(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So there in Psalm 37 look at verse number 18 the Lord Knoweth the days of the upright the total for the sermon this afternoon is what the Lord knows about you What the Lord knows about you now obviously the Lord knows everything the Lord knows everything There is to know about you of course and knows even beyond all of that his understanding is perfect But I was just thinking about You know we the Lord's given us this life to live and it's good to You know that like this morning You know we want to make sure that we set Jesus Christ as the Lord of our lives, and I want you to also be aware that you know even though We are serving Jesus Christ. We are serving our our Lord and creator Christ cares about you like the Lord thinks about you There are certain things that he's aware about in your life, and I want to share with you what some of those things are Psalm 37 verse 18 it says the Lord knoweth the days of the upright so what I've got today Six things that the Lord knows about you in your life And I want you to just meditate upon this this afternoon the very first thing that we see there Is that the Lord knows your days the Lord knows your days? You know sometimes we don't even remember what we did yesterday Well, we you know sometimes people tell me hey Pastor K remember this time two years ago when you said this or we did That and like I don't know. I can't really remember. I don't really recall Yeah, I kind of remember what that was about But the Lord knows about every single day of your life, and he knows every day you will live You know the Lord knows how many days you've got yet to live before you pass on and go into eternity The Lord knows your days What good is there for the Lord to know your days well as human beings where we we have limited? Understanding you know we don't know how much we're going to live you know when it you're not guaranteed to live tomorrow To see tomorrow we don't know that we don't know when what might happen right? But the Lord knows and I have great comforts knowing that the Lord knows exactly when I'm going to perish That means I'm pretty much unstoppable until that day comes and I can I can serve him mightily until that day comes But the Lord knows our days. You know he knows how many days we've got left And you know you might want to turn there keep your finger there and actually need to keep your finger there come with me To Psalm 90 you don't need to keep your finger there. We're not coming back to Psalm 37 come with me to Psalm 90 and And And verse number 12 Psalm 19 verse number 12 I really like this verse it really is a verse that I I stop and meditate on in my own personal life But it says in Psalm 90 verse 12 So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto Wisdom the Psalmist is telling God teach us to number our days look. I don't know how many days I've got you know how many days I've got left, but you know what I've done with my life You know whether I'm on track. You know whether I've been living within your will or not But teach us help us to understand that our days are numbered and for what purpose Well that Psalm says that in verse number 12 that we may apply our hearts unto Wisdom you see you've got a limited time on this earth and God wants you to think that every day that we live You know we should not just waste the days. You know we should not just live the days for ourselves We should be looking for wisdom every day We live you know wisdom that we can take from the Lord yes, but wisdom is more than just your understanding You know wisdom is really the application of the knowledge that God has given you God wants us to live this life and every day we live in wisdom I'm going to quickly read to you. You say that in Proverbs 2 6 it says for the Lord giveth wisdom this is this out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding out of his mouth cometh knowledge and Understanding you see wisdom is different from knowledge and knowledge is different from understanding What is understanding understanding is the ability to acquire knowledge? Okay, if knowledge is presented to you Understanding will help you acquire that information for yourself. That's what understanding is okay Knowledge is knowing the facts about a situation Okay, but wisdom is the application of that knowledge Wisdom is the application of that knowledge and so God wants us to number our days We haven't got forever to live we have a limited time span the Lord knows how long it is And he wants you to apply to knowledge Meaning not just sorry to wisdom not just to knowledge acquiring information But what are you going to do with that information? How are you going to act upon that information? See one of the problems we have with our school system is that it's built around knowledge gathering You know those that are considered to be to do academically well are those that have the ability You know I have the understanding have the ability to acquire as much knowledge and to retain as much knowledge So then when they do a test they can give the right answers But the school system does not teach wisdom What is the application of that? What does it mean? You know I mean I I recall and my wife tells me herself You know we remember our days in school where you may have a child that is very academic right they get a you know They're always getting