(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you but the Lord sent out a great wind into the sea, and there was a mighty tempest in the sea, so that the ship was like to be broken. Isn't that interesting? Interesting. God sends a great wind and there was a mighty tempest. What do we see in Isaiah 32 verse number 2? And a man shall be as a hiding place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest. That's really interesting. That's really interesting. So if we were to take Isaiah 32 and apply it to the book of Jonah and re-examine it in that light, then the man shall be as a hiding place from the wind, that could very well be Jonah himself trying to hide from the Lord, okay, he gets himself into a ship and he hides from the wind, he hides from the tempest, the storms that Christ has sent, and then as we continue going there in Isaiah 32 verse number 2, as rivers of water in a dry place. That's an interesting use of language, because when you continue there in the book of Jonah, look at Jonah chapter 2 now, Jonah chapter 2 and verse number 10, so you know the story, God sends a great storm, the people on the ship are afraid, they feel like God is angry at them, there's a problem, and Jonah says yes, I'm the problem, I'm running away from God, and so they toss Jonah into the sea, God prepares a whale that swallows up Jonah, and then he's there for three days and three nights, and then we get to Jonah 2 verse 10, it says, and the Lord spake unto the fish, and it vomited out Jonah upon the dry land, okay, so you got Jonah going from the waters into a dry place, so as it says here, into a dry land, okay, now again in Isaiah 32, that verse number 2 then says, as a shadow of a great rock in a weary land, well how can that apply to the story of Jonah? Well if you go to Jonah chapter 4, Jonah chapter 4, and anyway, after the whale spits out Jonah into a dry place, Jonah, you know, learns his lesson, goes and preaches against Nineveh, and guess what, the Ninevites actually believe the preaching of Jonah, and they begin to mourn, and they put sackcloth and ashes upon themselves, and they repent from their evil doings, and the Lord has mercy and grace upon them, and Jonah doesn't like it, because Jonah wants God to wipe them out, okay, but God was a lot more patient with the Ninevites than Jonah himself was, and so Jonah, after he preaches, he goes into, we'll have a look here, in Jonah chapter 4, Jonah chapter 4 verse number 5, after he preaches it says, so Jonah went out of the city, and sat on the east side of the city, and there made him a booth, and sat under it in the shadow, till he might see what would become the city, so it sits there, okay, I'm gonna see God destroying, you know, Nineveh, I guess it's gonna be a show, I don't know if he's got the popcorn ready to go, right, and then what happens in verse number 6, and the Lord God prepared a gourd, and made it to come up over Jonah, that it might be, look at this, a shadow over his head, to deliver him from his grief, so Jonah was exceeding glad for the gourd, but God prepared a worm, when the morning rose the next day, and it smote the gourd, that it withered, and it came to pass, when the sun did arise, that God prepared a vehement east wind, and the sun beat upon the head of Jonah, that he fainted, and wished himself to die, and said it is better for me to die, than to live, but Jonah's upset, he's frustrated that God's not wiping out the Ninevites, he goes to this place, and he seeks a shadow from the hot sun, and it's quite interesting that he says, I just want to die, like I don't want to be a preacher anymore, I don't want to serve God anymore, it's not worth it, I told him they're gonna be destroyed, and God decided not to destroy them, you know, and so it's like, you know, he's got a bad attitude, Jonah does, but it's so interesting that he seeks, well God provides him shadow, but you can see that he's become weary, and it's very much like we saw there in Isaiah, come back with me to Isaiah 32 now, come back with me to Isaiah 32, it's not so interesting that verse number two, when you read it from a different context, when you think about Jonah himself, you've got the whole story of Jonah, basically in verse number two, and a man shall be as a hiding place from the wind and a covet from the tempest, okay, that's Jonah hiding from God's anger, you know, the storms that God sent for running away from him, as rivers of water in a dry place, so he's been spat out from the waters onto a dry ground, a dry place, then when he's done preaching, he goes and watches the city, he needs shadow, God provides him a shadow, not a great rock, but God does provide him a shadow, and it's a weary land, he's exhausted, he's tired, he doesn't want to preach anymore, okay, he'd rather die, so I just think it's really interesting that, you know, Isaiah 32, verse number two, has literally the story of Jonah in such a short little passage there, I thought that was quite interesting, but again, we don't want to lose the primary context of this verse, which if we apply this to the millennial reign of Christ, that the tempest and the wind, the storms of life, the problems, the tribulations, the hardships, that's all going to resolve when Christ rules over the entire earth, okay, it's going to be a place of peace, it's going to be a place of judgment and righteousness, okay, and the wicked are going to be judged, they're going to be, you know, dealt with in a proper biblical manner, and there's going to be great righteousness in the land when Christ rules the earth, now you're there in Isaiah 32, let's continue with verse number three, Isaiah 32, sorry, I should have told you to keep a finger in in Jonah, but anyway, if you do have a finger in Jonah, that's okay, but in Isaiah 32, verse number three, it says, and the eyes of them, so this is during the millennium, and the eyes of them that see shall not be dim, okay, and the ears of them that hear shall hearken, and so in the millennium there's going to be clear vision of the Word of God, so then they hear there's going to be clear understanding of what God's Word teaches and what they are to do in service for the Lord Jesus Christ, unlike the first coming of Christ, remember what Christ said, that he spoke in parables for those that have made their ears dull to hear, dull to understand the words of God, so he spoke to them in parables that they would not understand the truth of the great kingdom of God, well in the millennium, no, everyone's going to be able to see, it's not going to be dim, the understanding of God is not going to be difficult, Christ is going to be walking the earth, okay, and the ears of them shall hearken, we're going to be able to have a greater understanding and appreciation of the Word of God, why does this remind me of