(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) the title for the sermon tonight is why we must go to fiji okay why we must go to fiji say pastor kevin are you excited to go to fiji not really pastor kevin you must be desiring to just get out there and go overseas oh no brevin i hate flying i mean that's one reason we need to go is because it's not the will of man it's not the will of the flesh uh that's not so much what i'm covering today i already miss my family going you know to sydney uh 24 hours pretty much 24 hours i don't get to my family uh when i travel down to sydney for blessed up at this church i've gone uh extended this month i've gone extended time to sydney uh to do a wedding i were there for four days and then we were in new zealand to be part of that documentary that was for three days the last thing i want to do is be away from my family uh further like a whole week away from my family and so you know uh these plans that uh get created especially in the ministry i want you to understand like i don't know what what impression you get of me as a pastor but i don't really like to travel and one thing that i've also picked up and we're going to talk about later in this sermon is that whenever we're doing something big for the lord whenever we're moving whenever we're making a trip and and uh taking god's word to a different area there's always an attack of the enemy always if you want to know what they are ask me later on i can share with you several attacks anytime we've done something for the lord that there's always been an attack of the enemy now keep a finger there in first corinthian 16 i just want to read to you a passage in revelation three you don't need to turn there but let me read it to you revelation chapter three verse number seven uh these are the words of christ and to the angel of the church in philadelphia writes these things say of he that is holy he that is true here they have the key of david he that openeth and no man shut off and shut off and no man openeth the first point that i have for you brethren why we must go to fiji is because jesus has opened the door okay the first reason we must go to fiji is because jesus has opened the door he has been given the key what he opens no man can shut and what he shuts no man can open he continues in verse number eight he says i know thy works behold i have set before thee an open door and no man can shut it for thou has a little strength and has kept my word and has not denied my name when i look at the philadelphia church jesus christ says i've opened you a door that no man can shut then he says about the church she says that you've got a little strength you know when i look at new life at this church we're a little church we're not a very big church like you know compared to other churches in australia even compared to other independent baptist churches we're pretty much a little church and in some ways we have little strength okay and uh and yet god is able to use us in a mighty way look going to fiji is going to be the biggest endeavor our church has ever made this is by far this is the biggest project the biggest ministry we've ever been part of not just part of but leading and heading and going into yes from a financial perspective but also from a numbers perspective going you know overseas you know we've done some trips to uh to uh within australia to other states like melbourne or perf or uh bridge town we've done um well the the the church in in uh blessing about the church they've also done trips into cambria into uh the capital city of australia and so you know both churches in many ways we're quite small churches and we have little strength but one thing that i've learned with the ministry one thing i've learned with our lord god obviously the one that opens the door is not us we have little strength if the door is going to be opened it must be opened by jesus christ now let me give you a little bit of history very quickly about this trip early last year brother sam and brother jackson oh it was really brother sam organized a trip to fiji i'm not sure the lord placed it upon his heart to go there and uh spy out the land we sent out two spies to go and check out what fiji is like and they came back with a great report they had many people saved they had a great time it was my plan to go with them last year uh but uh for whatever reason i can't remember right now but for whatever reason it just didn't pan out and the thought there was well you guys go and really like literally go and spy out the land let us know what it's like and then we can formulate a you know a decision whether we're going to make that into a missions trip for our church or what have you you know again going back that long ago you don't really know what might come around the corner anyway they came back with a good report and i'm reminded of the story when moses sent out the 12 spies all right moses sent out the 12 spies and 10 of them came back from the land of cane and said no we can't defeat the canines they're too big we're grasshoppers in the site and yet they were two spies they came back you go hey you know this is the land that god's given us let's go there let's conquer the place all right let's bring the sword and you know for us it's the sword of the spirit let's go out there and preach the gospel and it's okay we've got two witnesses essentially saying this is a great place to go now what happened in that story they listened to the 10 that said we cannot go and then what happens you know the children of israel are wandering in the wilderness for 40 years the church in the wilderness they're called right wandering for 40 years if i want to take that as a as an application for us if i've got two