(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) In Luke 13 verse 18 Jesus says then said he unto what is the kingdom of God like and where unto shall I resemble it the title of the sermon tonight is what is the kingdom of God I mean isn't that kind of question you like to know what is the kingdom of God now for the most part of my life as a Christian as someone reading my Bible you know I would often think about Jesus Christ and you know to seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness but one thing that really bothered me I'm like yes Lord I'll seek first the kingdom of God but the question that always bothered me was what is the kingdom of God I mean if God wants me to search this first in my life what is it because as I read through my Bible and as you've probably read through your Bible you're gonna find many times that apparent contradictions about what the kingdom is is the kingdom of God here is it still in the future is it something that's physical is it something that's spiritual and if you've gone to an independent Baptist Church or maybe other churches that are similar if you've come across dispensationalism they'll throw another curveball at you and say well the kingdom of heaven is different to the kingdom of God they'll say I say the kingdom of heaven that's for the Jews and the kingdom of God or is it the other way around I can't remember the kingdom of God is for the Gentiles and it's become really confusing Lord you want me to seek his first but what is the kingdom of God it wasn't until I got to Luke 13 that it finally made sense and so that's something I wanted to cover today now Luke 13 is quite a short chapter in comparison to many of the other chapters that we've looked I looked in the book of Luke you know instead of being 50 or 60 verses it's it's about 30 what is it 35 verses but still it's a chunky chapter there's a lot to cover in here so I'm gonna do my best to cover it so let's start off with verse number one Luke 13 verse 1 now this is a passage of Scripture which people use to again bring in a workspace gospel to bring in a gospel of repenting of your sins for salvation let's have a look at it verse number one then we're present at that season some of them that told him of the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices so there are some with Jesus that tell him about a story about some Galileans that had their blood mingled or had they been put to death I had their bloodshed with their sacrifices what's that so you know obviously that you come and you bring your sacrifice to the temple in Jerusalem and at that point in time and for whatever reason while that was happening their blood was mingled with the blood of the sacrifices now somehow Pilate and and his armies had killed certain Galileans during this time we don't know a lot about this story we just know what we see here this is all we know verse number two and Jesus answered and said unto them suppose ye that these Galileans were sinners above all the Galileans because they suffered such things I tell you nay but except you repent you shall all likewise perish now verse number three in verse number five of very popular verses that are quoted by the repent of your sins crowd let's keep reading verse number four it says all yeah this is Jesus brings up another another group of people he says all these eighteen upon whom the tower in Siloam fell and slew them thinking that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem I tell you nay but except you repent you shall all likewise perish and there you go guys there's the power crystal clear passage on salvation all right I mean if I'm going to turn to the Bible and teach someone about salvation here this is what I'm going to turn to right Luke 13 verses 1 to 5 crystal clear this is how you get saved no it's not a crystal clear passage about salvation is it and yet that's what they do they take these verses verses 3 & 5 and say well here it is you've got to repent of your sins to be saved you know and I'll never forget I was in one of my old Baptist churches and we had a traveling evangelist coming through coming from America coming through and having multiple services so if you're not familiar with how they do things they have a traveling evangelist that evangelist basically goes by faith and churches give to their work and quite often our pastors will then ask the congregation to come and bring your friends come and bring your family to hear the evangelists and then they go out and they do a track distribution of some sort but that they give out invitations to this traveling evangelist like to the community hey we've got evangelist so-and-so coming you know here's your invitation and when I looked at one of those invitations I mean the the gospel message on the back of it was was pretty good except they quoted verse number five I tell you nay but except you repent you shall all likewise perish without any explanation as to what that's about okay so I went to the guy that did the did the invitation I said oh so as I realized you put the invitation together what do you mean by verse number five except you shall repent except except you repent you shall all likewise perish and this is exactly what he said to me he goes I don't know you know I just found that on another tracks and I thought it sounded good so I put it into this invitation he had no idea why he's adding this verse to the invitation which had the gospel message in it you know he had no idea even what he just did it because all these other tracks apparently had it you know in there so it's a crazy thing and people often turn to this like I said teach and they repent of your sins salvation but let's look at verse number five quickly doesn't say here does it say I tell you nay but except you repent of your sins you shall all likewise perish it doesn't say that doesn't okay doesn't say that but that's what they want you to believe it's saying okay now first of all let me think let me say this if this was a passage about salvation the salvation of the soul I would have no problem with verse number five if it was about salvation of the soul I tell you nay but except you repent you shall all likewise perish yes because all of us must come to a point of repentance and put our faith on the Lord Jesus Christ we must come from trusting in whatever else we were trusting him before unbelief in Jesus Christ and you put all that faith on Jesus Christ 100% so I have no problem with getting behind the pulpit and saying except you repent you shall all likewise perish I have no problem with that statement at all if I was going to teach that on the gospel okay salvation of your soul because I believe it I believe in repentance as long as it's correctly defined but when you look at the context of what we read is this really about the salvation of the soul it's not okay so let's have a quick understanding of what it is I explained to you what verse number two was that some people had been killed or their blood was shed while there was sacrifices being given at the altar you know that the temple worship in Jerusalem okay now when I think of Pilate you know we don't know much about Pilate except we do know that Pilate did not want to crucify Jesus Christ he gave into peer pressure okay he doesn't seem like the kind of guy that would just go after innocent flesh for no reason he's not doesn't seem like the kind of guy that wants to create turmoil and violence for no reason I mean even he even got to the point where symbolically he washed his hands right claiming to be he wasn't innocent because he still sentenced Jesus to death okay but just symbolically he knew Christ was innocent you know but because of the pressure that was coming from the great multitudes wanted to crucify Jesus Christ he allowed that to happen okay so it's not the kind of guy that just goes out seemingly to me anyway to cause problems my first thought is these people were probably troublemakers okay they probably were troublemakers to the point where Pilate had to go and persecute them maybe they fled into the temple we don't know the Bible doesn't tell us maybe they fled in there thinking they're going to get sanctuary and protection and instead they were put to death okay but then Jesus tells another story here in verse number four all those 18 so who are these 18 well we don't really know much except for what we read here upon whom the tower in Siloam fell and slew them what's this other group it's just an it seems like