Jonah, because in Jonah, if you got it there, Jonah 3, verse number four, Jonah 3, verse number four, this is after Jonah spat from the whale's mouth, in Jonah 3, verse number four, it says, and Jonah began to enter into a city, a day's journey, and he cried and said, yet 40 days and Nineveh shall be overthrown, so the people of Nineveh believed God and proclaimed the fast, and put on sackcloth, from the greatest of them even to the least of them, for the word came unto the king of Nineveh, and he arose from his throne, and he laid his robe from him and covered him with sackcloth, and sat in ashes, very interesting that, you know, the Ninevites were, you know, assumed to be a people that would not hear from the Lord, that their destruction is definitely going to happen within the 40 days, and yet they hearken, yet they listen, yet they believe, they understand the preaching of Jonah, even the king himself says, man, we've got to get right with God, and so the change of hearts toward the Lord God Almighty, and so this picture of Nineveh represents what the world is going to be like when Christ comes in his millennial reign, because don't forget, before Christ reigns for a millennium, there's going to be the Antichrist, there's going to be deception, people are going to be bringing allegiance to the beast and to the devil, there's going to be a great time of darkness and and weakness and persecution against God's people, and even though we're going to be taken in the rapture, there are still the believers that are going to live after that period, when God is pouring out his wrath, the persecution of God's people will continue, and yet when things become so darkened, you know, and God pulls out his wrath, then we have the great millennial reign of Christ, where the truth of God's word is going to be proclaimed across the entire earth, and so I think Nineveh represents that kind of picture of a wicked people set for destruction, and yet when the clearness of God's preacher comes through, they're able to turn things around and see things clearly. Back to Isaiah 32, back to Isaiah 32, and verse number four, Isaiah 32 verse number four, the heart also of the rash shall understand knowledge. The rash is someone who's impatient, like, it's like rush, they're in a rush, okay, and sometimes people are in a rush for understanding, so you know, instead of like, let's say, let's say someone gets, maybe, I'm sorry, if this is someone, one of you guys, I'm not offended, like don't get offended, okay, because I've done the same thing, right, so you read the Bible, you get to a chapter, I don't know what that's about, Google, YouTube, let's figure out this chapter, instead of being patient, and reading it, meditating, Lord can you open my eyes, Lord maybe it's not for me to understand right now, but in due time, Lord maybe in a year or so, five years from now, can you help me understand this passage with the help of your Holy Ghost? That requires a lot of patience, but we have the internet, okay, what's Isaiah 32, I don't know, YouTube, Isaiah 32, King James Version, preaching, there's the answer, well it sometimes we can be in a rush, but you know what, what's saying here that the the heart of the rush to understand, there's going to be like, at the millennium of Christ, there's going to be peace, there's going to be calmness, there's not going to be this great rush to just know everything in the Bible, you know, one of the greatest things I think is just the patience, the time that it takes to learn great things from God, you know, isn't it interesting that, you know, if we want to get some type of profession today, we say that we need to go to TAFE or university and do the studies and get the qualifications in order for us to be able to then do that job, but you know, when it comes to learning God's Word, it takes time and you know, it can take four years, five years, ten years, you know, I've been safe since I was four years old, you know, there's still things that I don't even understand in the Bible that I read, I'm like Lord, in your time you can reveal that to me, or sometimes when I'm preparing a sermon like Isaiah 32, I'm like I'm not sure what this is about Lord, but can you please help me understand it before I have to get up and preach to God's people what this passage is about, and the Lord comes through, he always delivers, okay, and helps us to understand knowledge, he continues there in verse number four, and the tongue of the stammerers shall be ready to speak plainly, so those that might not be able to speak well, you know, of God's Word, you know, you might say today, you know, it's great that, you know, you're a pastor, pastor Kevin, and it's good that we have good preachers that bless you up at this church, but I'm never gonna be a man who's able to really open my mouth and be used by God to teach great things, well, if you're saved, you'll be able to teach great things in the millennium, okay, because you're going to receive a new resurrected body by then, you're not going to have a sin-cursed body with weaknesses and problems, you're not going to have a stammering tongue, you're going to have the Holy Spirit of God enabling you, and you'll be teaching people in the millennium the wonderful truths of God's Word, regardless of who you are, and let's continue there, verse number five, about the millennium, the vile person, so we know a vile person is a wicked person, right, so it's a negative connotation, the vile person shall be no more called liberal, nor the chil said to be bountiful, okay, so in the millennium the vile person is not going to be called liberal, nor the chil, I didn't, does anyone know what chil means? Yeah, it's kind of like, it means like rude, someone that's rude, obnoxious kind of type personality, okay, said to be bountiful, okay, so, so what it's saying is that today the vile person is called liberal, now the word liberal is, comes from the same word as freedom, free, okay, so the vile person is a wicked person, in other words, they live a life not by any morals or any standards or anything by God's Word, they're like, I'm free to do whatever I want, okay, and so that's a wicked person because we know that we can't just live however we want, okay, we know that, especially if you're saved, that God expects us to live in holiness, to walk according to his ways, we can't, just whatever goes, and you know, we've been, you know, we've been made free from the from the law of God, and of course we have, okay, but we've not been given the freedom to just sin against the Lord willingly, to just go ahead, yeah, it's fine to sin guys, go ahead because you're saved, no, we need to walk in the path of righteousness, but the vile, you know, they live whatever wicked lifestyle they want, and people are like, man, you're free, you know, you're