(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Is well with my soul And as we normally do we'll have the ladies start for the first part of the chorus and we'll have the men follow after Again that song number 145 145 it is well with my soul Sing it all together on the first When Like My way when sorrows I see billows roll Whatever My lord Thou has taught me to say It is well It is well With my soul It is well With my soul it is well it is well with my soul Though Satan should Of it though trial should come Let this blessed assurance Control that Christ has regarded my Helpless estate and has shed his own blood for my soul It is well It is well With my soul it is well it is well with my soul My sin, oh the bliss of this glorious Glorious thought My sin not in part, but the whole Is nailed to the cross and I bear No more praise the Lord praise the Lord Oh my soul Ladies It is well With my soul it is well it is well My soul And Lord hates the day when my faith shall be Sigh the clouds be rolled back as a scroll the Trump shall resound and the Lord shall descend even so It is well with my soul It is well With my soul it is well it is well My soul Amen great scene that's a bad word of prayer Dear Heavenly Father we just thank you that we could come here tonight to hear the preaching of your word We thank you for all the mothers that are in this room We could just celebrate with them and praise them for this day and we thank you for all the mothers in our life Lord we pray you bless this night together feel pastor Shelley with your Holy Spirit and help us all to learn and grow from the sermon Tonight we love you in Jesus name. Amen Next is gonna be song number three the very front of your hymnal Jesus paid it all Song number three Song number three Jesus paid it all I Hear the Savior say thy strength indeed is small child of weakness watch and pray Finding me thine all in all Jesus made it all To him I owe Sin I left a crimson stain he washed it white as snow Lord now indeed I find thy power in thine alone Can change the left response and melt the heart of stone? Jesus made it all All to him I owe Sin I'd left a crimson stain he washed it white as snow for nothing good have I Where my thy grace to claim I'll wash My garments white of Calvary's lamb Jesus made it all all to him I owe Sin I'd left a crimson stain he washed it white as snow and when before the throne I stand in him complete Jesus died my soul to save my life I'll still repeat Jesus paid it all all to him I owe Sin I'd left a crimson stain he washed it white as snow Good evening. Thanks so much coming to steadfast baptist church. I really like that third verse for nothing good have I We're by thy grace to claim, you know, it just destroys that good works Salvation the Bible makes it there. It's not of our works. We don't have anything to offer him Jesus paid it all. I mean the song couldn't get clearer and great song to sing and we have here our Bulletins if you need one every missed one this morning slip of our hand real quick One of our ushers can come by hopefully get you a bulletin also, we had a Present for all the mothers and so have you missed out on getting one of these We'd like to get you that if for some reason your wife or mother is not with you today And you would like to give her that please grab one on your way out at least or ask for the ushers and they'll hand That to you and we'd like to give that to all of our mothers You say if my mother if you've ever gotten pregnant, you're a mother. All right, so that's that's how I that's how I judge All right, and then also on the inside We have the service and so winning times as well as the church stats on the right We have the list of expecting ladies continue to pray for all of them We also have our prayer list continue to pray for our church family If you have any other prayer requests, please add that we have to sign up sheets right up here one for the Austin Texas soul winning marathon and then one for the men's conference in August and We definitely are getting closer to the the Austin soul winning marathon, so please sign up I'm really excited about that one. We're gonna make them normal. So, you know and they need it. So But that's the that's the one part of Texas that we we tolerate. No, I'm just kidding and Hey Elon Musk is making it, you know better right? No, no, we'll make it better Okay, so we'll go out there and we'll get them saved driving their electric vehicles around okay, and that's pretty much All I had for announcements. We'll go to our third song. Holy holy holy That's in our separate handouts Sorry 127 we changed it up tis so sweet to trust in Jesus It's gonna be 127 Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus The song number 127 Altogether on the first Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus just to take him at his word just to Upon his promise just to know the sayeth the Lord Jesus Jesus how I trust him how I Him or and or Jesus Jesus Precious Jesus Oh for grace to trust him more. Oh How sweet to trust in Jesus Just to trust his cleansing blood Just in simple faith to plunge me need the healing cleansing blood Jesus Jesus how I trust him Him or and or Jesus Jesus Precious Jesus Oh for grace to trust him Yes, this week to trust in Jesus Just from sin and self to cease just from Jesus Simply taking life and rest and joy and peace Jesus Jesus how I trust him how I him or and or Jesus Jesus Precious Jesus Oh for grace to trust him more I'm so glad I learned to trust thee precious Jesus save your friend and I know That thou art with me will be with me to the end Jesus Jesus how I trust him how I Him or and or Jesus Jesus Precious Jesus Oh For grace to trust him more. Amen racing This time please turn your Bibles to Proverbs 31 Proverbs 31 As the offering plate is being passed around Proverbs 31 the Bible reads The words of King Lemuel the prophecy that his mother taught him What my son and what the son of my womb and what the son of my vows? Give not thy strength unto women nor thy ways to that which destroyeth Kings It is not for Kings O Lemuel It is not for Kings to drink wine nor for princes strong drink Lest they drink and forget the law and pervert the judgment of any of the afflicted Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts Let him drink and forget his poverty and remember his misery no more Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction Open thy mouth judge righteously and plead the cause of the poor and needy Who can find a virtuous woman for her price is far above rubies The heart of her husband that safely trust in her so that he shall have no need of spoil She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life She seeketh wool and flax and worketh willingly with her hands She is like the merchants ships she bringeth her food from afar She riseth also while it is yet night and giveth meat to her household in a portion to her maidens She consider it a field and buyeth it with the fruit of her hands. She planted a vineyard She girdeth her loins with strength and strengtheneth her arms She perceiveth that her merchandise is good for candle goeth not out by night She layeth her hands to the spindle and her hands hold the distaff She stretcheth out her hand to the poor. Yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy She is not afraid of the snow for her household for all her household are clothed with scarlet She maketh herself coverings of tapestry Her clothing is silk and purple her husband is known in the gates when he sitteth among the elders of the land