(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you and turn to song number 157 song number 157 and as we sing our first song can you please stand calm down almighty king song number 157 calm down almighty king calm down almighty king help us the a the help us the the the the oh the the the the Oh Success Oh Oh Okay, that's right our Heavenly Father The great King almighty God who lives forever and forever We thank you for this night. We get in your house Do you the preaching of the word for the list of service tonight and everyone who's here? Then we open our eyes and our hearts to receive your words with gladness and meekness of spirit and heart We love you Lord in Jesus name we pray Amen, amen. Thank you. Please be seated. Our next song will be song number 120 1 2 0 Jesus save your pilot me song number 120 20 120 Jesus save your father me Jesus say See Jesus The ocean Wondrous Jesus Oh All right, the next song is 138 the Haven of rest 138 the Haven of rest I saw So I heard a sweet voice My soul Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Jesus Okay, great singing Please turn to 178 so last song from Bob reading 178 Jesus loves even me 178 178 I'm Wonderful things in the Bible I see this is the dearest that Jesus loves me I am so glad that Jesus loves me Jesus loves me. Jesus loves me I am so glad that Jesus loves me Jesus loves even me I Still eat When I remember that Jesus loves me Jesus Jesus Oh The great Oh, what a wonderful Jesus loves me Jesus loves me. I'm so glad that Jesus loves me Jesus loves even me Okay, great singing, please take your Bibles and turn to Isaiah chapter 30 Isaiah chapter 30 and beginning of verse 1 Woe to the rebellious children sayeth the Lord that take counsel but not of me and that cover with a covering but not of my spirit That they may add sin to sin They'll walk to go down into Egypt and have not asked at my mouth to strengthen themselves in the strength of Pharaoh and to trust in the shadow of Egypt Therefore shall the strength of Pharaoh be your shame and the trust in the shadow of Egypt your confusion His princes were at his own and his ambassadors came to Hannes They were all ashamed of a people that could not profit them nor be in help nor profit but a shame and also a reproach The burden of the beasts of the south into the land of trouble and anguish from whence come the young and old lion The viper and fiery flying serpent They will carry their riches upon the shoulders of young asses and their treasures upon the bunches of camels To a people that shall not profit them For the Egyptians shall help in vain and to no purpose therefore have I cried concerning this their strength is to sit still Now go write it before them in a table and note it in a book that it may be for the time to come Forever and ever that this is a rebellious people lying children children that will not hear the law of the Lord Which say to the peers see not and to the prophets prophesy not unto us right things speak unto us smooth things Prophesied deceits get you out of the way turn aside out of the path cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us Wherefore thus save the Holy One of Israel because he despised this word and cut and entrust in oppression and perverseness And stay there on therefore this iniquity shall be to you as a breach ready to fall Swelling out in a high wall whose breaking cometh suddenly at an instant And he shall see he shall break it as the breaking of Potter's vessels vessel that is broken in pieces He shall not spare so that there shall not be a found in the bursting of it I sure assured to take fire from the hearth or to take water with all out of the pits For thus saith the Lord God the Holy One of Israel in Returning and rests shall you be saved in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength and you would not But you said no for we will flee upon the horses therefore shall you flee and We will ride upon the swift therefore shall they that pursue you be swift 1000 shall flee at the rebuke of one at the rebuke of five shall you see leave till you be left as a beacon upon the top of a mountain and as an ensign on the hill and Therefore where the Lord waits that he may be gracious unto you and therefore will he be exalted That he may have mercy upon you for the Lord is a God of judgment Blessed are all blessed are all they that wait for him for the people shall dwell in Zion at Jerusalem Thou shalt weep no more. He will be very gracious unto thee at the voice of thy cry when he shall hear it he will answer thee and Though the Lord give you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction Yet shall not thy teachers be removed into it into a corner anymore But thine eyes shall see thy teachers and then I thine ears shall hear a word behind me saying this is the way Walk ye in it when you turn to the right hand and then When you turn to the right hand and when you turn to the left You shall defile also the covering of thy graven images of silver and the ornament of thy molten images of gold Thou shalt cast them away as a monstrous cloth thou shalt say unto it get thee hence Then shall he give the rain of thy seed without thou that thou shalt sow the ground with all and Bread of the increase of the earth and it shall be fat and plenteous in that day shall thy cattle feed in large pastures The oxen likewise and the young asses that ear the ground shall eat clean provender Which has been winnowed with the shovel and with the fan and there shall be upon every high mountain and upon every high Hill Rivers and streams of water what is in the day of the great slaughter when the towers fall Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the Sun and the light of the Sun shall be sevenfold As the light of seven days in the day that the Lord bindeth up the breach of his people and healeth the wood Healeth the stroke of their wound Behold the name of the Lord cometh from afar burning with his anger and the burden thereof is heavy His lips are full of indignation and his tongue as a devouring fire And his breath as an overflowing stream shall reach to the midst of the neck to stiff the nations To sift the nations with the sea of vanity and there shall be a bridle in the jaws of the people causing them to err Ye shall have a song as in the night when a holy sovereignty is kept and Gladness of heart as one as when one goeth with a pipe to come into the mountain of the Lord to the mighty one of Israel and The Lord shall cause his glorious voice to be heard and shall show you the light Show the lighting down of his arm with the indignation of his anger and with the flame of a devouring fire with scattering and tempest and hailstones For through the voice of the Lord shall the Assyrian be beaten down Which smote with a rod and in every place where the grounded shall staff shall pass which the Lord shall lay upon him It shall be with tabrets and harps and in battles of shaking will he fight with it for top It is ordained of old yay for the king is it for the king it is prepared He hath made it deep and large The pyre thereof is fire and much wood the breath of the Lord like a stream of brimstone doth kindle it That was Isaiah 30. This is the word of the Lord. Let's pray for the sermon tonight for pastor Kevin Lord I pray that you will gift and bless pastor Kevin with your knowledge and discernment of the word and nothing else Let him speak unto his people that he we may know you and your word and what it says for truth in Christ's name Amen All right, good to see you guys here tonight Looks like ash has his business card chance constructions If you need any renovations, please talk to ash this sermons brought to you by chance constructions I just realized there's no one here that actually went to Fiji like where are they? It's a feat. Oh, okay ash. Of course. I mean, sorry Rams and of course Rams is okay, but rams and you're one Yeah, one of the few I was just thinking like I don't know they sick of me after spending a week a week with me Before I get into the sermon for against so much. I'll just tell you one story There's a we had a someone came to be part of the the missions trip. His name is Rafa he's from Papua New Guinea, but he's originally from Fiji and On Thursday morning. I took him so when he were there together He was like pastor tell me if I'm