind of testing job a little bit here in the section of Scripture and He's just bringing up all of these ideas and all these concepts and all these events That no man could ever answer and job is one of the wisest people to ever live So it's not like well if I was a really wise person or smart person I could understand them No, no, even the smartest of men can't understand these things weren't there don't have the information don't have the facts and God Is just trying to humble Mankind into showing us. Hey, we don't really know that much. We're really very Feeble in our understanding and we don't have a true grasp on what's really going on in the universe Try to put us in our place. Job 38 look at verse 25 Who have divided a water course for the overflowing of waters or a way for the lightning of thunder To cause it to rain on the earth where no man is on the wilderness Where there is no man God's saying Who's causing rain to happen on parts of the earth where nobody even is? How do you even understand how that works? Says in verse number 27 to satisfy the desolate and waste ground and To cause the bud of the tender herb to spring forth He's saying I'm causing grass to grow in areas that you've never even seen before That man hasn't even inhabited yet. I care about the desolate ground That nobody's even at but nobody even sees that nobody has any idea about How do you do you think you understand these things? Then he says in verse 28 hath the reign of father that's a good question. Where did rain even come from? What is rain Where to come you know an evolution they'll say that it rained on the rocks for like millions of years or hundreds of thousands of Years and turned into some primordial soup and then that soup eventually somehow brought forth life spontaneous generation Okay, where did that even rain come from the first place when it started raining on the rocks? How did that even happen? Where did water come from? I mean water is one of the best molecules that we have in the universe One of the greatest things that we have in the universe the most essential things to life When they look for life on other planets, you know what they have to try and identify first water Without water. There's no chance and Yet, they're not even asked this question. Where did rain come from? It's just like climate change. It's gonna rain too much Where did rain even come from do you even know what rain is? How do you even know it's gonna rain too much? Maybe live in Houston. Okay, I don't know Over to Psalm 148 God's the one asking these questions. He said or who have begotten the drops of dew, you know, they don't understand these things the world is full of ignorance and Only stupid and prideful people would claim that they understand these things but here's the reality no one understands it It's kind of like the Emperor has no clothes or thinking that Joe Biden is a competent Individual or something like that or that Kamala Harris is a skilled individual that worked really hard to get to where she is in her career No one believes it Okay, we don't believe in the climate stuff The people that are in the front lines know that they're puppets and propagandize people that are just paid actors Just paying to lie about it The scientists know that it's a fraud and don't want to talk about it The governments are using it to just swindle money in the end of the people literally no one believes it But then we off to pretend like everyone believes it Just like we have to pretend like Joe Biden's competent Just like we have to pretend like voting in America matters Just like we have to pretend that Jews don't really control the world Just like we have to pretend all kinds of different things, right? Just like we have to pretend like all religions are equal or we have to somehow pretend that America wasn't found that as a Christian Nation or we have to pretend that men are women. I mean in our society we have to literally pretend that men are women. I I Don't just like I don't have to pretend like the climate change is a real thing. Okay, and These people that pretend like they understand it. They don't understand it. You just don't understand gender. No, you're an idiot and a faggot Yeah, you you just don't understand the science of climate change. No, you're probably a faggot again, okay? And you probably have a bunch of bumper stickers on your Prius and you know what get out of the fast lane because you're Not driving fast enough. Okay, in fact just drive off a cliff Psalm 148 look at verse 7 Praise the Lord from the earth he dragons and all deeps fire and hail snow and vapor stormy wind notice this phrase fulfilling his word Hey all these things God's in control of right now. So this is what I'd have to believe as a climate change Individual is that somehow God is has in his hands snow and ice and vapor and Slowly disappearing because of our global climate change because of our global warming We're like we're taking away God's ability to create ice and vapor and stuff. He's like, oh man I was gonna I was gonna bring in the snow, but I can't because of global warming now. I Mean, that's what you have to believe It's silliness, it's foolishness God can pour snow on the desert if he wanted to Says in the letter letter parts of this It says mountains and all hills fruitful cheese and all cedars beasts and all cattles creeping things and flying fowl kings of the earth and all people princes and all judges of the earth both young Men and maidens old men and children. Let them praise the name of the Lord. Hey all these things Vapor snow stormy wind all these things are to