(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, so we're up to part three in our Soul winning series and so part three the total for part three is presenting the plan of salvation Part four is on calling upon the name of the Lord and part five is we are ambassadors for Christ Now I did preach on part two which was power of the power of God unto salvation If you've not heard that sermon, I really encourage you. Please go back and listen to that I'm going to touch upon some of the things I spoke about on Thursday in this sermon But I'm not going to give it the same level of Import like I'm not going to focus as much as I did on it as I did on Thursday It's really important that you listen to that sermon because if you don't use the power of God unto salvation Which is the gospel message you're not going to get people saved Okay, or you can cause people to give a false profession of faith where they call upon the Lord so be it for something But they haven't believed the right thing So it's so important that you look at that and I will touch on it as I said But you really need to go back and listen to that sermon And so the reason I'm preaching this for everyone is because you know, I've been soul winning a lot in my life many many years I don't even know how many I don't have no idea. I haven't kept track. Okay I haven't been consistently going soul winning every week of every year of my life But you know at least in the last say seven years I've pretty much been doing that and then there's been other times before that where I've done soul winning before and You know You learn a lot of different things you learn different things from different people and over the years over the time you start to adjust How you present the gospel maybe you add certain things maybe you realize oh, I don't have to include this It's kind of redundant. I can take that out It doesn't really add much more to what I've already explained. And so what I want to tell you today is basically You know just give you what you need at the total minimum in order for you to give the gospel effectively to somebody Okay. Now I don't want to turn you into clones of me I don't want to turn to robots and be just like Pastor Kevin or just be some other Someone like some other preacher on the Internet. Okay. I don't want to remove your personality I don't want to remove your experiences and things that you've learned But and I don't want you to think that I'm angry at anybody. No, if someone goes soul-winning I appreciate that Okay, even if that's so when I make some mess of things I'm thankful for his ill I'm thankful for his love I'm thankful that he's trying to do what God has commanded him to do All right And so if I if I say something and that maybe steps on your toes I don't want you to think that I'm mad at you. In fact, I appreciate everybody that goes soul-winning It's the best thing, you know You know having a church of people or families that you know There's always someone that represents in each family getting out there and preaching the gospel. It's a wonderful thing Not many churches get to experience the same, you know, you're trying to beg people trying to force me to go So when you know in our church people are willing to do it You don't even have to push people that all that much Okay And so I'm thankful everybody that gets out there Now the reason we read John chapter 4 is before I go into the presentation of how I how I teach that I Want to look at what Jesus Christ does. Okay, we have the story of Jesus Christ dealing with a woman at the well The Samaritan woman at the well and we get to see what an experienced soul winner is like, okay What kind of things does he cover and if Jesus Christ covers these things or or does a certain thing? We need to make sure that we learn from Christ himself He's given us this story so we can copy what he does we can learn from him So let's look at there in verse number four John four four It says and he's speaking about Jesus and he must needs Go through Samaria. And so we get to a point here where Christ of course is traveling and he says look I must it's needful for me to go to Samaria The first thing you notice with the soul winning is that Jesus not only did he tell us go ye therefore and teach all nations He's doing it himself he's going out there right he's trying to interact He's trying to find these people that need to get saved. He goes he doesn't just tell us to go Christ That's the example himself. He said I must needs go to Samaria Okay, that's the first thing you need to you need to go you need to step out Okay, people aren't gonna just come to you and tell you and ask you how do I get saved? You need to go and find these people. Okay, look at verse number five then come if he to a city in Samaria Which is called Sychar need to the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph Now Jacob's well was there Jesus therefore being weary with his journey Sat thus on the well and it was about the sixth hour that cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water Jesus saith unto her give me to drink for his disciples were gone away unto the city to buy meat Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him How is it that thou being a Jew ask of drink of me which am a woman of Samaria For the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans What's the next thing that we can learn from Jesus Christ number two that he initiates the conversation? Okay, he goes he speaks to the woman give me to drink. Okay. Not only does he go but he Starts the conversation the woman goes. What are you doing here? You're one of the Jews. I'm a Samaritan, right? And sometimes that's how it is, you know, when you when you go to someone's door, it's a little bit awkward They're like, why are you here? What are you doing here? You know, I never asked you to come to this place You know, you turn up and announce there's a bit of that awkward moment at the very beginning, right? But here's the thing Jesus starts the conversation and that's what we need to do We need to be the one that drives the conversation. We need to be the one that's guiding the conversation We're going to that house for a purpose Don't allow the person at the door to begin to drive the conversation Because you're not going to get through the gospel if you do it like that, okay, Jesus takes initiative he You know, he initiates the conversation. That's what we're required to do initiate the conversation All right, you knock on the door and you introduce yourself verse number 10 Jesus answered and said unto her if thou knewest the gift of God and who it is that save to thee give me to drink Thou wouldest have asked of him and he would have given thee live in water Okay, so it looks like Christ is asking for the water of the well and he was weary he was tired He was thirsty but notice Jesus Christ has not been around the bush. He gets straight to the points Okay, Christ is not, you know Just having dilly-dally chats, you know and just you know, I'm here for some other business. No, he must need to go to Samaria He needed to talk to this woman And so he immediately says he gets straight to the points right if they're newest the gift of God Alright, so that's what we need to do when we go to the door Yes, introduce yourself, but don't waste your time get straight to the point. Why are you at the door? Why are you here? Okay, and you know We'll often start, you know, and I'll go through this later, but often start saying, you know I'm just going house-to-house in your area handing out these leaflets as that leaflet enters their hand My name, you know, I'll say first of all, I say my name is Kevin I'm then I'll say, you know, I'm here from blessing Oh Baptist Church and you know more important the church Are you 100% sure that you'll be going to heaven you get straight to the point? Okay. Now sometimes just like Jesus Christ. He uses the example of water Sometimes there might be something unusual about the house and every now and again. I'll kind of bring it up I say oh look I just noticed this You know in order to get into the conversation in order to just break that ice and get them