(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) We'll see the memory verse one more time in 1st Timothy chapter 3 verse 16 the Bible says and without controversy great is the mystery of godliness the title of the sermon tonight is the mystery of godliness it continues saying what is this mystery of godliness what is the mystery it says God was manifest in the flesh justified in the spirit seen of angels preached unto the Gentiles believed on in the world received up into glory and so the mystery of godliness the great mystery is that God was manifest in the flesh and God became a man and that man is the Lord Jesus Christ I mean that is a great mystery to think about the God the creator of all things the God of this universe being able to come in mortal flesh you know come in the flesh that's a great mystery it says not just manifest in the flesh but justified in the spirit we had the Holy Spirit that brought witness that will record what Jesus Christ has done for us the scene of angels all right now why is that special you know sure the angels in heaven have already seen God yeah but even the angels saw him as a man as well when he came in the flesh preached unto the Gentiles Jesus Christ not just preached to Israel but unto the Gentiles unto the whole world and we're still playing that role as a church you know if we're a local church that cares about souls then we are also preaching unto the Gentiles believed on in the world the world has believed on Jesus Christ 2,000 years later we're still believing on Christ received up into glory when he was resurrected and seated at the right hand side of God the Father so we're going to be talking about Jesus Christ last week in this book about the Trinity and today we're going to be focusing on if you remember last week I told you guys that the Bible is Christ centric it's all about Jesus Christ and here's the main focus of the whole Bible because it's through him that we receive the Holy Spirit and it's through him that we can be with the Father okay here's the I'm the way the truth and the life Jesus said no man come from to father except by me now you guys have turned to Deuteronomy chapter 10 look at verse 17 Deuteronomy chapter 10 verse 17 we're going to be looking at God I sorry in Jesus Christ in his God would okay Jesus Christ in his deity but also gonna be looking at Jesus Christ in his manhood okay these two elements that make up Jesus Christ he was 100% God and he was 100% man okay not 50% God not 50% man 100 God 100% God 100% man Deuteronomy chapter 10 verse 17 what the Bible says for the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords a great God a mighty and a terrible which regardeth not persons nor taketh reward okay now similar to last week guys I've got a lot of bug references and we've got our prayer night tonight so I'm gonna speak for these references if you can't spend time don't worry you can take down the references or go back and listen to it on YouTube when you have time but I just want to point out that in the Old Testament the Lord the God of Israel is called the God of gods and the Lord of Lords and this is a title of Jesus Christ I'll get you to turn to Revelation Revelation chapter 17 I'll give you a minute to turn there because I've got a few references in Revelation so you might want to turn to all these Revelation 17 Revelation chapter 17 Revelation chapter 17 verse 14 Revelation chapter 17 verse 14 the Bible reads these shall make war with the Lamb what's the context here is that it's a battle of Armageddon when Jesus Christ comes back at the end of that final seven years okay he defeats the Antichrist he defeats the Antichrist and his armies and he says look they will go and make war the Lamb they're so proud and the Antichrist and these armies of the world think they can they can make war with Christ they think they can defeat God himself you know that the Lamb of God would just take away the sin of the world and it says he and the Lamb shall overcome them why is he gonna overcome them for he is Lord of Lords and King of Kings and they that are with him accord and chosen and faithful so right now I'm just proving to you the deity of Jesus Christ we're looking at we looked at the Old Testament reference God the Lord of Lords and we see Jesus Christ coming back here defeating the armies of the Antichrist and the Bible calls him here the Lord of Lords go to chapter 19 Revelation chapter 19 chapter 19 verse 15 chapter 19 verse 15 and out of his mouth go for sharp sword and with it he should smite the nations and he shall rule them with a rod of iron and he tread off the winepress of the fierceness of and wrath of Almighty God and he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written King of Kings and Lord of Lords any doubts is who we're talking about here no it's Jesus Christ coming back to establish his millennial kingdom now you guys go to chapter 1 please revelation chapter 1 so we see that God is the Lord of Lords and we see that Jesus is the Lord of Lords okay now I'm going to read to you from Isaiah 44 verse 6 the Bible reads thus saith the Lord the King of Israel and his Redeemer the Lord of hosts I am the first and and I am the last and beside me there is no God this is Isaiah 44 verse 6 what does God say in the Old Testament God is the first and the last look at verse 8 so Revelation chapter 1 verse 8 these are the words of Jesus Christ he says I am Alpha and Omega now if you know the Greek alphabet Alpha is the first letter in the alphabet and Omega is the last letter in the Greek alphabet okay so it's basically saying there I'm the first and the last this is the beginning and the ending is there anything before the beginning is there anything at the end of the ending beyond that no is all in all you know these are the words of Jesus saith the Lord which is and which was and which is to come the Almighty okay look at verse number 10 I was in the spirit on the Lord's Day says our John and be heard behind me a great voice as of a trumpet saying I am Alpha and Omega look at this the first and the last and what thou seest write in a book and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia unto Ephesus and unto Smyrna and unto Pergamos and unto Thyatira and unto Sardis and unto Philadelphia and unto Laodicea so we see the one that calls himself the Alpha and Omega in this verse calls himself the first and the last just as God did in the Old Testament there okay now some people have said that the one speaking here is not Jesus Christ in fact if you come across Jehovah Witnesses they'll say to you know that's not Jesus Christ speaking that's God the Father they'll say and I've even heard some Baptists say this is God the Father speaking not Jesus Christ okay so how do we prove that we'll go down to verse 17 on the same chapter verse 17 and when I saw him so this is John okay when he saw Christ when I saw him I fell at his feet as dead and he laid his right hand upon me saying unto me I love this about Jesus Christ because John was one of his disciples he knew John for those three years of ministry that he had on the earth you know the Bible calls John the disciple that Christ loved right and yet when John sees him in his full glory when he sees him in heaven you know his full glory in his full power and in his full might he falls on his face as dead you know and then we see though Jesus Christ lovingly just put his hand on him say well it's all right John it's me Jesus you know but then look what he says here he says fear not I am the first and the last same person speaking right in those