She maketh fine linen and selleth it and delivereth girdles unto the merchant strength and honor are her clothing And she shall rejoice in time to come. She openeth her mouth with wisdom and in her tongue is the law of kindness She looketh well to the ways of her household and eateth not the bread of idleness Her children arise up and call her blessed her husband also and he prays of her Many daughters have done virtuously but thou excelest them all Favor is deceitful and beauty is vain but a woman that feareth the Lord she shall be praised Give her of the fruit of her hands and let her own works praise her in the gates Man the title of my sermon this evening is amazing moms Amazing moms now, of course when I was thinking about this sermon I was definitely thinking about my wife and how she's an amazing mother and I was also thinking about my own mother and I also just thinking about women in the Bible and Some of the moms that are in the Bible and how they're just truly amazing and I have seven points for you this evening on seven things that make moms amazing and Or attributes of an amazing mother and I wouldn't say this Liz's replete There's so much that we could say about Moms, and we're all here because we had a mom so, you know, it's funny to me that all the people that want abortions Weren't wanting abortions for themselves. So, you know, it's interesting. We're all here because of our mother and the Bible teaches That there's a lot of great mothers in the Bible and there's a lot of great mothers today and we want to praise moms for Being amazing and I want to kind of remind you of some of the things that make moms so amazing But look at verse 1 again the Bible says this The words of King Lemuel the prophecy that his mother taught him One thing that I think a lot of us take for granted is the fact that most of the things we know Were taught to us by our mother Our mother specifically has taught us so many things and so many very important skills Like being able to use the bathroom, okay You know things like being able to read being able to feed ourselves Being able to clothe ourselves I mean in fact the majority of things you do today your mom taught you how to do that and you don't even realize it You don't remember because you were very young but your mother taught you how to take care of yourself How to bathe yourself how to dress yourself and even you know Have some style because I don't have any style on my own any style that I had is coming from my mom and now for My wife so if I ever look good, it's them that helped me You know, I didn't I didn't do that on purpose and and here's the reality that mothers Teach their children so many things And we should praise our mothers and we should praise the mothers in our lives for the things that they teach us and we should be grateful for the things that we teach us and I Really like what King Lemuel's mother taught him because there's a lot of things you could teach your children But notice a couple of things that she teaches her son says in verse number Three give not by strength unto women. So, you know, she was a great preacher she she warned her son about the horrors of this world and You know, that's one thing that I can just honestly say That my mom was really good at and you know, I really loved my mom. My mom was a hard preacher Okay, so if you think that I'm a hard preacher you can thank my mom. All right, and She would constantly warn me about whores and she would say that there's all these whores women That will just try to lie with you and she thought she would say there's all these women that try to lie with you So that you'd be trapped with them and you'd have to marry them or something like that And she would she would say don't ever date a girl that calls you first or is interested in you He's like you have to chase her and you have to pursue her. Otherwise, she's not worth your time She's not worth your effort and your energy. And in fact if a girl ever called my house asking for me She would hang up. I mean just bam and it's funny Because my wife is not like this at all. My wife is not she's a meek person But we were in high school together So she had to call me just for like a school reminder because she was like in charge of one of our classes and and we had a Some kind of a choir performance or something like that and she was just in charge of calling all the different students Parents or students and letting them know and so she called and basically my mom was like super icy to her or whatever When she called because she's like thinking why is this girl call on my son or whatever, but my mom was keen She was very smart. She understood this I remember a couple whores tried to like come and date my brother and she basically was just like get out of here You know showing up at the doorstep and you know what? That's something to praise a mother for is one that'll warn about the horrors of this world It's hard to find women the day that will teach their sons not to go after whores But you know what that is a job duty of mothers and you know what that makes an amazing mom Who will teach and train her sons? You know what don't have anything to do with that girl. She's a whore She's a harlot. You don't want to go and date that and Also we have in this passage. It says in verse 4 and is not for Kings olemiel It is not for Kings to drink wine nor for Prince's strong drink Lest they drink and forget the law and pervert the judgment of any of the flicted So here's another thing she warned her son about alcohol So, you know what an amazing mom is teaching her children and she's specifically teaching them about the whores of this world and about the alcohol Of this world and let me tell you something. Those are two of the biggest issues Regardless of time like it doesn't matter that it's 2022 America and the book of Proverbs is literally thousands and thousands of years ago if you're gonna say what is two of the biggest things that a mom can warn her children of and specifically her son its whores and alcohol and Typically they go together Typically you find the whores where you find the alcohol and if you go and find alcohol then you find the whores It's just like one after the other and so it's great when moms are teaching their sons And teaching their children stay away from these dangers Stay away from these things that are gonna hurt you and gonna harm you and you know what? We should be grateful that we have parents that warned us from these things It's another thing that my mom Would teach me and it's not necessarily in this past but it's just something that came to my mind Just because it's something my mom would always say and if you ever sag your pants In any form or fashion she would rip you a new one She would grab you and she would say pull those pants up put a belt on You don't want it. You don't want to advertise that you're open for business like the fags do And you know what I Pulled my pants up like a man Okay, and you know what? We need some mothers today to tell their sons to dress like a man today And to tell them to stay away from the whores of this world and to tell them to you know Stay away from the alcohol and you know what? That's what makes an amazing mother is one that teaches her children Not one that's just passive not one that's just letting her children do whatever they want But warning them of these problems now, of course For a mother to teach this she has herself to not be a whore and not be given alcohol Otherwise, it's gonna not really should be hypocrite And that's why a lot