(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So obviously the reason I had that chapter read is just those final words there which says in verse number nine, he maketh the barren woman to keep house and to be a joyful mother of children praise ye the Lord. You know I want mothers to have the joy that's mentioned there and to be a joyful mother of children. When I think about motherhood it requires a lot of work and this is why society is sort of turning away from the desire of motherhood. They see the amount of work, the amount of sacrifice that mothers have to give to their children and we're bringing up a generation that says you know I don't want that to be my main task. I don't want that responsibility. But I hope as I preach to you this morning is that we just value what mothers are. You know they're not some lesser part of society. In fact they are bringing forth children, they are bringing forth the next generation and they've got such an important job. They've got such an important job to raise children to be not only faithful to all the Lord Jesus Christ but also to have an impact upon society, upon this world. You know we can change the direction of this world but it comes with, it starts with mothers, it starts with families. You know raising that generation that fears the Lord. And so we're going to turn away. We are going to come back to this chapter at the end of the sermon but come with me to Hebrews chapter 11 please. Come with me to Hebrews 11 the hall of faith or the chapter of faith, faithful men and faithful women. And what I want to do this morning is look at five mothers, five mothers and have a look at certain qualities that we can find within these mothers. Why are they praised? Why are they exalted in God's Word? And so the title for the sermon this morning is qualities found within godly mothers. Qualities found within godly mothers and I hope you know for the children that are here, well we're all children aren't we to some extent. Of course we are. You know we all have mothers and I hope as we go through this list you can see some of these qualities in your mother. And to praise, if the Lord God is praising mothers for these qualities then we ought to praise our mothers for these qualities as well. And also for a challenge to the mothers you know if you're lacking in some area here then ask the Lord to help you. Ask the Lord to help you, guide you and to make these little improvements that you need to make in your life you know so you can be that godly mother. Find these qualities that these other godly women have in motherhood. But in Hebrews 11 verse 11, Hebrews 11 it says through faith also Sarah, the first woman that we're going to be looking at is Sarah, of course that was Abraham's wife. Now before we keep going, we know about Sarah's problem, she was a barren woman okay. God had promised Abraham and Sarah a child, a promised child of course that would become Isaac. But they were barren, you know they attempted to have children and they attempted to have children by other means which were not the plan of God. But she was barren and she was a woman of her old age, she was a woman in fact that had passed, gone through menopause right. I mean her body physically to give birth to children was dead as it were, as it's described here in the Bible and yet it says through faith in verse 11 through faith also Sarah herself received strength to conceive seed and was delivered of a child when she was past age. Why was she able to do this? Because she judged him faithful who had promised. She judged God faithful who had promised. God had made a promise to Abraham and to Sarah that you will have children, you will have a child. And even though she was past age, and look were the times that they doubted, were the times that it was difficult and they weren't sure how God will come through with his promise, yes there were times. But more often than not she was a woman that was found to have judged God faithfully. You know when she looked at God she said Lord, Lord you have made a promise and I believe you're going to be faithful to that promise. Of course she herself was faithful but that's not what I'm focused on right now. Mothers you need to look at Lord God, you know we come to church to praise our Lord, to praise God, you need to look at God as a God who is faithful to the promises that he's laid out for you in his word. You know of course God gave Sarah the promise of the child but you know when it comes to God's word, God has many promises for you ladies, God has many promises for you mothers and you know when you read God's word are you someone that judges God faithfully. You say Lord what you've promised in your word I know you're going to keep. Lord you promised me that if I put my faith and trust on Jesus Christ alone that I don't put my faith and trust in my church, I don't put my faith and trust in my good works, I don't put my faith and trust in whatever other traditions I might have but if I put my faith and trust on Jesus Christ alone I call upon the name of the Lord, I will be saved and I will have eternal life, life that can never be lost. That is a promise that God has given us. You know if you're saved you've judged God faithfully, you said you know what God I believe you're going to come through the moment I put my faith and trust in Jesus that I'm saved I have eternal life and no matter what happens to me from this day forward when I die I'm going to be in heaven with you for all eternity, my sins have been forgiven and you've done that right mothers that are here this morning you've done that, you know you know God is faithful but you know what there's a lot more in this book, God has given you many promises you know if you were to raise your children a certain way God has promised you right that they're going to be faithful children, God has promised you that they're going to fear the Lord, are the times that your children are going to go wayward, are the times that your children are going to challenge the things they've heard at church or things they've written in the Bible it's going to happen, you know what if you raise them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord especially if you raise them and they've caught upon the Lord for salvation look within them no matter how worldly they might become or you know how hateful they might become to toward things that they may consider religion within them there's something telling them look God is true you know there is a fear of the Lord within them you know and it might take time but at some point they're going to realize that the Bible is always true, the Bible is always the best direction to life, the Bible is always the best way to live a life and look for many of you that have been saved later in life like children that grew up in church they don't realize this but for some of you that got saved later in life where you've experienced the world where you've gone out and you've partied and you've gotten drunk and you've committed all kinds of sins and fornication you know the moment you got saved and you started to pattern your life after the Bible you know it's true that God's way is always the best way to life okay but unfortunately sometimes our kids don't understand that but