(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) so you're there in Revelation chapter 5 let's just start there in verse number one it says and I saw now remember that John is in heaven he's gone up in the spirit and he's before the throne of God and it says there in verse number one and I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside sealed with seven seals the title for the sermon this morning is a book with seven seals a book with seven seals now often when we think of books in the scriptures we often think about scrolls because that was generally how they would write right they would have scrolls to write the scriptures in for example or just other books but when I look at this book when I think of this book it seems to me to be a book as we know it today that's the impression that I get because we see the obviously the one that is sitting here on the throne is God the father because later on in this chapter we're introduced to Jesus but it's got the God the father here and on his right hand he's got this book it says written within so obviously if you were to open the book there'd be writing within but then it says and on the back side so actually on the back of it it says there there's writing as well right and on the back side sealed with seven seals and so the idea there is that God the father has this book on his right hand he's on the throne and to read the book you must unclasp the seals there are seven seals in this book and so it seems to be in the sense that if you want to start reading the book that God has in his hand you've got to be able to first undo the first seal right the seven seals so you undo the first seal and now you can read a portion of the book all right then you get to a certain part where it's like well now I can't read anymore there's another seal a second seal so I've got to unclasp that seal to read the rest of the book and then again seven times all right to be able to get through the entire book all right so that's the introduction to this book this book with seven seals and then in verse number two it says and I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice who is worthy to open the book and to loose the seals thereof so who can who can open it who can read it who can unclasp this the seals the question gets asked and the answer is in verse number three and no man in heaven nor in earth neither under the earth was able to open the book and not just open the book neither to look thereon okay so no man so first thing we see there is that there are men in heaven and of course that's speaking about believers that have passed on in of course they passed on and they're in heaven all right this idea of soul sleep is stupid what the Jehovah witnesses teach right they teach that when you pass away your soul whether you're saved or not remains in the body until the day of judgment what we see here even before the day of judgment there are men in heaven but even those men in heaven even the saved that don't have a sinful condition can't read or even look at the book okay it's it's so it's so powerful just to look at it like whoa I can't even I can't even see the book itself and then it says nor in earth so men there are no men on earth okay and that that's you and I right now that could even read or see this book then it says neither under the earth so when it talks about men under the earth what are we talking about there well the bible speaks of hell being in the center of the earth underneath the earth so there are no men in hell that are able to look at look it doesn't matter obviously there are people in heaven those that are in heaven have are there because they believed on lord jesus christ obviously men are in hell they may have been men that held prominent positions maybe kings maybe rich men and there's no one under the earth that can actually even uh unclass book or see this book or read this book and then it says was able to open the book neither to look there on and so what I want to make it very clear in verse number three there no man doesn't matter where you are doesn't matter where your soul is after you passed away can even look at this book let alone unclass the seals and reader okay and because uh john looks around and says man there's nobody that can read this book it says in verse number four he says and I wept much he just starts to to weep you know and he's like well oh man and he's just so desperate I want to know the contents of this book he goes because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book neither to look there on so again it's just the second time just makes it so clear that no man is able to open read or even look at this book okay I am emphasizing that because it's emphasized twice in this chapter and I'm going to get to a point about this later on that no man can look at this book all right and then in verse number five so john's weeping he's upset obviously we don't want upset people in heaven so then in verse number five and one of the elders say fun to me weep not one of those elders remember there were 24 elders seated around the throne of uh of god so one of those elders comes down weep not behold the lion of the tribe of judah who's that the lion of the tribe of judah if you're not sure the roots of david well we know who king david is the roots of david have prevailed to open the book and to loose the seven seals thereof so there is one they can look at the book unclass the and read it to you okay it's the line of the tribe of judah it's the root of david now if you can come with me to revelation 22 come with me to revelation 22 verse number 16 revelation chapter 22 verse number 16 let's start with the with the title the root of david there what is that referring to well in revelation 22 16 it