(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I was just trying to because this morning, Natasha said me and her, she said one of us is out of tune. So I was like, oh, I need to actually I guess she just said the whole thing, but A little bit of that Yeah, yeah. Sometimes I can hear the cello, but Yeah, yeah, yeah. It is like, it's not loud other than I can. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Go ahead and take out your hymnal and turn to song number 49 Meet Me There Again that song number 49 Meet Me There Sing all together nice and loud. Song number 49 On the happy golden shore Where the faithful born no more When the storms of life Where the night dissolves away into pure imperfect day I am going home to stay Meet me there Meet me there Meet me there Where the tree of life is blooming Meet me there When the storms of life warm The happy golden shore Where the faithful born no more Meet me there Here our fondest hopes are vain Dearest links are ransomed twin Blood and hemp no thaw but bay Meet me there By the river's sparkling bright In the city of delight Where the faith is lost inside Meet me there Meet me there Meet me there Where the tree of life is blooming Meet me there When the storms of life warm On the happy golden shore Where the faithful born no more Meet me there Where the hearts of angels ring And the blessed forever sing In the palace of the king Meet me there Where is me from moonlit land Heart with heart and friend with friend In a world that nigh shall it Meet me there Meet me there Meet me there Where the tree of life is blooming Meet me there When the storms of life warm On the happy golden shore Where the faithful born no more Meet me there Amen. Good singing. Let's bow our heads a word of prayer. Dear Father, we just thank you that we could be gathered together in your house tonight to hear the preaching of your word. I just pray you fill Pastor Shelley right now with your Holy Spirit. Give him wisdom as he teaches us your word and help us Lord to be open and receptive to the message tonight and just walk out of here with the right heart and to apply the preaching to our lives. We love you Father and we thank you for all you do for us and we pray these things in Jesus Christ's name. Amen. Next song is going to be song number 188 The Love of God Again that's song number 188 All together on the top. The love of God is greater far than tongue or pen can ever tell It goes beyond the highest star and reaches to the lowest hell The guilty pair bear down with care God gave his son to win His erring child he reconciled and parted from his sin The love of God how rich and pure how measureless and strong It shall forevermore endure the saints and angels all When holy time shall pass away and earthly throngs and kingdoms fall When men who here refuse to pray on rocks and hills and mountains fall God's love so sure they'll still endure a measureless and strong Redeeming grace to Adam's grace the saints and angels The love of God how rich and pure how measureless and strong It shall forevermore endure the saints and angels all Could we with ink the ocean fill in for the skies of what's been made Where every stock on earth a quill and every man prescribed by trade to write the love of God above would drain the ocean dry Nor could the smoke could take the whole those clouds from sky to sky O love of God how rich and pure how measureless and strong It shall forevermore endure the saints and angels O love of God how rich and pure O love of God how rich and pure O love of God O love of God O love of God O love of God O love of God O love of God O love of God O love of God O love of God O love of God Praise the Lord on that. And then also we have our list of expecting ladies. Our prayer list. On the back we have our upcoming events. We have the Ardmore Oklahoma Soul Waning Marathon. The DFW Soul Waning Marathon. Also our Fire Breathing Baptist Fellowship in October. And so keep those in your prayers. Also we're doing our Anti-Pride Month coming up for the month of June. And so if you can memorize all of Romans 1 you can get a special prize during June. Also I will be incorporating Romans 1 in every sermon. In some way. So I'll try to figure out how that works. And guess what? So the last Wednesday of June we're going to be in Genesis 19. Hey, sometimes the stars align and you just got to go with it. And so I'm really excited about the next few weeks. And come to the Bible study. We're going through Genesis. It's a lot of good stories. And a lot of good pictures in the Bible. And so really exciting stuff going on. Also we should get our Sodomite Deception DVDs in June. So hopefully they've already been produced I believe. So we're just waiting on them to ship to us and everything like that. And so I think they're estimating some maybe like the second week of June to get here. And so Ben tweaked a few things on it. You may as well just watch it again. Alright? And so really excited about that. Let's go to our third song. 189 I Will Never Cease to Love Him. Song 189. Just be right there on the page. Again that song number 189 I Never Will Cease to Love Him. All together. All the Lord has done for me. I never will cease to love Him. And for His grace so rich and free. I never will cease to love Him. I never will cease to love Him. He's my Savior. He's my Savior. I never will cease to love Him. He's done so much for me. He gives me strength for every day. I never will cease to love Him. He leads and guides me all the way. I never will cease to love Him. I never will cease to love Him. He's my Savior. He's my Savior. I never will cease to love Him. He's done so much for me. Though all the world is love neglect. I never will cease to love Him. I could not such a friend reject. I never will cease to love Him. I never will cease to love Him. He's my Savior. He's my Savior. I never will cease to love Him. He's done so much for me. While on my journey here below. I never will cease to love Him. And into that bright world I go. I never will cease to love Him. I never will cease to love Him. He's my Savior. He's my Savior. I never will cease to love Him. He's done so much for me. Amen. Amen. Exodus chapter 21 Now these are the judgments which thou shalt set before them. If thou by an Hebrew servant six years he shall serve and in the seventh he shall go out free for nothing. If he came in by himself he shall go out by himself if he were married then his wife shall go out with him. If his master have given him a wife and she have borne him sons or daughters the wife and her children shall be her masters and he shall go out by himself. And if the servant shall plainly say I love my master my wife and my children I will not go out free then his master shall bring him under the judges. He shall also bring him to the door or under the doorpost and his master shall bore his ear through with an awl and he shall serve him forever. And if a man sell his daughter to be a maid servant she shall not go out as the men servants do if she please not her master who hath betrothed her to himself then shall he let her be redeemed to sell her unto a strange nation he shall have no power seeing he hath dealt deceitfully with her and if he hath betrothed her unto his son he shall deal with her after the manner of daughters if he take him another wife her food her raiment and her duty of marriage shall he not diminish and if he do not these three unto her then shall she go out free without money he that smiteth a man so that he die shall be surely put to death and if a man lie not in wait but God deliver him into his hand then I will appoint thee a place whether he shall flee but if a man come presumptuously upon his neighbor to slay him with guile thou shalt take him from mine altar that he may die and he that smiteth his father or his mother shall be surely put to death and he that stealeth a man and selleth him or if he be found in his hand he shall surely be put to death and he that curseth his father or his mother shall surely be put to death and if men strive together and one smite another with a stone or with his fist and he die not but keepeth his bed if he rise again and walk abroad upon his staff then shall he that smote him be quit only he shall pay for the loss of his time and shall cause him to be thoroughly healed and if a man smite his servant or his maid with a rod and he die under his hand he shall surely be punished notwithstanding if he continue a day or two he shall not be punished for he is his money if men strive and hurt a woman with child so that her fruit depart from her and yet no mischief follow he shall be surely punished according as the woman's husband will lay upon him and he shall pay as the judges determine and if any mischief follow then thou shalt give life for life eye for eye tooth for tooth hand for hand foot for foot burning for burning wound for wound stripe for stripe and if a man smite the eye of his servant or the eye of his maid that it perish he shall let him go free for his eyes sake and if he smite out his manservant's tooth or his maidservant's tooth he shall let him go free for his tooth's sake if an ox gore a man