you know mothers please stay true you know understand that God is faithful, he has promised you you know if you do the best you can to raise them to love the Lord you know within them no matter what happens within them at some point they're going to realize mum was right you know dad was right the Bible was right all along it is always the best way to pattern your life you know God's way is not some restrictive way of living but it's the best way it's the most blessed way to live a life you know to the full potential so mothers you know I want you to be challenged you know do you judge God to be faithful or do you sometimes doubt the Lord do you sometimes think Lord you're not going to come through you know when you go to prayer before the Lord you've got your request and problems and you know you need the Lord to come through and answer those prayers you know are you able to judge God faithful and say yes Lord when I go to you in prayer I know you're going to hear my prayers and I know you're going to answer them you may not answer them the way that I want them answered Lord but you're going to answer them the best way you know because Lord you know all things you know what is best for me overall do you have that faith if you can come back with me actually before we keep sorry before we move away let's just go to verse number 12 it says therefore sprang the even of one and him as good as dead you know God is saying here that the bodies of Abraham and Sarah were as good as dead in terms of bringing forth children okay and it says here but then it says so many so many as the stars of the sky in multitude and as the sand which is by the seashore innumerable even though Sarah only had the one child that promised child really this promise is that Abraham and Sarah would have an innumerable number of children okay as the stars in the sky you cannot count the stars in the sky you cannot count the sand you know at the beach and that is the the legacy that Abraham and Sarah would bring forth why because they counted God faithful okay what he promised will come true and we'll touch upon that in a moment because what you're saying to me right now is maybe it's all past they only had the one kid they only had Isaac in what way was that innumerable number we'll look at that in a moment if you can come back with me to Hebrews 10 just to chat before that Hebrews 10 verse number 22 Hebrews chapter 10 verse number 22 mothers I want to encourage you this morning and if you're saved this morning it says in Hebrews 10 22 let us draw near with a true heart look in full assurance of faith having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water look at verse number 23 let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering for he is faithful that promised once again we see that God is faithful what he has promised he's going to come through you know Christ has promised that he's going to return one day to this earth do you believe that to be true you know do you see this life these 60 70 years life potentially that you have a hundred years of life do you see this is as all you're working toward no Christ is coming back okay and you know sometimes mothers may feel like or society makes mothers feel like you're missing out on the world right you're missing out on being able to visit other countries and to travel and to have a fellowship with friends you know you're going to tie yourself down with children but here's what you're that's this is what they're missing this life that we live is a vapor according to God's Word Christ is coming back and not only is he coming back but we're going to be with Christ on this earth you guys know this Christ is going to rule on this earth for a thousand years and who's going to rule with him you are God's people all of us mothers we're going to be with Christ on this earth for a thousand years so you've got society telling you look don't get tied down with kids well God is faithful God has promised you your Christ is coming back and you're going to be walking this earth look you have a thousand years to visit every country on this earth you'll have a thousand years to fellowship with believers of all time okay to have a good time okay to live on an earth which has the righteousness of Christ which has the laws of God abide on this earth so what are you living for mothers you know you know I want you to be excited for the life that God has given you motherhood is exciting but it's a vapor it's just a period of time the only time you can be a mother is this life right now the thousand years to come you can't be a mother then you can have new resurrected bodies and the Bible says you're not given into marriage okay this is the time for motherhood this is the time for family the time to explore the the world and to get cultured and to learn every language that'll come for a thousand years so you got to make sure you set your priorities right mothers you know again you do I think you do but again society makes it seem like you're just tied down you know you live this miserable life and why would you want to be tied down with a whole bunch of kids and yet this is the only life that you get to experience that can you come with me to Galatians chapter 4 come with me to Galatians chapter 4 we're still looking at Sarah Sarah who judged God faithful you say we're past like Sarah did not have you know many kids and you know something that I want to really communicate to the church here just because my wife is expecting number 12 I don't look down at mothers who have one kid or two kids I don't think oh what do you have to complain about you know we got to you know we got no motherhood you know is is so important and you know even if you have one child it's a hard life even if you have two it's a high it's hard you know being a mother is hard work it's labor okay it doesn't matter how many there are it's always hard work okay and I don't expect everybody to just have you know 11 12 kids or whatever it is you know I don't look down at families like that you know God gave Sarah one okay and God praises Sarah for counting God faithful and in what way did did our Sarah have children that were innumerable in what way you know in what way how many times was Abraham called the father of many nations the father of many nations in what way is that true well look at Galatians 4 27 Galatians 4 27 for it is written rejoice thou barren that bearers not Sarah was barren she could not bring forth children naturally it had to be a miracle of God but it says here for it is written rejoice thou barren that bearers not break forth and cry thou that trevours not for the desolate have many more children than she which have an husband how can the desolate how can the barren how can Sarah okay have many more children than a woman that's married with a husband well look at verse number 28 now we brethren as Isaac was are the children of promise you see all of us all of us are the fulfillment of the promise that God gave to Abraham and Sarah all of us okay everyone that is in Christ Jesus and this is why Abraham could be a father of many nations because he's the father of Australia because there are believers of the promise that in Christ Jesus in Australia and in every nation there are believers in