(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) all right we're finally up to probably the most famous chapter of the book of Isaiah for believers and the least read chapter of the Jewish people as well but as I 53 boy I don't even know how I'm gonna preach through this without getting choked up and emotional you guys know how I am especially when I think about the suffering of Christ and what he's done for us and the and look you know I was brought up in a Christian home it's not like I made these major errors in life but even though my mistakes may not be as grandiose as others it still breaks my heart to think that God had to send his son to die for me like you know to take my pain to take the suffering that I deserve the the punishment that I deserve that and lay that upon his son but if you look at verse 11 Isaiah 53 verse 11 it says he shall see the travail of his soul the title for the sermon tonight is the travail of his soul the travail of his soul and very clearly this is about Jesus Christ in fact before we read verse number one just come back to the previous chapter Isaiah 52 and look at verse number 14 you know because this this leads up to chapter 53 but Isaiah 52 verse 14 says as many were astonished at thee his visage was more mad was so mad more than any man and his form more than the sons of men and we had spoken about how Jesus just did not look humane he did not look normal as he hung there on that cross he was more beaten whipped and destroyed than any other man you know the book of Psalms you know we know that none of his bones were broken that was a prophecy that had to be fulfilled but even though his bones were not broken they were dislocated because in the Psalms he says that he was able to tell his bones he was able to count his bones he could look down at his body and just see his bones protruding and he just was not looking like an average normal human being being crucified on that cross and so then this lead so as I 53 in verse number one who have believed our reports and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed there are two parts to this verse and for two questions that are brought up and you might say well these are kind of a one of those questions that don't need answering rhetorical rhetorical questions it might be something somewhat like this who have believed our report in fact this is such a famous question that gets asked that it gets brought up twice in the New Testament so if you can come with me quickly come with me to John chapter 12 keep your finger there in Isaiah 53 but John chapter 12 please John chapter 12 in John 12 Christ is speaking about his death and he also speaks essentially of his crucifixion and in John 12 I'll give a moment to turn there and John 12 32 we know that of course with Christ's death there upon the cross he was lifted up from the earth right you know you most people when they pass away when they die they're gonna die with their feet on the earth all right but Christ was lifted up off the earth and he died in that position and that's why he says in John 12 32 and I if I be lifted up from the earth will draw all men unto me see all men you know have been given this privilege of having Christ to be lifted up from the earth that that would be the death that Christ will die for all men another 33 this he said signifying what death he should die so you know if someone just came in and just stabbed Jesus from the back and he died with his feet on the ground he wouldn't have fulfilled this prophecy okay so the fact that he was lifted up spoke of the type of death that he would die verse 134 the people answer him we have heard out of the law that Christ abided forever and how sayest thou the Son of man must be lifted up who is this Son of man and so they say look we know that the you know the Messiah the the Christ he's going to live forever he's everlasting but you're telling me the Son of man's gonna die like are you the Christ so you are not because the Christ leaves forever but you're saying you're going to die and of course Christ fulfilled both you died and he lives forever because he rose from the dead we understand that it's not just a death that is the gospel news but also his resurrection now drop down to verse number 37 but though he had done so many miracles before them yet they believed not on him that the same of Isaiah's the Prophet might be fulfilled which is fake Lord who have believed our reports and to whom have the arm of the Lord been revealed so there's the fulfillment of that prophecy that even though Christ spoke of his death preached amazing words preached with authority performed so many miracles and great wonders of God still so many people did not believe the report so that's kind of the question who have believed our report well not the Christ rejecting Jews they've not believed the report have they well it continues there in verse number sorry verse number 39 therefore they could not believe why couldn't they believe this is even more interesting because that Isaiah said again he have blinded their eyes think about that Christ rejecting Jews he have blinded their eyes someone blinded their eyes God blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts God hardened their hearts today should not see with their eyes nor understand with their hearts and be converted and I should heal them God says look I don't want to there are certain people that I just do not want to heal anymore I don't want to see them saved they've rejected the Christ they rejected his words he's done amazing miracles before them and they still rejected him so God says I'm not gonna even allow them to understand I'm gonna blind their eyes I'm gonna harden their hearts I'm going to you know cause them not to believe on Jesus Christ and of course this is the condition that we know as a reprobates you know I mean look it's not that God hated them from the beginning or you know like the Calvinists teach that God essentially just dams 99% of everybody before they're even born you know they're they're all reprobate before they're even born they've got no chance to be saved no no Christ has been preaching great things performing great miracles you know we saw earlier that Christ said that uh what do you say again in if I be lifted up from the earth will draw all men unto me God wants it all men to be drawn unto Christ but because they rejected him God gets a point was like what more can I do I've given you God walking on the earth and you still rejected him and so God hardens their hearts and blinds their eyes that they would not be converted that they would not be healed this is a reprobate something we have a difficulty with this this doctrine but it's found all over the Bible like you don't have to look up the word reprobate you'll find that in other passages of the Bible for example if someone blasphemes the Holy Ghost the Bible says they will not be forgiven in this world and all the world to come you know there are many examples where someone can go just way too far with God and God is done with them and God will no longer now Christ will die