(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) all right let's get to the sermon so any ideas of what I'll be preaching on today with that memory verse repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ so the title of the sermon is repeat repent ye and believe the gospel repent ye and believe the gospel you probably wondering Kevin didn't you just preach on believe in the gospel last week that we really need to hear it another one on salvation well I in an ideal scenario I wouldn't have to preach this sermon but unfortunately there are so many false doctrines out there so many false Gospels out there that I just I'm forced but to preach this okay now you might say Kevin isn't the word repentance isn't repentance a major doctrine in the Bible yes it is and is it related to the gospel is it related to salvation absolutely it is so the natural question is well why don't you why didn't you mention repentance last week when you preach that salvation was by grace through faith and not of works well because the basis of that you know sermon was really coming from the book of John and it what did we say about the book of John the book of John is a book that was written to the unbeliever so they would believe on the Lord Jesus Christ be saved and receive eternal life and it's interesting that in that book that's written for salvation the only book that's purposely written for salvation according to the Bible does not mention the word repentance once not once okay so that's why I didn't mention it because I didn't want to confuse anyone and the topic of repentance has such great confusion in our world today such great confusion in our churches today that I have no choice but to preach a totally separate sermon just on repentance in fact I received an email today from a friend of mine who's messed up on repentance it was a long email I haven't even got I got through like two paragraphs so far it's super long I need I need time to dedicate to it but basically he's just messed up on repentance thinking that someone has to turn from their sins and we'll talk about that that phrase soon but he believes you have to turn from your sins in order to be saved now some people will say well Kevin you don't believe in repentance if you don't believe someone has to turn from their sins to be saved you don't believe in repentance no I absolutely believe in repentance right God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance okay now before Jesus came before well actually while Jesus was on the earth but before he started his ministry John the Baptist his cousin who was a little bit older than him okay maybe six months older I think came and what did he preach I'll read it to you from Matthew chapter 3 verses 1 & 2 it says in those days came John the Baptist preaching in the wilderness of Judea and saying repent ye for the kingdom of heaven is at hand so what was the message of John the Baptist who came to prepare the way of the Lord remember he came to prepare the way of Jesus Christ he can teach and repent ye for the kingdom of heaven is at hand they just want you to notice as we as we read these verses did he say repent of your sins for the kingdom of heaven is at hand he didn't say that did he he just said repent ye for the kingdom of heaven is at hand then came Jesus next chapter in Matthew chapter 4 verse 14 from that time Jesus began to preach so now Jesus begins to preach right and to say repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand so the Jesus come preaching repentance yes he did but did he say repent of your sins for the kingdom of heaven is at hand no he didn't then what did Jesus do he got 12 right 12 disciples the 12 apostles that we're familiar with we read about it in Mark chapter 6 verse 7 I'll read it to you it says this and he called unto him the 12 and began to send them forth by 2 & 2 and gave them power over unclean spirits so by the way this is why you know when we go and preach the gospel door-to-door we go 2 by 2 right we take the practice that we say Jesus Christ send in his 12 2 by 2 and gave them power over unclean spirits and then he verse 12 it says this and they went out and preached that man should repent all right so now Jesus is getting his disciples his followers that are preaching the same message as him they came and preached that men should repent so did the disciples preach repentance yes they did do they preach after repent of your sins that's not what the Bible says right they just went out preaching that men should repent and so when we go out and preach the gospel as a church we ought to teach men that they too should repent right and they too should repent so do we as a church and do I as an individual believe in repentance yes I do now let's go back to the Greek let's go back to the Greek because in a topic like this you have to go back to the Greek right because people are gonna tell you well this is the definition of repentance and they're going to give you a definition that doesn't match up with the word repentance at all okay so we have to go back to the Greek we'll go back to the English as well don't worry but back to the Greek there are three main ways that three main Greek words that we get the word repentance from now the most popular one that the most common one is meta Noya meta Noya the other one is meta and forgive me if I pronounce is all messed up but the other one is meta Noah and then meta Noel okay now why three different words almost sound exactly the same it's kind of like the you know repentance repented repenting you know we got different English words to say the same thing just depending on the grammar so the same thing with the Greek depending on the grammar the way you pronounce it is a little bit differently but going back to the Greek meta Noya the main word that we use basically means this meta we use that word in English right when we think of the word metamorphosis right we talk about metamorphosis we talk about a caterpillar turning into a butterfly what's happening to it it's changing right it's changing from one form to another form or maybe a tadpole to a frog metamorphosis taking place from that tadpole it's growing its legs and it's losing its tail and it's becoming a frog metamorphosis right so it's a change a change that's where we get the word meta from or you think about you know your metabolism metabolism we talk about eating food right and the cells in your body what do they do to the food they change the food into you know energy into a source a fuel source for it to grow so it changes food into energy that's why it's called your metabolism that's where the word meta comes from right so it's a change something's changing and then the word Noya meta Noya what's Noya okay well in English we have the word paranoia right paranoia so it's about the mind it's what you think about it's been parent when you talk about someone's being paranoid is they give a lot of thought to things that might be harmful to them or or fear in things you know about you know I don't know but paranoia comes that same word Noya is where you get meta Noya from so what is meta Noya going back to the Greek it's changing your mind meta change Noya mind change your mind doesn't mean turn from your sins no right just going back to the Greek right and I don't know Greek I couldn't speak a sentence of Greek to you so I'm not here trying to pretend anything right now the word repent in English the word repent in English going back to the etymology of the word now the word starts with the word the letters re re right where we get the word where we get sorry repeat from right when you re something when you repeat something now this doesn't apply to every word that starts with re because you got read right but re often as a prefix means to repeat to do it again okay replenish you know feel that cup again replenish repeat do it again and again then you got the word pence repent where does the word pence come from it comes from right think of the English word pensive if I say that person looks very pensive what am I saying that person's in deep thoughts right and even in the Spanish we have the word pensar which is to think that's where the same root words come from pensar is to think so if you say someone's pensive or I say in Spanish pensar we're saying they're thinking so what does repent mean re think right change your mind change mind rethink however you want to say it that's what repents means now repentance doesn't always mean turning from something bad to something good you can rethink anything you know I was at near my house in Sydney they opened up a Costco all right Costco and I really wanted to check it out because it's both bulk items at discount prices and I went there I think it was maybe even the opening day or the second day I