says i jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches i am the roots and the offspring of david and the bright and morning star so who is the root of david jesus and who's the offspring of david jesus now this is really interesting okay so when we talk about the offspring of david well that makes sense because when you look at the genealogy of jesus christ when he came into this earth okay when he was born in bethlehem's manger and you look at his ancestors he follows the kingly line of king david so yeah from uh from a uh physical um uh or um uh from from his uh you know we're talking about jesus christ being 100 god and 100 man so we talk about his manhood yes he's the offspring of david right he came from that lineage but we also learn that he's the roots of david now when you think about a tree you know when you plant a seed first you have the roots that grow in and then the rest of the tree or the plant blossoms right the root is the beginning of the process okay once you know once the seed is planted and so what we see here is not only jesus the offspring you know david came before jesus but he says but i came before david as well again speaking yeah the offspring speaking of his uh being 100 man and the root of david because he created david okay is talking about his deity that is a hundred percent uh god and so of course that's just showing us uh the dual nature of god being the offspring and the root of david now um we're now also going to look at the term the line of the tribe of judah now of course when jesus christ was born yes he was a jew and he came from the tribe of judah right his lineage his family lineage was from the tribe of judah now come with me to genesis 49 genesis 49 and verse number eight genesis 49 and verse number eight i had mentioned i can't remember which sermon i had mentioned that a lot of things that revelation closes genesis opens okay it's like these two bookends that answer each other in many ways and in genesis 49 we have this prophecy given Genesis 49 okay while you're turning there so it's making very clear the only one that can open this book read the book loosen the seals is jesus okay here's the only one that can do it now genesis 49 verse some eights genesis 49 verse 8 this is a cryptic prophecy for the tribe of judah it says judah thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies thy father's children shall bow down before thee now what's the significance of why is this the case well look at verse number nine it says judah is a lion's whelp i'll stop there for a moment judah is a lion's whelp jesus is called the lion from the tribe of judah all right now when we talk about being a lion's well doesn't know what that word whelp means yeah babe like a young okay so at this at the very beginning of this verse it's a baby lion okay it's a young lion you can understand it in two ways that this is obviously speaking of judah the man and the beginning of the tribe as it were and it will grow from there i personally believe this is speaking about christ first coming okay being the lion's whelp uh because and you know we also jesus christ later on in revelation five is described as the lamb and so obviously a young lion is not as ferocious as an older lion but what we see with this lion's whelp it says from the prey my son thou had gone up so this young lion has grown up okay now it can pray and then it continues it says um he stooped down he crouched so he couched as a lion as an old lion so in this verse you have a very quick progression of this lion's age starts very young okay then it hunts and now it's an old lion okay so obviously if you're going to have to face a lion you know you're gonna have to challenge a lion for some reason you'd rather challenge a little baby lion not an old lion okay not an old experienced lion that can tell you apart okay so when it's all about this old lion it says who shall rouse him up so if this old lion is sleeping who dares wake up that big lion like you know so obviously this line has grown and of course when we look at the book of revelation makes it very clear that this is speaking about jesus christ now now that he's the old lion and you don't want to wake him up because he's ferocious okay what is that referring to well i believe it's referring to his second coming because it says in verse number 10 the scepter and the scepter is something that someone that a ruler holds right the scepter shall not depart from judah nor a lawgiver from between his feet until shiloh come now shiloh is another cryptic title for jesus it says and unto him and to shiloh shall the gathering of the people be so the people like it's very cryptic right like when this prophecy is being told to judah it's like i'm sure he's like i don't know what this is about like what is this going on all right okay but we see that shiloh there's going to be a gathering of the people now why would that be mentioned why would the line of the tribe of judah be mentioned book of revelation because obviously revelation is about the end times okay and the bible tell you don't have to turn that just read to you in second thessalonians chapter two verse number one it says now we beseech you brethren by the coming of our lord jesus christ and by our gathering together unto him okay so when christ comes he's going to gather us together unto him this is the rapture all right and so we see it we see him introduced as shiloh in in genesis 49 verse number 10 and let's continue there look at verse number 11 it says binding his fall unto the vine so now we're going back to his first coming because we know that when christ came he sat upon a fall a donkey okay and then it says this it says uh that he was um unto the vine it's all cryptic and i'll tell you what those