(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Okay, we're there in Psalms 65 and look at verse number four blessed is the man whom thou choose us and cause us to approach Unto thee that he may dwell in thy courts We shall be satisfied with the goodness of thy house the title for the sermon this morning is satisfied with goodness Satisfied with goodness, you know when it comes to just living a life We generally each one of us regardless of who we are We're seeking to be to be satisfied We with the life that we have and you know The other way that we can look at this word is the word contentment being satisfied being content with with what we have and you know Often the world is seeking to be satisfied with riches and wealth and possessions and you know What is it that we as God's people that what is it that we're seeking to be satisfied with you can see here the status The Psalmist is saying he he's satisfied with the goodness of thy house and he's speaking of course of the tabernacle Okay, and he keeps going there even of thy holy temple I'll touch about that and touch upon that in a moment But what satisfies you what gives you great satisfaction and I hope being in the house of God gives you satisfaction I hope being in church the house of God in the New Testament is your local church I hope church gives you great satisfaction And so we're going to be looking at this topic today and if you look at verse number one let me just you probably have the introduction to the chief musician a Psalm and a song of David a psalm and a song of David. So once again David is the author here you know we think of the psalm and what I like about this is not only is David the The the writer of the words the one that writes the lyrics but it's also the one that came up with the song It's actually the one that came up with the with the musical notes And he gave this to over to the chief musician so they could sing this song I don't you know be wonderful to know what the song sounded like. I don't know You know be it'd be great to know what it sounded like to his singing and and these wonderful psalms being being sung in in the temple and the tabernacle of God and you know even though we don't know what it sounded like one thing that I Understand when you look at the book of Psalms the book of Psalms is our song book of the Bible You know when you listen to music when you listen to music especially when it comes to to praise in it and worship in the Lord You want it to be music that is deep like the Psalms like this is the example We have of the kind of music that we want to sing There's a reason why we sing the hymns the old hymns you guys are because you're old and and traditional And you're stuck in your ways now the reason we sing the hymns is because they're deep in doctrine Like the Psalms the Psalms are deep in doctrine, and there's a lot of churches that sing great sound in you know Songs, but when you listen to it. You know man. This is very shallow You know it's very shallow, and there might be some truth in the songs But it doesn't go deep you know any church can sing those songs because it's not doctrinally heavy You know any religion almost can sing some of these songs because almost every religion acknowledges a god of some sort and they're singing To some God, but when you get deep into doctrine like the Psalms you know Songs are ought to be you know an opportunity to learn you know I remember going to a kind of watered-down Baptist Church growing up I didn't get a lot from preaching or specific preachers But I got a lot from the old hymns I would sing those hymns, and I got a lot of doctrine out of those hymns which really helped me in my childhood life But it's a song of David and he says in verse number one praise wait for thee O God in Sion. Sion is Sion, Mount Sion, the same thing and unto thee shall the vow be performed It's interesting that he starts by saying praise wait for thee O God. Now look he's already praising the Lord He's already singing to the Lord But he's saying look there's a praise yet to come for you God and that praise is going to come in Sion. Sion is another name for Jerusalem as well. Jerusalem was there built on on Sion And if you can come with me just keep your finger there I just want to give you some thoughts of what this could be relating to because David is speaking of a future event You know he's prophesying of something some praises That's going to be given to to God so if you can keep your finger there and come with me to Matthew 21 keep your finger there and come with me to Matthew 21 Matthew chapter 21 and While you're turning to Matthew 21, I'm going to read to you from Zechariah chapter 9 verse number 9 Okay, Zechariah chapter 9 and verse number 9 Zechariah 9 9 it says Rejoice greatly O daughter of Sion Okay, so we know that this praise is going to come from Sion or Sion. It says shout O daughter of Jerusalem Behold thy king cometh unto thee he is just and having salvation Lowly and riding upon an ass and upon a coat the fall of an ass Zechariah 9 9 is prophesying of Christ coming into Jerusalem that final week before his crucifixion and Zion is being told hey rejoice rejoice in the Lord So this could be what David is speaking about potentially could be I don't think it's a final answer But sometimes in the Bible you can have double fulfillments of of certain events now You're there in Matthew 21. Let's have a look at this Matthew 21 verse number 4 We're actually going to be reading about the event that took place when Christ walked into Jerusalem Oh not walked, but wrote upon