(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Okay, so if you look at John chapter 14 and verse number 1 it starts off by saying again the words of Jesus Christ Let not your heart be troubled you believe in God believe also in me You see Jesus Christ knows that as as as Christians as as believers Even though we are saved we can be people that have our hearts troubled, you know, we're going through some difficult times It's very easy, you know, it's just part of our our makeup You know that we can be easily troubled and so John chapter 14 is written Primarily so we can be comforted in a time of trouble now don't turn away from them going to read to you from Galatians 522 it says but the fruits of the Spirit is love Joy, and the third one on the list is peace And so what I'll be preaching about today brethren or tonight is on the fruit of the spirit of peace Peace as a fruit of the Spirit then it says long-suffering gentleness goodness faith meekness Temperance against such there is no law. So I'm continuing the fruit of the Spirit series and we're up to part three on Peace and so obviously if you are being troubled, what is it that you need from the Lord? What is it that you really desire from the Lord? You want Pete you want peace, don't you? You'd rather live a life of peace then live a life where you're troubled where you're worried Where you're concerned but Jesus Christ acknowledges that we are going to have times That we that we are troubled now drop down to verse number 25 in the same chapter John 14 25 Jesus Christ says these things have I spoken unto you being yet present with you but the comforter which is the Holy Ghost and So you can see that one of the names or one of the titles of the Holy Ghost is the comforter Why would we need a comforter? Well, we need the comforter when we're troubled, right? We need a comforter when we're concerned and worried and of course if we have someone to comfort us That's going to bring peace, you know, we'll be able to have peace in a time of trouble It keeps going it says whom the Father will send in my name He shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance Whatsoever have said unto you then look at the words of Jesus Christ is the verse number 27 peace I leave with you my peace. I give unto you And so what is this piece that Jesus Christ is saying that he's left us? What is this piece that Jesus Christ says gonna give us? Well, it's the comforter. It's the Holy Ghost Okay, if we don't separate it from what Christ just said and then he says these words not as the world giveth So can the world give peace? Well, it says not as the world giveth. So the world can give a type of peace Okay, I mean isn't the world always given out the Nobel Peace Prize. I don't know how often is that Peace Prize given? Okay, and yet there isn't peace in this world, you know, the world is often trying to you know Find peace in different places in the world There's never going to be a time of peace brethren until Jesus Christ comes back and establishes his kingdom All right, but there is a what there is a peace that the world tries to give you But Jesus Christ is not I'm going to leave you I'm going to give you my peace This peace is not like what the word giveth then it says give I unto you let not your heart be troubled Neither let it be afraid All right, so when we think about the topic of peace and we think about what is the opposite of peace I Think most often when you think about what the opposite of peace is. It's generally going to generally kind of think of war You know kind of you know, when we're not in a time of war we'll say it's a time of peace And yeah, you know warfare these conflicts of that nature can be the opposite of peace But you know what? We're called to actually fight a war, you know We're soldiers for the Lord. We're fighting a spiritual warfare You're not going to find peace in the spiritual warfare at this point in time But there is a different type of peace that Jesus Christ speaks of and that's to help us overcome being troubled Help us overcome fear, right? Neither. Let it be afraid right net Let not your heart be troubled neither Let it be afraid and so when Christ speaks about this piece that it gives us it's to help us overcome trouble It's to help us overcome fear. All right, so if you're going through a time of trouble if you're going through fears What you need is the peace of Jesus Christ Okay, not as the world giver if you don't want to be seeking the world's peace. Okay to come for your heart No, you need to seek it from what Christ has left us, which is the Holy Ghost, which is the comforter And so this is why it's called the fruit of the Spirit. Okay, because the Spirit is the Holy Ghost Okay, and this is something that the Holy Ghost can produce in our lives and you know We ought to be known as people that are peaceful, you know, we ought not to be known as people that are troubled We ought not to be known as people that are afraid. We ought to be known as people that have the peace of God in us Okay. Now, can you please turn to John chapter 16 just two chapters forward John chapter 16 and verse number 33 John chapter 16 and verse number 33 Like I said, you know some people think of peace as you know, no warfare, you know, like there's no difficulties But that is not the Christian life Okay, and in John 16 verse 33 It says these things have I spoken unto you that in me you might have peace I mean those are beautiful words of Jesus He says look if you're in me, you know, if you're someone that is saved if you have Christ as Savior He says look you will have peace And go out. We're not going to go through difficulties We're not going to go through trials, but look what he says straight after in the world. Ye shall have Tribulation hold on Jesus. You just told us in you we can have peace and now you're telling me We're definitely gonna have tribulation. Which one is it Jesus? It's both Okay, it's both we can go through tribulation and be at peace Going through tribulation. Okay, then he says this but be of good cheer I have overcome the world. Okay be of good cheer I