(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, can I get everyone's attention please? Welcome to Steadfast Baptist Church. If you could please find your seats and grab a song book. Let's turn in our hymnals to song number 30, Nothing But the Blood. Song number 30, Nothing But the Blood. Song number 30, sing it out nice and loud, Nothing But the Blood. What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Oh, precious is the flow, That makes me white as snow. No other fount I know, Nothing but the blood of Jesus. For my part in this I see, Nothing but the blood of Jesus. For my cleansing this my plea, Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Oh, precious is the flow, That makes me white as snow. No other fount I know, Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Nothing can force in atone, Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Not of good that I have done, Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Oh, precious is the flow, That makes me white as snow. No other fount I know, Nothing but the blood of Jesus. This is all my hope and peace, Nothing but the blood of Jesus. This is all my righteousness, Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Oh, precious is the flow, That makes me white as snow. No other fount I know, Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Great singing. Let's have a word of prayer. Heavenly Father, thank you so much for this day, and thank you for sending your son to die for our sins, to spill his precious blood for us. Pray that we would just honor and worship you with this song service, and that you fill us with the Holy Spirit. We love you so much, and in Jesus' name we pray, amen. All right, for our second song, we'll go to 146, A Shelter in the Time of Storm. 146, A Shelter in the Time of Storm. Song 146, sing it out together, A Shelter in the Time of Storm. The Lord's our rock, in him we hide, A shelter in the time of storm. Secure whatever will be tied, A shelter in the time of storm. Oh, Jesus is a rock in a weary land, A weary land, a weary land. Oh, Jesus is a rock in a weary land, A shelter in the time of storm. A shade by day, defense by night, A shelter in the time of storm. No fears alarm, no foes affright, A shelter in the time of storm. Oh, Jesus is a rock in a weary land, A weary land, a weary land. Oh, Jesus is a rock in a weary land, A shelter in the time of storm. The raging storms may round us feet, A shelter in the time of storm. We'll never leave our safe retreat, A shelter in the time of storm. Oh, Jesus is a rock in a weary land, A weary land, a weary land. Oh, Jesus is a rock in a weary land, A shelter in the time of storm. Oh, rock divine, oh refuge dear, A shelter in the time of storm. Be thou our helper ever near, A shelter in the time of storm. Oh, Jesus is a rock in a weary land, A weary land, a weary land. Oh, Jesus is a rock in a weary land, A shelter in the time of storm. Thank you for coming to the Steadfast Baptist Church. If you need a bulletin, lift your hand nice and high, one of us just can come by and get you a bulletin. We are on John chapter 1 verse 23. Any child able to quote the memory verse of the week can get a couple pieces of candy. As always, if you can quote the entire chapter to a non-family member, there is going to be a special prize to those who can do that. If it's a big chapter, it's often a big prize, but the biggest prize is having the word of God in your heart, so there you go. On the inside, we have our service and soul winning times, church stats. Make sure to always continue to turn in maps to Dylan, and then your soul winning stats to your captain, lieutenant. Also, we have on the right the list of expecting ladies. We have our prayer list. I'm going to go ahead and go over our prayer list real quick. We have the Negara family continue to pray for their health, Miss Lucy's mother's tumors, Brother Cameron Hall's leg, Verity Baptist Manila, and Pastor Kevin Sepulveda. We're praying for Miss Sarah Cardona's comfort and recovery. The Goodman family continue to pray for them. The Zermano family pray for their family. Brother Paul Weathers was asking for prayer for his dad for back and leg pain, and then also a couple ones to add to your bulletin. The Holdens are asking for prayer for their cousin, Taylor's baby boy, Bennett, has RSV and is in the hospital. I'm sorry, RVS. Is that supposed to be RSV? Okay, I don't know. Sorry, I just fixed it in my head, I think so. And then Brother Aw's dad, unfortunately, was in the hospital and a motorcycle crashed. Do we know anything? We may have a broken back, but he's actually talking later than we can. Okay, so definitely pray for his dad as well. And we'll just say a quick word of prayer for those that were mentioned. Thank you, Heavenly Father, for this evening. Thank you for our church family being able to meet together. I pray that you be with those that are not able to make it, that are sick or have other issues. Thank you so much for expecting. Ladies, continue to bless their pregnancies. Please help them, give them strength for their deliveries and bless their children and their development. I pray that you would also bless our church members that are sick, struggling with illnesses, diseases, all kinds of issues. I pray that you just bless them with health, favor, give them peace, give them strength in this time of difficulty. I pray that you would be with our friends abroad, that you would strengthen them, that you would encourage them, that you would help them to be a bright and shining light unto others. And that you would give them free course. I pray that you give us free course here in this country to reach our world, reach our area with the gospel, to meet freely for church. I pray that you would also bless all of our various issues and concerns that you know better than we do. Please help our family members and friends that we're hoping to get saved, that you give us the right opportunity, you'd open our mouths boldly and we preach them the gospel. We just thank you for all you give us. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. On the back we have upcoming events. There is a homeschool field trip this week and there was an email sent out today. So if you say, I didn't see that email, check your email. And if you don't have it, get in touch with us or email us again. We try to keep up to date on your email, but you keep changing it to, you know, Hotmail or Yahoo or something. We don't know. So make sure you check if you have any questions on that. It has all the details about the timing and everything like that. So please read it. And we look forward to that trip. Also the Mother's Day tea is this week. And so I guess there's another, there'll probably be another email. We'll send out another email pretty soon about that one as well. So keep the eye out for that. And then the Austin, Texas Sony marathon that's coming up May 21st. Who's planning on going to Austin? Just so I have a kind of an idea. Okay. All right. That looks like fun. We're going to make it normal. All those people coming. Well, some of you. Okay. And then, hey, I want to make another announcement off the record just for a quick second. But. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. 397 little as much when God is in it. 397 little as much when God is in it. 397. In the harvest field now ripen. There's a work for all to do. Hark, the voice of God is calling to the harvest calling you. Little as much when God is in it, labor not for wealth or fame. There's a crown and you can win it if you'll go in Jesus name. Does the place you're called to labor seem so small and little known. It is great if God is in it and he'll not forget his own little as much when God is in it. Labor not for wealth or fame. There's a crown and you can win it if you'll go in Jesus name. Are you laid aside from service body worn from toil and care. You can still be in the battle in the sacred place of prayer. Little as much when God is in it, labor not for wealth or fame. There's a crown and you can win it if you'll go in Jesus name. When the conflict here is ended and our race on earth is run. He will say to all the faithful welcome home my child well done. Little as much when God is in it, labor not for wealth or fame. There's a crown and you can win it if you'll go in Jesus name. The offering plates are passed around please turn in your bibles to second Samuel chapter four second Samuel chapter four and follow along silently starting in verse one second Samuel chapter four the bible reads and was and when Saul's son heard that Avner was dead in Hebron his hands were feeble and all the Israelites were troubled and Saul's son had two men that were captains of bands the name of the one was Baanah and the name of the name of the other Rekab the sons of Rehmon a Berathite of the children of Benjamin for Berath also was reckoned to Benjamin and the Berathites fled to Giteum and were sojourners there until this day and Jonathan Saul's son had a son that was lame of his feet he was five years old when the tidings came of Saul and Jonathan out of Jezreel and his nurse took him up and fled and it came to pass as she made haste to flee that he fell and became