(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Good evening New Life Baptist Church. If you look at Hosea chapter 9 in verse number 9 there it begins by saying They have deeply corrupted themselves. The title for the sermon this evening is they have deeply corrupted themselves and just a reminder once again Hosea has been used by God to preach to this northern kingdom and The great judgment to come was the the judgment was the captivity by the Assyrians the fact that the people would be scattered throughout all the nations and And God speaks about this nation having deeply corrupt themselves We'll get to what that means in a moment But let's start there in verse number one Which begins by saying rejoice not o Israel for joy as other people for thou has gone a whoring from thy God thou hast loved a reward upon every corn floor The reference of the corn floor there is the is where would they wet? Sorry, they would harvest Grain the wheat, you know, and so it's talking about their productivity on the land there verse number two the floor and the winepress Shall not feed them and the new wine shall fail in her So the new wine is freshly squeezed grape juice that the winepress is used for verse number three They shall not dwell in the Lord's land But Ephraim shall return to Egypt and they shall eat unclean things in Assyria So you notice that? Egypt is mentioned a serious mentioned and again they were to be taken into captivity by the Assyrians but not only that the people of the land was scattered throughout different nations and one of those nations would be Egypt where some people would try to flee the Assyrians by fleeing into Egypt And so it's quite interesting that they're going to return back to the same place That God had delivered them from all the way back You know for the story of the Exodus and you know part of that judgment They're going to go back to the land that they were in as well as you know facing all these other traumatic events you know being murdered and slaughtered by the Assyrians taken into captivity all these all these things and What you want to notice there in verse number two? It says the floor and the winepress shall not feed them and the new wine shall fail in her So God is telling Israel look you you were a land of prosperity You had you know all that the harvest you had the grains you were able to Eat food and not only that you get the benefits of freshly squeezed wine, you know freshly squeezed grape juice, right? And so there's a lot of luxuries on the land There's great blessings great productivity and they're going to lose it all in this judgment of God You see sometimes God can judge a nation and part of that judgment is removing all of its Prosperity all all the blessings that you find the land, you know, just that yesterday we celebrated You know our nation celebrated Australia Day, all right and Australia is still seen as a nation of great prosperity and I believe it is it's a nation of great wealth a great a nation of Great blessings and I still believe it is we still you know, even in the face of all the restrictions We still have a lot of freedom compared to a lot of the world and and so yeah I know that you know We can sometimes as Australians just become accustomed to the great peace the great blessings that we can have on this land And one of the problems is when when as a nation when you're when you're too blessed When you have just too much in the land you could get to the point where you forget God And of course that happened to the Israelites here. They were so blessed on the land. They'll focus on the grains They'll focus on the freshly squeezed grape juice the focus on their productivity, but they had focused They started I had forgotten to put their focus on God You see the only way you can be prosperous and the only way you can benefit his life is if you have your eyes on God, you know you thank him for the blessings that you have in life But when you forget God don't be surprised when God steps in and removes all those prosperity that they you know That you may have had and you see here Israel is suffering from the judgment of God and who knows brethren There might come a day where as Australians we lose all the benefits that God has blessed us on this land And you know wouldn't surprise me because our nation has forgotten God our nation forgets God and you soon see how you know God responds from people forgetting him. They forgot him. They don't think about him. They don't bless him. They don't love him In fact, you'll soon see the people of the land hated God and you're gonna see how God responds to that hatred And you know just a quick verse there in Colossians chapter 3 verse 1. I'll just read it to you It says if ye then be risen with Christ Seek those things which are above where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God Set your affection on things above Not on things on the earth so set your affections your love your care your thoughts on the things that are above heaven on Christ Sitting on the right hand of the Father think about the rewards think about the eternal state that we can be with God forever You set your affection on those things. You won't be let down you set your affections on the things of this earth You're gonna be let down, you know, those things may very well be removed from you So it's very clear that our mindset ought to be on spiritual things In fact, you know without repeating last week's sermon I had mentioned how the other things last week, but last fortnight's sermon was you know You got a soul to the things of God to the spiritual things and not so to the flesh Not so to this world not so to this sinful world because you're going to reap corruption No, we want to reap, you know The eternal matters the eternal things that matter in heaven look at verse number four there. He hosea 9 verse 4 They shall not offer white offerings to the Lord neither shall they be pleasing unto him Their sacrifices shall be unto them as the bread of mourners All that eat thereof shall be polluted for their bread for their soul shall not come into the house of the Lord What will you do in the solemn day and in the day of the feast of the Lord? And so the Lord's basically saying here is that they're not going to have the opportunity You