or a woman that they die then the ox shall be surely stoned and his flesh shall not be eaten but the owner of the ox shall be quit but if the ox were wont to push with his horns in time past and it hath been testified to his owner and he hath not kept him in but that he hath killed a man or a woman the ox shall be stoned and his owner also shall be put to death if there be laid on him a sum of money then he shall give for the ransom of his life whatsoever is laid upon him whether he hath gored a son or have gored a daughter according to this judgment shall it be done unto him if the ox shall push a manservant or a maidservant he shall give unto their master thirty shekels of silver and the ox shall be stoned and if a man shall open a pit or if a man shall dig a pit and not cover it and an ox or an ass fall therein the owner of the pit shall make it good and give money unto the owner of them and the dead beast shall be his and if one mans ox hurt anothers that he die then they shall sell the live ox and divide the money of it and the dead ox also shall they divide for if it be known that the ox hath used to push in time past and his owner hath not kept him in he shall surely pay ox for ox and the dead shall be his own let's pray thank you for steadfast baptist church i pray lord you would fill pastor shelly with your spirit and allow him to preach boldly and please lord help us pay attention and minimize distractions that we may better honor and glorify you and in jesus name amen amen let's look back at verse 22 the bible reads if men strive and hurt a woman with child so that her fruit depart from her and yet no mischief follow he shall be surely punished according as the woman's husband will lay upon him and he shall pay as the judges determine verse 23 and if any mischief follow then thou shalt give life for life and the title of my sermon this evening is this abortion is murder abortion is murder and verse 23 makes it very clear that the fruit that's inside of a woman a woman with child is a life and notice it says if there's any mischief if there's any reason why this fruit would depart on purpose then you should give life for life according to the law the death penalty should be given to anybody that would cause anything to happen that would kill an unborn baby and its mother's womb now if you pay attention to verse 22 you could argue that or really the best way to probably put it in the modern vernacular is if for some reason a woman who is pregnant or is with child and somehow there's an accident somehow someone not purposefully hurts a woman whether she runs into her there's an accident there's a car accident or something and it causes her to go into early labor causes some kind of a damage to that baby that that would be a civil matter so it wouldn't necessarily be a criminal matter in the sense that it's saying well that person deserves punishment however it's the husband's responsibility to then take that person to the judges and then the judges would assess some type of a fine or some type of a punishment that's essentially in accordance with the crime or whatever was going on with that so in today's vernacular or today's society what would that look like well a lot of times it looks like taking someone to court some kind of a civil court and you present your case the evidence of what happened and then the judges would basically deliver some kind of a monetary penalty or something as compensation even though you can't put a price tag on a child obviously we understand that however because it was an accident because it wasn't done on purpose it's a lesser punishment a lesser penalty but notice it's still a penalty because killing someone is a crime I mean killing someone is a horrible thing to do it's something that should be punished in some way but if there's any type of reason why you're trying to get rid of that child if there was you're doing anything on purpose or you're knowingly trying to damage the child the Bible says it comes with a death penalty that's what the Bible says life for life now go if you would to go back to Genesis for a moment go to Genesis for a moment and let me just define a few things from the Bible the Bible says in Leviticus 17 for the life of the flesh is in the blood so according to the Bible whenever there's a shedding of blood that would be killing something and you know what these abortion doctors do is a bloody mess they go in there's lots of blood being shed whenever they go in and perform their operations and I don't want to get real grotesque because what they do is so awful and evil and wicked it's unimaginable and look it's just so awful I mean people sometimes share pictures of this and you know I don't really want to see it but hey if it saves a baby then you know maybe it was worth it but at the end of the day there was a lot of blood involved and the Bible says in Genesis 9 look at verse 6 who so shedeth man's blood by man shall his blood be shed for in the image of God made he man look at the very beginning it's already mankind it's already in the image of God in a sense that if it's a man it's a you know obviously it's directly in the image of God but then even woman she's you know the glory of the man look killing a little baby boy or girl in the womb is shedding blood and that person that does that is worthy of dying themselves go if you would to Genesis 16 for a moment go to Genesis chapter 16 now you say well okay at what point would it be murder at what point is killing this unborn child murder and really in our society today that's typically the big question you know is it the third trimester or is it the second trimester is it six weeks is it a couple days like what's the timeline well let's just see what the Bible has to say look at Genesis 16 verse 4 this is talking about Abraham or Abraham and he went in unto Agar and she conceived and when she saw that she had conceived her mistress was despised in her eyes so it's saying he he went into his wife and she was able to immediately conceive well look at verse number 11 it's a little bit later she goes out and says an angel the Lord said on her behold thou art with child and shalt bear a son and shall call his name Ishmael because the Lord hath heard thy affliction so after she conceives and then she goes out what does the angel of the Lord call that conception he doesn't say well you're with some cells or you're with a blastus well you know it's a fetus no he says you're with child doesn't he right away it's no hesitation because as soon as it's conception it's a child as soon as there's conception it's life go if you would to Isaiah chapter number seven for a moment go to Isaiah chapter number seven let's see another place where the Bible defines this for us but I believe that killing an unborn whether you call it blastus fetus baby whatever at any stage at any number of days is murder period I don't zero seconds point zero zero zero zero one seconds it's murder to me now obviously you know sometimes women can naturally have a miscarriage or something or you know there's some kind of a problem and you know the child doesn't end up getting delivered obviously that's not murder there's nothing wrong with that that's going to happen and that happens especially if you have lots of kids and if you're not trying to murder your children on a regular basis there's a high probability you may have a miscarriage and you know you you shouldn't feel like you did anything wrong now obviously if you're falling down a flight of stairs obviously if you're having people punch you in the stomach or something then you should feel bad for that or you know there's lots of women that'll try to fall down and hurt themselves to try and force themselves to have a miscarriage but that's still murder and you know it used to be a day in our country where a woman would do that she would be punished for murder if she tried to force some kind of an abortion or do something to her body in order to cause that and the Bible talks about this in another place but the Bible makes it clear as soon as you conceive you are with child I don't care if it's the day after pill that's murder look at Isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 so in Isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 it says behold the virgin shall conceive go to Matthew chapter number 1 now go to Matthew chapter 1 Matthew chapter 1 quotes Isaiah but it words it a little bit different and I love the fact that it uses another way to word this because it helps us understand what conception means you know a lot of quotes in the Old Testament will use the word congregation and then or assembly and then the New Testament is church and so you understand that what a church is is a congregation it's the assembly of ourselves together and Matthew chapter 1 verse 23 the Bible reads behold a virgin shall be with child sounds familiar it says and shall bring forth a son and they shall call his name Immanuel which being interpreted is God with us so we have that same quote but notice it didn't say a virgin shall conceive it says a virgin shall be with child because conception is being with a child and