(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Okay, we are continuing there in Isaiah. We're up to Isaiah 46 and where I want to take the sermon from, the sermon title from tonight is there in verse number 8. Which says, remember this and show yourselves men. Title of the sermon tonight is show yourselves men. And the women might be, but I want to show myself a woman. You can show yourself a strong woman too, okay, if you follow the directions that we see laid out here in this chapter now. It's not a very long chapter as you can see. Like sometimes the book of Isaiah can be quite lengthy chapters. This one's a very short one. There's not a lot of new material like as far as, like it's very similar to the sermon in Isaiah 45 or the writings of Isaiah 45. Once again God is comparing himself as the only God, the mighty God in comparison to the false gods which is why we began with two false gods, Bel and Nebu there in verse number 1. And the idols that were worshipped and again even though there was a godly king over Judah at this time, King Hezekiah, the nation was still following after the false gods, the gods that have learned from other nations. And so again when we look at the book of Isaiah we need to remember that the primary audience are the Jews of Judah before they were taken into captivity by the Babylonians. And again as you've walked through this chapter by chapter with me, God sometimes is all over the place historically from the end times to the return of the captivity, looking back in history sometimes. But as we read this and as we're reminded about our great God compared to idols, obviously I want to give God due diligence in exalting him as the one true God. And then what I'm going to do, because it's not a very long chapter, I'm going to use this chapter as a springboard to get on another topic about food sacrificed unto idols. Because one of the common questions I get as a pastor is, pastor should we eat food offered unto idols? And so I want to kind of use this chapter as a springboard for that because like I said the chapter itself isn't that lengthy and it is a little bit repetitive to what we've heard last time in Isaiah 45. But if we start doing verse number one, Isaiah 45 verse number one, And so this speaks to the fact that to carry or parade around these idols, the Jews at this time they would take in maybe oxen, different types of beasts, different types of animals. They would have to carry these idols on their, you know, like maybe on a wagon or something like that, right? And parade around the street. It's very similar to what you see in Roman Catholic churches where you've got this big statue of Mary and then you've got the priest kind of carrying Mary around and displaying her. And so that is a burden, right? That is a burden upon the people carrying these idols and these idols are a burden to these weary beasts. These beasts are like getting tired, you know, carrying around these false gods. But when it says Baal, you know, that's short for Baal or it's a variation of Baal or Beelzebub, you know. There's the same god, the same false god, the devil, you know. Baal boweth down, Nebu, another false god, Stupef. So both of these gods are kind of like bowing or lowering themselves. Now obviously we're talking about a physical idol like a piece of wood or a gold or silver image, but this is kind of speaking of the fact that even the idols, even these false gods, bow themselves to God. Like the one true God is kind of the imagery, right? Like it's going from literal where it's weary upon the beast, but also figurative that these idols will one day, these false gods, also have to bow themselves down to the real true God of the Bible. That's why it says in verse number two, they stoop. They bow down together. So as the cattle gets weary and tired and maybe kind of like bows down a little bit from tired, it's like the idols are kind of bowing down. Like they're all bowing down together. It says they could not deliver the burden, but themselves are gone into captivity. So again, the captivity of this day is the coming captivity of Babylon. So when Babylon comes in and takes the Jews into captivity, not only do they take the people, but they're taking the beasts, they're taking the animals, they're taking the best things that were there in Judah, and they're also carrying away some of these idols. We're going to see later on, the reason the Babylonians take these idols away, we're going to see later is because these idols are covered with gold and silver. They're made from precious metals, and so it's valuable. And so the Babylonians are like, well, this is precious. This is valuable. They take that for themselves into captivity as well. And so the thought there is, of course, if you want to be delivered from captivity, if you don't want to go into Babylon, relying on these idols, relying on these false gods, aren't going to help you because they're going into captivity with you as well. And then verse number three, Harken unto me. So listen to me, God says, O house of Jacob, and all the remnants of the house of Israel, which are borne by me from the belly, which are carried from the womb, and even to your old age I am he. God, again, speaks of himself as a true God. He is the one who, again, symbolically gave birth to them. Of course, God doesn't have a womb. God's a man, according to just the illustration. God's made them a nation. God's brought them into the land. God's been with them the whole way through from a young age even to their old age. From the time they came out of Egypt, or the tomb of Israel, they became a nation to the time even to this day of Isaiah, God has always been with them. And it says, verse number four, and even to your old age I am he, and even to all hairs will I carry you. I have made, and I will bear, even I will carry you, sorry, and I will carry, and will deliver you. All right, so, they're going into captivity, into Babylon, all right, with their beasts of burden carrying these idols, with their precious gold and silver idols of false gods, and then God says, well, I'm going to be the one that delivers you back out of that captivity, right? Like, you're going with these heavy beasts, but I'm the one that's going to take you out of there because he is the one true God. And, of course, you