other previous verses I'm here that liveth and was dead and behold I'm alive forevermore amen and have the keys of hell and of death so we see that the one speaking here must be Jesus Christ because it's the one who liveth and was dead and behold I'm alive forevermore okay so obviously when we read our Bibles it's not God the Father or God the Holy Spirit that died on the cross that was buried and rose again from the dead that was Jesus Christ okay so this is confirmation you know if the Jehovah says that will come to you and try to confuse you just go down to verse 17 and 18 and show them the one that says only the first and the last is the same one that was dead and that rose again from the dead okay now go to Revelation chapter 22 verse 12 revelation chapter 22 verse 12 revelation 22 verse 12 and I love this because revelation 22 is the last chapter in the whole Bible the last chapter and Jesus Christ says and behold I come quickly and my reward is with me to give every man according as his work shall be I am Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end the first and the last okay the first and the last there is nothing beyond God you know all of creation creation started with God and when God comes and he ends the world as we know it it's still within his timeframe look God is beyond our time God is beyond space time and matter you know people ask the question what was God doing for billions of years before creation well there was no billions of years before creation okay because in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth so explain that I can't explain to you he's eternal he's always been okay you know to go beyond that is to go beyond God and you can't okay God has given us this sort of our temporary finite understanding our minds what the beginning and the end is and Jesus Christ says I am the beginning and the end I am the first and the last okay you go too much in the past beyond creation you can't it you it's God you go into the eternity to the future and you try to go beyond that you can't it's God it's Jesus Christ okay everything consists everything else created in this world was created by God which is right this software to be the beginning and the end okay now go to actually no I'll get to turn to let me have a look I look at some verses here I'll get you guys to turn to Hebrews chapter 1 Hebrews chapter 1 and while you turn them it's gonna reach you from Genesis 1 1 everyone knows this verse in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth who's the creator of all things it's God okay God is the creator of all things and Exodus 20 verse 11 says for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth the sea and all that in them is and rested the seventh day wherefore the Lord blessed the seventh day and hallowed it okay so Exodus 20 let me just read that again for in six days the Lord made what heaven and earth now have you guys heard of the gap theory have you heard the gap theory where some people teach between Genesis 1 1 and Genesis 1 2 that there's a space of potentially thousands maybe millions maybe billions of years all right and that God created a I don't believe this but this is what I say God created a world with beans before you know whether they were men or whether they were fallen angels or whatever you know God created that world then he destroyed that world and made it again you know thousands billions millions of years later without a need and some people fit the dinosaurs into that period as well it's like gap theory and that's just ridiculous because what did Exodus 20 11 I mean look first of all just reading Genesis 1 on its own you know you're not going to conclude there was this massive gap and that God created the world and recreated it all over again you're not going to come to that conclusion but Exodus 20 11 just submits it no there was no gap okay there was no thousands of years because in six days the Lord made heaven and earth okay and all that says that and all that is in them okay now you guys here in Hebrews Hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 Hebrews chapter 1 verse 1 so we see that God is the creator God is the creator of all things what does Hebrews 1 verse 1 say God who at sundry times and in diverse manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets he in his last days spoken unto us by his son whom he ever appointed heir of all things by whom also he made the world's okay look at that just the end of verse 2 there by sorry by by his son whom he hath appointed heir of all things by whom so the father used Jesus by whom also he made the world's so how did God the father make the world's how did he make creation by who who was that that was Jesus Christ it was Jesus that created all things okay the father requested it and the son carried it out okay the father requested it and the son carried it out and by the way he was the son there at creation you see that in verse number two having these last days spoken to us unto us by his son okay then by whom he may also made the world's so who made the world's who made creation who created all things it was the son the son of God he was the son of God from creation okay wasn't something that he became later on in life okay he was a son of God from creation this doctrine by the way is called the eternal sonship of Christ you know there are some that rejects idea there are some that rejects that Jesus Christ was the son from the creation was the son from the beginning no we see that he created all things through the Sun okay that means the Sun was there from the beginning from creation and then I'll just read to you from John 1 chapter 3 sorry John 1 verse 3 all things were made by him who's the him by Jesus and without him was not anything made that was made so everything that was created anything that's a creation of God was definitely created by Jesus Christ but the Bible said that is God that created all things so what are we talking about here we're just reinforcing the deity of Jesus Christ okay the doctrine we're going through right now is understand that Christ was 100% God and yet the mystery of godliness that he came in the flesh that is 100% man as well now I'll get to turn to Matthew chapter 4 please you guys turn to Matthew chapter 4 and my next point is that God is worthy of worship God is worthy of your worship okay the reason we come to church guys is not just to hear the preacher we come primarily to worship God we come primarily to serve him we come primarily to learn of his word and to grow in his grace and to hopefully by the end of tonight be a little bit more like Jesus Christ you know whether in our behavior whether in our knowledge whether in our just our spiritual growth to be a little bit more like Jesus Christ but God is worthy of worship now that's why it's important that we sing the hymns we sing praises from our heart because God wants you to worship him okay I'll just read to you from Exodus 34 verse 14 the Bible reads for thou shalt worship no other God for the Lord whose name is jealous is a jealous God our God is a jealous God it says that his name is jealous capital J his name is jealous he does not want us worshiping any other gods okay now the word jealous in the Bible is a positive term it's a good thing to be jealous it's a good thing for a husband to be jealous of their wives and the wife to be jealous of their husbands you know if I was given my attention to what a lady it would be right for my wife to be jealous or if some man was given my wife attention in time if you're right with me to be jealous