adventurous, you've got, you know, you know, it's praiseworthy in the world today, but that person in the millennium is not going to be called liberal, okay, nor the Charles said to be pounced for the rude person, you know, essentially what they're saying is that the wicked will no longer prosper, okay, the wicked seemingly prosper in the earth today, okay, it seems like the more vile and wicked you are, you just get away with things, but that's not going to be the case in the millennium. Verse number six, for the vile person will speak villainly, villainy, and his heart will work iniquity to practice hypocrisy. Now when I think of, when I think about these things, I'm thinking, man, you know, like a vile person who speaks villainy, his heart's devised to work iniquity, he practices hypocrisy, and when I was thinking about this verse, I was thinking, wow, how many people say that the reason I don't go to church is because people are hypocrites, and I know that's true, but I know the person that says the people at church are hypocrites, I know they're a hypocrite themselves, like I know, here's the thing, I just, I've just come to accept that every single human being is a hypocrite, and usually you're a hypocrite when you don't even realize you are, like, like it's so easy to call out other people's problems and not recognize those issues within yourself. The person who's always criticizing, but they don't realize how many problems and issues they've got in their own lives, and you know, God's saying that this is a vile person, and brethren, I think if we really stop and think about the kinds of judgments and criticisms that we've passed on to even maybe our fellow brother or sister in the Lord, and we've really thought about it, and you take down the pride for a moment, and you think about it, and then you go, hold on, yeah, I have been a hypocrite, and then go, hold on, God's speaking about these people being vile, this is villainy, this is the work of iniquity, is that how you want God to see your life? Of course not, hypocrisy is something we must get removed out of our lives. We'll talk about hypocrisy in a moment, continue to verse number six, and to utter error against the Lord, to make empty the soul of the hungry, and he will cause the drink of the thirsty to fail. See, that's what a hypocrite does, he makes empty the soul of the hungry, right? So someone that's hungry, you know, if we're going to be generous to someone who's hungry, we're going to prepare them a meal and feed them, they can walk away and go, I've been fed, but the hypocrite leaves them hungry. Like, the hypocrite makes it appear that they are there to help the hungry, but the hungry is still left hungry, okay? And the thirsty, you know, instead of giving the thirsty to drink, the thirsty is still left thirsty by the hand of the hypocrites. You know, the hypocrite does nothing to help their fellow man. Hypocrisy does nothing, brethren, it's destructive. It's destructive and it's something we must remove out of our lives, out of our system. Can you keep your finger there and come with me to Matthew chapter 7, please. Come with me to Matthew chapter 7, I want to give you some things to think about here. Matthew chapter 7, Jesus Christ had a lot to say about hypocrites. Jesus spoke of the hypocrites, which group of people did he call the hypocrites? Do you remember that? Pharisees, for sure. Why were the Pharisees hypocrites? Because on the outward they look righteous, right? They had their nice jackets, when they preached they had their nice ties, well not really, but they, you know, they had the equivalent to what I have, right? But within, they were full of dead men's bones. Within, they did not love God, right? They spoke well of God through their mouth, but their hearts were far from God. That's a great way of, that's, that's great hypocrisy. To appear one way on the outward, but on the inside truly you have this spice for God, you know? But hypocrites can also be something else here in Matthew chapter 7, verse number 1. Matthew chapter 7, verse number 1. These are the words of Jesus, he says, judge not that ye be not judged. In other words, if you judge, you will be judged. Does that make sense? So if you don't want to be judged, don't judge others. Now, that is maybe the most famous verse in the whole Bible, judge not. Not the whole verse, just that phrase, judge not. So people say, anytime you judge it's wrong. No, no, no, no. That's not what it's saying, okay? We're gonna deal with hypocrites. The judge not is a command to hypocrites, okay? We have to judge. Well, every time you make a decision, you're making a judgment call. When you wake up in the morning and you decide, am I going to have Weet-Bix for breakfast or am I going to make toast for breakfast, you are passing judgment right there. You can't say it's wrong to judge, but you judge literally some 8,000 judgments a day or something like that, okay? We're constantly making decisions with our minds. We're constantly passing judgments. And you know what? When you're tempted to sin, you've got to pass judgments. Am I going to sin against my Lord? You know, it's very tempting. I'd like to do this sin because there's pleasure in sin for a season or am I going to do what God wants from me and I walk in the new man and obey his word and even though I want to sin against him, no, I'm going to do what is right. Look, every time that temptation comes in your mind, you're passing judgments. Look, when you're walking the streets of Fairfield at night and you might see some people that look a little rough around the edges and you say, you know what, for my personal safety and for the safety of my family, we're not going to go that way. We're going to cross the streets. How dare you judge those, you know, those rough looking people. No, you've got to pass judgment. You've got to have wisdom and go, you know what, it's safer for me to cross the street and go another way. You can't say never judge, otherwise you'll die tomorrow. You've got to be smart. You've got to be, you know, what else was I looking for? Prudence. You've got to look out for safety and, you know, if my child walks into the kitchen and picks up a sharp knife, I can't be like, well, I've got to pass judgment. I go, whoa, look, my child can cut themselves. That's dangerous. They're not equipped to hold that knife and so step up and take that knife away. How dare you judge your little child past the cabin. It's for their safety. It's for their protection. We need to make decisions in life, but we don't want to judge with hypocrisy because that judgment's going to be returned to you. Look at verse number two. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged, and with what measure ye meet, it shall be measured to you again. You know, you might turn around and say, you know, that brother, I'll just use my name, brother Kevin over there, man, he's a hopeless father, you know, look at his kids or whatever, I don't know, whatever. Okay, if you want to use that as your judgment, you know God's going to judge you the same way about your parenting skills. How well are you parenting? Are you ready to pass judgment on others because the same measure is going to be put to you. Are you sure you're up to Jesus' standard? Anyway, let's keep going. I love what it says here, verse number three. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but consider us not the beam that is in thine own eye? So we see the mote, the mote's like a little piece of, like a little speck, like a little splinter, a little piece of sawdust in our brother's eye, we see that. Hey, there's a problem with you, brother Tim, I can see that little sawdust in your eye. Man, you need to get, you need to get that out of your eye, brother. But as I'm saying that, I've got this beam, I've got this like plank of wood, like this, this, this piece of construction wood, right? Used for, you know, beam to build a house. Just stick it out of my eye. And like, Tim, you've got to get rid of that sawdust out of your eye. That's what a hypocrite looks like. Oh, but I'm trying to help brother Tim, can't you see the sawdust? Yeah, but look at you, bro. You're the one with the problems. It says there in verse number four, oh how would thou say to thy brother, let me, let me pull out the mote out of thine eye. So I'm like, brother Tim, I'll help you, just, just stand still, I'll take the sawdust there. And then it says, then behold, a beam is in thine own eye. Like, how can I say clearly when I've got this big piece of wood just sticking out of my head? Like, Tim, here, let me help you. But I've got all these problems in my own life. See, that's a hypocrite. I can help you look at your problems as small as they may be. And I've got these massive issues in my life. Be careful, brethren, because it's so easy to do this. It's so, it's sort of like sometimes people are miserable with their, and I'm sorry, like, I'm not trying to have a go at anybody, because I know, like, I obviously as a pastor, I know people have problems. And I'm sad, I'm saddened by that. I take you, you know, your lives and your issues to pray before God. I'm not trying to have a go at anybody. But sometimes people have some so massive problems, and it's just so overwhelming, and I just rather not face my problems. And as a distraction, I'm going to focus on someone else's problems, even though they're tiny, insignificant. Not your responsibility, but you've got all these major issues that you've got to deal with in life. But I can help you. I can help you fix your problems. Fix your own problems first. I love the illustration, you know, when you get on a plane and they give you all the safety instructions, and they say, hey, you know, if there's a drop in the pressure in the cabin, then the masks come down. They always say, put on your mask first before you help children, before you help anybody else. Put your mask on before you help others. And that's such good instructions, because if you go, oh man, I've got to help my son put on his mask, and then you pass out. Or you can't help your son, you can't help yourself. Put the mask on so you don't pass out, and then you can help other people. The same thing, get the beam out of your own eye, and then you can be a help to other people. Look at this, verse number five, thou hypocrite. These are the words of Jesus. And bravely, if this is you tonight, then this is what Jesus is saying to you tonight. Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye. So who should be the one helping a brother with a mote in their eye? The one that doesn't have the beam in their own eye. Let me give you a real life scenario of this, okay. If I were to, as a pastor, if I were to seek advice, if I were to go, you know, I want to seek a man to help me, you know, give me some direction, advice, as a pastor, do you think I'm going to find, look for the pastor who's failed? Do you think I'm going to look for the man, the pastor who has started, you know, six churches and six churches have collapsed? Or I'm going to look for the successful pastor, the pastor who's been pastoring for 20 years, for 30 years, 40 years, same church, same people, doing well, leading, you know, like which of those two am I going to seek for advice? Obviously the one that's successful, right? If I want help parenting, I need some help to raise my children, do you think I'm going to go to the father whose children have been all rebellious, you know, whose marriage is on the rocks and and it's all falling apart, am I going to seek his advice? I'm going to look for the man who's got his family intact, who obviously loves his wife and his wife loves him back and his children are in order, who's going to give me the advice? Who's going to be the help? Obviously the one that's got those things in order, right? You might say to me, well I don't know what experiences do I have, I don't know, but like you're not going to come up to me and say, Pastor Kevin, I need some advice, can you help me learn how to fly a plane? Because I've never done it, I've never done it, you're going to go to the successful pilots and say, hey can you be the one that can give me advice and some instructions of how I can get my pilot's license? I want you to think about that, you know, are you the right person? You know what, if you're going to give a husband and wife advice on marriage, is your marriage in order or is it not in order? Have you got a beam coming out of your own eye? You know, parents, you know, if you're going to give other parents instructions how to raise your kids, how to raise their kids, how are your kids performing? Are they well behaved? Are they respectful? You know, do they love the Lord? Do they honor their parents? Are you the right person to point out other parents' parenting flaws and you've got beams coming out of your own eye? This is what a hypocrite is and we don't often think about this, but this is what we do sometimes, you know why? Because we learn the Bible, we get excited, we learn some great truth and then we can feel like we can pass judgment on everybody's life and you keep forgetting the great beams that are coming out of your own eyes. Be careful, brethren, don't be the one giving advice when that same area of your life is falling apart. Fix the beam first, show by example how you can remove a great beam and fix it before you can say hey now I can help you with that little issue with your own in your own eye. This is hypocrisy. Now what I love about this this passage, often verse number six, when I've heard about hypocrisy and teaching about judgment, verse number