making any mistakes and like he had a really good presentation. He was doing fine Anyways, my turn to give the the gospel has given the gospel to two ladies and they were receiving God's Word And on the corner of my my you know, I could see some guy just rambling on about something I wasn't really paying attention. I was given the gospel but then Rafa comes behind the ladies I'm thinking why is he walking behind the ladies and I realize oh, he's blocking the distractions of this guy Anyway, praise God the two ladies got saved caught upon name Lord and then I was tired You know you get tired when you're giving the gospel over and over again. So now I said, okay Rafa now it's your turn, you know, it's your turn to give the gospel and as Rafa got himself ready to give the gospel that guy that rambling on came up to me and he saw the Bible in my hands and goes, ah, I just wanted to turn you got a Bible. They're great Can you just turn to one reference in the book of Isaiah and I sort of started to turn there Just you know just out of curiosity What's this guy want to say and then I just paused because I remember back on Monday Brother Oliver from New Life Baptist Church told me about some random guy that came up to him and Was challenging him that the name of Jesus was the incorrect name whereby we must be saved and that the correct name is Immanuel Okay, and so brother Oliver took him to Matthew chapter one where the angel tells, you know Says you know you're to call his name Immanuel and then it finishes that chapter by saying and they called his name Jesus So, you know Oliver turned him to that passage already showed him. Hey, yes They did follow the instruction of the angel and they called his name Jesus and that kind of confused the man Anyway, the fact that it came up to me and said look Can I show you something in Isaiah I turn them up my immediate thought was hold it could this be the same guy? So I said to him like is this about Immanuel and goes, oh, yeah, it's about Immanuel I said look, I'm not interested Okay, I said I'll come here to give the gospel, you know, and I showed him the Bible's a big book We can argue about many things here. But right now all I want to do is give the gospel So if you're not interested in hearing the gospel that I'm not interested in having this discussion with you And then he started rambling about something. Are you guys come here? We already know the Bible we already know God when Jesus is the wrong name bla bla bla And I'm trying to sort of just get this guy because he's loud. He's obnoxious and Eventually, I thought I got him I thought he left and then he comes back again There's something about something or other about you guys coming here and causing problems and preaching gods You know preaching incorrectly in the name of Jesus blah blah And again every time I sort of spoke to him I try to be as kind to him as I can because I don't want to cause a commotion We're trying to get people saved We're not trying to you know Make cause a public dispute on the streets or anything like that and every time I spoke to him Even though I spoke to him kindly he just come back and say something else and you know quite loudly trying to cause a distraction Anyway, again, he comes around the corner like he walks away and they come down again and this time I don't know why I just went like this to him. Okay. I don't know why I guess I do that To my kids sometimes. I don't know what I don't know what but then as I put my finger to my lips Like this I realized oh that's gonna frustrate him even more Because you're gonna perceive that I'm treating like a child like and I do this in like a stone face and that was the last story So sometimes having the conversation look just just you know, that seems to work that seems to work with these distractions But anyway, praise God we had so many people say the super began saved in Fiji even today The sofa over two thousand one hundred souls have been saved By the teams Australia and New Zealand. There's still some force is the floor is still there Sister Cindy from new life and her kids are only I think they arrived back to Australia today So even though others are having a bit of a little holiday a little bit of a break every now and again They get a few souls saved. So we're still adding to that number We'll give you a full total when we know the number. All right, Isaiah 30 Let's get into it because it's quite a long chapter Isaiah 30 and we're gonna start there verse number one woe to the rebellious children That's a title for the sermon tonight. Woe to the rebellious children The rebellious children here is the southern kingdom of Judah. All right So God says to Judah woe is the rebellious children save the Lord that take counsel why the rebellious that take counsel Hey, that's usually a positive thing. You need to make a certain decision I might see what others have to say what they've done They might give some ideas as to what I'm to do with life But they take counsel and then God says but not of me They're not taking counsel of God and that cover with a covering But not of my spirits that they may add sin to sin and so you can see why the rebellious They're not hearkening to God. They're not going to God for a time of help The situation that has developed here is once again, this is about the Assyrian army, right? They've really annihilated the northern kingdom. They've come into Judah and Judah's worried They're afraid about what the Assyrians are going to do. So instead of going to God God, what do we do? God are we under your judgments, you know, what's your instruction God? they end up going to Egypt because there's the investment to that walk and go down into Egypt and Have not asked at my mouth To strengthen themselves in the strength of Pharaoh and to trust in the shadow of Egypt So the Assyrians once again causing the problems and the people of Judah go. Let's go to Pharaoh. Let's go to Egypt They've got a powerful Empire. They've got a powerful army You know if we befriend them they'll come to our aid when Assyria comes then it says in verse number three therefore shall the strength of Pharaoh be your shame and the trust in the shadow of Egypt your confusion for his princes That's princes of our Pharaoh were at zoan and his ambassadors came to Haines Alright, so the first thing that first point I have for you brethren if we're going to title the sermon this tonight as World's the rebellious children, you know, we see some elements of what rebellion is and not you know again Whatever we learn from these Old Testament Stories we want to then apply to our lives, you know, potentially, I don't know Potentially in your heart you have rebellion in your heart right now, you know, how can you identify this rebellion? Number one what we see here is that those that are rebelling against God are those that seek counsel of this present world Because Egypt's many times the Bible represents the ungodly present world, right? The story of God bringing the children Israel out of Egypt is a picture of salvation when they place the blood of the Passover lamb on the dope post that represents the blood of Jesus Christ and as they pass through The Red Sea that represents baptism as they've they've gone. They've been saved. They got him baptized They've come out of the world as they were right. They were once children They were once that they were once not children of God They've become children of God and so Egypt represents the world and so the fact that they're going back to Egypt for help rather than seeking the counsel of God shows you their rebellious heart And so brethren my my word of advice to you is you know when you seek wisdom and counsel and knowledge and direction Where are you going? So you go into this world or you go into your Lord God and of course We must go to his word and it can be very tempting I'm not saying that every single piece of advice that is coming from the world is is wicked I'm not saying anything like that But you need to identify what points can I gain knowledge from the world at what point is this knowledge consistent with God's Word? Something that can help me in life and at what point is that in contradiction to God's Word? because Assyria once again represents the judgment of God right if the if the People of Judah went to God and say God