know, as we get older, we need to remember that our Lord God that saved us all those years ago is the same God that needs to carry us. That's the whole point when we're singing that hymn. Remind you, it doesn't matter what our age is. It doesn't matter how old we get. It doesn't matter how long we've been saved. I've been saved since I was four years old. I've been saved for almost 40 years, and I still need God. Like, I need God as much as someone who's just been recently saved needs God. I need God as much as somebody who is unsaved. They need their Savior, right? We need God every day of our lives. You know, without the Lord God, I don't know what I'd be doing with my life. What would I be doing with my life? Like, what would be the purpose of life? What would I be building toward? What would be my goals and desires if I didn't have the Lord God? Would I even know what is right and wrong? Would I even know how to be a good husband? Would I even know how to raise my kids? I don't know. I mean, somehow the world does it, but, you know, God's just demonstrating to us that we will never get to a point, as we mature and get older and more knowledgeable and more experienced, that we get to a point where we say, God, I've got it covered. It's all good now, God. You've carried me for 40 years. I'm good now. No, no, I need God till the day I die. And even the day I die, I'm going to be with God. I need Him anyway. In eternity, you know, in that spiritual life, I need my Lord God. So, His promise in, again, where He's prophesying here, it hasn't happened yet, but, hey, you know, as the nation continues to follow after these false gods, they're going to go into captivity, but then God says, I'm going to deliver you out of that captivity. And then verse number five, To whom will you liken me? Again, comparing, right? Like, what? Bel? Nebu? Like, who are you going to compare me to, right? That's why I brought those names up. And make me equal and compare me that we may be like, that we may be like. You know, what I take out of this is, you know, our God, He tells us who is in His Word. We know our Lord God through the Bible, right? And we know that our God is one God in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. And, you know, as much as we... I believe that by faith it's not a complicated doctrine to me. One God in three persons, okay? That's not complicated to me whatsoever when I take it by faith. But what we sometimes do is we try to simplify God. Well, God is like an egg. You know, you've got the shell, and you've got the whites, and you've got the yolk. It's one egg, but it's like three parts of an egg. Or God is like, you know, a human being. Like, we've got a body, we've got a soul, and we've got a spirit. It's all Kevin, but it's all different Kevins, like different parts of Kevin, right? If this body were to die and my soul goes to be with God in heaven, you'd say, well, Kevin is buried here in the grave, but Kevin is also there with the Lord God in heaven. And so we use these illustrations on the earth, right? God is like the sun. You've got the star in the sky, and you've got the heat, and you've got the light, and there's three elements there. God is like water. You've got the liquid, you know, the solar ice, and you've got the gas, right, the steam, right? And so, huh? Yeah, like, whatever illustration you try to use, it's not comparable to God. I'm just letting you know, right? There are things in the world, we get ideas, we get concepts, but there is nothing, there is no God, there is no object that can be compared to God. There's nothing like him. We only know him not by looking at an egg and going with a shell. We know him by opening the Word and learning what he says about himself. Verse number six. They, that's the people that make idols, lavish gold out of the bag, they weigh silver in the balance, and hire a goldsmith, and he maketh at a god, they fall down, yea, they worship. They bear him upon the shoulder, they carry him. Again, I just think of the Roman Catholics here. And set him in his place, and his standeth, from his place shall he not remove. All right, so you put an idol in the corner there, God's like, he's never going to move from that corner. He can't, he can't walk to you. He can't come to you and comfort you or anything like that, right? It says, yea, one shall cry unto him, Idol, Bell, or Nebu, deliver us from the Babylonians. They cry, they pray unto these false gods, yet can he not answer. False gods cannot answer your prayers. Idols cannot answer your prayers. I told you about my wife when she was a Roman Catholic. She was praying to all the idols. She said, I'm not getting my prayers answered. Well, she just read the Bible, she'll understand why. Because that's not God, those idols are not God, okay? It says, no, save him out of his trouble. So if you get taken by the Babylonians, who's going to save you from your trouble? Not the idols, not Nebu, not Bell, all right? Now, we're looking at the 46th chapter of Isaiah. So what is the 46th book of the Bible, Brother Tim? First Corinthians. First Corinthians, great. Can you please keep your finger there and come with me to First Corinthians. And so Isaiah 46 is all about false idols. It's all about false gods like that. One of the main and New Testament books that teaches us about idols compared to God is First Corinthians. Interestingly, okay? So come with me to First Corinthians chapter 12. First Corinthians chapter 12. First Corinthians chapter 12. So remember these false gods, when you cry unto them, they cannot answer. Well, in First Corinthians 12, in verse number 2, it says, Ye know that ye were Gentiles. Say, well, hold on, that's the Corinthian church. They're not just were Gentiles, they are Gentiles. Yeah, but hereby they were Gentiles is that they had the religion of the Gentiles before they were saved. Like Gentiles in the faith, if you want to consider that, right? You know that ye were Gentiles, carried away, look at this, unto these dumb idols, even as ye were led. Now we use the word dumb to be like, you're dumb, you're stupid, right? But the word dumb means one that cannot speak. So that's the same teaching is there in Isaiah 46, right? You cry, you pray to these idols, these idols are dumb, they don't have mouths, they can't speak, they can't answer