(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So we've been doing a Bible study on 2 Peter and we're in the last chapter here and it says in verse number one This second epistle beloved. I now write unto you in both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance and so obviously here it tells us this was the second epistle that was real easy for them to figure out and Now we also have this concept though that he's saying I'm bringing something up that you already know It's not like this is new information. In fact, he's saying the same things. I told you in the first epistle I'm telling you again in the second epistle and I believe that these things are like this because we're dense You know we as humans we need the same information Over and over and over again and we need to be reminded of things that we've already learned Because it's not one thing to just hear it It's also to know it to live it to experience it and even though people may have heard certain information It doesn't mean they've applied it to their lives It also doesn't mean that it's on the forefront of their minds And so a lot of times we need to be reminded of certain truths Reminded of things that we already have believed or heard and I think some people they kind of I've already heard that before they shut Off their brain, but that's not a wise decision because the Bible repeats itself often In fact, it repeats itself all the way throughout I mean you have Matthew Mark Luke and then you get John and you know what in my opinion even though it's the same story and over and over It keeps getting better. I mean once I get to John I'm not like disappointed that I have to read the gospel again I mean John's one of the greatest books in the Bible even though it's the fourth time through and So we should not get this attitude of oh, I've already heard that No, you need to start realizing am I applying all of that information? I know I've heard it But am I applying all of that information in my life and is it in the forefront of my mind? He says in verse number two that you may be Mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Savior Knowing this first that there should come in the last days scoffers walking after their own lusts and saying where is the promise of his coming for since the fathers fell asleep all things Continue as they were from the beginning of the creation So the Apostle Peter is Writing unto us and he's reminding us of a certain fact that in the end times before the coming of Jesus Christ There's gonna be a group of scoffers. There's gonna be people that are mockers. What does scoff mean? It's really synonymous with the word mock. Okay, and again, it's not necessarily a Always bad word because God mocks people and God scoffs people It's bad in the sense that you don't want to be scoffed at ever You don't want to be mocked at ever but good and bad people can scoff Okay, God scoffs and also wicked people scoff. This would be a wicked people that's scoffing at God's people This would be those that are making fun of the idea of Jesus Christ returning, you know doubting the return of Jesus Christ doubting the promises of the Bible and they say That they know about the promise. So again, these people aren't ignorant of Christianity And one thing that's you know, you could say is encouraging about this this verse here And this is what I think is encouraging about this verse is we're never gonna get to the point where it's just completely 1984 and Bibles have been erased from off of the map and there's no Christianity because notice they're referencing Christianity It's not like people are unaware of Christianity. They're unaware of the second coming of Jesus Christ. They're just Incredulous, they just don't actually believe in it So that tells me there's still people on this planet that are preaching the gospel. They're still Christians There's still people doing the work of the Lord yet. There's a group of scoffers Mocking and ridiculing God's people now What's interesting to me? Is this that in this context of God bringing up this this group of scoffers or these people that are incredulous to the Word of God? He gives us a description of them. He says in verse 3 that they're walking After their own lusts, okay, and this is what's very interesting about the Bible is those that are Reject the gospel and don't believe in the Bible. They're also the worst sinners They're also the most ungodly people on the planet, you know, show me the group of people that are super godly They're super righteous in their actions yet. They reject the Bible They reject the commandments of God now the people that reject the commandments in the Bible They're the most ungodly Wicked evil people on this planet. It always goes hand in hand. It's not like they have a superior form of righteousness No They reject righteousness because this is the only righteousness that exists and so synonymous with rejecting The Bible is being very wicked is being very ungodly is someone that's just walking after their own lusts Meaning they can't contain themselves. There's no Self-restraint, there's no control. There's no temperance whatsoever. They literally just do whatever they want Every man does that which is right in his own eyes and guess what? That's not a good thing Okay, you know what that means? That means that you're not being restrained in any way and God does not want men to go unrestrained God wants us to be reigned in with his commandments now Let's keep reading a few verses But I want you to keep that thought in your mind because we're gonna kind of come back to it now They're mocking about Jesus Christ coming. They're living. However, they want they're saying all things continue as they were Okay, so they're just saying everything's just always the same. It's just there's no difference, you know, nothing's ever happened Nothing's going to happen verse number five for this They willingly are ignorant of that by the Word of God the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of the water And in the water whereby the world that then was being overflowed with water Perished so the Bible is bringing up another example of how they just are pretty much Deciding to have revisionist history where they just forget the past They forget the world that we live in and specifically it's tied to an event which is the flood Okay. Now the word whereby could be you know understood as like the word how So It's saying that the heavens of old Okay the heavens were of old and the earth was out of the water in the water and then how that world how the world that Then was being overflowed with water Paris So they're saying you know the earth back then at the beginning of the creation It has seas and it has land right has some of the land coming out of the water But there was a point in time when that entire earth was covered and submersed in water Okay, which we know as the flood the flood of the days of Noah What was the flood for it was a judgment against the wickedness of man? Okay, so if I think back to the flood What am I ultimately what's the word that's associated with it? It's judgment Judgment judgment is the one concept that's ringing from that event God's judgment against evil people. So why would they want to forget that? Because they want to live however, they want without consequences and whenever there's a pending judgment Okay, or there's a judgment they can think of in the past It could cause someone to fear and to tremble and decide you know what? I don't want to commit this sin or I I don't want to just live out I want look what happened to them. Look at the example that happened to them But they forget about that and they champion the rainbow which should be a symbol of God's judgment Okay, so they forget the past judgment, but notice what it says also in verse number seven But the heavens and the earth which are now by the same word are kept in store reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and Perdition of ungodly men so they're ignorant of two things Willingly, they're ignorant of God's judgment with the flood and then they're also ignorant of a coming judgment of fire The earth