(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Come we that love the Lord and let our joys be known Join in a song with sweet accord Join in a song with sweet accord And thus around the throne And thus around the throne We're marching to Zion Beautiful, beautiful Zion We're marching upward to Zion The beautiful city of God Let those refuse to sing Who never knew our God But children of the heavenly King But children of the heavenly King Their joys abroad may speak Their joys abroad We're marching to Zion Beautiful, beautiful Zion We're marching upward to Zion The beautiful city of God The hill of Zion yields A thousand sacred sweets Before we reach the heavenly fields Before we reach the heavenly fields Or walk the golden streets Or walk the golden streets We're marching to Zion Beautiful, beautiful Zion We're marching upward to Zion The beautiful city of God Then let our songs abound And every tear be dry We're marching through Emmanuel's ground We're marching through Emmanuel's ground To fairer worlds on high To fairer worlds on high We're marching to Zion Beautiful, beautiful Zion We're marching upward to Zion The beautiful city of God Great singing this morning. Let's open up in a word of prayer. Heavenly Father, thank you for this day and thank you for the great weekend our church had, for all the souls that were saved. I pray that all those people would desire to seek you and grow in the Lord, find the best church in their area. And Lord, I pray that if it's your will, that another great church would be planted there someday. We love you. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. All right, for our second song, we'll go to song 23, There is Power in the Blood. Twenty-three, there's power in the blood. Song two, three, there is power in the blood. Would you be free from your burden of sin? There's power in the blood, power in the blood. Would you, O evil, a victory win? There's wonderful power in the blood. There's power, power, wonder-working power in the blood of the Lamb. Wonder-working power in the precious blood of the Lamb. On the second, would you be free from your passion and pride? There's power in the blood, power in the blood. Come for a cleansing to calories tied. There's wonderful power in the blood. There is power, power, wonder-working power in the blood of the Lamb. There is power, power, wonder-working power in the precious blood of the Lamb. Would you be wider, much wider than snow? There's power in the blood, power in the blood. Sin stains are lost in its life-giving flow. There's wonderful power in the blood. There is power, power, wonder-working power in the blood of the Lamb. There is power, power, wonder-working power in the precious blood of the Lamb. On the last, would you do service for Jesus, your King? There's power in the blood, power in the blood. Would you live daily His praises to sing? There's wonderful power in the blood. There is power, power, wonder-working power of the Lamb. There is power, power, wonder-working power in the precious blood of the Lamb. Good morning. Thank you for coming to Steadfast Baptist Church. If you did not already get a bulletin, lift up your hand nice and high and one of our ushers would love to come by and hand you a bulletin. Just keep it up there for a second. We have on the front our Bible passage, John chapter number one, and we've been working on John 1 for a while now. It takes about a year to complete. There's 52 verses, so hopefully you've been working on that. Also, children that are able to quote the verse of the week can get an ice cream treat following our Wednesday night service. We have our service times on the inside. We have Sunday morning, 10 30. Spanish service is at 4 30 p.m. Sunday evenings at 5 30, and then Wednesday evenings we have a Bible study. We're still going through the book of 2 Samuel, and so I encourage you, and really a lot of these chapters of the Bible or these books of the Bible cover different topics consistently, and so even if you've missed, you can still hop right in and kind of follow along, and there's a lot of good information there. We have our church-wide zoning times. They meet here at the building, and then we have our regional soul-winning times, and just to help everybody realize if you want to go to one of these regional times, you just need to see the respective leaders, and we have new people or people visiting our church that don't always know everybody, so why don't we just have some of our regional guys just kind of stand up for a second so that way we can point them out. We have brother Goodwin over here, Jeff Goodwin. He's out there kind of in the Weatherford area going soul-winning on Mondays, so if you want to go with him. We have brother, is brother Malton around the corner or something? I think I saw him. There he is, brother Steven Malton right there. He goes on Tuesdays and Fridays in different parts of the city. I don't know, brother, is Suhel there this morning? I don't know. We'll point out Suhel whenever he's there, all right, and then we've got brother Wes over here, one of our ushers, and then brother Lugo is right here, so if you'd like to go soul-winning with any of those gentlemen or that time works, go see those guys and just say, hey, I'd like to hear more about one of these soul-winning times and where you guys are meeting. Also, we have our church stats down below. Please make sure to continue turning that into your soul-winning captains or lieutenants. Everybody in our church that's a member is a part of a tribe, so we try to make sure everybody has someone that's helping them with soul-winning, and so we have designated soul-winning captains and lieutenants in our church that facilitate just all of the soul-winning, and if you have any questions about that, just please see one of the ushers, myself, or brother Dylan, and we can help you with what tribe you're in and who to report your soul-winning numbers to, or just more information about soul-winning. On the right, we have a list of our expecting ladies. We also have a prayer list. We have a lot of people that are asking for additional prayers, so please do that with us. On the back, we have upcoming events. Today is Sunday Sunday, so there you go. People are going to show up for soul-winning today. No, I'm just kidding, but it's a lot of fun. This is where, if you go out soul-winning with us today from two to four, when we get back here at four o'clock, we're going to have Sundays as a treat and just as an encouragement and just for fun, right? Also, we have October 6th to the 8th is our Heritage of the Lord Conference. This is designated to kind of be focused on the youth, and we're going to have a few different activities on Saturday and a lot of the song. We're going to try and do a bunch of kid songs. We're going to have some sword drill and fun activities for the kids. We're going to have Thursday night. We're going to have ice cream Friday. We're going to have pizza. We're going to have some special guest preachers, Pastor Jimenez on Thursday and Pastor Mahi on Friday, and then I'll be preaching both services on Sunday. Even if you don't have children, though, or you're a young single person, I still please encourage you to show up, participate, help with the activities. We want everybody to still show up and participate. We just want to essentially kind of honor our youth and focus on them and give them a little bit of extra attention that we don't always give them, and so I do want everybody to participate and to show up for our conference. There's still going to be stuff that you can get out of it no matter what, and also we have a fall swap October 22nd that's going to be here at the church. If you'd like to donate something or pick something up, just please show up at the designated time. We have October 29th, we have an Arlington Soul Waning Blitz, and that's headed by brother Jason West and brother Lugo, Marcel Lugo, if you'd like to find out about that, but it's really been pretty receptive over in that area going Soul Waning, so if you'd like to participate, it's not that far away. Also, we have our Texas Chili Cook-Off October 31st. This is a great way to have good tasting chili because there's no beans in it or fillers, and it's a lot of fun to worship the Lord on a night that the whole world worships the devil, so you know, gives us a nice alternative, and that's really the goal and the purpose of the event, and so if you'd like to stay away from creepers, you can come to church, and we can have fun and fellowship. We'll play games and just kind of hang out and have chili, and there'll be, if you enter into the chili competition, there are winners and losers, so if you can't handle losing, don't enter. If you want the opportunity to win, you can enter, and there's prizes for first, second, and third, and it's, you know, it's pretty stiff competition, so you know, if you'd like to participate, I highly encourage you to make a chili, bring it, and let it be entered in the competition. It needs to be here before 5 30 though, so if you're going to enter in the competition, please try to get your chili here by 5 30 so that we can get all of that set up and prepared, and then people can start eating around 6. So if you show up, you kind of need to just anticipate you probably won't be able to actually go down the line and eat until about 6. That's why we need the chilies to get here by 5 30, so we can prepare everything for our judges and get all the competition stuff set up, and then we can all start fellowshipping and having fun. Also, we have a music recital November 5th. There's some details down below. November 10th, we have the Matamoros Sowany Marathon trip, and that's going to be where we're going into Mexico, but we're going to technically stay stateside. However, if you want to participate with us, please, please bring your passport, and so that's just a strong recommendation. November 23rd, we have our Thanksgiving dessert fellowship. December 2nd is a ladies Christmas party. Congratulations to the Tinsley family on the birth of their daughter Naomi Elizabeth Tinsley. She was born September 23rd at 6 18 a.m. weighing 10 pounds 7 ounces and measuring 23 and a half inches long. Congratulations to them. She's actually our front cover this morning, so if you're looking for the picture, you got to kind of look at the