okay I'm just for this church now the difference between jealousy that we read about in the Bible and what we call jealousy here today you know people say are you jealous well what they really mean is your envy your envious okay you're full of envy your envious and envy is a sin envy is a negative term okay the difference between envy and jealousy is that some enemies basically when something does not belong to me I can be envious about that you know if you have a nice car and I wish I had that car and it's not mine doesn't belong to me I'm being envious because I want that for myself right that's envy hey but if my wife belongs to me and I belong to my wife my children belong to me this church belongs to us the things that belong to you you want to protect you know I'm not not allowed to get damaged or anything like that that's jealousy that's biblical godly jealousy and worship it belongs to God and so it's right for him to be jealous if you were worshiping false gods okay I'm sending the difference between our jealousy there and envy but God is worthy of worship some 81 verse 8 says here all my people and I will testify unto thee Oh Israel if they will harken unto me there shall no strange God be in thee neither shall thou worship any strange God you know God repeats it's over and over in the Bible don't worship any other gods in fact if anyone in the tribes of Israel were found to be worshiping idols were found to be worshiping the devil God put the death penalty upon those people that's how jealous he is for worship that belongs to him okay now you guys are in Matthew chapter 4 look at verse 8 Matthew chapter 4 verse 8 because there's someone else that wants to worship as someone else that wants worship besides God look at verse 8 again the devil take of him speaking of Jesus up into an exceeding high mountain and show of him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them and say if I to him all these things will I give thee if that would fall down and worship me who wants worship Satan the devil okay he's asking Jesus he's asking the God of the universe to worship him verse 10 then saved Jesus unto him get thee hence Satan for it is written that shall worship the Lord thy God and him only shall thou serve okay so we see how Jesus overcome temptation by quoting scripture it's a good lesson for us if we have difficulties we have temptation in our life learn scriptures about that temptation quote that verse that will help you overcome temptation but we can see that there are the two beings there you know the God of the universe who's jealous for worship and then we have Satan that was worship himself and everyone just say if you worship anything else aside from God you're worshiping Satan yeah you're worshiping one of his death it's one of his fallen angels or whatever okay if it's not worship toward God it's towards Satan okay now you guys stay in Matthew I'm just gonna reach from Acts 10 because there's someone else that gets worshiped in the Bible as well there's God that gets worshiped there's Satan that sometimes gets worshiped you read about the Bible and there's someone else that gets worshiped and I'll just reach in from Acts 10 25 and as Peter was coming in Cornelius met him and fell down at his feet and worshiped him but Peter took him up saying stand up I myself also am a man okay so what we see in the Bible is godly men god leaders sometimes were worships by man now it's wrong you shouldn't be doing that okay but obviously Cornelius not knowing much of the scriptures you know seen Peter come seeing the miracles that Peter could do the great name that Peter had and when he saw Peter he fell on his feet and was just you know in awe of Peter and I love Peter just takes enough stand up what are you doing I'm just a man I'm just a man of course man should not be worshiped okay my point is God ought to be worshiped a hundred percent yes not the devil and not man okay not man now if you see the Pope getting worshiped people fall on his feet you know that's demonic you know that's satanic okay we should not worship any man all right now you guys are in map you turn to Matthew 28 please Matthew 28 verse 8 this is shortly after Jesus Christ was resurrected from the dead the Bible says and they departed quickly speaking about a group of ladies that went to see him at the grave and they departed quickly from the simple we fear and great joy and did run to bring his disciples word and as they went to tell the disciples behold Jesus met them saying all hail and they came and held him by the feet and worshiped him so the ladies that went to the grave see his resurrected body he says all hail and they're just amazed they fall down on his feet they hold his feet and worship him okay now was Jesus Christ just a man which was just a man what they would be doing right now is this great sin yeah it would be great blasphemy against God but the fact that Jesus Christ accepts worship the fact that this is not frowned upon in the Bible the fact that Christ doesn't say hey get up I'm just a man proves to us that he is God okay that is the creator of all things that is the God of the Bible because Jesus Christ can receive worship okay to turn to chapter 2 Matthew chapter 2 Matthew chapter 2 and I love this verse I whenever I love I read it I picture in my mind and I kind of laugh at it a bit Matthew chapter 2 verse 11 so this is you know after the birth of Christ it says and when they would come into the house this is the wise men by the way talking about the wise men that came to the house and by the way this is not in the manger this might be close to Jesus Christ been about two years old definitely under two years old okay because if you remember King Herod went when trying to kill Christ killed all the children that were two years old and under okay so we know Christ would have been about two years old around this time so when the wise men were coming to the house they saw the young child this is Jesus with Mary his mother and fell down and worshipped him and when they had opened their treasures they presented unto him gifts gold and frankincense and myrrh so can you imagine that these wise men from the east you know looks like they were rich with these gifts that they gave wise men very knowledgeable they knew the prophecies of Christ they had traveled afar to see him they see this little child and they worship him you know that's why when I put you in my mind kind of makes me laugh like they're worshiping this little child that's because it's God it was God manifest in the flesh you know great is the mystery of Godness so we see that Jesus Christ receives worship okay why because he's God he is the Almighty God I'll get you guys to turn to let's see Luke chapter 2 Luke chapter 2 and the next point I want to bring to your attention is that God is the Savior God is the Savior I'm going to read to you from the Old Testament Hosea 13 verse 4 the Bible reads yet I am the Lord thy God from the land of Egypt and thou shalt know no God but me for there is no Savior beside me so the God that delivered the Israelites out of Egypt he says hey there's no Savior beside me who is the Savior I'm gonna read to you I Isaiah 43 verse 11 I even I am the Lord and beside me there is no Savior are there any is there any Savior outside of God no there is no Savior besides God now you guys are in Luke Luke chapter 2 verse 10 Luke chapter 2 verse 10 the Bible reads and the angel said unto them fear not for behold this about sorry I'll give you the context these are the angels appearing to the shepherds you know announcing