was baptized completely submersed in water, but in the future it's going to completely be baptized and submersed with fire and Both of those are to picture what? Judgment, okay Now why would you be willingly ignorant of judgment because then it's going to restrain your actions It's not going to restrain your actions if I realize I'm going to be punished for my deeds Then it's going to curb my behavior. But if I feel like there's no judgment If I think you know what there's no consequence to my actions what's going to stop me from doing whatever I want Nothing, nothing's going to stop me So what do they have to do they have to shove the fact that Christ is coming back out of their mind? They have to shove the fact that the flood happened out of their mind They have to shove the flat the fact that there's a day of judgment and the whole earth is going to be consumed with fire Out of their mind and once they're free from all judgment once they've been consumed with fire And once they're free from all judgment once they've gotten to planet fitness the judgment free zone Then all of a sudden they can just do whatever they want They can lift a five-pound dumbbell and nobody's gonna be like you know whoa buddy good job. You know whoo You know or they can either doing like bicep curls. They're all like You know because it's way too much weight for them or whatever. They just want to look really cool. They're just like It's like you're gonna hurt your back, bro Like do you not know how to lift? It's like go some lower weight and build up some muscle instead of just trying to hurt yourself looking cool But the reality is you need judgment You should not just reject judgment Especially in the sense that it's real. It's reality whether you like judgment or not. It's reality okay, and these people they reject judgment they reject they reject the return of Christ and To some of us we'd ask well, you know what other stories do they reject in the Bible all of them probably But why is it bringing up these specific instances because they're tied to judgment specifically, okay? They also like to forget stories like Sodom and Gomorrah because it's tied to what judgment, okay? But any story dealing with a major judgment of God on the entire earth on every single person They want to just shove that so far out of their mind so as they can live however They want and once they have that Ideology guess what that is how they're gonna live They're gonna be the most wicked evil people on the planet because they reject the idea of appending judgment Now notice what it calls them in verse number seven very end and perdition of ungodly men so the same scoffers mentioned earlier as walking after their own lust they're also referenced here as being Ungodly men okay because the most wicked people are those that reject the Bible. They're not interested in the Word of God They're not interested in God's commandments. They deny the return of Jesus Christ. They reject all of these things and it's manifest so Let's draw some conclusions from these okay, because that's kind of on the surface so let's think about it if they're rejecting judgment and They're labeled as ungodly. They're labeled as walking after their own lust What would we expect to see our society looking like as we approach the dawn of Christ a World that's getting more sinful Sin abounding Sin becoming increasing in our nation or specifically in the world right now I hope that if you're awake you realize that sin is increasing in this world But I'm gonna I'm gonna explain this a little bit to you But go to Matthew chapter 24 keep your finger here and go to Matthew 24. He's reminding you of this sin is going to increase Sin is going to increase and so if your goal in this world is to stop sin or to reduce sin. Good luck It's a futile fight You know basically you're in a boat and the hole that's letting the water in is more than the bucket that you can scoop out Okay, and so it's a futile fight to sit here and just try to shovel water off You know this is where you get your repent of sin preachers out there that are basically just trying to you know piss in the Wind and really the false gospel isn't gonna help and you know there's been great Movements in the past and when I say great I mean in size not in like how how good it was But great in the sense that there was great movements of the past that would curb sin You know a temperance movement in America where it was illegal to buy alcohol or but again the main proponents of this are unsaved Methodists and Unsaved Protestants, they don't really have the Spirit of God. It's not really Necessarily going to last it's just them preaching fear them preaching You know Billy Graham had big revivals He had huge gatherings of crowds and people were claiming that they're giving up their sin And they're gonna start living for God and they're gonna turn over new leaf But none of that ever lasted there wasn't any good fruit that came from that because Billy Graham's a false prophet Because Billy Graham was preaching a false gospel And so if my goal is to go out and to just try to condemn the world for all their sin It's not gonna have the impact that I really want You know the impact that we're gonna make in this world is by preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ is by getting people saved Okay, now I'm obviously gonna preach against sin, but you know what I preach against sin to the saved I'm not gonna go to the loss and be like Ray Comfort and trying to condemn everybody and tell them how sinful they are and How wicked they are and say when you get a time for my sins, you know? when you get a penny of sins and It's like I watched a video. I don't know why I hadn't watched them forever I watched some stupid video the other day and he's talking to some guy and he's like crying and he like wants to get saved it seems like and he's just like he's like doesn't even know what to do and Ray combers like when you get a penny of sins when he got a penny of sins, and he's just like He's like I want to you know get right with God but he's like I just don't feel like I'm ready to give up all my sins right now and Ray combers just like well Maybe you know God will help you get over that you know get over your sins and turn from your sins We're so wicked. It's so evil No one's gonna ever decide like I want to give up all my sins, that's not how you get saved no one gets saved that way and There's gonna be all kinds of false prophets and false teachers show me the fruit of Ray comforts ministry Show me the great disciple of Ray comfort. It just doesn't exist this guy is a gimmick He just goes around and puffs himself up and makes himself look good like he's repented of all his sins Basically that's what he's going around bragging about Ray comforts still a wicked sinner and even beyond that he's a false prophet So he's even worse He's even worse than all the freaks that he ever you know he talks to in, California You know he goes on the beach and talks to a bunch of wicked sinners To try and puff himself up to make him seem like he's really righteous because he's talking to the 20 year old College kid is getting drunk on the beach. You know half-naked or whatever so he can feel like I'm gonna come I've repented of my sins or whatever. It's like you're still wicked buddy nobody cares About you and look we're not gonna change this world by going out and just harassing people about their sin We're gonna get people changed by preaching them the gospel by getting the Holy Ghost to move into their heart, okay? Now the Bible tells us more in Matthew 24 about the end times And how this iniquity is going to abound it says in Matthew 24 look at verse number 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you and you shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake and Then shall many be offended and shall betray one another and shall hate one another and many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive Many that's Ray Comfort. Okay that we just read about him the one thing I always thought like maybe I could move to a different country, but this verse changed my mind I was as that all nations