(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So my sermon today is a continuation of what I started last week. We were looking last week at basically how to simplify the gospel. You know, I was trying to give you some pointers. You know, people had asked me, Pastor, can you please tell us how you preach the gospel to your fellow Australian here? And you know, I had mentioned that when people often ask me for their advice, or I have to give advice, essentially, for somebody to improve in their presentation, it's one of two things. Number one, it's either you've got to simplify what you're saying, you know, the gospel is simple, salvation is simple, you've got to simplify the message. And that's what we focused on last Wednesday. But I also mentioned that I often talk about how you need to be personable, how you need to interact, you know, you need to make sure that you're neighborly when it comes to your interaction with someone behind the door. And so that's what we're going to be looking at tonight is how, you know, I at least how I strive and how I recommend that you strive to interact with the person behind the door. Now notice in First Corinthians chapter nine, verse number 19, Paul writes, for though I be free from all men, and praise God, we are free from all men, right, we're saved with, we're free in Christ Jesus, he goes, yet, have I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more. He goes, look, in order for me to gain more souls, in order for me to preach and see many more come to Jesus Christ the Savior, he says, I made myself servant unto all. And the title for the servant tonight is make yourself a servant unto all, make yourself a servant. Hey, if you're a servant, that means you've got a master. And if you're making yourself a servant unto all that you might gain the more, then you're making yourself a servant to the person behind that door. That's what you're trying to do. You've got to change your your your personality, you've got to adapt your character, your interaction to try to save that person behind the door. Now look, out of the two sermons, tonight's sermon and last week's sermon, last week's sermon is by far more important. Okay, look, you can have really bad social skills, you can have a really bad interaction, and still see someone saved, if you got the gospel right. Okay, let me let me make it very clear. I've seen people with the worst social skills still see people saved. In fact, my very first time soul wing, the very first time, okay, I was a silent partner. I've given this story many times. But the preacher, he was younger than me, one or two years younger than me. He was stuttering. He knocked on someone's door. And the guy who's interested, he was starting stuttering. And I never hear him. He was starting because he's nervous. He was just so nervous about giving the gospel. And, and it was all over them. It was all over the place. It was like, you know, it just it didn't seem like to follow a logical pattern. Even I as a safe person was kind of scratching my head like, you know, is this making sense? But somehow even with the worst interaction, that person behind the door got saved. Okay, so I'm trying to say last week's sermon is by far more superior. Okay, your, your, your, your, your servitude toward man and your interaction is not going to get them saved. It's the gospel that gets them saved. But how you interact with people will reduce the rejection at the door. Let's put it that way. Okay, it's going to give you more opportunities to get to the point of giving somebody the gospel. Now, when it says that he made himself a servant unto all, who are these all that is referring to, verse number 20, he says, and unto the Jews, I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews. Now, when it says that I became as a Jew, you go, hold on, Paul, you are a Jew. No, no, no, okay, what are we learning at this point, when he talks about the Jews, he's referring to the Jews religion, those of the Jewish religion, and Paul was a former Pharisee. Okay, so he understands the religion of the Jews. And so when he got to talk to other people of that religion, he was able to come alongside, interact with them, he knew where they're coming from, right, you know, he was mindful of how I express the gospel to these people, I'm gonna have to become like them. All right, because then he later on says, and to them, so this is another group, and to them that are under the law, so who are under the law, so the Jews, well, all of those under the Old Testament, under the old covenant, so that's the Jews, the Israelites, okay, all of those people, a physical people, not so much a religious group, but a physical nation to them that are under the law, as under the law. So he goes, look, I'm also, I relate, I can relate to them, right, I know they're under the law, I know they're under the old covenant idea, and they've not come to fully realise that the new covenant has come in, and so I'm going to relate to them as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law, okay, so so far, verse number 20 deals with his people, as it were, right, his physical people, even his former religion, but then he says in verse number 21, to them that are without law, now he's referring to Gentiles, he goes, so them that are without law, as without law, and then the Gentiles, so when he interacts with the Gentiles, he tries to be relatable to the Gentiles, like he doesn't come across as some special chosen person, he just wants to come across just like he can interact with any Gentile who doesn't know the law, who doesn't know the law of Moses, that doesn't know all those Old Testament scriptures, and he's able to relate even to the Gentiles, now when he says as without law, he puts into brackets, just in case you get the wrong idea, because they're without law, so does that mean Paul went to the pub and had a good drink with them, you know, and had a drunken party, so he could just relate to them, no, because then he says in parentheses, sorry, be not without law to God, because it's not toward God, toward God I'm not without law, like I'm still following God's laws, right, just in case you get the wrong idea, he goes, but under the law to Christ, and so my goal for these people is to bring them to Christ, for them to understand what Christ has done for them, that I might gain them that are without law, so he's, look, I make myself servant unto all, you know, he changes his approach to different people, and I've had conversations with people over the last few weeks, and you know, and look, Australians are different, and you have to learn how to be related to an Australian, I get that, but you need to learn how to be relatable to an Australian, okay, giving the gospel in America to an American is different, even though they speak English, even though they have the same bible, the gospel is the same, but how you interact with American is very different, you know, how you interact, I'm sure with Japanese, in fact you told me brother Jason, that if you, if you're in Japan, if you walk up to someone's door and knock on it, they think you're weird, like nobody knocks on someone's door, everyone's got like an intercom system, and a camera, and that's how you interact with people, okay, and so look, different countries, different cultures, the way you interact, you have to learn how to adapt, and this is what Paul is telling us, you've got to learn how to adapt to different people, then he says in verse number 22, to the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak, let's just have the idea, like maybe a weak person might be an elderly person, all right, because when I go toward a weak person, or maybe someone with infirmity, all right, he goes, look, I'm conscious of that, like, you know, he's not just like, you know, if it's an older person, you know, it's probably not being so abrupt, right, he's probably been a lot more gentle, a lot more softly spoken to those that are weak, he's mindful, look, this person's not in a strong state, and he's mindful about the person he's interacting with at the door, that I might, and then he says, I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some, so look, if Paul was living in 2023 in Australia, he'd be saying, I make myself to the Australians, I make myself an Australian, okay, and if he was going to the Philippines, I make myself to the Philippines, right, he's seeking to be relatable to the person that is trying to save, and then in verse number 23, it says, and this I do, why does he do it? For the gospel's sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you, all right, now you're there in 1st Corinthians, come with me to 2nd Corinthians, please, 2nd Corinthians chapter five, 2nd Corinthians chapter five, and look, I've gone soul winning in different countries, and I'm telling you, Australians are just different, I kind of mentioned this even last week, all right, look, I've gone soul winning in America, I've gone exactly how I'm dressed, with a nice jacket, with a nice tie, with a Bible under my arm, and I've knocked the doors, I am from your local Baptist church, and Americans are used to it, they expect that, they've got a church going