have overcome the world and so I don't know if I brought I think I mentioned this before it was this church or New Life Baptist Church, but I said that when we fight our spiritual warfare We don't fight for victory. Okay, we fight from victory Jesus Christ has already been victorious Jesus Christ has already overcome the world and if we're in Christ we too have overcome the world Okay, when we go through tribulations and hardships and fears Christ has already overcome those things That's why we can be at peace Okay, you know if I were to you know, maybe have my life Threatened I would I should be at peace now will my heart be troubled to some extent Yeah, I mean Christ even talks about you know that there are times that we're gonna be troubled But that's why he's given us the Holy Ghost to give us comfort to give us peace Okay, but if I even if I were to lose my life listen as soon as I open my eyes, I'm gonna be in heaven You know, I know what my eternal destination is no matter what happens Okay, and that ought to be the peace that that you know that ought to be the peace that we have right or if we're Going through difficulties and and you know, there might be some concerns our way We ought to have the peace to know that God is allowing us to go through that tribulation for his purpose Whatever that purpose is. All right, and it is tribulation It is hardships that help you grow and mature as a Christian You know, if you have no hardships if you have no persecution I guarantee this you're going to stay as a babe in Christ You're not going to be able to exercise the things that God has it has has given us Instructed us to live by if you don't go through some level of difficulty. Okay, it's difficulties It's tribulations that helps us to grow its tribulations It's difficulties that help us draw back to the Lord as a refuge in a place of safety and for peace Okay, so it's it's it's tribulation that we need to experience Jesus Christ promised us we're going to experience that but we can still have the peace of God as we go through it Now, can you please turn to Galatians chapter 6 for me Galatians chapter 6 verse 15? Galatians chapter 6 verse 15 and While you're turning there, I'm going to read to you from Romans 14 17 you go to Galatians 6 I'm going to read to you from Romans 14 17 it says for the kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but righteousness and peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost, okay Righteousness, peace joy This is the kingdom of God and if you're saved you've entered into that kingdom spiritually speaking You know one day that kingdoms gonna be fully realized when Christ comes back Okay, but for now it's a spiritual kingdom that when you are saved you answer that kingdom spiritually speaking Okay, but within that kingdom is righteousness peace and joy Hey, those are free fruits of the Spirit right there You've got the joy which I've covered last time you got the peace and the righteousness is another way of saying goodness goodness is One of the fruits of the Spirit that we see in Galatians chapter 5 and so again, where are these things? In the Holy Ghost Notice the consistency of the Bible we find these fruits Okay to help us go through difficult times in the Holy Ghost the comforter which Jesus Christ has given us The point being is that to develop peace in our lives. We have to be in touch with the Holy Ghost We have to allow him to work this fruit in our lives We cannot be living a life that that resistors or resist or or quenches the Holy Ghost in our lives We need to be attuned to what the Holy Ghost is teaching us How is working in us in order for this fruits to be produced? Okay, if you withhold if you if you try to you know Resist the Holy Ghost this fruit is not going to develop in your life Okay, so you can see that it's it ties in with what the Holy Ghost does in our lives now You're in Galatians 6 verse number 15 Galatians 6 verse 15. It says for in Christ Jesus so that's if you're saved if you're in Christ neither circumcision available if anything nor Uncircumcision but a new creature now again, what is that new creature? Can you see that new creature on the outward? No, it's the same flesh You know I still have the same flesh That I had when I was unsaved and then when I got saved I still have the same flesh You know, I still have those lusts of the flesh. I still have those things that is flesh desires to do Okay, that's not the new man. The new man is the born-again spirits Okay, the the new spirit that you have within you how is that spirit born again? It's born of the spirit, right? It's born of the Holy Ghost and then it says this verse number 16 and as many as walk according to this rule Peace be on them and mercy and upon the Israel of God peace be upon who Muhammad Muslims say, you know every time so they talk about their prophet, you know, peace be upon them Peace be upon them that are in Christ Jesus so the only way for you to have true peace is if you're saved if you're in Christ if you have that new creature that new creature will be at peace and When you're troubled and you're this, you know, worried and upset that's the flesh Okay, and so you have this decision to make do I walk after the spirit which actually has this peace that can be produced in My life or do I seek after the flesh the old man the old creature. That's where the troubles are That's where the worries are No, we need to seek to be in the new man, you know put on the new man and put off that old man You know crucify or mortify that flesh that's how we're going to develop the peace that we have within us I'm going to read to you from Romans chapter 10 verse number 15 and if you can please go to Ephesians chapter 2 go to Ephesians chapter 2 I'm going to read to you from Romans 10 15 Very familiar passage. I've preached on this a few times already recently It says and how shall they preach except they be sent as it is written How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of? peace Right and bring glad tidings of good things So what is it that brings peace in the life of people? It's the