(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You You You You You You You You You God Can I get you to grab your hymnals and turn to him number one hundred and fifty-nine Him number one five nine blessed be the name him number one five nine and when you found it Can I get you to stand please? in number one five nine Oh Oh Oh Oh The name All righty, let's open in a word of prayer Dear Heavenly Father. I just want to thank you that we can be gathered together in your household I just want to thank you that we have fellow brethren that we can meet up with Lord. I Just pray that you are also blessed the brethren down in Let's blessed hope Baptist Church Lord and also the brethren at open bubble Open door Bible Church Lord and in Jesus name. Amen. You may be seated Can I get you to turn now to him number four hundred and seven? Him number four zero seven faith of our fathers in number four hundred and seven Still Me Oh Oh Oh And preach All righty good singing final hand before the bubble reading Can I get to turn to him number three hundred and sixteen? Him number three one six. I have decided to follow Jesus number three one six Oh Oh All righty time for the bubble reading can I get to turn to John chapter 3 John chapter 3 and Christian will be coming up for the bubble reading John chapter 3 There was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus a ruler of the Jews Who came to Jesus by night and said unto him? Rabbi we know that our teacher come from God for no man can do these miracles that thou dost Except God be with him Jesus answered and said unto him verily verily our sanity except a man be born again. He cannot see the kingdom of God Nicodemus saith unto him, how can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the second time into his mother's womb and be born? Jesus answered Verily verily our sanity except a man be born of water and of the spirit He cannot enter into the kingdom of God That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spirit Marvel not that I said unto thee you must be born again The wind bloweth where it is listeneth and thou hearest to sound thereof But can't not tell whence it cometh and whether it goeth So is everyone that is born of the spirit Nicodemus answered and said unto him, how can these things be? Jesus answered and said unto him thou art thou art thou a master of Israel and knows not these things Verily verily our sanity we speak that we do not do know and testify that we have seen and You receive not our witness if I have told you earthly things and you believe not How shall you believe of her tell you of heavenly things and no man hath ascended up to heaven But he that come came down from heaven Even the Son of Man which is in heaven and as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness Even so must the Son of Man be lifted up The huge whoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life For God to love the world that he gave it only begotten Son that who shall believeth in him should not perish But have everlasting life For God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved He that believeth on him is not condemned but he that believeth not is condemned already because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God and This is a condemnation Their light is come into the world and men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil For every one that doeth evil hateth the light neither cometh to a light lest his deeds should be reproved but he that doeth truth come Cometh to the light these deeds may be made manifest that they are wrought in God after these things came Jesus and his disciples into the land of Judea and There he tired of them and baptized and John also was baptizing in a unknown Near to Salem because there was much water there and they came and were baptized for John was not yet cast into prison Then there arose a question between some of John's disciples and the Jews about purifying and they came unto John and sent him rabbi He that was with thee behold beyond Jordan to whom thou bearish witness behold the same baptizers and all men come to him John answered and said a man can receive nothing and Accept to be given him from heaven You yourselves bear me witness that I said I am not to Christ, but I am sent before him He that hath the bride is the bridegroom But the friend of the bridegroom which standeth and here with him rejoices greatly because of the bridegroom his voice This is my joy. Therefore is we failed he must increase but on us decrease He that cometh from above is above all he that is of the earth is earthly and speaketh of the earth He that cometh from heaven is above all and what he hath seen and Heard that he testified testifies and no man received his testimony He that hath received his testimony has set to his seal that God is true For he whom God has sent speaketh the words of God for God giveth not the spirit by measure unto him The father loveth the son and has given all things into his hand He that that believeth on the son hath everlasting life he that believeth not in the son shall not see life But the wrath of God abideth on him. Let's pray Dear Lord, please fill my dad with the Holy Ghost and please help everyone to learn something from the sermon and to be attentive And Jesus now pray Amen Thank You Christian All right, so as Christian was just praying then what did he say he asked the Lord to fill his father with the Holy Ghost and As I said to you in the morning sermon that this sermon came out of preparing for the morning sermon And then I realized I got way too many pages going on here and it's got to be its own separate sermon Look, there's a lot of um, one of the you know When I think about myself as a pastor I get a lot of questions One of the questions that come up them here here are the list of questions that I get asked the most What do we believe about alcohol? What do we believe about divorce and remarriage, you know, and then what do you believe at the Holy Spirit? I mean these these are the kind of things that kind of pop up on a regular basis and I realize there's a lot of thoughts around this sometimes Conflicting ideas not not necessarily heresy But just conflicting ideas about what the workings of the Holy Spirit is in our lives And so I decided to tell this sermon the workings of the Holy Spirit The title of the sermon this afternoon is the workings of the Holy Spirit now stay there in John chapter 3 and quickly go to 1st Samuel chapter 16 1st Samuel chapter 16 and This morning I was preaching for Psalm 51 and I'll just quickly read to you from Psalm 51 verse 11 These are the words of King David He says cast me not away from my presence and take not thy Holy Spirit from me And so David as I shared with you this morning was they was just concerned that God will take away the Holy Spirit Away from David and this isn't just poetic language or an exaggeration What we learn here in 1st Samuel 16 13 is that most definitely God could take away the Holy Spirit From an individual as we read there in 1st Samuel chapter 16 verse 13 then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brethren and the Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward So Samuel rose up and went to Rhema verse number 14, but the Spirit of the Lord Departed from Saul that's King Saul and an evil spirit from the Lord troubled him And so we learn this is not just poetic language a psalm You know sometimes we see songs and psalms it is a bit of an exaggeration because of the language been expressive You know, but no it's actually true in the Old Testament We see these this play out where King Saul had the Holy Spirit depart from him and because King David was in such serious sin He was worried that the same would happen to him and so these kind of questions pop up or hold on I thought we had the permanent indwelling of the Holy Spirit I mean if you lose the Holy Spirit of God does that mean you lose your salvation people ask these kinds of questions and As I said the title for the sermon this afternoon is the workings of the Holy Spirit Now there's a lot of things that the Holy Spirit does in our lives He plays a significant role in many like I could