for them Christ will pay for all of their sins it's not that they've committed a sin that is greater than the sacrifice of Christ it's that they would not believe in him you know that they've rejected him outright so where God now hardens them and rejects them so we see this there in John 12 that one of the fulfillment there in Isaiah who have believed our report was certainly not the Christ rejecting Jews and certainly not the reprobates now come with me to Romans 10 come with me to Romans 10 where we have the other reference to this in Romans 10 Romans 10 verse number 16 Romans and you know for those that are soul winners you're probably very familiar with Romans 10 and it contains the famous verse for whoso shall call upon them the Lord shall be saved and all that so you know again it's all revolving around the gospel so when I sighs you know as I says who have believed that report what is essentially saying who has believed the gospel because the report is the death the burial the resurrection of Christ that's what we go preaching that's what we ask people to put their trust in their their belief on on what Christ has done in Christ alone and you know we knock doors and they reject us they don't want to believe it but every now and again praise God there is someone that says yes I want to believe that report and so we see that in Romans 10 verse number 16 Romans 10 16 but they have not all obeyed the gospel now the question is how do you obey the gospel now you know how we teach and obviously the Bible teaches that salvation not by works I've had someone say well hold on no no it says that you have to obey the gospel so the only thing you can obey you know is like commandments all right but that but that says there but they have not all obeyed the gospel look at this what does it mean to obey the gospel for Isaiah saith Lord who have believed our reports so how do you obey the gospel by believing the reports okay so when you believe the gospel you've obeyed the gospel right you don't have to go keep the ten commandments you don't think give all the commandments of the Lord I don't know we are not saved by the law we are saved by Christ and so to be obedient to the gospel is not that you're going to clean up your life and turn another leaf to obey the gospel is that you believe the report the report of Christ's suffering and his resurrection for you let's continue verse number 17 so then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God but I say have they not heard yes verily the sound this and went into all the earth and their words unto the ends of the world you see this gospel this report of Jesus Christ has gone throughout all the earth to the ends of the world so when someone says to you what about the tribal man that lives in the middle of Africa somewhere and they've never heard no no the gospel's gone out through the entire world okay now if someone's not heard you know it's the fault of the generations beforehand where the generations that heard guess what they should do pass that on to the next generation to the next generation to the next generation you know many of these generations they curse their generations because they decide to worship false gods or you know false religion where the Word of God is not being heard but look God's given the whole earth you know God does not think well the Australian deserves to hear the gospel more than the man in the tribal man in Africa now God's made sure that the gospel the report has gone throughout the whole earth but I'll show you once again Romans 10 is once again borrowing the teaching there from Isaiah 53 now before we go back to Isaiah 53 not only was the question asked who have believed our report but the second question was and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed okay so we're at chapter 53 of the book of Isaiah what is the 53rd book of the Bible not brother Daniel and not brother Tim who's doing their homework you go into the front of the Bible though to have a look oh I'll tell you what it is it's 2nd Thessalonians so come with me to 2nd Thessalonians please 2nd Thessalonians in chapter 1 this is the only reference I'm going to turn to from the from the book of 2nd Thessalonians if you can find some other parallels with this chapter you know again I'll leave that for your homework but 2nd Thessalonians chapter 1 2nd Thessalonians chapter 1 the question is to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed well look at 2nd Thessalonians chapter 1 and verse number 7 it says here and to you who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed well we know the Lord Jesus Christ is going to be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels we know this is of course you know in the times of the writing of the scriptures here 2nd Thessalonians and for us it's talking about the second coming of Christ isn't it now again before we keep talking about that we understand also that I don't want to remove what we're looking at here in 2nd Thessalonians away from the gospel we know that the report that gets brought up in Isaiah 53 verse 1 is the gospel of Jesus Christ so let's continue there in verse number 8 2nd Thessalonians verse 8 inflaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ so who are those that do not obey the gospel those that do not believe those that did not believe the report verse number 9 who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed you know Jesus Christ is going to be revealed from heaven and he's not going to just rapture his believers and that's what I'm looking forward to the most of course being caught up in the clouds and not in an aeroplane but with Jesus and with you all of us and you know when I see brother ash oh man you made it praise God I see brother Tim over there and then next to brother Tim like it's like what that's the Apostle Paul and that's King David and that's Solomon and it's gonna be the amazing to be caught up in the clouds with Jesus Christ we've believers of all time you know and you guys be like that's past Kevin I hope it's like oh no we're gonna put up with you more again we're gonna put up with you in heaven as well you know but I just want to show you how you know even second Thessalonians you know has kind of like the answer to the second question in that in that verse that the Lord's come in and that's what I'm looking forward the most to be with Christ and we can be excited about that because we've believed the report but what about those that have not believed the report we saw vengeance flaming fire destruction you know being destroyed by God's wrath and ultimately in the lake of fire but anyway let's go back to I 53 so you know I I trust that all of you here in the church put in you know and those listening online I trust you've all believed on the gospel you all believe the report and if you haven't all the way you need to get that right ASAP if you don't know if you're saved and I don't think anyone here I think you all know you're saved but maybe for those that listen online if you don't know you need to reach out to me this is most this is this