the birth of Christ fear not for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people for unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior which is Christ the Lord Wow who's being born today in the city of David God right the Savior is born which is Christ the Lord now if you've got a quick finger you can go to Titus chapter 3 Titus chapter 3 verse 4 Titus chapter 3 verse 4 I'll just read it now but after that the kindness and love of God our Savior okay that's verse number 4 it says God our Savior toward man appeared not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy he saved us by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost which he shared on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior okay so verse number four cause God the Savior and verse number six cause Jesus Christ our Savior so who's Jesus Christ a man just a man no he's God is God in the flesh now please turn to John chapter 19 turn to John chapter 19 and this is one of the very interesting passages I'm gonna read you from Zechariah chapter 12 Zechariah chapter 12 verse 10 so you can see it's a definite Bible study we go just going through verses after verses after verses and it's it's amazing because there are so many cults you know think think of them Muslims as well that denied the deity of Jesus Christ and yet look I had to delete a lot of passages here but over and over and over we see the deity of Christ clearly taught to us from the scriptures okay but Zechariah chapter 12 verse 10 says and I will pour upon the house of David and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem the spirit of grace and of supplications look at look what God says young and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced and they shall mourn for him as one mortar for his only son and shall be in bitterness for him as one that is in bitterness for his first form so I just want to show you there that God says they shall look upon me whom they pierced and they shall mourn for him okay so we have remember last week we had the singularity of God this plurality of God and he's talking about me and then he says him okay now we read through John 1 1 you know in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God okay so we kind of see this being played out here exactly right 12 10 but John 19 John 19 verse 35 John 19 verse 35 this song is shortly recorded shortly after Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross it says and he saw sorry and he that saw it bear record and his record is true and he know if that he and he knows that he say of true that ye might believe look at verse 36 for these things were done that the scripture should be fulfilled a bone of him shall not be broken but verse 37 is the key one and another scripture saith this other scriptures what I read to you from Zechariah they shall look on him whom they pierced okay notice there in verse 37 what does it say they shall look on him whom they pierced and exactly right 12 it says and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced okay that's God speaking so who was crucified on the cross is God Jesus Christ Jesus Christ is God okay Jesus Christ is the second person in the Trinity okay he's fully God and he's fully man now what I've done here we're just going through and looked at where God says hey this is I'm the only Savior I'm the only you know creator of all things and I'm the first and the last and we've seen how all these things attribute to Jesus Christ proven his deity okay but what that takes is us having going back and forth between the Old Testament and the New Testament comparing scriptures what we're going to do right now is just look at some very clear scriptures so I'll get you to turn to Matthew chapter 1 Matthew chapter 1 verse 23 Matthew 1 verse 23 let's just look at some very clear scriptures here Matthew 1 verse 23 the Bible reads behold a virgin shall be with child and shall bring forth a son and they shall call his name Emmanuel which being interpreted is God with us one of the names of Jesus Christ is Emmanuel which being interpreted is God with us who was with us when he was born in the manger it was God okay now turn to John chapter 20 John chapter 20 and while you turn to John 20 I'll just read to you from Hebrews 1 8 the Bible says but unto the son he saith this is what God says answer the son thy throne Oh God is forever and ever a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom so we see God the Father saying to the son thy throne Oh God is forever and ever see God the Father calling God the son God okay confirmed to us by the Heavenly Father now John 20 verse 27 John 20 verse 27 this is the story of doubting Thomas right he did not believe that Jesus Christ had been resurrected from the dead because he missed the first time that Jesus Christ appeared to the disciples he wasn't with them and John says look I mean sorry Thomas says unless I I put my hand in his hole in the holes of his hands I'm not going to believe verse 27 then then Jesus Christ appears to Thomas at a later time then say if he to Thomas reach hither thy finger and behold my hands and reach hither thy hand and thrust it into my side and be not faithless but believe him and Thomas answered and said unto him my Lord and my God what did Thomas say to Jesus Christ my Lord and my God did Jesus rebuke Thomas was Thomas wrong did he make a mistake no Jesus Christ is the Lord and he is the God of the Bible he is the God of Thomas and he's our Lord and our God okay and I'll read to you quickly as I yeah Isaiah 9 6 we know very well for unto us the child is born unto us the son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be called wonderful counselor the mighty God the everlasting father the Prince of Peace okay the Old Testament confirmed to us the son that would be born would be the mighty God the mighty God not another God but the same mighty God now I'm going to read one more passage if you can turn that you can up to you Colossians 2 verse 8 if you're fast enough Colossians chapter 2 verse 8 the Bible says beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit after the tradition of men after the rudiments of the world and not of the Christ this line for in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily in him in Jesus Christ dwells all the fullness all of it the fullness of the Godhead bodily okay now some people have mistaken this word Godhead to mean Trinity okay some people have confused this and said well see this proves that Jesus Christ is the Father is the Son and is the Holy Spirit because it says here the fullness of the Godhead dwells in him okay that's not what Godhead means okay Godhead does not mean Trinity though the triune nature of God is an element that's part of the Godhead okay but Godhead just means his divinity okay it just means his divinity it means the nature of God his glory his authority and his power all the power of God all the authority of God the whole nature of God is dwelling in the bodily form of Jesus Christ proven to us he's not 90% God or 50% God or 10% God or 99% God no he's not the fullness of the Godhead he's 100% God though he came in the form of man okay now I hope that proves to you the deity of Christ if anyone has any quick questions about that please ask me again there's so many people attacking Christ every way possible and one way is by denying that is his his God okay now you can turn there if you want actually yeah turn there go to John 1 from our Bible reading John chapter 1 because we see a transition take place there's a transition that