front cover there. Also, we had our marathon yesterday in Shreveport, and man, it did not disappoint. The Lord was gracious unto us. Everything went great. I mean, the weather was wonderful, and the food and everything went great. The park that we were at was fun, and everything went really smoothly, but more importantly, it's just a very receptive area to the gospel, and it went really great. We had about 30 or so soul winners come out, and we had 55 salvations for the day, and so that just kind of illustrates that it's a very receptive area, and thank you so much to everybody that came and people that prayed for our trip. It was really a lot of fun, and so thank you so much, and praise the Lord that he gave us that opportunity to go there. You know, it's such a receptive area. It's like it almost seems like maybe we should go there almost once a year just because it's such a great opportunity, but we'll keep making that assessment, but again, if you're ever in the area, I highly encourage you to consider doing some soul winning. We even had some locals from Louisiana come out and participate, even a pastor from another church who's friendly towards us, and that's rare, but you know, it exists, okay? They like us out there. They just don't want to necessarily tell everyone, all right, and that's okay, you know, as long as you like me, all right, and so also we had down below just the music recital information, so this is just an opportunity if your children want to participate in a music recital. It's November 5th from 2 to 4 pm. If your child desires to participate, you need to fill out the sign-up sheet on the front cabinet, and there is going to be a tryout for the recital on Saturday, October 22nd, and so this is just to ensure that all of our participants are well prepared, and they're going to be able to perform well for the recital, and so if you would like to participate, please sign up. All instruments that your child wants to use can be used, as well as you can even do a voice if you want. The only request is that, really it's just it's a rule, if you do a voice song, really this is just any songs. All the songs just need to be basically a spiritual song, so if you want to do like, as far as a voice is concerned, if you're wanting to sing a song, it needs to either be a hymn or a spiritual song or something like that. As far as the recital, if you want to play something that's just, you know, classical or whatever, you can do that, but as far as like the voice parts, we just don't want you in here singing Elton John or something, okay? So, you know, I know that you like The Lion King, but we're not going to sing that here, but if you want to play, you know, some other types of classical music or something like that, that's fine. If you have any doubt or any questions, just ask if you need clarification, but we are excited about hosting that and letting your children perform. Also, if your child wants to perform two pieces, that's going to possibly be acceptable as well, so just sign up and then we can make that designation, so most of the recitals I've been to, sometimes you would play one or two pieces and that's okay as well, so if you want to do a few different things, that's going to be fine as well. So, again, if you have questions, let us know. I think, who in here is considering participating in our music side? All right, so we got this side is where it's at. I mean, what's going over here, okay? We needed some more participation on this side of the room, okay? I guess it's because it's the right side of the room, right? The left side has got some issues, so I got, beware of this side of the congregation, okay? No, I'm just kidding. Or is it because it's my left hand? I don't know, you know, this is confusing, but let's go ahead and go to our third song before I preach anymore, all right? Song number 41, Sweet By and By. 41, Sweet By and By. 41, Sweet By and By. There's a land that is fairer than day and by faith we can see it a farm for the father waits over the way to prepare us a dwelling place there in the sweet by and by we shall meet on that beautiful shore in the sweet by and by we shall meet on that beautiful shore we shall sing on that beautiful shore lordiest songs of the blessed and our spirits shall sorrow no more not a sigh for the blessing of rest in the sweet by and by we shall meet on that beautiful shore in the sweet by and by we shall meet on that beautiful shore to our bountiful father above we will offer our tribute of praise for the glorious gift of his love his love and the blessings that hollow our days in the sweet by and by we shall meet on that beautiful shore in the sweet by and by we shall meet on that beautiful shore while the offering plates are passed around if you would turn in your bibles to first corinthians chapter six we're going to read the whole chapter as is our custom first corinthians chapter six oh it went too far first corinthians chapter six the bible reads there and you can follow along silently starting in verse one first corinthians six the bible says there any of you having a matter go against another go to law against or i'm sorry go to law before the unjust and not before the saints do you not know that the saint shall judge the world and if the world shall be judged by you are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters know ye not that we shall judge angels how much more things that pertain to this life if then you have judgments of things pertaining to this life set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church i speak to your shame is it so that there is not a wise man among you no not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren but brother goeth to law with brother and that before the unbelievers now therefore there is utterly a fault among you because you go to law one with another why do you not rather take wrong why do you not rather suffer yourselves to be defrauded nay you do wrong and defraud and that your brethren know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of god be not deceived neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor effeminate nor abusers of themselves with mankind nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor revilers nor extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of god and such were some of you but ye are washed but ye are sanctified but ye are justified in the name of the lord jesus and by the spirit of our god all things are lawful unto me but all things are not expedient all things are lawful for me but i will not be brought under the power of any meats for the belly and the belly for meats but god shall destroy both it and them now the body is not for fornication but for the lord and the lord for the body and god hath both raised up the lord and will also raise up us by his own power know ye not that your bodies are the members of christ shall i then take the members of christ and make them the members of an harlot god forbid what know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body for two sayeth he shall be one flesh but he that is joined unto the lord is one spirit bleed fornication every sin that a man doeth is without the body but he that committed fornication sin it against his own body what know ye not that your body is the temple of the holy ghost which is in you which ye have of god and ye are not your own for ye are bought with a price therefore glorify god in your body and in your spirit which are gods let's pray father god we thank you so much lord for the morning service here and i pray you would bless all aspects of it and i also pray lord you fill pastor shelley with your spirit and give him clarity of mind as he preaches to us help us to listen as closely as possible lord so we can apply the message to our lives we love you and in jesus name i pray amen amen in first corinthians chapter number six the main context of our chapter at the beginning is about lawsuits between believers however it says here in verse number nine know you not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of god now in verse number nine what the apostle paul is trying to explain to the corinthian church is that losses between believers makes no sense because those outside of the church are wicked evil unrighteous and even the judges of this world are very wicked unjust they're not going to give you a good ruling it really doesn't make sense to try and handle christian disputes or disputes within a church with unbelievers with this world and so then he brings up the fact that the world is unrighteous in verse number nine and then he gives a list of sins that are related to being unrighteous or wicked it says here in verse number nine be not deceived neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor effeminate nor abusers of themselves with mankind nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkers nor revilers nor extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of god now of course people who teach a works-based salvation try to suggest that if you're guilty on it on anything in this list you're not going to heaven but that would mean that no one's going to heaven because for all of sin and come short of the glory of god but generally speaking what the bible is saying is just the world is sinful the world is wicked and they're not going to go to heaven so it makes no sense to let those people are not going to go to heaven who are not spiritual judge spiritual matters or judged between us but yet on this list what i want to point out is this is there any sin on here that we've noticed that seems like a a pretty light sin or not a big deal i mean do you want to be a fornicator an adulterer or an idolater or a thief or a drunkard or a violent in fact most of the things on this list are things that will get you thrown out of church they are a church discipline type issue but notice one of the sins mentioned here nor effeminate nor effeminate and it seems like american culture has forgotten that being effeminate is being unrighteous it is sinful it is not right in the sight of god men are supposed to be manly well it's it's it's a shame that in our culture and america you have to actually preach that men should be manly today i mean what a reproach to our country and to our nation that men today need someone to tell them to be a man but you know what