witnesses going out there spying at the land having great success saying hey this place is rich and ready for the word of god then i think we should listen to that we should listen to the words of those spies right it's but it just becomes a matter of time like when can that play out because we all have busy lives and you know running two churches is busy enough enough of itself you know and uh anyway it was on my heart to to consider going to fiji and then um i was invited by pastor anderson uh you know later this year to be part of his missions conference and at that point i thought well i need a place to go if i'm going to be preaching at the missions conference i already preached about australia some four years ago i need another place and that's oh well fiji well that was the plan maybe we'll do the fiji trip and then we had pastor uh pastor shelly decided no no i'm going to fiji and i just thought well we don't want to double up you know in case he's might i don't know i'm not sure if he's going to be preaching the conference or not he might be using that as his location so then my thought was well maybe papa new guinea maybe maybe that's where we need to go and and you know part of me believes one day we will go to papa new guinea like i think that is probably on the cards down the road i don't know when okay but then for whatever reason again i don't know the full details pastor shelly decided fiji was not the place that they decided to go this year and so once again the door is open it's right there and you know um earlier this earlier this year i was uh trying to decide okay what will the dates be for the trip you know trying to look at my calendar trying to look at i don't want to go and when it's my kids birthdays because they miss me enough i don't like being away when it's my kids birthdays trying to look at the weeks that work out and um i was literally days from announcing the dates okay and it was going to be somewhere mid-may that was where i was thinking sometime mid-may would be the time potentially trying to speak to a few people without work for you guys and this and that and then i get contacted by brother caleb uh from faithful word baptist church and he says hey pastor we're thinking of doing a missions trip to fiji we'd like to invite you and your team and i'm like we're already going like leave us alone we want to go to fiji right these other churches leave us alone i'm not so much leaving us alone but he's like well what are you thinking of going he says well toward the end of may and it's like well that's only a week or week and a half away from what i was looking at so to me like these things are not coincidences right you can't turn around oh what a coincidence i mean look there's there's uh how many countries are sebastian how many countries are in the world i don't know okay he was naming every country on the way here pretty much on the on the on the trip by van to church but you know whatever it is right and to decide hey let's go to fiji which is not too far from us already on my mind reading our heart we're just sent out the spies you know well that makes logical sense and you know looking at those dates those dates actually worked out better for me in the long run when i looked at it and so this is why we're going to fiji to me this is jesus christ who has opened the door and not only opened the door as far as planning and personnel and people but also with the finances you know with the finances of the church we are at least for our church were able to subsidize or maybe pay completely for people's flights and then we had the offer of accommodation being covered it's like well lord i think you're making this quite obvious you're making this quite easy for us in fact to go to fiji it looks like jesus christ has opened the door and it's not by my strength i don't even want to go in my flesh i just rather relax and be at home you know there's plenty of soul willing to be done in australia amen there are souls to be saved here but i know when god opens the door i better just obey and say lord we're going you've done the hard work you've made it easy for us we're gonna be there and so thank you for all of you that are able to be part of that trip now you're doing first corinthian 16 and verse number five first corinthians 16 and verse number five the apostle paul obviously writing his epistle to the corinthian church he's traveling you know he's going from place to place city to city starting churches ordaining leaders right he's been appointed by his church in anti-op to go on these trips with helpers to start churches etc and he says this in first corinthians 16 verse 5 now i will come unto you when i shall pass through macedonia for i do pass through macedonia and it may be that i will abide yay and and winter with you that you may bring me on my journey whithersoever i go so you can see here paul is saying like you know his intention is to pass through macedonia he's trying to work out his timing he doesn't know exactly he's saying maybe the winter the winter might be the time that i can spend time there and then he says in verse number seven for i will not see you now by the way but i trust to tarry a while with you if the lord permits if the lord permits right who opens the door jesus the lord who closes the door jesus you know paul is saying well if the lord will open if he permits it i'll be there this is this in verse 8 but i will tarry at ephysis until pentecost for a great door and effectual is opened unto me and there are many adversaries so it says look the reason i'm staying at ephysis a little longer than i thought okay at least until pentecost is because the lord has opened the door and the door is very fruitful okay