(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Title for the sermon tonight is what to do about the end times what to do about the end times now We finished the book of Revelation chapter by chapter and You know Look, I don't know if I'm gonna offend you with the first few words. I have to say here I don't know. I don't mean to I really don't want to offend anybody but You know, you know, I've been a believer. I've been I've been saved since I was four years old I've been Church I've been pretty much in Baptist churches ever since even before I got saved and you know Even after I got saved my Baptist pastor came up to me just to confirm that my mother gave me the gospel Correct and that I understood it right and he confirmed Yeah, this man is saved and I remember my old Baptist Church the first Baptist Church I went to was a Baptist Union Church, but it's not like Baptist Union today All right It was kind of it felt like a normal normal church like a normal traditional church And I remember because we used to clean the church building so the pastor even had this huge Bible It's just massive. It was a it was an old King James Bible, you know, and he was you know He preached from the King James Bible himself So, you know, it's a different sort of different way that the Baptist Union Baptist Union churches were when I was a young boy But I remember also in that church We had this library at the back of the building and it's a library had books and videos and you know The old VHS tapes and things like that and there was a lot of end times material and you know That's the that's the topic that everyone seems to enjoy So I remember taking some of those videos home and I would watch them some of that was you know the I think it was the thief in the night one of those videos popular video from the 70s and just just other preachers talking about the end times and You know, I remember one video I watched was about the barcodes and you know When the barcode was introduced and they'll basically saying this is the you know, this is it This is the mark of the beast and things like that But now obviously now that I've read the Bible cover to cover several times. I've grown and matured in the Lord I just realized how much foolishness there is about the end times Like how much how much like just so much production so many so many books, you know The u.s. Recently had a blood moon, you know, where where where was it a blood moon or the Sun eclipse of the Sun? It was a sonic or whatever it was, right? But whenever there's something happening in the moon and in the star Sun someone's gonna write a book Someone's gonna make a big deal. It's just about in the corner. It's all about to happen and You know, I just find it so foolish and I remember growing up as a Christian This spies in the end times not the end times in the God's Word I love God's Word, but just this spies in all the other material and the conversations that people would have in the end times and You know growing up again growing up in church and then going into the IFB churches later on in my later years One thing that I found and again, this is part. I don't want to offend anybody I'm not trying to you know, I want to be a help to you know I want to be a help but you know the strangest the strangest Christians I came across In my life, we're obsessed about the end times Like that that's like the hobby horse. It's all about to happen. You know, the signs are here every technical a every technical Take home and say it every technological advance. Thank you. You know, that's it It's just that's it big brother's gonna watch us and you know Now we're gonna be marked and everything we do is gonna be monitored and you know We're up to the cash of society and any time some some countries get together for some meeting whether it's a g7 G11 or the UN United Nations or NATO or so, whatever the pecking that nations getting together for some reason. That's it That's gonna be the ten kingdoms that are gonna give their power to the Antichrist and I just think boy It's so foolishness and you know, usually the people that I find again if this is you I'm not trying I don't know you decide for you You decide if I'm talking about you Brevin I don't know but you know like and and you know what going through covert the last few years and all that I just realized how tense some Christians are about every little thing and you know Could this be that you know the mark of the beast and the vaccination and if you take the vaccine Are you worshiping the Antichrist and you know, don't you know that it's I don't know patented six six It or something like this, right and it could be that it's a good around the corner I've always found these Christians really unsettled really like Obsessed and some of these people are my close friends that I love very dearly Not even in my church But I speak to them on a regular basis because they like the fact that I'm post-trip They like the fact that I believe that but they don't like the fact that I don't respond or react like they do at The end times or about every little advancement You know when I went to my first IFB church my pastor at the time Which I learned a lot of great truths from I can't remember what I said to him I just I mentioned something about the end times like, you know pastor Do you think this you know like what people do right? Do you think this event? I can't remember what it was, you know could be leading into the end times and my pastor was like well possibly But I wouldn't worry about it. I was like, oh why he said to me Well, you know, for example, I'm pretty confident that the Antichrist is gonna drive around in a car You know, does that mean every time there's like now people have