the title of the sermon this morning is this be a man we need men to be a man now i have a few points here that i want to get into this morning but let's first understand what being effeminate even is it kind of has that word feminine wrapped in there and you say well what is feminine well even according to the dictionary it'll tell you there's a distinction between men and women the dictionary hasn't gone completely leftist woke yet so they have words like feminine and effeminate if you look up effeminate in a dictionary it says sissy or unmanly it's a sissy man you know when sword snaker is like your girly man sissy i don't have time for sissies you know this is him making fun of effeminate queer type men here's other synonyms and other words to help describe someone who's effeminate delicate soft weak tender these are words that as a man you do not want to be described as soft delicate weak tender you know a delicate man makes me think of he he's so afraid of his hair getting messed up his his outfit not matching or something going bad with his clothes you know he's so weak he can't actually get in there and do some work he's not rugged he's not rough he's a little too tender you know you can offend him too easily this would be an effeminate type quality why because women are delicate because women are soft because women are tender you know why is it that children when they get hurt they want mom because he's tender why do they not want dad rub some dirt and get over it boy you know i'm gonna spank you for getting upset about hurting yourself you know it's like that's my attitude about it's like you know i'm not the tender one she's the tender one i'm not going to be the delicate one she's the delicate one right women are a little more delicate we we need to preserve them and protect them you know men are rugged and rough i remember my boss in one of my jobs told me this story about his grandpa or his uncle and he's saying he worked on the farm and he's working with a lot of these like combines or engines and you have to be really careful because some of these parts are real dangerous but whatever part he was working on just kind of snapped real quick and it just snapped his finger off and so he's holding his finger and then they call the doctor and he says you know how much money is it going to cost for me to get my finger sewn back on and he was like it's going to be over ten thousand dollars and so he said he just threw his finger in the trash and just kept going he said that's too much money that guy's not delicate okay that guy's not weak yeah he you know he'd rather not spend that kind of money on his finger being just sewn back on okay you know men are supposed to be rugged men are tough men can withstand a little bit of heat a little bit of pressure a little bit of pain you know be a man now look i'm not saying if your finger gets cut off don't see medical attention okay but i'm just saying you know if if you're in a battle in a fight and you get a little hurt don't let a little bit of hurt stop you you know just keep going you know keep fighting keep keep pressing the enemy now what helps you do something like that is being strong okay and the men today are just so weak and and maybe what's holding them back is their hair just flip the page a couple pages to chapter 11 and look at verse 14 i didn't write the bible you know i'm gonna preach it first corinthians chapter 11 look at verse 14 does not even nature itself teach you that if a man have long hair it is a shame unto him you know what men need to get a haircut men need to cut off that long mangy you know disgusting effeminate queer hair that they have you know quit trying to look like brad pitt and pick up dudes and get a haircut okay you know it's just sickening to me how so many men in america have this disgusting gross long hair you know how many men look cool with long hair zero they all look queer they all look effeminate they all look like a woman and you know what no one wants to be mistaken for a woman when you're a man what kind of i mean that's got to be the ultimate disrespect if someone tapped you on the shoulder and say hey ma'am it's like oh i'm sorry i didn't realize you were a tranny or something i mean you know with the tranny agenda going on in our culture why would any man want anybody to think that he's possibly a tranny get a haircut you know and cut it short cut it so short we don't even kind of think that you're a girl like there's no chance that you're a girl no one's confused on the issue you know this has always been the dividing issue of like if you're a man or woman do you have long hair or not that's just what the bible teaches and if you don't like it you just don't like nature you know this is just what nature is evidences every man is attracted to women with long hair and i know that there's these stupid romance novels with Fabio on it with his disgusting mane but let me tell you something women like guys with short hair they want a real man they don't want him to sit there and groom his hair and and get like the curling iron out and do a perm and and whatever it's just like cut the cut the stupid hair okay you don't need to look all cute and delicate and soft and tender over there with your Pantene Pro-V you know if you're using Pantene Pro-V for your shampoo man you need to get something else okay rub dirt in your hair before you use that okay we don't need it to shine and glisten you're not some delicate little creature that we care about you know with your loofah you know i i'm against loofahs okay be a man get like some rugged like bar of soap or something you know scrape it off don't this loofah is like oh i just want to delicately foliate exfoliate my skin how can i don't even understand nobody uses loofah more than once anyways it's like they look so gross and disgusting and it's like bacteria just haven but but again if you're so delicate that you have to use a loofah you need to man up what's wrong with your skin that you have to have something so delicate and so soft you know use a rag if you have to okay i mean it's just something i don't like this kind of preaching well you know what maybe you're a little too tender maybe you're a little too soft okay maybe you should get some pants and get a belt and tighten them around your waist and just be a man you know as a man it's not cool to show off your rear what are you trying to attract a queer men showing off their rear are attracting queer you know i'm not interested in that you know that's what my mom always taught me my mom said hey all the guys in prison that are fags they sag their waistband to let everybody know they're open for business let me tell you something it's closed okay you need to get a belt you need to tighten it around your waist you need to get a right haircut you need to not be dressing like a woman you need to not be dressing like a queer soft effeminate little dude you need to be a man okay and it's not a suggestion this is a commandment of god god is commanding you to not be effeminate to be a man to man up to not be so weak to not be so tall tender but to be strong go if you would to proverbs 24 go to proverbs chapter 24 we're going to look at a lot of verses this morning because you need to man up and you know what let me tell you something if you want your wife to like you more become more manly the more manly you become the more what your wife will like you and the more your wife can become feminine because the more that you take on all the roles of the masculine role the less she has to worry about all that and she can just be as delicate and tender as possible and you know what that's what i want for my wife i want my wife to be as tender and delicate you know i don't want my woman to look like you know goliath with a woman's head on top have you seen these like women that work out to the point where they look like a man and then they just but they still have the woman's head on top of it you're like what is that it's like the weirdest looking thing and it's like i don't want to be married to that i want to be married to something that looks tender and soft and delicate so you know what i will try to look like that so she doesn't have to okay she doesn't need to look like that she doesn't need to be this this like behemoth man or something like that and look if your wife can beat you in an arm wrestling competition you're weak okay you're too tender you need to start working out all right you need to be the man of the household in every capacity look at proverbs 24 verse 5 a wise man is strong yay a man of knowledge increases strength so according to the bible men are supposed to achieve strength so you know being strong is a positive attribute is something that we're going to need to increase in and being strong is not automatic being strong is not something you're just gifted with it's something you have to work on you know as a man you should strive to be strong you should work on becoming strong and and you say in what capacity every capacity physically mentally spiritually every single category you as a man need to be strong and i find that there often seems to be a correlation between all of them that the guy that's physically weak is often mentally weak and is often spiritually weak and a lot of times you'll see a correlation of the people that are physically strong are also mentally strong and also spiritually strong now there's exceptions to this but i'm just saying you should work on all of these categories as a man you should not say well i think that mental strength is the only thing i need no you should have it all and you know if you want to see the variance there there's that movie princess bride right in the princess bride he kind of faces off with different foes and they all kind of have their own different strengths one's like physically strong one's like mentally strong and everything like that one's like kind of brave but the the guy that's the main character the the good guy he beats all of them because he's better than all of them in every single category he's stronger and he's smarter and he's just a higher quality character than all three of them and that's what we should all be striving for not just saying well i'm good in one category but i'm terrible in the rest but being kind of a renaissance man being someone of balance being someone that