lame and his name was Mephibosheth and the sons of Rehmon the Berathite Rekab and Baanah went and came about the heat of the day to the house of Ishmael who lay on a bed at noon and they came thither into the midst of the house as though they would have fetched wheat and they smote him under the fifth rib and Rekab and Baanah his brother escaped for when they came into the house he lay on his bed in his bed chamber and they smote him and slew him and beheaded him and took his head and gapped them away through the plain all night and they brought the head of Ishmael unto David to Hebron and said to the king behold the head of Ishmael the son of Saul thine enemy which sought thy life and the lord has avenged my lord the king this day of Saul and of his seed and David answered Rekab and Baanah his brother the sons of Rehmon the Berathite and said unto them as the lord liveth who hath redeemed my soul out of all adversity when one told me saying behold Saul is dead thinking to have brought good tidings I took hold of him and slew him in ziklag who thought that I would have given him a reward for his tidings how much more when wicked men have slain a righteous person in his own house upon his bed shall I not therefore now require his blood of your hand and take you away from the earth and David commanded his young men and they slew them and cut off their hands and their feet and hanged them up over the pool in Hebron but they took the head of Ishmael and buried it in the sepulcher of Abner in Hebron. Let's bow our heads for a word of prayer. Father we thank you for second Samuel chapter four and for our church and just pray you fill the man of God now with your spirit and just help pastor Shelley to expound this chapter to us and also minimize distractions in the room so we can learn as much as possible in Jesus name I pray amen. Amen. Second Samuel chapter number four and as we go through this passage of scripture and really going through second Samuel I feel like there's just a lot of life lessons in this particular portion of scripture you know a lot of people think like oh that's the old testament I don't want to read that but you know the old testament has a lot of just really important just life lessons life instructions that we can kind of glean from and we gain basically a lot of what to do and a lot of what not to do and really some of these chapters have been a lot of what not to do this chapter is no different it's a lot of what not to do but it says in verse number one and when Saul's son heard that Abner was dead in Hebron his hands were feeble and all the Israelites were troubled. Now what makes me think of in this passage is the fact that without strong leadership things can go awry very quickly and Abner while not necessarily being the greatest guy ever he definitely has some serious problems he's a strong leader and so while he's in charge while he's basically the general he's there kind of propping up Ishbosheth you know at least people feel secure business can carry on as normal but with him out of the picture the Israelites are very nervous especially Ishbosheth because you never really know what's going to happen when you don't have that strong leader you know when you have a strong leader things are going to run more smoothly they're going to operate better when you have all this uncertainty in leadership when you don't really know who's in control a lot of things are up for grabs a lot of times bad people look at it as an opportunity to kind of creep in and try to take control or to do things that they wouldn't necessarily do while someone's watching while someone's looking you know that's kind of evidenced by you know some of the facts that we see in our world today when Joe Biden became our president I feel like a lot of people became emboldened because they feel like since there's not really a strong leader they're not going to be held responsible for their actions a lot of people have just come out of the woodwork and are just wrecking havoc they're just kind of doing whatever they want think about just in Texas specifically we have a major crisis at our border where people are literally just running across the border swimming across the the red sea or not red sea the brown sea I guess swimming across the sea as it were and in times past you know our law enforcement our border patrol agents felt emboldened to go and to stop these type of people to arrest people they had a lot of ability to basically enforce our border but right now it's just such a toss-up and there's all this miscommunication and from the federal government to the state government nobody really knows what's going on there's not really a strong leader even our own governor won't stand up for anything and so we we noticed that there's really just kind of a kind of just an absence of strong leadership and because of that absence of strong leadership what do you have you have tons of people crossing the border and coming into America now here's the thing if it was just like people that said hey I want to get saved and I want to come to America and I want a better life I have no problem with people wanting to cross our border and come to our country in theory there's technically nothing wrong with people immigrating from one country to another but typically that's not the people that are coming over the people that are coming across the border are often drug smugglers cartel individuals people that want to you know essentially take advantage of these this opportunity where the borders is basically open to just wreck havoc you know they're dropping off kids and then claiming that they're theirs but they're really just using them for drug smuggling I mean your average day citizen you know if they're going to cross they're just going to cross one time and just kind of call it a day but these people are going back and forth transporting goods illegally and doing all this criminal activity because there's no leadership and again that's one example we could we could sit here and just fox news special for a moment of just like how many issues our country has I mean even Putin you know doing the things that he's done while I'm not you know gonna wear a Ukrainian flag it's arguable that what Putin's doing is very evil still very wicked a lot of people are dying why is he doing that because he knows nobody's going to do anything about it probably I mean who's going to hold this guy accountable Biden I mean nobody thinks Biden is real in other countries you might have some insane liberals here that think Biden's a legit president I don't know if they even think that but surely other countries other leaders they can tell they know the guy is a bumbling fumbling idiot they realize that there's nothing you know everything's up for grabs right now you know I wouldn't even be surprised if China started making some big power moves maybe they've been doing it we're not even paying attention I mean we don't know what's going on but essentially criminals are running amok criminality crimes I mean think about what the president's own son it's already been coming out and reported what he's done and what he's doing and it's still just like we don't even know if he's gonna get arrested it's just like this guy is basically involved in potential espionage treason just all kinds of corporate fraud schemes I mean possibly defrauding the IRS of hundreds of thousands of dollars maybe millions of dollars I mean we don't even know I mean you really think that a pastor of a Baptist church defrauding the IRS of hundreds of thousands of dollars they're just gonna be like oh nothing's going on I'm not gonna inspect that you know I mean of course not of course you know but why is it that nobody's doing anything because there's no real leader it's confusing and people are afraid and it honestly you know to summarize America I think people are just afraid people are kind of terrified right now because they don't know what to think they don't know where to go they are even afraid if they just pull a Kyle Rittenhouse and defend themselves against aggressive pedophiles they could literally go through a trial and court proceedings that make no sense be harassed and even be on the brink of potential going to jail for the rest of their life or getting the death penalty or something for defending themselves I mean you know it shouldn't even be a question if someone like breaks into your house whether or not you should defend yourself or not but people today you know that even arm themselves are very skilled and trained they're fearful that if they got in a situation where they legitimately defended themselves they may be liable still somehow I mean we live in such a strange society I fortunately I did see I think was like Santa Rosa California there was a sheriff in California got up and he said hey if someone breaks into your home at night shoot them please kill them he was like in fact it had recently happened there was an an incident they didn't kill the guy they shot at him but didn't kill him and then he did a couple other burglaries and they were like we're hoping that that homeowner comes to the sheriff's department we'll give them free training so that next time