here's the real question when is it okay to murder a child that should be the real question they say oh when is it okay to have an abortion let's just rephrase it to the biblical language when is it okay to murder a child when is it okay to kill a child when is it okay to rip apart a child the answer is never go to 2 Kings chapter number 8 go to 2 Kings chapter number 8 and we're going to see that the Bible talks very negatively about this and whenever a prophet of the Lord finds out that this is going to happen it causes him to weep and honestly we should have men today weeping all over our nation for all the abortion that's happening in our country I mean millions upon millions of babies have been murdered ever since Roe versus Wade in our country and you know before Roe versus Wade there was still abortion going on it was just a much smaller scale it was considered you know more taboo there was laws against it and you could have some kind of penalties even though they were less severe than the Bible describes but there was a lot less abortion going on in fact it was very high risk for women that would cause themselves of abortion they'd often kill themselves or cause some kind of permanent damage to them which you know is just basically the Lord revengeing you're reaping what you sow there but in 2 Kings chapter number 8 here's a picture of the Bible telling us what a prophet thinks when there's an abortion talking about look at verse 12 so he says I know that you're going to do a bunch of evil things and now he's going to list all those evil things notice he's weeping and he's sad for all the unborn children that are going to die too and all the pregnant mothers that are going to die and notice he says that they're with child why? Because it's a child that's in there now some people would say yeah this is Old Testament well you know Jesus really liked quoting the Old Testament why can't I quote the Old Testament? you say well Jesus got rid of the death penalty well then why did he say in Mark chapter 7 you know where you find that Exodus 21 well isn't that interesting the same chapter we find Jesus Christ quoting and rebuking the Pharisees with look I don't just cherry pick which parts of the Bible I believe I just believe all of them reference this morning's sermon now unfortunately there's a lot of people a lot of Christians and maybe even people that truly are Christians that have gotten really excited in Texas recently because Greg Abbott our governor has passed a new bill called the Heartbeat Bill and essentially he's trying to go around and virtue signal and have everybody pat him on the back for how pro-life he is but here's the thing for me you're either pro-life if you agree with the Bible or not pro-life my standard is the Bible I don't care you know if you get a little bit better you know if it's not as painful it's like well before we kill the baby we give it a painkiller or something like no or we make it more humane when we kill it or something like no it doesn't matter if you draw back from the evil that you're at today you should draw all the way back to the word of God now this Heartbeat Bill this bill that Greg Abbott has recently released I'm going to read sections of it for you so you get exact quotes but essentially it's saying at about a six week time frame is when you can actually find a fetal heartbeat from a medical doctor they can go in they can hear the heartbeat or measure it in some way with certain devices and it's saying if a doctor were to discover the heartbeat at six weeks or later or fail to even try to perform this operation after the six week mark and they were to perform an abortion after that that there would be some kind of penalty okay well number one they're wrong on the timeline it's not six weeks and what's silly about this bill is they actually define some of the same terms that we just defined and they match the Bible I don't know where the disconnect is but what's really sad is the penalty that's associated with this legislation now I'm going to read for you it says Senate Bill 8 and it was recently introduced it was signed by Greg Abbott it says that a bill to be entitled an act relating to abortion including abortions after detection of an unborn child's heartbeat authorizing a private civil right of action so it just makes it really clear basically what this legislation does is it makes an abortion a civil lawsuit that's what it makes it but we already read the civil lawsuit provision in Exodus 21 which would be if you accidentally caused a woman's fruit to depart from her not when you're purposely killing a baby not when you're purposely murdering a child now this is the thing they have to define their terms so this is what they define their terms they define pregnancy for you in their bill they say pregnancy means the human female reproductive condition that begins with fertilization so they say hey you're pregnant as soon as fertilization occurs it says B or occurs when the woman is carrying the developing human offspring and is calculated from the first day of the woman's last menstrual period so they're saying like the moment she's pregnant is day one which is hey amen the problem is that they wait six weeks to decide that it's worth saving they say an unborn child means a human fetus or embryo in any stage of gestation from fertilization until birth now think about this they define a child as any stage from fertilization all the way to birth and this bill says that it's okay to kill unborn children for the first six weeks think about that they didn't say like there's a clump of cells they didn't say it becomes a child at six weeks they're saying hey it's a child from day one it's a child from fertilization but this bill so called still allows for you to kill it in the first six weeks think about that and then Christians get up and they're like woo pro life woo hey this plan B still legal say what's plan B or the morning after pill where they literally conceive and then the next day they just kill it that's murder why would I get so excited that you can still kill your children for the first six weeks now what happens if they go beyond that okay well let's read I'll read a little bit more it says a physician may not knowingly perform or induce an abortion on a pregnant woman if the physician detected a fetal heartbeat for the unborn child as required by section one seven one dot two zero three or failed to perform a test to detect a fetal heartbeat so it's saying you're not allowed to do this there's something wrong with it okay but then they explain what's the punishment okay it says that essentially any person within the state I don't think you have to be in the state I think just any person can basically sue that provider or clinic or someone that was involved in performing that operation but it has limitations on the enforcement it says limitations on public enforcement the requirements of this sub chapter shall be enforced exclusively through the private civil enforcement actions described in section one seven one dot two zero eight no enforcement of this sub chapter and no enforcement of chapters nineteen and twenty two penal code and response to violations of this sub chapter may be taken or threatened by this state a political subdivision a district or county attorney or an executive or administrative officer or an employee of this state or a political subdivision against any person except as provided in section one seven one dot two zero eight so it's basically saying like there's no way you'll be arrested there's no county court law officer no one will I mean you can just murder babies just every day just constantly and nothing will happen to you except for the potential of a private lawsuit that's it I'm getting real excited about this legislation it's so good isn't it here's here's another thing that they put in here this state meaning texas has sovereign immunity a political subdivision as governmental immunity and each officer and employee of this state or political subdivision as official immunity in any action claim or counterclaim or any type of legal or equitable action that challenges the validity of any provision or application of this chapter on constitutional grounds or otherwise so they said hey for for passing this bill we put in a clause that nobody can sue us or come after us for any reason for making this law I wonder why they put that in there because they know that they're going to get a whole bunch of lawsuits on this specific bill and so they basically put in the clause like well you can't get mad at us for anything that happens because of this legislation we take no responsibility we have complete immunity you know you can't do anything to us that's one of the subsections of this legislation it also goes on to say this every statute that regulates or prohibits abortion is severable in each of its applications to every person and circumstance if any statute that regulates or prohibits abortion is found by any court to be unconstitutional either on its face or as applied then all applications of that statute that do not violate the constitutional rights of women seeking