the invented the car right now You know that that's a sign about the end times What I was trying to say to me is, you know, Kevin just relax take it easy You know, don't worry about every little change or every time someone's gonna take cash away from you We're gonna come to a potential casual society or you know the next Bitcoin development or whatever it is And it's all about to happen But you know believers they get obsessed like this. I'll tell you what happens cuz I know I know something I'll tell you what happens I know couples that don't have kids Because they're afraid the kids are gonna grow up in you know The great tribulation and they don't want the kids to go through it I think it's selfishness to be honest with you. Just that's an excuse not to have kids I think that's that's been pretty selfish about it But anyway, there are those that believe that that's you know, there are there are men that refuse to go to work Oh, why because the economy is about to all collapse and to go to work You're gonna have to give in to the mark of the beast system And I just rather avoid that and try to you know We'll just find our own little compound in the middle of nowhere and live where nobody can trace us You can't win any souls. You can't do anything for Jesus, but I guess you're hidden in some compound somewhere far away people overreact Get you know, and you know, I've even had people say to me, you know during the covert times And I'm not gonna you know, I'm not gonna say any names But you know cuz I closed the church down like like every other pretty much pastor did And then I've got a phone call once pastor you getting paid by the government to you know It's a closed down the church. Like are you legitimate? Like are you like one of these, you know? Pro's prophets being controlled by the government's like man, you're ridiculous brother. Like what the hell is wrong with you? Like and I'm just saying and there's a common thread to all of this People get obsessed about the end times and you know what? Yeah, that's important that's an important part of the scriptures, but there's so much more in the scriptures that you need to work toward and So what to do about the end times, you know I don't want to leave you the book of Revelation and then now every little thing that happens Pastors said this was you know in chapter 11. He said this in chapter 14 He said that and I can see why look what happened You know the common bank has closed down some branches and it's all coming to head It's all coming to digital currency pastor and I want to run away from all of that and oh my man You know 5g and then 6g and then 7g and 8g It's all gonna brainwash us and it's gonna mind control us And you know our children are gonna grow up and be you know Half human and half Android or something, right and you know past it's all happening. It's like Relax, bro, you know relax What to do about the end times look at 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 verse number 1. Sorry for that long introduction But now we beseech you brethren by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and by our gathering together unto him You know when I think about the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, it gives me a lot of joy What about you a lot of peace, I'm looking forward to it I know great tribulations coming first and then Christ has come in the clouds But I can't wait to see my Jesus Christ in heaven I just can't wait to see him and say Lord I did my best for you. I tried I tried my best I'm sorry. I'm sorry for my shortcomings, but I've did my best and thank you for giving me everlasting life You know, but then look at verse number 2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind You know, I find all troubled or be troubled neither by spirit nor by word nor by word I find all troubled or be troubled neither by spirit nor by word nor by letter as from us as that the day of Christ is at hand You know, I just want to take a different thought that we often think about in this passage But people that are obsessed about the end times are often troubled. They're often shaken in mind Okay, and there's often a common a common denominator with end times obsession and then conspiracy theorists Theories theories obsession because anything that's happening in the world of conspiracies and I believe there are conspiracies. Don't get me wrong Okay, I know they're there but I don't care. Okay, because there's always conspiracies. There's always been conspiracies Alright, but anyway obsession about that and then trouble like every little thing every little issue is like a Concern a worry and why because it says here as the day of Christ is at hand And so of course, I'm looking forward to Christ, but I don't want to be troubled I don't want to be burdened by thinking about the coming of Christ because we know that when Christ comes is going to be great Tribulation we know there's going to be a great persecution of the Saints and some people get troubled about what's gonna happen It's all about you know, when they think about the coming of I just want to rejoice about it I want to be excited about Christ, you know My mind doesn't go to being shaken or troubled and you know, what happens if you know, I don't know whatever You know this this new development that's happened this new wall that's happened over here. Could this lead to the next, you know Global government the next New World Order which might be New Babylon Babylon the great that we read about You know in the book of Revelation, I don't know Brevin. I don't know I don't know when all these stuff is going to take place But as a past I didn't even though I observed it before I was a pastor I observed it when I