takes place in the Bible and John chapter 1 spills out very clearly for us okay John chapter 1 verse 1 in the beginning was the word and the word was with God okay how can the word by the way the word is Jesus Christ I'm sure you know that but he was with God right because he was with the Father and he's with the Holy Ghost okay and then the word was God okay so it's not any less God than the Father or the Holy Ghost it's not some other God okay it's not a third God or a second God he is God okay that's true the same was in the beginning with God verse 3 all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made confirming to us that all of creation was created by this word the Word of God okay I dropped down to verse 14 and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we behold his glory the glory as the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth now if people are struggling to even realize that this format Jesus go to verse 17 it says for the Lord was given by Moses but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ okay so verse 17 says grace and truth came by Jesus verse 14 said when the when the word was made flesh he was in full of a full of grace and truth and then John 1 you know the word was God so when I used to talk to Muslims I used to show these verses and I used to read to him backwards I used to go to verse 17 you know it says here that grace and truth came by Jesus and I would usually acknowledge that that the Bible says that and then I've shown verse 14 that the one that was full of grace and truth was the word made flesh and then they got really uncomfortable there and then I show them verse number one you know the word was God and they didn't like it at all okay but that's how I used to show them if they were you know debating with me about the deity of Christ now who is Jesus we last week we went through the Trinity okay I don't want to rehash that whole sermon but there are some important things that we need to understand I said to you last week there are certain attributes that belong to each member of the Trinity that are just unique to each of those members okay or unique to each of those persons there are certain things that are unique to the Father that aren't you know about the Son you can't attribute them to the Son or to the Holy Ghost there are some things that are unique to the Son and one of those things is the name of Jesus and there are some things that are unique to the Holy Spirit but though they're unique to each one of them all those attributes are true of the one true God okay like I said you know one thing unique about Jesus Christ is that he was baptized so you know we could say that God was baptized you know because we're talking about the Son okay it's an attribute of God though it's a unique attribute of the Son okay now this is important to me because just because of the history of you know you know where I was sent out and some of you guys from your former church but when it came to the Trinity I understand that people have different ways of you know interpreting passages I understand people have a different way of explaining some of the overlap and worrying off that you see in the Bible and I'm fine I'm not going to argue about that I don't panic when someone says things very a little differently to me because you know understanding God you know we do the best we can the scriptures that we have okay but we're warned as a church we're warned of another gospel another spirit another Jesus okay so for me it's fine to have slightly different opinions about the Trinity and how it all operates but you there are certain things that you can't change you can't change Jesus okay you start going down this path of changing who Jesus Christ is you're going to open up yourself toward a lot of problems okay and problems that are fundamentals to the to the faith of Christianity okay now the name of Jesus for me is so important it's so critical because it's name of every name it's a name above every name Jesus Christ that name only be got belongs to the Son of God it's an attribute that only belongs to the Son of God okay and if someone kind of thinks it could be the Father's name it could be the Holy Spirit's name I don't have a problem with somebody thinking and trying to work things out okay but once you you go to a point where you start saying well hold on I think Jesus is all free of them you know and you go against what has been taught by Christianity you know for hundreds of thousands of years you know you're getting yourself into major problems and I'm not saying base your faith on tradition I'm not saying base your faith on you know the same of certain leaders okay but you should be wondering if I'm going to a place that nobody else has really gone or just some wacky Pentecostals have gone this way you need to start questioning you know have I gone down the wrong path you know have I taken a wrong turn somewhere and I've got to start scanning this back and get back to where I was and rethink the position that I was in because the Bible warns us about another Jesus we need to be careful that we stick to the Jesus of the Bible okay now I'm going to give you four reasons and this is part of another sermon that I've done but I've flown it in here because I think it's important in the light of events recent events I guess is why is the name of Jesus only the Son's name why is Jesus only the second person of the Trinity okay now if you've heard my sermon it's called Jesus is the Son of God it's the same points but I'm just gonna summarize them really quickly okay but first thing I want you to understand is that the name of Jesus appears 983 times in your Bible almost a thousand times in your Bible you're going to read the name of Jesus Christ and let me assure you I've done the homework I've made a list of 983 and read through each one of them very carefully and every single time it was the Son's name every single time it was never a name given to the God the Father it was never a name that was given to the Holy Spirit every 983 times it was to Jesus Christ to the Son of God I should say yeah every single time now look if I read it and had 982 times to the Son and one time to the Father or one time to the Holy Spirit I wouldn't be using this argument I'd be like hey maybe you've got a point okay I'm saying every single time it is only the Son's name every single time the first mention of the name of Jesus in Matthew 1 1 it says the book of the generation of Jesus Christ the son of David the son of Abraham the first mention of Jesus okay is that he is a son of David that he comes down that lineage of King David okay now was the father the son of David was the Holy Spirit the son of David or was the son of God the second person between the son of David of course it was the son of God okay Jesus Christ now the last mention of his name is Revelation 22 21 the last verse of the Bible and the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all amen okay notice it says the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ what's Christ Messiah okay now you've read your Bibles I'm sure you have who's the Messiah is God the Father the Messiah is the Holy Spirit the Messiah or it's a son of God the Messiah the Son of God is Messiah right so when we read the last verse of the Bible it caused Jesus not just by the name of Jesus but causing Christ which is Messiah we know that's the second person of the Trinity I'm not wondering as I read that is that the father is that could that be a reference to the Holy Spirit there no because you're ready this