a some type of disaster a building collapses and it kills 18 people okay it kills 18 people so let me just think about this right now when we talk about perishing okay we think of maybe John 3 16 you know whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life the parish there is associated with everlasting life isn't it it's compared there with everlasting life so it's safe to assume the parish in there is to have everlasting damnation wouldn't it but when you read this is the context of this story here what is the perishing about is it the perishing of the soul has Jesus talked about eternal life has he talked about salvation has he talked about heaven has he talked about having your sins forgiven no the perishing because it says look in verse number five again and verse number three I tell you nay but except you repent you shall all likewise perish that's the key word the likewise perish how did these other people perish they perish a physical death you know that blood was mingled as sacrifices or some tower fell upon them the context is a physical death okay so with the very little information we have gone with this this is what I believe Jesus is teaching okay basically he's giving good advice okay giving good advice to not perish physically you know don't be a troublemaker is how I see it okay don't be you know you know do you think these guys were more sinners than you guys you know except you repent you shall all likewise perish hey don't be a troublemaker like these guys that are getting themselves into dangerous positions I don't know why this this tower fell you know was it because they they were doing something foolish with the tower it fell upon them I don't know you know is it just a natural disaster that you know there's no reason but we don't know but here's the thing that the context is about the physical death okay and one way to protect yourself from dying or perishing foolishly is to heed good advice you know repent yeah turn away from your weakness and your sins and all those kinds of things that's fine because that's going to guarantee you a longer life you know a life with more protection otherwise if you live the dangerous life you're probably going to pass away quicker you're going to die quicker if you find yourself in a position of danger so that's what I believe Luke 13 verses 1 to 5 is about it's just good advice you know stay away from trouble and you know don't don't cause any more problems than you need to verse number six he spake also this parable a certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard and he came and sought fruit thereon and found none now look notice that he found none okay now this parable is about people obviously okay Jesus Christ wants us to be fruitful and ultimately what doesn't mean to be fruitful is to our safe souls okay to bring more people into the kingdom of God so these people that he's talking about with no fruit there on a people that I have have no interest in preaching the gospel have no interest in seeing their family and friends saved have no interest in any of that and I'm just reminded like you know we've all been in churches where you've just got your stale Christians you know that they just come to church they do their hour they go home they've got no interest to serve the Lord and it seems like you know no matter how much preaching they hear no matter how much you know motivational preaching how it doesn't matter how much they hear about hell you know the horrors of hell and no matter how much they're encouraged to go out there and preach the gospel they just don't do it okay and I believe this parable is about them let's have a look at there's no fruit there on okay and found on verse number seven then said he answered the dresser of his vineyard behold these three years I come seeking fruit on this victory and find none okay none now if you've won a soul to the Lord you've at least got one fruit hanging off that tree okay this is someone that has none after three years okay there might be some symbolism as well with Christ you know ministry being three years long you know I'm not entirely sure but look it says uh and find none cut it down why come birth at the ground what does it mean to come birth the ground it means it it's it takes up the nutrients of the ground okay it's preventing the nutrients that are in the ground from going to other trees that are fruitful okay now you know what kind of tree are you you know are you a fruitful tree are you seeking to serve the Lord are you using the opportunities that God has given you to preach the gospel and be fruitful you know or you just the kind of tree that's covering the ground that's just taking up space that's just preventing other trees from being fruitful you know and then it says in verse number eight and he answering said unto him Lord let it alone this year also till I shall dig about it and dung it and if it bear fruits well and if not then after that they shall cut it down all right so if you've got no fruit in your life okay you've got you're not serving the Lord you're not using the opportunities to preach the gospel you know the Lord's gonna come to a point where it says look I'm gonna give this person one more chance all right and I'm gonna dung them okay I'm gonna bring some dung into their life I'm gonna bring them some turbo some problem something that's gonna get them off there you know the off their backsides and serve the Lord all right now if you've gone through difficulties and and you know and you know maybe that's a good question to ask have I been fruitful am I do I have fruit on this tree or not and if you've got no fruit on the tree maybe the Lord has dug in a little bit and put some dung into your life okay man you it doesn't smell good okay it gets all over the place you know if you ever stepped in in dog poo you know and they walked into your house I mean it's just it's a hassle to get rid of it okay dung is not a pretty thing you know man you was not nice hey but if it does the job okay if God puts you through difficulties and trials hey it might do the job and get you out there finally serving the Lord and getting some fruit on that tree of yours okay but look there comes a time as well that if you don't bear fruit you know after that season then he might cut you down okay and of course we know that you cannot lose your salvation okay well I'm not talking about salvation here it's just that you're just never gonna be fruitful for the Lord you're gonna be that stale Christian that sits at the back you know that comes to church and and does nothing for the Lord goes home and you know no rewards in heaven are they still saved absolutely because they still have the foundation of salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ but no fruit no rewards okay no fruit no rewards okay and yeah just may very well be cut down as a tree verse number 10 and he was teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbath and behold there was a woman which had a spirit of infirmity 18 years and was bowed together and could in no wise lift up herself so this is a woman with her infirmity of 18 years where she's bowed like she she's basically she's walking around like that like you know bowed she can't get up I've seen I I've seen people like that here just you know even a family friend of ours she she couldn't get up for whatever reason she was bowed down like she needed surgery to get herself back straightened up and for some people the surgery is too late but she's in this situation she's been like this for 18 years and then in verse number 12 and when Jesus saw her he called her to him and said unto her woman thou art loosed from thine infirmity and he laid his hands on her and immediately she was made straight and glorified God hey that's what we do right when the Lord comes and answers our prayers he gets us through the trials and difficulties well he brings you through sickness and heals you then what we should do is glorify God you know this woman was a believer this woman knew who had healed her and she glorified God verse number 14 and the ruler of the synagogue answered with indignation because that Jesus had healed on the Sabbath day and said unto the people there are six days in which man ought to work in them therefore come and be healed and not on the Sabbath day we see this happening again and again with Jesus Christ Jesus Christ healing on the Sabbath and the rulers the Pharisees whatever those that are higher up are being