was a young kid the obsession at the end times and the worries and concerns I remember Y2K and I remember seeing even believers, you know a story in food and storing goods and you know One woman encouraged my mom, you know start stocking up because it's all gonna shut down and you know satellite's gonna fall out of the space and land on the earth and whatever right it's all gonna collapse and it's all gonna planes gonna fall out of the sky and Boy, I feel like I've already lived and then COVID and then like even before COVID the global financial crisis in 2008 and it's all About to collapse. It's all about a fool. I think you know Come on guys. Just just relax This world is is corrupt I know that there are there are concerns and dangers and I'm not saying there's anything wrong with preparing for hard times I prepare for hard times I always try to make sure there's a bit of a buffer in my ability to you know I don't live paycheck to paycheck. I try to have a little bit of a space You never know when a car is gonna break down You never know when some issues gonna come up or where I can bless a brother or sister in the Lord Maybe if something comes up for them I think it's good to be Somewhat prepared, but I don't want to be prepared to the point where I'm preparing because I'm shaking in mine or troubled You know by thinking about the coming of Christ, it's all about to happen right now There's some of three says let no man deceive you by any means for that day She'll not come except they come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition I want to notice the falling away first There's a lot of different opinions as to what that falling away is but obviously, you know if the falling away involves believers We don't want to be people that fall away during hard times and and so, you know I've got some points for you today. Number one. Don't be troubled while we see from that verse. Don't be troubled Okay, what to do about the end times don't be troubled pastor. We're going to go to cashless society Don't be troubled You don't know if the next if they come in cashless society is the one about the mark of the beast You don't know if the next bit, you know Bitcoin or whatever development is going to be the market We don't know You know what? There can be there can be a global currency completely digital that comes into even in our generation That is not the mark of the beast that all the nations of the earth adopts, you know and they accept it and all catch is done away with The mark of the beast until they ask you to worship the dragon and the Antichrist and put something in your head and forehead And in your hand, okay with it, you know, you don't have to concern yourself with every little developments Okay, the first thing I just want to say to you guys is don't be troubled. Okay, don't be troubled I want you to be at peace So I like if I if I offended you at the beginning about the end times being obsessed I I just want I want to be relaxed You know as I'm supposed to be a shepherd a pastor I'm supposed to care for the state of my flock my sheep That God has put in church here at new life and also blessed about this church and I hate seeing my brethren In my friends from all the churches and concern about this and that are just like don't be troubled Don't be troubled be excited about the coming of Jesus Christ Can you come with me to Revelation 13 come with me to Revelation 13 We know that the man of sin is coming that the man of sin be revealed the son of perdition I'm not going to go through everything all over again You can go back and listen to Revelation But I want to remind you of what the best thing you can do for your life If you are the generation if we are the generation that goes into the end times Revelation 13 verse number 9. I want you to remember Okay, the believers that do so well in the great tribulation period Revelation 13 9 if any man have an ear let him hear He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity Here that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword Here is the patience and the faith of the Saints Say pastor, how can I prepare for the end times? What do I do about it? Just in case into my life How about you work on patience and your faith? Okay, because that is what's going to keep believers You know serving the Lord faithfully doing great exploits and works in the end times or in any type of difficulty is When you remain faithful and you are patience, okay when you learn patience and again We've gone for the fruit of the Spirit not long ago, and we saw a long suffering We covered faith and long suffering I don't want to rehash there is going to be some overlap with what I covered with through the Spirit But coming to the next chapter revelation 14 verse number 12 revelation 14 verse number 12 Revelation 14 verse number 12 it says here is the patience of the Saints Here are they that keep the commandments of God with us and the faith of Jesus Again, we see the patience. We see the faith now. We also have the commandments of God How do I prepare for the end times? What do I do about it? Hey keep the commandments of God Be patient calm down Okay, don't be troubled be patient and beef and have your faith placed on the Lord Jesus Christ So these are qualities that you ought to have just regardless if you're not the generation going through the end times This is what we should do about it. Okay. This is what we're driven to think about. It's not all right How do I you know collect enough guns and grenades so I can fight the Antichrist, you know? How do I you know prepare a bunker and getting ready for the time when there's persecution of God's people or you know, how do I prepare to make sure that I've got enough