is too important to miss out you've got to believe the report of Jesus Christ need to trust that and if you don't have the confidence of salvation you don't know you're going to heaven you don't know you're gonna be there in the rapture I'm in the clouds of all the believers please reach out to me talk to me but I was I 52 and verse number two speaking about Christ for he shall grow up before him as a tender plant you know this is speaking about Christ first come in that Christ would come as a babe you know it's waddling clothes just a tender a tender very delicate plants and you know Christ did not knock his second coming is coming with power and glory but his first coming very humble in Bethlehem's manger and it says here and as a roots out of a dry ground that's really interesting because dry grounds don't really produce roots and this is like weeds or something like that but even weeds like you just pull them out like that easily you know this is saying that of course Christ is that roots in a dry ground and this is speaking about the fact when Christ came the spiritual condition of Israel at that point or of Judea was very dry you know it's a very place lacking spiritually the religious leaders were pretty much corrupt with the false religion of the Pharisees and the Sadducees and before Christ came you know God had to send John the Baptist you know to prepare a way for the Lord in the Bible tells us if not for John the Baptist God would just come and smite the earth with the curse you know John the Baptist is the one that got people's hearts ready for Jesus Christ it says here about him he have no form nor comeliness and wish when we shall see him there is no beauty that we should desire him so it says that when Jesus came he wasn't beautiful it says he had no comeliness come to be commonly is again another word of beauty when Christ walked this earth he looked like normal Jewish man whatever that is right now like you know if you just lived in that time and you just walked through Galilee and you know there's a teacher teaching people you just walk past you go oh yeah okay just a group of people there'd be nothing about the teacher physically that would go whoa that's the Son of God right like everyone's kind of darker skin maybe darker toned you know of that region and there is blonde blue-eyed Jesus with his flowing blonde hair and a halo behind his head it's like whoa look at the beauty and that's how people paint Jesus Christ today you know no look Jesus had no beauty no comeliness he looked like just like rams in or something right just someone from that region and expanded region right just walking the earth just just average you know nothing that is you know drawing people with his beauty and you know it's quite interesting because when you look at like cult leaders or people that claim they say I'm the reincarnated Jesus they often try to look very beautiful on the outward aren't they very handsome and you know Hollywood looks and Jesus was not like that it's not what made him great what made him great of course was the words the works his mission that he did by sacrificing himself for us verse number three he is despised and rejected of men people hated him you've all read Matthew Mark Luke and John what did Jesus do worthy to be despised you know he never wronged anybody he never offended anybody never sinned against anybody he never sinned and people hated him all he did was good all he did was good and they despised him rejected of men have you ever been rejected maybe you feel rejected right now maybe if you're rejected by friends family work colleagues maybe you're rejected just for being a Christian and you know how much it hurts to be rejected right it hurts it's like someone just stabs you someone that you care about they reject you Christ was rejected you know by his nation by most of the Jews of that day the people that he died for they rejected him a man of sorrows you know Christ's sorrow had sorrow he wept you know he he he had a hard time on the earth you know he experienced the kind of sadnesses that we experience it is acquainted with grief there were times that Christ grieved you know we might mourn and grieve when someone passes away and you know I mean again if you've lived life long enough and you've had some disasters you know how sad you can get you can you know how deep and dark the hole can get for you Christ experienced all of that in his manhood oh man I'm gonna sorry man sorry guys it's the next part that hits me and we hid as it were our face from him so all the Jews the Romans we we hid as it were our faces from him so like we rejected him we despised him he was despised and we esteemed him not we esteemed him not you know I praise God that I again I got saved in a in a Christian home praise God you know early in my life you know where I'm not like actively just rejecting Christ but you know for those that have been saved later in life I suppose you can think about your life of sin a life where you didn't care about the Lord you just weren't preoccupied about what the Lord did for you you weren't mindful about every sin that you commit is the punishment was put on Christ and you know if anything kind of drives it to desire not to sin it's like I don't know how time works with God because I'm gonna sin tomorrow right even the full foolishness of the foolishness sin but like I just don't want to sin because I don't want to have added more to the Lord's suffering but he's paid for that you know and so we we despise him like yeah we'll just sin and you can you can suffer at Christ you can deal with it like we esteemed you know we didn't elevate him we're just man if his if we said boy that's the Lord I'm not gonna sin against him I'm gonna follow his ways you know every time we've been selfish and we've just done our own thing we despise the Lord you know we've laid our sins upon him and then verse 1 4 says surely he have borne our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we did esteem him stricken smitten of God and afflicted this is really important because I I many times again you know I don't think people fully comprehend how much Christ suffered you know people like well you know yeah it's a gruesome death to be nailed to the cross and to be whipped and beaten and you know yeah that's a lot of physical suffering and and all this but it's more than that okay look at it again look at this and for surely he have borne our griefs surely this truly happened so we say well he carried our sins he died for our sins yes yes yes but it's not just the sins it's the consequences of our sins that he carried so let's say we have a family dispute a family problem and it causes grief in us and the reason we suffer with grief is because of sin we understand the consequences of sin in life right well Christ suffered that grief on his body too he carried our sorrows every tear you ever cried every you know every time you've had sorrow Christ had that on him he carried it this is why we can go to Christ we've got a God say God I'm sad God I'm grieving and Christ is yeah I know I carried