make this entire series of the workings of the Holy Spirit But when I look at the scriptures I see three significant aspects or three significance or major workings of the Holy Spirit in our lives And if you can go back to John chapter 3 go back to John chapter 3 now I just wanted to show you in the Old Testament Yeah We definitely see the Holy Spirit being removed from an individual who was in grave sin and One one of the things like even amongst Baptist even amongst independent Baptist there is a Difference of opinion sometimes on the Holy Spirit and the workings of the Spirit I don't think it's that complicated once you sort of wrap your head around a few fundamental things as I said to you though as I as much as I can see there are three significant jobs of the Holy Spirit and Anytime you read about the Holy Spirit's actions in an individual You'll be able to lump it into one of these three things okay, and Another thing that I've discovered is that sometimes Because as Baptist especially as independent fundamental Baptists We're afraid to be lumped in with the Pentecostals Because the Pentecostals they speak a lot about the Holy Spirit. I mean sometimes even their church logo There's a dove or some fire or some flame Signifying the Holy Spirit, you know that they're often speaking about the Holy Spirit and the power that's come upon them And sometimes as Baptist because well you know We don't want to be lumped in with the same kind of practice and doctrines of the Pentecostals I think sometimes Baptists are afraid to say something that might sound that way that way inclined But you know what there is this empowering of the Holy Spirit that God gives us to do great works for God There definitely is that but where does that fit into this idea of the workings of the Holy Spirit? Well, let's start with some of the very most basic things. Let's go to back to there to John 3 verse number 5 John chapter 3 and verse number 5 The first aspect of the working of the Holy Spirit is being born of the spirits Okay, being born again as the Bible teaches where they're in John chapter 3 verse number 5 John chapter 3 verse number 5 Jesus answered Verily verily or truly truly I say unto thee Except a man be born of water that being born of water is being born of your mother Okay from the ambiotic fluid we talk about when a woman gives birth that her water breaks Okay So except a man be born of water or a physical birth and of the spirits There's a second birth there. He cannot enter into the kingdom of God So we see that we need to be born of the spirit to enter the kingdom of God And of course this has to do with salvation in order for you to be saved You must be born of the spirit look at verse number six that which is born of the flesh is flesh That's being born of the water. Okay. Yes, you're born of flesh And that which is born of the spirit is spirits Marvel not or don't be surprised Marvel not that I said unto thee you must be born again So notice brethren in order to see the kingdom of God to enter the kingdom Yes, there must be a physical birth that makes sense we have to be a human being all right But secondly we must experience the second birth being born of the spirits Okay, this is salvation We know the Bible teaches that you know that every human being has that sinful condition that sinful flesh that comes a time Where you know you've understood the commandments you've understood your sin nature against God a certain level of maturity Where your spirit dies recognizing that it's a sinner It's it's sinful all right that spirit needs to be revived that spirit must be born again of the Holy Spirit Which is salvation the moment that you've trusted Christ the Savior? I mean we're looking at John chapter 3 we know that it contains the most famous Verse involved with John 3 16 right for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life, and so we know hey, that's salvation Yeah, everlasting life faith on Christ alone is all we need in order to be saved and of course as we continue Jesus Christ is teaching that important truth to Nicodemus and so the moment you believe on Christ you've been born of the Spirit Okay, it keeps going there verse number 8 John 3 8 the wind bloweth where it listeth and thou hearest the sound thereof But canst not tell whence it cometh and whither it goeth so is everyone that is born of the Spirit Okay, so just like you know you don't see the wind, but you see the effects of the wind You know you don't see the spiritual birth because it is inside You know it's not like this outward reflection that there's been this spiritual birth. It's something that takes place Inside of you okay again this flesh does not get reformed Salvation is not reformed this flesh salvation is being born of the Spirit once you've experienced that then you have access of course to the kingdom of God Now as I keep going I want to understand when we talk about the workings of the Spirit of God the Holy Spirit at the end of the day it's all about helping us have that walk and Understanding of the Lord God being utilized by God Because when we think about our physical bodies you know we use our physical bodies to interact in a physical realm Right in order for us to go to work and work a job But need a physical body well in order for us to function in the spiritual realm Specifically the kingdom of God we must be born the spirit We must have a spirit that is able to commune with our Heavenly Father God is a spirit Okay, and that ultimately you know that is the job of the Holy Spirit to allow us to be able to function Be in the presence of God understand his teachings for God to do a work in our lives This is the whole purpose having that new man the spirit that is born again Let's keep going there verse number nine Nicodemus answered and said unto him how can these things be? Jesus answered and said unto him are thou a master of Israel and no it's not these things Nicodemus goes how can we be born again? Right I mean being born of the spirit is just going over his head and later on he goes You know how can I enter into my mother's womb again a second time? You know he's thinking about a physical a second physical birth of course not Lord God's speaking about a spiritual birth being born of the spirits Okay, and what I like about what Jesus Christ says yeah, let's look at verse number 10 again Thou a master of Israel so Nicodemus is a Pharisee he's supposed to be one of these religious leaders Christ saying aren't you one of these religious leaders aren't you a master you know in Israel and no it's not these things So what do we learn there Christ is? Telling him you should know these things you know you teach the scriptures You're you're a religious leader. You've got the writings of Moses, and you've got the writings of the prophets. You should know this truth one thing that I found with some Christians is They have this thought that being born of the Spirit is just a New Testament truth No, it's not okay Christ says don't you know? You're a master. You should know these things all Nicodemus had were the writings of the Old Testaments So there must have been teaching of the Old Testament There's still of course this being born the spirit must have been applicable in the Old Testament as well otherwise Christ could not say these things and Of course if being born the spirit is salvation Then of course people got saved in the Old Testament, and how did they get saved the same way brethren? They had to be born the spirit. They too had sinful flesh They too needed a new man. They too needed a revived the born-against spirits in them in order to be saved and So Jesus Christ makes this very clear. It's the same teaching Nicodemus that you should already know okay? so it's kind of embarrassing Nicodemus here, so I want you to just look at some passages with me keep your finger there and Actually, you don't need to stay in John chapter 3, but we are coming back to John a bit later But if you can go to Ezekiel chapter 11 turn to Ezekiel chapter number 11 Ezekiel chapter number 11 Now in the Old Testament you're not going to find the term being born again in the Old Testament Okay, but the concept of being born