you should be a hit of all nations I guess we have to go to Mars or something we have to join Elon Musk or something you're screwed verse 12 and because iniquity shall abound the love of many shall wax cold and because iniquity shall abound Sin is going to abound Iniquity is going to abound and because sin and iniquity is abounding There's a consequence of that the love of many is going to wax cold today And so we're gonna see a decrease in love in our civilization and our society in this world. They're gonna hate Christians they're gonna hate those that love the Lord and Because of this iniquity just the fact that you know people just generally love other people is gonna almost cease to exist And frankly speaking it feels like it. It's virtually there already the love of many, you know People love themselves That's pretty easy Many people love their children You know a lot of people love their spouse, but you go beyond that and it starts getting real great real quick The love of many you know the love of many looks like it's called soul winning Going out and preaching the gospel, you know why soul winnings on the decline Because iniquity is on the incline Because iniquity is abounding soul winnings declining today And we see less people are wanting to go out and preach the gospel Less people are wanting to go out and shine that bright light because of the deceitfulness of sin Because of iniquity and many people they just don't care about other people They only care about themselves, and this is a great you know Grievance that's going to happen go if you would to 2nd Timothy chapter number 3 2nd Timothy chapter number 3 And you know what's so funny is people love to look at our church, and they love to say you guys are so hateful oh The step-back Baptist Church, that's it. That's a hate group You guys are a hate cult and you guys just hate everyone and you're so mean and you're so evil you make whole Documentaries dedicated to hating people or whatever you know the sodomite deception or whatever and people get all mad about that and they're like oh Why can't you make a video about getting people saved and it's like did you watch the end at a gospel presentation number one? Yeah, but you don't think fags can get saved. Yeah, you're right. I don't you know it's really funny how I think that like 3% of the population can't get saved and They think that a hundred percent of the population gets saved, and they never preach the gospel I'd rather take my 97% belief and preach the gospel then you're a hundred percent belief and never preaching the gospel all day long Because you know how many people are gonna get saved by you not preaching the gospel zero You know how many people you're gonna get saved believing that only 97% are gonna accept the gospel lots Lots of people are gonna get saved okay, and they want to tell you about how unloving you are Let me tell you who's unloving the guy that's saved and never opens his mouth to preach the gospel He's unloving. He's the hateful one He's in the hate cult because you know what he condemns the only churches that are going out and preaching the gospel He can do oh, why don't you guys all about the gospel? Why don't you be about it for five seconds? Why don't you show me first? You know and it's funny. They get all mad about our belief on the sodomites, and it's like okay Well I've known thousands of soul winners who have knocked thousands of doors, and they've never seen a fag saved Okay, I've offered the gospel to tons of them. They never want to hear it They never want to get saved they've come and protested our church They listen to our sermons more than some of our church congregants, and they don't get saved In fact when I talk to unsaved people they typically give the right answer more often They say it's John 3 16 is just believe yet, they're still not saved and In fact here's another thing what preacher Okay, that's not of our kilt. You know of our ilk of our group, okay? Can I find sermons on? Genesis 19 Judges 19 Leviticus 2013 Romans 1 and the latter half Jude 2nd Peter Okay, because they say we're all you're so wrong about that interpretation of the Bible, okay? Show me all the sermons telling me what those passages mean Is it interesting that there's just nothing it's just like crickets It's like it's not like they're like here's this flood of sermons on all these chapters that you're misinterpreting It's just like we're gonna ignore all of that We're gonna ignore the fact that you guys have been soul winning and actually trying to get these people saved and it never have I mean I've given the gospel to more fags than everyone that hates me for preaching against them So riddle me how much how you're so much more loving than I am How do you just you just follow over so I just we just love so much and my guts all about love Oh, yeah, how many times did you open your mouth breach the gospel zero okay? That's an interesting God you worship Because my God says I'm supposed to open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel And it tells me another thing that the love of many is gonna wax cold because iniquity is abounding Do you know what that tells me I should preach the sin out of my church members so that the love of many will stay Hot it'll stay red-hot Doesn't motivate me to stop preaching against sin it motivates me to preach against sin more Now look at 2nd Timothy Chapter number 3 look at verse number 1 this know also that in the last days perilous time shall come For men shall be lovers of their own selves Lovers of their own selves hey the person that gets saved and never shares the gospel with another person is a lover of themselves The Apostle Paul said he wished he was a curse from God for his kinsmen's sake he says hey I wish I could get everybody else saved, but myself But he can't there is no Judas getting people saved doctrine, okay? Sorry you do have to first put the mask on yourself, and then assist others around you, okay? ride an airplane and The reality is you know what the person that can accept the greatest gift on the planet and tell no one about it is the most selfish person on the planet The most selfish person on the planet you know I don't blame the loss for not being saved They're blind you know what I blame the Christians in this world that are not preaching the gospel That are not going out and thundering forth the Word of God that are not being a shining light They're the ones to blame and you know what Jesus Christ is angry at every Christian. That's not preaching the gospel He says hey, you've lost your saltness. Hey, you're hiding your light under a bushel This little light of mine. I'm gonna let it shine This little light. It's a kid's song I Did under a bushel no, I'm gonna let it shine hide it under a bushel no, I'm gonna let it shine Yeah, they I guarantee at churches this week. They're gonna sing that song, but then you know what they're not gonna preach the gospel Because there's just no application for them. There's just they're not gonna go out You know the love of many is just waxing colder and colder by the second And they're not preaching the gospel and they can sit here and they can fume and just just be like foaming at the mouth You're so hateful It's like you're the hateful one, bro Why don't you show me how loving you are why don't you go out and preach the gospel? You know hey if there was a church that didn't believe like we did on the sodomites, but did lots of soul-winning praise the Lord But that's even harder to find Where is that church? I'll go support that church right now They're just knocking out of the park with soul-winning, and they don't believe the reprobate doctrine I mean that's hard to find look there are old IV churches that do some soul-winning, but they're on the decline They're not leading the pack. Where's all their soul-winning marathons in the bulletin? Isn't that interesting the same church that has a free film about faggots is the same one that has all the soul-winning marathons, too And they want to get all mad and oh you guys are so hateful. No you're hateful You're the one that's truly hateful, and you're a lover of your own self notice