know once God's judgment falls They're not going to have the opportunity to go and offer their sacrifices to offer their worship and praise in the house of God It's not going to happen. Not only is prosperity of the nation going to be removed They're not going to be able to come before the Lord in the house of the Lord Now what this teaches us is that the house of Lord of course the house of Lord in the New Testament is your local church And this teaches us is that we can you know Take for granted the house of God we can take for granted You know new life Baptist Church where we think well, it's always going to be there You know we always have services three times a week, and we get used to that idea You know we get used to just you know God's the house of God is always there And when you take things for granted you know you you'll be surprised You know how much or how important the church is when you can't be there You know and we got a taste of that. We've got a little bit of an experience of that You know earlier last year where there were the lockdowns I think was March April something along those lines that we had like six weeks of lockdown up there in Queensland where we couldn't go to church you know and The feedback that I got from many of you is how much you missed church, and I missed the church significantly During that time even though I was preaching sermons still you know the fact that we couldn't get together for the house of the Lord Was a big deal, and you know when something is removed from you You realize just how valuable it is and so you know I think it's a blessing that the Lord allowed us to go through that period of A few weeks where we've not able to meet in the house of the Lord because maybe we were taking it for granted Maybe we were just expecting church to continue every single week, and we found out that we couldn't go to church boy That's a big part of our life that we were missing right there was a big burden there You know a bit of grief that we can't be in the house of the Lord Well, what about when the house the Lord is removed permanently okay? And so for the residents of Israel here their access to the house of the Lord was going to be lost completely All right, so you know church attendance is a blessing you need to understand that God's curse or God's judgment upon the Israelites here Is to remove their ability to meet in the house of the Lord all right? and the reason I say this is because you know if you take church for granted and You have that expectation that it's always going to be there it can lead you to become apathetic You know about church, and when you become apathetic about church, you know that's when you start to skip services That's when you start to skip church, and you're like well. I'm not going to go this week. What's the point? You know I'll go next week, and then it'll become well. I won't go this fortnight You know I'll go next month, and you know I haven't gone church for three months I don't know I won't go to next year right and before you know you're out of church because you've come Apathetic to water you've taken it for granted and here's the thing God's judgment is to remove Axis from the house of God and so when you are purposely you know I'm not saying you have a legitimate reason to miss church But when you are purposely missing church, you don't want to be there. You are basically asking God God I want that judgment from you I want you to judge me, and I want you to remove my axis from the house of God I want to remove my axis to church and people put this upon themselves They don't go to church, and then they realize how much or how important it was in their lives But sometimes the pride gets in the way, and they don't want to show their face in church anymore right because they've been gone for So long and so we need to take this think about this You know take the experience that we had last year And I don't know maybe in 2021 there's going to be other times Where lockdowns occur and we won't be able to meet in the house of the Lord I hope not, but I hope you know the fact that you can be in church tonight You can be in church every week that you don't take that for granted you realize God is blessing us And if I were to remove myself from the house of God on purpose Hey I'm just basically asking God to judge me and to you know curse me from not being able to be together with my church family so church is important God took away their ability to worship in the house of God that was part of God's judgment verse number six For lo, they are gone because of destruction Egypt shall gather them up Memphis shall bury them the pleasant places for their silver nettles shall possess them thorns shall be in their tabernacles and So it's saying here that Egypt shall gather them up So as I said some people going to flee the captivity and they're going to be scattered in places like Egypt Well, they think they're going to find safety there But then it says Memphis which Memphis is a city in Egypt Memphis shall bury them So they think they're escaping to Egypt, but they're going to die in Egypt Okay, that there's no there's no way they can escape the judgment of God When the Assyrians come and even their silver even their things of value that's going to be taken away from them Okay by the people by the Egyptians they're going to lose all their wealth in the hands by the hands of the Egyptians And that's number seven the days of visitation are come so the days of the judgment are come the days of recompense are come Israel shall know it The Prophet is a fool The spiritual man is mad for the multitude of thine iniquity and the great hatred All right. Now when we read verse number seven, we read there that the prophets is a fool The spiritual man is mad. That's not the actual case Okay, this prophet here that's been referred to is a true prophet of God The spiritual man being referenced here is a true spiritual godly man like living after the things of the Lord But Israel, you know the ungodly the young the wicked the ungodly people when they look at a true prophet of God They think of them as a foolish person When they look at a spiritual man a spiritual family people trying to live after the things of God They think he's gone mad and by mad by crazy. They think