again is definitely in the scriptures look at Ezekiel chapter 11 verse number 17 Ezekiel chapter 11 and verse number 17 Now just for context Ezekiel was a man that was taken Into captivity by the Babylonian Empire When the Babylonian Empire came to the Israelites or to the I should say to the southern kingdom of the Jews there were three major exiles into Babylon and Ezekiel went into that first exile into Babylon okay, but it says here in verse number 17 Ezekiel 11 17 Therefore say thus saith the Lord God. I will even gather you from the people and Assemble you out of the countries where you have been scattered, and I will give you the land of Israel So Ezekiel is learning that this captivity is not forever God is promising that one day they're gonna be brought out of the nations of Babylon remember Babylon Kingdom had many nations Under them that was scattered throughout all these nations one day. They will return back to the land. That's been promised verse number 18 and They shall come in vida and they shall take away all the detestable things thereof and all the abominations thereof from thence and Look at this, and I will give them one heart And I will put a new spirit within you And I will take the stony heart out of their flesh and will give them and heart of flesh That they may walk in my statutes and keep mine ordinances and do them And they shall be my people and I will be their God Now I want you to put your mind back to that captivity period you may recall that the generation That was taken into captivity the Lord God called them reprobate reprobate silver You know because the Lord had rejected them the vast majority of that generation were ungodly there were very few believers You know at that time when the nation was taken into captivity The people that are gonna be brought back into the land. It's 70 years later We're talking about the children and the grandchildren of those taken into captivity Okay, again many of those in taken were not even saved many of them were wicked worshiping false gods They were completely against the Lord God the head of the prophets of God, but the generation that would come back They would learn the lessons They would be humbled in captivity, and they would seek once again the Lord God of the Bible Okay, so God says when this generation returns back to the land What are they going to receive verse number 19? and I would give them one heart and I'll put a new spirit within you a New spirit hey they would be born of the spirit is basically what is being taught there these people would be believers How do you know because then God says at the end of it? In verse number 20 That they may walk in my statutes the only way you can do the commandments of God is being saved But then it says and keep mine ordinances and do them and they shall be my people and I will be their God so you notice notice that the Again, you know don't don't label everybody in this sense, but many of them were not saved those that coming back into the land They are going to get saved and so God will be their people once again meaning for a period of time They weren't his people okay, but it's the children of the captivity that are coming back into the land They've learned the lessons. They're being made right with God, and they've been given this new spirits Okay, go to Ezekiel 36 now Ezekiel 36 and verse number 24 Ezekiel 36 and verse number 24 Ezekiel 36 and verse number 24 The same teaching is here it says in verse number 24 for I will take you from among the heathen That's again from the Babylonian Empire and gather you out of all countries and will bring you into your own land Then I will sprinkle clean water upon you and ye shall be clean from all your filthiness and from all your idols Will I cleanse you a new heart also will I give you and a new? Spirit will I put within you and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh and I will give you an heart of flesh and I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes And you shall keep my judgments and do them and you shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers And you shall be my people and I will be your God Remember at the end of day. This is the same as us You know as as the Gentiles as it were you know you know when you weren't not when you were not saved When you did not believe the gospel you were not the people of God and God was not your God Okay, the only way you can claim that truth is by being saved The moment you get saved God becomes your God and you become his people Okay that's what salvation gives us being born the spirit being given this new spirit within us this new man that God has given us and So if Nicodemus was a saved man, and he wasn't saved at this point in time of course And as a teacher as a master of Israel when Jesus Christ says how you got to be born of the spirit He should have gone. Oh, yeah, I've read that Yeah, you're gonna. You know God promised us a new spirit, and that we would be made his people and he'd be our God He should have known that truth But the reason I read Ezekiel just wanted to show you even though the term being born again is not used the concept is there going from unsaved Generations being taken into captivity to learning the lessons Desiring to be with God once again being God's people that new generation would come out and many of them of course were saved They did great works. They rebuilt Jerusalem rebuild the temple etc etc All right, so we're dealing there with being born of the spirit Salvation it's the same for everybody. I've really preached recent sermons that salvation was the same Okay, that it was by faith and not by works regardless of what's it? What covenant you were under even before the old covenant was by faith alone? You know I explained to not longer as well that you know who so shall call upon them the Lord You know yes salvation was the same way they would call upon them the Lord we we of course call upon them with Jesus But in the old covenant that he was known as Jehovah and before the old covenant. He was known as just God almighty Salvation has been the same you know except we have the full revelation of God's Word We understand the entire thing how Christ had to come and die and be buried and rise again from the dead We understand all of that whereas for them. It was a bit of a cloudy vision. They had the concepts Okay, they believed in the same God salvation was by faith as well and for them of course the moment They place their faith on God on Jesus Christ Jehovah God almighty they would have that new spirit They would be born again So that is the primary and first and and regardless of where you what time period you lived This is the same for everybody born a spirit you have the new man that part of you goes to heaven this flesh Goes to the grave and as I said one day. We'll get that new resurrected body all together with all Saints All right now go back to the book of John go to John chapter 16 And I probably should have mentioned. This is a Bible study Okay, I mean I was just just throwing verses at my my notes here So we are going to go be going back and forth back and forth So the workings of the Holy Spirit the first workings as we've just seen is being born of the Spirit We all have it everyone that is saved goes for this process of being born of the Spirit All right, let's have a look at John chapter 16 verse number 7 John chapter 16 and verse number 7, please So Christ is teaching his disciples And he's telling them look there's coming a time when I'm going away. I have to go okay Christ would not continue his ministry indefinitely on the earth. He had to leave it says there in John chapter 16 verse 7 John chapter 16 verse 7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth it is expedient for you that I go away Expedient means profitable. It's profitable for you for Christ to go away for if I go not away The comforter will not come unto you, but if I depart I will send him unto you So notice that Christ has to leave for the comforter to come Okay, but we've all been born of the Spirit. Yes. We've all been born of spirits Okay, but there's a second working that we learn here that Christ has to leave He's