six is not often quoted, but it is directly following what we read there from Jesus Christ. Verse number six Jesus Christ says, Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you. You say what does that have to do with the previous verses? Well give not that which is holy unto the dogs, why? Neither cast your pearls before swine. So the things that you have that are precious. If you've got great wisdom, hey brother I can help you with that mote out of your own eye because I've removed the beam out of my own eye. Man, I've had the same problems brother. I had them worse and I fixed them and I can see you're kind of going the same way brother and I really love you and I want to give you direction and like sometimes you might come and try to give somebody advice and they reject it. That's why I don't give unsolicited advice by the way. Like I'm not just going to come up to you and just give you start telling you how to organize things in your life. Unless someone comes to me specifically, pastor I need some help. What are your thoughts on this issue? Then I'll give you my advice. I think unsolicited advice is dangerous because you might be a hypocrite number one and number two you're trying to cast your pearls potential before swine. Where a brother-in-law says I don't want to hear that from you. You know and so why waste time trying to help and change someone's life when they're not ready or worthy to receive your help. But I believe this can go both both ways actually because when we talk about the one who like in verse number six give not that we just wholly unto the dogs when you think about dogs here in the swine it's referring in obviously a negative connotation but when we look at the previous verses in Matthew 7 what who is the person that is actually in the negative? The hypocrite the one with a beam out of his own eye okay so this is really interesting okay because this can go both ways where you might say to someone who's got a great beam out of their own eye and they're coming to giving you unsolicited advice of how to live your life and you feel like you're being judged and yet you know this person has great problems in their own life you know and you might turn around say brother listen I appreciate your love toward me but brother you've got issues in your own life you need to fix your own heart you need to fix your own family you need to fix your own work ethic you need to fix your own relationships you need to fix your own issues that you've got wherever it is and they get upset how dare you say that look don't worry you know it's kind of going both ways if you've got a brother that does not want to hear what you have to say leave them alone don't cast your pearls before swine that's why I think this can go both ways because in many ways with the previous verses both are in the negative obviously one's got a bigger problem the beam out of his own eye but the other one's still got the moat in his own eye in the other eye that needs to be dealt with as well eventually okay but hypocrisy this is something I really want we need to be careful we need to be careful brethren okay you know there are a lot of good churches in Australia I hate it I'll tell you now I hate it when someone comes up to me and says pastor Kevin you're the only great pastor in Australia you're the only one preaching the truth you're the only one with a god-fearing church I know that's garbage I know that's garbage okay I know there are great pastors out there I know not every pastor is great but they're still out there there are still some great churches I know every church has problems did you know that every church has problems read the new testament even the new testament churches had problems okay that pastor loves the lord trying to serve the lord trying to be sacrificial trying to do the best he can to lead god's people trying to leave lead a sinful people and we turn around we start criticizing them how's your christian life going though I guarantee you there are problems in your life I guarantee you there are problems things that you're not walking the lord with exactly sins that you cave into too easily too readily and then we're criticizing pastor so and so and church so and so you know this is hypocrisy brethren so I want to get it out of our life I don't want to be the vile person I don't want to be the what was the other word the one that I didn't know what it was the the churl I don't want to be like you're a churl what's that you know rude wicked vile I don't want to be that person I don't want to be the hypocrites but I'm glad what I'm glad about you know when I read this man like human beings it's so wicked sometimes and then I can be wicked as well but you know in the millennium praise god new resurrected bodies bodies that can never sin for those that have been saved you know at the coming of jesus christ we're given that new regenerated body what praise god that we won't have to deal with these kinds of hypocrisy hypocrisies and wicked people back to uh isiah 32 isiah 32 verse number seven isiah 32 verse number seven by the way let me say this when the preacher is preaching regardless of the preacher okay um you can't turn around and say that preacher's a hypocrite because the preacher I just want you to remember this the preacher's job is to preach god's word of course the preacher is not going to be living up to god's standards a hundred percent in his life in every area okay if coming to church was hearing the word of pastor kevin here it is guys here's my great wisdom and i'm not living up to what i'm telling you to live up to then i'm a hypocrite but that's not what i'm preaching i'm preaching god's word and guess what we all come short of the glory of god even the preacher but it's not the preacher's job to say okay i'll just preach the things that i'm good at because you might be good at it this week and next week you're not going to be good at it you might fail at it that's why we don't preach the standard of man we preach god's word okay god's standard and guess what all of us if we're being fed the word of god we're going to turn around and say yeah man there's an area in my life that i need to fix right because we're not at the at the level of jesus none of us are at the level of jesus we're still working toward growing and maturing all right back to isiah 32 and verse number seven i believe i'm up to it says the instruments also of the churl are evil he divides of wicked devices to destroy the poor with lying words even when the needy speak of rights this is really interesting i love that last part even when the needy speaker right so the rude person the churl hates those that speak rights or true things now we should not hate the truth okay but there are those that are going to hate the truth regardless okay but again we're talking