that he's gone insane He's lost his sanity All right, and what it's saying here is the reason they believe that prophets You know the prophets are foolish and that spiritual people are insane It says there because or for because the multitude of thine iniquity So they're full of sin themselves and the great hatred Okay So these people or these Israelites had gone to a point of great hatred Toward the prophets toward those that are truly preaching God's Word and toward those that are trying to live spiritual lives All right, so the people even though these people are supposed to be the people of God They're so far removed from God. They're worshiping false gods. They hate the prophet. They hate the preacher Okay, they hate the things of God and this is what I need you to Remember as we keep reading through this chapter Because you'll soon see later that God hates them in return Say can God hate absolutely. Okay. Oh, you must mean God hates their sin. No get God hates them Okay, and it's not just that God decided to hate them for no reason they hated they had a great hatred first For the things of God. All right, you know, we ought to love the prophets of God We ought to love the preachers that come to preach us the truth of God's Word Hey, if someone's trying to live a spiritual life Hey, and they might put your life to shame a little bit because they're walking after God They're doing the things that God wants from them in their lives and you're kind of oh, man It shouldn't be like that You should rejoice when people are living after God's ways as God's people as safe people We ought to love the preachers. We ought to love the spiritual man We ought to love our brothers and sisters in the Lord as we together tried to live after God's ways All right, but the people of the land they had a great hatred for them alright, so Let's keep going there and oh by the way before I keep reading. Sorry I'm just going to read to you from 1st Corinthians 1 18 1st Corinthians 1 18 and I want you to remember this Especially for those of you that go soul winning that go door-to-door soul winning in 1st Corinthians 1 18 It says for the preaching of the cross is to them that perish Foolishness but unto us which are saved it is the power of God So we know that the preaching of the cross this is the power of God. This is what led us to salvation This is how we can get other people saved But for the wicked for those that hate God the preaching of the cross is foolishness. I want you to remember that Okay, so, you know Not only did this happen to Hosea as a prophet of God people thought of him as foolish People are going to think of you and I as foolish as well People are going to think of you and I as insane as well when we get out there and preach the gospel You know I had a phone call this week of a woman who claims to be a Christian and She was angry that we had people going door-to-door and preaching the gospel Okay, and you know this just shows you that you know Even so-called Christians can hate believers that try to live a spiritual life that try to preach though the cross of Jesus Christ That try to get people saved show them what they must do to be saved Even so-called Christians can have a great hatred to those that just want to serve and love the Lord Hey, but you know what when people hate you when people persecute you Praise God. Okay. It's just more rewards in heaven for us again We have our mindset on the things above not the things of this earth. Look at verse number eight It says the watchman of Ephraim was with my God Now I'm not sure if Hosea is speaking of himself, you know referring to himself as a watchman of Ephraim Oh, he's just referring it doesn't really matter But you know if he's referring to other great preachers other great prophets that the people of the land are hating He says look we are watchmen of Ephraim. We are watching over Israel and Was with my God and you know The preacher ought to be with God as well the preacher ought to be having a close walk and fellowship with the Lord Keep that in mind because we are watchmen of Australia, you know, God has set us up as watchmen to you know to Proclaim, you know the dangers that are ahead to proclaim the judgment of God to let people know that God's One that one day they're going to die and if they don't believe on Christ that God is going to cast them in hell And so God has set us up to be watchmen as well But not only should we be watchmen, but we should be with God We should have a close walk with God It's so vital for God to use you effectively in the preaching of his word But notice what it keeps verse it says in verse number eight keeps going there. It says but The prophet now just stop there for a moment. This prophet is not a prophet of God Okay Don't compare this prophet with the prophet that we read in verse number seven because it says here But the prophet now this is a false prophet is a snare of the fowler In all his ways the fowler is somebody that you know fowlers of birds So the fowler is someone that hunts after birds. All right, so the false prophet is being referred to as someone who hunts alright, and Then it said oh and sorry and he's a snare of the fowler. He also traps he traps he he has you know ways of capturing people and then it says this and Hatred in the house of his God. All right So the false prophet causes people in the house of his God to hate God All right, the false prophet causes people to hate God he preaches falsely He entraps the people he deceives the people and before you know it those same people hate The God of the Bible or they just create a God of their own imagination Some other gods some other idea of God's just love God never hates they have a false idea of God Because they've been deceived by a false prophet. They've been trapped by the teaching of a false prophet This is why it's so important for us to preach the Bible cover to cover every chapter every verse So we know the true God of the Bible Okay, and this is where the hatred is coming from. This is where the hatred toward God is coming from now You can understand a little bit more why God will hate them in return You know and the reason I know this is about a false prophet here is because in 2nd Timothy 3 6 speaking about false prophets It says for of this