culture, they've got a praying culture, that you're not going to turn someone off the door, because you're going with a Bible in arm, with your nice suit and tie, but I'm telling you now, especially on the Sunshine Coast, you go like this, with a Bible under your arm, you're not going, look, they're going to see out the window, they're not going to want to open the door, it's just how it is, all right, it's just how it is, all right, so, you know, some just quick tips, and some of you have seen me, when I go soul winning, like okay, if it's straight off the church service, and I'm already dressed like this, I'm going to go like this, I don't care, okay, again, it's the gospel that's going to end up saving somebody, okay, but if it's any other day of the week, all right, I go as neighborly as I can, smart casual, something along those, casual to smart casual standard, right, say, do you have your Bible in your arm? No, my Bible's in my pocket, I have nothing, my water bottle is probably in my pocket, my Bible's in my pocket, all the tracks, some are in my pocket, I usually just have one track, and I just knock on someone's door, because I want to look like an Australian neighbor next door, I'm trying to look like I'm just someone off your streets, because that's going to change the perspective, that's like, honestly, it's going to change, and again, you know, it's just, it's just culture, and you have to accept that this is the reality, okay, the reason God's given us these verses, so we can understand and accept the way we interact with people, has to be different with different countries, different cultures, all right, because we're trying to save souls, right, we're doing it for the gospel sake, now, second Corinthians chapter five, second Corinthians chapter five, now, when I say that, someone's going to get this idea, oh, then I can just go as shabby looking as I can, like, unshaven, unwashed, right, who cares, ripped jeans, right, stains on my shirt, who cares, because that's the Australian way or something like that, barefoot, right, because that's how Queenslanders walk barefoot, so I'm just going to go like that at the door, no, no, no, look, that's going to turn people off, the other thing you need to keep in mind is put yourself in their shoes, put yourself in their shoes, if they got a knock from a random stranger, if you got a knock from a random stranger, and they looked shabby, unkept, would you want to open your door to them, would you be interested in what they have to say, no, you're going to say, look, you can't even take care of yourself, probably what you have to say has no value to me, right, I mean, if you come looking presentable, all right, looking neighbourly, clean and tidy, they're going to be more responsive to opening that door and letting you speak, now the reason I say that, you know, I don't want you looking shabby or unkept or anything like that, is because in 2 Corinthians chapter 5, verse number 18, it says, and all things are of God who have reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ and have given to us the ministry of reconciliation, so we've been given this ministry to reconcile man to God and then it says in verse number 19, to wit that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them and have committed unto us the word of reconciliation, now then we are ambassadors for Christ and though God did beseech you by us, we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God and so brethren, we all have the ministry of reconciliation, if you're saved, it's your ministry, God's given it to you, it's not optional, it's mandatory, you are called to be an ambassador to reconcile people to God, what is an ambassador? I'll just quickly read to you a definition, an ambassador is a diplomatic official of the highest rank, okay so like do you think the highest rank official is going to look shabby, unkept, no, okay of the highest rank, sent by one sovereign or state to another as its resident representative, the ambassador is a representative of the country, the state, the nation that is sending them, look when you come to someone's door, you want to be a representative of God and of heaven, of Jesus Christ and his gospel message, so you want to be mindful of that, I want to come across presentable, I want to come across likeable, I want to come across as someone that cares for the soul behind that door because I'm an ambassador, I represent heaven and one of the main purposes, one of the main jobs of an ambassador is to work for peace, isn't that one of the main jobs right, if we have, what's a country, I guess Russia right because they're at war with Ukraine right, if we as Australians sent an Australian ambassador to Russia, one of their jobs is to maintain peaceful relationships between the two nations right, that is one of the main jobs and so what is one of our main jobs is to bring peace between God and man, to reconcile man with God, you can make peace with God should you believe the gospel of Jesus Christ, so that's our job as ambassadors. Now come with me to March of the sixth please, March of the sixth, March of the sixth and verse number seven, March of the sixth verse number seven, now when you go door to the soul winning, the goal of this church, the goal of our ministry is to go two by two okay, two by two, now if there's three that's okay, if there's four we can manage, if it gets any bigger than that it gets a bit messy okay, but two by two is the ideal scenario because the reason for that is because we see a pattern with Jesus Christ here in March of the sixth and verse number seven, March of the sixth and verse number seven, and he called unto him the twelve, these twelve apostles and began to send them forth by two and two and gave them power over unclean spirits, so Jesus Christ sends them two by two meaning there were six groups of soul winners when Christ you know sent out his apostles right, two by two, now there's nothing wrong with being an individual soul winner, there's nothing wrong with that in of itself okay, the really great example we see in the bible is with Jesus Christ and the woman at the well, the Samaritan woman at the well, Jesus Christ sends his apostles away to go buy food okay, and he spends one-on-one interaction with and there's nothing wrong with that okay, but the pattern that we see as Christ would enter into villages and they would go door to door is sending two by two and there are many reasons why you would want to do that okay, let me tell you what some of those are, number one it's there's accountability okay, there's accountability, now I personally find it much easier to go soul winning when I've got someone with me that says pastor I'll go with you or pastor will you come out with me, I'm more likely to go soul winning than what, what's that sorry, oh yeah more like I was going to say I'm more likely to go soul with that individual than going to watch soccer or something right, because when it's just you it's like you're okay I'm going to go out it's it's hard about when you've got the accountability with someone else, you're like I can't let brother so-and-so down, I'm going to be there okay, there's that mindset like the accountability, there's the fellowship you know when you go and look a lot of times when you go door to door people aren't wanting to receive you, they're not wanting to have that interaction with you, they'll say I'm not interested or no one's home or you know during that walk you can have a good chat with your with your brother in the Lord as you go two by two, the other advantage is a learning opportunity so you know someone can learn from me and I can learn from them with how they give the gospel or with how they interact with someone at the door, the other advantage is safety you know safety if someone wants to hurt you or if there's a maybe a dangerous dog with two people, that dog is probably less likely to go on the attack than with one person on their own, another reason is a second witness against false accusations because people don't like soul winners and by the way I mentioned on Sunday that I had a complaint about a soul winning, the guy gave me a call this afternoon apologizing for that so anyway that's a good turnout but anyway look sometimes people can make false accusations, I've had it, I get phone calls, people from your church have been going around, they've been opening car doors, they've been entering houses and I'm like look if they're entering houses it's not my church members you better call the police, that's my response to them right but there are false accusations of what I'm trying to say and look when it's just one on one like you've knocked on someone's door you're doing the best you can to give someone the gospel they can say you've done something and now you know and they can accuse you and now it's just your word versus their word but if you've got someone else with you hey they can be that second witness again oh that didn't happen that didn't take place all right so you've got that extra protection when you go two by two come with me to Matthew chapter 10 now come with me to Matthew chapter 10. Let me get into some just very practical things okay Matthew