abortion shall be severed from the unconstitutional applications and shall remain enforceable notwithstanding any other law so basically they have if you read this bill it's just like really short and then it just provides like all these sections describing like what's going to happen when they get sued and they say in one aspect they say if someone takes this legislation to court and they can prove any aspect of it being unconstitutional then you can't throw out the entire law you basically just whatever parts are unconstitutional those parts can't be applied but any part of this bill or legislation or law that is still considered constitutional it could be upheld on an individual type basis why do they have so many provisions about it you know being unconstitutional potentially and it's saying look any court at any point could just declare this unconstitutional and nothing would happen there would be no penalty there'd be nothing bad that would happen now you can read this whole thing if you'd like but let me just explain what's happening with this okay Greg Abbott is a phony Christian is a fake Christian he is not pro-life he doesn't care about unborn children but he does want to get reelected okay so what he did is he passed a bill to make it sound like he's pro-life to get everybody super excited and riled up but you know what's going to happen no abortion doctor is going to care they're just going to keep going on and doing on and doing whatever and if they ever get sued they'll just take it to court and it'll be found unconstitutional and no bad will happen and even if that does happen it'll be so rare because you have to go decide to have an abortion by your own will and then decide to sue them most people won't do that number one number two because of this legislation is so poorly written and has so many flaws with it you go to a lawyer and you say hey I'm going to sue them for performing this abortion they'll say well you have to give us ten thousand dollars to be on retainer they would not take this case on pro bono because they know they're going to lose and so in order to have any kind of lawyer want to go to court on this they're going to ask for ten fifteen thousand dollars on retainer who has ten fifteen thousand dollars on retainer I mean you really think the women that are going to plan baronhood in the ghetto are going to have fifteen grand to get a lawyer after the fact I mean they're never going to sue they're never going to come after them people aren't going to be interested in that and let's think about Greg Abbott's history okay let's just let's do a little history on Greg Abbott in 2016 in the state of Texas Abbott's request approved new rules that required required facilities that perform abortions either to bury or cremate the aborted rather than dispose the remains in a sanitary landfill so basically people were killing all these babies but you have to do something with the body okay and these abortion doctors are just throwing them in the trash literally just right out the dumpster there's just baby after baby after baby and then those babies are going to the landfill and so he just wanted to basically say well can we at least give it a funeral or at least bury it or cremate it or something like that that was the legislation he wanted okay but on December 15th after he passed this legislation a federal judge blocked the rules from going in effect for at least one month and then it says on January 27th 2017 a federal judge ruled against the law but the state of Texas has vowed to appeal the ruling so basically he passed this legislation to see if abortion doctors could stop throwing them in the trash and at least bury it and it became unconstitutional and never happened and then they've never appealed it and June 6th 2017 Abbott signed a bill into law banning dismemberment and partial birth abortions and requiring either the cremation or burrow of the aborted the law was also blocked by a federal judge and the state said to appeal so then again he tries appeal nothing's happening then on May 18th 2021 he signs this thing look every time he signs some law it immediately gets considered unconstitutional and it never has any effect why because it's just a game they're not trying to pass any real legislation they know it's never going to go into effect but he just wants someone to vote for him he wants all these pro-life Christians to vote for him so he passes this bill which sounds pro-life it's not pro-life because you're still killing babies why why would I get so excited look this is not going to change any of these these women's decision and at worst case scenario they go to Louisiana they'll go to New Mexico this don't get so excited about Greg Abbott the Catholic from saving look Catholics aren't even saved that's why they don't really care you know it's just sick today you know if you go back a few decades in a in Texas I tried to look this up but in 1961 this is what the the law said in Texas is regarding abortion that in 1961 in article 1191 they set forth the punishment of two to five years imprisonment for any person who would procure an abortion for a pregnant woman by designatedly administering any drug or medicine knowingly procuring to be administered any drug or medicine using towards her any violence or means whatsoever externally or internally applied and it says the penalty would double if it was done without her consent so it's saying in Texas it used to be you'd go to jail for multiple years for performing an abortion for any reason any person doing this now I don't even agree with that law that law is not even biblical but people are so excited about this six week ban that's a civil lawsuit that's probably never even going to happen and you can still kill it for the first six weeks it's ridiculous why people get look we should stop getting so excited like oh they don't want to have a same sex marriage you know they pass the law saying no same sex marriage in this state why do they get excited about that look don't get excited about things that aren't found in the bible you know the southern baptist convention at one point in their history said they're no longer going to use the modern NIVs they're going to go back to an older NIV version because the modern versions were changing all the gender should we give them a rep way to go guys I'm glad you're not using the message hey they went from the message to the NIV let's praise them right that's that's basically what you're you're doing by supporting or having anything positive to say about this hey when he passes this bill you know you should say abortion is murder period hey why don't you change that to a criminal penalty with a death penalty and not just for the not just for the abortion doctor the mother that's real unpopular now hey I'll give impunity to those that have already made that mistake but at the end of the day we should have god's law be our laws not whatever's popular not whatever's going to get the next fake republican governor reelected go to job chapter thirty nine what did jesus say thou shalt not kill what does that apply to just period he said and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment if you go a little bit further back in american history now texas wasn't really a state back then so you can't go that far back for texas but in the united states i have the laws of connecticut an exact reprint of the original edition of sixteen seventy three here in my hands and they have a capital laws section now what's interesting about the capital law section is it's basically exodus twenty one now they don't have a very they don't have every they didn't just like copy the bible they just put the ones they thought were the most important and back then abortion wasn't really a thing they didn't have all the same inventions and all that stuff that was going on but anytime there was any kind of discrepancy they always point back to the bible but you know they quote exodus twenty one in this they quote verse twelve verse thirteen verse fourteen they quote verse fourteen in another section they quote verse sixteen they quote verse seventeen they quote verse fifteen it's like why would i not also believe you know verses twenty one and twenty two and twenty three that's the type of society that real christians set up that real christians should believe in one that goes to god's law not man's law and if man's law deteriorates you know we should only accept a law that would go all the way back to what god said and if you're going to kill everybody have capital punishment based on what the scriptures say why wouldn't you be consistent in that you know if it's good enough for them it's good enough for me now unfortunately women don't see what's inside their belly as a child and the bible kind of describes women like this it says in job thirty nine look at verse thirteen gave us thou the goodly wings unto the peacocks or wings and feathers unto the ostrich which leaveth her eggs in the earth and warmeth them in dust and forget it that the foot may crush them or that the wild beast may break them she is hardened against her young ones as though