sorts are they which creep into houses and lead captive Silly women laden with sins led away with diverse lusts So the false prophet is known as somebody that is trying to lead people into captivity They're trying to trap them. All right, they're not trying to freedom with knowledge not trying to guide them in the Word of God They're trying to trap them. Okay, and they're very effective at trapping, you know, ladies women women have a Easy to be deceived by the false prophet That's why it's so important for them to you know Listen to their fathers and to their husbands that are godly men or go get into themselves into a good church that preaches the truth So they're not deceived by these false people But you know You can see once again that the hatred toward God or toward the things of God are Results of people listening to the false prophets Okay Instead of listening to the watchmen those that are truly walking with God those that are truly close to God look at verse number nine And this is where we get a title for the sermon it says they have deeply corrupted themselves Now let's stop there for a moment. If you're talking about corruption, is that a negative connotation there, right? Something is corrupt. What about if it's deeply corrupted? I mean, that's just that's even worse than corruption I mean, that's just that's like an extreme corruption, right? It says here. They have deeply corrupted themselves People can corrupt themselves You say what kind of corruption we're talking about here pastor. Well, let's keep going It says there as in or like in the days of Gibeah Therefore he will remember their iniquity He will visit their sins Okay So the corruption that's taking place in Israel today is like the corruption that took place in the days of Gibeah Okay, you say what is that we'll look at that soon and because of that God is going to remember their iniquities God will visit or judge them in their sins. Now keep your finger there and let's go to Judges chapter 19 Judges chapter 19 because we're going to the story that took place in Gibeah, which has been referred to here by Hosea okay, judges chapter 19 and verse number one and As I'm going through this it'll become very obvious what this deep corruption is Alright judges chapter 19 and verse number one the Bible reads and it came to pass in those days When there was no king in Israel that there was a certain Levite so journeying on the side of Mount Ephraim Who took to him a concubine out of Bethlehem Judah now so we start the story of this this man who takes a concubine to himself this Levi and You know, she's from Bethlehem Judah Bethlehem right now, let's drop down to verse number 15 Because I haven't got time to go through the whole story here though I mean in your own time, you can read the whole chapter if you want Let's just hit the main points verse number 15 and they turned aside the other that's the man and his wife or the concubine To go in and to lodge in Gibeah, so they're traveling and they say decide Hey, we've got into the city of Gibeah. Let's lodge here. Let's rest here. The day's getting late Let's stop here for the night It says here and when he went in he sat him down in a street of the city For there was no man that took them into his house to lodging So he's trying to find a place to stay he can't find any place to stay so he decides Well, we're just gonna hang out here on the street. We're just gonna spend the night on the street. Okay seems Fine doesn't seem like there's any problems there Let's keep going to some 16 and behold there came an old man from his work out of the field at even Which was also of Mount Ephraim, so he sojourned in Gibeah, but the men of the place were Benjaminites Okay, and when he had lifted up his eyes, so this old man lifts up his eyes He saw a wayfaring man in the street of the city and the old man said wither goes death And whence comest thou? So this old man sees this couple on the street They're gonna spend the night there on the street and he has a concern for them. You know, what are you doing here? Where are you going? All right, let's drop down to verse number 20 It says and the old man said peace be with thee Howsoever let all thy wants lie upon me Only lodge not in the streets this old man says look just stay with me You know earth anything you need I'll take care of it, but look just don't stay in the streets He had a major concern for this couple. Don't stay in the streets. Come and stay with me Okay, so there was something this old man knew that this young couple did not know. All right, and what took place? Well, if you if look at verse number 21 So he brought him into his house and gave Provenda unto the asses and they washed their feet and did eat and drink So this old man's taking care of him not only of him but also of his Donkey there or donkeys that they had them now as they were making their hearts merry Behold the men of the city. So the men of Gibeah Okay, the men of the city now who are these men it says here certain sons of Belial Certain sons of Belial, what is Belial if you don't know it's a devil. It's another name of the devil Hey these people that are coming to this old man's door I'm not about the couple here. I'm talking about others of the city the men of Gibeah. They are children of the devil So that's pretty extreme. Yeah, that's pretty extreme. Okay. Listen, we're children of God. We've been born again of the Spirit Okay, thank God that he is our Heavenly Father Well, you know what? There are certain people that also have a spiritual father and they're children of the devil the devil is their father These are reprobates. These are haters of God These are people that have rejected God and because they've hated and rejected God Well, God has rejected them and God hates them as well So now you can understand why this has been taught by Hosea because you see the people of the land they hated God as well Okay, and so God is likening them or saying look you've done the same things as what took place in Gibeah You say what took place. Well, let's keep going It says there verse number 22 certain sons of Belial beset the house roundabouts and beat at the door and Spake to the master of the house the old man saying bring forth the man That came into thine house that we may know him Hey