that for you on the cross you know I know what you're going through you know I can help you you know I've suffered the penalty for that consequence of sin for you so I can go to the Lord every time and it's so strange because when we're suffering greatly we're like God where are you and Christ is like yeah yeah I carried it for you I I'm exactly where you are I've felt all those things not just my own grief and sorrow but your grief and sorrow and the grief sorrow of all man Christ knows it all we streak and smear of God and afflicted now just to prove this a little further this reference gets repeated for us in the New Testament so come with me to Matthew 8 please Matthew 8 sorry about getting choked up guys just this is what Christianity is all about like the one most important above all doctrine above all things is the cross is the stuff enough Christ you know this is what you know who cares if we get every other doctrine right and this one wrong this is the most important thing this is the most important thing in the Bible this is what everything in the Bible is leading up to Christ's sacrifice for us Matthew 8 please Matthew 8 in verse 14 Matthew 8 14 now you know to understand this a little bit further how did he carry our griefs and carry our sorrows bore our griefs this isn't just on the cross you need to understand this is happening years before he gets to the cross he's suffering for years before he gets to the cross is my point Matthew 8 14 and when Jesus was coming to Peter's house he saw his wife's mother laid and sick of a fever and he touched her hand and the fever left her and she arose and ministered unto them so you can see here that Christ heals the sick right he's healed Peter's mother-in-law let's continue when the even was come they brought unto him now look at this many many that were possessed with Devils and he cast out the spirits with his word and he healed all that were sick so he heals Peter's mother-in-law he casts out Devils doing these miracles he's killing all that are sick and we know you know by examples other other stories that when someone's possessed by the devil you know many times that Devils trying to destroy that person's body you know he had physical you know it created physical ailments in them as well you know a physical pain in these people as well and you know sometimes when you read these stories you're like okay yeah Christ healed it he's God you know the sickness went away the the pain went away you know but look at verse 17 this is where it gets really amazing that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet saying himself took our infirmities and bear our sickness sicknesses so when Christ I don't know well let's say he put his hand on Peter's mother-in-law and she's healed from a sickness it didn't disappear her sickness came on Christ like he's saying this is how it's been fulfilled this is long before the crucifixion as Christ is healing all these people as it's causing the blind to see you know the the the corruption or the you know the so what I'm looking for though to see the the the pain the the the suffering that the corruption of human flesh you know of course in a blind man to see but that blindness that condition comes on Christ you know now obviously he can see he's not I'm not saying that he's walking around with leprosy and blind and and can't walk like a heel he was lepers and all this I'm not saying that but his body is filling up with these consequences these pains and suffering these sicknesses he's carrying this in his flesh okay so you know in case you think I'm going you know I'm out for lunch or something I'm like none the Bible confirms that for us there okay in that reference so come back with me to Isaiah 53 now Isaiah 53 so it's not like okay yeah you know it was on the cross for a few hours died you know that's his man he Christ was on a mission and even though he was suffering he's still preaching the gospel still getting people saved he's still healing the sick you know it's like oh man what a savior you know verse number five it says he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed his stripes there are his his wit gave his wits his back was whips before he was crucified he was bruised so you know his body was bloody and bruised not just blood everywhere but blueness of the bruises he was beaten we know that okay spat on his face and you know they put a crown of thorns upon him and look at verse number six it says all we like sheep have gone astray we have turned everyone to his own way so yeah when we sin against the Lord we do what we want we just we go our own way right we're doing our own thing we're like sheep that have gone astray and then it says and the Lord have laid on him the iniquity of us all so every time we go straight away from the Lord every time you walk away from him every time we walk in darkness every time we sin against the Lord God says well all those sins every time you've done that every time you've offended me I'm gonna put that iniquity on Jesus Jesus is going to be wounded or he was wounded for our transgressions so I just bogus my mind I said how can that be you know and then I think about every human being you know Christ died for my wife all her sins on him and my children all their sins on him my church members all their sins on Christ and then my community all their sins on Christ and my nation all the sins of Australians on Christ then the world how many is it eight billion now roughly and this is now in 2025 whatever we are and what about all the billions that have gone before and all the billions that are still good to come how much did Christ suffer I just you know we we can barely carry our own griefs and sorrows right I mean people commit suicide because they can't even carry their own griefs they just so we just can't bear their pain and suffering and Christ says you know what I'm gonna do it for everybody though I'm gonna bear it all it's just amazing amazing the sacrifice of Christ verse number seven is important he was oppressed and he was afflicted yet he opened not his mouth Christ did not defend himself Pilate found him innocent Christ say look I'm not worthy of death let me get my lawyer if Christ could get his lawyer he'd easily be let go wouldn't he he had done nothing wrong but he decided not to open his mouth he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb so he openeth not his mouth that word dumb is one who can't speak and so Christ decided not to speak against his accusers he didn't speak against those that whipped him he didn't speak against those that beat him up he didn't speak against those that crucified him didn't speak against those that spat in his face he didn't speak against those that put a crown of thorns on his head you know he didn't speak against those that nailed him to the cross and I mean he's he remained quiet and like we say okay well pastor the reason for that and it is the reason for it you could say the primary reason of that is that's what why Christ came came to die he wasn't coming to defend himself his whole mission was to die and not to