the the the donkey the ass Verse number 4 of Matthew 21 verse 4 all this was done that it might be fulfilled Which was spoken by the Prophet saying the Prophet Zechariah, which I just read to you, okay? Tell ye the daughter of Sion behold thy king cometh unto thee meek and sitting upon an ass and the coats the fall of an ass and the disciples went and did as Jesus commanded them and brought the ass and the cults and put them Their clothes and they set him there on and a very great multitude spread their garments in the way others cut down branches from the trees and Straw them in the way and look at this and the multitudes that went before and that followed cried saying Hosanna to the Son of David Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord Hosanna in the highest Hey, are they praising are they worshiping are they singing songs unto the Lord I? Think this might be part of that fulfillment where David's speaking of this time he Praise is waiting for you Lord You know and you know we're here at church We've been praising the Lord and I want to be able to say to the Lord hey, Lord Praise is waiting for you on Wednesday. You know praise is waiting for you on next Sunday And whenever we have services Lord praise is waiting for you. We're here for him aren't we we're here to worship him to lift him Up to praise him and so that could be you know if we take verse number one on its own It might very well be speaking of this event to come where Zion where there's a loud noise a future event to come So so important it is that David writes of this and prophesies of this event Come back with me to Psalm 65 in verse number two Psalm 65 in verse number two, and I've given you a partial answer. Let me give you the full answer Okay, what this is speaking about what David is prophesying of verse number two This is interesting because it says remember praise is waiting for you This is in verse number two. Oh thou that hearest prayer and unto thee shall all flesh come I got thinking about verse number two. You know verse number one made me think of Christ coming on the donkey Verse number two made me reassess this thought. Oh Thou that hearest prayer of course God is the one that hearing his prayers He's the one that answers our prayers, so we're talking to the Lord God, but now he's saying unto unto thee shall all Flesh come and that's what I got to thinking hold on when Christ came in Jerusalem all flesh did not come to him I mean there was a multitude we saw there was a multitude praising him, but really did all flesh come to him No, so let's let's have a look well Looks like David speaking of something even further down the track some praise that he's waiting God further down the line in Zion Well keep your finger then come with me to Hebrews chapter 12 Come with me to Hebrews chapter 12 Hebrews chapter 12 and verse number 22 Hebrews chapter 12 in verse number 22 Hebrews chapter 12 and verse number 22 now Going back to Christ first coming As he rode into that city. It was largely the Jews wasn't it that were praising him There were probably a lot of Gentiles as well because it was a time of the Passover and many times there were others that would Come into Jerusalem. You know to experience the event to be part of that But again he wasn't all it wasn't all flesh and when we look at Hebrews 12 I want you to notice this verse number 22 Hebrews 12 verse number 22 Speaking it says here, but ye are Come to Mount Zion There it is again. We are come to Mount Zion is this talking about Jerusalem on the earth But yet coming to Mount Zion look at this and unto the city of the Living God The heavenly Jerusalem to an innumerable company of angels See there's another Zion out there There's the heavenly Jerusalem, and it's something I want you to really understand church when you read your Bible a Lot of the Old Testament things are pictures of something greater Earthly Jerusalem is not the end of the end. It's a picture of Heavenly Jerusalem a greater Jerusalem Zion on the earth is a picture of a Zion in heaven where Jerusalem sits with his heavenly Jerusalem sits Where there's an innumerable company of angels, but we are told here that we ye come to Mount Zion. We're all going to be there We're all going to be in this heavenly Jerusalem to come verse number 23 it says to the General Assembly and the Church of the Firstborn Which are written in heaven and to God the judge of all and to the spirits of just men made perfect Who goes into Mount Zion those of just men made perfect? You are going to enter this Zion you are going to enter this Jerusalem and when we're there We've got it says it says the General Assembly and Church of the firstborn Right now we have churches don't we many churches but one day there's going to be the church of the firstborn because church means congregation means assembly and Right now we have many churches because we're not assembled with every believer. We're not assembled with believers in Sydney right now We're not assembled with believers in China believers in America. We're not assembled with them So there are many churches, but there's a coming a day brethren when we're gonna have one church in Mount Zion Every believer Everybody that has been made perfect in Jesus Christ and then verse number 24 says enter Jesus Jesus is going to be there as well the mediator of the New Covenant and to the blood of a sprinkling that speak of better things than that of Abel and So this when I started to think about this we know that when there's a new Jerusalem coming to play the heavenly Jerusalem when God creates a new