this covetous Boasters oh, we're so loving no you're not proud. Oh, we're the greatest. No you're not Blasphemous like John getch getting up and blaspheming Romans 1 by saying you can't have a vile attitude towards those living in this lifestyle Yet they want to puff themselves up and talk about how wonderful they are disobedient to parents unthankful unholy without natural affection truce breakers false accusers incontinent fierce despisers of those that are good traders heady high-minded Lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God that sums up Christianity in America Lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God when you go to the mega church today It's not a love fest of the Bible. It's a love fest of entertainment. It's a love fest of the flesh I mean you look. It's a it's a theater performance They get up, and it's just a show. It's just an entertainment that I mean look I mean the secular world I feel like would blush at some of the things these churches are doing today. It's so weird and We should be lovers of God you know you're a lover of God the Bible But there's an ignorance of the word of God today people aren't interested in coming in hearing a Bible study They're interested in being entertained yet. You show them good entertainment like the sodomite deception, and they get mad about it, okay? But at the end of the day you know we see our world changing before our eyes, but it shouldn't shock you You shouldn't be shocked You should expect it. Hey you should expect to be mocked for loving God not loving pleasure. You should Expect to be scoffed for believing in a coming judgment in the coming Christ You should be scoffed at for believing Anything that's biblical at the end because there's going to be a hardcore rejection For not wanting to partake in iniquity for not wanting to partake in sin being separate. What is separate holy? Holy means being set apart being sanctified notice in this list. It said something it said unholy These people are unholy. They're not separated you know and being an independent fundamental Baptist used to mean you were separated You know there's some independent fundamental Baptist They seem like they want to you know Join with the world and look like the world and act like the world and sing their songs and wear their clothes and talk And speak like they do you know what? We shouldn't be like that we should be separate we should be holy to God be holy for I am holy Notice what also says in verse number five having a form of godliness But denying the power thereof from such turn away. Hey, they might have a form of godliness They might have a building that says church on it They might open a book that says Bible on the front of it, but you know what it's only in form It's not real. It's not sincere, and we see the majority of Christianity today It's not sincere. It's not real. It's fake. It's feigned It's falling by the wayside, and they're just lovers of themselves. They're lovers of pleasures They're lovers of iniquity, and he's saying this is what the world is gonna look like Obviously we look at this passage, and we try to isolate it or think about is like it's Joel Osteen It is Joel Osteen, but it's not Joel Osteen. It's Joel Osteen's church It's not Joel Osteen's church. It's the majority of the churches. It's not the majority of the church. It's everyone look in the days of Noah the whole earth was filled with violence Every thought was only evil continually Iniquity is going to abound and people are just abounding in sin and evil and wickedness today It's it's Unprecedented it's it's you know it's unimaginable in some cases, but at the same time Peter's trying to write this saying don't be shocked Don't be surprised when this happens Says in verse 6 for of this sorter they which creep in houses and lead captive silly women laden with sins led away with divers lusts so notice they want to take women and they want to trick them and Specifically they want to lead them away With divers lusts now this does not mean they're gonna get scuba deer and you jump in the water, okay? Divers just add an e to the end of that. It's like diverse It's meaning various or several lusts okay, so they appeal to them in all kinds of ways is what the Bible saying What what could that look like I don't know how about online shopping a? lot of divers lusts there Okay, they appeal to women through adultery You know adultery is running rampant in our country and way more in women than it ever has Historically and you want to know why I looked at a statistic from divorce statistics info They said this is the two reasons. Why adultery is running rampant and women the workforce and the internet The workforce and the internet has seen an explosion in adultery and women today Because never before have they been around so many men like they have been now in the workforce You know going to work being around other men building relationships forming relationships You know you men might say oh, it's really hard to work an extra shift or to make ends meet or to pay all the bills But you know what how much is it worth it for your wife did not commit adultery What's the price tag on that one? I'm gonna say it's worth every penny. I'm saying it's invaluable Okay, not only that though even just the internet. There's so many apps that are created for adultery specifically There's so many things online that are trying to track them and you know when they're not trying to actively Recruit them to adultery. They're trying to inactively through what soap opera You know what's going on in every soap opera the woman at home is having an affair with the po boy or with the mailman or With the neighbor or with the bite the guy's friend or with the person that work It's like every soap opera Adultery and then they show you all some other TV show where they're in the workplace And they're having an affair with so-and-so co-worker so they're just trying to indoctrinate them then and then it's like the real housewives of name the city and What are they doing committing adultery and then between the TV shows it's an advertisement for Ashley Madison Which is saying have an affair online And it's just like you turn on the TV And it's just adultery and adultery and adultery and adultery and they're just creeping in to the house through the television through the phone through the apps you know uses Facebook more than anyone women and Look Facebook has changed radically and they do this slow But your newsfeed used to just be your friends, and then it was like every tenth post was like an ad it's like every other post now and It's just ads for whatever real house what you you haven't been watching the adultery show get back on the adultery show Free episodes you know and then get this app. You know what to commit all this you know fornication and adultery And why don't you buy this provocative clothing and look? Everything is trying to push women to only care about how they physically look and to put all these pictures online of themselves And they have all these filters to try and make them look more attractive than they really are why to cop commit more adultery and Then it's just ads for what alcohol which you know is one of the probably the biggest reasons why people commit adultery alcohol So then they have to actually booze them up and get them drinking and doing all this sin and this filth and this smut I mean drinking is out of control in this country One out of eight Americans are alcoholics a new study One out of eight are an alcoholic and look if you're an alcoholic by the world standard. You're really bad Okay, because their standard is way way different than mine They say if you're under the age of 30 you have a one and four chance of becoming an alcoholic though So like the younger populations way more prone to this too. They say of the people that are aged 30 and under right now Whenever they you know are the major force in America They're the only ones that prevail or whatever one out of four of them is going to be an alcoholic and We see so much emitted adultery 20% of men admit to committing adultery in America one out of five That's a lot 13% of