of women today probably aren't teaching their sons because they're drinking wine with dinner And They are a whore themselves. So they don't warn about the whores woman because they'd have to warn about themselves So, you know what? The godly woman is Gonna be a lot easy It's got a lot easier for her to teach her children now go to 2nd Timothy chapter 1 2nd Timothy chapter 1 so point one is this an amazing mom teaches her children and In moms that are teaching their children today deserve a lot of praise because most moms are just letting the world teach their children They're passing off their children that don't care. They're passing off their children to someone else Even another family member grandma passing off their children to someone that's not even their family member some tranny That's like their kindergarten teacher or whatever. I Mean, it's sick what people are letting Teach their children and train their children, you know, praise the Lord that there's still women that want to teach their children You know what? That's the job of a mother and that's what makes an amazing mom is one that's gonna take the time to teach their children not Look at them as some kind of a burden 2nd Timothy chapter number 1 says in verse number 5 When I called her remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee now This is the Apostle Paul talking to Timothy and he's he's reminded of something the unfeigned faith that is in thee which dwelt first and thy grandmother Lois and Thy mother Eunice and I persuaded that in thee also Here's another thing that makes an amazing mom is one that is a truthful mom is a truthful mom and and we see here that Lois and Eunice had what Paul describes as unfeigned faith now the word feign means fake or insincere Okay, not truthful Whereas an unfeigned would mean what sincere? truthful honest and so What's really a great character attribute is a woman that? Sincerely and truthfully Has faith towards the Lord, you know, she's not just going to church because she has to She's not going to church because she's drugged there by her husband. She's not going to church because That's just what you do or to see your friends or Just to meet a husband. I don't know what reasons women come to church But the reason why Lois and Eunice are coming to church is because they love God is They have a true faith or a truthful person and you know what that Sincerity rubs off on the children When you're not really sincere about the things of God when you don't have a truthful faith Often your children it's gonna be hard for them to want to take the things of God seriously or to Make it sincere for them or to be a truthful person because they just watch their parents live a lie literally You know a lot of people get frustrated with false religion But it's because their parents are going through the motions. They don't they're not sincere even with their own faith They're not even truthful with their own faith It's just some kind of a ritual some kind of a tradition some kind of a practice that they go through Well, we just go to church, but then she doesn't actually sincerely believe in it isn't truthful You know what that is gonna be seen and noticed by the children And what makes an amazing mom is one that's truthful One that's sincere about the things that she do she thinks about the things that she does in her life and She does them with sincerity and in truth not just going through some kind of emotion not Just phoning it in not. Well. I have a Bible in my lap, but I don't actually open it Or I show up at church, but I don't even have a Bible I've never looked at the Bible I couldn't tell you any of the books of the Bible You know one of the thing that that really I really appreciate about my mom is my mom read the Bible every day and The reason I know that is because I saw it Now she wasn't like a braggart or anything like that my mom was actually one of the most meekest people I've ever met very humble very lowly But she truthfully loved the Bible and look when you looked at my mom's Bible it looked like it had been read a million times and Notes all over it She had read all of the Bible so many times I don't know how many times she read the Bible she would read it for hours my mom would just sit down and just Read the Bible and she made time for the Bible. She was very sincere Now I think my mom might have been wrong about some things, but I'll tell you what she was at least sincere And she was very truthful to her Religion and you know what that is going to shine through with the children when your parents are sincere about it And they're honest about it. You know my mom Was the type of person that she would pretty much only listen to Christian music I? Mean she would pretty she just now she would watch TV preachers, okay? I'll admit that but here's the thing she just always wanted to be spiritual She just always wanted to just hear the Word of God being preached She always wanted to be in church every extra event at church. She always wanted to be there She always wanted to be early. She was always paying attention Sometimes my dad would be sleeping in church, but my mom was never sleeping in church My mom loved church my mom sold her wedding ring to give to church She loved church. She was very sincere, and she was very truthful She was one of the most honest people when it came to religion, and you know what that's a great attribute You know I love that about my wife, too I love that you know because I have this like pastors test thing that I wrote and I'll give it out the guys that want to you know be a pastor or whatever and I just got to get a feel and It's it is it's sad to me when my wife destroys these other these men that want to be a pastor on the pastor's test You know and my wife she knows the Bible and she could tell you every book of the Bible Even if she has to sing it at least she knows it, and she's very sincere about it, and she's not just you know Oh, I just want the praise of being a pastor like there's no real praise anyways. She just loves God. You know she's Been in church her whole life, and that's what makes an a woman amazing is one that loves God not Not just showing up not just checking some box not just saying I'm a Christian But actually loving God being sincere being truthful being someone that reads the Bible You know it's not just for me to read the Bible I want my wife to read the Bible because remember what was point one she teaches her children I want the person teaching my children to know the Bible Backwards and forwards and to know every square inch of that and to be able to teach them about those whores remember and alcohol So If you would to first Timothy just slip backwards like a page So point one is that an amazing mom teaches her children point two is that she's a truthful person That she's truthful about a religion sincere faith truthful faith Point three first Timothy chapter 5 look at verse 10. It says well-reported of for good works. It's talking about a widow Is she have brought up children now? From the I'm not taking this silly all these verses and explain all the context But a widow is praised or supposed to be actually paid for by the church if she's Done a lot of these really great things one of them being mentioned is bringing up children Let me tell you something a woman who brings up children a woman who trains children is an amazing mom a Lot of women are pushing that off and other people women will give their children to someone else literally or Abandoned their child or if If they can they'll ship