finished his ministry has to end for the comforter to come. It's quite interesting drop down to verse number 13 John 16 13 Now Christ makes it very clear who the comforter is John to the 16 verse 13 How be it when he the spirit of truth is come? Now we know he's the comforter so of course he gives us comfort But this is the next aspect that I want to understand of the working of the Holy Spirit When the whole spirit is come Lucas it says here. He will guide you into all truth You know this is another significant aspect of the Holy Spirit's ministry to guide you into all truth look For he shall not speak of himself But whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak and he will show you things to come He shall glorify me for he shall receive of mine and show it unto you All things that the Father hath are mine Therefore said I that he shall take of mine and shall show it unto you So Christ says everything the Father has given me Everything the Father has asked me to do all all the things that I've taught the Holy Spirit will take of mine that I got from the Father and teach you all these things and Show you all these things the Holy Spirit's not going to come and teach brand-new doctrines or contradictive doctrines He's going to remind us of everything that Christ has taught us Okay, so in some churches when they stand behind the pulpit or whatever they have right and they say I've got it I've got a word from the Holy Spirit, and it contradicts the Bible brethren. That's not the Holy Spirit of God It's not the Holy Spirit of God because the Holy Spirit is only coming Confirming and reminding and teaching us of what Christ taught Okay, this is why we can only understand the Bible can only understand God's teachings through the Holy Spirit This is his next working this teaching us. Okay. How does this come to be you know? How does this make sense this this whole teaching idea? Well, please go to John chapter 20 now And I want to show you when this took place John chapter 20. This is after the resurrection of Jesus Christ Okay, so we know that after his resurrection. He was on the earth for about How long was it again? 40 days yeah, I was gonna say 50, but 50 is Pentecost 40 days. He was on the earth for 40 days, okay? So he's ready to depart, but he says this in John 20 20 John chapter 20 and verse number 20 And this is I think this is a passage that gets overlooked sometimes by a lot of Christians Because this this idea of the Comforter coming sometimes people turn to accept the to and they see how the Disciples were empowered by the Holy Spirit, and they and they tie that together But no this is when the Holy Spirit was given okay here in John chapter 20 verse 20 John chapter 20 in verse number 20 it says and when he had said so sorry and when he ate there and when he had So said he showed unto them his hands and his side Then were the disciples glad when they saw the Lord so you can see it's the resurrection there, okay Then said Jesus to them again peace be unto you as my father have sent me even so send I you So Christ is remind them your father has sent me I'm sending you all right the father sent the son to die in our place to bring forth the wonderful New Testaments and now Christ said I'm sending you this is what soul wooden is all about we're going and proclaiming The finished work of Jesus Christ, okay, we're being sent Man you think man. I've got a job to do for God surely He's got to give me the strength to do it surely. I can't do this on my own right not only am I learning But I'm teaching others what God has done So this is why we get to then verse number 22 and when he had said this he breathed on them and said unto them Receive ye the Holy Ghost So when do they receive the Holy Ghost Right there okay Christ is I'm sending you But before I send you I've got to give you the Holy Ghost and so he breathes upon them And they receive that Holy Ghost okay, so this is You know ultimately how the Holy Ghost will use us equip us to do a great work for God Okay, it's the Holy Ghost that teaches us so then we can teach others This is passing down the father sent the son the son then gives the spirit Okay, the father gave works for Christ to do and then Christ gives the work for us to do But we can only do it through the Holy Spirit Okay, now I want you to turn to another passage, please turn to um Turn to first John chapter 2 I want to show you all these things I want to bring it all together first John chapter 2 verse number 27 first John chapter 2 and verse number 27 First John chapter 2 and verse number 27 So we learned that this part of the ministry of the Holy Spirit is to teach us and to utilize us To teach others to be sent by Jesus Christ and it says in first John chapter 2 verse number 27 It reads but the anointing which ye have received of him Abideth in you so there's something that abides in us brethren and Ye need not that any man teach you but as the same anointing teach of you of all things and is truth and Is no lie and even as you have taught you you shall abide in him There's the emphasis of teaching this anointing that abides within us brethren is teaching us great things of God Okay, and we need to be taught by this Holy Spirit. You know if we don't need a man There's nothing wrong with preaching there's nothing wrong with coming to church and even a pastor these are instructions that God gives us But there ought to be nothing that I teach you that you could not take the Bible for yourself with the help of the Holy Spirit and understand If I'm teaching you something and none of you guys see it in the Bible. There's something wrong Okay, we should all be able to use the Bible the Holy Spirit that Indwells us and be used to learn great things from God, so it's the Holy Spirit that teaches us these things And it says that he abides in you right let's say they're the same anointing teach of all things Sorry, but the anointing which you have received of him abideth in you this part of the Holy Spirit is something that abides that Stays within you you know that we often call this the permanent indwelling of the Holy Ghost The permanent indwelling of the Holy Ghost and the reason I'm sticking to the book of John here is because I've often taught you know If you want to understand something in the Bible Stay within the same book say we're in the same chapter same book or go to the other writings of the same writer Okay, and they're often Complementing each other. I'm not saying you can't go to other passage of the Bible, but start there because these passages often Complement one another Christ said that he's got to send a comforter who will teach us all things who will teach the things that Christ Taught us and then we look at first John. Yeah, that's the indwelling That's the anointing that we receive well We need no man to teach us because the Holy Spirit can teach us all things in the Word of God Now let's go to another passage. Please go to Hebrews chapter 8. Please turn to Hebrews chapter 8 and verse number 6 Hebrews chapter 8 and verse number 6 Now This permanent indwelling of the Holy Spirit Okay, this is not salvation But it accompanies salvation in the New Testament Okay, the disciples they had to receive it by Jesus Christ breathing upon them So there's a time where they did not have this, but they were saved. They must have been born of the spirits They must have had the new man, but the new the new man is not the Holy Spirit There came the time when the Holy Spirit or the Holy Ghost came upon them Gave them an input that permanent indwelling where they can then be used by Christ to be sent as the Father sent the Son Then the Son sent us to teach people the Word of God. All right now This is different. This is a New Testament truth. That is different from the Old Testament Okay, let's look at Hebrew chapter 8 verse number 6 Hebrews chapter 8 and verse number 6 It says but now have he have he obtained a more excellent ministry by how much also He's a mediator of a better covenant, which was established upon better promises So the better covenant means there's another covenant Okay, and we of course we know it's the old covenant and the new covenant the new covenant