Jesus Christ and Sarah was given this wonderful promise even though she had one child you see a lot of people think it's about the physical descendancy know what's important the promise okay being a child of the promise you know with Isaac or Isaac was the son of Sarah is that you're in Christ Jesus you know Galatians 3 haven't got time to explain this but Galatians 3 says that the promises were made to Abraham into seed and his seed is Jesus Christ so if you're Christ you are the promise that was given to Sarah you know that tells me mothers it's not about who has the most kids okay you might be barren but you know what you can have many kids spiritually you can go out and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ you can bring people into the kingdom right and you're born again that person is born again into God's family when they believe in Christ and we can bring people into this promise of Sarah and so look mothers if you have less children and you're you know you feel inadequate or something or you're barren you know what you can do you can have more children than the one that has a husband you can go out and preach the gospel and see people saved all right and you too can count God faithful to the promises because you have the ability to see people get saved if you give them the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ. So the first quality of that I want to look at today is that Sarah judged God faithful. Mothers do you judge God faithful when you read the Bible do you believe this is true? Do you believe it's a work of fiction? Do you believe it's the truth? Do you believe it's the work of man or is it God's words to you? If it's God's Word and if it's true then you know every promise God makes he'll keep. God is faithful and God is pleased he's able to perform miracles in your life okay he can cause the barren to bring forth you know there there might be issues in your life that you're struggling with you want God to come through well let me encourage you start by judging God faithful. Come with me to 1st Samuel we're gonna be looking at these ladies all these ladies get preached on very often during Mother's Day okay sometimes I get told you don't preach enough about the ladies my goal is just to preach the Bible and it applies to everybody man woman and child right but look at 1st Samuel chapter 1 1st Samuel chapter 1 please 1st Samuel chapter 1 verse number 5 we're looking at another barren woman and this time we're looking at Hannah of course the story of Hannah she became the mother of Samuel great prophet of the Lord but in 1st Samuel chapter 1 verse number 5 it says but unto Hannah he gave a worthy portion for he loved Hannah but the Lord had shut up her womb this is why I don't look down at women that can't have kids because who shuts the womb the Lord okay the Lord had shut her womb it's up to the Lord how many kids you were able to have that's in the Lord's hands and just very quickly give you the context of the story you've got Hannah who's unable to have kids her husband you know had two wives is that the right thing to do no it's not the right thing to do but that's how he ended up okay and his other wife is producing children and Hannah feels you know inadequate you know she feels like she's failing her husband you know she's not satisfied because she has an experience of fruit of the womb and if you can come with me to verse number 9 look at verse number 9 1st Samuel chapter 1 so Hannah rose up after they had eaten in Shiloh and after they had drunk now Eli the priest sat upon a seat by a post of the temple of the Lord and she was in bitterness of soul and prayed unto the Lord and wept sore you know you need to understand that a woman who's who's barren a woman who's unable to have kids whether you you agree with this or not I know this according to God's Word and I know I know it's true that there was there will always be an empty feeling there will always be some level of bitterness here a sorrow when a woman is unable to bring forth children okay now it's it's very sad because again our society is forcing women to not have kids forcing you know abortions things like that I mean that they have fallen pregnant and then the decision is made to just kill that child which is ridiculous to me you know my wife is 42 we're having our 12th and and the very first thing they said to Christina when they when she went to the examination a high chance of Down syndrome do you want to kill your child now that's that's the world we live in that's the world we live in what evidence do you have that the child is Down syndrome oh it's your age but what about the child anything wrong with the child oh no my child's all perfect ultrasound after ultrasound all good child looks fine well even the child if the even if the child had Down syndrome who cares if that's how God intended it to be I mean it'd be sad require more effort of course there'd be other things that you need to think about but the last thing you're gonna be thinking of surely if you have a desire for children which is what God has put into a woman is to go ahead and murder that child I just wonder how many mothers have murdered their own children because the doctor says our high chance of Down syndrome high chance of this and that how many mothers have had that story and they bring brought forth some normal healthy child how many mothers then actually just took the decision I'll just kill it then because they make my life difficult and I've spoken to mothers who have abortions okay and they're not who I'm so glad I had an abortion they regret those decisions it's some a pain it's a hurt they have for the rest of their lives because they listen to society they didn't listen to God's Word see God has created men to work and many if you don't work you're not going to be satisfied God's credit women to bear children and ladies if you don't bear children you're not going to be satisfied like again society will tell you don't worry about that okay but it's it's the reality of God's Word where we're program it's in our DNA it's in our it's in our genetics you know to have certain desires and when we fulfill these desires it gives us satisfaction you say about pasta it's hard work of course when it's hard work and you do the hard work you accomplish something you feel good about it I mean think about when you go and work for your boss and you get given a huge project and you think I don't think I can do this and you do it and you do it well it gets done and you get praised for it and you're like man I didn't realize I could do such a thing isn't there like just this joy of achievement of satisfaction it's the same for mothers I can't have I can't it's just too much can't afford look once you do it and with God's help there's this sense of achievement of satisfaction that can't be satisfied with anything else the next quality that you find within Godly mothers is a desire for children a desire for children and you know if the ladies like if anyone saying look I just don't I just God's put it in you and if society has taken it out of your mind and out of your heart you're missing out on something very special something unique something again that you can only experience in this lifetime okay if we keep going