what is it about these Assyrians? Why are they here? God will tell them well. This is my judgments Alright, I mean, but if you go to Egypt. What are they gonna say are they gonna say well That's the judgment of God. No they're gonna. Go hey. Let's fight. Let's fight against the judgment of God Let's let's come together form an allegiance and let's fight against you Assyrians Well, no you're not you're not to fight against God's judgments. You're not to fight against God's hand You're supposed to identify Why is God judging us? Why is God's hand heavy upon us and seek God for the wisdom and knowledge? Why he's doing that for you because obviously he has direction for you obviously he has a path for you to To walk and to learn there by but when you go and seek the knowledge of the world Quite often their wisdom is going to be in direct contradiction to God's wisdom So rebellious children are those that seek the counsel of this present world even if it's in contradiction to God's Word Verse number five they were all ashamed of a people that could not profit them Nor be in help nor profit, but a shame and also a reproach So the the people that could not profit them are the Egyptians God's saying the Egyptians aren't going to help you with Assyria They're not going to be able to defeat them. Okay. They're not strong enough Verse number six the burden of the beasts of the south now This is against the bin of the base of the south that's speaking of Judah because Judah is south of Egypt Okay, so this is speaking of the fact that people in Judah are going on upon beasts. I don't know horses I don't know if they're camels or whatever they're going upon beasts making their way to Egypt to form this allegiance Okay, then it says this into the land of trouble and anguish so the land of trouble and anguish is Egypt From whence came the young and old lion The viper and fiery flying serpents they will carry their riches upon the shoulders of young asses and their treasures upon the Bunches of camels to a people that shall not profit them So these people these I guess ambassadors if you want to call them going into Egypt You can see the creatures here right camels and asses. They're taking treasures. They're taking gold silver They're taking, you know gifts to Pharaoh, you know, we're going to give you money We're going to give you gifts Pharaoh if you come to our age Now one thing that came to my attention in verse number six We see that they go into the land of trouble and anguish from whence or from where come the young and old lion, okay Well, we'll talk about that in a moment the viper we know that the Lions are a real creature the viper is a serpent so we know that and Fiery flying serpents. Now. What do you make of that? Do you think that's a legitimate creature? Do you think that there was a time? I mean, I don't think there's a fiery flying serpent now. Do you think there was a time maybe there was a fiery flying serpent? I Don't know. I don't know what your thoughts are there But I want to show you something else This this our term a fiery flying serpent comes up twice in the Bible and the other reference is also in Isaiah So I just want to show you that in Isaiah 14 coming to Isaiah 14 Isaiah 14 When I'm working on sermons, you know I kind of get the gist of what's going on and I kind of see where I want what direction I want to go When I'm preaching God's Word, but then I come across things like that the fiery flying serpent I'm sort of stuck there for like half an hour wondering Like what could this be like, you know, it's this creature now I'm not going to tell you that I know for certain but it might not be a real creature Okay, it might just be symbolism because the other reference in Isaiah 14 is Symbolic. Okay, Isaiah 14 verse number 29 Isaiah 14 29 Rejoice not thou whole Palatina because the rod of him that smote thee is broken I want you know, you can go back to listen to Isaiah 14 if you want you're on time to get the you know The knowledge of that but basically the rod of him that smote thee that smote Palestine that's reference to the Philistines Was the king of Judah. All right, and I'm sorry the king of Israel was the king of Israel and then so Philistines are kind of rejoicing. Yeah, the Kings been defeated, but then God's telling them don't rejoice why for out of the serpents roots That's the serpent being Israel are the serpents roots shall come forth a cockatrice which is another serpent that other serpent is Hezekiah and His fruits shall be a fiery flying serpents So what this is saying is that you know the Philistines even though Assyria and then Babylon are going to cause havoc on You know these kings of Israel and of Judah Don't rejoice because you're still going to be under the power of the cockatrice Which is Hezekiah like you're not you're not getting away Just cause that Kings been defeated out of the roots of that serpent comes another Serpent and then out of his roots comes the fiery flying serpent So what I'm trying to show you there is that these creatures or this creature in particular is symbolism of Kings power and authority over the people of the Philistines Okay, that's quite clear. Like if you know the context of Isaiah 14, that's quite clear so when we go back to Isaiah 30 and Again, this is the only other reference and again Let's look at verse number six and let's think about it a little bit and I'm you know I'm sorry if this kind of gets boring to you a little bit But I do like to think and meditate upon these verses sometimes So again the burden of the beasts of the south so the people of Judah are traveling Into the land of trouble and anguish from whence come the young and old lion Okay, so that makes it makes a little bit of sense if the fiery flying serpent symbolically represents Kings powers and authority were quite often in the Bible. So the Lions, okay Lions are often, you know powerful creatures seen, you know even Jesus Christ is known as the lion of Judah speaking of his power and Authority then he says that the Viper and the fiery flying serpent and then I got thinking about Egypt and quite often we pharaohs I don't know if you realize but on their head pieces. They've got they've got this serpent I don't know what they got that represents one of their gods That God is Wadjet and if you just google Wadjet you'll often find this serpent with wings as well So again, this is one of their gods and so it could be again God is used in a play on words here this symbolism of a fiery flying serpent also Representing the power and authority of Pharaoh and his princes and kings. So that's what I think Okay. Now if we get to heaven and God says hey, here's the literal creature Some pterosaur, you know, is that what they call pterosaurs those flying dinosaurs But this one actually had fire coming out of its mouth. Well, okay You know God can correct us when we when we go to heaven but it seems like to me that this is symbolic of power and authority in Egypt and then verse number seven For the Egyptians shall help in vain and to no purpose Therefore have I cried concerning this that their strength is to sit still Okay, so if the Assyrians are coming and you go all right Egyptians show us your strength show us your hope, right? We've given you all this money and these gifts what's going to be their strength to sit still? They're not going to do anything. They're not going to help the you know, the people of Judah They're not going to help the Jews when the Assyrians come So is there any benefit to put in our trust on man or this world? No, we seek our counsel with our Lord God, you know, just very quickly don't turn there but Psalm 146 verse 3 put not your trust in princes nor in the Son of Man in whom there is no help and Then later in verse number 5 it says happy is he that have the God of Jacob for his help Whose hope is in the Lord his God? Brethren when we need to help and we need to counsel when we need guidance, please go to God first You know what? I strongly encourage you even if you get sick You know, even if you got some infection or something That's some illness in your body before you just run to the doctors you run to the hospital Seek God Well, I have no problems like you broke an arm All right, we gotta go to hospital right on the way to the hospital plea to God, right? So I got him