praise the Lord and they're not going to stop. They're not going to cease In chapter 147 right before this one verse 15. He sent it for this commandment upon earth His his word runneth very swiftly. He giveth snow like wool. He scattereth the hoarfrost like ashes He casteth forth his ice like morsels. Here's a good statement who can stand before his cold. Oh Well, we've warmed up the temperature so now it's not cold anymore You know some parts of the United States in the last years have had some of the coldest months in the coldest days They've ever had okay. It's just it's just silly sit here and think that they figured this out. They understand There's all these problems all these crises is look at verse 19. He showeth his word unto Jacob his statutes and his judgments unto Israel he have not Dealt so with any nation and as for his judgments, they have not known them. Praise the Lord This week. This is the most important part Us that have read the Bible we know that God controls the weather And that it's not gonna stop. We're gonna have seed time. We're gonna harvest. We're gonna have cold. We're gonna have hot We're gonna have summer we're gonna have winter but notice what the Bible's saying here. It's saying specifically show this word unto Jacob We understand it because we're saved we understand how the world works we understand how weather works We understand that these things aren't going to happen the way that these alarmists are trying to warn us about But you know what verse 20? He says they have not known them But the world doesn't understand that the world doesn't believe in God the world blasphemes the Lord and so they're just all freaking out over nothing They're so afraid of everything and they have to try and tell everybody Oh, no, the whole world's gonna end if we don't stop this climate change and then make whole movies about it Interstellar who's seen interstellar? all about climate change basically the entire world's become uninhabitable Mostly an uninhabitable due to climate change and the fact that we just ignored it and you know We thought it was silly and we didn't really believe in it So essentially there's all these plagues and droughts and mankind's gonna be go go instinct go extinct And so you have to send all these astronauts. I haven't even seen the movie. I've just read the plot Okay, stop me if I'm wrong, but basically they have to send all of these astronauts into space to try and find a new planet then they have to go through like a black hole and Then by going through the black hole, they actually experienced time dilation It's all this really complicated stuff So this dad has to say bye to his daughter and by the time he comes back in the movie his daughter's like a grandma And he's still the same age and it's weird and Anne Hathaway's got a butch dyke haircut setting up Do the new planet for us? Okay, there's the movie. Sorry. I spoil it for you. All right It wasn't good. Anyways, but the music is exceptional. I'll just admit that. All right They did put good music in there But I mean, here's the thing There's so many so many movies and so much information about climate change, but they don't try to say that I'm just like this movie is about climate change in fact here in her so it's like oh, it's a cool movie about space or like traveling or like Rockets or something and then it's just like propaganda from climate change And it's just like that's how almost every movie is now. It's just Open propaganda. It used to be subliminal messaging now it's just literally the whole premise of the movie they have long drawn-out boring talking points and Even in the 90s. I know it's your favorite movie, but Jurassic Park was a propaganda film Because you start watching it and see this guy getting eaten by a dinosaur and you're like cool and then the movie slows down and you have Jeff Goldblum come on and Go, you know listen to some boring lecture on evolution And basically this long process about how evolutionary theory works and dinosaurs and we're Extrapolating DNA from these dinosaurs and then we can reconstruct them through hatching new dinosaur It's all garbage it's all complete lies and garbage and it's like just show me someone getting eaten by a dinosaur and And give me some popcorn, right? But you know what they have to shove in there their religion. They have to shove in their evolution and climate change And all this propaganda you want to know why because the movies are made and written by and paid for by Jews Who are the synagogue of Satan and they all want us on the same agenda of hating God? rejecting the Lord and accepting their oppositions of science falsely so-called like climate change Now I'm gonna read a few things for you and we'll go to a couple more verses But I just want to read a few things and there's a lot of information on this subject I'm not gonna Go through all of it but just a couple other points that I want to make in general about this topic is You know if we were just to study our own Local environment the last two summers have been way hotter than this year So explain that one. Yeah. All right also in the 1970s there was a lot of propaganda and a lot of news articles about global cooling and They even have to admit that and they say well That's just because there was some bad scientists and we all kind of listen to them But the most of the scientists knew is actually warming Okay, sure. Well, how don't we know that all the bad scientists aren't wrong again this time or whatever, you know It's just like hey in the 70s was cooling, but it really wasn't Most of the measurements that they