there's a lot of work to be done he's achieving great things for god but he says there are many adversaries and this i i realize man i was thinking about this sermon today i was just thinking yeah it's true anytime anytime i've gone from here to another location there's been the work of adversaries okay you're always criticized like i'm used to being criticized to the pastor because you can't please everybody someone's always going to be upset with whatever decision you make but i always find it weird when you're making decisions and people criticize you for trying to reach people with the gospel like that's a bit strange and yet those things happen okay and i don't know there might be further adversaries there might be further issues challenges uh down the down the road and i really want you guys to be praying about that because it's true what paul is saying is not unique to him we're doing the same work that paul is doing trying to reach people the gospel and our adversaries are going to come out and attack us okay but the first reason why we must go to fiji is because jesus has opened the door and brethren we've got um like i've never seen again i'm from australia so i don't know what other countries are like you know and i've been going to church all my life pretty much since i've been born pretty much okay growing up in christian home i've never seen an endeavor like what we're about to do in fiji i've never heard of as far as churches that have been part of okay we've got i think 37 36 37 people coming from well they have contacted me from our group within our group that are going to be part of this um actually let me revise revise that number i think it's 34 i can't remember i get surprised it's like oh by the way i'm coming along it's like oh really are you coming as well praise god for that you know anyway that's i mean that's a huge number i mean the vast majority are from the two churches that i passed of course new life at the church and blessed hope at the church but did you know when i looked at the members that are coming from australia individuals from australia they're coming from eight individual churches altogether the vast majority from new life and blessed hope okay but then you got like one person from this church two people from that church okay we've got um like from queensland alone we've got three churches sending members from sydney we've got one church blessed hope at the church from victoria we've got two churches and from south australia we've got one is that eight did i count that right one two three four four from queensland did i say three or four it's four from queensland okay so i mean that that you know alone is amazing okay and then from the united states i think we've got three churches one church from canada and um if i if those are numbers right and that's that's what that's 12 churches that right 12 churches that are sending members members of 12 churches coming to fiji i mean i could not open that door do you think i can open that door that's that's not me i'm not doing that work it's it's the lord god it's jesus christ who has opened that door and when something is so clearly opened by jesus christ we've got to step through we just got to do it we've got to step out in faith and say well lord i mean it seems like you've done i mean what i mean like how disobedient how unfaithful would i be right now if i said i'm not going guys i don't feel like it no no jesus christ has opened the door therefore we must go to fiji we must go to fiji come with me to act 16 come with me to act 16 act 16 and i left my water on the chair i don't know where it is but act 16 or maybe on the floor but act 16 say why fiji pastor is it just you know a thought is it just an idea i mean do you just kind of look at where you'd like to visit i've never been to fiji before is it like are you deciding like oh maybe i've never been to this country is that how you decide well i don't believe i'm making really the decisions i'm just asking god to make a decision for us but the second region and let's have a look at this act 16 verse number six act 16 verse number six now when they had gone throughout fragia and the region of galatia and were forbidden of the holy ghost to preach the word in asia after they will come to missia they decide to go into bithynia but the spirit suffered them not and they passing by missia down to troas so you can see that as as paul is you know traveling he's like ah i'm thinking of going to these places and there's nothing wrong with that in of itself like paul knows the importance of preaching the gospel but we saw twice that the holy ghost the holy spirit is putting a stop you know that's not where i want you to go and this happens in verse number nine and a vision appeared to paul in the night there stood a man of macedonia and prayed him saying come over into macedonia and help us and after he had seen the vision immediately we endeavored to go into macedonia assuredly gathering that the lord had caught us for to preach the gospel unto them brethren the second reason we must go to fiji is because someone in fiji is calling for help that's why okay someone in fiji i believe that from the bottom of my heart that as we go and we preach the gospel you know as our teams go out there maybe one maybe ten we don't know how many people in fiji even though they've really got a fear of god even though they have a taste of christianity they have an idea okay but they're hearing false gospels have been affected in such a bad way by bad christianity another gospel or by the cults false religion there are people in fiji praying to god saying god tell me how i need to go to heaven what must i do to be saved i believe that with all my heart and for