they were not hers her labor is in vain without fear because god had deprived her of wisdom neither hath he imparted to her understanding so the bible describes an animal that forsakes its young forsakes its unborn young specifically because notice it's saying they're eggs right so that would be a picture of the unborn and it's saying it forsakes it why because it's stupid because it's foolish it doesn't have any learning it doesn't have any understanding and unfortunately there's a lot of young women today that are stupid they're foolish they don't have any learning they don't realize what they're doing and they get pressured by society their parents and just basically the world today to kill what's going on in their body not realizing it's a child not realizing the repercussions of their actions and we need men of god today to stand up and educate society on what's going on so they're not committing murder the bible says in proverbs 14 go to leviticus 20 for a moment it says every wise woman build their house but the foolish pluck it down with her hands so many women today that could have so many children but they've killed them they murdered I mean you know what's really sick about abortion is when you look at the statistics there's a lot of women that have abortions after having a child they'll have one or two and they're like well I only want two and they'll literally kill the next one they'll literally go to an abortion clinic and destroy their next child that has to be an ostrich type mom that's hardened against her young ones I mean how could you have literally gone through the miracle of birth and seen that child that god gave you and decide to destroy the next one that you get kind of evil sick person is that why would you not want them to get the death penalty for doing that you just hate children you just hate babies if that's and really when you understand abortion from the biblical perspective it's associated with satanism with witchcraft with the most evil detestable things and look a lot of these abortion doctors are Satanists they love the devil they love what they do by destroying children and the Bible warns about these people look at Leviticus 20 verse 1 and the Lord's speaking to Moses saying again thou shalt say to the children of Israel whosoever be of the children of Israel or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel that giveth any of his seed unto Moloch he shall surely be put to death the people of the land shall stone him with stones because the Bible describes child sacrifice unto the devil and it says those people should be killed murdered this is synonymous this is equivalent to like abortion where they're destroying their young destroying their children either right after birth or before or who knows the sick disgusting practice of burning their children unto the devil how does God feel about it well verse 3 because he hath given of his seed unto Moloch to defile my sanctuary and to profane my holy name hey Greg Abbott's bill is profaning God's name because he's still allowing those six week babies to be destroyed and God will set his face against that man against Greg Abbott God's face is against Greg Abbott but it gets worse verse 5 and if the people of the land that's Texas do anyways hide their eyes from the man when he giveth of his seed unto Moloch and kill him not then I will set my face against that man and against his family and will cut him off and all that go hoarding after him to commit hoarding with Moloch from among their people God says hey if you're not going to kill the abortionist if you're not going to kill the guy if you're not going to kill the guy that's killing children I'm going to come after you God doesn't take this thing lightly God's not like oh murder's fine it's okay well at least you didn't do it you're not hurting anybody no God says if you won't take care of it I'm going to come after you you're in trouble you're the problem Greg Abbott's the problem Texas is the problem get up and say anything less than abortion is murder is the problem and get up and try to soft soap and try to make it real sound good and it's not a problem and you know they always try to sneak in birth control in there which guess what it's not conception control my friend it's called birth control hey God has conception control it's called breastfeeding you breastfeed and you naturally won't conceive for the first six months or however long you're breastfeeding on a regular basis but you know what God's against birth control and birth control is what? killing the child that's been conceived in the womb and I'm against it I think all birth control is wicked and wrong and you know some birth control obviously a lot of birth control has conception control mechanisms in it obviously you know that's not murder if you're preventing conception but if you actually conceive and then you kill it which is what a lot of birth controls end up doing that is murder you are guilty of murder like well I don't like that well that's just reality I'm not here to condemn people I'm here to educate you what the Bible says you know the Bible says that he that believeth not is condemned already what I say is not going to condemn you you're either condemned already or you're not I'm just letting you realize where you stand it would be like if I looked in the mirror and I didn't like how my face looked and I punched the mirror sorry it's not the mirror's fault you know people get mad you're condemning me you're condemned already it's not my fault if I get up and just show you what you look like I show you what you did why would you get so mad at me oh you're so judgmental look the Bible's judging you I'm just trying to let you know where you stand and God could be really mad at some people they need to change their ways go to Deuteronomy chapter 18 Deuteronomy chapter number 18 look killing children is satanic there's no nice way to say it the most evil wicked people invent tools and conceptions and devices to murder children no normal person would think of this stuff no pure hearted person would ever would come up with these weird wicked devices but God's people can get mixed up in this God's people can get deceived by the heathen and deceived by the unsaved and go down these dark roads and destroy their families and destroy their children and look God has to be so angry with America it's not even funny my friend his face is against this country just on abortion alone I mean there's some other serious issues that we've got major issues but just this one alone God is so angry and so furious with our nation just murdering so many children and so many babies I mean God knows his way about one let alone the millions millions that have been killed how can you get up and say you're pro-life and use birth control that's what a lot of churches do that's what Catholics will do or you can still kill it for the first six weeks no let's go to where we just love life period day one never kill it just don't kill babies there's always a blessing according to the Bible and we should have nothing to do with witchcraft or satanic ideology look at Deuteronomy chapter 18 look at verse 10 there shall not be found among you anyone that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire or that uses divination or an observer of times or an enchanter or a witch or a charmer or a consultant with familiar spirits or a wizard or a necromancer for all that do these things are an abomination of the Lord and because of these abominations the Lord thy God to drive them out from before thee you know why all the Canaanites got destroyed and wiped out and God wanted to murder all of them is because of abortion because of all the witchcraft and satanic stuff that's going on in relation to destroying your children go to 2 Kings chapter 16 go to 2 Kings chapter number 16 we see God's people getting mixed up in this sin a lot of them throughout history there's no new thing under the sun people have been killing their babies since the beginning but you know what it's not right there's never been a good time for it there's never a reason for it some people even say well what about if the woman was forced? well kill the rapist what did the child do? that's the worst logic I mean in every other sin we never do that in every other sin where there's a victim we're not killing the victim too I mean same logic would we kill the rape victim woman too? I mean why would you end the consequences or the life of a child just because it's father is wicked you know the children are not supposed to be punished for the sins of the father is what the Bible says and that's a wicked thing to do it's still part yours it's still your child that you're killing 50% of it's genes come from the mother 2 Kings chapter 16 look at verse 2 so notice the children of Israel their kings get mixed up in this and a lot of them end up getting mixed up in this stuff where they literally are passing their children look even Solomon is complicit in allowing his wives to offer their children in sacrifice under Molech and sacrifice under the devil and sacrifice under these evil wicked false gods which are