verse number 11 first Samuel chapter 1 verse 11 so she's in bitterness she's weeping you know she's wondering probably why Lord why why have you stopped me from having children verse 11 and she vowed a vow and said Oh Lord of hosts if thou will indeed look up on the affliction of thine handmaid you know when you think of affliction we think about being beaten thrown into prison something like that you know this a woman like this who can't have a charge says this is my affliction this is what it feels like for her the affliction of thine handmaid and remember me and not forget thine handmaid but will give unto thine handmaid a man child then I will give him unto the Lord all the days of his life and there shall no razor come upon his head the no razor is a Nazarite vow so only I think only the Bible the only ones that I know of is Samuel and Samson that had a Nazarite vow from birth okay but again this is what women have been created for by God okay a desire to bring forth children and if you don't have that desire then let me encourage you to go to the Lord in prayer just like Hannah did okay and say Lord why has this desire been taken away from me why have I listened to every other advice and every other you know announcement announcements but every other philosophy of the world and I've not just harken to your word why is I mean that I don't know what the reasons could be you know just think about what they are I'm sure you've had you've received pressure from some area of life but this will truly give you great joy you know children desire for for children it will give you satisfaction and as I said to you yes it does require labor in fact I'll quickly read to you from Acts chapter 20 verse number 34 Acts chapter 20 verse number 34 now I'll explain to you this because again why does society tell you not to have kids oh you've got to experience life first or you're gonna get tied down if you get married and have kids etc etc you see we live in a very selfish world we're just just don't just don't worry about anyone else or anything else just yourself you know take care of number one yourself Acts chapter 20 verse number 34 says yay ye yourselves know that these hands this is Paul speaking have ministered unto my necessities and to them that were with me Paul says look I've worked hard with my hands I've not just taken care of my needs but also those that are with me those that have necessities and then it says in verse number 35 I have showed you all things how that's so laboring so the work of Paul is labor it's hard work work in the ministry how so laboring you ought to support the weak and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus how he said it is more blessed to give than to receive I want to really consider that for a moment it is more blessed to give than to receive and I know teenagers you probably don't understand this I think because I didn't understand this when I was a teenager right my mum kind of spoiled me not spoil me rotten but she did it and mum's probably listening this morning thank you mum okay but you know she did everything for me right and I was just used to getting everything done like my mum would make my bed like like to that level right it's you know as a child taking care of those things those basic things my mum did a lot for me right and I grew up just thinking life is kind of I guess about me and I've got to make sure I fulfill my needs and surely that's the best way to live a life and then you get married and now you're working hard and it's not about you anymore isn't it and then you have children and it's really not about you anymore and you think hold on that must be a miserable life then you're going out there working Monday to Friday nine to five you're laboring hard you can't even enjoy the fruits of your labour man you'd be a rich man if you had no one that was dependent upon you man you could live any kind of life you could buy yourself a fancy car you can buy yourself a big house you can put money into investments you can be wealthy if you had no dependents right you had no one that depended upon you that's what the world thinks so it must be satisfied me me me listen it never gives satisfaction it never gives you it's never enough those that have investment properties you know they want more those that have big bank accounts they want more those that have power they want more they want more it never satisfies I learned a lesson once I had a family and I worked hard and I barely got anything I'm wearing clothes that I've been wearing and not that you have to be like this I'm wearing clothes that I've been wearing for the past four or five years but I'm when I see my my wife go out there and buy clothes for my children as they grow that gave me such satisfaction right when you labour and you give what you work for what you give is it's more blessing there's more blessed when you see others you know profit and do well by your labour by your efforts you know and it's just mothers when you labour hard for your children and you give them everything you know they and your children they might say oh man what a miserable life but they don't understand the joy that you have by making sure they eat well by making sure the kids are dressed by making sure they receive an education by making sure that they're ready to go out into the world all right and make a life for themselves there's a great satisfaction a great blessing that falls upon mothers it is truly more blessed to give than to receive it's more blessed to be selfless than it is to be selfish and what you find in life as you give to others the Lord will bless you the Lord will give you back in return more than you ever thought possible and so a desire for children again the world says it's just going to tie you down you want better live a happy life but look you're going to have a greater blessing from the Lord your desires are going to be fulfilled your satisfaction is going to be made whole okay and Lord willing maybe look yeah you have the time to experience the world you know in a good godly sense there'll be times to share your life and experiences and your travels with your family and your children then for it to just be for yourself come with me to exodus chapter 1 exodus chapter 1 verse number 22 exodus chapter 1 verse number 22 let's have a look at another godly mother exodus chapter 1 verse number 22 and pharaoh charged all his people saying every son that is born you shall cast into the river and every daughter shall you shall save alive this is when the children of israel were in egypt and pharaoh was frustrated the the israelites were having so many kids and so he passed the law that all the males that are born they have to be drowned in the river okay so this is a government decree all right if you're not going to do this you'll disobey in the government okay if you're not going to murder your own children disobey in the government see for abortions killing children has always been something that we can do i don't understand it because i think of a child as innocent like if anyone needs to be the most protected it's innocent life i just don't understand but this is just it just shows you how opposite the world is to the bible okay so well those were the old days that's you know