(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 🎵🎵🎵 🎵🎵🎵 🎵🎵🎵 🎵🎵🎵 🎵🎵🎵 🎵🎵🎵 🎵🎵🎵 🎵🎵🎵 🎵🎵🎵 🎵🎵🎵 🎵🎵🎵 🎵🎵🎵 🎵🎵🎵 🎵🎵🎵🎵 🎵🎵🎵🎵 🎵🎵🎵🎵 🎵🎵🎵🎵 🎵🎵🎵🎵 🎵🎵🎵🎵 🎵🎵🎵🎵 🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵 🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵 🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵 🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵 🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵 🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵 🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵 🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵 🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵 🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵 🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵 🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵 🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵 🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵 🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵 🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵 🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵 🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵 🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵� We live in a strange world, don't we? The things that are beautiful, the things that solidify a nation, family and motherhood, these things are seeking to be destroyed by this godless world. So we do want to honour all mothers this morning. If you're here this morning and you're a mother, look I really want you to feel special. You are special. You are special to this church, to myself and of course to the Lord God. Alright, let's go to our next hymn. Our hymn is number 304. Our next hymn is hymn number 304. We've sung this one all too often. 304, it's nothing between. 304, nothing between my soul and the saviour. 304. I have renounced all sinful pleasure. Jesus is mine, there's nothing between. Nothing between my soul and the saviour. So that His blessed face may be seen. Nothing preventing the release of His favour. Him who waketh, let nothing between. Nothing between thy lowly pleasure. Habits of life, though harmless they seem, must not my heart from Him ever simmer. He is my all, there's nothing between. Nothing between my soul and the saviour. So that His blessed face may be seen. Nothing preventing the release of His favour. Keep away clean, let nothing between. Nothing between, like crime or like station. Self or friends shall not intervene. Though it may cost me my heart's tribulation. I am resolved, there's nothing between. Nothing between my soul and the saviour. So that His blessed face may be seen. Nothing preventing the release of His favour. Keep away clean, let nothing between. Nothing between, then many have trials. Lo, lo, O Lord, I can't seek on Thee. What sin with prayer, and what self-denial. I'll take the last with nothing between. Nothing between my soul and the saviour. So that His blessed face may be seen. Nothing preventing the release of His favour. Keep away clear, let nothing between. There's a peace in my heart that the world never gave. A peace it cannot take away. Though the trials of life place around like a cloud, I'm a peace that has come where to stay. Constantly abiding, Jesus is mine. Constantly abiding, raptured divine. He never leaves me lonely. Whistler so kind, I will never leave Thee. Jesus is mine. All the world sings to sing of the Saviour and King. When His name came to my heart, troubles all flared away. And when I turn today, blessed Jesus, how glorious I was. Constantly abiding, Jesus is mine. Constantly abiding, raptured divine. He never leaves me lonely. Whistler so kind, I will never leave Thee. Jesus is mine. This treasure I have in a temple of clay. Come here on His footstool I hold. God is coming again. A glorious day, overlaid to my heavenly home. Constantly abiding, Jesus is mine. Constantly abiding, raptured divine. He never leaves me lonely. Whistler so kind, I will never leave Thee. Jesus, Jesus is mine. All right, great singing. Please take your Bibles now and turn to the book of Genesis. Turn to the book of Genesis, please, and chapter number three. Genesis chapter number three and Brother Kladnig will be coming up for the reading. Genesis chapter number three. Reading from Genesis chapter three. Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God has made. And he said unto the woman, yea hath God said ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? And the woman said unto the serpent, we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden, but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. And the serpent said unto the woman, ye shall not surely die. For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that was pleasant to the eyes and the tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her and he did eat. And the eyes of them both were opened and they knew that they were naked, and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons. And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day. And Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden. And the Lord God called unto Adam and said unto him, where art thou? And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden and I was afraid, because I was naked and I hid myself. And he said, who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat? And the man said, the woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree and I did eat. And the Lord God said unto the woman, what is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, the serpent beguiled me and I did eat. And the Lord God said unto the serpent, because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all the cattle and above every beast of the field. Upon thy belly shalt thou go and dust shall they eat all the days of thy life. And I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed. It shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel. Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception. In sorrow thou shall bring forth children and thy desire shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over thee. And unto Adam he said, because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife and hast eaten of the tree of which I commanded thee, saying thou shall not eat of it, cursed is the ground for thy sake. In sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life. Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee and thou shall eat the herb of the field. In the sweat of thy face shalt thou turn, shalt thou eat bread till they return unto the ground. For out of it wast thou taken, for dost thou art and unto dust shalt thou return. And Adam called his wife's name Eve because she was the mother of all living. Unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins and clothe them. And the Lord God said, behold the man is become as one of us to know good and evil and now lest he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat and live forever. Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden to till the ground from whence he was taken. So he drove out the man and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden cherubims and a flaming sword which turned every way to keep the way of the tree of life. Let us pray. Dear Lord we thank you for your pure and holy word. We do ask that you bless our pastor this morning as he expounds upon this passage of scripture and we thank you for your pure and holy word. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Amen. Thank you brother. All right so just keep your bibles open there in Genesis 3. Before I get to the sermon I just want to let you guys know that sister Yasmin has brought back the bulletin. All right we're not going to have weekly bulletins just a monthly bulletin for our church. So this is the bulletin for May. If you want a copy of this please there's a there's a pile there on the table. Please grab one on your way home. But just a couple of things that are on here I guess that are important. Well number one we've got our service times. Don't forget that today's the first day that we actually return back to our afternoon services. So we not only have a 9am service this morning but a 12pm service as well. You know don't feel pressured if you're unable to make the afternoon service. You know it's there available for those that do want to be here twice in service on a Sunday. And especially I understand if it's Mother's Day and you've got plans for lunch and all that kind of things I understand how that might you know you might be spending your time in that in that or you know maybe afterwards I'm not sure what your plans exactly are. But I understand if you're you know it takes a bit of time to get back into the adjustments of free services a week. The other thing that's on here are prayer requests. Now right now we just decided to just keep the prayer requests kind of general. Because sometimes you know we do pray for one another on Wednesday. Sometimes some personal things do come up. But you may not want those things that are mentioned on a Wednesday on the bulletin. Maybe maybe not depends you know. Because yeah anyway so if you do have prayer requests that you don't mind people being reminded of especially if they can't make a midweek service or you know if a visitor was to pop in and grab a bulletin if you didn't mind one of those prayer requests being on there. Please let Sister Yasmin know at least that way you're going to have more people praying for the things and being reminded of the things that are on this list. The other thing that's here are birthdays which I'll go through after the service. As well something else that we decided to add to the bulletin is last month's offering. So how much came into the church last month? Just so you guys know so there's a there's the amount there it's six thousand two hundred twenty eight dollars and seventy cents that came through last month for the church. Not just for the church but also online giving giving things like that so it's all together. Also soul winning so we've got the soul winning numbers. How many people got saved in the previous month? Right now we've got the soul winning marathon days. But anything related to soul winning we want to put an update there on that as well. So if you do have any suggestions please let me or please let Sister Yasmin know. As well if you've got any other ideas any other information that you think is important for us to put in there for a monthly bulletin maybe you can put it up stick it to your fridge or whatever it is and just be reminded about the events that are coming up regarding church. All right well let's go into the get into the sermon there. So you're there in Genesis chapter three and of course we know this as the chapter which man and man falls you know commits the sin being tempted by the devil. Where Eve is first tempted and then she brings this news to Adam who also sins against the Lord. We know it's of course also contains God's judgment on Adam and Eve but what I really want to take out of this chapter there is in verse number 20. Genesis chapter 3 verse number 20 it says and Adam called his wife's name Eve because she was the mother of all living. Now if you looked up what the name of Eve means the name of Eve that the meaningful Eve means life or living or someone that brings forth life and the fact that Adam says you know what my wife I'm going to name her Eve because she's going to be the mother of all living. You see every human being every generation that exists on this earth as far as human beings is concerned has come through Eve. You know he looked at Eve and said look in order for us to bring forth life you must come through this woman and so he appropriately names her Eve. Of course Eve is the first mother and being Mother's Day I do want to consider this idea that a mother is someone that brings forth life and I mentioned earlier how I love Mother's Day. I love Father's Day. I love certain days in the calendar because there was a time it's a it's kind of surprising now in 2022 but there was a time where society honored mothers. So let's let's stop and say this is Mother's Day. Let's honor motherhood. Hey let's praise God. Hey there was a time society said hey fathers are important. You know let's honor fathers let's make this day fathers. I did not go back to have a look at the the beginnings of Mother's Day and Father's Day. I'm not sure exactly what took place to cause them to be days of remembrance but these are great things. You know I recall it's probably still on the agenda but I recall this push to change Father's Day to special person's day. Okay just in case there's a you know LGBT couple or something like that. They don't want to get offended right. If it's two ladies and we need a special person's day you know and you know it's just I mean again our world is just hates family. Our world hates motherhood. I know I spoke to so many ladies that think being a mother is some low priority on their list. You know it's more important to chase the career. It's more important to bring in a second income. That's that's the view. That's that's what's been pushed down the throats and you know you know it's even pushed down the throats of of ladies in churches. Hey we need to get back to basic. We need to get back to the truth of God's word. Hey Eve is called the mother of all living. Hey that was a title of honor. That was a title of importance that you through Eve she's going to bring forth life. And the fact that any of us even exist today that we live today means that we had a mother that gave us life. You know she was a vehicle that God used to give you life. Praise God for mothers. Or you would not even be here today. Boy life would be pretty boring if it was just men on the earth I think. It adds a little spice a little excitement having a lady who not only one that you can marry but one that will bring forth children bring forth another generation. You know create that family. So motherhood is something I want to exalt. You know Mother's Day okay fine. I guess you know I was talking to Sister Trish. Every day is Mother's Day. Praise God for that that's even better. Every day should be Mother's Day. Every day should be a day that we exalt mothers. And so let's have a look at why this is so important in the eyes of Adam. Why is it so important for God to jot this down in the Bible that she's called Eve because she's the mother of all living. Let's just go back to chapter 1. Genesis chapter 1 verse number 27. We're just looking at the day that God created Adam and Eve. Genesis chapter 1 verse number 27. It says so God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him male and female created he them. Verse number 28 and verse number 28 is the first commandment that God gives to a married couple to a man and his wife okay. Now God gave other commandments to Adam and he was created such as to name the animals such as to be a gardener to tend to tall the ground. But as far as a man and woman being married together this is the commandment that God gave a married couple in verse number 28 and God blessed them. Hey this is a blessing yeah this is a blessing from God. It's not just a commandment it's a blessing right. I've got to say that today in 2022 and God blessed God blessed them and God said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth. Hey commandment number one for a married couple is to be fruitful is to multiply is to replenish the earth not just a commandment this is a blessing amen this is a blessing. Now ladies especially the young ladies you're not going to hear this in the world today you know you're going to hear that multiplying replenishing the earth being fruitful giving bringing forth life they're going to say it's a burden they're going to say it's going to stop you from your life it's going to stop you from living your life okay. And not only that there's going to be a push you know even from the doctors you know even from the doctors here on the Sunshine Coast there's going to push that if you fall pregnant they're going to say hey what about abortion how about you end this life hey how about being a mother of the living how about you be a mother of the dead you know that's what's going to get pushed in our hospital system today. You know I know in our minds we think we go to hospital for help right when we're not feeling well when we need