A's in class. You know they have a great knowledge I have great understanding But then in life They're kind of clueless Have you ever come across something like that in life? They're just they just don't seem to function in life They can't seem to achieve in life. Yeah, they're able to gather information, but for what purpose That's a problem the school system. It's all that's a good students You're going to be successful in life because you can get knowledge What's the point of knowledge if you can't apply the wisdom if you can't apply it to your life and Brethren it's the same thing with Church What's the point of being a hearer if you're not going to be a doer? What's the point of hearing and knowing doctrine if you're not going to apply the doctrine in your life? If you're not going to make the change in your life What's the point just someone says oh yeah that person has a lot of knowledge about the Bible so what? What are you doing with that knowledge? Are you living a victorious Christian life? I'd rather know half the things of the Bible and do half the things of the Bible than to know all of the Bible and do nothing of it I mean, it's the application. It's the wisdom. It's living day by day that actually benefits me in the long run and That brings us back to the verse that we read originally the Lord knows the days of the upright the second part said and their inheritance shall be forever So God knows that when we got limited days but we do have a forever we do have an eternity that we're looking to live and God wants us to give us an inheritance in eternity to come But you know what the greater you're in here you can increase your inheritance You can increase your rewards in heaven How do I do that pastor by numbering your days and applying it unto wisdom? God's wisdom doing what God wants and he'll reward you and your inheritance in heaven will be even greater So that's what God knows about you. He knows your days So how have you been using your days? You know are you applying the wisdom of God day by day as you live? Say pastor yes, I am I am a hero I'm not really a doer, but I'm just I'm just getting ready for that day to come you know sometime in the future Sometime in the future. I'll read my Bible cover to cover Sometime in the future. I'll go soul winning Sometime in the future right oh, whatever whatever it is that you know you believe that you need to do in God's words Sometime, I'll do it in the future But your days are numbered you haven't got you don't know if you've got next week You don't know if you have next month apply your wisdom today What God has given you do it today? You know I kind of think of this like cramming for an exam again back to school illustrations Have you ever not studied and just like on the last night before your exam or tests you've crammed for your exam Okay, well that's kind of the Christian that keeps putting off the wisdom applying the wisdom. Yeah, I've got knowledge on knowledge I one day I'll do yeah well when you figure out that your days are short And there's not much time left for you to serve the Lord you're gonna try to cram for the exam You're not going to be effective You're better off. Just doing a little bit at a time You know you don't want to overwhelm yourself You don't want to become weary in well doing right, but just take a few basic things from God's Word make necessary changes Apply the knowledge do the things that God you know God wants you to do bit by bit little by little Okay, and you'll increase your inheritance to come The Lord knows your days come with me to the Luke chapter 16 come with me to Luke chapter 16, please What else does the Lord know about you Luke 16 verse 13? Luke 16 verse 13 Luke 16 verse 13 The Bible says no servants can serve two masters For either he will hate the one and love the other or else. He will hold to the one and Despise the other ye cannot serve God and mammon. I was originally gonna have this to my son in the morning Who's your Lord money or Jesus Christ, but I want to notice as we keep going here, okay? It says in verse number 14 and the Pharisees also who were who were covetous heard all these things and they derided him All right, so Jesus Christ says look who do you serve you serve your money or do you serve Jesus Christ and the Pharisees know? Man, we are after money That's what the Pharisees you know and it's it's bothering them that Jesus Christ is teaching this look at verse number 15 And he said unto them ye are they which justify yourselves before men But God knoweth your hearts For that which is highly esteemed among men. That's money chasing money is Abomination in the sight of God Everyone what's the second thing that we learn this afternoon that Lord knows the Lord knows your hearts The Lord knows your heart look the Pharisees the scribes. Where are they? They're in the house of the Lord They're in the temple. They're the religious leaders Reverend I see you this morning this afternoon I should say here in the house of the Lord and you know as far as I'm concerned you're here for the right reasons But I don't know your heart I Don't know if you really want to be here. Maybe you don't want to be here Maybe your heart prefers other things than the house of the Lord What Jesus Christ says you cannot serve two masters. You'll either hate the one and love the other You know what if you're not here in the house of