put a defense of his righteousness but that he would just pay for the sins of mankind and that's true obviously that's the primary reason he did not open his mouth but did you know there's a lesson for us in this example that Christ gave okay come with me to first Peter come me to first Peter chapter 2 first Peter chapter 2 please first Peter chapter 2 because you know if it was you and me and we're brought before judges and we know we're innocent and they find us guilty and not just guilty worthy of death you and I know we're gonna get all every single lawyer that money can buy right and we're gonna make a big loud scene and we're gonna put our trial on livestream all over the internet so everybody can can see the injustices of the world that would be our desire that would be what we would do and this is what makes first Peter 2 21 very hard to live by look at first Peter 2 21 for even here unto were ye called because Christ also suffered for us leaving us an example that ye should follow his steps so one reason Christ is not open his mouth to leave us an example that we should follow his steps now I know we that's hard for us and look verse number 22 who did no sin neither was guile found in his mouth who when he was reviled reviled not again when he suffered he threatened not but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously verse number 24 who his own self bear our sins in his own body on the tree that we being dead to sins should live unto righteousness by whose stripes ye were healed you saw that in 53 this is amazing so we've Christ not open his mouth when he was reviled reviled not again neither was God found in his mouth Christ did not begin to curse these people speak against them in fact he's done across his father forgive them what and first Peter is telling us this is our example we are to follow in his steps I don't even know how to apply this I mean you know I guess in the scenario where like I gave you know you caught before judges and you're you know you're being found guilty for something you never did I can understand but we understand we're not going to die for the sins of mankind we understand that we're not going to be brought before pilot and you know being called the king of the Jews or something like this that's not going to happen to us but this has to do the fact that we as believers are often hated we as believe and as often reviled we often things are said negatively against us and we may fuel the desire to talk back and fight back and when that happens you need to remember the example that Christ left you say Christ wants me to follow in your steps I'm not going to render evil for evil I'm not going to revile because I've been reviled I'm just going to stay dumb like a sheep with its shearers and I'm just going to what did it say you know first Peter 2 I'm going to do what Christ did he threatened not verse I'm 23 but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously Christ says I'm going to commit myself not to pilot but to God he judged righteously and boy when things don't seem fair I often tell the kids look life is not fair it isn't but it is I don't care about making the life like the world fair but God judges righteously he makes sure that it's always the he always makes sure the books are balanced let's put it that way vengeance is the Lord's and the Lord's going to judge that situation I know that if I just follow in the steps of Christ and I don't let my flesh get the better of me and I just say no Christ did not open his mouth he died for me he suffered he took my griefs and my sorrows and my sins then I'm not going to fight back against this wicked person here and I'll just I'll do that and I know the Lord's gonna bless me and I know the Lord's gonna judge that person and you just that gives you great peace in life and I'm just going to commit myself to what that one that judges righteously come back with me to Isaiah 53 verse number 8 Isaiah 53 verse 8 by the way this is a chapter that the Ethiopian eunuch you know that story the Ethiopian eunuch coming back from Jerusalem read a portion of Isaiah he's reading this and he asks Philip the evangelist what am I read about who is this is it is the writer or some other man and Phillips able to preach from Isaiah 53 I hope I'm doing as good of a job as Philip did and that Ethiopian eunuch was able to get saved and and then afterwards get baptized praise God verse 8 says he was taken from prison and from judgments who and who shall declare his generation for he was cut off from the land of the living for the transgression of my people was he stricken and it says there who shall declare his generation it's saying that he's got no that Christ did not leave any physical lineage Christ did not leave any children okay the idea there for he was cut off from the land living the idea of that we know that Christ was never gonna get married anyway and have kids all this right we understand he came to fulfill a mission but the idea is like his life was cut off early that's the kind of the concept you know he was he was you know often when we hear about someone passing away we say well how old were they and they're like I was 40 years old and like oh boy he just went too early you know it's kind of like that idea you know that Christ who would declare his generation he would not have generations that would follow after him you know he would never get married and never have kids not that that was his goal but the idea there is that you know he his life was cut off early okay verse number nine and he made his grave with the wicked and with the rich in his death because he had done no violence neither was any deceit in his mouth now what this is an amazing prophecy of Christ he made his grave with the wicked we know that he died with two malefactors two thieves on the cross so he died with them but even though he died with wicked and you know people that are thieving like stealing so they're probably poor but he was also in death with the rich and if you don't know what that's about come with me to Matthew 27 come with me to Matthew 27 Matthew 27 Matthew 27 now you know if most of us I would say pretty much middle class you know maybe lower middle class upper middle class somewhere in the middle class rate I don't think anyone here is like excessively wealthy or something like that and if you are please give more to the church if that's you like most of us when we die we're just gonna like have a humble grave you know but you know if you've gone through grave sites you've seen certain areas there are some places where there's just like this massive you know monuments of someone who passed away and often when you see something massive or you know I don't know if it's still true that the pyramids were like tombs or the pharaohs or something like that and I don't know people debate that all the time but you know often when someone who is very rich and they die you know they given something grandiose we have their tomb and when you look at Matthew 27 this is after Christ died on the cross Matthew 27 verse 57 Matthew 27 57 it says here