being the better covenants Okay, because look it says in verse number seven for if the first covenant had been faultless Then should no place have been sought for a second for the second For finding fault with them he saith behold the days come saith the Lord when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and With the house of Judah now what we're about to read That the writer of Hebrews is quoting Jeremiah 31, okay, he's quoting Jeremiah 31 Don't forget that Jeremiah was a prophet to the seven kingdom of Judah You know telling them prophesying that they would be taken into captivity by the Babylonians Okay, this is important because everything we read here is Old Testament teaching of something future It says there in verse number nine verse number nine Not according to the covenant that are made with their fathers in the day When I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt That's of course with Moses because they continued not in my covenants and I regarded them not saith the Lord For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days saith the Lord look at this I will put my laws into their mind and write them in their hearts and I will be to them a God and they shall be to me a people And that goes hand in hand with what Ezekiel was teaching Okay But we know that this the greater truth of this is the better covenant the new covenants we then says look at verse number 11 And they shall not teach every man his neighbor and every man his brother saying know the Lord For all shall know me from the least to the greatest So what's the difference between the two covenants there? One covenant the better cover the new covenant. You don't need anybody to teach you You don't need to go to your neighbor and tell them about God because everyone would know him Anybody that's saved is going to know about the Lord Because it's not just being born again But it's that permanent indwelling of the new test of the of the Holy Spirit that we get in the New Testament Well, we need no man to teach us because the Holy Spirit's going to be teaching us But in the old covenants you did have to teach your neighbor, you know in the old covenant They did not have the same level of awareness and understanding that we have in the New Testaments This is why you did definitely needed the prophets and the priests and those limited writings, right? Yeah the scribes Trying to copy out the scriptures and you would have to in the time of Jesus go to a synagogue and hear the preaching because there was a lack of Of understanding and information of God's Word. You had to find the prophet You had to find the man of God to understand the scriptures But in the New Testament, we get the the permanent indwelling the Holy Spirit who teaches us all things We don't need a man to teach us We don't need to go to a fellow Christian and teach him about God because they can learn the same things that you learn with The scriptures and the Holy Spirit's work in your life This is the permanent indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Here's our teacher. You know when I teach behind the pulpit It's that Holy Spirit that's teaching you if this is true or if this is a lie Okay, that helps you understand the scriptures. It's all the work of the Holy Spirit's You know, and if I teach something from the Bible and you learn something say thank you pastor Ken for teaching that But really it was the Holy Ghost that taught you those things It's the Holy Ghost that's confirming that truth to you the Holy Ghost does not lie So I hope you can kind of see some of the differences there You know the fact that the better covenant is very clear. You don't need to go to your neighbor You don't need to go to a fellow brother in Christ and tell them all the things cuz I got the Holy Spirit too I've got the Bible too I can learn these things too Which is consistent with what Christ taught about the work of the Holy Spirit This second working of the Holy Spirit that I'm speaking about it's the permanent indwelling of the Holy Spirit We can understand the scriptures better under the New Covenant than the saints of the Old Covenant understood Not only because we have the completed scriptures But because we have the permanent indwelling we don't need a prophet or priest to teach us the things of God You know we can learn that on our own with the Holy Spirit's work All right, so a few things there a few things there When David said back in Psalm 51 and take not by Holy Spirit from me Yes, that Holy Spirit could be taken. We already saw that we already confirmed that with King Saul Okay, but what can't so far what we've covered one thing we can't lose is salvation even born of the Spirit It's a work It's a one-time work the Holy Spirit can't can't come and undo that work once you're born you're born Right once you're born to a family you cannot be unborn all right, so it can't be about that It can't be David saying that oh, man I'm gonna lose my salvation if you take my Holy Spirit And it can't be the permanent indwelling of the Holy Spirit that we have in the New Testament Because David did not have that permanent indwelling in the Old Testament Okay, this is a New Testament truth that has come from Christ Father sent the Son the Son then sends the Holy Spirit But what we do learn with David is he definitely had the Holy Spirit in his life Because that's why he says don't take it away from me. There was an aspect of the Holy Spirit that David had okay So let's have a look at this. Let's let's grab our minds around what's happening here Let's go to Acts chapter 1. Please go to Acts chapter 1 verse number 4 Acts chapter 1 and verse number 4 So so far we've looked at being born of the Spirit so and and secondly we've looked at the permanent indwelling of the Holy Spirit whose job is to teach us so then we can teach others Okay, so we can do the works that Christ has asked us to do Acts chapter 1 and verse number 4 This is as you know the Lord Christ is getting ready to ascend up to heaven he says these words in Acts chapter 1 verse number 4 Being assembled together with them Commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem But wait for the promise of the Father which saith he ye have heard of me For John truly baptized with water But ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence because not many days In a short period of time you will soon be baptized with the Holy Ghost and this is where Baptists start to freak out Because this is where you know the Pentecostals and the Charismatics are like I gotta get baptized with the Holy Spirit And we get baptized by the Holy Spirit then you can start talking in tongues and once you start speaking in other gibberish languages Then we know you're truly saved You know and so Baptists are like I don't know what do I do with this? I don't think it's complicated What does baptism mean? It means to be immersion. That's what it means Okay, I know when you think of the word baptized we think of a spiritual term, but it's just a Greek Transliteration of just being immersed that's what it means now when you get baptized in water you get immersed in water, okay? This baptism of the Holy Ghost is being immersed by the Holy Ghost. That's what it means, okay? So Christ says not many days. This is this is going to happen soon. Let's keep going drop down to verse number eight Why is this necessary? Why is this baptism necessary because it says in verse number eight? But ye shall receive power After that the Holy Ghost has come upon you and ye shall be witnesses unto me Both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and in Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth So this power this baptism of the Holy Ghost is to equip us to give us the power to go and be witnesses of Christ Right the first working on the Holy Ghost is to be saved being born the Spirit The second working is the permanent dwelling to teach us the things of the Bible to teach us God's ways This third working is that we can be effectively used by God to do great works for him to preach the gospel Please go to Acts chapter 2 now, Acts chapter 2 Acts chapter 2 in verse number 1 And look Acts chapter 2 has