the Lord for Jesus, then you hate Jesus You've got some other thing that you love and brethren the Lord know. I don't know your heart I don't know it and sometimes we don't even know our own hearts Okay, but the Lord knows your hearts, okay, if the Lord knows your heart Then you need to go to the Lord and say Lord reveal to me. What is in my heart? Reveal to me even I may not be aware, right? What's that? What's a passage? Um the heart is desperately wicked who can know it? Yeah, you know we can't always Understand what's taking place in our heart, and so it's good to go to the Lord to say Lord You know my heart, please reveal to me if there's any wicked way in me We're talking about money here, they were serving mammon. They were chasing the money they were in the ministry for the money for the finances and You know I'll quickly read to you this familiar passage You all know it first Timothy chapter 6 verse 10 for the love of money is the roots of all evil Look it doesn't say money is a root of all evil, okay? We need money we need to buy things we need to sell things we need to function But the love of money is the root of all evil What does your heart love does your heart love Jesus, or does it love money? You cannot have two masters. You'll either hate the one and love the other. I'm asking you which one do you love? The Lord knows your heart It continues in that verse what which while some coveted after they have erred from the faith and Pierce themselves through with many sorrows What's gonna happen when you start to love money you go into earth from the faith? You're gonna start backsliding. You're gonna start getting far from the Lord. You're gonna stop caring about the things of the Lord and Then pierce themselves through with many sorrows you're gonna have unnecessary sorrows Unnecessary problems Lord knows your heart Now look this is not saying that you should never think about money in fact I'll be honest with you the last few months. I've been thinking about money a lot Not because I love money. It's because I've got a big family There are bills to pay and I need to make sure I can make ends meet I've got to make sure I take it, but why is that why you know nothing wrong? You know sometimes I'm sitting there my wife walks into the bedroom, and I've got these spreadsheets up You know trying to figure out how much is coming in this month You know what are the bills gonna? Be you know what's coming in for church, and what are our expenses, and I'm trying to balance the books and all that kind of stuff But Brevin I I really don't love I don't love money. I couldn't care less I don't want a big bank account. I don't want more possessions The more possessions and the more money you have I it brings more sorrows it brings more pain The reason I have to sometimes think and money and consider it again because I love my family I need to make sure they have what they need to get through life and guess what else I love I love my ministry. I love the church I want to make sure that I've got what I need so I can teach it function as the pastor of new life Baptist Church and pastoring blessed our Baptist Church The Lord knows your heart and sometimes I got to tell the Lord like I could be spending a lot of time Looking at numbers looking at looking at things and making sure and they say Lord Can you just make sure my heart is pure here? I want to make sure that you know the reason I'm spending time on this The reason I've gone to get other work is just to make sure my family has what they need and to make sure it doesn't Interrupt with my work life. So we might we might we've my ministry is what I'm trying to say The Lord knows your heart and it's so hard because this world just bombards you with the whole the whole money game and People feel inferior, you know if they're not achieving as much as other people financially You Know the Bible says in Psalm 44 verse 20 if you can um Keep you think actually come with me to accept the one come with me to accept the one Can we to accept the one? Point number two Brevin was the Lord knows your heart and in Psalm 44 verse 20 It says if we have forgotten the name of our God or stretched out our hands to a strange God Shall not God search this out For he knoweth the secrets of the heart You know what? If you don't love God of your heart the Bible says here that the Lord will search you out Okay, he knows the secrets of your heart There are secrets in your heart or secrets in your mind right now That you know nobody else on the earth knows and I'm glad no one on the earth knows But the Lord knows the Lord knows your heart You know if you've done something that needs rectifying I don't care how secret it is or how you feel like you got away with us The Lord knows and the Lord will hold you accountable Make sure you fix the things that you've damaged even if nobody else knows Whatever that is. I don't know what it is in your hearts. The Lord knows your hearts Look at Acts chapter 1 verse number 23 Now this might seem a little bit You know a little bit off base here, but not really this is just talking about the fact that when Judas Iscariot went and hung himself that they were looking for another man to step into that position as an apostle and they set these two men here Joseph and Basabas before the the congregation and Well, let's just read it quickly. Acts chapter 1 verse 23 and they appointed