some type of you know emergency aid you know for our health we think we go to the hospital surely these people mean the best surely these people promote life over death no they do not you know it's such a sad day when we heard you know nothing happened praise god but you know when we were expecting number 11 and we were told number 11 best case scenario we'll have down syndrome worst case scenario we'll have what was it again cystic fibrosis I think it was okay and basically you know I mean that's that's sad news not sad news for us as parents necessarily you know regardless of how that child comes out it's life that god has given us it's a child that I'm going to be thankful for god no matter how it comes out of that mother's womb but more sad about the fact that that child will suffer the fact that that child will have a lower lifespan the child may not see all the days that you know a normal healthy child could or accomplish what a normal child could and so that's what the sadness was it wasn't me having a child that might be disabled but rather the quality of his life that's what gave me sadness but you know what you know as christians we think well you know what if that's your decision god if that's what we need to receive then praise you lord for the life you've given us but immediately as soon as that was found out what's the first news that my wife received from the doctor well have you considered abortion have you considered murdering your child hey I thought I went to hospital for help I thought we went to hospital to help life no it's death they're pushing death you know in in the hospital system it's unbelievable hey an alliance guess what is perfectly healthy perfectly healthy okay there's nothing wrong with him imagine being a non-believer imagine not knowing what god says imagine not considering motherhood as a blessing you could I can understand why ladies would say yeah let's kill that child and that child's perfectly healthy can you believe hey even if that child was disabled it doesn't matter it's still murder okay so you know we need to preach sermons like this on a mother's day I want to exalt motherhood I want to exalt life you know regardless of how that child comes you know what it's a handy work of god god's giving you that blessing it's a reward it's a command it's a blessing you know what people say as long as the child is healthy you know what even if the child's not healthy it's still a blessing it's still a blessing from god and we need to be reminded of this because our world tells us differently girls the world will tell you experience life you know what you've got you've got till you're 30 you got to your 40 to have children you know what and there's ivf they'll say there's all these other methods in case you know just just prevent your body from having kids and live your life and you'll be happy they'll say no you know again you know I'm not just this you know what I'm not just this pastor right there's just preaching god's word I'm just leaving a bubble and it's just me my family my children no I've spoken to several ladies that are non-believers that took the advice of the world just experience the world just go travel Europe and go travel America and go travel South America you know don't get you know held back by some husband and by children and and murder your children if you know because it's all going to stop you from living your life hey those same ladies they grow up and they've got pain they've got a hole in their hearts you know they recognize there's a life that they took that was their own child right they recognize I don't have direction I you know it's too late potentially to have children it's too late to potentially get married you know and there's a lack of of motivation there's a lack of direction there's a lack of vision because they haven't done things the way god says you know what this is a commandment this is a blessing the happiest place you can be is to form a family and have children and for the mothers please be reminded of this you know and is motherhood easy no it's difficult it's a challenge it's it you know I'm not here trying to say you know have a bunch of kids and your life will just be the the sweetest thing on the earth no there's challenges you're going to raise those children we're going to look at that soon but I really want to just bring forth the fact that god says this is the blessing he's blessed them he says look you can have children you can have a family you can raise children this is a blessing the blessings of motherhood I don't know if I gave you the title of the sermon that's the title of the sermon blessings of motherhood you know it's interesting how the doctors can just put that thought in your mind how about we kill this life you know why and you think well they're the experts surely they know best well again proven by the latest child they know nothing they know that in fact science doesn't even know I don't know if you know this or not science cannot tell you what life is scientists they can't tell you you say what is life they don't know I just looked up an article this is a Forbes article written in 2019 and the question is what is life or they say this although biology so you think the biologist would know what life is although biology is the study of life even biologists don't agree on what life actually is while scientists have proposed hundreds of ways to define it none have been widely accepted even the smartest minds even the ones that study life they cannot tell you what life is okay and yet god has given ladies the ability to bring forth life what an amazing miracle you know that god allows you to go through you know the article continues saying instead of defining the word so instead of defining what life is textbooks will describe life with a list of half a dozen features based on what it has or what it does so that's what scientists know is what life can do life can eat life can procreate right life can do all these things but what is life they don't know okay because the moment you try to define life you have to accept there is a god that has given life you know and you know we know the science scientific world they they desire to deny the lord they don't want to believe in god they don't want to go any direction that leads them to accept there must be a god a creator of all things a life giver this is why they can't define life because by defining life you have to be also speaking about the one that gives life and they don't want to go that far they don't want to acknowledge that there is a god in this universe and ladies god has made you special you know ladies men generally are stronger men generally i'm talking generally you know are more physically able to you know to accomplish more as far as going to work that's why men need to do these things but ladies you are weaker you have you have that weaker vessel but you've been created in such a special way that in your body god can bring forth life that you can harbor that life for nine months and then deliver that child you know what an honor that's such a privilege it's such a privilege it's not a curse it's not a burden it's a true blessing and it's amazing this it's scientists can't even tell you what life is and yet you can do it you can bring forth that life you know through the working of god so life is impossible without god point number one that i have for you brethren is that motherhood is the miracle that brings forth life point number one motherhood is the miracle that brings forth life can you please turn to genesis 18 turn to genesis chapter 18 please genesis chapter 18 and verse number 13 i want you to notice what god speaks about here we know that god gave the promise to abraham and to sarah that they would have a child and they went through you know older age you know where really sarah was you know in menopause you know as far as physically she would be unable to have children at this old age but it says here in genesis 18 verse 13 and the lord said unto abraham wherefore did sarah laugh saying shall i of assurity bear a child which am old notice this in verse number 14 is anything too hard for the lord at the time appointed i will return