pharaoh throwing a child in the river how dare you yeah but today even maybe today shouldn't have been ripped limb by limb out of the mother's womb i mean i mean you know we get angry at god sometimes people get angry i don't get angry but people get angry at god you know things are so horrible it's mankind that's horrible it's sinners it's the wickedness of man okay people blame god but it's god has done everything he's given us jesus he's given us the freeness of salvation he's given us his bible and people still complain and blame god for life it's about time that mankind puts a hand and say lord it's me i'm the sinner i'm the wicked one man i need salvation thank you lord for the salvation you've offered me in christ jesus but so what's going to happen here we we come to the story of of moses and it's next chapter exodus 2 verse 1 and there went a man of the house of levi and took a wife a daughter of levi her name is jockabed by the way and the women sorry and the woman conceived and bear a son so you know by government law she's got to throw him into the river but instead it says here and when she saw him that he was a goodly child she hid him three months you know she looked a mother looked at that baby her own baby and says this is a precious beautiful baby i cannot throw this into the river i cannot drown my child this is a godly mother okay this is a godly mother i cannot kill my child it says for he was a goody child she hid him three months she tried to hide him from the authorities as much as she could listen we're free and when she could hide not longer hide him of course the child's going to cry going to make noise right you can't hide that child forever so what she does is she took for him an ark of bull rushes and dobbed it with slime and with pitch and put the child there in and she laid it in the flags by the river's brink and his sister stood afar off to wit what would be done to him so she decides to put moses into that little basket that little ark whatever it is right into the river i mean she's kind of half doing what she's meant to do put the child in the river but what we see is a protective mother right i mean if she's found by the egyptian authorities to have hid this child isn't she putting her own life at risk see the next quality that we see of godly mothers is a protective mother a protective mother you know again this kind of plays into the previous points it's more blessed to give than to receive you know i know myself i know i would be willing to lay down my life for my wife and my kids i know my wife would be willing to lay down her life for her children they're so precious to us and mothers your children ought to be precious to you we say you know what their life is you know i i've lived my life you know it's it's time for them to have life i want to give the best i can to my children again we're not going to spoil them but it it truly gives something of value something something willing to die for in life your family your children a protective mother willing to take the risk of her own life being lost so she decides to put this child in the river to see what happens what's going to happen here we know the story of course moses is protected and this of course is the hand of the lord you see when god sees his qualities in mothers god's going to look after your children we can't protect our children all the days of our life at some point they're going to start to live their life and at some point they're going to be tempted by the world you know and they will make mistakes just like you made mistakes parents you know but you know if we've done the right things if we had these qualities toward our children you'll see the hand of god take care of them okay you'll see the hand of god protecting your child because you will protect you for your children to begin with it says um verse number five and the daughter of pharaoh came down to wash herself at the river and her maidens walked along by the river's side and when she saw the ark among the flags she sent her maid to fetch it and when she opened it she saw the child and behold the babe wept and she had compassion on him and said this is one of the hebrews children look this is the daughter of pharaoh pharaoh's the one that commanded hey all these boys need to be thrown into the river but look even pharaoh's daughter because when she sees an innocent child this is a woman who's not a not a believer right she's not an israelite she worships false gods okay but even she because she's been created by god sees an innocent little child and she's moved with compassion verse number seven and she sorry then said his sister to pharaoh's daughter shall i go and call to thee a nurse of and he of the hebrew women that she may nurse the child for thee and pharaoh's daughter said to her go and the maid went and called the child's mother so moses gets returned back to mum okay amazing verse number nine and pharaoh's daughter said unto her take this child away and nurse it for me and i will give thee thy wages she gets paid isn't that what people are pushing for today for paid parent or mother mothers to get paid or whatever it is well yeah she gets paid she gets paid by by by pharaoh by the very family that are trying to this you know kill these children she gets paid wages and the woman took the child and nursed it and the child grew and she brought him unto pharaoh's daughter and she became her son and she called his name moses and she said because i drew him out of the water eventually you know moses mother only has a short period of time you know until she gets nursed i mean that child might be two years old at this point and gets given back to pharaoh's daughter you say well surely moses is going to be corrupted by the world it's amazing because most of the one that led the israelites out of egypt god used moses in a mighty way did moses make mistakes yes he made still made mistakes okay but he decided to be called a child of god rather than a child of pharaoh you know he he looked at the sufferings of christ and that's something he wanted to endure rather than the riches that he could find in egypt and you know what the mother of moses only had a couple of years with him mothers we don't know how long we've got our kids but value your time with your children be a protective mother teach your children the way of the lord it's a two-year-old doesn't know are you sure about that even in the psalms it speaks of a babe in the womb having the god the god of the bible as his god you know even if you're pregnant my wife's pregnant this morning you know the child's hearing the preaching so the child doesn't understand well maybe okay but the child's getting used to what preaching is the child's getting used to hearing god's word even at those early stages and mothers protect your little ones protect the innocence and you see god's hand even when your child goes into the world god can have his protective hand on that child but mothers you've got to have that protective quality toward your children to begin with come with me to second timothy chapter one second timothy chapter one verse number two second timothy chapter one verse number two we've looked at sarah we've looked at hannah we looked at jacobed now we're looking at lois