(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) To Psalm 58 verse number 6, it begins by saying, break their teeth, oh God. The title for the sermon tonight is, break their teeth, break their teeth. Why would the Psalmist, why would David, David the Psalmist here, why is he asking God, God, can you break certain people's teeth? You know, just these past few weeks, we've taken our kids to the dentist. You know, normally, you wanna look after your teeth, right? You brush your teeth, by the way, kids brush your teeth. Okay, you know, in the morning, brush your teeth. In the evening, hey, if you have the time, the third time in the day, because you're homeschooled potentially, to brush your teeth in the afternoon, brush your teeth. Look after your teeth, you're gonna regret it when you get older. And your teeth have cavities, and your teeth are breaking. It's gonna make your life difficult, you know? It's something that you should definitely look after, you know, in your life, because we have the ability to, is to look after your teeth. You know, there's great suffering when you, you know, can't chew properly, or, you know, your teeth is decaying, and there's the pain, and the nerve damage. You know, there's a lot of pain that can be associated with your teeth. Then why is the psalmist asking God, God, break the teeth of certain people? You see, Psalm 58 is a psalm that is not commonly preached at church. You know, I'll be honest, completely honest with you, I've never heard a sermon on this psalm, never. I mean, I'm not saying sermons have never been preached on this psalm, I'm just saying, in all my life, I'm 42 years old now, in 42 years of going to church, I've never heard Psalm 58 preached. All right, and I've gone to church pretty much every single week of my life. Okay, I've never heard it preached. And what we see here, this is a imprecatory prayer, that David is praying to the Lord God against his enemies, and against God's enemies. And, you know, I've never heard these psalms explained, but I've heard them being explained away. People say, oh, you know, that's just how David felt in the moment. This is just expressing the selfish desires of a man. This isn't really how God feels about certain things, except they forget that all scripture is given by inspiration of God. Except they forget that David is, what was he called? A man after God's own heart. I mean, if anybody's gonna be close to the heart of God, and express the heart of God accurately, it's gonna be David, especially being moved by the Holy Ghost. Another thing that I've heard said is, oh, well, you know, under the Old Testament, the kings were allowed to pray this way, but not the general people, just the kings. Okay, well, in the New Testament, doesn't it say that we've been made kings and priests? Okay, I'm a king, so can I pray this way? Can I ask God to break the teeth of my enemies? Of course we can, this is why the scriptures are here. And look, if this sermon makes you feel uncomfortable, there's nothing wrong with the preacher tonight. Okay, there's something wrong with your heart. If this chapter, if this Psalm 58 makes you feel uncomfortable, or makes you think, oh, this shouldn't be in the Bible, the problem is with your heart, the problem is not with God's word. Okay, and if we're commanded to preach every word of God, in fact, we're to live by every word of God, aren't we? Then we need to also live by Psalm 58. And look, we need to have a balance. The proper balance in our Christian life is understanding what God's word says, and applying ourselves to God's word. But let's get a bit of context. Let's start with verse number one. The question gets asked, and these questions are asked sarcastically, by the way. It says, do ye indeed speak righteousness, O congregation? Do ye judge uprightly, O ye sons of men? David here is speaking to a congregation. I don't really know the context of the story. I don't know if there's something that's playing out real in his life, or this is just poetry, and he's speaking just generally about the whole world. But he asks this question. You know, there are people that can say righteous things. There are people that claim at least to judge righteously. But David's asking the question, do you really? Are you really righteous? Do you really judge righteously, or uprightly, you sons of men? See, these questions are being asked sarcastically, because he immediately follows up with verse number two. He goes, yea, in heart ye work wickedness, ye weigh the violence of your hands in the earth. David is saying, look, there are people that can speak righteously, they can appear godly, they can appear righteous, you know, uprightly, judging righteously on the outward, but their heart is wicked. Not only within are their hearts wicked, it says, ye weigh the violence of your hands. You know, he's saying, look, you speak like you're righteous but by your hands you're doing wicked things. The violence of your hands in the earth, you've done violently, okay? You've violated other people for your advantage. And the Psalmist says, look, you're weighing up the violence. There's a way, you know, like a balance, you know, or when you weigh yourself, when you weigh, you know, your weight, and you check yourself, oh, how much am I weighing today? Well, the more wicked they do, the greater their weight is in wickedness. And as they grow in wickedness, we will soon see the Lord's hand of judgment and vengeance full upon these wicked people. Now, if you can quickly keep your finger there and come with me to 2 Corinthians, because this reminds me of 2 Corinthians 11, verse 13. 