went I drove to Costco and then I had to look there were massive crowds there were just so many people there and guess what I did I repented I didn't go to Costco that day I went to Aldi or something to get things but I repented now did I repent of my sins no was it sinful to go to Costco to think about going to cause no it wasn't right you just changed your mind and in Spanish you know people use the word repent all the time you know in Spanish because they're always you know thinking of doing this and then they change their mind and do something else right and so we lose the definition in English and people will tell you and try to trick you into believing it's something that it's not because we don't use the word repents we it's lost its use in our modern English language but in places all around the world and different languages they use repent all the time in the in their language so it doesn't always mean turning from something bad something good let me give you a biblical example of this go to the book of Exodus Exodus chapter 13 if you got your Bibles Exodus chapter 13 verse 17 acts Exodus 13 verse 17 the Bible reads and it came to pass when Pharaoh had let let the people go that God led them not through the way of the land of the Philistines although that was near for God said less per adventure that people repent when they see war and they return to Egypt so this is when this takes place when Israel is delivered out of Egypt God could have taken them through the land of the Philistines God could have done that it would have been closer I would be more direct but because it was a land of war or they might have made they might have had war against the the the Israelites God says look we're not going to take them that way we're going to take them another way in case they repent in case they in case they decide to go back to Egypt right so it would have been a bad thing to repent right it would have been a bad thing to go back to Egypt after God had already delivered them out of Egypt so you can repent from bad to good you can repent from good to bad or you can just repent from neutral to neutral it doesn't matter because the word repent does not carry the meaning of something bad or good or good or bad it just means to change your mind over anything okay now some people say to you well repentance means to turn from your sin right they say repent means to turn from your sin and that's why when they preach a gospel and they see the word repent in the Bible they automatically define that as turning from your sins but I'll tell you why that's completely ridiculous to believe that repentance means to turn from your sin it's because the person that repents most in the Bible more than anyone in the Bible is God himself so if God can repent it must be something that God can do so if you say repentance means turning from your sins then what you're saying indirectly is that God turns from his sins more than anyone else in the Bible now does God have sin no in him there's no darkness at all right God is light God has no sin God is perfect God is holy and if God can repent that automatically means it cannot mean a turning from sin because God cannot turn from sin God has no sin it's impossible for him to do it right and Genesis 6 6 you don't need to turn they'll just read it this is the first mention of the word repent and who repents and it repented the law that he had made man on the earth and it grieved him in the heart so the first time the word repent is used many people have this this idea that you know you can go back to the first use of the word it's called the first mention principle I think and get a good understanding of what that word means and that's largely true I don't think that's always true but that's largely true and so what we see here is that the Lord repented he created man remember and then I was so wicked that God wanted to destroy them it repented God that he had made man because I was so wicked and that's where we get the flood of Noah and the story of Noah and the ark okay so in context of salvation so repent just means it just means change your mind it just means change it just means turn right now it's the context that's going to define what someone's turning from I had to tell you the story about Costco so you knew the context of my repentance that I had gone from one store to another store otherwise you'd be thinking I did Kevin turned from his sins what sins did he commit that day right it's the context that determines everything it's a context that determines understanding that the Lord repented because he was unhappy he was he had changed his mind he grieved him that he made man on the earth because I was so wicked it's the context that determines everything if you said to me Kevin what do I need to do to be saved and I just said believe and I just said believe that's it believe you'll be like believe what give me the context is it believe on Santa Claus to be saved is a believe on Kevin is a believe on on the you know the church in Caloundra to be saved no that's why we say believe on on the Lord Jesus Christ we have to tell you what it is that you have to believe to be saved right and so repentance is similar you need to give people the context of what it is they need to repent now is it true that unbelievers to be saved have to repent yes but is it true that believers once they're safe to have to repent as well yes it all depends on the context your life ought to be a life of repentance okay your life ought to be a life repentance it all comes down to the context okay because the word is heavily used in the Bible so I believe in repentance now the next question might be Kevin do you believe you have to repent of your sins yes I do I do believe you have to repent of your sins might say do you have to build you believe you have to be willing to turn from your sins yes I do some people say repentance is sorrow do you believe you should be sorrowful for your sins yes I do but I don't believe any of those things are required for salvation repentance is believing on the Lord Jesus Christ so basically it's turning from whatever you will believe in before to believe it on Christ that's the context of salvation in the gospel we know what the gospel is we know what salvation is right we learnt last week it's by grace through faith and not of works so when you use repentance in context of salvation it must be consistent with that definition it cannot be contradictive to that definition right it must be it must be it must be by grace through faith believing on Christ and not of works so whatever you define repentance for salvation must line up perfectly with that otherwise God is contradictive when we can't trust his word it must line up perfectly so in context of salvation what are we repenting to so usually when you repent usually when you change your mind or you turn from one thing you turn from one thing and you turn to another thing right that's usually what happens I turn from Costco and I turn to Aldi right that's what happens when you repent so when it comes to salvation what are you repenting to turn with me to Acts well you don't need to it's your memory verse I'm gonna go with your memory don't turn there so it's in your head Acts chapter 20 verse 21 testifying both to the Jews and also to the Greeks and by the way is this just to Jews and Greeks I mean is this not to Australians also you know quite often when you read your Bible you'll see the word Greeks and quite often that just remains everyone that's not a Jew all right because yes it has to do the Greeks but also because Greek was the international language at that time all right it was a language I was spoken by a lot of nations so they could trade with one another and so by Greeks they really mean those that speak Greek okay it's those that are non Jews so it's the same message to the Jews answer the Greeks no the Jews don't have their own special covenant all right and the Greeks have a special no it's the same teaching for both the Jews and the Greeks repentance toward God right it's toward God toward our Savior and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ you notice they're both pointing to someone repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ now some people will mess this up and say see there's two steps to salvation there's repentance which I'll define repenting of sins and then there's faith come on it's toward right you're doing something toward it's phrasing the same thing twice it's repentance toward God and who's Jesus Christ is he not God yes Jesus Christ is God so it's repentance toward God and it's faith so here repentance being defined as faith faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ it's just phrasing the thing twice so to give you just more understanding of what