critical of Jesus Christ healing a human being okay and he blames the Sabbath day now look Jesus was the Sabbath day did not stop Jesus from being a good neighbor did it it did not stop him from healing the sick you know and you know I don't know if I've mentioned this before but there was someone in our church that would not go soul winning with us on Sunday because they counted it in their mind as the Sabbath day all right and I'm not going to work on the Sabbath day it's the same as this ruler okay what I've got all these other days to go soul winning I've got all these other days to go help people why am I gonna do it on the so-called Sabbath day that's a false teaching there's a lot of people I don't know why there's a lot of people that believe Sunday you know is the New Testament Sabbath day that somehow God made a change on what the Sabbath meant and I want to talk about that a little bit but let's keep reading in verse number verse number 15 the Lord then answered him and said thou hypocrites doth not each one of you on the Sabbath loose his ox or his ass from the stall and lead him away to watering he goes look ruler and you other guys that have been critical you guys are hypocrites because even on the Sabbath day you look after your animals even on the Sabbath you take your your donkey and what your oxen and take them to the water so they can drink a bit of water okay what's he saying you care more about animals then you do human beings okay you care more about animals than you do human beings and hey we live in a society like that we live in a society where people love their animals they love their pets like a like another human being okay but they don't bat an eyelid when all this abortion that's going on you know every day in Australia you know the same thing caring about the animals you know that they find an excuse in the seventh day to to look after animals but not to look after their fellow man verse number 16 and ought not this woman being a daughter of Abraham whom Satan hath bound lo these 18 years be loosed from this bond on the Sabbath day and when he had said these things all his adversaries were shamed and all the people rejoiced for all the glorious things that were done by him they should be ashamed they should be ashamed for what they were saying but look this misunderstanding of what the Sabbath day is let me go through this very quickly keep your finger there go to Genesis chapter 2 Genesis chapter 2 verse 2 let's talk about this very quickly I could preach a whole sermon on this but I just want to give you a quick snapshot of what the Sabbath day is and what represents but Genesis chapter 2 verse 2 okay so obviously Genesis 1 we know God creates everything in six days and on the sixth day he creates man and woman and then it says in Genesis 2 2 and on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made and God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made so let's understand this what's important about the seventh day that it's a day of rest okay that even God himself now I don't think God even needs to rest okay but you know God himself rested on the seventh day and gave us a very good principle I mean there's a reason why we have weeks of seven days you know there's been societies and cultures in the past that have tried to change that but he messes everything up he messes up the calendars it messes up the years it messes everything up and so even to this day no one's thought of a better way you know to count how many days are in a week and and so on then the seventh days and of course God created that way for a reason okay but we see that God rested on the seventh day go to Hebrews chapter 4 Hebrews chapter 4 verse 3 Hebrews chapter 4 verse 3 because if you say to me pastor Kevin do you keep the Sabbath day I will say to you yes I do okay I will say to you yes I keep it okay because one thing you'll understand about the Sabbath it was a type okay it was a type of what would ultimately come you know just like the Old Testament sacrifices were a type of the Lord Jesus Christ that would eventually come and fulfill all things okay but Hebrews chapter 4 verse 3 Hebrews chapter 4 just very quickly here chapter 4 verse 3 for we which have believed do enter into rest as he said as I have sworn in my wrath if they shall enter into my rest although the works were finished from the foundation of the world so there we have the parallel with the works that were finished and this is God's rest and if we believe what's this about salvation if we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ we enter into that rest and then verse number four says for he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise and God did rest from the seventh day from all his works okay so very simple to understand guys the Sabbath day represents the rest okay and that rest represents salvation believing on the Lord Jesus Christ and us resting from our works because salvation is without works it's without the works of the Lord's without the deeds of the law salvation is by grace through faith and not of works we know that already lonely okay and so that is what's the seventh day is it represents it it was a type of the rest of salvation that we would enter in we have rested from the works even God himself rested from his works and Jesus Christ did all the works and so all we need to do is enter into that rest okay by believing on him by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ that's all the Sabbath day represents guys that's all okay as you read through the Sabbath day in the Old Testament please pay close attention and understand this would ultimately be fulfilled as a picture of salvation salvation by grace through faith without works okay it's not more complicated than that and of course there is that practical application you know that it is good for a man to you know to work six days and to have a day of rest we charge their batteries so they can be productive moving forward but ultimately it's a picture of salvation okay let's look at verse go back to Luke 13 Luke 13 verse 18 Luke 13 verse 18 so you can already see there's a lot of things in this chapter right there's a lot of things anyway Luke 13 verse 18 and I feel like every one of these things could be its own sermon but anyway it says then said he unto sorry then said he unto what is the kingdom of God like so Jesus Christ is thinking okay well how can I describe the kingdom of God what is it like okay and then he says and where unto shall I resemble it okay so I think you know like I said to you earlier in my Christian life I used to wonder what is the kingdom of God and I think there are probably a lot of people wondering what is it exactly right and so it's just saying well how can I liken it you know how can I can how can I resemble it and then look at verse 19 and this was the key for me to understand everything about the kingdom of God he'd answered every passage I could read about the kingdom of God or the kingdom of heaven but look at verse 19 he says it is like a grain of mustard seed which a man took and cast into his garden and it grew and waxed the great tree and the fowls of the air lodged in the branches of it and he doesn't really explain it he goes into another parable but let's let's break that down very quickly so the kingdom of God is like a grain of mustard seed right which a man took and cast into his garden so what's that a picture of him sowing that seed okay and it grew and waxed the great tree that's the next step then and then says and the fowls of the air fowls of the air lodged in the branches of it okay and it was really the next parable that helped me understand the previous parable so let's read it verse number 20 and he said and again he said where answer shall I liken the kingdom of God it is like leaven which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal till the whole was leavened and this got me thinking when I look at these two parables it says that leaven is sorry that the king of God is like this leaven which a woman took like you're like a yeast right which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal or three measures of flour if you want to look at it that way okay this woman who's making bread you know she wants the whole to be leavened okay so she takes that that leaven which represents the kingdom of God she puts it in that flour but what's important about that flour that that meal is that is made up of free measures okay I don't believe God puts