2 Corinthians 11, 13. So brethren, you know, don't be deceived by people that so-called speak righteously. You know, judge them here by their works. You know, if their works are wicked, if they do violently, oh, but they speak great things and speak things of the Lord. Look, they're wicked people in the heart. You know, and you know, you need to be careful because so many times pastors and preachers, you know, can appear righteous on the outward, but their heart is full of wickedness. Their hands are full of violence. And we get this instruction here in 2 Corinthians 11, 13, 2 Corinthians 11, 13, which says, For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. You know, there are pastors, there are preachers across Australia, across this entire world. They transform themselves into apostles. You know, they transform themselves into religious leaders, but they're false apostles, they're deceitful workers. And then verse 14 says, Don't be surprised by this, in other words, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Brethren, if we ever have an interaction with Satan, he's going to appear like an angel of light. He's going to appear like a righteous person or someone that is so-called seemingly looking out for your best, but he's a deceitful worker. And not only Satan, verse number 15, Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness. Look at this, look at the end part, whose end shall be according to their works. Their end will be according to their works. God will judge them by their works. But don't be surprised if so-called ministers appear as ministers of righteousness. This is why it's so important that pastors are humble, that pastors are willing to admit, hey, I'm another human being. Pastors who admit, look, I make mistakes, I'm a sinner, just like anybody else. Usually those that puff themselves up, elevate themselves above their fellow man, usually are the ones that you should be thinking about, hold on, is this really, I mean, he doesn't even look human. Seems ultra righteous. These are the people you usually have to admit to. These are the people you usually have to be a little bit careful of, okay? Because it's usually pride, it's pride that doesn't want anybody to see the failings, but we all have failings and we all have weaknesses. But I want to show you, even though they transform themselves as ministers of light, their end will be according to their works. God's going to judge them by their work. Their works are wickedness, their works are deceitful, their works are violence. And so now we have the introduction, you know, for Psalm 58, you know, you can see where this is leading, okay? These are fake people, fake people in the congregation, wicked people in the congregation. Back to Psalm 58, verse number three. Psalm 58, verse number three. The Psalmist says, the wicked are estranged from the womb. They go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies. You know, we get a glimpse of, don't forget the Psalms is a book of poetry, okay? And so, you know, usually, yes, there is a literal understanding, but there could be something a little bit deeper or meaningful when it comes to that. But just very quickly, the wicked are estranged from the womb. They go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies. Well, this is true in a sense for every single human being, because as soon as we are born, we're born of a sinful nature. As soon as we're born, we're born of a sinful nature. And every day that that new child lives is the day they get closer to their eventual death in a sinful nature. And if they die without Christ, what's the end? Their end will be judged according to their works and in hellfire, if they've not received Jesus Christ as Savior. And so there is definitely a truth to that. If you can just quickly come back with me to Psalm 51 very quickly. Psalm 51, verse number four. Psalm 51, verse number four. Psalm 51, verse number four. Psalm says, against thee, thee only have I sinned and done this evil in thy sight, that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest and be clear when thou judgest. So the Psalmist says, look, I have sinned, okay? But then he says, verse number five. Behold, I was shapen in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me. He goes, look, even the moment I was conceived, there was sin in my life. My parents passed down this sinful nature. Even as I'm formed, I'm formed of this sinful flesh. You see, that doesn't seem fair, pastor. The moment we're born, we're born with this sinful nature. It's true. Because in Romans 5, 12, it says, wherefore, as by one man, speaking of Adam, sin entered into the world, and death by sin, and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned. You see, when Adam and Eve sinned, that sinful nature, okay, was passed down, okay? And I'm not saying that we're being judged. Some people call this the original sin doctrine. I don't believe in the original sin. I don't believe we're being judged for the sin of Adam and Eve, okay? But we're gonna be judged by our own sins, okay? Look, as soon as you're born, we're born with a sinful nature. This is why you don't have to teach children how to lie. Don't lie. You don't have to teach them. You have to teach them how to tell the truth. From the very moment, a little child, you go, look, I've had 11 kids. What I'm telling you is true. It doesn't take long. Give them a few weeks, and they're already defying mum. Wah, wah! It's a dirty nappy, okay, yeah, okay. Maybe there's a bit of wind. It's gotta be burped. Maybe baby's hungry. Wah, wah! No, baby just wants to be held. Just wants mum's attention. Doesn't wanna look, it immediately becomes this little selfish. No, it starts a test. You know, what can I get? And if I cry, wah! I get my way. And then sometimes if kids don't get instructed, they're still teenagers. Wah, wah! Still trying to get their way. And then they grow into adults. No difference. Wah! They're never grown up. But you know, little children, they don't need