they don't miss and you know I thought I was thinking about this and I'm like you know it sounds good but what does the bible have to say but you know what if you go to the old testament law it says hey if a thief be breaking up and the sun's down there shall be no bloodshed for him case closed meaning it doesn't matter it's it's not like Europe where if he breaks in he has a baseball bat you can't come at him with a knife or if he has like a switchblade you can't come with an Australian knife you know because it's it's got a longer blade mate you know because supposedly you can't like exceed their force or some nonsense so it's like they come with a knife you can't come with a gun they come with a handgun you can't use a rifle it's like this weird you know it's like you got to have every weapon on you to be like what do you got let me see what let me see what I could use you know they come with you a bat it's like his brass knuckles more or less I don't even know you know it's just crazy the world that we live in today and it puts people in fear when there isn't a just strong leader giving a strong and certain sound you know you need this in every area of your life from the president to the governor to the mayor to the household to the church I mean in every position of leadership the leader needs to be strong so that those under them can make the proper decisions they don't have to live in constant fear and we see when Abner is gone notice the whole country is just terrified now go through it to mark chapter number six go to mark chapter number six I want to read a few verses here and it's important that we understand why they even got in the situation that they got in if we think about it why are they in this situation because they ended up embracing Ishbo chef they ended up embracing Abner's you know junkie Abner's you know fill-in Abner's you know just Biden candidate Manchurian candidate you know essentially now when you make bad decisions you're going to have what consequences to that when you follow the wrong leader you end up getting yourself in weird situations okay now mark chap number six this is talking about Jesus and it says in verse number 32 and they departed in a desert place by ship privately and the people saw them departing and many knew him and ran a foot further out of all cities and out went them and came together unto him and Jesus when he came out saw much people and was moved with compassion toward them because they were a sheep not having a shepherd and it began to teach them many things so notice Jesus feels bad for this group of people why because they're like sheep without a shepherd and so it's important that sheep have a shepherd go to Jeremiah chapter 50 go to Jeremiah chapter 50 I want to show you another example of this why is it that it's important that sheep have a shepherd well I was trying to think about this and often when I think about this my thought has been the reason why is because sheep are stupid and there is some legitimacy to that argument I mean there's this cool youtube video where this kid's like pulling a sheep out of a ditch and then as soon as he gets it out like just five seconds later it just is hopping just jumps right in the ditch again and you're just like man these things are kind of stupid right but here's another thought that I had a sheep is not an intimidating animal right like is it's one of those animals you would have at a petting zoo that you would let your little kids go walk up and pet it and touch it because it's harmless in a sense it's a very kind animal it's a very gentle animal it's a very docile type animal and if you think about it God's people are the same way God's people are a very gentle people they're a very kind people they're not going out trying to hurt people and harm people in fact it would take a lot to get a sheep to hurt you and the same is with God's people you know it'd take a lot you'd have to kind of corner it or start hurting it or endangering it for it to actually kind of kick you or bite you or something like that because typically it's going to give you the benefit of the doubt typically it's going to want to just be nice to you and just you know just want you to pet it and to feed it and to be nice to it and be friends with it and really that's what Christians should be like Christians are sheep aren't we that we're just these kind nice docile animals we're harmless as doves okay in the sense that we're not interested in hurting people we're not going around harming people we're not doing evil we are just simply there as a an essence a servant and you know sheep also are servants in the sense because they provide their fur they provide their coat as raiment for other people they provide themselves as a sacrifice they are as sheep led to the slaughter to provide meal to provide substance unto people so they can eat and and that's what Christians should do we provide our clothing we provide our rain that we even lay down our lives for the brethren you know and so while sheep can be looked at as being kind of stupid you know and that's sometimes true sometimes even God's people can be a little simple-minded or led astray easily I like to think of the fact that just sheep also are just a kind creature therefore sacrifice so when a wolf comes sheep oftentimes are going to be slaughtered when something evil comes along sheep are going to often be destroyed or harmed as a result because they're giving people the benefit of the doubt because they're not there to essentially attack but rather they're there as a sacrifice and and sometimes you know if you're a good minister and I'm not saying in the ministry I'm saying like you just minister other people you serve other people you're going to sometimes get burned you're going to sometimes get hurt a little bit you're going to minister to the wrong person even with the right intentions because you're a sheep because you're not there to try and harm people and as a sheep you often think everybody else is a sheep you think good about other people you think purely about other people and you give people the benefit out even when they're a Judas even when they're you know a lioness a sorcerer even when they're so and so you know you you give them that benefit out first and sometimes they burn you in the end but you know what it's better to be a sheep than the wolf and and lay down your life and a sacrifice than to be someone who devours but in Jeremiah chapter 50 it also talks about some of the dangers of sheep not having a shepherd it says in verse number four in those days and in that time say the Lord the children of Israel shall come they and the children of Judah together going and weeping they shall go and seek the Lord their God they shall ask the way to Zion with their faces thither words saying come and let us join ourselves to the Lord in a perpetual covenant that shall not be forgotten my people have been lost sheep their shepherds have caused them to go astray they have turned them away on the mountains they have gone from mountain to hill they have forgotten their resting place all that found them have devoured them and their adversaries said we offend not because they have sinned against the Lord the habitation of the just of justice even the Lord the hope of their fathers so we see at a point in time all the shepherds have basically abandoned the flock or simply just led them astray took them in the wrong places i would say that's pretty similar to Avner and Ishbosheth Ishbosheth and Avner basically led their flock astray they've led them away from Judah led them away from David as their rightful leader and so now they're in a bad place if they stay in this hypothetical scenario where Ishbosheth still their leader or they're just staying away from David what's going to happen just wolves are just going to come and just basically wreak havoc on the flock i mean they're just going to basically take their fill there's no one really there to guard them or to take care of them i mean consistently throughout the children of Israel's time they always have people warring with them i mean if it's not one group of people it's the next you know if it's not the Philistines it's the Amorites if it's not the Amorites it's the you know the Canaanites or the Jebusites or then the Babylonians i mean there's always an enemy there's always a wolf that's why it's important to have shepherds that's why it's important to have leaders and people that are the watchmen and people that are basically there to guard the flock and when you don't have that the sheep get devoured they get scattered and that's what it said in verse number seven all that found them have devoured them notice that out of the goodness of people's heart they're not going to do good under the sheep unless they're a real shepherd meaning you know you go to a church where the pastor's not even saved all it's going to do is devour you you don't go to church and every other institution all it's going to do is devour you right all the other clubs i mean what do-gooders club exists out there that's not going to devour you the freemasons they don't even have windows for a reason okay i mean the what's the weird one where