your prayers. And what we see there in First Corinthians is that this is the religions of all the world, right? If it's not the Lord God, I don't know, I mean, I just thank God that I was saved at such a young age. I don't know about the rest of you guys that were saved later in life, some of you guys. I just don't know, how do you do life? Like, how do you live life without God? I don't know, I can't relate to it. Like, who do you pray to? Who do you speak to? Who do you go to for help? Anyway, because whatever you went to besides the God of the Bible, it was dumb. It could not answer your prayers, it could not help you in a time of trouble. I want you to keep a finger there in First Corinthians. We are going to come back to that book a few times. And come back with me to Isaiah 46. Now, verse number 8 is where we get the title from the sermon now. It says this in verse number 8, remember this and show yourselves men. Bring it again to mind, all ye transgressors. Now, God is telling us how we can be manly, alright. Now, women, you can apply this, don't worry about it, okay. But when we think about society and people think about what makes a man a man. I mean, some of the qualities that they will say I agree with. I think it's important that men are leaders. I believe that it's important that men make decisions. I believe that husbands must be the head of his wife and lead about his family. But you know, society has another idea of men. They might think of men in a physical sense, being very, you know, muscular or something like that. Very strong or of this nature or maybe very outspoken, very strongly opinionated or something like that. That's what it means to be a man. What does God say? He says show yourselves men, remember this. It says like, verse 8, remember this, so remember what? That these idols can't deliver you. That these idols can't answer you. That these idols can't help you. That if you follow these idols, all they're going to do is send you into Babylon captivity. He goes, hey, remember this, show yourselves men. So what is he telling them to do? He's telling the Israelites or Jews, come back to me. Come and serve me, come and make me your God. Like I am. You see, God has a different idea of what it means to be manly. And the Bible says that man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks on the inward. God looks at the heart, doesn't he? And you know what, one of the, you know, if you feel, I don't know, feel a little lesser of a man, one of the great things about being a man in the eyes of God is simply being a believer on Jesus Christ. Having the God of the Bible as your God and not being tossed around, am I in the right faith? Am I, is this the right religion? Is this the right holy book that I should be reading? Like those kinds of people, yeah, that's not manliness in the eyes of God. You know, showing yourself to be a man is, you know, aligning yourself with the God of the Bible. And understand that these false religions, these false idols, these false gods are nothing compared to God. They cannot help, they cannot answer. That's what it means to be a man. Show yourself man. Bring it to mind, all you transgressors. You're speaking to the people following these idols. Look, be a man. Give up the stupid idols and come and put yourself back under his leading, under God's leading. Now there's a passage in the Bible that is very similar to verse 8. Does anyone know what I'm referring to in the New Testament? Quit yourself. Yeah, quit yourself. Where's it going? Yeah, quit your like man. Where is that found? Which book? Anyone know? 1 Corinthians. 1 Corinthians, yeah. Well done. Come with me to 1 Corinthians. 1 Corinthians 16. 1 Corinthians 16. 1 Corinthians 16. What else does it mean to be manly, at least in the eyes of God? 1 Corinthians 16, verse number 13. 1 Corinthians 16, verse number 13. God says, Watch ye stand fast in the faith. Quit you like men. Be strong. Now when it says be strong, there's nothing wrong with being physically strong as men. Nothing wrong with that. But when God is saying be strong, he's speaking about what he just spoke about. Stand fast in the faith. Don't be movable. This is what God's word says. This is what I believe. This is what I have to do. This is what God commands. I'm going to stand strong with what God's word says. Man, when you do that, watch ye to be watchful. Understand that society, understand that, you know, the world will try to turn your minds contrary to God's ways. And when you find yourself being influenced, you know, people are saying, You know, the homosexuals, they're nice people. But then you read about the homosexuals in the Bible and they're just these vile, wicked, horrible people. You say, No, I'm going to go with what God's word says and I'm not going to hang around those sodomites. I'm going to stand strong. I'm going to quit myself like a man. I'm going to show myself like a man. When you do that, you know, it's not like what manliness is inside of the world. It's how God sees it. And if we just say, God, and look, I'm not perfect. You know that, right? I've got weaknesses. I've got sin in my life and I struggle and when I look at the Bible, man, I come very short of the God standards here. I try my best and try to be a good example as a pastor, but even I'm still a human being. I mean, I'm not fallible. I'm not fallible. I'm infallible. No, I am. I am fallible is what I am. See, that's how fallible I am. I can't even get that right. And I, whoa, you know, yeah, you're right, Lord. Amen. I come short of that. One of the things I always recommend to people when they struggle with the scriptures. I used to say, I don't get it anymore because I've said it enough behind the pulpit that I don't get it anymore. Like almost never now. I used to get a lot of questions where people are struggling with sin or they're struggling with God's standards and they've messed up in life. Like we all have, right? We all have. But then it's good to say when you've messed up and you know you're not up to God's standards or maybe someone wanted to be a pastor and they realize, man, I can no longer be a pastor because of something that they've done. They're disqualified from that position. They can't be qualified for whatever reasons is to say, well, Lord, it looks like I'm never going