cryptic language is okay the vine there represents the cross okay because obviously uh christ hung upon the tree as it were okay and so by coming on the donkey he was then ultimately went into jerusalem he was crucified put on the cross and then it says um and his asses cults unto the choice vine he washed his garments in wine so if you wash your garments in wine it's going to be left pretty stained in red right and then it says and unto him sorry sorry and his clothes shall be in the blood of grapes okay again very cryptic why would it say the blood of grapes it's all very cryptic language all right now you're uh if you can keep your finger there in genesis keep stay where you are and come with me to revelation 19 come with me to revelation 19 what i'm trying to say to you is in genesis 49 you've got this culmination of christ first coming and second coming all mixed together cryptically okay and then we see the fulfillment of that in the book of revelation but in revelation chapter 19 verse number 13 this is when christ comes back on the white horse not at the rapture this is when he comes back at the end of the seven year period after god pours out his wrath it says in revelation 19 13 about jesus and it was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood and his name is called the word of god so obviously the word of god is jesus christ and his vesture is dipped in blood so when christ comes on his white horse he's going to be wearing red garments and those red garments either they're stained with his actual blood or it's just symbolic of the blood that he shed okay and we see that introduction in genesis 49 about being stained with the blood of the grapes okay now keep a finger there in revelation 19 come back with me to genesis 49 genesis 49 and verse number 12 what else do we see about this shiloh it says his eyes shall be red with wine and his teeth white with milk okay so his eyes shall be red with wine now come back with me to revelation 19 now revelation 19 we read verse number 13 but look at the one before that the verse before that verse number 12 it says his eyes were as a flame of fire and on his head were many crowns and he had name written that no man knew but himself so his eyes here in revelation 19 are like flames of fire but genesis 14 so it's like his eyes are like a red okay and so we see the description of jesus christ and this culmination between the first coming the second coming all very cryptic language given to judah and we see that the tribe and that which would come out of the tribe is that lion okay so these are the two references these are the only references that you read about the lion from judah okay and again when you read genesis 49 by itself you probably won't even know that but when you get to the book of revelation ah that's about jesus all right so look i know when you know when you get saved i know how exciting it is just to get straight to the book of revelation but what you look it's it's at the end of the bible for a reason okay but there's a lot of things especially the book of genesis that will tie in to the book of revelation all right now come back with me to revelation chapter five revelation chapter five now you know the the main topic of this chapter is the book the book that's in the father's hand and the one that can open the book that's the main theme of this chapter okay now we know that this book has seven seals all right now come with me quickly to revelation chapter six next chapter revelation of the six revelation chapter six has um the you know the the time when jesus christ actually starts to open these seals and starts to read from the book okay but we're going to get to the sixth seal just very quickly the sixth seal in this book with seven seals and i want to notice what it says here in revelation chapter six verse number 12 revelation chapter six verse number 12 it says and i beheld when he had opened the sixth seal and lo there was a great earthquake and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair and the moon became as blood all right so when the sixth seal is opened the sun is darkened right the moon becomes as blood right both sun and moon are darkened all right it goes you know that's the what i would sometimes term the uh celestial darkening all right and also and also the sun if you keep reading the stars fall from heaven and that okay but that's the sixth seal now again if you know our position as a church this is where we teach that the rapture takes place okay now come with me let's have a look at it come with me to matthew 24 come with me to matthew 24 verse number 29 matthew 24 and verse number 29 this is where jesus christ has first brought up this idea in his ministry he's teaching about the sun and moon going dark and the stars falling from heaven which takes place at the sixth seal okay okay so matthew 24 29 matthew 24 29 and i want to just pay attention to these words immediately after the tribulation so has the tribulation ended if it's after the tribulation it's ended look we believe in a post trib rapture post post after after the tribulation post tribulation rapture okay not pre tribulation rapture it's after the tribulation and when we see the sixth seal let's keep reading a minute after tribulation those days shall the sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her lights and the stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken now that's what we read about in revelation chapter six at the sixth seal all right now remember no man can look at that book no man can unloose those seals okay no one no man can read it all right i want to just remember that what we saw in book of revelation all right but we get a snapshot of what takes place here in matthew 24 and then it's and by the