unto thee notice these next words according to the time of life and sarah shall have a son mothers you have according to the time of life god appointed you at a certain time to bring forth life what an amazing thing that it's god's handiwork in you your ability the capacity to bring forth life god speaks about it as a time of life you see no no life is sort of some accident you know you say well what if he was out of wedlock or what if he was out of this situation or that situation all right we understand there is sin we understand that people make mistakes but the fact that you were able to bring forth that life god said it is time for that life to come forth okay and we cannot hang a little child's you know you know the fact that they may have been born illegitimate or whatever we can't hang that over a child's life you know over them because it's god that says no this is the time for this life to be brought forth okay and things operate you know god allows you know i mean if god did not allow any kind of weakness or any sin obviously that would be a different situation the fact that we always you know we commit sin pretty much every day you know we commit sin whether it's in the flesh where it's in the mind where it's in the heart you know um you know these are things that god allows and i'm not saying that god wants us to do those things but it happens you know we we get chastised we learn a lesson you know there are things that god is teaching us you know there are opportunities for us to learn and grow from that you know and uh maybe to have a slap in the face once in a while and and understand our sinful condition you know sometimes we sin and we we fail and and that that results in us you know for the unbeliever to find a way of salvation to know that they are not capable they're not good enough for salvation and so they go to the lord for that you know i mean god allows things to happen in life but i want you to just understand that every life is precious doesn't matter what the situation is which brought forth that life god says it's a time of life and that child came came out of that mother's womb motherhood is the miracle that brings forth life it definitely was a miracle for sarah you know for this for this life uh to come now again you know for ladies it's special that you can do this men will never experience that nor do i really want to experience that god did not put that in me to desire that you know to to have this child you know within me for nine months to bring forth that child but the closest thing that we can get to men to bring in forth life is of course preaching the gospel and seeing someone saved okay because what are they receiving they're receiving everlasting life they are being born again and we are able to that you know philemon verse uh verse 10 paul speaks of anisimus he says i beseech thee for my son anisimus now he's not really his son but then he says whom i have begotten in my bonds you see when paul was in prison he met anisimus there in prison gave him the gospel the man got saved and paul says look this is like my son why because i brought him forth i you know i was able to give him the gospel and he was able to receive everlasting life some others you get the double whammy you get the you you get it you know you you get uh the excitement both ways you get able to bring forth physical life hey you can bring forth spiritual life men we can only do the spiritual life hey but how exciting is it men you know okay we don't understand what it is like to bring forth a child but how exciting is that when we get to preach the gospel and someone is able to call upon the lord and believe in the lord jesus christ and be saved how exciting you know how much joy does that give you you know well you know what that's it that is exciting yeah that's exciting and mothers i want you to be excited by the fact that god has utilized you to bring forth life as well it's exciting you're doing what god commanded of you you know you you're you're being blessed by the lord to be that life giver you know i don't know if you're following the news right now in the united states but roe versus wade may be overturned by the u.s supreme court in a few months i'm not sure exactly when they're making that point of decision and if you're not really familiar with that that's basically the decision that was initially handed by the u.s government to uh enable abortion to make abortions legal you know across all the states of the of america and if they overturn this you know i mean this would be this would be great this would be excellent okay that you know there is some change in the heart of men potentially that actually values life you know life in the mother's womb and uh you know if they overturn that it's still dependent upon the states whether they're going to make that legal or illegal you know abortions but we know it just how wicked abortion is you know life is is a miracle you know i hope i hope the u.s supreme court now you know i don't put my trust in man okay but i think this is something worth praying for that this does get overturned you know that that you know mothers would would stop and say hey if this is illegal in my state should i proceed with this should i end a life you know that god has given i think it's important because you know whatever developed in the united states usually has an impact on the rest of the world you know i feel like australia is like this just this follower whatever the united states does eventually a few months later australia doesn't well if you know the united states can do something at least a little good hopefully other western nations will follow suit you know because you know i'm sick and tired of abortion being celebrated being just accepted in society it is so wicked so wicked to murder a little child and look you know if you've done this in your life in your past and you didn't know any better you know you've confessed that to the lord move on you know that child praise god is in heaven praise god that little child you know all children go to speak with the lord did you know that it's a wonderful blessing and one day you're going to see that child anyway you know the day that you pass on you're going to be in heaven with that child that may have suffered these consequences but you know what life is precious life is a miracle motherhood is the miracle that brings forth life can you please turn to john chapter 16 turn to john 16 the next point that i have for you brethren is motherhood provides joy now brethren i i don't know about you i want to live a happy life you know i'm not even that keen on a long life i mean a long life and a happy life that'd be great if we can put these two things together that'd be wonderful okay but i'd rather live a short life that was happy and joyful than live a long life of misery and woe and regrets and sadness i'd much rather just live a shorter life with great joy and motherhood provides joy john chapter 16 please verse number 21 john 16 verse 21 john 16 verse 21 these are the words of christ a woman when she is in travail have sorrow that is when you're about to give birth that's a sorrow oh man we shouldn't have children then no no have sorrow because her hour is come but as soon as she is delivered of the child she remembereth no more the anguish for joy that a man is born into the world motherhood provides joy having children is something that's given going to give you joy ladies again i told you the world tells you no the world tells you it's a burden the world tells you don't do it you can find joy elsewhere find joy in your career you know ladies again i'm telling the young ladies because i know every generation is just going to get harder and harder and you're going to get brainwashed into and it is brainwashing you know what i'd rather wash your mind with the word of god and i want you to live happy lives and i tell you now when you look back and you look at the children that god has given you you know what you're going to just remember that with joy the sorrow the pain yes labour to bring forth a child but really the result of that is one of joy that moments of just bringing forth the life why does that give you