chapter 10 and verse number 12. Matthew chapter 10 and verse number 12. Now we started with the title as make yourself a servant unto all and what I really want to think about is make yourself a servant to Australians okay make yourself a servant to those that live on the sunshine coast and as I as I mentioned you come looking religious they've they've already half rejected you okay you're already making it harder for yourself okay we're trying to be a servant unto them we're trying to gain them all all right now look at Matthew chapter 10 verse number 12. Jesus Christ gave these words to his disciples he says and when you come into a house salute it salute it okay he says look give salutations greet greet the person at the door it's funny that Jesus Christ actually says to his disciples because I've seen so and I've had to give this advice I've seen so winners knock the door oh we're just here to to give the gospel of Jesus Christ I'm like bro you need to say hello how are you you know how are you how you been all right hey my name is you know I am who you can't just get straight into it I'm from this church not interested bang look one thing you need to look how do we limit rejections I'll tell you something straight away as this is about Australians again okay I know in America you knock someone's door we're just from the local Baptist church and that works I'm telling you now I'm from the local Baptist church oh church it's easy for people to reject church and religion it's not easy to reject a person so you got to make yourself the person not the church at this point in time it's easy oh from church not interested oh I got my own church got my own religion okay but when you introduce yourself the person it's harder for them to reject a individual person than an outright church okay so Jesus Christ is just telling us to salute all right and then look at verse number 13 he says and if the house be worthy let your peace come upon it but if it be not worthy let your peace return to you he says look if someone is ready to receive you awesome you know spend the time with them right but if they don't want to receive you look just return like just just get onto the next house right but Christ is making a point you want to be able to salute again it might seem very basic but people forget it okay now this is what I used to do and now this is what I do today I used to be like I said you know I'm just here from the local Baptist church not interested to slam door so how why is this happening constantly and then it doesn't happen in America okay so this is how I've changed my approach I've said look I knock on someone's door hi how are you you know good morning if it's the morning good afternoon my name is Kevin and I'm here with Matthias wherever my silent partner is we're just going I haven't mentioned church I'm introducing who we are as people we're just this is what I do I'm not saying you need to do this I'm just saying this is what I do this is what I've learnt okay I'm making myself a servant unto all I'm just going house to house in your area look I've got no bibles it's in my pocket I do have a Bible on my phone whatever okay I've got one track in my hand literally at this point I'm just going house to house in your area handing out these gospel tracks no handing out this leaflet could I leave you one to read later at that point they still have no idea where I'm from okay but they know I'm a nice person we've got smiles on our face we've got a little piece of paper for them that's easy I can take a piece of paper from my neighbour and be polite that's an easy thing to do that's an easy transaction okay but you go and hey I'm from the local church slam doors that's easy as well to reject the church and reject the religion like I said it's harder for them to reject the person now why would you want to do this now if you're in the business world and if you're I've never been a sales person but I know this works okay it's called yes laddering in other words in order for someone to give a bigger yes it's easier for them to first give a smaller yes a smaller yes and then they can give a bigger yes okay it's just psychology a little bit okay it's nothing nothing fancy it's just the reality what I mean by that is this look if you come there and you're like hey I just want to give you the gospel of Jesus Christ that's a big yes that's the big yes we want we want them to say yes can you show me the gospel but it's much easier for them to give a smaller yes first what was that smaller yes I'm just going house to house in your area handing out these leaflets can I leave you one to read later small yes most people I can get that leaflet in their hands okay now that leaflet that transaction is not going to save them they still hear the gospel but I've got a yes all right all right at this point now they okay who and that as I'm literally as I'm literally handing that leaflet always the sense to see it it says New Life Baptist Church oh we're just from New Life Baptist Church they've already said yes we're just from New Life Baptist Church and uh you know are you a church go yourself do you have any religious background I'm interacting with them now right they said yes it's open the doors for communication we're from a church or do you have a religious background in other words I'm not here trying to force I am I'm trying I'm trying to get my my faith onto them but hey I'm interested in you I'm I'm because I am I am interested in them do you have do you go to church anywhere do you have a religious background okay and many times they'll be like yeah um you know I mean it's all kinds of it can be anything right they might say oh I'm a catholic oh I grew up going to church and I went to the uniting church and look if there's anything church or christian remember how I said last week anytime they give an answer that's kind of right kind of right I just I'm just positive about that so when they say look I'm just well yeah I grew up in the catholic church you know my response is not this oh the catholics and the the pedophile priests you know I can't believe you go to that church do you think that's going to close the conversation pretty quickly of course as soon as they say anything to do with christianity I say to them oh okay so obviously you've heard of jesus as well or obviously you know about jesus and they're like oh yeah what am I trying to do build um yeah build rapport a common ground is what the word I'm looking for we're trying look we can have that in common we both have somebody called jesus I mean your jesus doesn't save but I've got a jesus at the end of the day we're trying to find some common ground you've heard of jesus and like yeah oh excellent well look more important than church in fact I don't even say that so much anymore because I think church is pretty important but I'll say something like well you know whether we're whether and look I'm just going from a christian example in Iraq right now okay whatever that christian umbrella is well you know whether we're whether we're catholic or baptists we're all going to pass away would you be a hundred percent sure that your soul will go to heaven when you pass on okay that's that's the next question that I asked them this is a really important question because it tells us what they're trusting in and you're going to use this as evidence later in your gospel presentation with them okay and you know it doesn't matter what they say really if they say uh yes or no the next if they say yes I'm sure I'm going to heaven I'll often say oh I like that confidence because I do I have that confidence I like the confidence but can you tell me what is it that you need to do to go to heaven and at that point they'll be like well be a good person most of the time right something like that keep the commandments do unto others they'll say something along those lines and again remember what I said last week are we trying to make them feel stupid at the door oh we love that soul it's a soul that Jesus has died for okay so I just play along with that oh look I'm glad you're striving to be a good person and sometimes I'll say you seem like even a better person than I am but when we compare ourselves next to God wouldn't we say that God is perfect and we're not perfect for them it's like oh yeah you know you're right you know I'm not perfect I'm striving to do good but I'm not perfect yeah you know and I'll say something like this well look you know because we're not perfect this is the whole reason why Christ had to come and die for us would you give me five minutes of your time to show you quickly from the scriptures how you can be sure of going to heaven something like that that interaction I'm trying to get the bigger yes now we've had a bit of a conversation they've received that track okay there's some small amount of rapport between us at this point in time okay if they say look I don't know if I'm going to heaven that's actually a better start I don't know oh well thanks for your honesty the bible says that we can know for sure and if I can ask you what do you think you may not know but what do you think somebody has to do to go to heaven you still want to ask him that question because