have are coming from the 1800s. They basically say hey We've been studying the weather and the temperatures from the 1800s to now and they just kind of show this like chart where it's kind of Like trending upwards and they say after the Industrial Revolution We've just been increasing the global temperature and supposedly it's increased maybe Depending on which study and research you look at me about 0.5 degrees of one and a half degrees from the Industrial Revolution to today now, I would love to know where they got a Temperature reading for all of the earth from the 1800s That was documented that we can all read we can all look at the database information of all of those accurate temperature readings from the 1800s Plus I would like to know what did the temperature look like from I don't know Let's just say from the time of Christ to the 1800s. Did we have any ebb and flows in that way? okay, we have no idea and Again, I don't even know can we even accurately judge the temperature of the earth right now? I Mean, I'm not saying that we can't entirely but I'm just saying like I'm even skeptical of that let alone from the 1800s Okay, I don't think they were really really concerned with climate change in the 1800s that they were measuring and accurately reporting on all of the data of the entire global temperature from the 1800s till now Maybe I'm wrong, but you can believe whatever you want and I'll sell you a bridge in San Francisco, too But they in the their articles and stuff that are really worried about this They describe our earth as quote mother earth That's a that's a warning that this is a satanic group Because we don't have a mother earth. Okay, we have a Heavenly Father and that's it There is no such thing as quote mother earth All right, if anything our mother is Eve who's the mother of all living we don't have such a thing as mother earth They also continually measure, you know Some of these same things but how do how do we know what the cycles are because they claim that this climate change thing We've been experiencing for the last hundred thousand years You know, I know that's false because there's only about six to three hundred years old Okay, so I already there's another flag, okay warning they can't tell me what the weather is tomorrow But they can tell me what it was a hundred thousand years ago Hmm, okay Right now there's a cup. There's three different things. I want to talk about the first time we go through quickly I want to bring up three different points number one the What's called the Paris agreement? Which is really a central document when we talk about this climate issue Essentially, there's this agreement in Paris from France. That is what they want everyone to get on to lower emissions across the world and that'll cause the global temperature to either reduce or Go back down to the current levels that we need to be and they can talk about this like net zero thing Essentially where we're just sustaining what they believe the global global temperature should be okay Emissions are coming from all kinds of things driving your car from you talking eating Everything cows just existing essentially And so they just basically just anything that quote causes emissions and you could talk about carbon emissions and stuff But that's just high level what they're talking about. Okay now I Just have a few screenshots that I had taken on some of these That I wanted to just read just quick quick samples on okay, so parent the Paris agreement has 29 articles Have a summary. I'm not gonna read you any of the articles. It's gonna read you a part of the summary Okay, if the global temperature is rising to You know three degrees or whatever higher. This is what they claim will happen. All the sea levels will rise We'll have more hurricanes more rainstorms It'll be hotter Colder in some areas just just basically the exact same thing just more extreme apparently, okay Now in the Paris agreement if you read it This is what it says acknowledging that climate change is a common concern of humankind. I'm not concerned They've already lost me. Okay, but they said that apparently everybody's concerned about it Okay party should when taking action to address climate change Respect promote and consider their respective obligations on human rights the right to health the rights of indigenous peoples local communities migrants children persons with disabilities and People in vulnerable situations and the right to development as well as gender equality empowerment of women and intergenerational equity So in order for the temperature to go down globally, I have to make sure to call a faggot by the right pronoun That already tells me how this has nothing to do with science Nothing because you know science says that a man is a man and a woman is a woman What are you even talking about? You're gonna bring up the fact that I have to address a man as a woman in the context of global temperature What kind of nonsense is this and it's like we better sign the Paris agreement What does that have to do with anything? You know what? It has nothing to do with science. Nothing to do with climate. Nothing to do with reality whatsoever It is a propaganda tool is a propaganda tool to accept Nonsense, and it basically just says we need to respect the rights of every single person except for like a white man Because it's like indigenous peoples migrants children women faggots Minorities, it's like literally we've named every single group except for a white man What about my rights? Do I not exist Paris? Sorry, you just don't have white men in the Olympics anymore a