to Joseph called Basabas who was surnamed justice oh, sorry and Matthias that was the other one verse number 24 and They prayed and said thou Lord is which knowest the hearts of all men show whether of these two thou has chosen They're saying you know the hearts of all men the reason I quoted this brethren is because if you ever want to get into Ministry for Church if you ever want to become take on an office a deacon or a pastor or something like that Your heart has to be right Okay, the choosing which of these men are going to take on the position that Judas has left and they said Lord Can you just you tell we don't know we don't know their hearts can you just point out to us who is the one that has the right heart and And look yes, that's talking about an office, but brethren we all call to serve the Lord We're all called. We're all called to be servants of the Lord Is your heart right with the Lord the Lord knows your hearts? The Lord knows your heart that's point number two come with me to Deuteronomy chapter 2 Deuteronomy chapter 2 verse number 7 Deuteronomy chapter 2 And Verse number 7 So what the Lord knows about you number one in the Lord knows your days The Lord knows your heart What else does the Lord know Deuteronomy 2 verse number 7? I'll give you the context very quickly You know the story the children of Israel, right? They came out of the they came out of Egypt They were on their way to the Promised Land Did the Lord want them to go to the Promised Land? Absolutely, okay, but they rebelled they pushed back and the Lord said alright Then you can wander the wilderness for 40 years and the next generation can be the ones that go in All right, so they wander in the wilderness was 40 years that wasn't God's ideal plan for them Okay, that's the consequences of them rebelling against the Lord, but even though they were walking in the wilderness I want you to notice what it says in verse number 7 For the Lord thy God have blessed thee in all the works of thy hand Look at this he knoweth thy walk in through this great wilderness The next point that I have for you brethren is the Lord knows your path The Lord knows your path right now the children of Israel are wandering the wilderness He knows thy wandering through this great wilderness These 40 years the Lord thy God have been with thee thou hast lacked nothing. I Like that a lot I actually like that a lot because they're meant they were meant to go to the Promised Land the right path Was to go into the Promised Land They chose the wrong path they went into the wilderness, and I was stuck there for 40 years Reverend the Lord knows your path Israel chose wrong didn't they they chose wrong, but what do we see here it says? These 40 years the Lord thy God have been with thee Even while they're on the wrong path the Lord was still looking out for their best and I know some of you because I have conversations with you will say past us, but I wasted so many years I've been on the on the wrong path for so many years Well you know what the Lord was with you those years He doesn't leave us. He doesn't forsake us The Lord knows your path now obviously the Lord wants us to be on the right path Obviously the Lord wants us to be on our way to the Promised Land And if you want to take a figurative lesson the Promised Land just represents a victorious Christian life Right living that the best Christian life you can this earth is a representation of the Promised Land But sometimes instead of being on the path to the Promised Land We're in the wilderness. We're wandering about for 40 years in circles going around and around and around Is that you We say past of the last few years. I've just been wandering around in a circle circle circle circle I've just I don't seem to be having the victorious Christian life I don't seem to be having the great spiritual highs that I thought I would have as a Christian Yeah, maybe you chose the wrong way. Maybe you've been wandering the wilderness But I want to know the Lord knows your path See eventually the tomb of Israel did get into the Promised Land right that punishment was 40 years in the wilderness but eventually they went to the Promised Land eventually they got on the right path and Brethren if the Lord knows your path and is with you whichever way you go Then he can help you today If you say I'm in the wilderness today pastor well he can get you to the Promised Land today He can get you on the right path today, and all I say to you Brethren is take the right path Ask the Lord he knows your path You may not even know you may not even realize right now that you're on a wrong path Leaning you away from the Lord Go to the Lord say Lord. You know my path. You know which way my life is headed Can you please point me to the right way? I want to go to the Promised Land And You all know this passage Proverbs chapter 3 one of the most famous passages in the Bible Proverbs chapter 3 verse number 5 Trust in the Lord with all thine hearts and lean not unto thine own understanding in all thy ways acknowledge him and He shall direct thy paths See the Lord knows your path the Lord knows you're walking. Where are you headed? You see whichever way you are maybe you're in the wilderness. Maybe you are in the Promised Land Maybe you're on your way to the Promised Land I hope you're not stuck in Egypt Because being stuck in Egypt represents an unsaved life