heaven and a new earth and Brethren at that point you know that all flesh will come to him You know that all flesh because it won't be this flesh should be resurrected flesh made like unto Christ okay, a flesh without sin without corruption finally and We're all going to come in the heaven say what are we gonna do in heaven? You know well, we're gonna have church. What are we gonna do in the new heavens in the new earth? We're gonna have church. We're gonna have be assembled. We're gonna sing praises to God You know we're gonna keep hearing God's Word being taught to us. We're gonna continue praising and worshiping him So that's why church is so important. We're getting used to our future to come we're getting used to eternity being together in a assembled together with God's people All right back to Psalm 65 Psalm 65 and so I do believe I do believe looking at those two verses that David is prophesying of a of Eternity prophesying of the new heavens and new earth when all flesh will be glorifying God In Zion you know in Jerusalem heavenly Jerusalem Verse number three now his attention is now drawn to the presence to the present moment Okay, we know in the new heaven the new earth there is no sin. There is no corruption All right, but now he draws his attention to the present because we are in the presence. We are in the present moment We haven't got our new resurrected bodies. We still have our sinful flesh, so he says in verse number three iniquities prevail against me I like his humility He goes man. I'm losing to sin Iniquity I'm losing prevail like of course David You know you're a great saint, and you should be serving and walking in God's past, but David goes man I messed up man. I've sinned against the Lord. I've committed iniquity. They prevailed against me I Like his humility. He's not like oh, man. I'm such a great guy look at me look at my great kingdom He says he's just honest honest and humble man. I'm not that great. I'm I got iniquities, and they prevailed I I lose these battles You know there are times when I'm tempted and I you know I have to make a choice do I give in to my sin Or do I walk in righteousness, and he says man. I've committed iniquity But then he says this as for our transgressions thou shalt purge them away Isn't that wonderful for everyone we still mess up You know we can go to God and he can purge away those transgressions he can purge away our iniquities can purge away our sins and If you can keep your finger then come with me to Romans chapter 7 Romans chapter 7 Romans chapter 7 verse number 21 You Know I don't want you to beat yourself up to the point that you feel you're so hopeless because you're still a sinner or David was still a sinner and God used him to write an amazing some amazing songs Okay, and he's still looking forward to eternity isn't he looking forward to the future You're there in Romans 7 21 you guys know these passages, but let me read it again Romans 7 21 It says I find in a law This is this is Paul the greatest Christian of the New Testament you could say that he wrote most of the New Testament books You know or he wrote the most books out of any man, and then it says there Romans 7 21. I find in a law That when I would do good He goes evil is present with me Paul Says man what I just want to do what is right? There's evil that my my flesh wants to do evil It's crazy, and then he says in verse number 22 for I delight in the law of God after the inward man The inward man born-again spirit that we have you know that born-again spirit loves, but to be in church today Is excited to praise the Lord the inward man wants to hear God's Word preached But you know the part of you that says oh, man. I'd rather be home right now That's not the inward man. That's the flesh. That's the evil that is present with you Hey, when's pastor gonna wrap this up? It's gonna be long. You know That's not the inward man the human man, man. Hey, I can't wait to have church again. That's what the inward man wants But then he says in verse number 23 But I see another law in my members his members are his body is his body, okay? look warring against the law of my mind and Bringing me into captivity to the law of sin, which is in my members He says in my body. There's a wall going on my mind the inward man wants to do good But my body wants to do evil It's just battle going on in me Then he says in verse 24. Oh wretched man that I am who shall deliver me from the body of this death So Paul's like man. I'm wretched Man, do you feel that way when you sin against the Lord? Did it again why? Why don't I have victory in this area? Why have I failed again? Oh wretched man that I am but then Did that stop Paul from doing great works? Did that stop Paul from serving God? Starting churches you know from winning souls did that stop not didn't stop Paul did it? But it's just a reality of our life. He says in verse number 25. I thank God Through Jesus Christ our Lord so then with the mind I serve the law of God but with the flesh the law of sin Battle man, I just want to do what he's right. I want to please the Lord My flesh wants to please sin wants to do sin wants to be satisfied in sin and brethren. That's just that's the Christian life that's Paul that's David. That's you Okay, so you don't give up you don't say well I'm just worthless now even these great men got to a point where they're like oh wretched man that I am Okay, God can still use you All right you follow after the inward man you do what God has instructed the inward man to do and Surely in time God will help you have victory over these