to be what Acts chapter 1 was about Sometimes Christians they want to divide this like man like it How much easier could it be you go to Acts 1 God promised Christ says not many days You're in battle with the Holy Ghost you're gonna be witnesses unto me so you get to Acts chapter 2 and it happens Okay, it happens Acts chapter 2 verse number 1 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come they were all with one accord in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as a fire and it sat upon each of them Look at this and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance There it is. They were filled with the Holy Ghost What does baptism mean again to be immersed just same way as look they were filled with the Holy Ghost When Christian prayed after reading the Bible it says Lord Can you fill my father with the Holy Ghost so I can preach God's Word? That's exactly what we're talking about here We're talking about the empowerment of the Holy Ghost the ability to do great things for God You know preaching the Bible is a great thing for God Teaching God's Word is a great thing You know, let's not you know, I'm not that I'm a great person, but I'm being used to do a great thing for God Right when we teach people the Bible we need the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit King David he was a great king. He was governing a great nation He needed the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. He needed the guidance the wisdom to rule over that nation and He was afraid that that part will be taken away That he would lose that feeling that he would lose that empowerment says take not that Holy Spirit from me Not because he's going to lose his salvation or not because you know the New Testament in dwelling had taken place But he'd not be able to do the do the work that God wanted him to do If you want to do a great work for God you must be immersed Baptized okay feud with the Holy Spirit. It's all about the same thing Okay, so when you read your Bible about being baptized by the Holy Spirit or being feared the spirit. It's one and the same Unless you just want to rip accept the one completely away from actually to because you're too scared to sound Pentecostal or something You know I think look we shouldn't be afraid. Let's just teach the Bible Let's just be comfortable with what the Bible says. This is what happened. They were empowered by the Holy Spirit and again What they were able to speak with other tongues and of course look I haven't got time to go well let's let's let's go to actually for actually for and We know I don't know I don't want to do a whole doctrine on like a teaching on this right now But we know that the languages they spoke the tongues they spoke were real-life languages right Pretend all of a sudden you had the ability to speak What language does no one speak Mandarin also? You're able to speak Mandarin you're able to get China in and have a conversation and preach the gospel in that language That's what took place. It wasn't gibberish language. It wasn't nonsensical languages There were real languages of the day so they could be used by the Holy Spirit to teach the gospel So people that spoke other languages, that's what the power of God gave them the feeling of the Holy Spirit gave them now Again this idea you know when it comes to Pentecostal treasures They teach that once you're baptized by the Holy Spirit, then you're able to speak in tongues improves your saved etc etc What we learn in the book of Acts is that this feeling was something that would would be a? Would be needed continually They would not just always remain fueled and empowered by the Holy Ghost Okay, this is something that needed to happen again and again and again because look at Acts chapter 4 verse 8 Acts 4 verse 8 then Peter Filled with the Holy Ghost Said unto them ye rulers of the people and elders of Israel if we this day be examined of the good deed done to the impotent men By what means he is made whole Be it known unto you and to all the people of Israel that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Whom ye crucified whom God raised from the dead even by him doth this man stand here before you whole So Peter once again we see been filled of the spirits, and what is he doing proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ? Proclaiming that this man was made whole was healed because of Jesus All right This is what we learn in the New Testament as you go through the book of Acts You see people being filled of the Holy Spirit and that gives them the ability to utter to speak to preach about Jesus Christ To preach the truth to the great works for God Please drop down to verse number 31 Acts chapter 4 verse number 31 and when they had prayed the place was shaken where they were assembled together And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost look at this, and they spake the Word of God with boldness So what is this feeling of the Holy Ghost? It gives them the ability to preach God's Word with boldness with confidence We are strength that otherwise they would not have okay, and you know we talk about things outside after services and a lot of you guys know that I'm a quiet person like if you know me. I'm a quiet person Christina knows me well of course She lives with me every day. She knows that she can be talking and I won't even respond Not because I'm upset with her anything. I'm just a quiet person. I don't like to open my mouth Okay, if you told me pastor one day you're gonna be preaching like four times a week up like you're ridiculous There's no way it can't be me brethren. It can't be me. It's got to be the feeling of the Holy Ghost It has to be Otherwise man, this will be a disaster Me getting behind the pulpit without the Holy Spirit would be a disaster I'd preach for five minutes, and I'd be done. I'd be enough. I don't like talking I Have to force myself to speak you know and so I'm always in prayer God give me the power I can't do without you. I need your feeling I need your empowerment to preach your word You see this taking place, but notice it takes place again. They feel it again. They feel it again They feel it again, and then they're able to go out and proclaim God's Word Please go to Acts chapter 13. Acts chapter 13 and verse number 49 Acts chapter 13 and verse number 49 Acts 13 49 reads And the word of the Lord was published throughout all the region but the Jews stirred up the devout and honorable women and the chief men of the city and Raised persecution against Paul and Barnabas and expelled them out of their coasts but they shook off the dust of their feet against them and came unto Iconium and the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Ghost You see again as they go for this journey from Peter to Paul as they're proclaiming God's Word again and again We see this teaching that they've been filled with the Holy Ghost Okay, and again What did what they feel the Holy Ghost verse number 49 said the word of the Lord was published throughout all the region that gives Them the ability to preach to people in all the region Please go to another passage now Ephesians chapter 5. Ephesians chapter 5 verse number 18 Ephesians 5 18 Now this empowerment Okay, this feeling of the Holy Spirit It Doesn't just come automatically when you get saved It's not an automatic thing. What's automatic now if someone gets saved today. What are they gonna have automatically? They're gonna be born the spirit working number one. They're gonna have the permanent indwelling the Holy Spirit Working number two, but they're not gonna have the film of the Holy Spirit. Okay. This is something that needs to be prayed for Something that you need to go and confess your sins about why we taught you know in from Psalm 51 And we need the Holy Ghost to give us that power and so we get this teaching remember This is an epistle to a church the Ephesian Church in Ephesians chapter 5 verse number 18 This is an instruction to saved brethren it says and be not drunk with wine We're in his excess, but be filled with the spirits You see that it's not an automatic thing being filled with spirit. Okay. You got to give up on that alcohol That's