them off to school So some kind of a daycare as soon as they can get rid of them. They'll get rid of them They they push them off to the babysitter. They just don't train their children They're not they're not bringing them up and it's not enough to just exist around them their whole lives No Someone is actually training them someone that's actually bringing them up train up a child the way should go and when he's old he will Not depart from it if you train your child by saying I always pass children off to other people Well, guess what that child is gonna do when it gets raised pass its children off to other people and it's a vicious cycle But if a woman is the one that's training her children bringing up her children That is an amazing mom because let me tell you something training children is hard. It's a very difficult task It's often a very unthink worthy task Because children are selfish Children do not know how to be appreciative of all the blessings that their mom is giving them. And so it's a very thankless job But it's one that we as men Should be aware of and we should praise our wives for training their children and bringing up the children and doing all this work For the children, you know, it's not enough to just say hey, I celebrate Mother's Day. It should be Mother's Year We Should you know be praising our Women who are training up their children and bring up their children every single day and it's not enough for you to call your mom on Mother's Day To call your mom every day You know, I I Could ask the people I say hey Did you call your mom today and to some of you it might seem kind of like a begrudging task a little bit like oh Yeah, I got to call my mom. Do you know what I would give anything to be able to call my mom today And I can't So you don't take it for granted that you can't call your mom You call your mom and you appreciate her because she brought you up. She trained you she taught you, you know And if she had a truthful religion, I mean, this is an amazing mom. You need to tell her and not just today lots of days Many days you should love your parents honor thy father and my mother is what the Bible says and you know No, mom's perfect think about it we came from Eve It already started with some flaws right, but you know what she's still worthy of praise She's still bringing up children. Okay, and we should honor them go to mark chapter 7 go to mark chapter number 7 Amazing moms and You know, there's a lot of amazing mothers in this room, I believe and they deserve a lot of praise So I see them teaching their trade their children a lot of women in here you can tell they have a very truthful faith and you can tell they're not just teaching they're training them and And here's my fourth point is An amazing mom is one who's tender hearted Tender hearted now look at mark chapter 7 and look at verse 25 Here's a mom that definitely has probably some serious issues. But one thing you like about this lady She's very tender hearted verse number 25 The Bible says for a certain woman whose young daughter had an unclean spirit heard of him And came and fell at his feet The woman was a Greek a Syrophoenician by nation and she besought him that he would cast forth the devil out of her daughter Jesus said unto her let the children first be filled for does not meet to take the children's bread and To cast it unto the dogs now. I've heard some reprobate asked me He said hey when did Jesus ever call someone a dog and then I like quoted this verse and then like oh I knew you would twist that out of context Like what if how did I just he called someone a dog literally? He even says in Matthew 7 give not that which is holy unto the dogs Okay, but think about this. This is God in flesh looking at you and calling you a dog You know what? I like about this woman. She can take some hard preaching Because what would most women do Who are you to call me a dog and I'm gonna go It's like you were a dog. Okay sound like one too But Jesus God Literally looks at this woman calls her a dog What does she say and she answered and said to them? Yes, Lord Think about that. Hey, you're a dog. I know you're right Yet The dogs under the table eat of the children's crumbs, you know why she's taking such a lashing She's taking all this hard preaching Because she has a tender heart towards her daughter And he said in her for this saying go thy way the devil is gone out of thy daughter Because she had a tender heart because she would rather find out the truth about herself Because she would rather hear what God actually has to say because she would rather get rebuked by Jesus to the face If it will what bless her daughter Help her daughter Give her daughter life And when she was come to her house She found the devil gone out and her daughter laid upon her bed. She loves her daughter enough to find out the truth She loves her daughter enough to hear the hard preaching And you know what we need women today that have a tender heart towards other people They care more about other people than themselves Most women of this world Only really care about themselves. In fact, the most important thing to them is their self-image Think about it most women. What is it that they spend so much time and effort and energy on is their looks You know their hair their outfit and and the worst thing to them would be to be publicly embarrassed or publicly shamed But this woman has decided to completely humble herself Lower herself debase herself be called a dog in front of everyone Agree and call herself a dog all for what? her child Talk about a tender-hearted woman talk about one that cares more about her children than herself, you know It makes me think of my mom too because I could tell my mom she didn't really care about her her her image She was not this woman that cared so much about her clothing or her hair now My mom would dress very nice and she looked presentable and she thought that was important but you could tell was not the most important thing to her whatsoever and You know that makes her amazing because I know that my mom would rather be publicly embarrassed and shamed if I would be better off than to basically look good and her children to be neglected in any kind of way and it makes me think of my wife and makes me think of women in this room who literally their wardrobe is based on breastfeeding Rather than looking as attractive as humanly possible because honestly There's plenty of outfits and dresses that my wife is like man This is such a pretty dress or I would love to wear this but I can't breastfeed in that and that would be a detriment To my child so she picks outfits on purpose What so that she can accommodate the child over herself? You know or she my wife likes big hoop earrings you want to wear those if you have a toddler in your lap You'll think twice They grab that pole. It's just like Yikes hurts, you know and women who decide that they're gonna dress accommodating to their children have a tender heart as Opposed to caring more about themselves and look that's one way there is a multitude of ways that women will essentially Debase themselves lower themselves. How about just getting pregnant? I know plenty of women that stopped having children because They don't want to get pregnant again. They want to be super thin and what they consider super attractive You know what that is is being selfish and it's not having a tender heart a Tender hearted woman is one who will say you know what? It doesn't matter what happens to my body or happens to me or happens to what people think