way that that proves to us that when the sixth seal is opened the tribulation is over okay and so we're not just post trip we're pre wrath because if you continue really in revelation of the six which we'll get to eventually that's when the day of the lord's wrath begins okay the day of of the wrath of the lamb begins that's what you read about so it's after the tribulation but before god pulls out his wrath all right so tribulation and wrath are not the same things okay tribulation is what the world does to believers and god's wrath is poured upon wicked unbelievers that have caused trouble persecution against god's people two separate ideas okay but immediately after the tribulation what do we read in verse number 30 and then shall appear the sign of the son of man in heaven and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn and they shall see the son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory now in revelation chapter one remember you remind they told us that christ is coming in the clouds so this is speaking of the same event that the son of man is coming in the clouds and look at verse number 31 and he shall send his angels with a with a great sound of a trumpet look and they shall gather together remember shiloh the gathering of the people will be to shiloh okay and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds from one end of heaven through the other all right so we see that play out now this is where it gets interesting because drop down to verse number 36 speaking about the coming of christ immediately after the tribulation the coming of christ matthew 24 36 it says jesus christ says these words but of that day an hour knoweth no man no not the angels of heaven but my father only does that make it does that click to you now what we read in revelation of the five that the father knew that's why he had his book but no man could open it no man in heaven nor on earth nor under the earth no man knows the day or the hour the only one that can open that book was jesus christ okay now if you can uh keep your um come with me to mark 13 come with me to mark 13 and verse number 32 mark 13 and 32 mark 13 and verse number 32 which is a parallel passage of matthew 24 but we have some extra words from jesus here in mark 13 32 mark 13 32 it says but of that day and of that hour knoweth no man not the angels which are in heaven neither the son but the father who's the son jesus christ he goes when he was speaking on that day you know the oliver discourse as he was teaching his people he goes no man knows and i don't even know so well that's weird surely jesus must know yes he knows after remember when we're worrying about in revelation of the five is the things that will take place hereafter so after the father has the word he's got the information there jesus is the one who's able to open it look at it unclass read it and of course at that point jesus christ himself will know when that takes place okay but i want to show you why nobody knows okay because no man you can't look even if you could open that book and get the date of the rapture you can't even look at it you could you had the ability you had the power to open it you can't even get close to it that's how that you know it's it's divine wisdom it's divine knowledge okay and again we see something interesting about the trinity when we look at this we know that jesus christ is a hundred percent god in fact my sermon this afternoon is going to speak about that okay but the father is not the son the son is not the father okay and anything the son teaches he receives it from his father okay we're going to have a look at an example of this shortly but come back with me to revelation chapter five revelation of the five revelation of the five now why am i making a big point about this again nobody knows even the hereafter even when the the information is right there in the hand of the father still no man can know okay okay because i'm trying to warn you this morning about date setters people that say jesus christ is coming back i don't know harold camping was the last one that i recall i didn't know who this man really is okay but people started to put advertisements jesus christ is coming back i can't remember what it was may something let's say may 21 i don't know 2018 i can't remember what it was okay and they make these predictions jesus christ no man knows he's coming back look sometimes baptist pastors i'm friends with one they want to have well i think it's probably going to be 2028 and start to calculate you know because jesus christ was born you know two or four bc and you know just god is working on a seven thousand year how do you know jesus god is working on seven thousand year calendar anyway whatever right and they've got all these things they've worked out they've gone through the scriptures well you're not going to find the answer in these scriptures because it's a book that god has in heaven with seven seals that you can't even look at and only jesus christ can unclass those seals and then he will have the information so date setting look date setting is such a foolish idea you know and look like even i'll tell you my and i love this pastor i love this pastor of mine but he once said this was going back probably 15 years ago maybe 20 years ago now that i think about it maybe 20 yeah 20 years ago he said you know behind the pulpit you know i'll be surprised if jesus doesn't come back within the next five years now he's not he's not date setting he's not saying it's a hundred percent sure but he's saying like i'll be so surprised if he doesn't have because he's seeing how the world is getting worse and worse and worse and i why do you still remember that pastor because i wanted to be a pastor in that day okay and back