gonna prevent you from being filled by the spirit rather be filled with the spirit and again Why do we want to be filled with the spirit so we can teach we can proclaim we can do great things for God It's the empowerment that we receive to do things that we otherwise thought we would not be able to do This is the part that we can lose All right, for example that passage you get under the influence of alcohol. You lose the empowerment. You'll lose the filling Okay you get yourself in sin Excesses sin like King David. He's worried that the Holy Spirit will be taken from him. He would lose that empowerment He would you lose that feeling that God would give him to the great works for him This is the third aspect or the third working of the Holy Spirit the empowering known as the baptism or the immersion You know again don't get too caught up for baptism must be the spiritual thing You're gonna lay your hands on people and you're gonna go you know no no no It's just the means been filled being immersed having that power of the Holy Spirit upon you to do great works for him And look this is the same Old Testament Saints New Testament Saints we all have this ability You know we're all weak in the flesh, and we were weak in the flesh And we acknowledge that before God God can then give us his strength his power for the Holy Spirit to do what God requires from us Let's have a look at some of these passages in the Old Testament if you can please go to Numbers chapter 11 Go to Numbers chapter 11 verse number 16 Let me show you how this empowerment Or this feeling you know operated in the Old Testament, okay some examples here numbers 11 16 please numbers 11 16 Now in numbers 11 God is instructing Moses. I mean a lot of the books of Moses are like this Instructing how the Israelites were to worship God you know how they were to build the tabernacle And even the clothing of the priests how that was all to come together You know God did not give detailed instruction in the Word of God every little detail He actually empowered people with the Holy Spirit They would have the knowledge what God wanted for things to look like in a tabernacle or even the clothing of the priests It says here in Numbers 11 16 Numbers 11 16 and the Lord said unto Moses Gather unto me 70 men of the elders of Israel Whom thou knowest to be the elders of the people and officers over them to bring them unto the tabernacle of the congregation They may stand there with thee so this is a time when God is asking Moses look at 70 elders You know 70 people that are honorable respectful to help you with the governing of this nation verse number 17 and I will come down and talk With thee there, and I will take of the spirit Which is upon thee and I will put it upon them And they shall bear the burden of the people with thee that thou bear it not thyself alone You see Moses had that empowering these other 70 men would be brought on board to help him And then they would be given that same spirit upon them to help Moses Judge the people you know run government upon this this new nation of Israel So again we see this this empowering coming upon them so they can do this work for God It's something they didn't have but they would receive to help Moses in the work that he had Please go to Exodus 28 Exodus 28. I kind of jumped the gun earlier, but here we go Exodus 28 verse number 1 Exodus 28 verse number 1, please Exodus 28 verse number 1 It says and take thou unto thee Aaron thy brother and his sons with him From among the children of Israel that he may minister unto me in the priests office even Aaron Nadab and Abihu Eliezer and Itamar Aaron's sons look at verse number 2 and thou shall make holy garments for Aaron thy brother for glory and for beauty and Thou shall speak unto all that are wise hearted look at this whom I have filled With the spirit of wisdom That they may make Aaron's garments to consecrate him that he may minister unto me in the priests office So it says look you need men to make these garments for Aaron and the priests well I'm gonna fill them with a spirit of wisdom of course the Holy Spirit Christ God the Lord God is filling them so they know how to create these garments They would have the skill and ability to do something again They otherwise thought they would not be able to achieve Please go to Exodus 31 Exodus 31 verse number 1 As I said to you brethren sorry It's a bit of a Bible study okay But I want you to see all these passages, and I would like these if you have any questions I hope at least you understand where I stand on this topic of the Holy Spirit the workings of the Holy Spirit Exodus 31 in verse number 1 It says in the Lord speak unto Moses saying see I have called I have called by name Bezalel the son of Uri the son of her of the tribe of Judah why has he called this person and have filled him with the Spirit of God in Wisdom and in understanding and in knowledge and in all manner of workmanship to devise cunning works To work in gold and in silver and in brass So of course we know that the tabernacle worship required all these elements these objects well God says I'm gonna take this man Bezalel and give him the spirit Okay, so he can then do these works to establish the tabernacle the way God intended Okay, so you can see how the fill of the spirit how it comes upon people at different times where they would not have him But then they would have it these are Periodical times to do a great work for God, okay, okay now Next things I want to show you is in the book of Judges Please go to judges chapter 3 judges chapter 3 So what we just read numbers Exodus God instructing how to worship him Tabernacle worship the priestly garments you know how to govern the nation etc etc And of course these men that are doing these works would require the filling of the Holy Spirit to do these works Then the story come in here as you guys know that were in the wilderness for 40 years the Israelites And then they were brought into the promised land with Joshua, and then we have Some pretty crazy periods in the history of Israel where there was constant enemies Constant battles that get right with God God will give him peace on the land then they will turn against the Lord and the Lord allowed the enemies of the lands come and Of course trouble on the Israelites and the reason this is called the book of Judges is because God raised a man a judge Who would deliver the people out of the hands of the enemies? When the Israelites were ready to call upon the Lord for help and assistance and get right with God That's why it's called the judges all right, so look at judges chapter 3 verse 9 judges chapter 3 and verse number 9 It says and when the children of Israel cried unto the Lord so now now they're getting right with God Okay, the Lord raised up a deliverer to the children of Israel who delivered them even Othniel the son of Kenaz Caleb's younger brother look at this and the spirit of the Lord came upon him and He judged Israel and went out to war and the Lord delivered Kushan Risham them king of Mesopotamia into his hand and his hand prevailed against Kushan Risha Thayim okay, so what do you see this judge gets raised? He goes to war he delivers the Israelites How did he do it? Well the spirit of the Lord came upon him. He was filled with the spirit He was able to do a great work for God But again he didn't have him otherwise before that he didn't have him this came upon him at a certain time Being few the spirit doing this great work for God winning in battle. Please go to judges chapter 6 judges chapter 6 and verse number 34 Probably one of the probably the second most famous judge in the book of Judges is Gideon judges chapter 6 verse number 34 the Bible reads, but the spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon, and he blew a trumpet and Abiezah was gathered after him I just want to show you Gideon very famous story about him great judge and the spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon and he was able to once again defeat the enemies of Israel Please go to judges chapter 11 judges chapter 11 and verse number 29 Judges chapter 11 verse number 29 the Bible reads then the spirit of the Lord came upon Jephthah