basically. Okay, maybe you're you just come out of Egypt Maybe you're you're recently saved or a new convert, but whatever path you're on the instruction is in all thy ways acknowledge him Even if you're in the wilderness today, you know what you say Lord. I'm your servants. I'm your child Thank you for your blessings. Thank you for always being there Thank you for never leaving me nor forsaking me and look if you acknowledge the Lord in your life no matter where you are today He'll get you where he needs you to be the Lord knows your path It also said there in Deuteronomy chapter 2 verse 7 if you're still there Not only did it say at the end of this at the end of the verse these 40 years the Lord thy God have Been with thee it says thou has lacked nothing Thou has lacked nothing which brings me to my next point if you can turn with me to Matthew chapter 6 and verse number 7 Matthew chapter 6 and verse number 7, please What else does the God what else does God know about us? Matthew chapter 6 and verse number 7? Matthew chapter 6 verse number 7 it says but when ye pray Use not vain repetitions as the heathen do for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking Look at verse number 8 be not ye therefore like unto them for your father knoweth what things ye have need of Before ye ask him The next one that I have for you brethren is the Lord knows your needs Lord knows your needs. So that's where we're obviously when Israel was in the wilderness God said they lacked nothing because God knew their needs in the wilderness Okay, well, we're commanded here that or reminded here that we should not pray with vain repetitions Like the Catholics do you know with the rosary beads, you know, our father our father our father our father hail Mary Hey, hey, Mary, I don't know And you know also when you pray try to Try not to just be on this repetitive loop when you pray as well Don't forget you actually speaking to a real being the creator of all things Speak to him like, you know, if you spoke to me We just said replay the same conversation over and over and over again. You're like, what are we talking? It's kind of vain repetition. Is it not? Just be mindful when you pray to the Lord to speak to him. He wants to hear from you Okay, doesn't want to just hear this You know a record tape playing over and over again vain repetition But it says that your father know if what things you have need of and I'm sure you all have needs right now There are things that you're saying I man. I really need to come this to come through the Lord knows ready The Lord actually it says know what things you have need of before you ask him Even before you realize you have this need the Lord already knew you had that need Now this is not saying don't ask him because he already knows no, you know, I think some people take that view but Before you ask he knows but that doesn't negate the need to ask Okay, it doesn't negate the need to ask I often wonder how many things does God know I need and he's got it in his hand right there Just there you go. It's right here. Are you gonna ask for it? And I go well You know, I need a load. Yeah, but you're asking for it, but you know, I need a load Yeah, but you're asking for it How many times do we just not pray for things that we need and the Lord has it right there in his hands He's got it ready for us You need to ask you need to get in the habit of going to prayer and ask and even though you know You know, the Lord already knows what you need In fact, he knows better than what you know that you need right many times we may ask of something we say Lord I have a need of XY and Z and the Lord goes well Actually, I've thought about this longer than you do you don't need that you actually need something else and he gives you something else to fulfill your requirements the Lord knows You know if I can just give you another personal example The Lord knew that I needed more work. The Lord knew that I needed more income, you know for my family And look he opened the doors. You guys know that I'm doing part-time cleaning And I had a you know, well-meaning brother say to me Pastor come on. We can't have you clean like, you know, that's a low-level job I don't like the idea of my pastor having to clean, you know Can't you look after yourself by the church and you know, I didn't like the idea and I was like brother The Lord knows what I need It's it's not I don't look at some low-level job and think I don't want to do that I think of it. Well Jesus gave it to me If I need to increase my income, I don't care what it is. I'll find a way. I'll do whatever I need and it's not The status that's important to me. It's not the position that's important to me There was many more things that I needed beyond just an income Like what like yeah, I could sit in an office and make more money, but then I'll just put on more weights The Lord knows I needed a job that requires a little bit of physical movements Right and not only that cleaning requires no mental effort. It's just my hands moving around So what does that mean? That means I can clean and At the same time I can prepare sermons At the same time I can strategize at the same time I can start thinking about what the church needs. I can be actually working two jobs My body's doing the cleaning my head's doing the thinking for things that matter for the Lord God the Lord knows what I need what I need