they have the hats and they like ride in the little tiny uh cars knights of course there's another name the Shriners yeah i don't know what's going on with those people but they would devour you okay i don't even know i just know that they would devour you i mean what oh the salvation army they teach you after penny of your sins they teach a hardcore work salvation oh what about the people that give out bread they victory temple they teach works about save out salvation they're not saved i mean look all these other institutions all these other groups all these other clubs all the other things you can get involved in will devour you you say oh why would i get a stiff ass badger church well maybe not to get devoured you know and if it's not this church get plugged into the best independent fundamental baptist church in your area so that you're not plugged in in the wrong place and get devoured you and your family and you and i both know people get plugged in the wrong church and their whole family gets destroyed by it it destroys the family it destroys the kids the kids go to the wrong you go to this weird youth program the youth minister is a sodomite or the youth minister is just a pervert i remember my wife would always tell me because she grew up in a baptist church with the youth department and she had one particular youth minister and she said like every single sermon it was on you know what goes on in the bedroom and it's like why is a youth minister talking to a bunch of teenagers and saying like hey if you have any private matters or questions about this you know like write me a note and you like give that to me or whatever and it's like he's like basically the catholic priest now you know getting all these confessions of all these you know teenage girls and whatever i mean just a pervert okay and of course you know there's a couple times you talk about that in the bible but if that is every single sermon or every single subject the guy's a pervert the guy is a literal for i mean whatever the guy is his hobby horse that tells you something about that guy you know whatever it is that he's constantly bringing up you know it's gonna usually be some kind of an issue okay now it could be a good thing right if they're constantly bringing the king james bible up it's like hey they they believe that's an important issue right they keep blaming salvation by faith that's an important issue they keep you know saying go to church that must be an important issue right so you know we want to make sure that we're paying attention to what we're being fed but as a sheep sometimes you just gobble it up gmos and all right go if you would back to second sandwich chapter four and if we think about israel's decision though we know that it's bad from hindsight but how long did they even take to make that decision wasn't it pretty quick i mean as soon as saul's dead it's like hey here's ishbosheth that was a pretty quick decision and when you read this chapter you know i try to think like what's the one thing that's just hitting me in the face the most and it's it's really a rebuke against hasty decisions this chapter really seems to kind of just rebuke hasty decisions all the israelites just hastily pick ishbosheth when in the bible did we even find out about him until he's just instantly king think about that right just out of nowhere this guy's all of a sudden in charge that seems like a pretty hasty decision david is not some guy that we just randomly stumbled across i mean this guy killed goliath a long time ago he's been leading the charge in the army he's been going out and coming in he was a humble servant even being hunted down by his own boss being hunted down by the king he refused to harm him he refused to hurt him this seems like a more logical guy to put in charge of the nation right if you're going to pick another king why would you pick king david but then it's ishboseth it's like we don't even who is this guy because the only son that we were ever mentioning was who jonathan yeah someone's paying attention so jonathan was the only son we were constantly and what was different about jonathan ishboseth jonathan's out there fighting the battles of god what's ishboseth doing staying home you know snorting parmesan cheese or whatever you know making deals with ukrainians i mean what is this ishboseth guy doing you know raking in ten percent for the big guy i mean we don't know what he's doing it seems like a really foolish decision for the israelites to have just brought this guy in didn't consult god didn't take any time didn't check the resume didn't see if it's legitimate didn't get any man of god to come and make sure what's going on and isn't this a problem that's kind of inherited what was saul when we think about king saul what was king saul's first issue anybody read the bible he made a sacrifice and he didn't wait for king uh or for saul for samuel to come to the sacrifice didn't he so before we even learned about agag we learned that saul is impatient saul makes hasty decisions and by not waiting for the man of god to show up what did he do he basically goes down a really dark path where he ends up ruining the kingdom then what happens he ends up giving the kingdom to his son not purposefully but that's what ends up happening ishboseth kind of takes over that seemed like a pretty hasty decision didn't it now when abner is out of the picture now it's kind of like why do we have this ishboseth character and think about this if you have a king and the general and the general's taken out why would you fear because don't you still have your king i mean think about this way we have david and we have joab right if joab just somehow dies in one of these battles are we just all freaking out like we don't know what to do no because we still have david right so we we see that the real power we see that the real authority was with a with abner not with ishboseth he's just basically nobody cares about him nobody has any confidence in him because they didn't appoint the right guy into the leadership position and when you have the wrong person in the leadership position i mean if joe biden died none of us are thinking like oh man we were really counting on his leadership the only thing that we're thinking is like how bad is kamala gonna be okay i mean but again if we had a really strong person in second chair we wouldn't care if you know if first chair goes we're like put two in right or if we have a really strong first chair right let's say we had you know ron paul's our president i don't know i'm just throwing somebody out there right and then kamala is number two it's like if she goes out we're just like who cares you know we still got ron paul you just plug and play the next guy right so it's important that you make the right decisions so that you don't end up falling into this scenario right if you plugged in the right guy in the first chair as the king it doesn't matter when the second guy falls but if you make a hasty decision you put a bunch of crappy people in all these positions of leadership and lose the only one true leader you had now all of a sudden you see the the stack of cards the house of cards that you had and it basically all falls and crumbles very quickly okay look at verse two and saul's son had two men that were captains of bands the name of the one was bana and the name of the other recap the sons of rimon a birothite of the children of benjamin for biroth also was reckoned to benjamin and the birothites fled to getayim and were sojourners there unto this day jonathan saul's son had a son that was lame on his feet now before i before i get to jonathan this is the only thought i had about why because i'm thinking like why do we care so much about these people being like birothites and fleeing to getayim or whatever but they're in the tribe of benjamin but it's like they're not like real benjamites if you kind of think about it they're just kind of like foreigners and you kind of see that they don't really have any true loyalty to the tribe of benjamin because king saul is of the tribe of benjamin now there's nothing wrong with a little bit of loyalty you know the bible has positive things to say about loyalty now of course we don't want to usurp the proper authority because of loyalty right we don't want to have loyalty to man above god we don't want to have loyalty to a particular denomination over the bible right we want to make sure we have the proper priorities but if you just show basically just no loyalty to anything that's a character flaw yeah i mean if you just put on churches like you put on socks or something like that i mean i think that's a character flaw you know might as well just stick with you know one you got i have more respect for the person that's going to a second-rate church and is faithful to it than the person that's just hopping all over the place not really committed to anything not really getting plugged in just can burn you know a church like that you know or people that come up to me and they just burn bridges when they go to different churches they're like man i just you know when i left that church i let everybody know and i was flipping the tables and man you should