crops and and Food, you know of my land. I've done enough of a of a farm and I'm growing You know food and I and I've got enough cattle and things to take care of my family during these hard times It's not just patience faith and keep the commandments of God That's gonna be the best thing that you can work toward as you think about the end times It says in verse number 13 revelation 14 verse 12 13 and I heard a voice from heaven saying it to me Right blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth. Yea save the spirit. They may rest from their labors Look, they're not hiding from the Antichrist that they're laboring. They may rest from the labors and their works to follow them They're doing great works And I looked and behold a white cloud and upon the cloud one Sat like unto the Son of Man having on his head a golden crown and in his hand a sharp sequel Of course, that's the coming of Jesus Christ in the clouds, but I wanted to notice once again I really cover this in Revelation, but the believers that are going for these end times. They're doing great works for God Okay, and now the time of rest comes when the time of the rapture the resurrection of the Saints They can finally rest from the labor from the persecution that they've gone through But what got them through all that persecution their patience their faith and keeping the commandments of God It wasn't making sure they had enough food for the next seven years of great of you know Although 75 days of great tribulation or anything like that. That wasn't their concern. Their concern was hey I just want to be a great believer. I want to be a great Christian Look, you know having if you come with me to second Peter, please second Peter chapter one second Peter chapter one Look there's great knowledge in this church We believe in a post-tribulation pre-wrath rapture the Bible is so consistent the Bible clearly spells out this is the time and time the timing of the law of the law time of Christ return, okay, but You know what? I don't think my pre-trib brother down the road. Okay, who's saved? I don't think they're going to necessarily fair worse during great tribulation Because they don't have the knowledge that I do Because my pre-trib brother down the road may very well have greater faith He might have greater patience. He might be doing a better job keeping the commandments of God and So hey if it is in our generation, and he's surprised. Oh, I thought the rapture was coming first He's gonna well. Hey, I've been faithful to God. I've been given his commandments bring it on Then if this is what that's I believe that's going to be that probably they're gonna know what to do, you know Let's bring up pastor Kevin and find it exactly the time another rapture I think no, but I think by the time that all of this happens They're going to know the truth if they're walking faithfully keep the commandments right there being patient for the Lord This is how we prepare. This is this is what we do about the end times I have no idea if it's going to be in our lifetime To be honest with you if you ask me, you know, I won't be careful what I say But I don't think it's gonna be my lifetime. That's that's what I think. Okay. I don't think it's gonna be my lifetime I'm not saying it's not I just I just don't think so. Okay, but then that means pastor We don't need to be faithful. We don't need to be patient. We don't need to get the commandments We've got of course we do because even if we're not going to go for a great tribulation There'll be other tribulation that you go through life and that's going to help you when you go through difficulties and troubles Okay, making sure that you're walking closely with the Lord second Peter chapter 1 verse number 5 And I know I read this not long ago during the fruit of the Spirit series But just as a reminder it says here and beside this giving all diligence Add to your faith virtue and to virtue knowledge and to knowledge temperance and to temperance patience and to Patience godliness and to godliness brotherly kindness and to brotherly kindness charity Look, this is what do I do about the end times pastor? Work toward these qualities in your life ask God to develop these things in your life be more virtuous All right, have a better temperance about yourself be patient be godly be kind You know have charity one for another Look at verse number eight for if these things be in you Okay, that means they may not be in you Okay, we need to work toward this for if these things being you and abound They make you that ye shall net neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ But he that lack of these things is blind and Cannot see afar off and have forgotten that he was purged from his old sins Like what's the point of knowing the raptures after the tribulation but before God pulls out his wrath But I'm not gonna have these qualities in my life I refuse to work toward fixing my life, but the Bible says you're gonna be blind. You can't see far off You're not gonna be effective for God if you are that person that goes through the end times But look at verse number 10 wherefore and rather brethren give diligence You know, this is like work hard towards Give diligence look at this to make your call in an election sure Look and I love this part for here. Sorry for if you do these things you shall never fall Now we saw that before the rapture there's gonna be a great falling away Okay, and again we can this we can talk about who that falling away entails But I don't want to be a believer that far It's all it's all about to fall. It's a word collapse and it's all about to happen And Then I'm worried and frustrated and I'm doing nothing for God except to hide and protect myself