on my way to hospital, but I my trust my confidence is not in the medical world It's not on the doctors. My trust is on you Can you heal my my sick body and that pleases the Lord when we put our trust upon him? Yes, God can use people of this world God can use doctors and God can use even you know People maybe you come across in the workplace that you may have some respect toward that We can give you some wisdom and some knowledge but always seek God's wisdom first, please Don't be a rebellious child. We see what the rebellious child does right? They listen to the world's advice even if it's in contradiction to God's Word Verse number 8 Now go write it before them in a table and note it in a book That it may be for the time to come forever and ever that this is a rebellious people So, you know God's on his I make sure you write these words down which he is Okay, what else always notice about rebellious people lying? children Children that will not hear the law of the Lord What else is a sign of rebellion lies lies Point number two the lying tongue, you know, is there anything worse than lying? Is there anything worse? I've got a lot of kids and I just think the worst thing my kids can do is to lie in my face I think I think that could be the worst thing You know, my mom would tell me when I was going to I remember when I was going to high school My mom would say to me, you know Kevin if there's ever a day that you don't want to go to school Just tell me tell me the truth that you don't want to go Okay, and she said to me I'll be fine If you just want to stay home Like I'd rather you just tell me I don't want to go to school because of whatever issues you're having Stay home where I know where you are Rather than just lie in my face and say I'm going to school and then just disappear into who knows where Okay, I can understand obviously when I'm a kid. I don't really understand that but now that I have kids You know one of the worst I mean one of the things that annoys me the most I guess is whining and Complaining but still lying is definitely but I can't think of a worse thing that I tried can do Like look kids can do stupid things foolishness is bad in the heart of the child Bible says But when a child does foolishly it's better to just put the hand up dad mama messed up I did something wrong like that's a lot more honorable than just lie in our face and just you know You're making a fool of your parents and look, you know for you guys You're you're young younger than I am. Usually, you know, you've got young children or you're gonna get you know Have kids soon Lord willing You know, please teach your children to tell the truth, you know encourage them. You don't have to teach them how to lie They'll figure that out by themselves. Okay, they'll figure it out because it's it's a human nature It's the fallen flesh, you know that comes short of the glory of God that we all have They know how to lie They know how to get away with things Teach them to tell the truth because if they just go about lying They think they get away with it. Look this God will say they're rebellious children Okay, the Bible says that rebellion is as bad as witchcraft. It says the sin of witchcraft Think about how wicked witchcraft is. It's the same level rebellion against God the lying tongue You know Proverbs 6 16 these three things. Sorry these six things doth the Lord hate Yea, seven are an abomination unto him What are things that God hates verse number 17 says a proud look a lying tongue God hates a lying tongue. Have you ever lied? God hated your tongue when you lied God hates that and hands that shed innocent blood a heart that devise of wicked Imaginations feet that be swift in running to mischief and then verse number 19 says this a false witness that speak of lies Say hold on God There's six things that you hate seven is an abomination and within the six things you mentioned lying twice that's how much God hates it doubly as much as all these other things and Hear that self discord among the brethren, you know, please don't be people of a lying tongue It's something that God hates, you know, we know that it's one of the Ten Commandments that shall not bear false witness You know God's instruction to us is that we should be people of the truth Anyway, they've got these lying tongues look at verse number 10 so this wicked people of Judah Verses 10 which say to the seers the seers again is just the prophets just another way of saying prophets It's like the overseer Supervisor which is the word for Bishop a bishop is an overseer supervisor the seers The ones that see the ones that are meant to be looking out for the needs of others the well-being of others We say to the seers see not and to the prophets prophesied not unto us right things Speak unto us smooth things prophesied deceits Prophesy deceits deception lying the people say can you lie to us as well? We're all lying people. We'd rather hear lies than to hear the truth of God's Word and For us that's ridiculous. You know, you've made such an effort to come to church tonight One reason you come to church is to hear the truth, right? like Could you imagine like what would you think of yourself? Like? All right, we're going to church to hear lies We want to hear lies pastor Kevin lied to us tonight Why would you even show up? but then all across Australia are people showing up to churches and Pastors and they know like let just lie to us prophesize smooth things Tell us nice and sweet things. We don't want to hear about God's anger. We don't want to hear about God's hatred We don't want to hear about God's judgment. Just tell us we're doing fine Tell us God's not upset God God's fine with us and we'll pay our offering and off we go Like you we think about that's ridiculous, but that's actually what's happening in our nation today pretty much Most churches right just about most churches are preaching lies and people love it people love it So there's something wrong with you guys because you're different you come to church to hear the truth and Boy it's hard to build a church on the truth It's much easier to build a church and lies, you know to have the large congregations to preach the smooth things Now it keeps going there in verse 11 get you out of the way turn aside out of the path cause the Holy One of Israel to cease From from before us So preacher we want to hear what you say. We don't want to hear what God says So that's where you go to church and the preacher just to look like they're in a Christian church We'll read the Bible one verse and then the rest of it's just the wisdom of man. It's just a folly of man Okay. Oh, we don't want to hear God's voice. You just tell us smooth things sweet things Now with everyone Isaiah chapter 30, what's the 30th book of the Bible? Anyone know Amos yeah Amos. So keep your finger there and come with me to Amos chapter 2 Amos chapter 2 Amos chapter 2, please So we're still trying to figure out do the chapters of Isaiah line up with the books of the Bible I Don't know. Do you think I'm stretching it too far sometimes? I know it seems like it fits It seems like many of the themes in these chapters line up with the themes that we find in these books of the Bible Now what we just finished hearing is that the people of Judah do not want to hear the prophets preach the truth, right? They want to hear lies Then we get to Amos chapter 2 and yes, this is a different time. This is a much earlier time in the history of of Israel But in Amos chapter 2 verse from 11 It says here Amos chapter 2 verse 11. God says and I raised up of your sons for prophets and Of your young men for Nazarites Is it not even thus? Oh you children of Israel save the Lord. So what's the Lord saying? You know, I call some of your son some of your children. It was my plan It was my will for them to be prophets But then what happens in verse number 12, but you gave the Nazarites wine to drink and commanded a prophet saying prophesy not Well, there's a connection there with Amos come with me to Amos chapter 7 Amos chapter 7 Amos chapter 7, please Amos chapter 7 verse number 12 Now Amos is the prophet, you know, the book of Amos is named after the prophet Amos it says in verse number 12 also Amaziah said unto Amos, so Amos is the preacher is a prophet. O thou seer Flee thee away into the land of