about me I care about my children over that. I'm more concerned with my children I have a tender more tender of a heart towards them than I do Myself, you know having compassion and being moved by another's distress is what tender hearted means She's moved by her. She's Inconveniencing herself greatly to go all this travel all this way find Jesus Christ Get rebuked and still take it all for what just so her child Isn't hurt and harmed by the devil by this possession and You know, you could sit here and say oh, well, this woman probably deserved it or she was a sinner Okay, we're all sinners. And you know what? No one deserves this This is a horrible thing to happen where your child's being possessed by a devil But notice she didn't just give up on it or not care No She was so hurt by it that she was willing to seek any remedy no matter what it would do to her and you know it's funny because When we look at this woman You would think in the media like oh what an embarrassing thing Right. I mean it would be pretty embarrassing For Jesus Christ to literally call you a dog in front of everybody You have to admit that's pretty embarrassing. But you know what when we read this story, we don't find her embarrassing We find her amazing What an amazing mother, you know, what's embarrassing is all the mothers that were still back With the Syrophoenicians still back and wherever and the Gentiles and their children are possessed with Devils and they didn't care They didn't want to travel over here. They didn't want to hear the hard preaching. They didn't want to humble themselves They didn't want to lower themselves And you know what you go in certain circles of your friends certain circles of your family Your wife might be embarrassed in front of them for having lots of kids. They're thinking like oh man, you could have another one It's like the first child everybody's excited for you the second child, that's great. Are you gonna stop now? The third child they're like, okay. Well, that's that's pretty ambitious You know, you're definitely done by now, huh? For it's like what's what's happening? It's like Did you do that on purpose was that an accident five they're like Oh When you start saying like you're like you're pregnant again, and it's number four or five they stop with the immediate congratulations They're like, oh Five Five how many you have you have a bus yet? Are you driving that bus yet or whatever? It's like that's rude But you know what praise the Lord that I have a wife that is not embarrassed to have that She doesn't think that that's embarrassing. She thinks it's wonderful Go go to second Kings chapter number four second Kings chapter four quit worrying what the world thinks because what the world thinks is stupid anyways and Quit worried about quit worrying about if the world thinks that you're cool and hip and whatever because they honor the worst people and The worst Phil, you know the people that the Bible honors are the truly amazing people and we've noticed that an amazing mom teaches she's truthful. She trained. She's tender-hearted and And here's a hard one But it's a good one is an amazing. Mom is one who trusts the Lord who trusts the Lord which Sounds easy But in the example that I'm gonna bring up it's not trusting the Lord and the easy things is trusting the Lord in tragedy trusting the Lord and difficulty trusting the Lord when the chips are down and And that's what makes an amazing mother but look at second Kings chapter 4 look at verse number 8 I'm gonna read a portion from this chapter Says and it fell on a day that Elisha passed to Shunem Where was a great woman notice how the Bible describes this woman a great woman? Now it says and she constrained him to eat bread And so it was that is off as he passed by he turned in thither to eat bread now I think you have to understand about this woman. She's considered great, and she's never had a child yet. She's completely been barren She's older, but the Bible says she's a great woman Says in verse number 9 and she said unto her husband behold now I perceive that this is an holy man of God which passeth by us continually. Let us make a little chamber I pray thee on the wall and let us set for him there a bed and a table and a stool and a candlestick And it shall be when he cometh to us But he shall turn and thither so here's another thing she this woman's a great woman because not only she lodged strangers She's very thoughtful about it, and she lodges this man of God notice. She's very sincere in her faith She's very truthful in her faith And she wants the man of God to have a light at night so he can read the Bible So they can study the Word of God She's not just housing this guy for some kind of a selfish ambition or to just see what she can get out of it She sincerely cares about this man of God and wants him to be taken care of she's providing for his needs She's like let's get him a candlestick whatever this guy needs. Let's help him serve God Notice the woman is taking initiative to help the man of God And you know what men of God are not just helped by the men of this world They're also helped by the women think about the Apostle Paul He's constantly praising women that helped him out women that did great works And we could name all kinds of women in the Bible that were great women Phoebe is a great woman Who was a servant and in fact Paul's like you guys need to help her? Yeah, you need to follow her lead She's doing such a good job. She's been a sucker of many meaning a helper Now it says in verse number 11 and it fell on a day that he came Fither and he turned into the chamber and lay there And he said to Gehazi his servant called his Shunammite and when he called her She stood before him and he said unto him say now unto her behold now has been careful for us with all this care What is to be done for thee? what is thou be spoken for to the king or the captain of the host and she answered I dwell among my own people so Notice that the man of God is recognizing. Why is this woman such a great woman because she cares for others and not herself She's been so careful for them and he's saying to his servant We need to get something for this lady and he's basically like what do you want? Imagine a really powerful person just coming in just saying, you know woman. What do you want lady? What would you like? How about you know, let's elevate you. Let's make you the president, you know, let's make you the top lady Let's put you in some great house. Let's movie out and put you in some fancy location And what does she say I dwell among mine own people? Humble she's like, I don't I don't need the fancy things of this life. I Don't care about some accolade. I wasn't helping you for you to scratch my back. I don't need money. I don't need fame I don't need the fancy things of life. I'm just a servant What a wonderful woman. What an amazing woman is this one? This is a servant and You know whenever someone asks you for something it tells it tells you very clearly what's in their heart You know, like when you ask Solomon he's not asking for women and gold and all the other stuff he asked for what? Wisdom and for this woman, she's not even she's asking for nothing What do you want nothing? That's that's really humble I Mean I guarantee most women if you said do you want anything? They'd be like where here's your list. I Don't even how many papers can I give you you know, how many items can I show you you know This woman's saying like I don't want anything That's pretty incredible And he said what then is to be done