about a period of time in the millennium where god's truth will not be hated where god's truth will not be mocked where his righteousness will be upholded uphold uphold okay and and uh enjoyed there'll be rejoicing in the righteousness of jesus christ but brethren you know if we went out there in the world living a righteous life a godly life we we go to work and we we just simply refuse to laugh at the wicked you know dirty jokes we refuse to go and join our work colleagues at the bar or you refuse to go and smoke that marijuana joints whatever it is that people are going to mock you and laugh at you they're going to think oh you know like it says there um i got you know when they need to speak of right they're going to uh we've learned words destroy the poor with lying words they're going to make you seem like a wicked person an enemy someone that is unusual when you walk in the truth but again when the king reigns you know if you walk in truth you're going to be one that's up uplifted you're going to be a you know a a person of rejoicing you're going to be looked up to in the millennium reign of christ verse number eight but the liberal deviseth liberal things and by liberal things shall he stand now when we look at verse number eight you can't it's not the same person as verse number five look at verse number five again the vile person shall no more be called liberal okay because he's not liberal he's not really free but a liberal see being liberal liberal is actually righteous there is liberty in christ jesus okay liberal yeah i'm free in christ jesus i'm saved for my sins i know no matter what happens in my life i'm going to see christ in eternity but we're talking about in the millennium here in the so it says the liberal device liberal thing so the liberal comes up with liberal ideas and by liberal things shall he stand so this is talking about somebody uh who has uh great freedom and in the millennium there's going to be generosity like if you have much you're going to be generous to others there's going to it's not like a dog eat dog society you know when christ rules you know and if god blesses you with much then the liberals going to stand in those liberal things are going to be able to be generous to what people that have needs verse number nine is really interesting rise up ye women that are at ease hear my voice ye careless daughters give ear unto my speech so the women that are at ease are careless daughters so it's a negative connotation now as we keep reading this the women that are at that are at ease is what we today call the socialite you guys know what i'm talking about like the kardashians all right like like the women who have you know walk into wealth and the the only thing they live for is notoriety you know uh to be famous to be known they're you know they live for pleasures they live for possessions that's it and to just go to parties and clubs and just be a socialite because i'm talking about that's the women at ease they're not at home they're not providing for they're not looking after their children they're not looking after their husbands they're just wasting time socialites and then we have social media so let's drive this a little bit further ladies at home who are doing nothing but spending time on social media women at ease god says you're careless careless daughters give ear unto my speech god is saying pay attention ladies okay verse number 10 many days and years shall ye be troubled ye careless women for the vintage shall fail the gathering shall not come this god's judging look you're going to come a time when you're not going to have all the pleasures okay it's all going to fail verse number 11 tremble ye women that are at ease be troubled ye careless ones strip you and and make you bear and gird sackcloth upon your loins god is telling these socialite women look mourn weep there's judgments you're not doing right you're careless you're not looking after your husbands you're not looking after your children you're being lazy and again the the the application there the the sackcloth upon the loins remember when jonah preached in the ninnivites what do they do they started to put sackcloth they took off their clothes the same thing right uh strip you make bear and gird sackcloth upon your loins that's what the ninnivites did when they heard the preaching of jonah and then he continues there in verse number 12 they shall lament well that's weep and sorrow for the teats that's their breasts like breastfeeding babies for the pleasant fields for the fruitful vine god is saying look your fruitful vines your pleasant fields that's all going to be taken away from you and as a result of that so will you lament for your breasts because you know if they're unable to eat and take care of their bodies because there's a famine on the land or destruction on the land they're not going to have the breast milk to feed the babies to feed the little ones and so great sorrow is going to fall upon these women you know all these socialites and their mansions and their houses and their and their i'm thinking of paris hilton hilton hotels and whatever what i mean i don't know that shows how old i i don't know i don't know what the socialites are these days i have no idea right but all these women at ease you know it's all going to be stripped away it's all going to be taken away and again i think this has to do with the leading up to christ millenia rain because when christ begins to pour out his wrath everything is going to be wiped out everything is going to be destroyed it doesn't matter what these socialites built up on the earth it's all going to be taken away from them verse number 13 upon the land of my people shall come up thorns and briars yea upon all the houses of joy in the joyous city the houses of joy are the houses of the socialites of the women at ease you know they they put on the banquets they invite people over they have the parties and you know they celebrate themselves and whatever it is right god's saying even your houses of joy are going to be taken away verse number 14 because the palaces shall be forsaken the multitude of the city shall be left the thoughts and towers shall be for dense forever a joy of wild asses a pasture of flocks so god's talking about great destruction there okay then he says this in verse 15 and again it's sort of hard for me to put the time frame here but anyway we take the lesson anyway verse number 15 god says this is going to happen until verse 15 until the spirit be poured upon us from on high so on high referring to god the spirit is going to be poured upon us that would be the holy spirit of god right coming upon us and the wilderness be a fruitful field and the fruitful field shall be counted for a forest then judgment shall dwell in the wilderness and righteousness remain in