does it all that doesn't just uh glory and some weakness that they have but rather being a strong man you know men in the bible were strong jacob was a strong guy i mean jacob's over here just lifting the mouth off of the well he's lifting the rock on the mouth of the well just like by himself when according to the townsfolk it takes a group of people they're saying hey they have to go and lift this stone he's like watch watch honey i got left hand i can give that off you know just one hand i can even i can even spin it on my finger you know i can you know whatever that is the essence of a manly man think about jacob he wrestles with jesus and here's the thing obviously jesus was kind of like allowing him to fight him you know because i mean jesus could just win right but even in that scenario it's kind of like an evenly matched fight showing like both these men are very strong because it was kind of like the picture isn't that anybody won but then nobody could win that it's just like they're both going to just wrestle for forever so then finally the lord just touches his thigh and just kind of like well you're out okay i've been i've been having fun with you but it's over it's kind of like with your children you know as a father you should wrestle with your kids and wrestle with your sons but obviously you can't go a hundred percent because it's your sons but you kind of try to go evenly you kind of try to fight them on an even match right you're trying to kind of match them give them a little bit of a challenge but not so much that it would hurt them but you're just kind of like wrestling with them right but then at some point you just tickle them and it's over you know whatever you basically or you hold them down and give them a noogie or something because you're finally done with it okay and that's kind of how jesus is he's kind of wrestling jacob on his level and then finally he's just kind of like it's over but don't you see a picture of strength here jesus being strong you see uh jacob being strong we have just consistent themes in our in the bible of of the men of god being men of strength and when they're at low weak points as being a negative thing and when they're at their highest point they're maxed out at strength at being strong this is because a wise man is going to be strong he's going to strive for strength he's going to try and increase strength in all of these areas consistently through his life you know you have even men who their natural force was not abated like caleb and he went out and fought the battle when he's in his 80s i mean this guy's in his 80s and he's just slaying 20 year olds he's slaying 30 year olds in their prime this 80 year old man and he's the 80 year old man that you look at he's like i don't want to mess with that guy you know there's guys that are older a lot older than me that you look at you're just like i don't want to mess with that dude you know like samson can you imagine like samson he's kind of an older guy he's not 80s yet but i mean i don't want to mess with samson samson's a mean dude and i'm not talking just in the bible i'm talking about samson pure words right obviously samson in the bible is a mean dude too i mean we we could just we could just let the bible fall open you know we're going to find men of god being strong physically being strong mentally being strong spiritually now of course everybody has weaknesses they have their low points but that's not what the bible is emphasizing is like hey look at this guy in his weak point be like him then it's like be a man grow up man up you know get some strength here trust in the lord let him be your strength go if you went to mark chapter number three go to mark chapter number three in the new testament we'll see another example of just the need to be strong you know why be strong physically because you say pastor shelly we're in a spiritual fight yeah we are in a spiritual fight but you have to realize that there's dangers in this world that are carnal dangers that generally speaking your family need to be protected from thieves robbers violent criminals even just animals just all kinds of just dangers that possibly exist in this world that as a man it's important to be strong to ward off these type of criminals and dangers that exist in our society and being strong is going to assist in that mark chapter number three look at verse 27 no man can enter into a strong man's house and spoil his goods but did it say no man can enter into a weak man's house and spoil his goods say no man can enter into a feminine man's house and spoil his goods no no into a strong man's house right there's a good reason to be strong because criminals don't even want to enter into a house where a strong man exists so there's a benefit to being strong but you know what when you're a you're a weak and effeminate and tender and soft they don't have any problem entering into your house spoiling your goods you know that makes me think of aaf when the king of syria comes and just like hey give me everything that i like in your house and he's just like okay please don't hurt me you know it's like i'm gonna take your wives and your children he's just like fine have jezabelle but what kind of a weak man i mean what man just lets another man just take his wife i mean talk about the ultimate cowardice kind of reminds me even that levi and judges just lets these men take his concubine you know don't even let them take your concubine okay be a man right i mean this is just it's just gross you know that would be a picture of a guy dating a girl and just letting his date just get abused by somebody and not standing up for date i don't care if you're married to or not men should stand up for women you know if your boyfriend won't stand up for you that's not a guy to marry you know that's that's a weak guy that you never want to be around look what it says in the red parts of this verse except he will first bind the strong man and then he will spoil his house so obviously being strong doesn't just prevent everything because even a strong man could end up getting bound even a strong man could end up losing his strength you know a lot of strong men they're fine as long as they're serving the lord but then they get wrapped up in things that take away their strength like alcohol alcohol can take away all of your strength you know women can take away all your strength you know the bible warns in proverbs 31 the prophecy that the mother gave unto king lemuel that give not thy strength unto women nor to strong drink you know so there's ways that you can give up your your power samson gave up all of his strength to a woman a woman took away his power and you know as a man it's not only important to be strong it's important to stay strong so it's one thing to become strong but then it's another thing to stay strong and you know by staying strong you have to keep everything else in check you have to maintain your level of strength and you have to keep things away like alcohol like women and even just any influences that you have in your life you have to keep them at bay and not allow them to overcome you but rather overcome them now i want you to go to uh first timothy chapter number two first timothy chapter two the bible says you know bodily exercise profit a little which doesn't mean that there's no benefit it's just obviously being spiritual is more important but being physically fit or being in shape or having physical strength is a blessing it is good but it's funny to me how men could be physically strong yet they're afraid of women with signs out here protesting or church they won't come to church you're strong i mean how strong do you have to be to overcome a little a little lady dyke screaming at you karen screaming at you you know and and when i think of men that can't handle a bunch of girly sissy queer protesters it makes me wonder like who else can he not say no to or who else can he not withstand or who else is is pushing him around and and telling him what to do and in my mind probably his wife or his girlfriend or whatever women are in his life he has women telling him what to do and let me tell you something this is not a godly family situation when the man is being told what to do from his wife you know it makes me angry yesterday i went soul winning and i knocked on a door and a guy came out and i started giving him the gospel he's interested he seems very receptive i mean if i had to put a number on it seemed like 95 99 chance this guy's gonna get saved you know you can just kind of sense when someone has a possibility of getting saved and i've already showed him a handful of verses and it's going really well he's very astute when it comes to bible verses and then all of a sudden the door swings open and it's just some chica she wasn't hispanic some lady some girl and she's like you got to come in i need you and he kind of he kind of gives her a first hesitation like what and she's like now i need you to come in now he's like i gotta go but when you know that's that's ridiculous that is ridiculous why does any woman ever get to just tell her man what to do that is not a biblical attitude now i get it like okay your child just fell off the counter and cracked his head open yeah say like hey the baby's bleeding to death can you help me and then he can make that decision but you know what it should always be asked as a suggestion too can you please help me not come in now who's in charge here and of course you know what she was wearing pants i know he's wearing the pants in that relationship and look he seemed interested he even hesitated initially which showed to me that he still kind of wanted to engage with this it wasn't like he was looking for a way out here he's just letting his woman tell him what to do and you know what your woman will try to tell you what to do no matter who you're married to you know what a man does he says no i know that was a radical word that i just blew your mind guys i know you're so tender and soft you can't handle that but you know what sometimes and i'm not saying always i'm not saying every situation sometimes you have to say this to your wife no no and of course this is what's going to happen who are you to say no i mean see what happens tonight see where you sleep tonight and it's like in my bed with you that's where i'm sleeping you don't