women that's a lot How about fornication? Anywhere from 95 to 97 percent admit to not being a virgin on their wedding night in America. I Mean at what point is it prevalent? I mean 95 to 97 percent. I Think iniquities abounding. I'm just I'm just throwing that out there They say that 55 percent of kids 18 and under are not a virgin anymore 55 percent more than half and They said of those children That are not a virgin So those that are 18 and under 99% of them use contraceptives I Wonder if there's a correlation and Look today parents. They just put their daughters on Contraceptives just because they just put them on it and then guess what happens. They're not a virgin anymore Not only that in America they did an opinion poll 75% of men and women both agree that there's absolutely nothing wrong with fornication Nothing And then of sodomy 50% of men in America in this poll agree that there's nothing wrong with sodomy. I hope this is a fake statistic Sixty-three percent of women say there's nothing wrong with it You wonder why there's all these fag hags Sixty-three percent of women are saying there's nothing wrong with sodomy whatsoever in this good look and things aren't getting better anytime soon They just keep getting worse and worse and worse and waxing more evil Look with all the movies and the television and the birth control and you know women They're just constantly led astray. They just they're literally murdering their children, and they don't even realize it I Was talking with my wife, and I said you know it's like You know thinking about how oppressed we are and we don't realize it when the children of Israel are in Egypt They're causing their women to throw their children in the river and kill them And they can't have you know they can only have one kid or they can only have two kids or whatever It's like you know in China. They used to have a one child policy I think they recently changed that But I was just thinking about how depressing that would be if I was a parent wanting to have you know I have my fifth one on the way praise the Lord and I can't imagine if I was stuck only allowed to have one that would be depressing to me you know some people having more kids than me and I thought you know that today people are just killing their kids Like throwing them there ever and she's like well people wouldn't throw them in there ever okay, so they just use contraceptives They just flush them out They just murder child after child after child God keeps trying to bless them And they have the door just slammed on that child every single time is using birth control and Killing all the blessings that God is trying to give them killing their own children, and they're being brainwashed into doing it They're being brainwashed into thinking it's right look I don't know what was going through the mind of all the Hebrews when they were in Egypt But I'm sure they were trying to convince them that what they were doing was good or right in some way And you don't think that's any different in America that they're trying to convince people that birth control is good And you know what it's always the same agenda with the devil. He just wants to kill still and destroy And we see iniquity abounding today, and we see women. They're just hooked up to the TV tube at home They're just hooked up to their phone at home, and they're just led away with divers lust today by the devil By this wicked agenda in the world today, and they're just addicted to all these evils Addicted to the idea that they don't even have to serve their husband anymore It's like where would you get such a silly idea oh from every television show think about every television show the dad's an idiot The dad's a fool the dad's a bumbling Moron that can't even tie his shoes together and without that that strong woman keeping the family together It would all fall apart. You know they got Tim the tool man Taylor over there. She's like boo You know oh, I can just fix a car And it's like you got the strong woman you got the lawyer wife or the doctor wife Or you know the medical professional? She's the one that's keeping everything together and look women play an important role. You know what the dad's supposed to lead the home The dad is supposed to be the one that knows what's going on Hey the Bible says if a woman have a question she's supposed to ask her husband at home That tells me he has to have some answers It tells me he's leading the charge today, and you know what in the end times. There's gonna be a full-scale attack against women You know it started in the garden You know women you have to realize you're under severe attack The devil didn't try to attack Adam Attack Eve he came to Eve, and you know what he didn't try to just tell her what he was gonna Do he deceived her he lied to her he said hey? Look at this Apple It'll ship to you in two days. You know actually it's two minutes Buy this one. You know it was on Pinterest all the women are trying it. You know it's like this It's real. Let's get this one. It's and she looked as she desired. It was gonna make her wise You know it's gonna look good with her outfit or whatever Look there's always gonna be deceit at play It's never gonna always be just right in your face and there's this full-scale attack in the end times to affect God's people and to lead them astray and Iniquities going to about you should expect to see your friends and your family members To get more evil and more simple and more wicked and you say why because the world's trying to draw them into it You have to decide to walk away from it. You have to decide to shut it down and to not give into these things go if you would back to 2nd Peter chapter number 3 go back to 2nd Peter chapter number 3 and And realize this thought okay Why is it that they're doing the things that they're doing because they believe that there's no judgment But you owe Christian you know that there is going to be a judgment and even though you're saved Jesus Christ will still judge you All of your work good and bad and your husband's not gonna be there to stand with you I know they love to champion the feminist movement, you know about how there's a strong or whatever But I guarantee most women wish their husband was there with them at the judgment But he's not You're gonna have to stand there and you're gonna have to answer to Christ for your actions for what you did in this life. And so Don't think in your life. What can I do that? I want think what does Christ want me to do? I'm gonna be judged for every decision that I make how I live my life. How did I spend my life? What were the things that I did on a daily basis? You know, they're wicked are gonna be judged. Are you gonna be judged in the same way? Are you gonna have the same works being burnt up? Are you gonna have? Wasted your life. Look what it says in verse 8 But beloved be not ignorant of this one thing that one day is with the Lord is a thousand years and a thousand years is A day the Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness But as long sufferings us were not willing that he should perish but that all should come to repentance But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night Nothing from God's perspective time is irrelevant But from eternity's perspective it's irrelevant to us to your life's a vapor pretty soon. It's gonna be over pretty soon You're gonna just be standing before Christ Pretty soon you're gonna be judged according to your works and the question is what did you do? now obviously in our human experience sometimes time can really slow down and it can feel like forever and it can feel like an Eternity and so that's where you get caught up in these ideas of is it ever happening? Is it ever coming? You know when when are these things gonna come to pass and some people would get mad and they say God Why have you not judged yet? And you know, I I'll be honest. I have this thought I Think like how bad you can let it get God, you know is Kamala really gonna get to be president Is Michelle Obama gonna become president I mean like how bad is it gonna get how long are you gonna wait to punish the wicked How old is Nancy Pelosi