have seen it i'm just thinking like that's not a great way to leave a church or anything like that also you know in america to be the president of the united states you cannot be a foreigner you know you can't be from another country there's a reason that that's there why because you don't know if they're actually loyal to your country they could be an infiltrator they could be sent from that other country be loyal to the other country and and we see these guys they're not really like legit from benjamin they're just kind of like fleeing there and so you kind of have to be a little bit leery of these type of individuals you know if someone sometimes people come to our church even and it's like they're not from the dallas fort worth area okay can be a red red flag and they don't necessarily want to come to the church but they're just here it's like well why are you here you know and unfortunately most of the time really bad people in churches moved for the church i'm just saying it most of the time the really bad people moved now sometimes the greatest people also moved so it's not saying that moving's bad but what i am saying is this that people that are coming out of the woodwork or not really legitimately there often they're easy come easy go the people that also move to a certain church or move to certain area are the the most likely to move away the people that are already here you know they're they're usually going to stay much more long time you know you have people that move 1400 miles to come to this church and then just one little thing doesn't go right and they're just gone forever and you're just thinking like that was a pretty extreme like thing you just you moved that far and you like put this much effort and energy and it's just like you just cast it aside like nothing it kind of starts showing like maybe you have some character issues maybe you have some character flaws and and sometimes people think by moving they'll basically move away from their problems and they don't realize that they are their problems or they're married to their problems okay so and you can't get away you can't go away from that but i i just want to mention that because of what we're going to see here later in this chapter it says in verse four and jonathan saul's son had a son that was lame on his feet he was five years old when the titans came to saul and jonathan out of jezreel and his nurse took him up and fled and it came to pass as she made haste to flee that he fell and became lame and his name was mephibosheth so again this chap this chapter is just like bad and bad and bad there's not really sorry if you're hoping for like an uplifting sermon it's not today okay this is a sad story and and i think about again did she have to flee we don't know that but she decided to and notice how she fled is it says and it came to pass she made haste to flee the word haste is implying very quickly probably not rationally probably not necessarily carefully and because of her hasteness what ends up happening this five-year-old boy suffers ends up becoming cripple for his entire life here's another fact people that are not the parents of your children don't love your children the way that you do you know who cares about your children the way you do you you have to very careful with letting other people manage your children now i'm not saying that every person that helps out with your children's a bad person or anything like that but i am saying this you cannot manufacture you cannot create the same love that a parent has for a child like it's just a unique automatic thing that just happens and you just love it so much more than anything else i remember my wife really loved animals growing up she had this cat and uh man she loved that thing and and i i was you know stuck with it and uh he was stuck with me that was kind of our relationship but i knew he would die before me all right but here's the thing like you really it didn't it probably didn't to her and even to me feel like she could love anything more than this cat like her love for this cat is just like at a max level but then we finally have a child and it's just like she's like wow i just love this child so much more than this cat it's a cat okay and and it was it was fun for me to see how she saw it's a cat you know it's like hey this is an animal at the end of the day you know there's nothing wrong with loving animals or you know treating them well obviously the righteous considered the life of his beast is what the bible says and and we kill it and eat it no i'm just kidding but just not cat unless you go to asian food right we probably all have it we don't even know okay but the point that i'm trying to make is you never really know the order of magnitude of love that you can have until you kind of experience certain live events you know getting married it's going to change your perspective on love now for me personally i think that you're going to love your spouse more than your children okay so if you're married you you know what the greatest love that you can possibly have from a human relationship perspective but children also you cannot love other people's children the way you love your children i don't love your children anywhere close to as much as my children now i could say that i feel like i love your children and i would do a lot of good things for them but the order of magnitude is just it's not the same it's kind of like i love pizza and then above that order of magnitude i love outback okay and then order of magnitude i love your children and then another order of magnitude my children and then another order of magnitude my wife okay and then another order of magnitude god so we have like these this complex layering of love other people's children not the same as your children so also you should think this too if i am ever in possession or care of someone else's child i should realize i may not instinctively love them or care about them as much and i should put a lot of effort and energy in doing it you know what if this nurse had said like wait a minute what if mr was my child maybe i'd strap him down maybe i'd hold him a little tired maybe we wouldn't haste we wouldn't go out as hastily we wouldn't flee in the way that we did because you know maybe she's just fleeing so quickly because she wants to preserve her life and who cares if the five-year-old falls off the horse or cart i don't know exactly what happened in this story but obviously this probably could have been avoided couldn't it but by being hasty ends up having a problem go to proverbs if you would for a moment go to proverbs chapter number 20 proverbs chapter number 20 and i want to look at a couple proverbs here in your life nothing good will happen when it's done in haste haste is a negative thing it's uh it's not really a positive characteristic now of course when doing something in haste you can get away with it so it's not saying you're doomed but it is saying that it's it's kind of reckless it's kind of careless and you can have problems it's something you should be very careful when you make decisions you're not being hasty in those decisions proverbs chapter number 20 look at verse 21 an inheritance may be gotten hastily at the beginning but the end thereof shall not be blessed hey you could win the lottery and just go from a zero to a hero right but here's the problem you're not going to be blessed at the end of it these people that win the lottery their lives are worse afterwards and many of them i mean they like say i wish i'd never won it it run my marriage it ruined my children it ruined every relationship i had now i'm on drugs i lost my health i wish i could have never won the lottery you know easy come easy go in fact i don't think honestly i don't think any of us and especially myself i don't think i could handle a whole bunch of money all of a sudden you know i think it's it's prideful to think that you even could you know if someone just dropped five million dollars in your bank account tomorrow what would you do and here's the thing all of you probably have no idea that's why it's good that you don't have five million dollars because you'd probably make a lot of dumb decisions with it you would start learning what not to do with it really fast you start just making a lot of you know probably the best thing to do is just be big like pay off all of your debt and then just donate it to somebody or something donate the rest of somebody else and i'm just saying to preserve your life that would probably be the best thing you could do but i'm not saying that you should do i'm just saying that's what you know probably a smart thing to do because if you just get a whole bunch of money just all of a sudden you might just ruin your life ruin your character ruin you know all kinds of things in your life and and haste is not a good thing you know if you're coming up with get rich quick schemes it's just a bad lifestyle i've known people it's like literally their whole life is just circled around like getting rich quickly and i'm thinking like that's a bad idea now it's one thing to build wealth over time and how do you do that working hard saving little by little you know putting a lot