is being taught here but here's the thing anyone that wants to teach you works salvation are gonna find verses and they're gonna twist it and wrestle with it and preach what doesn't matter what the Bible says they're gonna find something to preach the false heresies does it say you have to repent of your sins here no it doesn't it just says repentance toward God further defined as faith toward our God our Lord Jesus Christ right so what are we printing to we're repenting to Jesus Christ we're trusting him alone for salvation we understand he died for our sins we understand he had that he paid the sacrifice he paid the debt to God and we're just trusting him we're putting all our faith upon him alone for salvation that's what repentance is that's what we repenting to for salvation now the question is well what are we repenting from if we're repenting to Jesus Christ what are we repenting from we're repenting from sins no no that's all the Bible says number one you're repenting if you're believing what did you not do before you didn't believe right you're turning from unbelief mark chapter 1 verse 14 to 15 says this now after that John was put in prison this is John the Baptist after that John was put in prison Jesus came into Galilee preaching the gospel so what did Jesus come preaching preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God and saying the time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand repent ye and believe the gospel repent ye and believe the gospel so what are you repenting from not believe in the gospel right repent from not believing the gospel believe the gospel doesn't say here repent from your sins no and I'm gonna keep saying that okay it doesn't say that it says repent ye and believe the gospel so you're repenting from unbelief you're repenting from not believing the gospel to believe in the gospel that's what Jesus came preaching and then in acts another one acts 19 verse 4 this is about Paul and then said Paul John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance so this baptism of repentance that John the Baptist was doing what is this about let me just read again then said Paul John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance saying unto the people that they should believe on him that should come after him that is on Christ Jesus so what is the baptism of repentance what was John the Baptist preaching believe on him which should come after him on Christ Jesus so what you won't believe in a Christ Jesus repent believe on the Lord Jesus Christ right so the repentance is a repentance from unbelief now what else does someone repent of in order to be saved is there anything else yes there's obviously unbelief but there's other things to turn we meet to Hebrews chapter 6 verse 1 Hebrews chapter 6 verse 1 Hebrews chapter 6 verse 1 this is an instruction to believers so see therefore leaving the principles of the doctrines of Christ let us go unto perfection so saying look we're saved we've got the fundamental doctrines now let's go on let's learn more let's be more perfect not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and a faith toward God so saying look we don't need to go back to the basic foundational principles which were repentance from dead works right so what is it guys when we go knock doors and we say are you sure of heaven people say I'm pretty sure I know I'm sure what do nine out of ten people say when they say that what are they trusting in their works their good deeds their good works right I'm a good person I've helped my neighbor I've done good things so in order to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ someone has to repent from their works repent from their dead works repent from trusting their works to get them to heaven their dead works by the way because it's without faith it's dead works it's it's filthy rags to God they think if I think it's so good it's dead and it's filthy rags to God and they need to believe the gospel they need to put their trust on Jesus Christ not their trust on their works right because naturally if someone's going to put all their faith on Jesus Christ that would mean that whatever faith they had before on anything else you know that needs to be repented of right so you need to repent from trust in your works that's something else you need to repent from what else do we need to repent from turn with me to Acts chapter 17 Acts chapter 17 what else are we required to turn from Oh certain people because this might not describe you this might only describe some people Acts chapter 17 verse 29 to 31 Acts chapter 17 verse 29 for as much then as we are the offspring of God we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold or silver or stone or graven by art or man's device so is God a an idol is he something that God that man can create some statue or some idol no he's not okay we're not ought not to think of God that way okay and that's where the Roman Catholics get this wrong they get lots of things wrong this is one major thing they get wrong they try to describe God as an image or as a statue no we ought not to think of God in that way at all verse 30 and the times of this ignorance God winked at but now command earth all men everywhere to repent so what do we need to repent from according to the context of acts 17 of the idols that we just read about verse 31 because he have appointed a day in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man that man referring to Jesus whom he have ordained where of he have given assurance unto all men in that he have raised him from the dead so the teaching here that Paul is saying is those that are trusting in idols false gods false depictions of who God is God is requiring these people and commended these people to repent from those idols repent from their false gods repent from their false religion repent from trusting in false gods to get them to heaven to trust in the one that's going to judge them Jesus Christ right so someone to be saved in order to put all their faith on Jesus has to turn from Allah has to turn from I don't know what other false gods I don't even know their names you know what false gods out there Buddha is that a god or just an enlightened person Buddha Allah you know the Roman Catholic Mary they need to repent from these idols repent from these false gods and we put all their faith on Jesus Christ right so other things we need to repent from yes these are the only things that are in the Bible that I can find I went through every reference of repentance in context of salvation and these are the three things that you need to turn from okay everyone needs to turn from unbelief because we all need to believe in Christ some people need to turn from trusting their works right my kids don't trust their work because you know they've grown up here in the gospel ain't no works are gonna save them but a lot of people out there trusting their works and those that believe in false gods you know like again didn't grow up in a Christian home believe in false gods or false faith false Church they need to repent from that as well why because I need to put all their faith on Jesus Christ now someone was like we've got him we've got you isn't unbelief a sin isn't believing in false gods a sin you know isn't believing in works a sin yes all those things are sins okay they are I admit that okay so you got a turn from your sins to be saved come on now look first of all if you're gonna put your faith if you're gonna repent and put your faith on Jesus okay this is kids please I know you understand this I'm talking to you guys if you put your faith on Jesus does that mean your faith is on anything else if you put all your faith on Jesus no okay so just the act the act of putting your faith on Jesus will automatically mean you've turned from those things you've turned from those sins automatically you know it's not a separate step you put your faith on Jesus Christ all of it it means you've left those other things that you're trusting and you've left unbelief okay now here's what happens people are gonna take passage like like this and say see there are sins you have to turn from therefore you have to turn from drunkenness therefore you have to turn from fornication therefore you have to turn from lying therefore you have to turn from stealing do you see how people now start adding the works of the law to salvation okay none of those things are found in these scriptures repenting from sin is a phrase that's not found in your Bible it's found in the Book of Mormon if you want to be a Mormon yeah okay repent your sins fine but it's not found in the Bible and the sins that you turn from are simply those that are preventing you from putting your faith on Christ so you don't have to keep the works of the law and I'll explain