bunch of faggots You filthy degenerates Good night, we need to make sure to respect everybody but white men that'll stop the climate crisis Apparently I'm the only issue Here here's another excerpt I want to read for you noting the importance of Ensuring the integrity of all ecosystems including oceans and the protection of biodiversity Recognized by some cultures as Mother Earth and Noting the importance for some of the concept of quote climate justice What is climate justice? You know, they want to make it ill like if you're doing too many emissions It's a crime and you're like a criminal think about this. They'll kill a baby in its mother's womb not a crime but if you release too much carbon crime because we got a climate justice folks Let me just tell you this is a satanic agenda straight from hell Here's a couple other summary statements, we also need to recognize that sustainable lifestyles and Sustainable patterns of consumption and production with the developed country parties taking the lead play an important role in addressing climate change So said we need to make sure that we're recognizing sustainable lifestyles and sustainable patterns of consumption Well, you know, it's not a sustainable lifestyle being a faggot Since it's a death style and literally it can't produce a child When we talk hey, we need to make sure that we're recognizing sustainable lifestyles You know a sustainable lifestyle being a white man married to a white woman and producing a bunch of white babies And you know what? It's not even about being white It's just about being a man and a woman and producing babies that's sustainable You know, it's not sustainable is faggots dressing up like women and parading themselves around on TV That's not a sustainable lifestyle and you know what it's disgusting and it's gross And you know grown men don't like it. They hate it. It's disgusting. It's filthy now One of the biggest proponents of this is AOC the brilliant mind of our government Of our time she went from being a bartender to political involvement Right. She's a congresswoman. I believe No, she's in the House of Representatives, I believe she's like a member of the House of Representatives She's elected straight from being a bartender Wow Wow, and she is gonna tell us about the climate right, so she proposed the Green New Deal and You can read about it's from 2018 She proposed this legislation in the House of Representatives and In her document she warns These are the consequence if we don't address climate change if we don't you know go with this Green New Deal Here is the consequences. Here's a problem that would happen to America mass migration from regions Most affected by climate change. I thought that mass migration was good AOC Why is that a problem Hey AOC, why is it a problem to have mass migration? Is that an issue Because it's in your legislative bill that that's a problem. That's interesting. Which one is it? Well, if it's mass migration due to climate change, it's a problem But if it's mass migration because of do due to bad policies of Joe Biden, well, then it's great, right? We wouldn't want we wouldn't want to say this negative They also say that we're gonna have 500 billion dollars in loss economic output. I wonder how they calculate that number We'll have all these wildfires in 2050 We have wildfires every year. Are you gonna say it's gonna rain sometimes too? Hey in Dallas, Texas, you're gonna have days over 100 degrees. Whoo It's gonna snow, you know up on the mountains, too It's impressive. This is what she also says There's gonna be this is gonna be a problem of climate change when the temperature rises three degrees more All right globally you're gonna have a large racial wealth divide Accounting to where 20 times more wealth between the average white family and the average black family so she said because we're not addressing climate change the Listen to this the average white family is Has 20 times more money than the average black family So we bring Dylan up here and then we bring one of the black families up here Dylan's making 20 times more money than the black guy who believes that Well, that's just because the temperatures aren't as hot if it was hotter outside then Magically Dylan would just be making 20 times more money than a black guy What is this is like how is this not ridiculous She says this there's also gonna be a gender earnings pay gap Where women are only earning approximately 80% as much as men that is way too high And I guarantee if it gets hotter that's going down because women complain when it gets hot They get all sweaty and frustrated. They don't like it. They like it cool. All right, so They it's probably gonna go way lower which would be more biblical. So I'm okay with that point anyways All right, one last thing. I was gonna bring And it's it's your favorite person most important person Greta Thunberg, okay She has a she did a TED talk About climate change. It's titled school strike for climate Save the world by changing the rules That's that's an important headline there go to Daniel seven if you would She starts out her TED talk when I was about eight years old I First heard about something called climate change or global warming I'm not gonna talk about that. She sounds weird Don't make fun of her. I will make fun of her you can leave whenever you want She says apparently that was something humans have created by our way of living We've created climate change says I was told to turn off the lights to save energy. How about just save money? Oh Says and to recycle paper to save resources. I Remember thinking that it