when the even was come there came a what a rich man of Arimathea named Joseph who also himself was Jesus's disciple so this was a rich man who followed after Christ verse 58 he went to Pilate and begged the body of Jesus then Pilate commanded the body to be delivered and when Joseph had taken the body he wrapped it in a clean linen cloth and laid it in his own new tomb which he had hewn out in the rock and he wrote a great stone to the door of the sepulchre and departed so Christ's burial the burial of the body was actually of the rich it was a tomb it wasn't just a graveyard all right he had an actual tomb with a huge rock that was wrote about upon it right it was something that was newly created for for Joseph for this rich man Joseph but the rich man loved Jesus Christ as a fellow of Christ look I want that my tomb to go to Jesus I want him to be buried you know in this monument that was originally for him and it's amazing that Isaiah prophesied this like hundreds of years before it even happened like just it's like wow how did this all come together this is certainly the Christ that was prophesied from the Old Testament now come back with me to Isaiah 53 verse number 10. Isaiah 53 and verse number 10. You know this isn't like our God's like like just enjoying like there's my son's suffering whoo-hoo that's so great this is pleasing it's pleasing him that sin is being judged right and that there's a substitute lamb that will deliver or that will pay for the sins of the whole world that's what pleases the Lord that this is how sin will be dealt with you know you put him to grief when thou shall make his soul an offering for sin he shall see his seed he shall prolong his days and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand this is amazing it says he shall prolong his days gonna know he's dead yeah cuz he's gonna rise from the dead his days are gonna be prolonged and the and the you know those that have trusted in Christ our days will be prolonged as well we know that we're going to die a natural death but the days coming when we have a new resurrected body we're gonna reign with Christ for a thousand years and then for eternity in the new heaven and the new earth I'm going to expand on verse number 10 verse number 11 at the end of the chapter verse number 11 says he shall see the travail of his soul and shall be satisfied like this is the payment for sin this satisfies God okay you keeping the commandments does not satisfy God you trying to be righteous does not satisfy God the only thing that satisfies God regarding our iniquities and our sins is the death of his son by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many for he shall bear their iniquities isn't that amazing that Christ has justified many I'm part of the many so are you Christ has justified us in the eyes of God praise God for that then it says verse number 12 I'm gonna come back to 10 11 12 therefore will I divide him a portion with the great and he shall divide the spoil with a strong because he have poured out his soul unto death and he was numbered with the transgressors and he bear the sin of many and made intercession for the transgressors and this is just like an accept a powerful chapter an amazing chapter you know as I said most Jews have not read it it's like the forbidden chapter of the you know Jewish religion and when they're confronted with this chapter they don't know what to do with it because they know they recognize it sounds a lot like Christ it sounds a lot like it doesn't just sound like it is Christ that's why you know but they just refuse to believe the report you know and praise God that you have made the decision to believe the report now verse number 12 also has a fulfillment and it's interesting you know I want to clarify a lot like 10 11 and 12 I want to clarify these verses a lot because I get a lot like as a pass I get a lot of questions and sometimes questions are relating to life and life decisions and then I get a lot of biblical questions and if I gave you like a top ten I don't even know what my top ten questions would be but I would put this one this question I'm about to share with you like within the top five questions that I get like it's it's a very common question that I get and I didn't understand why for a long time I got this question because sometimes I get questions and I can I relate to it because I'm like yeah when I got saved and I was growing and reading my bubble I had those questions too so you know you can relate to questions that people have that are the same as yours you kind of but then there are some questions I just like I don't know where they come in from like why is that being asked and and then later on you find out why okay but before I get to and that's why I want to cover 10 verses 10 11 shortly but when did this take place he was numbered with the transgressors and he bear the sin of many and made intercession for the transgressors we can see that before that it says because they have poured out his soul unto death and he was numbered with the transgressors and he bear the sin of many made in session with transgressors a lot of people have asked me this question said to me pastor is this not like when he was numbered with transgressors is that not saying that Christ was numbered with sinners in hellfire because everybody in hell are transgressors and there we have Christ amongst the transgressors in hell because there we have his soul unto death now the thing about that is I don't have to answer that the Bible answers that okay so keep your finger then come with me to Matthew sorry mark 15 come with me to mark 15 mark 15 mark 15 and verse number 27 mark 15 like I always wonder when the Bible's got a clear verse something that is just black and white I always wonder why do I get questions when well I get it when the Bible's quite great or cryptic passages I get that but when the Bible already has verses that are just like so clear and transparent that even like a beginner can read it I don't really I struggle to put myself in the shoes of the person and if you've asked me that question here I'm not having to go you you know it's just something I had to learn over time you know and recognize why the question gets asked but mark 15 mark 15 verse number 27 it says and with him they crucify two thieves the one on his right hand and the other on his left so this is on the cross verse number 28 and the scripture was fulfilled which saith and he was numbered with the transgressors that's black and white isn't it so when was he numbered the transgressors in hellfire no on the cross because he was on one side was one thief on the other side was another thief now this is why I want to focus now on verses 10 and 11 okay and I'm not sure but a lot of my church members kind of see things differently to me in this passage and so I want to be able to explain this to you and I now understand why I get this question so often but let's go back to verse number 10 let's go back to verse number 10 it says here in verse number 10 yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him he have put