let them tell you what's going on you don't let them boss you around and you know what some men they'll say no first but then they say yes right after that after she throws a fit that's the same as not saying no you know you not only need to say no you don't know these you don't really be strong stay strong remember just like samson hey delilah i'm not going to tell you my secret but what was the problem he then told her the secret hey it's oh i'm sober for 30 years of my life but then i get drunk tomorrow well you just threw all of that soberness out the window you know what you tell your wife no on something that needs to be a no don't go back and then say yes later that shows me something you're weak it shows me that you're effeminate because women change their mind men shouldn't change their mind men shouldn't so be so quick to just succumb to the pressures of the wife now look there are times when i change my mind there are times when my wife has given me good advice and i didn't initially realize it and then later i realized okay you know maybe she's right i need to change my mind i can be humble enough to change my mind and do what's right but at the same time sometimes you just have to say no and you have to stick to your guns you know when eve is handing adam the fruit that was a time to say no and to stay on a no that was a time in fact there was a time they shouldn't have been hanging out of that tree why are they even hanging around the tree why are they letting snakes talk to them you know why why is he not answering when the serpent is talking to his wife i mean there was a lot of opportunity there for adam to step in but notice when the wife gives him of the fruit notice when delilah cuts the hair what happens all of these women take the strength away from their husband and there are a lot of men in this culture and our society even maybe even this church and christian churches all over america where wives are taking the strength away from their husbands they're making their husbands weak and cowardly and effeminate and they're dominating their husbands and let me tell you something if you can't dominate your wife how are you going to dominate anything in this world i mean it's a natural order that god has said you know what you are going to be in charge of your wife you're going to tell your wife what to do you are the man and you know what sometimes you need to just be the man you say who's the man around here who's the man of the house what does that mean who's the final decision maker you know it's not guaranteed that because you're a man you will be that your wife will vie for that power and you know what women are more manipulative than men they're very good at it okay sorry i'm unleashing all your secrets ladies all right they realize that they they want you to have the facade that you're in charge like ahab hey i'll write the letter in your name he wasn't in charge jezebel was in charge of that relationship okay so as a man you just have to literally assume that role the final decision making is being made by the man he's telling his wife what to do he's not letting his wife lead him by the nose and you know what i don't care what terrorist activities my wife tries to use against me you don't negotiate with terrorists you know whatever she tries to hold hostage against me i'm just going to go ahead and destroy that bulwark or whatever it is and just get in charge and here's the thing you don't have to do it all the time you know i think this is men's fear it's like well i just don't want to have that fight this time or i don't want to get into it now but here's the thing once you squash it a few times she stopped trying it just you you end the issue what happens though is if you give into it it's going to happen every time if you say no and she throws a fit and you give in let me tell you something she will throw a fit every single time you disagree with her if you if you ever show weakness if you ever negotiate with the terrorist in the back of their mind they know how to manipulate you and i'll tell you this i don't personally believe that women are actively trying to manipulate their husband sometimes but i just think it's natural like it's just it's just kind of like it's just they can't really help themselves it's just kind of like a natural response that if you say no and they throw a fit they they get what they want they're probably not even realizing that's how it works it just happens because it's because they got used to it because it worked so well before that it just becomes like an involuntary response where they just naturally do this look children are really good manipulators it's not like women are different than children children do the exact same thing you tell a child no what happens they throw a fit they cry they scream or they just ask a thousand more times and you say why do your kids ask you a thousand more times for the same thing because sometimes on the 950th time you give in but let me tell you something when they ask the second time and then they get disciplined they don't ask 950 times when they throw a fit and they get spanked they don't throw a fit every time you say no when they have a bad attitude and you correct it right away let me tell you something you're doing yourself a disservice by not being the man by not leading by not managing your home by not correcting the issue you know what by not being a man you end up emasculating yourself you as the man have to set the law enforce the law and stay strong on the law you're the man be the man stay the man okay now a similar word is a man a juror okay make managers men again okay manager all right some men need to be the manager of their home now let me tell you something like what a manager does okay a manager does not do the work a manager has other people do the work let me tell you difference between a good manager and a bad manager a good manager everything all the work is done exactly how he wants it but he doesn't do it a bad manager is constantly frustrated with the work and in some cases does it himself you know why a bad manager does the work himself because he's a bad manager you know being a good manager is not one who does the work a good manager is one who doesn't do anything and yet all of the work is done exactly how he wants it okay and and what makes that person a good manager is he can not only inspire his employees whoever his servants whoever it is to do that work he can instruct them guide them teach them he can get the job done and what tells me that a man is a good husband is one who his family is exactly the way he wants it but he's not doing it his wife's doing it so let me tell you something as a man this is what you need to think about do you are you pleased with all the attitudes of your children are you pleased with the behavior of your children are you pleased with all the meals that you eat are you pleased with the cleanliness of your house are you pleased with how your clothing is cleaned washed ironed and basically prepared are you pleased with all of the spiritual activities in your household now here's the thing if you don't like anything any of those things you're the problem and you say how do I fix it you don't you have to get your servants to fix it for you but let me tell you something you have to work on managing your wife and managing your family and letting your wife know what you don't like your house let me tell you something men's houses should run exactly how they want them why not you're the man and let me tell you something when it's not being run exactly how you want let me tell you who it's being run by your wife because your wife's gonna do it exactly how she wants until you tell her otherwise so if you're the real man you're gonna run your house exactly how you want it to be run it's gonna be the cleanliness standard that you want now of course let's just say your cleanliness standard is a pig's thigh and your wife's is immaculate well that's fine because it's exceeding your expectation okay and you're probably fine with that but if there's any area that's dipping below your expectation you need to fix that and let me tell you something no one no one will fix that except for you you say I don't like certain things in my life fix them but you know what that cost you know you know you have to do you have to become a man men step to the occasion men will manage their household if they don't like something that's going on they need to communicate that and of course let me say this you know being a dictator is not always the best way to be a manager because sometimes if you if you crush morale you know then it's not gonna really get done so you have to work on that balance of telling your servants exactly what you want yet also encouraging them to do that and helping them get that done right so this is the balance of being a good husband a good husband dictates every single thing he wants he's a dictator he's managing his household he's explaining everything he's not pleased with at the same time he's encouraging loving and supporting his wife and giving her everything she needs so that she's not like feeling like a robot or a slave or something you know if your wife feels like a slave you're doing something wrong if your wife feels like the manager you're doing something wrong okay there's a healthy balance some there in the middle and let me tell you something God has given you a wife and children to manage if you're not managing them you're a problem you're the one at fault here and you say well this sounds hard yeah get some strength point one be strong you know it being strong is for a reason you have to be strong so that you can deal with hard situations is it fun to tell people that they're doing something wrong or they you don't like something or there's something's not going well no it's not necessarily fun but it takes a strong person to do it it takes a strong manager isn't it frustrating when you go to work and you have bad co-workers and your boss won't fix the problem you really like that manager but let me say something that's how God looks at your family sometimes where he says you know what I wish someone would fix this problem in this household wink wink nod nod I'm looking at you man I gave you all the authority I gave you all the physical strength I gave you everything that you