from all the evils of the world You know what focus on the things that God wants you to focus on and you'll never fall Like I know those characteristics probably yeah, yeah pastor a big deal But you know what if you have this in your life and you're bound these things God promises you that you never fall you go through times of difficulties and you'll stay faithful to God You're gonna have betrayal and rejection. You're gonna be like praise God anyway And look at verse number 11 For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly Into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I told you at the start that I'm looking forward to the coming of Christ I want to be with him in his kingdom of course we all are okay But notice that there's going to be abundance for us is going to be rewards It's going to be you know a treasure in heaven if we work it to all these qualities When Christ comes back and we can rule with Christ for that thousand year period of time But we saw in verse number 10 I'll just read again verse 10 wherefore the rather brethren give diligence to make your calling and election sure The next point that I have for you the first one first one was don't be troubled right next one is make your Calling and election sure you know make it sure make it strong how these qualities Okay Knowledge temperate faith sorry it says faith and then virtue and knowledge temperance patience godliness brotherly kindness charity Boy, you can ask God to make you abound in these qualities you won't fall And you'll have great rewards when Christ comes back You know so make your call in an election sure come with me to 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 again 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 and verse number 7 And I want to be careful because I don't want I don't want you guys to walk away And then be like I'm never going to talk to pass about the end times If I have a question about something I'm never going to come to him because he thinks I'm crazy I don't want that to be the result either I don't might talk about the end times, but I want to do it in the right way with the right spirit Like not console, man. It's all better. It's all that happened you know I'm going to say something, but I'll leave it 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 verse number 7 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 verse number 7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work Now there's a iniquity that's wicked a sin that's already at work at the time Paul wrote this epistle Okay, it's a mystery. He says okay. It's something kind of like behind the scenes We don't really see it very clearly, but again those that are in the conspiracy world You guys know that there is mysteries there are conspiracies there are behind the scenes movements And so we watch the videos to find out you know But I just want to show you that look it's been happening in Paul's day That mystery of iniquity has already been at work Only he who now let a fool let until he be taken out of the way And then shall the wicked be revealed that's the antichrist Whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming What I wanted to why I wanted to read that to you is that I want you if you get worried about end times You get concerned about every little conspiracy Calmly accept that iniquity is at work. You can't change it Okay, you can't change it. It's been at work even in Paul's day And you know what I don't see Paul concerning himself too much with the iniquity that's at work behind the scenes I've seen focus writing epistles starting churches encouraging the brethren going soul winning I've seen focus on the things that are going to matter for eternity What I'm trying to say brethren is that look maybe it is all around about to happen Maybe it is all around the corner Okay, I don't know I don't think so But it's always there's always been work behind the scenes like it's been 2,000 years I don't know how much more time the devil needs to do his work and bring in his you know attempt of an empire You know his main man the antichrist come and try to rule over the whole I don't know how much more long It's really taken to 2,000 years Maybe he needs another 2,000 years to make it happen I don't know I don't care We know that it's at work so why am I going to concern myself But this is what I see on social media I see brothers and sisters in the Lord and my online listeners I'm sorry if I offend you too But you know posting on Facebook and why aren't people awake I've been warning about this for the last five years Now you can finally see that it's all true Yeah I mean we've known it's been true since Paul's day It's not like it's not like you found something new and amazing wow It's been at work for 2,000 years I mean you're just showing me something that's happened the last two years It's not a big deal Do you guys understand what I'm saying Like relax We know that behind the scenes it's all the devil's trying to make this happen a reality But I want you to notice how he responds in verse number 8 there again Like okay it's at work alright Paul alright tell me what am I supposed to do with the mystery of iniquity Am I meant to fight the antichrist Am I meant to fight the corrupt system Is that what I'm meant to do Or he just goes and then the wicked shall be revealed And whom the Lord shall consume the spirit of his mouth And shall destroy the brightness of his coming He gives it one sentence ah this is gonna get destroyed anyway Oh is that all What about you know waking up society and waking up the sheeple And is that no no I just thought about it's gonna happen then God's gonna destroy it Like that's how much attention the apostle Paul