straight to the point Whether they know they're going to heaven you see Christ does that immediately right doesn't waste time Next thing that you notice here in verse number 10. He says If they knew us the gift of God and who it who it is that sayeth to thee give me to drink That thou would have asked of him something else that Christ mentions in his soul-willing presentation That this gift is something that needs to be asked for You know There are some that do not believe in the sinners prayer if they want to call it that there are some that don't believe you Should ask for the gift of salvation, but you see Christ in his gospel station He shows the woman. This is something you have to ask for This is something you need to communicate to God to himself. Jesus Christ is God and ask of this water All right. Now, let's keep going verse number 11 the woman safe unto him Sorry, maybe before I go there the thing is that the other thing to be asked for is the gift Okay, so what does Jesus Christ cover there that it's free. It's a free gift Okay So that's what we need to cover when we go Verse number 11 the woman safe unto him So there has nothing to draw with and the well is deep from whence then hast thou that live in water art thou greater than our father Jacob which gave us the well and drank thereof himself and his children and his cattle Jesus answered and said unto her who so drinketh of this water shall thirst again Okay, so what does Jesus Christ talk about here? He says look this water this this physical water will cause you to be thirsty again Okay, in other words, what he's saying is that other methods do not satisfy Okay, other methods do not satisfy and so quite often we'll ask somebody What do you believe you have to do to go to heaven? I'll be a good person, you know, go to church Whatever whatever is that people say right and what you're what you're aiming to do is show them Well, those things will not satisfy you. In fact quite often they'll say to you. I'm not sure if I'm going to heaven Okay, I hope I'm going they've got those doubts But you're trying to show them by what they said Well those things that you said will not satisfy those things would create doubt That's not how you go to heaven Right, and so Jesus Christ is sure to say this water does not satisfy this physical water does not satisfy verse number 14 But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst But the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into ever lasting life So when Jesus Christ says that this water if you drink of this water that you shall never thirst That's like us when we go and say hey, you know, I am 100% sure that I'm going to heaven We ask that question. Are you 100% sure we don't ask the question. Are you hoping to get to heaven? Do you want to go to heaven? We say are you 100% sure right? And what we mean by that is we are sure sometimes people say to me. No one can be sure you sure I'm like, yes, I'm always you know with confidence say yes I am 100% sure my silent partner here is 100% sure we're showing them Hey that when we drank of that water, we've never thirsted again. All right, not only that what else did he mention about the water? There in verse number 14 right at the end. It shall be in him a well of water springing up into ever Lasting life ever lasting life. Okay, if something is everlasting does it ever end? No, Jesus Christ made sure in his gospel presentation that he that he Taught on eternal security Once you have this water, you can you'll never need any other water. Okay, once you have it, it's forever Okay, there are some gospel presentations. I've listened to different ones where they separate the eternal security into another area They'll say well when you when you give the gospel, you don't have to give the eternal you don't have to teach eternal security You don't have to tell them they're safe forever Okay that when they come to church then they can learn that they're safe forever It's like what are you talking about everlasting life that is eternal security if it's everlasting it never ends. That's eternal security So you see that Christ makes sure this is part of his presentation verse number 15 The woman say fun to him sir. Give me this water that I thirst not Neither come hither to draw. Okay. So what do we learn there the woman she says yes, I want this water Okay, so Christ preaches to this woman. Hey, she wants to know she wants salvation She wants the gift meaning that if someone at the door says I don't want it go away We go Right, and if someone says I want to hear it then we stay and we give them the gospel Right, and if you give the gospel and someone says you know what? I'm just not ready to believe it's not for me You know, you can't force people to believe okay, but someone that wants it Some of that wants the everlasting water then you can lead them to that water Right, and so this is you know, you need to be in touch with the person that you're speaking to You can't force them to listen. You can't force them to call to believe and call upon them the Lord Yeah, it has to be them. They have that, you know, you you've instigated a conversation But they're the ones I have to want to listen and to believe the gospel and be saved Okay, there's no point in forcing people. Jesus Christ made sure that she was the one that wanted the water verse number 16 Jesus saith unto her go call thy husband and come hither the woman answered and said I have no husband Jesus said unto her thou hast well said I have no husband for thou has had five husbands and whom thou hast Whom thou hast is not thy husband in that saidest thou truly the woman saith unto him, sir I perceive that thou art a prophet and so what is Jesus Christ doing here? He's showing her like this did Jesus already know that he she didn't have a husband. Of course he did Why would he ask that question? He's showing her her sinful condition right that she had all these multiple divorces and the man she's living with now You know, she's committing for an occasion. She's committing adultery as a divorced woman. That's not your husband And so wait, what else is important the ghost presentation? He shows her her sin. This is Luke. You're a sinner You're a divorced woman, right? This is something that she had to understand that she was not right with God Okay, so that else that that's something else that's important in our gospel presentation. Look at verse number 20 How does she respond? She says our fathers worshiped in this mountain and you say that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship now there's a few things here, you know, and I'm thankful that this is in the story because it doesn't it just seem like a bit of unusual thing for her to bring it Talk about like it's about the everlasting water, you know, you drink up this water You'll never thirst again, right and now she's bringing about worshiping in the in the in the mountains Okay, so what you notice here is number one that Jesus Christ allows her to talk, you know When we go and preach the gospel, there ought to be a dialogue. Okay, it's not just I'm here. Listen to me you shut up I've got to get for my presentation. No, you're teaching people the gospel you need a two-way communication, you know asking them questions allowing them to talk and just like this woman goes completely off topic about Worshipping in the mountains. Okay, you're gonna find when you're preaching the gospel people are going to go completely off topic sometimes Okay, so you see Jesus Christ has done that but even though they sometimes go off topic. Jesus Christ does allow a dialogue Okay, so this is something you need to work out as you're preaching the gospel understand Sometimes people are just going to go in a different tangent. Okay, but when that happens, let's keep going verse number 21 Jesus saith unto her woman believe me the hour cometh when ye shall neither in this mountain Nor yet at Jerusalem worship the Father and then he says in verse number 22 ye worship Ye know not what we know what we worship then it does this for salvation is of the Jews So she's going off topic about worship in Jesus Christ touches upon it but