that to you because they'll say to no it's not works we'll get there we'll get there now here's now really I mean honestly that's repentance how long did this sermon take I'm didn't take too long all right I should be able to just wrap up now close our Bibles sing our last song and go soul winning right we should be able to do that because we know what repentance now is right it's a change of mind believing on Jesus Christ from whatever you will believe in before right we're done we should just wrap it up right now finished but I've got to cover the false repentance is out there and I've already covered some of the turning from your sins that's the main one out there to repent or to turn from your sins they'll say repentance means to turn from your sins even though that phrase does not appear once in your Bible it does not appear and remember on Thursday I spoke to you about being very careful about using words that describe your salvation or the gospel with words that are not in the Bible because you add confusion there's a reason why God's got his words laid out there's a reason why it's pure and perfect and preserved because God wants us to use his words God wants us to use his phrases as found in the Bible and not these man-made phrases that add confusion okay it doesn't appear once why use a phrase that doesn't appear in the Bible aren't we supposed to go back to the Word of God and check everything that we hear if it's not in the Bible how can I check it's in there like how can I check what you're saying is true in fact that's why I know what you're saying is not true because it's not in the Bible right now what is sin we're all sinners we've all come short of the glory of God what does it mean to sin please turn to 1st John 3 4 1st John 3 4 1st John chapter 3 verse 4 I want you to have this fixed in your mind what is sin it's important okay especially when you're talking to people that teach you have to turn from your sins to be saved the Bible tells us the definition of sin 1st John chapter 3 verse 4 says whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law for sin his definition for sin is the transgression of the law so if you sin it means you've transgressed it means you violated it means you've broken the laws of God if God says thou shalt not bear false witness that means lying and you've lied guess what you've transgressed the law of God it means you've sinned and that makes you a sinner so to sin is to transgress the law of God now should we try to keep the law of God absolutely okay but we've all failed we've all sinned we're all sinners we've all transgressed and broken or violated the law of God now very simple kids I'm talking to the kids because you guys get it all right you guys get this if I say that sinning is breaking the law okay and then I say to you to be saved or someone says to you to be saved you have to repent or turn from sins what are they really saying what are they really saying so if sin is transgressing the law breaking the law and they say well to be saved you have to turn from your sins you have to stop transgressing what are they actually saying it means you have to keep the law you have to keep the law of God that's what they're saying they're just saying that in a different way they're using a phrase that's not in the Bible so they can trick people to fool people to make them believe a false gospel all right now we're an independent Baptist Church I make no apologies for that right unfortunately there are independent Baptist churches right now teaching people that they have to keep the law for their salvation now they're not saying you got to keep the law but they're saying you've got to repent of your sins right because any person in that congregation if I heard the preacher get up and say you've got to believe on Jesus Christ and keep the law stop transgressing the law people in that congregation will stand up immediately say this is a workspace gospel they'll say heresy they'll say get back to preach in the true gospel and so these preachers have to be very clever just like the devil very subtle in the way they teach things and say well you got to repent of your sins I didn't say you got to keep the law but you got to repent of your sins you can stop transgressing the law is what they're saying okay now I'll just cover this very quickly there are two different types of sins okay there's the sin of Commission Commission comes away from committed there are sins that you commit sins of Commission so but if God says thou shalt not lie and you've told a lie it means you've committed a sin right there are sins of Commission you've done something wrong and then there's the sin of omission the sins of omission to omit something is to take away from James 4 17 explains this it says therefore to him that knoweth to do good and doeth not to him it is sin so there is sin that we can do when we're not actually committing we're not actually doing something wrong but it's something good that we can do but we don't do it for example we should read our Bibles now if you don't read your Bibles guess what you're sinning okay because you're omitting that commandment that we ought to read God's Word okay so the sins of Commission Commission wrong that you do and sins of omission good that you don't do okay and some people say there's a third one they'll say it's the sins of disposition and that's where basically it's not an outward showing it's like internal things like you might hate your brother without a cause and they'll say well that's a sin of disposition now I think I just I like Commission and omission because I think even sins of disposition can also apply to Commission and omission I won't go into all that but this is how the repent of your sins people try to trick you they'll say no we're not telling you to be good we're not telling you to do good we're not telling you to do the sins to the sins of omission right where you know you ought to do good to one another we're not saying that we're just saying stop doing the bad stop turn from your sins the sins of Commission and that's where they confuse this it doesn't matter if the sins of Commission or the sins of omission it's still the law of God right and you're still asking people to keep the law to be saved I mean that's gonna breed confusion amongst people right it's paid for salvation been paid for in Jesus Christ stop messing it up so Romans chapter 3 verse 24 to 28 I'll just read there Romans chapter 3 verse 24 to 28 the Bible says being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus so it's we're freely justified whom God have sent forth to be a propitiation through faith right for believing in his blood to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are passed through the forbearance of God to declare I say at this time his righteousness so God the reason why it's a free gift for the shed blood of Christ is to declare his righteousness not our own righteousness not our efforts at keeping the law not our efforts at stopping sin or turning from sin it's to declare the righteousness of God the righteousness of Jesus Christ that he might be just and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus where is boasting then do we boast about our salvation no it is excluded by what law of works is that the law of works nay but by the law of faith therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law by faith without the deeds of the law okay so it's not that these people that teach you know salvation is repenting of sins by the deeds of the law it's not that well they're just a little bit mixed mixed up no not even justified by the Lord because they're mixing works with faith and man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law and so please don't think well they're just my brother and then look they can be all right they can be mixed up I get it but you should automatically as soon as people saying to you that you know you got to turn or repent from your sins to be saved automatically your mindset should go I need to get this person saved now it is possible it is possible they were saved truly saved and they just mixed up all right but you can't you don't know that you can only judge them by what they're saying right now and so if you love them then you ought to tell them hey salvation is not by works not by repenting sins it's freely received justification through faith on the Lord Jesus Christ okay now someone say still say no it's not works and and the best one I think is Jonah 3 10 a lot of you people know it Jonah 3 10 this is when God was going to destroy Nineveh Nineveh for their for their wickedness right and God sends Jonah you know the story of Jonah being swallowed by the whale God sends Jonah to come and preach against them to preach judgment against them Jonah