him to grief when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin and so the question is well see pass because I I teach that Christ paid for our sins on the cross like that's my teaching that the payment for sins was his blood so I had a lot of it say no no pastor that's wrong his soul was an offering for sin like it says here that shall make his soul and often for sin so this is actually about his soul burning in hellfire now that's verse number 10 but you get to verse 11 and 12 and 12 he's on the cross still being numbered amongst the transgressors so I didn't understand these questions coming from until I realized are there are certain sermons that teach this that this is hellfire okay so the idea there is that this soul is an offering for sin in hellfire does that make sense and if someone's got that view like that's okay I'm just I want to answer this because I get it so often right so you see a pattern especially because people have probably watched one sermon online somewhere and the pastor preached that and it sounds good but I just don't think it's good to teach a doctrine and using scriptures that aren't actually saying that let me explain to you why when his soul was made an offering for sin in this verse what was happening to him okay look again verse number 10 yet it pleased the Lord to what bruise him now I know what a bruise is it's broken capillaries and because it's broken blood vessels in your body so then to say well no the Lord is bruising his soul but the soul it doesn't have blood or a body like we have a body so this bruise in I mean unless there's some type of dead spiritual body in the in hell or something I'm I'm gonna take this literally to bruise him means a physical you know what do you call this bruise a physical something happened to on his body when his soul is being offered for sin now people say well that's another pastor you're saying that a bit literally though yeah you know the Bible many times is figurative and symbolic and you know even though he doesn't have a physical body in hell but you know just using language that we're familiar with that he's being bruised in hell but here's the thing about that if you go back to verse number five but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities so if like verse number ten is like symbolic or something well I guess some verse number five is symbolic too like we got bruising and bruising and like I think I think everybody that I've ever come across would look at verse number five and we'll take that literally he was bruised for our iniquities like physically on his body I don't know anyone that would say no that that's not physical but then why did we get to verse number ten and say well the bruising now is not physical now it's now we've just changed the rules when we get to verse number ten I don't understand that procedure I don't understand that process so there's that there's the bruising no number one you get bruises on a physical body and number two we have another verse before that that everybody agrees is physical so why do we change the rules now I don't have I don't have a problem with people saying Christ suffered in Hellfire you know for three days and three nights his soul was not left in hell I believe his soul went to hell I don't know exactly what happened I'll be honest with you I don't know I don't have a Bible that tells me but I'm what I'm trying to demonstrate to you guys is that we don't want to use scriptures that aren't actually saying that to say that something happened we're putting like words in God's mouth and like you know what you often find is if you just read the whole chapter things are clear if you just take a verse here and there it sounds good it sounds like it supports a doctrine but when you put it in conjunction with everything there it's not even about that so the question will be well it says here that his soul is an offering for sin and I had someone say to me see pastor Kevin it's not his it's not his body that's the offering it's his soul that was the offering and his soul was offered there in Hellfire so the understanding there is that it's a disembodied soul okay but here's the thing again if you've read your Bible cover to cover the Bible used the word soul many many times and I would say I don't know I've not looked at every reference to soul but I would say 95 percent of the time I feel like saying 99.9 percent of the time when the Bible speaks of the soul it's not talking about a dis disembodied soul for example Genesis 2 7 and the Lord God forms man of the dust of the earth of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul so we read that we don't think okay soul was somewhere else and his body was somewhere else you know when we read first Peter 3 20 I'll just read it to you first Peter 3 20 with some time with disobedience when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah while the ark was a preparing wearing a few that is eight souls were saved by water when we read that we know that's about Noah his wife and his children and their married partners eight souls were saved by water we don't go oh those must be disembodied souls we know that they're in the body you see 99.9 percent of the time or 95 percent of the time in the Bible the vast majority time when God speaks of the word soul he's just talking about life life in the body you know I again I'm not even that I can't even remember a verse where we're talking about a distant like where God actually uses that language to speak of a disembodied soul now I do believe that if our sinner dies their soul goes is disembodied you know death is the soul departs and the spirit departs and the soul of the unbeliever will go to hell I believe all that of course but I'm trying to say that when God uses this language in the Bible it's not it's more often than not and maybe almost maybe all the time I don't want to say that all the time because I could be wrong all right but it's about the soul in the body it's life as a general term okay the second part of this is the offering his soul is an offering so can you come with me to Hebrews 10 please come with me to Hebrews 10 so again I'm just going by comments and questions that I've been asked and again it's not questions that I had growing up as a believer but it's a lot of questions I get as a pastor and again I didn't know where they were coming from until I found a sermon it's coming from that sermon and everyone's listening to that sermon and you know so if I don't say what that sermon says then you know there's a problem there somewhere right but our Hebrews 10 please Hebrews 10 Hebrews 10 and verse number 5 verse Hebrews 10 and verse number 5 it says here where for when he cometh into the world he saith so that's when Christ came into the world sacrifice an offering thou wouldest not but a body has thou prepared me now drop turn to verse number 10 by the which by the which will sorry by the which will we are sanctified for the offering of the soul offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all that's what the Bible says I believe the Bible so his