really just pictures of devils which are really just fellowshipping with devils and so that tells me this that even God's people get mixed up on this and you look at statistics today the church unfortunately is not much better on abortion statistics in the world now we also understand that the church is mostly unsaved when you look at those statistics so I'm not shocked that they wouldn't be much different than the world but even in independent fundamental Baptist churches even with saved people they will make this mistake at times they will go out and commit this horrible sin and I question how much of this preaching they're getting I'm questioning how much they're actually told what the Bible really says on this issue but the world is just going the exact opposite as hard and as loud as possible looked up an article today or yesterday and it says there's a 21 year old woman who goes by the username abortionqueen on TikTok and she's racked up millions of views by posting videos of herself at doctors offices pretending to get abortions so there's this woman who was hired by Shout Your Abortion there's an organization called Shout Your Abortion where they're trying to basically get women to get all excited about abortion and they hired this woman this 21 year old woman to just go and pretend like she's getting abortions like every day and just acting like it's so great but she's not even doing it she's just going there just faking like she's having an abortion and then just acting like it's great and posting all these TikTok videos and they're getting hundreds of thousands of views and in total I guess it's like millions of views when you look at all the numbers of videos that she has this woman, she along with her live-in girlfriend abortion counselor both work in the abortion industry and regularly post fake abortion videos openly designed to offend people but obviously they're tricking people too and making it sound like it's great they're not even doing it it's like when Fauci's like, yeah my arm's sore from that vaccine I got and they go look at the video and they shot him in this arm it's like, how'd that work? yeah, no problem that vaccine's great, I got ten of them don't ignore the guy that's convulsing on the floor he had issues before, that has nothing to do with it this article also goes on to say, I just started posting this is this person being quoted this abortion queen or whoever saying, I just started posting videos of me at random doctor's appointments and saying, I am getting an abortion she said in an interview with the Daily Beast I was at urgent care, for her it was more than just a way to push a pro-abortion agenda it was a way to get instant hits so they're saying, this article's basically saying they think she's just doing it because she just wants attention she doesn't really care, abortion or not she's a dyke she's a sodomite she's not even having kids newsflash, sodomites can't reproduce but they can recruit here being quoted again, she says I think I have a lot of followers know that I'm not getting like 50 abortions a month so that's how many videos she's uploading on this TikTok app she says, but people will just see that and I guess, like normalize it people will also get very angry about it, but it always goes viral so she's saying, hey, by doing this what we're trying to accomplish is normalizing people going and getting an abortion she says the videos posted by the two women were deemed playful with jokes about fast food after abortion dancing in the doctor's offices and sneering about a pre-born baby dancing in the womb before being aborted these videos are so grotesque, they laugh they joke, they give it names to mock says the irreverent and tasteless viral videos quickly got noticed by Benot who hired abortion counselor to be the artist in resonance for Shout Your Abortion the idea that abortion is always a serious and sad thing is antiquated not reflective of reality and it definitely hasn't done our side any favors Benot told The Daily Beast, claiming that abortion on TikTok is a nail in the coffin of the old way of doing things we can talk about abortion however we want it doesn't always have to be heavy sometimes it's hilarious this is the society that our children are growing up in and if you have TikTok you should delete that app good night go to Ezekiel chapter 13 on your kid's app you need to be careful what your kids look at this sick, grotesque filth and I don't even advise you going doing research, this is as much research as you need I've seen a few videos and stuff of other people talking, not this specific issue, but other related things and it was so horrifying they were like challenging women to basically brag about their abortion right after they had it and talk about how great it was and how wonderful and how free they are and singing and being joyful it's just sick, the society that we live in today and the filth that's happening in our country today and you know the Bible preaches against a lot of people against false prophets preaches against the devil and demons but guess what the Bible preaches against women you're so mean, you're attacking women well guess what, the Bible says to preach against certain women look at Ezekiel chapter 13 look at verse 7 set thy face against the daughters of thy people which prophesy out of their own heart and prophesy thou against them so Ezekiel was supposed to point out the young women in his society and preach against them specifically because they were wicked and let me tell you what, there's a lot of young women in our society that are wicked as hell and those dykes, those sodomites are wicked as hell trying to encourage women to kill their children but let me tell you what, there's another group of women that I'm just as mad at and honestly probably more mad at because a reprobate is going to be a reprobate a dog's going to eat his vomit a dog's going to sniff another dog's rear okay dogs are always interested in dung they always like to eat dung and you say which dogs, all of them they're all interested in filthy, disgusting things, but you know what's really sick is the fake Christians that are promoting this junk and the fake Christians that make abortion soft and it's not that big a deal and oh you're faced with this tough decision of having abortion or not be brave be brave why do you have to be brave not to murder your child should I get up here and be like, you guys are so brave today that you didn't kill anyone thanks for not thanks for not axe murdering anybody today you guys are so courageous that's insane that's ridiculous should my wife look at me every morning and wake up and say thanks for not killing me in the night you're so brave she might be brave but I'm not, I'm just kidding look that's a ridiculous attitude to try and tell women be really brave and don't murder your child that's the worst message you can give them and you know what kind of ministry these para church ministries a day these crisis pregnancy ministries a day, that's their attitude and it's sick and they should be called out because you know what they're not preaching the Bible they're not even supposed to preach go to 1 Timothy chapter keep your finger here because we're going back, go to 1 Timothy chapter 2 I looked up some of these para church ministries and here's their slogans help women to be brave I thought the Bible says life should go for life life for life that should be the slogan abortion is murder that should be the slogan here's one single moms have realized that they can have babies and their dreams too what are they trying to say you can be a feminist and still have your baby how about just have your baby how about the baby is your dream so stupid what part of the Bible are they quoting none and you know what they're encouraging women to keep making the same mistake because by encouraging to keep having their dreams you know what they're going to keep doing getting pregnant out of wedlock committing fornication and then putting themselves in these situations where they're like be brave and then women are like I'm just not brave no you're a murderer it's not that you're just not brave you're a murderer you're a psychopathic narcissistic murderer that's what you are that's not nice oh sorry is the mirror do you not like the mirror do you want to punch it look I'm sick of this feminism and liberalism exploding by women preaching today let's see what the Bible says 1 Timothy chapter 2 verse 11 you're in silence with all subjection but I suffer not a woman to teach nor to usurp authority over the man but to be in silence that's what the Bible says and it's sick how there's all these women ministries and there's all these women going around preaching and teaching look it's not biblical and I'm not against women I love women I'm married to one she's my favorite person I like her way more than any of y'all it's not even a competition and we talk all the time she talks more than I do but guess what she's not going to usurp authority over the man and she's not going to get up and preach the Bible and she's not going to start some ministry and tell women oh be brave if she