didn't even tell them clean up clean yourselves up you know get right with God no John said I'm God's gonna destroy you all right but they took that so seriously they were so afraid by God's judgment they at least I had a fear of God in them Jonah 3 10 and they they cleaned themselves up they turned from their wickedness and then it says this and God saw their works they that they turned from their evil way and God repented of the evil that he had said that he would do unto them and he did it not so two things here this this city of Nineveh very good very good of them to turn from their wicked ways but God says hey I saw their works so turning from your evil way turning from your sins is works according to the Holy Ghost who's the narrator of the Bible okay I got it according to are you gonna listen to God at least and and acknowledge that turning from sins is works can we at least believe God right but then who repented and God repented of the evil that he said he would do unto them and he did it not so is did God turn from his sins no right we got two things in this verse clearly explaining that repenting or cleaning up your life from wickedness is works number one and number two that God repentant therefore it cannot be clean turning from sin because God has no sin and most recent one I've heard you know where I just said repentant repenting from your sins is not found in the Bible well one pastor came up with this one yes it is it's it's found in Luke 24 verse 47 maybe if you want to turn there just in case that way if you hear at least you know the answer Luke 24 verse 47 and that repentance okay and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations beginning at Jerusalem there you go there's repenting of sins because it says and that repentance and remission of sins there it is now I've heard that I'm serious I've heard that there it is there's the repenting of your sins now case closed there's repentance now it do we need to have our sins remitted of you know yes being you know remittance is what's the word it's to be like discharged I've lost the words in my head but basically it's been free from your sins okay and so yes I believe in repentance and I believe in a remission of your sins but how do we receive remission of sins does it say you have to repent of your sins to have that to have remission of sins no it doesn't okay but Matthew 26 verse 28 says this for this is my this is Jesus speaking this is Jesus speaking for this is my blood of the New Testament which is shed for many for the remission of sins so how do we have our sins remitted of through the blood of Jesus Christ for the blood of the New Testament not from repenting of your sins okay and then Acts 10 verse 43 says to him give all the prophets witness that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins so how do we have our sins remitted off by believing on Jesus Christ through his shed blood not by you trying to keep the law and turning from your sins okay now the other let me throw some other things out yeah they'll say yep you've got to repent of your sins then they're wrong and then they'll say at the same time I don't know how they do this but they're so messed up they're so blinded and then they'll say this repentance means turn from your sins okay so they'll say repentance so that they say well I don't have to show you where it says repent of your sins because repentance means turn from your sins you heard that one right they'll say that now if that's true then they can't even speak English I mean they can't even get their grammar right because if repentance means turn from your sins then why do you say repent of your sins why do you say repent of your sins of your sins is that ink is that does that make any sense if I said believe means believe on the Lord Jesus Christ then can I say we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ if believe already means believe in the Lord Jesus Christ I'll be saying believe in the Lord Jesus Christ of the Lord Jesus Christ you see and it doesn't even make grammatical sense it breaks all the English laws of grammar it breaks the sentence structure all right next thing they'll say well all right you don't have to turn from all your sins but you've got to turn from being a habitual sinner what does that mean you know when they start saying it you can you can never ask you know because these are you should ask them what do you mean what is a habitual sinner right oh well you know if you're fornicating you've got to stop that you if you're living with your girlfriend you can't just keep living with your girlfriend right to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ but what is it look what is a habitual sinner if I if I got drunk every day if I just drank alcohol every day and got drunk would you say I'm a habitual drunkard of course you would write if I smoke the cigarette every day just one cigarette not a whole pack just one just one if I smoke the cigarette every day would you say I'm a habitual smoker you would say that right all right if you drank a coffee every day you need a coffee every day are you a habitual drinker of coffee you are all right something you do every day means you're you're you do it out of habit you do it every day you do it every day of your life now look are we gonna sin every day of our life yes you sin every if you're honest with yourself you will sin every day of your life every day every single day from the time you committed your first sin to the time you die guess what you will commit sin every single day of your life does that not make you a habitual sinner of course it does so if you're saying hey you got to stop being a habitual sinner what are you saying you're pretty much saying you've got to be perfect right it's impossible everyone is a habitual sinner those that think they've turned from habitual sin are the biggest hypocrites on the planet they too are habitual sinners and then what else can I talk about all right and the other one when I first came across this topic I was ignorant I used to hear people say it I didn't really think of what they were saying I just thought they believe the same as I did and then what really made me notice this is I started going soul winning I started to give out tracks right we call them leaflets because I want to track sometimes sounds too religious people don't know what you're giving them but the first tracks I looked at I mean it's called the stop tract it's pretty common amongst IFB churches in Australia but it's pretty good it's a really good tract it's got images it really gives a visual description of what's going on with salvation but then one of the questions is you know it's in order for you to sort of move on and understand the gospel it says are you do not are you will I can't exactly do you want to turn from your sins or are you willing to turn from your sins something like that and I remember looking at that go home what do you mean not we're all sinners we will continue sinning what do you mean I didn't have to turn from my sins to be saved I just believed on Jesus Christ anyway this pastor that put this track together and I know I know this man's is saved well at least I know he he knows the true gospel because I've heard him preach before the pastor that put this together an Australian pastor and so what I did was he actually has a video videos on YouTube on how to use his stop tract how to give out the gospel using that tract and he goes step by step through the tract how to give it so he goes step by step and when he gets to that part where it says you know do you want to turn from your sins he says in his video but of course we know that nobody can truly turn from their sins it's like then why put it in the tract if you know this is something nobody can do you know it's impossible why put it in the tract because now you're making salvation impossible you're asking them to do something that they cannot do and he knows that but he still puts it in and this is what blows my mind I'm fine with the church that teaches you got to repent your sins if they just open and honest about it if they're just you know yep it's not just believe that's not enough you also have to turn from your sins you know just as much as a Roman Catholics yep it's not believe you've got to do the works you've got to go to church and be you know confess your sins to the priest I can respect that to some extent yes they are teaching a false gospel but they're at least being honest about it right so you know that's a false church I'm not going to that church but it I hate it when churches try to tell you they're by faithful on they believe it's faith on Jesus Christ alone and even maybe their websites and the doc you know different things they have the same of faith has it but then you go in behind