to be taught how to lie. They have to be taught how to tell the truth. They have to be taught how to obey. Okay, because that sinful nature kicks in pretty quickly. Kicks in pretty early. I know it's there. I've seen it in all my children. I know it's there because I've seen it in myself. I've seen it in all of us. But it's been passed down. And so there is a truth to this statement. But again, just masked within the poetry there, we've seen verse number three again in the beginning. The wicked are estranged from the womb. You know, you really start to notice, not like, we're all wicked. Don't get me wrong. We're all sinners, you know. But we see someone where, someone is so wicked, where David says to God, can you break their teeth? Okay. Look, it's a sad thing when children grow up and they hate their parents. And they wanna be estranged from the womb. They go, I don't want to be under the umbrella of my mum and dad. I can't wait to get away and escape. I can't wait to get away from my nurturing parents, which they don't realise they're nurturing. They don't realise how loving and sacrificial their parents have been. And they just leave mum and dad and pursue a wicked life. That's a bad step. That's kind of that first little movement away from the protective nature of family. You know, away from the protective nature of the instructions and guidance and love and sacrifice of mum and dad. I just want a bit of the world. And like I covered in recent sermons, it never satisfies. So then you want more and never satisfies. You want more, you go deeper and deeper and deeper into the world. And they're estranged. They go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies, they can't wait. They hate family, they hate mum and dad, they hate authority. Wow, this is why parents will need to instruct our kids. Our kids are never gonna be perfect. Our kids are gonna make mistakes. I made mistakes. You made mistakes adults when you were growing up. Okay, but we need to teach our children when they make mistakes, you know, to get things right. To say sorry, not just to mum and dad and to those that they've wronged, but to say sorry to God. Because we don't want our children to go down this path that we read about by the of these wicked people here in Psalm 58. Look at verse number four. Their poison, their poison is like the poison of a serpent. Meaning their wickedness and their influence on you can kill you, okay? They are like the deaf adder that's stop of her ear. So they're like a serpent that stops hearing. A deaf, it's not like deaf adder, like we deaf as in die adder, like that's what we got, we got a serpent called deaf adder. This is a deaf like can't hear. Like this is a serpent that stops her ear, doesn't wanna listen. Verse number five, which will not hearken to the voice of charmers, charming never so wisely. The charmers are people here that could control snakes. What do we call them? These people that, you know, they play little flutes, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo. Snake charmers, okay, we still use that word today, snake charmers. And the snakes like, you know, like they got a cobra, a venomous cobra, and it refuses to strike because it's been hypnotized by the doo, doo, doo, doo. Okay? And so what the charmers here are people that can control the snakes. These wicked people, not only do they depart mum and dad, they hate authority, they get to a point where they're so wicked themselves, where they are passing, they're poison onto other people, hurting other people so much, they don't even hear the voice of the charmers. They cannot be stopped. You know, no amount of advice and guidance. They don't care. They're just gonna go their way. They're gonna go their way of the world. They're gonna go the way of the devil. They don't wanna hear any instruction. They can't be charmed. And you know, this just makes me fearful as a parent. God, you've given me so many kids. I don't wanna lose them to the world. Again, are they gonna make mistakes? Of course. Are they gonna make mistakes that break my heart? Of course. You know? Are they gonna make mistakes where I'm gonna be so worried, Lord, what's happening? Of course it's gonna happen. What kind of foolish people do we think we are? We know how wicked this world is. We know how this world can influence our young people. And so we need to instruct them, we need to guide them. And young people listen to the instructions of God's word. Please listen to the instruction of God's word. We don't want you to get to this point where you're so wicked. You know, this reminds me a little bit of, should I read it? I'll read it very quickly. It reminds me of Proverbs 23 to 31. I'll read it to you quickly. Proverbs 23, 31, which says, "'Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, "'when it giveth his color in the cup, "'when it moveth itself aright.'" It's saying here, don't look at alcohol. Don't look at this stuff when it's in a cup. Don't drink of this alcoholic beverage. Because it says in verse number 32, "'At the last it biteth like a serpent, "'and stingeth like an adder. "'Thine eyes shall behold strange women, "'and thine heart shall utter perverse things. "'Yea, thou shalt be as he, "'that life down in the midst of the sea, "'or as he that life upon the top of a mast.'" What we see here in Proverbs 23, without getting too far off topic here, is we see that this poison, this venom of alcohol, can destroy your life. It can pervert your judgements. It can make you unsettled in life. And when we talk about the poison of a serpent, this is what these wicked people do, or these wicked ministers that get themselves into churches. They confuse you. Well, you don't know what is right and wrong. You don't know what the Lord, what is true according to God's word. They'll speak all kinds