of effort and energy into a business putting effort and energy into wise investments things that the you know the bible instructs and teaches you know there's nothing wrong with that there's nothing wrong with acquiring wealth having lots of money doesn't mean you're a bad person but let me tell you something getting a lot of money just overnight is typically going to be very bad for people and that's just what the bible says okay um go to proverbs 25 for a moment go to proverbs 25 haste is is a scary thing you know a lot of people acquire money quickly usually in a bad way what robbing something stealing something insider trading uh there's all kinds of criminal activity where people just come into money bribes selling things extortion kidnap uh i mean you name it i mean there's a lot of drugs drugs is a way where you can make a lot of money fast i mean you say like hey passersby what's the quickest way to lots of money drugs i mean if you sell drugs i mean and you just think everybody's just thinking like i'm ready to get some drugs you know yeah talk about putting your life on the line talk about being ready to die at any moment's notice and going to jail and the harshest penalties are typically for drug dealers why because the government doesn't want to let you in on their gig okay proverbs 25 look at verse 8 go not forth hastily to strife lest thou know not what to do in the end thereof when thy neighbor hath put thee to shame says debate thy cause with thy neighbor himself and discover not a secret another so when you have a problem with someone and i notice people in our church do this it's easy to like instantly think the worst about someone and and i'll give you like a real specific example maybe someone says something about you that's just really like a like false like it could feel like railing okay but you don't really know the circumstances you hear it through the grapevine hey so-and-so says saying this about you okay well what you might instantly think is like that person's obviously a reprobate because you know why would anybody rail on me or lie about me or whatever but oftentimes people repeat things that they hear things get taken out of context people get confused you know if i hear that there's a problem between me and some person or they said something let me tell you the best way to handle it go to them privately and usually when we have big blow-ups or people have big blow-ups you know what they did not do go to the person privately what they did is they told all their friends and then you have like the west side versus the east side in the church where you have like and and it's it's you really over something stupid people say like oh this person's calling me a reprobate and then they're like well if i'm a reprobate then they're a reprobate and then it's like they're calling me a reprobate and then they both kind of like throw this person at a church they're calling me a reprobate and then it's like you you try to like narrow down and we never know when anybody did it the first time it's like a mystery the chicken or the egg we don't even know and it just blew up and all their friends are mad everybody's mad and it's just it's just like a silly thing and it probably was like they wore the same dress on the same day or something you know which does not make you a reprobate okay but but it's just silly little blow-ups and silly confusing matters women get mad at each other guys get mad at each other problems happen if if i'm mad at someone you know what i do i call them and i say hey did you say this did you do this is this true and you know i also don't do this i just said why you call me a reprobate bro got a problem you want to come at me how big a boy are you well you think you can bench huh no no no i say hey did you say this is this true hey i heard this i just wanted to know if it's true or not did this happen what happened lay out some facts you know if they say yeah i think you're a wicked reprobate evil person i don't like you you know whatever it is then all of a sudden now it's a problem now i can actually address it now it's some kind of a situation what if they say i've never said that about you i would never do that about you i don't know what's going on okay now all of a sudden if i reacted initially to what i heard i could have done evil unto them i could have done bad unto them and notice what it says in the proverb it says hey debate thy cause with thy neighbor himself and discover not a secret another lest he that heareth it put thee to shame and mine infamy turn not away you can end up making yourself look like a complete idiot by believing some hearsay or gossip or not verifying the facts or getting all of the witnesses lined up and so that's why it's important when you're dealing with issues that you just completely check i mean i've had situations where i have like five concrete evidences against a person of what they've done that's bad and you know how i say hey did you do this is this true i don't immediately approach them and just say we got you you know confess now you know it's like you know i give them an opportunity figure tell me and oftentimes you start hearing their perspective seeing things a little bit their way and you end up realizing like oh maybe i'm not seeing everything the right way why because you're always just in your own cause okay you always think that you're right you think that everything you believe is right how you act how you talk everything so it's important when you're dealing with issues that you don't just hastily react hastily go you know haste always just brings breeds more problems haste and being quick you know if you're building something you don't want to build in haste hey they built my house yesterday well when did they start yesterday it's like that's scary i remember working at the bank going to proverbs 28 you're probably there and we had a lot of builders as our clients and man some builders their houses went up so fast it was like a mcdonald's hamburger i mean you order and it's ready and i'm thinking and i'm thinking like i don't want that house and then what happened six months later after they sold that house it's cracked in half because they didn't let that foundation sit but you know whose problem that is not the builder because he already sold it and even if it is he just has insurance so he doesn't care anyways but here's the thing insurance doesn't solve the fact you have a crack running through the middle of your house i don't know if you realize this okay and often it won't even pay for all the damages and all the repairs it can take months to years to even get it collected i mean there's a reason why insurance is sold is because they make money you know they want to tell you how much they love you oh yeah flattery is a kind of a bad thing isn't it insurance is a scam you know and i've learned about auto insurance is it doesn't matter what insurance i have it only matters what insurance they have because it's like you have allstate or state farm or usa they have general lee or whatever you know and they reckon to you and you're like calling general lee and they're like oh that that scratch is already there your fender it pops out you know they're like we don't do rentals you know or you got like a truck or a van and they're like here's a kia sole you know for your rental and you're just like what is this trash you're trying to give me or whatever you know it's like you know and so don't think oh i'm i'm covered because of insurance and all these other things you know if the guy built the house yesterday beware of that guy beware of the insurance that comes in an email you know beware of all these things beware of the burger that comes out as soon as you say go right the good burger takes a little while to cook right it takes a little time for the grill to get hot and to put the patty on i mean the microwave's fast but who in here would say hey my favorite meal that i eat comes out of the microwave i where's your hands at do you think that's a coincidence do you think it's honestly a coincidence that there is a device that people use for food and it's never someone's favorite meal why because it tastes now what is the greatest meal arguably brisket oh man some brisket right how long does it take to cook brisket forever if it's good look if you microwave brisket you wouldn't want to touch that thing but man you slow smoke that thing and it'll get so tender and just fall off the bone okay and the same is with every area of your life you know some some of you may even want to become a pastor and and here's my question do you want to become a pastor microwave version or do you want to be that slow tender falling off the bone brisket type pastor i'm just saying right hey i mean what do you what do you want to do in life you know do you want to have kids the the mcdonald's version or the falling off the brisket type version right i mean in every area of your life you know do you want to and again i'm not trying to shame anybody here but it's like hey do you want to get married the day you meet her or maybe wait until day you meet her or maybe wait until the the meat's falling off the bone you're like i gotta have