so much joy or don't forget you know you go nine months pregnant that's a long time waiting for that child to come forth you know during that pregnancy time there's changes to your body aren't there you know probably still got some scars of the of the child that you've brought forth not just physical changes but chemically chemical changes as well hormones all those things you know maybe cause irritation and all the other difficulties that ladies go through during that time of pregnancy yes it's a woman travail she's in sorrow there's there's labour there's anguish you know there's even potential death you know the the fact that you're going to bring forth life ladies mothers die mothers die still today even in hospitals even with the help of everything that there is mothers still sometimes pass away when they bring forth life i mean it's a great strain on that body all right but what does jesus christ says but as soon as she's delivered on the child she remembers no more the anguish the focus the attention becomes on that child which is born for joy that a man is born into the world you see there's a great accomplishment there's it's a monumental task to bring forth that child and when you see that child it's a great accomplishment all those months all that pain all that suffering and here is life it's such a great joy you know i'm thankful that god has given us many children you know we had double joy once when the twins were born you know i mean that was a caesarian you know the rest were natural but that one anyway doesn't matter caesarian can be pain in fact recovering from caesarian is much harder than recovering from a natural birth you know but uh yeah just all of that you know just the accomplishments of a lady to be able to bring forth that child you know it's it is a monumental task it gives you joy because you're doing exactly what god has programmed you to do you're accomplishing the very commandments the very blessings that god wants to give you there is great joy motherhood provides joy i'm happy that my mom gave birth to me i'm happy that i got to experience life you know let's let's honor our mothers you know let's let's honor our mothers that's you know i think about the times that i've been upset with my mother or frustrated at my mother i just imagine but she's she's given so much of herself to give me life you know that's what's beautiful about motherhood you know sometimes you know life we're sinners you know sometimes there are family problems and maybe mothers you know there might be conflict between mothers but i think it's always just a good reminder to think you know what even if i'm not spoken to my mother in years even though she might be completely out of the picture it's just on mother's day just to reflect back my mother gave birth to me she could have passed away she went through great sorrow she's got the scars on her body that brought me forth you know what maybe it's time for me to just pick up that phone and thank her for the life that she's given me please go to psalm 113 psalm 113 verse number nine psalm 113 in verse number nine not only does motherhood provide joy yeah okay that one-time joy of bringing forth that child say pass to kevin now you know now we've got to breastfeed and that's painful and and now we've got to treat the kids and the terrible twos and and and the and the when they get sick and the vomiting and the diarrhea and the toilet training right and all the all the conflicts and the the selfishness that we have to overcome in that child's life and and the fights with the siblings you know and then they and then it gets harder and then they become teenagers and they've got their own attitude right you know but no no you know what yes okay that's a challenge it's all there life is a challenge a lot life has challenges right life can be challenging but you know that that joy can can continue the joy of having children it's not just that one time bringing forth that child but it can continue in your life as in your in your life in your house as long as you do it the right way but the third point that i have for you before we read someone 113 is that motherhood fulfills purpose okay motherhood fulfills purpose again why was eve created to be the mother of all living ladies when you've had a child you fulfilled a great purpose in your life to bring forth life but notice here in psalm 113 verse number nine it's speaking about god he says he that's the lord maketh the barren woman to keep house hey that's a housekeeper that's a homemaker the lord makes the barren woman a homemaker in what way how look at this and to be a joyful mother of children multiple praise ye the lord praise god are you having mothers are you ever stopped today and say praise the lord that i'm a mother or is it man lord why is it so hard why there's so many challenges in raising children and there are challenges and mothers if you're struggling it's not unusual you know what i know when we come to church you know we always try to put our best foot forward you know what but i know you've had tears during the week i know you've had challenges in the week i know your kids have caused you some pain that week all right we understand that we understand there's struggles you know what the barren woman usually a barren woman is very sad that she cannot bring four children but god says that he is able to cause her to keep house and to be a joyful mother of children you see did not stop with one child where the joy came hey this woman has multiple children and she's still a joyful mother praise the lord keep house you see one of the main roles for a mother for a woman is to be a housekeeper is to tend to the family to tend to the home i'll just quickly read to you from first timothy 514 which reads i will therefore that the younger women marry bear children guide the house give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully ladies what is god's will for your life i will therefore the younger women marry bear children guide the house ladies this is what is going to give you the most happiness satisfaction fulfilling the purpose that god has for you okay getting married children guiding the house being there at home raising that family being the housekeeper being the homemaker that's what's going to make you the joyful mother of children praise ye the lord what does the world tell you go to work earn a career you know go slave yourself under a man who's not your husband go spend eight hours on the work and dump your kids in child care dump your kids in the school system get rid of your kids as soon as you can so you can be fulfilled working for some other man no no what makes you happy is having a family is is ladies serving the husband's husband serving your wives when we go and work we're serving our wives we're serving our family we're giving them the resources the financial ability to take care of themselves we're here to serve one another and again ladies i know i know this is old-fashioned i know so but i tell you the honest truth i know that if my wife was just work let's say my wife was working the top job right now whatever it is what what's the i don't know let's say she was a lawyer it's not what people want to be doctors and lawyers let's say she's a she's a lawyer earning earning big bucks all right and i you know i don't know maybe i'd be i'd have to be the house husband or something right i don't know oh we dump the kids you know into some some other system whatever i tell you now you know what i i know that my my wife's heart will be sad i just know that she would want to be there with her children i have no doubt that doesn't matter what she's able to succeed as far as career and wealth that a part of her that big part of her will be like i want to see my children i need to guide my house i need to provide direction in that area of my life that's what's going to give me joy and it's true it's not old-fashioned this is the word these are the words of god god's word does not change regardless of what generation regardless of what year we're living in you're still there in some 113 aren't you you say to me well pastor kevin i you know i do have children but i can't say that i'm