for and days I answered verily she had no child and her husband is old so they're bringing up They're like, well, I think we should get we should help her with a child And he said call her and when he called her she stood in the door And he said about the season according the time of life thou shalt embrace a son and she said nay my lord Thou man of God do not lie unto thine handmaid. She She actually really wanted a child but she didn't want to say it and And then when he says it it's too terrifying for her to not get it that she's just like I don't lie to me like You don't even know how I wanted this child But you know, she's just kind of scared that it's not going to happen And it says in verse number 17 it says in the woman conceived and bearish son At that season that Elisha had said unto her according to the time of life So she has the child and she was it was older in life It says and when the child is grown it fell on a day That he went out to his father to the Reapers and he said unto his father my head my head Then he said to a lad carry him to his mother And when he had taken him and brought him to his mother he sat on her knees till noon and then died So this woman she she wants nothing. She's not a selfish person But inside obviously the desires of her heart. She wanted a child. She finally got this child. It was a huge blessing to her and Even just to the point of death. I mean she loves this child so much. She literally holds it on her knees until it dies Because she just loves it so much And this is a great tragedy, I mean think about it you haven't had a child for forever you finally get one and then just a complete freak accident it dies and It's not like from negligence. She's a very careful woman. She's a very caring woman. She's even holding it She's doing everything you can but you know what sometimes this happens dies And it says in verse number 21 and she went up and laid him on the bed of the man of God and shut the door upon him and went out and She called in her husband and said send me I pray thee one of the young men and one of the asses that I may run to the man of God and come again Notice she thinks there's still a chance and what's she gonna do? She's gonna run She is gonna run verse 23 and he said wherefore wilt thou go to him today is neither new moon nor Sabbath And she said it shall be well, so she's not even supposed to be doing this But she's gonna do it Anyways verse 24 then she saddled an ass and said to her servant drive and go forward Slack not thy writing for me except I bid thee She's running around She's going and inconveniencing herself and she's saying hey We're gonna get there as fast as humanly possible and I don't care if it hurts me Because he's saying don't go slow for my sake Why because women are the weaker vessel They may not be able to handle the carriage ride or the horseback the same as a man, but she doesn't care Even if it hurts her she's gonna go as fast as she can to the man of God She's like even whatever danger that's putting her life in she's willing to go to see if there's any chance that this child can live and It says so she went and came under the man of God to Mount Carmel and it came to pass when the man of God saw her far off that he said to Gahazi his servant behold yonder is that Shunammite run now I pray thee to meet her and say unto her Is it well with thee? Is it well with thy husband? Is it well with the child and she answered it as well She could tell Gahazi's oppose. Oh, she didn't want to tell him Verse 27 and when she came to the man of God to the hill she caught him by the feet But Gahazi came here to thrust her away and the man of God said let her alone her soul is vexed within her and The Lord hath hid it from me and have not told me then she said did not did I desire a son of my Lord Did I not say do not deceive me? Then he said to Gahazi gird up thy loins and take my staff in thine hand And go thy way if thou meet any man salute him not and if any salute thee answer not again and lay my staff upon the face of the child, so Elisha sends his servant Gahazi to try and perform a miracle to rescue this child by putting the staff on him She's saying I didn't even ask this child You've deceived me But here's the thing we know that she hasn't stopped trusting the Lord because She wouldn't have gone through all of this if she didn't believe That the Lord was faithful. She's still trusting that the Lord is gonna deliver her this son She's like God gave me this son. You're not this isn't some kind of a trick because I didn't even ask this so she goes to the man of God and It says in verse number 30 and the mother of the child said as the Lord liveth and as thy soul liveth, I will not leave thee And he rose and followed her. She's saying like hey I'm not I'm attached to you until you fix this. I Mean, this is some commitment, right? Now it says in verse 31 Ganae's I passed on before them and laid the staff upon the face of the child But there was neither voice nor hearing Wherefore he went again to meet him and told him saying the child is not awake because when you're a bozo nothing works Okay, and just because you're the servant of the man of God doesn't make you special You have to be a man of God yourself You actually have to have faith yourself and you know what the fakes and the imposters can never do anything You know the fakes and imposters there. They're basically duds as it were Okay, and and also this tells me that even men of God can hire a dud apparently, okay Verse 32 and when Elisha was coming to the house the old the child was dead and laid upon his bed He went in therefore and shut the door upon them twain and prayed unto the Lord and he went up and lay upon the child And put his mouth upon his mouth and his eyes upon his eyes Hand upon his hands and he stretched himself upon the child and the flesh of the child waxed warm Then he returned and walked in the house to and fro and went up and stretched himself upon him and the child sneezed seven times And the child opened his eyes And he called the Aesir and said call this Shunammite. So he called her and when she was come in unto him He said take up thy son Then she went in and fell his feet and bowed herself to the ground took up her son and went out so we have here very clearly a story of this woman's trusting the Lord She never stopped trusting the Lord and notice in the end it worked out but What I like about an amazing mom is one who trusts the Lord even in tragedy She trusts the Lord even in tragedy, you know It kind of goes to the point of a truthful faith is one that says you know what? I trust God no matter what happens to me and let me tell you something there is gonna be Difficult times in your life. There's gonna be tragedy. There's gonna be hard times You know what an amazing mom says I still trust the Lord I Still trust the Lord, you know a mom that struggled with this was Joe's wife She struggled with this, you know It would have been better if she hadn't told job to curse God and I but said hey Maybe I can have another 10 children I'm sure that sounded scarier. Can you imagine having given to birth 20 times? Oh Man Although I think it gets easier. All right, I'm just saying that but It's still it's still difficult. All right, it's still hard. Now. What does this mean? I'm gonna take a moment And just give you some thoughts is this a really weird story. It's like you got this child dies gaze I lays the staff it doesn't work. He sneezes seven times. I don't know well, obviously it's gonna foreshadow the Lord Jesus Christ in