body is the offering once for all okay so when we read Isaiah about his soul being the offering should we think disembodied soul I would say the soul in the body like when he was on the cross his soul was on the cross too right when he went and healed and cast out the devil's and healed the sick his soul was in his body when he was suffering grief and sorrow all that process when it's whipped and beaten all right his soul was in his body his soul was suffering through this as well okay so the Bible is very clear that because again that comment it's not his body that's the offering it's his soul that's the offering it's like well you're getting that from his I 53 but Hebrews says it is his body and again it demonstrates me that I don't want to offend anybody because I know I know everyone's growing everyone's trying to learn but when you make when someone makes a comment it's not the body it's like you have to read the Bible like watching one sermon is not sufficient for your mature maturity and growth as a believer you got to get into God's Word and like it doesn't matter who's preaching even if it's me breath it doesn't matter who is preaching whatever we teach whatever doctrines we proclaim we can't take it as gospel truth just because the pastor said it it's important for us to go to God's Word right we learn something all right God I heard it preach I want to go to your word now I'm gonna read Isaiah 53 I'm going to read Hebrews 10 I'm going to look at these passages and I'm going to decide for myself if these things are true you know every pastor can make some mistake and every pastor can exaggerate a little bit and I can do it too I try not to so I got a fear I got a fear breathing I tell you all the time you know when I get up here I'm not just going to parrot some sermon to you I'm not just going to give you an answer that most of my church members want to hear it's like God's Word said the body is the offering and it's been bruised and in context of everything else it's the physical suffering of Christ that is being emphasized in his passages also so in that reference in Hebrews sorry in Isaiah 53 10 it says he pleased the Lord to bruise him he have put into grief here put into grief when thou shall make his soul an offering for sin so it's talking about the Lord bruising him put into grief now if you can come with me please to 1st Peter chapter 2 again 1st Peter chapter 2 1st Peter chapter 2 because again that idea of being bruised in verse number 5 Isaiah 53 5 it says but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities so we know our iniquities are our sins and 1st Peter chapter 2 we already read this passage but I wasn't focused on this so much but now I want to show it to you 1st Peter 2 24 1st Peter 2 24 it says here who his own self bear our sins where did he bear our sins in his own body on the tree that we being dead to sins should live unto righteousness by whose stripes we were healed so again I've had to say no no his soul bore our sins his soul bore our sins in hell no no the Bible says that he bore our sins in his own body on the tree on the cross the black and white a clear passage not like a logical argument for trying to defend a doctrine but just the clear teaching of God's Word his body is what bore our sins all right and lastly like I said to you because if we go back to Isaiah 53 I kind of understand where it's coming from again if you go back to Isaiah 53 and Isaiah 53 and so if you look at verse number 9 Isaiah 53 verse number 9 we're not going to read it all but it says here and he made his grave with the wicked so know that after he was crucified he went to the grave okay then he was buried he was gone for three days and three nights buried right for three days and three nights so with that in mind we get to verse number 10 yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him and have put him to grief and that shall make his soul an offering for sin so it's like see if you just follow the the process he was buried he was really crucified then he was buried then his soul went to hell and so that must be talking about his soul going to hell again I can kind of understand that logic but then you get to verse number 12 again where he was numbered with the transgressors we're back to the cross so it's not like he was crucified buried went to hell and went back to the cross so to make the argument well that's the process that is following well the last verse destroys the argument because he's back on the cross so like God's not given us a chronological event of what happened in his death okay but what we definitely see from verse 1 to verse 12 is his physical suffering and in light of all the scriptures in light of just reading the word soul in your Bible you know and seeing that his body is the offering and his sins were born on our sins were born on his body and that bodies are what can be bruised and not a soul and if we take bruised literally in verse number 5 then we should take it literally in verse number 10 if you put all these things together this chapter is not about Christ suffering hellfire it's about him suffering on the cross you know and I don't say that to I'm not trying to debunk a doctor I'm not trying to you know hurt a pastor I just want my church members to be I want I want us to be students of God's Word like I want you to test everything in the scriptures and you know doesn't matter how influential or how much I convince you about a doctrine I and even tonight I strongly encourage you go back and read Isaiah 53 again and and and look at those argument every argument that I made was from the scriptures and not just me deciding these are the scripture the scripture themselves are saying yeah that's about Isaiah 53 like it's black and white it's clear I'm not trying to you know put thoughts into your imagination something like that those things are already black and white and you know crystal clear in scriptures so that's why I told this sermon the travail of his soul the travail of his soul and of course it was his body and this is why when you know Christ says to remember his death how do we remember his death by the bread and by the juice the grape juice you know the broken body of Christ and his blood and this is how we remember the eyes first Corinthians 11 I don't know what word for word but it says this this is how you show the Lord's death till he come something like that okay so when we focus on his death God wants us to be focused on his broken body and he shed blood that is what was the offering for the sins that we've all committed the travail of his soul what a Savior what a great God what a great God that we worship and serve and brethren those times that you're going through grief and sorrow and you're like God you must be so far away why don't you come and help me you need to remember Christ actually carried that sorrow for you Christ carried that grief he knows how much you're hurting he suffered he felt those pains in himself and so he's the best is the best person is the best Savior we can go to and run to in our time of need all right let's pray