could possibly need hey I'm giving you a pastor screaming and yelling about it fix it rice the vacation if you don't like something in your household fix it well I'm scared what are you scared of you know just like I said the guy that can't walk through some protests he probably also can't tell his wife he didn't like the food that she prepared oh look if you don't like something your wife made why would you not just tell her that because we know who's in charge that's why now look you don't have to be a jerk about it okay I'm not I'm not trying to give men a license to be a jerk but you know what I'll tell you this I have more respect for the husband that's telling his wife what to do as a jerk than the guy that never tells his wife what to do now of course the most respect is for the guy that can tell his wife what to do and is nice about it okay so don't don't hear me wrong but what I'm telling you is some men need to be more in charge than they are right now and if you go back in other culture you go to other countries you look at America in the past if if the man was not pleased with everything the wife by our culture felt embarrassed and wanted to fix it TV in Hollywood and everything like that is brainwashed our culture and the thinking that you cannot criticize your wife that you could never suggest anything bad because then she'll throw a fit she'll get mad at you she'll withhold something from you or she'll use her position against you or something like that you know it as a man you're in charge you can control these things you can say what you think you can say hey don't make it like this make it with this don't put beans in the chili you know don't don't buy that product you know don't get Pepsi get coke okay don't put one scoop put two scoops hey don't cook this as long cook this longer you know I like lasagna where the edges are burnt a little bit on the edge I don't want an undercooked lasagna you know I'd rather it be a little crispy than a little bit mealier like yeah like kind of wet or something you know it's like you know but here's the thing the only person holding you back from getting you what you want is you I'm trying to help you have a good marriage say what you want you say who says what they want a strong man that knows he's in control a good boss okay a good manager and you know what somebody's got to be the bad guy it's you no one else can be the bad guy in your relationship no one else is you know I can get up here and scream and yell about how your wife should treat you but they don't really care they only care if you say it okay and and and frankly speaking I don't know the specifics of you and what you like maybe you do want ranch because you're not right with God or something you know or maybe you have some kind of weird issues okay you might have weird preferences maybe you want Indian food but let me tell you something if you love Indian food and you're not getting it start getting Indian food start getting start getting what you want and you let me tell you something when you're getting when you're getting what you want and it's exactly how you like it your wife's actually gonna be happier because let me tell you a secret all your wife really wants to do is make you happy all your wife really wants to do is is is you to be pleased with what she hands you or what she gives you so when you're not constantly not even pleased with what she's delivering to you then you're you're really doing your wife a disservice because your wife ultimately in her heart wants to please you and wants you to be satisfied with what she's doing she wants you to be so pleased with the way the house looks and the way the clothes are and the way the meals are prepared and how the children are being raised he wants to come home and just sing your praises but you know what sometimes you're not singing their praises because you're not pleased but because you're too weak to actually say what needs to be said then you're just in this vicious cycle of not being pleased she's dissatisfied and your whole relationship just sucks you know what a good relationship is where the boss and the manager and the man just calls it like it is says what needs to be said fixes all the problems and then both parties can be happy you know this can apply in work if you're a manager if you have employees you need to set the bar you need to set the expectations you need to tell people what they need to do you need to be strong otherwise how are they gonna ever fulfill your request you know if you just hope in your mind like I hope my employee I hope that my wife just does magically what I'm thinking you're a fool it will not happen you have to tell them you have to that's the whole point of you being a manager that's the whole point of you being the husband that's the whole point of you having the authority and having the rule is dictating what needs to be dictated now look at first committee to let's get some Bible here verse 11 let the woman learn in silence with all subjection but I suffer not a woman to teach nor to usurp authority over the man but to be in silence now who is it that's not allowing women to teach Paul a man a man is saying I'm not gonna allow a woman to teach so you say why is it that women are an authority because there is no man to tell her no why do we have so much women authority in our country we didn't have any men to tell no you know it makes me sick when I I went to take the kids out on Monday and we're just having like a family day I was just taking them to the park and we're having fun and I'm sitting here and I watched two lady cops just walk in to Chick-fil-a and it just it just made me so mad because I just thought like what criminal on this planet is terrified of two lady cops and it's like we just we just needed a man who's in charge of the police academy whoever is doing the admission says when a woman walked up to sign up the application and said you're not allowed to sign up no why because when you don't have a stroke remember when we talked about a thief's not gonna break through a strong man's house but you know what why is there so much crime and thievery and all this stuff going on because we have women policing our streets what an embarrassment I mean do you think any other country in this world is thinking like oh man those women cops are terrifying we should get some of those man that'll stop the crime in our country that'll really you know threaten people you know Russia is not gonna invade because women cops might come to the rescue some Karen might come and tell them what to do and nag them but you know what Russian men apparently can deal with nagging because they just shut it down it's like you can't even you can't even tell your wife no you're gonna start having lady cops tell you what to do that's the society that we live in you know what if every man would take responsibility become the man of the house become strong we wouldn't have women in these positions of authority we wouldn't even need it and we need more Paul's of this world to just say no I'm not gonna allow it you say when are you gonna let a woman preach a sermon behind the pulpit pastor Shelley never well when are you gonna have that women's Bible study never when are you gonna know don't even bring up a stupid question like that that's not scriptural the Bible is saying that you're not supposed to let women have authority over man now obviously within the institutions God's given us this is not saying that every woman obeys me okay we have certain institutions that exist for a reason the only woman that has to obey me is my wife and my children you know your wife doesn't have to obey me now obviously within church everybody in general is under my authority but even then I typically if I had a problem with someone I'll go to the husband or go to the man and say look fix your wife here's your wife's problems you deal with it but you know what it's not even for me to go and tell your wife what to do or to fix your wife's problem because that's your problem you know that's how the authority works but again no man's gonna go up to my wife and tell her what to do that's for me to fix right if my wife has problems or my children have problems you can come address that with me you know what she's under me there's no question about that and and the only reason she'd be above me is because I'm weak I'm too tender because I'm too soft because I'm unwilling to do what God has commanded me and instructed me to do but there's a reason why we're in the situation we're in look at verse 13 for Adam was first formed than Eve and Adam was not deceived but the woman being deceived was in the transgression notwithstanding she should be saved in childbearing if they continue in faith and charity and holiness was right look the Bible is saying that the fall is due to the man being influenced by his wife and he wasn't even deceived he was just weak just weak and he couldn't say no I mean when your wife offers you of the fruit of the tree in the midst of the garden you say no you tell her no you stay strong you don't allow that to enter in and you know as a man you have to exercise dominion over your wife what's gonna help your wife childbearing it and you know hopefully I don't have to explain to you how women have children okay so there go that's gonna help you men it's everything you could possibly want all in the same deal just have some strength and let me tell you something the stronger you are the more your wife's gonna want to have children with you the stronger you are the better your relationship is gonna be the weaker and effeminate and queer and the more you just let her tell you what to do the more she's gonna tell you what to do the more that you take the responsibility that God has given you and you man up the better your life's gonna be go to Luke chapter 11 just stop giving your strength unto women and of course the the biggest threats gonna be your wife just because she's in proximity to you okay and look don't be offended if your wife tells you what to do she's gonna do it you just have to man up okay you just have to fix her up don't think like well if I had one of those you know meek and quiet wives you have to make her meek and quiet don't think don't think that I mean 95% of women are just not gonna be naturally meek and quiet just you're gonna actually