did open her mouth she'd say abortions murder though sick Bible says in verse 13 for Adam was first formed then Eve and Adam was not deceived she was in the transgression notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing if they continue in faith and charity and holiness you know what really blesses women children you say well I'm so tied down praise the Lord for that well I can't go out and gossip and do all the evil stuff that all the other women I can't go shout my abortion yeah because you're at home raising the gift that God blessed you with you know what God helps you by giving you children so you don't get into worse sin when you're busy it's hard to sin when did David sin? when he stopped being busy when do women sin? when they stop being busy and look when you have lots of kids there's no stopping I relate unto hell there's no rest day or night there's a lot of screaming there's a lot of weeping and gnashing of teeth I mean it's just it's crazy but fortunately it ends eventually okay go back to Ezekiel 13 go back to Ezekiel 13 I'm sick of this language don't go soft on abortion you say oh but they're helping women look you're not going to help people with lies that would be the same logic as me saying the NIV is still not that bad let's promote the NIV now and let's promote the message maybe it'll help somebody's life no not adhering to God's commandments and rules is always bad your punishment that's not equal to God's punishment is just wrong well it's 98% right nope it's 100% wrong it's either what God said or it's nothing now these women are being preached against it says in verse 18 and say thus saith the Lord God woe to the women that sew pillows to all arm holes and make kerchiefs upon the head of every stature to hunt souls will you hunt the souls of my people and will you save the souls alive that come unto you and will you pollute me among my people for handfuls of barley and for pieces of bread to slay the souls that should not die and to save the souls alive that should not live by your lying to my people that hear your lies you say what's going on in this story well obviously it's hard to know exactly what they're doing with these pillows and everything but what does a pillow do? doesn't it provide comfort? it puts people at ease it makes things easier what would be easier to tell a woman abortion's murder or be brave just be brave and what do they end up doing? well they're saving souls that should not live because a woman that is willing to kill her baby shouldn't live but they would never say that they would never want that they would say well if you choose that it's not the best but we still love you but you're still a great person and here's the thing obviously someone that commits that sin God can forgive that sin that person can still go to heaven and you know what there's still grace greater than our sin praise the Lord for that but I'm not going to get up and soften the blow and try to tell them it's not murder or tell them you have to be brave not to kill someone or you have to be courageous not to murder your own child that's sick they're basically trying to soften the blow of what the Bible actually says skip down to verse 22 because with lives you have made the heart of the righteous sad whom I have not made sad and strengthened the hands of the wicked that he should not return from his wicked way by promising him life by saying oh well if you kill a baby you could get civilly sued aren't they giving them life that they don't deserve they're giving his abortion doctor's life and they're strengthening the hands of the wicked by allowing them to do the things that they're doing says in verse 23 therefore you shall see no more says in verse 23 therefore you shall see no more vanity nor divine divinations for I will deliver my people out of your hand and you shall know that I am the Lord now go back to Matthew 22 I looked up a couple of these parachurch ministries and they make me sick because here's the thing why claim to be a Christian and not believe the Bible it's just, it's nonsense but there's a Christian network called the pregnancy network and this is what they say about themselves because we're a Christian organization the pregnancy network does not advocate judging women who are considering abortion we don't want to make you feel bad if you want to kill your baby we don't want to put any pressure on you we don't want to try and tell you that you're going to do anything wrong if you choose that we would never want to do that it says we also do not advocate manipulation of women to serve an agenda the pregnancy network also does not advocate anger or any other negative display towards those whom we wish to serve we do not believe manipulation, exaggeration lying, or any of these things or any like this is behavior consistent with true Christian beliefs in fact, we hope to be the exact opposite wait a minute, you're not going to judge them what would be the exact opposite? wouldn't it be praising? it says we want to love people like Jesus did during his life on earth his perfect life, sacrificial death, and miraculous resurrection motivate us to work together as various denominations and faith backgrounds to love our clients well we do this by providing all the information and support they need to face their situation without fear so they're claiming to be so loving and they care about them so much even though they don't give them the gospel even though these ministries don't get people saved spiritually and then on top of that they won't tell you anything that's wrong, they say that they're loving we want to love people like Jesus okay, well let's love people like Jesus Matthew 22 verse 36 master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said on them thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart with all thy soul and with all thy mind this is the first and great commandment and the second is like unto it thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself on these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets in fact the Bible says all the law is fulfilled in one word and it's a rhetorical statement because you know what that one word is? love love every single commandment in the Bible is loving period God is loved anybody that says anything negative about any verse in the Bible that's coming from God's law is wicked because it's all loving Leviticus 20 13 is loving Exodus 21 the whole chapter is loving so if you want to love these women you know you do you'd show them it's life for life that's loving don't get mad at me for not being loving I'm the one that's actually loving you're hateful if you don't tell them that go to Leviticus 19 because what did he quote? love thy neighbor as thyself isn't that what they love to quote? I'm going to be loving like Jesus I'm going to love my neighbor as myself okay well let's see if Jesus if we're going to quote Jesus let's see where Jesus got that quote because you know when Jesus was speaking on the earth Matthew 22 did not exist but you know what did exist Leviticus 19 you know what he was quoting? he wasn't quoting Matthew 22 he was quoting Leviticus 19 Matthew 22 is recording Jesus quoting Leviticus let's get the right perspective on this Leviticus 19 look at verse 18 thou shalt not avenge nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people but thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself I am the Lord I guess we have to love what Jesus said I guess we have to love these verses what if we back up one verse? alright verse 17 thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart thou shalt in thee wise rebuke thy neighbor and not suffer sin upon him oh we're so loving we're going to love like Jesus no you're not because you're not going to get up and say abortion is murder that's not loving your neighbor it's yourself to say you're so gracious and so loving and so kind if you want to murder your child I have no confidence because I don't want to judge you know what they should say I hate you therefore I don't want to tell you what God said I hate you I don't want to warn you that God will set his face against you and that God will be angry with you and that you're committing murder and you're destroying the blessing that God wants to give you to a child I looked up another one of these agencies it says many women with unplanned pregnancies go silently from the church pew to the abortion clinic convinced the church would gossip rather than help a 2015 study shows more than 4 in 10 women who have had an abortion were church goers when they ended a pregnancy researchers found in a survey sponsored by Care Net a nonprofit organization supporting more than 1100 pregnancy centers across North America that's a huge opportunity for the church to have an impact on those decisions said Scott McConnell Vice President of LifeWay Research but only 7% of women discuss their abortion decision with anyone at church 3 fourths or 76% say the church had no influence on their decision to terminate a pregnancy now he's saying that 3 fourths of the time when the woman ends up committing an abortion they're saying that