some of those that are going out there this coming week you're going to come across those people those individuals and you may not even know that they prayed that you would be there right there right then and they're giving them the gospel that they may call upon the name of jesus christ the second reason is because someone in fiji is calling for help you know we have a lord god that we love that we worship you know that that god that saves in australia is the same god that saves in america in canada the same god that saves in fiji the same god that we lift our prayers to the same people in fiji are lifting their prayers to him our lord god sees all things and you know what when there's enough people saying lord help us send someone to help us calling for help he's going to help is he not come with me to matthew seven come with me to matthew seven matthew seven so i wait to remember these points right it's not like oh man fiji what a nice place to go the sunshine coast is already a nice place to be i'm happy this is like fiji to me like living here on the sunny coast is beautiful but someone's calling for help there are souls wanting to be delivered from their eternity in hell okay there is someone desperate who has tried has gone to church they've tried to read the bible they've tried to talk to people about spirituality okay and they're getting no results they're still thirsty they haven't drunk of the waters of eternal life and you know you say pastor where's your vision did you get your vision you know what i read act 16 and that's my vision right there i mean what what do you need what do i need to get a vision of somebody fiji pass the cabin come to fiji i well i know it happens you know is our church not based on the word of god is it based on my visions i had someone tell me in fiji i woke up last night you know woke up in this morning out of someone's in fiji calling i don't need that that's garbage god's word affirms there are people all across this world seeking to find him seeking to know who he is asking god for help for someone to be sent to tell them of the gospel you guys know this passage matthew 7 7 ask and it shall be given you speak and you shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you do you not believe there are people in fiji doing that right now asking speaking knocking god please tell me you know if you're the god creator of all things tell me how i can be sure of heaven how i can be sure of eternal life how i can how i can be sure i've never gone to hell like i know there are people praying that right now in fiji and that's why it's happening it's not my smarts it's not my wisdom it's not my tax you know lord you know what people need and even though we're a church of little strength god can use that little strength because it's multiplied tenfold hundredfold thousandfold by the strength of jesus christ and then he says in verse eight for everyone that asketh receiveth and he that seeketh bindeth and to him that knocketh it shall be opened or what man is there of you whom if his son ask bread will he give him a stone or if you ask a fish will he give him a serpent you know as an illustration there are people in fiji asking god for a fish okay like they want to be nourished would god send him a serpent no no no you know people there are so many fiji asking god send me a missionary send me a preacher send me someone that can show me the bible that can explain the gospel to me is god going to send my serpents is god going to send them a rock that they can't consume that will hurt them no god's going to send members of new life baptist church because we have a love for the lost we are ready to be used by god even though we're a church of little strength and god will use blessed out baptist church and in sydney in the same way and god will use these other believers coming from other churches you know to be part of this you know they've been praying god's going to send them believers god's going to send them preachers god's going to send the people with a soft heart with a compassion for the lost who are dying and unsure of eternity you're an answer church for those of you going you're an answer to someone's prayer in fiji believe it that is why you're going that is why you're going you're the answer to someone in fiji so the second reason why we must go to fiji is because someone in fiji is calling for help now come with me to matthew 23 come with me to matthew 23 matthew 23 matthew 23 for those of you that have gone soul winning long enough you've probably come across those stories where you've gone gotten someone saved and they said man i i needed to hear that i was asking god to send me someone i was just praying to god last night have you ever had that story i've had that story a few times not many times but i had that story it's so special so amazing one one that just sticks to me just one thing i i a story that i keep playing back is when we went to perf and i knocked on someone's door and he didn't want to hear it you know what i said i'm not interested and you're like i'll just give you john 316 and then he gives you on precincts it's like yeah it's like are you you are interested so you're given the whole gospel and he gets he calls upon the lord roman catholic man rejects roman catholicism understands free gift of salvation and he says to me you know i was i'm dying from terminal cancer i don't have long to live and i was asking i didn't know where i was going i was asking god where am i going and to me like that that's one story for me is like but there are stories like that right and uh and like they don't always tell you but you know for people that are receptive ready we say they're low-hanging fruits they're low hanging