these children of the devil told the old man Hey bring out the man not though not the wife not the concubine bring out the man that we may know Him, okay. Now it was us here to know him. This is not speaking that they wanted to become They they want to know they they want to introduce themselves to the man Okay, they want to know who this man is no to know, you know this is a phrase that is sometimes used in the Bible to speak of Physical, you know sexual intercourse. All right, and you know, it's kind of like when when Adam Bible says that Adam knew Eve his wife. Okay, and then she conceived and therefore, you know brought forth Cain Okay, Adam knew his wife Alright, this is a the proper place between that is between a man and a wife in marriage Okay, these are men of the city that want to Sexually abuse this other man who are the children of the devil here? These are homosexuals. These are sodomites. These are those that have deeply corrupted Themselves these are filthy Corrupted human beings that hate God that rejects God Listen, God has rejected them. God hates them Okay, and this is the story This is what God is comparing the people of Israel to have done as the story here in Gibeah, okay Let's keep going verse number 23 and the man the master of the house went out unto them That's the old man and said unto them nay my brethren nay I pray you do not so wickedly seeing that this man is coming to mine house. Do not this folly Look and so he says look this is folly. This is this is filthy This is disgusting, you know you wanting a man for yourself So what does he do the old man makes a different offer? He makes a trade All right. Now what the old man has done is not right. All right, what he offers is not rights But let's have a look at what he offers. He says verse number 24 behold. Here is my daughter a maiden and His concubine Then will I bring out now and humble ye them and do with them What see if what seemeth good unto you, but unto this man do not so vile a thing You know what homosexuality is brethren. It's vile. It's disgusting. It's filthy Okay, I don't even like to even preach about it because I don't want to think about how violent filthy disgusting homosexuality is This old man says look don't do a vile thing Okay, don't you commit homosexuality toward this man? And so what does he do? Hey, he also does wrong the old man He offers his daughter and he offers the concubine of the man Hoping that that's going to appease the homosexuals hoping that it's going to appease the children of the devil Let's keep going verse number 25, but the men would not hearken to him So the man took his concubine and brought her forth unto them and they knew her and Abused her all the nights until the morning and when the day began to spring they let her go Then came the woman in the dawning of the day and fell down at the door of the man's house Where her Lord was till it was lights and her Lord rose up in the morning and opened the doors of the house and Went out to go his way and behold the woman his concubine was fallen down at the door of the house and her let hands will were upon the threshold and He said unto her up and let us be going but none answered Then the man took her up upon an ass and the man rose up and get him into his place And so what happened brethren is that this this man this Levi offered his concubine To the homosexuals and they took her they knew her they abused her all night long Okay, she's able to find a way back to the house in the morning, but then she passes away. She doesn't respond She's she's passed on. She's dead. Okay, they've abused her to death these homosexuals. Okay, these vile Disgusting predators you say well, he should never have done that. You're right. He should have never done that You say the old man should have never offered his daughter. You're right The old man should have never offered his daughter, but you know what is going through the heads of the old man He's saying look it's better Look, you know often my daughter is wicked But it's it's not as bad as a man taking another man committing homosexual homosexuality Okay, homosexuality in the Bible is worse than a woman being Taken and ranked. Okay. Now that's horrible as well. I'm not saying that's fine I'm not saying what these men did is right what they did was wrong Okay, but in their minds they're thinking that homosexuality Sodomy is even worse So instead of doing such a wicked sin and let's just offer these women that we have here and you know You saw what happened. They ended up abusing this woman to death let's keep going in the story verse number 29 and when he was come into his house, he took a knife and laid hold on his concubine and Divided her together with her bones into 12 pieces and sent her into all the coasts of Israel So this man as it takes his concubine cuts her up. I mean, this is this is a bad story, right? But he sends it as a testament as to what happened You know in this city looking for some a 30 and it was so That all that saw it said there was no such deed done Nor ever nor seen from the day that the children of Israel came up out of the land of Egypt until unto this day Consider of it take advice and speak your minds So this man sends out these bodily pieces of his concubine to show them just how what these filthy Perverts these filthy sodomites had done to his concubine to send a message. Hey, these people of this land a wicked What are you gonna do about it? Alright And you can see how they responded. They said look there's there's never been such a deed There's never been such wickedness take place in this land since we've come out of Egypt. Alright, so look Homosexuality is is by far one of the most wicked things Like that could possibly be done on the land and we live in Australia and now they can get married Hey, they can they can have children they can adopt children or whatever, you know Hey, when is God's judgment gonna come in upon this land, you know, it's kind maybe maybe it's already started brethren You know I'm saying and and you know They're haters of God, you know, don't be surprised if God judges our land because listen We're accepting of this lifestyle. We're accepting of these reprobates We accept well when I say we I'm talking about our nation has accepted them and and they you