gonna get I mean man Like when is the hammer gonna drop? You know, you just look at the wicked and the evil today and you're just like how old is Bill Clinton I mean, it just looks so old. I mean how many years does Biden have left? I don't know But God's not slack that would be a wicked charge to lay to God That is long-suffering We have to think about this The reason why God is allowing us to stay here is for one purpose to pull as many out with us While we're here It's actually his love that causes us to stay here and you know some people they want to pull themselves out Because God won't so, you know what they do. They just go live in the boondocks They just go move to the family farm somewhere and then just wait for Bill Gates to buy their land Like you can't escape Anyways, even if you try and then if you do it, what's the benefit? There is no benefit You won't even remember it There's no point to be out of the world. We're supposed to be in the world. Just not of the world We're supposed to be that shining light The whole point of us being here is the preach the gospel and to get people saved and you know what? I would love to move in some rural area Where there's no fags and it's just trees and I have my own farm and I'm self-sufficient And I've got my own well water and I've got my own little garden and I don't have to you know Worry about anybody being dumb or idiot, you know, and I can just hey I could work from home I can just be a remote developer and just not talk to anybody And I'd have to worry about them and keep my kids as safe as possible and I don't you know, I can set up booby traps all around my property and You know, I can build a little castle out there But that's a vain living that's vain life Selfish life is being a lover of my own self and you know what that is, it's the love of many waxing cold and You know what? It's also being covetous which was one of those things on that list that we read about Only desire would have you know, Jesus Christ gave it all up to get as many people saved as possible That's the type of philosophy the mentality that we should have not looking at what we can get in this world but what can we give and The Lord is allowing us to still be in this wicked world because there's still somebody that's normal that can get saved there's still an innocent person look our church grows all the time and We're reaching more people and we're getting more people saved and even if it's just the children in this room. Praise God for them And we have like 20 new kids every year seems like Praise God You know praise the Lord that he's blessing us and you know what pretty soon we'll be the majority Anyways, because we'll just outgrow them Like they didn't Egypt it didn't even take that long You know facts can't reproduce they can only recruit and we can reproduce the crap out of them you know what and we're gonna try and They die of AIDS soon. Anyways, so That's a different sermon. I'm a little Mad I'm trying to get banned again, I guess I don't know on our YouTube channel, but it says in verse number 10 but the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night in which the heavens shall pass away with a great Noise and the elements shall melt with fervent heat the earth also in the works that are therein shall be burned up Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved what manner persons I eat to be in a holy Conversation and godliness looking for and hasting under the coming of the day of God We're in the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved and the element shall melt with fervent heat He's saying look everything and this planet is gonna be destroyed It's gonna be burnt up your house gone your car gone your clothes gone Hey your body gone It's gonna be destroyed. It's gonna decay. It's going to rot or it's gonna burn up There's nothing in this life. That's gonna last everything that you see kiss it. Goodbye Why just love nope But this purse is just by That car my gun Pastor Shelley, are you telling me my AR is not gonna survive. It's not gonna survive And your hand your Glock your handgun your truck Sorry, Texas Those state lines are getting nuked buddy And I love it. But you know what? It's all gonna vanish it's all going away, you know your Trump flag, bye Sorry, you're making America great again hat it's gone. It's toast If you realize everything's gone then what manner persons should you be What you think about what should you care about? Oh, yeah the coming of Jesus Christ. That's what you should care about You know how often you even think about that on a daily basis, you know, honestly We probably only think about the things that we see on a daily basis But we should be constantly reminded and thinking about oh, yeah Jesus is coming these is coming that'll help you get through today because you look at all your stuff getting trashed You see Texas getting trashed. You see America getting trashed. You see your Constitution getting trashed your precious little Constitution You see all the things that you love in this world getting destroyed and taken away and you're like, well I was gonna lose anyways It Makes me think of whenever I have a job and I'm either I'm like quitting or I'm about to quit right and You know your company they're talking like man. We've got this big project coming up and it's me lots of work I'm just sitting there thinking like who cares I'm not gonna be here. I'm not working on it. They're like, oh we've got all these problems sucks for you guys That's what you kind of thinking about and you're like, I'll help you but I'm leaving, you know, like I gotta go It's like grandparents with grandchildren, you know, they just show up and have fun and they're like, oh see you later They don't care about all the hard work that has to go into it And really look at the world like that Be like, how are we gonna fix America? You're not How are you gonna fix Texas you're not How are you gonna fix my truck? You're not okay It's riding on this last wheels. All right But it's fine with me who cares How are you gonna fix the stock market? You can't How are you gonna fix any of these things? You can't it's not gonna be fixed. It's gonna be burnt up It's going to be destroyed. There's no point think about Christ coming. That's the only real point verse 13 Nevertheless we according to his promise look for new Evans and a new earth. We're in 12 righteousness We don't care anymore What's gonna happen to it? You know, once your apartment, you know, if you're moving out of your apartment to your new home They're like, we're gonna demo this entire apartment complex. You're like great. I didn't like it anyways You're just thinking about your new home, right and it's like who cares about this earth and this heavens. It's gonna be destroyed And you know what? There's things that I like about this earth. There's things I you know, really enjoy but it's all gone It's all gonna be destroyed. We look for the new heavens. Go to Isaiah 65 for a moment. I'll show you a few verses on this Your Spouse It's gonna be burnt up You're gonna be burnt up, you know, some people they think their whole life is wrapped around their spouse and look Obviously your spouse is the most important relationship you're gonna have on this earth And there's a lot of things that are really important when it comes to determining who your spouse is You know what your spouse really has no big impact on eternity You could marry lots of different spouses and it really that's not going to be the most important factor into serving God Now obviously if you decide to marry You know an atheist that's gonna put a major dampen on your spiritual walk If you marry someone that's not saved that's gonna be bad if you marry someone that's not, you know serving God That's gonna hurt You know You want to be equally yoked and you should I would never encourage anybody to get married to someone that's not saved and not equally You're just setting yourself up for failure, but you know what within that confine you could marry tons of people and Guess what? It won't matter in the end of the day. It won't be like oh you married. Well, look at your a mansion