to measure up to what your word says. I mean, that's why I need Jesus because Jesus was the one that measured up. But you know what? When I don't measure up to your standard, I have to recognize that I'm wrong and you're right. And I like God will be so merciful to you even when you mess up. When you're able to just acknowledge God, your word is true and I messed up. Many times, especially in the early years of the past, I'd get people contacting me. Pastor, I messed up here. I'm doing this. Can you kind of make me feel better? Like can you kind of, like that's not the words they're saying, but it's what they're saying. Can you kind of make me feel like I'm doing the right thing even though I'm doing the wrong thing? Can you kind of justify my bad decisions and tell me that God just understands? It's all good. You know? No. I mean, if we try to justify our sinful actions and say God's okay with it, do you think God's going to be merciful to you? God's not going to be merciful. You're saying, thus saith the Lord, he's okay with my sin. He's okay with my failings. No, he's not. He wants us to live holy lives and when we mess up, we don't say, well, God, you understand. You say, God, actually, I'm a sinner. You understand that I'm a sinner is where you understand, Lord. You know, you're right. You're right, God. I'm not going to try to twist your words and justify my actions. I'm going to recognize that my actions are wrong. I'm going to humble myself against this great God that I serve and, Lord, just be merciful to me. Be soft with me, Lord, with the way you chastise me. I'm getting a bit off track there, but I don't even know why I'm saying that. Anyway, maybe it's for somebody out there to hear. Okay. I ask you to turn then 1 Corinthians 16. Keep your finger there and come back with me to Isaiah 46. Come back with me to Isaiah 46 and verse number 9. So, ladies, this is for you too, right, because none of you are perfect. I don't think any of you are perfect, you know, and maybe sometimes, you know, like the Bible says, it's easier for the woman to be deceived than a man. You know, this is why Eve was deceived and she gave the fruit for her husband Adam to eat of it and Adam was in the wrong too, but it's Eve that was deceived according to the Bible. That's why we don't have women preachers because women are more easily deceived and just be careful, ladies, you know, especially out in the world, you're much more easier to be influenced by an ungodly world. But you know what, show yourselves to be men. Show yourselves to be strong, okay. Show yourselves to be women, strong women of good character by lining up with what God's word says. But verse number 9. So God has said this the last few chapters. How many times has he said this now? Like, if you've been following the book of Isaiah so many times, there is nothing compared to God. Man, I'm so thankful that the God I serve is the God of the Bible. I'm just, I got the right God, you know. Praise God for the God who's given me his word. Like, he's given me all this information. I can't believe, like, this isn't, like, really when you think about it, it's not that big of a book. Like, probably the most, the most read books, I don't know if it's still the case, but the most read books were the Harry Potter books, you know, witchcraft and all that. And how many books are there? It's like probably, you probably can probably get all the Harry Potter books drawn here, right? And like, wow, so much to read, but this is all it is, and this gives us all the wisdom we ever need in life. I mean, what a privilege, what a God, what a wonderful God that I have. And it's here, black and white, and it's in my own language, I've got it in the English language here, in the King James Bible, what an honour that he's given us these perfect and preserved words. But I want to compare something else here in 1 Corinthians. Come back with me to 1 Corinthians chapter 8, 1 Corinthians chapter 8. I'm trying to show you the same things I found in 1 Corinthians as well as in Isaiah 46. Like I said, I'm going to use this as a springboard to get some other teachings that comes from 1 Corinthians, specifically about eating meat or eating food that's being offered unto idols. But in 1 Corinthians chapter 8 and verse number 4, it says here in 1 Corinthians 8, 4, As concerning therefore the eating of those things that are offered in sacrifice unto idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is none other God but one. So same teaching in the New Testament, same teaching in the Old Testament. And then verse number 5, For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, as they be gods many and lords many, so those are like the false gods, right? The bells and the niboos and all this stuff, right? Verse number 6, But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him, and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him. So again, 1 Corinthians is making a clear point there, when it comes to food that has been sacrificed or offered unto idols, God just reminds us that an idol is nothing, all right? And again, this is a question I get brought up a lot. Pastor, what happens if this food's been offered to an idol? Let's start off by saying an idol is nothing. It's nothing. There is one God, okay? There is one God, and these idols are nothing. I just want to whet your appetite there as we keep going on to this topic, but I want to just show you again the similarity with Isaiah 46 and 1 Corinthians 8. Keep your finger there in 1 Corinthians and come with me back to Isaiah 46. And verse number 10, Isaiah 46 and verse number 10, God says about himself declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, my counsel shall stand and I will do all my pleasure. So God says about himself, he knows the end, or he's declared the end from the beginning. Like from the very beginning, in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. At that moment, he already knew what the end will be. He already knows what the end times are all about. He knows about the new heavens and the new earth. As far as God is all knowing, God has it all, right? He knows it all. He says also, and what is declaring? We're showing the Jews here that they're going to be taken into captivity and they're going to come out of captivity. Like God's