know It's all about the gay rights right now, you know, it's all about giving the homosexuals what they want Listen, these people are vile. They're disgusting. Okay, they're haters of God and God hates them Let's go back to judges, please. Yes. Sorry Hosea. Let's go back to Hosea chapter number nine and verse number 10 Hosea 9 verse number 10 It says I found Israel like grapes in the wilderness so God is now referring to Israel I saw your father's as the first ripe in a fig tree at her first time So God is saying look, you know in the early days, you know, yeah your people that the the Jews the Israelites Hey, they were like these these nice ripe grapes these nice ripe figs, you know, but what's happened since then it says but they went to Baal Peor and Separate Baal's another way of the devil by the way another name and separated themselves Unto that shame and their abominations were according as they loved as for Ephraim their glory shall fly away like a bird from the birth and from the womb and from the conception and So God is saying look because this homosexuality is going on in your land. Okay, I'm gonna judge you I'm gonna judge you severely and part of the judgment that's gonna fall here on the land Is that God's gonna prevent them from God's gonna judge them in childbirth Okay, we saw that there that they glory shall fly away like a bird from the birth So what that means is that they're gonna be newborns at the birth that are gonna pass away You know, they might have genetic defects or something along those lines or you know There's mothers because you'll soon see that, you know One of the judgments is dry breasts and so potentially mothers are unable to feed their children and so they die at childbirth What else it says from the birth and from the womb? And so another judgment is going to come that children gonna die in the wombs of the mother So it's a miscarriage and then it says and from conception and so God's gonna prevent, you know conception is when the man seed Fertilizes the egg and then what happens that you know, they refer to as an embryo It's necessary for it to attach itself to the uterine wall of the woman That's straight up the conception and so God's gonna prevent that from taking place so that the embryo does not develop, you know Into a full-grown baby and so you see that God's judgments gonna fall upon them They're not going to be able to be fruitful in childbearing. Okay Now that's important for you to think about because this is one method by which God judges You know wickedness how God judges wicked people verse number 12 Though they bring up their children yet. Will I be read them? That there shall not be a man left yay Whoa also to them when I depart from them So not only for those that are going to give you know that are falling pregnant and going to give birth is a judgment gonna Fall upon them but also for those that have older children. Okay. They're also going to have a judgment upon them It's as though they bring up their children Yet will I bereave them now the word bereaved means to be deprived of something especially having close to you So even though they brought forth children, they're going to be deprived of their children's presence, right? So when the Assyrians come again, there's going to be a lot of death But also families are going to be ripped apart children gonna be ripped apart from their parents So again, this is part of the judgment of God on this land verse number 13 If Rheum as I saw Tyrus is planted in a pleasant place But if Rheum shall bring forth his children to the murderer Give them Oh Lord, what will thou give give them a miscarrying womb and dry breasts So you can see here now the Prophet is in agreement with God. He says yes God, you know I mean, you know just the thought of of this this horrible judgment where they cannot bring forth children Okay, or miscarrying or you know, newly born babies dying for whatever reason, you know It's a it's a horrible judgment, but you can see that Hosea has gotten on board with God's agenda. He's saying yes Lord This is this is this is what needs to take place because they're so evil give them a miscarrying womb and dry breasts And so of course miscarrying they can't bring forth children dry breasts meaning that they cannot feed their newborn babies now Can you please keep your finger there and turn to Genesis chapter 20 turn to Genesis chapter 20 and while you're turning there? I'm going to read to you from Psalm 127 verse 3 Because I want to show you that having children being falling pregnant and bringing forth children is Actually a blessing from God. It's a reward from God, you know every couple, you know Every married couple should desire to be blessed by God's rewarded by God and have children in verse number three It says low children are in heritage of the Lord It's our inheritance from God and the fruit of the womb is his reward as arrows are in the hand of a mighty man So are the children in the youth and so you see That children is a reward of God. I've got 11 kids. I've been rewarded 11 times. Praise God Okay, praise God for his rewards. It's a blessing. God wants married people to have children It's a it's a true blessing brethren. It's hard work Yes, but it's so enjoyable If you do if you if you apply the things that God says if you raise them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord Okay, then it will be a good time It will be a blessing if you don't raise your children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord Then it's going to be a lot of burdens on you. Okay. Yes, it all this requires work, but it's you know Anything to be enjoyed requires effort right and having children does have you know requires you to put the effort in But it's a great reward from God, you know, I'm going to read another Psalm to you before we go to Genesis 20 It's some 113 verse 9 it says he maketh the barren woman to keep house and to be a joyful mother of children praise ye the Lord and So ladies that might be struggling to fall pregnant. They may be barren or God says, you know what? I'm going to give that barren woman the ability to keep house to be a joyful mother of children Listen children bring joy Okay, it gives happiness in the home. It brings that that joy And if you go to Genesis 20 