gives to you know the mystery of iniquity Okay it's at work and then God's gonna destroy them anyway who cares That's it like next verse that's it it's all over And then he says verse number 9 Even him who's coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish Because they receive not the love of the truth That they might be saved What's his concern Salvation getting the gospel out Alright he goes but these people that follow after the antichrist That refuse to believe the gospel yeah they're gonna be damned Even you know what's it called The mark of the beast No I was gonna say strong delusion is what I was gonna say sorry God's gonna send them a strong delusion and hey they're not gonna get saved Okay we know that okay But again the third point that I had for you was just calmly accept iniquity is at work It just is it's just how it is relax God knows Right you can't change it I can't change it It's been prophesied in scripture it's supposed to happen You know like sometimes I'll tell you about one pastor friend that I have Who was preaching about you know all the new you know surveillance And you know it's all coming to the mark of the beast And it's all this and that and I love this pastor don't get me wrong I listened to a few of his sermons because I was kind of okay Like I can see where you're coming from looks like you're waking up to things And you're you know you're starting to realize the wickedness of the world praise God But then at the end of the sermon it's like okay like you you revealed all these things about you know Surveillance and as privacy has been taken away and then you know the Lord's coming back at some point And it's like oh yeah but you spent all sermon doing this but what's what are we supposed to do about it So I contacted him I said okay I've been listening to your preaching it's good I agree with what you're saying but I'm confused as to what your call of action is What are we supposed to do with this and he couldn't give me an answer And I said look could it be that you're trying to reach out to those in the conspiracy world Hey you know the Bible speaks of these things yes it does get saved Is that your purpose and I go oh yeah that's my purpose But it's like I don't mind I love pastors I love preachers and especially if you're saved And doing God's work and pastoring is not easy and I appreciate them But sometimes I see that even pastors get obsessed and about this and that and that development It's like yeah but what do you want me to do about it like I'm confused I feel like if I was your congregation member I'd walk away being a little bit scared about the future Whereas God's not given us a spirit of fear like I'm confused by that Like you know if I've been preaching through the book of Revelation I gave you fear I don't want that to be the case I want you to be encouraged I want you to have a better knowledge okay well that's what's going to happen I better prepare myself then I better do something about potentially if I'm coming through that time I'm that generation coming through the end times What do I do? Let the pastor Kevin say hey increase my faith that's what I need to do Keep the commandments of God that's what I need to do That's what I want you to walk away with not thinking oh man it's all about to happen Matthew 24 15 I'll just read it to you When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet Stand in the holy place whoso readeth let him understand Then let them which be in Judea flee into the mountains You know what I'm not going to concern myself about every time If there's a new way to scan when we go shopping or something like that You know that's not what Jesus says to look out for You know what he wants our attention if we are going to go through the end times This is the confirmation when the abomination of desolation takes place When the antichrist creates an image some statue Something that is demanded to be worshipped by all people And if you don't worship that you know that everyone's going to be put to death And you know that yeah okay whoa that's happened Big news breaking news this image is set up Okay now I know in the end times Like this is the key This is what Jesus says when you shall see the abomination of desolation He's not saying when you see a single currency A single one world currency that's when you know You know when you see what else Earthquakes and blood moons and sign eclipses and things like that right Now you know it's all about to happen No Jesus Christ says hey abomination of desolation Already three and a half years into that final seven year period I mean I just feel like Jesus doesn't even want us to be that overly concerned with it Until we're smack bang in the middle of it We shouldn't be like okay now I'm in the middle of it what do I do Just what we've always done Go to church be faithful keep the commandments of God Go soul winning you know and I've really shown that I believe the Holy Spirit is going to be poured out in a great measure to us anyway We're going to be able to do great works for God And I'd rather be in a vessel that's been prepared for the Holy Spirit to do maximum works For Jesus if we are going to go through that end time period Can you come with me to Jeremiah 29 please Jeremiah 29 Jeremiah 29 And I'm going to try to fast forward through this But something else that we learnt from the Revelation series is that there's going to be this world power Mystery Babylon the great right And we know that she's been made drunk by the blood of the saints So she's key to persecuting the people of God And I don't believe God used Babylon the name Babylon just for no reason I think we can learn lessons from the Babylon of the Old Testament I think that's