of lies to you, all kinds of deception, and you're kind of confused because they look like ministers of God, but really, they're ministers of Satan. See, the words of these wicked, to me, is very similar to alcohol. Pervert your judgment. Kill your brain cells. Cause you to make stupid, foolish mistakes in life. And so we get to verse number six, where we get the title. The Psalm says, break their teeth, oh God, in their mouth, in their mouth. Lord, can you just walk up to them and just smack them in the face? Just punch them right in the teeth, Lord. I want to see their teeth fall out, Lord. I want to see the blood gush out of the gums. It says, break out the great teeth of the young lions, oh Lord, why young lions? Young people, young people. So young people, you're going to be influenced by other young people, okay? I'm not saying that elderly, older people are not wicked or sinful, but older people have made mistakes and they've learned from it and they go, man, I can't do it. I'm not going to do that again. I'm going to teach my kids to not do the mistakes that I've made. And so you stop, you've estranged yourself from the womb. You've moved away from the instruction of mum and dad and you go to the other young people in life, friends that you come across, but they're lions, they're young lions. What do you think a lion wants to do to you? You get yourself in a pack of lions. You think they're all going to be like little kitty cats that you can pat on the head? They'll tear you to pieces. They'll tear you, they'll destroy you. Again, it's not the appearance of evil. The appearance is righteous. You understand? The appearance is righteous, but the heart is wicked. What they influence you to do is wicked. They poison you. But you're like, oh, but they're nice people. They're wonderful people. They're good friends of mine. Just like we said in verse number one, do you indeed speak righteousness or congregation? Do you judge uprightly all your sons of men? Yeah, they might speak kind, deceitful words to you, but they're going to influence you to do wicked things. So the Psalmist says, you know what? These wicked people, these influential poisonous people, Lord, can you break their teeth? Because a lion wants to devour, right? The jaws and the teeth of the lion is one of its most powerful weapons. Let me just show you another passage. If you can come with me to just the previous chapter, actually, the previous Psalm, Psalm 57. Psalm 57, verse number four. I do believe Psalm 58 is kind of a follow on from Psalm 57. Psalm 57, verse number four. My soul is among lions, and I lie even among them that are set on fire, even the sons of men, look at this, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword. Their teeth are what? Spears and arrows. Teeth. We'll say, Lord, if their teeth are spears and arrows, Lord, if they want to attack me and hurt me and poison me with their mouth, then, Lord, can you break their teeth? Is what we're seeing in Psalm 58. Can you smash their mouth, Lord, so they can't speak to me lies, so they can't speak to me perverse things, so they can't influence me and poison me to the ways of the world? Say, pastor, you're angry about, of course. You know, I've been influenced by wicked people. Haven't you? Won't our kids be influenced by wicked people? Boy, I'd love to grab anybody that wouldn't hurt one of my kids and break their teeth, but I know I can't. So, Lord, can you break their teeth, please? Can you smash their mouth? Is there ever a time to pray these things? Absolutely. Absolutely. You know, I can't grab a hold of someone that might defile my children or, I mean, I guess I could, but it's not the right thing to do. And cause some type of harm upon these people. But the Psalmist says, Lord, you have to do it. Don't forget vengeance is the Lord's. God says, I will repay. Okay, so if it's the Lord's, you go, Lord, I'm leaving it up to you. Can you start by breaking their teeth? Can you start by breaking their teeth, please, Lord? There is a time to pray such prayers. There are wicked people that mask themselves as wonderful on the outward, but they are so wicked. You know, let me just quickly, I'll leave that to later. I'll leave it to later. But something came across my attention today, maybe in preparation for this sermon, I don't know. But let's go to verse number seven. What else does the Psalmist say? Let them melt away as waters which run continually. Hear that bend of his bow to shoot his arrows. Let them be as cut in pieces. So first part is verse number seven. Let them melt away as waters which run continually. So as waters, like if you have a running river or something, you know, the waters as they run, you know, those initial waters from where you stood, you know, get further and further and further and further away from you as they run. So as it continues to run, I believe it's just saying, Lord, can you just get these people out of my presence and further and further and further away, like running waters which run continually. I don't want to deal with these people anymore, Lord. And I'm going to leave them in your hands. I'm going to pray for your vengeance to fall upon them. Then it says, when he bend of his bow, I believe he here is other wicked people. You could say he might be referring to God here, but like I read to you from Psalm, I'll read it again, Psalm 57 verse four. My soul is among lions and are like even among them that are set on fire, even the sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows. Okay, like keep that in mind, the teeth are like spears and arrows. So when it says here, when he bend of his bow to shoot his arrows, again, I think it's still referring to, you know, the wicked. Okay, so as they prepare to shoot at me, as they prepare to shoot their wicked arrows to the righteous, it