sins But once again, we're not going to be completely cleared until we have those new bodies new registered bodies to come And if you have sins this morning that you've committed against the Lord you know you're not right with the Lord You're saying of yourself. Oh wretched man that I am you know we have the wonderful promise in 1st John 1 9 that says if we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness That's all we have to do And it's messed up. Oh wretched man that I am. Oh, what's what's what's the solution? God I'm sorry Lord I've committed this sin against you once again Please forgive me, and he does Okay, just like the psalm said what did it say he says as for our transgressions thou shalt purge them away And if you're not right with God right now listen it doesn't take long Give yourself five seconds ten seconds right now and say Lord forgive me for my sins Even the sins of committed this morning purge them away from me. I want to be in your house You know I want to have the full effect of your spirit in my life right now Just do it no one needs to know no one You know you don't have to raise your hand and say pastor. You know man here are my sins You don't have to confess your sins to me. No way. I don't want to hear him confess them to the Lord And I'm telling you you'll have a better experience at church when you do that I Feel better when I preach when I do that just before I get up to preach I'm like Lord some of the sins even this morning. Can you cleanse me Lord? I want to be an empty vessel want to be a clean vessel as much as I can be Lord So you can use me and your spirit can use me and you with your mighty power Please forgive me Back to Psalm 65 Psalm 65 verse number four Psalm 65 verse number four Blessed is the man whom thou choosest To and cause us to approach unto thee that he may dwell in thy courts Now this is speaking about God choosing certain people to serve in his tabernacle Okay back in David's time So there were the Levites you guys know the Levites were there to serve in the house of the Lord the priests will come from that family of the Levites and and So God has chosen that tribe. God has chosen that specific family to be the ones that would be serving in the courts of the Lord and For what purpose for what purpose does God ordain people to serve in the house of the Lord well the second part says this We shall be satisfied with the goodness of thy house even of thy holy temple We shall be satisfied with the goodness of thy house satisfied with goodness was a title for the sermon this morning is the title for the sermon this morning and Verse number four opened my eyes. I mean not that I didn't know this But being an ordained minister is just It's such an important role Say why is it to have why is it so important to have an ordained minister? So others so the body of Christ can be satisfied with the goodness of his house And it dawned on me. Wow man my role is so important I'm not important meet me myself as a person I'm just all wretched man that I am I just like anybody else And man, I don't want to take this office for granted boy Because I want all of us to be satisfied in God's house Now David again is speaking prophetically because it says even of thy holy temple. You know there was no holy temple when David was Living it's after David passed away and King Solomon took over the kingdom You know David set up had all the resources and the money to go toward building a temple and God will allow Solomon to build That temple and so once again you see David just prophesying of the future. You know he wants to praise God He's happy with the tabernacle, but he thinks and even in the temple to come you know We're gonna be praising you even in the temple to come. I want I want people to be satisfied you know with the goodness that comes from your house Lord and Brethren here on the Sunshine Coast here in a little mountain New Life Baptist Church is a place that we ought to be satisfied with the goodness of his house You know man when you looked at those blood drops those souls saved before the sermon that give you some satisfaction You know when you sang some songs of praises to the Lord did that give you satisfaction You know when we were introduced in some new families that want to be part of our church does that give you satisfaction When we hear the reading of God's Word does that give you satisfaction when you hear the preaching of God's Word does it give you satisfaction? It should Amen it should and this is what is really going to give you contentment in life money Possessions brethren just tools we need them we know But you'll never be satisfied You'll be chasing the bigger house doesn't matter how many houses you have Doesn't matter how big your bank account is you're gonna be chasing all Doesn't matter how many cars you have you're gonna want the next one No matter if you update with the latest iPhone guess what next year there's gonna be another iPhone There's no satisfaction in the world brethren chasing the world chasing what the devil distracts you with It doesn't satisfy like God's house satisfies Because it satisfies the inward man Yeah, it satisfies the inward man Now verse number five so we know that he spoke of God as one that answers prayer Now verse number five is interesting by terrible things In righteousness will thou answer us Okay, so you're gonna answer our prayers God, but by terrible things in life. What's that mean? Let's keep going Oh God of our salvation Who art the confidence of all the ends of the earth and of them that are far off upon the sea