Judah and there eat bread and prophesy there The land of Judah is a southern kingdom, right? So Amos is trying to preach a northern kingdom and Amaziah says to Amos go over there go to another nation go to Judah eat over there preach over there We don't want to hear what you have to say Okay This number 13 says but prophesied not again any more at Bethel for it is the king's chapel It is the king's courts so again a desire for the prophet not to preach drop down to verse number 15 and The Lord took me as I followed the flock and the Lord said unto me go prophesy unto my people Israel Now therefore hear thou the word of the Lord thou sayest Prophesied not against Israel and drop not thy word against the house of Isaac So God's telling Amos go and preach and as he goes and preach he's telling the people you're telling me not to preach But God is telling me to preach against you Prophesied not again. One of the major things of Amos is that they hated the preachers They hated the seers They did not want to hear the truth of God's Word and what do we notice there in Isaiah 30? Same thing the same theme playing out in the same chapter come back with me to Isaiah 30 We are going to come back to Amos a bit later on I believe Toward the end of the sermon I think back to Isaiah 30 please Isaiah 30 and Before we read verse number 12 You know the third thing where you can identify a rebellious person or even rebellion in your own heart is a refusal to listen to the Word of God a refusal to listen to the Word of God you know and You know I'm not trying to talk myself up at all, but Man you know my heart's desire is to preach you the truth My heart's desire is to feed you God's Word to nourish you that you walk away from church and say is my pastor Fed me God's Word that that's that's what I want. That's my goal as a shepherd over blessed old Baptist Church and You know but not all churches are like this you know not all pastors have that desire to feed people The word and you know one thing I want you to at least appreciate about blessed Church is the desire for the truth the desire for God's Word to be preached You know I hope in your heart. You don't have this idea. I'll go to church What's the past of rambling on about what's what's brother ash or brother Tim or brother Rams or brother Matthew? Who else is preaching? That's it so far brother Anthony. You know you know what a rambling on about look You know when you start to have that that condition your heart. I want you to be able to identify that as rebellion Because I know the men that get up to preach. I know they do their due diligence I know they do that you study all right, and they all they want is My my desire to feed you God's Word Right and so when you start to notice in your heart Man, I just don't want to hear it. I don't want to go anymore Listen that's a sign that rebellion is growing in your heart, so deal with it deal with it Okay, don't be a rebellious child. That's the lesson that we can take out of this chapter in Isaiah chapter 30 verse number 12 Wherefore thus save the holy one of Israel because ye despise this word and Trust in oppression and perverseness and stay thereon Therefore this iniquity shall be to you as a breach ready to fall Swelling out in a high wall who's breaking cometh suddenly at an instance and He shall break it as the breaking of a potter's vessel of the potter's vessel that is broken in pieces He shall not spare so that there shall be not be sorry so that there shall not be found in The bursting of it a shred to take fire from the hearth or to take water with all out of the pits So God is essentially guaranteeing here that he's going to judge the rebellion okay with a strong hand He uses the instruct the description of a wall a wall that is ready to fall apart or a piece of pottery That's going to get smashed by the potter, and he says look if you're going to stay rebellious there's a guarantee that you're going to be judged with a strong hand of God and Brethren is the same thing for you. You know if you allow rebellion to creep in your heart You know what and just you're just stiff necked against God And you know you just refuse to follow his word you seek the counsel of the ungodly I promise you I guarantee you you know in due time you will face God's heavy hand in your life Why wait for God's heavy hand to fall you don't need to wait You need to just identify man. There's rebellion in my heart. I better fix this with the Lord now Right now before he judges me. I'm going to go seek his mercy. I'm going to seek his grace I'm going to ask God God if you still have to chastise me Can you be a little more gentle because I identify the rebellion in my heart help me Lord Don't you think it's going to show you his mercy his faithfulness his grace When you identify man, I'm rebellious Rather than wait for God's hand to fall down. Why are you chastising me? God? Why is your judgment on rebellious? That's why and then you learn the lesson the hard way Man, I'm sure we've all learnt the lessons the hard way in times Wouldn't just been easier for us just to a few weeks earlier. Go Lord. Yes is an issue in my heart Can you please help me fix it and more you know he's you know our Lord. God is is logical He's reasonable. You know when he sees you were broken and contrite heart when he sees you I ready to identify the problems in your own life and a willingness to fix it Then you know his hands going to be a lot more gentle when it comes to your correction Verse number 15 for thus saith the Lord God the holy one of Israel in returning and Rest shall ye be saved So we're starting to see a shift okay in this chapter not just yet I think that shift really happens in verse number 18, but we're starting to see God given direction here, right? You know when their judgment falls The the idea of the judgment is that they return and they rest in God The rest side the idea of resting in God is the idea of trusting in God, right? it says in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength and ye would not God says man. You just have to rest in me, but you just refuse to do so Brethren why human beings so stubborn? I don't know why am I so stubborn? Why are you so stubborn? Why don't we just go Lord? I rest in you. I trust in you Lord Why is it that we just have such a hard time to trust the holy one of Israel sometimes? It just shows us our sinfulness shows us our weaknesses Verse number 16, but ye said no For we will flee upon horses therefore shall ye flee and This is this reminds me of um Jonah When God asked Jonah go and preach against the Ninevites and he flees he runs away I Mean that's not uncommon You know what you try to hide from God try to run away from God When God says just come to me just rest in me trust in me It's like so shameful so embarrassed what I know whatever it is that's causing us to flee and then it says here We will ride upon the Swift So the people are due to go and we're just going to run fast away from Lord And then it says here therefore shall they that pursue you be swift the ones that are going to pursue them are the Assyrians They're gonna be faster than you. They're gonna be swifter than you you think you're gonna run away from my judgment They're gonna be much faster, and they're gonna catch up to you God's judgment will always catch up to you. You can't run away from God, but let that be a lesson The summer 17 says 1,000 shall flee at the rebuke of one and at the rebuke of five shall ye flee Till ye be left as a beacon upon the top of a mountain and as an ensign on and heal So it looks like here from what I'm reading here if if we are Identifying the Assyrians as the ones that are being used by God to bring judgment when he says 1,000 shall flee the rebuke of one It sounds like one a Syrian soldier is gonna give so much fear to a thousand Jewish soldiers that they flee and Then it says the rebuke of five so five soldiers Shall you flee so the whole the whole army of Jews of the Jews like they're just like God is saying look You're so afraid You know you just run away from your might from my judgment like even one soldier five soldiers Caused you to to just flee and out of fear and and not to face the judgment of God But we see this transition like I said in verse number 18 like so far this is one to seventeen has just been