gospel. Okay It's the reconciliation between God and man when someone believes on Christ and and his blood Has atone for our sin and we receive the righteousness of Christ and we can stand before God in the righteousness of Jesus Christ That's what brings peace between God and man Okay, and so as I said, you know our position before God is a place of peace. We are at peace with God I die brethren. I'm gonna stand before God That's that's the peace that you know that this world wants Even though they're so prideful to think that they can get it some other way by good works or what? You know everybody can who it is. Everyone thinks what's gonna happen to me after I die Do I have a peace when I die, you know when someone passes away we often say hey rest in peace But most often they're not they're not resting at all most often not this this they screaming in the torment of hell But if I believe a passes away, hey truly that person can rest in peace. Okay, because he's made peace with God Ephesians chapter 2 verse 14 Speaking about Jesus for he is our peace Who have made both one and have broken down the middle wall partition between us Now this us that is referring to is not between God and man. It's between the Jews and the Gentiles Okay, because between the Jews and the Gentiles there was this division right the nation of Israel were the people of God That was the the physical nation that God was working through in the Old Testament And so that automatically created some division with the Gentiles, of course because they were worshiping false gods But Christ comes right and brings peace between these two groups. Look at verse number 15 Having abolished the flesh in his flesh the enmity even the law of commandments contain ordinances For to make in himself of twain one new man so make in peace Just keep these things in mind right verse 14 say that Jesus is our peace Now it's saying that Jesus has come make in peace again between these two these two groups Verses 16 that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross Having slain the enmity thereby and came and preached peace to you What's that piece again the gospel of peace, right? Christ came preach in peace to you which were afar off and to them that were nigh So the same message of peace the same gospel of preach was preached those that are far off the Gentiles and them that are that were nigh, you notice that there in verse number 17 it says and preached Peace to you. That's one grip right which were far off Who is he writing to to the Ephesian Church the Gentiles? Okay, so the you is are the Ephesians the you are the Gentiles and then it says and to them that's another group That were nigh. That's the Jews. Okay, the same gospel saves both groups of people This is what brings peace between the two groups right It's crazy how people think that now the Jews get saved some other way. Are you insane? How do you not see the peace that Jesus Christ came and brought between these two groups verse number 18 for through him we both have access by one spirit unto the Father Now therefore ye who are the ye that the Ephesian Church your normal strangers and foreigners But fellow citizens with the Saints and of the household of God and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone in whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto and Holy temple in the Lord So I just wanted to read that passage to you because you can see how many times peace is brought up, right? Jesus Christ is peace. He's the Prince of Peace. That's one of his names Okay, not only that he's made peace between the Jews and the Gentiles meaning that if we're all together in Christ Jesus there ought not to be any division You know, you might say if nef if this in my ethnicity is Chilean Right and some people look for peace or companionship and friendship with the same ethnicities You know, this is this is normal. This is why you know Fairfield is known as you know, Little Iraq Okay, because the Assyrians like to just get gathered together. This is why in Cabramatta you got Chinatown Okay, because because you know, it's mainly Vietnamese and stuff like that But they they like to be together people are the same ethnicity Like to come together because they feel that some type of peace some type of connection between them But that's why I love Church because we're all of different backgrounds It doesn't matter if we're Jew or Gentile or if you're from Greece or from Italy or from South America or You're Aussie or you're white or you're black or you're Jewish It doesn't matter if we're in Christ Jesus, there's peace no matter what you know What what there is, you know, this is the true answer to racism that we're all one in Christ Jesus So, you know, I find more in common with a believer even if you're a completely different ethnicity Even if maybe between our nations there was some type of war in the past or something I find more in common with you as a brother or sister in Christ and I do with my so-called fellow man That's how it ought to be Okay Jesus Christ came to bring peace to those that are within him in him that one body that's been reconciled through the cross unto the Father I Want you to turn to Romans chapter 8 for me, please go to Romans chapter 8 I We've looked at peace between us and God and we can only have that in Christ Jesus And now it's kind of want to keep building on the fact that we've been given the comforter We've been given the Holy Ghost to give us peace as we walk and with as we live out the Christian life And I just want to show you why it is that you struggle with peace Okay, and why I struggle with peace, you know, I'm not pointing pointed fingers We all struggle with this at different times and in 2020 and as we can we go into 2021 with the whole covert situation There's a lot of Christians that are strong with peace. Honestly, there's a lot maybe you're maybe you're counted amongst that group. Okay There's a lot of people just struggling with the concept of peace and they're unsettled They're frustrated with all the things that are going on. But you know what even in the midst of tribulation