was very strange that humans who are an animal species among others. No, I'm not an animal Greta You can you just listen to these climate change people talk for five seconds and it's just like Satanism Atheism they hate God they worship the creature more than the Creator. It just just Romans one all over it We are species I'm not you might be a brute beast, but I'm not She says who could be capable of changing the Earth's climate. We're not Read the Bible recognize that God is not gonna allow us to change the climate God is not gonna sit up here and be like man. I was gonna snow but those pesky humans again The and then not even humans those pesky animals called humans, right? How degrading to God that he that you think animals are gonna change the global climate and God can't say do anything about it Because if we were if she's saying if we're changing there's climate if it was really happening We wouldn't be talking about anything else. Well, you don't She says as soon as you turn on the TV everything would be about that headlines radio newspapers You would never read or hear about anything else as if there was a world war going on Quote, but no one ever talked about it. Yes, Greta Thunberg. No one ever talks about climate change I've never seen a headline no news media No movies no information. You don't make any headlines whatsoever. What about gaslighting? Though have you ever thought about going into career in gaslighting Greta She says this if burning fossil fuels was so bad that it threatened our very existence How could we just continue like before like there's no restrictions. Why wasn't it made illegal? You know what burning fossil fuels is is like your power grid your car Having a stove. In fact some parts of the world they were trying to ban like gas stoves And you know some people rely on gas just for heating some people have electric but some people have natural propane gas Who has natural propane gas for their heating? Yeah, I do people in Europe where it's actually very cold have that So if you took that away, they would just die Because they were so cold especially elderly people Says why is it not made illegal to me that did not add up it was too unreal So when I was 11, I became ill I fell into depression I stopped talking and I stopped eating in Two months. I lost about 10 kilos of weight Later on I was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome OCD and selective mutism Here's the thing. I don't think you just like hear about climate change and get upset and just get our Asperger's Like that's like almost the narrative that she's saying like climate change is so bad Greta Berg just randomly gets Asperger's now Here's the thing if she had that she probably was born with it now I get it that sometimes later in life you you Discover that maybe a child has some level of autism or some kind of disorder and like there's nothing I'm not mad at people that have that there's nothing wrong with those people and in the sense that like they saw value But there is something wrong apparently I guess and She's saying that this in the context of like I was so upset about climate change and then randomly you just have all these problems now selective mutism is She's not mute. She's just not talking It's like you seem to be like talking a lot for someone that's not supposed to be talking Okay, you probably do some more selective mutism, right? She says this is what it sees this is how she defines it that basically means I only speak when I think it's necessary Well, it's just never necessary. All right, she says now is one of those moments applause She says for those of us who are on the spectrum everything's black and white We aren't very good at lying Apparently pretty good Says we usually don't enjoy participating in this social game The Rest of you seem to be so fond of She says I think in many ways that we autistic are the normal ones And The rest of the people are pretty strange Especially when it comes to the sustainability crisis where everyone keeps saying climate change is an existential threat. I'm not saying it Everyone keeps saying climate change is an existential threat think about the entire premise of this article No one is talking about it Let me let me read this again you never read or hear about it Everyone keeps saying climate change is an essential threat Which one is it Asperger's I Mean seriously, I haven't even gotten like two pages into this and she's completely contradicted everything that she just said The Most important issue of all and yet they carry on like before I don't understand that Because of the emissions have to stop then we must stop the emissions to me. That is black or white There are no gray areas when it comes to survival Either we go on as a civilization or we don't we have to change rich countries like Sweden need to start reducing emissions by at least 15% every year and That is so that we can stay below a two-degree warming target I'm not gonna read all this because it's just it's just propaganda But I wanted to get to another point here in this stupid transcript She says Nor does anyone hardly ever speak about the aspect of equity or climate justice Clearly stated everywhere in the Paris agreement. Oh, I'm surprised she brought up the Paris agreement I wonder if she's getting paid to do this speech on the Paris agreement She says which is absolutely necessary to make it work on a global scale That means that rich countries need to get down to zero emissions within six to twelve years with today's emission speed and This is the whole reason So that people in poor countries can have