and eunice in second timothy chapter one verse number two second timothy chapter one verse number two and nicholas second timothy chapter one in verse number two so the book of timothy is written to timothy it's a letter to timothy from the apostle paul timothy was being was trained by paul and he served as a pastor at this point in time what paul says to timothy in verse number two to timothy my dearly beloved son he's not actually his son like he's studying the faith because he trained him he mentored him that kind of sense okay but it says grace mercy and peace from god the father and christ jesus our lord i thank god whom i serve from my forefathers with pure conscience that without ceasing i have remembrance of thee in my prayers night and day greatly desiring to see thee being mindful of thy tears that i may be filled with joy look at verse number five look what he says about it's so amazing when i call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee paul says to timothy man when i look at you timothy your faith your christian life is unfeigned fade means fake he goes you're not fake timothy you're not just putting on a show you know you're not just going through the motions you truly love the lord you truly have faith in the lord god you truly have faith in god's word this is what paul points out to timothy and brethren let's be careful about coming to church and would it surprise you that churches are full of people right now with feigned faith either faith that they've not trusted jesus christ the savior or they just come to church to tick a box and to put on a show it's all fake people are fake even christians in churches are fake paul's able to look at timothy go man you're not fake timothy you're the real deal i see the faith in you i say pastor this is meant to be mother's day all right but then he says this uh i'll read verse number five again when i cause remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee which dwelt first the same faith dwelt first in thy grandmother lois and thy mother eunice and i am persuaded that in thee also paul says man the faith you got timothy i've seen that same faith in your grandmother i've seen that same faith in your mother this faith has been passed down generation to generation to generation reverend the next quality that we see in a godly mother is an unfeigned faith an unfeigned faith you know mothers do your children look at you and say my mom loves the lord my mom is doing the best she can to raise us you know to know god's word and you know to have the same faith that she has or the same faith that dad has you know this is of course the job of a father as well don't get me wrong but usually speaking dad's out working all right usually he's going to have less time with the children and moms usually will have more time with the children or mothers you need to have an unfeigned faith you know i hope you come to church because you really love the lord and i hope you come to church not just because you're being pushed by your husband or that you truly love the bible and look if you truly love the bible then your children are going to truly love the bible okay it's going to be passed down they're going i know i remember being i remember being a child at church and looking around my church and going this church is full of fake people these people don't love the lord these people don't love lost souls these people don't care about god's word they just care about a community a place where they can come and and talk which is nothing wrong with that in of itself but look we come to church to praise god all right he christ has the preeminence in the house of the lord and when our children sees you know if our children see new life baptist church as full of fake people oh they say they love me but they never say hello to me they never greet me at church you know these people don't show any interest in in my life i don't think these people even love me okay they say it but don't be surprised why your children might end up leaving the church my children might end up leaving the church i don't know i hope not hope not kids hope you love the lord parents we're going to pass that mum mums you got to pass down that faith don't think bringing my kids to church is just going that's it i've done my duty for the week my kids have come to church and that's it they're going to be fine the lord no they need to see that that the unfeigned faith in mum being passed down you know you love the lord you love his word you know and they see that in you lowest and youngest and also just mom who's grandmom by the way you might no longer be a mom but you might be a grandmother you might be a grandmother soon you don't know right we'll teach your grandkids the same pass down that faith to your grandkids as well show them the importance of loving the lord and look i i don't think there's anything wrong with telling your children i think it's important actually to tell your children the mistakes you've done in life you know you don't want your children to think man mum and dad they were just always it's just christian holy living never made mistakes in life and they're trying to keep up with that or something we know that that's not life that's that's not that's not real that'd be fake if we're always just always on fire for the lord we all make mistakes even if you've grown up in a christian home you've made mistakes it's important for our kids to see and to understand mom and dad made mistakes in parts in life but they got right with the lord right they got back on their feet you know they they the reason they made these mistakes in life is because they moved away from god's word and you know what mom and dad aren't blaming anyone else but they're just putting their hand up and say yes because we're sinners kids forgive us because we're sinners you know mom and dad will do wrong mom and dad won't always be fair they won't always do the right things but the father god the father will always do right by you god the father will always be faithful towards you my words may not my advice might not always be the best advice but god's word will always be the best advice and i think it's important that our children sees mum moms and dads as just normal human beings okay who are doing the best they can to serve the lord i always see this faith being passed down generation to generation and so the children like i said they see mom's life christian life is real not fake and again moms it's you also have to develop the ability to pass down your faith pass down bible teaching to your children and again you've got to find a balance in these things you know if you think man if all we do you know morning kids are going to read the bible and afternoon morning tea guys write bible now and then afternoon bible and and then you know look you can just overwhelm your children because you know that's not life life requires you to go and do things and experience things and be productive and it's not always bible it's not always church all the time okay but when we are out doing other things that aren't necessarily the bible your kids need to understand well god is always there with me anyway god is watching everything that i do god will bless me for my obedience and god may very well