we can have peace That's what we saw at the beginning of the sermon, right? And I want to show you where this lack of peace comes from Romans chapter 8 verse number 5 It says for they that are after the flesh Do mind the things of the flesh But they that are after the spirits the things of the spirit so we see there the flesh now spirit There is capital S. I believe I do believe that's referring to the Holy Spirit Our spirit was born from the Holy Spirit and it's the Holy Spirit that talks to our spirit So there is a connection anyway between the Holy Spirit and the spirit the new spirit that we have within us But notice there are these two elements that we're being dealt with here. Look at this number six for to be carnally What's carnal? You know Meats or flesh. Okay to be carnally minded is death Look at this, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace So it's about our mindset do you have a peaceful mind are you at peace? Even with all the lock, you know different types of lockdown different restrictions, whatever situation, you know We find ourselves you gotta wear a mask here. You gotta wear a mask there whatever it is, you know Well, are you at peace about that? You know and if you're at peace great that tells me that you're spiritually minded that you're not concerned about this earth You know, this place is is you know, God's gonna burn it down And you know just at the end times things are just gonna get progressively worse we should know this Okay, and if you're just well, that's how it is. And you know what? I'm at peace Anyway, that means you're spiritually minded your mindset are on eternal things your mindset is, you know Well, you know, it's just one step one day closer to the coming of Christ. Your mind is on spiritual matters But if you're not if you're not living the life, you know a life of peace that tells me that you're carnally minded You know, you're operating out of the flesh, okay, you're thinking too much about carnal things earthly things worldly things rather than the things that are eternal look at verse number seven Because the carnal mind is enmity against God You say pastor Kevin, I've been strung with peace for at 20 20 20 21 You know what? That's because you were at enmity enmity against God Your mind was an enemy toward God because you're operated from that carnal mind You know, God does not want to be an enemy to you. He wants you to have that life and peace Okay, but that comes by being spiritually minded This is a struggle that we all have we all struggle this every time you sin If you're honest enough to admit you've sinned today, you know why because you're carnally minded Okay, and when you sin against God you trespassed against the Lord that's what sin means, you know the transgression of the law You know, you've you've at that point you became an enemy to God when you sinned today Okay, you're operating out of that carnal mind rather than operate from a spiritual mindset, which is life and peace Let me just read verse number seven again because the carnal mind is enmity against God for it is not subject to the law of God Neither indeed can be it says look it's this carnal mind doesn't submit itself or it's not subject to the law of God It doesn't want to follow God's commandments and then never indeed can be you if you try to live a carnal life You're not going to please the Lord. You're never going to satisfy the laws of God Okay The only way we can keep God's laws and keep ourselves clean to some extent is by being spiritually minded when you're spiritually minded That's where life and peace will come from okay this fruit of the Spirit that the Holy Ghost wants to develop in you Okay is is all about your mindset. Where are you mentally? Are you mentally kind of on carnal things? Or is it on spiritual matters? Now so, you know, like I said, you know, have you been at peace since COVID has turned this world upside down Have you been at peace? And if you haven't been then let it let this sermon challenge you I need that peace, you know go to the Lord and say Lord. I need this fruit of the Spirit I've been lacking it in the last couple of years. I've been lacking this during COVID Lord. Give me that peace. Okay Now as I said to you peace overcomes fear when we looked at the opposite of peace, you know We looked at you know, it's the opposite of being afraid or being troubled and I'll just read a few passages to you I might get you to turn to John chapter 20 go to John chapter 20 And I'll read to you some other passages I'm going to read to you from Judges 6 22 Judges 6 22 It says and when Gideon Perceived that he was an angel of the Lord So an angel of the Lord comes to Gideon Gideon said alas O Lord God for because I have seen an angel of the Lord face to face and The Lord said unto him Peace be unto thee fear not Thou shalt not die So when God speaks to Gideon here, he says look peace be unto thee fear not They see the opposite of peace Okay, the opposite of peace is not to be afraid, you know, and I don't blame these guys I think I'd be afraid if I just saw something saw an angel You know what one of these heavenly beings come before me and and you see the glory of the heavenly host Yeah, I think I'll be I'll be I'll be shocked as well And so the message often you often see this in the Bible. It's fear not don't be afraid Right be at peace in Daniel chapter 10 verse 18 the prophet Daniel It says then there came again and touched me one like the appearance of a man and he strengthened me and said Oh man, greatly beloved fear not Peace be unto thee be strong Yea be strong and when he had spoken unto me I was strengthened and said let my Lord speak for thou has strengthened me You see peace will strengthen you peace will give you the strength to overcome fear Look at John chapter 20 verse 19 John chapter 20 verse number 19 It says then the same day at evening Being the first day of the week when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled Look at this for fear of the Jews Came Jesus and stood in the midst and saith unto them peace be unto you. I Want you to see that say do you