So there's another judge here And he passed over Gilead and Manasseh and passed over Mizpah of Gilead and from Mizpah of Gilead He passed over unto the children of Ammon. Oh Sorry, I've lost my spot there, but anyway the point is he once again defeats the enemies of the Israelites I'm just going to show you how these judges time and time again They're filled with the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit comes upon them and they're able to do this great work And then go to judges chapter 14 Go to judges chapter 14 the most famous judge in the book of Judges of course is Samson We know he's very famous because of his supernatural strength right. I mean this guy was Definitely lots some type of superhero when the Holy Spirit would come upon Samson judges chapter 14 verse number 5 judges 14 verse number 5 then went Samson down and his father and His mother to Timnath and came to the vineyards of Timnath and behold a young lion roared against him and The Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon him and he rent him as he would have rent a kid And he had nothing in his hand But he told not his father or his mother what he had done so Samson's able to just rip apart a lion Okay, because the Holy Spirit the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon him. He was able to do these mighty works All right brethren you say well pastor Kevin I don't know does that mean when the Holy Spirit when we feel the Holy Spirit We're gonna able to tear apart a lion We're gonna able to go and defeat armies and deliver Australia by the hands of the enemy whoever that might be Is that what the Holy Spirit's going to do for us? No There was a time for that. There was a time for that. Don't forget under the old covenants Israel was a physical nation with physical enemies Yes many times when the Holy Spirit would come upon people they were able to govern a nation They were able to defeat enemies. They were able to be successful in the battlefields Okay, so from that perspective You know yes under the old covenant physical nation physical battles under the new covenants a spiritual nation spiritual battles Okay, look these these battles these wars that were won by the Israelites of the past We can still learn from them once again. We're soldiers of the Lord Jesus Christ. It's a spiritual warfare we don't wrestle with flesh and blood okay, there's a spiritual war to be won and Brethren again if I can just use the example of yesterday going out soul winning some of you went out today This is a spiritual battle All right, we have our name. We have lost souls captured by the enemy You know the understanding has been kept dark by the devil the devil does not want these people getting saved Brethren when we go and preach the gospel we take the sword of the spirits we put on the armor of God okay, we prepare we have the Shed with a with a Shot with a ah let's go Preparation of the gospel those are our shoes We're prepared to give the gospel we go to the battleground we take that sword we destroy the false teachings We destroy the false understandings, and we deliver that soul from this from darkness, and we bring them into the lights We bring them to salvation okay These are these are prisoners of war we're going into the battlefield and we're delivering them from the hand of the enemy That's the battle We are battling and the only way you can achieve that and be successful is by being empowered by the Holy Spirit Just like these men of the Old Testament Successful in warfare because they were filled by the spirit What's going to help you succeed in the spiritual warfare is you've been filled by the spirits? And you look at Samson. Oh, man look how strong he was look how he delivered the Israelites Yeah, but you can be as strong as Samson in the spirits Spiritual warfare defeating the enemies You know bringing souls into the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ. That is a battle to be won. I Mean you know in the long term in eternity. What's going to matter more? You saving Australia from some foreign enemy. You know or you win one soul which one matters for all eternity There's a bigger battle to be won in the New Covenant Okay, and you know there's there's there's work to be done for the Lord We can only do it by the empowerments the baptism the immersion the filling of the Holy Spirit And so very I hope you can kind of see the differences here Okay, number one the first working on the Holy Spirit is being born again New Testament Old Testament saints exactly the same we all need the new man We all need the spirit to go to heaven because this flesh and blood is not going to get there, okay? working number two in The New Testament is the permanent indwelling of the Holy Spirit where he teaches us all the things of the Lord He helps us understand what God's will is we don't need a man in the Old Covenant They needed the prophets they needed the guidance they didn't have the completed scriptures They needed these men who have been used by God to teach the nations we can teach ourselves That's the difference with the New Testament Then the third working of the Holy Spirit is that feeling Old Testament Saints New Testament Saints we all have the same measure We all been given that feeling with that empowerment to do more than we thought we could do Okay, and sometimes in the Old Testament it manifests itself in a physical warfare But in the New Testament of course it manifests itself in the spiritual warfare teaching people You know guiding them into the scriptures guide them to understand the gospel and delivering their souls from hell It's a brethren that's the summary for your conclusion Spiritual birth being born again salvation number two the baptism or to be immersed the filling the spirit coming upon you. Okay, and And then the final thing of course in the New Testament is the permanent indwelling of the Holy Spirit That will never be removed out of you. Okay, but I hope that's Clarified some questions or at least you understand what I believe on this topic and truly, you know Because I get this a question quite a lot and I truly believe if you have this in your mind That whenever you go for the Bible and you see how the Holy Spirit has worked in the life of an individual You'll be you'll easily be able to categorize it in one of these three areas So I hope that helps you in your Bible study. Okay, let's pray Heavenly Father Lord's want to thank you again Lord for the second service and Lord I thank you for the teaching that you've given us of the Holy Spirit Lord there is some confusion with different people and different conversations that I have and what I understand. Sometimes these things can be Seen similar Lord, but I think we can definitely see different aspects where the Holy Spirit works in our lives And Lord most of all what we really need in this church Lord is your filling Lord We need to be that clean vessel in your hands Lord We want to be able to accomplish great things for you. Not just as a church not just as a pastor But as individuals Lord to have strong families to serve you mightily Lord to see souls saved Lord This is something that we all desire. We all need to be able to do so Lord I just pray you'd help us to overcome the sins that we have in our life that will be filled by the power of your Holy Ghost and Lord there are so many things that we know you want us to do, but we think it's impossible But Lord with the help of the Holy Spirit is possible you give us the ability because it's your empowerment Lord please remind us that we're in a spiritual warfare. We need your help Lord. There are songs to be saved Lord there are there's the Spiritual weakness to overcome in our own lives So Lord I pray you to equip us and give us the power to do great things for you We pray these things in Jesus name. Amen Alright brethren, let's end with hymn of 312 312 please 3 1 2 and I know we sang this one in the morning, but let's sing it again 3 1 2 Open my eyes that I may see 3 1 2 open my eyes that I may see 3 1 2 open my eyes that I may see 3 1 2 open my eyes that I may see 3 1 2 open my eyes that I may see 3 1 2 open my eyes that I may see Oh Oh If I Oh You