some ways because Think about it You have this miracle child basically and you kind of have this theme throughout the Bible You always have these like miracle children that are given But then what happens to the miracle children is some kind of tragedy or sacrifice. I mean think about Isaac Isaac is kind of like this this picture of a miracle child But then he's gonna be sacrificed but worked out in the end, didn't it? okay, and you kind of have this constant thing so she gets this miracle child basically and What I like about this is think about it she's still convinced after the child's dead that there's still hope Which is what pictures of the gospel right that even though Christ is dead we still have hope and we knew that he was gonna rise again from the Old Testament pictures and We know he rose again because it's just a fact of history and the Bible So we kind of have those pictures. Why do we have the sneezing and all this other stuff? Well, I Don't I don't know why the sneezing if you can figure out the sneezing you can tell me but it is seven times and the Bible typically Has seven and just kind of a correlation of just a divine act Because seven is just a number that's in the Bible just so many times I mean we have name in the Syrian dipping in the Jordan seven times we have the seven days of creation We have The seven golden candlesticks we have the seven churches. We have the seven stars. We have the seven spirits of God We have the seven seals. We have the seven horns. We have the seven eyes. We have the seven trumpets We have the seven thunders. We have the seven vials. I mean seven is a lot of times the Bible, right? But think about miracles we have the seven loaves We have the seven dipping we have the seven sneezing So I think the whole the goal here is just to kind of prove like this is a miracle And when it comes to the death burn resurrection comes the gospel, it's a miracle But we also have him kind of like laying on the child kind of like mouth-to-mouth You know kind of just stretched up on him. I I just kind of envisioned this and you know, that's what kind of warms him up I just kind of envisioned this is he's kind of like laying on him and He's he's giving him life. He's kind of like with Jesus Christ. We're dead and Trespasses and sins and Christ says to come on us and give us his life. It's like that imputed righteousness he's giving us his life so that we can have life and If you think about the train of events the first Attempt is what the stake the stick? But it's kind of in my mind picturing what the cross the death and then the first time he goes up nothing Says like the second but then the third time he comes back So it's kind of like the three days of the gospel You kind of have the cross then you have a day It didn't work then he goes back and then he comes back to life So you kind of have a gospel picture there? Pretty pretty cool what the Bible has to say here go if you would to first Samuel chapter number two first Samuel chapter number two. I just have two more quick points that I want to make this evening, but That would have never happened it wasn't for a mom and you have to think about it The Lord Jesus Christ had a mother who was given a miracle child and Think about this the child in our story died on her knees But the Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross in front of his own mother You don't think that that hurts a mom's heart to watch her own son die before her eyes Especially crucifixion, I mean that has got to be One of the just most painful things that could happen to a mother's heart, but you know what she was there. Anyways, it's tough as nails Why could she trust in the Lord and Jesus is a miracle child that was gonna have to die, but he came back just like her son came back Mary her son came back the Lord Jesus Christ did me and So it's just a short time of mourning a short difficult time that the Lord Was gonna put her through and you know when you think about it some people like why would the Lord do that? But in hindsight, it doesn't even matter. In fact, it's great Like if your son died, that would be horrible, but if it came back three days later, it'd be like, okay You know, so wasn't a horrible thing in hindsight, it's only in the moment and sometimes God will put you through really difficult things That in hindsight you'll realize oh wow God Still blessed me out of that. God still gave me a miracle out of that God still You know gave me more character out of that or God was able to use that And we learn from the scriptures that all things work together for good to them that love God to them that are the called according to his purpose So we just trust the Lord period whatever happens even in tragedy. 1st Samuel chapter 2 look at verse 18 But Samuel ministered before the Lord being a child girded with linen and ephod Moreover his mother made him a little coat and brought it to him from year to year When she came up with her husband to offer the yearly sacrifice. Here's another thing about an amazing mom is when she's thoughtful you know, she gave her son to serve the Lord, but she wasn't just Done. She's like, you know what? He's gonna get cold. I'm gonna make him a coat and you know what he's growing boy So i'm gonna make him a new coat every single year Because she's a thoughtful mother. She's thinking about other people than herself Not just what am I gonna wear to the daily sacrifice or the yearly sacrifice, you know, how am I gonna look? She's concerned about her son's needs. She's concerned about others Go to matthew 20 go to matthew 20 And We need women to be thoughtful of their children's lives and lay down their own, you know At some point as a parent you have to realize like your glory days are going to start getting behind you And it's good to just put your children's, you know on the forefront and say I care more about my children's Lives than my own and them succeeding and them doing good you know i've had my Chance and maybe my life is just to basically Be a stepping stone for my children That's a very humble approach, you know, you say, you know instead of being a woman pastor Why don't you raise a child that might become a pastor? right And do it god's way. Yeah Instead of being joy smyer and and keep having to get botox. So you look like the joker more and more every year I mean that I mean pretty soon the smile is going to be like up to here I mean, they just keep injecting. It's just like You know It doesn't if you're always smiling there's something off That's why you shouldn't get the botox and everything They they get this plastic surgery and you can tell the women have gotten a plastic surgery because they're always smiling And it's almost like rbf might be better, you know, I don't know Always smiling is weird. Okay Joyce myer matthew chapter 20 look at verse 20 Then came to him the mother of zebedee's children with her sons worshipping him And desiring a certain thing of him and he said in her what wilt thou she saith on him grant That these my two sons may sit the one on the right in the other on the left in my kingdom Now Here's the thing. She's coming to jesus. She could ask anything that she wants. What is she concerned with more than anything? her sons She wants good for her sons now Obviously she's a little misguided because she doesn't necessarily understand it and jesus kind of explains her like I don't think you understand what you're asking maybe you do but He says that she doesn't But notice that she's she cares about the future of her children. Not her future