these numbers in there for no reason they represent something when I started to think about this free measures what is that about then I went back to the previous parable okay the one of the mustard seed look at it it is like a grain of mustard which a man took and cast into his garden first step and it grew and waxed into a great tree next step and the fowls of the air lodged in the branches of it they free fold process in that parable as well and then it all started to make sense okay it all started to make sense so the first thing I want you to do keep your finger there in Luke chapter 13 and turn to Matthew 19 turn to Matthew 19 first of all okay let's just get one misconception out of the way very quickly Matthew 19 verse 23 Matthew 19 verse 23 because as I said to you there are those that will say to you well no no the kingdom of heaven is different to the kingdom of God there's many many ways to prove that is exactly the same thing I mean just check parallel passages about the kingdom of God in the kingdom of heaven you'll find the same teaching over and over and over again and Jesus just interchangeably using the kingdom of heaven or the kingdom of God but Luke 19 is the best one I believe I'm sorry Matthew 19 Matthew 19 verse 23 then said Jesus unto his disciples verily I sent you that a rich man can hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven what is Jesus speaking about the kingdom of heaven right that a rich man can hardly enter in okay because of his riches we won't go into all that story right now but look at verse 24 and I again I say unto you is Jesus saying something else no he's saying the same thing again right and again you know I say unto you sorry yeah and again I sent to you it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle then for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God right so what is the difference between the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of God I'll tell you what the difference is a few letters and that's a different word heaven and God but it's the same thing okay Jesus Christ is teaching the same thing you know verse 23 and 24 confirms that there is no difference between these kingdoms okay the king of heaven is where it's from the kingdom of God is who owns the kingdom it's the same kingdom okay now go to Matthew chapter 3 please Matthew chapter 3 Matthew chapter 3 verse 1 Matthew chapter 3 verse 1 Matthew chapter 3 verse 1 the Bible reads in those days came John the Baptist preaching in the wilderness of Judea actually I need to turn it thanks sorry guys I need to turn there very quickly Matthew chapter 3 verse 1 in those days came John the Baptist preaching in the wilderness of Judea and saying repent ye for the kingdom of heaven is at hand what does that mean it's close by okay it's around the corner it's at hand and we already when we read went through some previous chapters I can't remember which one chapter it was we spoke about those that were going into the cities and preaching the gospel of the kingdom though that was saying the same thing that the king of God is right here you can access it right now should you believe the gospel okay it's available right now it's around the corner as long as you grab it now just quickly read to you from from Matthew 4 you can turn there I guess because just one chapter over Matthew chapter 4 verse 17 Matthew chapter 4 verse 17 from that time Jesus began to preach and to say repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand it's the same message from John the Baptist to Jesus Christ and ultimately he would send out his disciples and they'll preach in the same thing the king of God was available right there and then should they believe the gospel all right now go back to Luke please Luke chapter 11 I know we went to Luke 11 not long ago but go back to Luke 11 and remember the story where Jesus Christ had cast out a devil and the Pharisees had said to him that he cast them out in the power of the devil he cast him out in power of Beelzebub remember and that was that that's the the blasphemy of the Holy Ghost but look at this in in Luke chapter 11 verse 20 Luke chapter 11 verse 20 Jesus answered to them he says but if I with the finger of God cast out devils no doubt no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you hey was Jesus saying that the kingdom of God had come absolutely no doubts okay the king of God was there right now okay now go to Luke 17 Luke 17 verse 20 Luke 17 Luke 17 verse 20 Luke 17 verse 20 and when he was demanded of the Pharisees when the kingdom of God should come hey when should it come he answered them and said the king of God cometh not with observation neither shall I say lo here or lo there for behold the kingdom of God is within you now I believe in the millennial kingdom to come I believe that's the kingdom of God as well okay so these are the kind of passages that I would read and go what is that isn't it the Millennium Kingdom but now it's in me I mean what how does this make any sense it's very simple it's very simple to understand actually okay I'm just going to quickly read to you from John chapter 3 verse 5 John chapter 3 verse 5 this is Jesus speaking to Nicodemus Jesus answered verily verily I say unto thee except a man be born of water that's been born of your mother born of the flesh and of the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God how do we enter that kingdom we've got to be born of water and of the Spirit and then in verse 6 that which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirits is spirits okay you have entered already into the kingdom of God the moment you're saved the moment you were born of the Spirit you've entered into the kingdom of God that's why Jesus can say for behold the kingdom of God is within you say well where is it it's that new man if you haven't been paying attention to the preaching of the last year in a bit okay we have the old man and we have the new man okay the you know flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God but you know what can inherit the kingdom of God the new man being born of the spirits that new man as far as God is concerned is already spiritually speaking in the kingdom of God that's why when we go out we preach the gospel we can say you know the kingdom of God is at hand because we've got it there for you right now believe the gospel and you can enter in that kingdom yourself hey the kingdom exists today but it is a spiritual kingdom but even though it's a spiritual kingdom it's still real it's still here okay and you've already entered into that kingdom because it's within you the new man within you has already stepped into that kingdom okay so how do we enter into the kingdom of God now by being saved it's the only way it's the only way to be entered into the kingdom of God okay so let's go to Luke chapter 21 now Luke chapter 21 Luke chapter 21 verse 25 Luke chapter 21 verse 25 this are you saying pastor Kevin there's no millennium there's no you know no future kingdom to come no no no Luke 21 verse 25 actually let's read from verse 27 Luke 21 verse 27 and we know this is about the the rapture the resurrection the coming of Christ it says and then shall they see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory and when these things begin to come to pass then look up and lift up your heads for your redemption draweth nigh and he spake to them a parable behold the fig tree and all the trees and when they now should forth ye see and know for your of your own selves that summer is now night hand so likewise ye when you shall see these things come to pass know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand say what in the world it's at night again in the future at the you know when Christ comes and he returns in the clouds and any any resurrects the dead and we're raptured and we're forever with Christ yes the kingdom of God is nigh at hand it's near once again but how doesn't it already come yeah because there's three phases to the kingdom of God okay the kingdom is here now but it's still future as well okay until the whole is leavened meaning that it's gonna it's gonna live it's gonna live in a little bit okay as we add people to the kingdom and then when Christ comes back and establishes his million Kingdom it's going to leaven a little bit more okay the future kingdom of Christ is still coming it's still at hand and it's gonna be available for us once we're resurrected and even better is that we're gonna have those