then i thought i had to go to bible college and i already had a family so i had to do part-time bible college so it's going to take me at least four or five years i think to go through bible college and then i've got to go on deputation for a few years to get the financial support to start a church and that can take two years so i'm like well pastor if you'll be surprised look you're the man of god you know you reckon christ come back within the next five years what's the point like what's the point of starting a church what's the point of going through this process if you know i'm halfway through bible college and christ turns up you know there's no there was no point in me going for that process to start a church because i wasn't going to do it anyway but there's a lot of foolish speaking and look if you know me you know that i love the end times i love prophecy end times prophecy i love the book of revelation but i hate the end times at the same time not because of what the bible says but because what a lot of what man says surely we're just around the corner now oh it's new technology you know that's this is going to be the mark of the beast i remember the when i was a kid in the 80s there was a documentary on the end times and i think this documentary was from the 60s i think from memory but it was the introduction of the barcode the very first introduction of the barcode and i was like let's say the barcode the first line that long line that's a six and the one down the middle that's another six and the last one down there that's a six we've got the mark of the beast then it's all about to happen and i'm like whoa and you know what that gave me a little bit of fear as a kid i still have but we still use barcodes and now we've upgraded to qr codes and all kinds of all kinds of like was that was that the end but you know it's that kind of stupidity that just i that's why i hate the end times like if you're talking about the end times i mean i walk away oh i don't say that i won't say anything well the only thing we know is what god reveals in his word is what i'm trying to say could could it all happen in five i guess it could it could also all happen 100 years from now it could all happen 500 years from now but you go throughout history believers always thought it's just around the corner all the time and were they foolish in thinking that yeah and i don't want us to be foolish and go it's just around the corner pastor have you not seen this prop this uh you know conspiracy video it's all about it happening it's been conspiracies since paul right the mystery of iniquity he spoke about was already at work in the time of paul that's still at work so who cares of course it's at work so the bible told us already doesn't mean it's all about to happen and then you start to you know prepare yourself for the old you know it's all going to happen to well the lord has given us his word he's not left us anything that we're going to like there's not some information that's going outside of the bible that's going to somehow make you better prepared for the end times okay god gives us exactly what we need okay and anything else especially date-setting is stupid it's stupid it's so irresponsible okay and it's almost blasphemy because you're like saying well i can look at the book i can work it out even though no man in heaven on earth or under the earth can figure it out the only one that can look upon those words is jesus but again i went to see not just that but a snapshot of the spiritual realm in heaven when jesus christ taught everything was given to him by the father okay there's one god three persons not the same and there's an authority structure the father okay to his son jesus christ and um verse number uh you're in revelation five revelation five verse number six revelation five six and i beheld and lo in the midst of the throne and of the full beasts and the midst of the elders stood a lamb as he had been slain okay well that's jesus you know well hold on jesus was a lion you know he's a lamb so is he literally a lion is he literally a lamb no these are characteristics of who he is okay and what do we learn about the lamb as it had been slain that's interesting because we're talking about future events but when they see jesus it's as though he's been slain okay let's keep going having seven horns and seven eyes which are the seven spirits of god sent forth into all the earth now keep your finger there come with me to john 20 john 20 john 20 john 20 and verse number 26 we're reading about the events after christ's resurrection from the dead okay so he's been crucified and now three days later he's resurrected from the dead and he appears to his disciples in john 20 26 and after eight days again his disciples were within and thomas with them then came jesus the doors been shut and stood in the midst and said peace be unto you then say if he to thomas from thomas was doubting thomas reach hither thy finger and behold my hands and reach hither thy hand and thrust it into my side be and be not faithless but believing so you may recall that thomas says look i won't believe it unless i see him and i see the marks of the nails in his hand i have to see his injury right his damaged body for me to believe that he rose from the dead so he appears to thomas and what we see when christ resurrected from the dead now look this is the difference with our resurrection okay when we receive our resurrected bodies they're going to be perfect bodies okay without the sin nature without any curse without sicknesses all right but something that's very unique with jesus in his resurrection he still has his suffering the symbols of his suffering he still has the nail prints in his hand he still has the damage to his side caused