again you want to show them later what they assume you've got to do to go to heaven versus what the bible truly says that's what repentance ultimately is is you're repenting from what you were trusted in what you thought you had to do and put all your faith and trust on jesus christ alone okay but you want to use the evidence of their words because they can't go against their words it's really hard okay later on later on in the presentation so you know the reason I do this brethren is I don't go no the yes ladder in smaller yes to the bigger yes is because I've seen it work I'm telling you what I've seen work my experience okay not gospel tract leaflet okay not straight away I'm from this church my name is Kevin this is can I just leave you one leaflet to read later oh I can read this later they're not going to waste my next hour I can take that piece of paper okay that's what's you know you're trying to get them to think you know that I can interact with this person this will be a pleasant experience that I have with them come with me to Matthew chapter 10 please Matthew chapter 10 please in verse number 14 Matthew chapter 10 and verse number 14 now when you say to someone look can I give you five minutes of your time can I have five minutes of your time to show you what the bible says about going to heaven if they say look I don't have time all right I look actually I'm not really interested oh here's a leaflet back I don't want it okay whatever it is Matthew 10 14 Matthew 10 14 Christ says these words and whosoever shall not receive you nor hear your words when ye depart out of that house or city shake off the dust of your feet look if someone doesn't want to receive you if they don't want to give you that time look thank him for the time you have they have given you and move on move on okay now the next point that I have for you I've preached in this before but you need to keep this concept in mind their house their rules their house their rules okay if you invite me to your house and I come to your house and you say pastor our rule around the house is for everyone to take off their shoes before you walk in oh it's your house I'm going to follow that rule even if I don't want to take off my shoes is I'm going to respect you as the homeowner as the person that does the cleaning that's looking after that place if you don't want me to walk new shoes I'll take off my shoes in which out of respect for you okay when someone says look I'm not interested I don't want to hear what you guys have to say look just be respectful or thank you for the time you gave me anyway okay but you need to make the plan to leave now this is something I learned from another soul winner maybe 10 years ago okay but I just I just thought it was so great because you know faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God we're trying to cultivate faith in their heart so this is what I've done with people so someone says I'm not interested whatever whatever that concept is say oh look thanks anyway this is what I do next let's pretend this is all I'm kind of leaning forward talking to them this is exactly what I'll do I'll take a step back but before I leave can I give you one Bible verse now if you take that step back what's going in their head he's actually leaving so I'll be polite and give him that one chance to give me that one above us okay I again just stuff that I have discovered if I stay right there at the door next to them then I want to they're not going to want to give me that one Bible verse but if I take a huge step back can I just leave one Bible verse mentally thinking okay he's about to leave I can get that one verse it just it makes a difference again we're trying to tailor our approach to our neighbor at the door okay and then I say look I'll just give you the most famous follow verse John 3 16 for God so loved the world and I say well God loves you that he gave his only begotten son that's Jesus who died on the cross for your sins he paid your way to heaven but the most important part says this that whosoever believeth in him not not whosoever is good enough and not whosoever goes to the catholic church or the baptist church whosoever believeth in him shall not perish that's not perish in hell but have everlasting life that's everlasting life in heaven with God forever so all you need to do is put all your trust on Jesus if you accept his payment for sins you can ask him right now to save you and he will thank you for your time and you know and I'll move on but I've left them one verse because again faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God you know but again it's the interaction the big step back can I just leave you one bar yep I'll go yes I respect that you're busy I respect that you don't want to hear it can I just leave you one bar verse before I go okay you don't know how that verse can grow in their heart okay and I've had that experience where I've actually given them John 3 16 and they've stayed like processing man I've never heard that before and you could kind of tell and sometimes you can lean back forward well can I continue and I've done that because you know that sparked some interest but even if it doesn't spark an interest at least we've given them a bar verse we've done the best we can all right now so what I'm trying to say to you is this look if they don't want to hear it don't get worked up don't get emotional you will get rejected I don't know what people think about soul winning I think when someone's brand new at soul winning they're going to think every door they're just sirs what must I do to be saved we know as as experienced soul winners you're going to get a hundred rejections maybe I'm exaggerating but you know what I mean before you get that one person that's ready to hear the gospel okay and look don't get upset don't think let's say you go two hours and all you got was rejection too busy no one's home god that was a waste of time no it wasn't okay you're an ambassador you're going to get paid for your work eternally paid by jesus christ in heaven one day okay it's the time it's the hours that you've spent serving him as an ambassador look if you knock on someone's door and they've got religion this might be controversial I don't know but if they got religious signs they got sorry they got signs that say no door knockers no religion no no no religion no what they say no religious they've got the terminology that I forget what's that no religion I don't know no religion no church they have no no religious groups yeah that's what they often have again their house their rules I see that sign I'm ready to move on you say to me pastor that makes it unsettle my conscience a little bit I still want to knock that door all right knock the door go for it I've done it and I've gotten people saved okay look all I'm saying is I feel like the majority of times that I've done that people have been like having can't you see the sign I've made and I might have made the interaction worse you know for them to one day hear the gospel I don't know okay I'll leave that up to your conscience but I'm saying to you their house their rules all right you see something like that no religious groups no churches I just respect that and I just move on to the next house now the next one is what if it's what if it's a reprobate pastor what if I interact a reprobate at the door okay what do you do well number one when I knock on someone's door I'm not asking them hey by the way are you a reprobate look even if I have suspicions I don't know there's a lot of effeminate men out there that aren't homosexuals or anything like that that's not what I'm looking for all right I'm there to to give the gospel to every creature I don't care okay I really I just think oh well they look weird they sound weird maybe I don't know but I don't want to think about that I want to think about the gospel I'll try to give them the gospel okay now the reason I say that is because again new soul winners I've seen it I've seen it I've heard it they knock on people's door they get rejected rejected rejected then they come back at the end of their two hours oh man this person down the road was reprobate they were reprobate though why were they reprobate oh because they didn't want to hear the gospel it's like they're not reprobates they're just they're just not interested just they're normal human beings that just don't want their time wasted by you that's that doesn't mean they're reprobates okay now come with me quickly to um luke chapter nine please come with me to luke chapter nine have I ever encountered reprobates at the door of course of course I have okay now this is how I've found out I've tried to give them the gospel and I say to me something like this well I hear what you're saying but I'm a homosexual but I'm not a homosexual once specific I remember very clearly this girl answered the door she was blue hair you know I don't know I don't care I'm giving gospel right and I said you know what do you think someone has to do to go to heaven she goes oh I know what you have to do to go to heaven I'm like okay what well all you need to do is believe in Jesus Christ and I said what is that all is that and she goes yeah you