brings it back to salvation Salvation is of the Jews, you know, you don't know you know that that that's a that's off topic Okay, that's off topic. He gets her back on topic Right, and so there's something we need to learn when people are taking us here and there you either tell people listen I can answer that question But let's get back to the topic of the sermon or if it's easy enough for you to turn that back to the gospel Then you do it. Okay stay on the topic of salvation The other interesting thing that she said there in verse number 20 She goes our father's worship in this mountain you say that in Jerusalem is a place where you ought to worship Okay, and you know the the place in Jerusalem that you ought to worship of course is you know the temple the house of God right and sometimes people when you're given the gospel rotation they get They get sidetracked or what's the word I'm looking for? They get distracted about church because we are coming from a church. Don't we we would love them to be in church We would love them to get saved get baptized be in church, but sometimes people because especially in Australia because we don't we don't really have a church going culture right and You know they'll get distracted on the church. Oh the church is full of hypocrites Oh, I've been to church before and you know and so it's kind of like where do we worship right? And it's like look you've missed the points You know and quite often when the topic of church becomes a major issue I'll say to that person at the door You know I care more about you stepping into heaven than I do about you stepping into our church, okay? I'm here right now to explain to you. What you must do to be saved how to go to heaven I'm not here trying to drag you into church, but then I say something like I'd love it for you to come to church But we're here about the gospel okay people get distracted with other things You've got to bring it back to the main thing them getting saved look at verse number 22 But the hour cometh and now is when the true worshippers shall worship the father in spirit and in truth and the father seek of Such to worship him God is a spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth The woman safe unto him I know that Messiah's cometh which is called Christ when he is come he will tell us all things Jesus saith unto her I that speak unto thee am he So what else do we learn there in the gospel station? We're pointing people to the Messiah to the Christ to Jesus Christ, okay? We're pointed to him sometimes people say to me at the door. I believe in God right well You've given them the gospel presentation you explain look you've got to believe in the Lord Jesus I believe in God yeah, but you know you need to yeah It's good that you believe in God But you've got to specifically in order to be saved believe in the Lord Jesus Christ you're pointing people back to Christ Someone saying I just I believe in God. That's not salvation What God are they talking about we don't know they could there are many gods aren't there many false gods out there or many? Many misinterpretations of who God is and you're bringing them back to Christ listen Christ says I am the way the truth in the life. No man cometh unto the Father except by me Okay, so as much as they want to talk about the Father. I believe in the Father. They have to go through Christ Okay, so Christ points salvation back to him. He says I am he I am that Messiah. I am that Christ, okay So I just wanted to show you and I'm not saying we ought to use this same order of you know The conversation with Christ obviously he's tailoring his His our presentation to the Samaritan woman who has some knowledge of the Bible who has some understanding right? And he's using the example of the world. I mean we're not going to talk about water out necessarily, right? Because we're not going to be right next to a world and things like that But you can see what Christ uses and what is important in his presentation And if these are things that Christ brought up we need to make sure that we also do the same thing when we give the gospel Okay, well that we mentioned these same things that he talked about Now when it comes to presenting the plan of salvation, all right, if you can please take your Bibles take your Bibles Now I'm going to give you I'm not going to make this complicated I don't believe I don't believe given the gospel it needs to be complicated All right, and when it comes to myself given the gospel, I would say easily 70% of the time maybe 80% of the time. This is all I use I use seven Bible verses That's all I use seven Bible verses 70 or 80 percent of the time Okay, the other 20% of the time I may I might need to use other verses to get that person over the line Okay But I want to I want to give you the presentation where it's the just the bare bones the minimum Required in order for that person to understand what they need to do to be saved. Okay, so when we go door-to-door You know, I recommend, you know do a nice strong friendly knock. Okay, not this Okay Not those kinds of knocks or any other fancy knocks where it sounds childish hey, we're coming for a purpose Okay, we're serious. Don't don't just bang the door like they think might be the cops or something, right? But just a nice friendly neighborhood knock. That's the first thing they're going to get from you, right? That's the first impression. Is this guy a joker? Is this guy? You're not trying to hurt me I just a nice friendly neighbor neighborhood knock is fine. The person comes to the door and I'll often introduce myself It's it's best. I mean you if someone stranger comes to your door, don't you want to know who they are? All right, so I would just say look my name is and I won't I won't say I'm pasta Okay, I just use my name Kevin because it sounds weird to someone at the door Especially if they don't know much about the Bible right and you know, I always tell my soul winning partner Just use my first name, you know, it's just more neighborly, right? And so my name is Kevin and this is you know, brother. I don't say even brother, you know I'd say let's for example, my name is Kevin. This is my friend Les and Here's the thing that I always do with the tracks, you know Maybe I need attract Ramsey do you mind get them are there any tracks back there? I might need that for an example You know and a lot of a lot of you guys say thanks Bob You know a lot of you guys start with the church immediately we're from blessed about the church away from the Baptist Church Okay. Now that works. Okay in the United States. I've used it in the United States again. They've got a churchgoing culture Okay, they expect people to come to from the church and knock their doors right in Australia You mentioned the church shut away. You're already shutting down the conversation for a lot of people Okay, and we're trying to hey to the Jews. I became a Jew right to the Australians. I became Australian We've got to change that tactic a little bit differently right and instead of saying straight I'm from the church now. I'm going to mention the church very quickly Okay, but what I often say is we're just going house to house in your area handing out these leaflets Do you mind if I leave you one to read later? Okay, that's a lot less confrontational than we're from a church. I hate church. You want to come to the church you want money? What is that you want? I'm not interested bang. Okay now Here's the thing about a piece of paper Most people are not threatened with a piece of paper people afraid of church Most people are not threatened with a piece of paper. Okay, and they're like, oh, yeah, I can read it later I can take a paper right now. Here's the thing about here's the advantage to that number one You get this in their hands. Now. This alone is not going to get anyone saved Okay, but it does have the plan of salvation it can definitely it has the Word of God here It has our contact details It has our phone number and so you're given somebody a resource that if they don't get saved there and then you know This can be something utilized for them in the future to you know, maybe contact us ring