God's judgment showing them to be rebellious people and Then like God just has this sort of just we You know like sometimes God sings, and he is like he's so extreme like he's extremely angry at them But then we see the extreme mercy like just suddenly It's not like it's not obviously God's not like bipolar. It's like he's just perfect. He's got perfect anger He's got perfect judgment got perfect hatred, but then also the other side of God He's got perfect love and perfect mercy and perfect compassion all at the same time you know as he's speaking you know by the prophet Isaiah because then he says in verse 18 and Therefore will the Lord wait God is saying I'm Still waiting like I'm still ready to wait for you to get right with me That he may be gracious unto you It's like yeah, okay the judgments come in, but God's way, and you he just wants to be gracious What's grace Something that is free something that it's undeserved Like they're wicked people and God still wants to show them grace Thank God for his grace for my grace. Are you saved for faith? We don't deserve salvation do we? It's his grace that saved our souls. It's it's it's God's grace. That's going to help these people overcome the Assyrians It says that you may be that he may be gracious unto you and therefore will he be exalted That he may have mercy upon you. It's God's waiting his patient is gracious He's showing mercy for the Lord is a God of judgment Blessed are all they that wait for him Okay so sometimes we need to be brought to our lowest point and Jew the Jews that Judah are at showing their lowest point You know go into the world go into Egypt go into Pharaoh for help Telling the prophets lie to us. We don't want to hear what God has to say Run in fleeing from you know the judgment of God they're brought in such a low place and Sometimes that's what happens in our life God allows us to get to just the point of despair So broken down in our life. So cast down feeling like there's no solution. I'm a disaster. I'm a failure I don't even want to see tomorrow because my misery just continues and it's quite often there Where God shows himself merciful and gracious And wants to bless you You know when you realize there's no one to help me I can't even help myself the only one that can help me out of this misery is our Lord God Almighty I'm sure maybe you've experienced that I know I've experienced stuff like that in my life you know where God just brings you low and you just realize man, I'm nothing and Even the human beings that I thought would be there for me They're not there for me and the only one that's there for me is the Lord God You know, that's what beautiful about the Lord. We know we deserve his judgment We know we deserve his anger, but at the same time he just shows his hand of mercy It's amazing amazing the God that we serve verse number 19 For the people shall dwell in Zion at Jerusalem Thou shall weep no more He'll be very gracious unto thee at the voice of thy cry When he shall hear it He will answer thee Brethren when you're at your lowest points and you're crying and you're yelling you're crying out cry out to God Ask him in prayer. It says he'll hear it. He'll answer your prayers even at your lowest points verse number 20 and though the Lord give you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction Yet shall not thy teachers be removed into a corner anymore But thine eyes shall see thy teachers and thine ears shall hear a word behind thee saying This is the way walk ye in it and when you turn to the right hand and when you turn to the left Again, that idea is you're at your wits end. You're in desperation. You don't know what to do You don't know what direction to go But God says if you just blow yourself before him you cry out to him Then you're gonna hear a voice behind you which is the leading of the Holy Ghost go this way go that way Now it kind of reminds me of Proverbs chapter 3 verse number 5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart you guys know this and lean not unto thy know and understanding And in all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths It's a very famous proverb, isn't it? But it's very true He shall direct thy paths in all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths and so the rebellious child is one that Refuses to acknowledge God God. I know what I want to do with my life. I'm gonna go my way I have my preferences. I want to live like the world. I Mean, I can't stop you if you want to do that. There are plenty of Christians. They have done the same There's nothing special about it It's not like you're showing your strength or anything like that Pretty much every human beings made a stupid decision like that some point in their life Okay I'm so strong. Look at me go Man, just give yourself time. You realize just what a big mistake you made. What a big mistake You're made and you'll be brought low. He'll be brought to misery to despair and It may seem like God is so far away and yet he's not All right, he's not he's not far away He's just waiting for you to come back to him to cry to him to seek his help until he's at end for his aid Verse number 22 says you shall defile also the covering of thy graven images of silver and The ornament of thy molten images of gold thou shall cast them away as a menstruous cloth Thou shall say unto it get thee hence Again, we see another result of the rebellion. They were worshiping idols. They were worshiping false gods instead of listening to the God of Israel They'll worship in the gods these false gods all right of these other nations and again, I don't expect any of us to Literally bow ourselves a piece of water stone. I think in our culture in our society I mean that's just kind of stupid, you know, especially as Christians to do such a thing but the idea here is that these idols got in the way of God and So when you find yourself in rebellion It's the same issue though Like you'll find the reason you're in rebellion is because there is some idol in your life I'm not saying a physical idol, but there is something you've elevated in your life that has become more important to you than God Whatever that is Maybe the desire to be filthy filthy rich or something. Maybe that's become your desire That's become your idol, you know, and you just seek to chase that for you in your life maybe your desire is I don't know fornication Adultery, you know your desires might be the alcohol I don't know, but usually when it comes to rebellion there is some device there is some sin There is some idolatry that you've lifted up that you've got your heart and you desire toward that object Rather than toward your Lord God and so what you need to do is identify what that is Cast it away like a menstrual cloth Okay, a piece that needs to be just thrown in the bin. Okay, never to be returned to ever again Okay, it's dirty and needs to be removed and you get rid of that. Okay, and that's when God will begin To heal your broken heart to heal your rebellion against him verse number 23 Then shall he give the reign of thy seed The thou shalt sow the ground withal The bread of the increase of the earth and it shall be fat and plenteous So God begins to bless you when you overcome your rebellion, you know, you draw back to him It says in that day shall thy cattle feed in large pastures The oxen likewise and the young asses the ear the ground shall eat clean povenda which have been winnowed with a shovel and with a fan and There shall be upon every high mountain upon every high hill Rivers and streams of water in the day of the great slaughter when the towers fall Okay, now it gets a little bit cryptic again. All right So God is saying look I'm gonna pour out a blessing upon your land upon you And of course we can take this promise to us when we overcome our rebellion God will bless us not guaranteed God will bless us do amazing things in your life But what could be this great slaughter that has been referred to here Does anyone want to kind of guess maybe like just your thoughts? What do you think? It might be? Armageddon good. I Believe it is Okay, but I think that's the secondary application Because if you quickly keep your finger then come with me to second Kings 19 come with me to second Kings 19 second Kings 19, please You Let's go back to the historical setting and