just have to believe his death and resurrection and if you do that you're saved and I said to her so are you saved she goes no I said why because I'm a lesbian I can't believe it look I'm not I'm not searching for that answer okay they tell me because if you read Romans 1 about reprobates they rejected God before God rejected them many of them know they've rejected God they may even be aware of what Christ has done but they'll say things like I can't believe it even though she told me it's faith alone not of works she goes but I can't because I'm a lesbian all right you know I don't have to tell you that you you know you've rejected God you know you've gone to a point where you're so far gone where God has given you over to a reprobate mind at that point I'll say something like this well thanks for letting me know and move on to the next house that's it now again I've seen it with my own eyes when other believers have encountered a reprobate let's turn to Romans 1 and show you why you're damned and why you're reprobate you hater of God and all you have to look forward to is damnation in hell now that's true okay but we're going so winning not so damning and the reason I'm going to turn to Luke chapter 9 verse 51 and it came to pass when the time was come that he should be received up his steadfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem and sent messages before his face and they went and entered into a village of the Samaritans to make ready for him and they did not receive him look the Samaritans in this city or this village particular they did not receive Christ so guess what's going to happen when you go door to door solving many houses are not going to receive you you're not better than Jesus okay now the whole village didn't receive Christ it's just because his face was as though he would go to Jerusalem and when his disciples James and John saw this they said Lord will thou that we command fire to come down from heaven and consume them even as Elias did but he turned and rebuked them and said you know not what manner of spirit ye are of for the son of man is not come to destroy men's lives but to save them and they went to another village look don't get so emotional okay don't get so look we need to learn how to get you know rejection is good for you like getting rejected at the door is good for you it humbles you it lowers the pride and the ego how dare they reject me don't they know I'm the only way to know that they're going to heaven it's just that's just a prideful attitude it's good to be rejected all right young men when you start looking for work you're going to get rejected and then we're going to give up I put my application in I didn't hear back okay you got rejected move on right knock the next place send your resume to the next place keep going eventually someone's going to receive you I say to single people that want to get married you're going to get rejected you put yourself out there you show your feelings for somebody you're going to get rejected you then give up oh nobody loves me nobody wants to be with no you can't you go again you say Lord open the doors all right Lord show me somebody that I can be to to be with someone that receives me someone that loves me someone that wants to be with me for the rest of their life Lord lead me to someone that I can get married to yeah you're going to get rejected in the journey but eventually going to find someone that loves you and is ready to get married to you this is life and if you want to be a soul winner you have to learn how to get rejected and it's it's good for the flesh Christ was rejected by far worse far worse than what you're going to get rejected in this life but rejection is good for you come with me to tie this up the three please tie this up the three versus nine tie this up the three versus nine tie this up the three versus nine now we're so winning we're not so damning right we're so winning we're so damning we're trying to win souls we're not trying to win arguments now something else that's going to be good for your pride and your flesh is when you interact with somebody and they give you time this time but they just want to debate they just want to argue they just want to test you and ask you multiple questions you know to try to defeat you in the the battle of the I was gonna say brawn that's not brawn that's a battle of the mind or battle of the theology and who knows more than the other now when I first started going soul winning and I'm still new and I'm still prideful and I'm still you know I've got to show how smart I am I would engage in these debates and these arguments and it's very tempting I'll tell you why it's very tempting because you're getting rejected rejected rejected rejected no one's home no one's home no one's home finally someone wants to talk to me but they just want to debate they just want to argue but you're like well at least I can talk to somebody at least finally I can look you need to learn this principle in Titus chapter 3 verse 9 but avoid foolish questions I've had to learn this I had to get to a point where I'm like you know what I'm okay with losing an argument because I'm not trying to get into the arguments if I walk away from this person who's trying to ask me foolish questions someone that's trying to contend with me and I walk away and they think they won because I've walked away and not given them an answer it's not because I couldn't give them an answer it's because I don't want to waste my time I'm not there to win an argument I'm there to win a soul okay so I'm going to go down the street and find the soul that wants to hear the gospel Reverend this is a reality and you're going to be tempted again to have this debate or at least to talk to me when I learned this concept I started to find things changed in my soul winning experience where someone wants to debate with me someone wants to argue someone wants to give me the time and I have to say you know what this person's just asking foolish questions this person doesn't really have any desire to hear the gospel I'm going to move on down the road and I started to find in these interactions when I'm able to cut those kind of conversations there was literally someone down the road waiting to hear the gospel and get saved and then I've had to go with soul winners and I see a partner getting into an interaction and gently because I'm the silent partner like come on brother we got to go like brother you know we're going nowhere here all right and they're like but you know I want to engage don't worry about it brother you're like let's just keep going keep going keep going keep going the last person down the house down down the road ready to hear the gospel get saved but if we stayed engaged in that conversation we would have run out of time before getting to that person that wanted to hear the gospel you have to remember this when the flesh starts to get in the way and you just want to give the response and you're going back and forth and back you guys hold on there's someone down the road that does want to hear the gospel and I need to go and find them but it says in verse title of the previous line but avoid foolish questions and genealogies and contentions there it is avoidance and strivings about the law for they are unprofitable and vain unprofitable and vain yes so next time you're stuck on someone's house and you're there for 30 minutes going back and forth back and forth and you know you're not going anywhere and you're not even crossing into the gospel that was unprofitable that was vain that was a waste of time okay and then we have this really good piece of advice in verse number 10 a man that is an heretic heretic after the first and second admonition reject okay reject knowing that he that is such is subverted and sinneth being condemned of himself look you're having interaction you're trying to get to the gospel you know it's the power of god unto salvation all right and someone gets you on a rabbit trail into a debate into some whatever they want to tell you about their salvation on their gospel their jesus their experience whatever it is they want to get you sidetracked on okay it happens now you need to go okay uh look look the reason i've come here is to be able to give you the gospel let me just get back onto that topic okay so you've given that that admonition look look we just need to get back the reason i've come here is to give you the gospel right so you've given that first admonition you're trying to get back on track now you're back on track you're trying to give someone the gospel again and they they maneuver over here you know did adam have a belly button or did he not and whatever whatever nonsense discussion they want to have right and then like you're like look sir you know look let me you know your second admonition look that's a you know interesting question we can deal with that later on in the present later on but let me just get back to the gospel right at that point look you've given them two admonitions all right you you try to bring them back and if they're refusing to let you get into the gospel look at that point you just need to reject the person at the door and you can do it politely well