says, let them be as cut in pieces. Cut in pieces. Lord, before they can cause any harm to me and before they can cause any harm to my loved ones, Lord, can you please destroy them? Destroy their arrows. Destroy them before they destroy me. Hurt them, Lord, before they hurt me. Hurt them, Lord, destroy them before they hurt the innocent, before they hurt the righteous. Verse number eight, as a snail which melteth, let every one of them pass away. What is a summer saying? What does that mean? When a snail melts, what's happened to the snail? Is it alive? You know, in my house in Bonnerig, we've got this colobon fence, colobon fences, and snails, they don't like to be in hot and sunny spots. When the sun rises, snails commonly try to find damp, dark places to hide because their bodies have a lot of moisture and if they're in the sun, it dries out their bodies and they can die. And there are times when I've walked up to my colobon fence and that fence gets really hot when the sun's on it and like you see these snails attached and they're like, they're there for days and days and days and days. I'm like, man, they haven't moved. So you walk up to them, you grab the shell, it's kind of stuck, you finally get it out and you look inside, no snail inside, completely empty. What's happened to the snail? It's melted away. You know, the heat was too strong. That snail just dissolved. All right, if that's the truth, what is a summer saying? Summer saying, Lord, kill them. Lord, can you end their life? Not just break their teeth, but can you kill them, Lord? Can you end their life like a snail that melted? Let every one of them pass away. Do you think that's a right prayer to pray to God? God, these wicked people, can you please kill them early? This is what the Psalmist, a man after God's own heart. And if you say, pastor, there's something wrong with this, there's something wrong with your heart, is the issue. He says, like the untimely birth of a woman, that they might not see the sun. What's that? A miscarriage. What's a miscarriage? That child passed away in the womb of the mother. That child never saw the light of day. Says, Lord, can you kill them like a miscarriage? I never want them to see the light of day. I never want them to see good times in life. Can you kill them in their misery? Lord, as their teeth are bleeding, as you've broken them, Lord, they're in misery and sorrow and pain. Now, Lord, can you finish the job and kill them? See, no wonder this psalm never gets preached in churches. I'd be doing you a disservice if I could not preach on this psalm. These are the true words of God. Every word of God is pure. Do you believe that? I believe that. I believe these are pure words. I believe resting and meditating on this psalm and praying to my Lord God like this psalmist is only going to enrich my life. It's only gonna make me more righteous, more godly. It's not gonna hurt our walk with the Lord. It's gonna strengthen our walk with the Lord. Because as we see the injustices in the world, as we see similarly the wicked get away with what they get away, you know what? Sometimes we need to learn how to pray these prayers. How do we know that potentially the reason so much wickedness continues in this world is just because believers have stopped praying like this. Lord, can you end their life? Can you break their teeth? I don't know. Is it just me? Or if every believer in Australia started to pray like this psalm, I think we see a cleaner nation. I think we see the Lord step in and destroy those wicked earlier by the petitions of the prayers of the saints. Verse number nine, before your pots, the psalmist is now speaking to the wicked directly. Before your pots can fill the thorns, he shall take them away as a whirlwind, both living and in his wrath. Had to think about this verse a little bit. And by thinking on this verse, I kind of changed my view on a passage in Ecclesiastes. So this is a bit off topic, but if you can, there's something I want to fix. If you guys can turn to Ecclesiastes chapter seven, because it was the last year, I think it was, that I preached through Ecclesiastes. So Ecclesiastes chapter seven, please. So I'll read to you Ecclesiastes seven, six, and then I'll tell you what I said, and then I'll correct it. And then when I correct it, you'll understand what the psalm is talking about. So Ecclesiastes seven, six, it says, for as the crackling of thorns under a pot, it's kind of similar, but these thorns crackling of thorns under a pot, so is the laughter of the fool. This also is vanity. So I believe, I didn't go back to check, but I believe I said that the crackling of the thorns, that this pot is boiling thorns. I think I said that, okay. It's boiling thorns and as the thorns get boiled, there's a crackling sound. That's what I thought. It doesn't matter too much in the context of the verse. But what I understand now, is that the crackling of the thorns under a pot, is that the thorns as they're dried out, because thorns aren't good for anything, except to be dried out and be used as fuel for a fire, to heat up a pot of water or something like that. Okay, so the crackling, as the thorns are burning, crackling, you know, fire, you know, it's got that crackling sound, you know, when you put something as it burns its fuel. Well, in light of that, come back with me to Psalm 58, please. Psalm 58, verse number nine. It says, before your pots can fuel the thorns. So as these thorns are being used, you know, they light the thorns, they put the pot on the thorns to start cooking. Says, like basically, as these wicked people are going about their regular life, you know, they're thinking I'm about to make a stew, I'm about to cook for the day. What is the Psalmist asking God to do? He shall take them away as with a whirlwind, both living and in his