the pool but they're teaching you've got to turn from your sins to be saved I hate that that's such a so deceptive just be honest just I wish all the IFB churches all the independent Baptist churches in Australia would just say all right we believe in repent your sins we believe you have to turn from your sins to be saved fine be honest and those that say hey no it's just believe in the Lord Jesus Christ just say it and just just split just be honest just say hey we believe the gospel by faith and we believe it's repenting our sins fine do what you believe go with that go with it you know whatever you want but just be honest so we're not stuck in the middle trying to work out what do you really believe all right what do I really believe it's believe on the Lord Jesus Christ it's faith alone by grace through faith not of works not by the works of the law okay it's believe and I'd never want it look like we need to be wise wise of serpents harmaces doves there are Christians out there that will say repent your sins but they don't mean what a lot of these other people do I can't mean right some people really do when they say repent your sins well they say well you got you got to turn from your false idols like we talked about you've got to turn from your unbelief that's what I mean I don't mean you have to stop you know getting drunk and stop fornicating you know fine you know these people know the truth but I always challenge them but why do you use a phrase that confuses people why do you use a phrase that's not in the Bible that confuses people you know we knock doors and you know every time they say repent they mean turn from sins the most you know the most common understanding of repentance is to turn from sins so why add the confusion when the book of John does not want to confuse anybody by saying it's just believe on Christ right and then there was another one a missionary that I met in Chile right he's like yeah you got to repent of your sins and I chat I met up with him my challenging mother and he goes Kevin you know that I don't believe literally that someone has to stop sinning to be saved you know I'm not saying that you know an adulterer has to stop adultery to be saved what I mean by repenting from sin is you know what does repentance mean to turn or to change right it means instead of me paying for my sins I'm going to get Jesus to pay for my sins and that's when I say repent of your sins I mean that I'm giving those sins to Jesus take her on the cross so I don't have to pay for it that's what I mean right so he's really saying I'm putting all my faith on Jesus he's paying for my sins you know he's saved but he's so fixed on using that term and I think I know why because as a missionary you go around to hundreds of churches trying to get financial support and guess which churches you're knocking on those that teaches faith alone and church that teach that it's repenting your sins so you kind of have to let me just make everyone happy you know that's what's happening the next one I think I'm going a bit long Trish said don't apologize Kevin if you go along so if if you're not happy that I've gone long blame Trish the next one is I'll be quick with the other ones be willing to turn from your sins you don't actually have to turn from your sins you just have to be willing to do it what does that mean what does that mean do I you know do I got it you know if do I get up in the morning and instead of going to work I'm just willing to go to work you know that'll pay for the bills you know that would take care of everything honey I'm willing to go what does that mean does that mean you promised God God I'm going to turn for my sins I'm willing to do it but you know I'm not gonna do it anyway John 1 12 let me give you a Bible verse but as many as received him to them gave you power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name which are born of God sorry which are sorry which were born verse 13 not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man but of God so you cannot be born by your will your willingness to do anything no it's believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and it's like no it's your heart God knows your heart God knows you're willing to turn from your sins I spoke about this briefly on Thursday but I got the verse better I think I messed it up when I quoted it on Thursday but Jeremiah 17 verse 9 says the heart the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know it you really want to stand before God God God knows my heart it's desperately wicked you want to stand next to God and present your heart to God which is desperately wicked and say look God I want to serve you look God I'm willing to turn for my sins God will say it's desperately wicked depart from me you cursed into everlasting fire you really want that or do you want to just trust on Christ it's perfection and the other one I've heard is well repentance is to have sorrow sorrow for your sins now should you have sorrow for you of course you should have sorrow for your sins right but it's do you need to feel a certain emotion now with it time to enter the realm of the Pentecostals the Charismatics you've got to have the right emotional experiences to really know that you're saved right but they'll say repentance is to have sorrow for your sins and look they've got verses right let me show you what they tell you and I already read this Genesis 6 6 the first mention of repentance says and it repented the law that he made man on the earth and it grieved him in the heart so they say see first mention you know grieve repentance sorrow see repentance means sorrow all right and then the other thing they'll do is go to 2nd Corinthians chapter 7 verse 9 to 10 yeah actually yeah turn there please 2nd Corinthians 7 chapter 7 verse 9 to 10 it says this now I rejoice not that you were made sorry but that you sorrowed to repentance for you were made sorry after a godly manner that you might receive damage by us in nothing and this is it for godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of but the sorrow of the world worketh death all right so they say see sorrow repentance and all they're doing guys is they've gone to Bible software search verse one verse with the word repent and sorrow in it that's what they've done and they found one a couple of verses with sorrow and repentance or grieve and repentance see it means to be sorrow since versus saying that have a look at it again verse number 10 in fact this verse clearly tells us that repentance cannot be sorrow it cannot be sorrow verse number 10 for godly sorrow so we have godly sorrow worketh repentance so one thing leads to another in the context of this verse now first of all this verse and you can read in context later on is not even about the salvation of the soul not even about that okay it's about the church this is the second letter that Paul is writing to the Corinthians the first letter Paul had to rebuke them sharply for allowing great sin into their church and because of his letter because of the godly sorrow they received by reading that letter they repented but you see the sorrow work that worketh repentance so repentance cannot mean sorrow because one leads to another let me give you another example of this Romans 5 I'll just read it to you Romans 5 verse 3 now pay attention to this Romans 5 verse 3 and not only so but we glory in tribulations also knowing that tribulation worketh patience and patience experience and experience hope now is he saying that tribulation is patience no is he saying that patience is experience no is he saying experience is hope no is he saying tribulations is hope no right he's saying that tribulation worketh patience one leads to the other if you want to be someone that grows in patience guess what God's gonna have to put you through a little bit of tribulation in your life one leads to the other and then patient leads to experience and experience leads to hope so none of these things are defining each other it's just one leads to another just like godly sorrow can lead you to repentance now the question is and so look the verses they use don't even line up and in fact they contradict what they're saying completely okay but if someone says you've got to have sorrow in your heart you know that's what repentance means and believe the gospel are they adding works to the gospel I would say they're not okay because I don't believe emotions are a work okay you can feel but the thing is people can feel all types of emotions some people might feel sorrow you know out of the five kids I've got that believed on Christ two of them actually started crying they started really they teared up they they felt like they had failed because they've sinned and they knew the destination was hell they felt sorrow