and Then I come home and guess what no stress It's the kind of job that you do and you don't have to think about it when you get home There's a lot of jobs that I could do and I come home and I'll be bringing that home with me mentally So it's not just cleaning the Lord knows I needed that because it answers it deals with other things that I needed more so than I realized when I if Initially went looking for work And he pays all right Allows me time to prepare sermons it allows me time to speak to the Lord You know if I really wanted to I guess I could listen to some podcasts listen to some audiobooks I could listen to some sermons if I wanted to increase my my my learning I could do that as well I mean that there are many there to me There are so many more benefits being a cleaner then getting paid twice as much working in the office The Lord knows what we need Can you come with me to Psalm 103 come with me to Psalm 103, please? Psalm 103 You know, I hope you're encouraged when you do go to God in prayer and you don't get what you thought You want it or you thought you needed The Lord knows what you need Please just rest in that Okay, don't take the attitude or God never answers my prayer or God doesn't give me what I want If God doesn't give it to you, it's because it's gonna cause you harm Okay, or you're not ready to receive it Maybe later you're going to receive that or God has a better solution for you But still God wants to hear from his children that you have need of such things Where you're lacking, you know open your heart to the Lord and speak to him Anyway, the next one Psalm 103 Psalm 103 in verse number 14. What else does the Lord know? Psalm 103 verse number 14. It says for he knoweth our frame He remembereth that we are dust Okay, so the dust represents our body. The frame is there our body as it were So it says for you know if our frame what it basically saying this is that point number five The Lord knows your capability The Lord knows what you can do in the body that he has given you he know of our frame He remember if that we are dust he realizes that we're we're weak He realizes that you know, we're not strong in the body He knows that boy you just walk the street get hit by can't that be the end of you. We're just dust We're very fragile human beings actually We have weaknesses we have sicknesses You know Even maybe mental burdens that can cause your physical body to get sick or tired the Lord knows that we're limited and Again, I like that. In fact if we keep going look at verse number 15 for as man His days are as grass come back to the first point, right? You know, we need to number our days as a flower of the field. So he flourish of For the wind passeth over it and it is gone and the place thereof shall know it no more. I Realize that I realize that the truth of this passage more so now because in our house We've got this garden and Christina doesn't you know tries to look after it and you know You see the flowers come out and they look beautiful, but then you can have like a storm Are you gonna have like, you know heavy weather and then you look at the at the garden? It's all like it's all falling over Like so much effort and so much beauty originally when he came out But then all it takes is a wind to pass over it and gone It's destroyed looks like the kids have just run through and maybe they have run through and trampled it I don't know but that's that's our life. It's that's what's comparing our life our frame God knows our capability. He knows our weaknesses So If the Lord knows our capability he knows what we're able to do and yet he gives us his word and He says do this or do that obey this commandment obey that Commandments Are we capable of doing those things? We have to be able to be he knows our frame I've said this in a recent sermon Why would the Lord ask you to do things that you can't do makes no sense The Lord knows your frame He knows what you're capable of doing like we can't turn around to God and say yeah I know your Bible says that Lord, but I can't do it Why the Lord knows your frame? He wouldn't ask of you. This Bible is a one-size-fits-all book It covers you you don't think God didn't think of you when he wrote this book God knows what we're made of. He knows what we're capable to achieve what we're able to achieve And Many times we don't do what God asks of us because we think we're unable We make excuses You know we say Lord, but I can't because whatever it is. I can't Lord my life is like this What do you know your frame better than God knows your frame? Do you know your capability better than God knows your capability? The Truth is there are many things we can't do that God asks of us But that's why it says in Ephesians 3 20 now unto him That is able to do exceedingly Abundantly above all that we ask or think look at this according to the power that worketh in us Brethren God can use us to do exceedingly above Abundantly above what we think God can utilize you more than you realize According to the power that worketh in us Yeah, a hundred percent in the flesh doing things by our own our own strength our own power a hundred percents We can't keep the laws of God. We can't do what God asks of us a hundred percent But according to God's power you can you can do even more than you realize So God knows your capability. He knows your weaknesses He wouldn't ask you to do something