us contact, you know And and you know, hopefully get saved in the future. So you're really taking a you know a very Positive step forward by having this in their hands Okay, and the other reason I love this in their hands is because I use this as an illustration later because generally it fits They they flick fluid or hold it for a while Okay The other thing about that is they have already interacted with you instead of knocking you back They've already that that transaction that little transaction of a piece of paper has said I'm willing to take something from you Subconsciously, they've already opened themselves up to you And so by taking that piece of paper It's gonna be a lot easier now to actually get further into that conversation and give them the gospel because they've really taken that kind of half step in Interacting with you right if you just say I'm from this church. I'm not interested in church You've lost that potential interaction where people are more comfortable to to you know to communicate with you and interact with you Okay Now once it's in there as soon as it's in the hands I just say to you look we're just from the local Baptist Church or I'm we're from blessed up Baptist Church Now very quickly because I know people react badly to church I just immediately as soon as I say that to about us I just say to them do you go to church or do you have any religious background? Okay. Now this is an important question to ask because These questions are not vain you're trying to gather information from this other person. Okay, so if I just say to them Hey, do you go to church or do you have any religious background and someone says oh, yeah, I'll go to the Catholic Church Well that tells me everything that I need to know about that person right there And then I know they're not saved. I know they're trusting enough in a workspace gospel And I've already got the information I need right. Oh someone says you know I'm a Buddhist that that tells me everything I need to know about them as well. Someone says oh, you know Actually, I don't go to church. I don't have any religion. I'm an atheist that tells me everything that I need I'm gonna be using all this information. It's not just a vain talk Okay, it's information gathering so we can tailor our gospel presentation with the things that they said It's really important that you ask them You know after you tell them you know what church you go to and then you know they tell the church It doesn't really matter how they answer the next question is this you know well more important than Church Would you be personally 100% sure that if you were to die today? You would be going to heaven I would say like this you know we're all going to pass away you know, but would you be a hundred percent sure that your soul will be in heaven and You know nine out of ten times. What do they say? I'm not sure Okay, I'm not sure that's generally the answer. I hope so. I hope so something like that right there It's very rare for someone to say. I'm 100% sure now someone says they're 100% sure There's a bit of hope in me that this person's saved and if they're not saved like man This guy's gonna be really hard to get saved because they really think they're on the way to heaven They think they're really done enough right and so there's kind of that that thought that crosses your mind, right? And so when someone says you know I'm not a hundred percent sure well I can say I say to them well look the next question is this I don't go into the gospel just yet I asked them so what especially if I don't know what church they're from or anything like that I just say to them. Well. What do you believe you have to do to go to heaven? Again nine out of ten times. What do people say? Oh, you're gonna be a good person Something like that right you got to do good things all right now This is again important for them to say these words because you're going to use these words against them Okay, these words will testify against them. Okay. I'll get to that shortly Okay, you want to find out what they have to say they believe they have to do to go to heaven all right Now this is where I would just say to them look if they said it's I'd be a good person Again, I'm not there to tear them apart right now. I want to get to the gospel Okay, I'm not trying to make them feel if I make them feel horrible and bad and stupid They're not going to want to continue the conversation right and so all if someone says look I'm you know I believe I believe I'll go cuz I'm a good person I believe you have to be a good person. I'll just say to them look I often say this I say look you look like a good person You might be an even better person than me, and they're like ah you know they kind of like that a little bit The reason I say that is because I've already told you I'm a hundred percent sure and but hey I'm not really I don't think I don't consider myself a good person So I'm hoping it has that the thought crosses my mind Well, then what what do you believe you have to do to go to heaven then right and I often say something like you know What yeah, you know what if we compare ourselves to murderers serial killers rapists you know yeah? We are good people, but you know what the Bible tells us that going to heaven is not based on how good or bad We are but it's based completely on what Jesus Christ has done for us. It's a free gift and Then I'll ask you know would you give me a few minutes of your time to show you from the Bible? How you can be a hundred percent sure of going to heaven? All right Now I used to not ask that question and just get straight into it I've had some success But I realized that I'm wasting a lot of my time because sometimes people are just sometimes very nice And you force yourself to give a gospel meditation They're just being polite to listen to it But they're not going to get saved and you just wasted kind of wasted your time right when you ought to be finding people that I actually wanted to like a woman at the world. She goes give me this water to drink I want to know so someone says yes. Yeah, I've got a few minutes. Yeah, you can show me That's basically someone saying look give me the water. Let me understand What is it okay? And so that's it you know as soon as someone says that as a soul winners You know that's exciting right because most of the time people aren't interested. They want to hear they're not home as soon as I say Yeah, okay. I can have a few minutes. You're excited. This is what I've come for I've come to give someone the gospel So let's get to our first verse please turn to Romans chapter 3 verse 23 Romans 3 23 and I would recommend that you write these down or you go back to the video and take these down It's only seven verses that I use the majority of time when I go soul winning okay, just seven verses Romans 3 23 These are all verses that we're all familiar with for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God And so that person that said you know yeah be a good person I'll say some look the Bible actually tells us. We're all sinners Okay, I know you you know you said you were good and like I said you're probably better than me Even though that the Bible tells us that we're all sinners and we come short of the glory of God now sinners Reverend in our modern-day vernacular as we interact with this world do we use it unless you're at church and amongst other believers Do you really use the word sinner? Right if you're in the workplace that you told me how someone oh man. He did a big sin Right you don't use those words okay when it comes to Bible words You're gonna have to explain it don't just assume people know what sin is many times They don't know so I'll often ask again. We want that dialogue. We want that interaction I'll say to them. Do you know what a sinner is? And quite often they'll give the right answer sometimes. I'll say no. I don't know don't assume they know okay They and I'll just say look to sin if that if they if they say let's do something wrong You know I often say yeah, you're right It's to break God's laws okay, and for example And this is the one you always want to use for example the Bible