resurrected bodies so instead of it being a spiritual Kingdom it's gonna be a physical Kingdom as well we're gonna be able to walk in which is with Jesus Christ into Jerusalem whether he's ruling reigning from we're gonna be a rule and reign with Jesus Christ for that thousand years now that's not the end of it go to 1st Corinthians please 1st Corinthians chapter 15 1st Corinthians chapter 15 and you cannot you can see why so many fundamental doctrines are important then understand what the kingdom of God is okay understand that salvation is by grace through faith and that you know there's still that millennial Kingdom to come but look at this in 1st Corinthians 15 verse 23 this is about the resurrection it says here in 1st Corinthians 15 verse 23 but every man in his own order Christ the firstfruits afterward they that are Christ that is coming so this is about the rapture but then verse 24 it says then cometh the end when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God even the Father okay when he have put down all rule and all power sorry and all authority and power okay I don't have time to go into all of this I've already preached on it but this is basically the end of the millennium once everything has been subjected unto Christ okay and and then we got the great white throne judgment and death and hell are cast into the lake of fire you know what it says here at the end it says there in verse 24 then cometh the end when he that being Jesus shall have delivered up the kingdom to God okay even the Father you see that it changes hands it's gone through Christ now it's been given to the Father okay and that is that final stage of the kingdom when God creates that new heaven and that new earth that's eternity that's the kingdom of God forever and we know Jesus Christ and his kingdom is eternal the Bible says this to us over and over again it's not a thousand year long period that phase is but we know the kingdom is forever eternal because it's cut it ultimately ends up as that new heaven and the new earth and that is the point when the whole is leavened when all free measures of meal have been leavened okay so let's understand this the mustard seed okay that's small mustard seed which is cast in the ground that's like the king of God today you know it's small it can't really be seen by the naked eye really okay but it exists it's there okay then that seed becomes that tree it grows into that tree and I believe that's a representation of the millennial kingdom of Christ but then you got the third stage where the birds then lodge into the nest I believe that's when we come into the new heavens and the new new earth and we you know in that new Jerusalem the new heavenly city from God and that is eternal so it really was Luke 13 that finally made sense to me and made me understand be able to put all these verses together because by and large people don't want to preach this because it does sound contradictory okay but once you understand the key behind it all and it's very easy actually it's very easy to understand I think it's very easy to understand anyway okay but there's something else that I wanted to notice about the kingdom being in three parts please turn to Matthew chapter 12 math Matthew chapter 12 and we already read this story in the book of Luke I already covered it a little bit but Matthew chapter 12 verse 22 Matthew chapter 12 verse 22 then was brought unto him one possessed with a devil blind and dumb and he healed him in so much that the blind and dumb both spake and saw and all the people were amazed and said is this not the Son of David but when the Pharisees heard they said this fellow doth not cast out devils but by Beelzebub the prince of the devil's and Jesus knew their thoughts and said unto them every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand and if Satan cast out Satan he is divided against himself how shall then his kingdom stand and if by Beelzebub cast out devils by whom do your children cast them out therefore they shall be your judges but if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God then the kingdom of God is come unto you now sorry guys let me just turn there once again I need let me turn that's my that was verse 28 Matthew Matthew 12 28 oh yeah verse 29 should read verse 29 or else how can one enter into a strong man's house and spoil his goods except he first bind a strong man and then he will spoil his house so ways to notice in conjunction with Jesus Christ saying that the kingdom of God is come okay because he was able to cast out that devil okay in conjunction with that he gives this story about the strong man binding and how can one come in and bind the strong man in the house okay and we already preached on this but this was covering how you know that Jesus Christ said God is greater than any devil okay that's why I believe as a safe person we cannot be possessed by devils because you know greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world yeah but notice that Jesus Christ says you know gives us analogy of taking the spoil okay so you know in warfare when to I guess to two kingdoms are fighting two nations are fighting the victor generally takes the spoils you know they take you know because of the warfare because you know there's been a huge investment in fighting they then take the goods that belongs to the loser okay and so what I want to show you there is that when Jesus Christ Kingdom came here you know spiritually speaking he had taken the spoils of the devil okay the kingdom of Satan had taken a blow okay and that's one thing that I noticed as we go through this is that there is a three part process not only in the kingdom of God as it increases as the leaven is made whole but also a decrease of the kingdom of Satan okay so we know Jesus Christ came casting out devils number one okay and then when we talk about the next stage which is the millennium when Christ comes and rules for a thousand years Satan Kingdom takes another huge blow what is that he's bound for a thousand years okay he's bound for a thousand years that's Revelation chapter 20 verses 1 to 3 we won't read that now but you guys are familiar that right Jesus Christ Satan being bound for a thousand years but at the end of that thousand years guys he's he's let loose okay and he gets huge armies to fight against Christ one more time and before that Kingdom is given to the father before the whole is levered his kingdom Satan's Kingdom takes the final defeat the final blow okay Christ comes and destroys his armies and Satan himself is cast into the lake of fire for all eternity okay that's the end of his kingdom completely and then we have the fullness of the kingdom of God come into view of the new heavens and new earth okay there's a three-part process to the destruction of Satan's Kingdom as well and the last thing that I wanted to mention you know and I believe in the Trinity I feel like I have to say that every time but look the Trinity is in view as well okay because again how do we enter the kingdom of God right now we're born of the spirits we're born of the Holy Spirit and when we're born of the Holy Spirit the Spirit of God dwells in us okay that's the first part the spiritual kingdom you know we have the Holy Spirit we can grieve the Holy Spirit if we live live selfish lives if we live ungodly lives lives of sin we can grieve that Holy Spirit but then when the millennium okay when Christ comes and establishes his kingdom we see Christ come you know not as that lamb but as that line of Judah coming to rule that rod of iron okay so we go from having the Holy Spirit in our lives to then ruling and reigning with Christ forever that's that second stage of the kingdom the thousand years okay but then as we already read then Christ gives that kingdom once all the powers and authorities are put on the Christ that is then given to God the Father okay and so we have you know it seems like each stage of the of the of the of the kingdom of God you know reveals to us a greater understanding of who God is you know to see Christ rule and reign and then and then God the Father and the Bible tells us I'll just read it to you very quickly in Revelation 22 this is after after God creates the new heavens and the new earth it says and there shall be no more curse but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it and his servants shall serve him and they shall see his face and his name shall be in their foreheads what an amazing thing you know I mean some