That's an amazing mother is one that's more concerned with her children's for future than her own What about my career? What about your son's career? You know by you having a career it might be a detriment to your son's careers It may cause problems for your children and your sons and your daughters, but by laying down your life and basically Serving your children being thoughtful of your children And You know, that's going to make you an amazing mom Go go to judges sevens last place i'm going to return this evening I'll give you a quick recap number one amazing. Mom teaches her children number two. She has a truthful religion number three She trains her children number four. She's tenderhearted number five. She trusts the lord number six. She's thoughtful And my seventh point So gotta have sevens, right? Is that she's temperate and she's temperate and look at judges chapter seven and look at I'm, sorry, I meant chapter 13. That was my seventh point not judges chapter seven judges 13 is where I want to go seventh point Judges 13 look at verse 13 And the angel lord said unto manoah of all that I said unto the woman let her beware She may not eat of anything that cometh of the vine Neither let her drink wine or strong drink Nor eat any unclean thing all That I commanded her let her observe so The angel the lord comes unto manoah's wife and this is going to be for the birth of samson a a great man of god But in order for him to be the great man of god that he's going to be his mom has to Basically take a portion of the nazirite vow and apply it to herself while she's pregnant Meaning what she has to have her own level of temperance her own level of sacrifice Her own level of moderation for children's benefit and You know a lot of ladies do this, you know, especially when they're pregnant they may eat or drink a certain way Why just for the betterment of their child? Or do certain behaviors that may not be as comfortable may not be as Fun or they may have to be restricted from certain activities like wrestling a bunch of dudes, you know Morning sermon check that one out Obviously, you don't want to do these type of things, you know and and as a mother Amazing moms will often sacrifice For their children's betterment for their sake they'll be temperate in certain activities certain things Just for their children's future for their well-being Being You know by you Restraining yourself from certain things in the world It's going to help your children By staying away from certain things by not going around certain things not going around strong drink Saying hey, I don't care that the family reunion Is something I want to go to if they're going to be boozing it up or whatever. I might just Be temperate. I may stay away from that for my children's sake To protect my children from that event to protect my children from the from the evils of this world You know not just teach them to stay away from alcohol doing it You know, it's one thing to be like hey don't drink and then drink That's wicked or to tell them not to drink but then go and hang around with people that drink and and I remember I've had to have tough conversations With people and say look i'm not going to be around y'all when y'all are drinking or I can't even hang out with you until you stop drinking and and I remember one time one person told me they said Well, your kids are going to think that we're like sinners or bad people because we drink And i'm like, yeah And they're like, well that's not fair it's like you don't have to drink But you know what? I don't want my children to look at you know cousin so and so Aunt so and so uncle so and so brother so and so Grandpa so and so grandma so and so and look to them as their great role model. Will they drink and they're the greatest Or they're you know committing these wicked sins or doing these evil things, but no problem No, they should realize that's a bad sin Now i'm not going to go around and shame people and try to make them feel bad on purpose. That's not my goal in life But you know what sometimes we have to say no to things We have to have temperance in our lives for the betterment of our children or the betterment of other people and you know What god bless moms that have temperance in their lives? That are willing to say no or put themselves in an uncomfortable position sacrifice on their own for what just for their children's sake And say hey my children are more important to me than you guys are In every way in every category And you know what? There's a lot of amazing moms in the bible But I think there's also a lot of amazing moms in this room and I hope that The men in this room will pay attention to a sermon like this and say you know what? I need to Praise my wife. I need to praise my mother more For the things that she's doing And realize how amazing she truly is And not just do it once a year You should do it at minimum once a year. You should do it a lot more than that And to tell her she's special and to treat her. Well, and we need to raise sons and daughters That are going to live a biblical example Not what this world is pumping out. Let's close in prayer. Thank you. Heavenly father for the amazing moms that you've given us Thank you that the bible teaches the way that we should live our lives so that ladies can understand the importance of being a mom And the great job and the great responsibility they have And I pray that you would encourage women to make the sacrifices Necessary to be an amazing mom because there there's not a greater calling in their life if they have children Then to be a blessing under their those children and to be a servant and I pray that they would realize that Well, they may never get the recognition. They truly deserve that you Up in heaven are looking down with pleasure That you will reward them according to their faith And and I pray that we raise a generation of women that actually love the lord and trust the lord In every area of their life and in jesus name we pray. Amen All right with that let's go ahead and open up our hymnals Sing one more song before we head home You'll turn to 217 He included me Great song reminding us that god included everybody for salvation. It's not just for the calvinists. It's for for everybody For everybody 217 217 let's sing it all together on the first I am so happy in christ today That I go singing along my way Yes, i'm so happy to know and say jesus included me, too Me Jesus included me. Yes, he included me when the lord said Whosoever he included me Jesus included me. Yes, he included me when the lord said whosoever He included me Gladly I read whosoever May come to the fountain of life today But when I read it, I always say jesus included me, too Jesus included me. Yes, he included me When the lord said whosoever he included me Jesus included me Yes, he included me when the lord said whosoever He included me Me Ever god spirit is saying come hear the bride saying no longer Roam, but I am sure while they're calling home jesus included me, too Jesus included me. Yes, he included me when the lord said who so ever he Included me Jesus included me. Yes, he included me when the lord said who so ever He included me Freely come drink words the soul to thrill Oh with what joy they my heart to fill for when he said whosoever Well, jesus included me, too Jesus included me. Yes, he included me when the lord said who so ever He included me Jesus included me. Yes, he included me When the lord said who so ever He included me Amen, great singing. Thank you all for coming. God bless you are dismissed