struggle with fears? Are you a fearful person? You know, well, you know what the answer is God's peace You need God's peace. You need this fruit of a spirit to me This is so vital, especially in a troubled society in a troubled world You know in a time when when things are so unsettled you need the peace of God I need the peace of God, right? Otherwise, you will struggle and go for these fears. You will be troubled Okay, and you will be exercising that carnal mind Instead of exercising the spiritual mind and being focused on the things that God wants us to do and So, you know the what I'm trying to tell you Brevin is, you know, don't fear You know and sometimes people, you know don't want to step out and do something great for God because they have fears You know, sometimes people just don't want to go so winning because they're afraid, you know of what's how are people gonna react at the door? You know, if the reason one of the reasons you're held back from going soul winning, you know And you know, it's fear. Well, you need peace. You need the peace of God. You need to ask God give me this peace so I have the strength to be able to go out there and face my fears and Really, you know for those of us that go so in a regular basis, you know Maybe kind of was scary at the beginning right but that's kind of like I it's just gonna knock on someone's door What's the worst someone can do right? I mean, what are they maybe? Shout some profanity at you. That's probably the worst they're gonna do to you, right? And so, you know, we need to not be afraid, you know, some people are afraid of failure, right? and you know This was one reason why I was sort of It took me a long time to go soul winning because I was afraid that if I knock on someone's door and they ask me some question that I won't be able to answer that Question and I had that fear that I'm gonna fail in my efforts to go soul winning, right? I thought that I needed an answer to every Arguments or you know every so-called contradiction that might be in the Bible You know every argument to evolution and and every argument to every false religion now And I didn't want to go so any for a while because you know first of all, you know several years You know as a young man because I was just like well I'm not gonna be able to answer the questions and so there's a fear of failure, right? You know, some people have a have a fear of maybe finding a spouse maybe you know, I'll never find a spouse I'm never gonna find you know, don't don't give in to to that kind of fear You know what you need is the peace of God in your life Okay, some people might be afraid of of failure of finding a job, right? You know, they've gone and they've applied for a job. They've applied for a job They don't get it and they've got the fears out. I'm gonna fail my family I'm gonna I'm gonna fail the people that are dependent upon me and you know what you just need the peace of God in your life You know do what God expects you to do and just realize that sometimes you will fail Sometimes you will fall but look do it peaceful peaceably Okay, don't don't do it. You know, don't don't prevent yourself from failure because of fears We're all gonna make mistakes in life. You know, you're gonna go so in it and you're sometimes gonna mess it up It happens. What are you gonna do? Okay, you just got to learn to pick yourself up Okay, and and carry on Proverbs 24 verse 16 says for a just man faileth seven times and Rise up up again, but the wicked shall fall into mischief The righteous man the just man, you know what no matter how good you are how mature you are. You're gonna fail You're gonna you're gonna fall All right so don't allow the fear of failure stop you from doing what God wants you can you're going to fall and Guess what when you fall you get right back up and say God help me get back up Lord help me not to make this mistake again help me not to have a fear give me a peace so I can pursue what it is that you want me to accomplish my Life and and operate, you know in accordance to your word operate out of the will that you have before me in your life Otherwise, you know if you if you allow fear to get a hold of you, you're never going to achieve You know, you're never going to be successful right at serving the Lord at doing what the Lord wants you to do Can you please send to Philippians chapter 4 Philippians chapter 4? Philippians chapter 4 Because you might say well, yeah pastor Kevin I I need the peace of God I realize that I realize I have these unnecessary fears, I realize I'm troubled and You know COVID-19 has been a real frustrating time in my life and I just don't have the peace. What what's the solution? All right. How do I get this piece? We already saw we were kind of taught that solution, right? It's about walking the spirit. Okay, it's about exercising your mind on spiritual matters Okay, walking in that new man putting off the old man But look at Philippians chapter 4 verse number 5 And this is a really great passage to think about it says let your moderation be known unto all men Then it says these words the Lord is at hand You know that's saying the Lord is close by You know anytime you need the Lord. He's as far as just you Say any prayer the Lord is right there. The Lord is at hand then it says in verse number six Be careful for nothing. Hey, don't be full of care. Don't be full of worries but in Everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving. Let your requests be made known unto God And so how is it that we deal with our troubles? You need to learn how to pray you need to take these things to the Lord, right with thanksgiving This is the best way to pray. Okay, don't just be like our Lord. I need this I need this I need this It's good to exercise your mind and say well Lord, how have you blessed me today? How have you blessed me over the last week Lord? Thank you for my paycheck that I got this week Lord Thank you for blessing. Thank you for salvation Thank you for my family. Thank you for the Bible. Thank you for a home in heaven Thank you for giving me the comforter, you know when you approach