have seen Jesus Christ in his first coming we're all going to see him in his second coming but no one yet has seen God the Father it's not till we have those resurrected bodies not till God creates a new heavens a new earth then we'll finally see God in his fullness God the Father in his fullness so you can see how the kingdom of God in these three portions these three parts also is associated with the Trinity you know the Holy Spirit now today we have him ruling reign of Christ for a thousand years then the new has a new earth we're gonna see the face of God the Father that's gonna be a beautiful thing go back to Luke chapter 12 a 13 sorry Luke chapter 13 Luke chapter 13 verse 22 and he went through the cities and villages teaching and journeying toward Jerusalem then said one at him Lord are there few that be saved and he said unto them strive to enter in at the straight gate for many I say unto you will seek to enter in and shall not be able and this is another passage that people will use to teach a workspace gospel again why because verse 24 it says strive to enter in at the straight gates what does it mean to strive it means to struggle okay to struggle to make a great effort okay as I say see you've got to strive to keep the commands of God you can strive to live a holy life and that's how you can enter into that straight gates but again you know we need to stick to the foundations the fundamentals of the faith okay we can't go to a passage like this and start changing the gospel you can't do that right let me keep your finger there turn to Matthew 7 Matthew 7 why do we have to strive to enter in okay Matthew 7 verse 13 Matthew 7 verse 13 Jesus taught on this before as well in Matthew 7 13 but he explains it in a little bit more detail here Matthew 7 13 it says enter ye in at the straight gates hey what does straights mean s-t-r-a-i-t it means narrow okay it's narrow and so yeah in at the narrow gate for wide is the gates and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and many there be which go in there at because straights or narrow is the gates and so it's there and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life and few there be that find us why do we have to strive now look if you're born into a Christian home you don't tend you don't have to strive so much okay because your parents God you know God willing will be giving you the gospel you know you were able to enter in quite easily okay but for many other people they have to strive okay because broad it said there right broad broad is the way that leadeth to destruction wide is the gates you know what there are so many false religions there are so many false gospels there are so many false ways people teach you to make peace with God okay and for those that I guess I don't grow up in a Christian home you know in a home that has the right gospel they're gonna have to strive to find that narrow gates they're gonna have to strive to find that straight gate because all they're presented with in their life is the broad way okay and it's gonna seem like well look at all these options look at all these ways to heaven it's the same way it's the broad way so the striving is to find the right way okay the striving is to find that narrow way okay because there's a lot of distractions in the world today but we know once you find it once you know what the true gospel is it's easy okay it's believing the Lord Jesus Christ it's just like walking through a gate that's how easy it is okay you open the gate you walk in okay believing on the Lord Jesus Christ but yes some people have to strive hard you know maybe some of you have had to strive hard because all you were presented with was a broad way you know that would have led you to destruction so no this is not teaching a workspace gospel okay ridiculous but I mean the question was you know are there few that be saved and that's a sad reality it's true there are a few that are saved you know Jesus said many there be which go in there at about the way that leads to destruction you know and then he said um and few there be that find it speaking of the narrow way you know a sad reality guys and I think sometimes I've come across people that have been saved recently and they get excited about preaching the gospel or whatever and they think they're gonna get all these people saved they think they're just gonna knock on all these doors they're gonna be like yeah tell me how do I get saved and receive it you guys know we literally have to knock on dozens of doors you know you know sometimes a hundred doors just to see somebody get saved because it is few it's a reality you know even though it's easy it's still a narrow way okay it's a straight way because all they're looking at is all the broader ways and they're going hold on you're telling me it's this narrow way but everyone else you're telling me everyone else is wrong and they're going through the broad way and they're all gonna be destroyed they can't accept it it's very hard that's why you've got to strive into it okay it takes a bit of effort to find the right way okay anyway verse number 25 Luke chapter 13 verse 25 and once the master of the house is risen up and have shut to the door and you begin to stand without and to knock at the door saying Lord Lord open unto us and he shall answer and say unto you I know you not whence ye are then shall you begin to say we have eaten and drunk in thy presence and thou hast taught in our streets but he shall say I tell you I know you not whence ye are depart from a ye sorry all ye workers of iniquity this is a sad reality as well guys that there are gonna be many people that were in the presence of Jesus Christ okay or maybe even in a good church where the gospel was being preached you know and you know that look they say to him and well there you taught in our streets Jesus how can you not know who we are you know and the sad reality is there's gonna come a time when God shuts that door as we saw in verse 25 you know once the master of the house has risen up and have shut to the door you know and the door gets shut for everybody at some stage okay if you don't receive Christ that door is definitely shut for you when you pass away when you die okay when you go into eternity without Christ that door is shut at that point in time but of course we know the doctrine of reprobates there are some people walking the earth today the door is already shut for them okay and they can't enter in you say that's not fair you know what that's not fair for these people of course look what are they trusting in are they are they saying let us in because we believed on the Lord Jesus Christ let us in because of your grace of your free gift no they think they're saved because they saw Jesus teaching okay they think they're saved because Jesus walked by the streets think wow look Jesus walked by our streets we must be saved no okay it doesn't matter what you know you know you've given your life to Christ you're trying to keep the commandments you go into church you're saying you love the Lord you know you're saying you've heard good preaching you say you go to church the door can still be shut if that's what you believe in for salvation okay these people are not trusting in Jesus Christ and you can see that they've got the wrong gospel they've gone the broad way they've not entered into the straight to the narrow way they should have strove they should have made an effort to find the right way but instead they went to the way of destruction verse 28 they never believed on Jesus Christ verse 28 they shall be weeping a nation of teeth when you shall see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob who are these guys the patriarchs another great men of faith you know often the bubble of Abraham Isaac and Jacob not just them and all the prophets where in the kingdom of God and you yourselves thrust out and they shall come from the east and from the west and from the north and from the south and shall sit down in the kingdom of God there are believers all over the world it's not just Abraham Isaac Jacob and all the prophets yes there were Israelites or actually Abraham and Isaac weren't but you know the Israelites the Jews count them as their men right as their great prophets okay but he says these Pharisees he says to these Jews that are not believing in him he says look you're gonna be cast out of the kingdom of God and instead there's gonna be all these people from the north south east and west coming hey these are