that he can't you know that that you can't do But you need to tap into God's power to make it happen The Lord knows your capability Can you turn to me to Philippians chapter 1? Come with me to Philippians chapter 1 What I'm saying brethren is whatever he commands you are capable of following through that command If there's something in the sermon this afternoon that challenges you you have the capability of making that change Not in your own strength. You ask God God you're working me. Give me that power It says in Philippians chapter 1. I want you to notice this verse number 6 Philippians chapter 1 verse number 6 Look how it starts being confident of this very thing God wants you to have confidence in what we're about to read Okay confidence no doubts I know this can happen been confident of this very thing that he which have begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ God will perform this work in you and God wants you to be confident about it The Lord knows your frame the Lord knows your capability. He knows your limitations But he knows you can do it and he wants you to have the confidence to know that you can do it There's nothing wrong with the Lord Okay, like if you're not achieving what God is asking of you in his word. The problem is not with God He's trying to help you. He's giving you that power The problem is with us because we think we're unable we think it can't be done. We think we're too weak We think we have limitations but that's why the Lord knows your frame the Lord knows your capability and So as we as I go for this the Lord knows this Lord knows What are the things that Lord knows then if he knows this better than you then you've got to trust him You've got to rely on him the Lord knows better than you You What the Lord knows about you is the title for the sermon This afternoon. Let me go through those very quickly number one. The Lord knows your days number two, the Lord knows your heart Number three the Lord knows your path Number four the Lord knows your needs and what we just looked at the Lord knows your capability number five The Lord knows your capability come with me to 2nd Peter now come with me to 2nd Peter chapter 2 2nd Peter chapter 2 verse number 9 2nd Peter chapter 2 verse number 9. What else does the Lord know about you? 2nd Peter chapter 2 and verse number 9 The Bible says in 2nd Peter chapter 2 verse 9 the Lord knoweth what? how to deliver the godly out of temptations and To reserve the unjust and to the day of judgment to be punished Let's focus on that first part though, because we're not consider. We're not the unjust we're the saved right now. We've been justified But the Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations Point number six break from the last point I have for you. The Lord knows how to deliver out of temptation now Before you sin Before you disobey the Lord before you break his commandments Before that happens you've been you're tempted to do those things the temptation comes Okay, and we're all tempted You know, we're all made of the same flesh and blood Many of the temptations in my life going to be the same temptations in your life And there are some things that we're better at and not so good at whatever, you know If you've got a past life where you've you know, struggled with a lot of sins You're gonna have greater temptations when those sins come to meet you where maybe others will not like alcohol for me It's like a non-issue. I'm gonna be careful though. Can't just smile obviously gonna be careful, you know And not set my eyes upon those things But for me, I was never really into Africa In fact, I hated alcohol before I even realized was something that God did not like and I never liked it I think it's I think it's disgusting to be honest with you Like tasting that stuff but others that may have it been alcoholics or you know had certain favorite drinks They're gonna be and they try to overcome that obviously the temptation to go back That way is gonna be much stronger for that individual person But by and large a lot of the temptations we I have and you have a shed amongst us because we've got the same frailties But the Lord knows how to deliver out of temptation So when you are tempted to sin You have a choice, right But you can't stop the temptation and Satan is a tempter Satan and his devils can come along and put things in front of you that you know You try to stay away from or just temptations simply from the lust of your own heart that you have Okay, but it's not a sin to be tempted. You need to understand that that's not the sin It's given into the temptation that is the sin given into into it But what's great about this and look when you are tempted there's that danger because it's just one more step in sin It'd be even better if we didn't have to go for the temptation wouldn't you say even better if we didn't have to go for that temptation and That's why it says the Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations So when you are tempted brethren you need to run to the Lord the Lord knows how to get out of that situation The Lord knows how to overcome that situation I love what Jesus Christ says remember they got the disciples go to Jesus and They say hey teach us how to pray and Christ gives these words in Matthew 6 13 He's just Christ giving this example. He prays to the Father and lead us not into temptation But deliver