but the other ones once I heard that Joyce in happy relieved right you can go through any ranges of emotions you don't have to feel a certain emotion to be saved you just have to understand and believe the gospel okay so I don't believe emotions are a worker so I don't believe the people that say this are unsaved or bringing works into the gospel but what they're doing afterwards is creating a lot of doubt for those that really did believe because then it'd be like well did I really did I have enough sorrow did I sorrow and was my sorrow enough was a genuine sorrow it's like the repenting of sins was I willing was I willing enough I mean you start just now creating doubt and people don't even know they start looking at themselves have I sorrowed have I willed have I done no Jesus did it all right Jesus did it all believe on him trust him and so it takes away from looking at Christ and it becomes looking at yourself am I performing or have I performed the way you know these preachers have told me that I should be okay all right I've got to cover all these guys otherwise I feel like I'm leaving it undone this sermon so I'm sorry if I go a bit long but be wise please never say to people and I've seen these like on Facebook and things like that people that believe like us right and then someone says mentions the word repentance in salvation they're like oh you're teaching works you know you don't have to repent to be saved of course you do we believe you have to repent to be saved right we do believe that we just don't believe that the repenting of sins to be saved right so just be wise be careful the way you speak also just be mindful that not everybody you know I'm thinking of a deacon in one of my previous churches someone preached you know one of the laymen thank God someone preached that it's not repenting of sins to be saved and so it started it sparked discussion and then I was talking to a deacon the deacon said to me of course you have to repent your sins to be saved so I asked him well what sins do you have to repent of you thought about it goes well all the sins you're aware of so I said hold on if I'm if I'm like let's say me and another person we're living with our girlfriends and I know living what with my girlfriend is a sin but he doesn't know I mean look people for our fornicating for our nation all the time it's so naturally it's so accepted it's so socially accepted right people don't even realize it's a sin that they don't know people at least realize that adultery is a sin right because they've they've they sworn you know they promised you know that to keep themselves to one spouse but people today fornication they don't even realize that's a sin honestly a lot of people just don't even know that but if someone knows it's a sin but someone doesn't know there is it's a sin does that mean the one that knows has to turn from that one and the one that doesn't know has that doesn't have to turn from it right I mean do you see how it starts now adding confusion because now you're saying look and my wife she said to me I didn't it until she got saved she didn't even know what half her sins were maybe more she knew what some were but she didn't know until she started reading the Bible what the sins were right so then he goes ah okay it's not the ones you don't actually have to you don't actually have to really turn from any of your sins you just have to realize you're a sinner and I realized yes you do have to realize you're a sinner because it's not till you realize that you're a sinner in the sight of God that you need a say you realize you need a Savior and so by his CC they say that he knew what the gospel was do you realize that he knew I just have to realize I'm a sinner before God but then he thought by using the term repenting of sins is describing what he what he believes and so we need to be wise don't automatically think these people are just false prophets and false teachers many of them are just deceived right many of them you might say to me Kevin how do you determine what a false teacher is then what's what's my what's my criteria basically there's two things number one if they're just outright teaching you've got to turn from fornication you've got to stop your drunkenness you've got to stop you know telling lies in order to be saved it's at that point that they're just blatantly adding works of the gospel they're not even being coy about it they're just out there just telling you it's works all right that's when I'll just call out the false prophet and the other one is when they mock believing on Christ just believe hahaha just believe in Christ false prophet okay and so that's what I know everyone else I'm a very easy going person I get along with a lot of people I'm always willing to give people the benefit of the doubt I always ask people to explain themselves if they say repenting of sins right but it's not till they mock or just openly say it's works that's when I just you're a false prophet you know and I'm you know I want nothing to do with that person now here's some other things here's some other things people do to define repentance and this is where churches try to find a middle ground because there's a lot of churches out there that in the IFB movement and other churches where there are people in the congregation that know it's by faith alone and then there's another group on the congregation that say it's not it's repenting your sins to be saved you got to repent your sins to be saved and so to to keep the peace this is how and I've only I've only heard this definition in the last I don't know 5 10 years it's not something I've ever heard before but they'll say repentance is this is how they define repentance now repentance is a change of mind correct but let me finish repentance is a change of mind that leads to a change of heart that leads to a change of action all right repentance is a change of mind that leads to a change of heart that leads to a change of action now is there anything wrong with what they've said? Not really, because they haven't really told you anything. They haven't really said anything, right? Because here's what's going to happen. The one that says you've got to turn from your sins, right? Keep the law. They'll be like, that's right. Turn from action means stop sinning, right? That's how they'll think it. And then the one that says this by faith alone, and might say, well, is this past the preaching works? We'll go up to the preacher and say, well, are you saying you've got to keep the works to be saved? And the preacher will be like, did I say you have to keep the works? No, I said it's a change of action. So you've got to believe in Christ. That's a change of action, is it not? Believing on Christ. That's a verb. That's an action. Believing. Do you see how when, usually when they use this definition, they won't tell you what the change of mind is. They won't tell you what the change of heart is. They won't tell you what the change of action is. They'll just leave it out there. So that way people feel like that preacher agrees with me. We're all in, and then, you know, the repent of your sins crowd. Amen. And the faithful own crowd. Amen. You know, great preaching. I haven't told you anything. I haven't told you anything. Just be careful when you hear this. Don't automatically think the teaching works. And again, be wise, because let me give you how our salvation, our gospel, the gospel of the Bible can line up with these things. Number one, change of mind can be, yep, I realize that my works, that my church, and my false religion cannot save me. That's a change of mind, right? Change of heart. Usually change of heart, people think of humility. It's like, well, since I can't save myself, that means only God can save me. Only God can save me through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. That's humility, right? Realizing that I can't save myself, only God can do. That's a change of heart. And then the change of action. I place all my faith, I believe with all my heart that Jesus paid for my sins. I'm only trusting Jesus. And even, you know, calling upon the name of the Lord, that's an action. You know, whoso shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. And so please don't, you know, be wise. Don't automatically think that works, because you're going to go there and you're going to sound foolish if you do that. But you need to ask them, please tell me what it is. And if they're not willing to tell you what it is, you tell them what it is. You tell them that the change of action is that, um, but as many as, listen to this, John 1 verse 12, but as many as received him, action, to them gave you power to become, become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name. So there is an action that does take place