because they're seeking the lord and they're so thankful that you've come to the door to tell them to answer their prayer to god and tell them wonderful news but remember going back earlier when we mentioned how paul had talked about a great door that had been opened up to him and that there were many adversaries i want you to just try to remember there's going to be attacks there's going to be criticism okay there's always criticism like again if you ever want to if you ever want to take on a position authority whatever it is even if from work okay you want to be a father a husband you want to lead a family you only get criticized and anyone that leads anyone that makes decisions are going to be criticized okay you can't please everybody but our goal is to please the lord our goal is to please the lord but i want to understand that like paul says there are many adversaries and the third reason the third reason why we must go to fiji is because the enemy is active okay the enemy is active what do you mean by that pastor kevin look at matthew 23 because we're about to go overseas aren't we we're about to go to a land where we feel there's going to be people that are receptive ready to hear god's word ready to call upon the name of the lord we want to see souls saved and if we never see them again on the earth we know we're going to see them in heaven we're looking forward to those rewards the rejoicing okay the beautiful work that god has given us but we all recognize that fiji yeah that's a place to go the spies told us two spies told us right that's it's this is a fruitful place to go but do you think only the spies know it's a fruitful place to go do you think only you know a bible even christians know how receptive and how open people are no the enemy knows as well because in matthew 23 15 jesus christ says woe unto you scribes and pharisees hey these are religious leaders in particular in this time the scribes and pharisees did not believe on jesus christ at least the vast majority okay the vast majority did not believe on jesus christ so christ says whoa unto you scribes and pharisees hypocrites for you can pass sea and land to make one proselyte and when he is made you make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves you know we talk about places like the philippines we talk about places like the pacific islands and how receptive they are they are receptive okay and uh again if you're used to just your australian comfortable life it's good to go to these places to remind you how uncomfortable some places are okay how poor some people are okay and yet they have a fear of god you know because they don't have much they have a fear of god they want answers they want solutions but the jehovah witnesses know the mormons know fake christianity knows that if they go and they do a work they can have a following as well the enemy is active in these places and brevin if we're not sending bible believing gospel preaching people others are going to reach them and make them twofold more the child of hell that's what these pharisees and scribes like to do don't cross land and sea don't go overseas to convince one person to not believe in the right gospel to make followers of man rather than followers of christ so who's going to combat that new life baptist church blessed up at this church and the other churches that are sending members to be part of this work brevin the enemy is active so we beget active ourselves we get a bit we got to get busy okay because it's not just scribes and pharisees in time of jesus hey there are religious leaders there are cults there are false preachers going to the places like this and they're studying their churches i mean it always surprises me i'm used to you know mormons being like white americans but there's a huge percentage of mormons in australia that are like somoans islanders you know things like that it's like what how did you get reached by such a corrupt obviously false cult of a religion the enemy is active and you don't think that's a good thing the enemy is active and you don't think the devil knows that we want to do a great work in fiji the devil knows you don't think the devil is going to try to stop us somehow right from within from without he's going to try to block us the devil's active hey but i know i've got god on my side and i know jesus christ has opened the door so if jesus christ has opened the door he's going to take care of the devil as well but we've got it we've got to get busy we've got to realize that if we don't reach people they're going to be reached with false gospels with false jesuses with false spirits that lead in those groups or those religious sects can you come with me to um second corinthians second corinthians chapter four second corinthians chapter four the enemy is active second corinthians chapter four and verse number three second corinthians chapter four and verse number three the bible reads but if our gospel be hid it is hid to them that are lost in whom look at this the god of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not lest the light of the glorious gospel of christ who is the image of god should shine unto them now we know this we understand we understand that there's the forces of darkness the forces of the devil trying to stop the work of this church it should be no surprise when we are under attack there should be no surprise when we're being criticized just trying to do the basic things that god has asked us to do okay and look continue verse number five it says for we preach not ourselves but christ jesus the lord and ourselves the servants for jesus sake for god who commanded who commanded the light to shine out of darkness have shined