teaches us that we should not lie Have you ever told a lie? Yeah, everyone has and actually the guy that we got saved yesterday was like well. I've never told a lie I'm like come on. He goes no big lies Just a little lies, and I said yeah, but if it's a big lie of a little like us yet to lie Most people are willing to just say yeah, I've told a lie, and if someone says I've told a lie you know again I'm not trying to make them feel like they're just disgusting human being I'd say look. I've told hundreds thousands of lies I'm sure you have to right That's what the Bible says we've all sinned and because we've sinned the Bible says we've come short of the glory of God So God in heaven he's perfect He's without sin and so you can understand no matter how much good you try to do because you're a sinner you're never going to meet up to the glory of God which is perfection and then I'll turn them to Romans chapter 6 verse 23 Romans 6 23 and I won't read the entire verse to them. I'll just read the first part I'll say because we've sinned against God we've we've done wrong There's actually a punishment for our sins, and I'll read to them Romans 6 23 for the wages of sin is death And at that point I'll tell them what you know. Do you know what a wage is it's your payment. You know what you know you're I'll just say some look. You know have you ever you know if you work a job you earn a wage It's your payment. They're like okay Yeah, yeah, you know so for the wages or the payment of your sin is death And I'll say the reason why there's death pain and suffering in this world that wasn't God's original plan when he created Adam and Eve But because man has sinned our punishment is death And I often say to them you know what you know when you when you think of death You know what do you what do you commonly think about and they'll say something like well the grave You know the body being dead something like that. I'm like yeah, you know that's that's death I won't read the rest of Romans 6 23 just yet And I'll recommend to you don't do it yet because the rest of it is but the gift of God is eternal life for Jesus Christ our Lord see you're what you're what you're doing here. You're giving people the bad news What does the gospel mean again glad tidings the you know good tidings the good news? That's what the gospel means But you only understand the good news when you first understand the bad news When you understand the bad news then the good news really does sound good Okay, and if you jump ahead and you get to the rest of chapter verse number 23 You're going to give them the good news before you to even tell them about hell Like you're going to lose a bit of effectiveness there, okay? Now so where do I go from there? I turn to Revelation? 2014 Revelation 2014 because I'll say to them so you can see the Bible says that our payment is death and then I'll say this to them have you ever heard of the second death and Quite often they'll be like no or they'll say well That's is that a spiritual death or the death of the soul or something like that and whatever answer They give if it's something generally okay, I'll say yeah, you're on the right track You know whatever they say even if it's just a little bit, right I just encourage them right and try to have that interaction that we're kind of on the same page here, right? So I'll turn there to Revelation chapter 20 verse 14 That's revelation 2014 which reads and death and hell were cast into the lake of fire This is the second death and they read that oh second So I say look the so the Bible says here that the second death is the lake of fire does that sound like heaven or hell to you and Again, you know nine ninety nine percent of the time they say hell the red time. They say heaven is like whoa But you know most often they would say that sounds like hell and so then I'll conclude and say look I've given you the bad news the bad news is you're a sinner you deserve death not just death But the second death in hell, okay? And and and then I'll say look I've given you the bad news But really I really want to get to the good news. Okay, and I'll say to them Do you believe that God wants you to burn in hell? Do you believe that God wants you to die in hell and again most often they're not they say well No, I don't believe that. Okay, and Then I'll ask the question again, you know, I'm not I'm allowed I'm asking questions so they can you know, if you ask questions, they feel like they're involved in the conversation, right? They won't get bored. Okay, they'll stay interactive though. They'll stay Invested and focused on what you're telling them. I'll say to them you're right, you know, and again, you're right. You are right I'm trying to tell them you know a lot of the Bible already. Okay. I'm not trying to make them feel stupid You're right. God does not want us to go to hell What did God do so we don't have to go to hell and I would say 50% of the time they'll say well didn't he die for us or didn't Jesus die for us? Something like that 50% of the time. Okay, the other 50% of time they'll be like, I'm not sure Yeah, what he did. Okay, and if someone says to me well didn't yeah, you know, you know God does not want us to go to hell. I'll say something like yeah I'm sure you've heard that God is love. Oh, yeah God is love and so I take them now to Romans chapter 5 verse 8 Romans chapter 5 and verse number 8 This so this is the fourth verse Okay, Romans 5 8 and I read this to them and I say it says here but God Commendeth his love toward us and I'll stop there. I'll say look God loves you Okay, this is this and in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us So if they said something about God dying I'll be like see Christ you're right Christ died for us Okay, and then I'll point to them where it says while we were yet sinners and I'll say to them see it doesn't say while We're trying to be good people or while we're trying to go to church or while we're trying to please God No while we're sinners while we're breaking God's laws. God still sent Jesus Christ to die for us Now this is probably the period of time in our presentation where I don't turn to a lot of passages Okay Now this is where the Thursday sermon comes in to be where it comes to the power of God into salvation Explaining the death of Christ explaining the gospel Alright now if you want to use verses you can but I just found I did initially but I found that I didn't have to Many of times that Christ on the cross was sufficient, especially for someone in Australia as I said people, you know celebrate Easter They've seen the movies. They're familiar with Jesus Christ dying and coming back from the dead So I don't really need to prove that from the scriptures people have already heard that already familiar that with that idea of Christ dying And so I'll say to them that well, this is you know, Jesus Christ Have you heard and I'll say that have you heard that he's the Son of God and be like, oh, yeah You know have you and I'll be like have you heard of the Trinity that there is one God But one God in three persons the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit and they'll be like, oh, yeah Yeah, you know and again 70% of the time I don't need to explain the Trinity all that much Sometimes they do in fact the guy that got saved yesterday I had to go in quite a lot of depth explain the Trinity to him Okay, but most people accept the idea that God is three persons Alright and then I'll say well the Father sent the Son that's the Lord Jesus Christ and because Jesus is God Unlike you and I who have sin Jesus Christ had no sin. He was perfect and then I'll ask him the question So, how did he die? And again most often when he gets this point? They're like on a cross or something like that, right? He was crucified on the cross. I was like, yeah, that's right. Okay, whatever they say if it's a little bit, right Oh, right. Just yeah, right. You're right. Okay, he died on the cross and then he was buried How long was he buried for and sometimes they know sometimes they don't know right and if they don't know three days and three nights Oh, yeah. Yeah, they've heard that before