have to put some effort in there might be some people out here that you know praise God they got a wife that just automatically is meek and quiet but you know if your wife is like that you need to be careful that you don't become too weak and soft because you never actually exercise your your man your man card okay because because men that typically their wives are just just really docile and very submissive by nature often become really weak and docile themselves because they never had to work out it's kind of like a man never having to work out or never having to put in there they're themselves an exercise so it's like you got to figure out other ways to you know work on that and improve in that area figure out areas that you want your wife or your children to improve on it and try to work on that but you know if you if your wife is a little bit more of a bull in a china shop you know if your wife has a has a pretty strong opinion if she's you know one of these wild rose or whatever counted a blessing that you have to be really strong to keep that in okay don't look at look at look at as a positive challenge like yeah look at this I can capture this wild row I didn't have to get Bambi you know Bambi was easy I got a challenge you know but look I still championed it I still wrestled it to the ground I still I'm you know conquered that and then look at this wonderful you know fawn that I have now okay now look at Luke chapter 11 and look at verse 21 not only to be physically strong mentally strong and spiritually strong but you need to be strapped and look what it says in Luke chapter 11 verse 21 this is parallel to another passage read when a strong man armed keep at this palace his goods are in peace you know sometimes you got to just be strapped because how does one guy conquer five he's trapped okay how did you know as David no one's gonna like undermine David and think like well David's not strong because he used a sword look even David had to use a sword at times even David had used a slingshot and you know what Dave is the first guy to you know have a CDL all right and he's walking around he's trapped he's like hey don't bring a knife to a gunfight buddy and he took Goliath down you know it and look I have confidence to take Goliath down because just a bigger target for me to hit but you know what you got the nice equalizer get a gun you know guns gonna equalize I don't have to necessarily be Arnold Schwarzenegger to win a fight because I'm strapped so but at the same time I don't want to be so weak that if I run out of bullets I can't do anything pistol-whip time okay right I got a nice knife somebody gave me this really nice kebar knife dude that thing slices I mean that thing touches your skin your skin runs away screaming so it's like you know someone tries to attack me and my family like there's gonna be a throwdown blood will be shed you know what when you're strapped notice what it says I like how it's worded when a strong man armed keep at this palace notice this phrase his goods are in peace it the guy that's strapped to the nines no one's even trying nobody's even interested in going there you know it's like there's certain people in my church that I think like no one's gonna want to go into that guy's house they're not that dumb it's like brother Dylan no one's gonna go on to go in brother Dylan's house they're gonna get all kinds of lead coming right in their direction I mean they're gonna get the slingshot they're gonna meet all kinds of slingshots and he's got lefty slingshots and righty I mean it's like what's going on here right and notice that the Bible saying it's in peace you don't have to worry if you're a man and you don't have any gun in your house you should get a gun immediately why peace it's called the peacemaker okay but sometimes it's just a it's the peace stabilizer you know no fool would ever think they could come into this church and cause a problem and leave why because we're strapped I mean we're strapped everywhere good luck the ladies are strapped folks okay the children might even it's like good luck I mean you're gonna be in massive trouble fast it's a suicide mission you you'd be lucky to get any any kind of shot out you're gonna get down you're gonna get knocked down go to chapter 22 and let me tell you something being strapped I don't have to have my wife's strap because I'm strapped it's part of being a man and I'll say this you know being strapped to me is a burden and I'm not saying me personally I think it's a burden period it's a burden to have to carry around a sword carry around a gun to carry around a weapon you know I personally don't like it in the sense that if I didn't feel like I had to or wasn't something that God wanted me to do or I didn't need to protect my family I wouldn't do it because I'm not interested in just having some bulky object attached to my side you know I don't I don't like anything superfluous on my person I kind of hate it I hate rings jewelry anything I hate all of it like I wouldn't want any of it I'm kind of a minimalist in that area and so carrying a gun is not necessarily fun but you know what to me it's a necessary burden that the man has to carry and why why is it given to the man because he's the man right as the man you have to carry the heavier burden you know it's a burden to have a deadly assault weapon attached to your person I mean this is a dangerous object you know it's not a gun is not something to be treated without care you should treat it with respect it's a serious device it's something that you know you don't want to just treat willy-nilly you know if you were to ever actually try to use this that's a serious situation you know pulling out your firearm opens you up to being killed if you pull out your gun in any situation someone that feels threatened can kill you immediately and be justified legally so at the moment that you ever try to use your weapon you're putting yourself your life has been forfeited in the sense that you're basically putting your life on the line that you can be killed by anyone that feels threatened you know so it's it's a burden to have to do this you know what we need a strong man that's willing to do it we need strong men that are saying you know what I'm not just gonna let enemies just take everything from me I'm not gonna be ahab and just say have my wife have my children have everything that you want no no we need to say hey you can stop at the door you're not coming in you're not allowed to take my goods I'm jealous for my possessions I'm jealous for my wife and you need to protect them Luke 22 look at verse 36 then said he unto them is Jesus but now he that hath a purse let him take it and likewise his script and he that hath no sword let him sell his garment and buy one this is Jesus instructing his disciples to literally buy a sword and of course all the instructions of the Bible are not just for them it's for us to you know be armed and you know if you don't have a gun get a sword okay go go into Exodus chapter number 15 Exodus chapter 15 so point one this morning guys be strong mentally physically spiritually don't cry just don't cry okay don't be tender don't be soft there's a time to cry but you know cry after you kill all the bad guys or something you know not before right shed a tear at the door going soul winning okay but you know you got to be strong for your life mentally you know don't don't be like I just I just don't like mean things the god-hating reprobate said about me makes me feel you just I don't can't stand it it's like dude man up it's like I don't care say whatever you want I thought it used to be like sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me never never wake up liberal you queer little sissy you a feminine freak that thinks words can hurt you I hate speech you're a feminine we live in an effeminate culture that thinks that words can hurt them you know what why people come to this church words hurt me did you faster he says that I'm not ruling my house well honey tell him tell him off you know get in there tiger hey hey honey can you write him an email for me honey what church do you want to go to you weak effeminate coward you can't handle a preacher getting up and preaching the Bible at you you can't handle beans without chili I'm sorry chill without beans come on kind of man are you need these soft delicate little beans in there get some strong meat and you know what you need to get the strong meat of the word you need to come to a church where the preacher might step on your toes a little and you know what praise God you go to a church that actually puts you back in the driver's seat that lets you as a man drive your family around instead of going with these queer effeminate churches where the woman pastor gets up and starts teaching all the women how to rule their husband where's that the church across the street you're welcome to go over there and let mrs. pastor tell you and your wives how to live your life you know what but I suffer not a woman to teach nor usurp authority over the man you know it go go find some church where the pastor's wife will tell all the other women how to rebel against their husband and how to be disobedient to their husband and how to talk back about their husband and throw fits and disagree with their husband you know women should never disagree with their husband and public ever they should never throw a fit in public ever they should never do you know he said how's that gonna happen what you take them to the right church and you teach them the Bible and you be a spiritual man and then maybe your wife will follow suit but you know what if you're not spiritual good luck ever reigning in your wife you need to be strong strapped and spiritual you know Joshua didn't say as for me in my house we'll ask our wives and see what they'll let us do he said as for me in my house we will serve the Lord he didn't say I will serve the Lord he said we what kind of weak men don't leave their family he didn't see didn't even ask his wife what her suggestion was hey what church you want to go to honey hey what Bible are we gonna read honey hey what gospel are we gonna believe around here honey hey what Bible we're gonna use to teach our children what are we gonna know we're gonna serve the Lord here men need to lead their household they need to be spiritual in this