I? Like this have you ever had God answer your prayer? And he gave you fear It terrified you Because sometimes if you're like me we know we need to go to God in prayer God these are things and I'm like by God. I know you can't do it now. I don't say that to God It's the flesh not the inward man. Just a part of it says. I don't know it's gonna happen Now that shouldn't be that way because we should be praying in faith Yeah, but there's a war in us. We saw There's a war in us happening. I'm like there's no way it's gonna happen And then it happens and God answers it comes through and I'm like what in the world that is so amazing That is so surprising I Mean I don't know how you feel brethren, but having a family from Japan and China here this morning to me gives me fear terrifies me What it's horrible not what we think of being terrified terror. It's not something that is horrible terror is to be terrified fear We ought to fear the Lord the Lord can make things happen that you just go what a Family from China wants to be here a family two families from Japan Want to be here? I've got a message last night One family from WA have locked in a house already in Malini It's like what I? Mean what are you doing Lord? I? Know we pray for these things, but you're actually answering I Let's not give you a fear of the Lord. Oh wow what a great God that I serve Man, I'd need to give him honor and glory and praise I better do what he asks of me I Better follow him. I better confess my sins to him when I mess up Yeah, I can understand why David feels that way He goes in the second part of verse number five who are the confidence of all the ends of the earth and Of them that are far off upon the sea. I like that as well. You know God is our confidence We can say to about new life at the church we are confident in the Lord, but you know down in Sydney blessed about this church can also be confident in the Lord an Open door Bible Church in Caboolture They can be confident in the Lord you know and every church and every person who is a saved Child of God on this earth and even in the sea can have their confidence in the Lord Because when we go to God in prayer He doesn't get overwhelmed. I mean think about when you go to God in prayer How many more people are speaking to him at that same moment across the entire earth and even in the seas? and you know I mean I I mean I've learned to I'm not easily distracted Because I've got a household of children. It's a lot of noise, and I can still get my work done slow well, but I get it done Sometimes in church people are like oh past. I'm so sorry my child's been making a lot of noise. I'm like what child I? Did not hear anything right and but still obviously when you're having many voices like let's say well my kids come up to me Dad pop up it happens Can't handle it. It's just too much But God's not that way We can all go papa papa father Abba father help us and God's not overwhelmed. He hears all of us and so we can all be confident It's not all maybe I'm being drowned out by the noise of all the other prayers No, he hears it as though. It's just you and him one on one alone You can have the boldness to go before his throne of grace And speak to him So regardless of where we are Pray to the Lord seek his help. He will always hear you. God is not overwhelmed verse number six Which by his strength? Set of fast the mountains being girded with power You know this has just given us an idea of how great our God is how mighty our God is that he has established the mountains and Who's going to move those mountains like? You say well, we can tunnel through them. Yeah, but it's still there The only thing that's going to remove that mountain is if God does himself if God decides to flatten that mountain It just draws us to out the power that he has you know the strength that he has verse number seven which still left the noise of the seas the noise of their waves and the tummuts of the people So God is in control of the weather God is in control of the seas and the waves God can steal them immediately when a storm comes if God wants it to stop. He can cause it to stop suddenly Come with me quickly to Matthew chapter 8 Matthew chapter 8 please Matthew chapter 8 Boy if God can control the weather and we know he does Then why is he unable to answer your prayers? If God has control of every You know there are different places on this earth where it's sunny. It's raining. It's snowing there's droughts and God has his hands over it all and we're wondering God are you able to answer my prayer? This reminds us of the great God that we have right and even the tool of the people You know it basically if people are causing this stress and Not only can he control the weather, but he can change the hearts of people There might be people that are bothering you there might be people that are persecuting you well God can do a great work. God can answer that prayer also And what um well, let's read it Matthew chapter 8 verse number 23 you guys know this story Matthew 8 23 and When he entered into a ship, that's Jesus his disciples followed him and behold there arose a great tempest in the sea In so much the ship was covered with the waves, but he was asleep now Look Jesus Christ was a hundred percent. God is a hundred percent. God a hundred percent man when he's sleeping You think God's asleep? Just the The humanity of him is asleep isn't it? He's in a human body. He's tired. He got he got tired. He got hungry He got up you know Christ suffered you know the same limitations that we have in our bodies. He needed to sleep But