is nine hundred and eight third mention of the name of Jesus and you know this is the son's name so why would I expand this beyond what this Bible tells us okay I question why people would not just rest on these facts and just leave it there okay instead of trying to apply that name to another member of the Godhead and people that do that and teach that you know from behind the pulpit and affirm that teaching I don't want anything to do that because God tells me not to be associated with another Jesus and I draw that line there as a pastor of a church that's what I've got to do you know even if it's my friends even it's people that I actually care about you know it's where I have to draw the line because I want to be I want to have a clear conscience before God I'm not before man but before God you know and then let God deal with it you know but that's the first point okay every mention of the name of Jesus is a reference to the son now point number two is that the name of Jesus is used in conjunction with unique attributes to the son okay attributes that are unique to the son okay now I mean obvious one Matthew 121 and she shall bring forth a son and thou shall call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins so he was born of Mary was God the father born of Mary was it God the son it's got the son right got the son Jesus Christ that's a unique attribute to the son you know if we apply that Phillips shall call his name Jesus you could make an argument so he was the father then if that's father's name okay but obviously it's not obviously the one that was born of Mary is the son of God the second person of the Trinity Matthew 3 16 and Jesus when he was baptized went up straightway out of the water and lo the heavens were opened unto him who was baptized it says Jesus but do you sit there and wonder which Jesus no we know there's the one Jesus the Son of God and that's made very clear because then it says and lo the heavens were opened unto him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove so we know that well it wasn't the Holy Spirit that was baptized because he came to send you like a dove after Jesus was baptized and lightning upon him and lo a voice from heaven saying this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased we know it was not God the Father that was baptized because he's speaking from heaven about his son okay and so when the Bible says Jesus here we know that's talking about the Son of God being baptized was a unique attribute to the Son of God okay and and just lastly Matthew 27 26 then released he Barabbas unto them and when he had scourged Jesus that's whips Jesus beaten him whips Jesus which Jesus the Son he delivered him to be crucified who was crucified for you was it God the Father was it the Son of God or was it the Holy Spirit it was Jesus Christ the Son of God right I mean you don't care this is so simple this is like you know is this something school no you know but I'm just trying to show you the name of Jesus uses it for unique attributes to the son if it was the Father's name or the Holy Spirit's name you couldn't say these same things could you using his name you couldn't say these things about Jesus you'd have to just point it out and say well that's the son but you can't say Jesus because then you're throwing in the Father and Holy Spirit being crucified and being baptized being born of Mary okay it's just you start creating all matters matters of mess you know according to the Bible that's point number two point number three is that the name of Jesus is used to distinguish the Son from the Father okay the name of Jesus is used to distinguish the Son from the Father I'll get you to turn to Romans chapter 1 Romans chapter 1 Romans chapter 1 verse 7 Romans chapter 1 verse 7 and a lot of the epistles of Paul start like this a lot of them and I'm just giving you one example it says here to all that being wrong beloved of God called to be Saints grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ and why would he need to say the Lord Jesus Christ after he had already mentioned God our Father if the Father's already Jesus okay notice that it doesn't say God our Father and and the Son of God or something okay notice that he uses the name of Jesus to distinguish from the Father okay and I've used this example in my old church sorry my previous church my previous it's my existing church still but you know and such I goes and and I said you know I think I took Nicholas for example and I said look if Nicholas was also named Kevin you know and you wanted to distinguish between the two of us you couldn't call you couldn't call out Kevin because we're both going to turn around look at you okay but obviously if I'm with my son Nicholas and you call the name Kevin then I'm gonna know you're talking about me and Nicholas is going to know you're not talking about him okay why because that name Kevin is something that distinguishes me from my son Nicholas okay again if Nicholas was Kevin you couldn't say God the Father and then Kevin well in Jesus I'm sorry okay because they're both Jesus if they both had that name okay and so we could see that the name of Jesus is used to distinguish the son from the father and I'll just read to you from first when did you guys turn sorry Romans that's what we read right yeah sorry okay oh I'll read to you from first John 1 free first John 1 free the Bible reads that which we have seen and heard declare we unto you that you also may have fellowship with us and truly our fellowship is with the father and with his son Jesus Christ who's Jesus according to this verse the father no it says fellowship with the father and with his son and by the way if you don't know his name Jesus Christ okay Jesus being used to differentiate the son from the father okay and the fourth point is and this one's along the same lines is that the name of Jesus is used to distinguish the son from the Holy Spirit okay Matthew 4 1 I'll just read to you quickly this is when Jesus was tempted into the wilderness it says then was Jesus they go you know if they're all called Jesus the father's called Jesus and the Holy Spirit Jesus then was Jesus you wouldn't know what Jesus you're referring to right but the Bible tells us that was Jesus let up all the spirits into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil so do you see how the Holy Spirit has been differentiated from the Son of God by calling the son Jesus okay it wouldn't make sense if the spirit was also Jesus okay and I've read to you first Peter 1 2 it lets according to the full knowledge of God the Father and here's the reference to God the Father through sanctification of the Spirit the Holy Spirit now you think you think here if the Father's name is Jesus and the Holy Spirit's name was Jesus all right now we've referenced the Father we've referenced the Holy Spirit surely now you're going to reference the Son so we know now the Trinity is a son but how do they do it unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ grace unto you and peace be multiplied this yeah the Bible says the Father the Spirit and then instead of saying the Son it just says Jesus Christ okay because that is the son's name only that's what differentiates him that's one of the things that differentiates him from the Father and from the Holy Spirit it's his name okay so we need to be careful about this I understand I'm just trying to understand all the nature of God and all you know we're gonna have slight ways of viewing things I get it but let's not mess things up you know Jesus is the Son of God Jesus