why it's there so we can compare scripture with scripture And in Jeremiah 29 and look I say this all the time And I don't think this makes me a popular preacher But Jeremiah was not a popular preacher And don't forget that Babylon destroyed or took into captivity the Jews of the southern kingdom of Judah They were taken into captivity for 70 years into Babylon And that's the Babylon of Jeremiah's day And then God sees fit to describe the coming world power as Babylon as well So I think God you're trying to show us something You're trying to give us some thoughts and how we approach that And I believe this mystery or spiritual Babylon I do believe it's already at work today Like mystery of iniquity I think it's all at work already It's all behind the scenes And again COVID woke me up a little bit to that When pretty much every nation did exactly the same thing which I find surprising It doesn't look like each nation is sovereign It looks like they're being controlled by some other government system Some other great power whatever it is Whatever I don't care Mystery has been at work all these years for the last 2000 years It doesn't surprise me But in Jeremiah 29 verse number 1 I'm going to read some of the verses here And as a reminder Jeremiah basically is telling the Jews Just get on with it It's God's judgement And we know when it comes to the end times it's God's judgement as well And it's God's judgement Just get over it This is what's going to have to happen You guys are going to be taken into captivity for 70 years Some of you guys are going to lose your life But if you surrender peacefully You're going to be treated well And then the false prophets are like Nah we need to fight this It's not going to happen Don't listen to Jeremiah Jeremiah is a They even say that Jeremiah is a speaker for Babylon His allegiance is toward Babylon Don't listen to what he has to say Kind of like when someone said to me Oh you're getting paid by the government to close the church doors It's just life It's just human nature It happens in cycles But in Jeremiah 29 verse number 1 I want you to look at these words Now these are the words of the letter that Jeremiah the prophet sent from Jerusalem Unto the residue of the elders which were carried away captives There were three major times that people were taken into Babylon So he's writing a letter to those that already were sent there So it says elders which were carried away captives And to the priests and to the prophets And to all the people who Nebuchadnezzar had carried away captives from Jerusalem to Babylon After that, Jeconiah the king and the queen and the eunuchs and the princes of Judah and Jerusalem And the carpenters and the smiths were departed from Jerusalem By the hand of Elisa the son of Shaphan And Gemariah the son of Hilkiah whom Zedekiah king of Judah sent unto Babylon to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon saying Okay so this is what God wants to say to these people taken into captivity Into Babylon You know they've been stripped away, they've lost their rights They've been stripped away from their families, they've been taken to a foreign land They've lost their houses, they've lost everything All private and personal items have been taken away that now belong into Babylon Okay Saying verse number 4 Thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of Israel Unto all that are carried away captives Whom I have caused to be carried away from Jerusalem unto Babylon Okay this is the instruction Rise up, get ready Get ready to fight Babylon Verse number 5 Build your houses and dwell in them And plant gardens and eat the fruits of them You know what God's saying to the Jews Just get on with living a normal life Go get a house Go build a garden Enjoy the fruits of the garden Look you're going to be there for 7 years Just relax Alright Well that's what I have for you guys about You know what to do at the end times Just get on with living a normal life Be normal people Okay You know if you're always on the internet And every little issue is bothering you And parts of the next development is this and that You're not normal Okay if you think maybe it's best if we just sell up everything And run to some compound in the middle of nowhere You're not normal Okay you're not a normal person Normal people, even God's people that are taking this captivity Just God's telling them get on with life Okay Look at verse number 6 Take your wives and beget your sons and daughters Remember what I told you about some people that freak out about the end times Oh I'm not going to have any kids Okay these guys have had everything taken away from them Like they're living in a worse situation than what you are Okay they actually have a Babylon That has taken everything away from them And God says hey have kids Get married have kids And take wives for your sons And give your daughters to husbands So they may bear sons and daughters That you may be increased there and not diminished The next thing pastor what do I do about the end times Make family your priority Have families Get married have kids Enjoy the family You know the best thing about COVID The best thing I think Was we got to spend more time with our families You know Pastor we got to fight we got to fight the system You know it's hey My boss is allowing me to work from home But I'm going to fight it I'm going to go to the office anyway How about you spend time with your family You got more time With your wife and kids than you've ever had before You know why don't you enjoy that You know enjoy what God's given you Make family your priority What do I do about the end times Oh could it happen Let your kids get married Get on be normal Verse number 7 And seek the peace