you think for a moment. He doesn't know there's a storm You think for a moment He doesn't realize that the boat is getting covered with water you know to the point where the disciples thinking it's going to sink Lord Lord, it's going to fail. We're going to we're going to die We're going to perish and then verse number 25 and his disciples came to him and awoke him saying Lord save us we perish and He's safe unto them. Why are you fearful? Oh ye of little faith and Brethren when we're fearful And we think God you're not going to come through you know what God says to you. Why are you fearful? Oh ye of little faith We have little faith sometimes You know I wish I could just you know the moment I got saved okay had a little faith, and then I'm getting better and my faith increases, and you know it's just this this Just this constant increase of faith But it's it's kind of like this There are moments of great faith, and there are moments of little faith These are the disciples they've seen Christ do miracles already I Mean why would they perish you think right come on guys? You're walking with the son of God right there? But I had little faith and sometimes we have little faith then he arose and rebuked the winds and the sea and there was a great calm But the men marveled saying what manner of man is this that even the winds and the sea obey him I? Mean that they're kind of terrified At first they kind of worried about the ways now like well who do we have here on ash who I mean wow That even the weather even the seas and the winds Even the climate obeys his commands When I look at this sign I look at this story in Matthew 28 I'm talking to the conspiracy theorists right now. You don't need to worry about weather geo-engineering And if you don't know what I'm talking about don't worry You don't need to worry about the harp You don't need to worry about the chemtrails Look God is over at all. He just speaks the word and he goes from storm to sunny day No, I don't know look. I don't know these things. I don't I don't waste my time Because I know who is greater Okay First of all I don't think man can control the weather based on what I've seen in the Bible I think it's completely in the hands of God and If he wants to flood it'll flood if he wants it to be a drought. It's a drought. It's God's call You say no no no pastor man can control the weather You know I mean, okay? I don't know Even if they can a little bit At the end of the day God is in control Okay, God can allow God can disallow and sometimes God will allow the storms Okay, so we can get to a point where we recognize our little faith And we cry unto the Lord for his help And we can see a mighty hand come through and we say wow what a great God that we serve Man, I'm terrified I'm not I don't have the fear of man anymore Or what they can do with a geo-engineering you know weather control, I'm gonna fear the Lord You can shut those people down if he wants to why why be afraid of these things? Why worry why spend time looking this stuff up Brevard? It's a waste of your time God knows God's in control and God laughs at them So don't let it worry you Verse number eight back to sorry it's Psalm 65 verse number eight They also that dwell in the uttermost paths are afraid of thy tokens So it's saying here that yeah, there are extreme weather events, and there are people on the earth that are afraid of his tokens Again, God is in control even of those extreme weather events okay, even when Bushfires are out of control Even when there are hurricanes and I Mean what kind of weather events are there? It's all kinds of weather issues aren't there earthquakes? You know and people on the uttermost part talking about the unbelieving world the world in general They're afraid when these things happen, but Brevard you say hold on even if we're in the middle of an earthquake right now And it's hard because we're gonna be like we perish No, no we have God on our side. Who's in control And I'm just gonna trust you Lord You know what's going on Lord? I'm gonna trust you But they the rest of the world they're afraid of the tokens of God And then it says thou makest the outgoings of the morning and evening to rejoice I Was wondering what this was talking about making the outgoings of the morning the evening to rejoice I'm not sure if you have any thoughts on this my thoughts is basically What what goes out? In the morning Well, let's say that the stars You know the stars are there at night, but when the Sun rises you don't see the stars anymore and The outgoing of the evening well that would be the Sun when evening rolls around the Sun is gone, right? It's gone over the horizon, and you don't see it anymore and so what I believe this is just saying here of course is that You know God even controls these heavenly bodies these great bodies, okay? And they'll make us these things to rejoice like creation Rejoices, but we don't understand creation not so much We live here, but somehow creation rejoices at being in control of the hands of God Even the change from evening to to morning even the heavenly bodies they rejoice knowing that they're in the hands of God and This reminds me of the end times a little bit Talk about weather events and issues and the heavenly bodies and where God can create great tokens or signs and The Bible says there's a time coming in Luke 21 verse 25. I'll read it to you in Luke 21 25 It says and there shall be signs in the Sun and in the moon and in the stars You go you guys know this talking about when the Sun is dark and the moon turns to blood and the stars fall