the Gentiles these are us these are you and me we're gonna it's a great privilege we're gonna come into that kingdom we're gonna shake hands with Abraham Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets and sit down with them and have a good meal and that what a great privilege what a great honor okay not because you're a great person but because you believed on Jesus Christ okay that's why okay so look salvation look shouldn't this just prove to you you know the kingdom of God is for the Gentiles and the kingdom of heaven is for the Jews look we're all there all the prophets Abraham Isaac and Jacob and all from the north and the south and east and west we're all together we're all one people of God okay your DNA your blood does not make you special does not give you a free ticket into heaven all right and then it says there in verse 30 and behold there are last which shall be first and there are first which shall be last because you know the Bible says that salvation the gospel is to the Jew first remember that okay and he was okay Jesus Christ came to Israel hey these are children as it were of the kingdom these are people that should have come and believed on the Messiah believed on the king that had been promised to them you know they had first dibs at salvation they had first dibs at the gospel okay they came first as far as the gospel being preached you know we came later you know the Gentiles came later and then we've come 2,000 years later right here in the gospel but he says look it doesn't matter it doesn't matter you know there are a last which shall be first hey there's gonna be great they're gonna be Gentiles that will come first and there'll be the Jews which were meant to be first they're gonna be last as far as God is concerned you know and you know you can relate that to believers and non-believers you know you might even relate that to you know there might be people there might be believers that that are quiet you know it appears they don't do a lot for the Lord you know they might appear to be last you know but they might just keep the good works secret you know and these people you might be surprised as to who who comes first in the kingdom of God you know and then you have others that you think man look at this great good at man of God you know he's doing all these great works but maybe he was doing it for the pride of you know bit to be seen of men maybe that you know maybe maybe he's already got his reward on the earth and you know think this person has great rewards in heaven only to find there they come last in a sense in the kingdom of God so you know be mindful that whatever you do for the Lord your service is not to be seen of men but to serve the Lord Jesus Christ okay now uh let's keep reading verse 31 Luke 13 verse 31 the same day there came certain of the Pharisees saying unto him get thee out and depart hence for Herod will kill thee and he said unto them go ye and tell that Fox behold I cast out devils and I do cures today and tomorrow and the third day I shall be perfected so these Pharisees and I don't know I mean this Pharisees sometimes could they be lying they could be lying I don't really trust what the Pharisees have to say I mean are they really concerned that Jesus would lose his life I mean a minute these guys would be the ones yelling out crucify him you know maybe they just want him out of the land you know get it get out of here you know Herod wants to kill you I'm trying to keep you safe I don't know I don't know but here's the thing here's an interesting way that Jesus speaks in verse 32 it says you know behold I cast out there was so in other words why would he want to kill me like why I'm doing good works I cast out devils I do cure today and tomorrow and the third day I shall be perfected so of course that word perfected basically means you know whole or complete and I think what Jesus saying here I think there might be a double meaning here but first of all he's saying look nothing's gonna stop me you know I'm going to perfect the work that God has given me I'm gonna accomplish everything that God has asked me to do you know here it's not gonna stop me you know that's one way to look at I believe that's that that is a good way to look at it but I think also cryptically amongst this is Jesus Christ speaking of his resurrection just the fact that he goes into it right today and tomorrow and on the third day I shall be perfected because we know Jesus Christ was resurrected on the third day so was that the perfection there the completion of his work ultimately you know the climax of all things maybe maybe Jesus Christ is speaking cryptically there as well just a couple of things for you to think about there but then in verse 33 it says nevertheless I must walk today and tomorrow and the day following so Jesus already knows Harry's not gonna kill him just for it cannot be that a prophet perish out of Jerusalem he says look I know where I'm gonna perish I know where the prophets perish that they perish in Jerusalem Jesus Christ was already aware just historically and also aware you know prophetically where he would perish okay and so I mean this proof but I do want you to notice this was Jesus Christ in Jerusalem when he said these words no he couldn't be okay because he knows he's not gonna perish out of Jerusalem meaning that he wasn't in Jerusalem okay and that way he was gonna perish was in Jerusalem that's important for later on let's keep reading verse 34 Oh Jerusalem Jerusalem which kill us the prophets and stone us them that are sent unto thee how often would I have gathered thy children together as I handoff gather her brood under her wings and ye would not so Christ hey he wants to save Jerusalem don't they says but you would not behold your house is left unto you desolate and verily I sound to you you shall not see me until the time come when you shall say blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord now this is another passage that's intrigued me and I just want to explain this a little bit to you I hope I give you a satisfactory a way of understanding this but again Jesus was not in Jerusalem we said the verse of the words there in verse 35 right he goes you shall not see me until the time come when ye shall say blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord all right so we're in Luke 13 go to Luke 19 Luke 19 verse 37 Luke 19 verse 37 Luke 19 verse 37 so what we're fast-forwarding to is when Jesus Christ comes riding on that donkey into Jerusalem okay he's making his way to Jerusalem and in that week he would eventually be crucified but Luke 13 verse 37 and when he was come nigh so when Jesus Christ is coming near to Jerusalem on that donkey even now at the descent of the Mount of Olives the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works that they had seen saying what are they saying blessed be the king that cometh in the name of the Lord peace in heaven and glory in the highest and some of the Pharisees from among the multitude said unto him master rebuke thy disciples hey they're saying you're coming from God you're coming in the name of God you're coming in his authority rebuke them verse 40 and he answered and said unto them I tell you that if these should hold their peace the stones would immediately cry out okay so the point I want to bring you there guys I believe Luke 13 verse 35 I believe the fulfillment of that is when Christ comes riding on that donkey into Jerusalem because what are the people saying again in verse 38 blessed be the king that cometh in the name of the Lord okay so let's understand this the multitudes were receiving Christ okay those that were calling him come in the name of the Lord you know these were believers in Jesus Christ right they would come they accepted him as their Savior they accepted him as the king of Israel they accepted him as coming in the name of the Lord and let's now go to the book of Matthew let's go to the book of Matthew okay Matthew chapter 21 Matthew 21 verse 9 Matthew 21 verse 9 what I want to point out to you guys is that saying blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord is a saying that said when you receive Christ and I'm not necessarily talking about salvation though I do believe these people were saved as it was coming into Jerusalem okay let's look at this now in the book of Matthew the book of Matthew chapter 21 verse 9 this is the same story of Christ coming into Jerusalem look at it and the most truths that went before and