generally right? Oh, yeah three days and three nights and then what happened He rose again from the dead and I'd often say that they rose again. Absolutely Okay, so that's what Jesus Christ did so we don't have to go to hell. All right Now I told you that Jesus Christ had no sin So have you ever heard that Jesus Christ died for our sins and they're like, yeah Okay, so Jews did not die for his own sins That means that your sins the bad things you've done my sins the bad things that I've done the sins that my silent partner has Done in fact the sins of the whole world was put on Jesus and he died for the sins of the whole world What that means is he paid our penalty and I was talking to brother Tim about this today Sometimes I'll use this this phrase. I'll say to them especially if they come from a Christian background to some extent I'll just say to them. Can you finish this sentence? Jesus paid for all of my Sins Jesus paid for all of your sins. You're right. Okay, and then I'll say well if Jesus Christ has paid for all of your sins Pay for it all how much do you have to pay? Oh nothing Exactly, you get it and then I'll say to them Okay, you have to explain how what it means for Jesus to pay for our sins. What does that mean? So I'll say this, you know instead of God's anger and his judgment and his wrath Falling upon you because of the wrong things you've done they will put God's anger and God's wrath was put upon Jesus and he took Your place he took your place instead of you being punished for your sins. Jesus was punished for your sins and Sometimes I'll use the analogy of you know, and I cover this already I think on Thursday the the billion-dollar example, right pretend you owe this person a billion dollars But you can't afford to pay it back But someone steps in pays it on your behalf or the person that you owe the money to he's happy because it's been paid And you're happy because you can go free You no longer need to pay that because someone else has paid it on your behalf When the same way Jesus Christ has paid for your sins so you can go free okay, and so It's not just knowing what Jesus Christ did but explaining what it means That's what's important the power of God and salvation the gospel This is probably the part that you should be focused on the most Okay, you get this right and you won't need to focus too much more on things afterwards All right. Now I love this is what I say. So I've told them that Jesus died for the sins of the whole world The next question is this so just because Jesus died for the sins of the whole world does that mean everyone goes to heaven and Pretty much they're like well, no, there's something we need to do. There's something right in their mind There's something we have to do. Okay, but they don't necessarily know what it is They've said be a good person or things like that. Okay before and I'll say to them you're right It's not everybody goes to heaven. There's something we have to do now. This is when I use their words against them Remember at the beginning when I asked you what you believe you have to do to go to heaven And you said you have to be a good person Well, let me show you what the Bible says here in acts 16 verse 30 and that's where I take the next acts 16 verse 30 If you want to turn down your Bible as you can act 16 verse 30 Which reads and brought them out and said now when I said when I this is what I do if you want to do this I think it helps and brought them out and said and then I was pause and I say look at the question pay attention to the question Sirs what must I do to be saved now? I emphasize this question because I'm gonna ask him that same question word for word again later on Okay, sirs what must I do to be saved and they said sometimes I get them to read it themselves Sometimes I treat it to them whatever and they said believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved Okay, and I don't read thy house Generally because then you have to explain that you know what that means a family and a family believes in Jesus Christ They also can be saved you can do that if you want But I just stopped there and thou shalt be saved and then I'll say well You know you said that you have to be a good person to be say remember that Well does it say here that you have to be a good person and thou shalt be saved? And if they're honest enough if they've been focused they'll be like well No, and then I'll say does it say you have to go to church and thou shalt be saved? No, does it say you have to get baptized and thou shalt be saved? The reason I'm asking I'm saying these things when I ask them Do you have a real do you go to church you have a religious background whatever they've asked me? I kind of know what they believe they have to do to go to heaven and so I'll start throwing the things that they Tend to believe right so if it's a Roman Catholic Does it say you have to take communion and thou shalt be saved doesn't say that does it say you have to confess your sins To a priest and thou shalt be saved doesn't say that if someone said to me You've just got to be a good person Does it say here you have to give money to the poor and thou shalt be saved does it say you have to help the old Woman across the street and thou shalt be saved and off they'll say no no no and then after they said no again What does it say I'll believe? Yeah, but then if they say believe or believe in God. I'm always specifically telling well Oh, yeah, you're right, but believe on the Lord Jesus Christ specifically Jesus Christ the one who died on the cross for you Okay Now I realize they've just been hit with something brand-new because they've been told the whole life. It's works Okay, so what I like to do is take them now to John 3 16 and if they've been a Christian to some extent You know I mean unsaved Christian going to church John 3 16 is excellent because a lot of people know that verse okay John 3 16 and I turn to this because I want to reinforce that it's believe alone that gets them saved believe on the finished work of Jesus Christ John chapter 3 verse 16 Which reads for God so loved the world and I'll pause there and I say see God loves you That he gave his only begotten Son That's Jesus who came and he died on the cross was buried and rose again from the dead So I'm explaining the verse as I'm reading it to him right and then and then I say this But the most important part is this that whosoever believeth in him Should not perish hey, that's not perish in hell, but have everlasting life. That's everlasting life in heaven Again, what did it say that whosoever? believeth in him Like oh, so you're driving home the belief in Jesus Christ now if you're in the book of John Please turn to John chapter 20 for me This is not a verse that I turn to with them But I'm just trying to show you why I believe John 3 16 should be part of everybody's presentation Okay, this is such an important verse John chapter 20 verse 30 for me, please John chapter 20 and verse number 30 The book of John was written for a specific purpose Okay, there's something special about the book of John It says in John chapter 20 verse 30 and many other things truly the Jesus in the presence of his disciples Which are not written in this book But these are written That ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God and that Believing ye might have life through his name So the book of John tells us the reason the book of John exists Is that that an unbeliever would believe on the Lord Jesus Christ? My point is this whatever your presentation is. I hope you use these verses Always have a verse from the book of John that's the whole person behind it. There's something special about those words. It's clear It's easy to understand. All right, it's it's for the purpose of winning a soul That's why I love turning to John 3 16 because of its purpose but also because it's the most famous verse You know in the world basically, right most famous Bible verse So if you go back to John 3 16 There's a few other things that I speak about in this passage John chapter 3 verse number 16 Not only do I drive home a second time that it's just believing in Jesus But then