already declaring future events to come. Then he says these words, my counsel shall stand. I love that as well. My counsel shall stand. Because I have different conversations and sometimes with my mum, we'll talk about things that I preach here behind the pulpit and I preach God's word and my mum sometimes says, boy I wish these people have heard about it because people don't follow what you've read there in the Bible. They think it's old-fashioned. Man, I mean, these are the words of God from the very beginning and they're still relevant and applicable today. Nothing changes. What was wrong at the beginning is still wrong today. What is sinful, you know, when God laid out the law, it's still sinful today. God's paths of righteousness, his good counsel is still sound counsel today. It doesn't matter if we leave in 2024, it doesn't matter if yesterday it was President Harris or President Trump, regardless of who is the most powerful person on the earth, God's counsel never changes, it always stands. And that gives me a lot of confidence in life. That I know whatever I do, as long as I'm just following God's word, it's going to work out best for me and my family. It doesn't matter how society changes. It doesn't matter what society says is right and wrong. It doesn't matter what new laws are passed through the government system. If I just do what God says, his counsel will always stand. Verse 11, he says, calling a ravenous bird from the east. Now, what is this ravenous bird from the east? Well, he says this, the man. Oh, the bird is a man, okay. The man that executeth my counsel, so someone's going to execute his counsel from afar, from a far country, yea, I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass, I have purposed it, I will also do it. I need you to combine last week's sermon from Isaiah 45, which is what we just read in verse 11. Who is this ravenous bird from the east? Who is the man that will execute his counsel? Yes? No. Cyrus. Because God is telling them, they go into captivity because they're false gods, Bel and Nebu. Then God says, I'm going to deliver you, remember? And now he's telling them how he's going to deliver them. He's going to bring that ravenous bird, the man that executed my counsel, so it's God the one that's delivering them out of captivity, and of course he uses King Cyrus to be that man, to let the Jews return back and rebuild the temple of God in Jerusalem. Alright, verse number 12. Harken unto me, ye stout-hearted, that are far from righteousness. I will bring my righteousness, it shall not be far off, and my salvation shall not tarry, and I will place salvation in Zion for Israel my glory. Now verse number 13 can be understood in two ways. It can be that while they're in captivity in Babylon, because they're going in in their wicked state, that they're going to come out in righteousness, and they are. It's a new generation that comes and desires to worship God once again, and the salvation that is spoken about here might very well be salvation out of captivity, deliverance out of captivity, if you want to put it that way. But I do believe we can also apply this to the salvation of our soul, because what he says in verse number 13, I will bring near my righteousness. You know, we're not saved by our righteousness, are we? We're saved by his righteousness. And so if you can come with me to 1 Corinthians again, 1 Corinthians chapter 1, 1 Corinthians chapter 1 and verse number 29, 1 Corinthians chapter 1 and verse number 29, 1 Corinthians chapter 1, verse number 29. This is why salvation is not by our righteousness, because in verse number 29 says that no flesh should glory in his presence. Look at all the good I've done for you, God. I've cast out devils. I've prophesied in your name. I've done many wonderful works. Glory in righteousness. Look at my righteousness, right? What does God say to those people? Depart from me. I never knew you, ye that work iniquity. All right? Salvation is not our righteousness, okay? That's why God says I have to bring near my righteousness. And if you continue then in verse number 30, it says there in 1 Corinthians 1.30, But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom and righteousness. There it is. Our righteousness is Jesus, okay? Our wisdom is Jesus and sanctification and redemption, that according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord. This is why that if you get one of our church members and you ask a church member, Brother Daniel, can you come up here and bring a testimony of how you got saved? I don't know all the details, but I guarantee he'll say, I put my faith in Jesus. He did all the work for me. It's his righteousness. It's his keeping the law. And all I had to do was put my simple faith and trust on him. All glory goes to Christ. But what does a false gospel bring? Well, I used to be. I used to be a drunkard and praise God, I've given up the alcohol. I used to live with my girlfriend and now I walked away from that life and whatever it is and look what I've done. Look at me. Look what I've achieved. I've heard testimonies like this and it's almost like you have to choose. Is it a testimony glory in itself or is it a testimony that glorifies Christ? And salvation, the true gospel, only glorifies Christ. It glorifies man zero. There is nothing that we can bring to the table but to trust what Christ has done for us. Now, I told you I want to use this as a springboard to talk about food sacrificed unto idols. So come with me to 1 Corinthians 8, please. 1 Corinthians 8. 