that followed cried saying Hosanna to the Son of David blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord Hosanna in the highest and when he was come into Jerusalem all the city was moved saying who is this so you see they're saying that and then it comes into Jerusalem okay so now go to Matthew 23 so we know he's coming to Jerusalem in Matthew 21 so in Matthew 23 where is he in Jerusalem okay make sense have I'm not confusing anybody I know it's a Wednesday night but a lot to take in but Matthew 23 okay and I might just turn there my Bible as well Matthew 23 actually look at Matthew 24 very quickly look at Matthew 24 verse 1 it says and Jesus went out and departed from the temple so where is he not just in Jerusalem but he's in the temple okay in verse 24 chapter 24 he parts of the temple meaning the things that he said in Matthew 23 was said in the temple does it make sense okay make sense good now look at Matthew 23 verse 39 for I say unto you you shall not see me henceforth till you shall say blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord that seems it seems a little bit contradictive because in Luke he said that prior to going into Jerusalem all right and then I believe the fulfillment of that was when the people were saying yep you know blessed is he that come in the name of the Lord you know that's been fulfilled as it comes into Jerusalem now he's teaching the same thing once again but now he's already in Jerusalem now let me quickly explain to you how some dispensationalists teach this okay so the first blessed be he that come in the name the Lord was as he was coming into Jerusalem his first coming into Jerusalem right that's when it was said so some dispensationalists take this in Matthew 23 and say well this is when he comes into Jerusalem again at his second coming and then you're gonna have all the unsaved Jews right that were being persecuted by the Antichrist or whatever all these unsaved Jews at his second coming are going to be saying blessed be is he that coming from the name of the Lord and that's how they'll interpret it okay but there's no way else in the scripture to confirm that okay there's nowhere else we have Luke you know we can confirm that was said as he was coming into Jerusalem but Jesus Christ says it one more time after he's coming to Jerusalem so how can we make sense of this you know is there going to be this next group of people that receive Christ as it comes into the key you know to rule and reign in Jerusalem that thousand years well let's back up a little bit I believe the answer can be found very easily there in Matthew 23 so you guys are in Matthew 23 let's back up a little bit Matthew 23 verse 33 now I don't want to read the whole thing because the whole thing is awesome but let's just start with verse 33 Matthew 23 verse 33 this is Jesus speaking ye serpents ye generation of vipers how can ye escape the damnation of hell do these sound like believers now these are people that cannot escape the damnation of hell guess what the door has been shut on them already these are reprobates some of these Pharisees some of these leaders had already been had received the reprobate mind had rejected Christ they cannot escape the damnation of hell verse 34 wherefore behold I sent sent unto you prophets and wise men and scribes and some of them you shall kill and crucify and some of them you shall scourge in your synagogues and persecute them from city to city look at this verse 35 we've covered this already in the book of Luke but this gets taught again by Jesus later on it says that that upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias the son of Barakas whom ye slew between the temple and the altar verily I say unto you all these things shall come upon this generation does this sound like people that are going to receive Christ they're not it's going to escape the damnation of hell and what's going to come in that generation they're going to be accounted for all the bloodshed of all the prophets that have come before Jesus Christ okay on that generation why we already cover this because Jesus Christ was there confirming great works of God and they still rejected him okay we've recovered that before in previous chapters we know that okay verse 37 and you see the teachings very similar Oh Jerusalem Jerusalem thou that kill us the prophets and stonest them which are sent unto thee how often would I have gathered thy children together even as a hen gather for chickens under her wings and you would not behold your left your house is left unto you desolate for I say unto you who's he talking to the reprobates for I say unto you you shall not see me henceforth till you shall say blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord so what is this what is this about okay we're all gonna at some point in our lives you know because Jesus you know you shall not see me henceforth and if you're saved you have seen Christ okay you know when Moses lifted up that serpent you knows look and live okay we've all seen Christ in faith and when we received him we have seen him and and and by calling upon him we've essentially said these same words blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord okay and as he was coming into Jerusalem you know the believers they're you know proclaiming that truth you know wouldn't be surprised if people there at that point had believed on Jesus Christ they were saying the same truth okay you say this when you receive Christ but even the reprobates even the hell-bound sinners are gonna say the same thing when they see Christ okay when is that generation you know this it's gonna come upon that generation when are they gonna see Christ again we know they're dead right now okay we know they're in hell when are they gonna see Christ again at the great white throne judgment aren't they at that point they're gonna see Christ again and let me just finish this with Philippians chapter 2 verse 9 it says wherefore God also have highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name and that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven of things in earth and things under the earth and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father you know what every tongue every power every principality whether in heaven on the earth or under the earth in hell every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father look everyone is going to receive Christ as the one that came you know in the name of the Lord everyone okay but do it now this is the time to do it because this will give you salvation and if you die without Christ you know you go into eternity in hell without him and you're gonna see him one more time at that great white throne and that's when you're gonna say blessed be the name of the Lord but it's gonna be too late for you because that door is gonna be shut that door is gonna be shut you know you might be say yeah but I came to church I came to New Life Baptist Church I stayed in the pews you know but did you believe on him no you know people of those days I saw Jesus Christ coming preaching teaching did they believe on him no you know those are the ones that are gonna be cast out of the kingdom you know so what is the kingdom of God let's just wrap that up very quickly thanks for your patience there's a lot to cover today but what is the kingdom of God number one it's here right now okay we don't have to you know yes we eagerly wait for the kingdom to come the millennium we do you know but it's here right now you know it's available right now and we can bring it near to people as we go and preach the gospel family friends to the neighbors we bring them into the kingdom you're already there you're already seated in the kingdom you know and you already know you're going to sit with Abraham Isaac and Jacob and participate of that kingdom in its entirety in the future okay but it's here today spiritually through the Holy Spirit being born of the Spirit it's still to come though there's a future to come but even that future kingdom to come is not eternal it's only a thousand years long that's when Christ will rule and reign and the works that we do today will determine just how much we can rule and reign with Christ you know and then finally that kingdom will be accomplished we fully leavened you know the birds will come and lodge in that tree finally when God the Father creates that new heaven and the new earth and we'll be able to see the face of God what an amazing truth all right let's pray