chastise me when i'm when i disobey but we need to pass that down to our children and i have no problem telling my children there are times when dad messed up or there are times when mum messed up and god had to chastise us god had to correct us because we're sinners so we needed a savior to begin with can you please uh come with me to hebrews 5 hebrews 5 is 12 hebrews 5 is 12 mothers you need to pass down your faith you need to teach your children the bible you can communicate with your children better than i can okay your children will just see some crazy pastor behind the pulpit okay your kids don't really know whether i love i do believe i love your children but your kids don't necessarily know that the kids will know mum loves me and you need to be able to pass down that teaching to your children look at hebrews 5 is 12 i know it's a bit out of context but it's still applicable hebrews 5 verse 12 it says for when for the time you ought to be teachers you have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of god and it becomes such as have need of milk and not of strong meat because the bible is saying here in order for us to become teachers and mothers you ought to be a teacher to your children you need to move away from the milk but milk is important as you grow but the bible is saying here you need to be able to consume strong meat you need to be able to understand the bible well and when you understand the bible well now you can teach now you can take the next step mum that means you have to train yourself in the bible you need to pick up god's word as well again you can't just become dependent on church or you can't just become dependent on your husband you need to be the one that picks up god's word you digest the strong meat for yourself and then you can go and teach your children the truths of god's word verse 13 says for everyone that use of milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness for he is a babe so mothers if you're a babe in christ how are you going to teach your children you need to be mature you need to grow you need to be able to consume you know stronger meats than just the basic things of the bible so moms let me just encourage you your faith should be unfamed you know a faith that is strong a faith that is true a faith where you've grown to the point where you can now teach your children the great truths of god's word come with me to luke chapter one luke chapter one luke chapter one verse number 30 we're looking at the fifth mother here i'll be quick with these last ones here the last one well the last woman that we're looking at specifically here is mary the mother of jesus mary the mother of jesus luke chapter one verse 30 luke chapter one verse 30 and the angel said unto her fear not mary for thou has found favor with god and behold thou shall conceive in thy womb and bring forth a son and shall call his name jesus he shall be great and shall be called the son of the highest and the lord god shall give unto him the throne of his father david and he shall reign over the house of jacob forever and of his kingdom there shall be no end look at verse number 34 then said mary unto the angel how shall this be seen i know not a man at this point in time mary is married to joseph okay but they haven't they haven't consummated the marriage yet all right they've not been together she's still a virgin at this point in time the angel's saying you're going to conceive and you're going to have this child she says how is that going to happen all right verse number 35 and the angel answered and said unto her the holy ghost shall come upon thee and the power of the higher shall overshadow thee therefore also that holy thing that shall be born of thee shall be called the son of god and behold thy cousin lizabeth she also hath conceived a son in her old age and this is the sixth month with her who is called who was called baron for with god nothing shall be impossible now think about the situation she's not been with her husband god's saying look you know you take on you take this on you're going to fall pregnant you're going to bring forth a son think about mary in that situation right i mean what's a husband going to think you know what's joseph's going to think that she's been unfaithful what is society going to think about her and say society say won't care that's true but what was decided in the time of the bible or time of jesus christ think of her as a whole right i mean what god is asking of mary is not easy you need to understand it's not like all right yeah it it's something that that can affect her right something that that can change your life completely in the sense of putting making it look like scum of society how does she respond to this verse number 38 and mary said behold the handmaid of the lord be it unto me according to thy word and the angel departed from her she says look i'm just here to be a servant to god i'm here to be a servant to the lord be it unto me according to thy word what is she she's submissive to the word of god she's submissive to the word of god this is the next quality mothers you need to have just be submissive to god's word i'm not asking you to be submissive to me i just want to be a preacher of god's word all right if you see what the bible says and god is asking all these things from you if there are qualities that we're talking about this morning that you're lacking in how about you submit your will to god's will how about you submit yourself to the word of god you pick up the bible and say well lord that's a big ask of me i don't know if i can do it but lord i'm gonna i'm gonna submit myself to your word being submissive to the word of god we live in a generation feminism and family destruction people do not want to submit themselves to the bible you're not a woman being submissive to her husband that's a no-no in society right like that's old-fashioned how can you ephesians 5 22 says wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands as unto the lord that's not me saying that's the bible that's god's word saying that to you mothers to wives how can i be submissive to a man because that man loves you because if the man loves the lord and it has a fear of the lord then he's out there working hard to make sure his wife has everything she needs as well we're serving each other men are not in competition with women there is no competition the things that men are good at they're going to beat the women and the things that women are good at they're going to beat the men we're not in competition we're meant to be complementary one to another this is god's ways wives submit yourselves to unto your own own husbands as unto the lord for the husband is the head of the wife even as christ is the head of the church and he's the savior of the body therefore as the church is subject unto christ so let the wives be to their own husbands sometimes no wives their own husbands in everything the bible says in everything say pastor what if my husband's asking me to do something that is against god's word well as i said the quality has been submissive to god's word okay you'd be submissive to the higher power which is the lord god all right and if your husband's gone wayward if your husband is not fulfilling his role then you