1 Corinthians 8. And I'll be honest, I believe my position is correct, which I'll tell you what my position is, but I'll be honest, I've never heard good preaching on this topic. Never. Like, what do people do? Because even in these, like today, if you go out to the shops, just go out here. Just go out and order yourself some food here at Fairfield. A lot of the places are going to be halal certified, right? And a lot of just go to wharves and sometimes even your drinks are halal certified or whatever. So what about these situations in the past, should we eat and drink of these things? You know, for something to be halal certified, essentially, what do you call the Muslims, the leaders? The imam. They have to come into the organization that produces the food or the drinks, whatever, and they look around and they go, okay, yeah, this meets the Islamic standards, there's nothing ungodly for them, there's nothing wrong here, and then what they do is they kind of just bless, they kind of pray in the name of Allah, and they bless, and now it's officially halal certified. So then, you know, the business hasn't really changed their practices. They're just doing what they're doing, right? It's not like, okay, let's make sure we satisfy the Muslims or Islam, right? They're just doing what they're doing, and then their produce comes to the marketplace, and then we come along, and we're hungry, we're going to eat, and oh, what do I do, pasta? Those are the kind of questions that I kind of get, okay? And if you have, you might say, I'm not the answer pastor, I know. You're either going to say, yes, you can eat food offered unto sacrifice unto idols, or you can say no, it's clearly no, you cannot eat food offered unto idols. And if that's your answer, you're both wrong, okay? The answer is both are correct, is actually the answer, okay? Now what I want to show you here is 1 Corinthians 8 and verse number 1. Look at 1 Corinthians 8 and verse number 1. So Paul is addressing this issue. He says, now as touching things offered unto idols, we know that we have all knowledge. Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifyeth. This is a very famous phrase. This is a very famous phrase. Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifyeth. But it's actually in the context of whether we should touch or eat food offered unto idols. Why is he saying that? Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifyeth. He says the answer is not one that is built on knowledge. It's not like yes or no. And let me tell you why. The answer is actually built upon charity. Okay, charity is our love. Charity is our love to others, you know? The care that we have to another person. This is how we assess this topic about eating food that was sacrificed or offered unto idols. That's why it says in verse number 2, if any man think that he knoweth anything, pastor, you cannot! He knoweth nothing, as he ought to know. But if any man love God, the same is known of him. Paul is saying the answer is actually love. That's not saying knowledge is irrelevant. Like knowledge is important. We need knowledge. I'm going to pass on some knowledge to you guys tonight. But the decision of whether you're going to eat something offered unto idols or not is actually built upon charity. Love. Okay? Drop down to verse number 7. Howbeit, there is not in every man that knowledge. Look at this. For some with conscience of the idol unto this hour, eat it as a thing offered unto an idol. And their conscience being weak is defiled. You see, the decision whether you're going to eat food that's been sacrificed unto idols is a conscience issue. When someone says, oh, I'm going to eat of this and this was offered to an idol, ah, ah, I'll eat it anyway. His conscience is defiled. Okay? Let's continue. Verse number 8. But meat commendeth us not to God. So you guys, like, what we eat doesn't, we don't get brownie points with God based on what we eat. Okay? For neither if we eat are we the better. Neither if we eat not are we the worse. So if you eat that food sacrificed unto idols or you don't, makes no difference to God. This is a conscience thing within ourselves. Okay? Then he says this in verse number 13. I don't have time to go through this whole chapter obviously, but just trying to get the key points here. Verse number 13. Drop down to verse number 13. Paul says this. Wherefore, if meat make my brother to offend, I will eat no flesh while the world standeth lest I make my brother to offend. So if he goes out with his brother in the Lord and like there's been food that's been offered unto idols and, you know, Paul goes into the shop and it says halal certified. He says, you know what, if my brother gets offended by me eating this I'm not going to eat it. You see how it's built on charity? It's how I view my brother who's with me. Because my brother who's weaker in the faith will get offended if I eat this food that's halal certified or offered to idols, whatever it is, whatever I view you or however you want to describe that. Paul is not saying it's right or wrong. He goes, in God's eyes you're not better, you're not worse whether you eat or you don't eat of that meat. Now, he starts the topic in 1 Corinthians 8. He ends the topic in chapter 10. In your own time, do your own reading. You can read chapters 8, 9 and 10, but the reason I'm not spending a lot of time is because Paul starts changing topics and goes on a bit of a rabbit trail, but then he eventually gets back to the topic about food offered unto idols. So come with me to 1 Corinthians 10 now. 1 Corinthians 10 where he starts to make the final points about this topic. In 1 Corinthians 10 and verse number 23. I want you to think about obviously this sermon is about Isaiah 46. And what we learnt in Isaiah 46 is these idols are nothing. I really want you to think about that. These idols are nothing. So like if you were to eat of food offered unto idols, are you going to be possessed by a devil or something? They're nothing. But 1 Corinthians 10, 23. Paul continues the same teaching. I know it's several chapters later but it's the same topic. He says, all things are lawful for me. But all things are not expedient. All things are lawful for me, but all things edify not. And again he's going to talk about food offered unto idols. He goes, look I can eat of it. It's lawful for me. But it's not profitable. It doesn't edify. It may not edify other people if I eat of it. Then this is in verse number 24. Let no man seek his own but every man another's wealth. So again it's that principle. It's not really about me, it's about others. Charity, love, how I deal with others, my brother who might be weaker in the faith. Then he says, verse number 25. He says, whatsoever is sowed in the shambles. The shambles is like the marketplace. Whatsoever is sowed in the shambles that eat asking no question for conscience sake. So if you go to the shop and you just buy some random sausages maybe you have Halal certified on the stick or whatever because don't even ask. Don't worry about it. You bought it, just eat it. Don't ask for your conscience