a joyful mother of children what am i lacking why is it that i'm you know yes you know the bible says that but i just don't feel joyful well let's just backtrack a little bit in that psalm please look at verse number one psalm 113 verse number one it says praise ye the lord now ladies this is the commandments all right you know what you've you've been given a house mothers you've been given children praise ye the lord all right this is something you need to do it says praise oh ye servants of the lord praise the name of the lord blessed be the name of the lord from this time forth and forevermore look at verse number three from the rising of the sun ladies mothers and to the going down of the same the lord's name is to be praised now then that leads into the fact that you'll be a joyful mother of children but don't think that you can be a joyful mother of children if you don't praise the lord what's it saying there as soon as the sun comes up as soon as you wake up in the morning just praise the lord just thank the lord for the day that he's given you thank him for life thank you for the family that you have praise the lord just commit the day to the lord hey to the time when it goes down to to the to the time that you rest your head on your pillow praise the lord you know go to him in prayer seek his face sing a song if it's not out of your mouth sing a song into the lord out of your hearts give him praise acknowledge the lord that he's given you a family that he's given your children and i think when you do that and you pause you remember hey these aren't just these kids that i've got here but these are kids that god has blessed me with this is a family this is a great reward from god that he's given me you know what and i've got these kids for some 20 years maybe less maybe a little bit more and then they're going to be out of my hands you know what what am i going to do how am i going to raise the children for the lord and when you're able to praise the lord you know and be thankful everything that he's given you then you will be that continual joyful mother with children but motherhood fulfills purpose was point number three can i get you to turn to psalm 22 turn to psalm 22 psalm 22 psalm 22 please i love these words here in psalm 22 verse number nine and mothers please don't downplay these verses here but understand just your importance it is your importance to bring a generation to be saved and to love the lord but it says here in psalm 22 verse 9 but thou art he that took me out of the womb thou didst make me hope when i was upon my mother's breasts so this this child you know as it's been weaned on the mother's breasts he was his hope was already on the lord what a little child say little child does not know much well let's keep going there verse number 10 i was cast upon thee from the womb thou art my god from my mother's belly i love that a little child you know if you're saved you're a christian mother you have that child in your womb you know what god is already the god of that child what is it what do we learn here that point number four motherhood introduces a generation to the lord motherhood introduces a generation to the lord praise god praise god it's not just life but you were actually bringing forth a godly seed that will love the lord you know i mean you're so influential mothers you know what if you're going to come to church as a pregnant woman that little child's hearing the preaching of god's word it may not be able to process it all completely of course not okay but something is coming through into that child's soul knowing the importance of the lord as it's been nurtured upon the mother's breasts it's learning something about the nurture of god you know that that i need something greater to take care of me yes mother but ultimately i need the lord god to save me from my sins mothers you're able to introduce a new generation to the lord you know it's it's a wonderful thing again we're seeing souls saved yes you know usually strangers sometimes people that will never see again we want our children to know the lord don't we want our children to love the lord you know as a pastor you know i know that sometimes you know the odds eyes are going to be upon my kids maybe a little bit more focused than other children because i'm the pastor just how it is right but you know what i have my desire for my kids you know i'm not one of these guys that thinks you know what i think we're successful parents if my kids become missionaries if my kids become my boys become pastors then i know we've succeeded if my daughters marry future pastors then i know we've done well you know what i'd be happy for my kids to just work a normal job you know one that provides for them provides their family and they still love the lord they still come to church they still read the bible they still preach the gospel to the lost you know what then i'm just i'm just like we've succeeded we've done well as parents if my children can just do those basic things you know what i don't even want my my boys to have a heart to be a pastor i tell you the truth you know what i want them to just learn what it is like to just live a normal life and then as time proceeds and they grow in the lord then kind of like me as time goes then that desire may come that desire builds from there but you know what there are too many pastors that get married and have family and have kids to become a pastor okay rather than living a life that god wants to live serving him faithfully and then for those doors to be opened up in the future but motherhood introduces the generation to the lord you know i speak to my kids and i'm talking to the kids of the other parents that are here i know that your parents just want to love the lord you know many of your parents have come from false religion many of your parents have believed in false gospels and they're just happy that you can be in a church that is hearing the truth and sometimes when children grow up in church they they kind of they don't really appreciate the fact that they're actually hearing the truth of god's word but for your parents that were stuck in false churches false gospels they they're so thankful that you can be in a church hearing the truth that you can be in a family that loves the lord that seeks his face now let me encourage your children you know what yes your mothers are special they're wonderful but more they want you to just love the lord they want you to love the lord the bible says in malachi 2 15 you don't need to turn there and did he and did not he make one yet had he the residue of the spirit and wherefore one that he might seek a godly seed why did god make one man and woman one one flesh because he was seeking a godly seed mothers you can be influential to your children raise them loving the lord to bring forth this godly seed you know and and we need more christians we need more that fear the lord and love the lord you know one day our children are going to be the ones that actually have the light of the gospel to preach this lost and dying world we need more believers like this uh i'll just read you another passage actually you might want to turn there please go with me yeah actually go there please go to second timothy chapter one second timothy chapter one please second timothy chapter one and verse number two second timothy chapter one verse number two it says to timothy remember this is paul writing to pastor timothy to timothy my dearly beloved son grace mercy and peace from god the father and christ jesus our lord drop down to verse number five when i call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee paul says look i'm considering the faith that is in you timothy the unfeigned faith unfeigned means it's it's not false it's true it's a real faith you know when i look at you timothy i see a true faith in you now you're truly faithful to the lord but then it says this which dwells first in thy grandmother lois and thy mother eunice and i am persuaded that in thee also he sees in timothy the faith that i see in you pastor timothy is the same faith that i see in your grandmother the same faith that i see in your mother i can see that it's been passed down