a chance to heighten their standard of living So so if we reduce our emissions People in poor countries are gonna randomly have a better standard of living and I kid you not I watched a lot of videos on this almost every talking point is basically just about how people in poor countries are gonna be so like in Destitution and have so many problems if we don't address climate change Now these people that are in the poor countries that are experienced the problems of the climate change. They won't experience them until 2100 So they'll all be dead They'll all died already, but we were worried about the poor people that live in Lagos Africa in 2100 But you know, we're not gonna give any money food sanitation or anything to poor people right now to help them We're just worried about their climate situation a hundred years from now Because they're fake because they don't actually care about anybody especially poor people especially people in Lagos Africa who are literally swimming in filth who are swimming in their own feces Well, you have to you know, stop eating cows well Indians don't eat cows they just bathe in their dung literally Is that helping them? Is that helping the climate crisis? How about preaching them? You know? Christianity in fact, really, you know, you should hate is chick-fil-a because they keep trying to save the cows We need to eat the cows. All right, we need to Set up a climate change activist group where we eat steak and cows Save the planet There was another part of this that I wanted to see if I could find real quick but She's so worried about all these poor people She says because how can we expect countries like India or Nigeria to care about the climate crisis if? We who already have everything don't even care a second about it Well, you know what I think India is more concerned like bathing and cow dung than climate crisis right now, so yeah She talks about the Paris agreement again that we're not honoring our commitments to the Paris agreement Maybe because it's just trash Maybe because I don't want to respect pronouns She says this even most climate scientists or green politicians keep on flying around the world eating meat and dairy The horror and that is the truth is all these people that are telling us how bad it is They still buy oceanfront property Still flying planes still eat all the same food while they're telling us to stop and eat bugs. That's interesting Since they're so worried about it This is what she says if I live to be a hundred Greta you might not even live to tomorrow Greta you don't even seem like a good kid And you know what caused you to live to be a hundred honoring my father my mother Which I doubt you're doing you're so concerned of living to be a hundred good luck making it even to 50 Good luck even making it another decade with your lifestyle and your wicked blasphemy. She says I will be alive in the year 2103 When you think about the future today you don't think beyond the year 2050 I don't even think that that year Good Night she says by then I will in the best case not even have lived half my life What happens next she says if I have children or grandchildren? No one's gonna want to marry you Are you kidding I'm sure that she probably believes in birth control and abortion anyways She says maybe they will spend that day with me. Maybe they will ask me about you No, they won't they will not care about the audience at the TED talk Says the people who are around back in 2018. Maybe they will ask why you didn't do anything While there was still time to act because you know now is the time to act if we stop this crisis then essentially by 2100 will reduce the global temperature and Everything will be kind of the same if we if we do nothing Let's just say we do absolutely nothing according to these people It's gonna go up to three to four degrees, which means that some islands may slightly disappear like the Maldives Some weird island off of Fiji not Fiji, but like some island off of Fiji Some coastal areas may lose a few houses like the Hamptons. Ooh You know Marlago might be a little bit more of a pool or something like that It's not like even if we go with their extreme radical thing It's okay. Some hurricanes might be a little bit worse according to them. It's more rainfall You know, it's like it's not even like everyone's just dying It's just like a lot of people will have to move supposedly, you know It's not even like all the world won't even exist That's what's crazy to me and you then you have people that are just so fascinated this stuff people like Elon Musk or something Who wants to terraform terraform Mars to live on it because earth is so bad right, I mean think about this instead of Solving our quote climate crisis on earth while living here with unlimited resources and being the richest man on earth He wants to try and terraform Mars Well go live there buddy go have fun there, you know Elon Musk and Andrew Tate and all these people have been recently like criticizing Christians online for being toothless that's a quote from Elon Musk because we don't say anything about all the faggots in Paris and It's like well I do I Make documentaries about it. I preach about it, but then you literally censor everything that we do block everything that we do And then you have the the gall to claim that we're spineless and toothless or whatever whereas you're going over there and licking Jews boots in Israel and Doing everything that they tell you being a good little goi and then pretending like Christians don't even exist It'd be so yeah, let's see what happens if tomorrow Twitter just says all