their church had no impact on their decision you really think they're preaching this sermon obviously this sermon would happen so this is the conclusion that they come to this is the reason why churches are failing in this area the results point to a church culture that often lacks grace McConnell said, among women who have had an abortion so the problem is we're not giving them more grace because we get up and tell women that abortion is murder in turn we're basically forcing women to go out and murder their children is what this article is teaching this is the logic of your parachurch ministry they say 2 thirds say church members judge single women who are pregnant oh because they're going to be judged they're going to kill their baby says the majority think churches often oversimplify decisions about pregnancy options yes I do should I murder my wife? you're oversimplifying that decision it's not a hard decision Melissa look you just don't kill it's that simple you're oversimplifying it no you're not simplifying it enough no by your confusing dialogue by presenting all these different options that's what's causing the confusion today if you get up and say it's murder less women will have an abortion go to Proverbs chapter 3 and you say how do you know that? because the Bible says it not because it's my opinion they also say fewer than half believe churches are prepared with help are prepared to help with decisions about unwanted pregnancies it says only 3 in 10 think churches give accurate advice about pregnancy options probably less than that because most of them don't say abortion is murder it says if women don't start experiencing something different than what we've seen in the past McConnell said these numbers are going to change well I agree with that but here's the thing it's not going to be offering more grace the reason why we have an explosion of abortion today is because we have no one preaching against it that's why because people aren't educating them with the Bible because the Bible tells us it's not a surprise why people don't sin look at Proverbs chapter 3 verse 7 be not wise in thine own eyes fear the Lord and depart from evil you know what causes people to stop sinning? fearing God whenever you read scary verses like he's going to set his face against you scary verses that say it's life for life scary verses that couple abortion with witchcraft and being a witch and him saying hey that's why he destroyed all these wicked nations and it's like being complicit with the devil and worshipping the devil and being like these reprobate women going around shouting abortion that should scare you into making the right decision you say oh why would you want to scare me look that's called the Bible you know why I got saved? because I was afraid of going to hell you know what's one of the greatest reasons to not sin? because you're afraid of God you know what's one of the best reasons to obey mom and dad? because dad will bring the heat when dad won't punish the children they're going to be unruly that's what the Bible teaches and when people don't realize that God's going to punish them and that God is punishing them they won't fear him Proverbs 16 go to Proverbs 16 for a moment the Bible says wherewith shall a young man cleanse his way by taking heed thereto according to thy word you're not going to clean up yourself with all of this pseudo parachurch ministry nonsense no, they need to get into a real church and hear the word of God being preached and look, hey, if there's a woman out there that had an abortion, if there's a woman out there that's obviously used birth control or killed a child in that way you know what? God can forgive you and if you've asked for forgiveness then it's forgiven you know, you shouldn't continue to beat yourself up you should move on and embrace the grace that God has for you but at the end of the day you should love this sermon too because it's the word of God and you should want your children and your family and your friends to know what the Bible says on this issue so they don't make the same mistake there's no sin that I think of me being guilty of and think well, I really hope they don't preach about that one because I don't want to feel bad look, I'm going to preach against lying can I feel bad? Yep, check I've lied it's not to see which sins if nobody committed that we can preach against because then we won't preach it'll be Joel Osteen God's not mad at you then we can only preach against the reprobate sins or something sins that no one in here has committed being a pedophile or something, right? hopefully if you are, just go ahead and kill yourself as soon as possible but you know, these abortion doctors I hope they kill themselves too because they've shed so much blood I mean, hey I don't think any of those people have a chance to get saved, I'm sorry if there's a person that deserves death, it's an abortion doctor how can you look at an innocent, precious child that's murdered over and over and over again? that person is without natural affection that person has a vile affection that person isn't ignorant of what they're doing you say, well how are we going to get this? Proverbs 16 verse 6 we need a nation today that fears God and we need to hear God's law being thundered forth today not just John 3.16, Exodus 21 and Leviticus 20 and all of the law because guess what, the whole law is loving they talk about love wins hey, great then, let's start reading the Bible let's start reading all of God's commandments why don't we start loving our neighbor as ourself? because that is what true love is is warning them about sin what's not loving is just allowing people to destroy their family and destroy their body and destroy God's creation and just lovingly hold their hand while they do it we'll all come and I'll cry with you or I'll come and sing with you as these abortion, these sick TikTok people people should get mad about that and you know what people should really, you know what they should do if you care about Senate bill number 8 why don't you go ahead and email Greg Abbott this sermon and tell him how much he sucks for not actually believing the Bible and tell him how God is against him and tell him that abortion is really murder and it should be a criminal penalty and actually take a real stand oh yeah, he can't stand, I forgot he doesn't stand up for anything he's a joke and you say, that's mean you know what's mean is allowing children to keep getting killed when you have a chance to do something about it being a false prophet, being a Catholic hey, why don't you get saved, buddy why don't you stop promoting all your nonsense Zionism crap don't get excited about Greg Abbott don't support these fools don't be a partaker of his evil deeds why support that bill ok, well you're supporting all the abortions that are under 6 weeks then because he is and he's not even ignorant of it he said it was an unborn child in the bill don't support this crap I don't like it it's not biblical we need to just say abortion is murder end of story thank you Father so much for your word thank you for giving us your law so that we can know how to accurately love our neighbor as ourself and as we see so much wicked evil going on in our state in our nation, in our country I pray that you would just bring righteous judgment against those that are performing these wicked acts that you could just destroy them and that you could just wake up our country with the law of God today that men's hearts would just be stirred up by the fear of the Lord today that you could show yourself mighty in our country in our nation and that people could actually fear the wrath that is to come and that we could get people saved and also cause them to start serving the Lord and in Jesus' name we pray, Amen Amen Amen Amen with that let's close it out with one more song for tonight let's go ahead and take out our hymnals and turn to song number 44 we'll work till Jesus comes looks like we got another baptism tonight so praise God for that so stick around after the service song number 44 work till Jesus comes work till Jesus comes whole land of rest for the eyesight when will the moment come when I shall lay my arm whereby and dwell in peace at home we'll work till Jesus comes we'll work till Jesus comes Till Jesus comes and we'll be gathered home To do Jesus Christ thy blood for rest he made Deceased to roam and lead for succor on his breast Till he conduct me whole We'll work till Jesus comes We'll work till Jesus comes We'll work till Jesus comes and we'll be gathered home I saw that once my Savior's side no more my steps shall roam With him I'll break death's jelly tight and reach My heavenly home We'll work till Jesus comes We'll work till Jesus comes We'll work till Jesus comes and we'll be gathered home All right, we have Brother Liamaya coming for baptism. Liamaya, have you trusted Christ as your Savior? Yes. Then I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, buried in the likeness of his death, raised to walk in newness of life. Make sure to congratulate Liamaya. You are dismissed. Thank you for watching. Please like, share, and subscribe.