is only the Son of God okay and he's a unique person in the Trinity he is not God the Father and he's not God the Holy Spirit otherwise you know I'd be worried about you if you've read that he's named 983 times and you still not sure who Jesus Christ is it's a major issue now I'm gonna try to speed up you guys go to John chapter 3 go to John chapter 3 I'm going to read you from Psalm 8 verse 3 Psalm 8 verse 3 we spent a lot of time focusing on the deity of Christ let's talk about him as a man though we will very quickly on this the Bible says in Psalm 8 3 when I consider thy heavens the work of thy fingers the moon and the stars which thou hast ordained now I love how it's Simon says here what is man that thou art mindful of him what are we God that you would even think about us and the son of man that thou visitest him says look you're gonna come and visit us you know why who are we that you didn't think about like you know you obviously think about how great God is next to how bold they are verse 5 for thou hast made him by the way this is a prophecy of Jesus Christ for that has made him a little lower than the angels and has crowned him with glory and honor so how does God visit us in this song it's a prophecy of Jesus Christ coming down from heaven okay made a little lower than the angels now look at John 3 13 John 3 13 Bob reads and no man have ascended up to heaven but he that came down from heaven even the son of man which is in heaven and as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness even so must the Son of Man be lifted up notice that Jesus Christ the Son of God the Son of Man came from heaven and when he's speaking he says which is in heaven you know because Jesus Christ is omnipresent that's that's the attribute of God the omnipresence of God that he can be on the earth and yet be in heaven at the same time acts 754 I'll read to you quickly acts 754 256 when they heard these things they were cut to the heart and they gnashed on him with their teeth but he being full of the Holy Ghost looked up steadfastly into heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing on the right hand of God and said behold I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing on the right hand of God so we see that Jesus Christ when he was caught up resurrected from the dead he went and sat down on the right hand of God he sat down on the right hand of the Father okay now I'm gonna speed up a little bit here but I'll get you to Hebrews so go to Hebrews because we've got a few references in Hebrew so I'll get you to turn that Hebrews chapter 2 verse 9 Hebrews chapter 2 verse 9 Hebrews chapter 2 verse 9 remember in the Psalm it said that he was made a little lower than the angels look at Hebrews 2 verse 9 says he but we see Jesus who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death crammed with glory and honor that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man why was he made a man why was he made come why was God come in the flesh what's the purpose of it it says there that he should taste death for every man okay so Christ left the glories of heaven made himself a little lower than the angels made himself a man so that he could suffer death it's just for every man okay we're not Calvinists we don't believe that God died for some men and damn other men know the Bible says that he died for taste of death for every man okay he's paid the sin debts for every single person that ever lived that was the whole purpose of him coming down from heaven like the Sun says what is man they are mindful of him God has such a great love for us that he would do this that would send his son and limited himself in that body okay with the weaknesses and the frailties of man because he was a hundred percent man at the same time and he did this for us look at verse 14 for as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood he also himself likewise took part of the same that's the flesh and blood that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death that is the devil so the second reason why he became a man in died on the cross is that he would take the power of death you know the love says here that the devil and I don't fully understand this but the somehow the devil had the power over death prior to the crucifixion the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ that was another part of now important part of his mission was to take the power of death away from the devil look at verse 15 and deliver them who through the fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage for verily he took not on him the nature of angels but it took on him the seed of Abraham wherefore in all things it behovest him the behold the behooved I'm not sure to be sorry is it behooved wherefore in all things it behooved him to be made like unto his brethren that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God to make reconciliation for the sins of the people so it came to be like man and to take on this high priest position here's our priest before God the reason why we can come to God in our sinfulness the reason why we can come to God and ask for forgiveness is because we have a high priest we have intercessor in Christ Jesus the man Christ Jesus and through his righteousness we can approach God the Father okay otherwise we'd be destroyed okay in the sinful flesh but through Christ through his righteousness and through his shed blood we can come before God through that great high priest that we have in Christ Jesus and look at verse 18 for in that he himself had suffered being tempted he is able to succor them that attempted so he's able to succor that's a word of help he's able to help them that attempted another reason why Christ came to be like a man is to go through similar temptations in fact we went through the same temptations that we go through so he can be a help for us okay so he can be a help so when we come before God we come in a shame we coming out you know ashamed before God and we say God look this is something I've struggled with this is a sin that I've committed these are temptations that I'm going through that you know we come you know that Jesus Christ would say yes I understand because I've been a man too I understand the temptations that you can go through except Jesus Christ didn't without sin Jesus Christ was unable to sin could not sin because God cannot sin but he understands the temptations that a man can go through that's another reason why he was made flesh okay and this is really important okay we'll look at that later on but I'm going to read to you from first John chapter 4 verse 2 first John chapter 4 verse 2 it says hereby know ye the Spirit of God every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God okay Jesus Christ the Messiah Christ is the Messiah it says they if every spirit confesses that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh that is of God that is one proof that someone is a true believer if they believe that Jesus Christ the Messiah had come already in the flesh the flesh of man okay and again think of Judaism do they believe the Messiah has come no they reject Jesus Christ okay they reject the Messiah they don't believe the Messiah has come in the flesh that would make Judaism not of God okay and unfortunately there are a lot of Christians that think Judaism is just like Old Testament Christianity without the New Testament no Judaism today is a totally false religion okay it's it's not based on the Bible it's based on the writings of Jewish rabbis okay it's not it's not a religion of the Bible okay it is