when the roman soldiers pierced his side okay and that's why when we look in heaven in the future it said stood a lamp as he had been slain he still has the marks of his suffering and i love that idea i i love it because that tells me for all eternity when i look at jesus i'm going to be reminded of what he's done for me i'm going to be reminded how much he's suffered for me and he still bears the marks whereas we get all our marks whatever marks and scars you've got in your body that's all going to be perfect but christ still bears the marks of his suffering of salvation back to uh revelation five and verse number seven now revelation of the five and verse number seven and obviously when we talk about jesus christ he first described as a lion and now a lamb speaks of you know who he is in the sense that you know he he did come his first coming was a lamb you know he was he laid down his life he is the perfect sacrifice but then the lion speaks of his power his might his authority right especially his second coming that is going to rule with a rod of iron the scepter is in his hand and um verse number seven now revelation five verse number seven and he came that's jesus came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne okay so the one sit on the throne is the father now jesus the son not the same person is taking the book out of his father's hand i should have told you to stay in the book of john sorry guys keep it thinking there come with me to john 17. john 17 verse number six i know i mentioned this a few times but i just want to show you the scriptures here john 17 and verse number six john 17 and verse number six jesus christ is teaching his disciples in john 17 6 he says i have manifested thy name so he's speaking to the father he's praying to the father i have manifested thy name unto the men which thou gave us me out of the world thine they were and thou gave us them me and they have kept thy word let's show you that jesus christ says look you gave me these men okay you've given me these disciples that i've been training all right then he says in verse number seven now they have known that all things whatsoever thou has given me are of thee okay again everything jesus did was out of obedience to the father okay everything that he taught everything that he did was out out of obedience to the father and and his disciples recognized out okay he's an obedient son verse number eight for i have given unto them the words which thou gave us me and they have received them and have known surely that i came out from thee and they have believed that thou didst send me okay the chain of command okay the father gave jesus the words then jesus gives those words to his disciples we see this play out in revelation 5 again god the father on the throne with words with a book that no man can read except jesus jesus then loosens it and then we start to understand it we start to understand what that book is all about what it reveals about the end times in revelation chapter 6 which we'll get to next week so again i'm just reinforcing that the son is not the father you know the son is not the father even in eternity like even in heaven some people have the idea well maybe just became the son who's born and that's where the separation lies no no even in heaven even before god's throne there's a difference there's a distinction between the father and the son back to revelation five and verse number eight revelation five verse eight and when he had taken the book the four beasts and the four and twenty elders fell down before the lamb having every one of them harps and golden vials full of odors which are the prayers of saints another thing that i really love about the book of revelation is the prayers of saints are always surrounding god's throne always right and uh you know do you sometimes feel that your prayers just aren't worthy i don't know should i go before my god and pray i've got this need i've got this request i've got to confess this sin to my father amen you know i just love the fact that the last book of the bible just constantly we see god's majesty they're praising him they're worshiping him but there's just a constant prayers of the saints surrounding his presence he's constantly hearing our prayers you know so you know i mean these are our prayers you know when you've had to go you go into the closet and and just pour out your heart before god god's hearing that i mean it's not like it's not like a god that is just overwhelmed with the majesty of heaven and who cares about what my children have to say no our prayers are there before his throne and i'll quickly read to you from hebrews 4 16 you guys know this passage it says let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need okay when we pray i mean okay if i were to pray right now we're in this building but spiritually we're before god's throne okay i'm not saying that we're out of our bodies as it were but when we speak in the spirit right without wavering all the key things that we read about praying okay without doubting we're seeking god's will and we close our eyes i recommend closing your eyes by the way to avoid distractions those prayers are literally there at god's throne and god cares he's hearing them even though all this action's taking place in heaven you know our prayers are reaching the ears of our heavenly father so i mean that should give you great honor like we may not be i don't think i hope hopefully one of you guys are one of those 24 elders i don't know right because again we don't know exactly who they are but you might say well man it must be so so great to be right there before god's throne well yeah all you have to do is pray and you're there all you have to do is pray and your your words are going to god the