that you know what i mean like i don't encourage people i don't encourage our youth to say hey i met you last week i think it's a go let's get married you know now there's nothing wrong with getting married at a young age you know i don't think you have to date for years or something like this you know something reasonable okay but you know sometimes people just scare me i'm just thinking like i didn't even know you were dating you know now i'm not saying it can't work because don't we have biblical examples where it worked okay yeah isaac and rebecca it worked okay but we also have examples where it didn't how about samson hey i like her done she looks good you know mcdonald's looks good on the menu it doesn't it i i think it looks good the the billboard mcdonald's looks great they're ribs you're thinking like that's for mcdonald's but then you get it and you're like okay that's what it really looks like okay the same is with everything in life go back to oh no we're in proverbs 28 i wanted to go two more verses okay this is a short chapter all right verse 22 it says he that hasteth to be rich hath an evil eye and consider it not that poverty shall come upon him notice what it says in uh verse 20 a faithful man shall abound with blessings but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent so those that are going around trying to seek things quickly will end up cutting corners will do things wrong will cheat will lie will steal will kill look at proverbs one for a second i want to show you proverbs chapter one we think about the get rich quick scheme the young guys in proverbs chapter one are being enticed with getting rich quick and and notice what these people are like in the bible verse 16 for their feet run to evil notice this and make haste to what shed blood notice those that just have to get rich have to have this money hey it's get rich or die trying what is the thug lifestyle what does the hip hop culture lifestyle teach you get rich super quick get rich really young and what do they have to do oh kill a gang member or go and take over more territory or rob a bank or sell drugs or just anything that you can possibly do to get lots and lots of bread lots lots of money lots of lots of whatever moolah okay there's probably other cool acronyms that i'm not you know with it okay ask a darker skinned brother all right go to second samuel chapter four they can enlighten you i'm white okay but that's all right there's nothing wrong or a sinful with being white welcome to america now think about what we just talked about people running to evil making haste to shed blood what's the motivation money what's the motivation well what's the motivation you know fame some kind of power grab look at verse number five and the sons of rima and the bearethite recab and bana went and came about the heat of the day to the house of ishboseth who lay on a bed at noon and they came thither into the midst of the house as they as though they would have fetched wheat and they smote them under the fifth rib and recab and bana his brother escaped here's one thing don't take a nap in the middle of the day okay verse seven especially when your entire king i mean think about this he's taking a nap in the middle of the day when his entire kingdom is at stake i mean it's like hey we got a border crisis and we've got russia and joe biden's just sitting around licking ice cream and sniffing kids or whatever it's like what are you doing i mean you know i don't have anywhere near the problems that the president of the united states has i don't have near the number of crises the number of issues that i could possibly resolve but even just the problems that we have i feel like i'm running around with a chicken with my head cut off i'm just like i don't i don't even know i mean it's not for me to just go and just take a nap all day and just lounge around and just do whatever you know in our world right now i guarantee your workplace it's off the chain with how much work you have to do i mean every business is just slammed everybody's behind there's just so much work that could possibly be done you know it's not the time to be lazy i would say this this is the this is a season of promotion if you are a hard worker there's never been a greater time for promotion promotion in america right now you know who's really struggling the lazy i because i've recently looked at a lot of like job applications in the software industry and and again that's a you know its own beast i think it's in every area but there was this one company and they were hiring for a mid-level developer and uh they said one year experience preferred and and i was just like what i was thinking like they didn't even say one year of experience necessary or required for a mid-level like we're not talking about like the basic guy or the brand new guy we're talking about like a person that would theoretically historically had to have at least three to five years minimum experience they wouldn't even look at his resume i saw it i saw it he said literally one year of experience preferred and i was just thinking like wow that's incredible i mean what are they doing with the like just a heartbeat for the junior position i'm just thinking i'm like a five-year-old like above five years old preferred you know i'm just thinking like what is it that they're trying to look for but i tell you in the job market today and not just that industry all industries right now if you are skilled gonna work hard and not take naps in the middle of the day they will hire you you could probably get multiple jobs you know and if you say like i feel like i'm not even getting paid well my current job look for another one in fact anytime i had a job that wasn't paying well i was actively looking for other jobs at the same time especially because of this if i looked at a job and i thought like i want that job but i wasn't qualified i would notice my deficiency and i'd be working on that specific deficiency to get that particular job and then you just keep going you just keep going why why not why wouldn't you just work as hard as possible you know i'm not gonna necessarily be loyal to some corporation you know i'm more loyal to my wife and my family and church and if i have a better opportunity out there i'm gonna take it and and i'm telling you right now you know don't be taking naps in the middle of the day especially at a time of war especially a time of uncertainty now these guys were looking for promotion too but were they work looking to see if they could work harder no they just walk in and just kill the boss that's a bad way to get a job okay guys don't walk in and just slay the boss all right or take his head off or you know if you walk in your boss is taking a nap at work don't take pictures and then try to crucify him try to crucify him at work you know that's not really an honorable thing you know to necessarily to take advantage of your boss and take advantage of your superiors like that obviously if he's stealing money that's one thing okay but if he's being lazy why don't you like hey wake up hey let's get let's get to fighting let's figure out what we're gonna do let's go make peace or something you know let's figure out a plan here instead of just taking a nap right but you don't kill him why is that legit what did ish bosheth do that he's deserving of death i see nothing i don't see why he had had died and in fact when david made peace with abner they didn't say let's kill ish bosheth together why couldn't ish bosheth have been reconciled right also ish bosheth by being lazy cost him his life what if he had said you know what guys we don't have abner abner wanted to make peace that's the right thing to do that's what we're doing we're all going straight to david and we're going to make peace and he gathers everybody and he goes probably wouldn't die i guaranteed david would have given him peace because why because david pictures jesus christ and pictures mercy doesn't he like abner got mercy from david but ish bosheth instead of seeking mercy he took a nap and he pictures the person that won't get saved and death comes death comes upon him sudden destruction just out of nowhere we never know when our last breath is and you know what today or not today now is the day of salvation now is the accepted time you don't know when you're going to take a nap and wake up in hell if you're not saved you need to get saved right now if you're not safe and you know we need to get those that are not saved saved you know when i go out soul winning and i have an opportunity to get this person saved i want to seal the deal i don't want to just be like well sleep on it no no no no no now is the accepted time now is the time to get saved says in verse number eight and they brought the head of ish bosheth unto david to hebron not a good present okay fyi and said to the king behold the head of ish bosheth the son of saul thine enemy which sought thy life and the lord of the venge my lord the king this day of saul and of his seed and david answered recap and bana his brother the sons of remon the bearethite and said unto them as the lord liveth who hath redeemed my soul out of all adversity when one told me saying