in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of god in the face of jesus christ brethren we have this light the light of the knowledge of the glory of god in the face of jesus christ we preach christ crucified the power of god unto salvation we shine that light in a dark place that's our responsibility understanding full world that the god of this world is trying and has successfully blinded the minds of people who don't believe the gospel are you ready to go to battle brethren those of you going to fiji it's not just a holiday in fact it's not a holiday oh we'll have fun don't worry we'll have fun we'll have some stories to tell okay even when we don't have fun on that day later on we'll laugh about it we'll have a good time telling a few stories it'll work out in the long run but i want you to prepare because this isn't just you know taking some business of church and taking it to another country you know just ticking your you know the uh what they call it the um uh the bucket list perfect let's just tick off the bucket list i've gone to fiji i've won souls in fiji thick we're actually going to battle we're going to fight okay it's going to be bloody spiritually bloody okay as we go and hopefully it's the blood of jesus christ that is being applied to the souls of men and so just prepare we've got a few days left you know for those of you that are going please pray hard please ask god to prepare your heart we can admit the lord hey lord we've got a little strength we've got a little strength but lord i believe we have great faith lord you've opened the door you've made it you've made it you've got us this far you've provided our needs i mean this is a very low cost excursion for most of us so you don't think god's going to finish the work oh he'll finish it but we're going to prepare ourselves and for those that are not going for those who are staying here please pray for us please please do you know we we need your prayers we cover your prayers we need you guys you know to be lifting us in prayer this is a church work okay the reason why it's low cost for most of us is because we're using church funds so even if you're not attending you've not attending you've been given faithfully to this church okay you've added to this work you're part of it okay please don't forget it's not think we're just having a holiday we're gonna be it's gonna be hard okay and please understand there are gonna be forces of darkness the enemy is active we need your prayers please if you can pray and fast for us you know please do i appreciate it okay okay let's talk about the fourth reason why we must go to fiji the fourth reason come with me to matthew 28 matthew 28 this one's the obvious one but we need to finish on this one matthew 28 matthew 28 and verse number 18 the fourth reason why we must go to fiji is because god has commanded okay the fourth reason is because god has commanded matthew 28 18 and jesus came and spake unto them saying all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth is fiji enough then jesus christ has all power there okay we're not leaving a place of power here and going to a place where there is no power no no christ has power all over the earth including fiji so we'll be okay the lord knows all right the lord knows then he says in verse 19 go ye therefore and teach all nations i don't know if we'll ever reach all nations as new life baptist church but let's try to reach some nations let's try to reach some of our neighbors here in australia fiji is not that far away really you know i hope maybe cup of new guinea is the next one maybe new zealand okay what else do we have around here solomon islands tasmania or tasmania someone's got to reach those people yeah i don't know i don't know where the lord may open door for us in the future but it's a command go ye therefore go where lord to church and teach all nations all right isn't something else baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost and i'll be there okay as an ordained minister if you get someone saved and and they want to get baptized we'll baptize them plenty of water then fiji don't worry plenty of coast any any patch of water will find them we'll baptize them in the name of the father and the son the holy ghost teaching them to observe all things whatsoever have commanded you and lo i am with you always even unto the end of the world amen look this is known as the great commission say pastor what is the vision of new life baptist church it's the same vision that we had when we started this church our vision is the great commission okay to preach the gospel to see people saved to teach all things everything found in the bible that's my goal i don't try to avoid topics i might not hit your pet topic as much as you like okay i hope i don't hit my pet topics as much as i like my goal is trying to be as balanced as i can with god's word but that's that's that's the vision i i can't think of a better vision than the great commission that god has given us can you think of a greater vision for our church i can't this is what we've been commanded to do by jesus christ and so no amount of criticism no amount of attacks of the enemy you know or my personal will is not going to it's not going to get in the way of this door that jesus christ has opened he's commanded us to go to me it's like well lord you open the door i guess i i've got to go it's like when i started new life baptist church god opened the door to come here he made it easy for us and by easy it wasn't that easy but very easy in comparison to having to do it usually in a usual way you know he made it easy and we're commanded to go where god opens the doors you know please come with me to acts chapter one acts chapter one and if you've got a little