sake. This is why. Verse number 26. For the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof. So just eat it because it's the Lord's. The sausages were made by God's animals that he's got on the earth. So don't even ask. Don't even wonder. Pastor, do you think I can eat this food? Stop asking. Just take and eat and shut up. For conscience sake. I'm not making this up, that's what it says. But I'm telling you I've not really heard any good teaching on this. Anyway. Then he says this. He gives another idea. Actually let me teach something further here. Sometimes I get sort of questions and many times people want me to give them this black and white answer. But a lot of times the only things that are clearly sins in the Bible is what God calls transgression of the law. If God gives the law the first five books is known as the law of Moses. If you transgress what God says in those passages, that's a sin. But there are some issues that are really conscience based. If it defiles your conscience you're committing sin. Someone can do something the same as me and someone might be offended by that action. The Bible speaks of that individual being of the weaker faith. Conscience is something that people have a hard time grasping I realise because we want knowledge. But knowledge puffes up. We need a charity. We need to understand that it's more than just knowledge. So I've had questions like pasta, I've got my wardrobe I've got like a design I don't know what designs are like different brands and I found out that the designer is a faggot. I found out that the designer is a sodomite. What do I do pasta? Do I get rid of my clothes? Do I just burn it all? You take the principle here right? Whatever you buy at the shambles just eat it. Just put it on. Why do you have to figure out who made it? Why is that important to you? Just for conscience sake you went to the shop, you put it on it looks nice on you, it fits well why do we need to figure out whether this was created by an independent Baptist or some sodomite? There's no need. Just put it on and forget about it. Or someone might watch a TV show or I don't know did you see this TV show? Ha ha ha funny whatever someone comes up did you know the actor there is a sodomite? Why did you have to tell me that? Just for my conscience sake I just enjoy this maybe I shouldn't have seen the show but now you've defiled my conscience right? Because you've made me ask the questions like God is saying there's things you just don't need to worry about. And many times, many questions I get as a pastor are just very conscience based. And I have to tell I usually have to say to someone does it bother your conscience? Yes or no? Well if it bothers your conscience don't do it. Or, no it doesn't bother my conscience pastor. All things are lawful then. But not all things are expedient. Not all things are profitable. You know? I mean there's a lot of things. I like watching soccer. I've expressed that to you. It's lawful I can watch soccer. But pastor there might be a beer commercial in the half time show yeah you know I'm not watching it for the beer commercial or whatever it is right? But I recognise that it's not expedient. I recognise it's not profitable. I'm not going to be like alright guys at church we're cancelling Wednesday night service because the socceroos are playing in the World Cup or something like that. We're going to watch them on the big screen. It's not profitable. There's no eternal rewards. But it's not sinful is it? It's not wrong. But you know what if I cancelled Thursday night service and said well we're going to watch the socceroos that would bother my conscience. Because Thursday night I've got it locked in for blessed up at the church to come and preach God's word here. That would be a problem with my conscience so I wouldn't do that. You see? A lot of questions are conscience based and when it comes to this topic of meat sacrifice to idols it's a conscience based issue. Alright so if I'm hanging out with brother so and so and you know we walk in to get some kebab somewhere and brother so and so says yeah but pastor it's halal though you know. It was blessed by Allah. I don't like this. I was like why do you have to why do you have to ask the question? But but charity right not knowledge. Charity I love my brother I don't want to offend him. You're right brother let's go maccas them. Let's go somewhere where you know we're not going to have to worry and ask this question. Maybe maccas is halal I don't know. Who knows? Why? Why do we need to know them? That's the point. That's the point. Why ask the question? I hope this is making sense to you. Now let's continue verse number 27. Verse number 27 says if any of them that believe not bid you to a feast so if you get invited by an unbeliever to a meal a feast a celebration and ye be disposed to go you say yeah okay I'll go whatsoever is set before you eat asking no question for conscience sake. So let's say your next door neighbor is a Hindu pretend. He says hey you know neighbor come over I always wanted to have you over I want to get to know you. You're like okay yeah why not I'll go maybe I can start building a friendship I'll be able to give him the gospel potentially I don't know whatever might be in your heart you're disposed to go and who knows maybe he prayed to what are the Hindu gods? Vishnu. Maybe while he was in the kitchen he was praying to Vishnu or something right? But you know you don't know like he just brings a plate to the table he goes enjoy it neighbor and you're like man yoo hoo don't ask any questions. Who did you pray to in the kitchen when you prepared this? He goes no just eat it. Right? Maybe he was prayed to some Hindu god or something who knows? Just eat it. But in verse 28 if any man say unto you this is offered in sacrifice unto idols. Right? You know what? We're celebrating Vishnu we're celebrating some false god today neighbor that's why I had you over we're celebrating my gods right? In this situation. It says here eat not see verse 28 eat not now don't eat it for your sake no for his sake that showed it and for conscience sake for the earth is the lord's and the fullest thereof so go and say look there's nothing wrong with the food in of itself idols are nothing but for the other person who said hey this is to my false god