in heaven Like, you know in Mormon theology you have to marry the right guy, you know to get really elevated in that kingdom But you know what? I think Abigail is gonna be one of the most greatly rewarded women in the Bible and she was married to Nabal a reprobate a son of Belial She was a godly woman she was one who knew the Bible she was one who served David and she got to marry David and you know what? Why are you so concerned with all those things that don't matter? The Apostle Paul says they that were married. It's like they were never married and those that were never married It's like it didn't matter anyways Because It doesn't what are people so concerned with? Marriage in their car in their house and their job and where they live in their country in their state and all these other things Look, it's not like America has a special place in heaven You could be living in Ethiopia and serving God better there than in America And in fact, you'll probably be less enticed with the lust of the flesh With all the evils in the world. I mean you just have to say to no vaccines over there, too But other than that, I mean less covetous to be worried about Less physical possessions we worried about losing. There's like nothing to lose over there. I don't know. Maybe it's better than I think Look Isaiah 65 verse 17 for behold. I create new heavens and new earth and the former shall not be remembered nor coming to mind You know how much you're gonna remember about this building none The previous building none the building before that It was nothing to remember anyways, but no You're not gonna remember your house, you're not gonna remember your clothes look tell me all the things you did on your first birthday Or you didn't remember do you that's what's gonna be like so why do you care I mean if you really think that if you were talking to be like man his first birthday is so important We got to make sure everything just goes perfectly It's like you could have the worst first birthday in your life and you wouldn't even know it It doesn't even matter As long as you just didn't die basically, you know and look this life it all those things don't matter people are so concerned with things that don't matter it's sickening and Why are they so concerned because iniquities abounding because sins abounding and because the devil wants to distract you to your death The devil wants you to worry about things that don't matter the deceitfulness of riches and the lusts of this flesh And all the things that just really have no consequence go to Ecclesiastes and look at chapter 1 Just look backwards just a few pages Ecclesiastes look at chapter 1 hopefully some even memorize this look at verse 11 There is no remembrance of former things Neither shall there be any remembrance of things that are to come with those that should come after Ninety-nine point nine nine nine nine nine nine percent of all human history has already been forgotten You don't remember anybody before you basically tell me your great-great-great-grandparents are Who knows for back four generations back great-great-great-great-grandparents who could tell me the name of one of their great-great-great-great-grandparents We got one hand in the building all right, can you name both sets? That's not even that far ago, it's not even that long ago nobody remembers nobody cares You can't even remember the majority of your life, what did you eat three weeks ago? You're like what day you don't remember any of the week anyways Okay, you don't remember what you wore you don't remember what you did you don't remember your life And look why does it matter it doesn't matter? You know none of those things matter and why is he pointing these things out so that you'll stop caring about them You'll stop worrying about them. We're so worried about all the things that don't matter today. Aren't we? We're so mad. We're so worried about all this. It doesn't matter you want to remember good revelation 21 revelation 21 Yeah, but I want to make sure that my kids have a great childhood well if they don't they won't remember Well I want to make sure that my kids marry a really good spouse well if they don't they won't remember You know they will remember if they believe the gospel or not If they tried to serve God Well, I just want to make sure I get that five-car garage. You won't remember it I Just want to make sure that my 401k doesn't get you know eaten up by the hedge fund What's gonna be burnt up? You know none of that stuff matters, why do you care so much? because The world cares and then it tries to convince you to care it tries to deceive you into thinking that it matters Revelation 21 look at verse 1 and I saw a new heaven a new earth For the first heaven the first earth were passed away, and there was no more sea And I John saw the holy city in New Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven prepared as a bride adorned for her husband And I heard a great voice out of the heavens saying behold the tabernacle of God is with men And he will dwell with them And they shall be as people and God himself shall be with them and be their God and God shall wipe away all tears from Their eyes and there shall be no more death neither sorrow nor crying neither shall there be any more pain for the former things are passed away It's all going away. You're gonna lose it all It's gone You brought nothing into this world And you're not bringing anything out with you except for the souls that you win to Christ and yet That's the one thing that Christians. Just don't care about Why do you care about anything else? It doesn't matter go back to second Peter. We'll finish this chapter Say what's the point of this sermon? You need to remind yourself of the only thing that matters Christ is coming there's gonna be a judgment Everything you have is gonna be lost So what's the point of your life? Why not just bring as many people with you as you can God's not willing that any should perish But that should all should come to repentance. What's the only point of God delaying judgment people getting saved? That's it There's no point and extending this sick disgusting vile putrid world today except for one fact more people are gonna get saved and It'd be nice if Christians would decide that's the only thing that matters in their life today But you know what they don't care they don't go out and preach the gospel They don't care if they miss the soul winning time they care if they miss the soap opera They care if they miss the football game they care if they miss a meal they care if they miss any you know Anything going on in the world? If they missed a picture on Facebook if they miss what you know who cares about that nonsense. It does not matter It's all vanity vanity and vanity say at the preacher all is vanity And you know what you're gonna stand before Christ, and you're gonna say wow I wish I had spent more on this moment Then on all the other moments that have already gone, and there's no going back Verse number 14 wherefore beloved seeing that you look for such things be diligent that you may be found of him in peace without spot blame and blameless an Account of the long-suffering our Lord is salvation even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you as Also in all as epistles speaking in them of these things and which are some things hard to be understood Which they that are unlearned and unstable rest as they do also the other scriptures under their own destruction Look the false prophets. They're stupid. They don't believe the Bible. They don't understand the Bible notice They're unlearned yeah the false prophets today. They're so ignorant of the scriptures. They don't even teach the Bible anymore It's just motivational speaking every once in a while. I key in I'll just listen to these people speak It's just dumbfounding how they don't use any Bible They get up, and they just talk for 50 minutes, and they don't even use any Bible I'm just thinking like what are you doing? And look we need you we need preaching mixed with the Word of God God ordained it that by the foolishness of preaching to save them which believe and he ordained it that a man