God in prayer go with thanksgiving as well Okay, as well as bringing your supplications before him now the next verses are crucial because it says in verse number seven and So once you've done this and the peace of God Which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds? through Christ Jesus So the peace we need Brevin is the peace of God which passeth all understanding Okay, it's beyond understanding is what that says, okay You know, you can live a life of peace and people can look at you and go why is it so peaceful? It doesn't make sense. Yeah, it doesn't make sense because it's the peace of God. It's not that peace that come from this world That means we can go through all kinds of hardships and we can still have a smile on our face and be at peace I know Christians like that. I've seen mature Christians in churches Where it's just they're always at peace. They're always joyful They're always at church just serving God and worshiping God and and you think you know You could be mistaken and saying that person never suffers Surely that person never goes through any trouble. How is it that they're always at peace? You know why it's not because they don't go through troubles. We all go through troubles Okay, never think I'm the only one go through some difficulties. We all do everybody does Every family has some difficulty that I face Okay, it's just that these people have been able to develop that fruit of peace in their lives Then you don't even notice that they're going through difficulties. Okay? So this is a peace that comes from God it passeth all understanding. Look at verse number eight This is other good advice about the peace. It says finally brethren whatsoever things are true Whatsoever things are honest Whatsoever things are just Whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are lovely Whatsoever things are of good reports if there be any virtue and if there be any praise think on these things Now look at verse number nine those things which you have both learned and received and heard and seen in me do and the God of peace Shall be with you Hey, how is it that you can live a life of peace? Again, it's about exercising your mind Right being spiritually minded and so you take your mind and you put your mind on these things What things the things that are true things that are honest things that are just things that are pure Things that are lovely look, I don't know how much time you spend Okay, turn on the news Look I keep preaching about against the media these days, right, but honestly Their job is to get you be kindly minded. Their job is to make you afraid. Their job is to make you troubled Okay, and you keep putting that TV on that's all you're just gonna be kindly minded You're just gonna be upset and frustrated and worried when God says no put your mind on things that are lovely It's not lovely to turn on the TV and find out that some car crash and some other people died and some other people got Wiped out and some war somewhere in the world and just constantly feeding your mind every day this thing. That's not lovely Okay I've seen that lovely what sort of things are of good report if there be any virtue if there be any praise Think on these things. This is what you need to be spending your mind on And I'm not just talking about you know, the mainstream media I'm talking about YouTube, you know, I'm talking about the alternative media Right. I mean that's what the alternative media likes to do, right? They say hey stop listening to to the mainstream media because they're lying to you and they are lying to you And say they listen to us listen to the alternative media, you know, we'll tell you what's really going on All right. Let's find out what's really going on and then you measure those things with the things that are in this list Are they is everything they say true is everything they say honest is everything they say pure and lovely good report virtue and praise no and So, you know it's funny because you've got these two groups of people one group of people that listen to mainstream media and then another group people that Listen to alternative media and they look at the people that listen to mainstream media and they say oh you're the sheeple You know, you're the sheep. Yeah, that's what we are. Jesus Christ calls us the sheep And he's the shepherd. There's nothing wrong with being a sheep and we've seen recently that hey, we're sheep that accounted for the slaughter There's nothing wrong with being a sheep Okay as long as your shepherd is Jesus Christ your shepherd not ought not to be mainstream media and your shepherd is definitely not the alternative media either both of these things are going to cause you to be troubled and Worried and upset and be kindly minded when our instruction is to be spiritually minded How we ought to have our minds on Jesus Christ, this is our media This is what we feast our eyes upon. This is the commentary on the world Okay, not mainstream media and not the alternative media. They're both kindly minded Okay, one might be more truthful than the other but they're both kindly minded. Okay, and you're gonna be frustrated You're gonna be worried. You're not gonna be at peace Okay, peace comes by following the Shepherd by reading the words of the Shepherd, okay There's nothing going on in this world. That wasn't already covered in this book And if you don't get that you just need to start reading this again Okay, this book talks about everything that's going on in 2020 and 2021 Till Jesus Christ comes back and even after that Okay, even for a thousand years after that and even in the new heavens and new earth God's Word already gives us everything we need there is nothing new under the Sun Okay, be careful about what you spend your time on brethren. Okay, be careful He turned to first Timothy chapter 2 verse number 1 first Timothy chapter 2 verse number 1 Pastor Kevin, don't you know it's hard to be at peace Because we live under such a wicked government such a corrupt government. I know it is Okay in the world you shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer. I have