I can't eat of it man cause I'm a Christian I don't want to celebrate your god sorry man thank you for having me over but my god is Jesus Christ you know? In that and maybe I don't know what situation might develop hey can I actually pray to Jesus? Can I thank my god for this food? Can I tell you about Christ? Maybe they'll open those doors who knows? But in that scenario if it's about some celebration over silver you don't know and it's really to celebrate some of their false gods he says don't eat of it for them for their sake and then he continues there verse 29 conscience I say not by none but of the other see again that charity that love it's for others for why is my liberty judged of another man's conscience he says I've got the liberty to eat that food to idols I can do it if I want I mean all things are lawful to me verse 30 for if I be a grace of a power taker why am I evil spoken of for that for which I give thanks whether therefore you eat or drink or whatsoever you do do all to the glory of god so if they glorify some other god don't eat of it so no I want to eat to the glory of my god the god of the bible then he says in verse 32 give none offense neither to the Jews nor to the Gentiles nor to the church of god even as I please all men in all things not seeking my own prophets but the prophet of many that they may be saved so Paul is like the reason I'm conscience conscience conscience of their conscience that doesn't work you know what I'm saying I don't want to offend others because I'm trying to get them saved so it's charity the answer to can we eat foods and sacrifice unto idols well yes because everything's the Lord's but don't ask just take it and eat it just buy that Nike shirt who cares who designed it just put it on if it fits you well forget who the actors who cares we know that Hollywood is accessible of filthy all kinds of I don't know give me some words filthy whores filthy whores there you go we don't need to dig in and ask every question it's been offered to you just eat of it just give glory to God you don't get bratty points with God whether you refuse or eat it but when it comes to the conscience of others and I've used this example before there's a shop here in Smithfield Candelori's restaurant love it and one day I went on a date with my wife and they offered me one of my favourite meals is spaghetti bolognese such a good spaghetti bolognese I'm like Christina this is such a good spaghetti and she tries it and she goes I think it's made from red wine so the sauce so I was like okay so we took the menu sure enough it's a red wine you know bolognese sauce but look obviously it's been cooked it's not alcoholic when it's been offered to me I'm not going to get drunk eating that you know spaghetti bolognese right so if I went to Candelori's again I'd probably get the same spaghetti bolognese but I'm probably not going to do that with a church member like if I just went on my own or with my wife I'd be like yeah whatever I don't care all things are lawful for me I'm not going to get drunk on this right but I'd be concerned if I go with a church member and they're like pastor what are you ordering oh the spaghetti bolognese it's red wine and then their conscience is like isn't wine it's an alcoholic bad isn't that wrong sinful and my pastor's eating the spaghetti made from the red wine I'm offended by this this is not good I obviously would refuse to eat that spaghetti bolognese not for my conscience sake but for the conscience of others and a lot of these questions that I get and I want you to start thinking about this yourselves when you start asking me questions you say why is it that I don't have this black and white answer to this question quite often it's based on conscience and a lot of the answers that I'm going to give you is does it bother your conscience sometimes people come up to me and say pastor is this right or wrong and I say I believe it's wrong and this is why I believe it's wrong I can see what you're saying but I'm still going to do it anyway it's like yeah but you wouldn't have asked me if it didn't bother your conscience to begin with like if your conscience was clear and you're like God's okay with it my conscience is clear you would not have come and asked me most times people come and ask me a question because there's a problem with their conscience and it depends who they're going to speak to as long as they're going to get no don't eat meat sacrifice unto idols or yes eat meat it's not a yes or no answer it's a conscience answer and you need to understand that many times these little issues that pop up in our lives are built around these conscience based issues one of the churches in the book of Revelation I'll end up soon now you've got the I don't know which church it was but it had the prophet Jezebel in the church and she was teaching the men in the church to commit adultery or fornication and she was teaching them to eat meat sacrifice unto idols so some people take that view and say well see you can never eat meat sacrifice unto idols but she's actually teaching them to do that like I'm not teaching you alright guys go out there to the Buddhist temple and go and grab the food that's been offered to Buddha and eat of it I'm just saying whatever food's been presented whatever you get don't ask for conscience sake just eat it belongs to the Lord obviously what Jezebel was doing in the book of Revelation is telling them hey we can give glory to our God but we can also give glory to other gods as we come and eat of other foods obviously wrong that is the point that you do not eat food that is sacrificed unto idols anyway brethren title for the sermon tonight was show yourselves men and sometimes even these conscience based questions you need to show yourself men you need to show yourself strong in the faith remember it's the one that is weak in the faith that has their conscience defiled so we need to strengthen our faith we want to be stronger and mature and grow in the Lord and not be afraid of the idols and false gods because truly they are nothing brethren we serve the God of the universe we serve the God who created all things we serve the God who owns every animal every piece of food every soul in the shambles it all belongs to God for conscience sake don't even ask just eat it and enjoy it