right All Christian counts are unbounded The algorithm is not going to shadow ban or prioritize any agenda of the Jews You can literally say anything you want Any documentary and whatever is just popular or people like we'll just we'll elevate that Let's see what Twitter would look like it tomorrow Let's see things like I don't know the sodomite deception rise to the top Let's see movies like marching to Zion rise to the top instantly and then tell me how toothless Christians are What a hypocrite what a liar You know one of the biggest proponents of this stupid climate change Elon Musk Because think about it. He doesn't think earth is gonna be sustainable, so he's got to go create another planet or something Another person that's autistic. Why are we letting autistic people tell us everything? You know people that deny God and deny our reality like if someone was diagnosed as having a mental disability Why are they then telling us all the rest of us how to live? Like that didn't make sense according to Greta note thunberg she's normal and we're weird Right so if I if I'm not autistic then I can't think right If I'm not autistic then I can't tell the truth if I'm not autistic Then I don't see the world clearly if I'm not autistic then well I guess I have to play the social game. I didn't know you you thought I was playing the social game Greta Or I cared so much about politics or being liked by everyone Whereas you know you look at this Paris agreement, and it seems like everything that's coming out of France is just faggots right now Whether the it's the Olympics this stupid Paris agreement Macron his wife or whatever you want to call that thing All the stuff that's going down in there and you know I think that France is being judged for emancipating all the Jews back after the French Revolution and You know what that place is a den of iniquity That place is wicked as hell And you know what God's is judging them by bringing in all of that filth and that abomination No one is looking at the Olympics being like oh how wonderful They brought in all these faggots and all these trannies and all these curves. You know someone shared someone shared online I saw it was like the Olympics when Hitler was in power, and they had him in Germany And it was like I guarantee I would have enjoyed that Olympics way more than the one in France It would have been way more exciting everybody was like cheering and excited and again I'm not saying that I support Adolf Hitler. I'm sure someone's gonna say that I'm not saying I support the Nazi Party, but I guarantee you it would have been a more enjoyable experience And look they were wicked too. They had all kinds of idols and pagan idolatry and worship the devil in their own way But you know it's just so funny to me how they think we've evolved and you know we're so much better than Nazis and we're so much better than Adolf Hitler as we literally have men in dresses showing their private parts holding children and Doing all kinds of abominable wicked evil things on national television for the whole world to see today You know what it's just God punishing them with what's called abominable filth God says when someone turns away from him he just puts Abominable filth on them and makes them so disgusting and revolting and so ugly To everybody else and they can't even see it They don't even realize how ugly they are the Jews do they know, but they're just glorying in their own shame And they're just trying to drag down society with it and just trying to debase every other person And you know agendas like the climate change and all this stuff is just a propaganda tool to bring in a one-world government Because how can you get everybody on the Paris agreement when you have individual nations with individual ideas you can't So you know what they need they need to have a global task force and bring everybody together as one and we're just all Unified and we're all rallied around this global government to bring in climate change because we care about poor people It has nothing to do with that They'll have to turn off all the gas-powered cars and you can all have an electric car that the government can turn on and off whenever it wants and They can turn on and off your stove and they can turn up your thermostat whenever they want and they can basically Just do anything and everything they want to you with a click of a button and Eventually, it'll get to a point where you either have to get a mark in your forehead or your right hand And you can't buy or sell without it You think that cancel culture is bad right now wait till the Antichrist That's cancel culture When you can't buy or sell unless you take the mark of the beast and that's where it's headed We're just seeing the very beginning Ramifications of this technology and where they're headed don't be don't be fooled in being worried about climate change Because of the world getting hotter Climate change the thing to be worried about would be the agenda and the policies being promoted But again, I'm not even worried about that Hey, if they say bow down to the image that Nebuchadnezzar made throw me in the fire That was the safest place to be Where Jesus was? And you know, this world just keeps getting worse and worse and worse, you know I'm not gonna stop preaching whatever the Bible says and believe what the Bible says and I'm not worried about summer winter You know what? The only thing we're supposed to fear is God and I even remember being a kid They would tell me in third grade where we're gonna run out of drinking water Who heard that in public school? We're gonna