wrath. He says, Lord, can your wrath fall upon these wicked people unexpectedly? As they think it's all fine today, I'm about to do some cooking, I'm about to have a tea or something, all of a sudden, all of a sudden, unexpectedly, God's wrath falls upon them. Some whirlwind, you know, something that only God can do. Some event, Lord, can you just cause some event to take them away, to destroy them in your wrath? You see, sometimes we look at the wicked and again, seemingly they get away with what they get away with. But God's wrath will fall upon them. And it'll be unexpected. It'll be unexpected, but it's gonna happen. You know, these wicked people, they think they're getting away. They're getting away with it. They think they can just continue every life's gonna be, every day's gonna be the same. Every day's gonna be the same. They've done wickedly, they've done violently, they've poisoned the minds and the hearts of innocent people, they've attacked the righteous, but at some point, God's wrath will fall unexpectedly upon them. Verse number 10. Now look at verse number 10. Believe it or not, when you see God's wrath fall upon the wicked, when you see God break the teeth of the wicked, when you see God cause them to melt away like a snail, when you see God kill the wicked, what are you going to do? Look at verse number 10, believe it or not. The righteous shall rejoice when he seeeth, look, the vengeance. He shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked. Brethren, when God steps in, in his wrath, in his vengeance, and destroys the wicked, what are we meant to do? Woohoo, yes, Lord, praise the Lord, is what we're meant to do. When he seeeth the vengeance, what are we praising God for? We're praising him for his vengeance. Lord, you've come through. Lord, you've answered our prayers. Lord, finally, this wicked can suffer the anger, the wrath of Almighty God. Praise the Lord. They say, Pastor, that feels, that doesn't feel right. Hold that thought there, hold that part, and come with me to Proverbs 24. Come with me to Proverbs 24. I remember showing someone this passage once, and they pointed me to Proverbs 24, verse number 17. Proverbs 24, 17. Proverbs 24, 17. I'll give you a moment to turn there. Proverbs 24, 17. Proverbs 24, 17 says, rejoice not. So the psalm said to rejoice. Proverbs 24 says, rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth, lest the Lord see it, and it displease him, and he turn away his wrath from him. So they say, Pastor, now I'm confused. Proverbs says, don't rejoice when you see your enemy fall. And then you've got Psalm that says to rejoice when you see the vengeance of the Lord. Which one's right? Well, they're both right, number one. They're both right. But the answer to the question is, you have to have the right perspective, okay? When you see the wicked fall, when you see the wicked destroyed, when you see God kill the wicked, what we're not to rejoice in is our own personal vendetta that we might have with that individual. You know, it's not something to satisfy your pride, you know, or satisfy your ego, and say, well, see, I finally got my revenge. Thankfully, Lord stepped in and destroyed you. No, rather, what we saw that we're to rejoice in is not in us being satisfied, getting the satisfaction of our enemy being destroyed, but we're rejoicing in the vengeance of the Lord. You say, Lord, you've stepped in. Lord, now you're stepping in to balance the books. What are we doing when we rejoice in the vengeance of the Lord? We're praising the Lord, right? It's not a personal vendetta. Look, there are wicked people on this earth that have done nothing personal to me, but I rejoice that they're dead. I rejoice. You know, every pedophile, every pedophile that is found, arrested, thrown in jail, and that's not even a proper end for these people, they should be put to death. But any of these that get outed out, any of these that die, bro, I'm, look, they've not attacked, they've not hurt me. Thank God, I've never been affected by these perverts. They've done nothing personal to me, but I can rejoice when I see God's vengeance fall upon these people. Apparently, today, the news came out that some Australian entertainer, some Australian comedian called Rolf Harris passed away. Does anyone know who Rolf Harris is? Very famous Australian entertainer. You guys might be familiar with a song that he wrote, Timey Kangaroo Down Sport. Does anyone know that one? Timey Kangaroo Down Sport. I learned that in primary school, very famous song. I remember this man, there was a TV show that I loved watching as a kid called Animal Hospital. The animal was taken to a vet and he'd be like the presenter. I remember like, oh, that man, that presenter seems like a nice man. Seems to care for animals, sings some great songs. What do we see about the wicked? They seem righteous on the outward. It's so easy to be deceived. It's so easy. Even your pastor can be deceived by these wicked people, but their hearts, their hands are violent. Look toward the end of his life, what was, he was arrested. He was arrested for being a pedophile, multiple counts, young girls, and I think boys as well. His computer was taken, child pornography found all over the computer and the man was arrested, I believe for three years, was imprisoned for three years over this and he's died now. And I don't know what the media is saying about him, but all I can say is praise God for your vengeance. He died from neck cancer. I just say hallelujah, praise the Lord, one less pervert, one less pedophile, one less sodomite in the world. And I praise you Lord for ending that man's life. I'm rejoicing, again, did Rolf Harris do anything personal to me? No. Do I have some personal vendetta against him? No. But am I thankful that God can destroy these wicked people? Yes, I