from heaven And it says in upon the earth distress of nations With perplexity the sea and the waves roaring There's coming a time when the weather events against so Massive so grievous upon the earth that all the nations are perplexed. They're all worried imagine earthquakes and seas and tsunamis and whatever and then all sudden the Sun turns off and And there's great fear amongst the people you say pastor that will give me great fear Who's in control? Who turned off the Sun however you do that Who can do this thing it's only God And then it says in verse number 26 man's hearts Failing them for fear and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth For the powers of heaven shall be shaken Ain't like passes that will give me great fear no no no verse I'm 27 and then shall I see the Son of man coming in a cloud? with power and great glory for everyone this stuff happens on the earth if it's our generation and You see the Sun turn off and the moon turns to blood and the stars falling from heaven meteors or whatever Man you'd be like wow yeah excellence whoo-hoo The one that turned off the Sun is coming to get me He's gonna take me in the rapture in the resurrection like we ought to be completely different to the rest of the world When you see You know weather events earthquakes volcano eruptions Things that do bring fear to man You remind yourself if you start to get a bit afraid the year of little faith. That's my great God in charge He's fulfilling his purpose, and if I have fear right now. I'm just gonna go to him in prayer I'd say Lord strengthen me. You know do a great miracle protect me Keep me safe Lord. Don't forget me. He won't forget you. You know he's not forgotten you and he'll hear your prayer Regardless of where you are on the earth So again should we be? Afraid of man's attempts of geoengineering Why waste your time Reverend why You know the Bible teaches that it's the unbelievers that should be afraid of Weather events not us not God's people God's in control back to Psalm 65 Psalm 65 Psalm 65 in verse number 9 So we talk about the kind of scary things that God can do But let's talk about the great things the wonderful things the blessings that he can do on the earth verse number 9 thou visitest the earth and Water est it oh So who causes the rains? Who decides that rain is gonna fall in this area and rain is not gonna fall in that area. It's God He's in charge No, no pastor Kevin. It's harp It's God If he wants it to be dry he wants it to be dry if he wants it to be wet and blessed and If he wants it to be very heavily wet that's in God's hands Okay, it's his business It says thou greatly and richest with the river of God Which is full of water thou preparest them corn when thou hast so provided for it So God you talk about the water cycle here the waters come the rivers carry it into the oceans the rivers give you know The fertility and the needs and the nutrients of the water and ocean waters in different places of the earth God's in charge of all of that Verse number 10 thou waterest the ridges thereof abundantly ridges are like high areas maybe mountaintops Thou settlest the furrows thereof furrows are the valleys the lower areas You know so the waters God is the one that decides I'm gonna I'm gonna rain cause it to rain in high areas So the waters can flow down to the lower areas They'll make us sit soft with showers Thou blessest the spring in thereof so when a great fall comes a great water you know rain and and You know there's fertility in the land, and there's and it's you know it's spring times coming up And there's gonna be blossoming flowers and blossoming fruits and and yummy mangoes During during summer and the figs and all these wonderful things. It's because God blessed the earth God has come and he has decided how he wants to bless the earth Verse number 11 And by the way before I read verse number 11 There are some summers where I mean I recall there was a great flood there was a lot of flooding here I was in Sydney. I was still in Sydney I'm trying to come make my way up here and there was flooding and it destroyed a lot of the farmland around here and bananas were like $15 a kilo or something What about when lettuce run when lettuce was like $10 like a little piece of lettuce shroove it up lettuce, which is like Normally a dollar two dollars. It was like $12 How would you how do you feel when that happens and you can't get the things you want Do you complain or do you say well Lord you just did decide not to bless it this time? The Lord you sent the floods You flooded the farmlands You know this year. It's just your decision was we would not have the nice things that we normally are used to You just praise the Lord because he's in hand. He's got control of the weather. He's in control of the blessings of the land You know did you complain or did you praise him? Again let me encourage you brethren just You We live in such a blessed country Even when we don't get the things we want We are still vastly more blessed than most people on the earth I know I keep saying this, but I really feel it. I really mean it I mean, I don't know how long God's blessings are gonna be on this land, but they're here You know and appreciate everything you get to enjoy Regardless of what season you know there are different fruits and veggies at different seasons and different availabilities Just praise the Lord whatever you get okay. You didn't get your favorite Strawberries this season whatever eat the grapes And we live in such a blessed world That sometimes I go to the shop and I look at the