generation to generation to generation you know what even if i don't see my children as pastors i don't know i don't know what the future holds but you know what i just want to make sure that my faith is passed down mothers pass down your faith teach your your children why you trust in the lord jesus christ teach them how you came out of false religion hey he came out of false understanding you know show them how important it is to know the truth that they you know when they die they would have everlasting life you know explain some of the importance of a church like new life at this church that preaches the truth about any compromise you know it's so important that our children value what they have and pass down that faith all right can you please now go to first timothy chapter 2 first timothy chapter 2 and the last one that i have here which harkens back to the reading that we had there in genesis chapter 3 obviously what we saw in genesis chapter 3 was satan who deceived eve you know eve taken of that tree of knowledge of good and evil sinning against the lord but in first timothy chapter 2 verse number 13 first timothy chapter 2 verse number 13 it says for adam was first formed then eve look at verse number 14 and adam was not deceived but the woman being deceived was in the transgression notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety now when the bible says there notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing obviously this is not teaching in order for a woman to be saved for her soul to be saved she has to bring forth children now we keep it within the context again what what took place eve was deceived we know she was deceived by the devil ladies what's going to stop you what's going to save you from being deceived by the devil childbearing being a mother that's what the bible says okay look the devil wants us to fail first of all he tries to stop you from being saved you're saved praise god now you know what now he tries to stop you from being effective in god's kingdom that's the next thing he wants to do ladies he's going to distract you with the world he's going to distract you with pleasures he's going to distract you with whatever he can to make you a zero in god's kingdom you know what's going to save you from that deception being a mother that's what's going to save you from that deception being a mother like so how in what sense well obviously if you have a child already said it's a lot of work right i mean the worst thing you can possibly have any human being man or woman is an idle mind children the worst thing you can have is being a state of idleness i've got nothing to do you know what when you're idle you're going to seek the pleasures of this world when you're idle your heart's going to turn to sin god wants us busy god wants us productive and yes being a mother is a blessing because it makes you productive it makes you bring forth life and it keeps you busy focus on bringing forth that child otherwise the devil can easily deceive you what's going to stop you from being deceived by the devil is bearing children that's amazing that's what the word of god says you know and uh you know if we have a look at this though i want to understand a few things just having children yeah that's that's a good start but that's not it well i've had a child now the devil's not going to influence me in any way no no no no because then it keeps going there notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing if if they continue if they continue in faith in charity and holiness with sobriety you see having children is a wonderful miracle you know praise god for that you know sometimes people say to me man you know it's amazing that you have 11 kids yeah it is amazing but what's even more important than having kids is continuing in faith continuing in all these things in charity in wholeness and sobriety see more important than just having kids which is great more important is raising them properly raising them with all these qualities that we read about how uh timothy the faith of his mother and his grandmother was passed down with mothers you need to continue as well yeah praise god that you have children yes it's going to keep you busy but you know what you also need to continue in faith continue being faithful to the lord teaching your children the faith teaching your children to be faithful to god it says and charity you know charity is another way of saying love in fact keep your finger there actually you don't need to keep your finger there please go to second thessalonians i want to show you just another passage here second thessalonians chapter one verse number three second thessalonians chapter one and verse number three please second thessalonians chapter one verse number three faith and charity often go hand in hand in the bible you know if you just did like a word search for these two words you're going to find numerous verses with these two words together it says in second thessalonians chapter one verse number three we are bound to thank god always for you brethren as it is meet look at this because that your faith groweth exceedingly see ladies you can grow in faith all right in order for you not to be deceived by the yeah have children but continue in the faith grow in the faith right and then pass that faith down to your children what does it say there and the charity that was the next thing that was mentioned there and the charity of every one of you all look at this toward each other are bound of you see charity is love yes it is but it's the love that you give to another person you know seeing them in a time of need and going there and helping them you see motherhood gives you these things the ability to look at the needs of your children and being there to support them to encourage them to give them what they need in life you know what what's wonderful about being a mother is that you stop being selfish we're all selfish we're all selfish but you know what when you've got other things on your mind you've got other people to take care of you know getting married is the best thing to overcome selfish in a man because now you've got to prioritize your wife and ladies the best thing for you is to have children and to give priority to your children being there to pass that charity that love that nurture that your child needs we need to continue in these things it's the bringing forth for children and raising them to be that godly seed what else it said there faith and charity and then said and holiness that we read about see holiness actually you're still there in second Thessalonians let me just sorry I missed my point there look at verse number four verse number four why is it important that we grow in faith why is it important that we grow in charity that we abandon charity because it says in verse number four so that we ourselves glory in you in the churches of god do this for your patience and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations that ye endure now tribulations is the word of trouble we know that the church is being persecuted another tribulation we understand that okay but listen motherhood also provides problems doesn't it motherhood also provides challenges there's going to be difficulties in motherhood and in order for you to be able to overcome that those difficulties in order for you to find solutions as you raise your children you must continue in faith in charity and holiness with sobriety see mothers if you don't continue in this path then raising children yeah that was I mean having children was great but your children might just go into the world I mean so many children so many children in ifb churches so many pastors children just are not walking with the lord so many children you know I would hate for my kids to go through this you know you know growing up in church my dad was a pastor and then they're just lost in the world they don't care about church they don't care about god's people it's so sad it's so sad you know what because why why does that happen because the parents did not continue mom did not continue in faith in charity because we're going to be careful this and then it said that and holiness with sobriety