overcome the world. That's those are the words of Jesus Okay so You know and I've been hearing about this a lot how corrupt the government is and that what are they pushing out? If you've been turned on the TV Mandatory vaccinations, they've been rolled out, you know, I think it started this week. Okay mandatory vaccination. What are we gonna do? We're worried and concerned. It's a no we're called to be people of peace Okay. Now, yes, we do live in a you know, we've under wicked leadership Okay, I know that it's not new that's not you're not there's nothing you in the Sun, you know Jesus lived on the wicked wicked leadership as well Okay First Timothy chapter 2 verse number 1. I exhort therefore that first of all supplications prayers intercessions and Giving off. Thanks be made for all men For Kings and for all that are in authority What pray for our wicked government pray for our wicked politicians? That's what the Lord's telling you to do Okay that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty You know what? I Think there's just way too much whining and murmuring and complaining about our government You know what God tells us to do when we don't have peace because our wicked government, you know We're meant to do when we're meant to be praying for them That's what we're meant to do, you know every time I hear about how wicked our government is I sure hope you've at least been praying about them or for them as much as you are complaining about them In fact, I believe if you spend more time praying for them, you're not going to be complaining about them so much Alright, because the only way we can live and lead a quiet and peaceful life is to pray for the kings and for all That are in authority All right, I'm sick and tired of hearing about how wicked our government is we know we've known this I've known this my whole life It's not like 2020 now, they're wicked they've always been wicked They've always been wicked Okay, and I don't care if you're on the left or the right. They're all wicked. They're all corrupt Okay, I mean these people go into Parliament or you know go into power just to make money to get them make themselves rich You know, do you not think Paul knew this when he wrote first Timothy? Do you think God did not really know this and God says look pray for them? Why pray that they would not make our lives difficult pray that they would allow us to live a quiet and peaceful life So your next time you start thinking I can't believe now they're doing mandatory vaccination How wicked this government is look before that comes out of your mouth before you get kindly minded How about you get spiritually mind the first and go and pray for them? Okay, that's gonna respect and honor what God has asked you to do okay, because when you just Pour out all the things that you're listening to that I can't reminded. Okay, you know what that's gonna breed more trouble You're just gonna upset other people you might upset other church members. They just want to live a peaceful life They know what's going on. It's not like all your sheep. Well, you don't know what's going on We all know what's going on. If you read your Bible, we all know what's going on Okay, we all know what's going on, but you need to find the peace of God Okay, we're called to be peacemakers Peacemakers we do that by praying for our authorities. I don't care how wicked they are This is a commandment that is given to us by God and it's not for the politicians sake that we pray for them It's for our sake that we can live a quiet and peaceful life Maybe the reason why we do face a government that's trying to push their agenda. Maybe we've not just not been praying for them Okay, maybe we're not being praying for this quiet and peaceful life Maybe we've taken it all for granted and we can completely forgot about these passages and instead of praying as the people of God We just started complaining about them murmuring and whining complaining like the Israelites did when they came out of agents Can you please turn to James chapter 3 James chapter 3 Verse 14 James chapter 3 verse number 14 So what's the solution brethren prayers prayers take your worries take your concerns to God? Okay, and then if you're concerned about what the government's doing go and pray about them to God as well Ask God, can you help them bring in the laws, you know remove the restrictions so I can live a quiet peaceful life Lord can you cause them to take away these restrictions that are restricting us to worship and serve you the way we would love to as a church Those that's what we need to be doing instead of just one one complaining gets nowhere. All he breeds is trouble That's all he breeds trouble confusion and fears Okay, we're called to be at peace. It's a fruit of the Spirit Where did I ask you to turn James of the free James of the free verse 14? The next thing I want to talk about is Even though we're striving for peace. It's not peace at all costs Okay, it's not like peace is the most important thing that we strive for there is actually something more important than peace Okay So I don't want anyone to think that after this sermon that will pass the Kevin said, you know It's peace at all costs And so, you know what? I'm not going to preach certain portions of the Bible because it could cause trouble and I just want to keep things peaceful Alright, if I you know, I better not upset anybody, you know, cuz I'm driven. I got it I gotta live for peace. Well, there's something more important than peace James of the free verse 14 It says here, but if you have bitter envy in and strife in your heart So doesn't sound like someone of peace right glory not and lie not against the truth You know what? This is saying to me that people that have bitter envy in and strife in their hearts They actually like to glory about it They like to glory about all their conflicts and the times they've they've got into arguments and fights Listen, that is not the heart. That is not the mind of a peaceful person. Okay? Let's keep going. It says and lie not against the truth this wisdom Descendeth not from above but is earthly