the fruitful field now i think i know what this is talking about okay so let's let's think about this carefully i know god is using language of fields and and forests and i think these are symbolic or illustrative words of a deeper spiritual truth okay because when the spirit of the lord comes upon us okay and we're we're in a period of wilderness let's say again a spiritual wilderness if you want to take it that way and when the holy spirit of god can utilize us then we can produce a fruitful field and what is the fruit of the righteous the win of souls right when we win souls that is the fruits of the righteous but that fruitful field says here the fruitful field shall be counted for a forest and so you know it starts as a fruitful field it becomes this great forest it's sort of like when god's spirit begins to work in us in these end times we're going to be able to see a great conversion a great number of people saved in the end times whether by the help and the power of god and that's why it says in verse 16 then judgment shall dwell in the wilderness and righteousness remain in the fruitful field because the fruitful fields that represent saved souls then of course the righteous remains because it's the righteousness of christ that is within the people that get saved what i think this is teaching is in the book of acts come with me to acts chapter 2 please acts chapter 2 and verse number 16 please acts chapter 2 acts chapter 2 now acts chapter 2 is about the day of pentecost okay when the believers the disciples they're all praying together and the holy ghost the power of the holy ghost comes upon them and there are cloven tongues upon their heads and then all of a sudden they're able to speak in multiple languages other languages that they've never learned and they're preaching the gospel in these other languages and so this is a great miracle that's happening in jerusalem and people ask what is going on and so the response from peter is here in acts 216 but this is that which was spoken by the prophet joel that it shall come to pass now notice this in the last days save god i will pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams and on my servants and on my handmaidens i will pour out in those days of my spirit and they shall prophesy now you say well that was about the day of pentecost pastor and yes of course it is peter is confirming that to be the case but as we keep going on this prophecy you'll notice that there's a double application because if you keep going verse number 19 it says and i will show wonders in heaven above and signs in the earth beneath blood and fire and vapor of smoke and the sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before that great and notable day of the lord come so hold on where did that take place well that didn't take place that's still yet to come when the sun is dark and the moon turns to blood book of revelation chapter 6 the sixth seal okay these are future events still to come and so all of a sudden peter's speaking about current events but now he's speaking about the end times and god is saying how he's going to pour out his spirit in these days he said for what purpose is this prophesying are these visions are these dreams notice it's not some charismatic happy clappy revival that's going on and people are with a with a laughing spirit what's it called the laughing does anyone remember nah the toronto that came from toronto the toronto blessing and people start laughing and people get up in church they fall down and we got the holy spirit of god they're laughing like crazy and they look like a bunch of you know demon possessed people which they are by the way is that the spirit of god no no no no this is the purpose of the spirit god verse number 21 and it shall come to pass that whose server shall call on the name of the lord shall be saved the purpose of the spirit of god doing a great work in us is to be able to preach the gospel to all peoples and i don't know what the end time is going to bring maybe there will be a revival of that gift of speaking in tons maybe during great persecution of the great tribulation i don't know maybe brother ash is going to flee to russia and all of a sudden speaking russian preaching the gospel in russia maybe i don't know who knows it seems like it according to peter because there's a double application of the end time events and of course when christ says about the end times it says that the gospel of the kingdom is going to be preached in all nations so there's going to be a great work of god the preaching of the of the of the gospel going out for a whole world okay and it's like again that wilderness of the earth but then you know as we go out with the spirit of god being poured upon us we have to do a great work and bring forth a fruitful vineyard for the lord back to isiah 32 isiah 32 verse number 17 i'll speed up these last verses thank you for your patience and the work of righteousness shall be peace and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance forever and my people shall dwell in a peaceful peaceable habitation again i think it's about the millennium it's all going to be a time of peace right those that call upon them the lord does get saved they're going to go into this great time period this millennial reign of christ of great peace it says ensure dwellings like not these chunky builders you know houses with walls easily to make holes in and air conditioning systems that don't work no ensure dwellings good quality housing in the millennium and in quiet resting places when it shall hail coming down on the forest and the city shall be low in a low place i think the hail there again if you look at before christ begins the million rain guess what happens a great hail which destroys the wicked cities of the earth before christ begins his reign that could be a reference to that but then verse number 20 blessed are ye that's so beside all waters that send forth these are the feet of the ox and the ass so this might be again a double application this could be the millennium those that so those that get busy with the cattle the cattle the ass and the ox you know because god's jesus christ is going to rejuvenate the earth and so if you're laboring the field it's going to flourish it could be a reference to that or again this might be a spiritual application blessed are you that's so beside all waters this is like as we go out and preach the gospel and sow the seed of the word of god preaching you know the gospel of jesus christ and that uh you know the blessed us is of course people getting saved and being that fruitful vineyard again there might be a double teaching right there in isaiah 32 all right brethren the title for the son was a king shall reign and as i read this chapter i'm just again just reminded man this wicked