look thank you for the time you've given me right i'm gonna move on to the next house you can be polite about it okay but it's time to move on you need to learn when is it time to move on these people don't want to interact with you or they do want to interact with you okay but they want to interact with you to stop you from winning souls they've been sent to be a hindrance to be a roadblock all right if you allow your flesh to be in charge you're going to want that oh back and forth back and forth look it's vain it's empty it's a waste of time can we meet to colossians chapter four please colossians chapter four verse number six colossians chapter four and verse number six colossians chapter four and verse number six i've been sold winning with a pastor look i don't know if he was ever a legitimate pastor or not i don't know anymore we're summoned at the door just politely look i'm not interested you know look can you please polite look can you please leave i'm not interested i don't want to hear it and this pastor goes we'll go to hell then and move on to the next move on to the next house look that that's not the right way to engage with people that is not the right way okay the bible says in colossians 4 6 let your speech be all way with grace seasoned with salt that you may know how you ought to answer every man when we're trying to give someone the gospel when we're interacting with someone we need to be gracious with that person we need to season our speech with salt why do we add salt to to our cooking our food so it's it's tastier it's nicer it's easier to consume right that's why we put seasoning salt look the way you interact with somebody is going to help you okay it's going to be easier for them to want to interact with them with you okay it's going to be more a more enjoyable experience if you speak with that to them with grace and says that you may know how you ought to uh answer every man we saw this earlier how paul says look to the jews i became a jew so those under law become as under the law those without the law as without the law okay so paul understands this idea you know and and the you know the way that i would um express this is you want to be personable personable that means you're relatable with somebody okay you're relatable again i'm just an aussie across the street i'm just your neighborhood aussie coming to knock your door i want you to know that we can interact at the same level okay don't be a holier than thou look ifb people can be holier than theirs very easily okay i'll tell you how i know this pastor i'm trying to live godly but i'm just having constant uh arguments with my with my extended family pastor i'm just constantly at odds with my work colleagues pastor anybody but essentially anybody that is not like-minded we just don't get along look the problem is not them you're the problem you've got to be personable you've got to be gracious you've got to seize in your speech with salt okay look again i'm not trying to be boastful but you chuck me into pretty much any work environment unless it's just completely wicked i'll get along with people i'll relate with people okay like i i like people though okay i like people because i know what christ has done for them i know that christ has died for them as much as he's died for me okay and i know the only way that i'm going to get that door opened to give them the gospel is if we get along if they like my speech you know this is the way right being personable and look let's say you knock on someone's door i said to you earlier you know christian oh so you know jesus we're trying to find that common ground well if someone says to me oh i'm a muslim no i knock on the door say look i'm just from the local Baptist church do you go to church anywhere do you have any religious background oh i'm a muslim okay now this is how i interacted then okay i want them to know that i want to look i'm not going to be like a muslim i'm not a muslim okay but i know enough differences between their religion and my faith and i'll say something like this then to also allow them to give me look i've i spent three years preaching the gospel in a very densely islamic area i've got a lot of interaction with muslims okay and in almost three years i had only three saved they're very hard to get saved the one adult that i got saved was a woman she asked me can you come back and give me a bible and i did but she refused to open the door then she sent me an email saying can you please never come back to my house because i can't allow my husband to find out okay but when it comes to people of another religion and i know what the differences are enough because i've you know obviously interacted enough with them i'll say something like this look would you give me five minutes like i said to show you what the bible says about going to heaven i know we have differences for example comes to someone that's islamic for example i know you guys believe that jesus is a prophet just a prophet and we believe jesus is god i know you believe god has no son we believe that jesus is god's son i know you believe and depends on which kind of muslim they are but most muslims i know you don't believe that jesus died on the cross but we believe he died on the cross so i know what you believe would you give me five minutes to show you exactly what we believe the reason i start that way all right like like right so the jew became a jew right i'm trying to tell them look i know so in other words when i'm giving them the gospel they're not counter every they're not counter um they're not countering every single point that i'm trying to make and when they try oh but god has no son oh yeah and i know that remember i told you earlier but let me just show you what we believe just so you're aware of what christianity teaches but by showing them that i really am aware it prevents them from trying to interrupt me as i'm trying to give you the gospel most muslims have been trained to address christianity like they've been trained in their mosques you know if someone comes trying to give you the gospel but this is how you counter them this is how you answer they're well trained okay so you want to remove that from the equation look just give me the time and if i say yes you can have the time when they interrupt oh remember you said you were giving that time so you want to finish that again because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god all right now let me tell you another one recent deaths have you ever knocked on someone's door and you're like look you know would you be 100 sure you're going to heaven oh look i've just had a loved one pass away now when i was new to preaching the gospel i thought when someone has a loved one that has passed away recently they're going to be super receptive to hear what the bible says i thought only to find that they did not want to hear it because they're mourning you know they're really sad about it and then to hear about death and eternity it just brings back those sad thoughts and quite often people are going to reject you and not want to hear please i've just had someone pass away and it's hard like what do you do at that point right like it's a hard way to respond let me tell you how i've learned to respond obviously when someone's loved one passes away we don't know who they are right we have no idea who they are but isn't it more likely that that loved one has gone to hell than to heaven but we have the story that christ told us about the rich man who went to hell the first thing that he requested from abraham was can you can you send me a drop of water my tongue he was first thing he's seeking some comfort in his torments then when he found out he's not going to get any comfort from his torments what was his next request can you please send back lazarus to warn my brethren can you please send a sole winner to my family so they don't have to come to the same place that i'm in so i have no idea i have no idea if that loved one is in heaven i hope they are okay but more than likely that loved one is in hell now here's what by that one story here's what because that's the only story that i know of somebody in hell speaking and desiring this that's the only one we have we've got okay so this is what i'll say to the person at the door and this has really started to open to give people the gospel right when they've had a loved one pass away i say look i'm really sorry for your loss i'm really i'm really saddened to hear that you know that you've lost a loved one obviously i don't know anything about your family but one thing i can tell you for certain is that your loved one wants you to know how to go to heaven i don't tell them where they are i don't know but whether in hell or whether in heaven they would want their loved one to go to heaven wouldn't you agree that's what i mean that's what we see from the man in hell and that's just just that you know i know your loved one would want you to know what you have to do to go to heaven and that's really opened the door because i was getting constant resistance with a recent loved one that's passed away and by saying that about again i'm not trying to say i know about your family i know everything no