you guys know this already but just as a reminder Well, you know this if you've been paying attention during the book of Isaiah the preaching chapter by chapter But in second Kings 19, this is a historical setting of the preaching of Isaiah verse number 35 Remember the Assyrians are causing them problems it says in verse number 35 and it came to pass that night that the angel of the Lord went out and Smote in the camp of the Assyrians and hundred four score and 5,000 and when they arose early in the morning behold, they were all dead corpses So who defeats the Assyrian army God does the angel of the Lord does? Okay, and there's all these just these dead bodies. Well, these are Syrian soldiers dead Okay over one night and then it says in verse number 36 So Sennacherib king of Assyria departed and went and returned and dwelt at Nineveh All right. So the great slaughter might be a reference and I think That is the primary application of what we're in there in Isaiah that this is the great slaughter But as we keep reading It's like hold on this can't be about historical events You know as we keep reading for this chapter it appears to be about the end times once again And this shouldn't be a surprise because we've already seen this over Several chapters of Isaiah when God might be talking about present-day events and then all of a sudden it's all about the end times This is like it's just like this continuation. It's like, you know it's all symbolism of what's going to happen in the end times and Like brother Tim mentioned. Yeah, this could be Armageddon in Revelation 19 verse number 17 and I saw an angel standing in this in the Sun and he cried of a loud voice saying to all the Fowls that fly in the midst of heaven come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God that you may eat the flesh of kings and the flesh of captains and the flesh of mighty men and the flesh of Horses and of them that sit on them and the flesh of all men Both free and bonds both small and great And so when Christ comes on his white horse at the end that seven-year period he's going to annihilate the annihilate the armies of the Antichrist, this is why some people believe the Antichrist is a Syrian I don't know if you've heard of that theory out there before Because we're dealing the Assyrians here and mentioned the Assyrian and well, maybe the Antichrist I don't know. I don't know what the Antichrist is. Okay, maybe he will be a Syrian I don't know. I don't I don't think symbolism that far like, you know that everything has to be like the exact detail Okay, but Definitely there is a connection with what reading here with what's going to take place in the end times Because when you're there in Isaiah 30 if we keep going verse number 26 It says moreover the lights of the moon shall be as the light of the Sun Now, I don't think that happened like historically in Isaiah's day That now, you know The Assyrians have been defeated by the Lord, the angel of the Lord, now all of a sudden night times like day Okay, and then it says and the light of the Sun shall be sevenfold So the lights during the day is going to be seven times brighter And then it says here As the light of seven days in the day that the Lord bindeth up the breach of his people and healeth the stroke of their wound Behold the name of the Lord cometh from far Burning with his anger and the burden thereof is heavy his lips are full of indignation and his tongue as a devouring fire and His breath as an overflowing stream shall reach to the midst of the neck to sift the nations with the sieve of Vanity and there shall be a bridle in the jaws of the people causing them to err So all of a sudden we see there in verse number 28 and shall reach to the midst of the neck to sift the nations With the sieve of vanity also like we were just dealing with one nation before We're just dealing with Assyria and now it's all about the nations like, you know, God's anger is gonna fall upon the nations And of course like so what's happened here, you know, and again maybe in the millennial Christ Maybe night time is gonna be like day and maybe the day is gonna be like seven times brighter than usual I mean, yeah when we read about the millennial reign of Christ we read about his kingdom, you know, the earth is flourishing Now it's very clear The earth is going to be in a beautiful state when Christ rules the earth and so we might be seeing a little bit more Evidence more clues about what the millennium is going to look like in the time of Christ But notice that when Christ we learned that when Christ comes back, you know During the wrath of God for those final three and a half years and when Christ comes back on his white horse He's defeating the the nation's the armies of the nations that have you know, a little align themselves with the Antichrist Verse number 29 You shall have a song as in the night when a holy solemnity is kept and Gladness of hearts as when one goeth with a pipe to come into the mountain of the Lord To the mighty one of Israel and the Lord shall cause his glorious voice to be heard and shall show the lightning down of his arm with the indignation of his anger and with the flame of a devouring fire with scattering and tempest and Hailstones for through the voice of the Lord shall the Assyrian be beaten down Which smoke with a rod? So here again the Lord shall For the voice of the Lord shall the Assyrian be beaten down and again if these references are about the end times This is why some people say well, that's about the Antichrist the Assyrian Yes Christ might be a Syrian and again, maybe but again I think God is using Sennacherib the king of Assyria as a type or a shadow of the Antichrist here Notice that the previous verses mentioned the flaming fire the devouring fire. Well this lines up with Second Thessalonians if you can turn there, please come with me to second Thessalonians. I realize I don't have the reference here about second Thessalonians Sorry guys bear with me Well second Thessalonians chapter 1 let's look at that first second Thessalonians chapter 1 verse number 7 Bible reads in second Thessalonians 1 7 and to you who are troubled rest with us When the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels Inflaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ So we see here when Christ comes back is coming with flaming fire Against those that refuse to obey or to believe on the gospel but then you've got chapter 2 please if you go to second Thessalonians chapter 2 and What is the reference I'm sure it's in chapter 2 About the Antichrist Oh This mate yeah, yeah All right, this mate says and then shall the wicked be revealed that we could be in the Antichrist whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit out of his mouth and Shall destroy with the brightness of his coming even him whose coming is after the working of Satan We've all power and signs and line wonders And then it says that we've all Deceivableness of unrighteous in them that perish because they received not the love of the truth that they might be saved Again, they might you know, they didn't get saved. They did not believe the gospel They align themselves with the Antichrist. And so as I was reading through Isaiah 30, it seems to me that all of a sudden God's transition from Defeating the Assyrians to defeating the arms of the Antichrist and speaking about the million rain of Christ Of course God's judgment God's wrath falling before that millennium starts But anyway, let's keep going there in Isaiah 30 verse number 32 It says in every place where the grandest staff shall pass Which the Lord shall lay upon him it shall be with tabrets and harps and in battles of shaken. Will he fight it? for Tofet is Ordained of old so Tofet is another name for the valley of Hinnom, which is basically Jerusalem Okay, so when it says Tofet is ordained and of old just just think about Jerusalem there, okay Says yea for the king it is prepared. He have made it deep and large The pile thereof is fire and much wood the breath of the Lord Like a stream of brimstone doth kindle it Because the value of the Battle of Armageddon you have if you read this in the book of Revelation You've got the armies of the Antichrist. They prepare themselves in In the valley of Megiddo, but then the battle itself actually takes place in