go to his boss you go to jesus and say jesus please sort out my husband because he's not fulfilling his side but this is the word of god and ladies you need to hear god's word because i don't want to hear that it's because you've been brainwashed by tv you've been brainwashed by the media you've been brainwashed by society have your mind washed with the water of god's word that's going to give you joy that's what's going to give your husband joy when he sees a submissive wife okay and and when your husband has joy his love for you will grow even greater he should love you anyway because we're talking about the church being submissive to christ because christ gave his life for the church but don't forget christ is the one that showed his love first okay and because men are leaders men are meant to be leading the home men are meant to be leading in their in their responsibilities over his wife but this is god's word this is god's way this is the best way to have a happy and healthy marriage happy and healthy family you know an environment for your kids to nourish and to grow and to to do well in life there's a reason why people struggle when they come out of broken homes there's a reason why they make so many mistakes in life more than the average person because god made family don't forget within god's nature this family father son god the father god the son it's in the nature of god to begin with but mothers be submissive to the word of god i hope you are submissive already to god's word you say lord even though i don't understand it all the time you know even though i feel the pressure of the world even made pressure for my family to live according to your word i'm going to submit myself to your word come with me to one more passage please back to psalm 113 where we started psalm 113 verse number five and this is the last one that i want to leave you with okay psalm 113 verse number five psalm 113 verse five bob reads who is like unto the lord our god who dwelleth on high let's drop down to verse number nine he maketh the barren woman to keep house and to be a joyful mother of children praise ye the lord the last quality that we're looking at this morning is a joyful mother mothers are you joyful are you happy you know it's important that your family sees that you are happy that you have joy and again no one's saying that being a mother is easy and it's woohoo party every day we know that mothers have tears we know that mothers have sorrow we know they work hard and and they feel sometimes they're not achieving what they should achieve and sometimes mothers look at other mothers look at other women and go well i wish i could be more like this person or that but mothers you need to remember so important in your family so important for your children is that you have joy look if you're a mother rejoice in motherhood rejoice that god has allowed you open your womb and you've brought forth children that you've brought forth another generation that god has given you a blessing we can learn to not be selfish but you can learn to be selfless praise the lord for the blessings of children no one's saying it's it's easy no one's saying you should just always just have a big smile on your face every single day because there's something wrong with you we know life is hard we know life has difficulties we know moms that you're going to make mistakes in life but don't forget the joy you know your children need to see you with joy you know if they see a mother working hard and it's just stress and sorrow and hurt and pain day after day after day never achieve can't do what i want to do i'm a failure your kids are going to grow up say you know what i don't want that kind of life for myself see my pastor i'm struggling i'm struggling in life it is hard work you know it is difficult what do you just want me to walk around with a smile even though i don't feel like smiling you want me to rejoice even though i don't feel like rejoicing you know what we've done today you know what we've done moms is that you're meant to be a joyful mother you're meant to have fun with your kids but what you've done is you've given tv the internet video games you've told them you have fun with my kids you guys go and have fun because i've got other things to do you've you've taken you stripped away fun time mom and kids and you've given it over to the media you've given it over to internet video games tv shows is there anything wrong with these things to some extent of course not okay but instead of dumping your kids on the tv why don't you just find something that the whole family can watch together and have fun together isn't that more interesting like have fun together as a family mother sometimes you don't need to wash your dishes sometimes the house can be dirty how about you just go outside with the kids and have fun moms have joy have joy all right because it is joyful you know it is joyful but you you gotta you gotta give time for that joy say pastor i can't do it well this is why we've got this psalm here once again let's look at verse number nine because we're not always happy and i'm not always happy even if i've got a smile on my face i'm not always happy but verse number nine says he speaking of god he maketh the barren woman's keep house and to be a joyful mother of children you see god gives the joy you got to spend time with god you've got to go lord my life is challenging i just can't find joy i'm not having fun my children think i'm a bore okay my children would rather spend time playing video games than to have joy with mum spend time with mum then you need to go to the lord and say lord give me that joy because the bible says you're the one that does it you're the one that gives the barren women children you're the one that gives that makes me a joyful mother of children that means you need to spend time with the lord mothers you need to just pour out your heart to the lord and say lord it's been painful i've been struggling it's been hard lord i don't seem to have the joy right now lord can you give it to me and pray for that today and pray for that tomorrow and pray for that the next day and pray for that next week and pray for that next month keep praying that the lord will fill your heart with joy so you guys can have a good time together as a family i don't want a family where we're just miserable or everyone's just annoyed at each other all the time where children are growing i wish i grew up all by myself instead of all these siblings we're going to find joy happiness but that joy is found in the lord comes from the lord fills our hearts and then we can give that to our family we can give that to our children and share that with our husbands share that with your wives etc joyful mother please don't give that joy to don't give that joy over to the tv okay use your time you know have great joy with your family all right brethren in conclusion thank you for your patience in conclusion the six qualities that we find in a godly mother this morning number one a woman who judges god to be faithful number two a desire for children number three a protective mother number four a mother with unfeigned faith number five a mother who's submissive to the word of god and number six a mother full of joy okay let's pray