country let me tell you why our country's going to hell in a handbasket because we don't have any spiritual men leading their families in fact most of these churches they have the woman dragging their husband to church there's more women in these non-denominational churches and there are men are you even fundamental Baptist churches you go to fundamental Baptist churches a bunch of old people and let me tell you who's in the majority women and you want to know why the children aren't there because the women were leading the home you know he's some men to lead their homes spiritually and of course you know we get our strength to be a man from the Lord anyways you know if you're not spiritual you're not gonna be strong you know the carnal strength of this world is not real strength it's a fake facade there's plenty of guys out there that are really buff and they got a gun strapped to their holster but you know what they'd walk in here and they'd walk right out crying and weeping because they can't handle real preaching you know you need to be spiritual look at Exodus chapter 15 look at verse 2 the Lord is my strength and song and he has become my salvation he is my God and I will repair him and habitation my father's God and I will exalt him the Lord is a man of war the Lord is his name you know what God is a God of strength he is a man he's a man of war and you know what we need men to realize I get my strength from God you want to be a strong man you want to tell your wife what to do read the Bible you want to tell your wife where to go bring her to church first you know what you're not gonna you're not gonna rule your home if you can't be spiritual first go to 1st Corinthians 13 I only have a few verses left this morning probably needs this sermon fine needs to be preached longer but I'm gonna give you as much as you can handle this morning all right 1st Corinthians chapter number 13 you know what children are weak children are soft children are delicate children can't handle things but a man can and as the spiritual leader of the home you must become a man 1st Corinthians chapter 13 look what it says in verse number 11 when I was a child I spake as a child I understood as a child I thought as a child but when I became a man I put away childish things you know there is a time in someone's life when they become a man you say what age there isn't an age there are men who are 90 years old and they're a child and there are men who are 18 years old because it's not an age Solomon was a man at 18 you want to know why because he told everybody else what to do you say when do you become a man pastor Shelley when you're in charge you know you're not a man when you're back when your parents are paying your bills you're not a man when your wife's telling you what to do you're not a man when you're not leading the home spiritually you know what you want to become a man pay your bills tell your wife what to do get a gun and start leading the family spiritually come to church that's when you became a man and you know what things will change you'll stop thinking like a child you'll stop speaking like a child you stop acting like a child you stop being a selfish just inconsiderate just self-conceited person and you'll actually realize you know what I got to make some changes about myself to influence my family for the better you know what when you do these things your wife's gonna become a better person your children are gonna come better person and our country and our state and our church is gonna become a better place first Timothy chapter 4 last place I'm gonna have you turn be a man whenever you're feeling weak and soft just think about becoming a man men can deal with difficult tasks men have to become strong so they can deal with difficult tasks someone's got to do the difficult job in this world it's men it's a man's world let's make it a man's world again first Timothy chapter 4 look at verse 12 let no man despise thy youth you know what it's not an age folks you can be a man as a very young man knows what it says but be thou an example of the believers in word in conversation and charity in spirit in faith and purity you know what you need to be the example to everyone around you you need to be the most spiritual you're the you're the most zealous for church you want to go to church the most you want to read the Bible the most you want to do everything the way that God has instructed the most you are the you are the cap to your family so that means that you need to be at a hundred percent in every category so that your wife can follow suit your wife is a natural born follower and sometimes your wife's spiritual life is being capped by you because you refuse to be the example spiritually as a man you must be the example in every category physically mentally spiritually all categories and you have to put on the pants that your wife isn't allowed to wear you put on the sword that she's not supposed to wear you know the sword according the Bible is the sword of spirit you know you know being strapped with the guns good but you know what being strapped with the Bible is better being strapped with the Word of God will defeat the right foes better you know there's foes that want to destroy you physically but there's foes that want to destroy your family spiritually that want to destroy your mind that want to destroy everything going on and you know what you need to be strapped with this so you can constantly slash and dice that TV up and slash and dice that Hollywood up and slash and dice that music up and slash and dice the gossip that your wife wants to get into and slash and dice all of the disgusting clothing that is being sold and bought in our country for young people you know what what happened to our youth our youth looks like trash it's tick-tock stupid tick-tock it's stupid social media because of course if you dress like a fundamental Baptist and you read the Bible tick-tock won't promote your video you'll have like five views but you know what you dress like a whore and sing Britney Spears and you'll get 10,000 views you don't even have to sing it you can lip-sync it I mean what is tick-tock isn't it just whores dancing provocatively lip-syncing to disgusting filthy music who's who's letting that happen men well in fact there's not really a man in the house that's why if there was a man in the house it wouldn't happen you say all its fatherless homes no no there's a guy there there's a child there a man child you know there's not a man because a man wouldn't let it happen a man doesn't just let things that he doesn't like you look no guy likes their daughter dressing like a whore and dancing for men nope no guy goes to the strip club and watches his daughter perform so it's like why is that happening because he didn't manage his home because what is it was the first point if you don't like something in the home you fix it you don't let the wife say like oh but she's gonna be cute at that concert it's like no she's not going to the concert number one and number two she's I'm burning those clothes and she's like what is she gonna wear I don't care but it's not bad you know we need some real men in this country why is our country going to hell in a handbasket there's no men he said did they all die I don't know but they're not they're men child they're playing Call of Duty they're getting drunk they're fat and ugly and watching some overgrown child play football on Sunday morning where are all the men at the Cowboys game watching them lose drinking beer and they're a loser too instead of being in church reading the Bible and going soul winning and getting a Sunday real many Sundays okay all right let's go to prayer thank you Heavenly Father for the Word of God thank you for giving us instruction I pray that the the men in this room would become men they would become strong they become strapped they would be spiritual I pray that men would have courage today that you would take away their fear you would take away their weakness you take away their cowardice to lead their homes and they would lead their homes today I pray that men would have the confidence that the things that they don't like that they know that need to get fixed that they would fix them I pray that men would have a zeal for the Lord today they would realize that they need to do that which is right because their whole family their wives and their children are counting on them to be the man someone needs to be the man in this country today someone needs to be the man in this church today someone needs to be the man in these families today and I pray that you would stir up the hearts of these men that you would just give them a burning zeal to be men today that we could take back our families we could take back our church we could take back our state we could take back our country we could take back Christianity we could take back Baptist and we could have real men living in this world today in Jesus name we pray amen all right for our final song we'll go to song number 27 the old rugged cross 27 the old rugged cross song 27 the old rugged cross on a hill far away stood an old rugged cross the emblem of suffering and shame and I love that old cross where the dearest and best for a world of law sinners was slain so I'll cherish the old rugged cross till my trophies at last I lay down I will cling to the old rugged cross and exchange it someday for a crown oh that old rugged cross so despised by the world has a wondrous attraction for me for the dear Lamb of God left his glory above to bear it to dark Calvary so I'll cherish the old rugged cross till my trophies at last I lay down I will cling to the old rugged cross and exchange it someday for a crown in the old rugged cross stained with blood so divine a wondrous beauty I see for twas on that old cross Jesus suffered and died to pardon and sanctify me so I'll cherish the old rugged cross till my trophies at last I lay down I will cling to the old rugged cross and exchange it someday for a crown on the last to the old rugged cross I will ever be true its shame and reproach gladly bear then he'll call me someday to my home far away where his glory forever I'll share so I'll cherish the old rugged cross trophies at last I lay down to the old rugged cross and exchange it someday for a crown great singing this morning god bless you are dismissed you