absolutely am rejoicing in that. I'm rejoicing that Rolf Harris is burning in hell fire right now for all eternity. I can rejoice in that. He's like how can you rejoice in that, you're a pastor. I'm rejoicing because hell is the judgment, is the righteous judgment. It is God's wrath upon the wicked. So if God says it is right for this man to burn in hell, I say praise you Lord, praise the Lord. Because you're right and I'm not always right. You're always right, Lord. As far as I'm concerned, that Rolf Harris, I'm glad he's dead, I'm glad he's in hell, I'm glad he's burning in the wrath of God. I'm glad that God finally took vengeance. Again, he lived a long life. I'm not sure how long he lived. Again, seemingly, you could say he's getting away with it. He was meant to go to prison for five years apparently, got out after three years, got out on parole. Yeah, but where is he now? Nothing's going to change his destiny. He's facing the wrath of God, he's burning in the fires of hell. And that's his end, that's his end. What's that other pervert? Mike Marsh Jr., Mike Marsh Jr., a youth pastor under the authority of his father here in North Brisbane, I don't know what it was 10 years ago, in the youth group sodomized a bunch of boys, okay, arrested, thrown in prison for five years, loose now, look at these wicked people. They appear like ministers of God, don't they? They appear as apostles of God, but they are ministers of Satan. Even in your independent, fundamental, Baptist, King James only church, we already know the Benny Hinn's are frauds. Like we're not going to be deceived by that, are we? We already know, give me some other names. Paula White, right? We're not going to be deceived by Kenneth Copeland and who's Mr. Smile, what's his name again? Who's the guy that's always smiling? Joe Lowstein. Like we're not going to be like, oh man, these are great men of God. But we're going to find even within the circle, churches within our circle, within the independent fundamental Baptist world, pastors that we look up to, wow, great man of God, must be serving him faithfully. You're going to find one day, it's already been found out. And it'll continue to happen that these were really ministers of Satan. Now, as far as I know, Mike Marsh Jr. has not died. But I'll tell you now, I'll tell you now, tonight I'll be praying, God, can you break his teeth? God, can he melt like a snail? Lord, can you kill him? So his victims can go to his grave and spit on his grave. And they can rejoice and say, Lord, I'm rejoicing your vengeance. I'm rejoicing your vengeance against these wicked people. I'll be praying that tonight that God will destroy him. How can you hurt the innocent? How can you take little children who the parents have entrusted you to teach them God's word and you defile them? Let's not make the same mistake. There is no Sunday school. There will never be Sunday school here. We're not taking our kids away. Parents, you supervise your children. Don't be foolish. Don't just trust everybody you come across that you think is a believer. You don't know. I don't know. So we pray, Lord, can you find these people and just smack them, destroy them, wipe them out? How much time have I got? Can you come with me to Revelation 14? Come with me to Revelation 14, 13. Revelation 14, 13. What we saw in verse number 10 of Psalm 58, it's not only said that, it said, he shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked. We're gonna be able to walk to the wicked's blood and just go. Just step all over that blood of the wicked. They say that sounds very violent, Pastor Kevin. We'll look at Revelation 14, 13. And I heard a voice from heaven saying, let me give the context. This is about the end times, great tribulation to come, where the antichrist is persecuting the people of God. And then we have verse number 13. And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, write, blessed are the dead, which die in the Lord from henceforth. Yea, save the spirit, that they may rest from their labors and their works do follow them. The angel is saying, look, finally, they're going to get a rest against the tribulation and the persecution coming by the antichrist. Verse number 14, and I looked and behold a white cloud. Hey, who's coming in the clouds? Jesus. And I looked and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud once sat like unto the son of man. Isn't that the name that Christ gave himself many times? Having on his head a golden crown and in his hand a sharp sickle. And another angel came out of the temple crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud. Thrust in thy sickle and reap, for the time is come for thee to reap, for the harvest of the earth is ripe. And he that sat on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth, and the earth was reaped. So we saw a blessing upon the tribulation saints that they're going to rest from their persecution. And then we have Christ coming in the clouds, reaping his believers. We know that's the rapture, as he comes and he gathers the believers in the clouds. That's the first reaping. It's a reaping of rest. Then it says in verse number 18, and another angel came out from the altar, which had power over fire and cried with a loud cry to him that had the sharp sickle. I forgot to read verse number 17. But anyway, an angel comes with a sharp sickle after Christ reaps his saints. And it says in verse number 18 saying, thrust in thy sharp sickle and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth, for her grapes are fully ripe. And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth and gathered the vine of the earth and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God. And the winepress was trodden without the city and blood came out of the winepress even unto the horses' bridles by the space of 