us from evil and there's a two-part there deliver us not into temptation Jesus Christ said it's better if we don't even get tempted in the first place And look if you want to you know, if you're struggling with temptation You're struggling sin and when the temptation comes you're so weak. You just give into it Then how about pray to God and say God lead us lead me not into temptation Help me just get around that so I didn't have to even face that temptation in my life But then if you are tempted Christ says the next part of that sentence but deliver us from evil So when the temptation comes well, Lord, please deliver me, you know, I don't want to do evil I don't want to do wrong. I don't want to harm myself. I don't want to sin against you Lord The Lord knows how to deliver out of temptation You think you're strong enough By yourself, you're not By yourself, you will be you will give into the temptation by yourself. You will sin against the Lord. You're not strong enough You need to go to the Lord and say Lord, you know how to deliver me out of this temptation Come with me to 1st Corinthians chapter 10 Come with me to 1st Corinthians chapter 10 1st Corinthians chapter 10 Let me encourage you brethren when you're tempted and you're thinking of sinning you go. No, I can't you know, I'm gonna do this And it could be just so natural in your flesh. You just do it without thinking But if you have a moment just to really collect your thoughts Just as much as you don't want to face God potentially just just cry out to God God you know how to deliver me out of this And I don't know, you know, there's something about that Just just to get crying out to the Lord and just reminding you that the Lord is looking the Lord sees the Lord knows The Lord knows my frame. He knows my weaknesses. He knows how to deliver me out of this Maybe quote a Bible verse Maybe sing a line of a hymn of a praise that you know toward the Lord and I tell you somehow it just gives That power to just say no to that temptation No, I'm gonna walk away and I'm gonna serve my Lord. I'm gonna please my Lord Because in your brain by yourself you're going ah, it's just a little thing I Mean I've sinned all day anyway, so I might as well just give it to this one as well The Lord knows how to deliver you out of temptation look at 1st Corinthians chapter 10 verse 12 It says wherefore let him that thinketh his standeth take heed lest he fall That's the whole alcohol example where I feel like it's got no power over me I don't even care for that thing Well, it says wherefore let him that thinker if you stand up Yeah I'm saying take heed lest he fall It's gonna be careful just because you think you've got victory over certain things and it's not gonna bother you. You don't know Like in other words don't play with fire or you'll get burnt okay, but then it says in verse number 13 There have no temptation taken you but such as is common to man See our temptations are common things you struggle with same things that I struggle with like you're not some weirdo Okay, people struggle with those things, too But God is faithful who will not suffer you or allow you to be tempted above that you are able But will with the temptation also make a way to escape that you may be able to bear it Wow You know when you're tempted you can't say to God that temptation was just too strong God I couldn't stop myself No God will not allow such temptations to come into you Every sin you commit every time you give in to the temptation you can't turn and say what God was out of my control You know I was forced to do it. No as you gave in to us God made sure it was at a level where you could overcome it It says and will with the temptation also make a way to escape there's always a way to escape There's always a way to not give in to that temptation God makes an opportunity for you you decide it's up to you. You either give in to it and sin against the Lord Or you find that way of escape which one's easier It's much easier to just give in to the temptation and then just go sorry Lord did it again Now look the Lord will forgive you of course he will you know come with him with to him with a broken and contrite heart Hey, he won't refuse you. You know confess your sins, but you would have been even better if you just Found the escape route you know that God had opened so that you may be able to bear it Look, I know we're all sinners, and I know we're gonna sin today We die But the only way to have victory in your life the only way to improve and be more holy Okay, and to overcome is to just you've got to beat it. You've got to overcome when the temptation comes You just got to fight against and say no Lord with your strength. What's the way of escape show me? And just beat it and as you beat it and you and you overcome it you better overcome bigger temptations in your life and bigger temptations in your life and bigger ones and your life can become more and more holy More and more righteous more and more like Jesus Christ The Lord knows how to deliver you out of temptation All right brethren. I'll wrap it up there just in conclusion very quickly number one the Lord knows your days number two The Lord knows your hearts number three the Lord knows your path number four the Lord knows your needs Number five the Lord knows your capability and number six the Lord knows how to deliver out of temptation okay? Let's pray