of God would get up and make The the reading plane he'd give a sense of the word and you make it clear and he give application But then they we need to preach the Bible and we need to learn the Bible We need to study the Bible and meditate on the scriptures And you know what will change people's hearts the Bible the Word of God looking at these verses will change your life Obviously me getting up and screaming and yell is not gonna make that much of a difference but you know what can make a difference in your life is thinking about these verses and remembering these verses and meditating on these verses and When you know the Bible it'll be easy for you to spot the fraud It'll be easy for you to spot the guy that's not preaching the Bible Says in verse 17 either for beloved seeing you know these things before beware lest He also being led away with the error of the wicked fall from your own Steadfastness, you know, there's gonna be people that fall away from steadfast Baptist Church Because they're led away with the error of the wicked they say you know what pastor Shelley. I don't care I only care about this world and the things in this world and I want to just go live with them and I want to Be like them and sing like them and talk like them and I'm sick and tired of being holy I'm sick and tired of being separated and they get the seed and the thinking that that's better somehow Why because they forget about the judgment? Because they forget about the coming of the Lord they forget about the fact that there's gonna be a day of recompense You know, if you don't feel like there's gonna be any punishment for your actions, you won't curb your behavior That's why it's Very important. Look the Bible emphasized this day of the Lord the day of the Lord the coming of our most of the Lord Jesus Christ his return and the Bible often kind of warned to not be ashamed before him at his coming There's gonna be a lot of Christians that are gonna be ashamed They're gonna be caught with their hand in the cookie jar They're gonna have done none of the chores on their list and the parent with the garage doors going up and they'll be frantic They're like, what do we do? What do we do? You know, they're just throwing stuff in the closet, you know, and it's like too late You know, it's gonna be shame shame a Lot of shame on a lot of Christians and all their works being burnt up and you know what you don't fall from steadfast Whether that be steadfast Baptist Church or just in general Just what was the point of being steadfast be steadfast? unmovable Always abounding in the what and the work of the Lord Hey, what's the what's being said that preach in the gospel Preaching the gospel preach in the gospel preach in the gospel. So what does sin do? How's it mean to stop preaching the gospel What are the deceitfulness of riches do it comes in and chokes the word and then you become what unfruitful? It's not a shock and look I could I could point to people that have been going to our church or other good churches They were going soul winning Now they're just gone and they're not like a horrible person They're not like a flat earth or something. Okay, they're not like a rail or whatever They're just just they got caught away They just aren't willing to just keep serving God and you know what? They're gonna have a day of reckoning Look at verse number 18, but growing grace and knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to him be glory both now and forever Amen, you need two things in this world. We need grace and knowledge and You know, we we got a lot of knowledge in this church I feel like we you know, especially if you You Realize that we preach a lot of Bible a lot of people to build Bible memory verses a lot of people go soul-winning So they're very familiar with a lot of Scripture and that knowledge is good And knowledge gives you things knowledge gives you power knowledge gives you protection knowledge Will give you a personal relationship with God and it's pleasant. You know, I like knowledge we need knowledge We need knowledge to have the power to overcome evil. We need knowledge to protect ourselves from the evils of this world We need knowledge so we can have that personal intimate relationship with God That's the only way we can have relationship with God and we need knowledge. You know, I just find it pleasant I like the truth. I like learning things I don't want to come to church and learn nothing and just to basically be bumpkins and be like, okay They put a puzzle together It's like that's not the point of church the point of church is to gain some more information and gain some knowledge But when we gain that knowledge we start realizing how foolish this world is and how stupid this world is and how ignorant Just all the weird stuff. I mean, I feel like I keep losing respect for people outside of the church walls Because of the knowledge that you gain But we have to balance that with charity and we have to balance that with grace specifically. What is grace unmerited favor? You know in comparison to God our knowledge is so far from his yet. He's still kind and loving towards us, isn't he? And so we don't want to get so puffed up with our knowledge and so puffed up with all the information we have And being so right about everything and having all the right doctrines that we can't even reach The wicked world today because we're just so knowledgeable We need some grace to to go out and to reach the filthy and to reach the undesirable and to reach the wicked of today And to try and come down on their level condescend to men of low estate and to preach them the gospel today We need grace today so that we'll go out and preach the gospel to people You know, I noticed that even the churches that do technically do a little bit of soul winning it seems like they avoid the really ghetto areas and I get it. It's more evil. They're they're less knowledgeable and stuff. You know what? That's some of the best all winning You know, it takes a lot of grace to go to the house that's dirty and filthy and they they they reek and they've got a thousand beer cans on the front lawn and To go out and try to preach them the gospel, but you know what they get saved more often the rich neighbors They get more saved than the HOA And we need to balance ourselves today with some grace You know and I get tired of dealing with all the lazy and apathetic and all the failures of humanity I do you know what? I'm sure I'm way worse Person have to deal with from God's perspective than the people are to me I'm sure I disappoint and fail God more than the people that fail me I'm sure look, you know, obviously I get frustrated their government and all the people that are you know in our society leaders and all these People you know what we need to be meek and we'd be gracious Towards the loss because that's the whole point if we just get filled with the knowledge and we're like We're the only ones going to heaven Baptist writers Then we're not gonna do anything for the Lord if they get so stupid that we don't even realize they're unsaved And we need knowledge and we need grace today and we be reminded of Christ's return Closing prayer. Thank you father so much for your word. Thank you for your promise of your son coming And thank you for giving us a new heavens and new earth. Thank you for bringing things restoration thank you for giving us for something to look forward to and Thank you for being someone that's so gracious and loving and kind towards us I pray that we would realize how gracious and loving you are towards us so that we could also have the same attitude To the lost today and I pray that we would not get hardened in our hearts by all the evil and the wicked going on that we wouldn't want to preach the gospel I Pray that the love of many would wax stronger and that our hearts would be softened and Tender towards the lost and towards those that would go to hell for all of eternity and that we'd have a burning desire to be steadfast to constantly preach the gospel and realizing that one day it'll be all over and That will stand in our new heaven a new earth and glory with you in Jesus name we pray. Amen