i'm not trying to be a know-it-all all right i don't i do i don't know their family i don't know their loved one but i know for certain that they will want you to know how to get to heaven will you give him five minutes to tell you and going from complete rejection to yeah tell me and seeing people saved again what did i change did the gospel change know how i interacted with them changed how i spoke with them changed how i worded you know the the my desire to give them the gospel has changed and again a lot of this is going to come with experience okay so again i'm being personable i'm trying to be pleasant to that person i'm trying to be sensitive that they've just lost a loved one you know how can we utilize that event to give them the gospel can you come with me quickly to first corinthians chapter two first corinthians chapter two now let me let me also say if you want to get better at being personable if you want to get better at relating to someone behind the door not to brother callum's horn but go soloing brother callum like he's really good at just being aussie callum at the door speaking neighborly all right no high and mighty show confidence boldness hey look i've got a good i've got a i've got a message for you like honestly let brother callum know brother next time you're free i want to go soloing with you okay the the reason i say that is there have been people that i know i'm going to get a complete shutdown at the door but somehow brother callum just gets them talking somehow like he's got those tricks he's got that experience right and i so i strongly recommend that you go with brother callum to learn how to be more personable at the door now first corinthians chapter two verse number 14 please first corinthians chapter two verse number 14 it says but the natural man that's the unbeliever receiveth not the things of the spirit of god for they are foolishness unto him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned the unbeliever cannot know the things of god because the things of god are spiritually discerned if you're just the natural man without a born-against spirit you cannot understand the scriptures this is why you're the witness this is why you're the ambassador you're the one to be sent by god to bring peace between man and god okay now the reason i say that is come with me to acts chapter 16 acts of the 16 and verse number 30 and this is one of the passages in my presentation from last week okay acts of the 16 verse number 30 now remember let's take the illustration of the australian ambassador going to russia do you think the australian ambassador going to russia one of his requirements would be to learn how to speak russian don't you think like should he just expect everyone has to know my language whatever that whatever no if he's going to be the ambassador he's going to try to learn that language to be able to speak right to have to uh come to agreements with people and and by learning the language they're actually able to show hey look i'm interested in your country i'm i'm interested in your nation i'm not just looking out for the best interest of my nation i'm also looking out the best interest for you okay well when it comes to showing people the bible you are the translator as it were okay you're trying to help them understand the things of god the spiritual things of god the natural man cannot receive us you're that person in between okay helping them understand the things of god now when you look at act 16 verse 30 and brought them out and said sirs what must i do to be saved we know that's one of the passages that i use now one thing that i didn't speak about last week sometimes with this passage i'll show the person at the door this passage look the question gets asked sirs what must i do to be saved and i'll show them look can you read the response sometimes can you read the response and they'll read it and they and they said believe on the lord jesus christ and thou shall be saved and they'll read it at the door okay now this is the mistake you're going to make the mistake that i've made this is the mistake still some believers make so you say to them so since you read it what must you do to be saved and you know what's going to happen they're going to say oh yeah go to church oh yeah be a good person and you're going to be like you you're going to be like what like you're going to be thinking like you just read it and be like oh read it again believe on the lord jesus christ and thou shall be saved so what do we have to do to be saved oh yeah keep the commandments and i've seen a brother in the lord go back like four times can you read it again can you read it again can you read it again you know the person behind the door you know how they're feeling at this point you think i'm an idiot you're making me read it four times three times you know three times four times you think i'm an idiot look they're a natural man they don't understand i know it says believe and for you and me who are saved that's obvious but it's not obvious to them look don't make them feel like idiots they say look if they say the wrong thing oh be a good person go oh look good effort but let me just read it to you again it says believe in the lord is christ and thou shall be saved so all we have to do is believe on christ don't go back and forth you are the one that's teaching them don't make them feel stupid don't think they're stupid because they they read believe and they concluded works they're not saved okay it's like you having to learn russian so you can communicate with them okay you need to be able to communicate with people don't make them feel stupid you're the translator and look i just i really want to learn how to engage with people making them feel positive like this is a positive experience i'm not being treated like an idiot they're valuing my input he's asking me questions he's using what i have to say and brevin it's going to go a long way from stopping people from rejecting you you know as you're giving someone the gospel come with me to hebrews 10 please hebrews 10 hebrews 10 now while you turn to hebrews 10 remember when i introduced myself and i said to them you know so you know we're from the local baptist church or i'm from new life at the church do you go to church anywhere oh yeah i go to whatever such church okay well more important the church however you want to say it okay you know we're all going to pass away one day would you be a hundred percent sure that you'll be going to heaven yes or no whatever their answer is doesn't matter so what do you believe someone has to do to go to heaven and they said to you well keep the 10 commandments whatever the answer is and i said remember that okay that's because when you get to acts 16 31 and they said believe in the lord jesus christ and they shall be saved you'll say to them hey remember when i asked you earlier what you believed you had to do to be saved you said keep the 10 commandments but can you see that it says here all we have to do is believe on the lord jesus christ see now you're using the words they and they can't go back they know they said those words now you're showing them look your trust was on the wrong things your trust was on you being good versus your faith on christ alone okay and again this is why it's so important because if you don't ask them that question what do you believe you have to do okay if you don't get answer and you show them oh it says here believe in the lord jesus christ they'll be like yeah yeah i believe in jesus christ and then you're going to have a hard time showing them that's not what you were trusting in okay but by repeating the words they said they can't back out of what they said they know they they know they said those words but you're in a nice way showing them hey can you see how it's different can you see how it doesn't say confess your sins to a priest and that shall be saved it doesn't say get baptized and thou shall be saved it doesn't say go to church and thou shall be saved it doesn't say be a baptist and thou shall be saved it doesn't say be a catholic and thou shall be saved it says all we have to do is believe on the lord jesus christ and thou shall be saved now it's easy you need to transfer your trust and your faith on what you were trusting whatever they said to what christ has done for you alone okay something else i do want to say what if you ask that question at the beginning and they give you the right answer what do you believe someone has to do to go to heaven and they say well all we need to do is put is believe in jesus again i'm like hey yeah that's right you gave the right answer now the next question this is the this is the really important question to ask you don't want to conclude oh therefore they're saved okay i've said it before people can say the right things but be trusting completely different things because the next question is this so do you think if we is there anything that we can do to lose our salvation you'll find you'll be surprised they'll give you the right answer hey just believe in christ is there anything you can do to lose it oh yeah yeah if you continue in sin if you're still a sinner if you're not living righteously enough so