now look at verse number 17 Genesis 20 verse number 17 Because given, you know having children is a blessing and you know what if you are able to bear children I strongly encourage you continue, you know, you know have as many children as God will give you, you know Continue just serving God in this area, you know, you know asking God to bless you to reward you with children. Okay? But you can see that being barren or dry breasts is a judgment that can you know that God can use, you know And look here's the thing. I Recognize that some women are just a barren. Okay, and some women are going to have a hard time Breastfeeding. Okay, and I'm not saying that every time that happens. That's a judge that's like this direct judgment by God, you know, the fact that it happens to some people is because We have genetic defects, you know, I've said this before, you know, we're not what you know God's initial creation was with Adam Neve, you know, we've gone several centuries We've got thousands of years of human reproduction and we've got the sin nature So our bodies continue to deteriorate and there's going to be hormonal issues that prevent women from you know, falling pregnant or you know You know breastfeeding things like this Okay But at the same time this is a issue that God can judge a whole nation with or Entire people with if he saw wishes because in Genesis 20 verse 17 This is about Abimelech and Abraham and just very quickly Abimelech had done wrong and God's anger was upon King Abimelech And so it happens here. It says in verse number 17 So Abraham prayed unto God and God healed Abimelech and his wife and his maidservants And they that bear children. Why did God heal these people? Well, look at verse number 18 For the Lord had fast closed up all the wombs of the house of Abimelech because of Sarah Abraham's wife So God's judgment had fallen upon Abimelech and his family Okay, and God wanted that judgment was that he closed up their wombs So they would not be blessed with the ability to bring forth children Okay, but when Abraham praised for him Then God removes that judgment and again allows the womb to be opened up to bring forth children Now the reason I'm spending time with this brethren is because once again God can use this as a terrible judgment Okay, God has said hey you are wicked. You've done wicked things. I'm going to judge you and I'm going to close up your womb Well, how many Australians are on birth control pills right now? How many Australians kill their own children in their own womb right now? Okay, and they think they're doing it for You know for their own profit. They think they're doing these things to So they can enjoy life or something like this once again, just like somebody that avoids church Which was you know, removing church as a judgment of God. Well God God of God's judgment is Closing up the womb and these women of Australia, okay, and I know it just happens across this world But this is the nation we live in they've decided to close up their own wombs. They've decided to kill their own children Right, which is basically saying to God God give me your judgments God. I'm a wicked person They're saying okay, they're saying I'm so wicked Lord come and judge me come and close up my womb In fact, I'll help you along Lord. I'll be the one that kills my children I'll be the one that closes up my womb I'll be the one that takes all these pills that makes my body a hostile environment to bring forth children So listen, our world is upside down is what I'm saying to your brethren our People Australians are basically saying God Judge us because we're wicked. In fact, we'll help you God will help you and we'll judge ourselves because we are so wicked Okay, and listen our nation is absolutely wicked. All right Now I went to a website about birth control pills I'll just read up a passage to you and look this website is not against birth control In fact, this website was for birth control, right? But this is what it says about the birth control pills. It says When you take them the estrogen and progesterone from the birth control pills also cause the uterine lining to become inhospitable for embryo implantation and Causing the cervical mucus to be too hostile for an environment for sperm to swim toward the cervix All right, the same website says that after you take birth control pills, it can take several weeks several months Maybe even several years before you can fall pregnant once again because you've turned your body into a baby killing machine All right, some people don't understand they think that birth control pills stops them from falling pregnant That's that can happen but most often that's not the case. Okay. Yes It does make the what did it say the cervical mucus hostile to the seed of the man Okay, but if that seed still fertilizes the woman's egg What it does is it prevent and that's like that's conception by the way, it prevents that embryo from Attaching to the uterine lining Okay, it makes the what it say again it makes the um the lining Inhospitable for embryo implantation. Okay. And so what it's doing is basically you're falling pregnant You're having conception with these birth control pills, but then that baby is unable to attach to To the uterine wall, which which is where it gets its nutrients and its growth from the mother Okay, and so women across Australia are taking these pills and they're killing their own babies Okay, they're making themselves barren which God said this will be a judgment that falls upon him Okay that comes from him. Okay. This is something that falls upon the people of this land because they're haters of God Okay, can you see our nation our nation is full of homosexuality? You know They go out in the streets and they march and they talk about their pride and then we have mothers killing their children in the Womb you see how wicked our nation has become brethren. It's it's it's horrible. It's horrible Okay, and you know, they're not even waiting for God's judgment, they're just they're just judging themselves They're you know, it's it's crazy and they think this is wonderful. They think it's fine. They think this is great Let's keep going verse number 15 Hosea chapter 9 verse number 15 all their wickedness is in Gilgal for their I hated them Notice now. What