when you put your faith on Christ. You receive Christ. You receive the free gift. You are taking action. And this is what I normally say to people that say this definition, I'll be, I'll just tell them what I just told you. This is how I define it. Now, if you think the change of action is anything else, but putting your faith on Christ, please tell me what that change of action is. Right? Because then that's when they'll, then, you know, if the teaching works, that's when it's going to come out. Right? So people use this definition to appease both sides. Now, in conclusion, I'm wrapping up now, guys. Thank you for being patient. And the kids as well. People will say, Kevin, you've changed on the gospel. You know, your churches in the past have taught repentance of your sins or whatever, you know, you don't believe the gospel. And I've had someone say, and say, look, it's because you've heard pastor Anderson. And I said this in my testimony, you've heard pastor Anderson say that it's not repenting of your sins. And now you've gone his way. First of all, I got saved at a very young age, right? You know, I believed on Christ. That was it. You know, that's what I did. That's number one. But then when I was 19 or 20, I can't remember how old I was when I first went, when I went to my first independent fundamental Baptist church. Okay. The church that I got baptized in, and what's baptism? You're associating with the death, burial and resurrection. You're associating yourself publicly with the gospel that's been taught in that church. Right? Now this is the statement of faith, according to Bethany Baptist Church, the church that I, the first IFB church I got at, and first one I got, or the one I got baptized in, this is their statement of faith. It says this, we believe that the blessings of salvation are made free to all without obligation of payment, that salvation is not earned or merited in part or in whole by works, rights or rituals. So it's not works that it is the immediate duty of all to accept salvation by a repentance of any trust in self or works. Remember what we said about trust in yourself, trust in your works? That's the repentance they're talking about. To merit God's forgiveness and to trust wholly and solely on the blood of Jesus Christ as the payment and full provision for the forgiveness of sin. That's what I'm teaching. I haven't changed. From the church that I got baptized in, I'm associating my faith with what was being taught there in the gospel. Not only that, but that church had a booklet at the back of the church for everyone to read called What About Repentance, and it's located on our church website, churchincalangia.org. I asked the one that wrote that if I could have permission to put it on my website. He said yes, so if you want the full thing, please read it. But let me just take a little bit out of this. This was the pastor at the time that he wrote this. He said, he wrote, we should not therefore be calling upon people to repent of their sins in order to be saved. This is unscriptural and confusing for the sinner. Later on he writes, Christians should be commanded to repent and do good works, meet for repentance. So Christians, don't lose track here, Christians should be commanded to repent and do works, meet for repentance. But to command a sinner to do this for salvation under the grace is called another gospel. So the preacher that baptized me, that I heard the gospel in, that I identified with, knew that repentance of his sin was another gospel. Okay, I've not changed. Now if that church has changed today, then they've changed, but I've not changed. All right, I've not changed. And then I went there for two years, then I went to a church called Victory Baptist Church for nine years. Now this is what their statement of faith says. We believe in salvation by grace through faith, that salvation is the free gift of God, neither merited nor secured in part or in whole by any virtue or work of man, but received only by personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Now in fact, in their whole statement of faith, the word repent doesn't even appear once. So if repenting from sins was a requirement for salvation, then the statement of faith would be insufficient and would not be true to the gospel, right? I'm just showing you, hey, that's, I've not changed. I've not changed. And then for the last two and a half years before starting this church, I was at the church in Punchbowl. This is the church in Punchbowl statement of faith on the gospel. We believe, or on repentance, I should say, we believe that repentance in regards to being saved is when a person turns from their unbelief and calls upon the Lord Jesus Christ, right? Turning from your sins is a good work believers should strive to do, but is not a requirement to be saved. Do you see the consistency of the gospel being taught in all these churches? I've basically taken that statement from the church in Punchbowl and I've added some words to it. This is what our statement of faith says. And you know, I want you guys to be aligned with what we're teaching here. You know, if you don't, if you're not aligned, please speak to me. But the statement of faith says this, we believe that repentance in regards to being saved is when a person turns from their unbelief, or this is what I've added, or stops trusting whatever else it was before they put their full trust and hope on Christ alone. Turning from your sins is a good work believers should strive to do, but it is not a requirement to be saved. Now, let me just say this. I promise you as the Bishop of this church, that I will never allow anybody to stand behind this pulpit to preach a workspace gospel. I will never allow someone to stand behind this pulpit. They'd have to do it over my dead body. I'd have to die and you guys go nuts and just get someone else, right? Just anybody, right? To preach. I will not allow a false gospel. Now look, are people going to stand behind the pulpit and preach things that I might not fully agree with? Yes, it's going to happen, right? Because it's human nature. You know, none of us have full understanding of the scriptures. But this is, I'm going to, look, I'm drawing a line here, right? If someone comes and preaches another, and this is why I want, guys, this is why I want you guys to give your testimonies, right? Because I want you to test, I don't want you to just assume that everybody in the church is saved. I want you to hear it from their own mouth that they put their full faith on Christ alone. I want that to be, I would like that for everyone that's saved to save. You know, I know that's, some people don't like that. And you know, I'm not gonna, you know, if you, look, it's for the church. It's not for YouTube. And if you're not comfortable with it being on YouTube, I won't put it on YouTube. It's for the church. It's for the body. It's for the congregation, okay? I want you guys to do that. And let's say by accident, someone gets up here and says, I repented of my sins. Hey, that's, yes, that's wrong. But at least we know. At least we know this person's messed up and we get them fixed, right? Now let me just say, if it just happens by mistake, somehow that I allow someone to come in here and preach some pastor, some big name, who knows what, you know, I know I get fooled into getting this guy behind the pulpit and he teaches that you got to repent of your sins to be saved. I'm just going to yell out, shut up and sit down. And if you don't hear me say it, it's because Callum's already said it. All right. I'm not going to allow another gospel, guys. Guys, this is all that matters. Saving souls, getting the right gospel, preaching the right gospel. Second Peter chapter three, verse nine. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness, but is long suffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. Let's pray. Dear Heavenly Father, Lord, we thank you for your word. Lord, we thank you for salvation by grace through faith. Lord, I just want to thank you for the congregation here as well. They've been patient for a long sermon and Lord, thank you for keeping the weather good for us, Lord. Thank you for taking the rain away so we can just be gathered here, Lord, and just out in the open. This is fantastic, Lord. I wish we could do this more often, actually. But Lord, anyway, Lord, we thank you for the provisions that you do give us. Lord, help us as we go out soul-willing later on, that we would be able to preach your word boldly, Lord, that we'd be able to correct anyone that thinks they have to repent of their sins to be saved. And Lord, also for the fellowship and lunch that we'll have together, Lord. I pray that you bless all that food to our bodies. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Amen.