I'll say this it says but have ever Last in life. What did Jesus Christ say about the waters? It's everlasting right the everlasting waters. And so I'll say to them. Hey, how long is everlasting? For some reason little children don't have a problem with this I don't know if you've experienced this little shit forever something like that, right? But some reason adults struggle with everlasting I don't know why It's not and if they're struggling I'll say to look it's not a trick question. It's it's you know, it's really easy All right, it's everlasting. It lasts forever ever lasting last forever The definition is in the word itself, right and you know, it's good when they say well, it's yeah It lasts forever and then I say well can it ever end I say no So I said, okay Hypothetically if you were to believe on Jesus right now and Jesus Christ gave you everlasting life Could it ever end? Well, no because they just finished telling me that it never ends. Okay, so this is part of the eternal security Okay, and so I I define make sure they understand that the life Jesus Christ is offering us is ever lasting All right. Now I'll take them now to Romans chapter 6. Can you please there turn there Romans chapter 6 verse 23? now We've already shown them Romans 6 23 before the first part of Romans 6 23 Okay, which was for the wages of sin is death. Okay, so turn them to Romans 600 at this point I usually thank them. I usually say something look. I really appreciate you You know Giving me the time so far to show you I'm almost done just in case the Sun to get a bit fidgety and they're thinking this is taking a lot longer than I thought Right. I just say look I'm almost done so they know we're wrapping that up now, okay Actually, sorry, there are something important that I forgot to mention we're gonna get to Romans 6 23 soon Because sometimes people say well, I do believe in Jesus right the Roman Catholic was saying I do believe in Jesus I already believe in Jesus or you know, so that's what John 3 16 says who's a believer in him So then I'll have to explain to them what belief is and if you hear for the Thursday I explained that it is to trust Jesus Christ and this again I'm using their words against them and I'll say to them. Well, let me explain to you what believe in means I said for example if I said to you, you know what and I should know their name by now You should ask the name book by this point. I'll just say to them. Look, let's say his name's Tom I was like Tom, you know if I said to you that the reason I'm going to heaven is because well first of all I'm a sinner I don't deserve to go to heaven But I'm going to heaven because Jesus Christ died for me and I'm not going to heaven because of Jesus Christ Okay, I'll say to them, you know Am I trusting Kevin in that example to go to heaven or my trust in Jesus? And because I mentioned because of Jesus because Jesus they're like, oh, yeah, you're trusting Jesus. I'm like, you're right What if I said it to you this way? the reason I'm going to heaven is because I'm a good person because I go to church because You know, I give to the poor and you keep going right and again, you're kind of using their words that they use, right? At that point and I and then I asked to ask, you know, I don't mention Jesus at all I just say I've done this good. I've done this good. I've done this good, you know I've I've helped the old lady cross the street. In fact, I'm a church pastor. That's how good I am Okay, then I'll say to them, you know Am I trusting in Kevin now to go to heaven or my trust in Jesus now? I've not mentioned Jesus at all in that presentation. I said well you're trusting in Kevin. I said exactly Remember? Yes, you said you believed in Jesus There's a portion of your faith on Jesus But it's not all on Jesus a lot of what you told me you're trying to be a good person I'm trying to go to church trying to do this and that shows me that your faith is not just on Jesus So I'm not telling them it's not on Jesus I'm just saying it's not all on Jesus and a lot of it is also on yourself Okay, what the Bible means by believing on Jesus is means that you no longer trust yourself You're not trusting in your good works. Your faith is not on yourself You need to transfer the faith that is on yourself completely onto Jesus Christ alone And generally they understand by that example, they can't be me me me I've done this No, actually, in fact, if it was me, I'm wicked. It all has to be on Jesus Christ alone I find using that really helps people understand what it means to believe on Christ alone Okay, plus nothing minus nothing. There's nothing more we can add. Otherwise, your faith is not completely on Christ alone Then I'll take into Romans 6 23 which we're you're at and I'll begin to read it It says for the wages of sin is death and I'll say to them. Hey, we've already read this part Remember and they're like, oh, yeah, I did I said but I didn't read the next part It says here, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord And I'll say some look eternal life is like everlasting life and they'll yeah Okay. All right, and it says here that eternal life or everlasting life is the gift of God Now I'll sit now remember that is in their hands that leaflet So then I'll say to them look that leaflet that's in your hands that leaflet that I gave you that's my gift to you Sometimes they say thank you. Okay, that's my gift to you. I say how much did you have to pay for it? Nothing Okay, did you have to work for it that I get you to work for it so I could give it to you? No Okay, and then I'll say to them. Have you ever given a gift to anybody maybe a birthday gift? They're like, yeah Say who pays for the gift the giver or the receiver? Okay. Oh the giver pays for the gift Correct, whatever they say to him. Whatever is right. You just reinforce your rights. Okay, don't make them feel stupid Okay, you're right the giver pays for the gift and then I'll read Romans 6 23 once again Well, let's look at it again. It says but the gift of God is eternal life So if God wants to give you the gift of eternal life God wants to give it to you Who pays for it God or you? And they're like, oh God How did he pay for it through Jesus Christ our Lord so with Christ death burial resurrection That's how he paid for the gift. But to you it's free Okay By by then if they've been paying attention and i've done a clear enough presentation. They've got it. They've got it at this point I say to them look i've given you the gospel message Let me just summarize or let me conclude i'll say something like this, right? I'll say to them and now now we're going to go through all again, but very quickly i'll say to them Would you admit they're a sinner? They really told me they lied. Okay, so That's I generally say yes And I say according to the bible if sinners die without believing on Jesus do they go to heaven or hell? Again, most often not they'll say hell If you've done a thorough enough job, then they're going to get the right answers If you find that going back they're just saying the wrong thing over and over again You're just not being clear enough in your presentation Okay, honestly you do a clear presentation. They're going to get it Say well, yeah, they go to hell and then I'll say the same things that i've said to him before But do you believe god wants us to go to hell? Well, no What did god do so we don't have to go to hell? Oh, jesus christ died on the cross quite often I'll say that died on the cross and i'll just say to him Yes, and then he was remember he was buried for how long or three days and then what happened? He rose again from the dead. I wanted to understand the full Message the death the burial resurrection. Okay, and then i'll say to them Well, just because jesus christ died for the whole world. Does that mean everyone goes to heaven and they'll like be like no No Then i'll ask them the question. What must you do to be saved? I got the same question. That's in act 16. What must we do to be saved? believe And again, they might just use these one word things and you want to you know, believe what exactly I believe in jesus Hopefully they say something like