bit of fear of fiji going there i don't know um sister pru you had mentioned to me there was a bit of a a little while ago there was a bit of a um uprising in fiji wasn't there a few years ago sometimes the locals get a bit frustrated with foreigners and all that kind of stuff and you know if it gives you some concern what do we say just all power all power is given unto him look if jesus christ has opened the door to fiji i know the safest place to be right now is fiji that's for sure okay all power has been given to him in heaven and in earth and while you're turning to acts chapter one i'll read to you from mark 16 15 and he said unto them go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature this is the great commission you know it's mentioned multiple times i believe five times you can find this sending out of jesus christ to his apostles after his resurrection from the dead in acts chapter one acts chapter one verse number eight this is of course the last words of jesus before he ascends up to heaven acts chapter one verse number eight but ye shall receive power isn't that nice but ye shall receive power oh geez i thought you had yes he does he does have all power but then he says to you and i that will have that power and you shall receive power after that the holy ghost has come upon you and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in jerusalem in and in all judea and in samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth so we've got that power we shall be witnesses you know our jerusalem is a sunny coast for new life of the search all right uh judea that's you know reaching other places of queensland like we've done so many in brisbane we've done so winning kabocha we've done so winning in gimpy where else have we done so winning i know we've done some other places i don't know we've done some other places all right and then hey what else and in samaria all right we've got it we've got a church blessed up in sydney going soul winning in samaria all right you know there's some there's some issue between queensland new south isle i don't get it because i don't watch state of origin but you know every time the state of origin oh yeah queen sanders ah you're from new south wiles you need to have welshman or whatever it is i don't care i don't i could care to no i don't know what to say i i don't care at all but hey that's like samaria for queenslanders sydney souls are getting saved there brethren souls are getting saved there and then onto the outermost part of the earth i mean was fiji even a thing in the bible they where is fiji in the bible well it's part of the outermost part of the earth let's go there let's go exactly where we need to reach because as far as i can see in the bible they went traveling to fiji at that time and i mean maybe they did but it's not recorded in the bible so hey there's other places of the earth that we need to reach bg is one of those and then it says in verse number nine and when he had spoken these things while they be heard he was taken up and a cloud received him out of their sight the last words of jesus the very last words ye shall be witnesses unto me and in all places you know i believe we need to start churches all across the world and we can say hey but that church will reach that area that church will reach that area i once got criticized for going soul winning down in glasshouse mountains i got a phone call because there's already a baptist church here church is not a franchise i'm gonna make sure we're 10 normally like 10 kilometers at least 10 kilometers away from each other so we're not stepping on each other's toes i don't know we're not stepping on each other's toes these are souls that jesus christ has died for let's get them saved and if you're sorry church is not winning souls we'll reach souls in that area i don't know how much missions work has been done in fiji but based on the two witnesses people are ready to hear they don't know okay even though they have a fear of god they have you know they're spiritual they're spiritually minded they're eternally minded many ways but they just have not received the gospel like the most important thing and so god is commanded that we need to reach other places not just the sunshine coast why we must go to fiji i'm convinced we need to go i'm convinced we need to go number one because jesus has opened the door number two because someone in fiji is calling for help number three because the enemy is active and number four because god has commanded what kind of church would we be if we don't do the very commands the very last words the great commission that christ has left us to do what kind of church would we be it's not a church that i would want a pastor i'll tell you that but those are the four reasons why we must go to fiji so brethren once again please be praying we need to go to god in prayer the lord will use our little strength that he would multiply our efforts that he would allow us to meet the people that are calling for help okay that we would have a boldness that we would uh you know allow the language barrier yes they speak english but they're not going to speak as quickly as you so you know for god to give us wisdom and understanding in our ability to to communicate you know to hear clearly their concerns and their questions without just going for a script without just treating them as a number that's a soul that jesus christ has died for you know think about them with a tear in your eye and brethren we're going to be able to accomplish something great this is the biggest work that new life baptist church has ever done and if god's going to get us mightily the devil's not going to be happy all right so get ready for war let's pray