father on his throne right there and again it just reinforces just how important we are to him he loves us and fathers parents moms you know that if your kids have a great burden you want them to share that with you right like if this if your kid has a great need it doesn't matter what important project you're doing you're going to stop that and go what do you have to say like what's happened what's the problem tell me how can i help any parent would do that that's how much our father loves us he's got the presence constantly flowing to him and he's able to hear them all verse number nine so we've got the 24 elders and the four beasts which are the um the seraphim and verse number nine it says and they sung a new song saying thou art worthy to take the book and to open the seals thereof and thou was that was slain and has redeemed us to god by thy blood out of every kindred and tongue and people and nation and verse number 10 and has made us unto our god kings and priests and we shall reign on the earth and we shall reign on the earth now let's just take god's word for what it says there are going to be people that reign on the earth with jesus christ okay we know that's the millennial reign of christ okay now another false doctrine that gets taught in many baptist churches okay is this dispensationalism and within dispensationalism they'll say to you there are two peoples of god the new testament church or the gentile church and the jews okay and they'll say god also has a division of kingdoms they'll say well there's the kingdom of god and there's the kingdom of heaven and even though they're the one in the same thing and i can prove that in many ways and i've preached them about that in the past they'll say no they're separate kingdoms for the two peoples of god the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of god now ironically the kingdom of heaven apparently is a kingdom on the earth okay and the king of god is the one that's in heaven so for the gentile church your kingdom is the kingdom of god but for the jews god special people okay because of their dna their kingdom is the kingdom of heaven which is on the earth they teach i'm not making this up i'm not i won't i won't i don't like to misrepresent even people that are teaching lies okay and they'll say well the kingdom christ kingdom for a thousand years is not for you silly gentile it's for the jews the jews are going to rule over all the people of the earth well if you mean the jews inwardly i agree but they mean physically okay if you know what i mean okay all right let's let's say let's say that doctrine is true oh not something let's say it's not true let's not say it's true let's not say it's true at all okay but what's one way to debunk that immediately well we just read okay verse number 10 and has made us unto our god kings and priests and we shall reign on the earth who's going to reign on the earth the jews no what did verse number nine say at the end of it says um out of every kindred and tongue and people and nation people of all nations people of all languages people of all families anybody that's been saved in jesus christ yes jews included gentiles anybody that's saved in jesus christ is going to rule on the earth so immediately just that single passage debunks that stupid doctrine and again why is that in your head pastor because i was listening okay dispensation i want to learn this this must be true it's been taught by a man of god in the church all right oh wow kingdom of heaven is for the jews and kingdom of god is for the for the gentile oh wow okay now let me go to my bible and not argue let me go to the bible now that i understand that it's going to help me understand the bible then you start reading the bible which you should do you should compare anything you hear with god's word and before you know it that doctrine just falls apart falls apart you'll find that jesus christ uses the the kingdom of god and the kingdom of heaven interchangeably all the time speaking of the same thing because the kingdom of heaven is the kingdom of god i mean just i'm sorry if i go on about things like that but i just don't like being lied to the church is the pillar and the ground look i understand the pillar in the ground of truth is the church look i understand the pastors make mistakes i'm going to make mistakes you know it just demonstrates that we're human beings we're not infallible creatures right but i want you guys doesn't matter who says it the pastor kevin says that you want to go to the god's word let me check that oh i learned something awesome let me go test it with the scriptures i won't get offended by that i want you to do that and if you test it the scriptures and you go pastor kevin i think you made a mistake and you can just show me you know right yeah i made mistakes sorry i'm a human being okay but when you i don't want us to be just parroting you know oh i heard a sermon oh i went to bible college and just teach what man taught without testing it with the scriptures there's something wrong and look debunking that idea that the kingdom of of heaven i.e ruling on the earth is just for the jews just a single verse any child can read that and go that's a lie that's not true like you don't need some you know pastor that's experienced for years to show you that any child can look at that and go well no all peoples all nations of all kings of all tongues you know that's anyone that's in christ jesus is going to rule on the earth it's easy okay all you need to do is go back to god's word god's word is truth um all right verse number 11 and i beheld and heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders and the number of them were ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands this is how many angels