that right that you did that for me, right? I was like, correct Okay, and once you believe this is what I say once you believe on jesus remember we god says he gives us everlasting life So once you have everlasting life, can you ever lose it? And they're like no and I might say something like yeah exactly You cannot be bad enough to lose it because you were never good enough to get it in the first place It was never about you. It was all about what christ has done for you Okay And so you're right. You can never lose it All right. Now This is where I get to the next verse. So this is my seventh verse if you can turn there Please turn to john chapter 1 verse 12. John chapter 1 verse 12 And if they've answered it, right and we've gotten through this point i'll say to them look you understand It's not that complicated you get it you understand what god did so we can go to heaven. Okay, and then I say well, you know how Everlasting life is a gift I'll say to them don't you have two choices if someone offers you a gift? You can either reject it or you can and sometimes they'll answer it themselves. Oh, yeah, you can receive it, you know So I was like you're right, you know god's offering you a gift You can either reject it or you can receive it. Okay, and that's where I turn them to john chapter 1 verse 12 And i'll read to them. Let me show you how you receive the gift. That's what I say to them Right, it says but as many as received him So that's the part of the receiving of the gift and again, I would say look as many as received him that him is jesus To them gave the power to become the sons of god Even to them that believe on his name and again i'll reinforce notice again. It says just to believe On jesus and if you believe on jesus you become a son of god I said that's how you receive him. I believe once again the believing is the receiving right? So the receiving is the believing on the lord jesus christ now I'm going to do a whole sermon on calling upon the name of the lord Okay, because this is the bit where sometimes people struggle with or it gets a bit awkward, right? If they've understood it completely They've understood they've gone back and explained, you know, they answered all the questions correctly, right? I'll now say to them look before I leave I would like to help you receive the free gift I want you to be sure that you're going to heaven Okay, and again if they bring up church again, i'll tell you some look this is not about church again I'll say to them look if you're never stepping foot in my church, that's fine. I need you I want you to step foot in heaven. I want to see you in heaven if there's any struggle with that. Okay Now you've told me that you understand the gospel. Okay to receive this gift. I'll often say to them look How about we tell god right now that you want to receive the gift that you understand and believe the gospel? And I can lead you in a quick word of prayer And we can tell god that you want the gift right now And if they say yeah, let's do it man when they when they say yes, I want to pray Isn't that the best thing in the world? Okay, but listen, i'm not just leading them into a prayer that they haven't understood Okay, it's not words. It's not magic words that saves people It's what they believe in their hearts if they believe it Okay, if they believe and i'll say that to them i'll say to them look I want you to understand it's not magic words. It's what you believe that matters Okay, now you believe because i'm very drama and believe believe believe it's what you believe like All right, and so lead them in a word of prayer, you know, and it doesn't you know I've seen some people use the prayer on the tract Now this prayer is fine And uh, you know, i've seen some people do this so it says, you know dear jesus I know i'm a sinner and deserve hell But I believe you died on the cross for me and rose again to pay for my sins Please save me right now and give me the gift of eternal life. I'm only trusting in you. Jesus. Amen You know this whole time in my presentation. Have you noticed that i've not used the tract at all? Like i've never opened it up I've just used it as an illustration the receiving the gift. I highly recommend don't use the tract that's for them If they need further reinforcement of something you've covered, you know during the conversation I would not even go. Oh, let's let's let's Say this prayer together because you're making it sound like if you just say it just right And you don't want to leave people thinking oh i'm safe because I said a prayer I've been in baptist churches where you ask someone how do you know you're saved? I said the prayer Prayer Okay. Yes, we need to call upon the name of the lord. I'm all for calling upon the name of the lord Okay, but there's no point of calling upon him if you haven't believed the gospel, right? You want to drive home and i'll say that it's not magic words. It's what you believe Okay, and then i'll just lead him in a prayer Very simple dear jesus and I get them to repeat after me. Dear jesus. I know i'm a sinner and i'm a sinner But I believe that you died for me. I believe that you died for me, you know, please give me everlasting life Please give me everlasting life. I'm only trusting you. Jesus. I'm only trusting you jesus. Amen. Amen If you miss something you miss something. Okay, it's it's not ah, man. You mis-said the word Okay, or instead of you know, some people get really caught up on this I say you got like it's about asking and so if someone says, you know Please it doesn't if someone doesn't say please give me everlasting life and instead of they say well, thank you for everlasting life Maybe they're not really saved. It's like oh come on. You're crazy You get the point they believe it right whether they're thanking god for it or they're asking this The point is they're going to god and saying this is what I want. I want to be saved. Please save me I believe the message of the gospel So I don't get caught up on just the little words here and there okay, what do the thief on the cross say? Remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom. That was it Okay, so don't get so worked up on the prayer You don't want to leave people thinking they got saved because they said a prayer. Okay, you want them left thinking they they uh, They're saved because they believed jesus christ Okay, and all they've done in that prayer is acknowledged to god directly that they believed on the gospel Okay Now I do have some additional bible verses which i'm not going to go through I was I was thinking and going through if I if I ran if I had um, if I went through this very quickly But I won't right now and maybe it's for the best Because I truly believe these verses that i've given you again 70 80 percent of the time given the gospel. That's all I need That's all I need. Okay. There's a process you explain the bad news You explain the good news you explain what the death of jesus christ means you explain whatever last life is you can never lose it You you you reinforce that it's just believing on christ and then you say it's a free gift you want it or not Before you leave right? And so if you get these things right brethren you get someone saved. Oh boy, there's a lot of joy There's a lot of joy in our hearts, right even on a hot day people getting saved It doesn't matter the new man rejoices You know, you're going to see that person in heaven for all eternity The worst thing you want to do is just get them to say some prayer. They haven't believed You've left them thinking they're somehow going to heaven now. They haven't believed they're not saved Okay, you're causing further damage potentially it's that person hopefully not hopefully you've done enough to plant the seed but they must understand the gospel All right I've got maybe I need to put another part which we've additional bible verses in and tell you why I use other verses There are other verses that I have that I turn to if someone gets stuck on a point Okay But again most of the time the verses that i've given you the seven verses that i've given you Is more than enough to get them over the line. Okay, let's pray