world's going to stop one day it's not going to be you know the rudeness the vileness the hypocrisy all that's going to stop when christ starts it's like there's so many good things to be excited about the kingdom of jesus christ okay that thousand year reign of christ i'm so excited like what a what a great time to live you know and for the word of god to be understood to be known to be heard rather than having all these false prophets going about you know making themselves wealthy and taking advantage of people no man when christ reigns it's going to be so wonderful such a beautiful thing and uh you know we ought to prepare ourselves you know if we're going to be if we're going to be ruling the reign with christ then prepare yourself now read your bibles don't be hypocrites take the moat that's the the moat that's in your no no the uh the beam that's in your own eye before you try to help somebody else with the moat that's in their eye you know put these things into practice brethren it's going to give us the the great skills and experience we need when god is ready to use us in his millennial reign okay let's pray heavenly father lord thank you for your word thank you for the great teachings found in your word lord please forgive me for my hypocrisies and lord just please reveal this to us i i know that if we if we say within ourselves no we're not a hypocrite lord then there's pride so lord just uh help us because truly lord with the flesh that we battle with every single day lord we don't want to admit our failings we don't want to admit our errors and and our problems it's so much easier to focus on the issues of other people and lord help us not to be this way help us to uh by the help of your spirit and by the help of your word be able to live lives that are holy and pleasing unto you lord help us to be excited for the future coming of jesus christ and lord for that exciting period that we can be used by god as kings and priests to bring great righteousness upon this earth lord what a wonderful truth and lord thank you so much for allowing us to be part of that we commit the rest of this night to you in jesus name we pray amen all right hymn number 43 please hymn number 43 we're marching to zion look it's marching to zion obviously the first reference we have mount zion in heaven amen but we can also hey we're marching to zion the million round of christ because the bible speaks of christ reigning from zion and during that millennium we can apply it several different ways you know we can say hey marching to zion in very very much speaking of you know uh the promised land and when the children of israel went in the wilderness and when they were in obedience to god they finally went into the promised land and lived the lives that god wanted them to live you know marching design could just be a reference to spiritual victory in our lives you know overcoming the you know being stuck in the wilderness of the earth and and living a life that pleases god whatever whatever way you you think of it you know let this be a prayer of yours to god we're marching to zion hymn number 43 please hymn number 43 come with that love the lord and let our joys be known join in a song with sweet high court join in a song with sweet high court and thus surround the throne and thus surround the throne we're marching to zion beautiful beautiful zion we're marching upward to zion the beautiful city of god let those refuse to sing who never knew our god but children of the heavenly king but children of the heavenly king joys abroad they speak their joys abroad we're marching to zion beautiful beautiful zion we're marching upward to zion the beautiful city of god the hill of zion yet a thousand sacred swings before we reach the heavenly fields before we reach the heavenly fields for walk the golden streets so walk the golden streets we're marching to zion beautiful beautiful zion we're marching upward to zion on the beautiful city of god then let our songs about and every tear be dried we're marching through emmanuel's ground we're marching through emmanuel's ground to fairer worlds on high to fairer worlds on high we're marching to zion beautiful beautiful zion we're marching upward to zion on the beautiful city of god wonderful singing hey guys don't forget we have our church anniversary coming up this weekend okay soul winning marathon this saturday where were we meeting brother 9 30 right here bless it up at this church if you can go soul win hey if you can't make morning and afternoon session try to make either morning or afternoon but if you're going to go soul winning there's going to be lunch provided by the church okay so you guys figure out where you want to go for lunch someone pay for it i'll reimburse you later on okay it's probably the easiest way to do it but if we can do it like that reverend uh come out for some soul winning be wonderful and then on sunday i'm going to be back here preaching this coming sunday um six years thank you so much guys for six years what a blessing it is what a blessing to have blessed about this church pretty much week in week out soul winning okay we're still serving the lord we're still here i mean i i just i can't i can't understand it you guys are like better than i am i'll tell you that okay so i just praise god for each one of you and i thank you for all of your help making this church successful so far all right um oh yeah we need to get the numbers finalized brother you booking the restaurant for us okay so if you are coming um so after the sunday service if you're staying for lunch we're going how far is it brother what what suburb hosley park okay so 20 minutes yeah 20 minutes or so um we're gonna grab grab some lunch it's uh macedonian thai macedonian thai have you ever gone to a macedonian thai restaurant this is your time this is your chance okay so turn up to church and you get a free lunch okay and we'll enjoy each other's company and fellowship um just one more thing but i'm not going to put this you you you you um all right if you're just closing a word of prayer who can i ask brother rams oh no i really got your song leading i'll let you brother daniel could you close in a way to pray thank you uh lord thank you that um for us all here today thank you for the preaching from your word lord help us to um to to notice the beam and our own eyes before we uh go out and try to um help other brothers and sisters um lord please put on our hearts to to uh you know fix ourselves and to look into your word and um yeah figure out where we need to resolve issues and um have a better walk with you lord i pray that you please bless our fellowship lord um please bless the soul winning marathon this saturday and our church service on the sunday it's in christ name we pray these things amen amen you're dismissed thank you all