there are in heaven ten thousand times ten thousand what's that a hundred million okay and then it says but we don't know the exact number and thousands of thousands i was trying to work this out what does thousands of thousands mean i guess one thousand is not really thousands so you need to have at minimum at least two thousand for it to be two to be thousands so two thousand but it says thousands of thousands so that would be at minimum another two thousand okay so two thousand times two thousand is four million so just as if that's the way to understand it right so just from a very conservative point of view okay we're talking about 104 million angels minimum minimum okay in heaven praising god now what's scary about this that's not so scary really because we're saved people but that's only two-thirds of the angels that god created one-third of the angel we can read about this in revelation 12 when we get there one-third of the angels rebelled against god and went with satan okay so this is two-thirds of the angels then how many devils are there in on the earth 52 million at least minimum okay 52 million devils on this earth and again you know this is i'm going to get to this sermon this afternoon it's so important that we have the right jesus the right spirit there's 52 million spirits in this earth speaking to people i heard god told me are you sure it's the holy spirit could be one of those 52 million whole other spirits we have to have the right jesus the right gospel the right spirit okay and again we'll look at that this afternoon but how do i know you know pastor i feel like god's telling me how do i know open his word it's here don't worry about the voices in your head it's right here every answer to life is right here in his word and this isn't just the work of men yeah men were moved by the holy ghost but again we saw that the father has the words to begin with then the son the word of god is a title given to jesus christ then the son gives us his word okay and with the help of the holy spirit we can understand these words that's the that's this is the voice of god what does god sound like like this isiah 14 1 for the lord will have mercy on jacob and will yet choose israel and set them in their own land and the strangers shall be joined with them and they shall cleave to the house of jacob that's the voice of the lord right there that's what god sounds like verse number 13 please oh sorry verse number 12 i didn't finish so what are these 104 million minimum angels saying verse 12 saying of a loud voice worthy is the lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing verse number 13 and every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth that's people in hell and such as are in the sea and all that are in them heard i saying blessing and honor and glory and power be unto him that sitteth upon the throne and unto the lamb forever and ever one day every creature not just human being every creature everything to do with creation is going to just praise jesus christ for who he is even those in hell even those that have been tormented day and night forever and ever are going to be praising jesus christ and verse number 14 of the four beasts said amen and the 420 elders fell down and worshipped him that liveth forever and ever who are they worshiping jesus and the commandment of the bible is to only worship god so who's jesus god but he's not the father but there is one god one more passage philippians chapter two please philippians chapter two we're almost done here we're almost done here philippians chapter two verse number eight philippians chapter two and verse number eight these passages blow me away i understand praise coming from heaven but i can't understand praise coming from hell okay and you might say well maybe you misread that pastor maybe that's not talking about hell but we have a second passage confirming this to be true okay philippians chapter two verse number eight philippians 2 8 says and being found in fashion as a man he humbled himself and became obedient unto death even the death of the cross where for god also have highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name and look at verse number 10 that at the name of jesus not at the name of yeshua or yeshua okay that name is not in the bible that at the name of jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth and that every tongue should confess that jesus christ is lord to the glory of god the father one day every creature every human will have to acknowledge that jesus christ is lord like so why choose hell you're gonna have to glorify god anyway you might not like jesus but you're gonna be worshiping you're gonna be glorifying you're gonna be you're gonna acknowledge who he is your knees are going to be forced to bow down and say yes he was lord all along why would you want to admit that in hellfire though you're not going to get out of there so hey you know salvation is free jesus christ shed his blood for us paid for every sin every single sin that we've ever committed he suffered he still has the marks of his suffering on his body right now in heaven okay so don't choose hell choose heaven we can glorify him and have eternal life and worship him for all eternity okay i mean that's the right that's the right response all right the title for the sermon is a book with seven seals it's interesting okay we've learned key things the father gives it to his son the only one that can open those words is the son look a man cannot understand the things of god without jesus jesus must reveal that and we saw when he walked this earth very clear that everything that he taught everything that he did was out of obedience and instruction that came down from his father first all right brethren let's pray