run out of fresh water and I actually was a little bit worried about I was like, well, that sounds like a problem I kind of like drinking water. You know what I mean? You know, it was a lie It's a lie kids Don't let people think that that's gonna happen. You know, the only person to fear in this world is God Stop worrying about any of this other stuff. It's all nonsense You know, how dare you make fun of someone with Asperger's? Well, you know how dare her ruin the world You know, she needs more mutism And really obviously all these people need the gospel but most of these people are just reprobate that promote this agenda and you know We should stop being so lovey-dovey towards these people, you know, it makes me sick When I see a Christian posting online and saying hey, why are y'all so mean to all these trannies at the Olympics? Why don't we pray that they'll get saved? I'm like, you know, why don't we just pray that the devil gets saved, too You know, are you praying for Hitler to get saved, too? I mean your chance of Hitler getting saved is just as close as those trannies in that video The the faggots in France. Ah, we need to pray for You're just an idiot Christianity does look stupid when you hear those people talk But you know what if they would uncensored the real Christians those people would fade into non-existence Non-relevant. The only reason we hear them talk is because the real Christians can't talk But you know what in a small room in some parts of the country There's a angry preacher somewhere screaming about this Go listen to that guy right in Phoenix or in Sacramento or Georgia somewhere in Houston There's some angry guy getting mad and yelling and spitting and hitting the pulpit and preaching too long Go listen to that guy It's like someone tell Elon Musk I exist Okay, cuz I can't but you know tell Andrew Tate that I exist as well What a fag loving idiot he is Trying to tell me that Christians don't have any balls and he's just like, oh, well, I'm gonna go protest the France What a faggot I'm not gonna go protest. I'm gonna go to church You know, I'm gonna go out and actually battle and preach the gospel and war and do something in my life I'm not gonna just sit in my underwear and smoke hookah all day. Yeah, think that I'm cool How many bugattis you got? Don't have any bugattis Loser, how much you paying an insurance on those bugattis? I don't have to pay all that insurance you have to pay You know, oh I'm so much cooler than Christians cuz I made money on porn. Oh, whoa, what an amazing guy you are What an amazing person he's just like Oh Christians are weak and cowards, but you make money on filth and smut And you just sit around naked smoking hookah all day. What a loser and you're gonna go protest France Nobody cares about you and your stupid pedophile Islamic religion where you can't read Yeah, I mean can can he even read who knows? Probably not. Maybe that's why you don't like the Bible Andrew Tate's you can't read And Christians, they're so weak. They're so coward No, he's a coward because he got asked on television what he thinks about gay people. He said he had no opinion. Oh What happened Andrew Tate cat got your tongue or is it a faggot that got your tongue? Oh Andrew Tate's the guy that said he would sleep with a tranny over a woman And He's like Christians are a cow. No, you're a coward and you're a fag-loving idiot is what you are And you know what this climate agenda makes me mad. All right, I'm just gonna say that Because you can just see the Satanism and I don't have anywhere to say this online So I'm just screaming it at you. All right, there you go, but you know what share it if you like Let's close in prayer. Thank you Heavenly Father so much for Making sure that we understand our place in this world So many men they're just they're just blaspheming thy name and and sometimes we might feel like is it gonna be forever? But we know we know That vengeance is yours and you will repay. We know that these people will be judged harshly and We know that you know Our responsibility is to believe the truth and stand on the truth no matter how many people stand with us I pray that you would help us to only fear you We wouldn't fear these lies and all this deception and manipulation All this propaganda that's out there I pray that you wouldn't cause us to just be discouraged by the future, but rather we would just sow our seed Go out and preach the gospel We live the Christian life and we don't know what's gonna prosper or not But that we would at least do some work and in Jesus name we pray. Amen All Right in closing let's go song number 220 Song number 220 Jesus is all the world to me song number 220 He is all the world to me My life, my joy, my all He is my strength From day to day Without Him I would fall When I am sad, I win, I go No other one can cheer me so When I am sad, He makes me glad He's my friend Jesus is all the world to me My friend and trial sword I go to Him for blessings and He gives them more and more He sends the sunshine and the rain He sends the harvest golden rain Sunshine and rain Harvest of rain He's my friend Jesus is all the world to me And true to Him I'll be Oh how could I this friendly night When He's so true to me Following Him I know I'm right He watches only day and night Following Him my day and night He's my friend Jesus is all the world to me I want no better friend I trust Him now, I'll trust Him when Life's fleeting, they shall end Beautiful life with such a friend Beautiful life that has no end Eternal life, eternal joy He's my friend Great singing everybody, we're all this fast