of the city Whither I have caused you to be carried away captives And pray unto the Lord for it For in the peace thereof You shall have peace Next thing I have for you brethren What do we do about the end times Pray for peace You know what city you're in right now Sunny Coast Sunny Coast Lord I'm going to pray for peace on the Sunshine Coast Pastor don't you know There's wickedness there's drunkenness There's fornication there's adultery Murder Yeah but you know what What I'm going to do I'm going to pray Seek the peace of the city Whither I have caused you to be carried away captives Where they were carried away captives was Babylon Babylon wicked Babylon And God says you know what Just seek peace Be at peace to the people around you And why He goes at the end of verse number 7 For in the peace thereof Shall ye have peace You guys want to be at peace Like we started we don't want to be troubled We don't want to be shaken in mind We want to be at peace Well Lord can you please give the Sunny Coast peace So I can be at peace And brethren again You know there is peace on the Sunny Coast isn't there Like I'm not being thrown in jail right now Are you? We're preaching God's word and I'm not trying to Change my words out of concern For censorship or hate speech Or what have you I'm just preaching God's word as best I know how I'm at peace right now I don't know if you're at peace But what happens You've got to watch the videos You've got to find out what's happening with the mystery of Iniquity at work Why? God's giving you peace right now Enjoy the peace Who cares about the mystery of iniquity You know what I'm saying guys Be at peace Stop worrying about every single development Every time there's some change In the legal system or Technological advance I got at this time You know or change In the financial systems and it's all about to happen Pastor Just be at peace Very quickly you guys know this passage 1 Timothy 2.1 I exhort therefore That first of all supplications Prayers intercessions And giving of thanks be made for all men For kings and for all that Are in authority that we may lead A quiet and peaceable Life in all Godliness and honesty Isn't that Do you not want that Quiet and peaceable life I want that brethren But I know when I spend time Thinking on the end times The peace gets removed And you know that happens Why do you want to live like that Why do you want the stress And the sorrows and then Got to tell brother so and so about it So they get stressed and worried too What kind of brother in the Lord are you I want to give you peace I want to give him stress It doesn't make sense What to do about the end times Pray for peace Let's continue there in verse number 8 For thus saith the Lord of hosts The God of Israel Let not your prophets and your diviners That be in the midst of you Deceive you Neither hearken to your dreams Which ye cause to be dreamed For they prophesy falsely Among you in my name I have not sent them Sayeth the Lord Brethren you see sometimes we have our dreams Our own thoughts our own ideas If I just Change the way I live my life And I hide from the government In the middle of nowhere And I remove my name Of every registration And I oh we're married Oh man we shouldn't have done that documentation Let's break our marriage So that the government doesn't know who we are Who our children are And I'm going to hide all my kids And make sure nobody sees anything And I'm going to wear that I don't have any foil here Tin foil hat on my head No brethren You know sometimes that's what people think And you know what there are always going to be preachers that are going to Confirm for you to live that kind of life Like if that's what you want in your heart It's not going to take long for you to go online And find some preacher that will confirm That's the right way to live a life Listen the next point that I have for you Is forsake unbiblical teachings Forsake Unbiblical teachings Let's keep going there verse number 10 For thus saith the Lord That after seventy years Be accomplished at Babylon I will visit you And I love this and perform my Good word towards you In causing you to return to this place For I know the Thoughts that I think towards you Saith the Lord Thoughts of peace And not of evil To give you an expected end Look the last point that I have for you Is God would have you To be at peace Okay If Babylon rises, mystery Babylon the great And we lose our freedoms We lose our rights Every step we take is monitored Every dollar we spend Is known by the government You know what God says, hey For I know the thoughts that I think towards you Saith the Lord, thoughts of peace And not of evil, don't you know, don't you like that That God is thinking towards us peace He wants us to be at peace To give you an expected end Hey look, our expected end is to be with Jesus Christ, to be with God Salvations, new heavens and new earth Why do we get so concerned about What's happening in this corrupt, wicked world We know what it is We're passing through You know we're not trying to fix this earth as it is We need to be at peace God wants us to be at peace He'll never leave us nor forsake us So Brevin I'll just wrap it up What to do about the end times Let me go through those points very quickly Number one, don't be troubled Number two, make your calling and election sure Number three, calmly accept Iniquity is at work It's been worked for the last two thousand years Number four, get on, we've lived a normal life Be a normal human being please Number five, make family your priority Number six, pray for peace Number seven, forsake unbiblical teachings And number eight, remind yourself that God Would have you to be at peace And not to be troubled, let's pray