Jerusalem and So when we talk about Tofet is ordained of God It's like God is saying that this is the area where the battles going to take place Okay, this is where this army will be defeated and again. This doesn't seem to line up with Assyria Historically when it comes to obviously the time of Isaiah this lines up with what we read about in Revelation This is why again all of a sudden you go in Isaiah 30 It's all very much about current-day events from Isaiah But as you keep reading all of a sudden this does not line up with history But it lines up with Revelation it lines up with the end times Anyway brethren, I think maybe that's interesting hopefully that's interesting for you But the title for the sermon was world to the rebellious children The main point that I would like you to take out of this is ask yourself. Are you rebellious tonight? Do you have a rebellious heart yes, you've come to church I know that okay, and again we can keep up the appearances we can show ourselves at church But truly do you love God's Word? You know do you love his counsel do you love his laws you love his commandments, and I know we don't always obey it You know we're sinners at the end of the day But one thing that really I think is really important for you to walk away with When you sin against the Lord just be quick to acknowledge the reason I sinned Lord is because I'm weak Rather than saying the reason I sinned Lord is because your ways are wrong, and I'm better. I know better That's rebellion Like you know because I'm like this and when I sin against the Lord I'm like Lord I did it again. You know you know my weaknesses, and you're right, and I'm wrong You know and I feel man if you just have that attitude You know that God's gonna be so much more gentle because we see a side of God that wants to be merciful He wants to be gracious. He knows we fail he knows But boy when we allow the rebellion to just You know fuel the pride, and we don't care Lord We'll do it our way then boy in time God's heavy hand of judgments gonna fall upon you You're gonna be brought so low you know every every direction you won't even know which way to go anymore And you'll learn the lesson then, but why learn it the hard way? Why learn it the hard way just just learn from the scriptures learn from your past Experiences when you've really messed up and just say every time you disobey the Lord to say Lord. Yep, you're right, and I'm wrong Please forgive me total for the son was row. Whoa to the rebellious children, okay, let's pray Heavenly Father Lord, thank you for helping me preach for this deep chapter tonight Well, I pray that there's something that we can take away from and Lord if there's anyone here tonight with rebellion in their heart and Well sometimes we can't even identify it immediately and thank you for your word It allows us to see like like a mirror Lord It allows us to see our face allows us to see our sinful condition and true Lord if there's anyone that's rebellious Lord I've just asked that you would break their pride and they would come toward you Lord and seek your grace and mercy Thank you Lord for your love. Thank you for your compassion Thank you for understanding our sinful condition and Lord as we read these stories of you overcoming the Assyrians By the people simply trusting you Lord if we have there's anyone going through difficulties right now Lord that we would seek you that we would not seek the counsel of the world or that we will trust your word and Lord Thank you for our church that always preaches the truth. We love you Lord, and we commit this night to you in Jesus name we pray Amen Alright, let's turn to him number 63 Since The end of this chapter was about the return of Christ. Let's sing about that in him number 63. What a day that will be When my Jesus I shall see him number 63 what a day that will be There is They are all this place On that happy golden show what a day That will be What a day that will be when my Jesus I shall see The one who saved By his grace where he takes me by the hand and leads me through the promised land Gloria say that will be There'll be no sorrow there No Oh With the one who died for me That will be What a day that will be when my Jesus I shall see Me by his grace Okay, great singing guys our church anniversary six years is coming up in less than a month Did you know that? All right, so we started meeting on the first of July 2018 Okay. Now the first of July is Monday. So We're going to be celebrating our anniversary the day before obviously so Sunday The 30th of June that's gonna be our church anniversary. All right, so I'll be traveling here on that Sunday So what I suggest we do If brother ash is listening, I know he normally organizes a monthly soul in an event So I reckon that Saturday the 29th of June should be our soul winning day I don't know if we want to do an all-day soul winning like a marathon You know morning and afternoon But what I am saying is that if we do a morning session at least Then obviously the lunch will be provided by the church. So think of a nice restaurant you guys can go to I Realize because I always booked my flight so well in advance I'm coming to preach on the 27th and then I already organized to leave on 28th and then I was flying back on 29th So I'm gonna miss out. I wish I wish I've thought about it I didn't realize this is a church anniversary, but you know, I'll be there I'll be coming on the Saturday, but I'll be coming late But if you guys are able to talk amongst yourselves I'll talk to brother ash make the 29th of June the soul winning day and then obviously have a fellowship lunch afterwards as well Okay, then on Sunday again We'll have our regular church service if there's anyone that needs to get baptized Let me know it'd be great to get baptized on the church anniversary But also we also have a fellowship lunch afterwards for the whole church Okay, so that's the plan so far if you guys can think of good ideas or even other ideas and what I mentioned Please let me know We've only got four Sundays away from our 60 Church anniversary And if we have any online listeners that you know want to visit our church at some point Then coming to the anniversary is probably the best time to come to church So please make yourself, please don't make plans. Don't make other plans during our 60 church anniversary. I mean 60s I can't believe I don't even know how the Lord's allowing this pastor to travel You guys you guys are great church members. I really appreciate each one of you. Okay. Praise God All right. I can't think of any other major Announcements at the moment. I would encourage this coming Sunday. Who's song leading on Sunday? You're both him Brother Rams, I would encourage if the other people have gone to Fiji if they can You know prepare a little testimony, you know men ladies doesn't matter who it is Okay just a little story kind of like what I gave before I started to preach just a few minutes of just a story of Fiji and I mean it was such a great time. I think it'd be wonderful to share some of those experiences So brother Tim if you during song leading if you can make time for a time of testimonies Yeah, it'd be great to share some of those stories Please come prepared this coming Sunday as well. All right No, I don't know just I don't know just about the documentary just yet I get so reminded that documentary Was put together always been put together For a combined youth group like of several churches in New Zealand So it's targeted to the youth. Okay, so it's not gonna be like a groundbreaking documentary or anything like that Yeah, once it's out, I'll upload it to our YouTube channel and I'll let you guys know But they told me it's probably gonna take them a couple months to edit it They still had time before it was their time to host the event activity So but that's the point the point is to point it to the youth during these combined youth services They usually invite friends from schools and things like that So the goal is to try to get some of those people saved So if you only praying that the documentary opens the door for people to ask questions, it's be saved. Please do so Alright any other announcements? I don't think so All right, brother Daniel, could you close with a citizen would pray. Thank you Amen your this miss. Thank you all You