now what are they saying to you salvation is by faith and by works that person is not saved salvation is faith alone on christ jesus alone okay but you need to ask that follow-up question or you won't know if you don't ask a follow-up question you'll think oh they said the right thing they must be saved god bless you brother see you in heaven you're not going to see them in heaven okay but hebrews 10 please hebrews 10 hebrews 10 and i already read this passage last week in fact i read this passage a few sermons now the few first few sermons i don't know maybe maybe the lord wants us to focus on this verse a lot look once you've given somebody the gospel go back to hear the sermon last week you've summarized it they've given you the right answers you've asked them if they want to receive christ the savior yes they want to call upon them the lord you're able to lead them in prayer and they pray with you this is not the time to introduce doubt let me make it very clear this is not the time to introduce doubt okay and again i've seen this practice okay you've gone for the gospel they gave you the right answers they know it's faith alone they call upon them the lord look again the verse for whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord might be saved shall be saved all right look this is not the time to go well did you really believe or this is not the time to go but let's say tomorrow you went out and murdered 10 people right and you went out and you just committed all kinds of rape and torture and you're just the most worst serial killer that's ever lived on the planet are you still saved what are you doing you're introducing doubt it's not time to they've called upon them lord if you've done everything correctly this is the time to give them confidence and look that example what if you went out and murdered 10 billion people right now look that's a reprobate you're describing a reprobate to that person no wonder they're going to have doubts look hebrews 10 23 let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering look they made a professional faith they've told you they believe yes they want to receive it yes they're placing the trust on jesus okay without wavering for he for christ is faithful that promised that's it they've caught up on the lord you know what brother you go to that facebook messenger whatever we're using pull from 22 washtown street in wherever has caught upon the name of the lord and you give it good confidence say why do you want to do that pastor because it's encouraging it's motivating when you see people get saved you say but what if they didn't get saved look you've already spent 15 20 minutes with them they've given you the right answers they tell you they believe you've witnessed that they've caught upon the lord what more do you want that's it they're saved and i had someone recently say to me but where are they all you're getting two two one two people saved where are they all you know where are they all can we meet to um matthew chapter 22 please matthew chapter 22 matthew chapter 22 you know again going back to being australian i know australians are embarrassed to hear the gospel and to call on christ and when they're embarrassed i'll tell you what i say to them when i see their embarrassment or they're hesitant to call upon their lord because you know it's i'm a bit shy to say in front of you i say to them look i may never see you again if you never step foot in my church that's not so important to me what is the most important to me is that you step foot in heaven i say that all the time you know stepping foot into church that's not the priority the priority is that you step foot in heaven look most people that are saved are not attending church when christ walked the earth he had hundreds following he had thousands flocking toward him hearing his preaching and yet at pentecost how many people are gathered together waiting for the holy ghost how much was it 120 was it 100 yeah 120 where are they all jesus only 120 obviously jesus got many people saved look it's a stupid question where are they start introducing doubts no look preaching the gospel call upon the name of lord it's simple they don't have to go to church to prove that they were saved matthew 22 please verse 9 now something else i want to be very clear about this and i want to be careful i love seeing numbers we got two saved we got five saved this week we got this many saved i love it but i don't live and die by those numbers i acknowledge there may very well be people that caught upon them lord that were not saved i acknowledge people can go through the motions i think it's very rare for that to be the case but i i accept that can be the reality i also accept the reality that someone refused to call upon them lord so we did not count them but the moment they close the door to save their embarrassment once they close the door they're like dear jesus yes save me i have no doubt there are people that got saved that we're not counting so these numbers okay that like when we go before christ in heaven god's not going to go okay can you pull out your numbers and show you your salvations every week christ has the numbers he knows okay the numbers for us is to keep the motivation the interest the excitement look this person called upon the name of lord this person saved praise god that's the purpose behind why we do it look once someone does it they've they've answered they've called upon the name of lord count them as saved for the motivation for the encouragement but what if they're not saved if they're not saved jesus knows okay you've done everything necessary you've been a witness you've been an ambassador for jesus christ matthew 22 verse 9 jesus christ uses this illustration of a king who prepared a wedding for his son and he says the king says go ye therefore into the highways and as many as you shall find bid to the marriage so those servants went out into the highways and gathered together all as many as they found look both bad and good because going to heaven or going to this wedding is not dependent of how bad or good you are okay the invitation is there look we're going out to the highways and hedges right we're doing that job it says here and the wedding was furnished with guests and when the king came in to see the guests he saw there was a man which had not on a wedding garment and he said unto him friend how came as thou in hither not having a wedding garment and he was speechless then said the king to the servants bind him hand and foot and take him away and cast him into outer darkness there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth for many accord but few are chosen look we have this example right here where the soul winners it's an illustration of a wedding the soul winners are going out hey the wedding's on everyone's welcome come into the wedding come into the feast all right that's like us hey salvation's free all you need to do is believe in christ he's paid for it all come enjoy his salvation and people come but there's one guy without the wedding garment on are there going to be times that we put a number down this person got saved but they haven't got the right garment on they haven't got the garment of christ on they're still trusting their works they've just gone through the motions it's going to happen now this example out of all that were called it was just one man what i'm trying to say to you that will happen few and far between it's not worth worrying about every time someone calls upon them lord to to introduce doubts introduce questions all over again and still be wondering do they really get saved look just let them go they've got the wrong garments look and when they go to god in eternity god will say look you got the wrong garment on and they'll be cast into hellfire unfortunate but see that is not the responsibility of those that were asked to go and compel them to come in to go to the highways and hedges our job is just to tell them look the wedding's on come and be part of it it's free it's paid for come enjoy the salvation of the lord and if someone comes through they're not saved that's god's business he'll deal with that in his time the reason i want to just end on that is i don't want to end on a disappointing oh did really did not or what do you think brother again answers got it answered right quarter pain in the lord he's saved and if we're wrong one out of many it's just not worth going down that road asking all kinds of silly questions trying to trick them over to see if they've said the wrong thing oh maybe it's not safe then it's just a waste of time all right brethren title for the sermon was make yourself a servant unto all i hope i've given you some pointers i know i've gone a bit over time apologies but uh look it's really important that you learn how to engage with people okay and the way americans do it in america is not necessarily going to work in australia and you need to learn hey look aussies are different and filipinos are different and the japanese are different and the chinese are different and the romanians are different and the british are different same gospel but we need to learn how to become a servant unto all okay let's pray