sensual devilish You know what people that just go on about the conflicts and strife it's not from above it's not from God It's not the peace of God Okay, it's earthly sensual devilish. It's been carnally minded again Okay Verse number 16 for where envy in and strife is there is confusion and every evil work But the wisdom that is from above look at this. This is important is first pure then peaceable So is there something more important than peace? What's first? It says there first pure the wisdom from above is first pure then peaceable Gentle and easy to be entreated full of mercy and good fruits without partiality and without hypocrisy look at verse number 18 and the fruits of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace Okay. Hey, what are we called to be Jesus Christ says blessed other peacemakers? You know what we ought to be doing we ought to be making peace All right, how do we start again we go to prayer that's that's our weapon it's a powerful weapon prayer is powerful It reaches the ears of God and he can step in and answer those prayers Okay, we can change the COVID world if we just got on our knees and praise the God to God and took it seriously asking to give us a You know quiet and peaceful life Okay, we're called to be peacemakers Now what I want to notice in verse number 17, it's not peace at all costs something more important than peace is purity first pure Okay, and so my point is this brethren, you know, and I've used this illustration a few times, you know If you're out at work and your work colleagues are like, let's go to the pub You know, let's drown our sorrows because we're not at peace, right? We've alcohol whatever and you might say well You know what? I want to get along this person. I want to have peace with this person So I'm gonna head out there. No first pure First pure then peaceable. Okay, so there are times that we're just not gonna be able to have peace Okay, if you stand for purity if you keep yourself pure listen, the words of God are pure words pure words, okay, so as Long as we stand on God's Word, we're doing what God wants us to do Then you should do everything to strive for peace. Okay, you stick to purity then you go for peace Okay, you don't skip the purity. You don't skip on keeping yourself, you know Undefiled just to seek after peace. You've got it mixed up. Okay first purity then peace but peace is important Okay, peace is important, but I just want you to notice it's not peace at all costs I'm not just trying to find peace with everybody in this world. Okay, I try to But first before I do that, I make sure that I live a pure clean life that you know gives God joy Okay that follows what God wants us to to live by All right. Can you please go to 1st Peter chapter 3 we'll end on this one 1st Peter chapter 3 1st Peter chapter 3 verse number 9 1st Peter chapter 3 verse number 9 It Says not rendering evil for evil or railing for railing but contra wise blessing Knowing that ye are therefore called that ye should inherit a blessing For here that will love life and see good days. Listen. Do you want to love your life? Do you want to see good days? Do you want 2021 to be a good days for you? You know and just love life You know what even in the in the midst of restrictions and border closures and and mass mandates You know, if you do you still want to be someone that loves life or do you always be what want to be whining complaining? Okay. Well, what do we have to do for he that will love life and see good days? Let him refrain his tongue from evil and his lips that they should speak no guile Look at this. Let him issue evil and do good Let him seek peace and Intuit Let him seek peace and into it. You want 2021 to be one of the best years in your life You know what you need to do. We need to seek peace. You need to ensure it. What does it mean? Well, it kind of sounds like the word pursue. Okay, same idea. All right pursue is a little bit more negative It's pursue is kind of like you're almost like a hostile person trying to pursue something like maybe you know The cops might be pursuing you or something like that But to answer you it's kind of the same idea to ensure is to follow after Okay, or to to attain or to take hold of same kind of idea. Okay, but not in the same negative context You know where to follow after peace. Okay, we're to attain peace okay, we ought to try to have that in our lives and You know, sometimes there are just some people that just do not want the peace. They actually like the conflicts. They like the troubles Okay, but I don't I Don't I know they're necessary I'm not tribulations gonna work, you know allow God to work in my life But I want you know go through tribulation and at the same time be at peace because that's how God wants us to operate All right, and so brethren, you know, this is fruit of the Spirit part 3 peace And again, the only way you get that brethren is by being in the new man, you know As we go through these fruits of the Spirit, I don't want you to say well Yeah, I got this one. I got this one. I don't have this one and that's just the way I am I'm just not a peaceful person You know, I'm just no you Okay. Yeah, you you might admit that you're not that way. All you're admitting to me is that I don't walk off the Spirit That's all you're admitting. All you're admitting is basically I'm kindly minded So don't turn around and say to me, you know, I'm just not that kind of person because you're just telling me Okay, well you kindly minded and I don't want to think about you like that I want to think about you as someone that is striving to allow the Holy Ghost to work these fruits into your life Okay, and you know to put our hands up and admit that sometimes we are worried. Sometimes we are troubled Sometimes we are afraid. Okay, and we all go through that. Okay, but when those times happen, what do we do? Be careful for nothing. We take our prayers with thanksgiving before God say God help me Please take these worries away from me. Please take these fears away from me. Give me your peace that passeth all understanding Okay, let's pray Have any follow