grapes and it says From Chile I go wow I don't even need to go to Chile to eat some of this food I can eat it right here. You know we live in such a developed society You know where God can bless different places of this world And we still as Australians get blessed when God blesses somewhere else on the other side of the world. It's like wow Lord thank you for your provisions. Thank you for your blessings v11 Thou crownest the year with thy goodness and thy paths drop fatness Alright, so again rain falls exactly where God wants it to Okay Man's attempts of geoengineering at the end of the day will still fulfill God's purpose, still fulfill God's plan He's in complete control complete control Verse number 12 They drop this is the droppings of God's blessings of the rains and all this stuff They drop upon the pastures of the wilderness and the little hills rejoice on Every side once again we see God's creation rejoicing This is the hills rejoice when the when the waters come when the rains fall God's creation rejoices again knowing full well that God is in control knowing full well that God is blessing the land and Then verse number 13 the pastures are clothed with flocks These are flocks of sheep or flocks of goats The valleys are covered Over with corn they shout for joy. They also sing Look the valleys the hills sing they rejoice the valleys rejoice when they see the blessings of the Lord and Brethren if that's what the creation is doing we are also part of God's creation And we have a soul and we're saved and we're going to heaven We should rejoice in God's provisions We should rejoice when God blesses us We should find Satisfaction, let's go back to the title of the sermon. We should be satisfied Not whining. Oh, I can't get my grapes this season. I don't get my mangoes this season. I don't get my lettuce this season No, let's be satisfied Let's rejoice. I guess Lord. I can't afford the lettuce this time Maybe you want me to eat the green beans instead All right, maybe you're directing me to have a different diet this year Maybe you're looking after my body Maybe I need to spread out in different areas, but I love how God's creation shouts for joy and sing You know verse number 13 when it says the pastures are clothed with flocks So the sheep have plenty of nice precious pastures to eat from It also shows me that if it's can't clothe With flocks it also shows me that there's protection from predators For there to be sheep everywhere, you know, there's protection from predators. There's protection from evil and the last point that I have for you because David in this psalm started with You know wanting God to be praised in his house and being satisfied in the house of the Lord we know that many times the Bible refers to the flocks as God's people when we gather together for church, we're gathering a fold of God's flock together and God has given shepherds pastors to to to feed the flock the Word of God and Brethren, yes, you know we're talking about creation, but when I look at the church this morning and see a full house I'm satisfied I'm satisfied that the pastures are clothed with flocks I'm so thankful for those that have made the effort to Come from another country to be part of this church. I Don't know so thankful for the visitors that we have from Melbourne from Sydney, you know, I Want you to be satisfied. I want you to be content in God's house We're not the richest church one of the biggest church. We haven't got all the activities You guys know I'm being pulled back and forth between Sydney in here. I'd love to give more attention to here But maybe copy me maybe it's got to be others. Maybe that's why God is sending us others so they can cover the holes that I can't fulfill and I want you to be satisfied satisfied in God's house You know when we see the pastor's clothes with flocks this tells me that God will increase our church He will add the sheep that we need it also said the valleys are covered with over with corn. That's wheat You know that means that God in this house can ensure that Provisions are being met so that we have what we need to worship him that we have what we need to be satisfied That the Word of God is being fed to his people That's my major responsibility to make sure you're fed God's Word That you walk away from a sermon going man. I get that some a little bit more now You know that Psalms been fleshed out a little bit more. It's not just another Psalm that sounds similar It's been fleshed out and I can I can be satisfied And Like creation shouts for joy. They also sing for everyone when we see God's hand when we see his blessings And you find yourself satisfied Then how much more? Because they haven't got voices really right the hills and the valleys you do you've got a mouth you can project a sound a Lovely sound to the Lord you know our praise and worship must be toward our Lord God So are you satisfied this morning? You know what are you satisfied with? You know that's just a question that I have for you today. I want church to be a place that you find satisfaction and You know forgive me as your pastor. I'm not a perfect man. You know You know I fail in different places. Oh wretched man that I am too Just like you just like poor just like David But don't forget you know what we have a great God a merciful God a powerful God He hears your prayers and all we need to do is go before him Lord forgive me Lord protect me Lord if I have fears of the weather Lord just I'm gonna remind myself that you're in control, and I'm gonna rest in you all right brethren. Let's go to a word of prayer