behold saul is dead thinking to have brought good tidings i took hold of him and slew him in ziklag who thought that i would have given him a reward for his tidings how much more when wicked men have slain a righteous person in his own house upon his bed i shall not therefore now require his blood of your hand and take you away from the earth and david commanded his young men and they slew him slew them and cut off their hands and their feet and hanged them up over the pool and hebron but they took that of ish bosheth and buried it in the sepulcher of abner and hebron so notice again two people die david honors ish bosheth and his death and dishonors these individuals okay what is their problem well one of their major problems is they don't know the bible think about how david responds to them he said in verse number nine as the lord liveth who hath redeemed my soul out of all adversity he said you bozos you idiots you fools you guys didn't save me from anything god saved me you know this is like work salvation coming in through the door and saying hey look we saved you look you've been saved by what we did we killed your enemies we defeated your enemies we repented of your sin you got baptized whatever it is that they're pointing to but they're not pointing to christ it's like you don't even know god you're not even saved buddy because the lord delivered me out of all adversity and notice david never had a prideful attitude at this point this is why david's in control of the country my friend it's because he's not saying oh yeah i defeated saw i'm stronger than saw i'm better than saw no no no no god delivered me out of all adversity and he always allowed god to deliver him he never stooped to their level there is a temptation there is an idea out there that will creep in your mind when someone does you evil to do them evil back they steal from you you steal from them they lie about you lie about them they hurt you harm you harass you whatever you think i'll do it back you know what the best thing is just to say god's going to get you back god's going to get you back and notice he said these guys are wicked he could see right through the first guy notice he's saying the first guy thought he was going to get a reward for bringing in saw's armor bringing in his his crown or whatever but he saw right through that and killed him notice these two guys come in and he says they're wicked what are they trying to do they're trying to hastily get a power grab hastily get money how do they do that by killing their feet run to evil and make haste to shed blood but notice it's not blessed and even if the inheritance had come you know in a hasty manner notice the end wouldn't be blessed there are other men that actually get the samurai gets the kingdom overnight gets it really quick but that didn't work out for him did it ends up burning down the house himself and you know quick riches are quick problems you think like oh man this person they stole this money they got all this money that's going to be good for them no no no their life's going to be plagued plagued with all kinds of horrible things you know these governors and senators that do insider trading eventually all their money is just going to ruin them destroy them they'll be found out for the lying cheating stealing just backstabbing wicked people that they are you know everybody's it's like how does a a lifelong politician like joe biden making hundred thousand two hundred thousand dollars a year by seven eight million dollar estates the math doesn't add up folks you make two hundred thousand dollars a year and don't spend a penny you don't get to eight million anytime soon i mean two hundred thousand that's you get a million every five years okay at eight million we're talking about 40 years you'd have to be 40 years and spend zero dollars at the 200 000 i mean if you think about it these people are not legitimate they're crooked is all get out and you know that and i know that okay we all get that but sometimes we forget and we end up getting presented with an idea of a get rich quick scheme avoid all of them never ever ever go for the get rich quick scheme never ever go for something that's going to be hasty when you have an opportunity to take care of somebody else's goods you know their family or whatever even though it's not yours you need to treat it with care and try to think like it's yours not be hasty with other people's stuff like mephibosheth and ruin his life and cripple him and cause him a bunch of pain and suffering when you're picking a leader don't go don't be so quick don't be so hasty you know picking a church picking a pastor picking a place to you know raise your family don't make that decision real quick based on a whim based on nothing necessarily you want to think about it you want to make wise decisions now of course sometimes we make quick decisions and they work out and you know we we ask for god's grace in them but we should always be careful about making quick decisions hasty decisions we should teach our children to be patient to think about the decisions that they make to weigh all the options and most importantly is my decision biblical all of the decisions right was it biblical to appoint abner abner point issue chef no suffered a lot of horrible consequences of that didn't they was it biblical i mean you know why does this nurse like fleeing and running away with mephibosheth is that really you know the right method did she check with the parents did she have to do that maybe it was legitimate i personally don't think it was okay some questions there you got to wonder was she even being careful with the child when we think about it from a biblical perspective didn't jacob say that he had to lead on softly so that he wouldn't destroy the women and the children okay so if i know that bible story if i've read that bible story and i'm this woman and i'm gonna like we gotta leave fast don't i think wait a minute we have a five-year-old here maybe we need to we need to be careful maybe we need to go a little bit slower so we can preserve his life again is that biblical right when we think about these guys obviously murder even if you think it's like the wrong guy i mean oh ishbo chef rebelled against david and he's his enemy and this is bad so let's kill him but wait a minute was that the right punishment for ishbo chef was that a biblical punishment was it their job to to execute that punishment were they given that authority from god or from david the actual king to perform that punishment no so notice when you start making decisions rashly and they're not lining up with scripture a lot of problems arrive the only way to really make quick decisions and then be successful is when you just know the bible well right like someone walks in my house at night hey i don't have to i can make a quick decision there bam why because i already know what the bible says okay you know so it's okay to make quick decisions don't hear me wrong but i'm saying you don't want to be hasty and not have considered the bible study the bible and the more you know the bible the better you can become at making decisions all right let's close in prayer thank you heavenly father for this great chapter in the bible a great chapter of warning about being hasty and and not consulting the word of god not taking the time to ensure that the decisions that are being made line up with scripture we know that the bible teaches that the word of god is a lamp into our feet it's a light into our path and that we're just supposed to take one step at a time in faith but that faith is rooted in scripture not in our own selfish desires not in the love of money not in desire for power wealth or fame i pray that we would destroy the the idea of covetousness of getting rich quick or hastily that we would understand that it's a great evil that will destroy god's people and i pray that we would have desires to work hard to be pleasing in your sight and to know that the the true riches are those that are spiritual in jesus name we pray amen amen turn to song 209 song 209 sunshine in the soul 209 sunshine in the soul song 209 sunshine in the soul there's sunshine in my soul today more glorious and bright then glows in any earthly skies for jesus is my light oh there's sunshine blessed sunshine when the peaceful happy moments roll oh when jesus shows his smiling face there is sunshine in the soul there's music in my soul today a carol to the king and jesus listening can hear the songs i cannot sing oh there's sunshine blessed sunshine when the peaceful happy moments roll when jesus shows his smiling face there is sunshine in my soul there's springtime in my soul in my soul today for when the lord is near the dove of peace sings in my heart the flowers of grace appear oh there's sunshine blessed sunshine when the peaceful happy moments roll oh when jesus shows his smiling face there is sunshine in the soul there's gladness in my soul today and hope and praise and love for blessings which he gives me now for joys laid up above oh there's sunshine blessed sunshine when the peaceful happy moments roll when jesus shows his smiling face there is sunshine in my soul god bless you are dismissed