1,600 furlongs. So what follows the rapture? God's wrath that falls upon the earth and everyone that is left, everyone that is aligned with the devil, everyone that has taken the mark of the beast, they're going to face the wrath of God and God uses the illustration of a winepress like stepping on the grapes and the blood of these wicked upon the feet of our Savior. Come with me quickly back to Psalm 58 verse number 11. Psalm 58 verse number 11. You say, pastor, I don't think, I don't feel right about this. Again, I'm sure there are, you know, the reason is because your pastor's never taught it. They avoid these passages. Look, I want to preach nice things too. I didn't wake up today going, oh man, can't wait to preach Psalm 58. But it needs to be preached. We need to hear it. Because look how God, like if you have the right heart about this and you know this is right, this is what God, how God wants me to be. These are the prayers that God wants me to pray. Then you understand verse number 11 very clearly. It says, so that a man shall say, verily, there is a reward for the righteous. Verily, he is a God that judgeth in the earth. Reverend, what is the reward for the righteous? The destruction of the wicked. The death of these wicked people. Being able to rejoice when we see the vengeance of God fall upon them. When we're able to wash our feet in the blood of the wicked. God says, that's your reward, you righteous people. If you say, I don't want that reward. Again, there's something wrong with your heart. Get right with God tonight. If you can say, pastor, I can't wait to see the wicked judged. I can't wait to see the wicked face the vengeance of God. I can't wait to see God step in and wipe these people out. When it happens, you'll be like, man, what a reward. Praise the Lord. Praise God for his judgment. You see, God's vengeance is a reward to you. I want to show you another passage very quickly. Isaiah 63, Isaiah 63, please. Isaiah 63, verse number one. Isaiah 63, verse number one. So we finished Psalm 58. I do believe Isaiah 63, the verse that we're about to read, I do believe they correspond with what we read in Revelation 14, that God pointed out his wrath. In Psalm 63, verse number one, a question gets asked. Who is this that cometh from Edom? We've dyed garments from Bozrah. This that is glorious in his apparel, traveling in the greatness of his strength. I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save. So there's a figure walking, and the question gets asked, how did his garments get dyed? Like, why are his garments colored? Verse number two, what color? Wherefore art thou red in thine apparel? And thy garments like him that treadeth in the wine fat. Why are your garments red? Why does it look like you've just stood on a wine press? You know, why does it look like you've got the juice of grapes on your clothing? The answer comes in verse number three. I have trodden the wine press alone, and of the people there was none with me, for I will tread them in mine anger, and trample them in my fury, and their blood shall be sprinkled upon my garments, and I will stain all my raiment. Look at this, for the day of vengeance is in mine heart, and the year of my redeemed is come. Because I'm finally saving my redeemed. The day has come, and my garments are gonna be stained by the blood of the wicked. Verse number five, and I looked, and there was none to help, and I wondered that there was none to uphold, therefore mine own arm brought salvation unto me, and my fury it upheld me. And I would tread down the people in mine anger, and make them drunk in my fury, and I will bring them down their strength to the earth. You say, boy, these are very violent words. God stomping on the wicked, their blood spurting and falling upon his garments. That seems very negative. That seems like not the God that I know, or maybe pastor, maybe we shouldn't be reading these passages. But look at verse number seven. So as Isaiah is writing this, then he says in verse number seven, I will mention the loving kindness of the Lord. Oh, that's what we want you to preach, pastor. Okay, but why is he mentioning the loving kindness of the Lord? Because the Lord's loving kindness to you is when he pulls out his wrath and vengeance on the wicked. Straight away, Isaiah goes, man, this is the loving kindness of the Lord. I'm gonna mention this. And the praises of the Lord are according to all that the Lord have bestowed on us, and the great goodness toward the house of Israel, which you have bestowed on them according to his mercies and according to the multitude of his loving kindness. Oh, we like verse number seven, but we don't like verses one to six. But verse number seven is all about what's taking place in verses one and six. God's loving kindness, God's mercy. You know, he's been worthy of praise because his wrath will one day fall upon the wicked. God will stomp upon these wicked, the blood will stain his garments, and brethren, we'll rejoice. We're going to rejoice in the vengeance of the Lord. So brethren, the title of this sermon was Break Their Teeth. Let me encourage you to pray this prayer. Don't be scared. It's God's word. It's not my words to you. It's God's word to you. Don't be scared to pray like this. You know how wicked this world is getting. You know the devil wants to corrupt our children, and he's going to use his ministers to do so. Why don't we pray this prayer? You know what? We're gonna have a time of prayer after service. Why don't we try to pray like this a little? That God will destroy, as they prepare their bows and their arrows to hurt us, to hurt our children, that God will step in immediately and wipe them out before they can cause any damage. All right, brethren, break their teeth. Great psalm. Every psalm is great, but so is Psalm 58. Let's pray.