is God saying? He says for their I Hated them they say pastor Kevin. No. No, God hates their sins You know, we're supposed to hate the sin, but love the sinner wrong Okay, when these people get into these horrible sins brethren these homosexuals we're not to love them Okay, it doesn't say, you know hate homosexuality, but love the homosexual. No, God hates the homosexual Okay, God he says for their I hated them for the wickedness of their doings I will drive them out of my own house. And then it says this I will love them. No more All their princes are revolters. Hey, they're revolting Okay, I will love them no more just in case you don't understand what it means to hate for God to hate these people He says look, I don't love them anymore I'm not going to love them anymore meaning there was a time when God did love them There was a time when he was offering his salvation to them where he was being merciful and long-suffering to them But they hated God they hated the things of God. They rejected God So God says you know what if you want to be that way, I'm gonna hate you, too All right, and I'm not gonna love you anymore. They're rejected by God Listen, don't tell me to love the homosexual if God hates them then I'm gonna hate them as well Okay, not all hate is wrong if you hate the things that God hates Amen, praise God you're doing righteously if you love the things that God loves. Amen You're doing righteously love the things that God loves hates the things that God hates and you'll be right with God You'll be that spiritual man Okay, and as I said people are gonna hear my preaching and they're gonna go pastor Kevin's gone insane Well, that's what they said about Hosea, that's what they said about those that are serving God So don't let it be a surprise when people start saying that your pastor is a crazy man. Okay, he's gone mad He's gone insane. No brethren. We're just standing true to the Word of God. It's our nation. That's gone insane Okay, it's our nation that is backwards And you know what just let me quickly bring up What's happened this past Sunday at first works Baptist Church and how these homosexuals have come in and they you know Graffiti they vandalized the church building. They've thrown in some explosive devices into the church building blowing out the windows Okay Why are they doing that? You know when when all all God's men are doing all pastor Brisbane here is doing is preaching God's Word All he's doing is preaching the truth of God's Word. Okay, that's all he's doing And what do these people do they come in and they want to hurt the church right? Why because they hate God Okay, because they rejected God because they listen to false prophets who will reprobate themselves They're God haters and it is right for us to hate God haters Alright, and by the way, let me just say I support pastor Brisbane here, you know We support first works Baptist Church and after this sermon when you guys get together for prayer Please be praying for that church, you know, bring them to the Lord because they need our prayers Verse number 16 Hope Ephraim is smitten. Their roots is dried up. They shall bear no fruits Yea, though they bring forth yet. Will I slay even the beloved fruit of their womb? My God will cast them away Because they did not hearken unto him and they shall be wanderers among the nations Listen, God cast away these people that hated him. You know what? No homosexuals are allowed at New Life Baptist Church No homosexuals are allowed at Blessed Hope Baptist Church if they try to come in here. We're gonna cast them away They're not allowed here. Okay, if God is willing to cast them out. I'm gonna follow suit I'm gonna do what God says. Okay, we're not gonna be disobedient to God's commands. There are no homosexuals allowed in our church All right, now we'll end on this I'm just going to end with Matthew 5 13 Because once again this nation was a people of God supposedly they were meant to be They were meant to be God's holy nation and God has cast them away There is a warning for believers about being cast away and I've preached on this before but we'll just finish on this and we'll touch upon this Matthew chapter 5 verse 13 Jesus says about his believers ye are the salt of the earth But if the salt have lost his savour Wherewith shall it be salted it is thenceforth good for nothing but to be cast out and To be trodden underfoot of men Okay, and so we need to be careful, you know, let's take heed. Let's not become angry at God Let's be people that don't take for granted his house, you know where we can come and offer our sacrifice and worship You know, let's not take that for granted Let's not be a people that just think it's fine to you to be a homosexual. It's just fine to commit abortions Let's be not those kinds of people brethren because we don't want to lose our saltiness We don't want to lose our savour listen If we lose that if we lose that zeal that passion that love for the things of God Then we're going to be so that's good for nothing but to be cast out and trotted under the feet of men So let this be a warning to us. You know what these homosexuals They are deeply corrupted they've deeply corrupted themselves It's a wicked lifestyle and you know what? They're not permitted in our church and we ought to hate them the way God hates them. Let's pray Heavenly Father Lord, we want to thank you for your word. Thank you for Hosea chapter 9 for the truth of your word God even those these things are not popular in this day and age Lord and People would you know easily use this sermon against me and against our church But Lord I ask that you would protect us what I asked you that you would you know Just be with us Lord. We want to be your preachers We want to preach your truth Lord in your house But also Lord as we go towards law and and preach the great news of the gospel I pray you'd protect us from the evil one But I pray you protect us from the reprobates as well and Lord that we would always stand true that we would never allow these wicked vile Perverts these hate haters of God to enter into our church Lord I thank you so much for the warnings that you have in the Bible and Lord I pray that we would be soaked that never loses this saviour. We pray these things in Jesus name. Amen. Thank you Church