not Old Testament Christianity if you if you put one put it that way okay they deny that Jesus Christ had come in the flesh what else what else is important to understand about God I'll read to you the passages guys Luke 2 7 and she brought forth her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger because there was no room for them in the inn God was a little baby God came definitely came in the flesh he came as a man who's born of a woman okay and he had to be born and grow up okay he came in the same limitations of a man it's amazing to think that the God of the universe was in the form of a little baby you know and we saw later on that later on he grew up though the wise men came and worshiped him you know he had to be born yet to come in flesh yet to be born yet to grow up Luke 2 40 says and the child grew and waxed strong in spirit filled with wisdom and the grace of God was upon him yet to grow up like us yet to grow up from it from a baby to a child to a teenager to an adult he went through the same process Jesus grew tired in the flesh okay John 4 6 it says and Jacob's world was there and Jesus therefore being wearied with his journey set thus on the world and it was about the sixth hour now can God get weary you know I don't think so you know I don't think God can get weary but we see that Jesus Christ became weary in his journeys and I've gone around walking and preaching the gospel because he was in the flesh he was 100% man as well he went for being tired you know Jesus Christ first at John 1928 after this Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished the description might be fulfilled said I first and Jesus Christ was thirsty you know yeah the same limitations that a man had he hung good as well Matthew 4 2 and when he had fasted 40 days and 49 give you hungry as well if you had fasted 40 days and 40 nights he was afterward and hungry the Bible says you know he had to eat yet to drink you know to overcome thirst he would he grow tired when he did a lot of work and of course he died Luke 23 46 and when Jesus had cried with a loud voice he said father into thy hands I command my spirit and having thus I said thus he gave up the ghost so these are the limitations that Christ allowed himself to go through you know becoming a true man a true man one thing that's also very interesting is that Jesus Christ as a man had to learn and he grew in wisdom you know you would think hold on your God let you know everything already no no when he came in limited as a man he ended himself certain knowledge okay so could they show this to you Luke 252 the Bible says and Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man Jesus Christ increasing wisdom okay he grew in knowledge mark 13 32 but of that day you got some you know there's no this by that day and that hour no if no man no not the angels which are in heaven neither the son but the father he says look not even the Son of God knows of that day when he would come back again now I believe he knows that now but while he was here on the earth and limits himself of certain knowledge not even hearing you he says of that time but the father knew okay does that mean he wasn't God no it's he was 100% man as well and I love this maybe you can turn there Matthew 8 turn to Matthew 8 verse 8 I'm near the end now guys Matthew 8 verse 8 I love this part because this surprises me when I think about Jesus Christ who is God Matthew 8 verse 8 the Centurion answered and said Lord I'm not worthy that that should has come under my roof but speak the word only and my servant shall be healed for I'm a man under authority having soldiers under me and I say to this man go and he goeth and to another come and he cometh and to my servants do this and he doeth it look at verse 10 when Jesus heard it he marveled what does that mean to marvel to be like surprised to be astonished you know he marveled and said to them that followed verily I say unto you I have not found so great faith no not in Israel so Jesus Christ marveled he wondered he was amazed that there was this man Centurion with such great faith and he might say well hold on he's God doesn't know everything why would it could you ever surprise God well no he can't but yet Jesus Christ was surprised because he came in a man it was a man as well okay he was when he when he was when he was on the earth he had the limitations of man as well he has growing knowledge yet to learn his might in Bible verses okay yet to do all those things you know it wasn't just an automatic thing yet to grow in stature and growing knowledge now please don't say Hebrews chapter 4 I want to end on this Hebrews chapter 4 Hebrews chapter 4 this is a basic doctrine guys Jesus was 100% God and 100% man at the same time okay now we need to understand this because our God is a relatable God okay we should be able to relate to him even though we're sinners even though he is holy and righteous and perfect and we know God is angry with the wicked every day and we know that God hates sin okay and when we think about who God is I said this before sometimes when we commit sin we're so ashamed to go before God and confess those sins we're so ashamed to go before him and ask him for forgiveness okay because we think man you know he's holy it's perfect surely he's sick of me okay but Hebrews 4 verse 14 see then that we have a great high priest that speaking of Jesus Christ that is passed into the heavens Jesus the Son of God let us hold fast our profession who's Jesus by the way the Son of God okay verse 15 for we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of infirmities it's a look we've got a high priest that knows our weaknesses he knows our sicknesses okay and then it says but was he in all points tempted like as we are Jesus Christ is familiar with our temptations he was tempted in all points he knows he knows what they're like he knows why we struggle with his temptations the difference with Christ though it says there yet without sin okay sometimes we came into those temptations and we sin whether Jesus Christ did not sin okay this thing let us therefore so now that we know this now that we know we have a great high priest that is that knows our weaknesses as a man okay that knows our infirmities that knows the temptations that we struggle with let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help to help in time of need okay so never never get to a point where you're like God I can't even speak to you because I'm sure you're sick of me you know I can't ask for forgiveness you know I'm sure I can't do this anymore because surely no that's the whole reason for Jesus Christ having come as a man as well so he knows what we go through okay when you when you share the problems the struggles you have he understands those problems it's not okay that you sinned okay but he can relate to it he knows the temptations he knows the struggles he knows the weakness of the man okay he knows what it's like to hunger he knows what it's like to thirst he knows what it's like to have to mature and gain knowledge as you grow up he knows all these things he knows what it is to die as well he knows what it's about okay and so that's why we can come before this holy God is because the great high priest that we have is familiar with us he knows it you know he did it for us he loves us so much he wants us to come boldly before that throne of grace he wants to be able to come boldly before God confess our sins bring our request before him and just lift him up for the great God that he is and he is a great God 100% God and 100% man let's pray