holiness what is holiness to be holy is to be sanctified or separated you see my children do not belong to this world my children does not belong to the teachers and my children do not belong to the government you know what in one way they don't even really belong to me they belong to the lord they've been set apart for god it's his generation it's his seed it's a life that he's given us to be blessed with one day yeah we get the opportunity to raise them one day they're going to leave the house you know and they're in god's hands at that point in time you know i hope we do the best job we possibly can you know preparing our children they're going to suffer they're going to go for tribulation but when it says holiness you know i don't want you to get this idea where you know and again i you know i'm just sharing what i've seen and i'm not saying every parent that does this is like necessarily wrong or because i'm sure there are children that turn out just fine but again i've been in church my pretty much my whole life and i've seen different ways of parenting i've seen extreme forms almost like a military you know and and the kids just have to line up and uh you know they just got to follow orders and uh you know and we say well we're raising them to be holy we're raising them to be separated to be not like the world and look i i believe in in uh in uh discipline i believe in in chastising your children i believe in all i believe in teaching your children the obedience but you know there is this sort of idea within some ifb churches that the more weird i bring up my kids the more unusual they look the more unusual they just dress right then they're guaranteed to be these christians no i've seen so many of those kids just rebel against mom and dad just rebel growing up in a in a in a restrictive life you know where it comes from it comes through a teaching i can't remember the author's name right now but there's a book that was being passed around a lot of ifb churches it was called um to train up a child and i was given this book when we had our first kid i think it was isabel i think it was when we had it and it was given to us and the first page read you know it was i'm just i'm just throwing from my memory this page number one in order for you to have faithful children you've got to break their will that's what page number one said just like you're going to break the will of a horse a wild stallion that you're trying to tame you've got to break the will of your children and i've seen parents well i want to raise holy children i've got to break their will but you break their will you destroy the personality you destroy that child if you break their will raising children is not about breaking their will it's about making their will submissive to the parents will and ultimately make that will submissive to the father's will jesus christ says not my will but thy will be done jesus does not say hey destroy my will just break who i am completely no you destroy a life you destroy some someone's will we all have a will not that will is is bottled up within our personalities you know what holiness is teaching our children to be obedient to the lord to be willing to withdraw from our desires and give to ourselves the desires of god to give to his will not to destroy the life of a child and i'm saying this because i don't want any parent here to raise your kids completely weird where they can't even function in society they can't even make friends they can't even socialize they can't because they're just so separated but i'm trying to raise them whole that's not what that's what it means okay to raise them holy is to give them to the lord they learn how to be obedient to god's word not to destroy them okay not to destroy their will and what else was there faith charity we've had wholeness with sobriety sobriety means seriousness right it means hey take motherhood seriously take your children seriously it's a big job you know you you're bringing this life and you know what you raise them wrong they're going to suffer the consequences for the rest of their life you know what yeah it saddens me when i see uh you know people suffering and doing the same mistakes that their parents did and i know they're gonna their children are going to make the same mistakes and at some point you gotta stop and reassess life and go you know what there's been mistakes in the past but we've got to do things right in accordance to god's word moving forward we need to change we need to break that chain all right it's it's a serious business raising kids it's serious business being a mother it's more important than shuffling papers in the office you know you're raising a human being so brethren point number five was motherhood protects you from satan's deception it does it keeps you busy all right it's important to keep busy because when we're not busy when we're idle that's the perfect time for satan to come into our lives and ruin it potentially ruin our testimony ruin our ability to serve god in his kingdom all right brethren that's it what i had for you today motherhood so important the blessings of motherhood let me just go for those five points once again number one motherhood is the miracle that brings forth life number two motherhood provides joy number three motherhood fulfills purpose number four motherhood introduces a generation to the lord number five motherhood protects from satan's deception let's pray heavenly father lord just thank you for your word lord again thank you for the mothers that you've given each one of us lord lord i i have no doubt that not everyone's mother in this church is saved but lord i just pray that we would just contemplate for a moment the fact that she was able to go through the pain and suffering to give us life and lord i just pray for the mothers that are here today lord that they would appreciate lord that the role and responsibility that you've given them lord i pray that if there's any ladies that are brainwashed into thinking that motherhood is something of a low priority or something that is not important lord that you would refresh their minds with a cleansing of your word well it's such a great responsibility that you've given mothers lord and we do honor them today lord even when christ walked this earth he honored his own mother and lord i thank you for the example that he's also given us to honor the mothers the fathers and mothers lord that you've given us in life lord i pray that if any mothers are struggling with raising kids they would consider the things that were taught today lord if there's any adjustments that they need to make lord i pray that they would consider doing that as soon as possible lord we want to raise children that love you we want to raise a godly seed lord and i pray you would use our children in a mighty way lord as they grow up and seek to love you and to serve you we pray these things in jesus name amen all right brethren please take your hymnals and let's turn to hymn number 217 217 please 217 and let's just finish up with tis so sweet to trust in jesus tis so sweet to trust in jesus 217 oh that's wrong is it can someone help me find it tis so sweet to trust in jesus one two seven ah so i got the right numbers just mix up one two seven tis so sweet to trust in jesus oh jesus Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him, how I've proved Him o'er and o'er. Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus, How I trust Him, how I've proved Him o'er and o'er. Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus, Hope for place to trust Him more. Yes, we seek to trust Him, Jesus, Just from sin and self to cease, Just from Jesus simply taking life and rest and joy and peace. Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him, how I've proved Him o'er and o'er. Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus, Hope for place to trust Him more. I'm so glad I learned to trust Him, Precious Jesus, Savior, Friend, And I know that Thou art with me, Will give me to the end. Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him, How I proved Him o'er and o'er. Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus, Hope for place to trust Him more.